Didactic games for children with disabilities. Holiday of folk games for children with disabilities Games for children with disabilities


Compiled by: instructor

in physical culture

1. Winders».

Inventory: wooden stick - length 20 cm, diameter - 1 - 1.5 cm, rope - 1 - 1.5 m. The rope is tied to a stick.

The game is first played for quality:

Option 1 - hold the stick with both hands;

Option 2 - a stick with one hand, a rope with the other hand.

Then the game can be played at speed.

2. "Goalkeeper". The game is held to develop the speed of reaction and mobility of the hands.

Inventory: gymnastic stick, 2 racks, ball.

The trainee sits on the floor, acting as a goalkeeper. Gates of certain sizes - as convenient for the child. In order to hit the ball, he holds a gymnastic stick horizontally in his hands. First, the ball is directed directly at the goalkeeper, then the direction of the ball is slightly changed to the left, to the right.

3. "Catch the ball" The game is played to develop the reaction and strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Inventory: a large rubber ball suspended in a net from a crossbar.

The trainee sits on a chair (on a bench, on the floor). The ball is passed to him, which he catches at chest level. Having caught the ball, he tries to send the ball back to his partner.

When the child begins to confidently catch the ball, you can use not suspended, and then

Use balls of different sizes.

4. "Darts". The game is intended for the development of throwing skills and vision correction.

Inventory: target and darts.

The student sits on a chair or bench. The target is on the floor. From this starting position, the child first learns to throw the dart so that it hits the target. Then he tries to score the most points.

5. "Musketeers".

Inventory: plastic gymnastic sticks.

It is carried out in the style of fencing. To make it easier for the practitioner to perform movements with a stick, he holds it with both hands. The stick is placed vertically.

6. "Ready - I'm falling!". The game is held to establish a trusting contact between the student and the teacher.

The child sits on the floor or on a bench with his back to the teacher. He asks the teacher: “Ready?”. The teacher replies: “Ready!”. The student warns: "I'm falling!". Teacher: "Come on." After that, the student, leaning back, falls on the hands behind the sitting teacher.

7. "Fishing". The game is held for the development of the vestibular apparatus.

Inventory: fitball, objects of various sizes, a stick with a hook.

Option 1 - the student lies on the fitball with his stomach. The teacher, insuring him by the legs, lowers him upside down. The student must alternately lift objects from the floor that are in front of the ball with his left hand, right hand, and both hands at the same time.

Option 2 - the student sits on a chair, holds a stick with a hook at the end with both hands. With the help of a hook, he must get objects that are located on the floor, on a bench, at knee level.

8. "Weightlifter". The game is played to develop the shoulder girdle.

Inventory: 2 racks, gymnastic stick.

The student lies on the floor on his back, holding a stick with both hands. Racks are left and right. The trainee must first alternately pry the racks with a stick, and then, straightening his arms, rearrange the racks.

9. "Bowling alley". The game is played to develop the muscles of the shoulder girdle and lower extremities.

Inventory: skittles, balls, club, 2 racks.

Option 1 - the student, sitting on a chair or bench, pushes the suspended ball from the chest with both hands. He tries to knock down the skittles that are ahead at a certain distance.

Option 2 - sitting on a chair or on the floor throws the ball to knock down the largest number of pins. You can roll the ball on the floor.

Option 3 - sitting on a chair, a large rubber ball in front of your feet. Kicking the ball with one foot or both feet, knock down the skittles. Skittles are placed close to the player. As the exercise is successfully completed, the skittles can be set aside further.

Option 4 - the student sits on the floor or on a chair, he has a club in his hands. In front of it are gates in which there are skittles. Beating the ball with a club, the child must knock down the skittles. The stick must be the size of the practitioner

10. "Milk the cow." The game is designed to develop fine motor skills.

Inventory: a rubber glove with a hole in the index finger, a bucket, water.

Water is poured into the glove and tied. An impromptu udder is hung on a rope. The student must, by pressing on the glove, release it from the contents.

The task can be performed with one hand, two hands, slowly and for a while.

11. "Musician". The game is played to develop the muscles of the outer and inner sides of the thigh, for the muscles of the neck.

Inventory: musical plates, a hat with bells.

Option 1 - the student is tied musical plates to the inside of the knee. Spreading the knees to the sides and bringing them back, the student must perform the given rhythm.

Option 2 - the child wears a hat with bells. He performs turns to the right - to the left, circular movements, head tilts forward - backward.

You can create any melody.

12. "To tie a knot". The game is designed to develop fine motor skills.

Inventory: scarf, rope 30 cm.

The student is blindfolded with a handkerchief and given a rope in his hands. He must make as many knots on the rope as possible. You can play the game for quality, quantity and speed. It can also be done in pairs.

13. "Magic knot". The game is designed to develop fine motor skills.

Inventory: gymnastic stick, several knots.

The student must get a bundle with a gymnastic stick. Untie him and find inside the bundle a surprise for the good behavior and effort he showed in class. There may be several nodules, but there is only one surprise. The game is played at the end of class.

14. "Mushroom pickers". The game is played to develop speed of reaction.

Inventory: 2 baskets, paralon mushrooms and berries.

Option 1 - collect mushrooms and berries in one basket. Maybe for a while.

Option 2 - alternately berries in one basket, mushrooms in another, which hand is convenient.

Option 3 - pick berries with the right hand, mushrooms with the left hand and vice versa.

Option 4 - collect everything blindfolded.

15. "Make your own name."

Inventory: cards on which each letter of the student's first and last name is written.

The student lies on the floor on his back. There are cards on the sides to the left and to the right. For example: Ivanov - And on the right, B on the left, etc. Rolling to the left, the child must find a certain letter, the same to the right. So make up your first and last name. If there are an odd number of cards, you can add punctuation marks, for example, the exclamation mark "!".

16. "Crossing". The game is played to develop the strength of the shoulder girdle.

Inventory: gymnastic wall, rope, gymnastic stick.

Option 1 - the student sits in a chair facing the gymnastic wall at a distance of 1 m, 2 m, etc. from it. A rope is tied to the wall, for which the student holds with both hands. Moving the right left hand along the rope, drive up to the wall.

Option 2 - wind the rope on a stick. Fix the practitioner to the back of the chair and insure.

17. "Ring of Saturn". The game is played to develop dexterity.

Inventory: small rubber ball.

The student, seated on the bench, must circle the ball around the neck and around the torso. The task can be performed on quality, and then on speed.

18. "Web".

Inventory: 2 ropes.

The student sits in a chair or armchair. The teacher fixes the ropes on the left and right so that they cross. Having made a turn to the right, the child must unhook the rope with his left hand, the same in the other direction.

19. "Bee". The game is played in the preparatory part.

Inventory: 6 yellow paper strips.

The student is sitting in a chair. The teacher attaches the strips to the right and left so that they are parallel to each other. The student, turning either to the left or to the right, must unhook the strips in order: from top to bottom and from bottom to top.

20. "Kick the ball."

Inventory: hoop, balls, wooden bars.

Option 1 - put a hoop on the floor, balls in it. The student, sitting on the floor, must push the ball away from himself, so as to knock the balls out of the hoop.

Option 2 - make a pyramid out of balls, which the child must knock down.

Option 3 - the same, "Gorodki".

21. "Meeting". The game is played in the main part.

Inventory: 2 rubber balls.

The teacher and student sit opposite each other. Their task is to roll the balls so that they meet.

22. "Journey". The game is played in the preparatory part.

Inventory: 6 pyramids, flags, balloons.

There are 6 stations in the hall, marked with pyramids.

Option 1 - a flag is placed behind one of the pyramids. The student in the chair must go around all the stations in turn and find the given object.

Option 2 - the route is chosen by the student himself.

Option 3 - different objects are placed behind the pyramids, but you only need to find a flag.

Option 4 - balloons are tied to each pyramid, which the child must collect.

Option 5 - at each station, the student must perform a given exercise.

23. "Table Towns". The game is held for the development of the eye and dexterity.

When throwing, the player needs to control the bat - a catapult - this is a plank with two risers up to 80 mm high, between which an elastic band is stretched. With the help of this catapult, the gorodishnik sends his bat to the gorodki. A gorodish bat is a stick 4-5 cm long. The catapult is portable, it can be placed on the far line of battle and on the near one. In order to prevent the stick-bat from flying far, a side of 20x20 cm in size is attached to the edge of the table behind the square where the towns are placed.

Towns - round sticks 3-4 cm long. Towns are installed in figures, as in ordinary towns.

24. "The eye of the needle." The game is played to develop dexterity.

The game requires a wooden plank 40 - 50 cm long, attached to a rack 50 - 60 cm high. From below, for stability, the rack is mounted on a flat disk or cross. “Needles” cut out of thin plywood are hung on hooks to the crossbar. The length of the eye of the needle is 12 - 14 cm. A “camel”, which is located on a stick - a “thread”, must pass into this eye. The height of the camel is 10 - 11 cm.

A bell is suspended under each needle. The player's task is to guide the camel through the eye of the needle without hitting the needle. If the player leads the camel back and forth, he gets 1 point, for the second move - 2 points, for the third - 3 points.

25. "Gate". The game is played to develop dexterity.

A wooden block with five arches-gates of various widths carved into it is installed on the table. A number is written above each arch - from 1 to 5. These numbers indicate the number of points that are awarded to a player who has driven a white game ball into the arch by hitting his ball.

To prevent the ball from flying outside the playing field, protective bumpers are installed along the edges of the table. To play, you need several multi-colored balls (according to the number of players) and one white game ball.

The game ball is placed in the center of the field. You need to hit it with your ball first with your eyes open, then with your right eye closed, then with your left eye closed, perform with your eyes closed. If the white ball does not hit the arch, the player loses the right to move and the next one enters the game. In case of hitting the gate, the player is awarded the number of points that appears above the arch. The game is played up to 50 points.

26. "Trough". The game is played to develop dexterity.

The game requires an oblong wooden trough (it can be replaced with a rectangular elongated box with low walls). Eight partitions are installed inside the trough. They form sectors numbered from "0" to "9". The height of the partitions is equal to the height of the walls of the trough, but they block it only by half the width.

Before the start of the game, 10 balls should be placed in the zero sector. Taking the trough in your hands, carefully shake it so that the balls roll from the zero sector to the second, then to the third, and so on, and you need to do this so that not a single ball falls into the ninth sector. As soon as one of the balls enters the penalty area, the game ends. Korytse put on the table and count the points. For example, if there are 2 balls in the second sector, then the player gets 4 points (2x2). There are three balls in the fifth sector, therefore, the player gets 15 points (3x5). The player with the most points in one turn wins.

27. "Precise throw."

For the game, small rubber balls and a house made of cardboard are used. The task of throwing the ball is to get into the window of the house. The student is sitting in a chair. The distance is determined by the capabilities of the child. First, the chair from the house is located close. The student is given 5 attempts to hit the window. If 4 out of 5 attempts are successful, the chair can be moved back a few cm.

28. Tennis.

When playing table tennis, the student holds the racket with both hands, resting his elbows on the table. The teacher sends the balls one by one directly in the direction relative to the student. The child must try to hit each ball.

In order for the student to complete the serve, the teacher throws him a ball low vertically upwards. You can also use a device to which the balls are suspended. The student tries to hit the ball accurately.

29. "Air billiards". The game is played to develop dexterity.

For the game, a frame and racks are made of wooden planks. The height of the frame is 50 cm, the length is 60-70 cm. 10 wooden balls are suspended from the horizontal bar of the frame on a string. They hang at the same level, 25 cm from the table surface. The balls are placed at an equal distance from each other. Each ball has its own number. A wooden stand 25 cm high is attached to the center of the crossbar. A movable rail 60 cm long is screwed to it. A shock ball hangs from its end on a cord 75 cm long. With this ball, the player must hit the balls suspended from the frame. The impact ball is sent by the cue.

The player must hit the balls in the order of their numbers. Before hitting, he announces the number of the ball he is hitting. After a successful hit, he gets the right to one more turn. If he misses or hits a ball with a different number, he loses his turn and gives way to the next player.

The winner is the player who hits all the balls first.

30. "Berries, vegetables, fruits."

Inventory: three cards - red, green, blue.

Three cards are placed in front of the student: red - berries, green - fruits, blue - vegetables. On the instructions of the teacher, the student performs a movement (for example, turns to the right - to the left). Suddenly, the teacher pronounces one of the words (for example, “pear”), the student must raise a green card.

31. "Forward - back." The game is held for attention, as well as for warm-ups.

The teacher calls any number: if it is even, the student must drive forward; if the number is odd, then the player must drive back.

32. "Attention - let's start."

The teacher shows in a certain sequence exercises numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. Then he gives the command: “Exercise 3, start!” The trainee must complete exercise 3.

33. "Simple arithmetic." The game is held for attention in the final part of the lesson.

The teacher calls different numbers one after the other, and the student after each number calls the next one in order. If this number turns out to be zero - put your hands on your belt, two zeros - hands forward, three zeros - hands to your shoulders.

34. "It's the other way around." The game is held in the preparatory part of the lesson.

The teacher shows the exercises, and the student repeats after him, but in the opposite direction. For example, the teacher tilts to the right, and the student to the left.

35. "Sensitive sentry."

Inventory: balls, skittles, cubes, scarf.

A blindfolded student sits on the floor, balls, skittles, cubes are laid out around him. The teacher carefully approaches the objects to take one of them. The trainee, having heard steps or a rustle, must indicate the direction from which the sound is coming.

You can involve the parents present at the lessons in the game.

36. "Put your nose." The game is held to develop orientation in space.

Inventory: drawing paper with a clown's face painted on it, a paper nose with a piece of plasticine, a handkerchief.

Whatman paper with the face of a clown without a nose is placed on the wall so that it is easy for the student to reach the sheet. The player is blindfolded, the chair is turned three times.

After the chair is placed in front of the sheet, the student must drive up to him and put his nose on the clown.

The teacher provides insurance and directs the student's action (tells him how far to go and when to stop).

37. Free throw. The game is played while learning to throw.

Inventory: hoop, ball, scarf.

The student sits on a chair. A hoop is placed on the floor in front of him. Then they blindfold the student and give the ball. The player must throw and hit the hoop.

38. "Sense of time." The game is played at the end of the lesson.

The teacher gives the student a task that he must complete within a certain time. When time, in his opinion, expires, he must complete the exercise. For example, leave the hall and come back in one minute; shift the balls from right to left for 20 seconds, etc. The teacher marks the time.

39. "Black box". The game is played at the end of the lesson.

Inventory: box, ball, etc.

An object (for example, a ball) is placed in the box. The student asks questions to the teacher, to which he answers only “Yes” or “No”. The player can ask 10 questions, after which he must say what is in the box.

40. "Sun, fence, pebbles." The game is held for attention and in the preparatory part of the lesson.

The teacher, gradually increasing the pace in any order, gives the student commands: “Sun”, “Fence”, “Pebbles”. Engaged in the command "Sun!" spreads his fingers on his hands, at the command "Fence!" closes his fingers and straightens his palms, clenches his hands into fists at the command "Pebbles!".

41. "So and so." The game is held for attention, in the preparatory and final parts of the lesson.

When performing the exercise, the teacher pronounces the word “so”, the student must repeat the task. If the teacher says “that way” and performs some kind of movement, then the player does not repeat this movement.

42. "Decompose blindly." The game is played in the final part.

Inventory: 3 sets of sticks, each set contains 15 pieces. Each set is a different color and different length.

The student is blindfolded. The player's task is to sort the sticks by size and arrange them into separate piles.

The game can be complicated if the sticks differ in two ways: for example, in length and in thickness. You can also involve the parents present in the classroom into the game.

43. "Who flies?". The game is held to develop reaction and attention.

The teacher says: “The dove is flying,” and raises his hands up, the student does the same. Then he names other birds and insects. Suddenly he inserts: "The cow is flying" or "The table is flying." In these cases, you do not need to raise your hands.

44. "Turnip". The game is played to develop hand strength.

Inventory: a stuffed ball weighing 1 kg, a rope 3 m long. The rope is tied to a stuffed ball.

The student is sitting on a chair. The ball is placed opposite at a distance of 2.5 m. The end of the rope is given to the student. On a signal, the player must pull the ball towards him.

45. "What has changed?". The game is played with attention.

Inventory: toys.

10 -15 different toys (or other items) are placed in a conspicuous place in a mess, the Player must carefully consider them, after which he turns away. The teacher at this time rearranges 2 - 3 toys to other places (or removes, adds, replaces others). After the signal, the student turns and determines what has changed.

The teacher performs different movements and the student must perform them with him. But one movement is forbidden, it cannot be performed. For example, it is forbidden to perform the “hands to shoulders” movement. When the teacher performs the forbidden movement and the student repeats it, he will have to perform the given rhythm with his palms.


Main literature

1. Adaptive physical culture in work with children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system (with cerebral palsy). Methodical manual / Under the editorship of .- St. Petersburg, SPbGAFK them. , 2003, - 228s.

2. Adaptive physical culture at school. Elementary School. / Author compiler / Under the general editorship. - St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State Academy of Physical Culture named after, 2003, - 240s.

3. orientation along the trails. - Yekaterinburg, 1998, - 68 p.

4. Corrective outdoor games and exercises for children with developmental disorders / Ed. prof. . - M.: Soviet sport, 2002. - 212 p.

5. Socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy / Edited. - M.: MGSU, 2001. - 198 p.

6.Technologies of physical culture and sports activities in adaptive physical culture: Textbook / Authors, compilers, / Ed. . - M .: Soviet sport, 2004. - 296 p.: ill.

7. Private methods of adaptive physical culture: Textbook / Ed. . - M.: Soviet sport, 2003. - 464 p.

8. Portable and outdoor games for children and adolescents with disorders of the musculoskeletal system: Proc. allowance for students. defectol. fak. higher ped. textbook institutions / Per. with him. ; Scientific ed. Russian text. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2003. - 112 p.

additional literature

1. Litvinova folk outdoor games: A guide for

child educator. garden / Ed. . - M .: Education, 1986. - 79 p., ill.

2. Outdoor games for grade 2, as additional material in the content of the third lesson of physical education / Comp. . - Petrozavodsk: 1995. - 48 p.

3. Educational games. - St. Petersburg: Delta, 1998. - 208 p.

4. 300 outdoor games for younger students. A popular guide for parents and educators / Artists,. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development: Academy, K: Academy Holding, 2000. - 224 p.: ill.

Stepanova Elena Grigorievna,
teacher GBS(K) school № 502
Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg

A lot has been written about play and play behavior. The game is not the product of a passing fashion. This is a phenomenon characterized by a special constancy, uniting time, epochs, generations. The very concept of the game is associated with freedom, good will, pleasure, joy. The game is an integral element of life, human culture. Pedagogy connects play and play behavior with the processes of upbringing, education and personal development.

Today I will try to reveal some of the psychological, biological and pedagogical aspects of the game, formulate the requirements for gaming activities, and define the functions of the organizer of games. I will also offer specific outdoor games to increase the motor activity of children with mental and physical developmental disabilities.


The game, as a form of activity, occupies a huge place in the life of a child. A person's desire to play is born in early childhood and accompanies him all his life: from rattles and dolls to gambling. The secret of this phenomenon lies in the psychophysical sphere of man. Indeed, if a person sits for a long time in one position, then he feels the need to move. The energy is looking for a way out, and the child makes movements without any purpose: runs, jumps, pushes.

Another point of view is that the game itself is not so much a waste of energy as a source of energy. However, these two views do not reveal the true connection between play and the inner world of a person. Therefore, the question naturally arises about the meaning of the essence of play in childhood, since this type of activity occupies a dominant place in the life of a child, both healthy and those with developmental disabilities. Let's take a look at some basic game concepts.


The psychological basis of the game is the dominance of feelings in the soul of the child, the freedom of their expression, sincere laughter, tears, delight, that is, the natural emotional essence of the child, which seeks expression, both in the physical and mental spheres. If the child is asked to imagine that he is a thin birch tree, which exposes its thin branches to the rays of the sun and sways from a light breeze, then he will make smooth inclinations smoother and more expressive than in the show, since the images and emotions corresponding to the task will allow the child to perform movements more accurately and right. At the same time, it forms:

The ability to distinguish their own muscle sensations (smoothness, pace, rhythm, range of motion, motor dexterity appears).

Thanks to this, mental functions also develop:

The ability to direct attention to their own emotional feelings and the emotions of others;

The ability to manage your feelings.

Participating in games, children very directly violently experience all the events of the game, because no matter how much the game is repeated, it takes place every time in a new way and is fraught with many surprises. The mere anticipation of the game often evokes positive emotions in children, pleasant excitement, expectation of joy. The plot of the game (especially role-playing) contributes to the emotional self-expression of the child. Children easily transform into a heron, a wolf, a locomotive bird, etc. And turning into the heroes of a fairy tale, they are not surprised that the locomotive is talking to a traffic light, and the frog is talking to a heron. Children treat the game with naive seriousness and protect it. Fantasy and reality merge into one. While playing, the child gets used to various images, gets acquainted with the diversity of social reality. Entering into communication, he learns his inner world and the relationships of people, the secrets of their interactions and experiences joy and failure. At first, he only imitates, then comes a period of reflection, in order to independently determine his own socio-psychological motives and attitudes in the future. Landmarks. Children have a better developed intuitive ability than adults to capture someone else's emotional state, so it is important not to miss this fertile time for the development of empathy, compassion, and sociability. Kindness. Children with disabilities, regardless of the degree and depth of pathological disorders, with the proper organization of outdoor games, can enjoy communication and achieve great success in physical and psychomotor development. The only requirement for mobile games is they should always be interesting for children and aimed at joint movement and contact with other children.


In children with developmental disorders, the lack of movement leads to pronounced functional and morphological changes. It is noted that with hypokinesis (immobility) in children, the activity of biochemical processes decreases, immunity to colds and infectious diseases weakens, the range of possibilities of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems narrows, the neuromuscular apparatus weakens, various posture defects are formed, which leads to muscle hypotension, a decrease in the mobility of the chest in all its departments, a general weakening of the body and a decrease in vitality. A characteristic consequence of these disorders is the deterioration of physical and psychomotor qualities:

Movement coordination;

Accuracy and speed of reaction;

Motor reaction speed;

Mobility in the joints;


Muscle strength;


General health.

In other words, the body begins to age (“A body without movement is like stagnant water that grows moldy and rots” Maksimovich - Abodika E.M.). The only measure to prevent and eliminate the negative consequences of hypokenism, especially during summer holidays, is the expansion of motor activity, hardening, the widespread use of outdoor games and games of a sports nature. Known. That children with various deviations in the state of health, with pathology of vision, hearing, consequences of cerebral palsy, with intellectual problems have different physical abilities, and this feature must be taken into account when conducting outdoor games. Conventionally, regardless of age, three groups of children are distinguished, characterized by high average and low mobility.

Children with great mobility characterized by high reactivity, unbalanced behavior, they often fall into conflict situations. Due to excessive mobility, such children do not always have time to understand the essence of the game, as a result of which they have a low degree of awareness of their actions. Usually. They perform well in simple exercises, but avoid movements that require precision. Concentration. restraint of behavior. Their movements are sharp, fast, often useless. The increased intensity of the game causes more fatigue, which affects the overall behavior.

Children medium mobility they are distinguished by the most even, calm behavior, moderate mobility. They are emotional, reckless, usually confident, clear, purposeful.

Sedentary children lethargic, passive, get tired quickly, try to move aside so as not to disturb anyone, choose activities that do not require large space. Such children do not dare to make contact with their peers, so they need constant help from adults. This shortcoming in the behavior of the child is most often due to poor motor experience due to pathology and the formed habit of a sedentary lifestyle.


In order to successfully choose an outdoor game, it is important to take into account not only the interests of children, but also age characteristics, their mental and physical development. Thus, children of primary school age (7-9 years old) are particularly mobile, attention instability, constant need for movement. However, their body is not yet ready for prolonged stress, the strength of such children is quickly depleted, but after the game they are quickly restored. This group of children enjoys playing simulation games, story games, with jogging, dodging the driver, jumping, catching and throwing various objects (“Day and night”, “Calling numbers”, “Ball to the neighbor”, “Jumping along stripes, etc. )

At the age of 10 - 12 years, the development of coordination capabilities is noticeably better. Strength, speed, which leads to better body control and the ability to play more complex outdoor games. The development of operational thinking, stability of attention and interest characterize the psyche of children of this age. This is especially important, since children of this age are beginning to be interested in games with elements of competition between individual participants (teams). Games for children 10-12 years old are characterized by a longer duration and intensity of the load. (“Circular lapta”, “Rope under your feet”, “Shootout”, “Fight for the ball”, “Pulling over the line”, etc.). At this age, strong-willed qualities are formed and strengthened in children, independence, courage, initiative, and determination are more clearly manifested. Children demonstrate discipline, activity and endurance. But with the wrong load, flashes of sharpness are not uncommon. Rudeness, impatience. Therefore, during the game, excessive excitement and tension should not be allowed.

Teenage years 13 - 15 years old. It is also called transitional, since during this period the whole organism intensively develops and grows. The skeletal and muscular systems grow intensively, the cardiovascular system instantly reacts to physical activity and recovers relatively quickly. More developed logical thinking, the ability to analyze and generalize determine the motives of a teenager's behavior. Sometimes teenagers completely refuse classes, preferring other forms of leisure. In such cases, it is necessary to show tact, endurance. Patience, combining them with exactingness. The ability to avoid conflict situations. Teenagers enjoy playing volleyball, tennis and other sports games, among the outdoor games are relay races with running, jumping, throwing (“Circular lapta”, “Ball to the captain”, games with overcoming combined obstacles that require accuracy, the ability to navigate in space, coordination movement, reaction time).

In work with older children 16-18 years old, games of the previous age group can be used. When playing, they focus on the tactics and results of the game, showing great independence. Many of them take on the role of leader, team captain, organizing the coordinated actions of the players.

Purposefully selected outdoor games can develop in children with disabilities:

fine motor skills;

Movement coordination;



Differentiation of efforts, time, space;

Improve the quality of attention, sound pronunciation;

They help the development of elementary mathematical concepts, that is, they stimulate the development of the physical, psychomotor and intellectual abilities of children.


Any game is preceded by an explanation, which is given in the following sequence:

Name of the game;

The roles of the players and their location on the playground;

Rules and course of the game;

Definition of winners.

Shouts of joy, freedom of expression of cheering fans and general noise are the natural accompaniment of an outdoor game. At the end of her children also emotionally accept their victory or defeat. It is extremely important for the leader to give all participants a fair assessment. Bias always causes negative emotions and even resentment. You need to finish the game on time. Procrastination can lead to loss of interest in children. A sudden stop is also undesirable. One of the important tasks of the head of the game is the dosing of the load. The load can be regulated in various ways: reducing the duration of the game; the introduction of breaks for rest; change in the number of players; reduction of the playing field; changing the rules; change in the role of the players; switching to another game.

Thus, in the organization and methodology of outdoor games, a number of successive stages of preparation can be distinguished:

Choice of game (depends on correctional tasks);

Preparing a place for the game (take all precautions);

Preparation of inventory (think and prepare in advance);

Site marking (the boundaries are clearly defined, the boundary line is no more than 3 meters from obstacles: walls, trees, stumps);

The arrangement of the players (indicate the starting position, make sure that the children do not face the sun);

Explanation of the rules and course of the game (determining the roles of the players and their location, content and rules of the game);

Appointment of drivers (choice at will, by lot);

Refereeing (objective and accurate);

Load dosage (minor, moderate, tonic, developing);

The end of the game (when the first signs of fatigue appear and the interest, behavior, composition of the players decrease);

Summing up (a brief analysis of the game with an analysis of errors with the involvement of the children themselves, which contributes to the development of observation, clarification of the rules of the game, teaches them to comprehend actions and conscious discipline).

Sincerity, goodwill, cheerfulness and openness, empathy and the ability to help, notice success - these are the qualities that attract children, cause them sympathy and respect for adults, and sometimes are the main motive for participating in the game.


This category includes children with disabilities, manifested in persistent cognitive impairment resulting from organic damage to the cerebral cortex. This is a developmental disorder in which not only the intellect suffers, but also emotions, will, behavior, and physical development. However, despite numerous deviations in all spheres of life, children with moderate mental retardation are capable of learning and development. In this case, pedagogical means, principles and methods are of a corrective-developing nature and are aimed at maximally overcoming (or weakening) the shortcomings of the cognitive, emotional-volitional and motor spheres with an orientation towards the positive capabilities of the child. The most adequate form of overcoming and compensating for these shortcomings is motor activity, in which the leading place belongs to the outdoor game.



Formation in the child of ideas about the shape, size and other properties of objects;

The development of the speed of reaction.


All players are dressed differently. The host shouts out: "Touch the blue!". Players must instantly orient themselves, find something blue in the participants of the game and touch this color. The colors change every time, who did not have time to react in time, becomes the leader.

Options: you can name the shape and size of the object. Then we complicate: "Touch the red round."

Whoever is interested in this topic, I propose to refer to the book "Children's outdoor games" (edited by E.V. Koneeva) - Rostov - on - Don: Phoenix, 2006. (The world of your child).


Grigoriev DV Improving the motor ability of schoolchildren in a general education school. - St. Petersburg, Nauka - Peter, 2005.

Children's outdoor games / edited by E. V. Koneeva / - Rostov - on Don: Phoenix, 2006. (The world of your child).

Keneman A.V. etc. Children's outdoor games of the peoples of the SSR. - M.: 1988.

Education of children with severe underdevelopment of the intellect. Program - methodological materials / edited by I.M. Bgazhnokova. - M.: VLADOS, 2010.

Osokina T.I. Games and entertainment for children in the air. - M.: 1998.

Peterson L.G., Kochemasova E.I. Playing game. - M.: Balass, 2001.

Stakovskaya VL Outdoor games in the therapy of sick and debilitated children. -M.: 2005.

Strakovskaya V.L. 300 outdoor games from 1 to 14 years old. - M.: 1998.

Shishkina V.A. Movement + movement: a book for kindergarten teachers. - M.: Enlightenment, 1992.

Municipal budgetary special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities "Special (correctional) general education boarding schoolVIII view of Chernushka"


methodical association of educators

Compiled by:

Zotova E.V.

Educator of the 1st qualification category

At present, a whole direction has appeared in pedagogical science - game pedagogy, which considers the game as the leading method of educating and educating children of preschool and primary school age. According to this concept, reliance on play activities, play forms, and techniques is the most important way to include children in educational work, a way to ensure an emotional response to educational influences and normal living conditions.

The game performs the following functions: 1) general educational - the assimilation of norms and rules of behavior, the education of moral and volitional qualities, the ability to empathize, provide assistance, collectivism and friendship. 2) cognitive - all information about the environment the child receives through games, knowledge of social roles.6 3) developing - the mental and physical development of children is carried out. 4) speech development.

As a form of organizing the life and activities of children with disabilities, the game should have its own certainplace in the daily routine and in the pedagogical process generally. There must be a time in the daily routine when children can calmly deploy games, knowing that they will not be distracted and rushed.

Thus, the teacher, organizing life and activities in the form of a game, consistently develops the activity and initiative of children with developmental disabilities, forms self-organization skills.



Game description

What corrects

What forms, develops

Methodology for mastering children


All participants in turn show the movements characteristic of the animal conceived by them according to the conditions of the game. The rest are trying to figure it out. Then the participants are united in subgroups of 2-3 people. The host, pointing to any subgroup, gives the name of the animal. Participants, without saying a word, together depict one named animal. Further, the subgroup can also depict any animal, and the other participants guess which one.

Correction of emotional isolation

Development of imagination, looseness in movements

Quantity: 4-10 people

Children sit in a circle. One of the students shows the animal, the rest try to guess.

Where to delete?

On a piece of paper, the participants in the game draw on the “face”. Then, closing his eyes with a bandage, the player must erase in that sequence and only those fragments of the drawing that the leader will name (for example: first the left eye, then the right ear, chin, nose, hair, etc.). The one who completes the task more accurately wins.

Correction of visual perception, thinking

development of visual memory, training the ability to navigate on a plane

(for visually impaired and normally seeing children)

Quantity: 4-10 people.

On a sheet of A4 paper, children draw smiley faces. They close their eyes. At the command of the leader, they are erased,

those fragments of the picture that the presenter calls


A "cauldron" is a limited space in a group (for example, a carpet). For the duration of the game, the participants become “drops of water” and randomly move along the carpet without hitting each other. The host pronounces the words: “the water is heating up!”, “The water is getting warmer!”, “The water is hot!”, “The water is boiling!”, .... Children, depending on the temperature of the water, change the speed of movement. It is forbidden to collide and go beyond the carpet. Those who break the rules are out of the game. The winners are the most attentive and dexterous.

Development of coordination of movements

promote team building; removal of the state of aggression; learn to control your emotional state;

Quantity: unlimited.

Participants stand in a limited space. At the command of the leader, they begin to move in a chaotic manner in accordance with the commands of the leader. Main condition -

do not hurt each other, do not go beyond the designated territory.

Find and shut up

The children stand and close their eyes. The host puts the item in a place visible to everyone. After the permission of the driver, the children open their eyes and carefully look for him with their eyes. The first person who sees the object should not say or show anything, but silently sit down in his place. So do others. Those who did not find the object are helped in this way: everyone looks at the object, and the children must see it, following the gaze of the others.

Correction of attention, intolerance

development of concentration of attention; education of a stress-resistant personality; fostering a sense of camaraderie

Quantity: at least 5 people

Children stand in a chaotic order. They close their eyes.

The host puts some new object in the room. The task of children is to look for an object.

Experience box (

relaxation exercise)

The host shows a small box and says: “Today we will collect all the troubles, insults and sorrows in this box. If something bothers you, you can whisper it right into the box. I'll run it around. Then I will glue it and take it away, and with it, let your feelings disappear.

speech correction,relieving psychological stress

removal of psychological stress; development of the ability to recognize and formulate their problems

Quantity: unlimited

Children express "in the box" their experiences, resentment, grief.


One participant becomes a traveler, the rest become his shadow. The traveler walks across the field, and behind him two steps behind is his shadow. The shadow tries to exactly copy the movements of the traveler. It is desirable that the traveler make movements: pick mushrooms, pick apples, jump over puddles, look into the distance from under the arm, balance on the bridge, etc.

development of motor coordination

speed of reaction; establishing interpersonal contacts

Quantity: unlimited.

One leader is selected, who becomes a traveler. The rest of the students are his shadow.

The task of the children is to repeat the movements of the leader as accurately as possible.

lords of the ring

You will need a ring with a diameter of 7-15 cm (a coil of wire or adhesive tape), to which three threads 1.5-2 m long are tied at a distance from each other. Three participants stand in a circle, and each picks up a thread. Their task: acting synchronously, lower the ring exactly on the target - for example, a coin lying on the floor.

Options: eyes are open, but you can not talk. Eyes are closed, but you can talk.

Correction of coordination of joint actions

Team development, learning to find ways to collectively solve a problem

Quantity: 3-5 persons.

Participants stand in a circle, holding one end of the rope in their hands. And the other end is tied to the end of one ring.

The task of the players is to lower the ring onto the target (bottle, toy, coin, etc.)

Create a drawing

Everyone is sitting in a circle. Each participant has a piece of paper and a pencil or pen. In one minute, everyone draws something on their sheets. Next, the sheet is passed to the neighbor on the right, and the sheet is received from the neighbor on the left. They finish drawing something in one minute and again pass the sheet to the neighbor on the right. The game continues until the sheet returns to its owner. Then everything is considered and discussed.

fine motor skills correction, imagination development

Quantity: 4-8 people.

Children sit in a circle. Each has a piece of paper and a pencil. Each child draws something on his piece of paper for 1 minute, then, at the command of the host, passes it to a neighbor in a circle.


(relaxation exercise)

Children stand in a wide circle. The teacher says: “You did a great job today, and I want to clap you. The teacher chooses one child from the circle, approaches him and, smiling, applauds him. The selected child also chooses a friend, approaches him already together with the teacher. The second child is already applauding together. Thus, the whole group applauds the last child. The second time the game is started not by the educator

Correction of the emotional-volitional sphere

establishing interpersonal contacts; creating a favorable microclimate in the group

Quantity: unlimited.

Children stand in a wide circle. Starting with the leader, they choose one and the child at a time and clap for him, etc. along the chain, until all students are “collected”.

Who will win

The group is divided into two parts. Everyone starts stomping or clapping at the same time. The team that clapped or stomped louder wins.

Correction of intolerance towards other people

removal of psychological and muscular tension; creating a good mood

Quantity: unlimited.

Children are divided into two teams.

At the signal of the leader, the students begin to execute a certain command (stomp, clap)

The use of outdoor games in physical education classes in order to increase motor activity and remove the complexes of children with disabilities

Today, one of the urgent problems is the implementation of an inclusive approach in the upbringing and education of children with disabilities (hereinafter HIA) in a preschool institution.

Inclusive education is the process of creating an optimal educational space focused on finding new ways to meet the educational needs of each preschooler.

The stage of preschool childhood is the time when a child with disabilities enters the first public educational system - preschool education and upbringing.

At present, the so-called spontaneous inclusion of children with developmental disabilities among healthy peers often occurs, especially in rural areas. Children with disabilities stay in general education institutions regardless of their mental and speech development, the structure of the defect, and their psychophysical abilities. The presence of children with disabilities in the same room and at the same time with normally developing peers helps to reduce the distance between these categories of preschoolers. However, the ability to be included in the usual group of children characterizes not only the capabilities of the child with disabilities, but also the quality of the work of the preschool institution, the presence in it of adequate conditions for the development of pupils with special needs. Therefore, for a full-fledged functional and social inclusion, a special organization of substantive interaction, interpersonal contacts and communication, equal partnership, and the removal of social distance are necessary.

So, for example, one can observe low physical activity of children with disabilities in physical education classes, which leads to embarrassment, embarrassment, and complexes due to the individual characteristics of the body.

The specificity of physical education classes with children with disabilities lies in the fact that pedagogical influences should be aimed not only at correcting physical, but also mental health. The main tasks at each lesson are the correction and prevention of posture, flat feet, walking, running and other natural movements, the activation of autonomic functions and the strengthening of the muscular corset. That is why classes with these children should be of a correctional and developmental orientation, and should also be emotionally saturated.

As already mentioned, children with disabilities are often notorious both emotionally and physically. Only in games children are completely liberated, and only in games it is possible to achieve the best results in mastering their physical skills and abilities, to provide a natural need for movement. For the versatile development of body functions, a combination of various types of movement is of particular value. The free use of sufficiently mastered skills in different situations creates more opportunities for preschoolers to show activity and creativity.

Through games, it is easiest to introduce a child to physical education. Education of the ability to walk correctly, run fast, jump easily and boldly is carried out in the classroom with the help of physical exercises and outdoor games. The game puts the child in a position where his mind is working lively, energetically, feelings are tense, actions are organized.

Perhaps it is the game that is the best means of educating the personality of a child.

The widespread use of outdoor games in one's practice in conjunction with a holistic system of measures for physical education will help to achieve the desired result. The main goal is to activate all body systems: blood circulation, respiration, vision, hearing. The game should bring positive emotions to the child. Active actions in the game also help children with disabilities eliminate self-doubt, shyness, and timidity. All this taken together allows us to talk about the health-improving effect of outdoor games.

For a child, the greatest joy in the game is the satisfaction of the natural need for communication, emotional contact with other children, the opportunity to express their feelings. An environment of goodwill, trust, mutual assistance, approval of actions, respect and recognition in a peer group - all this is a permanent incentive and a great value of an outdoor game as a means of increasing physical activity.

The very process of the game is always associated with new sensations and emotions. Games attract children with their cognitive content, emotional coloring, warmth of relationships, unique experiences. How effective, in terms of physical and mental education, outdoor games turned out to be, can be judged by the behavior of children: diligent, joy in their eyes, focused, active.

I note useful outdoor games in which a situation is created that increases interdependence from each other. Communication skills acquired in such situations are most easily transferred to other activities, to ordinary life conditions.

The following are examples of games that can be used in physical education classes as a way of mastering basic movement skills, taking into account some of the limited abilities of children:


Target: development of imagination, looseness in movements.

Number of players - 4-20 people.

Instruction. All participants in turn show the movements characteristic of the animal conceived by them according to the conditions of the game. The rest are trying to figure it out. Then the participants are united in subgroups of 2-3 people. The host, pointing to any subgroup, gives the name of the animal. Participants, without saying a word, together depict one named animal. Further, the subgroup can also depict any animal, and the other participants guess which one.

"Recognize by voice"

Target: development of hearing and the ability to navigate in space.

The number of players is 5-20 people.

Instruction. The game is played in the gym or on the playground. All the players, holding hands, form a circle, the driver stands in the center. Players, at the signal of the driver, begin to move in a circle to the right (left), saying:

We frolic a little

All were placed in their places.

You solve the riddle

Who called you, find out.

With the last words, everyone stops, and the player, whom the driver touched with his hand while moving in a circle, calls him by name in a changed voice, so that he does not recognize him. If the driver recognizes the player, they change roles, but if he made a mistake, he continues to drive.

Option: the driver must recognize the voice of his mother.

Methodical instructions.

· During the game, complete silence must be observed.

· The driver with the rest of the vision or the one who sees normally must close his eyes or put on a blindfold.

"Catch the ball"

Target: development of attention, accuracy and coordination of movements.

The number of players is 10-12 children.

Inventory: two scored balls.

Instruction. The game is played on the playground. All players form a circle. Two players standing in a circle 3-4 players apart are given a ball each. At the signal of the driver, the players try to pass the balls to the player on the right as quickly as possible so that one ball catches up with the other. When this happens, the game starts again.

Methodical instructions.

· Balls can only be passed, not thrown.

· The number of balls can be increased.

· The ball is passed at waist or chest level.

"Catch up the bell"

Target: development of speed, dexterity, ability to navigate in space.

The number of players is 10-12 people.

Inventory: bell.

Instruction. The playing area should be marked with tactile landmarks. From among the players, two pairs of drivers are selected. One of the players is given a bell. The player with the bell runs away from the drivers, and they try to surround him, closing their hands. This can be done by one or both pairs of drivers.

The player with the bell at the moment of danger has the right to pass (but not throw) the bell to any of the participants in the game.

The caught player and the one from whom he had previously received the bell replace one of the pairs of drivers. The bell is handed to the most dexterous player, and the game continues.

Option (a game for the visually impaired and sighted):

Instead of a bell, a cap is used on the head. You can only catch the one who has a cap on his head.

Methodical instructions.

· Pairs should be completed as follows: blind - a child with a residual vision; sighted - blind.

· Players are not allowed to leave the area.

· All players on the court can wear sounded bracelets (with bells, etc.).

· If the leading pairs open their hands, the fleeing player is considered not caught.

"Catch the ball"

Target: development of attention, memory, acquisition of skills in throws and catching the ball.

The number of players can be any.

Inventory: one medium sized ball.

Instruction. The players sit in a circle. The driver is in the center. Throwing up the ball, he calls the name of the player. The named player must catch the ball. If he caught him, then he returns to his place, but if he didn’t catch him, then he changes place with the driver. The winner is the one who is the least ball leading.

Methodical instructions.

· The pace of the game depends on the number of participants standing in a circle.

· If the players do not know each other, then before the start of the game they need to be introduced to each other: each in turn calls his name, and the whole group repeats it in unison.

· Players are free to move around the circle.

It is known that children with various deviations in health status (with pathology of vision, hearing, consequences of cerebral palsy, with intellectual problems, etc.) have different physical abilities, and this feature must be taken into account when conducting outdoor games. It is important that the magnitude of the load is accessible to the child and does not cause him to overstrain.

Thus, the motor activity of a preschooler must be purposeful and correspond to his experience, interests, desires, functional capabilities of the body, which forms the basis of an individual approach to each child.

Outdoor games help to remove the child's complexes, increase his interest in physical activity.

Ministry of General Vocational Education of the Sverdlovsk Region

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary vocational education of the Sverdlovsk region

Kamyshlov Pedagogical College

(disabled health)


Student of the 2nd CP group

Zaikova A.I.


Mitrofanova S.V.

Kamyshlov, 2015

Outdoor games for children with disabilities

Much has been written about play, play behavior, and players, both fair and true, and contradictory and inaccurate. The breadth of interpretation has an infinite number of interpretations - from the mystical to the scientifically advanced. The game is not a product of a fleeting fashion, it is a phenomenon characterized by a special constancy, uniting time, eras, generations. The game cannot be defined with the help of an unambiguous definition, however, the very concept of the game is inextricably linked with freedom, good will, pleasure, joy. The game is an integral element of life, human culture, linking generations. This phenomenon is studied by philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, biologists. Pedagogy connects play and play behavior with the processes of upbringing, education and personal development.

The psychological basis of the game is the dominance of feelings in the soul of the child, the freedom of their expression, sincere laughter, tears, delight, that is, the natural emotional essence of the child, which seeks expression both in the physical and psychological spheres.

It is known that children with various deviations in health status (with pathology of vision, hearing, consequences of cerebral palsy, with intellectual problems, etc.) have different physical abilities, and this feature must be taken into account when conducting outdoor games.

An outdoor game activates all body systems: blood circulation, respiration, vision, hearing, it brings positive emotions to the child. All this taken together allows us to talk about the health-improving effect of outdoor games. For a child with a developmental disorder, it is extremely important what motor actions the game consists of, with what intensity (tension) it is carried out, how the body responds to the load received. Therefore, when selecting games, it is necessary to take into account the nature and depth of the defect, the real motor abilities of the child and his individual reaction to physical activity. It is important that the magnitude of the load is accessible to the child and does not cause him to overstrain.

The content and dosage of the load should provide for the gradual complication of games, alternating them in direction, intensity and duration, which stimulates a constant interest in gaming activities.

The quality of the organization and conduct of the game - from the choice to its completion - depends on the psychological readiness of the adult for this activity, his pedagogical knowledge, experience and ability to communicate with children.

Sincerity and goodwill, cheerfulness and openness, empathy and the ability to help, to notice success - these are the qualities that attract children, cause them sympathy and respect for adults, and sometimes are the main motive for participating in the game.

The psychophysical development of the child is greatly influenced by communication with the adult to whom he is emotionally attached, with whom he likes to communicate. It is in the game that the necessary conditions for the emergence and development of such relationships are created.


Target: development of imagination, looseness in movements.

Number of players 4-20 people.

Instruction. All participants in turn show the movements characteristic of the animal conceived by them according to the conditions of the game. The rest are trying to figure it out. Then the participants are united in subgroups of 2-3 people. The host, pointing to any subgroup, gives the name of the animal. Participants, without saying a word, together depict one named animal. Further, the subgroup can also depict any animal, and the other participants guess which one.

Methodical instructions. The game can be repeated several times.

"Try Again"

Target: development of auditory memory, clarity of speech.

Instruction. The host offers to repeat tongue twisters after him, the number of words in which gradually increases:

    Daria gives Dina a melon.

    Thickets are more often in our forest, thickets are thicker in our forest.

    At night it's not the bricks that burble on the stove. They chatter on the stove in kalachi dough.

    The cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood, the cuckoo in the hood was very funny.

    Sasha walked along the highway, carrying dryers in a bag. Drying - Grisha, drying - Misha. There are dryers - Prosha, Vasyusha and Antosha. There are two dryers - Nyusha and Petrusha.

Target: development of hearing and the ability to navigate in space.

The number of players is 5-20 people.

Instruction. The game is played in the gym or on the playground. All the players, holding hands, form a circle, the driver stands in the center. Players, at the signal of the driver, begin to move in a circle to the right (left), saying:

We frolic a little

All were placed in their places.

You solve the riddle

Who called you, find out.

With the last words, everyone stops, and the player, whom the driver touched with his hand while moving in a circle, calls him by name in a changed voice, so that he does not recognize him. If the driver recognizes the player, they change roles, but if he made a mistake, he continues to drive.

Option: the driver must recognize the voice of his mother.

Methodical instructions.

    During the game, complete silence must be observed.

    The driver with the rest of the vision or the one who sees normally must close his eyes or put on a blindfold.

"Catch the ball"

Target: development of attention, accuracy and coordination of movements.

The number of players is 10-12 children.

Inventory: two scored balls.

Instruction. The game is played on the playground. All players form a circle. Two players standing in a circle 3-4 players apart are given a ball each. At the signal of the driver, the players try to pass the balls to the player on the right as quickly as possible so that one ball catches up with the other. When this happens, the game starts again.

Methodical instructions.

    Balls can only be passed, not thrown.

    The number of balls can be increased.

    The ball is passed at waist or chest level.

"Catch up the bell"

Target: development of speed, dexterity, ability to navigate in space.

Inventory: bell.

Instruction. The playing area should be marked with tactile landmarks. From among the players, two pairs of drivers are selected. One of the players is given a bell. The player with the bell runs away from the drivers, and they try to surround him, closing their hands. This can be done by one or both pairs of drivers.

The player with the bell at the moment of danger has the right to pass (but not throw) the bell to any of the participants in the game.

The caught player and the one from whom he had previously received the bell replace one of the pairs of drivers. The bell is handed to the most dexterous player, and the game continues.

Option (a game for the visually impaired and sighted):

Instead of a bell, a cap is used on the head. You can only catch the one who has a cap on his head. Such a game will be called "Beware, Pinocchio!".

Methodical instructions.

    Pairs should be completed as follows: blind - a child with a rest of sight; sighted - blind.

    Players are not allowed to leave the area.

    All players on the court can wear sounded bracelets (with bells, etc.).

    If the leading pairs open their hands, the fleeing player is considered not caught.

"Best Nose"

Target: development of the sense of smell.

The number of players can be any.

Inventory: several identical bags with different odorous substances: orange peels, apple slices, garlic, cheese, pepper, onion (peeled), a piece of lemon, etc.

Instruction. You need to invite children to sniff one package after another at a short distance. Whoever gives the most correct answers wins.

Methodical instructions. The game can be repeated 2-3 times.

"Where to erase?"

Target: development of visual memory, training of the ability to navigate on a plane.

The number of players is 4-10 people.

Inventory: paper, pencil, erasers.

Instruction. On a piece of paper, the participants in the game draw on the “face”. Then, closing his eyes with a bandage, the player must erase in that sequence and only those fragments of the drawing that the leader will name (for example: first the left eye, then the right ear, chin, nose, hair, etc.). The one who completes the task more accurately wins.

Methodical instructions. This is a game for visually impaired and normal seeing children.

"Forbidden Color"

Target: development of speed of motor reaction, attention, skills of counting and pronunciation of words, the ability to distinguish the color and shape of geometric shapes.

The number of players is 6-8 people.

Inventory: 30-40 multi-colored geometric shapes cut out of cardboard (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles).

Instruction. Geometric shapes are scattered across the playground. The facilitator calls the color (for example, red). On a signal, all players must collect as many pieces of the specified color as possible. Whoever has the most wins.


    Collect only circles (color doesn't matter).

    Assemble red triangles.

    Collect as many pieces as you can, except for the green ones.

Other options are also possible.

Methodical instructions.

    The winner of any variant of the game demonstrates his result by counting the collected figures aloud, and then aloud (together with the leader) naming them (square, triangle, etc.). The color of the figures is also called aloud (red, blue, yellow, etc.).

    The playground must be large enough to ensure the safety of the players and prevent children from colliding with each other when collecting pieces.


Target: development of imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills, coordination abilities.

The number of players is 10-12 people.

Inventory: rope or rope at least 1.5 meters in length.

Instruction. The host distributes a rope to each player and gives the team a task - to “draw” a certain figure, for example: a ladder, a snake, a little man, a house, a boat, a Christmas tree, etc. The team with the most accurate representation wins.

Methodical instructions. The load can be increased if the game is played in the form of a relay race with movements from the starting point to the “drawing” place.

"Catch the ball"

Target: development of attention, memory, acquisition of skills in throws and catching the ball.

The number of players can be any.

Inventory: one medium sized ball.

Instruction. The players sit in a circle. The driver is in the center. Throwing up the ball, he calls the name of the player. The named player must catch the ball. If he caught him, then he returns to his place, but if he didn’t catch him, then he changes place with the driver. The winner is the one who is the least ball leading.

Methodical instructions.

    The pace of the game depends on the number of participants standing in a circle.

    If the players do not know each other, then before the start of the game they need to be introduced to each other: each in turn calls his name, and the whole group repeats it in unison.

    Players are free to move around the circle.

"What's Missing"

Target: activation of mental processes: perception, attention, memory.

The optimal number of players is 5-10 people.

Inventory: several items (toys, skittles, hoops, rope, etc.).

Instruction. On the playground, the leader lays out 4-5 items. Children examine objects for one minute, trying to remember them. Then, on command, the children stand with their backs to the playground, and the leader at this time removes one of the items. The children turn and name the missing object. The one who makes the fewest mistakes wins.


    Increase the number of items.

    Reduce the time for memorizing items.

    Remove two items.

Methodical instructions. For the game, you should select items that are familiar to children.

"Know a Friend"

Target: development of tactile sensations, auditory attention, memory, ability to navigate in space.

The number of players is 8-12 people.

Inventory. Bandages for the eyes.

Instruction. Half of the children are blindfolded and allowed to walk around the playground. Then they are invited, without removing the bandages, to find and recognize each other. You can recognize with the help of hands - feeling hair, clothes. Then, when the friend is recognized, the players switch roles.

Variation: If the player cannot recognize the other child by touch, you can suggest trying to recognize him by his voice.

Methodical instructions. Care should be taken that the playground is absolutely level, otherwise blindfolded children will feel insecure.


Target: development in children of small muscles of the hand, oral connected speech, memory, imagination.




There is a lock on the door

Rhythmic quick connections of the fingers in the "lock".

Who could open it?

Repetition of movements.


The fingers are clasped in a “lock”, pull the hands in one direction, then in the other direction.


Movements of the hands with clasped fingers from oneself to oneself.

And - opened!

Fingers unhooked, palms to the sides


Target: education in children of throwing skills, development of coordination of movements of large and small muscle groups, dexterity, eye.

The number of players is 2-10 people.

Inventory: paper "pigeons" (airplanes, etc.) are made for the game.

Instruction. Children compete to see who can fly the dove the farthest.

Option: children compete with adults.

Methodical instructions. Game for children 5-8 years old, low intensity.

"Seated Football"

Target: development of coordination of movements, strengthening of the muscles of the legs and torso, training of accuracy, speed of reaction.

Two teams of 4-6 people each play.

Inventory: soccer ball, skittles.

Instruction. Children sit on the floor, legs bent at the knees and pressed to the stomach. One line is located facing the other at a distance of 2.5-3 meters.

The player, moving his legs forward, throws the ball to the child sitting opposite, he catches it with his hands, and then abruptly rolls the ball to his partner with his feet. For an inaccurate throw of the ball, the team receives a penalty point. The team with the fewest penalty points wins.


    Catch the kicked ball with your feet.

    Roll and catch the ball with only one foot.

    Knock down skittles with the ball, which are placed at an equal distance between teams; for each pin knocked down, the team receives a bonus point.

Methodical instructions. A game for children from 3 to 14 years old, the load is moderate.

"Walk in hats"

Target: formation of correct posture, strengthening of the muscular "corset" of the spine, development of balance, dexterity, coordination of movements.

The number of players can be any.

Inventory: "hat" for each player - a bag of sand weighing 200-500 g, a plank, a wheel from a pyramid.

Instruction. The players are standing. Children put a light load on their heads - a “hat”. After checking the posture of the children (head straight, shoulders at the same level, parallel to the floor, arms calmly lying along the body), the leader gives a signal to walk. Children should walk at a normal pace around the room or playground, maintaining the correct posture. The winner is the one whose “hat” has never fallen and at the same time he has not broken his posture.


    Children are encouraged not to walk, but to dance.

    Walk along the winding line drawn on the floor with chalk.

    Walk on the gymnastic bench or step over various objects on the floor or on the playground (skittles, cubes, small toys, pebbles, cones, etc.).

Methodical instructions.

"Bag Throwing"

Target: development of accuracy, coordination of movements, muscle strength of the limbs and torso.

The number of players can be any.

Inventory: sandbags, hoop (rope).

Instruction. Children become in a circle. In the center of the circle lies a hoop (a rope in the shape of a circle). The children have bags in their hands. After the facilitator says: “Throw it!”, All the children throw their bags. The facilitator notes whose bag fell exactly in a circle. The task is repeated 10 times. Whoever has the most accurate hits wins.

Option: each of the players (in turn) stands on a line drawn at a distance of 3-4 meters from the chair, and throws three bags at him one after the other so that they all remain lying on the chair. Then he passes the bags to the next person, who also throws them, and so on. Whoever has the most accurate hits wins.

Methodical instructions.

    Bags can be thrown from any position (sitting, standing), with one or two hands.

    If children of different ages play, then the little ones can be placed closer to the goal, and the older children further away from it.


Target: development of speed and accuracy of movements.

Play at least 15 people.

Inventory: baton or tennis balls.

Instruction. A circle is drawn in the center. All players are divided into five teams and line up sideways to the center of the circle. It turns out a kind of sun with rays. Each beam is a team. Players, first from the center of the circle, hold baton in their hands. On a signal, they run in a circle and pass the baton to the player, who is now the first in his team. The one who came running stands in a line to a place closer to the center. When the starter of the game is on the edge and receives the baton, he raises it, indicating that the team has finished the game.

Methodical instructions.

During the run, it is forbidden to touch standing players, to interfere with those who run. Penalty points are awarded for breaking the rules.

"Homeless Puppy"

Target: development of attention, speed of reaction and accuracy of movements.

The number of players is 7-9 people.

Inventory: 6-8 chairs, one less than the number of players.

Instruction. Chairs are placed in a circle, with the seats facing out. The participants in the game, standing in a circle from the outside, run to the right (left) at the signal. At the whistle, everyone tries to take a seat, but since there are fewer chairs, one player is left without a seat. He is eliminated, and another chair is removed from the circle. The one who remains last wins.

Methodical instructions. The game is of medium intensity, can be repeated several times.

"ball around"


The number of players is 5-15 people.

Inventory: volleyball.

Instruction. The players form a circle and count on the first or second. The first numbers are one team, the second numbers are another. Two nearby players are captains, they each have the ball in their hands. On a signal, the captains pass the ball in a circle to the players of their team, that is, through one. The ball must return to the captain as soon as possible.

Methodical instructions. You can agree and pass the ball three times in a circle. If the balls collide, play continues from that point on.

"Relay with a hoop"

Target: development of attention and accuracy of movements.

The number of players is 10 people.

Inventory: hoops.

Instruction. The players form a circle of five people, they line up in ranks against each other. The distance between players in teams is 1.2-2 steps. The first (captain) in each team is given a hoop. At the whistle, the captains pass the hoop down through themselves, lower it, and then pass it to the adjacent player. That one does the same, passes it on to a third, and so on.

Methodical instructions.

    The game continues until the hoop returns to the captain.

    The team that finishes the game the fastest and doesn't make any mistakes wins.

    The game is played 3-4 times.

"Knock down the pin"

Target: training in the differentiation of efforts, the development of the eye, the accuracy of movements.

The number of players can be any.

Inventory: skittles, cubes, toys.

Instruction. In front of each participant at a distance of 2-3 meters are objects: skittles, cubes, toys. It is necessary to knock down an object by rolling the ball across the floor. The winner is the one who knocked down items more times.

Methodical instructions. The game is of low intensity, can be repeated repeatedly.

"Cones, acorns, nuts"

Target: development of attention, speed of reaction, accuracy of movements.

The number of players is more than six.

Instruction. The players stand in threes, one after the other, facing the center, where the driver stands. The first in triplets are “bumps”, the second are “acorns”, the third are “nuts”. On a signal, the driver pronounces any of the three names, for example, “nuts”. All playing "nuts" should change places. The driver seeks to stand in any vacant seat. If he succeeds, then the player left without a place becomes the driver. You can shout out two names and even three. The winner is the one who has never been a driver.

Methodical instructions. At the request of the children, this game can be played several times.