Gdz essay in English. Writing an essay in English, ready-made essays

How to write an essay in English correctly worries many high school students, students, those who are faced with English by occupation in adulthood. There are rules that allow you to write an essay correctly from a stylistic, semantic, spelling point of view.


Preparation time is purely individual. Some need a few minutes to formulate thoughts, choose an idea, start writing. Others will need a day to weigh the pros and cons, think about a certain topic, find what they want to express.

There are situations when the topic of the essay is unfamiliar, uninteresting. It is impossible to write lines, a person loses a positive mood. To solve the problem, psychologists have developed a technique. As you know, the brain is largely controlled from the consciousness, the subconscious. It is necessary to set the brain, then just forget (if the deadline for writing an essay, of course, allows you to do it). Right thoughts and information, formations will come.

It has been noticed that when memorizing a foreign word or learning the meaning of a term, they are more common. This is explained by the fact that a person tunes in to a certain wave, rearranges himself to receive a certain type of information. This rule also works when writing essays, books.

How the basic information is collected should be written down on paper (in Russian for those who still speak English at a poor level).

Make a plan, include:

  • questions;
  • an approximate plan for presenting information;
  • information about the introduction, conclusion;
  • interesting thematic facts.

Any plan is an individual matter. It is necessary to write, what is written on paper will be preserved, while a bright and well-remembered thought is easily forgotten.

The main aspects of preliminary preparation for writing an essay:

  • gather information about a topic(it is useful to read the relevant literature, communicate with people);
  • gather facts(as a rule, a text that contains numbers, percentages, mentioning people's stories is more interesting to read and evokes more emotions);
  • to make a plan on paper or in a text editor on a computer.

The outline of the essay may change, it should not remain original. In the process of direct writing, you will all receive information, and, who knows, there may be interesting questions, stories for readers.

How to overcome the "fear of a blank slate"?

The fear of a “blank slate” is faced by those who decide to write an essay or essay, professional writers who make a living from it. It has to do with fear. Indecision that it will turn out badly, it will be uninteresting, they easily leave - you need to start writing.

Having forced yourself to write for at least five minutes, you will notice that it has become easier to get it, that the necessary thoughts are found by themselves.

Stick to a few tips:

Essay types

The type of writing an essay is determined depending on the given topic. Usually, this information is specified in the task. But if the topic is known, and the author is invited to choose the look on his own, it is better not to experiment and choose the one that is suitable for a particular topic.

There are three main types. Depending on the type of writing, the structure of the narrative changes, the questions and how the author will answer them.

For & Against Essays

This type of essay, which is translated into Russian as “for and against”, implies that the author will offer arguments in the process of narration. Depending on which ones there will be more, and how important they are, a conclusion is given at the end.

He can say that there is no single correct answer, determine in which situation there will be one correct argument, and in which another.

The plan for writing an essay on this type is as follows:

  • Introductions e. This indicates an interesting fact or why the reader should be interested in the subject matter considered below.
  • Main part. The main arguments for and against are written down. The author has no right to claim the ultimate truth, so he narrates neutrally.
  • Conclusion. Here the author of the essay can already express a point of view. This is reasoned, based on personal experience. Then a conclusion is made.

This type of essay is considered difficult, especially if the topic is not particularly familiar. Often schoolchildren and students are asked to write an essay on political, philosophical issues. Adolescents and young people do not understand the subject, and it is a big problem to describe it in English.

Opinion Essays

The Opinion Essay, at first glance, seems simple. The author will have to express thoughts on paper (and there should be a lot of them, regardless of whether you like the topic or not), consider the issue from different points of view.

It is important to confirm the information with facts, figures, so that it does not look like just a conversation between two friends who, out of boredom, decided to discuss a topic that they do not understand.

The outline of the story is:

  • Introduction. It is necessary to interest the reader in the fact, to tell why the issue is important for discussion.
  • Main part. Initially, a personal point of view is expressed, while the maximum arguments for it are indicated. Then the opposite point of view is indicated. Unlike “for and against”, the second point of view is not written in full, it is written in passing. Further in the essay, the author must write down why he believes that he does not like the opposite point of view, why he does not share it. Again, there are convincing and striking arguments for this.
  • Conclusion. It is not necessary to write a conclusion, it is clear from your arguments which point of view you are inclined to. It is required to sum up, finally formulate an opinion.

To write an essay of this type, you will need to understand the topic in detail. Read the literature in English on the topic, this will allow you to find out interesting facts, choose the right linguistic constructions, and fill in the words on the topic.

Points to Consulter Essays

Essays called "steps to solve the problem" are most liked by schoolchildren and students. The topic of the essay is a specific problem, while it could be of a personal or global nature. The author will be required to offer the maximum number of solutions, and then draw a conclusion in which to indicate the optimal ones.

The writing structure looks like this:

  • Introduction. The name of the problem is indicated, why it is important, what are its causes and possible consequences.
  • Main part. The maximum number of solutions is chosen. They usually sign, starting with the simplest solution, ending with an extraordinary and innovative one. Although the structure can be any - the main thing is that the reader should be interested. Do not indicate platitudes, argue clearly, write down facts and figures. It is important to write in the essay what the proposed measures will entail if taken.
  • Conclusion. It indicates the personal opinion of the author, how exactly he would have acted in a particular situation and why he chose such a solution.

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Introduction The narrative should touch the reader, stimulate further reading. Template phrases, of course, cannot be avoided, but after them there should be interesting and informative information. The introduction is a commentary by the author.


  • defining key terms and explaining why it is important to consider the issue;
  • aspects of the chosen subject;
  • an explanation as to why you want to consider the topic.

An essay in English is a short narrative, strictly on the topic and according to the model. The teacher must see that you are not going to deviate from the topic, consecrate exactly what is needed. In the introduction, use arguments that clearly fall under the semantic meaning of the essay. It should be clear that the reader will find the answer in the narrative.

A well-formed introduction contains information that:

  • the author understands the subject matter;
  • the reader will receive an answer to a question of interest;
  • the essay will not cover other topics other than the main one;
  • a mini-study of the topic was carried out.

According to the plan, the introduction should not take more than 10% of the entire text. If we take into account that the volume of the essay is approximately 1500 words, then the introduction should be from 120 to 150 words.

Useful phrases to start an essay in English:

As for having a plan that indicates that the reader will be offered information on the topic and there will be no "water" and digression to other areas, this can also be demonstrated in the introduction.

Phrases will help:

The third part compares... The third part compares…
The essay has four parts... The essay is divided into four sections…
First of all, consider… It will first consider…
Conclusions will be drawn... Some conclusions will be drawn as to…

The introduction should catch the reader, move them to read the main part and the conclusion. Attention is drawn to figures, percentages, information about the benefits of reading the article for the reader personally.

Main part

The main body is the section where the arguments are given. It is the largest - about 75% of the entire text. At this stage, the reader is given all the necessary information, theses and antitheses are demonstrated, facts are given or refuted.

Phrases for thinking about the problem

Phrases for thinking about the problem will allow you to link the elements of the text into a single whole.

In the introduction, you can use the following:

Let's begin with that… To begin with…
You can… You can…
Firstly… Firstly...
Secondly… Secondly…
Finally… Finally...
Argument in support... Argument in support of…
To begin with, it should be noted that… The first thing that needs to be said is…
It's clear that… Clear that…
First of all… First and foremost…
The good news is that… Good thing about … is that…
It cannot be denied that… It is undeniable that…
It is often said that… It is often said that…
It is well known that… It is a well-known fact that…
We live in a world where... We live in a world in which…
For the majority of people… For the great majority of people…
One aspect of the problem... One of the most striking features of this problem is…
Let's try to understand... Let us try to understand…
It cannot be denied that… One cannot deny that…
It is clear from observations that... It is clear from these observations that…
On the other hand… On the other hand…
It should be recognized… One should accept that…

Phrases expressing personal opinion

In addition to the usual verbs with which you can express your own opinion (I think, reckon, suppose, believe, imagine, guess, figure, presume, gather), special cliché expressions are used.

Among them:

In my opinion… To my mind, in my opinion…
In my opinion… To my way of thinking, in my thinking/to my thinking…
I think that… It is my belief that…
To my mind… In my view…
From my point of view… From my point of view…

From where I stand..,

From my perspective…

It seems to me… As I see it…

It seems to me that…

The way I see things is that…

As far as I'm concerned…

In my opinion… In my judgment…

In my eyes…

In my book…

I sure that… I'm sure that…

I'm convinced that…

I am positive that…

I have no doubt that... I have no doubt that…

I strongly believe that…

Phrases expressing the opinion of certain experts

It always looks more spectacular if, in addition to personal opinion, the essay in English cites the arguments of experts in a particular field.

The following phrases will help to lead to them:

Think that.. Believe that…
They say that… Say that…
They note that… Point out that…
Emphasize that… Emphasize that…
It is assumed that… Suggest that…
Which confirms the idea of... Which seems to confirm the idea that…
From the facts it can be concluded that… From these facts, we may conclude that…
Perhaps we should note the fact that… Perhaps we should also point out the fact that…
It would be unfair not to mention that... It would be unfair not to mention that fact that…
A common argument against is that…. The most common argument against this is that…


The conclusion is a summing up, conclusions from all of the above. Any essay in English is a reflection on some problem, so at the end you need to give an individual answer. The consequences, prospects for the development of the situation are indicated.

  • formulate topics that are relevant to the issue under consideration;
  • give a personal opinion about the decision;
  • present an argument that makes one point of view more advantageous than another.

A correctly drawn conclusion is a general conclusion, it should not look like an introduction (often this is the mistake students make).

The conclusion contains:

  • a brief list of ideas under consideration;
  • summarizing with arguments;
  • a phrase that makes you think further;
  • a strong argument that reinforces the main part;
  • description of the consequences and forecast of the decisions made.

At the same time, an essay in English should not include some aspects:

  • about new ideas(if they are important, the description is included in the main part);
  • as if justifying(phrases that you are not an expert in the field, that this is your personal opinion are not needed, since the essay format assumes that this is a statement of a personal opinion);
  • that the arguments given in the main part may be controversial(why did the author then write insignificant facts that are refuted?).

It is important that the conclusion of the essay in English calls for further reflection, so that the reader understands that a 1500-word essay cannot express the full depth of the issue under consideration.

The conclusion is the most important part of the essay. It allows you to understand how well the author understood the topic, what conclusions he made. In terms of volume, the conclusion can be twice as large as the introduction - up to 20% of the text. But it is better if its size is about 15%.

The most gross mistakes in the essay

In addition to spelling and punctuation errors, often when writing an essay in English, they make other kinds of mistakes. This concerns, first of all, the fact that the author does not follow the rules for writing the introduction, main part and conclusion.

The introduction in this case is a set of keywords or does not speak about the essence of the issues under consideration. In conclusion, the main idea is often transferred, while it should be disclosed in the main part, and summarized in the conclusion.

Errors are like this:

  • Presentation in the final part of completely new ideas(if they are important for the narrative, then they should be taken out in the main part, painted. If not, then in conclusion, you should not use insignificant facts and ideas).
  • Using an apologetic tone(The essay implies that you are expressing a personal opinion. Using phrases like "I'm not an expert, but", "There are other points of view" is prohibited).
  • Focusing the reader's attention on unimportant details(For example, if the topic is about global warming, then half of the essay in English should not describe how this process affects the people of Russia).
  • Refutation of the facts stated above(This is illogical).

English Essay Template

Volume of partitions

The volume of sections of the essay is individual, it depends on the topic. It is allowed, if the topic is serious and requires many conclusions from the author, to increase the size of the final part. But in any case, the main part should be the largest, be at least half of the entire essay in English.

The following ratio has been adopted:

  • introduction - from 10 to 15 percent;
  • the main part - from 50 to 80 percent;
  • conclusion - from 10 to 30 percent.

Such indicators are accepted in English, Russian.

Useful introductory phrases

There are a lot of phrases that can be used in an essay in English. It is impossible to write a beautiful story without them, they help to connect sentences into a single whole. Without them, the text will turn out dry, scientific.

Popular and suitable for almost every topic are such introductory phrases:

It is important to note that;

It is important to remember that - It is important to remember that;

In the end - After all;

Actually - Actually;

In any case - In the case, Anyway;

Indeed - Indeed;

I must admit - I must admit;

It makes sense - It makes sense;

Fortunately - Fortunately;

Unfortunately - Unfortunately;

By the way - By the way;

It may seem that;

It doesn't matter that - It doesn't matter that;

It is not surprising that;

However - However;

It turned out that - It turned out that;

In truth - To tell the truth;

Meanwhile - Meanwhile;

It can mean that - It can mean that.

There are thousands of introductory phrases in the English language, while there are modern slang ones, in America introductory constructions are used, which in England can be found extremely rarely in a live conversation. It is important to understand their meaning, then, even without knowing how a certain speech turnover will be in English, you can find it by meaning in the dictionary.

In addition to knowing the topic on which the essay is being written in English, the author will be required to write the text correctly. Do not overuse complex structures. Let the story be concise, without abbreviations and slang and abstruse expressions.

Although introductory expressions are indicated for the introduction, but in the main part, the conclusion, they should not be abused - the text will be artificial and contain a lot of "water". it is recommended to use an introductory construction for three or four sentences once.

In order to diversify the text, use:

  • synonyms.

But there shouldn't be too many colorful descriptions. Compliance with the golden mean will allow you not to take the reader into the wilds of expressive descriptions and reasoning. He must follow the course of thought and reasoning about the main topic.

The absence of errors, correct formatting and editing, division into paragraphs are important points that cannot be neglected. The reader will notice these things right away, and no matter how good an essay in English is from a semantic point of view, getting the maximum score for it will not work.

Use an academic writing style

The academic style of writing implies that the author will adhere to certain norms, that people of different ages and professions can read his text equally comfortably and with the same degree of understanding.

Academic writing is characterized by:

  1. lack of generalizations and categorical judgments, personal opinion is expressed very carefully;
  2. lack of personal pronouns, which give the impression of vernacular speech;
  3. respect for gender equality(if the expression is applicable to both sexes, then you cannot write a man or a woman - it is better to use the impersonal person);
  4. availability of citations and links to the source of information(this allows you to follow the train of thought, to understand that what has been said is not mere conjecture of the author);
  5. phrases are used that are based on, and not(allows you to give the letter a finished look).

The academic style of writing does not allow the use of common expressions, slang (unless, of course, the main topic of the article does not concern this). Try to write an essay in English so that it is equally understandable to both school-age people and pensioners.

Complex and intricate designs do not need to be used. They may show knowledge of the English language, but there is a high probability of using them incorrectly. If they have not yet passed the course, then you should limit yourself to general knowledge, but do it without mistakes.

Do not use colloquial elements

Elements of colloquial speech are incompatible with academic writing style.

To get a perfectly written essay in English, you will need:

  • exclude abbreviated forms, always use full ones instead;
  • instead of phrasal verbs that are used in everyday speech, enter single-word full ones;
  • exclude slang expressions;
  • write less brackets, question and exclamation marks that express emotions;
  • avoid general words - use numbers, percentages, details instead.

It is easy to understand which style in English is considered colloquial and which is academic. It is enough to read the classic authors and compare them with how talk show hosts on television or radio announcers speak.

Strive to give the text objectivity

The objectivity of the text gives it significance, professionalism. An essay in English will not look like it was written by a person who is poorly versed in the topic, although this may actually be the case.

To objectify an essay, you need:

Text Connectivity

The sequence of presentation, clarity of thought is achieved through expressions that link the components of the text to each other. They guide the reader, do not let him get bored among the facts and arguments. Introductory phrases are used, which are different for the introduction, main body and conclusion. These phrases perform a number of functions.

These include:

  • addition: as well as, in addition;
  • example: for example, that is;
  • opposition: on the other hand, however;
  • cause: so, this leads to, as a result;
  • enum: finally, then, next;
  • conclusion: as a result, therefore.

Phrases are useful, but overusing them makes English essays difficult to read. It is advisable to use such words no more than one for several proposals. Diversify the occurrence of introductory words, it is better to write two different words that mean the same thing.

Quotes and links

Quoting a written source (book, report, other essay in English) gives the text objectivity. To obtain the best result, they must be used, although it is not forbidden to take the results without them.

But in a short essay in English, it is easier to quote directly in the text, two methods are used:

  1. According to Smith (2000), writing a good essay…;
  2. Writing a good essay…(Smith 1998).

As you can see, you can indicate the source of information immediately or at the end of the quote. Quotes are not required. If desired, the full name of the author is indicated (you can give full data or a surname). Well-known expressions can be formatted without reference to the book. But a little-known quote, which sounded once in a publication, requires this information to be included in an essay in English.


The first paragraph in the essay is introductory, it explains what it is about. It is not forbidden if it is followed by information that is not directly related to it. In the main part of the story, this is already excluded.

Each paragraph should talk about a certain aspect, contain the main thesis that the author proves or refutes. Another paragraph may refer to another aspect, but it must be related to the first. For example, the first paragraph will describe the positive side of the issue, and the second negative. Often in an essay in English of the “for and against” type, the following format is used: introduction, paragraph “for”, paragraph “against”, and so on, conclusion.

The structure is clear and logical. But at the same time, to learn how to write really good and non-monotonic texts, when reading which the reader will not know for sure what will happen next, you can violate these canons.

Checking and editing

Even those who know English flawlessly sometimes make gross and curious mistakes. This is due to the fact that after writing the text, the “eye” is blurred, even the simplest typos are not striking.

To avoid this, you can do the following:

Where is an essay in English useful?

An essay in English is the best way to help identify. Here the vocabulary is evaluated, and, and knowledge of passive voices, and much more.

Testing in the form of an essay in English is carried out with:

  • passing exams in a general education school and an educational institution with in-depth knowledge of languages;
  • to confirm knowledge of the English language;
  • admission to the university at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​(now for many other specialties);
  • employment (if the candidate claims to communicate with foreign partners).

Of course, an essay in English is also used as a teaching method. At least once a quarter or following the results of studying a new big topic, students and schoolchildren write an essay.

The benefit of an essay is that the person who writes it develops comprehensive English language skills, studies disciplines, learns to answer questions with reason and correctly express a point of view, draw conclusions from the general flow of information.

How to write an essay in English perfectly: 11 rules

11 rules for writing a good essay:

  1. Stick to essay structure.
    The structure of the essay is unchanged: introduction, body and conclusion. You cannot get a high score if you confuse the points and what is written in them.
  2. Use a draft. Not much time is allocated for the essay. It is recommended to prepare in advance for all topics, sketch out thoughts and arguments. This will save time on writing a clean copy and proofreading the text.
  3. Get ready for any topic. Essay evaluates general erudition. Read books in English, watch educational programs on the Internet, and then writing an essay on any topic will not be difficult.
  4. Leave time to check. On average, 2-3 errors are present even in the best tests. This is due to banal fatigue. Set aside at least five or ten minutes to check and proofread the text. This will help raise the score by a few points.
  5. Find the right style. Everyone's writing style is different, but writing should be kept objective and academic. Practice in advance and then it will not be difficult to write an essay quickly and practically “on the machine”. Read more classic books in the original language, it is there that there is literary and literate speech.
  6. Be concise. An essay is a short written work. Compliance with the required volume is important. If you want to impress examiners with extensive knowledge of a topic, you should not increase the volume. This may result in a lower rating.
  7. Argument your arguments. In order for the argument to sound not like an unfounded statement of personal opinion, you will need to acquire certain knowledge on the topic. If topics are given before the exam, then prepare in advance, for example, read literature, watch short videos on YouTube. Good work includes an opinion, arguments supported by statistics, vivid examples.
  8. Use linking words. Without linking words, it is impossible to achieve a concise and beautiful presentation of thought. Bundles form sentences into a single whole, it will not seem that at first the student copied one sentence from another, and then looked into the notebook for the third. Newspaper articles will help develop vocabulary, including learning more introductory expressions. It is recommended to subscribe to online magazines in English. You will not only be aware of the latest news in the field of politics, society and sports, but also learn competent English, replenish your vocabulary.
  9. Use a variety of vocabulary and grammar. Of course, there is no escape from simple good and very, you need to use them. But if possible, replace everyday, very popular words with synonyms. The examiner will assess knowledge at a high level. You need to use different tenses. When the text is completely written in it raises doubts about whether a person knows any other tenses. Include passive voices, modal verbs as much as possible. In the simplest essay, expressing the simplest thoughts, it is possible to achieve an excellent performance.
  10. State your thoughts correctly. Tolerance in expressing one's own thoughts is the most important thing. This also applies to writing stories. Avoid topics of religion and politics, even if you have your own and unshakable opinion on this issue, you need to express it as correctly as possible. The essay is written in an academic style, do not express thoughts violently, do not include emotions.
  11. Write softly. Formal and correct style is the norm of narration. It is strictly forbidden to express an idea, at the same time it is not worth referring to the fact that your opinion is not essential.

Common essay topics for the exam in English

Usually, schools adhere to the standard and choose one of the following topics for the exam:

  • space exploration;
  • Teenagers Today;
  • unhealthy foods;
  • school trips;
  • environmental problems;
  • Higher education;
  • Teenage Jobs;
  • free time;
  • Travelling;
  • Technology and Science.

Writing an essay and getting the highest score for it, following all the requirements, is not a problem. It is important to adhere to generally accepted standards (percentage of introduction, main body, conclusion; use of introductory words and speech turns, argumentation of opinion), to impress examiners with erudition and extensive knowledge.

Essay examples in English

Here are examples of ready-made essays in English:

More essay examples can be downloaded online.

In 2018, 80% of graduates from the Sverdlovsk region received 0 points for an essay from the Unified State Examination in English. According to FIPI, students traditionally perform the written part of the exam worse. And it is she who gives the most points - 14 for the error-free task No. 40, the essay "My opinion". In the material, we share tips that will help you avoid stupid mistakes when writing an essay with elements of reasoning.

Stick to the plan

In 2019, graduates will be given two statements to choose from. On one of them you need to write a written essay with elements of reasoning.

The essay must strictly comply with the plan:

  1. introduction - paraphrase the selected statement;
  2. your opinion on the topic and 2-3 arguments in its defense;
  3. opposite opinion and 1-2 arguments in its defense;
  4. an explanation of why you disagree with the opposing opinion;
  5. a conclusion in which you rephrase your position from point 2.

Each part of the text should begin with a new paragraph, as a result, the essay should have 5 paragraphs.

A problem when writing an essay can be not only poor knowledge of a foreign language, but vice versa - too good. A graduate can write an essay in a freer form and move away from the template, but the commission will not appreciate such an impulse. Therefore, we advise you to write an essay strictly according to the plan and in accordance with the criteria.

Let's take a look at the mistakes graduates made in the past and how to avoid them.

Keep track of volume

The text of the answer must contain at least 200 and no more than 250 words, a deviation of 10% is allowed. According to the rules, if the volume of the essay is less than 180 words, 0 is set for the entire work, if more than 275 - they check the part of the essay up to the 250th word.

How to avoid mistakes:

  • Write your essay at home on an unlined piece of paper. After 10-20 essays, you will understand what part of the sheet is occupied by the required amount of text. This will help you navigate the exam.
  • Count words correctly. One word counts:
  1. short forms: can "t, didn" t, isn "t, I" m;
  2. prepositions, articles, particles;
  3. numerals expressed in numbers: 25, 2006, 1000000;
  4. numerals with percentages of 25%;
  5. compound words: well‑being, good‑looking, twenty‑five;
  6. abbreviations: UN, e‑mail.

Write on the topic

If the reviewer considers that the essay does not correspond to the chosen topic, he will immediately put 0 points. So the simpler the better. Do not invent anything, do not indulge in lengthy reflections. Give direct opinions and arguments clearly on the topic.

FIPI experts give such an example from the options of previous years. The saying was given: "One should read about historical sites before sightseeing - One should read about historical sites before visiting them."

Graduates made the following mistakes in essays:

  1. They did not know the meaning of the words: they mistook the word sites for websites.
  2. They were inattentive: instead of sites they saw cities and wrote about cities.
  3. They missed the meaning of the statement: they forgot about the word read, that is, they ignored reading about sights, and wrote only about visiting them.

Another topic from the USE 2018 caused difficulties: “An early choice of a career path is the key to success - An early choice of a career is the key to success.”

Many graduates did not read the statement carefully and built their essay around the phrases “early choice” and “career path”. As a result, they wrote about their choice of profession and when to choose it. The meaning of the statement was that an early choice of a profession ensures further success in life. Accordingly, the arguments "for" should have been about why an early choice of a profession contributes to success, and "against" - why it can lead to failure.

How to avoid mistakes:

  • Read both statements several times. Choose the one in which you understand all the words and the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
  • During the preparation period, read the training texts for the high level (B2) and learn the vocabulary from there.
  • Before writing an essay, answer the questions: what is the meaning of the statement? What do you have to agree or disagree with?
  • Visualize the answer with a mind map. Designate a topic, lower 2 arrows from it - one with your opinion, the second with the opposite. From your opinion, drop 2-3 arrows and in a few words indicate the arguments in his defense, from the opposite opinion, pull down 1-2 arrows and briefly write down the arguments in support of them below.

Paraphrase the topic in the introduction

In the introduction to task No. 40, graduates most often made the following mistakes:

  1. Literally repeated the topic from the assignment. For example, to the statement “ Friendship is the greatest gift of life” wrote a speech that completely duplicates the phrase: “Some people believe that friendship is the greatest gift of life. Others don't think so.
  2. They expressed their opinion on the topic. For example, the following introduction was written to the topic “Science is the first thing to be financed in the modern world”: “Modern science helps human progress, that is why it should be financed before other spheres”.
  3. They did not indicate the debatable nature of the topic.
  4. Rhetorical questions were used.

How to avoid mistakes:

  • The introduction should not contain your opinion. The first paragraph is as neutral as possible.
  • The topic should be retold, that is, expressed with synonyms and phrases that are close in meaning. You can start with cliché phrases:
  1. Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about…
  2. It is generally accepted that…
  3. A common opinion is that ... - According to the general opinion ...
  • To indicate the debatability of the topic, you can use cliché phrases:
  1. There are two points of view on… - There are several points of view on….
  2. Some people are convinced that...and others believe that… - Some people are convinced that…., others believe that…
  • Don't use rhetorical questions. For example: Who is right? Which is true?

Arguments must match opinion

In one of the essays, behind the opinion: “I think that it is better to read some historical information before visiting historic places”, there were such arguments: “Firstly, you can find a lot of information in the Internet. Secondly, it may help you in your future life.” They do not correlate with the statement, since they do not directly answer the question: why is it worth reading the information before visiting historical places?

How to avoid mistakes:

  • Formulate your opinion on the topic of the statement, clearly define whether you are for or against.
  • Use cliché phrases to express your opinion:
  1. My personal view is that… - My opinion is that...
  2. In my opinion / judgment / view ... - In my opinion / judgment / In my opinion ...
  3. I completely agree/disagree with this statement… - I completely agree/disagree with this statement...
  4. I don't support the idea of… - I don't support the idea that...
  • Explain why you are right in 2-3 arguments that follow from your opinion.
  • Use bindings to list arguments:
  1. Firstly/ first and foremost/ first of all…
  2. Another (positive/negative) aspect of …
  3. Finally/ Lastly
  • Imagine how you might be objected to in response to your opinion. Formulate a completely opposite opinion.
  • Start expressing someone else's opinion with cliché phrases:
  1. However… - Although…;
  2. On the other hand - On the other hand ...
  3. There is another side to the question of ... - There is another side to the question ...
  • Come up with arguments to support your opponent's point of view.

Refute counterarguments

In the fourth paragraph, you need to explain why you do not agree with the opinion of the opponent. This must be done by refuting the counterarguments from the third paragraph.

For example, in the second paragraph you support the opinion "One should read about historical sites before sightseeing" and as an opposite in the third paragraph you cite "I think that it is better to visit historical places than to read information" with the counterargument "The guide will tell you everything during the excursion". In the fourth paragraph, you should refute the opposite side's counterargument from the previous paragraph, and not come up with another one to prove your case.

In the example, you need to answer the sentence: "The guide will tell you everything during the excursion". For example, the answer is: "If you read about sights in advance you will save money because excursion may be expensive".

How to avoid mistakes:

  • Answer only the counterarguments from the third paragraph. If you gave two counterarguments, you must refute both.
  • Use cliché phrases:
  1. I strongly disagee with...
  2. I am afraid I cannot agree with the opinion that...
  3. Despite my respect for the opinion that..., I cannot share it because…

Confirm your opinion in conclusion

In conclusion, graduates most often made the following mistakes:

  1. Departure from the topic. At the end of the essay they forgot about the topic of the statement and in the conclusion they wrote about something completely different. For example, a student ended an essay on the topic “One should read about historical sites before sightseeing” with the following words: “To sum up, I would like to say that sightseeing is wonderful. And we should cherish the memories about those nice places we have visited.” The conclusion does not correspond to the main topic, since it talks about visiting attractions, although it was necessary to reason about whether or not to read about them.
  2. They didn't state their opinion. In conclusion on the previous topic, the student leaves the problem unresolved: “In conclusion, I want to say, that it is a debatable issue. Everybody must decide themselves if they need to find some historical information before sightseeing.”

How to avoid mistakes:

  • Keep the topic of the essay constantly in front of your eyes.
  • Rephrase your opinion, which you wrote about in the second paragraph.
  • Use cliché phrases to express your opinion in the conclusion:
  1. On this basis, I can conclude that… - Based on this, I can conclude that…
  2. In conclusion, I would like to stress that… - In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that…
  3. All in all, I believe that… - In the end, I believe that…
  4. To sum up… - Summing up...

Learn the meanings of introductory words and conjunctions

To build a competent and coherent statement, it is necessary to use introductory words and conjunctions correctly. Most often, graduates confuse the meanings of these parts of speech and pointlessly add them to the text in a chaotic manner.

How to avoid mistakes:

  • Learn by heart the meanings of introductory words and conjunctions so as not to confuse their meanings. Remember the meanings of the most common of them:
  1. in addition - besides,
  2. moreover - moreover,
  3. furthermore - furthermore
  4. however - nevertheless,
  5. thereby - in connection with this,
  6. therefore - therefore
  7. though - though, however,
  8. although - although.
  • Do not use more than one introductory word at a time. Do not try to write everything you know at once, for example, like this: “To my mind, personally, I think that it is better to visit historical places at first. To begin with, firstly, it will be a surprise and you will better remember it.” You don’t write in an essay on the Russian language like this: “Personally, in my opinion, it’s better to visit a historical place first.”

Keep it neutral

The text of the essay should be in a neutral style. That is, you cannot use:

  • rhetorical questions;
  • colloquial vocabulary:
  • colloquial constructions like let's;
  • short forms of verbs: I "m, he's, don" t, didn "t, haven" t. Exception: needn't.

What exactly will be given 0 points

  1. The volume of the essay is less than 180 words.
  2. Plagiarism - more than 30% or 10 words in a row from the essay coincide with someone else's text.
  3. Departure from the topic.
  4. Non-compliance with criteria. The criteria are presented in detail on the FIPI website in the demo version of the written part of the exam in English.

Format and rules for writing an essay “expressing opinion”

The essay “expressing opinion” is written in a formal (business) style.
In this type of essay, you need to express your point of view on a given topic, as well as bring other people's points of view that are opposite to yours and explain why you do not agree with them. Your opinion should be clearly articulated and supported by examples or evidence.
Essay size 200-250 words (minimum 180 words, maximum 275)
The essay should actively use constructions like "In my opinion", "I think", "I believe"
It is necessary to use introductory words and constructions like “On the one hand, on the other hand”…, linking words (Nevertheless, Moreover, Despite…)
It is forbidden to use abbreviations, such as “I’m”, “they’re”, “don’t”, “can’t” (otherwise the score for organizing the composition will be reduced)
The “expressing opinion” essay has a strict structure, changing which when writing an essay will lead to a decrease in the score. The essay “expressing opinion” consists of 4 paragraphs:

1) Introduction(introduction)

In the introduction, it is necessary to clearly formulate the topic-problem, indicating that there are two opposite points of view on the problem (Some people claim that mobile phones are very useful devices while others argue that life could be less stressful without them.) and express your opinion without using too many personal designs
However, the first sentence should not repeat word for word the given topic of the essay. Recommended end of the first paragraph: Now I would like to express my point of view on the problem of …

2) Main body

1 paragraph. Give 2-3 arguments supporting your point of view, supporting them with examples or evidence.
In the second paragraph, you should stick to only ONE point of view, for example: Mobile phones in my opinion are very useful devices. OR I consider the mobile phone to be a harmful and useless invention.
It is necessary to give 2-3 arguments with evidence to support your own opinion

2 paragraph. Give opposing points of view (1-2), and explain why you do not agree with them. Example: However, some people think that mobile phones not only keep you in touch with your relatives and friends but also provide you with a great number of facilities. I can't agree with this statement because…
Your counterarguments to other people's opinions should not repeat the 2nd paragraph.

3) Conclusion (conclusion)

It is necessary to conclude, referring to the topic given in the 1st paragraph, that there are 2 points of view on the problem, and also to confirm your own point of view.
For example: “There are different points of view on this problem. I think that…” or “Taking everything into consideration, there are two different points of view on this problem. I believe that…

Useful vocabulary for composition"expressing opinion"

1 paragraph Introductory phrases

  • It is popularly believed that….
  • People often claim that... Some people argue that…
  • A lot of people think that…
  • It is often suggested /believed that…
  • Many people are in favor of the idea that... Many people are convinced that...
  • Some people are against…

2 paragraph. Phrases expressing your point of view:

  • I would like to explain my point of view on this situation.
  • I would like to express my opinion on this problem.

Phrases characterizing the advantages of the problem under discussion:

  • As already stated I’m in favor of… for a number of reasons…
  • There are many things to be said in favor of…
  • The best/thing about……. is…

Phrases listing points of view:

  • Firstly, /First of all….
  • In the first place
  • To start with, / To begin with,
  • Secondly, Thirdly, Finally,
  • Last but not least

Phrases that add new arguments:

  • Furthermore, /Moreover, /What is more,
  • As well as…. /In addition to this/that…
  • Besides, /…….also….
  • Not only…., but…… as well.
  • Apart from this/that….
  • not to mention the fact that

3 paragraph.

  • Some people understand that… however they fail to that…
  • they fail to consider that… they forget that…
  • Some people argue that…. I can't agree with it as...
  • I disagree with this point of view (statement, opinion) because …
  • It has become fashionable for some people to argue that…
  • Contrary to what most people believe, I think that…
  • As opposed to the above ideas…I believe that…

4 paragraph. Closing phrases:

  • in conclusion,
  • on the whole,
  • to conclude,
  • to sum up,
  • all in all,
  • All things considered
  • finally,
  • lastly,
  • taking everything into account,
  • Taking everything into consideration

Expression of personal opinion:

  • In my opinion this subject is very controversial
  • In my view…
  • To my mind…
  • To my way of thinking…
  • Personally I believe that…
  • I feel strongly that…
  • It seems to me that…
  • As far as I am concerned…

Criteria for assessing the performance of tasks С2

Solving a communicative problem (CONTENTS)



Spelling and punctuation

The task was completed in full: the content reflects all the aspects specified in the task; the stylistic design of the speech is chosen correctly, taking into account the purpose of the statement and the addressee; the norms of politeness accepted in the language are observed.

The statement is logical: the means of logical connection are chosen correctly; the text is divided into paragraphs; the format of the statement is chosen correctly

The vocabulary used is appropriate for the task at hand; there are practically no violations in the use of vocabulary.

(1-2 mistakes)

Grammar structures are used in accordance with the task. Virtually no errors.

(1-2 mistakes)

Assignment completed: some aspects specified in the assignment are not fully disclosed; there are separate violations of the style of speech; the norms of politeness accepted in the language are mostly observed

The statement is basically logical; there are some shortcomings in the use of logical links; there are some shortcomings in dividing the text into paragraphs; there are some violations of the format of the statement

The vocabulary used corresponds to the task, but there are some inaccuracies in the use of words or the vocabulary is limited. But the vocabulary is used correctly

(3-7 mistakes)

There are a number of grammatical errors that do not make it difficult to understand the text

(3-7 mistakes)

There are practically no spelling errors. The text is divided into sentences with correct punctuation

(1-2 mistakes)

The task was not completed completely: the content does not reflect all the aspects indicated in the task; style violations are common; generally the norms of politeness accepted in the language are not observed

The statement is not always logical: there are shortcomings or errors in the use of logical connection means, their choice is limited; division of the text into paragraphs is illogical or absent; there are numerous errors in the format of the statement

Unnecessarily limited vocabulary used; there are often violations in the use of vocabulary, some of which may make it difficult to understand the text

Either elementary-level errors are common, or the errors are few but make the text difficult to understand.

(8-12 errors)

There are a number of spelling or punctuation errors that make it difficult to understand the text

(3-10 mistakes)

The task was not completed: the content does not reflect the aspects indicated in the task, or does not correspond to the required volume (200-250 words)

Note: the minimum number of words is 180, the maximum is 275. If there are 179 words in the essay - “0” for the content, if there are more than 276 words, then only 250 words from the beginning are checked.

There is no logic in the construction of the statement; the format of the statement is not respected

Extremely limited vocabulary does not allow you to complete the task

(cannot be set if there is no "0" for the content)

Grammar rules are not followed

(more than 12 errors)

Spelling and punctuation rules are not respected

Over 10 bugs

Essay Sample

many cities in Europe do everything to promote bicycles as an ecologically clean type of transportation; however the governor of St. Petersburg signed a decree according to which bicycles will not be allowed in the city centre.

Do you agree that bicycles should be banned in the center of St. Petersburg?

Write 200-250 words

Use the following plan:

1.Introduction. (state the problem)

2. Express your opinion and give reasons for it.

3. Give other people's arguments and explain why they are wrong.

4. Make a conclusion

In European cities people ride bicycles a lot because they are aware that bikes help to save fuel and reduce pollution in cities. However, the governor of Saint-Petersburg decided to ban bicycles in the city center and I fully agree with it. I would like to explain my point of view on it.

In my opinion, the governor is absolutely right. In the first place, our roads are not adapted for biking as in Europe; they are too narrow and there are no separate lanes for bicycles. Bikes do not help the traffic situation but even sometimes make it worse as bicyclists often break traffic rules and cause accidents. In addition, the weather in St. Petersburg is not good for bicycle commuting. In winter roads are covered with ice, in autumn and in spring rains are frequent and roads are wet, so it is very difficult for cyclists to move.

On the other hand, some say that bikes are undoubtedly useful for our health, I can not agree with it completely as there are a lot of road accidents where cyclists are injured. Some people may argue that bikes are ecologically clean, but you can also put special purifying facilities on cars which are faster and more comfortable as transport.

To sum up, there are different points of view on this problem. I believe that bicycles should be banned in the city center where streets are not specially created for them. As I see it, a bike is a kind of transport for short trips in the countryside.

USE in English. Letter. Task C2. Video lesson.

Compositions or essays in English are one of the main tasks in the exams. It is written from year to year within the framework of the Unified State Examination, and new generations of graduates will write it. According to rumors, big changes in attestation in foreign languages ​​are approaching: in 2020, all Russian schools are going to conduct a trial exam in Chinese. But there are no plans to cancel the English essay, so let's focus on writing it in 2018.

English-speaking countries have their own analogues of the USE: in the UK these are A-level exams, in the USA - SAT and ACT. The tests are not easy, but quite doable. Before writing an essay in English, read this article - we tried to make it as useful and practical as possible. And if you had to take a break in learning English - by all means.

Essay structure in English

Is writing essays easy for you? Unfortunately, this will hardly help in writing an English essay. On the other hand, this is not bad, because you do not have to show creative originality at all costs - it is much more important to know and follow the rules and criteria for writing an essay in English. And the structure, or, more simply, the plan of an essay in English is known:

    header. Essay title. Directly depends on the topic given in the ticket. The title of the essay should be short, but expressive and capacious. Practice using English essay topics from previous years.

    Introduction. The introductory part of the essay, the task of which is to briefly describe its essence. Brief - this is usually 2 to 4 simple sentences.

    Main part. The most voluminous and meaningful part of the essay. It is here that the main tasks of the essay are revealed. The main part evaluates your ability to develop a topic using logical arguments. The approximate volume of this part is 2-3 paragraphs of 3-4 sentences each.

    Conclusion. The final of the essay, in which you need to draw conclusions based on the reasoning of the main part. A couple of sentences are enough to sum up and finish the text beautifully.

An essay plan is a written reflection of the structure of an essay. Only next to each item, from 1 to 4, write a suitable title for this section. And in the letter, separate the structural parts with paragraphs. Write the title in the center of the sheet; start the introduction on a new line; divide the main part into 2-3 paragraphs according to the meaning; State the conclusion in the last paragraph of the text: For example:

(colored markers are used for clarity, they do not need to be used in the examination paper).

Topics and types of essays in English with examples

The types of essays in English are, in fact, their styles. Usually, the exam ticket contains a detailed description of the task: the topic and style of the essay. There are three possible styles, and we will consider each of them in detail.

Opinion essays, or opinion essays.

The main feature of this text is a first-person narration, during which you must defend your definite point of view on the subject of the topic with arguments. The main task is to demonstrate your own thoughts and the ability to justify them.

For and against essays, or essays for and against.

This is the same type of essay that in Russian we used to call “essay-reasoning”. Its main feature is the presence of arguments that reveal the topic from different (preferably opposite) points of view. The plan is this:

Suggesting solutions to problem essays, or problem solving.

The simplest and at the same time complex type of essay in English. Its job is to test your vocabulary. The theme of such an essay becomes some global, well-known problem. You need to be told how you can solve it and / or how to put up with it. In plan it looks something like this:

Even if the exam task does not directly indicate the style of the text, you will immediately understand how to write an essay, depending on the topic. For example, an essay on a topic about sports may contain arguments for (health) and against (injuries). The topic related to ecology will be maximally disclosed in the essay-solving the problem.

Speech clichés for an essay in English

There are certain phrases, even phrases that help to write an essay in English. Their first advantage is that you have certain “support points”, guidelines for building proposals. And secondly, they let the examiners know that you own these speech structures and can correctly apply them in the text. Here are examples of basic verbal clichés for essays in English:

    This essay deals with...

    This assignment will examine...

    This report will analyze...

    First(ly) ... second(ly) ... third(ly)

    To begin with ... then ... to conclude (To begin ... then ... finally)

    Owing to/owing to the fact that

    It is believed that...

    It cannot be argued that...

Try not to repeat the same words. It will be great if you can enrich the synonymic series. Even if sentences are similar in structure, use synonyms. For example, to contrast: but, however, on the other hand, yet; for examples: for example, that is; for additions: similarly, moreover, furthermore, in addition; for enums: then, after that, ultimately; in conclusion: therefore, consequently, as a result, thus.

And remember - pure and concise speech is always preferable to ornate and complex, in which you yourself are confused. First, think and structure in order to understand exactly how to write an essay in English. Then on paper the text will turn out to be collapsible and without errors. Good luck on your exam!

Are you having an exam soon? Then you are probably interested in learning how to write an essay in English perfectly. We will tell you about the types and correct structure of essays, give you tips that will teach you how to write such works in English quickly and correctly.

What is an essay in English? This is a short essay with a specific structure in which you talk about a specific topic and express your point of view on a given topic.

Essay structure in English

How many words should be in an essay in English? Each exam has an optimal amount of written work. Typically, the assignment involves writing an essay between 180 and 320 words, depending on the exam. If you are going to take an English test, we recommend that you clarify in advance the required amount of written work and practice writing a text of the appropriate length.

The structure of an essay in English is universal for all exams. Written work consists of the following parts:

  1. Title - the title of the essay, reflecting the theme of the story.
  2. Introduction - 2-4 short sentences that reveal the topic of the essay.
  3. The main part is 2-3 paragraphs describing the essence of the essay. In them, you need to fully and competently reveal the topic, bring arguments and argue them.
  4. Conclusion - 2-4 sentences summing up what has been written. In this part, you make a general conclusion on the topic of the essay.

Each of the paragraphs in the body of the essay begins with an introductory sentence (Topic Sentence), this is the “introduction” to the paragraph. The following sentences develop and confirm the idea expressed in Topic Sentence.

To learn how to write an essay strictly according to plan and clearly structure your thoughts, use or. On this resource, you can plan the perfect essay, guided by a simple instruction. Practice writing papers according to such a plan, and it will be easier for you to write a good reasoned essay during the exam.

Types of essays in English and their features

The type of English essay you need to write depends on the given topic and is sometimes indicated in the assignment. According to an authoritative source - the book Successful Writing by Virginia Evans - it is customary to distinguish three main types of essays:

1. For and against. For and against essays

The name speaks for itself: you give arguments for and against some phenomenon. The outline of the essay in English is as follows:

  • Introduction. In it, you bring the reader to the topic of discussion.
  • Main part. You give arguments "for" and "against" some action or phenomenon. In this case, you do not need to express your point of view, stick to neutrality.
  • Conclusion. Only here you express your attitude to the topic and draw a conclusion.

An example of such an essay(all examples taken from Successful Writing by Virginia Evans, Intermediate level):

2. Essay-opinion. Opinion essays

You express your thoughts on a given topic. It would seem that any essay is an expression of one's own thoughts. What is the point of this type of essay? In Opinion Essays, you need to not only reflect your point of view, but also look at the proposed topic from different angles. Consider all aspects of the issue, write your opinion and be sure to support it with confident arguments.

Essay-opinion plan in English:

  • Introduction. You indicate the topic of discussion.
  • Main part. You express your opinion and confidently argue it. Here it is also desirable to consider an opinion opposite to yours, and explain to the reader why you do not share this point of view.
  • Conclusion. You sum up, finally formulating your point of view on the proposed topic.

An example of such an essay:

3. Offer a solution to the problem. Suggesting solutions to problem essays

In this type of writing, you will be asked to consider a global issue or issues. Your job is to suggest solutions.

The plan for this type of essay is as follows:

  • Introduction. You specify the problem and its causes or consequences.
  • Main part. You suggest ways to solve problems and the possible consequences of such actions. Explain clearly why certain actions should be taken and what this entails.
  • Conclusion. Summarize your reasoning.

An example of such an essay:

Rules for writing a great essay in English

Before writing an essay in English, read some rules for writing it. These simple guidelines will help you succeed in writing.

1. Stick to essay structure

Once you have received the assignment, determine the type of essay and the plan according to which you will write it. After that, go straight to the points: heading - introduction - several paragraphs of the main body - conclusion. Be sure to follow this strict essay structure, otherwise your work will not be highly appreciated.

2. Use a draft

Since there is little time for writing an essay in English, a draft should be used wisely. If time is running out, we advise immediately after receiving the assignment and getting to know the topic, sketch out your thoughts and arguments for them in the form of short theses. This will allow you to not forget important thoughts while writing a clean copy.

3. Prepare for any topic

An essay in English shows not only your level of knowledge of the language, but also erudition. Therefore, before preparing for the exam, read texts on various topics. This will help you broaden your horizons and memorize new words, phrases and clichés that you can use in your writing on the exam.

4. Leave time for review

Allocate time so that at the end of the exam you have at least 5 minutes left to check your essay. As a rule, the mark is not reduced for careful corrections, so this is a real chance to "save" your work by correcting the errors found.

5. Determine the right style

6. Be concise

An essay in English is a short written work. Some students think that the principle “the more the better” works and write huge opuses. Alas, the examiners will not only not increase, but will also lower your grade for not meeting the required volume.

7. Argue your arguments

Each written thought should not sound unfounded. Support it with arguments, a vivid example, statistics, etc. Your written work should show the reviewer that you know what you are writing about and are sure that you are right.

8. Use link words

Introductory words for an essay are important links that connect sentences together, forming a logical chain of your thoughts. They will help to combine sentences or show contrast, indicate the sequence of actions, etc. We recommend that you study such useful constructions in the article "Linking words in English".

9. Use a variety of vocabulary and grammar

Avoid repetition of words, use synonyms and complex grammatical constructions - show the examiner that you speak English at a high level. Instead of the boring good, use, depending on the context, remarkable, gorgeous, fascinating. Use complex constructions and different tenses to express your thoughts. A text in which all sentences are written in Present Simple will receive a low mark.

10. State your thoughts correctly

An essay is a written expression of your thoughts on a particular topic. And here it is important not to forget about elementary delicacy. If possible, do not touch on politics, religion and other "slippery" topics. If the task involves consideration of some “painful” topic, state your point of view tolerantly and politely. In this case, it is better to keep a formal tone and avoid a violent display of emotions.

11. Write softly

Although you should write your thoughts on this issue, however, try not to use structures like this often: "I am sure that ...", "I know that ...", etc. Write softer, for example , “It seems to me ...”, “In my opinion ...” - this will sound more formal and correct in relation to the opinions of other people.

For those who want to learn how to write better, we recommend watching the following video:

Now you know how to write an essay in English perfectly well. In order for this theoretical knowledge to bring you practical benefits in the form of a high mark on the exam, actively use it. Practice writing essays on different topics - this will be the best preparation for the exam.

And if you need to quickly and efficiently prepare for an English exam and get a high mark on it, we suggest enrolling in English at our school.