Why does the sun shine during the day and the stars at night. Consolidation of new knowledge

Sections: Elementary School , Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

Presentation for the lesson

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Attention! The slide preview is for informational purposes only and may not represent the full extent of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Lesson Objectives:

  • form an idea of ​​the stars;
  • develop ideas about the shape, size, color of objects;
  • cultivate the ability to work in a team.

Equipment: textbook "The world around" grade 1 author A.A. Pleshakov, workbook, projector, presentation, plasticine.


1. Organizational stage

2. Motivation for learning activities

- Guys, today the Ant came to say thank you. You have answered many of his questions, But he cannot guess the riddle. And having guessed the riddle, we will find out the topic of our lesson.
(2 slide)


The grain crumbled by night,
Looked in the morning - there is nothing.
What is it? (Stars)

– Today we will look for the answer to the question “Why does the Sun shine during the day, and the stars at night?” And for this we will go on a space journey.

Children stand up and say the words:

"Fast rockets are waiting for us
To distant planets
which one we want
Let's fly to this
Stars, wait for us to visit. (3 slide)

"One two Three
Sit down carefully
So that the devices do not hurt.
Take a chair
Fasten your seatbelts."

3. Updating knowledge

- We fly in outer space and see a lot of luminous dots. (4 slide)
- What is it? (These are the stars)
- What are the stars?

The children make their guesses.

4. Presentation of new material

(5 slide)
Stars are huge flaming balls. They are far from the Earth and therefore appear small. They flicker in different colors: red, white, yellow, blue.
(6 slide)
White and blue stars are very hot. Yellow stars are colder than white ones, red ones are colder than yellow ones. Stars have different sizes.
Why do the stars shine at night and the sun during the day?
- What do you guys think?
(children's answers)

5. Simulation of stars

(7 slide)
– Now we will create models of stars. What is the biggest star? (Aldebaran)
- And the smallest one? (The sun)

Which star is colder? (Aldebaran)
What stars are very hot? (Regulus and Sirius)
Why do stars seem small?

Conclusion. The sun is a star, a yellow dwarf.

6. Physical education

7. Consolidation of new knowledge

(9 slide)
The sun is the star that we see during the day.
- Why do we see the Sun, but do not see such a large star Aldebaran? (This is the closest star to Earth)
The sun is a huge fireball. The temperature on the surface of the Sun is 20 million degrees. The Sun is 109 times larger than the Earth.
If we imagine that the ball is the Sun, then the pea is our Earth. The sun creates a day for us, its rays reach the surface of the Earth, warm it, illuminate it. Without the Sun, there would be no life on Earth. As long as the sun shines, the radiance of other stars is not visible.

8. Physical education

9. Work on page 89 of the textbook

Stars, stars, from a long time ago
you chained forever
Man's greedy gaze.

People have been watching the stars for a long time. They used to be called astrologers, but now scientists are astronomers. (10 slide)
People, watching the stars, noticed that they form different shapes: birds, animals, people. These figures were called constellations and gave them names.


From which bucket
Don't drink, don't eat
And they just look at him. (Constellation Ursa Major)

Not far from this constellation, people have discovered another constellation of Leo. It consists of 70 stars.

10. Summary of the lesson

We returned from the flight
And they landed on the ground.

Questions. (12 slide)

11. Reflection

There are two suns on the board: cheerful and sad.

- Guys, if you worked actively in the lesson and learned something new about the stars, then add a ray to the cheerful sun, and if you were bored in the lesson and you didn’t learn anything new, then add a ray to the sad sun.

Lesson on the course "The world around us." 1 class. Textbook by A.A. Pleshakov.

Subject Why does the sun shine during the day and the stars at night?

Target: Form an idea of ​​​​the stars, the Sun;

Develop mental operations, creativity, speech of students;

Cultivate aesthetic feelings.

Equipment: textbook, individual cards, slides on the screen, notes on the board,

During the classes.

Ι. Organizing time.

Good morning! I wish you good mood.

ΙΙ. Repetition of the past.

In the lesson we will learn a lot of interesting things, and guess what. Let's play the game "The Fourth Extra". There will be 4 words on the screen, select “extra” from them. From the first letters of the "extra" words, we will collect another word.

Begin! 1) hare, cow, horse, pig. Extra word hare, because. This is a wild animal, and the rest are domesticated. So let's take Z.

2) May, January, Tuesday, September. The extra word Tuesday is the day of the week, and the rest are the names of the months. Let's take the letter B.

3) birch, spruce, maple, oak. The extra word spruce is a coniferous tree. Let's take the letter E.

4) zebra, penguin, walrus, bear. Superfluous - zebra, lives in warm countries. Letter Z.

5) elephant, ostrich, rhinoceros, dinosaur. Superfluous - a dinosaur, this is an extinct animal.

6) dad, brother, astronomer, sister. Superfluous - astronomer - this is the name of the profession.

What does an astronomer do? (studies the stars)

What word came out? (star)

Guess the riddle: Blue handkerchief,

scarlet tangle

Riding on a scarf

Smiling at people. (sun)

ΙΙΙ. Setting the goal of the lesson.

So, we will talk about the Sun and the stars. What do you want to know about them?

Ant Question has prepared a question for us - read it (on the board). We read in chorus.

How would you respond to it?

To learn more about the Sun and stars, let's fly to them?! We begin preparations for the launch of the spacecraft. I give a command, and you repeat it with the word "yes!". We got up.

Get ready for space flight!

Got ready!

Connect contacts!

There are connect contacts!

Start the motors!

Got to start the engines!

5 4 3 2 1 Start!

(Slide "Solar system")

ΙV. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Now we are in the solar system. In its center is a hot ball - the Sun. A hot substance emits light. Light travels from the Sun to the Earth in 8 minutes. And by plane it would take 15 years to reach the Sun! 9 planets revolve around the Sun, one of them is our Earth. Which side the Earth turns to the Sun, there is day, and on the opposite side of the Earth - night.

Mark on the drawings in which part of the Earth it is day and in which it is night (slide). Sign the words "day" and "night" on the lines. And for some guys, I complicated the task: they still need to draw the Sun. Guess where it should be!

Check. Explain how you reasoned. Raise your hand, who performed without errors!

This means that the Sun does not just shine for us during the day, it creates the day for us. Could we live without the sun? Why? (The sun gives us light and heat. Neither plants nor animals can live without it)

Look at the screen. Why can't you see the stars during the day? (slide: the sun appears - the stars go out in the sky). Why do you think you can't see the stars during the day?

Let's read what the textbook says about it.

Answer the questions. What are stars? (huge flaming balls)

Why do they appear as small dots?

Why can't you see the stars during the day?

There are a lot of stars in the sky, and it is impossible to remember them all. People united separate groups of stars into constellations and gave them names.

Guess the riddle: From which bucket they don’t drink, they don’t eat,

Do they just look at him? (bucket of the constellation Ursa Major)

The ancient Greeks came up with a legend about this constellation, Marina will tell you about it.

“A long time ago there lived a king, he had a daughter, Callisto. She was very beautiful, more beautiful than the goddess Hera herself. And then Hera got angry and turned the beauty into an ugly bear. The son of Callisto Arcas did not know about this, and he almost shot the bear while hunting. But the almighty god Zeus saved her - grabbed her by the tail, pulled her into the sky and turned her into a constellation. The tail stretched out, and the star dipper turned out to be tailed.

Play catch-up with the stars, the stars from the constellation Ursa Major will blink one after another, and you follow them with your eyes.

Did you like the game?

Now assemble the Ursa Major bucket yourself: connect the stars on the card with lines - remember, the bucket has 7 bright stars.

Check if you did it right.

V. Checking the assimilation of new material.

Now back from space, let's land and check what you remember. There are sentences on the board, but there are not enough words. Runaway words on cards. You need to put them back. I read a sentence and you finish it.

Stars are huge flaming .... (balls)

During the day, the stars are not visible in the sky, because their light ... .. (invisible in the light of the Sun)

The stars seem to us as small dots, because they are .... (far) from us.

The closest star to Earth is .... (Sun)

VI. Reflection.

Can the sun be happy or sad? When?

Draw a happy sun on one leaf and a sad sun on the other.

Let's gather together our suns; attach a cheerful sun here if you were interested in the lesson, a sad one if you were bored.

What else would you like to learn in class?

VΙΙ. Homework.

Watch the sky, the stars, learn with the help of adults to find the constellation Ursa Major.

Thanks for good job.

Catherine Abdelnasir

Tasks; To form children's ideas about sun and stars. Develop a cognitive interest in space; as well as speech; thinking; imagination.

GCD educational activities

1. Game surprise moment.

Visiting children Astrologer and invites them on a journey in a spaceship. Astrologer says which one is closest to Earth star(The sun) .The sun is a circle or a ball?Earth is a ball. If the celestial bodies are similar to each other, then The sun is spherical.

How far do you think sun“If you go on foot, then you will not have enough life. If you go by car it will take 200 years; on a rocket a few months. And here solar the ray will fly quickly in 8 minutes. And he can tell how hot it is The sun.

And what would be without sun? Think? Offer pictures of a blooming planet Earth and a devastated one.

Astrologer. The sun doesn't just shine during the day;it creates the day for us. Only at night;when There is no sun;the stars are visible.

Mystery:Field not measured (sky)

Sheep not counted (stars)

And the shepherd is horned (month)

There are many stars in the sky. And with a telescope you can see only a small part stars.

2. Conversation "Why do they fly into space?".

Astrologer asks who was the first astronaut (Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin) photo display. Now astronauts live and work on space stations. They do scientific research. The results of observations are transmitted by radio and television to Earth. They give information about the weather; cyclones; minerals.

An exhibition was created for the Day of Cosmonautics.

A growing man is interested in literally everything. He asks questions about everything he sees. Why does the sun shine during the day and the stars at night? And so on and so forth. Answering seemingly simple questions is not always easy. sometimes there is a lack of special knowledge. And how to explain the complex in a simple way? Not everyone can do this.

What is a star?

Without this concept, it is impossible to clearly explain why the sun shines during the day, and the stars at night. Often, the stars appear to babies as small dots in the sky, which they compare to small light bulbs or flashlights. If we draw an analogy, then they can be compared with huge searchlights. Because the stars are unimaginably huge, incredibly hot and located at such a distance from us that they seem to be crumbs.

What is the sun?

First you need to say that the Sun is a name, like a name. And this name is the closest star to our planet. But why isn't she a dot? And because of what the sun shines during the day, and the stars at night, if they are the same?

The sun does not appear to be a dot because it is much closer than the others. Although it is also far from it. If you measure the distance in kilometers, then the number will be equal to 150 million. A car will cover such a distance in 200 years if it moves without stopping at a constant speed equal to 80 km/h. Because of the incredibly large distance, the sun seems small, although it is such that it could easily contain a million planets like Earth.

By the way, the sun is far from the largest and not very bright star in our sky. It is simply located in one place with our planet, and the rest are scattered far in space.

Why is the sun visible during the day?

First you need to remember: when does the day begin? The answer is simple: when the sun begins to shine from behind the horizon. Without his light, this is impossible. Therefore, answering the question of why the sun shines during the day, we can say that the day itself will not come if the sun does not rise. After all, as soon as it goes beyond the horizon, evening comes, and then night. By the way, it is worth mentioning that it is not the star that moves, but the planet. And the change of day to night occurs due to the fact that the planet Earth rotates around its fixed axis without stopping.

Why, then, are the stars not visible during the day, if, like the sun, they always shine? This is due to the fact that our planet has an atmosphere. They scatter in the air and overshadow the faint glow of the stars. After its setting, the scattering stops, and nothing blocks their dim light.

Why the moon?

So, the sun shines during the day, and the stars at night. The reasons for this are in the air layer surrounding the earth. But why is the moon sometimes visible, sometimes not? And when it is, it can take on different forms - from a thin crescent to a bright circle. What does it depend on?

It turns out that the moon itself does not glow. It works like a mirror that reflects the sun's rays to the ground. And observers can see only that part of the satellite that is illuminated. If we consider the whole cycle, then it begins with a very thin month, which resembles an inverted letter "C" or an arc from the letter "P". Within a week, it grows and becomes like a half circle. For the next week, it continues to increase and every day it approaches a full circle more and more. The next two weeks, the drawing decreases. And at the end of the month, the moon completely disappears from the night sky. More precisely, it is simply not visible, because only that part of it that turned away from the Earth is illuminated.

What do people see in space?

Astronauts in orbit are not interested in the question of why the sun shines during the day and the stars at night. And this is due to the fact that both are visible there at the same time. This fact is explained by the absence of air, which prevents the light from the stars from passing through the scattered rays of the sun. You can call them lucky, because they can immediately see the nearest star, and those that are far away.

By the way, night lights differ in color. And it is clearly visible even from the Earth. The main thing is to look closely. The hottest of them shine white and blue. Those stars that are colder than the previous ones are yellow. Our sun is one of them. And the coldest emit red light.

Continuation of the conversation about the stars

If the question of why the sun shines during the day and the stars at night arises in older children, then you can continue the conversation by remembering the constellations. They combine groups of stars that are in one place on the celestial sphere. That is, they seem to us located nearby. In fact, there can be a huge distance between them. If we could fly far from the solar system, we would not recognize the starry sky. Because the outlines of the constellations would change a lot.

In these groups of stars, the outlines of human figures, objects and animals were seen. In this regard, various names have appeared. Ursa Major and Minor, Orion, Cygnus, Southern Cross and many others. Today there are 88 constellations. Many of them are associated with myths and legends.

Because of the constellation, they change their position in the sky. And some are generally visible only in a certain season. There are constellations that cannot be seen in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere.

Over time, the constellations lost minor stars, and it became difficult to guess from their pattern how the name arose. The most famous constellation in the Northern Hemisphere - Ursa Major - has now turned into a "bucket". And modern children are tormented by the question: “Where is the bear here?”

Sections: Elementary School , Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

Presentation for the lesson

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Attention! The slide preview is for informational purposes only and may not represent the full extent of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Lesson Objectives:

  • form an idea of ​​the stars;
  • develop ideas about the shape, size, color of objects;
  • cultivate the ability to work in a team.

Equipment: textbook "The world around" grade 1 author A.A. Pleshakov, workbook, projector, presentation, plasticine.


1. Organizational stage

2. Motivation for learning activities

- Guys, today the Ant came to say thank you. You have answered many of his questions, But he cannot guess the riddle. And having guessed the riddle, we will find out the topic of our lesson.
(2 slide)


The grain crumbled by night,
Looked in the morning - there is nothing.
What is it? (Stars)

– Today we will look for the answer to the question “Why does the Sun shine during the day, and the stars at night?” And for this we will go on a space journey.

Children stand up and say the words:

"Fast rockets are waiting for us
To distant planets
which one we want
Let's fly to this
Stars, wait for us to visit. (3 slide)

"One two Three
Sit down carefully
So that the devices do not hurt.
Take a chair
Fasten your seatbelts."

3. Updating knowledge

- We fly in outer space and see a lot of luminous dots. (4 slide)
- What is it? (These are the stars)
- What are the stars?

The children make their guesses.

4. Presentation of new material

(5 slide)
Stars are huge flaming balls. They are far from the Earth and therefore appear small. They flicker in different colors: red, white, yellow, blue.
(6 slide)
White and blue stars are very hot. Yellow stars are colder than white ones, red ones are colder than yellow ones. Stars have different sizes.
Why do the stars shine at night and the sun during the day?
- What do you guys think?
(children's answers)

5. Simulation of stars

(7 slide)
– Now we will create models of stars. What is the biggest star? (Aldebaran)
- And the smallest one? (The sun)

Which star is colder? (Aldebaran)
What stars are very hot? (Regulus and Sirius)
Why do stars seem small?

Conclusion. The sun is a star, a yellow dwarf.

6. Physical education

7. Consolidation of new knowledge

(9 slide)
The sun is the star that we see during the day.
- Why do we see the Sun, but do not see such a large star Aldebaran? (This is the closest star to Earth)
The sun is a huge fireball. The temperature on the surface of the Sun is 20 million degrees. The Sun is 109 times larger than the Earth.
If we imagine that the ball is the Sun, then the pea is our Earth. The sun creates a day for us, its rays reach the surface of the Earth, warm it, illuminate it. Without the Sun, there would be no life on Earth. As long as the sun shines, the radiance of other stars is not visible.

8. Physical education

9. Work on page 89 of the textbook

Stars, stars, from a long time ago
you chained forever
Man's greedy gaze.

People have been watching the stars for a long time. They used to be called astrologers, but now scientists are astronomers. (10 slide)
People, watching the stars, noticed that they form different shapes: birds, animals, people. These figures were called constellations and gave them names.


From which bucket
Don't drink, don't eat
And they just look at him. (Constellation Ursa Major)

Not far from this constellation, people have discovered another constellation of Leo. It consists of 70 stars.

10. Summary of the lesson

We returned from the flight
And they landed on the ground.

Questions. (12 slide)

11. Reflection

There are two suns on the board: cheerful and sad.

- Guys, if you worked actively in the lesson and learned something new about the stars, then add a ray to the cheerful sun, and if you were bored in the lesson and you didn’t learn anything new, then add a ray to the sad sun.