Program for 5 years of preparation for school. How to prepare a child for school, and where can this be done? Mathematical representations, motor skills of the hand

The day when the child will go to first grade is getting closer - and the condition of his parents is getting more and more alarming. Can he handle the pressure? Will it quickly adjust to an unusual mode? Will it lag behind? In order for the transition from the “kindergarten” period to primary school to go smoothly, a child of 6–7 years old can be properly prepared. What does the teacher expect from yesterday's kindergartners?

... Ability to memorize and convey information

It is assumed that the future first-grader firmly knows his first name, patronymic and last name, home address, telephone number; names, patronymics and professions of parents. It is good if the child, without getting lost, answers in which country and in which city he lives, knows the names of 3-5 more cities and countries.

At the age of 6–7 years, a child, as a rule, knows how to navigate in time, knows the number of months in a year, days in a week and names them. A future first-grader is expected to be able to analyze, generalize, compare and classify objects and phenomena known to him, be able to distinguish domestic animals from wild ones, and vegetables from fruits, knowledge of primary colors is expected from a child; it’s good if a 6–7-year-old child knows how to compose a story from a picture, retell the content of small fragments, and be able to recite several poems by heart.

How to prepare. A child learns most of this information even before the age of 6-7 years. Especially if parents willingly talk to him, talk about professions, help him remember his home address and phone number, read books to him. Learning and remembering wild and domestic animals, fruits, vegetables will help developing tasks and games. The child will gain knowledge about cities and countries by traveling with their parents, getting acquainted with the globe in the game or watching educational children's TV shows. Even a simple walk with mom in the park can be an excellent preschool preparation that develops speech, memory and thinking.

… The ability to think

Successful study in elementary school is impossible without the ability to think. At the age of 6–7 years, the child is already expected to be able to cope with simple logical tasks: find an extra element in a group of 4–5 objects, combine objects according to a common feature (“round”, “edible”, “blue”), understand the sequence of events (leaves blossomed on the tree - then the tree blossomed - then the fruits appeared and ripened).

How to prepare. Best of all, information is remembered in the game. For example, prepare pictures with the seasons - have the child arrange them in the order in which the seasons succeed each other. Such a developmental task will teach you how to build logical chains. The game “find the extra element” can be played using not pictures, but toys (find something that cannot ride), animal figurines (find a wild animal among domestic animals). Paired pictures are very good for preschool preparation of a child, in which you need to find 5-10 differences.

It is important for a future first grader to be able to:

  • Distinguish between the concepts of "less", "more", "equal".
  • Count from 1 to 10 and vice versa.
  • Solve simple examples, for example, decreasing or increasing a single-digit number by 1 or 2.
  • Know the basic shapes - a square, a circle, an oval, a triangle - and make application pictures from them.
  • Understand how objects are related in width, height and length (this green pencil is shorter than the blue one, and that red stripe is wider than the yellow one).
  • Be able to divide an object into several parts.

How to prepare. Parents can, in the form of an educational game, teach the baby to find the missing number (what number is missing in a row of 3, 4 and 6?) Or divide simple-shaped objects into several parts, folding in half (into 2 parts) and again in half (into 4 parts) paper circles. In everyday activities, it is important to teach a child aged 6-7 years to compare objects by weight (which is heavier - an apple or a plum?), By shape; practice in naming the previous and subsequent numbers (name the neighbors of the number 5).

…Writing skills

For a successful start of the school “marathon”, it is important for a child to learn:

  • Draw different types of lines - straight, wavy, broken.
  • Outline drawings of complex shape.
  • Connect the dots with a line to form a drawing.
  • Draw half of a symmetrical object.
  • Gently shade or paint over the drawings without going beyond the contours.

How to prepare. Finger gymnastics, drawings by dots, modeling, working with mosaics will successfully prepare the hand of a future first grader for writing - everything that develops fine motor skills. Starting with the repetition of sticks, circles and hooks, a child of 6-7 years old already at school will gradually move on to writing letters - and more is not required of him at the initial stage of learning.

You can check the level of readiness of the child for elementary school on your own, with the help of simple and visual tests on our website.

We invite you to check such areas of child development as: spatial and mathematical representation, understanding of the world around, speech development and visual perception.


Knowledge and skills do not protect the child from the difficulties of an emotional and psychological nature. To avoid this, when preparing children of 6-7 years old for school, it is important to teach them to contact others - this process is called socialization. In addition to the skill of free communication with peers, it is important for a child of 6-7 years old to be able to listen to adults, conduct a dialogue with them, answer questions and ask them themselves.

How to prepare. It is advisable to walk more with the child on playgrounds, to encourage him to communicate with other children. It is very good to attend classes that are based on the communication of children with each other, on a common game or on a common creative work.

Instead of an afterword

The higher the readiness of the child, the easier it is to adapt to new school conditions for him. A good base in the form of educational games, classes with educators and parents will help you easily master the information, making the learning process exciting and interesting. And interest in learning is the main engine and an indispensable component of success for a student.

Preparing your child for school is the foundation for successful learning. It is important not only to give basic skills of writing, counting, reading, but also to ensure sufficient development of speech, to teach to communicate with peers and adults. The wider the horizons of a first-grader, the easier it is to declare oneself in a new team, to gain authority.

Modern realities are such that a poorly prepared child will always be a black sheep compared to more successful classmates. It is easier for children attending a kindergarten or a developmental center for preschoolers to adapt to new conditions and withstand the study load. Parents also need to know how to properly prepare their child for school at 6 years old in order to consolidate the knowledge gained at home.

What should a future first grader be able to do?

Check to see if your child's developmental level meets preschool requirements. Examine the list of requirements, think about whether your daughter or son is ready to cope with the proposed tasks. Give a negative point for each negative answer. The more "minuses", the wider the range of issues that need to be discussed with the preschooler.

The child must be ready for certain actions:

  • call all family members by name, introduce themselves, briefly talk about yourself and your hobbies;
  • be well versed in vowels, consonants, read simple texts, write in block letters;
  • know the differences between the seasons, explain what is now - summer or winter, know the days of the week, months;
  • navigate the day, distinguish between morning, lunch and evening;
  • know the rules of subtraction and addition;
  • name the basic geometric shapes: triangle, square, circle, draw them;
  • memorize a short text, retell it;
  • in a number of proposed items, find an extra one, explain why he excluded it.

There are other requirements as well. The prospective first grader must:

  • master basic self-care skills: without the help of adults, dress, undress, lace up shoes, keep the workplace clean;
  • know the rules of conduct in public places, respect others;
  • distinguish, correctly name the primary colors, preferably shades;
  • describe what is shown in the picture;
  • be able to count to 20, then back;
  • know the names of parts of the human body, be able to draw people with all the main "details";
  • correctly answer the questions: “Where?”, “Why?”, “When?”;
  • distinguish between inanimate/animate objects;
  • communicate with peers, defend your opinion, but do not beat those who disagree;
  • understand that you can not offend classmates and adults;
  • sit quietly in class for at least 15-20 minutes. Behave decently, do not be capricious, do not bully other students.

Important! It's hard to catch up during the summer months. You can not waste time for the recovery of children for many hours of classes. So you worsen the health of the nervous system, give too high a load on the growing body, discourage the desire to study. How to avoid overload? The solution is simple: start preparing for school from 3.5–4 years old. Little by little, at an acceptable pace, without pressure on the psyche, you will teach the baby everything you need.

Remember 5 important rules:

  • teachers and psychologists recommend conducting classes in a playful way. It is impossible to force, especially, to scream, beat the baby for refusing to study this or that material. The task of parents is to interest, to explain that an educated person will always earn respect among friends, peers and will be successful in life;
  • the duration of the mini-lesson is no more than 15 minutes. Between classes, a break of 15–20 minutes is required so that the children can warm up and run;
  • alternate math with reading, drawing with physical education, and so on. Prolonged mental stress adversely affects the growing body;
  • gradually increase the complexity of the material, do not rush with new tasks until the baby has thoroughly mastered the material covered;
  • use study guides with bright, large illustrations. Choose interesting texts that describe animals, birds, natural phenomena. Cultivate kindness, explain how important it is to help others. Offer good fairy tales and stories to study.

Math lessons

Classes for preparing for school in mathematics:

  • Start counting with familiar objects: small toys, sweets, vegetables and fruits. Later, switch to counting sticks, special cards. Use only whole numbers at first;
  • a great option is to study numbers in pairs, for example 1 and 2, 5 and 6. This makes it easier for the child to understand that 5 apples + 1 = 6 apples. Study one pair for a whole lesson, at the beginning of the next, repeat the material covered for 5–10 minutes, then move on to a new pair;
  • experienced teachers recommend studying geometry also in a playful way. Show a circle, a triangle and a square using the cookie as an example. It is easy to find confectionery of any shape in the store;
  • did the little student remember the names and shapes of the main figures? Learn to draw them with a ruler (triangle) and a pencil;
  • the maximum benefit will come from alternating counting, solving examples and studying geometry.

Writing lessons

  • train your hand: babies are not adapted for long writing;
  • Great help is provided by classes on the development of fine motor skills. Useful exercises with improvised objects (pasta, beans, soft dough, shoelaces, start at 2-3 years old);
  • learn to use comfortable scissors with non-sharp, rounded edges. Cutting out the figure along the contour prepares the hand for writing;
  • first, learn to write in block letters, only after memorizing the entire alphabet, go to capital letters;
  • explain to the baby that you need to write carefully, do not go beyond the stripes / cells. Buy a comfortable pen, tell me how to hold it;
  • learn finger gymnastics, do exercises with your child. Speak together: “We wrote, we wrote, our fingers are tired. And now we will rest and start writing again.
  • choose a writing notebook that meets the requirements of the modern school. In specialized stores there are many useful benefits.

Reading lessons

  • these activities come first. The sooner a small student masters reading, the easier it will be for him to study other subjects;
  • learn the letters alphabetically. Draw a big letter, mold it from plasticine, tell us what the symbol looks like. For example, O - glasses, D - house, F - beetle. Show the letter if it is obtained with the help of fingers, arms, legs, torso;
  • read a short text, put the story in front of the baby, ask them to find the letter that they just learned, for example, A;
  • ask what the text is about, be sure to ask a few questions about what you read;
  • later ask to retell;
  • after the lesson, rest is required, then switching to another type of activity.

How to wash a boy? Read helpful tips for parents.

The rules of nutrition and the menu for diabetes in a child are described on the page.

At the address and read about the diagnosis of pulpitis of milk teeth and the methods of its treatment.

Creative tasks

  • learn to use paints, brushes, felt-tip pens;
  • let the young student hatch the space inside the outlined area. Suitable material - coloring pages with large and small details;
  • combine drawing, modeling, applications with the study of geometric shapes. For example: a house is a square, a watermelon is a circle, a roof is a triangle;
  • offer to blind letters, numbers, so that they are better remembered.

Psychological readiness of the child for school

Consider the opinion of psychologists and educators. Experts believe that it is easier for first-graders to join the team, to accept new rules, prohibitions, routines, if certain skills are developed.

Teachers and psychologists have compiled a list of requirements, according to which a child at the age of 6 is ready to attend school:

  • wants to learn, has a craving for knowledge;
  • is able to compare various objects, concepts, draws conclusions based on analysis;
  • understands why children go to school, has the skills of social behavior, is aware of his own "I";
  • at least briefly keeps attention on the subject that is studying;
  • tries to overcome difficulties, brings the matter to the end.

How to psychologically prepare children for school: tips for parents:

  • talk with the baby, read, communicate;
  • after reading, discuss the text, ask questions. Ask the child's opinion, encourage him to analyze the situations described in a fairy tale, poem or story;
  • play “School” with your son or daughter, change roles “teacher - student”. Lessons - no longer than 15 minutes, pauses, physical education minutes are required. Praise the little student, give advice in the correct form;
  • Show by personal example how to overcome difficulties. Do not allow to leave the case halfway, tell me, advise, but do not finish (finish, finish writing) for the child. Finish the job together, but not instead of the child;
  • Avoid being overprotective. You can’t get used to treating your son or daughter like a little one, don’t you let them act on their own? Think about whether it will be comfortable for a little clumsy child in a children's team if he alone cannot quickly get dressed or tie his shoelaces. To avoid ridicule, offensive nicknames will help the recognition of the child's right to independence. Encourage the desire for independence, teach how to dress, undress, eat properly, cope with laces and buttons;
  • teach to communicate with peers, visit more often, organize games in the yard, if the children do not always find a common language, also participate in games, suggest how to play and not quarrel. Never laugh at your son or daughter in front of children (eye to eye too): low self-esteem is the cause of many troubles, self-doubt;
  • create positive motivation, explain why you need to study. Tell us how many new and interesting things the children will learn in the lessons;
  • explain what discipline is, why silence is needed in the classroom during the explanations of new material. Teach to ask questions, if something is not clear, say that the teacher cannot ask everyone how the material was learned. Students should also think about themselves and the maximum acquisition of knowledge;
  • tell me that you need to defend your interests without shouting and fists, by civilized methods. Teach self-respect, explain why you should not show excessive timidity or aggressiveness. Simulate several situations that often arise at school when communicating with peers, think about the way out. Listen to the opinion of the child, offer your own version if the son or daughter does not know what to do. Be attentive to the interests of the child, teach the rules of communication, encourage good deeds and deeds.

When preparing a child for school, take into account the advice of psychologists and teachers, show interest, inspire a small student. From an early age, develop a craving for knowledge, communicate, study the world around you. It is always easier for a well-prepared first-grader to master the school curriculum than for a child with a lack of elementary skills and limited horizons.

More useful tips for parents of future first graders in the following video:

The beginning of schooling is a serious test for the child and parents. Instead of active pastime, you have to sit at your desk for half a day, and your favorite games are replaced by studies. It is important that the child, even before the start of classes, understands that studying is interesting. Lessons for him should be real study, not jail time. Otherwise, the first trip to school will cause hatred for the remaining 11 years.

Club "Childhood" offers to attend first grade preparation courses for children from 4 to 7 years old. We carefully and with care will prepare preschoolers for such an important period in their lives.

Classes for preschoolers are conducted taking into account the age-related characteristics of the psyche and physiology of children. Our experienced teachers Lavrichenko Valentina and Zhurova Oksana work according to different methods, such as reading Zaitsev's cubes, mathematics according to Pyatibratova and Peterson, the method of Sofya Timofeeva.

Trust the club "Childhood"

Preparatory classes for children from 4 years old

Masaru Ibuka, a Japanese educator and early development innovator, believes that the younger a child is, the better they learn. He easily remembers what adults have been learning for years.

At the age of four, children absorb knowledge like a sponge. This age is considered the most suitable for starting preparation for the first grade.

What are we doing:

  • we develop speech: we expand vocabulary, build phrases, form sentences and statements, develop articulation;
  • we count up to 20 at 4 years old and up to 100 at 5-6 years old, we go through geometric shapes, learn orientation in space and the ratio of objects, solve problems;
  • learning to read;
  • we develop fine motor skills through creativity - we draw, sculpt, make applications from paper and cereals, plasticine, etc .;
  • psychologically prepare - we work on logical thinking, attention, conduct games for socialization;
  • together we immerse ourselves in the educational process - we form an interest in research.

Academic disciplines of the course:






(development of fine motor skills)

How are lessons for preschoolers from 4 years old

Taking into account the level of development, we also divide into groups. The training block lasts 10-15 minutes and takes place in the form of a game. Then - a change of activity, for example, an active educational game or a physical education session.

Preparation for the first class in express mode

The course is designed for children 7 years old who are preparing to go to school in the near future. In 3 months we will give the students the necessary knowledge and prepare them for the future adaptation of a complex school curriculum. Preparatory classes for school meet state standards.

What we do in class:

  • read, write and count;
  • we teach to understand tasks - when a child understands what a task requires of him, he copes with difficulties many times easier and faster;
  • working with a notebook
  • develop creative abilities;
  • we develop memory, attention and logical thinking.

The course contains the following disciplines:

  • Reading (the most important thing for a future first grader)
  • Maths
  • Logics
  • The world
  • Diploma
  • Writing (development of fine motor skills)

The number of classes - 2 times a week. Duration - 2 academic hours.

How are the classes

Children are divided into groups of six people. In the company, even the most shy child quickly gets used to society and communicates better with peers.

The teacher sets up the learning process so that the preschooler learns everything himself and gets the joy of discoveries. We prepare for school, but we do not cram and do not memorize. We teach independence and give a base that will help you enter any school.

We conduct classes at a convenient time - in the evening, when you took the child from the garden.

Additionally, we can work in depth on a separate discipline or individually.

Modern schools, when a child enters the first grade, conduct testing .

Testing in a comprehensive secondary school is carried out in order to identify the level of development of the mental abilities of a future first-grader. Also, a school psychologist conducts a conversation with the child, who determines the psychological readiness of the child for school.

To get an objective picture, it is better if one of the parents is present next to the child. This is important because a loved one who is nearby will help the child cope with emotional experiences in a new unfamiliar environment with strangers. The school does not have the right to refuse parents to attend testing.

So, what questions of the task can be on the school testing of the future first grader?

Tasks that determine the level of knowledge about the surrounding world.

1. Give your name, surname, patronymic.
2. How old are you?
3. What date is your birthday?
4. What is the name of your mother (your father, grandfather, grandmother)? (not Aunt Masha, but Maria Ivanovna Ivanova).
5. What city do you live in?
6. What is your home address?
7. Do you have pets at home?
8. What animals do you know?
9. Which of them are called homemade?
10. What birds, insects, fish, etc. do you know?
11. Name what plants you know.
12. What seasons do you know?
13. Guess the season from the description.

Snow is melting. Every day it gets warmer.
Buds appear on the trees, and then young green leaves, birds arrive.
Bears and hedgehogs wake up.

It is very cold outside. Snowing.
There are no leaves on the trees.
All insects are gone.
People are wearing warm clothes. Children are sledding.

It's very hot outside.
The trees have green leaves.
The sun shines brightly. Many flowers grow.
A lot of fruits and vegetables ripen.

The leaves on the trees turn yellow and gradually fall off.
It's getting colder every day.
It often rains heavily. Birds fly to warmer climes.

14. Name the winter months, spring, autumn, summer.
15. How many days in a week?
16. What colors do you know?
17. Name the types of transport.
18. What about furniture?
19. Finish the sentences:

Doll, ball, clockwork machine, cubes are ...
- pen, notebook, pencil, eraser - this is ...
- cabbage, potatoes, carrots, turnips - this is ...
-apricot, cherry, banana, pineapple, peach, pear - this is ...
- linden, acacia, poplar, maple - this is ...
- TV, vacuum cleaner, iron, table lamp is ...

20. Tell us about your family (favorite toy, any cat or dog).

Tasks that determine the level of knowledge in subjects.

1. Draw five different shapes.
2. Fill in 4 circles. Color the triangles 1 less than the circles. Color in as many squares as there are triangles.

3. There are 3 tulips and 2 roses in a vase. How many flowers are in the vase?
Underline the correct number.1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4. Petya had 5 sweets. He ate 1 candy. How many sweets does Petya have left?

5. 6 ears stick out from behind the bush. How many bunnies are behind the bush?
Underline the correct number. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6. Fill in as many circles as there are sounds in a word:

7. Cross out the extra word:
8. Cross out those figures that you remember. (Previously, on a large sheet, the child looks at and remembers 7 figures for a minute. On an individual sheet, he is offered 12 figures, of which four are extra.)

9. Underline transport with a green pencil, and tools with red.

10. Graphic dictation. (Performed on a space lined in a box.)

The task is performed from the point. 2 cells to the right, 1 cell down,

3 cells to the right, 1 cell up,
1 cell to the left, 1 cell up,
3 cells to the right, 1 cell down,
1 cell to the left, 1 cell down,
3 right, 1 up, 1 left, 1 up, 2 right.

The test items are read by the teacher repeating them 2 times.

It is preferable to print all tasks on a separate sheet for the child.

The teacher helps to navigate if the child cannot find the task.

11. Copy the points to the bottom field.

12. Draw a red triangle to the left of the circle and a blue square to the right of the circle.


Goals: 1.Develop visual perception, attention, logical thinking

2. Learn orientation on paper.

3. Foster friendship and camaraderie.

Lesson progress:

  1. Greetings.

Game "Let's meet"

The game is played in a circle. Each participant calls himself by name and takes from the teacher any colored strip (made of paper) he likes, on which an adult writes down the name of the child and puts a name bracelet on his hand using a stapler. The rest of the children in chorus pronounce the name of the participant who became the owner of the bracelet. After each of the children receives a name bracelet, the teacher invites the children to take a ride on the train.
Game "Train"

Children depict wagons, the leader is a steam locomotive. The locomotive moves rhythmically, with a song, stopping at each station - at the cars, collecting children on the train. The train travels at a different pace with rhythmic movements and pronunciation of the sounds “choo-choo”, “tu-tu-tu”: quieter - slower; louder - faster. Every last child on the train during a stop asks, addressing the child near whom they stopped: “What is the name of the station? » He answers (says his name), and he is invited to board the train. All together they give a whistle for departure: "Tu-u-u." At the same time, the movement is performed with the arm bent at the elbow, from top to bottom.

2. Landing rules

Let's remember the landing rules.

1. If you want to answer, do not make noise ...

2. You sit at your desk harmoniously ...

3. Desk is not a bed ...

4. Don't talk in class...

  1. Comic test for first graders(the facilitator reads quatrains, first graders pronounce "and I" where appropriate.

All homework
I will strictly follow.
To the lesson without delay
I will run in the morning.

I won't forget my pen at home
Both notebook and pencil.
And I forgot - I will roar
For the whole class, for the whole floor.

I promise in class
Don't make noise or talk.
If I don't know the answer
I will raise my hand.

And during the change
I promise not to make noise
Don't knock down people and walls
Don't push like a bear.

I'll be smart, I'll be brave
I will play football.
So I'll be here and there
Shoot the ball into the windows.

I will be smart and funny
Do good deeds
So that my native school
As a native, accepted.

4.Game for training thinking and ingenuity "How can this be used?"

Offer the child a game - find as many options for using any item as possible. For example, you name the word "pencil", and the child comes up with how to use it - write, draw, use it as a stick, pointer, thermometer for a doll, fishing rod, etc.

5. Physical education minute. (Children stand in a circle. The teacher is in the center. He throws the ball to the children and calls the adult animal, the children, returning the ball - the cub).

Horse - ... (foal).

Sheep - ... (lamb).

Chicken - ... (chicken).








6. Work in a notebook.

Exercise 1 . Work in a notebook.Draw an oval in your notebook. Draw it to a fish. Coloring:

Tail - red

Fins - orange

Head - brown

Torso - yellow

We have a magical fish.

Task 2. Graphic dictation in a notebook.

1 cell down, 1-left, 1-down, 1-left, 3-down, 2-right, 4-down, 1-right, 4-up, 2-right, 3-up, 1-left, 1- up, 1-left, 1-up, 1-left. (It turns out a drawing of a slope).

Let's draw 2 eyes. What does it remind? (electric ray)

Task 3 . “There is an oak in the field, there are 4 branches on the oak. Each branch has 2 large sweet plums. How many plums can you collect? (Plums do not grow on oak).

Task 4. Work in a notebook.

Despite the fact that you do not know how to write many, now you will write down a few words, but not in letters, but in circles: how many letters are in a word, so many circles will you draw. Let's try to write down the first word together: cancer - oh oh oh. (He, house, grass, winter)

Task 5. How are the words similar?

Grass and frog (color-green)

Frog and hare (jumping)

Pepper and mustard (bitter seasoning)

Vacuum cleaner and mop (devices for cleaning the room)

Cat, book, roof (k, a, 5 letters)

Task 7

- The teacher pronounces the words, and the guys count how many syllables they have, and clap their hands for each syllable (ma-shi-na, wa-za, horse, mu-ka, po-le ...)

Words are written on the board (those who can read, count syllables):

Pencil doll album pencil case drawing pen

The game "Who is attentive"

1. Find the same sound in words: rose, dragonfly, mouth, lynx (r)

2. What sound do words begin with? Chair, sleigh, dog, magpie, cheese, currant (s)

3. Clap your hands if you hear Yu in the words: Apple, tree, Edik, Elena, Yura, humor, street, pit.

Task 8 . Draw the figure of a person (himself)

Task 9 . Copy a short phrase (He ate soup.) Printed, then written letters (from the board).


Who liked our activity?

Lesson 2. Dr. Aibolit is in a hurry to visit us
1. Development of graphic skills (hatching, coloring).
2. Development of phonetic hearing (the ability to hear and distinguish sounds).
3. Development of syllabic reading skills (reading a poem).
4. Consolidation of knowledge about vowel sounds.
5. Development of logical thinking.
6. Consolidation of knowledge about geometric shapes.
7. Consolidation of knowledge about the number 3 and correlation of many objects with the corresponding figure.

Lesson progress

1) Beware of any disease:
Influenza, tonsillitis, diphtheria.
Calls you all to fight
Nice doctor... (Aibolit)

2) Aibolit came to visit us today. And who is this? (Options for children. You can optionally read a short excerpt from Chukovsky's fairy tale "Aibolit".)
Aibolit asks to help him: listen and name those animals whose names contain the sound [a].
Wolf, bunny, bear, chicken, hedgehog, raccoon, mole, butterfly, cat.
And which of the listed animals came to be treated by Aibolit?

3) Shade the letters.

Write capital letters. (Help the child - write the first letters together, holding his hand in yours.)

4) What is the sound of the letter A? What other vowel sounds are there? How are vowel sounds pronounced? Let's sing a vowel song. (All vowels are sung in one breath) A O U Y I E (iotized vowels do not need to use i e e yu yet).

5) Cross out the excess: A a u and o .

6) Aibolit in a fairy tale flew to Africa on such a plane.

What figures does the miracle plane consist of? Count how many triangles, circles, rectangles in the plane. (You can invite the child to draw his own plane from the figures. When using this task, you can add
riddles about geometric shapes ).

7) How many circles were there in the airplane?
Color every third circle around the caterpillar with your favorite color.

8) Connect each group with the correct number.

9) Name each item. In what group can these items be collected? What item will be redundant? Why?

Dr. Aibolit advises everyone to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Then you will be healthy and strong.
To keep health
Strengthen your body
Need to eat
Vegetables and fruits,
Here is healthy food
Full of vitamins!
(It is better to read this poem with the child (line by line: one - you, one - he), and learn by heart).

10) Dr. Aibolit liked it very much with us. He asks to paint his portrait beautifully and neatly.

(phocagallery view=category|categoryid=21|imageid=143|detail=4)

Lesson 3. Hello spring!
1. Consolidation of knowledge about the signs of spring.
2. Development of phonetic hearing.
3. Development of graphic writing skills.
4. Development of the skill of syllabic reading.
5. Strengthening the skill of correlating many objects with a specific number.
6. Consolidation of knowledge about a number of natural numbers (up to 10).
7. Development of logical thinking.

1) Signs of spring.
The lesson begins with a magic letter for the child.

Talk about the signs of spring.
Questions can be used:
How does the weather change in spring?
When is it warmer in spring or winter?
What happens to plants in spring?
-What appears on the trees?
What appears on the ground when the snow melts?
-What happens in the life of birds?
-Choose a picture that depicts spring. Describer her. What season is in the rest of the pictures? (Can be used
puzzles about seasons)

Say the opposite :

Let's play together :
If the kidneys swell, then this ...
If you put on a fur coat and boots, then this is ...
If they collect cherries, then this is ...
-Give the name of the seasons, connect with the pictures on the right.

2) Work on the development of phonetic hearing.
What appears on the trees in spring?
-Find an extra word (you can read and the child will try to determine by ear).

Designate sounds in an extra word (sounds are indicated by dots of three colors under each letter.

Help for parents.
Soft consonant sounds are indicated in green. Consonant vowels make soft: I, E, E, Yu, I, b. Always soft are: Y, Ch, Sch. In other cases, the consonants are solid.
Solid consonant sounds are indicated in blue.
All vowels (A, O, U, I, E, S) and iotated vowels are indicated in red if they come after a consonant (E, E, I, Yu).

3) Counting items.
-Guess a riddle.(Choose any of the suggestions. The answer is a bird.)
Who will be born twice:
Smooth for the first time
The second time soft?
no hands,
And he knows how to build.
-Find the extra bird.

Why is she redundant? What other poultry do you know?
Count how many birds are in each group and write down the answer.

4) A series of natural numbers.
-What do birds eat?
In front of you are grains scattered for birds.
Write in the missing numbers.

5) Development of logical thinking.
Answer quickly without thinking.

Any child knows for sure
Who flies through the air.
Please answer quickly:
Who flies and who doesn't?
Is the plane flying? - ...
Flies-flies sandwich? - ...
Is the fox flying? - ...
Is the tit flying, flying? - ...
Is the grass flying? - ...
Is the owl flying? - ...
Does a bird fly? - ...
Is the pigtail flying, flying? - ...
Is the scythe flying, flying? - ...
Is the wasp flying? - ...
Is the crow flying? - ...
Is the crown flying, flying? - ...
Is a bee flying? - ...
Arrow flies, flies? - ...
Is dad flying, flying? - ...
Does the hat fly? - ...
(According to O.V. Dzheleley)

6) The birds really liked how you completed all the tasks. They say goodbye to you and will soon arrive.
You can invite your child to color pictures of birds.

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Lesson 4. Trees.
1. Consolidation of knowledge about trees, about the connection between the life of trees and animals.
2. Development of phonetic hearing (sound analysis of words).
4. Development of logical thinking.
5. Development of graphic skill.
6. Consolidation of knowledge about the correlation of numbers and groups of objects.
7. Consolidation of skills to make examples from the picture.

1. Guess riddles, write a riddle, connect with the corresponding picture. (You can use otherriddles about trees .)

sticky buds,
green leaves,
With white bark
It is under the mountain.
. . . . . . (Birch)

It is covered with dark bark,
The leaf is beautifully cut.
And at the ends of the branches
Lots and lots of acorns.
. . . (oak)

What kind of tree is
There is no wind, but the leaf is trembling?
. . . . . (aspen)

I have longer needles than a Christmas tree.
Very straight I grow in height.
If I'm not at the edge,
Branches - only at the top.
. . . . . (pine)

Every year on it with hunting
Helicopters are growing.
It is a pity that every helicopter
For just one flight.
. . . . (maple)

Curls dropped into the river
And she was sad about something.
What is she sad about?
Doesn't tell anyone.
. . . (willow)

2. Sound analysis of the names of each tree. (Reminder for parents - see Activity 2.)

3. What other trees do you know?
Highlight the extra word, explain the choice.

Maple, rowan, spruce, tulip.
Birch, oak, wild rose, poplar.
Apple tree, currant, bird cherry, mountain ash.
Linden, aspen, maple, apple tree.

4. Name who is friends with which tree and why?

Sample : the woodpecker is friends with pine, mountain ash, spruce, birch. He eats rowan berries, cone seeds, drinks birch sap.

5. Recognize the tree by its fruits and complete the sentence.

Acorns grow on ... (oak).
Clusters of mountain ash grow on .... (rowan).
Cones grow on ... (spruce and pine).
Apples grow on ... (apple tree).

6. Draw as many apples on the trees as the number shows.

7. Compose examples from the picture.

8. Continue the row of leaves.
Color the leaves so that the green is next to the brown and the red is between the next green and the previous brown. What color is the first leaf?

9. Logical task.

Lena and Dasha love to draw. Lena drew a birch and an apple tree, and Dasha drew a chamomile and a bell. Which girl likes to draw trees?

10. Do you like to draw trees?
Color some of them.

Lesson 5. Visiting brownie Kuzi.
1. Development of speech (retelling of the text, selection of synonyms, antonyms, word formation).
2. Development of phonetic hearing. Consolidation of knowledge about the sounds of speech.
3. Development of attention. Improving the skills of comparison and analysis.
4. Consolidation of counting skills.
5. Formation of graphic skill.

1. The lesson begins with the introduction of the hero.

There is no friend in the world more faithful and reliable.
He will always guard your house.
And although his appearance is not always pretty
He will always help you out though.
After all, this is a cheerful, funny child,
Kind, grouchy Kuzya - ... .. (brown-brown).

A little brownie lives necessarily in the house where people live. He lived in the apartment of the girl Natasha. Today he will tell you a lot of interesting things about houses and what should be in any house.

2. Of course, you know that in every house there is .... EEBML (furniture).
Guess the riddles and match the pictures with the clues.

They sit on it, but not a chair.
With armrests, but not a sofa.
With pillows, but no bed.

You can open doors
And on my shelves
Worth a lot!
Above all I am like a giraffe:
I am big, beautiful ... (closet)

There is a back, but never lies.
There are four legs, and does not walk.
Itself is always worth
And orders others to sit.

I look a little like a table
There are in the kitchen and in the hallway,
I rarely go to the bedroom
And I'm called...

four legs,
One body and two backs
On one of the backs
Perinka for Irinka.

He has a big back
And on it he allows
And write and draw
And sculpt and cut.

What other furniture would you put in Kuzi's house? Describe her appearance.

3. Selection of antonyms (words opposite in meaning), synonyms (words identical in meaning) to words.

Choose suitable words opposite in meaning for furniture from Kuzi's house.

The bed is large, and the stool is ... (small).
The table is white and the chair is ... (black).
The cabinet is wide, and the shelf is ... (narrow).
The chair is soft, and the stool is ... (hard).
The table is clean, but the chair is ... (dirty).

Try to describe in different words the red color of the stool (scarlet, crimson, poppy-like, crimson, bright cherry, etc.)

You can choose any color, help the child fantasize, if he finds it difficult to find the right word, help him by comparing. For example, yellow - gold (color like gold), brown - chocolate (color like chocolate), etc.

4. The name of which pieces of furniture in Kuzi's house differ in only one sound? (chair table).
Perform a sound analysis of these words. (see memolesson number 2 )

5. Name the objects drawn in the picture in affectionate diminutive words (as if they are all small).
Listen carefully: a sofa, a chair, a cabinet, an armchair. Which three words sound similar and which sound different? (armchair). Cross out the item whose name sounds different.

6. Listen (read) the story and retell it close to the text.

Sasha was a coward.
There was thunder and thunder.
Sasha climbed into the closet.
It was dark and stuffy in there.
Sasha did not hear how the storm passed.
Sit Sasha for a long time in the closet because you are a coward.
(According to L. Tolstoy)

7. And in such houses live the friends of the brownie Kuzi - gnomes. Compare the pictures, find five differences.

It is easier to do this if you color in turn the same elements in the drawings.

8. Little brownie Kuzya invites you to play constructor and build a house (draw) from these elements.

What figures do you know?

How many parts are the doors and windows divided into? (four).

What pieces of furniture have 4 legs? (chair, table, sofa, bed, wardrobe, stool).

9. Kuzya loves beautiful houses very much, so he decorates them with patterns. Draw a pattern, color it. Come up with your own pattern.

Working with children 5-6 years old becomes much easier. At this age, they already strive to become schoolchildren, they want to become adults as soon as possible, they become interested in learning how everything works around them. In addition, children of this age can already be engaged for quite a long time, they are able to perceive and remember much more information.

Developmental lessons for children of this age should be aimed at preparing for the fact that the child will soon be in school. Given the complexity of modern curricula, this is a necessary aspect. In the classroom, children need to be taught all the necessary skills for successful study: recognizing sounds in words, reading, counting, writing.

About how you can build a learning process with a preschooler, we will consider in more detail in the article.

Knowledge that a child of 5-6 years old should have

When studying with a child at home, adults should be aware that the ability to read, write and count is not at all the main thing in the preschool period.

If the baby has well-developed basic mental functions, such as memory, thinking, attention, perception and imagination, as well as speech and fine motor skills of the hand, then it will be quite easy for a first grader to learn the program material at school. But the development of intelligence in crumbs at preschool age is much more effective.


  • direct and reverse counting within 10;
  • composition of numbers within 10;
  • visual image of numbers and their spelling;
  • mathematical operations within the first ten - addition and subtraction, knowledge of the signs by which they are denoted - "+", "-";
  • set comparison - greater than, less than, equal to; signs - ">", "
  • understanding and accurate, correct answer to the question: how much? Which the? What's the score?
  • Ability to compose and solve a problem in one step - addition and subtraction;
  • orientation in space: up, down, forward, backward, before, after, right, left; know the concepts of “lower-higher”, “longer-shorter”, “further-closer”;
  • knowledge of basic geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, trapezoid, rhombus; and geometric bodies: cube, ball, cylinder, pyramid;
  • the ability to determine the shape of various bodies - round, square, rectangular, triangular;
  • division of a circle and a square into 2 and 4 identical parts;
  • ability to solve simple puzzles.

Logical thinking:

  • classification of objects on any basis;
  • compiling stories according to the proposed illustration or continuing the story according to a given beginning;
  • the ability to find an object that does not belong to this group, superfluous;
  • establishing patterns and continuing the series.

Speech development:

  • the baby must know his last name, first name, patronymic, age, city of residence, address and telephone number, names of parents and grandparents, place of work of parents, profession;
  • the quality of coherent speech is almost the same as in adults;
  • clearly pronounce all the sounds of speech; speech should be coherent, expressive;
  • be able to use prepositions, change words by numbers, cases;
  • emotionally color your speech with the help of intonation;
  • to distinguish and be able to use incentive and declarative sentences, interrogative and exclamatory;
  • ask questions, reason and argue;
  • participate in a dialogue, conduct a monologue;
  • know poems by heart, tell them expressively; retell great works.
  • If the child is not yet familiar with letters, cannot read, then now is the time to start doing it.

Knowledge about the environment:

  • know the names and classify all the objects around him: furniture, clothes, shoes, dishes, household appliances, wild and domestic animals, plants, fruits, vegetables and berries, know the names of fairy tales that he loves and the names of fairy-tale characters, the names of favorite cartoons;
  • know the months in order, according to the seasons, name the current month, days of the week.

Educational activities for preschool children


  1. Number row. Cards with numbers from 0 to 10 are needed. An adult thinks of two numbers and puts cards with the corresponding numbers in front of the baby (for example, 2 and 8). The task of the child is to lay out cards with the numbers that are between them (in our example, the child must lay out 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 between these numbers).
  2. Coloring pages in which you first need to draw a picture, connecting the numbers in ascending order;
  3. Coloring by numbers;
  4. houses;
  5. Copybooks with numbers;
  6. Laying out numbers from counting sticks.
  7. Tasks for addition and subtraction. Use visual examples to teach. It will be much more interesting for the kid to count how many sweets were in the vase and how many will be if you eat, for example, 5 sweets, or add 3 more to them. Or count how many apples there were and how many will be if they treat him with one more. And what is interesting for a preschooler, he will learn much faster. For example, you can use colorful illustrations.
  8. Set comparison;
  9. Geometric figures;
  10. The solution of geometric examples will be very interesting for the child.
  11. Learn with a child basic geometric bodies will help simple plastic cubes. They can also help in determining whether an object is round, oval, etc. Build a house with your child, naming geometric bodies - a cube and a pyramid, to build a tower, take a cylinder and a pyramid. Now ask your little one to build something on their own. Let him name which geometric bodies he uses.
  12. Use verse puzzles. They are much more entertaining for a preschooler and they are perceived much easier.
  13. The kids will love it various mathematical presentations or flash games on a computer or tablet. They can be successfully used in your home math lessons.

7 photos

Logical thinking

For the development of logic in children, you can purchase interesting didactic games (these can be puzzles “divided into groups, lotos, dominoes, etc.) and ready-made notebooks with a variety of colorful illustrations.

If it is possible to print them on a printer, then you can make excellent educational aids with your own hands by finding such cards on the Internet. In this case, it will be easier for you to choose material for home lessons according to the preferences of your baby.

For the development of logic, a different constructor is very useful. In stores it can be purchased for both girls and boys.

Even more, the preschooler will enjoy working with visual material. So, for example, you can put 4-5 fruits and one vegetable in a basket and ask the baby to find the extra.

You can offer the child to find something superfluous among animal figurines (according to the wild-domestic principle), find something superfluous among toy furniture (for example, a toy vacuum cleaner - household appliances).

In order for the baby to learn to classify, you can play with bright plastic cubes. They can be divided into groups according to several criteria (color, shape, size). Ask your child to tell you how he did it. In the same way, you can use almost everything that you have at home.

When teaching your child to make up a story from pictures, achieve coherent speech and complete sentences.

To begin with, you can help a small student by asking leading questions. When the child understands how to do this, you can already ask him to write a story on his own or finish the story you started. Try swapping pictures.

Before starting the story, the kid must guess that the order of the cards is not correct.

Use your imagination, and the lesson will turn into an exciting game for the crumbs.

  • Find an extra item
  • Divide into groups
  • Making up stories from pictures
  • Establishing patterns

Speech development

Being engaged in the development of speech, it is imperative to do speech therapy exercises for the tongue with the child. This is necessary so that the muscles that are responsible for the work of the lips and tongue are always kept in good shape and well developed. They are responsible for the quality of spoken speech.

Charging must be done every day. The kid must definitely see his reflection in the mirror, comparing his movements with an adult. Monitor the quality of the exercises, in each position it is necessary to fix the tongue for a few seconds. There shouldn't be any gaps.

Make sure that the baby from zeal does not strain the muscles of the neck, shoulders and hands. If this happens, then you need to do a light massage.

It will be very useful for the development of speech to memorize tongue twisters and tongue twisters, various counting rhymes.

After that, it will be much easier for the baby to learn how to type letters, because he learned not only to associate sound with the image of a letter, but also remembered the basic hand movements necessary for writing it.

Every day, memorize children's poems with a preschooler, read various books to him as much as possible. Ask to tell what you have read.

Make sure that the baby's story is coherent, the child tells in order, without jumping from beginning to end.

Ask the child to recite a well-known poem with various emotions: angrily, as if he is very funny, plaintively, etc.

Learn to ask questions, express your point of view on the situation. At this age, you can already buy the alphabet for children. All this contributes very well to the development of speech and the expansion of the vocabulary of the crumbs.

Knowledge about the environment

Classes with the surrounding world can be carried out almost everywhere: at home, in the store, on a walk, in line at the clinic.

While in the store, ask your child to name vegetables, fruits, and berries that are familiar to him. Show the ones he doesn't know yet. On a walk, you can remember the types of transport encountered, consider various trees and their leaves, bushes, flowers, grass.

Be sure to talk about what time of the year it is now, look for its signs in nature, remember the names of the months of this season, what month is now, what time of the year was before it and will be after it, changes in nature that they will bring with them and the name of the months.

Talk about birds, tell about migratory and wintering species, about those that live in the forest and in the city. Remember wild and domestic animals, insects.

While standing in line at an institution, you can tell your child about the various professions of the people who work there.