Prophecies of psychics on. According to Pavel Globa, it is Russia that will become the driving force that can lead the whole world out of the process of stagnation and push for change.

The most interesting and popular predictions for 2017 for Russia from famous psychics and clairvoyants.

Prophecies of Nostradamus for 2017

The first prediction speaks of the inevitability of the Third World War, which will affect all major states, including Russia. The confrontation between the countries should end in 2017. During the war, new chemical weapons will be tested, the consequences of which will result in severe skin diseases.
Europe will suffer the most from the war. The population here will be significantly reduced and the European continent will become empty. And then Russia will take the first place, where the remaining European population will begin to move and settle in Siberia. Russia will accept everyone and become the new "cradle of civilization". Later, China will join it, which in 2018 will become an absolutely independent power, claiming world leadership.
In addition, in his forecasts, he connects 2017 with the rise of the global economy. The energy revolution associated with the improvement of solar energy storage methods will provide people with cheap electricity, for the transportation of which nothing is required. The energy will spread through the air.

Vanga's predictions

It should be clarified that Vanga never talked about exact dates, only approximately a specific period of time. However, some analysts are trying to structure the seer's predictions by year.
The famous soothsayer Vanga prophesies Russia in the 21st century with extraordinary spiritual strength and great economic power, which will give hope to our whole world and bring spiritual rebirth throughout the planet.
Vangelia always emphasized in her predictions that Russia would wake up from a dream, reject everything discrediting and negative, and fame would go about her as a superpower. Russia will subjugate the whole world, but not by force and blood, but by authority.
“Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia ... She will sweep everything out of her way and not only survive, but also become the ruler of the world”

Predictions of psychic Alexander Sheps for 2017

Psychic Alexander Sheps, who is the winner of the "Battle of Psychics", made his statement regarding the upcoming 2017. According to the promising predictor, Russia's influence in the geopolitical arena will begin to grow rapidly, and powerful countries will begin to seek support from Russia.
According to Sheps, next summer the European Union and the United States will completely lift sanctions from our country and stop returning to the issue of Ukraine and Crimea. These positive changes will have a beneficial effect on the country's economy. The Russian ruble will gradually begin to strengthen against the dollar, although it will never reach its previous positions.
Speaking about Ukraine, Alexander Sheps predicts another coup for this country, though this time without street clashes and bloodshed. The country's parliament will announce its dissolution, and after that, the head of state will also resign. The new political force that will lead Ukraine will begin to build relationships with both Russia and the European Union.

Prophecies of Pavel Globa for 2017

For Russia, 2017 will be a very difficult year, but not a hopeless one. In this difficult year, all countries of the world are facing a serious crisis: unemployment and currency devaluation. The Russian economy will be based on the sale of energy resources, this will allow it to "keep afloat" and increase its influence in the world. As for the United States, the country is waiting for ruin and loss of authority.
The astrologer also talks about the reunification of the Russian Federation, the republics of Belarus and Kazakhstan will want to join it. Following them, the accession of Azerbaijan and Armenia, as well as partially Ukraine, is likely. The unfolding global collapse, the beginning of which we see already today, will cause irreparable damage to Europe and the United States. The European Union will be on the verge of collapse, and economic instability in Europe will significantly reduce its authority on the world political arena.
Also, this large-scale crisis will not bypass the world currency - the US dollar. He is in for a sharp depreciation.
Regarding the internal political situation in our country, the astrologer predicts an alarming situation. The revolutionary revolt and mass protests will grow more and more, the purpose of which will be the overthrow of the current government. All these riots will lead to civilian casualties. The risk of terrorist attacks will also increase, reports.
Next year, natural disasters await the whole world: tsunamis, earthquakes, floods. A large number of accidents, both transport and air crashes, are also predicted. In Siberia, an astrologer predicts fires.
According to Pavel Globa, it is Russia that will become the driving force that can lead the whole world out of the process of stagnation and push for change.

What does the coming year 2017 have in store for us? Modern psychics and soothsayers of the past have told us this secret. The wheel of life turns and every year brings change. Let us consider in more detail the forecasts of psychics for 2017.

Psychics and soothsayers about 2017

Everyone thinks about what will happen tomorrow, in a month or a week? Many minds are worried about what the coming year 2017 has in store for us? Known to many and only in narrow circles, soothsayers and psychics will share their predictions. The prophecies of the clairvoyants of 2017 can be trusted.

Many futurists predict that some countries may leave the European Union due to the economic crisis. There will be a shortage of energy and natural resources in the EU. They realize and understand that they are increasingly dependent on the influence of Russia.

Vanga prophesied that a nuclear conflict could begin in 2017. This will especially affect countries that own nuclear weapons and have nuclear power plants. This is what the soothsayer had in mind when she mentioned the end of our world. Researchers believe that the real end of humanity will not come so quickly.

The astrologer P. Globa, well-known throughout the CIS, predicts that in 2017 Russian scientists will make a breakthrough in science and humanity will be able to climb one more step in its constant self-development. There will be successes in astronautics and mankind will know space more deeply. The time is not far off when Russia will be the main center of the cultural development of mankind. Here a sprout of movement will break through, thanks to which all the people of the earth will unite.

Taras Ivannikov, who is considered an X-ray man, believes that 2017 is no more, no less than

"golden age" for mother Russia. It is here that people who have lost their homes will find their second home. Soon there will be a breakthrough in medicine, a medicine will be found that will cure many diseases that have not been affected before. A record harvest of many grains is expected in 2017. Ivannikov says that he came into contact with Vanga and received this information from her.

Consider what psychics predicted for 2017 for Russia. Esotericists predict that 2017 is the last of a cycle of 9576 years. Earlier in such years, civilizations perished. Nostradamus in his quatrains warns that the whole of 2017 will be riddled with global cataclysms. The Seer warned that a wave of such a destructive force could pass through the world, which would bury a lot of land under it and erase a significant part of the South American and African continents. A tornado will hit the USA. The inhabitants of America are aware of these frightening prophecies and, to the best of their strength and faith in the future, are preparing for the worst.

The prediction of psychics in 2017 for Russia and Ukraine is that a significant improvement in the internal and external economic and political situation is expected. Many predictions regarding 2017 are associated with the fate of Russia. Futurologists believe that the balance of good and evil and real economic forces on the planet will depend on Russia. And it will become the cradle of civilization.

Tsunamis will begin, volcanic eruptions in places, glaciers will quickly melt, ocean levels will rise. 1/4 of the entire planet will be under water. There will be many dead, and the flow of migrants will move towards the central part of Russia. Consider other prophecies of psychics.

George Friedman, a well-known futurist, believes that in 2017 Russia will complete integration with all the powers that were part of the former USSR. The main enemy with which a protracted Cold War lies ahead is the United States. In the European Union, due to the deep economic crisis, fragmentation will occur. Russia will continue its successful trade in natural resources. Its influence on all states of the world will increase.

Maria Duval predicted what state Russia would be in 2017. She thinks that a natural rise and prosperity awaits her. The seer sees that power is concentrated in one chosen person. A cultural revolution is coming, thanks to which a qualitatively different society will arise. Discoveries will be in medicine with science. The sensational news will concern space. Humanity will reveal important secrets that the cosmos hides.

Many immigrants from the USSR know Globa Pavel's forecast. He is known in narrow astrological circles. Globa confirms that some countries will leave the EU, which will weaken its position and influence on the world community. Russia, thanks to the right political and economic course, will make alliances with some big countries. The weight of the words of Russian politicians will increase.

James Hansen Predictions

James Hansen works as a climatologist and claims that humanity has a detrimental effect on nature and this threatens with cataclysms in the future. A sharp warming is planned all over the planet. Glaciers will melt and most of the land will disappear under water. The climatologist believes that humanity must stop the poisoning of nature. He foresees that if the energy balance on the planet is disturbed, entire species of plants and animals in the wild will begin to disappear one by one. All this together and will end the end of the world.

Psychic Predictions for 2017

What do other forecasters foretell for 2017? There is a theory that says that disasters happen hierarchically. According to those calculations, 2017 is the last year before the end of the world.

Blavatsky and Tsiolkovsky, on the contrary, believe that this is the beginning of an era when humanity will finally enter space on a large scale. Blavatsky said that starting from 2012, 5 years will be very important and will determine what kind of relationship will be established between humanity and nature?

Tsiolkovsky argued that the time of high technologies was coming. This can have a positive impact on the development of mankind or provoke a global catastrophe in the technogenic sphere. Mankind should listen to the words of the great scientist and follow the path of harmony with nature, create large purifying devices for water and air. Russian scientists have such developments.

Alexey Pokhabov, who won one of the Battles of Psychics, is a member of futurological communities. He says that natural resources and other resources will become much more expensive in 2017.

Blessed Matrona of Moscow predicts

Blessed Old Lady Matrona did not reveal all the secrets she knew about Mother Russia. Some irresponsible people are trying to twist her latest predictions, to intimidate the population with various disasters. Matrona said that from 2017 a thaw would begin in relations between Prince Vladimir and the West.

The general state of affairs in Russia will improve. Matronushka said that the Slavs would unite and Russia would dominate the whole world for many years. Since 2017, the economic situation in the country will improve significantly. The upheavals experienced by the country's economy will be left behind. Sales in the domestic and foreign markets in many sectors of Russia will increase.

Matronushka believed that the lands would be dotted, the dawn of the peasantry would begin (from the summer of 2017). The world will not be the same as before, but the Western powers will stop putting pressure on Russia and interfering in its affairs. Matronushka said that the Lord would not leave Russia with His mercy.

Unverified sources claim that Matronushka predicted the creation in Russia of some serum or pill capable of curing previously considered hopeless patients. Another source, whose data cannot be verified, says that holy water will be included in the composition of this medicine as one of the ingredients.

Matronushka was especially pleased, she saw with her inner eyes that Russia from 2017 would begin to revive and become a great power. Internal and external enemies will not be able to harm her, and she will continue on her way to the glory of God. Many formal believers from this period will convert and become churched, become strong in the faith and the fulfillment of God's commandments, Christians.

Prophecies for Ukraine

Consider the forecasts of clairvoyants 2017 for Ukraine. Central regions. Until 2017, the central part of Ukraine is in close union with Western and Europe. Troubled times. Politicians are trying to improve relations with the current European Union. From 2017, the central regions of Ukraine will go under the protectorate to Russia.

Western part of Ukraine. Until 2017, there is a tight union between Western and Central Ukraine. Since 2017, it has been rather independent than united with the central regions of Ukraine. Since 2019, ethnic cleansing and hostilities based on internal conflict have been going on. It will come to its logical end in 2020. The situation will remain tense until 2021.

Western Ukraine will empathize and actively help the East and South of Ukraine. Especially, sympathetic Kharkiv. The influence is great on the whole world and these areas will have a leader who will soon enter the political arena of Russia. He will act as a peacemaker. This is the superconscious influence of the passionary. From 2019 to 2021, Western Ukraine with the Baltics will be supervised and influenced by Russia.

Who is not interested in our difficult time, even with one eye, to look at the next page of our life? From time immemorial, sages, shamans and prophets who predict the future have been listened to and, with a kind of reverent awe before the future, they tried to learn more about their fate, the fate of their family, country, and also about the future of all mankind.

Psychic Predictions for 2017 seriously disturbed many with their ambiguous, sometimes frightening, forecasts. However, almost all predictions are encrypted and, on how to interpret them, the understanding of a particular prophecy depends.

Michel Nostradamus Predictions for 2017

The great astrologer, who lived in the 16th century, is considered one of the most powerful and authoritative soothsayers. His quatrains describe many facts that have been embodied in reality. All his predictions came true, thus causing deep respect and reverence for the written words of the seer.

Michelle is a great threat of extinction to mankind between 2015 and 2020. He also wrote that 2017 will be especially difficult for many because of the terrible drought. An unprecedented natural disaster will happen to fresh water. In addition, there will be various environmental problems.

Physically blind, but possessing inner vision, the clairvoyant Vanga, who lived quite recently, predicted terrible troubles that would hit the earth as early as 2017. And the fault of all misfortunes will be the people themselves. These are large-scale wars, and terrible bloody clashes within states, and outbreaks of diseases (most likely due to the use of biological weapons), and general environmental degradation.

Specifically, she foresaw the beginning of a terrible war, which would gradually engulf the whole world. This war will begin in the East and will bring with it suffering, hunger and devastation to almost the entire world.

Pavel Globa's forecast

Our contemporary, a well-known astrologer who earned fame throughout the post-Soviet space with his accurate forecasts, Pavel Globa predicts significant geopolitical changes in 2017.

New alliances are coming, the old coalitions of states will disintegrate due to the withdrawal of leading countries from them (this applies, first of all, to the EU).

For Russia, Globa has a favorable forecast - in early 2017, the state will become a member of completely new economic alliances and political associations. This will significantly increase the weight of Russia on the world stage, making it almost the most powerful country.

Predictions of Bakhyt Zhumatova for 2017

The finalist of the “Battle of Psychics”, clairvoyant Bakhyt Zhumatova predicted Kazakhstan, her homeland, a way out of the crisis exactly in 2017. Happy times will come for the country, Kazakhstan will flourish.

Also, according to her, the terrorist organization ISIS, which has brought so much suffering, will not be able to conquer the world, but will simply cease to exist very soon.

The psychic also sees not quite good things - in the near future, most of the territory will go under water. Israel will disappear, Afghanistan will completely disappear, Japan will be flooded and the Japanese will move to Kazakhstan.

What does James Hansen predict?

The famous climatologist James Hansen does not have time to talk about the impact of mankind on catastrophic global climate change. And in 2017, according to Hansen, our planet will face such natural disasters as a sharp warming, large-scale melting of glaciers, and the disappearance of a large part of the land under water.

If humanity does not come to its senses, then, according to the climatologist, due to a violation of the energy balance of the Earth (which the people themselves are to blame), disasters of unprecedented proportions await us all with the disappearance of entire species of plants, animals, and, ultimately, all this will entail end of the world.

What other forecasters foretell for 2017

If you believe the theory of hierarchical catastrophes, based on the statistics of all global incidents, given the cyclicity, then in 2017 the planet will face the end of the world.

The beginning of the space age is promised to humanity by the works of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. Blavatsky also argued that the fateful five-year plan that began in 2012 will determine what the relationship between man and nature will be in 2017.

And Tsiolkovsky, in turn, emphasized that the coming year would be a time of high technology, which would either benefit the planet or cause a global man-made disaster.

The winner of the show "The Battle of Psychics", as well as a member of the futurological communities, Alexei Pokhabov predicted a significant increase in the price of all natural resources in 2017. Those countries that have significant mineral resources will prosper.

To believe the predictors or not is a personal matter for everyone. To what extent their predictions are correct, we will be able to find out very soon. One thing is known for sure - the people of the whole earth should seriously think about their actions and, before it's too late, carry out "work on the mistakes."

Most people want to know what the future holds for them. Especially this desire appears with the advent of the new year. Consider the most interesting and popular predictions for 2017 for Russia from famous psychics and clairvoyants.

Prophecies of Nostradamus for 2017

The first prediction speaks of the inevitability of the Third World War, which will affect all major states, including Russia. The confrontation between the countries should end in 2017.. During the war, new chemical weapons will be tested, the consequences of which will result in severe skin diseases.

Europe will suffer the most from the war. The population here will be significantly reduced and the European continent will become empty. And then Russia will take the first place, where the remaining European population will begin to move and settle in Siberia. Russia will accept everyone and become the new "cradle of civilization". Later, China will join it, which in 2018 will become an absolutely independent power, claiming world leadership.

In addition, in his forecasts, he connects 2017 with the rise of the global economy. The energy revolution associated with the improvement of solar energy storage methods will provide people with cheap electricity, for the transportation of which nothing is required. The energy will spread through the air.

Vanga's predictions

It should be clarified that Vanga never talked about exact dates, only approximately a specific period of time. However, some analysts are trying to structure the seer's predictions by year.

The famous soothsayer Vanga prophesies Russia in the 21st century with extraordinary spiritual strength and great economic power, which will give hope to our whole world and bring spiritual rebirth throughout the planet.

Vangelia always emphasized in her predictions that Russia would wake up from a dream, reject everything discrediting and negative, and fame would go about her as a superpower. Russia will subjugate the whole world, but not by force and blood, but by authority.

“Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia ... She will sweep everything out of her way and not only survive, but also become the ruler of the world”

Predictions of psychic Alexander Sheps for 2017

Psychic Alexander Sheps, who is the winner of the "Battle of Psychics", made his statement regarding the upcoming 2017. According to the promising predictor, Russia's influence in the geopolitical arena will begin to grow rapidly, and powerful countries will begin to seek support from Russia.

According to Sheps, next summer the European Union and the United States will completely lift sanctions from our country and stop returning to the issue of Ukraine and Crimea. These positive changes will have a beneficial effect on the country's economy. The Russian ruble will gradually begin to strengthen against the dollar, although it will never reach its previous positions.

Speaking about Ukraine, Alexander Sheps predicts another coup for this country, though this time without street clashes and bloodshed. The country's parliament will announce its dissolution, and after that, the head of state will also resign. The new political force that will lead Ukraine will begin to build relationships with both Russia and the European Union.

Prophecies of Pavel Globa for 2017

For Russia, 2017 will be a very difficult year, but not a hopeless one. In this difficult year, all countries of the world are facing a serious crisis: unemployment and currency devaluation. The Russian economy will be based on the sale of energy resources, which will allow it to "keep afloat" and increase its influence in the world. As for the United States, the country is waiting for ruin and loss of authority.

The astrologer also talks about the reunification of the Russian Federation, the republics of Belarus and Kazakhstan will want to join it. Following them, the accession of Azerbaijan and Armenia, as well as partially Ukraine, is likely. The unfolding global collapse, the beginning of which we see already today, will cause irreparable damage to Europe and the United States. The European Union will be on the verge of collapse, and economic instability in Europe will significantly reduce its authority in the world political arena.

Also, this large-scale crisis will not bypass the world currency - the US dollar. He is in for a sharp depreciation.

Regarding the internal political situation in our country, the astrologer predicts an alarming situation. The revolutionary revolt and mass protests will grow more and more, the purpose of which will be the overthrow of the current government. All these riots will lead to civilian casualties. The risk of terrorist attacks will also increase, reports.

Next year, natural disasters await the whole world: tsunamis, earthquakes, floods. A large number of accidents, both transport and air crashes, are also predicted. In Siberia, an astrologer predicts fires.

According to Pavel Globa, it is Russia that will become the driving force that can lead the whole world out of the process of stagnation and push for change.

A person is characterized by foresight and a desire to calculate his actions several steps ahead. Many plans fall apart due to unpredictable turns of events. The psychic's forecast for 2017 is a way to get around sharp corners, both for an individual and for the whole state. He is able to at least partially open the coming pages of history.

Since ancient times, shamans, sages and prophets have been valued and respected in society, endowed with a special status, and even showed reverent awe. They were asked questions about the changes coming in the family and work, the life of entire empires. Predictions for next year are rather ambiguous and sometimes frightening. Many people were worried about them. Most forecasts are hidden in cipher. How this or that detail will be understood depends on its interpretation.

Forecast for 2017 Nostradamus

The great astrologer of the 16th century is still considered one of the most authoritative and powerful. In his quatrains, he described numerous facts that were embodied in real life after some time. The veracity of his predictions amazed people, caused great respect, reverence for every word he wrote.

For the period 2015-2020 he predicted the threat of complete extinction to humanity. In the next year, according to his words, a devastating drought should occur. This natural disaster will happen to fresh water resources. In addition, there will be various environmental problems.

Vanga's predictions

Looking for a forecast for 2017 from famous psychics, many consider the opinion of a physically blind, but possessing clairvoyant abilities, to be authoritative. She passed away not too long ago. She predicted terrible troubles that promised to fall on the earth next year. Humanity itself will be the culprit. The list of misfortunes will include bloody wars, internal clashes in states, epidemics associated with biological weapons, and environmental degradation. In 2017, Vanga predicted the outbreak of a large-scale war, which would subsequently develop into a global scale. Its beginning will be laid in the East. It will sow hunger, misfortune, devastation throughout the globe.

Forecasts for 2017 for Russia by Pavel Globa

Living now, who has gained popularity due to the accuracy of his forecasts in the post-Soviet states, speaks of the onset of significant geopolitical changes in the near future. The conclusion of new alliances and the collapse of old coalitions is coming. Leading states may leave the EU.

He and some psychics for 2017 give positive forecasts for Russia. From the very beginning of the year, the state will be able to join new economic alliances and political associations. This will help to strengthen its position on the global stage. Perhaps the Russian Federation will even become the most powerful power.

Predictions for 2017 from psychic Bakhyt Zhumatova

The clairvoyant, who reached the final of the "Battle of Psychics", predicted for her homeland, Kazakhstan, a way out of the crisis. The country will be overtaken by a happy and prosperous era, a real flourishing. ISIS, a destructive terrorist organization, will not succeed in gaining world domination. She will end her life. Of the negative news, it can be noted that soon many territories will go under water, including Israel, Afghanistan, and Japan. The inhabitants of the last state will seek shelter in Kazakhstan.

James Hansen Prediction for 2017

Thinking about the future of the planet, it is worth paying attention to the words of a climatologist who has earned wide prestige. Psychic predictions for 2017 for Russia and the whole world often touch on environmental issues. And in this point of view, they do not disagree with the opinion of the scientist. Man himself provokes negative changes in the climate of a catastrophic scale.

The climatologist believes that people should be talking about global warming, melting glaciers and leaving many areas under water. There is still a chance to come to their senses, but if this is not done, the energy balance of the Earth will be disturbed. The planet has long endured the neglect of man and may soon respond with disasters of frightening power. Entire species of animals and plants may disappear, which will subsequently happen to humans.

Other predictions for 2017 for Russia and the world

It is also worth listening to the following points of view:

  • based on statistical data, scientists have developed a theory of hierarchical catastrophes. It keeps track of all global events, capturing the cyclicity. 2017, according to her, will be the moment of the end of the world;
  • in the works of E.P. Blavatsky and K.E. Tsiolkovsky contains data that in 2017 a new space era will begin. In 2012, the fatal five-year plan started. It depends on it what kind of relationship between nature and man will develop in the future. Studying the predictions of psychics for 2016-2017 for Russia and the world, it would not be superfluous to additionally familiarize yourself with the opinion of the scientist Tsiolkovsky. He gave an optimistic forecast and believed that next year humanity would have a powerful impetus on the path of technological progress. It depends on the people themselves whether this step will help nature or cause irreparable damage to it and provoke a man-made disaster;
  • futurologist A. Pokhabov, who won the Battle of Psychics, spoke about a significant increase in prices for natural resources. Prosperity shines to countries in whose territory there are sufficient deposits of minerals.

To accept these statements on faith or not is the personal choice of each person. One way or another, very soon we will find out for ourselves. In any case, people should think about their behavior, because if not next year, then someday you will have to pay for bad deeds.