Independent work on the history of 6 agibalov. The fate of medieval civilizations

This manual fully complies with the federal state educational standard (second generation). The proposed manual includes tests on the history of the Middle Ages for current and final control and corresponds to the content of the textbooks of the Federal List for the 6th grade of educational institutions. Many test tasks are developed taking into account the requirements of the State Final Attestation in Grade 9 (in a new form) and the Unified State Exam. They will help students learn new types of tests and prepare for future oral and written exams. Tests can be used for teaching and self-control of students, checking homework, current and final control when working with any textbook on the history of the Middle Ages from the Federal List of Textbooks.

Limes, erected in the I-II centuries. AD, in subsequent centuries
1) remained an impregnable border, reliably protecting the empire from the penetration of the Germans
2) ceased to be a serious obstacle for the Germanic tribes
3) interrupted trade relations between the inhabitants of the Western Roman Empire and the Germans

Arrange the following events in chronological order. Write the letters that denote the events in the correct sequence in the table.
A) the defeat of Rome by the Visigoths
B) the defeat of the Roman legions in the Teutoburg Forest
B) the invasion of the Cimbri and Teutons
D) division of the Roman Empire into Western and Eastern

Read the text and find the error in it.
In 451, a battle took place on the Catalaunian fields between the army of Attila and the army led by Aetius. Representatives of many Germanic tribes fought under the command of Attila. Aetius, whose army consisted entirely of Roman legionaries, triumphed.
1) in fact, there were only Huns in Attila's army
2) Attila actually defeated the Romans
3) in fact, in the army of Aetius there were not so much the Romans as the Germans, who did not want to obey Attila

Preface 8
TOPIC 1. What and how does the history of the Middle Ages study?
Option 1 10
Option 2 11
TOPIC 2. Early Middle Ages
Test 1. The world of barbarism
Option 1 12
Option 2 13
Test 2
Western Roman Empire
Option 1 14
Option 2 15
Test 3. Frankish kingdom
Option 1 17
Option 2 18
Test 4. Empire of Charlemagne
Option 1 19
Option 2 20
Test 5. The collapse of the empire of Charlemagne. Western Europe in the IX-XI centuries.
Option 1 21
Option 2 22
Final test on the topic "Early Middle Ages"
Option 1 23
Option 2 26
TOPIC 3. The Byzantine Empire - the successor of Rome
Test 1. Byzantium in the era of Justinian
Option 1 29
Option 2 30
Test 2. Byzantine state and society
Option 1 32
Option 2 33
Test 3. The death of the Byzantine Empire
Option 1 34
Option 2 36
Test 4. Cultural heritage of Byzantium
Option 1 37
Option 2 38
Final test on the topic "The Byzantine Empire - the heiress of Rome"
Option 1 39
Option 2 41
TOPIC 4. Arab-Muslim world
Test 1. The new faith of the Arabs
Option 1 44
Option 2 45
Test 2. Arab conquests
Option 1 46
Option 2 47
Test 3. "A thousand and one nights": the wonders of Arab culture
Option 1 48
Option 2 49
Final test on the topic "Arab-Muslim world"
Option 1 50
Option 2 52
TOPIC 5. The feudal society of Western Europe
Test 1. Three centuries of change: Europe in the XI-XIII centuries.
Option 1 55
Option 2 56
Test 2. Peasants and seniors
Option 1 57
Option 2 58
Test 3. Seniors and vassals
Option 1 59
Option 2 60
Test 4. Chivalry: legends and true
Option 1 61
Option 2 62
Final test on the topic "Feudal Society of Western Europe"
Option 1 63
Option 2 66
TOPIC 6. Europe of cities
Test 1. The emergence of medieval cities
Option 1 69
Option 2 70
Test 2. Cities in the fight for freedom
Option 1 71
Option 2 72
Test 3. Craft and trade in a medieval city
Option 1 73
Option 2 74
Test 4
Option 1 76
Option 2 77
Final test on the topic "Europe of cities"
Option 1 78
Option 2 80
TOPIC 7. Christian Church and Medieval Society

Test 1. The Catholic Church and its ministers
Option 1 83
Option 2 84
Test 2. Church in medieval society
Option 1 85
Option 2 86
Test 3. Crusades
Option 1 87
Option 2 89
Test 4. School, science, university
Option 1 90
Option 2 91
Quiz 5
Option 1 92
Option 2 94
Final test on the topic "Christian Church and Medieval Society"
Option 1 95
Option 2 98
TOPIC 8. States of the medieval West. XI - the beginning of the XIV century.
Test 1. English monarchy: from conquest to parliament
Option 1 101
Option 2 102
Test 2. France on the way to unity
Option 1 103
Option 2 104
Test 3. The king and his duty
Option 1 105
Option 2 106
Final test on the topic “States of the Medieval West. XI - the beginning of the XIV century.
Option 1 107
Option 2 110
TOPIC 9. "Autumn" of the Middle Ages. XIV-XV centuries
Test 1. Peasants demand justice
Option 1 113
Option 2 114
Test 2. Hundred Years War
Option 1 115
Option 2 116
Test 3. New Monarchies
Option 1 117
Option 2 118
Test 4. "Avignon captivity": the Catholic Church in the XIV-XV centuries.
Option 1 120
Option 2 121
Test 5. On the threshold of a new era
Option 1 122
Option 2 123
Test 6. The beginning of the Italian Renaissance
Option 1 124
Option 2 125
The final test on the topic "Autumn" of the Middle Ages. XIV-XV centuries.»
Option 1 127
Option 2 129
Final test work
Option 1 132
Option 2 137
Option 3 143
Option 4 149
Answers 155
Topic 1. What and how does the history of the Middle Ages study? 155
Topic 2. Early Middle Ages 155
Theme 3. The Byzantine Empire - the successor of Rome 155
Topic 4. Arab-Muslim world 156
Topic 5. Feudal society in Western Europe 156
Topic 6. Europe of cities 157
Topic 7. Christian Church and Medieval Society 157
Topic 8. States of the medieval West. XI - early XIV in 158
Topic 9. "Autumn" of the Middle Ages. XIV-XV centuries 158
Final test work 159.

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1 option

1. In what year did the state of the Franks arise?

a) in 476 b) in 480 c) in 500 d) in 526

2. The founder of the state of the Franks was:

a) Charlemagne b) Theodoric the Great c) Alaric d) Clovis

3. The association of artisans in medieval cities was called

a) shop b) order c) guild d) class

4. The Inquisition is

a) a special ecclesiastical court to combat heresy

b) doctrine rejected by the church c) trial by jury

d) a court in which trials and torture were not used

5. When did the First Crusade take place?

a) in 1202-1204 b) in 1096-1099. c) in 1073-1085. d) in 1261

6. The Parliament in England, the Estates General in France, the Reichstag in Germany -

a) bodies of estate representation b) bodies of royal power

c) judicial bodies d) city self-government bodies

7. The Cortes are the bodies of estate representation in

8. Learn the concept:

a) a person in the service of the king, the owner of a land plot with peasants - ...

b) the collapse of a single state into several politically independent possessions - ...

c) the title of the ruler of an Arab state - ...

9. Who owns the words? What historical event are they associated with?

“Take the path to the Holy Sepulcher; uproot that land from the dishonest people and subjugate it to yourself ... Let them enter into a just battle, which will give an abundance of booty ... In the event of death on a dry path, or at sea, or in battle, let there be remission of sins!

10. Match:

11. Who was at the head of the uprising in France:

1. Wat Tyler; 2. Guillaume Kal; 3. Jeanne d. Arc; 4.Richard the Lionheart

12. Which of the above is attributed to the causes of the collapse of the Byzantine Empire?

a) urban growth in Europe

b) the division of the Christian Church into Western and Eastern

d) the consequences of the Hundred Years War

13. Insert in place of gaps:

The turning point in the course of the Hundred Years War is associated with the name ____________________

Managed to lift the siege of the British from ____________________________

14. Characteristic features of the Romanesque style:

a. high narrow towers

b. large windows with stained-glass windows

in. numerous semicircular arches inside the temple and on its facade

d. thick columns supporting the vault

Final test work on the history of the Middle Ages, grade 6

Option 2

1. In what year did the Western Roman Empire fall?

a) in 476 b) in 410 c) in 455 d) in 395

2. The most famous ruler of Byzantium was

a) Justinian b) Clovis c) Charlemagne d) Simeon the Proud

3. Heresy is

a) a doctrine rejected by the church and declared false, harmful to faith

b) the official teaching of the church

c) folk beliefs d) medieval philosophy

4. Indulgence is

a) a letter of absolution; b) ecclesiastical court against heretics;

c) a person who criticizes the church; d) a tax from the peasants in favor of the church.

5. The Hundred Years War happened

a) in 1337-1437. b) in 1337-1453. c) in 1337-1471. d) in 1328-1428.

6. Which of the above refers to the bodies of representation of estates in medieval Europe?

a) the chessboard chamber b) the royal council

c) Estates General d) city council

7. The Sejm is the bodies of class representation in

a) England b) Spain c) Czech Republic d) France

8. Learn the concept:

a) land with peasants, which is given for serving the king - ...

b) wars between the feudal lords of one state - ...

c) a form of government in which royal power is based on representatives of the estates - ...

9. Who owns the words? What historical event are they associated with?

“If you, King of England, do not do so, then I will take charge of the war and, wherever I overtake your people in France, I will make them leave, willingly or not ... I am sent here by God, the heavenly king ... to drive you out of all France…”

10. Match:

11. Who was at the head of the uprising in England:

a. Wat Tyler; b. Guillaume Kal; c. Jeanne d. Arc; Mr. Richard the Lionheart

12. To the reasons for the success of the Arab conquests of the 7th-8th centuries. refer

a) internal weakening of the states conquered by the Arabs

b) the religious upsurge of the Arabs

c) the brutal attitude of the Arabs towards the local population

d) proximity of early Islam to the beliefs of the local population

13. Insert in place of gaps:

Typography in Europe is associated with the name __, who created ______ in __

14.Characteristic features of the Romanesque style:

1. high narrow towers 2. large windows with stained-glass windows

3. numerous semicircular arches inside the temple and on its facade

6th grade

The test is compiled for the textbook"History of the Middle Ages" by E.V. Agibalov, G.M. Donskoy,

1 option

Part A

1. The state of the Franks arose:

A) in the year 500

B) in 486

B) in the year 400

D) 390

2. What was the name of the land for which military service was carried out?

A) a vow b) feud; c) quitrent; d) title.

3. The first collection of laws of the Franks was compiled during the reign of the king:

A) Clovis b) Charlemagne; c) Pepin the Short; d) Charles Martel.

4. What is the name of the Holy Book of Muslims?

A) the Bible b) Koran; c) Vedas; d) chronicles

5. All ministers of the church were a special group of the population:

A) knighthood b) merchants; c) the peasantry; d) the clergy.

6. Medieval book was:

A) papyrus bundle;

B) evenly folded sheets of split bamboo;

C) folded and bound sheets of parchment of the same size;

d) a stack of clay tablets.

7. The code of laws uniform for the whole empire was drawn up during the reign of the emperor of Byzantium:

A) Justinian b) Constantine; c) Basil the 1st Macedonian; d) Feodosia 2.

8. A person who lived in the city for one year and one day:

a) became free c) mastered a certain craft

b) acquired a lord d) obeyed the rules established by the city charter

9. Commodity economy:

A) the economy, which was given for military service;

B) a craftsman's workshop where you can buy his products;

C) an economy in which products are produced for sale on the market, exchanged through money;

D) an economy in which everything necessary is produced for own consumption.

10. Indicate the year in which the division of the Christian Church into Catholic and Orthodox took place:

A) 1054; b) 1066; c) 1077; d) 1099.

11. What was the name of the organ of estate representation in France?

a) Parliament b) States General c) Sejm d) Cortes

12. Cause of the Hundred Years War for France:

A) conquer Aquitaine from England;

B) conquer land in North America;

C) capture part of England;

D) repayment of debts by England.

13. In 1358, the following happened:

A) the conclusion of peace between France and England;

B) the battle near the city of Poitiers;

C) the uprising of the peasants in France (Jacquerie);

D) the uprising of the peasants in England.

14. During the Hussite wars, the people opposed:

A) the rulers of the city of Prague;

B) ministers of the Catholic Church;

C) the Czech king;

D) local feudal lords.

15. Bulgaria was under the rule of the Ottoman Turks:

A) because of the constant wars with the nomadic tribes of the Pechenegs;

B) due to the inability of the feudal lords to combine their forces to resist the conquerors;

C) due to the support of the Ottoman Turks by individual Bulgarian feudal lords;

D) due to the unexpected death of the Bulgarian Tsar Vasily II from a heart attack.

Part B

IN 1. Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns. One element of the left column corresponds to one element of the right column.

IN 2. Indicate who made a vow (promise) to give up personal property, not have a family, live in poverty and unquestioningly obey the head of the monastery: ________________

IN 3. What unites these names: Urban II, Innocent III; Clement V.

AT 4. What is "shield money"? Who paid them and why?

AT 5. List what equipment the knight had.


Part A

Part B

IN 1.

1B; 2G; 3A; 4D; 5 B.

IN 2. Monk


AT 4. Instead of obligatory participation in the campaign, the knights could pay the king a special contribution - "shield money". With these funds, the king, if necessary, recruited a mercenary army.

AT 5. Visor, armor, chain mail, club, sword, spear.

Control test for the 1st half of the year on the history of the Middle Ages

6th grade

Option 2

Part A


1. Estates are:

A) the union of several tribes;

B) large groups of people with the same rights and responsibilities;

C) the union of emperors and kings;

D) union of artisans.

2. This leader advanced among the Franks at the end of the 5th century:

A) Attila B) Clovis; B) Julius Caesar D) Justinian.

3. In what year was Charlemagne proclaimed emperor?

A) in 800; b) in 500; c) in 395; d) in 732

4. In Constantinople, the most remarkable work of Byzantine architecture was the temple:

A) Kaaba b) Hagia Sophia; c) Basil the Blessed; d) Pantheon.

5. In medieval cities, workshops are:

A) departments of factories;

B) unions of artisans of various specialties;

C) unions of artisans of the same specialty.

D) unions of patricians and seniors.

6. The division of the Christian Church into Catholic and Orthodox occurred:

A) in 843; b) in 962; c) in 1092; d) in 1054

7. The church court, created to fight heretics, was called:

A) indulgence b) order; c) the inquisition; d) confession.

8. The form of state power, in which the king relies on a meeting of representatives of the estates, is called:

A) an enlightened monarchy; b) absolute monarchy;

C) estate monarchy; d) a constitutional monarchy.

9. In what year were the Estates General in France first convened:

A) 1215; b) 1265; c) 1258; d) 1302

10. In 1381, the following happened:

A) the battle of Sluys off the coast of Flanders;

B) the battle of Crecy;

C) Wat Tyler's rebellion in England.

D) peasant uprising in France:

11. Who led the struggle of the French people against England at the beginning of the 15th century?

A) Joan of Arc B) Guillaume Cal

B) Charles VII D) Edward III

12. In the Hundred Years War, the basis of the English army was:

A) scattered detachments under the leadership of feudal lords.

B) foot soldiers recruited from among the mercenaries;

C) war chariots driven by feudal lords;

D) knightly cavalry, led by the king.

13. The Serbian warrior who made his way to the Turkish camp to kill the Sultan was called:

A) Jan Zizka4 b) Guillaume Cal; c) Milos Obilic; d) Robin Hood.

14. The Hussite wars ended in 1434 near the city of Lipany with a battle between:

A) Crusaders and Hussites;

B) moderates and taborites;

C) moderates and crusaders;

D) Czech and German feudal lords.

15. The duty of dependent peasants in the form of regular payments to the master in products or money is called:

A) tax b) quitrent; c) contribution; d) fine.

Part B.

IN 1. Establish a correspondence between concepts and their definitions.

IN 2. At the head of the Christian Church in Western Europe was: _____________

IN 3. What unites these names: Philip II Augustus; Louis IX Saint; Philip IV Handsome.

AT 4. List the obligations of a vassal to his liege.

AT 5. List the duties of the peasants.

Part B

B1.A4; B5; IN 1; G3; D 2.

IN 2. pope

IN 3. Kings of France

AT 4. The vassal was obliged, by order of the lord, to go on a campaign and bring a detachment of soldiers with him; to participate in the seigneur's court; ransom the lord from captivity; help him with advice.

AT 5. Quit, corvee, tithe.

1. What is the name of the state that has: a single power of the king, uniform laws, taxes, an army?

a) united

b) centralized

c) democratic

2. When were the Estates General in France first convened?

a) 1302 b) 1209 c) 1304

3. What did the conquest of England by the Duke of Normandy William lead to?

a) to the weakening of royal power in England

6) to strengthen royal power

c) to the feudal fragmentation of the state

4 What year was Charles IVpublished the Golden Bull?

a) in 1356. b) in 1265 c) in 1350.

5. What was in the Domesday Book?

a) a census of all the lands and the entire population of England

b) a census of all feudal lords .

and the pastures of England

c) census of English pensioners

6. When was the first Parliament in England called?

a) in 1230. b) in 1365 c) in 1265.

7. When did the Hundred Years War start?

a) in 1337. b) in 1300 c) in 1303.

8. What was the name of the body of the class representativefood in spain?

a) Parliament b) States General c) Sejm d) Cortes

9. What character has acquired the Hundred Years War for the French?

a) aggressive b) national liberation c) defensive

10. What is the main outcome of the Hundred Years War?

a) an uprising of peasants called "Jacquerie" was suppressed

b) the war of the Scarlet and White Roses was stopped

c) France won its independence

11. What is the Reconquista?

a) religious war

b) the reconquest by Christians from Muslims of lands in Spain

c) the union of Christians and Muslims in the fight against infidels

12. What was the nature of the War of the Scarlet and White Roses in England?

a) internecine war of the feudal nobility

b) national liberation war

c) guerrilla warfare

Identify the person from the description.

1. "In 1302, in order to enlist the support of the estates in the struggle against the pope, he first convened the Estates General."

Solve the problem.

1. The Hundred Years War began in 1337. It ended 21 years after the execution of Joan of Arc. In what year was the Maid of Orleans executed?