Modern learning technologies presentation. Modern educational technologies

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The priority of modern education, which guarantees its high quality, can and must certainly become education focused on self-development and self-realization of the student's personality.

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The Four Foundations of Education Learning to know Learning to do Learning to live Learning to be

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Modern educational technologies, firstly, make it possible to organize independent activities of students in mastering the content of education

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secondly, they include students in various activities (priority is given to research, creative and project activities)

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thirdly, these are technologies for working with various sources of information, since information is used today as a means of organizing activities, and not as a goal of learning (information technologies, including distance learning technology, problem-based learning technology)

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fourthly, these are technologies for organizing group interaction, since partnership and cooperation relations permeate the modern educational process aimed at developing tolerance and corporatism

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fifthly, these are technologies of students' metacognitive activity, since the student's subjective position becomes a determining factor in the educational process, and his personal development acts as one of the main educational goals.

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M. Clark believes that the meaning of pedagogical technology lies in the application in the field of education of inventions, industrial products and processes that are part of the technology of our time. F. Percival and G. Ellington indicate that the term "technology in education" includes any possible means of presenting information. This is equipment used in education, such as television, various image projection devices, etc. In other words, technology in education is audiovisual. The modern UNESCO dictionary of terms offers two semantic levels of this concept. And in the original sense, pedagogical technology means the use for pedagogical purposes of the means generated by the revolution in the field of communications, such as audiovisual means, television, computers and others. Foreign approaches to the definition of pedagogical technologies

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Russian approaches to the definition of pedagogical technologies V.P. Bespalko believes that "... pedagogical technology is a meaningful technique for implementing the educational process." this definition is focused on the use of pedagogical technology only in the learning process. Which leads to a sharp narrowing of this concept as a pedagogical definition and the possibilities of using it in practical pedagogical activity. V.M. Monakhov: pedagogical technology is a model of joint pedagogical activity thought out in all details to design, organize and conduct the educational process with the unconditional provision of comfortable conditions for the student and teacher. M.V. Klarin considers pedagogical technology as a system set and the order of functioning of all personal, instrumental and methodological means used to achieve pedagogical goals. This definition is more capacious, since we are talking about general pedagogical goals.

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Technological approach to learning means: 1. Setting and formulating diagnosable learning goals focused on achieving the planned learning outcome. 2. Organization of the entire course of study in accordance with the learning goals. 3. Assessment of current results and their correction. 4. Final evaluation of the results.

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Signs of pedagogical technology of the goal (in the name of what it is necessary for the teacher to apply it); availability of diagnostic tools; patterns of structuring the interaction between the teacher and students, allowing to design (program) the pedagogical process; a system of means and conditions that guarantee the achievement of pedagogical goals; means of analyzing the process and results of the activities of the teacher and students. In this regard, the integral properties of pedagogical technology are its integrity, optimality, effectiveness, applicability in real conditions.

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Examples of modern pedagogical technologies according to G.K. Selevko: Pedagogical technologies based on the personal orientation of the pedagogical process Pedagogy of cooperation Humane-personal technology (Sh.A. Amonashvili) Pedagogical technologies based on the activation and intensification of students' activities Game technologies Problem-based learning Technology of communicative teaching of a foreign language culture (E.I. Passov) Technology of intensification learning based on schematic and symbolic models of educational material (V.F. Shatalov) Pedagogical technologies based on the effectiveness of management and organization of the educational process mandatory results (V.V. Firsov) Technology of individualization of training (Inge Unt, A.S. Granitskaya, V.D. Shadrikov) Technology of programmed learning Collective method of teaching CSR (A.G. Rivin, V.K. Dyachenko) Computer ( new info educational) teaching technologies Pedagogical technologies based on didactic improvement and reconstruction of the material "Ecology and dialectics" (L.V. Tarasov) "Dialogue of cultures" (V.S. Bibler, S.Yu. Kurganov) Enlargement of didactic units - UDE (P. M. Erdniev) Implementation of the theory of gradual formation of mental actions (M.B. Volovich)

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Examples of modern pedagogical technologies according to G.K. Selevko: Particular pedagogical technologies Technology of early and intensive teaching of literacy (N.A. Zaitsev) Technology of improving general educational skills in primary school (V.N. Zaitsev) Technology of teaching mathematics based on problem solving (R.G. Khazankin) Pedagogical technology based on the system effective lessons (A.A. Okunev) The system of phased teaching of physics (N.N. Paltyshev) Alternative technologies Waldorf pedagogy (R. Steiner) The technology of free labor (S. Frenet) The technology of probabilistic education (A.M. Lobok) Nature-friendly technologies Nature-friendly education of literacy (A.M. Kushnir) Technology of self-development (M. Montessori) Technologies of developing education The system of developing education L.V. Zankova Technology of developing education D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydova Systems of developmental education with a focus on the development of creative qualities of the individual (I.P. Volkov, G.S. Altshuller, I.P. Ivanov) Personally oriented developmental education (I.S. Yakimanskaya) Technology of self-developmental education (G.K. Selevko) Pedagogical technologies of author's schools Technology of the author's School of Self-Determination (A.N. Tubelsky) School-Park (M.A. Balaban) Agroschool A.A. Catholic School of Tomorrow (D. Howard)

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Overview of modern pedagogical technologies Information (computer, multimedia, network, remote) technologies Creative technologies Game technologies: simulation; operating rooms; performance of roles; "business theater"; psychodrama and sociodrama Modular learning technology Trainings Coaching

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For example, Modular Learning Technology creates a solid basis for group and individual independent work of students and saves time without compromising the completeness and depth of the material being studied. In addition, flexibility and mobility are achieved in the formation of knowledge and skills of students, their creative and critical thinking develops.

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The main purpose of this training is to activate the independent work of students throughout the entire period of study. The implementation of this goal will allow: to increase the motivation for studying the subject; improve the quality of knowledge; raise the level of the educational process as a whole.

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1. The concepts of problem-based learning Problem-based learning is a method of active interaction of a subject with a problem-represented learning content organized by a teacher, during which he joins the objective contradictions of scientific knowledge and ways to solve them, learns to think, creatively assimilate knowledge (A.M. Matyushkin). Problem-based learning is a set of such actions as organizing problem situations, formulating problems, providing students with the necessary assistance in solving problems, checking these solutions, and, finally, managing the process of systematizing and consolidating acquired knowledge (V. Okon).

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Concepts of problem-based learning Problem-based learning is a type of developmental learning, the content of which is represented by a system of problematic tasks of various levels of complexity, in the process of solving which students acquire new knowledge and methods of action, and through this, creative abilities are formed: productive thinking, imagination, cognitive motivation, intellectual emotions (M.I. Makhmutov). Problem-based learning is such an organization of training sessions that involves the creation of problem situations under the guidance of a teacher and the active independent activity of students to resolve them, as a result of which there is a creative mastery of professional knowledge, skills and abilities and the development of mental abilities (G. K. Selevko) .

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Conceptual aspects of problem-based learning The leading idea of ​​the concept is to involve students in creative activities by posing problem-formulated questions and tasks; activation of their cognitive interest and, ultimately, all cognitive activity. The basis for the implementation of the concept is the simulation of a real creative process by creating a problem situation and managing the search for a solution to the problem.

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Stages of productive cognitive activity Science has established the sequence of stages of productive human cognitive activity in a problem situation: Intentional creation of a problem situation is the starting point of problem learning, and the problem that arises will be a learning problem.

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Methods of problem-based learning 1. According to the method of solving problematic problems, four methods are distinguished: problem presentation (the teacher independently poses the problem and independently solves it); collaborative learning (the teacher independently poses the problem, and the solution is achieved jointly with the students); research (the teacher poses a problem, and the solution is achieved by the students on their own); creative learning (students both formulate a problem and find its solution).

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Methods of problem-based learning 2. According to the method of presenting problem situations and the degree of activity of students, six methods are distinguished (M.I. Makhmutov): the method of monologue presentation; reasoning method; dialogical method; heuristic method; research method; method of programmed actions.

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The monologue method is a slight variation on the traditional method; it is used, as a rule, to convey a significant amount of information and the educational material itself is reconstructed unconsciously; the teacher does not create, but nominally designates problem situations.

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The reasoning method in the teacher's monologue, elements of reasoning are introduced, the logic of getting out of the difficulties arising due to the peculiarities of the construction of the material; the teacher notes the presence of a problematic situation, shows how different hypotheses were put forward and collided; the method requires a greater restructuring of the educational material compared to the traditional one; the order of the reported facts is chosen in such a way that the objective contradictions of the content are presented especially emphasized and arouse the cognitive interest of students and the desire to resolve them; there is not so much a dialogue as a monologue: questions can be asked by the teacher, but they do not require an answer and are used only to attract students.

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In the dialogical method, the structure of the educational material remains the same as in the reasoning method; informational questions are asked and to the discussion of the wide involvement of students; students actively participate in the formulation of the problem, put forward assumptions, try to prove them on their own; the educational process at the same time takes place under the control of the teacher, he independently poses an educational problem and provides not so much help to students in finding answers as their independent statement; the ability of students to realize their search activity is characterized.

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The heuristic method divides the educational material into separate elements, in which the teacher additionally sets certain cognitive tasks that are solved directly by the students; the teacher poses problems to be solved, ascertains the correctness of certain methods, which in the future serve as the basis only for the independent activity of students; imitation of independent research by students is carried out, but within the guidance and assistance of the teacher.

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Research method structure and sequence of material presentation as in the heuristic method; the posing of questions is carried out not at the beginning of one or another element of the study of the problem, but already on the basis of its independent consideration by students; the activity of the teacher is not guiding, but evaluative, ascertaining; the activity of students acquires an independent character, they are additionally trained not only to solve the problem, but also become able to isolate it, realize it, formulate it.

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The method of programmed actions the teacher develops a whole system of programmed tasks, in which each task consists of separate elements (or "frames"); "cadres" contain a part of the studied material or a certain focus, within which students have to independently set and solve the corresponding sub-problems, resolve problem situations; after studying one element, the student, having made the appropriate conclusions on his own, proceeds to the next, and the availability of the next stage is determined by the correctness of the conclusions made at the previous one.

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Emergence of a problem situation A problem situation is generated by: the logic of the subject; the logic of the educational process; educational or practical situation. In the first two cases, as a rule, they arise objectively, i.e. regardless of the wishes of the teacher. The teacher creates problem situations intentionally, if he knows the general patterns of their occurrence.

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Ways to create problem situations Encourage students to theoretically explain phenomena, facts, external inconsistencies between them. The use of situations that arise when students perform educational tasks, as well as in the course of their normal life, that is, those problem situations that arise in practice. The search for new ways of practical application by students of a particular phenomenon, fact, element of knowledge, skill or ability. Encouragement of students to analyze the facts and phenomena of reality, generating contradictions between everyday (everyday) ideas and scientific concepts about them.

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Rules for creating problem situations Problem situations should contain a feasible cognitive difficulty. Solving a problem that does not contain cognitive difficulties contributes only to reproductive thinking and does not allow achieving the goals that problem-based learning sets for itself. On the other hand, a problem situation that is too complex for students does not have significant positive consequences. The problem situation should arouse the interest of students with its unusualness, surprise, non-standard. Such positive emotions as surprise, interest serve as a favorable aid for learning.

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The predicted result is the ability to think logically, scientifically, dialectically, creatively; facilitating the transition of knowledge into beliefs; awakening of intellectual feelings (satisfaction, confidence in one's abilities); awakening interest in scientific knowledge.

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2. Student-centered education is education that ensures the development and self-development of the student's personality based on the identification of his individual characteristics as a subject of cognition and objective activity. (Yakimanskaya I.S.)

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The "subjective" nature of learning in the EMC "Harmony" is manifested at all its stages: obtaining and systematizing knowledge; control and self-control; assessments and self-assessments;

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Components of student-centered learning creation of a positive emotional mood for the work of all students during the lesson; use of problematic creative tasks; encouraging students to choose and independently use different ways to complete tasks; the use of tasks that allow the student to choose the type, type and form of the material (verbal, graphic, conditionally symbolic); reflection.

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Student-centered education includes the following approaches: Multi-level Differentiated Individual Subjective-personal

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Feature of the personality-oriented approach. The educational process should be aimed at the center of the student His goals Motives Interests Inclinations Level of learning Abilities Assimilation of knowledge Development of cognitive forces Ways of assimilation and thinking processes Development of creative abilities

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To this end: individual training programs are developed that model research (exploratory) thinking; group classes are organized on the basis of dialogue and simulation-role-playing games; educational material is designed to implement the method of research projects carried out by the students themselves.

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Principles of student-centered learning Principle of natural conformity Principle of cultural conformity Principle of individual-personal approach

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Pedagogical technologies based on a personality-oriented approach Humane-personal technology Amonashvili Sh.A. Game technologies Developmental learning technologies Problem-based learning Technology of level differentiationV.V. Firsov

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The differences between a student-oriented lesson and a traditional one can be seen in four aspects: - in the organization of the lesson itself and activities on it; - in a different position of the teacher in relation to the student and to the educational process, to the role of the teacher in it; - in a different position of the student himself as a subject of educational activity (it is thanks to a different position of the teacher that the subjective position of the student is cultivated); - in a different nature of the relationship between the teacher and the student in the educational process.

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Teacher functions: Teacher as an interlocutor (function of emotional support); Teacher as a researcher (research function); The teacher as a person who creates the conditions for learning (facilitating function); The teacher as an expert (expert, advisory function).

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The main task of the teacher in a student-oriented educational space. The main thing that a teacher works for in a personality-oriented educational space is the organization of an “event community” with a student, helping him in mastering the position of the subject of his own life. It is important that the student is able to overcome the passive position in the learning process and open himself as a carrier of an active transformative principle.

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Acquaintance with educational technologies

Concept Examples of individual technologies

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A bad teacher teaches the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it.


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Traditional Pedagogy The teacher teaches - the student learns The teacher knows everything - the student knows nothing The teacher thinks - the student reproduces knowledge The teacher speaks - the student listens The teacher manages - the student obeys The teacher is active - the student is passive The teacher determines the content of learning - the student adapts to it The teacher is authoritarian - the student is not free Teacher - subject of learning - student - object of learning

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National educational initiative "Our new school"

The result of education is not only knowledge in specific disciplines, but also the ability to apply them in everyday life, to use in further education. The student must have a holistic socially-oriented view of the world in its unity and diversity of nature, peoples, cultures, religions. This is possible only as a result of combining the efforts of teachers of different subjects.

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State of development and approval of standards

1. GEF of primary general education approved by order of October 6, 2009 No. 373 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 22, 2009 No. 15785) 2. GEF of basic general education approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2010 No. 1897 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated February 01, 2011 No. 19644. On completion

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The sequence of introduction of GEF

Grade 1 September 1, 2010 September 1, 2011 September 1, 2012 September 1, 2013 September 1, 2014 September 1, 2015 Grade 10 Grade 5 September 1, 2016 September 1, 2017 September 1, 2018 September 1, 2019

Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard as soon as it is ready

Mandatory introduction of GEF

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Approximate basic educational program of basic general education

to the results of education, structure (content), conditions for its implementation

Standard as a set of requirements for the school program

GEF basic general education

Art. 7 of the Law "On Education"

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Standard as a set of three systems of requirements for OOP

OOP structure requirements

Requirements for the results of mastering the OOP

Requirements for the implementation conditions of the OOP

Art. 7 Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"

(achievement of personal, meta-subject, subject results, through the development of "ability to learn" throughout the entire learning process)

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Transition to new educational standards

From standards containing a detailed list of topics in each subject that are mandatory for each student to study, to new standards - requirements for what school programs should be like, what results children should demonstrate, what conditions should be created at school to achieve these results Two parts : obligatory and the one that is formed by the school. The older the level, the greater the choice The new standard provides for extracurricular employment The result of education is not only knowledge, but also the ability to apply them in everyday life. The school should create personnel, logistical and other conditions that ensure the development of the educational infrastructure in accordance with the requirements of the time. Financial support will be built on the principles of normative per capita financing. At the same time, the funds will go to the municipalities and to each school according to the standard, regardless of the form of ownership.

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New quality of education

Knowledge (subject) Personal growth (personal) Application of knowledge in life (meta-subject)

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About the system-activity approach

The development of modern standards of school education is based on the idea of ​​education as an institution of socialization of the individual, arising from the main provisions of the cultural and historical concept of the mental development of the school by L. S. Vygotsky ... ... where the system-activity approach is an ideal form that sets the standard for the socially desirable characteristics of the individual , designing installations, defining the main tasks and directions for the development of the education system. (from the materials "Standards of the second generation")

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The basis of the Standard is a system-activity approach that provides:

formation of readiness for self-development and continuous education; designing and constructing the social environment for the development of students in the education system; active educational and cognitive activity of students; construction of the educational process, taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students.

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In the traditional system of the educational process

Organizes student activities in an innovative educational environment

Changing the role of participants in the pedagogical process

Get ready information

Carries out: search choice analysis systematization and presentation of information

Broadcasts information

New educational result

"Competences to update competencies" and motivation for learning at different stages of development of the personality of students

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In life, we constantly have to solve problems! Does the school teach this?

The structure of a traditional lesson 1. The teacher checks the students' backgrounds. 2. The teacher announces a new topic. 3. The teacher explains the new topic. 4. The teacher organizes the consolidation of knowledge by students.

Solving problems in life Life puts us in a situation of difficulty. We formulate a goal: “What do we want to achieve?” 2. We consider possible solutions, determine whether there is enough knowledge and skills. 3. We try to solve the problem (acquiring new knowledge if necessary) 4. Having received the result, we compare it with the goal. We conclude whether we have achieved our goal or not.

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New didactic model of education

When developing the Standard, the process of forming a new didactic model of education, which is objectively taking place in the conditions of the information society, was fully taken into account, based on the competence-based educational paradigm, which implies the active role of all participants in the educational process in the formation of a motivated competent person, capable of: quickly navigating in a dynamically developing and updating information space; receive, use and create a variety of information; make informed decisions and solve life problems based on the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

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Innovative educational space of the lesson


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GEF: what is evaluated as a result of education?

ACTIVITIES OF STUDENTS: the ability to solve learning problems based on the formed subject and universal methods of action (skills, not knowledge!) the ability to learn - the ability to self-organize in solving learning problems progress in personal development (emotional, cognitive, self-regulation)

New regulation on certification of teachers: 1st and highest categories only with the introduction of new EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES

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The new standard focuses the attention of teachers on the need to use modern educational technologies that can ensure the development of students. It is no coincidence that it is the use of advanced technologies that becomes the most important criterion for the success of a teacher. Thanks to modern technologies, the activities of students are deployed in the classroom.

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Educational technologies

The GEF documents formulate requirements for a teacher, including: be able to choose and use modern educational technologies use assessment technologies modern technologies for designing an educational environment

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The criteria that make up the essence of pedagogical technology:

unambiguous and strict definition of learning objectives (why and for what); content selection and structure (what); optimal organization of the educational process (how); methods, techniques and teaching aids (with the help of what); taking into account the necessary real level of teacher qualification (who); objective methods for assessing learning outcomes (is it so).

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Educational technology:

easily fits into the educational process; allows you to achieve the goals set by the program and the standard of education for a particular academic subject; ensures the implementation of the main directions of the pedagogical strategy: humanization, humanitarization of education and a student-centered approach; ensures the intellectual development of children, their independence;

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Three levels of pedagogical technologies:

There are three levels of pedagogical technologies: general pedagogical, particular methodological, locally modular. General pedagogical technology characterizes a holistic educational process in a given educational institution, region. In this case, pedagogical technology reflects a complex pedagogical system: it includes a set of goals, content, means and methods of management, an algorithm for the activity of subjects and objects of the process. At the particular methodological (subject) level, pedagogical technology covers certain areas, aspects of the pedagogical system, corresponding, for example, to particular methods, i.e. a set of methods and means for the implementation of a certain content of education and upbringing within the framework of one subject, class, teacher. The local-modular level of technology refers to separate parts of the educational process: technologies for certain types of activities, technology for the formation of concepts, technology for mastering new knowledge, technology for repeating and controlling material, technology for independent work, etc.

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Developmental education; -problem learning; - multi-level training; -collective learning system (CSE); - technology for solving inventive problems (TRIZ); -research teaching methods; - project teaching methods; -technology "debate"; - technology of modular and block-modular education; -lecture - seminar - credit system of education; -technology for the development of "critical thinking"; - technology of using gaming methods in teaching: role-playing, business and other types of educational games; -learning in cooperation (team, group work); -information and communication technologies; - health-saving technologies; - the system of innovative assessment "portfolio"; - technology of distance learning technology of workshops group training, etc.

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The following educational technologies have become widespread:

modular technology; project-based learning technology; technology of intra-class differentiation; problem learning technology; didactic game technology.

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about the project

Project - purposeful change management, fixed in time Design and creativity Design and management Design and development

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Structure of project activity

Result Oriented! 1. Description (fixation) of the result 2. Fixation of the deadline for achieving the result 3. Preliminary planning of actions to achieve the result 4. Programming (time planning of individual actions) 5. Implementation of actions with their simultaneous monitoring and correction 6. Obtaining the product of project activities

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The project method is a method of organizing the cognitive and labor activity of students, which involves determining the needs of people, designing a product of labor in accordance with these needs, manufacturing a product or providing a service, assessing quality, and determining the real demand in the goods market.

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Basic principles of instructional design

Reliance on the interest of children, as well as previously learned material; Perhaps greater independence of students; Creative orientation; Practical feasibility of the project; Communication with the needs of society.

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Basic requirements for educational projects

Organizational and pedagogical; Psychological and physiological; Technological and economic.

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Collection of information (search for information) It is carried out mainly at home (possibly at school after school hours) It is carried out with the active participation of parents If possible, information is collected from observations on excursions (to nature, to enterprises, to museums, etc.) Takes time 1-2 weeks Result: information found

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Project implementation

The activities of students in the implementation of the chosen idea: Research; Manufacture of the final product.

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Completion of work on the topic From the information found, each child highlights the most important and, with the help of their parents, enters the selected information on a sheet of a single format (A4) In practice, this sheet is made by the parents themselves, because the task is not the child’s self-expression, but the opportunity for other children to get acquainted with the search results student of new information Design: large, clear type, thick paper, illustrations and simple diagrams are desirable Result: collected from separate sheets and stored in the public domain a file cabinet or album with a table of contents created by the teacher or parents

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Presentation of the results Held with the active participation of parents at the school after school hours Events are held, crafts and expositions are presented, research projects are defended (presented) All events, presentations and defenses are photographed Result: completed projects, filled in several pages of the class life history album

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Project activities at school

Project activity develops all universal learning activities!

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The activities of the teacher to achieve the goals of the school of project culture:

Develop educational programs that include educational routes (for parallel classes, for a class, for groups, for individual students); - develop software, methodological and didactic support of the educational process; - form educational, information-communicative, reflective competence; - design independent work of schoolchildren with educational literature, additional sources of information, including Internet resources; - carry out diagnostics of the readiness of older students for further education; - create conditions for the development of subjective activity of schoolchildren in educational and extracurricular activities.

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The project activity of students is a joint educational, cognitive, creative or play activity of students, which has a common goal, agreed methods, methods of activity, aimed at achieving a social result of activity. The research activity of students is the activity of students associated with the solution of problems by students with a previously unknown solution and assuming the presence of the main stages characteristic of research in the scientific field, normalized based on the traditions accepted in science.

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The difference between research activities and design and constructive

The main result of the research activity is an intellectual product that establishes this or that truth as a result of the research procedure and is presented in a standard form. The result of project activities are products that have practical significance, social significance.

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The essence of technology.

Stimulate students' interest in certain problems, solving these problems, the ability to practically apply the acquired knowledge. Enables effective design of the educational process.

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conversion function; Function of thinking; Evaluation function

Functions of design and research technology

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individualization; problematic; availability; Amateur activities; cooperation.

Principles of organization of design and research technology

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Informational (introductory lesson, communication about the goals and objectives of the project, the formation of motivation for the implementation of the project). Planned. Search. Generalizing. (structuring information, systematization of data, built a logical system, conclusions). The stage of presentation and protection. (Protection, presentation, result). Analytical. (Reflection)

Stages of design technology.

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Positive sides.

The use of design and research technologies in the classroom is very promising, as it allows solving a number of important educational tasks: putting forward project topics, developing an independent view of solving a problem, acquiring knowledge and skills in the process of planning and performing work. The experience gained in the process of project activities is based on the interests of students. Contributes to the formation of interdisciplinary and suprasubject communications. The real contribution of students to changing the social situation in the educational community

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Disadvantages of the design methodology.

uneven load at different stages of activity; increasing the emotional burden on teachers and students.

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Technology of problem-dialogical learning

Lesson explaining new material

Lesson "discovery" of knowledge

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Traditional lesson

Problem-dialogical lesson 1. Creation of a problem situation by the teacher and formulation of the problem by students 2. Actualization by students of their knowledge 3. Search for a solution to the problem by students 4. Expression of a solution, 5. Application of knowledge by students

Problem-dialogical technology (since 1999) Purpose - to teach independent problem solving Means - discovery of knowledge together with children

Textbooks Submission

Regulatory UUD Learn to identify and formulate a learning problem together with the teacher. To make plan. Working according to the plan, compare your actions with the goal. Determine the degree of success of your work. (From the UUD formation program)

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An example of a problem situation through the contradiction of two opinions

Lena: It's hot in the south.

Misha: What about the South Pole?

Compare the two statements - what is the contradiction? What is the question? LEARNING PROBLEM: Where on Earth is it warm and where is it cold? SOLUTION: It all depends on whether direct or oblique rays of the sun fall on the surface of the Earth

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What educational outcomes does problematic dialogue provide?

Regulatory - the ability to solve problems Communicative - conduct a dialogue Cognitive - extract information, draw logical conclusions, etc. Personal - if the problem of a moral assessment of the situation, civil choice was raised

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TECHNOLOGY for the development of critical thinking

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1. Technology for the development of critical thinking

Critical thinking is the ability to analyze information from the standpoint of logic and a person-centered approach in order to apply the results to both standard and non-standard situations, questions and problems. Critical thinking is the ability to ask new questions, develop a variety of arguments, and make independent, thoughtful decisions. The purpose of the technology is to ensure the development of critical thinking through the interactive inclusion of students in the educational process. Initial scientific ideas: Critical thinking: Promotes mutual respect of partners, understanding and productive interaction between people; Encourages understanding of different "views of the world"; Allows students to use their knowledge to fill the meaning of situations with a high level of uncertainty, to create a basis for new types of human activity.

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1. Technology for the development of critical thinking. Criteria for evaluating the result

Critical thinking does not mean negativity or criticism, but a reasonable consideration of a variety of approaches in order to make informed judgments and decisions. Orientation towards critical thinking assumes that nothing is taken for granted. Each student, regardless of authority, develops his own opinion in the context of the curriculum. Criteria for evaluating the result in terms of technology for the development of critical thinking of students. The main criterion for evaluating the result is critical thinking, which can be revealed through the following indicators: Evaluation (Where is the error?) Diagnosis (What is the reason?) Self-control (What are the shortcomings?) Criticism (Do you agree you? Refute. Give counterarguments?) Prediction (Build a forecast). Results: Schoolchildren's critical thinking about their subjective experience.

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The educational productivity of students increases if they consciously participate in the definition of learning objectives, the choice of its forms and content. An increase in the share of open tasks in the educational process that do not have uniquely predetermined solutions and answers increases the intensity and efficiency of the development of students' creative qualities. Diagnostics of a student's personal educational increments has a more effective impact on the quality of education than diagnostics and control of his educational results in relation to externally set standards.

Slide 72

The main elements of the individual educational activity of the student:

The meaning of the activity (why am I doing this); Setting a personal goal (anticipating the result); Activity plan; Implementation of the plan; Reflection (awareness of one's own activity); Grade; Adjustment or redefinition of goals.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

2 slide

Description of the slide:

CONCEPT APPARATUS Technology (from the Greek - production method) - a set of organizational measures, operations and techniques aimed at manufacturing a product with nominal quality and optimal costs, and due to the current level of development of science, technology and society as a whole. Pedagogical technology is a set of means and methods for reproducing theoretically substantiated learning and upbringing processes that make it possible to successfully achieve the educational goals set (“Pedagogical Encyclopedia”).

3 slide

Description of the slide:

CRITERIA OF MANUFACTURABILITY OF THE PEDAGOGICAL PROCESS: Consistency - a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other and form a certain integrity and unity. Scientific (conceptual) is a reliance on a certain scientific concept, including a philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-pedagogical justification for achieving goals. This is a system of views on the pedagogical process, ideas, principles on the basis of which activities are organized. Structuring - the presence of a certain internal organization of the system (goals, content), backbone links of elements (concept, methods), stable interactions (algorithm) that ensure the stability and reliability of the system.

4 slide

Description of the slide:

5 slide

Description of the slide:

MODERN PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES Health-saving technologies Integrated learning technologies Project activities Educational and research activities Collaboration technologies Person-centered technologies Learning based on learning tasks and situations Information and communication (ICT) Technologies of differentiated learning Developing education Technology for solving inventive problems (TRIZ) Technology "debate" Business games Problem learning Portfolio of students Computer technologies Interactive technologies Technologies of different levels of education

6 slide

Description of the slide:

PERSON-ORIENTED PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES Technology of pedagogical workshops Technology of teaching as educational research Technology of collective mental activity Technology of heuristic learning Project method Probabilistic education (A. Lobok) Developing education (L.V. Zankov, V.V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonin) « School of Dialogue of Cultures” (V.S. Bibler) Humanitarian-personal technology (Sh.A. Amonashvili) Teaching literature as an art and as a human-forming subject (E.N. Ilyin) Design pedagogy

7 slide

Description of the slide:

SUBJECT-ORIENTED LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES Goal setting technology Full assimilation technology (M.V. Klarin) Pedagogical process technology (S.D. Shevchenko) Concentrated learning technology Modular learning

8 slide

Description of the slide:

INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGIES Technology "Development of critical thinking through reading and writing" Technology of discussions Technology "Debate" Training technologies Interactive technologies are a type of information exchange between students and the environment.

9 slide

Description of the slide:

10 slide

Description of the slide:

TECHNOLOGIES FOR ASSESSING STUDENTS' ACHIEVEMENTS Portfolio technology Ungraded learning Rating technologies

11 slide

Description of the slide:

TECHNOLOGY OF PEDAGOGICAL WORKSHOPS A workshop is an original way of organizing the activities of students in a small group (7-15 students) with the participation of a master teacher who initiates the search, creative nature of the students' activities. The composition of the groups varies from workshop to workshop. This is a living experience of accepting any partner, developing tolerance and mutual assistance.

12 slide

Description of the slide:

MAIN STAGES Induction (behavior) is a stage that is aimed at creating an emotional mood and motivating students for creative activity. Deconstruction - destruction, chaos. At this stage, a problem is posed and the known is separated from the unknown, an information request is created. Reconstruction - recreating from chaos your project of solving a problem. A hypothesis is discussed and put forward, ways to solve it, creative works are created: drawings, stories, riddles, work is underway to complete the tasks given by the teacher.

13 slide

Description of the slide:

Socialization is the correlation by students of their activities with the activities of other students and the presentation of intermediate and final results of work to everyone in order to evaluate and correct their activities. Advertising is hanging, a visual representation of the results of the work of the master and students. A gap is a sharp increase in knowledge. This is the culmination of the creative process, a new selection by the student of the subject and awareness of the incompleteness of his knowledge, an incentive to a new deepening into the problem. The result of this stage is insight (enlightenment). Reflection is a student's awareness of himself in his own activity, it is a reflection of the achievements of his own thought, his own worldview.

14 slide

Description of the slide:

PROJECT METHOD - a way of organizing the cognitive and labor activity of students, which involves determining the needs of people, designing a product of labor in accordance with these needs, manufacturing a product or providing a service, assessing quality, determining real demand in the goods market.

15 slide

Description of the slide:

ESSENCE OF TECHNOLOGY To stimulate students' interest in certain problems, solving these problems, the ability to practically apply the acquired knowledge. Enables effective design of the educational process.

16 slide

Description of the slide:

STAGES OF PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: I stage. Motivational - the mood of students for interesting work, a clear and specific explanation by the teacher of the tasks of the project and its final result. II stage. Project planning: - creation of working groups; - preparation of methodological, didactic and material and technical means; - scheduling the work of the groups. III stage. Implementation of the project (research activity). - Search for information; - processing of received information; - presentation of material developed in groups; - evaluation of the process and current results of the project-lesson; - correction of the project (addition, change, introduction of new proposals, etc.) - design of the presentation on the project. - analysis of the project implementation. IV stage. Project protection.

17 slide

Description of the slide:

18 slide

Description of the slide:

TECHNOLOGY OF EDUCATIONAL DISCUSSIONS Purpose: development of critical thinking of schoolchildren, the formation of their communicative and debatable The use of discussion is recommended when students have a significant degree of maturity and independence in acquiring knowledge and formulating problems, in the selection of arguments, in substantive preparation for discussion topics. Educational discussion is effective for consolidating information, creative understanding of the studied material and the formation of value orientations.

19 slide

Description of the slide:

FORMS OF DISCUSSION "Round table" - a conversation in which "on an equal footing" a small group participates, during which an exchange of views takes place. "Meeting of the expert group" - the intended problem is discussed, then the positions are stated to the whole class, while everyone makes a presentation. "Forum" - discussion, the group enters into an exchange of views with the audience. "Symposium" is a more formalized discussion. Participants make presentations representing their points of view, after which they answer questions from the audience. "Debate" - a clearly formalized discussion, built on the basis of pre-fixed speeches of the participants - representatives of two rival teams - and rebuttals.

20 slide

Description of the slide:

"TECHNIQUE OF AQUARIUM" Statement of the problem (comes from the teacher). The teacher divides the class into subgroups (usually arranged in a circle). The representative of the position of the group is selected. The group discusses the problem, a common point of view is determined. Representatives express and defend their own position (no one else has the right to speak, but it is allowed to pass notes indicating to their representative). You can take time out for consultations. Critical review by the whole class.

21 slide

Description of the slide:

COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES In practice, information technologies of education are all technologies that use special technical information tools (computers, audio, cinema, video). Computer (new information) learning technologies are the processes of preparing and transmitting information to the student, the means of implementation of which is the computer.

22 slide

Description of the slide:

COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES Computer technology can be implemented in the following three versions: I - as a "penetrating" technology (the use of computer training on certain topics, sections of individual didactic tasks). II - as the main, defining, most significant of the parts used in this technology. III - as a monotechnology (when all training, all management of the educational process, including all types of diagnostics, monitoring, are based on the use of a computer).

MOU "Topkanovskaya basic comprehensive school"
«Modern educational technologies»»
educational technologies
Venina V.A.
teacher of Russian language and literature

Application of modern educational technologies and / or methods

Modern educational technologies
Application of modern educational
technologies and/or methods

Technologies and methods

Modern educational technologies
Technologies and methods
What is the difference between methodology and technology?
(according to V.I. Zagvyazinsky)
Teaching methodology - a set of methods and techniques,
used to achieve a certain class of goals.
The methodology can be variable, dynamic, depending on
the nature of the material, the composition of the students, the learning situation,
individual abilities of the teacher. Spent typical
methods become technologies.
Technology is quite rigidly fixed
sequence of actions and operations that guarantee
getting the desired result. Technology contains
certain algorithm for solving problems. Based on use
technologies, the idea of ​​​​complete controllability of learning and
reproducibility of typical educational cycles.

educational technology

Modern educational technologies
educational technology

Technology and methodology

Modern educational technologies
Technology and methodology

Modern educational technologies
appeared in the 1960s,
means building
pedagogical process
with guaranteed results

Modern educational technologies
TECHNOLOGY (from Greek téchne - art,
skill, skill and Greek. logos-
study) - a set of organizational measures,
operations and practices aimed at
manufacture, maintenance, repair and/or
operation of the product with a rated
quality and optimal costs

Modern educational technologies
M.V. Clarin
"System totality and order
functioning of all personal,
instrumental, methodological means,
used to achieve
pedagogical goals.
G.Yu. Ksenozov
“Such a construction of the teacher’s activity,
in which all the actions included in it
presented in a certain integrity
and sequences, and execution
assumes the achievement of the necessary
result and has a probabilistic
predictable character.
"The system method of creation,
applications and definitions
the whole teaching process
and assimilation, setting as its task
form optimization
V.P. Bespalko
V.M. monks
"Designed in every detail
model of pedagogical
activities that include
design, organization and
Carrying out the educational process with
unconditional security
comfortable conditions for students
and teachers."
"The totality of means and methods
reproduction of learning processes
and education, allowing successful
implement the set
educational goals.
V.V. Guzeev
“It is an ordered set of actions,
operations and procedures, instrumental
predicted result in changing
conditions of educational

Manufacturability criteria

Modern educational technologies
Manufacturability criteria
Educational technology should
meet basic requirements
(manufacturability criteria):

Manufacturability criteria

Modern educational technologies
Manufacturability criteria
Conceptuality. Each
educational technology should
be based on scientific
concept, including philosophical,
psychological, didactic and
socio-pedagogical justification
achieving educational goals.

Manufacturability criteria

Modern educational technologies
Manufacturability criteria
Consistency. educational
technology should have all
signs of the system: logic
process, the interconnection of all its
parts, integrity.

Manufacturability criteria

Modern educational technologies
Manufacturability criteria
Manageability involves
possibility of diagnostic
goal setting, planning,
designing the learning process,
step-by-step diagnostics, variation
means and methods in order to
adjustments to the results.

Manufacturability criteria

Modern educational technologies
Manufacturability criteria
Efficiency. Modern
educational technologies
exist in a competitive environment
must be effective in
results and optimal
costs, guarantee the achievement
certain standard of learning.

Manufacturability criteria

Modern educational technologies
Manufacturability criteria
Reproducibility implies
possibility of application (repetition,
reproduction) educational
technologies in other similar
educational institutions,
other subjects.

Educational technologies

Modern educational technologies
Educational technologies
Pedagogical technologies based on personal orientation
pedagogical process
- Pedagogy of cooperation
- Humane-personal technology of Sh.A. Amonashvili
- The system of E.N. Ilyin: teaching literature as a subject,
shaping man
Pedagogical technologies based on activation and intensification
student activities
- Gaming technologies
- Problem based learning
- Technology of communicative teaching of foreign culture (E.I. Passov)
- Learning intensification technology based on circuit and sign
models of educational material (V.F. Shatalov)

Educational technologies

Modern educational technologies
Educational technologies
Pedagogical technologies based on management efficiency and
organization of the educational process
Technology of S.N. Lysenkova: perspective-advancing learning with
using reference circuits with commented control
-Technologies of level differentiation
-Level differentiation of training based on mandatory results
(V.V. Firsov)
- Culture-educating technology of differentiated teaching by interests
children (I.N. Zakatova).
- Technology of individualization of education (Inge Unt, A.S. Granitskaya, V.D. Shadrikov)
- Programmed learning technology
- A collective way of teaching CSR (A.G. Rivin, V.K. Dyachenko)
- Group technologies
- .

Educational technologies

Modern educational technologies
Educational technologies
Pedagogical technologies based on didactic
improvements and reconstruction of the material
- "Ecology and dialectics" (L.V. Tarasov)
- "Dialogue of cultures" (V.S.Bibler, S.Yu.Kurganov)
- Enlargement of didactic units - UDE (P.M. Erdniev)
- Implementation of the theory of the phased formation of mental actions (M.B. Volovich)
Private subject pedagogical technologies
- Technology of early and intensive literacy education (N.A. Zaitsev)
- Technology for improving general educational skills in elementary school
(V.N. Zaitsev)
- Technology of teaching mathematics based on problem solving (R.G. Khazankin)
- Pedagogical technology based on a system of effective lessons (A.A. Okunev)
- The system of phased education in physics (N.N.Paltyshev)

Educational technologies

Modern educational technologies
Educational technologies
Alternative technologies
- Waldorf pedagogy (R. Steiner)
- Technology of free labor (S. Frenet)
- Technology of probabilistic education (A.M. Lobok)
- Workshop technology
Nature friendly technologies
- Nature-friendly education of literacy (A.M. Kushnir)
- Technology of self-development (M. Montessori)
- General foundations of developmental learning technologies
- The system of developing education L.V. Zankova
- Technology of developing education by D. B. Elkonin-V. V. Davydov.
- Systems of developmental education with a focus on development
creative qualities of the individual (I.P. Volkov, G.S. Altshuller,
I.P. Ivanov)
- Personally-oriented developmental education (I.S. Yakimanskaya)

Teaching Methods

Modern educational technologies
Teaching Methods
(A.V. Khutorskoy. Workshop on didactics and methods)
Classical domestic methods
- The system of education of M.V. Lomonosov
- Leo Tolstoy Free School
- Didactics of P.F. Kapterev
- S.T. Shatsky's training system
- A.S. Makarenko training system
- A.G. Rivin's technique
Innovative teaching methods
- Programmed learning
- Developmental training
- Problem based learning
- Heuristic learning
- Nature friendly training
- Student-centered learning
- Productive learning
Methods of author's schools
- Shatalov's technique
- Technique "immersion"
- School of Free Development
-Russian school
-School of Dialogue of Cultures
-Methodological College
-School of self-determination
Foreign methods
- Socratic system
- New school S. Frenet
- M. Montessori system
- Waldorf School
- School of Tomorrow (D. Howard)
- Dalton plan and other systems


Modern educational technologies

Modern educational technologies
German Konstantinovich
(1932-2008) Honored Worker of the Higher
schools, academician of MANPO,
professor, candidate
Pedagogical Sciences, author
"Encyclopedia of Educational
technologies”, author of the school
self-development of personality

Modern educational technologies

Pedagogical technologies based on the personal orientation of the pedagogical process

Modern educational technologies
Pedagogical technologies based on personal
orientation of the pedagogical process
Cooperation Pedagogy

Cooperation Pedagogy

Modern educational technologies
Cooperation Pedagogy
Features of the technique:
humane and personal approach to the child's view of personality as the goal of education,
humanization and democratization of pedagogical relations,
rejection of direct coercion as a method that does not produce results in
modern conditions,
formation of a positive self-concept.
Didactic activating and developing complex:
- the content of training is considered as a means of development
- training is conducted primarily on generalized knowledge, skills and
skills, ways of thinking,
-variability and differentiation of training,
- creating a situation of success for each child.

Cooperation Pedagogy

Modern educational technologies
Cooperation Pedagogy
Parenting concept:
- transformation of the school of Knowledge into the school of Education,
- placing the student's personality at the center of the entire educational system,
- humanistic orientation of education, formation
universal values,
-development of creative abilities of the child.
Environmental education:
- cooperation with parents,
- interaction with public and state
child welfare institutes
activities in the school district.

Modern educational technologies

Critical thinking is the ability
analyze information logically and
person-centered approach so that
to apply the results obtained to
standards, as well as non-standard situations,
questions and problems. Critical thinking -
is the ability to ask new questions
work out
make independent informed decisions.

Technology for the development of critical thinking

Modern educational technologies
development of critical thinking
The purpose of the technology is to ensure the development of critical thinking
through the interactive involvement of students in the process
Initial scientific ideas:
Critical thinking:
promotes mutual respect of partners, understanding and
productive interaction between people;
makes it easier to understand different "views of the world";
allows students to use their knowledge to
filling the meaning of situations with a high level
uncertainty, create a basis for new types of human

Technology for the development of critical thinking

Modern educational technologies
development of critical thinking
Criteria for evaluating the result in terms of technology
development of critical thinking of students
The main criterion for evaluating the result is
critical thinking that can be revealed
through the following metrics:
Evaluation (Where is the error?)
Diagnosis (What is the reason?)
Self-control (What are the disadvantages?)
Criticism (Do you agree? Refute. Give
Forecast (Build a forecast).

Modern educational technologies

The initial slogan of the founders of the system of project-based learning:
"Everything from life, everything for life."
The purpose of project-based learning: to create conditions under which students:
independently and willingly acquire the missing knowledge from
different sources;
learn to use the acquired knowledge to solve
cognitive and practical tasks;
acquire communication skills by working in various
develop their research skills (the ability to identify
problems, collecting information, monitoring, conducting
experiment, analysis, hypotheses, generalization);
develop systems thinking.

Project based learning technology

Modern educational technologies
Project based learning technology
Initial theoretical positions of project-based learning:
the focus is on the student, promoting the development of his creative
the learning process is based on the logic of activity that has
personal meaning for the student, which increases his motivation in learning;
the individual pace of work on the project ensures the output of each
student to his level of development;
an integrated approach to the development of educational projects contributes to
balanced development of basic physiological and mental
student functions;
deep, conscious assimilation of basic knowledge is ensured by
their universal use in different situations.

Project based learning technology

Modern educational technologies
Project based learning technology
The essence of project-based learning is that the student
while working on a study project
comprehends real processes, objects, etc. It
involves the student living in specific
situations, introducing him to the penetration
deep into phenomena, processes and design
new objects.

Pedagogical technologies based on the activation and intensification of students' activities

Modern educational technologies
Pedagogical technologies based on activation and
intensification of students' activities
Gaming technologies
Problem learning

Gaming technologies

Modern educational technologies
Gaming technologies
Play is the freest, most natural form
immersion of a person in a real (or imaginary)
reality for the purpose of its study, manifestation
own "I", creativity, activity,
autonomy, self-realization.
The game has the following features:
psychological, relieving stress and promoting
emotional discharge;
psychotherapeutic, helping the child to change
attitude towards oneself and others, change the ways
communication, mental well-being;
technological, allowing you to partially withdraw thinking
from the rational realm to the fantasy realm,
transforming reality.

Gaming technologies

Modern educational technologies
Gaming technologies
The didactic goal is set for students in the form of a game
tasks, learning activities are subject to the rules of the game,
educational material is used as a means of play,
the element of competition is included in the educational activity,
successful completion of the didactic task is associated with the game
Pedagogical games by the nature of the pedagogical process
divided into groups:
a) teaching, training, controlling and generalizing;
b) cognitive, educational, developing;
c) reproductive, productive, creative;
d) communicative, diagnostic, career guidance,

Gaming technologies

Modern educational technologies
Gaming technologies
Game method:
Junior school age

compare, contrast them.

Gaming technologies

Modern educational technologies
Gaming technologies
Junior school age
games and exercises that form the ability to allocate
main, characteristic features of objects,
compare, contrast them.
*Groups of games for the generalization of objects according to certain characteristics.
* Groups of games that bring up the ability to control oneself,
speed of reaction to a word, phonetic hearing, ingenuity, etc.
Game technologycharacters of the "Wizard of the Emerald City", "Adventures
Pinocchio”, “Sam Samych” by V.V. Repkin and others.

Gaming technologies

Modern educational technologies
Gaming technologies
Game technologies in middle and senior school age.
Preparation stage-
1. Game development: scenario development,
business game plan, general description of the game,
the content of the briefing, the preparation of material support.
Entering the game:
*setting problems, goals,
*regulations, rules,
* distribution of roles,
*group formation,
* consultations.
Carrying out stage:
1. Group work on the task, work with sources, training,
2. Intergroup discussiongroup presentations,
protection of the results
work of experts.
Stage of analysis and generalization:
* exit from the game,
*analysis, reflection,
* assessment and self-assessment of work,
* conclusions and generalizations,
* recommendations.

Problem learning

Modern educational technologies
Problem learning
Problem-based learning is the organization of training sessions that
involves the creation under the guidance of a teacher
problem situations and active independent
activities of students with their permission.
The result of problem-based learning:
Creative mastery of knowledge, skills, abilities
and development of mental abilities.

Problem learning

Modern educational technologies
Problem learning
Methodical techniques for creating problem situations:
- the teacher leads the students to a contradiction and invites them to find
how to resolve it;
- confronts contradictions in practical activities;
- expresses different points of view on the same issue;
- invites the class to consider the phenomenon from different perspectives (for example,
commander, lawyer, financier, teacher);
- encourages students to make comparisons, generalizations, conclusions from the situation,
compare facts;
- raises specific questions (for generalization, justification, concretization, logic
- defines problematic theoretical and practical tasks (for example:
- sets problem tasks (for example: with insufficient or excessive
initial data, with uncertainty in the formulation of the question, with
inconsistent data, with known errors, with limited
decision time, to overcome "psychological inertia", etc.).

Pedagogical technologies based on the effectiveness of management and organization of the educational process.

Modern educational technologies
Pedagogical technologies based
management and organization efficiency
educational process.
Tier technology
(new information)
Group Technologies

Technology of level differentiation

Modern educational technologies
Technology of level differentiation
Differentiated learning is a form of organization of the educational process, with
which the teacher works with a group of students, compiled taking into account the availability of
any of them significant for the educational process of general qualities (homogeneous
Individual psychological characteristics of children, which form the basis
formation of homogeneous groups:
* by age composition (school classes, age parallels, different age groups),
* by gender (male, female, mixed classes, teams),
*by area of ​​interest (humanitarian, physical and mathematical, biological and chemical, etc.)
* by the level of mental development (level of achievement),
*by health level (physical education groups, visually impaired groups, etc.)
Intra-class (intra-subject) differentiation (N.P. Guzik):
*intraclass differentiation of learning,
* developmental cycle of lessons on the topic.

Technology of level differentiation.

Modern educational technologies
Technology of level differentiation.
There are five types of lessons for each educational topic:
1- lesson of general analysis of the topic (lecture),
2-combined seminars with an in-depth study of the educational
material in the process of independent work of students (from 3 to 5 lessons),
3- lessons of generalization and systematization of knowledge (thematic tests),
4-lessons of interdisciplinary generalization of material (lessons of protection of thematic
Multi-level tasks for students (didactic material for
independent work, problem solving, laboratory and practical tasks):
the first option C- corresponds to the required learning outcomes
the second option B-involves the inclusion of additional tasks and exercises from
the third option A is the inclusion of additional tasks from the auxiliary educational literature.
The choice of the study program for each of the subjects is provided by the
In the control of knowledge, differentiation deepens and turns into
individualization - individual accounting of the achievements of each student.

Group Technologies

Modern educational technologies
Group Technologies
* ensuring the activity of the educational process,
*Achievement of a high level of mastering the content.
Organization features:
- the class in the lesson is divided into groups to solve specific educational
- each group receives a specific task and performs it together
under the guidance of a group leader or teacher,
- tasks in a group are performed in a way that allows
take into account and evaluate the individual contribution of each member of the group,
- the composition of the group is unstable, it is selected taking into account the fact that they could
realize the learning opportunities of each member of the group, in
depending on the content and nature of the work to be done.

Group Technologies

Modern educational technologies
Group Technologies
Technological process of group work:
1.Preparation for the group task -
* setting a cognitive task (problem situation),
* instruction on the sequence of work,
* distribution of didactic material in groups.
2.Group work:
* familiarity with the material,
* group work planning
* distribution of tasks within the group,
*individual assignment,
* discussion of individual results of work in a group,
* discussion of the general task of the group (remarks, additions, clarifications, generalizations),
*summarizing the results of the group task.
3. Final part-
* report on the results of work in groups,
*analysis of the cognitive task,
* general conclusion about group work and achievement of the task.
Varieties of group technologies:
* group survey,
* non-traditional lessons * lesson-conference,
* lesson-court,
* lesson - travel,
* lesson-game,
* integrated lesson, etc.

Computer (new information) learning technologies

Modern educational technologies

formation of skills to work with information, development
communication skills,
preparation of the personality of the "information society",
give the child as much learning material as he can learn,
formation of research skills,
ability to make optimal decisions.
The main feature of computer learning methods is that
that computers are interactive, they have
the ability to "respond" to the actions of the student and teacher, "to enter" with
them into dialogue.

Computer (new information) learning technologies

Modern educational technologies
(new information) learning technologies
The computer is used at all stages of the learning process -
* when explaining new material,
* when consolidating knowledge,
*on repetition
*when monitoring ZUN.
As a teacher, the computer represents:
* source of educational information;
* visual aid (a qualitatively new level with
multimedia and telecommunications capabilities);
*individual information space;
* training apparatus;
* means of diagnostics and control.

Research activities

Modern educational technologies
Research activities
Teaching and research activities are activities
aimed at teaching students the algorithm of conducting
research, the development of their research type of thinking
Stages of building a study study:
Formulation of the problem
Setting goals and objectives of the study
Formulation of a working hypothesis
The study of theoretical material
Selection and development of research methods
Collection of material
Analysis and generalization of the collected material
Presentation of work results

Developmental learning technologies

Personally oriented
(G.K. Selevko)

Developmental learning technologies

Modern educational technologies

The system of developing education L.V. Zankov,
technology of developing education by D.B. Elkonin-
V.V. Davydov,
systems of developing education with a focus
on the development of the creative qualities of the individual (I.P. Volkov,
G.S. Altshuller, I.P. Ivanov),
student-centered developmental education
(I.S. Yakimanskaya).

Developmental learning technologies

Modern educational technologies
Developmental learning technologies
A new, active-activity way of learning, going to replace
explanatory and illustrative.
Developmental learning takes into account and uses patterns
development, adapts to the level and characteristics of the individual.
In developing education, pedagogical influences are ahead,
stimulate, direct and accelerate the development of hereditary
personal data.
In developmental education, the child is a full-fledged subject
Developing education is aimed at developing the entire holistic
set of personality traits.
Developmental learning takes place in the zone of proximal development

Modern educational technologies

Technology of student-centered learning
represents a combination of learning understood as
normative-conforming activities of the society, and
learning as an individually meaningful activity
individual child. Its content, methods, techniques
aimed mainly at
reveal and use the subjective experience of each
student, to help the formation of personally significant
ways of knowing by organizing a holistic
educational (cognitive) activity.

Personally oriented developmental education

Modern educational technologies
Personally oriented developmental education
For each student, an educational
program, which, unlike the training one, is
individual character, based on knowledge
characteristics of the student as a person with all only
its inherent characteristics. Program
should be flexibly adapted to the possibilities
student, the dynamics of his development under the influence

Personally oriented developmental education

Modern educational technologies
Personally oriented developmental education
Since the center of all educational
systems in this technology is
individuality of the child, then its methodological
based on individualization and
differentiation of the educational process. Initial
point of any subject methodology is
disclosure of individual characteristics and
opportunities for each student.

Personally oriented developmental education

Modern educational technologies
Personally oriented developmental education
Constantly watching each student,
performing various types of educational work, a teacher
accumulates a data bank about the emerging
individual cognitive "profile", which
varies from class to class. Professional
Student supervision should be in the form
individual map of his cognitive
(mental) development and serve as the main document
to determine (select) differentiated forms
training (specialized classes, individual
training programs, etc.).

Technology of self-developing learning (G.K. Selevko)

Modern educational technologies

The activity of the child is organized not only as a satisfaction
cognitive need, but also a number of other
personal development needs:
in self-affirmation (self-education, self-education,
self-determination, freedom of choice);
in self-expression (communication, creativity and self-creation,
search, identification of their abilities and strengths);
in security (self-determination, career guidance,
self-regulation, collective activity);
in self-actualization (achievement of personal and social goals,
preparing yourself for adaptation in society, social tests).

Technology of self-developing learning (G.K. Selevko)

Modern educational technologies
Technology of self-developing learning (G.K. Selevko)
Content Features
The technology of self-developing learning includes three interrelated,
interpenetrating subsystems
1. "Theory" - the development of the theoretical foundations of self-improvement. AT
school curriculum introduces a significant, fundamentally important
component of the course "Self-improvement of the individual" from grades I to XI.
2. "Practice" - the formation of experience in activities for
self-improvement. This activity is extracurricular
child activities in the afternoon.
3. "Method" - the implementation of forms and methods of self-developing learning
in teaching the basics of science.

Technology of self-developing learning (G.K. Selevko)

Modern educational technologies
Technology of self-developing learning (G.K. Selevko)
The course "Self-improvement of the individual" gives the child
basic psychological and pedagogical training,
methodological basis for conscious control
development, helps him to find, realize and accept
goals, program, learn practical techniques and methods
their spiritual and physical growth and improvement.
This course implements the position on the leading role of theory
in personality development; it is the theoretical basis for
all educational subjects.

Technology of self-developing learning (G.K. Selevko)

Modern educational technologies
Technology of self-developing learning (G.K. Selevko)
The course is designed taking into account age capabilities and
represents the following structure by class:
I-IV classes - The beginning of ethics (self-regulation of behavior);
Class V - Know yourself (personality psychology);
VI class - DIY (self-education);
VII class - Learn to learn (self-education);
VIII class. - Culture of communication (self-affirmation);
IX class - Self-determination;
X cl. - Self-regulation;
XI class. - Self-actualization.

Technology of self-developing learning (G.K. Selevko)

Modern educational technologies
Technology of self-developing learning (G.K. Selevko)
During the course, half of the study time
given to practical, laboratory and
training forms of work, including
psychological and pedagogical diagnostics and
self-diagnosis of students;
development of self-improvement programs for
sections and periods of development;
comprehension, reflection of life;
trainings and self-education exercises,
self-assertion, self-determination and self-regulation.

Health saving technologies

Modern educational technologies
Health saving technologies
physical culture and health
healthy and
work with
educational and

Technology "Debate"

Modern educational technologies
Technology "Debate"
Forms skills
Ability to think critically
Ability to separate important information from
Ability to identify and isolate a problem
Ability to identify causes and possible
Ability to identify facts and opinions
Ability to solve problems effectively
Ability to evaluate evidence
Teamwork skills

Technologies "TRIZ" (technology for solving inventive problems)

Modern educational technologies
TRIZ technologies
(technology for solving inventive problems)
TRIZ - Pedagogy aims to form a strong
thinking and education of a creative personality,
prepared to deal with complex problems in
various fields of activity. Its difference from
well-known means of problem-based learning - in
using the world experience accumulated in
the field of creating methods for solving inventive
tasks. Of course, this experience has been revised and agreed with
goals of pedagogy. Under solution method
inventive problems are primarily meant
techniques and algorithms developed within the framework of TRIZ, and
also such foreign methods as brainstorming.


Modern educational technologies
Portfolio - a technology that allows you to solve a problem
objective evaluation of performance
Portfolio is a professional planning technology
Portfolio types
achievements, thematic
presentation, complex
New Portfolio Forms
Electronic portfolio
Passport of competencies and qualifications
European language portfolio (single European
model adopted by the Council of Europe)

Modernization Technology

Modern educational technologies
Modernization Technology
Moderation is an effective technology that allows
significantly improve efficiency and quality
educational process. Moderation efficiency
determined by the fact that the techniques, methods and
forms of organization of cognitive activity
aimed at activating the analytical and reflexive
activities of students, development of research and
design skills, development of communication
teamwork abilities and skills.
Collaboration process organized with the help of
techniques and methods of moderation contributes to the removal of barriers
communication, creates conditions for the development of creative
thinking and making innovative decisions, forms
and develops collaborative skills.

Modernization Technology

Modern educational technologies
Modernization Technology
Moderation also uses well-known today
problem solving techniques and finding optimal solutions -
cluster, morphological analysis, mental maps, six
thinking hats, synectics, etc.
Purposes of moderation application – effective management of children
in the course of the lesson, the fullest possible involvement of all
students in the learning process, maintaining a high
cognitive activity of students throughout
the entire lesson, guaranteed achievement of the objectives of the lesson.
This ensures optimal use
class time (extracurricular activities), as well as
energy and potential of all participants in the learning process
(teacher, educator, students).

Modern pedagogical technologies used by the school staff

Modern educational technologies
Modern pedagogical
technologies used
school staff
Health saving

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" prescribes in
learning to focus on providing
self-determination of the individual, creation of conditions for
her self-realization.
And today a tool has been created that allows this
to solve the problem, that is, to build such
educational space in which the most
activities are effectively developing
students' abilities. Such a tool and
are innovative learning technologies.

Modern educational technologies
Any activity can be either
technology or art. Art
based on intuition, technology based on
science. It all starts with art
technology ends to then
it all started over.

Modern educational technologies
creative success and
effective work

slide 2

Acquaintance with educational technologies

  • concept
  • Examples of individual technologies
  • slide 3

    A bad teacher teaches the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it


    slide 4

    Traditional Pedagogy

    • Teacher teaches - student learns
    • The teacher knows everything - the student knows nothing
    • The teacher thinks - the student reproduces knowledge
    • Teacher speaks, student listens
    • The teacher controls - the student obeys
    • The teacher is active - the student is passive
    • The teacher determines the content of the training - the student adapts to it
    • The teacher is authoritarian - the student is not free
    • Teacher-subject of learning - student-object of learning
  • slide 5

    National educational initiative "Our new school"

    The result of education is not only knowledge in specific disciplines, but also the ability to apply them in everyday life, to use in further education. The student must have a holistic socially-oriented view of the world in its unity and diversity of nature, peoples, cultures, religions. This is possible only as a result of the unification of the efforts of teachers of different subjects.

    slide 6

    State of development and approval of standards

    1. The Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education was approved by Order No. 373 of October 6, 2009 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 22, 2009 No. 15785)
    2. The Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2010 No. 1897 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of February 01, 2011 No. 19644.
    3. GEF of secondary (complete) general education - introduced to the Standards Council in November 2010. On completion

    Slide 7

    The sequence of introduction of GEF

    • Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard as soon as it is ready
    • Mandatory introduction of GEF
  • Slide 8

    • Exemplary basic educational program of basic general education to the results of education, structure (content), conditions for its implementation.
    • Standard as a set of requirements for the program of the GEF school of basic general education Art. 7 of the Law "On Education".
  • Slide 9

    Standard as a set of three systems of requirements for OOP

    • OOP structure requirements
    • Requirements for the results of mastering OOP
    • Expected achievements of education
    • Requirements for the implementation conditions of the OOP
    • Ensuring organizational and pedagogical conditions for the activities of the educational system of the educational institution
    • Resources: personnel, material base, information, finance

    Art. 7 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (achievement of personal, meta-subject, subject results, through the development of the "ability to learn" throughout the entire learning process)

    Slide 10

    Transition to new educational standards

    1. From standards containing a detailed list of topics in each subject that are mandatory for each student to study, to new standards - requirements for what school programs should be like, what results children should demonstrate, what conditions should be created at school to achieve these results
    2. Two parts: compulsory and one that is formed by the school. The older the stage, the greater the choice
    3. The new standard provides for extracurricular work
    4. The result of education is not only knowledge, but also the ability to apply them in everyday life.
    5. The school should create personnel, material and technical and other conditions that ensure the development of educational infrastructure in accordance with the requirements of the time
    6. Financial support will be built on the principles of per capita financing. At the same time, the funds will go to the municipalities and to each school according to the standard, regardless of the form of ownership.
  • slide 11

    New quality of education

    • Knowledge (subject)
    • Personal growth (personal)
    • Application of knowledge in life (meta-subject)
  • slide 12

    About the system-activity approach

    • The development of modern standards of school education is based on the idea of ​​education as an institution of socialization of the individual, arising from the main provisions of the cultural and historical concept of the mental development of the school of L. S. Vygotsky ...
    • … where the system-activity approach is an ideal form that sets the standard for the socially desirable characteristics of the individual, designing attitudes, determining the main tasks and directions for the development of the education system. (from the materials "Standards of the second generation")
  • slide 13

    The basis of the Standard is a system-activity approach that provides:

    • formation of readiness for self-development and continuous education;
    • designing and constructing the social environment for the development of students in the education system;
    • active educational and cognitive activity of students;
    • construction of the educational process, taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students.
  • Slide 14

    Changing the role of participants in the pedagogical process

    In the traditional system of the educational process

    1. Teacher
    2. Organizes student activities in an innovative educational environment
    1. Student
    2. Get ready information

    Carries out:

    • Search
    • choice
    • analysis
    • systematization and presentation of information
    • Broadcasts information
    1. New quality of education
    2. New educational result
    3. "Competences to update competencies" and motivation for learning at different stages of development of the personality of students
  • slide 15

    In life, we constantly have to solve problems! Does the school teach this?

    The structure of a traditional lesson:

    1. The teacher checks the children's rooms.
    2. The teacher announces a new topic.
    3. The teacher explains the new topic.
    4. The teacher organizes the consolidation of knowledge by students.

    Solving problems in life:

    1. Life puts us in a difficult situation. We formulate a goal: “What do we want to achieve?”
    2. We consider possible solutions, determine whether there is enough knowledge and skills.
    3. We try to solve the problem (acquiring new knowledge if necessary)
    4. Having received the result, we compare it with the goal. We conclude whether we have achieved our goal or not.

    slide 16

    New didactic model of education

    When developing the Standard, the process of formation of a new didactic model of education, which is objectively taking place in the conditions of the information society, was based on the competence-based educational paradigm, which implies the active role of all participants in the educational process in the formation of a motivated competent person capable of:

    • quickly navigate in a dynamically developing and updated information space;
    • receive, use and create a variety of information;
    • make informed decisions and solve life problems based on the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.
  • Slide 17

    Innovative educational space of the lesson

    • Modern educational technologies
    • Multi-level content of education
    • Competency-activity approach in education
    • Cooperation
  • Slide 18

    GEF: what is evaluated as a result of education?


    • the ability to solve learning problems based on the formed subject and universal methods of action (skills, not knowledge!)
    • the ability to learn - the ability to self-organize in solving educational problems
    • progress in personal development (emotional, cognitive, self-regulation)

    New regulation on certification of teachers: 1st and highest categories only with the introduction of new EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES

    Slide 19

    • The new standard focuses the attention of teachers on the need to use modern educational technologies that can ensure the development of students. It is no coincidence that it is the use of advanced technologies that becomes the most important criterion for the success of a teacher. Thanks to modern technologies, the activities of students are deployed in the classroom.
  • Slide 20

    Educational technologies

    The documents of the Federal State Educational Standard formulate requirements for the teacher, including:

    • be able to choose and use modern educational technologies
    • use evaluation technologies
    • modern technologies for designing the educational environment
  • slide 23

    The criteria that make up the essence of pedagogical technology:

    • unambiguous and strict definition of learning objectives (why and for what);
    • content selection and structure (what);
    • optimal organization of the educational process (how);
    • methods, techniques and teaching aids (with the help of what);
    • taking into account the necessary real level of teacher qualification (who);
    • objective methods for assessing learning outcomes (is it so).
  • slide 24

    Educational technology:

    • easily fits into the educational process;
    • allows you to achieve the goals set by the program and the standard of education for a particular academic subject;
    • ensures the implementation of the main directions of the pedagogical strategy: humanization, humanitarization of education and a student-centered approach;
    • ensures the intellectual development of children, their independence;
  • Slide 25

    • provides goodwill towards the teacher and towards each other;
    • a distinctive feature of most technologies is a special attention to the individuality of a person, his personality;
    • a clear focus on the development of creative activity.
  • slide 26

    Three levels of pedagogical technologies:

    • There are three levels of pedagogical technologies: general pedagogical, particular methodological, locally modular.
    • General pedagogical technology characterizes a holistic educational process in a given educational institution, region. In this case, pedagogical technology reflects a complex pedagogical system: it includes a set of goals, content, means and methods of management, an algorithm for the activity of subjects and objects of the process.
    • At the particular methodological (subject) level, pedagogical technology covers certain areas, aspects of the pedagogical system, corresponding, for example, to particular methods, i.e. a set of methods and means for the implementation of a certain content of education and upbringing within the framework of one subject, class, teacher.
    • The local-modular level of technology refers to separate parts of the educational process: technologies for certain types of activities, technology for the formation of concepts, technology for mastering new knowledge, technology for repeating and controlling material, technology for independent work, etc.
  • Slide 27


    Developmental education;
    -problem learning;
    - multi-level training;
    -collective learning system (CSE);
    - technology for solving inventive problems (TRIZ);
    -research teaching methods;
    - project teaching methods;
    -technology "debate";
    - technology of modular and block-modular education;
    - lecture-seminar - credit system of education;
    -technology for the development of "critical thinking";
    - technology of using gaming methods in teaching: role-playing, business and other types of educational games;
    -learning in cooperation (team, group work);
    -information and communication technologies;
    - health-saving technologies;
    - the system of innovative assessment "portfolio";
    - distance learning technology
    - workshop technology
    - group training

    Slide 28

    Slide 29

    The following educational technologies have become widespread:

    • modular technology;
    • project-based learning technology;
    • technology of intra-class differentiation;
    • problem learning technology;
    • didactic game technology.
  • slide 30


  • Slide 31

    about the project

    • Project - purposeful change management, fixed in time
    • Design and creativity
    • Design and management
    • Design and development
  • slide 32

    Structure of project activity

    Result Oriented!

    1. Description (fixation) of the result
    2. Fixing the deadline for achieving the result
    3. Preliminary planning of actions to achieve the result
    4. Programming (timing of individual actions)
    5. Implementation of actions with their simultaneous monitoring and correction
    6. Obtaining a product of project activities

    Slide 33

    • The project method is a method of organizing the cognitive and labor activity of students, which involves determining the needs of people, designing a product of labor in accordance with these needs, manufacturing a product or providing a service, assessing quality, and determining the real demand in the goods market.
  • slide 34

    Basic principles of instructional design

    • Reliance on the interest of children, as well as previously learned material;
    • Perhaps greater independence of students;
    • Creative orientation;
    • Practical feasibility of the project;
    • Communication with the needs of society.
  • Slide 35

    Basic requirements for educational projects

    • Organizational and pedagogical;
    • Psychological and physiological;
    • Technological and economic.
  • slide 36

    Main components of the project

  • Slide 39

    Project implementation

    • The activities of students in the implementation of the chosen idea:
    • Research;
    • Manufacture of the final product.
  • Slide 40

    Stages of project activity

    Completion of the topic:

    • From the information found, each child highlights the most important and, with the help of their parents, enters the selected information on a sheet of a single format (A4)
    • In practice, this sheet is made by the parents themselves, because the task is not the child's self-expression, but the opportunity for other children to get acquainted with the results of the student's search for new information.
    • Design: large clear type, thick paper, illustrations and simple diagrams are desirable
    • Result: a card file or album collected from separate sheets and stored in the public domain with a table of contents created by the teacher or parents
  • Slide 41

    Presentation of results:

    • Conducted with the active participation of parents in the school after school hours
    • Events are held, crafts and expositions are presented, research projects are defended (presented)
    • All events, presentations and defenses are photographed
    • Result: completed projects, completed several pages of the class life history album
  • Slide 42

    Project activities at school

    Project activity develops all universal learning activities!

    slide 43

    Technology of design and research activities

  • Slide 44

    The activities of the teacher to achieve the goals of the school of project culture:

    Develop educational programs that include educational routes (for parallel classes, for a class, for groups, for individual students);
    - develop software, methodological and didactic support of the educational process;
    - form educational, information-communicative, reflective competence;
    - design independent work of schoolchildren with educational literature, additional sources of information, including Internet resources;
    - carry out diagnostics of the readiness of older students for further education;
    - create conditions for the development of subjective activity of schoolchildren in educational and extracurricular activities.

    Slide 45

    • The project activity of students is a joint educational, cognitive, creative or play activity of students, which has a common goal, agreed methods, methods of activity, aimed at achieving a social result of activity.
    • The research activity of students is the activity of students associated with the solution of problems by students with a previously unknown solution and assuming the presence of the main stages characteristic of research in the scientific field, normalized based on the traditions accepted in science.
  • Slide 46

    • Design and research activity - the activity of designing one's own research, involving the identification of goals and objectives, the identification of the principles for selecting methods, planning the course of the study, determining the expected results of the study, determining the necessary resources.
  • Slide 47

    The difference between research activities and design and constructive

    The main result of the research activity is an intellectual product that establishes this or that truth as a result of the research procedure and is presented in a standard form. The result of project activities are products that have practical significance, social significance.

    Slide 48

    The essence of technology

    • Stimulate students' interest in certain problems, solving these problems, the ability to practically apply the acquired knowledge.
    • Enables effective design of the educational process.
  • Slide 49

    Functions of design and research technology

    • conversion function;
    • Function of thinking;
    • Evaluation function

    Functions of design and research technology

    Slide 50

    Principles of organization of design and research technology

    • individualization;
    • problematic;
    • availability;
    • amateur performances;
    • cooperation.
  • Slide 51

    Stages of design technology

    • Informational (introductory lesson, communication about the goals and objectives of the project, the formation of motivation for the implementation of the project).
    • Planned.
    • Search.
    • Generalizing. (structuring information, systematization of data, built a logical system, conclusions).
    • The stage of presentation and protection. (Protection, presentation, result).
    • Analytical. (Reflection)
  • Slide 52

    Positive sides

    The use of design and research technologies in the classroom is very promising, as it allows solving a number of important educational tasks:

    • put forward project topics,
    • develop an independent approach to solving the problem,
    • acquire knowledge and skills in the process of planning and performing work.
    • The experience gained in the process of project activities is based on the interests of students.
    • Contributes to the formation of interdisciplinary and suprasubject communications.
    • The real contribution of students to changing the social situation in the educational community.
  • Slide 53

    Disadvantages of the design methodology

    • uneven load at different stages of activity;
    • increasing the emotional burden on teachers and students.
  • Slide 54


  • Slide 55

    Domestic research:

    problem-based learning: I.A. Ilnitskaya, V.T. Kudryavtsev, M.I. Makhmutov.

    psychology of creativity: A.V. Brushlinsky, A.M. Matyushkin, A.T. Shumilin.

    Slide 56

    Technology of problem-dialogical learning

    • Lesson explaining new material
    • Lesson "discovery" of knowledge
  • Slide 57

    Traditional lesson

    1. Checking d / s students by the teacher
    2. Announcement of the topic by the teacher
    3. Explanation of the topic by the teacher
    4. Consolidation of knowledge by students

    Problem-dialogical lesson.

    1. Creation of a problem situation by the teacher and formulation of the problem by students
    2. Actualization by students of their knowledge
    3. Finding a solution to the problem by students
    4.Decision expression,
    5. Application of knowledge by students

    Problem-dialogical technology (since 1999) Purpose - to teach independent problem solving. Means - the discovery of knowledge with children

    • Textbooks.
    • Submission of material.
    • Regulatory UUD.
    • Learn to identify and formulate a learning problem together with the teacher.
    • To make plan.
    • Working according to the plan, compare your actions with the goal.
    • Determine the degree of success of your work.

    (From the UUD formation program).

    Slide 58

    An example of a problem situation through the contradiction of two opinions

    Lena: It's hot in the south.

    Misha: What about the South Pole?

    • Compare two statements - what is the contradiction?
    • What is the question?

    LEARNING PROBLEM: Where on Earth is it warm and where is it cold?

    SOLUTION: It all depends on whether direct or oblique rays of the sun fall on the surface of the Earth.

    Slide 59

    What educational outcomes does problematic dialogue provide?

    1. Regulatory - ability to solve problems
    2. Communicative - to conduct a dialogue
    3. Cognitive - extract information, draw logical conclusions, etc.
    4. Personal - if the problem of a moral assessment of the situation, civil choice was raised
  • Slide 60


    1. Gives solid knowledge.
    2. Stimulates intellectual development.
    3. Brings up an active personality.
    4. Health-saving technology.

    Slide 61


    internally free, loving and able to relate creatively to reality, to other people, able not only to solve the old, but also to pose a new problem, able to make an informed choice and independent decisions.

    Slide 62

    TECHNOLOGY for the development of critical thinking

  • Slide 63

    1. Technology for the development of critical thinking

    • Critical thinking is the ability to analyze information from the standpoint of logic and a person-centered approach in order to apply the results to both standard and non-standard situations, questions and problems. Critical thinking is the ability to raise new questions, develop a variety of arguments, and make independent, thoughtful decisions.

    The purpose of the technology is to ensure the development of critical thinking through the interactive inclusion of students in the educational process.

    Initial scientific ideas: Critical thinking:

    • Promotes mutual respect of partners, understanding and productive interaction between people;
    • Encourages understanding of different "views of the world";
    • Allows students to use their knowledge to fill the meaning of situations with a high level of uncertainty, to create a basis for new types of human activity.
  • Slide 64

    1. Technology for the development of critical thinking. Criteria for evaluating the result

    Critical thinking does not mean negativity or criticism, but a reasonable consideration of a variety of approaches in order to make informed judgments and decisions. Orientation towards critical thinking assumes that nothing is taken for granted. Each student, regardless of authority, develops his own opinion in the context of the curriculum.

    Criteria for evaluating the result in terms of technology for the development of students' critical thinking. The main criterion for evaluating the result is the criticality of thinking, which can be revealed through the following indicators:

    • Evaluation (Where is the error?)
    • Diagnosis (What is the reason?)
    • Self-control (What are the disadvantages?)
    • Criticism (Do you agree? Refute. Give counterarguments?)
    • Forecast (Build a forecast).
    • Results: Schoolchildren's critical thinking about their subjective experience.
  • Slide 65

    A. V. Khutorskoy

    Methodology of student-centered learning

    • How to train everyone differently?
  • Slide 66

    Student-centered learning systems:

    1. System of Socrates.
    2. Free school of L. Tolstoy.

  • An increase in the share of open tasks in the educational process that do not have uniquely predetermined solutions and answers increases the intensity and efficiency of the development of students' creative qualities.
  • Diagnostics of a student's personal educational increments has a more effective impact on the quality of education than diagnostics and control of his educational results in relation to externally set standards.
  • Slide 71

    An educational product is the result of a student's educational activity, which has external (idea, text, craft, composition) and internal (personal qualities) manifestations.

    Slide 72

    The main elements of the individual educational activity of the student:

    • The meaning of the activity (why am I doing this);
    • Setting a personal goal (anticipating the result);
    • Activity plan;
    • Implementation of the plan;
    • Reflection (awareness of one's own activity);
    • Grade;
    • Adjustment or redefinition of goals.
  • Slide 73

    Student-centered education is the development and self-development of the student's personality based on his individual characteristics as a subject of cognition and objective activity.

    View all slides