Standardization of education. Characteristics of state education standards I and II generation

The standardization of education is caused by the need to create a single educational space in Russia, which will ensure an equal level of education for all graduates of educational institutions.

1. Educational standards.

2. State educational standards of higher professional education. (GOS) - structure, content, essence.

(as a result of the teaching you will be)

1. Understand the need and essence of educational standards

2. Know the goals, structure, content, essence of the State Educational Standards (SES).

3. Be able to analyze the SES in their own and related specialties.

4. Know the advantages and disadvantages of CES and the procedure for updating them.

Educational materials

Educational standards.

As the name implies, we will talk about the problems of standardization of the content of education.

We are aware that the subsection should reflect such issues as: problem statement; standardization as a necessary component of systemic education; standardization of interaction between participants in educational activities; the genesis of education standardization; standards and market; standards and public administration; standards and content of education; standardization and state educational policy; standardization and lobbying; standardization of information exchange technologies; standardization and open education. The limitation on the volume of the textbook allows only touching on these issues in the form of abstracts.

The standardization of education could be attributed to one of the global trends in reforming the world educational system, as one of the means to overcome the crisis of education. It is difficult to say who is more in the world today - supporters or opponents of educational standards, but the process of standardization in the education system is gaining momentum.

The education system is the subject of activity of a large number of subjects (teachers, students, graduate students, organizers of the educational process, all kinds of educational managers, etc.), and, therefore, from the point of view of the systemic requirement, this object can be standardized by state educational standards, as well as procedures their designs are in no way market oriented at all. They are focused only on the internal needs of the pedagogical community and the internal needs of educational authorities, which today use state standards.

It is possible to show the indirect influence of the interests and positions of employers in the entire structure of educational activities related to the implementation of the state educational standard. It is shown that, since the standard is not tested in practice in any way (i.e., there is no opinion of the employer, the standard cannot be really compared with real life and the economy, etc.), then in this case the design is not tested in practice. It turns out to be largely far-fetched, artificially constructed. However, this turns out to be a tool for implementing a certain hierarchy of interests. It turns out that the whole hierarchy is turned upside down, the interests of the ministry are in the first place, the interests of the university manager are in the second place, who, having made the curriculum in strict accordance with the standard, can influence the teacher in any way (and naturally for the worse). In third place are the interests of the teacher. In fourth place are, of course, the interests of the student, and the interests of the employer are completely absent.

To eliminate the existing situation, it is proposed, as an option, another design, where educational standards exist, but they are not state. The standard in this scheme should be set based on what generally happens in real life, and what happens in the workplace. It is necessary to proceed from the fact that there are objective processes that form a certain model, reference idea of ​​specialists. Such a model of a specialist is formed, of course, not in the ministries, but at the intersection of the community of employers, the community of consumers of educational services and the pedagogical community. It is at this junction that the true standards of education may appear, which take into account the entire dynamics of the interests of three categories, three groups of participants in this educational process.

At the same time, the participation of the state is possible in two ways. Firstly, the state can create a state educational policy (develop certain specialties and areas of higher professional education, build educational activities in the education system in accordance with generally accepted world educational practice, proceed from the fact that the state can stimulate certain progressive initiatives in education, for example , openness of education, develop education using computer and telecommunications capabilities, etc. Secondly, the state can also be an employer, since it has public authorities and administrations in which civil servants and civil servants work. and the owner of certain institutions and organizations, and in this case the state acts as an employer in full, forming jobs and requirements for specialists who are needed in these jobs, i.e. those specialists who are needed by the state woo. In this case, the state is the customer of specialists, and in this case the standard for workplaces (from which the standard for a specialist is built) can be called state.

Thus, it would be right in principle to abandon the concept of the state educational standard as a universal phenomenon and move on to the concept of the rules of the game, or, as we have already called them, educational standards.

However, the state of affairs is such that the standardization of education in our country is expressed in the form of a state educational standard (SES), and it is an element of the legislative regulation of educational activities, since our country has a law “On Education”, a law “On Higher and Postgraduate Education”. The relevant articles of the laws contain state educational standards. Note that in 1992 the main provisions of the law "On Education" were perceived as ultra-revolutionary, because. they spelled out academic freedoms, allowed non-state educational institutions, electing a rector on an alternative basis, paid education, etc. The Russian Ministry of Education took on the heavy burden of regulating education with the help of the SES, and the ministry calls this the implementation of a state educational policy. In fact, this is not entirely true, because the Ministry, through poor standards, will implement an anti-state policy that is aimed at slowing down the pace of the country's transition to market relations. If our country needs specialists for a market economy - not only economists, lawyers, psychologists, but also engineers and other specialists who must develop in a market economy, then the standards that are called state ones slow down the objective formation of a new generation of people capable of operating in a market economy.

The state believes that if there are no state educational standards, then there will be no education system. We cannot agree with this either, because in this case the only thing that will happen is that the state will simply not be able to inspect universities for whether or not they comply with the State Educational Standards. But it is obvious that in this case universities will be inspected by life itself.

It is especially important to talk about educational standards in connection with the transition to open education, which is seen as an opportunity to rationally combine various educational programs, technologies and forms of education in order to achieve the maximum efficiency of the educational process and is aimed at obtaining high-quality knowledge and personal development. Nevertheless, the questions raised require their permission, especially for the deployment and improvement of the open education system.

Thus, standardization in the field of education is an international problem. There is practically no state with a developed system of higher education that, in one form or another, does not impose certain requirements on the quality of the functioning of its education system. As a rule, they are fixed in documents that are of decisive importance for the life of the educational system, and therefore are perceived by it as socially specified norms (standards).

2. State educational standards

The concept of "State educational standard" as a basic term in the field of education was first introduced in Russia in 1992 by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". We have already noted earlier that this standard, in accordance with the law, fixes the norms related to the content of educational programs and, most importantly, to the level of training of school and university graduates. This caused a mixed reaction in all sections of the academic community, from primary school teachers to venerable university professors.

In the mentality of Russian society, the word "standard" is perceived as something extremely rigid, unambiguous, even exemplary, a symbol of unification and the rejection of variability. The mechanical transfer of such a concept to the world of human relations, in which a bright personality with its unique individuality is valued above all, seems not only ridiculous (stupid), but also blasphemous. True, the concept of "education" in Russia is historically associated with the idea of ​​"creating oneself in the image of God," so that a high standard for self-development and spiritual improvement has been present in education and training in Russian schools since ancient times.

But, in the opinion of many educators, it is impossible, directive, "from above", to approve the standard for characterizing the personality of a graduate of a Russian school or university. The great merit of the creators of Russian state educational standards was that from the very beginning they refused to identify them with the standards in the technosphere. Educational standards were designed on a fundamentally different basis, assuming the creation of a wide field for the freedom of teaching and learning within a single educational space.

What is the Russian educational standard, in particular, the state educational standard of higher professional education?

Let us first consider the GOS VPO from the standpoint of document management, i.e. Let's get acquainted with the purpose of this document, its form, structure, content and development procedure.

The State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education (GOS VPO), in accordance with the law, is intended to ensure:

Any standard for a specific educational program, whether it is the training of a teacher or an engineer, a lawyer or an economist, consists of two parts:

federal component;

Let us immediately note that such a structure makes it possible to solve the dialectically contradictory task of preserving the unity of the educational space without suppressing the interests, traditions, and scientific schools of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The federal component of any standard, firstly, should include requirements for the content of the educational program, divided into four blocks:

block of general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines;

block of mathematical and general natural sciences;

block of general professional disciplines;

block of special disciplines.

This means that for each block in the standard, the disciplines included in it, and very briefly (several lines) their content, should be indicated. The content of educational and professional practices should also be indicated.

We especially note that both the federal and university components of the standard, in the part where the content of education is described, should allocate part of the time for disciplines that the student can choose at his own request.

Secondly, the federal component should contain requirements for the level of training of graduates who have mastered the content of the entire training program. This, in turn, means that the developers of a specific SES should, based on an understanding of the professional activities of a particular specialist, describe those final knowledge, skills and abilities that will provide him with professional competence in the field of work for which he is prepared. At the same time, the general culture of the individual should not be omitted, i.e. among the requirements for a graduate, say, an engineering profile, there should be requirements for his knowledge in the field of psychology, philosophy, cultural studies, pedagogy, knowledge of foreign languages, etc. In fact, the requirements for the level of training of a graduate contained in the State Educational Standard do not indicate the degree of mastering certain disciplines by him, but immediately relate to a group of related disciplines, i.e. are interdisciplinary in nature.

The experience of creating the first generation of SES VPO showed that these requirements, based on the above

Thirdly, the federal component contains information about what final tests a university graduate will have to pass in order to assign him the appropriate qualification with a diploma. These can be: an exam in a separate discipline (for example, in a subject that a teacher will teach at school) or in a cycle of disciplines; defense before the commission of the completed graduation project (for example, for engineering specialties) or thesis research work (for those who graduated from the faculties of natural sciences at universities). In addition, developers should briefly describe the difficulty of these tests and the time to prepare for them. Thus, for most educational programs, more than six months are allotted for the preparation of graduation projects and works, including pre-diploma practice.

And, finally, the document should contain a number of information about the scope of the standard, its developers, the date of approval, etc.

Let us consider the HPE standards created in recent years and actually operating as a tool for influencing the quality of Russian education.

The Research Center for Problems of the Quality of Training of Specialists acted as the lead scientific organization coordinating the development of the SES for higher professional education (HPE). More than 70 educational and methodological associations and 20 scientific and methodological councils directly created the SES. The total number of developers was "several thousand people. By the end of 1996, the following were developed and approved by the Ministry of Education in the field of higher professional education:

in areas of training (bachelor's programs) - 92 standards;

on specialties - more than 400 standards;

for master's programs - more than 220 standards.

The development of the GOS was carried out in two stages. At the first stage (1992-1993), educational programs for the preparation of bachelors were formed on the basis of the SES. Then, in 1994-1995. On the basis of the SES, educational programs for the training of specialists, and later - masters, were created.

The fundamental decision in the development of the SES was to strengthen the fundamental nature of education. At the same time, fundamentality was understood not just as scientific knowledge, which forms the foundation of a graduate's natural-science worldview, but as a combination of fundamental knowledge necessary for the comprehensive development of a personality. This means that fundamental education includes both natural and mathematical disciplines (physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc.), as well as humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines (philosophy, psychology, philology, history, economics, physical culture, etc.). The volume of fundamental natural science training for specialties of a technical profile was increased, on average, by 30%, and for most areas of the humanities, the study of disciplines of this profile at a higher school was introduced for the first time. Naturally, the volume of this cycle for the humanities was 2-3 times less and was a small integral course of modern natural science, supplemented with the necessary information on mathematics and computer science.

Another fundamental decision in the field of the fundamental nature of higher education in the creation of the SES VPO was an interdisciplinary description of a number of requirements for a graduate. These requirements, being integral indicators of the intellectual development of the individual, are associated with almost all academic disciplines.

Such an approach to the description of requirements oriented university professors towards strengthening the interconnection of various disciplines, creating integral courses that provide the formation of a holistic scientific understanding of the processes and phenomena occurring in the world of nature and society. To achieve a high level of readiness of graduates for high creative and intellectual activity, the creators of the State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education shifted the focus of attention of the subjects of the educational process to the methodology of the sciences studied in higher education, the methodology of activity, modeling and design. Therefore, more than 60% of the requirements for a graduate are knowledge of the methods of various calculations, decision-making, monitoring and evaluation, forecasting, as well as the principles of modeling, management, marketing, management, etc.

And, finally, as part of the creation of the SES VPO, a real step was taken towards providing a wide profile of a graduate. 90 areas of four-year bachelor's training were introduced, on the basis of which scientific specialization (magistracy) and the training of a graduate were completed. Multilevel training allows students to receive fundamental training in a broad area and only then, on this basis, a narrow specialized one.

Now let's touch on the use of the SES VPO as a basis for an objective assessment of the activities of universities in terms of training specialists. We note the fact that the enlarged nature of the requirements contained in them, each of which is divided into a set of requirements-tasks, does not allow us to directly verify the compliance of the graduate's level of training with these requirements. In this regard, we can only say that the requirements contained in the State Standards Acted in the standards of the first generation rather as guidelines for organizing objective control than as diagnosable norms. However, these guidelines made it possible to streamline the work of university commissions that carry out the final control of graduates, making this procedure more transparent and understandable both for students and for members of these high commissions that have state status in Russia (the chairmen of such commissions, upon the proposal of the rector of the university, are appointed by the federal state by the education management body, where, by the way, reports on their work submitted by the chairman are sent and where they are analyzed).

After the release in 1996 of the law of the Russian Federation "On higher and postgraduate professional education", significant additions and changes were made to the structure of the SES VPO. In addition, the accumulated experience of universities in the use of SES for the implementation of educational programs revealed a number of their "constructive" shortcomings. The most "tangible" of them are:

Insufficient variability of the block of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, its lack of focus on the future profession of the graduate;

The already mentioned impossibility of using the requirements contained in the document and applied in the process of intermediate control to directly diagnose the level of training of graduates;

Unjustified differences in the content of educational programs of a related profile, which impede the rational organization of the educational process in multidisciplinary universities;

Inconsistency of the SES VPO with the standards of other levels of education and among themselves.

In the course of updating the SES (1999-2000), the invariants (core) of the SES of a number of specialties close in terms of scientific basis were identified, and it was this core that was made the object of standardization at the level of the state education authority. This led to a significant reduction in the facilities of the SES VPO at the federal level and expanded the legal field at the university level.

The block of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines is presented more flexibly. Only four disciplines (philosophy, history, physical culture and a foreign language) are identified as mandatory for students of all universities to study, and the rest are included in the curriculum at the decision of the university and the choice of the student. The form of requirements for the graduate has changed significantly. In the updated standards, it is presented not only in the form of requirements for their knowledge, but also in the form of a set of tasks of professional activity with which he must be able to cope. From the standard, all the requirements previously contained in them are also actually excluded, the fulfillment of which cannot be verified at the final tests.

General requirements for PPP and the conditions for their implementation

General standards of the student's workload and its volume

Academic freedom of the university in determining the content of HPE

General requirements for the list of directions (specialties of HPE

The procedure for the development and approval of state requirements for a minimum content and level of training of graduates as a federal component. Rules of state control over compliance with the requirements of the State Standards.

Structure of the CES

1. General characteristics of the direction

1.1. What order approved

1.2 Normative learning activity. Qualifying academic degree

1.3 Characteristics of the sphere and objects of professional activity (what is the activity aimed at, in which organizations)

1.4 What should be prepared for (for example, for studying in a master's program, mastering third-level educational programs, for professional organizational and managerial specific research activities, etc.)

2. Requirements for the level of preparedness of persons who have completed training under the referral program

2.1 General requirements for the education of a specialist, defined by the words:

has a holistic view

able to continue education and conduct professional activities 242

has a scientific understanding

understands the essence and social significance

2.2. Requirements for knowledge and skills, defined by words:

have an idea


to be familiar

have an idea

3. Mandatory minimum content of EPP in the direction, grouped by cycles:

GSE Cycle of general and socio-economic disciplines (hours)

EN Cycle of general mathematical and natural sciences (hours)

DN Cycle of general professional disciplines (hours)

SD Cycle of special disciplines established by the university (hours)

DP 00 Additional types of training (military training, civil defense, etc.)

F.00 Electives (hours)

P.00 Practice (weeks)

GA, State Final Qualification Attestation (hours)

In conclusion of the section, I would like to draw attention to the following. We have considered standards for the content of education, but educational standards also include “pedagogical” standards, for example, the structure of the presentation of educational material, the conduct of training sessions, etc. In this regard, the first thing to stop for illustration is to try to standardize (in the "soft" sense) the form of presentation of educational information in various means of presenting educational information, made on various media (books, computers, websites, etc.).

Scientific research at the Research Institute of Educational Technologies MESI made it possible to propose a rational structure for the presentation of educational material. A study of the structures of domestic and foreign online courses and textbooks for distance learning made it possible to establish that for effective learning it is advisable to recommend dividing all educational material into modules (in volume, approximately equal to the traditional lectures). The modules have the same structure and are the most self-sufficient for self-study of the material by the student.

The structure of the SC training module "to the maximum" includes:

1. The text of the psychological mood;

2. Name of the module;

Objectives of studying the module (listing what the student will know and be able to do as a result of working on the module);

4. Study questions (in the amount of 2-4 and by name, preferably corresponding to the name of the exam tickets)

5. Educational information for each educational issue (training material presented traditionally for each educational issue of the module in the form of text with drawings, diagrams, graphs, etc.)

6. Summary of the module (submitted in a form close to the expected answers of students to the questions indicated at the beginning of the modules)

7. Questions for self-examination and reflection (preferably with answers, comments and recommendations)

8. Structural - logical diagram of the module (content of the module in a figurative - graphical representation);

In order to increase the didactic efficiency of mastering the material, it is advisable, "as aerobatics", the content of the information part, it is advisable to build in the form of subblocks, the order of which is chosen by the teacher himself (the approach of Podlasy I.P.)

1. Information subblock (contains the minimum amount of educational information necessary for assimilation)

2. Expanding subblock (expands and supplements the content of the information block)

3. Problematic subblock (involves presenting part of the educational material in a problematic style)

Naturally, if there is a didactic need, the educational information displayed in the module is formed in the SC using hypermedia technologies. The expediency of using hypertext, video and audio is decided by the teacher himself.

Let's note the elements that I would like to pay attention to and note their features:

The text of the psychological mood (prayer);

course motto;

Audio recording of the text of the course;

Structural - logical graphic representation of the course content;


Highlighting information, expansion and problem blocks in the educational text;


What difficulties await us on the way of standardization?

Firstly, the mentality of the Russian. For example, a lawsuit was recently granted against an organization that classified and ranked artists according to criteria that included the valuation of their work. Such standardization, as you can see, causes rejection of orthodoxies from art. The same can be expected from the orthodox wing of educators in relation to the standardization of education.

On the other hand, speaking about the standardization of education, I would like to recall that in accordance with Art. 3. The Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Education" a teacher, having academic freedom, has the right "to present the subject at his own discretion, choose topics for scientific research and conduct them by his own methods." Of course, this is a declaration, but nevertheless, the teacher can legitimately reject all the recommendations proposed above, but at least he must listen to them.

1. The standardization of education is caused, on the one hand, by the need to create a single educational space in the country, which will ensure a uniform level of education for students in various types of educational institutions - state, municipal, and non-state, on the other hand, Russia's desire to enter the system of world culture . An educational standard is a mandatory level of requirements for the preparation of graduates and the content, methods, forms, means of training and control corresponding to these requirements. It is a norm, a model, a measure. SES acquire a real embodiment in the formation in the following regulatory documents - plan, program, literature, documents.

SES is a diagnostic description of the global goal of education, which is the formation of professional and personal qualities of a university graduate, diagnosed as the end result of his (institution) work. The tasks of educational institutions are to break down the general goal into sub-goals that characterize the phased process of formation (training and education) of the personality over time (semesters, training courses).

2. The State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education (SES VPO), in accordance with the law, is intended to ensure:

the Unified Educational Space of Russia while ensuring the freedom to implement national educational programs;

The quality of higher education;

Opportunities for an objective assessment on the basis of SES VPO activities of higher educational institutions;

Recognition and establishment of equivalence of documents of foreign states.

3. Any standard for a specific educational program has:

federal component;

national-regional component.

The federal component, approved by the Ministry of Education of Russia, along with the requirements related to the content of the educational program and the level of training of persons who have mastered it, also includes:

the estimated time for mastering this program for full-time and part-time forms of education;

requirements for the condition of its implementation;

requirements for the final certification of graduates.

The national-regional component is approved by the university itself and serves to reflect the national-regional features of training specialists in the content of education. As a rule, the first component in relation to the content of the training program is approximately 65%, and the second - 35% of the total volume.

The existing State Educational Standards do not fully ensure the competitiveness of the Russian education system, therefore, they require a revision of the structure and procedure for updating.


1. Rubin Yu.B. The educational system as an object of standardization. Materials of the conference "Problems of normative - legal support of open education", January 31-February 1, 2001, Moscow. MESI.

2. Tatur Yu.G. The educational system of Russia: higher school - M .: ITsPKPS, 1999.-278s.

students and requirements for the level of training of graduates. Regional (n

national-regional) component allows you to more fully take into account the needs of the subjects of the Federation in the field of education of citizens living in the relevant territory, as well as the interests of national cultures, regional traditions and other important circumstances. The component of an educational institution (it can be

  • National education systems
  • The quality of education
  • Continuity of standards
  • Conducting the exam

The standardization of education is caused by the need to create a single educational space in Russia, which will ensure an equal level of education for all graduates of educational institutions.

The main goals and content of education in our country are set by federal laws "On Education" and "On Higher and Postgraduate Vocational Education". Continuity in the content of education and its orientation reflect the standards of all levels and stages of education, developed by order of the government body by scientific and public organizations of the modern education system of the Russian Federation, and educational programs. The Federal Law "On Education" (Article 7) introduces "... state educational standards, including federal and national-regional components." In accordance with the requirements of the social development of the Russian Federation, "in the person of the federal (central) bodies of state power and administration, within the framework of their competence, establishes federal components of state educational institutions that determine the mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs and requirements for the level of training of graduates. State educational standards are the basis for an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications of graduates, regardless of the forms of education. New generations of state standards fix changes in the requirements for human quality on the part of the state, the internal and external labor market, etc.

Standardization by national education systems

In recent years, much attention has been paid to the issues of standardization by national education systems, including the introduction of a standard for the head of an educational organization.

In 1999, the era of deep and large-scale transformations of national education systems in Europe began, which was recorded in the Bologna Declaration, signed by the Ministers of Education of 29 European states. The Bologna process provides for a change in educational programs and the necessary institutional changes in higher education institutions.

Despite the fact that the policy document speaks of a "minimum standard", Europe has not yet reached a consensus on the meaning of the term "standard" itself in relation to the education system. And here comes the most important remark regarding the purpose of standards - they should not become restrictive of diversity and competitiveness. In April 2004, the Berlin Communiqué of the European University Association fixed a number of concepts that make it possible to achieve quality assurance in education: "Standards are principles and values ​​that must be followed"; "Procedures are a set of activities used by external quality assurance and accreditation bodies"; "Installations - recommendations containing control points that allow you to assess compliance with standards."

Standardization of the quality of education

They determine the requirements not only for the graduate as a result of education, but also for the quality of education, and also, unlike American or European ones, to some extent for the educational process itself. The Bologna process is aimed at harmonizing the minimum requirements "at the exit", subject to the preservation and development of each of the national educational traditions.

What is standardization? Obviously, this is the result of the interaction of various factors, which include the level of development of science, technology, economics, law, culture, etc. Standards act as an active means of regulating social relations and organizing production processes.

The standardization of the quality of education is focused on achieving, along with academic, results in acquiring:

  • oral and written communication skills;
  • foundations of mathematics and natural sciences;
  • information technology skills;
  • developed creative thinking;
  • the need for continuous education, permanent work that requires personal effort;
  • ability to work in groups, ability to use knowledge integrally;
  • initiative, including in the acquisition of knowledge and in its productive application;
  • cultural susceptibility;
  • the ability to make independent decisions and bear social and personal responsibility for them.

In many ways, the rate of development of standardization depends not only on the specifics of various areas of human activity, but also on the level of development, the degree of use of collective labor, and its material and technical base. A special role is given to standardization in the preservation of traditions and the creation of succession systems. Despite the fact that standardization is international, its actual implementation is always national.

The Russian standardization system does not keep pace with the needs of the labor market. Let us turn to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (Article 7): "State educational standards for new educational programs are introduced no earlier than five years after the start of work on these programs. State educational standards are developed on a competitive basis and are specified on the same basis not less than once every ten years. The competition is announced by the Government of the Russian Federation."

Professional standards requirements

Today, the labor market "updates" its requirements much more often, since science and production do not stand still. The labor market requires mobile specialists with new qualification characteristics. The modern system of higher professional education, which is rather conservative and depends on the timing of the approval of standards, is not yet ready to fully meet the current demands of the labor market. A modern young person should be ready for changes in his trajectory of personal development, depending on the conditions of the surrounding reality.

The revision of the mandatory requirements for the content of specialist training is associated with a new trend that emerged in the last decade of the 20th century - the reduction of the terms of study in higher education and the introduction of multilevel higher education programs in order to bring higher education closer to the labor market. But for Russian education, this task is not an easy one. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a forecast of the need for specialists, develop on its basis proposals for the formation of tasks for the training of specialists. Only if they become the basis of state educational standards for various levels of vocational education, it will be possible to fulfill the real needs of the economy.

The current and previous standards (of the first and second generation) of higher professional education are not capable of providing training for such a graduate. These standards have been criticized because the requirements for graduates were often too general. It can be almost impossible to check the compliance of a graduate with a number of requirements set out in the standard. New generation standards solve this problem. Of course, it is very important that a transition has been made to a competency-based approach in measuring the quality of a graduate. The new standards tie competencies to modules, disciplines, but they contain only the basic requirements for the level of training of university graduates from the state in the form of competence. At the same time, the universities themselves should detail the comprehensive quality standard for the final and phased results. Faculties, developing their main educational programs, establish a complete list of competencies that a graduate should have. Of course, it is very important that the faculty and the university determine the ultimate goals of education and upbringing based on federal goals.

This raises a problem related to the way competence is measured, no matter what goals it is aimed at. How, for example, to determine the formation of such social, personal and communicative competencies as the ability for business communications in the professional field, knowledge of the basics of business communication or the ability to criticize and self-criticism, tolerance, the ability to work in a team. Another problem is whether a teacher of higher education is ready to form a competency-based approach to mastering the chosen program of higher professional education among his students, whether he himself is competent from the point of view of a new generation standard.

Russian education is still reproductive - both at school and at the university. Despite numerous attempts by teachers to change approaches to teaching, to introduce innovative personal development models, we still encounter reproductive technologies for assessing graduates of all levels of education.

Gotta give credit primary school, many tasks are really being solved here that have outstripped even world processes. But what about the so-called middle management, then you can only shrug. As a rule, the middle link works within the framework of the traditional model. AT high school profiling in progress. But a school that organizes training in one or another field must make an advanced forecast of the needs of the labor market for 5-7 years ahead. Meanwhile, the very process of school profiling is often formalized at the level of curricula and programs. Educational technologies also remain within the traditional model. Even the system of additional postgraduate education sins with this.

Continuity of standards

Education should ensure the continuity of professional techniques, models, algorithms. The most important function of education is the development of the personality of the student, his creative potential and professional abilities. Modern pedagogy recognizes different ways of learning, but the achievement of goals is possible through the innovative activity of the teacher and the student, which is not prescribed in the standard, but shines through the prism of competencies.

The study of the disciplines of the federal component of the state educational standard of general education is aimed at achieving a number of goals and is carried out in some disciplines in the process of improving competencies, such as linguistic and linguistic (linguistics), communicative and cultural studies. And here we can talk about the continuity of the standards of general and higher professional education. The level of education for secondary school graduates raised to "competence" should contribute to the fact that a school graduate is ready (able) to solve problems in various spheres of life on the basis of theoretical knowledge and the methods of practical activity developed on their basis.

The continuity of the standards of general and higher professional education is also noticeable in their structure - the presence of a federal component (defining the standards, the observance of which ensures the unity of the educational space of Russia, as well as the integration of the individual into the system of world culture), national-regional (defining those elements of the standard that relate to the sphere of characteristics of different regions) and the school / university component (corresponding to the interests and life plans of the student / student). True, the updated standard of general education is divided into invariant and variable parts, which in the standard of higher professional education look like disciplines of the federal component in all cycles (invariant) and national-regional and university components (variant).

To achieve the goals set in the standards and the formation of competencies, it is necessary to move away from the traditional cognitive model (KKN - knowledge, skills, skills), where the reproductive activity of students and the extensive nature of the educational process dominate, where the result of education is assessed mainly by quantitative indicators, and the model is more focused on process rather than outcome.

The federal target program for the development of education for 2006-2010 sets the development of a modern system of continuous education, improving the quality of vocational education in accordance with the requirements of the labor market as necessary and urgent tasks; formation of an effective market for educational services.

The slogan "Education throughout life" proclaimed in the Bologna Declaration can be realized only if the teacher (teacher) fulfills his main mission in the modern world - to teach how to gain knowledge. The integral properties of the innovative personality-developing model are the creative activity of students, the intensive nature of the educational process, the focus on continuous education, and the evaluation of the result of education by qualitative indicators (competencies). A model that is more focused on the result, achieved by the student's own efforts, can guarantee the fulfillment of the requirements of the third generation higher professional education standards.

Speaking of standardization, we should not forget that the content of education programs for schools should be associated with different types of current and future activities, which contributes to the professional and value self-determination of the individual. The standards of all levels of education are designed to provide general cultural, universal, nationwide requirements for education on the basis of self-determination and self-development of the individual. The main function of the standard is to improve the quality of education.

Thus, the quality of education is a multicomponent phenomenon, which, according to experts, includes not only the quality of the educational process and pedagogical activity or scientific and pedagogical personnel and educational programs, but also the quality (level) of the material and technical base and information and educational environment, as well as the quality of students, students, applicants, the quality of management and research. The requirements for these qualities are, to one degree or another, spelled out in the standards, since they are a prerequisite for achieving the result of education that meets social norms and requirements, which makes it possible to count on an adequate attitude of a person to the outside world.

Conducting the exam

Speaking about the latest reforms and standardization, one cannot help but touch on the controversial and doubtful, but inevitable phenomenon - the Unified State Examination. Probably, you can find positive aspects in holding a unified state exam throughout the country. Perhaps the USE allows you to quickly and efficiently check not only the level of mastering the standard by graduates, but also to identify the quality of pedagogical activity (FEPO at a university, to some extent, allows you to solve these two problems quite quickly and without much hassle). However, the core of a person's quality is the quality of his intellect, which includes spiritual and moral, knowledge and activity components. Using only such forms as the Unified State Examination as a tool for measuring the result of education, we can get a very narrowly formed person, since such tools not only do not allow measuring the spiritual, moral or activity components of a person’s quality or his education, but they enable the teacher (teacher) to ) not to think about these components of the personality of the student in his pedagogical activity and the student himself during his studies, because what is not in demand is not necessary for development.

The Unified State Examination does not measure the spiritual and moral and, in many respects, the activity competence of school graduates. It seems that we should be talking about a comprehensive final certification at school and, in addition to the USE, there should be other ways to measure the result of education, both in compulsory and in elective disciplines (in a university, in addition to FEPO, there are various methods and competencies, moreover, FEPO is used to control of the residual slice of knowledge, and not for the final certification of graduates of primary and secondary schools). Otherwise, from our point of view, we measure only the achievement of the basic level of the standard, the student's mastery of the minimum necessary set of methods of activity in the basic information field. The student's mastery of a set of other modes of activity - at an increased optimal or expanded level of the standard - should be measured in other ways.

The continuity of school and university standards should be even more pronounced, and not only at the level of the general concept of "competence". The new school standards finally set out the requirements for the conditions of education and the conditions for the implementation of educational programs, and first of all personnel, the obligations of the student, teacher and founder of the educational institution, the mechanism for ensuring the health standard are described. Thus, secondary and higher schools are becoming even closer to each other in solving the problems of improving the quality of education, developing in accordance with the requirements of the time, which will help make education more accessible.

The profile school helps to solve the problem of continuity in terms of content (for "specialized" training), but in this case the final certification cannot be in the form of the USE. We go in a vicious circle: improving standards, limiting the tools, and the quality of a university graduate has always depended, depends and will depend on the quality of the applicant. And compulsory general education will not solve this problem if we ignore the ratio of achievement of standard levels and the ways in which these achievements are measured. No standards will help to implement the concept of modernization of education if education in Russia is not provided by such factors as monitoring the educational achievements of students, interest in their education, strong motivation, and increasing the assimilation of knowledge by students.

The actual problems of the content of education in a modern school are described in this post.

educational standard- this is a mandatory level of requirements for the general education of graduates and the content, methods, forms, means of teaching control corresponding to these requirements. In a substantive aspect, the standard of a secondary general education school provides for:

  • mastery of basic concepts;
  • learn and reproduce the basic concepts of the studied branch of knowledge;
  • define them;
  • reveal the content of the concept, its scope;
  • establish interdisciplinary connections with higher, lower, adjacent concepts;
  • give a practical interpretation of concepts;
  • knowledge of theories, concepts, laws and regularities of the foundations of science, its history, methodology, problems and forecasts;
  • the ability to apply scientific knowledge in practice in a stable and changing situation;
  • have their own opinions in the theory and practice of this educational field;
  • knowledge of the main problems of society (Russia) and understanding of one's role in their solution;
  • possession of the technology of continuous self-education by branches of knowledge, sciences and types of activity. These are the general foundations for the standardization of education in terms of levels, levels of education, which is specified by educational areas, specific academic disciplines.

In the conditions of education reform, there is a constant change in educational standards.

On the one hand, they must comply with world traditions, improve the education and development of students at various historical stages of social development, and on the other hand, they must not lose the federal progressive features of education.

Within the framework of the federal and national-regional levels, the standard of education includes:

  • a description of the content of education at each of its levels, which the state is obliged to provide to the student in the amount of the necessary general education;
  • the requirement for a minimum of necessary training of students within the specified scope of content;
  • the maximum allowable amount of teaching load by year of study.

Currently, the “Constitution of the Russian Federation” orients as a mandatory minimum level (9 year school), which is not a sufficient basis for achieving the international standard.

The state standard in relation to a particular subject includes an explanatory note, which discloses the goals of education in a particular discipline, defines the object of study.

Requirements for the content of the subject cycle include three components:
1. Basic content of the material.

2. The requirement for the level of presentation of educational material, which proceeds from the unity of the content of the subject (the level of programs and textbooks), the teaching activity of the teacher and the educational activity of schoolchildren.

The following formula of requirements for the presentation of educational material by the school has been adopted: the learning process provides students with the opportunity to “know”, “represent”, “understand”.

We are talking about a broad definition of knowledge that has a general cognitive and worldview value.

At the same time, the term "know" more often refers to specific dates, facts, events, names.

The term “represent” refers to general characteristics, concepts, ideas.

The term “understand” implies, in addition to the above, evaluative knowledge.

3. The requirement for the minimum necessary, mandatory training of students is expressed by the formula "the student must", which implies knowledge: name, compare, evaluate, explain the reasons, etc.

Based on the requirements for the level of training of students, a system of tasks (tests) is developed that serve as a tool for monitoring and evaluating this level.

It should be noted that the problem of standardizing the content of education is a dynamic problem that will change and improve as it is mastered, which is happening now.

The changes taking place in the country have led to the fact that society is gradually moving from a relatively stable predictable phase to a dynamic unpredictable phase of development. There has been a change from a certain monopoly ideology to indefinite pluralistic freely chosen ideologies. The spiritual, social and economic differentiation of society has increased.

The individual goals of a person's life began to be recognized by society as no less significant than collective and social goals.

All this could not but affect the educational policy of the country, the significant changes that were introduced into the content of education in the last years of our school.

The transition from the adaptive-disciplinary model of unified education to the personality-oriented model of variable education has begun.

The strategic guidelines for the development of the variable content of education are as follows:

1. From individual alternative scientific pedagogical schools that develop the problems of school education to a system of variable innovative technologies in the context of cultural and historical pedagogy of development.

2. From the monopoly of state education to the coexistence and cooperation of state, non-state and family education with the specifics of the content inherent in each of these types, but taking into account state education standards.

3. From a “non-national” unitary school operating according to uniform normative documents to ethnic differentiation of the content of education in the system of the common educational space of Russia.

4. From subject-centrism to educational areas in the construction of curricula of educational institutions.

5. From "private" lines of development of types of general educational institutions to "mixed" lines of development of types of general educational institutions (merger of school - kindergarten, school - university).

6. The transition from a monopoly textbook to variable textbooks, as well as from monofunctional ones. TSO to polyfunctional means and information technologies.

Such are the changes in the content of school education that are characteristic of the current time.

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Standardization in the education system

Y. Rubin, Professor

A. Emelyanov, professor


The State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education (SES VPO) have firmly entered the daily life of universities. The introduction of the State Educational Standard in the first half of the 1990s did not actually mean the beginning of standardization of the content of Russian higher education, but only the legitimization of the idea of ​​state standardization. After all, the unification of curricula in the Soviet period was nothing more than an "unofficial" standardization of the content of education, brought to a state of almost complete uniformity of educational programs for each of the specialties of higher education.

The current SES VPO of the second generation was approved in 2000. In 2005, all of them were ordered in accordance with the new List of areas of training (specialties) of higher professional education.

The introduction of the second generation of GOS made it possible to solve two important problems:

Reduce the total number of areas of training and specialties;

To increase the degree of freedom of universities in the preparation of their curricula by increasing the share of time devoted to the disciplines of specializations, elective, regional and optional components of the standard.

Meanwhile, the current SES VPO have shortcomings, since the principles embodied in them are internally contradictory in nature. The ideology of standardization is based on Russian traditions and does not take into account world experience, current international trends emerging in the context of the globalization of education.

The Russian State Standards poorly reflect the priorities of state policy in education, the principles of mutual social responsibility of participants in the educational services market. And most importantly, the practical application of the SES HPE as a norm, a predetermined corridor of order in education, an element of the rules of the game and a framework for the sovereignty of educational institutions does not contribute to increasing the competitiveness of Russian universities in the domestic and foreign markets of educational services.

In the process of creating a layout of a new educational standard, it is necessary to answer the following questions.

Who needs a standard (or standardization) and why in the new Russian conditions? What is the object of standardization? Who, what and to whom of the participants in the educational process should guarantee in our state with the help of educational standards of the VPO? How could the new standard ensure academic mobility for students, as well as the inclusion of Russia and Russian universities in the global market of educational services?

1. Actual status and practical significance of standards

Standard (from the English standard - norm, sample, measure) in the broad sense of the word is a sample (standard, model or other analogue), which is taken as the initial one for comparing other objects with it according to a set of features or parameters that can be agreed upon as about mandatory. A standard is a normative document on standardization that establishes a set of norms, rules, requirements for the object of standardization and approved by the competent authority. Standardization is the process of establishing and applying standards. Definition given by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO): “Standardization is the establishment and application of rules with the aim of streamlining activities in a certain area for the benefit and with the participation of all interested parties, in particular, in order to achieve optimal savings for everyone while observing functional conditions and safety requirements ".

The objects of standardization can be material and technical items (products, standards, samples of substances), norms, rules, requirements of an organizational, methodological and general technical nature. The standards apply to all areas of human activity: science, technology, industrial and agricultural production, construction, transport, healthcare, education, etc.

Standards in Economics and entrepreneurial business historically arose initially at the level of intercompany agreements - to create generalized models of interaction that would be based on the mutual and multilateral responsibility of participants in economic activity and, in turn, would form the basis of conscientious business behavior. The criteria of conscientiousness and responsibility were the main elements of the qualitative and quantitative certainty of standards at the stage of the emergence of standardization as an institutional phenomenon designed to streamline life. The resolution of contradictions between competitors, as well as any individual and public assessment of the results of their activities, moved to the plane of compliance of their actions with accepted and recognized standards.

The presence of standards gives rise to any subjects of the economy and entrepreneurial business standard ideas about objects, directions, content, technologies, organization and management of activities. Therefore, standards serve both as the initial basis for the administration of activities, and as an important tool for strengthening competitiveness based on following the principles of responsibility and integrity. In this case, the need to unconditionally follow the requirements of the standards turns out to be unprofitable for organizations with weak competitive positions, but beneficial for organizations that have competitive advantages in certain aspects of their activity or in this area of ​​activity as a whole.

Economic entities agree among themselves on mutual understanding and on following certain norms, which are recognized and accepted for use by all participants in such an agreement. Many standards underlie ethical norms and formal law. For example, the list of organizational and legal forms of Russian entrepreneurship is a standard list of permitted types of entrepreneurial firms using the legal entity model. Here we are dealing with a standard that expresses in legal form information about one of the important components of the content of an entrepreneurial business.

Note that the standards applied abroad do not always have state status and are approved not only by state organizations, but also by recognized public agencies (committees, associations). Meanwhile, in Russia, standardization is, as a rule, the lot of the state, and educational state educational standards have generally established themselves in the mass consciousness as synonyms for the tools of any standardization in this area.

In Russia, for decades there has been a State Committee (service, agency) for standardization, whose activities are mainly aimed at standardizing production products (engineering, agriculture, food industry, medical instrumentation, etc.), as well as relevant technological processes. The main documents issued by Gosstandart are GOSTs.

A feature of any GOST is the properties and parameters that can be numerically determined and measured. Therefore, not all standards fall into the GOST category. For example, the “Rules for driving on Russian highways” is a standard for motorists of various departments, car owners and traffic police, but these rules are not GOST. The same can be said about the standard methods of laboratory diagnostics in medicine, methods of treating various diseases. The state educational standard is also not GOST.

Educational standards can be interpreted as instruments of conscientious and responsible behavior of participants in the educational services market.

To the state, in order to implement constitutional guarantees for citizens to receive education of the appropriate level and quality, with the provision of competence in a specific area of ​​professional activity for university graduates;

Citizens of the state in order to obtain precisely those professional knowledge, skills and abilities (as well as competence in relevant issues) that will give them a competitive advantage in employment;

Educational institutions (universities) in order to have the right to carry out educational activities, including abroad;

Employers, in order to distinguish directions, specialties, specializations, qualifications, competence of university graduates in the selection of personnel, as well as to rank university graduates in accordance with how conscientiously and responsibly - including in relation to themselves - this university works.

In Russia, the educational standard has a state status. This means that it is the state that assumes all guarantees of maintenance in education. If a specialist who graduated from a Russian university presents the employer with a diploma and an insert to it, then it follows from the diploma that during the five years of study at the university he acquired a qualification (for example, computer science of an economist) in a specific specialty, say, in Applied Informatics (in Economics). )". Both the specialty and the qualification are standardized by the state, since they are named in the corresponding State Educational Standards of the Higher Professional Education, other names cannot be used. From the supplement to the diploma, it can be seen that during his studies at the university, this specialist studied at least 70 disciplines, and about 45 disciplines and their didactic content are necessarily established by the State Educational Standard. State guarantees in the field of the content of education also apply to specializations.

In countries with a market economy, educational standards, as a rule, either perform a purely orienting function (for example, in the UK), or are replaced by annotated catalogs (for example, EDU France publishes an “Education Catalog”, which contains a list of annotated areas and specializations of education and is addressed to citizens France and foreigners).

In many countries, educational standards as such are absent altogether, as, for example, in the United States. Nevertheless, if a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) when applying for a job presents the employer with a diploma, which says that he is a bachelor or master in some field, then the employer has no doubt that this is true. Moreover, if this is a bachelor, then it follows from the documents on education that the number of disciplines that determine the “person” - qualifications and competencies, is about 12. At the same time, it is taken into account that the graduate managed to study other academic disciplines, including those in the development of which his personal educational needs were embodied.

The question is, how to show the employer the competence of a graduate of a small university in some state (one of the thousands of US universities), who acquires a similar profession for activities in the same field as the graduate of the MP? When there are no state standards, various methods are used to justify the competence of a graduate of an educational institution, among which public accreditation of the university or specialties (training areas) at the university dominates.

The main task that arises in the process of public (professional) accreditation is - just as in the case of standards - to provide guarantees for responsible and conscientious work according to certain rules. These rules are based on criteria and features that characterize the level, quality of education and competence of graduates.

University accreditation, specialized and institutional, is carried out in the USA and in most countries of Western Europe by competent public bodies: an association of universities that have agreed among themselves, a specialized agency authorized to conduct accreditation, or simply a large and reputable university.

This body must make a decision (or certify the university): to what extent the educational process, its quality, the composition of the educational program in a particular direction, as well as the competence of graduates correspond to the standards, norms and rules adopted in the state, in a particular association of universities or in a particular authoritative university.

The result of such an examination is not only a document, but also a statement of a certain level of conscientiousness and responsibility in the work of the university. So, the attitude towards a graduate of an accredited university is formed on the basis of a comparison of the accreditation scores issued to this university with the scores of other universities that provide training in this area and have already been accredited by the same agency. Then the decision on the basis of accreditation is a sign of the standardization of educational activities.

We can refer to another specific method of standardization used by universities in many countries with a market-oriented economy, namely, franchising, which has not yet been legalized in Russia. Franchising in education is, as a rule, an organizational tool of network higher education institutions. It additionally allows the university, in the presence of appropriate contractual relations, to issue education documents to graduates similar to the documents of the university that is the bearer of the brand. The educational process at such a university is a benchmark for the franchisee (this should be mentioned in the document). If this university is accredited by the franchisor's reference university, on the basis of compliance with its standards, graduates are also entitled to receive "reference" diplomas.

Thus, even in the absence of a state educational standard, the standardization of the educational process is still carried out, albeit in different ways and under different guarantees than under the conditions of state standardization. At the same time, some control functions are shifted to public organizations.

The absence of SES HPE is compensated by the involvement of social-professional, interuniversity and other interested structures in the procedures of standardization and monitoring in education.

At the same time, the absence in many countries of SES HPE does not indicate the self-removal of the state from the sphere of standardization and guaranteeing the conscientious behavior of participants in the educational services market. The constitutions of many countries contain guarantees for citizens to receive education (we are not talking about education "at the expense of the state"). Accreditation agencies, being formally independent of state authorities, nevertheless, as a rule, are forced to reveal their dependence - a typical procedure is certification by the state of accreditation agencies.

2. Standardization of the content of educational programs

The degree of competitiveness of universities that are part of a particular national education system depends to a large extent on the standard basis on which this system develops. After all, universities have to discover and prove the existence of competitive strength, relying on resources, trust and consent in society, on agreements and harmonization between all participants in the educational services market. And even if the standard basis of a particular national education system, for various reasons (concepts of sectoral legislation, traditions of "great power", features of social psychology, thirst for the "sovereign eye") is formed as an element of state regulation of the market sector in question, the level of competitive advantages and competitive disadvantages institutions of higher education included in such a system, in the field of the content of core activities, should be associated to a decisive extent with the state of the SES.

Is the state standardization of Russian education inevitable? It is clear that if the state acts as a customer of specialists, this is quite reasonable. For example, specialists in the field of state and municipal administration are “ordered” by the state, which thus cannot do without putting forward standard requirements for the composition of the professional competencies of these specialists and the level of their professional preparedness.

Along with this, the state has the opportunity to “order” universities to train highly qualified workers in those areas that are recognized by the state as priority in the social sphere, in the areas of defense capability, public order, etc. In this sense, the state standardization of educational programs, carried out by the state as a specialized or integral employer is quite appropriate.

It is also appropriate in the process of implementing the state educational policy. The state may well assume the function of modeling on a national scale such elements of the training of highly qualified workers as the education of patriotism, the formation of business ethics in society, the reproduction of the “national idea”, the development of civic qualities that would be desirable for the citizens of the country.

However, it seems to us that the state could play the most important and quite institutionally justified role in the field of educational standardization in the field of guaranteeing other social institutions, participants in the educational services market, what can today be the object of only state guarantees. The question is what exactly and to whom should be guaranteed by the state participating in standardization to ensure the competitiveness of the national system of Russian education.

Until now, the objects of standardization in the Russian GOS VPO were:

1. general characteristics of the direction (specialty);

2. requirements for the level of preparation of the applicant;

3. general requirements for the main educational program;

4. requirements for the mandatory minimum content of the main educational program;

5. terms of mastering the main educational program;

6. requirements for the development and conditions for the implementation of the main educational program;

7. requirements for the level of graduate training.

Each of these objects corresponds to a separate section of the SES VPO. In general, they are useful for the activities of all four categories of participants in the educational process and have the right to standardization. However, the second-generation UES operating in Russia have four main drawbacks - in addition to those mentioned above:

The rigid structure of the federal component is adjusted to the traditional inflexible semester method of planning the educational process (in some universities, trimesters have been introduced instead of semesters);

The measure of the educational program, its individual components and disciplines are periods of time (hours, weeks), i.e., the educational process is funded in accordance with the time during which the student stays (enrolled) at the university, and not according to the amount of knowledge received by him in the learning process;

It does not provide for the possibility of measuring the knowledge acquired by a student in the process of mastering the educational program, which is not consistent with the declaration of the accession of Russian universities to the Bologna process;

Abundant detailing of the federal components of the main educational program has reduced the academic mobility of students to a minimum.

These shortcomings lead to the following: in the SES HPE, the units of education or knowledge gained in the learning process are clearly the periods of time during which the student studies, stays, or is simply enrolled in the university. The costs of education in both state and non-state universities are also tied to periods of time, and not to the actual process of obtaining knowledge by a student. The state, the student or his parents, again, pay for the semester (or year) of the student's stay at the university, and not for the knowledge or professional skills acquired by him.

Since the rates of assimilation of educational material are different for different students, it becomes, for example, incomprehensible: at what expense to pay for work with backward students with academic debts, or why is the cost of education for a student who quickly assimilates educational material the same as for a lagging one? If tuition fees were tied to the amount of knowledge gained by the student, then such questions would not arise.

Therefore, as an experiment in a number of Russian universities, since 2002, the planning of the educational process has been carried out in accordance with new units for measuring the volume of the educational program, the labor intensity of individual academic disciplines and the knowledge gained by the student - credit units (CU) based on the standard ratio: 1 academic year is assessed in 60 credit units.

Based on this ratio, 1 hour of a student's work, including all types of his classroom and extracurricular (independent) work, on average corresponds to 1/30 of SL. The university has the right to set the labor intensity of studying a particular discipline, increase or decrease the cost of 1 hour, measured in credit units when studying the discipline, based on the intensity of the student's work and, accordingly, the university's costs for the implementation of this discipline in the educational process - without changing the overall labor intensity of the cycle of disciplines in the educational process. program.

When developing new approaches to the development of HPE educational standards, it would be advisable to take a more careful and non-declarative approach to the possibilities of using a competent approach in higher education. The transformation of standards under the influence of this approach is determined by the following circumstances. Taking into account the generalized, integral nature of the phenomenon of competence, such a transition would ensure the formation of a generalized model of the rigid core of the content of the educational program, which, in turn, would allow us to speak of a wider field of activity for the graduate than today. This would be very important for increasing the mobility of young professionals in the labor market. Since the university graduate model, based on the application of a competent approach, would have a significantly smaller number of exogenous elements that make up its hard core, this would allow:

First, it is more clear and reasonable, on an interdisciplinary basis, to single out large integrated blocks (modules) in ongoing educational programs;

Secondly, it is more flexible to involve learning tools, typical for different forms of education, in a single educational process on a modular basis (this is exactly what can be observed in the activities of advanced network universities - Phoenix University, Maryland State University - in the process of converting distance learning into blendede- learning);

Thirdly, to compare various educational programs, conditions and procedures for their implementation on a broader content and technological basis.

In this regard, in the educational standards of higher education, in our opinion, it is necessary to significantly revise:

Requirements for the mandatory minimum content of the main educational program;

Requirements for the development and conditions for the implementation of the main educational program;

Requirements for the level of preparation of the graduate.

Our further considerations relate to the current stage of transformation of the educational standards of Russian HPE. State requirements for the content of education could be part of such standards. It would be advisable for the state to retain the standardization of educational programs, while it would act as an employer or social customer for graduates studying in them. Educational standards for such HPE programs would be approved by the authorized public administration body for education.

The presence of the state in the standards of other HPE educational programs could be limited to the formulation of norms that would reflect certain elements of state policy in the field of education and the guarantees they provide to other participants in the educational services market. Compliance with such requirements would become mandatory for universities applying for state accreditation and state assignments (orders) for the training of highly qualified workers.

In the requirements for the development and conditions for the implementation of the main educational program, about 7-10 disciplines should be retained that determine the “face”, or competent potential, of the graduate, the distinctive properties of this direction (specialty). These disciplines would form a rigid core of the specialty (field of study), which would distinguish the issued specialty (field of training) from others in which professional specialists are trained.

Thus, humanity would lose an important norm - the famous cycles of the GSE (general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines), EG (general mathematical and natural science disciplines), GPD (general professional disciplines) and SD (special disciplines). Then disputes on the following topics would probably end: why is philosophy (according to state authorities, education) an obligatory discipline, while pedagogy, say, in the specialty "Accounting, analysis and audit" is not? And why did someone exclude philosophy from the list of compulsory disciplines in the draft of the new State Educational Standard, and what will happen to the corresponding faculty of one of the largest universities after that? Questions like these, and the lack of convincing answers to them, are well known to all educational managers.

If, for example, the responsibility for humanitarian training (in the non-humanitarian direction) is given to the university, then this will simplify the situation. For example, a student will choose to study English either in a beginner's program, or, if he has already mastered the basic level, he can choose a professional level program, the development of which would be focused on his future profession. Today, all Russian universities applying for state accreditation are required to comply with the GOS VPO standard of 340 hours for learning a foreign language. The university, therefore, does not have the opportunity, fighting for competitive advantages and high enrollment rates, to vary the hourly or credit potential, to focus on the real demands of the labor market and consumers of educational services.

The same applies to the preparation of students in mathematics and other basic disciplines. The competence of the university should include questions about how much time and effort should be devoted to differential and integral calculus, differential equations, and whether it is necessary to teach the theory of functions of a complex variable and operational calculus in order to prepare, for example, a bachelor of applied computer science specializing in a particular subject area.

The requirements for the development and conditions for the implementation of the main educational program should provide for the active use of distance learning technologies (DET). An educational institution can use distance learning technologies in all forms of education provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation or in combination when conducting various types of educational, laboratory and practical classes, practices (with the exception of industrial practice), current control, intermediate certifications (with the exception of the final certification) students.

The use of DOT in the educational process requires the university to develop special educational and methodological complexes. The ratio of the volume of educational, laboratory and practical classes using DOT or in the form of classroom classes with direct interaction between the teacher and the student is determined by the educational institution. The use of DOT does not exclude the possibility of conducting educational, laboratory and practical classes, practices, current control, intermediate and final certification through direct interaction between the teacher and students.

In the requirements for the level of training of the graduate, it is necessary to leave only those that determine the competent characteristics of the graduate. For example, in the SES VPO of the second generation of the direction "Applied Informatics", in accordance with the layout of this SES, the developers were forced to write down the following qualification requirements: a bachelor of applied informatics in the field of sociology, economics, political science and law must:

Understand the definition of society as a supra-individual reality and an integral self-regulating system;

To know the prerequisites for the functioning and reproduction of the social whole, to know the cultural and historical types of social inequality and stratification;

Have an understanding of horizontal and vertical social mobility, the process and methods of empirical sociological research, as well as many other areas where a bachelor of applied computer science is an amateur, despite the obligation to study some humanities disciplines. To be honest, both the bachelor of applied informatics and his employer do not really need such qualifications, because they do not at all characterize his competence in the field of applied informatics and do not affect employment.

3. Guarantees stipulated by the educational standard

The categories of participants in the educational process mentioned above have their own rights and obligations stipulated in the Constitution and other laws in force. It remains to find out how these subjects of relations are useful to each other. Therefore, the new educational standards of BPE should, in our opinion, reflect both the ideology of mutual and multilateral guarantees and the multilateral responsibility associated with them. Consider the following model of such guarantees.

one). The state guarantees:

For a student - obtaining higher education in accordance with the Constitution, the laws "On Education", "On Higher and Postgraduate Education", as well as, if the standard requirements of the state in the chosen direction (specialty) are met, upon completion of training - ensuring his rights on the basis of labor legislation ;

For an educational institution (university) - state accreditation (the right to issue a state-recognized diploma) in case of compliance with the current legislation and state requirements of the HPE educational standard;

The employer - what he really gets as an employee of a university graduate with state accreditation, a competent professional in a particular area (specialty).

2). The student guarantees:

To the state - passing a full cycle of training in an educational program that fully complies with state requirements, and further employment at an enterprise (in an organization with any organizational and legal form) to carry out labor activities for the benefit of this state;

To an educational institution - training in accordance with the curricula and study schedule developed by the university to meet the requirements formulated, including state requirements;

For the employer - after hiring, the performance of professional duties in accordance with the profession and those competent characteristics that he received while studying in an educational program based on a non-standard basis.

3). The educational institution guarantees:

For the student - training in the chosen direction (specialty) to acquire competent qualities, in accordance with which the graduate will be able to offer his services to the employer in the labor market;

To the state - the implementation of laws on educational activities and state requirements for the training of professionals with higher education in accordance with the qualification and competence requirements formulated in the educational standard of the Higher Professional Education;

To the employer - the standard recognition of specialists for employment in accordance with those competent characteristics that would be formulated with the participation of the employer himself.

The standard recognition of specialists by the employer by their competent characteristics is a good sign of successful interaction between the state, the university and the employer in the development of new educational standards for higher education. So, for example, from the point of view of the largest companies - manufacturers of information technologies, software and services in the field of applied informatics, which are simultaneously employers in the Russian market, and universities that provide training, a bachelor of applied informatics is a certified university graduate who:

Engaged in the creation, implementation, analysis and maintenance of professionally oriented information technologies in the subject area, as well as databases and information processing processes;

He has professional training in the field of application within the framework of the chosen bachelor's degree program, creates computer methods for managing resources (information, material, monetary, etc.);

Deals with special software and hardware, information and organizational support of information technologies and processes.

4). By “recognizing” specialists by their competent characteristics, which would be determined by the educational standards of higher education, the employer would actually be able to guarantee:

To the state - the employment of citizens who have graduated from a university and received the profession that the employer needs, for the number of vacant places that the employer has, in compliance with labor laws;

For a student - employment in the direction (specialty), in accordance with their own needs; and an educational institution;

Participation in the determination of promising specializations within the direction (specialty) in which the university prepares the graduate for subsequent employment with the employer, and if possible;

Passing undergraduate practice and completing a thesis in the interests of the employer in this profession.

Such guarantees arise today in the field of corporate training. When negotiating among themselves, employers, students and universities, first of all, are based on educational standards that they discuss and adopt for a specific educational project. The agreement and trust that arise during the implementation of such a project indicate that for its established partners, this university is undoubtedly a carrier of competitive advantages.

4. Main educational program and its implementation

Taking into account the differences in the goals of the participants in the educational process, when developing new educational standards for higher education, it is necessary to focus mainly on the requirements for the competence of the graduate, and on the minimum content of the educational program that guarantees the appropriate qualifications of the graduate. Then the functions of the state and the university become clear as the two main subjects carrying out educational activities, the consumers of the results of which are the student and the employer.

Consider the new requirements for the educational program on the example of a bachelor's degree in Applied Informatics.

Possible composition of the main educational program:

Mandatory standard component - 2100 hour, 70 LU;

Mandatory component of the university - 4200 hours, 140 LU;

Disciplines of the student's choice (elective component) - 900 hours, 30 LU;

Final state certification (IGA) - 90 hours.

The main educational program for the preparation of a bachelor should provide for the qualification training of a bachelor of applied informatics to work in the subject area, with the fulfillment of qualification requirements and requirements for the level of professional preparedness.

Table - Requirements for the mandatory minimum content of the main educational program for the preparation of a bachelor in the direction of "Applied Informatics":

A possible variant of the mandatory minimum content of the main educational program for a bachelor's degree in Applied Informatics, taking into account the above requirements for a mandatory federal component as a set of mandatory disciplines that determine a competent "person" and the uniqueness of a graduate in this area, is given in the table. It presents a version of the "hard core" of the educational program.

Functions of the standard in the implementation of the main educational program at the university:

Determination of the composition of the standard (mandatory) component of the program of higher professional education and the requirements for the mandatory minimum content of the main educational program;

Determination of the duration and scope of the implementation of the main educational program, for example, 208 weeks of full-time study, including 7200 hours or 240 LU for theoretical training;

Formation of qualification requirements, competent characteristics and requirements for the level of professional training of a bachelor of applied informatics in the educational standards of higher education;

Determining the requirements for the procedure for the Final Attestation of a Bachelor Graduate and for the composition of the Attestation Commission for the Final Attestation;

Formation of requirements for the level and quality of the implementation of the educational program at the university, verified in the process of monitoring the educational activities of this university, including by state education authorities in the process of state accreditation and attestation of the university.

The functions of the state in the implementation of the main educational program at the university:

Approval of state requirements that are an integral part of the educational standard of higher professional education (as opposed to the approval of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education);

Approval of state educational standards in certain areas of training (specialties) of HPE, which are implemented with the participation of the state as an employer or social customer;

Placement on a competitive basis among higher educational institutions with state accreditation, the state assignment for the training of personnel with higher professional education, including for government bodies.

Functions of the university in the implementation of the main educational program:

Determination of the number of mandatory university components of the bachelor's program, their structure and content;

Determination of the volume and content of disciplines and courses of the bachelor's program;

Determination of the composition and volume of disciplines at the student's choice (an elective component that takes into account the personal educational needs of students).

5. Mobility of Education and the Bologna Process

The inclusion of the Russian higher education system in the Bologna process involves the following actions:

The transition from the training of specialists with higher education to a two-level system of education in most areas (perhaps, except for military specialists, medical personnel and some others);

Providing students with such educational programs that guarantee the academic mobility of students in a single educational space.

If we turn to the controversy that is taking place over the Bologna process at various forums, conferences, in the media, then sometimes one common misconception is revealed: for some reason, it is believed that the transition to a two-level system will also ensure the mobility of Russian students even if a student is transferred to a foreign country. educational institution. Indeed, both we and they have bachelors and masters, but the question arises: does this provide mobility? A formal transition to a two-tier system cannot ensure mobility due to three interrelated shortcomings of the existing educational system: excessive formalization of Russian state educational standards for higher professional education, their number, and the existence of certain mandatory procedures for attesting universities for state accreditation, arising from our State Educational Standards. Let's take a look at these shortcomings.

If we consider most of the state educational standards for higher professional education of the second generation (including those put into effect quite recently, in 2001-2005), we can find that, firstly, for admission to a master's program in a particular direction, it is required, as a rule, , complete a bachelor's degree in the same direction, or eat up a colossal academic difference in curricula, even if the student has completed a bachelor's degree in a similar direction. The didactic units of the State Educational Standards of the Higher Professional Education of such areas overlap in many respects, however, the composition of the disciplines is formally different, and if there are disciplines with similar names, the number of hours is different. This is where the notorious academic difference in plans arises, which negates any desire for mobility.

Number of State Educational Establishments. The number of directions and specialties that can be attributed to one field of knowledge sometimes exceeds reasonable limits. For example, 3 directions and 1 specialty completely cover such an area of ​​​​professional activity as "Informatics" (directions "Informatics and Computer Science", "Applied Informatics", "Information Systems" and the specialty "Mathematical Support and Administration of Information Systems"). However, if we consider the current List of directions (specialties) of higher professional education, then in its various sections one can find much more relevant professions. Let the supporters of the unmentioned areas and specialties related to Informatics not be offended by the authors: this is just an example, you can make another combination, with a large number of professions.

An excessive number of SES HPE and their formalization are interconnected as follows: it is desirable for some educational and methodological associations (more precisely, the head universities of these UMOs) to open their own direction so as not to depend on another UMO. Therefore, it arises, subjectively, the need for bureaucratic justification, how one direction differs from another. This is how a pseudo new direction appears.

Mandatory procedures for attestation of universities. Let's consider only one of them - the most incomprehensible and "deadly" procedure for controlling the residual knowledge of students. Usually students of 3-4 years of undergraduate or 4-5 years of specialists are subjected to various tests (for example, what do they remember from mathematical analysis, which they took in 1-2 courses, from management or from other disciplines). Universities are intensively preparing students for such a test, tearing them away from classes.

Many universities rightly believe that tests improve the quality of mastering the material during the educational process, increase the effectiveness of students' self-control. Testing is carried out with the help of modern computer programs developed by good specialists; some of them have received wide recognition in various universities.

But tests to control residual knowledge and tests to improve the efficiency of assimilation of material when studying a discipline are different tests. An incomprehensible industry of creating tests to control residual knowledge in Russian universities has emerged. Incomprehensible, primarily because the origin of some of the proposed tests is doubtful.

Often they are not certified by anyone for quality and compliance with the discipline for which they are developed, their developers are unknown even in the UMO. The authors witnessed that some of the tests recommended for checking residual knowledge were not labeled as tests for checking residual knowledge (complex tasks were offered, as in a written exam, requiring a long solution) and did not correspond to the academic discipline (in management - questions on marketing , although marketing has its own tests).

If the tests are correct, then with the help of this procedure it is possible to check not the quality of residual knowledge, but only the ability to cramming after the preliminary procedure of “training” students before certification. Good tests in mathematics and the corresponding methodology for monitoring residual knowledge have been developed in Yoshkar-Ola, but there are few such examples.

The control of residual knowledge two years after studying the discipline cannot check the main thing - the student's competence. If a student is competent, then this means the following: with the help of reference, professional literature, his own notes and residual knowledge, he will be able to solve a professionally set task within the framework of the direction in which he undergoes professional training. Such a competent approach is much more progressive than very expensive measures to support the industry of creating appropriate tests to control residual knowledge and prepare (coach) students at the university where the next certification is to be.


education university bolognese

This article discusses some of the prerequisites for increasing the competitiveness of Russian education on the basis of increasing the efficiency of standardization of educational activities in the context of the reorganization of the higher education system in Russia. It is clear that the competitive higher educational institutions of the country are the foundation of a competitive national education system. The objectives of the standards are to help them acquire high competitive positions in the process of Russia's integration into the global educational community.

The circumstances indicated in the article lead to the need for a significant revision of the role of HPE educational standards, their content, as well as the role of the state, employers and a particular university in the process of creating and implementing an educational program for the bachelor's (master's) training.


1. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of January 12, 2005, No. 4 "On approval of the List of areas of training (specialties) of higher professional education."

2. Borodina Zh.N. Franchising in the educational sphere // Vestnik TISBI. - 2004. - No. 4.

3. Kovalenko A.I. Educational Entrepreneurship. - M., 2004. - S. 123-147.

4. Entrepreneurial universities in the innovation economy / Paul ed. Yu.B. Rubin. - M., 2005. - S. 357-376.

5. Globalization of education: competencies of the credit system. / Ed. Yu.B. Rubin. - M., 2005. - S. 306-350.

6. Grebney A.S., Fil' M.S., Shadrikov V.D. General arshin // Paid education. - 2004. - No. 9. - S. 14-19.

7. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated March 10, 2005 No. 63 “On the procedure for the development and use of distance learning technologies”.

8. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2004, No. 280 "On approval of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation".

9. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 17, 2004, No. 288 "On the Federal Agency for Education".

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Figure 1. Fundamentals of standardization of education. Author24 - online exchange of student papers

The need to create a single educational space in the country forced to resort to the standardization of education. Such activities allow solving a number of issues, goals and objectives, including the full provision of an equal level of education for all graduates of state educational institutions.

Definition 1

The standardization of education is the development and use of a system of certain parameters and indicators that are accepted as state norms of the educational process, and they must reflect the social educational ideal, as well as take into account the capabilities of a particular individual to achieve it.

State educational standards

In 1992, after the adoption of the Federal Law "On Education", the first concepts of the state educational standard in Russia were formulated.

The State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education (GOS VPO) in accordance with the current legislation is intended for:

  • the formation of a single educational space of the country, when there is a provision for the freedom to implement internal national education programs;
  • conducting an objective assessment of the activities of the system of higher educational institutions;
  • improving the overall quality of the educational process in the country;
  • establishing and recognizing the equivalence of documents of foreign states.

These components are taken into account in the full training of a teacher, lawyer, economist and any other profession.

Federal component

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation approves the federal component (part). Also, the executive authority forms requirements that relate to the content of the educational program, as well as the general level of training of teachers and students.

The federal component includes:

  • requirements for the implementation of the educational program;
  • requirements for the final certification of graduates;
  • establishment of the estimated period for mastering the program in all forms of education.

The federal component of the educational standard of any level includes a group of general professional disciplines, a group of mathematical and general disciplines in natural science, a group of general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, as well as a group of special disciplines.

National-regional component

Remark 2

The national-regional component is designed to reflect in the content of education certain characteristic features and national-regional features of the place where the educational process takes place.

Such a component is approved directly by the higher educational institution and its content is fully taken into account in the training of specialists in the region. Usually, in Russian conditions, it is customary to use a scheme for introducing federal and national-regional components into the educational system, where preference is given to the first component in proportions of 65 to 35.

Such a structure of the state educational standard makes it possible to solve the dialectically contradictory task of maintaining the unity of the educational space. It does not suppress the interests and traditions of educational institutions and other scientific schools of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Development of state educational standards

Remark 3

The main scientific organization that coordinates the development of state educational standards (SES) is the Research Center for Quality Problems in Training Specialists.

It organizes activities specifically for the functioning of higher professional education.

More than 70 educational and methodological associations, including several dozen councils on methodological recommendations, took part in the process of creating the SES VPO. In total, the standardization process was managed by several thousand people. They were able to develop the CRP in just a few years, which change periodically. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation approves all amendments to the standards intended for higher professional education.

By 1996, state standards were developed for areas of study or bachelor's programs, for specialties and for master's programs. The GOS VPO system includes about 700 standards.

The development of state educational standards was carried out in several stages. First, educational programs for bachelors were formed, at the next stage, standards for educational programs for the training of specialists appeared. Then the same standards based on GOS were presented for masters.

During the development of the SES, a fundamental decision was born that strengthened the fundamental foundations of all education. This meant that the foundation of the graduate and his worldview would form not only scientific knowledge, but also a combination of fundamental knowledge. The totality of such knowledge can become the basis for the formation of a versatile personality with a large professional baggage of knowledge.

Fundamental education is a combination of:

  • natural sciences;
  • humanities;
  • socio-economic sciences;
  • mathematical disciplines.

Thus, the formation of personality comes from the knowledge of physics, chemistry, mathematics, philosophy, psychology, history, economics, physical culture and other basic disciplines.

The volume of fundamental natural science training for technical specialties was increased by about 30%. For most areas of the humanities, the study of disciplines of this profile in higher education was introduced for the first time.

After some time, during the educational process, it was possible to identify a number of shortcomings of such an education system and a number of standards changed their requirements. Experts noted that there is an insufficient level of variance in the block of humanities and socio-economic sciences. It was not fully focused on the future profession of the graduate. There was also the circumstance of the impossibility of the requirements contained in the document and applied in the process of intermediate knowledge control. Problems with direct verification of the level of training of graduates were voiced. A number of differences were revealed in the content of related educational programs. They made it difficult to rationally organize the educational process in multidisciplinary universities. The inconsistency of the SES VPO with the standards of other levels of education and with each other was revealed.