Supermoons and lunar eclipses. "Blue bloody supermoon": where to look and what to fear

In 2016, the fantasy film Warcraft was released, based on the popular game series (with the original title Warcraft). Many liked the picture, in connection with which the question arose: when will the sequel - the movie Warcraft 2.

Actually the big question is will there ever be a part 2 of the Warcraft movie (Warcraft 2).

And the point here is not at all the lack of spectator interest in history and not the lack of source material. Many fans are looking forward to the release of the sequel to the film. One young man even posted a tweet claiming to have watched the sci-fi movie 4 times in IMAX and is now biting his nails in anticipation of the sequel. To which I even received a response from Duncan Jones, the director of the first Warcraft, who replied that he himself was looking forward to when this would happen, but it all depended on the decision of the production media company Legendary Entertainment.

Also, the release of Warcraft 2 is unlikely to interfere with the large number of negative reviews that the first film collected. There are many examples when, after serious criticism of the first parts, the studio released sequels that had some success.

The main thing that determines whether Warcraft 2 will be released or not is a matter of money. After all, it's just business. As you know, the first film failed at the US box office, but "shot" in some other countries. For example, China grossed $156 million for a box office total of over $430 million. That is, the financial success of the Warcraft 2 film is unlikely to be ensured in the United States, however, in foreign markets, for example, in Russia and China, something will be able to be collected. And producers, before they start filming, must decide for themselves whether they are ready to take the risk of a film failing at the box office or not. We expect that sooner or later a positive decision will be made on the production of the second part of the Warcraft movie.

When will the Warcraft 2 movie be released in Russia:

Despite the fact that there is no decision yet on the start of filming and the timing of the release of the Warcraft 2 movie, the approximate release date can be named. Preliminary - this is May 2020. In Russia, it could very well be Thursday 14 May 2020.

Although, of course, not all parental days fall on Saturday. So, the first parental day after Easter in 2019, which is called Radonitsa, is held on Tuesday a week after Easter Sunday.

Orthodox believers celebrated Easter in 2019 on April 28, respectively. Radonitsa falls on May 7, 2019.

That is, what date will Radonitsa be (parent's day after Easter 2019):
* on Tuesday 7 May 2019

In some Russian regions, May 7, 2019 has been declared a public holiday. Taking into account the May holidays, in early May 2019, residents of these regions will have 10 days off.

Eid al-Fitr in 2019 - a day off or a working day:

In some regions of the country, the first day of Eid al-Fitr (in 2019 - June 4) is an official non-working day, an additional day off.

The following regions of the Russian Federation have a rest in honor of the holiday:
* Republic of Adygea.
* Republic of Bashkortostan (Bashkiria).
* The Republic of Dagestan.
* Kabardino-Balkaria Republic (Kabardino-Balkaria).
* Karachay-Cherkess Republic (Karachay-Cherkessia).
* Republic of Crimea.
* Republic of Tatarstan.
* Chechen Republic.

In the regions listed, Tuesday June 4, 2019 is a public holiday, and Monday the day before (June 3, 2019) is a short working day.

What is the date of the Scarlet Sails 2019 festival in St. Petersburg:

The festive festival Scarlet Sails is held annually in St. Petersburg and is traditionally considered a holiday for all graduates of St. Petersburg schools.

Residents of the northern capital are looking forward to Scarlet Sails 2019 because the festival has gained immense popularity among them. Why are St. Petersburg residents, a large number of guests from all over Russia and countries of near and far abroad planning to make a summer trip to St. Petersburg in order to see an exciting water show, colorful fireworks and numerous musical concerts.

In the waters of the Neva, as part of the festival, a grandiose water performance is held, which includes: racing on motor boats and kayaks, sea pirate battles, and also, in apotheosis, the passage of a sailboat with scarlet sails.

The date of the Scarlet Sails festival is timed to coincide with the longest white night. Events are held on the Saturday closest to it, during the period from June 18 to June 25, with a few exceptions. The most interesting part of the events takes place on the night from Saturday to Sunday.

The traditional date for Scarlet Sails 2019 falls on Saturday 22 June 2019. However, June 22 in Russia is the Day of Memory and Sorrow, the date of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Therefore, it was obvious that postponement of the holiday to Sunday 23 June 2019. The option of transferring the festival to Friday June 21, 2019 did not fit for the reason that since the events lasted 2 days, they would have ended at dawn on June 22, just at the time of the attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR in 1941.

That is, the date of the festival Scarlet Sails 2019:
* on the night of Sunday 23 June 2019 to Monday 24 June 2019

The venue for the Scarlet Sails 2019 celebrations will traditionally be Palace Square in St. Petersburg and the spit of Vasilyevsky Island.

On which channel to watch the live broadcast of the Scarlet Sails Festival 2019:

According to the established tradition, the most interesting moments of the festive evening will be shown live Channel Five. The live broadcast is scheduled to start on 22:00 .

What time will the fireworks be?

The festive salute, also known as fireworks or a pyrotechnic show, will begin at the end of the concert program, after 00:30.

And in a week St. Petersburg will host the summer national holiday of the Turkic peoples -

A few days left until the brightest Supermoon (November 14, 2016), which has already been dubbed the "extra supermoon".

While a supermoon in general is not a rare occurrence, what awaits us on November 14, 2016 will have a number of features that will make the Moon appear unusually large and bright to observers from Earth.
The last time a similar "astronomical show" could be observed on January 26, 1948, and the next time only on November 25, 2034, reports huffington post.

Only bad weather can interfere with observations of this impressive astronomical phenomenon. Given good visibility, it is enough just to raise your eyes to the night sky to become a witness of the supermoon.


The term supermoon is used when speaking of the period of the full moon, when the natural satellite of the planet is at the closest point of its elliptical orbit with respect to the Earth. Astronomers call this point the perigee (the point farthest from Earth is called the apogee).

According to NASA, during a supermoon, the planet's satellite can appear to observers from Earth 14% larger and 30% brighter than the full moon at apogee. The effect is most noticeable when observing the moon rising above the horizon.

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On November 14, 2016, at the moment of closest approach of the Moon and the Earth (perigee), there will be a full moon. For astronomers and astrologers, such an event in the sky is called a supermoon. As a rule, astrologers associate many events with the approach of a supermoon, but often one forecast completely contradicts another. There is no doubt about one thing: surprises should be expected from the supermoon.

The exact time of the supermoon in November 2016 is 16 hours 53 minutes on November 14th. At this time, we will be able to observe the disk of the Moon in the sky about a quarter larger than usual. This is due to the fact that the orbit in which the moon revolves around the earth has the shape of an ellipse. An even darker event in astrology is the "blood moon" - a blood-red lunar disk appears in the sky when a supermoon coincides with a total lunar eclipse. However, we will not see the "bloody moon" soon - the nearest such coincidence will occur in 2033.

What does the supermoon warn about?

In ancient times, when people believed not in science, but in divine omens, the supermoon was interpreted by the priests as a formidable sign. He was often seen as a harbinger of the end of the world. But, it must be said that little has changed over the centuries: even in last year's "bloody super moon", Mormons saw the approach of God's judgment. Well, they will still have to wait... It should be noted that the blood moon did indeed often accompany wars, as well as the persecution of Christians and Jews.

With an ordinary supermoon, which we will witness on November 14, 2016, the story is somewhat different. Although official science denies this, the supermoon often coincides with the periods of the most powerful earthquakes and tectonic shifts. For example, the earthquake in Japan, which resulted in the tragedy at Fukushima, coincided with a supermoon. Let's hope that on November 14, 2016 nothing terrible will happen.

How does the supermoon affect people?

All esotericists come to a consensus - during periods of the full moon, you should not look at the full moon, and especially during the supermoon. The full moon is most reflected in emotional and mentally unstable people. On November 14, 2016, on the day of the supermoon, you should control your behavior and be restrained in the manifestation of emotions, while treating with understanding those who cannot control themselves.

However, lunar energy, which reaches its maximum during the supermoon period, can also be used for good. On November 14, 2016, the Moon will be in the sign of Taurus, which means that the time is great for planning and laying the foundation for future affairs. But astrologers strongly do not recommend starting anything - there are new moon days for this.

The November supermoon will give everyone the opportunity to create their own talisman of good luck and success. To do this, you need to take your favorite silver jewelry (silver is the metal of the moon) and leave them on the windowsill under the light of the moon. Before that, of course, you need to tell the future talisman your most secret desire. After the Moon goes beyond the horizon, wear a charged talisman on yourself and your wish will surely come true soon.

Supermoon November 14th: Could the Great California Earthquake Happen Around This Time?

Researchers say yes, it can.

Could the Great California Earthquake, long feared by the populace, happen during a full moon?

Yes maybe. So says a new study that says major earthquakes are more likely to occur during unusually high tides. They happen precisely during the full and new moons, writes

Tides, which usually occur twice a day, are caused when sea water is moved by the moon's gravitational pull. But twice a month, during the full or new moon, the tides are especially high because the moon, earth, and sun all line up.

Large earthquakes can occur when this extra weight of tidal water strains geological faults, according to the study. While this theory is not new, this is the first study to show a strong, statistical relationship.

"The likelihood of tiny rock failure expands to giant ruptures and increases with increasing tidal stress levels," the study says.

Just as the causes of large earthquakes are not fully understood, scientists say they cannot explain exactly why cascading ruptures occur, when tiny cracks build up and turn into a large-scale rupture. But the authors' results suggest that the likelihood of large faults during strong cascading earthquakes is greater when high tides occur.

The study was led by Satoshi Ide, a seismologist at the University of Tokyo, and appeared in the peer-reviewed British journal Nature Geoscience.

Ide found that some of the most devastating earthquakes in recent years, such as the 2004 Sumatra earthquake that killed 230,000 people and the 2011 Japan earthquake that killed 15,000, happened during high tides. In fact, the research team determined that nine of the 12 largest earthquakes occurred near or on the days of full or new moons.

Scientists have not found a clear correlation between tides and small earthquakes.

This study could help predict earthquakes, the authors say. Especially in places that are prone to high seismic activity.

As you know, distance from moon to earth is not a constant value - it constantly fluctuates depending on many reasons, although approximately equal to 30 diameters of the Earth.

Our satellite - the Moon - does not move around the Earth in a circular way, as many people think, but in an elongated orbit. Moreover, the Earth is not located in the center of this imaginary ellipse: it is shifted to one of its poles.

When The moon is at the greatest distance from our planet, they say, about its location at its apogee (405696 km), at the minimum (356400 km - 370400 km) - at perigee. The moon passes its apogee and perigee about once a month.

When, under the influence of gravitational forces, the Moon and the Earth are attracted to each other as close as possible, and the Moon is in the full moon phase, talk about the Supermoon.

January 31 a very interesting event will take place: humanity will be able to observe (in Ukraine - when the moon is already high in the sky): supermoon + lunar eclipse coinciding with the sun. In the English-language media, this phenomenon has received the name blue blood supermoon (a super blue blood moon). "Blue Moon" is the second full moon of the month;

After that, the blood supermoon can be observed on December 31, 2028 and January 31, 2037.

During a supermoon, the moon looks 14% larger and 30% brighter than on normal days. I want to note right away that not all “supermoons” are the same. In past years, it was possible to observe the so-called "hot moons", the most spectacular of which is considered the full moon of 2015, observed on September 28. This supermoon was also interesting in that it completed the cycle of "bloody" (having a reddish hue) moons, starting in April, and a total lunar eclipse could also be observed. The last time such a phenomenon was observed in 1982, and the next one will be only 18 years later - in 2033.

Our satellite acquires a red color due to the fact that, even being completely closed from direct sunlight by the Earth, the Moon continues to be weakly illuminated by light passing tangentially to the earth's surface in the atmosphere of our planet. And since the Earth's atmosphere best transmits the red-orange part of the spectrum, the surface of the Moon takes on a reddish tint.

The supermoon offers a rare opportunity to consider in detail all the details of the lunar relief.

It is best to observe the Moon when it has just risen above the horizon or, on the contrary, is preparing to hide behind the edge of the Earth. At these moments, she seems much larger than at her height, so the spectacle is especially impressive.

By the way, Every year, the Moon's orbit moves away from the Earth by 3.8 centimeters. So that Hurry up to enjoy supermoons today.

Scientists say that immediately after the formation of the Moon was 22,530 kilometers from the Earth (imagine this fantastic sight!).

Moon eclipse, as, however, and solar, is possible only when the Sun, Moon and Earth are in the same plane and on the same line, and for two weeks, that is, for the time while the Moon makes half a revolution around the Earth, and if all three celestial bodies remain in the same plane and again fall on the same line, a solar eclipse occurs. Usually solar and lunar eclipses are paired.

longest(duration - 1 hour 43 minutes) and extremely beautiful lunar eclipse of the century will occur July 27, 2018 a. It will be observed almost all over the planet. Start - 7 hours 13 minutes Kyiv time; the full phase can be observed from 21:30.

Lunar eclipse, Supermoon, Blue Moon on January 31, 2018: what is the uniqueness of these phenomena, what is impossible, and what can be done on such a day. January 31, 2018 is a truly unique day in the lunar calendar. On this day, three fairly rare phenomena will occur at once - a Lunar eclipse, a Supermoon, a Blue Moon.

Lunar eclipse, Supermoon, Blue Moon January 31, 2018: what is the uniqueness of these phenomena. Each of these phenomena does not happen often, and therefore is considered unusual. And the fact that in January 2018 they will happen on the same day is simply unique.

It is extremely rare that a full moon occurs twice in one month. This is exactly what will happen in January 2018. January 31, 2018 will be the third full moon this month. This phenomenon is called .

Supermoon- this is the moment when the full moon, even with normal observation to the naked eye, appears many times larger and brighter than usual. This is exactly what will happen on January 31, 2018. This is due to the fact that on this day the distance between the Earth and the Moon will be much shorter than usual.

Of course, the fact that three energetically powerful phenomena will occur at once in one day cannot but leave its mark. Therefore, in addition to the advantages in the form of an incredible spectacle in the night sky, experts warn of the dangers of this day. On this day, the Earth may fall, which will bring malaise, headaches and insomnia.

Lunar eclipse, Supermoon, Blue Moon January 31, 2018: what not to do and what you can do on such a day. On this day, you can and should take care of yourself and your health, strengthen your immune system. Be sure to need proper rest and sleep, proper nutrition, moderate physical activity, walks in the fresh air. It is better to refuse hard trainings on such a difficult day. It is not necessary to borrow money on January 31, 2018, especially if it is a large amount. It is also better not to make large purchases. To visit the beauty salon, it is also better to choose another day.

This is a magical day for the fulfillment of desires, which in no case should be missed!

On January 31, 2018, we will witness a truly rare astronomical phenomenon - the second supermoon of the month, the so-called Blue Moon, will coincide with a total lunar eclipse.

In the lunar calendar for January 2018, we see that as many as 2 full moons fall for this month. This in itself is a rather rare phenomenon, which is called " Blue Moon ". And the fact that the second full moon of January will coincide with a solar eclipse makes it truly unique - the last time such a coincidence was in December 1982.

Besides, Supermoon January 31, 2018 will be the third supermoon in a row- in the English-language media, it was called " blue blood supermoon » ( super blue blood moon). Such a strange name is caused by the coincidence of three celestial phenomena:

  • « Blue Moon » - the second full moon of the month.
  • Supermoon - when the full moon becomes larger and brighter when viewed with the naked eye.
  • total lunar eclipse or blood moon January 31st.

Most days of the year, the Moon is approximately 384,400 km from Earth, but during the supermoon on January 31, 2018, the distance between the Earth and the Moon will be reduced to 358,993 km. During a supermoon as seen with the naked eye The moon will appear 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter, than usual.

Such phenomena as blood moon caused by a lunar eclipse, during which the night star passes into the shadow cast by the Earth, which colors the moon in a reddish hue.

  • planning and solving important issues;
  • building personal and business relationships;
  • relaxation, rest and proper distribution of energy;
  • health care, and strengthening the immune system.

And here is what follows abstain:

  • categorically contraindicated large physical activity;
  • haircut, hair coloring, visits to beauty salons are not recommended;
  • astrologers do not advise taking loans and making big purchases on this day;
  • conflicts and quarrels that arose on this day can lead to very unpleasant consequences;

On January 31, 2018, three astronomical events - the "blue moon", the super moon and the "blood moon" - will create a real miracle in the sky, which in no case should be missed.


January 31, 2018 residents of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Canada and some other countries will be able to witness a rather rare cosmic phenomenon - the Moon in the sky will be covered by the shadow from the Earth and the night luminary will turn red. Blood Moon in January 2018 will be the first lunar eclipse of 2018 year.

The Blood Moon will be visible on January 31, 2018 in Europe, North America and parts of Asia. The color and saturation of the red tint in which the Earth's satellite will be painted will depend on many factors - cloudiness, the amount of dust and smog in the atmosphere, and even on air temperature.

The entire cycle of the January lunar eclipse will take about five hours.. In Moscow, the maximum phase of the eclipse will be observed at 16:30. At this time, it will already be dark enough and it will be possible to see with the naked eye how the Moon will gradually fall into the shadow of the Earth.

The beginning of the eclipse process will begin during daylight hours, at 13:51 Moscow time, and will end at 19:08.

The lunar eclipse on January 31, 2018 will be the so-called " bloody eclipse " or " blood moon ". While the shadow from the Earth will cover the full Moon, the illuminated part of the Earth's satellite will have a reddish tint. At the time of the eclipse, the Earth, Moon and Sun will be in one row.

Astrologer's advice for the period of the blood moon: what to watch out for

Just a hundred years ago, our ancestors believed that the Blood Moon was a harbinger of war, famine, and all sorts of natural disasters. Nowadays, astrologers believe that the lunar eclipse also has a positive impact on our lives - at this time it is worth making a wish and it will surely come true.

Also lunar eclipse auspicious time to get rid of from smoking, alcohol or gambling addiction. If you don't get rid from bad habits during the eclipse, it will be difficult to do this in the coming year.

And that's what astrologers do not advise do on the day of the blood moon:

  • go on long journeys
  • get behind the wheel of a car
  • make big purchases
  • abuse alcohol
  • attend large gatherings of people

The influence of the blood moon, according to astrologers, begins to be felt three days before the moment of the eclipse and continues for another three days after. During this period, you should be calm and reasonable. Sensitive people may show emotional instability, irritability, attacks of unmotivated aggression.