Topics of workshops on the development of speech. Workshop "Development of speech of preschoolers by visual modeling

Topic: "The development of speech of preschool children."

"Teach your child some

unknown to him five

words - it will be long and

suffer in vain, but tie

twenty such words with pictures

and he will learn on the fly.


Target: to increase the level of pedagogical competence of teachers, using various forms of work on the development of speech and the culture of speech communication of children


  1. improve the theoretical training of teachers in the field of speech development of preschool children;
  2. to introduce practical approaches to the development of children's speech in the educational process

Workshop outline:

Theoretical part:

1. Speech "Development of speech and culture of speech communication in preschool children in various activities"

Deputy Head for Core Activities Galina Alekseevna Voronaya

Practical part:

1. Blitz survey.

2. Didactic games for the development of speech.

3. Drawing up the structure of classes for the development of speech.

4. Outline of the lesson "Storytelling in the picture."

Pedagogical workshop

(participants are divided into two teams, the jury is selected)

Leading:- Let's start the event with a warm-up - a blitz survey. Questions on the topic "The development of speech and the culture of speech communication."

1. Name the types of storytelling lessons. (Storytelling from a picture, storytelling about toys, children's stories from experience, creative stories.)

2. Name the verbal techniques that are used in classes for the development of speech and the culture of speech communication in preschool children. (Speech pattern, repetition, explanation, indication, verbal exercise, question, evaluation of children's speech.)

3. In which group is preparation for storytelling carried out: are the skills to ask questions, speak about toys, depicted in the picture, read? (First junior group.)

4. In which group of preschool children are they led to compose short stories based on a picture, a description of toys in 2-3 sentences? (Second junior group.)

5. In which group is the ability to retell the content of a fairy tale or a short story, both already familiar and read for the first time in class, formed? (Middle group.)

6. In which group do they begin to form the ability to compose stories according to the content of the picture, from personal experience? (Middle group.)

7. In which group do preschool children independently compose descriptive stories based on a toy, a subject picture, a series of plot pictures (observing the composition of the story, indicating the place and time of the action, characterizing the characters)? (Senior group.)

8. In which group do preschool children independently compose creative stories of realistic and fantastic content? (Senior group.)

9. For which group in the curriculum of preschool education for the first time the educational area "Development of culture and culture of small people" is introduced? (Middle group.)

10. For which group in the curriculum of preschool education is the educational area "Literacy" introduced for the first time? (Senior group.)

11. List the content of the educational area "Development of speech and culture of speech communication" for the second junior group (from the curriculum of preschool education)? (Dictionary, grammatical structure of speech, sound culture of speech, coherent speech.)

Host:- We bring to your attention didactic games for the development of speech for both teams.

1. Didactic game "Patters".

Task: One representative from the team needs to pronounce the tongue twister slowly, quickly and very quickly without errors, clearly pronouncing all the words.

For the first team: He hid quail-quail and quail in the copse from the guys.

For the second team: The black grouse sat in Terenty's cage, and the black grouse with the cubs in the forest on a branch.

2. Didactic game "Adjective Associations".

Task: teams are offered words to which they need to choose the most suitable adjectives in meaning.

3. Didactic game "Decipher the proverbs."

Task: the teams need to decipher the proverbs.

1 team:

A) The silent mouth is the golden mouth.

Answer: The word is silver, and silence is golden.

B) He who asks will not get lost.

Answer: Language will bring to Kyiv.

C) A scalded rooster runs away from the rain.

Answer: Burnt in milk, blowing on the water.

2 team:

BUT) A silent mouth is a golden mouth.

Answer: The word is silver, and silence is golden.

B) He who asks will not get lost.

Answer: Language will bring to Kyiv.

AT) A scalded rooster runs away from the rain.

Answer: Burnt in milk, blowing on the water.

Host:- To successfully complete the next task, team representatives will have to remember the structure of classes on the development of speech and the culture of speech communication.


1 team: structure the lesson on talking about the toy.

2 team: make the structure of the lesson on the retelling of a literary work.


The structure of the lesson on talking about a toy, object

  1. Introductory part (artistic word, didactic game).
  2. Examining the object, talking, answering questions.
  3. Questions for children.
  4. An example of a teacher's story based on a graphic diagram or collective compilation and memorization of a descriptive story plan.
  5. Drawing up a story-description based on a graphic diagram (plan) by children (if necessary with the help of an adult).
  6. Outcome. Evaluation by the teacher; did the children succeed on their own or with the help of a teacher, what is the difficulty? what is success?

The structure of the lesson on retelling a literary work

  1. Introductory part (preparing children for the perception of the text, mainly its ideas - the revival of a similar personal experience of children).
  2. Primary reading of the work (title, author, genre), without warning about the subsequent retelling.
  3. Conversation, questions on the content, drawing up a retelling plan.
  4. Re-reading.
  5. Children's retellings.
  6. Final part (dramatization).
  7. Analysis of children's retellings (the first retelling is analyzed in detail, the rest are less detailed, in the older group the children themselves are involved in the analysis).

Leading: Now let's make it harder. Teams need to structure a storytelling session based on a picture, and then show this activity by choosing one of the suggested pictures.


1 team: structure a picture storytelling session for the middle group.

2 team: make the structure of the storytelling lesson for the older group.


The structure of the storytelling lesson in the middle group:

1) Examination of the picture (preliminary work with pupils).

2) A conversation that clarifies the main content of the picture and its details.

3) The teacher's story, summarizing the material of statements.

4) Children's stories according to the model with the help of a teacher (explanations regarding the sequence of description, dictionary, sentence connection).

The structure of the lesson storytelling in the picture in the senior group:

1. Preliminary conversation, preparing for the perception of the picture.

2. Examining the picture (preliminary work).

3. Conversation about the picture (including questions that activate the imagination).

4. Target setting for compiling a story according to plan.

5. Drawing up and discussion with the children of the story plan.

6. Children's stories (collective story).

7. Evaluation of children's stories (completeness of stories, sequence of events, use of different intonations, speech tempo, figurative expressions, etc.)

8. A good speech pattern for a child or caregiver.

9. The result of the lesson with a brief formulation by the children of the topic, the purpose of the story, etc.

The jury sums up, announces the results of the workshop.


1. Curriculum of preschool education / Ministry of Education Rep. Belarus. - 3rd ed. — Minsk: NIO: Aversev, 2016. - 416 p.

2. We read to children: a reader: a guide for teachers of preschool institutions. formations: in 3 t. / comp. : A. I. Sachenko, L. A. Smal. — Minsk: Ekoperspektiva, 2015. — Т. 2 : From 3 to 5 years. — 415 s.

Pritulyakova Olga Anatolyevna, senior teacher
BDOU Omsk "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 293"
The development of coherent speech of preschoolers by the method of visual modeling
PURPOSE: increasing the level of practical training of educators, improving the practical skills of working with children to develop coherent speech
PARTICIPANTS: educators, educational psychologist
THE DATE OF THE _____________________
Children of preschool age, and even more so, those with speech disorders, as a rule, are distinguished by an insufficiently formed skill in constructing a coherent statement.
According to the results of diagnosing the level of formation of this skill in children, the following shortcomings can be noted:
connected statements are short;
are inconsistent, even if the child conveys the content of a familiar text;
consist of separate fragments, logically unrelated to each other;
the level of information content of the statement is very low.
In addition, most children actively share their impressions of the events they have experienced, but are reluctant to take up the compilation of stories on a given topic. Basically, this happens not because the child’s knowledge on this issue is insufficient, but because he cannot formulate them into coherent speech statements.
One of the ways to plan a coherent statement can be a VISUAL MODELING RECEPTION.
Using the visual modeling technique makes it possible to:
independent analysis of the situation or object;
development of decentration (the ability to change the starting point);
development of ideas for the future product.
In the process of teaching coherent descriptive speech, modeling serves as a means of planning an utterance.
The visual modeling technique can be used to work on all types of coherent monologue statements:
compiling stories based on a painting and a series of paintings;
descriptive story;
creative story.
In the course of using the visual modeling technique, children get acquainted with a graphical way of providing information - a model. Symbols of various nature can act as conditional substitutes (elements of the model):
geometric figures;
symbolic images of objects (symbols, silhouettes, contours, pictograms);
plans and symbols used in them;
contrasting frame - the method of fragmentary storytelling and many others.
At the initial stage of work, geometric figures are used as substitute symbols, resembling the replaced object in their shape and color. For example, a green triangle is a Christmas tree, a gray circle is a mouse, etc. At subsequent stages, children choose substitutes, without taking into account the external features of the object. In this case, they are guided by the qualitative characteristics of the object (evil, kind, cowardly, etc.). As a model of a coherent statement, a strip of multi-colored circles can be presented - the “Logic-Kid” manual.
The elements of the plan of the story, compiled on the basis of a landscape painting, can serve as silhouette images of its objects, both those that are clearly present in the picture, and those that can be distinguished only by indirect signs.
The following are used as substitute symbols in modeling creative stories:
subject pictures;
silhouette images;
geometric figures.
The visual model of the utterance acts as a plan that ensures the coherence and sequence of the child's stories.
The experience of working with children with speech disorders made it possible to identify some effective methods of visual modeling of a coherent statement, the use of which increases the interest of children in this type of activity and makes it possible to achieve significant results in correcting the speech of preschoolers.
Paraphrasing is considered the simplest of the types of connected utterance.
Retelling involves the ability to highlight the main parts of the heard text, link them together, and then compose a story in accordance with this scheme. A visual model acts as a plan for the story.
The work on developing the retelling skill involves the formation of the following skills:
mastering the principle of substitution, that is, the ability to designate characters and main attributes of a work of art as substitutes;
formation of the ability to transmit events with the help of substitutes (subject modeling);
transmission of the sequence of episodes in accordance with the location of the deputies,
and begins with telling familiar short tales, such as “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, etc. In order to teach a child to consistently state the plot of a fairy tale, visual models of a fairy tale are used. At first, children learn to make models that accompany the reading of a fairy tale by a speech therapist. For example, a speech therapist tells the children the fairy tale “Turnip”, and the children gradually put up substitute symbols for the heroes of the fairy tale. At this stage, it is necessary to ensure that the manipulation of the elements of the model corresponds to the fragment of the fairy tale that sounds at the moment.

The elements of the model can be pictures depicting the characters of a fairy tale, then they are replaced by substitute symbols (silhouette images or geometric shapes). Gradually, children move from simple manipulation of the elements of the model to the compilation of a spatial dynamic model, which directly serves as a plan for retelling.
Significant difficulties arise in children when compiling stories based on a plot picture. A story based on a plot picture requires the child to be able to identify the main characters or objects of the picture, trace their relationship and interaction, note the features of the compositional background of the picture, as well as the ability to think out the reasons for the occurrence of this situation, that is, to compose the beginning of the story, and its consequences - that is, the end story.
In practice, “stories” composed by children themselves are basically a simple enumeration of the characters or objects in the picture.
The work to overcome these shortcomings and develop the skill of storytelling in a picture consists of 3 stages:
highlighting fragments of the picture that are significant for the development of the plot;
determining the relationship between them;
combining fragments into a single plot.
At this stage of the work, the following are used: the manual “Logic-baby”, “Limpopo”, “Relive the picture”. Somehow the temperature of the Sun rose. It went to the doctor, and along the way, its hot rays touched everything. The Sun touched a snow cloud, and it turned into a white fluffy cloud. The sun touched the icicles on the roof, and droplets dripped from them, the drops rang loudly. A beam hit a snowdrift, and a thawed patch appeared in this place. The sun touched the branches of the tree, and the first leaves appeared from the swollen buds. And when a ray of sun touched the bird, it sang a merry song. The Sun looked around, and instead of winter, SPRING came on the earth.

The elements of the model are, respectively, pictures - fragments, silhouette images of significant objects of the picture and schematic images of fragments of the picture.
Schematic images are also elements of visual models, which are the plan of stories for a series of paintings.
When children have mastered the skill of building a coherent statement, creative elements are included in the models of retellings and stories - the child is invited to come up with the beginning or end of the story, unusual characters are included in the fairy tale or plot of the picture, unusual qualities are assigned to the characters, etc., and then compose a story with taking these changes into account.
STORY-DESCRIPTION of a landscape painting
A special type of coherent utterance are description stories based on a landscape painting. This kind of storytelling is especially difficult for children. If, when retelling and compiling a story based on a plot picture, the main elements of the visual model are characters - living objects, then in landscape paintings they are absent or carry a secondary semantic load.
In this case, objects of nature act as elements of the story model. Since they are usually static in nature, special attention is paid to describing the qualities of these objects. Work on such paintings is built in several stages:
highlighting significant objects in the picture;
considering them and a detailed description of the appearance and properties of each object;
determination of the relationship between the individual objects of the picture;
combining mini-stories into a single plot.
As a preparatory exercise in the formation of the skill of compiling a story based on a landscape painting, we can recommend working with the “Bring the Picture to Life” manual. This work is, as it were, a transitional stage from compiling a story based on a plot picture to telling a story based on a landscape picture. Children are offered a picture with a limited number of landscape objects (a swamp, hummocks, a cloud, reeds; or a house, a garden, a tree, etc.) and small images of living objects - “animators” that could be in this composition. Children describe landscape objects, and the colorfulness and dynamism of their stories is achieved by including descriptions and actions of living objects.
For example, a simple description of a swamp would look something like this: It is quiet in the swamp, the water is like a black mirror, only bumps peek out of the water. There are reeds around the swamp, they sway in the wind. It's raining.
And here is a story with the introduction of living characters: It is quiet in the swamp, the water is like a black mirror, and a yellow fluffy duck glides over it, she teaches her ducklings to swim. The dragonfly peered into the mirror water, as a small airplane froze in the air. The reeds shake their heads, they greet the green frog. He jumped out onto a bump and enjoys the warm summer rain.

The same goes for other pictures. “Animators” are easily superimposed and removed, can be included in different landscape compositions, different living objects can be present in one landscape, which allows, using a minimum amount of visual material, to achieve variability in children’s stories in one landscape composition.
To increase the efficiency of work on developing the skill of compiling stories based on a picture, we can recommend the method of fragmentary storytelling, when children first make up stories about individual characters (fragments) of the picture, and then combine them into a single statement. The picture proposed for composing the story is divided into 4 parts, which are closed with cardboard rectangles of different colors. The child, gradually opening each of the 4 parts of the picture, talks about each fragment, combining them into one plot. Work on each of the fragments is similar to the work on compiling a description of the whole picture. The variability of children's stories is achieved by choosing the color of the rectangle that they open first.
[Download the file to see the picture]
One of the methods of teaching children coherent retelling is to work with speech therapy fairy tales. A speech therapy fairy tale is a text with fabulous content containing as many identical sounds as possible (fairy tales by V. Volina, A. Tsyferov, etc.). This type of fairy tales includes such fairy tales, in the text of which there is often a sound automated in coherent speech or oppositional sounds, the pronunciation of which requires differentiation in the independent speech of children.
The use of such fairy tales in the work allows solving, along with the tasks of mastering the skill of consistent and coherent retelling, the tasks of automating the set sounds in coherent speech.
Work with a speech therapy fairy tale is as follows:
a speech therapist reads a fairy tale to a child;
the child lays out a model of a fairy tale (a picture or consisting of substitute symbols, choosing them arbitrarily);
then the child answers questions about the content of the tale;
a speech therapist models fragments of a fairy tale, the child retells the text corresponding to this fragment;
the child retells the tale according to the model.
There is a hornet's nest on a currant bush in our garden.
There was a wasp, she loves to bite. The girl Sonya will go out into the garden. The wasp bites her immediately. Sonya runs into the house and cries. Dog Spike will run out into the garden. The wasp will bite him in the nose. Everyone hurts, but the wasp rejoices. Then Sonya's mother came up with an idea. She poured sweet currant juice into a bowl. A wasp flew in, tasted the juice and thought:
So tasty! And I always bite some tasteless objects. I won't bite anymore. I'd rather drink this sweet juice forever.
Since then, mom pours sweet juice for the wasp every day. And the wasp doesn't bite anyone anymore.
Where was the hornet's nest?
Who lived in the nest?
Why was everyone afraid of the wasp?
How can you name a wasp?
What did mom come up with to wean the wasp from biting?
What would you do?
What other name can you think of for a fairy tale?
In developing the skill of compiling descriptive stories, the preliminary compilation of a description model is of great help. In the process of teaching coherent descriptive speech, modeling can serve as a means and program for analyzing and fixing the regular properties and relations of an object or phenomenon.
The basis of a descriptive story is made up of specific ideas accumulated in the process of studying the object of description. The elements of the model of a descriptive story are substitute symbols for the qualitative characteristics of the object:
belonging to a generic concept;
the form;
component parts;
surface quality;
the material from which the object is made (for inanimate objects);
how is it used (what benefits does it bring)?
Why do you like (dislike)?
According to this model, it is possible to draw up a description of a single object belonging to a certain group.
Mastering the method of comparative description occurs when children learn to freely operate with a model for describing individual objects or phenomena. Two or three children or subgroups of children make up a model for describing two or more objects according to the plan. In this case, the description symbols are laid out by each subgroup in their own hoop. Then, at the intersection of the hoops (Euler circles), the same features of objects are distinguished. Children compare objects, first identifying their similarities and then their differences.
[Download the file to see the picture]
The fox and the hare are wild animals. The hare is small, and the fox is bigger. The hare has gray fur in summer, and the fox has red fur. The hare is a herbivore and the fox is a carnivore.
Often a visual model serves as a means of overcoming the child's fear of building creative coherent stories.
This type of utterance involves the child's ability to create a special idea and expand it into a full story with various details and events. The child is offered a model of the story, and he must already endow the elements of the model with semantic qualities and make a coherent statement based on them.
This skill is the opposite of retelling skill. Transitional exercises from modeling retelling to writing creative stories can be the following:
guessing the episode by demonstrating the action;
storytelling by demonstrating the action to adults;
The sequence of work on the formation of the skill of compiling a coherent creative statement is as follows:
the child is asked to come up with a situation that could happen to specific characters in a certain place, the model of the story (fairy tale) is given by a speech therapist;
the speech therapist offers specific characters in the story, and the child invents the spatial design of the model on his own;
specific characters are replaced by their silhouette images, which allows the child to show creativity in the characterization of the characters in the story;
the child is invited to compose a story or a fairy tale according to a model, the elements of which are indefinite substitutes for the characters of the story - geometric shapes, the speech therapist sets the topic of the story: for example, “Spring Tale”;
and, finally, the child independently chooses the theme and heroes of his story.
One of the ways to develop the skill of creative storytelling is to teach children how to compose fairy tales from silhouette images. As elements of the model, the child is presented with silhouettes of animals, plants, people or natural phenomena (snow, rain, etc.). The speech therapist sets the beginning of the tale and suggests continuing it, based on silhouette images. In the dark forest, in its very depths, there is a sunny clearing. A flower grows in the center of the clearing (then the children choose the silhouettes of other characters and finish the fairy tale). The peculiarity of these elements is that the silhouette images, in contrast to the picture material, set a certain generalized image without revealing its semantic content. Determining the character, mood, even the appearance of the hero is the prerogative of the child himself. Children endow the silhouettes of objects with certain semantic qualities. At the subsequent stages, the child himself invents the plot of a fairy tale on a given topic, choosing silhouettes for the model in accordance with his plan.
[Download the file to see the picture]
As they master the skill of modeling, children use a generalized model containing only key points instead of a detailed object model. There is a folding of the model, its transition to the deputy.
The elements of the substitute model are schematic sketches made by children in the course of listening to the story. The number of elements of the model is first determined by the speech therapist, and then, as the skill is mastered, by the child himself - a transition is made from a detailed retelling to a brief one.
The substitute model also serves as a blueprint for a creative story. In this case, the child performs the opposite actions, performed during retelling:
retelling - listening to the text - drawing up a model - retelling the text according to the model;
creative story - drawing up a model of a story - a story according to the model.
The presented methods of work make it possible to increase the efficiency of correcting the speech of preschool children suffering from its underdevelopment, but can also be used in working with children who do not have developmental deficiencies as a means of increasing interest in this type of activity and optimizing the process of developing the skill of coherent speech of preschool children.
Gradually mastering all kinds of coherent statements with the help of modeling, children learn to plan their speech.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the cognitive and speech development of children No. 45"

Workshop on speech development

"Development of speech activity of preschoolers in the organization of the pedagogical process"


educational psychologist

Ivanova S. V.

Orenburg 2017

The purpose of the workshop:
creation of an information space for the exchange of pedagogical experience and the improvement of professional competence, the skill of preschool teachers in the development of children's speech.

1. The development of speech activity in various activities.
2. Encourage preschool teachers to think and practice to master the technologies for designing and modeling the pedagogical process to implement the complex tasks of the speech development of preschoolers, ensuring the assimilation of generalized ideas about the construction of the pedagogical process of teaching children their native language.
3. To deepen ideas about the content of speech development based on the modern paradigm of developing personality-oriented education.

Improving the work of teachers on the speech development of preschoolers;

In a playful way, to systematize the theoretical knowledge of teachers on the formation of coherent speech among preschoolers, to develop their horizons;

To develop teachers' skills to apply modern pedagogical technologies, game methods and techniques for the formation of the speech of preschoolers;

To increase the interest of teachers in the problem of the formation of the speech of preschoolers.


Teacher-psychologist: Forming the correct pronunciation is a complex process. The child will have to learn to control his speech organs, to perceive the speech addressed to him, to exercise control over his speech.

In order for a child to learn to pronounce complex sounds, his lips and tongue must be flexible, hold the necessary position for a long time, and easily move from one movement to another. It all contributesarticulatory gymnastics.

Thanks to regular classes in such gymnastics and exercises to develop speech hearing, children with correct, but sluggish sound pronunciation (“porridge in the mouth”) gradually get rid of this defect; children with complex sound pronunciation disorders overcome speech defects faster (whenspeech therapist , their muscles will already be prepared).

· Should be practiced daily for 7-10 minutes.

At first, the exercises are performed slowly in front of a mirror, as the child needs visual control. Gradually the pace increases.

· Periodically, the child is asked leading questions, for example, "Where is the tongue?"

If during classes the child's tongue trembles, is too tense, deviates to the side, cannot be held in the desired position even for a short time

Competition "Development of articulation and fine motor skills of hands"

Warm up. The teacher-psychologist invites all participants to perform articulation gymnastics with the help of a poetic fairy tale "At Grandparents" (with a demonstration of pictures).

Fat grandchildren came to visit.

With them - thin, only skin and bones.

Grandma and Grandpa smiled at everyone

They rushed to kiss them.

In the morning we woke up - in a smile of the lips.

We clean the upper and lower teeth.

We put saucers - they put pancakes for us.

We chew a pancake with raspberry jam.

We blow on a pancake - not on the cheeks, not past.

Let's put cups to pour tea.

The breakfast was delicious, no one was offended.

Let's say "thank you" and lick our lips.

Grandfather made a swing for his grandchildren

We all managed to swing on them.

In the evening we gallop on horseback.

Horseshoes are loudly knocking on the road.

Here the horse slows down steps,

And on the edge we see mushrooms.

· Knowledge of organs of articulation.The teacher-psychologist asks questions to the teams in turn.

· - What is the main articulatory organ in humans?(Language.)

· - What parts of the language can you name? (Tip, back, root, lateral edges.)

- What articulatory organs are involved in the formation of sounds?(Tongue, lips, teeth, lower jaw, hard palate, vocal cords, nasal cavity.)

In children with motor disorders of the speech apparatus, fine motor skills of the hands also suffer, which is also one of the reasons for the later formation of speech. For the development of fine motor skills of the hands, the teacher needs to deal with childrenfinger gymnastics.

Performing exercises and rhythmic finger movements leads to the excitation of the speech centers of the brain and an increase in the coordinated activity of the speech zones, which ultimately stimulates the development of speech. Games with fingers create a favorable emotional background, teach to listen to speech and understand its meaning, remember a certain position of the hands and a sequence of movements, develop imagination. Finger gymnastics exercises give hands and fingers strength, mobility and flexibility. Which will make it easier for the child to master the skills of writing.

· Should be practiced daily for 5-10 minutes.

The exercises are done slowly at first.

Exercises are practiced first with one hand, then with the other, and finally with both hands at the same time.

· Knowledge of finger exercises.Teams are invited to show one exercise of finger gymnastics (preferably with speech accompaniment).

The formation of the correct sound pronunciation is facilitated by a well-developedphoneme tic (speech) hearing. Starting from the age of four, children are introduced to the terms “word”, “sound”, with the fact that words consist of sounds that are pronounced in a certain sequence, that words sound different and the same. Pay attention to the length of the sound of the word. They form the ability to distinguish between hard and soft consonants by ear, determine the first sound in a word, name words with a given sound, highlight the sound in a word. Learn to divide words into syllables.

Competition "Development of phonemic hearing and perception"

· "Think of a rhyme for the word."

On the easel, subject pictures turned upside down are exhibited. A representative of each team goes to the easel, turns the pictures over one by one and names the objects. Members of his team pick up rhymes for these words.(A cat is a window, a snail is a gate, a basket is a picture, etc.)

· Determine the place of the sound in the word.

The teacher-psychologist offers to complete the task: “If in the word that I pronounce, the sound [L] will be at the beginning, raise your hands up; if in the middle - put your hands on your belt; if at the end, put your hands on your knees.”(Lamp, fist, table, bulb, donkey, woodpecker, hair, shelf, skis, shovel, tent, football, horse, milk.)

. "Backwoods"

One member of the team is wearing headphones and listening to music, and the other says to him the words proposed by the teacher-psychologist, as a result, it is calculated how long each team guessed 10 words.

Useful exercises for the development of speech hearing and diction are Tongue Twisters.

The child is read a tongue twister and shown an illustration to it.

Explain the meaning of compound words.

Offer to say a tongue twister, clapping the rhythm with your palms.

Offer to say the tongue twister three times in a row at a fast pace.

They offer to pick up the ball and, rhythmically tossing it with both hands, say a tongue twister.

One of the directions for the development of coherent speech in children iswork with proverbs, which must be started as early as possible. It is necessary to explain to children the meaning of proverbs, to teach them to apply them in life situations.

A clear pronunciation of sounds, along with a rich vocabulary and grammatically correct, well-developed coherent speech, is one of the main indicators of a child's readiness for schooling.

Competition "Formation of correct sound pronunciation and diction"

The psychologist suggests that the teams choose cards with tongue twisters. The first tongue twister must be pronounced quickly, the second - also quickly and with a certain intonation.

Card number 1.

Grizzly sold a lion's mane for a mane.

A computer pirate is not welcome on the Internet.(Angrily.)

Card number 2.

Vera and Luda fed the two-humpedcamel .

Sasha smartly dries drying(Surprised.)

Competition “Development of coherent oral speech. Work with proverbs»

The psychologist offers teams to choose cards with tasks.

Card number 1.

Continue the proverbs.

live with wolves - (wolf howl).

With the world on a string - (naked shirt).

Every cricket - (know your sixth)

- Translate proverbs intoRussian language .

The son of a leopard is also a leopard. (Africa)

(The apple does not fall far from the apple tree.)

You can't hide a camel under a bridge. (Afghanistan)

(Murder will out).

Fear the quiet river. Not noisy. (Greece)

(Still waters run deep.)

Card number 2.

Continue with the proverbs.

Two plow - (and seven wave their hands.)

Finished the job - (walk boldly.)

Thunder does not strike -(The man does not cross himself.)

- "Translate" proverbs into Russian.

A silent mouth is a golden mouth. (Germany)

(The word is silver, and silence is golden.)

He who asks will not get lost. (Finland)

(Language will bring to Kyiv.)

A scalded rooster runs away from the rain. (France)

(Burned in milk, blowing on the water.)

- Name proverbs about work.

The teacher-psychologist announces the end of the workshop. The jury summarizes the results of all competitions and announces the winning team.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Budanova A. A. "The development of coherent speech of preschoolers: an integrated approach"

Dear colleagues!
Traditionally, the seminar will be held in 3 stages (SLIDE 2)

Stage 1 - theoretical - practical.
Stage 2 - practical. Showing the final test classes.
Stage 3 - final. Recommendations will be given at the end of the course.

- monologue - dialogue

  • narration
  • description
  • reasoning

Practical task“Describe the toy” (SLIDE): teachers are divided into 3 subgroups and make up a story about the toy as in the younger, middle, older preschool age

The tasks of teaching children connected speech. (SLIDE 6) (See Appendix 1 )

Let's remember types of classes for the development of speech:

- retelling;
- a story based on a plot picture or a picture of a famous artist;
- a story based on a series of plot pictures;
- a descriptive story on an object or animal;
- creative storytelling

I suggest that you consider the approximate structure of a lesson on teaching storytelling, taking into account the time frame of the stages in accordance with the age group (see Appendix 2 ) (SLIDE 11)

Sample Structure for a Storytelling Lesson

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Presentation of the topic of the lesson: looking at a picture or a toy. Conversation (children's answers to teacher's questions). If it is ssk - analysis of actions for each picture separately.
  3. Fizkultminutka.
  4. Compose sentences with appropriate vocabulary work.
  5. Compose your own story.
  6. Summary of the lesson.

Approximate structure of a lesson on teaching retelling

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Articulatory gymnastics and (or) voice exercises. Formation of ZKR
  3. Introduction to the topic: reading the story 1 time (based on a picture or object).
  4. Vocabulary work (clarification of key words, explanation of new or unfamiliar words).
  5. Fizkultminutka.
  6. Remembering the plot on leading questions (without visual support).
  7. Independent retelling of the text + visual support (in a chain; in parts; by one child).
  8. Summary of the lesson.

Dear colleagues! Before talking directly about "magic sticks" for "lazy" visual perception, I would like to say a few words about dictionary work.

For the child, the model should be the SPEECH of the EDUCATOR. Therefore, our speech with you should be beautiful, rich, meaningful, figurative! Ask yourself the question: can YOUR speech be a model for a child?

Before teaching children liaison speech, it is necessary that a variety of words (nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, phraseological phrases, comparisons, metaphors, etc.) be present in the active speech of the child.

I offer you an approximate scheme of vocabulary work (on a sheet of drawing paper there is a table with columns 1 and 2 filled in. The word for analysis is offered by teachers, column 3 is filled in collectively):

Symbol The sequence of working with the word Example
Name a word snow
Root words snowflake, snowy, snowmobile, snowman,
Antonyms rain
Synonyms ice
Associations winter, cold, frost, sled, skis, skates, slide

Snow which? (pick up as many adjectives as possible) White, cold, wet, shiny, sparkling, beautiful, dirty, melted ...

What's with the snow make? (verbs) Dig, sculpt, toss, catch (snowflakes), melt, build (hill, buildings)

What can snow be compared to? (comparisons) With down, blanket, bedspread, etc. Why? Explain the options.

It is very important to develop children's sensory abilities (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, gustatory), to pay their attention to:
- a variety of objects of the surrounding world;
- transformation of objects (tree in spring, winter, summer, autumn)
- non-speech sounds and noises (rustling of leaves, rustling of fallen leaves, singing of birds...);
- musical sounds (joyful, sad, disturbing, etc.);
- sensations from natural and domestic influences (cold, hot, hot, painful, etc.)
- sensations from active actions (vigority, fatigue, pleasure, etc.)
– sensations of smell (pleasant / unpleasant, the smell of spruce, herbs, flowers smell differently ...)
- taste sensations.

So, the variants of "Magicum Wands" for "lazy" visual perception

1. Outline of the story

Discussion, exchange of views, holding the results of the event (SLIDE 16)


1. Arushanova A.G."Speech and speech communication of children 3-7 years old"
2. Alyabyeva E.A."Development of imagination and speech of children 4-7 years old"
3. Vanyukhina G.A."Features of the organization of lexico-grammatical games in the structure of the semantic field"
4. Grizik I.V."Teaching Children to Describe Objects"
5. Konina M.M."The role of pictures in teaching the native language of children of senior preschool age"
6. Korotkova E.P."Conversation as a means of speech development in preschool children"
7. Ushakova O.S."Teaching older preschoolers storytelling through a series of plot pictures"
8. Ushakova O.S."Methods for the development of speech of preschool children"
9. Shchipitsyna"ABC of communication"

Workshop on the development of speech "Development of speech activity of preschoolers in the organization of the pedagogical process"

The purpose of the workshop:
creation of an information space for the exchange of pedagogical experience and the improvement of professional competence, the skill of preschool teachers in the development of children's speech.

1. The development of speech activity in various activities.
2. Encourage preschool teachers to think and practice to master the technologies for designing and modeling the pedagogical process to implement the complex tasks of the speech development of preschoolers, ensuring the assimilation of generalized ideas about the construction of the pedagogical process of teaching children their native language.
3. To deepen ideas about the content of speech development based on the modern paradigm of developing personality-oriented education.


Teachers sit on chairs in a circle, introduce themselves in turn and name a personal quality that begins with the first letter of their name, for example, “I am Lena and I am light.”

K. D. Ushinsky - the founder of scientific pedagogy:
“Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but connect twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn on the fly”

Mnemonics is a "memorization technique". These words come from the Greek "mnemonikon" - the art of memorization.
The modern encyclopedic dictionary gives the following definitions of mnemonics.
Mnemonics is the art of memorization, a set of techniques and methods that facilitate memorization and increase memory capacity by forming artificial associations. Mnemonics uses the natural memory mechanisms of the brain, allows you to fully control the process of remembering, storing and recalling information. Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure effective memorization, storage and reproduction of information, and of course the development of speech. A special place in working with children is occupied by didactic material in the form of mnemonic tables and diagrams - models, which greatly facilitates children in mastering coherent speech; in addition, the presence of a visual plan - the scheme makes the stories (tales) clear, coherent and consistent. A mnemonic table is a scheme that contains certain information. For children of primary and secondary preschool age, it is necessary to give color mnemonic tables. Since separate images remain in the memory of children faster: a red fox, a gray mouse, a green herringbone. thus, the entire text is sketched schematically. Looking at these diagrams - drawings, the child easily reproduces textual information.

1 task to make a mnemonic table for learning a poem:
1 I have pockets on my new dress.
Daisies are embroidered on these pockets
Daisies, daisies, like meadow
Daisies, daisies as if alive.
2. There are many ridges in the garden. There are turnips and lettuce
There are beets and peas here, but are potatoes really bad?
Our green garden will feed us all year round
We bought a cat
For the holiday - boots.
Combed her mustache
Sewed new shorts.
Just how to put them on
The tail has nowhere to go.
Ira asks: “Hedgehog, hedgehog,
Will you sew a dress for me?
The hedgehog answered from under the tree:
- There are no threads, only needles!
At the market, the hedgehog bought boots.
Boots on your feet
A little less - to the wife,
With buckles to my son
With clasps for my daughter.
Conclusion: Mnemotables-schemes serve as didactic material in the work on the development of coherent speech of children.
I emphasize that all work on the development of coherent speech in children is not limited to mnemonic tables. This is, first of all, as the initial, “launching”, the most significant and effective work, since the use of mnemonic tables makes it easier for children to perceive and process visual information, save and reproduce it.
2. Task: Game: "Similar words."
Task: match nouns to adjectives by association.

There is a sweet word - candy,
There is a quick word - a rocket,
There is a word with a window - wagon.
There is a sour word - lemon!

And now do not yawn, choose word by word!
Quick words - (rocket, plane, tiger, eagle).
Sweet words - (sweets, cake, cake, sugar).
Funny words - (holiday, clown, gift, music).

Task: name objects that simultaneously have two features.
Bright and yellow - (light, lemon, sun, cherry, lamp).
Sweet and light - (cotton wool, cherry, life, smell, victory).
One of these technologies are games for the development of fantasy and verbal creativity. To your attention, I want to invite you to play games and feel like children.

Game "Magic Wand"
Here is a magic wand for you, it can increase or decrease, whatever you want.
So, the first command will talk about what they want to increase, and the other will decrease.
Here is what the children answered: I want to reduce winter, increase summer;
I want to enlarge the candy to the size of the refrigerator, etc.
The game "Box with fairy tales"
The box contains pictures of fairy-tale characters. Participants take pictures out of the box, take turns inventing their own fairy tale using fairy-tale characters.
The first participant said 2-3 sentences, the next one takes out a picture and continues the story.
Game "Think of an unusual creature"
Draw and talk about a fictional character
Game "Nonsense"
Distribute black and white pictures and colored pencils. The task is to find and paint over absurdities. Who will name them faster and more.
Answers to the test
Picture for the test "Nonsense".
Note. Both parts of the instruction are executed sequentially. At first, the child simply names all the absurdities and points them out in the picture, and then explains how it really should be.
The exposure time of the picture and the execution of the task is limited to three minutes. During this time, the child should notice as many ridiculous situations as possible and explain what is wrong, why it is wrong and how it really should be.
Another direction for the development of speech is oral folk art. In children's folklore, it is necessary to distinguish between the works of adults for children, the works of adults that have become children's over time, and children's creativity in the proper sense of the word.
The children's folklore of the Russian people is unusually rich and varied. It is represented by heroic epic, fairy tales, numerous works of small genres.
Task: show one finger gymnastics.
It is proposed to show one exercise from finger gymnastics (preferably with speech accompaniment).
Task: The facilitator invites team representatives to choose cards with tongue twisters. Tell about the method of telling tongue twisters. The first tongue twister must be pronounced quickly, and the second must be pronounced quickly with a certain intonation.

In the educational process of retelling literary works, learning to talk about a toy and a picture, all speech tasks are solved in a complex. However, the main task is teaching storytelling. Realizing this task already from the 2nd junior group, I recommend that educators use various game methods and techniques, didactic exercises in working with children. For example: When looking at a picture, you can use game techniques that help to highlight the object, carefully examine it: “WINDOWS”
Benefit. A picture covered with a white sheet with cut-out windows of various geometric shapes. Paintings similar in plot.
1 option. One window (any shape).
Option 2. The number of windows by the number of objects.
Game progress.
- Who (what) do we see in the windows? What picture is hidden?
Benefit. Painting, paper rolled into a tube.
Game progress: Offer to look at the picture through the pipe and name as many objects as possible. Offer to find an object according to the description of an adult and a child.
"WHO WILL CALL MORE?" Goals. Learn to highlight an object against a "noisy" background.
Benefit. Painting, real images of painting objects. Name who you see in the picture.
Game progress In the course of naming objects, clarifying questions are asked to clarify the color,
spatial arrangement, affiliation, etc.) "WHY?"
Goal: develop logical thinking, establish connections between objects,
build simple sentences. "WHAT DO YOU NEED?"
Purpose: To develop the initiative of speech, activate and expand vocabulary. In the middle group, we already use symbols, signs to draw up a graphic plan as a kind of visual support that reflects the sequence of the story.

During the lesson, we use a variety of children's activities that can be integrated with each other, for example, dramatization of a fairy tale with construction from building material, pronunciation of a tongue twister and drawing what it says. (A wasp does not have a mustache, do not have a mustache, but a mustache). Integrated learning contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world in children, makes it possible to realize creative abilities, develops communication skills and the ability to freely share impressions. When using ICT in the classroom for the development of speech even for younger preschoolers, their interest increases significantly, and the level of cognitive abilities increases. Multimedia presentations make it possible to present educational and developmental material as a system of bright reference images. The Internet sites serve as an assistant for the development of the speech of preschoolers: “Everything for Kindergarten”, the site “First of September”,, etc. Here you can find an illustrated dictionary for the development of children’s speech and story albums that mainly designed to increase the vocabulary of children; didactic games and exercises, class notes, various illustrative material, both static and dynamic (animations, videos). In order to implement the tasks of forming the components of oral speech, teachers need to actively use the project method with the use of fairy tale therapy technology in the development of speech and communication skills of pupils.
Educators give examples of different forms of work for the speech development of preschoolers: literary and musical holidays, folklore fairs, dramatization games, different types of theaters, propaganda team, social actions, speech newspapers, homemade books, problem situations, gatherings, logo corner, interactive speech stands, calendar events, etc.
LEGO constructors are widely used in preschool educational institutions. They are a variety of thematic series, designed on the basis of basic building elements - multi-colored Lego bricks. Developing the speech creativity of preschoolers, the teacher can invite the children to come up with a fairy tale about how one building turned into another, in the course of the story, carrying out this transformation
Lego elements are also used in didactic games and exercises. The teacher can develop various manuals and use them to conduct exercises in order to develop speech and mental processes in children, develop interest in the bag, in which children develop tactile perception of learning, the formation of a communicative function. For example, the game “Wonderful Shapes and Speech” can be played with LEGO.
The use of didactic exercises using LEGO elements is quite effective when conducting classes to prepare for literacy, correct pronunciation, familiarize yourself with the outside world, etc.
In the process of constructive-playing activity, the teacher, relying on the involuntary attention of children, activates their cognitive activity, improves the sensory-tactile and motor spheres, forms and corrects behavior, develops the communicative function and interest in learning. In the process of constructive-playing activity with LEGO, the teacher can use a variety of forms: the teacher gives the tasks, the children do; tasks are formulated by the child and performed by the children and the teacher; children give tasks to each other; assignments are given by the teacher, parents with the child perform.
Pozdeeva S.I. notes that “when organizing any educational situation, any lesson in a preschool educational institution, it is important for a teacher:
- firstly, to think over the organization of different ways of adult-children and children's compatibility,
- secondly, to see the resources of different stages of the lesson for the development of children's communicative competence"
Thus, various forms of work are resources in terms of the development of the speech of preschoolers, the formation of the communicative competence of children, if: - children jointly solve an interesting and significant educational and game task for them, acting as assistants in relation to someone
- enrich, clarify and activate their vocabulary by performing speech and practical tasks,
- the teacher acts not as a rigid leader, but as an organizer of joint educational activities, who does not advertise his communicative superiority, but accompanies and helps the child become an active communicator.