Lesson game on the topic: “Unionless complex sentences. Associative compound sentences

slide 1

UNION-FREE OFFER based on materials of the Russian language textbook. Grade 9: textbook for general educational institutions / M.M. Razumovskaya, S.I. Lvova, V.I. Kapinos, V.V. Lvov; ed. M.M. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta, - M.: Bustard, 2008 Compiled by the teacher of the Russian language and literature Korzunova Zh.V.

slide 2

Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence COMMA AND SEMALS Sentence scheme. Semantic relations What can replace the sign in BSP Examples , . Enumeration of the facts and the moon was shining, the July night was quiet. […]; […]. Enumeration of facts and All snowdrifts and ravines; every minute the sleigh overturned, every minute he raised them.

slide 3

Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence COLON Sentence scheme. Semantic relations What can replace the sign in the BSP Examples: [reason]. because it suddenly got dark: a cloud ran into the sun. : [explanation]. Namely, the morning was wonderful: the washed forest smiled, the birds sang. : [addition]. I know that in your heart there is both pride and direct honor.

slide 4

Punctuation marks in the non-union complex sentence DASH Sentence scheme. Semantic relations What can replace the sign in BSP Examples - . opposition and Summer stores - winter eats. [time ] - . when finished business - walk boldly. [condition] - . if you sow the wind, you will reap the whirlwind.

slide 5

Punctuation marks in the non-union complex sentence DASH Sentence scheme. Semantic relations What can replace the sign in the BSP Examples - [conclusion, consequence]. so that the Children have become big - they need to study seriously. - . A quick change of events A shot rang out - the beast fell. - [comparison]. as, as if, as if He will say a word - the nightingale will sing.

slide 6

Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence In one sentence, different meanings can be combined: conditions and time; consequences and quick change of action, etc. The crow croaked at the top of its throat: the cheese fell out - such was the cheat with it. (cause and effect) On the basis of materials to N. V. Egorova for the textbook “Russian language. Grade 9"

Slide 7

Training exercises Based on the manual “Handbook of a schoolchild, grades 5-11: Russian language. Literature. The history of homeland. English language / Under the general editorship. O. L. Soboleva. - M.: AST-PRESS, 2003 Place punctuation marks. Explain your choice. Determine the type of compound sentence. Happiness would not have happened _ yes, misfortune helped (last). Either I will arrange everything as before _ or I will challenge him to a duel (I. Turgenev). The forest _ into which we entered _ was extremely old (I. Turgenev). Who speaks, he sows _ who listens, he collects (A. Pushkin). I go out alone on the road _ through the fog the flinty path shines _ the night is quiet (M. Lermontov).

Slide 8

Training exercises Based on the manual “Handbook of a schoolchild, grades 5-11: Russian language. Literature. The history of homeland. English language / Under the general editorship. O. L. Soboleva. - M .: AST-PRESS, 2003 6. The red light of the fireplace fluttered on the floor, on the mirrors, on the ceiling _ long bizarre shadows from palm trees trembled and got mixed up (A. Kuprin). 7. The sun shines equally on everyone - both man, beast, and tree (M. Prishvin). 8. I trust those who love - they are generous (K. Paustovsky). 9. I remember a wonderful vision _ you appeared before me (A. Pushkin). 10. People behaved differently - some looked around uneasily, others seemed to freeze. Set up punctuation marks. Explain your choice. Determine the type of compound sentence.

Slide 9

Training exercises Based on the manual “Handbook of a schoolchild, grades 5-11: Russian language. Literature. The history of homeland. English language / Under the general editorship. O. L. Soboleva. - M.: AST-PRESS, 2003 11. My custom is this _ with wolves otherwise not to make peace, as having removed the skin from them off (I. Krylov). 12. Cats fight _ expanse for mice (last). 13. The smoky sun rises _ it will be a good day (A. Tvardovsky). 14. Evening will come _ we'll talk about everything. 15. You sang a bright song _ like bells are ringing! 16. You do good - you exalt yourself, you do evil - you humiliate yourself (last) Place punctuation marks. Explain your choice. Determine the type of compound sentence.

slide 10

Lesson type: assimilation of new knowledge.

Didactic task: to repeat the learned earlier and acquire new knowledge.

Place of the lesson in the topic: the first lesson in the topic "BSP"

Equipment: textbooks, workbooks, a multimedia presentation for a lesson, a teacher's work computer, a lesson worksheet, a diagnostic sheet for introspection of knowledge, skills and abilities, cards for students, printed texts and test tasks.

Goals and objectives:

Educational: - know the grammatical features of the BSP, identify them in the text; identify semantic relationships between parts of the BSP; the formation of skills to determine the intonational features of these sentences and, on this basis, correctly choose punctuation marks.

Educational: to form students' positive motivation and readiness to perceive new material; development of skills to compare the studied material with the new, to generalize; development of creative abilities.

Educational: the formation of interest in the study of the Russian language through the expansion of knowledge about the role and significance of the BSP; activation of cognitive activity of students; ensuring a favorable psychological environment.

Tasks of personal development:

Contribute to the formation of the correct oral speech of students;

Create conditions for the assimilation of new knowledge about the BSP, using the elements of the study;

Develop the ability to analyze language material.

Methods: dialogic, collective, independent.

Lesson structure: motivation, introduction to the topic of the lesson, immersion in the topic of the lesson, primary consolidation of knowledge, expansion of knowledge, summary, consolidation, reflection.

Lesson structure:

I. Organizational stage

1 min.

II. The stage of preparing students for active conscious assimilation of knowledge Control and preparatory stage.

7 min.

III. Stage of assimilation of new knowledge

15 minutes.

IV. The stage of primary verification and assimilation of knowledge

12 min.

V. Consolidation of knowledge.

8 min

V. The stage of informing students about homework and instructions for its implementation.

2 minutes.

VI. stage of reflection.

1 min.


1. Organizational moment

(The goal is to create an emotional mood for joint educational work).

Hello guys! Let's tune in to serious work, focus ... And now, let's smile at each other and at me. Today we especially need a good mood: we have a difficult job ahead of us!

Reception "Crossword" (when solving which students will read the name of the type of complex sentence, which will be the topic of the lesson)

Teacher: To determine the topic of the lesson, we will guess the word.

Guess the word and think about how it can be related to the new, yet unknown topic of the lesson.

Prefix in the word restless (bes-)

The root is a part of speech, with the help of which homogeneous members and simple sentences are connected as part of a complex one. (Union).

Suffix as in the word sleepy (-Н-)

The end of the adjective in the middle gender singular

Teacher: did we get a word as a result?

Student responses.

Teacher: State the topic of the lesson.

Student responses.

Writing a topic in a notebook: "Unionless complex sentence" Slide

2. Warm up

Preparation for GIA.

1. Determine the number of letters and sounds in these words. Which word has more sounds than letters? (A4) Slide

Tradition, overcoat, giant, asphalt, piano.

2 . Letter Dictation (A6)

Recall the spelling of prefixes on s- and s-. Let's work out the task GIA A6, the wording of which sounds like: "Which word has the spellingprefixesis determined by the rule: “If a deaf consonant follows after the prefix, then at the end of it a letter is written denoting a deaf consonant sound”

1. without ... valuable, without .. borderline, and .. scratch
2. without .. one-piece, ra .. look, in .. flutter
3. ra..order, be..final, ra..guess


1.s, s, s
2. s, s, s
3. s, s, z

3. Repetition on the topic "Syntax" (graphic dictation)

Students are given a thesis by ear. It may be right or wrong. Accordingly, the student either agrees (+) or disagrees (-). He draws his answers in a line in the form of a graph with + or - signs.

1. Offers can be simple or complex.

2. Complex allied sentences can be compound, complex.

3. Complicated sentences are used with subordinating conjunctions and allied words, they consist of a main and a subordinate part.

4. Definitive clauses answer questions of indirect cases, the clause is more often related to the verb.

5. Subordinate explanatory clauses answer questions of circumstance and refer more often to the entire main sentence.

6. A sentence, parts of which are connected with the help of coordinating unions, are called ___ compound. ______________________.

7.. There are complex sentences with two or more subordinate clauses.

This results in the following entry:

+ + + - - ++

1 2 3 45 6 7– question number

Getting ready for GIA Slide 3.4

4.B7. In the sentence below, from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating the commas between the parts compound sentence.

Love and friendship, (1) growing and spreading to many things, (2) gain new strength, (3) become higher and higher, (4) and the person, (5) their center, (6) is wiser.

AT 7. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas between parts of a complex sentence related subordinating connection.

Anna Fedotovna felt each sheet, (1) made sure, (2) that they are genuine, (3) carefully put it in a box and said:

Boy, (4) put the box back. And close the drawer tight (5) for me to hear.

3. Control and preparatory stage.

Arrange the numbers of sentences in the table, determine how the parts of the complex sentence are connected. Slide

(Table on the board, after completing the assignment, students go to the board and fill out the table.)

    My heart ached when we found ourselves in a long-familiar room.

    The ice had already broken, and it was impossible to cross to the other side.

    It was terribly cold in the morning, but by noon the sun came out.

    In order not to give himself away, the fisherman wrapped the oars in rags.

    The house they brought me to was small but cozy.

    Early in the morning a nightingale sang in the garden, and the croaking of frogs was heard from the pond.

    I knew right away that this was something I could do.

    Where it is thin, it breaks there.

(The third column in the table is not labeled in any way yet.)




2, 3

1 (adj. time), 4 (adv. target)

5 (adj.def.), 7 (adj.explanation)

8 (adj. places)

6, 9

Why weren't sentences 6 and 9 taken anywhere?

4. Explanation of new material.

Let's go back to these suggestions:

With a clear smile, nature greets the morning of the year through a dream; blue, shining skies.

1) What is this sentence in terms of the number of grammatical foundations? Prove it.

2) With what help are the parts of this complex sentence connected? Communication method...

(Parts of these sentences are connected only by intonation.)

3) What are the semantic relationships between the parts of a complex sentence?

4) What type of complex sentences will we talk about today? (About BSP - filling in the third column.) Parts of the BSP are formally independent, independent, therefore, they can be schematically depicted in square brackets.

5) We will draw up a scheme for this proposal.

Based on the analysis of these proposals, let's try to formulate the goal of today's lesson.. Use key words:

1) Get to know...

2) Learn...

Determine the difference between non-union complex sentences

How to find them in the text.

Learn to separate simple sentences with intonation as part of a non-union complex;

Reveal the semantic relationships between the parts of the BSP

textbook, rule

5. Primary consolidation of knowledge

“In practice, you can check exactly who was able to master the theory firmly.” Slide

Among these sentences, find the BSP, write out, underline the grammatical foundations, name the punctuation marks that separate the parts of the BSP. (see slide)

Let's conclude which punctuation marks separate parts of the BSS

Parts of an asyndetic complex sentence are located among themselves in various semantic relationships, which is reflected in putting punctuation marks in writing and in oral speech intonation. In a non-union complex sentence, comma, semicolon, dash and colon in writing.

In allied complex sentences, semantic relationships are determined by conjunctions, so the relationship is clearer.
The semantic relations of the BSP are expressed less clearly than in the allied Slide

Let's try to establish semantic relationships between the parts in the following BSP .. Comparing them with allied ones will help us in this. Slide

Conclusion: The choice of a punctuation mark in the BSP is determined by the semantic relationships that are established between its parts.

Note: Some BSP values ​​may coincide (for example, conditions and time; consequences and rapid change of events). The meaning of the sentences may depend on the specific intonation, therefore different interpretations are allowed:

The village was deserted, the youth dispersed.(Enumeration.)

The village was deserted: the youth dispersed.(Cause.)


For us to fly into space
We need to read, count, write a lot.
We need to be strong and healthy.
We need to love physical education.

The astronauts paid great attention to physical culture and sports.
Physical exercises play a decisive role in the development of strength, speed, agility and endurance.

We got up, we reach for the stars, the sun, we pull the spine (hands up). Looked to the right, then to the left
We closed our eyes - we draw an inverted figure eight, infinity, we fly around the earth.
A straight back, straightened shoulders, expanded chest, raised head - all these are signs of beauty, health and physical performance of a person.

Analyze offers. Determine the values ​​of the parts of the BSP

1 in. With the meaning of reason;

2 in. With the meaning of the complement (explanatory relations)

(for weak students with a memo - a hint).

1. Cosmonauts take a portrait of Gagarin into space: he is an example of courage, courage, loyalty to duty to our great Motherland.

2. Future astronauts have understood: the main task will be to assess the ability of a person to do useful work in space

3. Gagarin had enough time for everything: he was an extremely organized person and knew the value of time.

4. Every cosmonaut knows that the most painful time is the last minutes on Earth, outside the ship.

6. Fixing

Mini test

    If the parts of a complex sentence are interconnected only by intonation, then such a sentence is called ...

A) compound B) complex non-union

B) complex D) simple, complicated

    Compound non-union proposals differ from complex allied ones in that:

A) they more clearly express the semantic relationships between the parts

B) it is impossible to insert a union between the parts

C) semantic relationships between parts are less clearly expressed in them

D) they do not have relationships between parts

    What signs can stand between the parts of the BSP?

A) comma, dash, hyphen, colon B) comma, dash, semicolon, colon

B) comma, semicolon D) dash, colon


Which proposals are non-union?

A) Dust rushed along the road in a whirlwind, and a gray cloud covered the entire horizon.

B) The sea was covered with purple, a pink-smoky cloud of soft outlines rose towards the sun.

c) When the rain stopped, we decided to make a fire again.

D) There are no small feelings in the world - only souls are small

E) The rod bent into an arc, the fishing line crashed into the water with a whistle.

.Mutual check.

.Working with GIA tasks. AT 9

- Among the offers find complicated offer with non-union and allied coordinating connection.

(students are given a text for each desk)

7. Results.

    What type of complex sentences were discussed today?

    Why are such proposals called so?

    What punctuation marks are used to separate parts of the BSP?

    What difficulties did you have in class today?

    What seemed the easiest?

8. Reflection. (Slide)

Reminder table


Punctuation marks



enumeration of facts

(because, since, for)




(what) (and saw and heard and felt)


(ah, but, yes=but)



conclusion, consequence

(so, therefore)

quick change of events


(like, like, like)

Arrange the numbers of sentences in the table, determine how the parts of the complex sentence are connected.

1 My heart ached when we found ourselves in a long-familiar room.

2 The ice had already broken, and it was impossible to cross to the other side.

3 It was terribly cold in the morning, but by noon the sun came out.

4 In order not to give himself away, the fisherman wrapped the oars in rags.

5 The house where they took me was small but cozy.

6 Early in the morning a nightingale sang in the garden, and the croaking of frogs was heard from the pond.

7 I knew right away that I could do it.

8 Where it is thin, it breaks there.

9 With a clear smile, nature greets the morning of the year through a dream; blue, shining skies.

Among these sentences, find the BSP, write out, underline the grammatical foundations, name the punctuation marks that separate parts of the BSP

    I loved you, you didn't love me.

    It is getting dark, and the bushes of the unclothed forest are darkening.

    Snow falls in tufts at the windows, a storm whistles at the gates.

    A dark river flowed ten paces away; she grumbled, squelched against the pitted shore, and quickly rushed on.

    It was snowing sleet and the wind lashed my face.

    The entire surface of the earth seemed to be a green-golden ocean, over which millions of different colors splashed.

    I realized that I could not pretend for a long time.

    I realized that I could not pretend for a long time.

Introspection of the lesson

This lesson is the first in the topic “Union-free complex sentence”, this is a combined lesson, since, on the one hand, the previously studied topic is repeated and consolidated, on the other hand, new material on the topic is introduced and consolidated.

I have put the following goals and objectives:

Educational: - know the grammatical features of the BSP, identify them in the text; identify semantic relationships between parts of the BSP; the formation of skills to determine the intonation features of these sentences and, on this basis, correctly choose punctuation marks.

Educational: to form students' positive motivation and readiness to perceive new material; development of skills to compare the studied material with the new, to generalize; development of creative abilities.

Educational: the formation of interest in the study of the Russian language through the expansion of knowledge about the role and significance of the BSP; activation of cognitive activity of students; ensuring a favorable psychological environment.

Tasks of personal development:

Contribute to the formation of the correct oral speech of students;

Create conditions for the assimilation of new knowledge about the BSP, using the elements of the study;

Develop the ability to analyze language material.

Methods: dialogic, collective, independent.

Lesson structure: motivation, introduction to the topic of the lesson, immersion in the topic of the lesson, primary consolidation of knowledge, expansion of knowledge, summary, consolidation, reflection

To achieve these goals, I used elements of problem-dialogical learning and information and communication technologies, which made it possible to activate the attention of students, include them in independent work, and use elements of research activities. The students independently formulated the objectives of the lesson, based on the syntactic and semantic analysis of the sentences. In addition, work with the text was organized at the lesson, test tasks were prepared, similar to tasks A4-A6 of the GIA, B7, B9, which contributed to the consolidation of the skill of working with text, its semantic analysis.

The first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was remembered at the physical education session, April 12 is a memorable date. This contributes to the implementation of the educational goals of the lesson, expanding the horizons of students.

All goals were achieved. The lesson was effective, which was shown by the performance of tests to consolidate the material.

MOU Bolshepecherskaya OOSh

Synopsis of an open lesson in the Russian language

using ICT

Grade 9

Topic: Associative compound sentence.

Conducted by: Arkhipova N.A.

2013 – 2014 academic year

slide 1

Associative compound sentence

slide 2

Find out which sentences are simple and which are complex. Dictation with letter designation Sparks flew like a fiery blizzard and the huts caught fire. Dubrovsky left the room, got into the carriage and galloped off. Touched by the devotion of the old coachman, Dubrovsky fell silent. The air awakened, fresh breezes swirled over the taiga. Blame on a comrade his own guilt meanness cubed. Suddenly I feel someone grabs my shoulder and pushes me.

slide 3

Sparks flew like a fiery blizzard, the huts caught fire. Dubrovsky left the room, got into the carriage and galloped off. Touched by the devotion of the old coachman, Dubrovsky fell silent. The air woke up, fresh breezes swirled over the taiga. Blaming a comrade on one's own fault is meanness cubed. Suddenly I feel: someone takes me by the shoulder and pushes me.

slide 4

Spruce is good only in strong sunlight, because then its blackness shines through with the thickest and strongest green. A shot is fired and the wolf continues to lie.. A spruce forest stands quietly on a hillock and the wind does not stir even a leaf of m..l..breath of aspen and birch. A lot of m..multiple clouds with indistinctly outlined edges scattered across the pale blue sky and a rather strong wind rushed continuously, not dispelling the heat.

slide 5

Spruce is good only in strong sunlight, because then its blackness shines through with the thickest and strongest green. (SPP, reason) A shot is fired, and the wolf continues to lie.. (SSP, opposition) A spruce forest stands quietly on a hillock, and the wind does not stir even a leaf of m..l..breath of aspen and birch. (SSP, simultaneity of actions) A lot of ..bumpy clouds with indistinctly outlined edges scattered across the pale blue sky, and a rather strong wind rushed continuously, not dissolving the heat. (BSC, sequence of actions) Conclusion: Unions take part in the relationship between simple sentences in the composition of the BSC and SSP, so here the semantic relationships are quite clear and definite.

slide 6

Spruce is good only in strong sunlight: its blackness shines through with the thickest and strongest greens. (BSP, reason) A shot is fired - the wolf continues to lie to run. (BSP, opposition) A spruce forest stands quietly on a hillock, the wind does not stir even a leaf of m..l..breath of aspen and birch. (BSP, simultaneity of actions). a fairly strong wind rushed continuously, not dispersing the heat. (BSP, sequence of actions) Conclusion: A semicolon is put if the semantic relations between the parts of the BSP with the meaning of sequence and simultaneity are freer or these parts are common and have commas inside them.

Slide 7

; or,
It's fun to make your way along a narrow path between two walls of high rye. The ears of corn gently beat you in the face, the cornflowers cling to your legs, the quails scream around, the horse runs at a lazy trot. Here is the forest. Shadow and silence. Stately aspens babble high above you, long hanging branches of birches hardly move, a mighty oak stands like a fighter near a beautiful linden. (I. Turgenev)

Slide 8

It's fun to make your way along a narrow path, between two walls of high rye. The ears of corn gently beat you in the face, the cornflowers cling to your legs, the quails scream around, the horse runs at a lazy trot. Here is the forest. Shadow and silence. Stately aspens babble high above you; long, hanging branches of birches hardly move; a mighty oak stands like a fighter, next to a beautiful linden. (I. Turgenev)

Slide 9

Algorithm for identifying sentences with, and;
Break complex sentences into simple ones. Determine the semantic relationship between them
- or:
, or;
Conclusion: A semicolon is placed if the semantic relations between the parts of the BSP with the meaning of sequence and simultaneity are freer or these parts are common and have commas inside them.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

March 3 Classwork Types of BSP Objectives: to systematize the material on the syntax of a complex sentence; to form the ability to establish semantic relationships between the parts of a non-union complex sentence, determine the intonational features of these sentences and, on this basis, correctly choose punctuation marks; deepen knowledge of the syntactic style of a complex sentence;

2 slide

Description of the slide:

Match the types of sentences and examples Compound sentence You, brothers, should have stood like a wall. A simple sentence Sadkov wrote equally well not only urban, but also rural landscapes. A non-union complex sentence A red stream of fire poured past the window, peering into it. A sentence with homogeneous members Green oaks and pointed firs; centuries-old lindens, hanging their curly crowns, covered the sky. Complex sentence Everyone wanted to know how he traveled, what he saw. The proposal to hide the truth was useless, and I did not intend to do so. Compound sentence You, brothers, should have stood like a wall. A simple sentence Sadkov wrote equally well not only urban, but also rural landscapes. A non-union complex sentence A red stream of fire poured past the window, peering into it. A sentence with homogeneous members Green oaks and pointed firs; centuries-old lindens, hanging their curly crowns, covered the sky. Complex sentence Everyone wanted to know how he traveled, what he saw. The proposal to hide the truth was useless, and I did not intend to do so.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

The crossbills are whistling, the tit is ringing, the cuckoo is laughing. (M. Gorky) B) [ , ];. (enumeration, but parts of the complex sentence are complicated) The road wound in front of me between thick hazel bushes, already visible in the darkness; I moved forward with difficulty. (I. Turgenev): [reason]. I could not sleep: in front of me in the darkness, a boy with white eyes kept spinning. (M. Lermontov): [explanation]. (namely) The weather was terrible: the wind howled, wet snow fell in flakes. (A. Pushkin): [addition]. (what?) But it was decided: tomorrow I will move the army. (A. Pushkin) If you work hard, you will eat hunting. (Proverb) A) [condition] -. (if) A) ,,. (enumeration, simultaneity value) B) [time] – . (when) I was driving here - the rye began to turn yellow. (M. Prishvin)

4 slide

Description of the slide:

- [consequence]. Suddenly, men with axes appeared - the forest rustled, groaned, crackled. (N. Nekrasov) -. (opposition (a, but)) Summer stores - winter eats. (Proverb) -. (comparison (as if, as)) Says a word - the nightingale sings. (Proverb) The arrangement of punctuation marks, intonation, semantic meaning depends on the type of BSP

5 slide

Description of the slide:

How do you explain the use of a colon in this sentence? There was no time to wallow: the spring fuss began before sowing. 1) The first part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the condition of what is said in the second part. 2) The second part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part. 3) The generalizing word stands before the homogeneous members of the sentence. 4) The second part of the non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

How do you explain the use of a colon in this sentence? Suddenly I hear: someone calls my name, softly, almost in a whisper. 1) The first part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the condition of what is said in the second part. 2) The second part of the non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part. 3) The second part of the non-union complex sentence complements the meaning of the first part. 4) The generalizing word stands before the homogeneous members of the sentence.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

Complex sentences differ from complex sentences in that they express semantic relationships between parts. allied allied less clear

8 slide

Description of the slide:

Which statement is incorrect? A) In BSP, simple sentences are connected in oral speech by intonation; B) Semantic relations in the BSP depend on the content of the simple sentences included in them; C) Punctuation marks in the BSP do not depend on the nature of the semantic relations between its parts.

9 slide

Description of the slide:

What is the role of the dash in the sentence "High above the mountains, the wind roared - a harbinger of a snowstorm"? A) separates the subject and the predicate; B) denotes the omission of a member of the sentence; C) separates the application.

10 slide

Description of the slide:

Indicate why there is a dash in the BSP "The song is over - the usual applause rang out." A) the content of one sentence is opposed to the content of another; B) the sentence draws a quick change of events; C) the second sentence contains a conclusion, a consequence of what is said in the first sentence.