Successes of modern natural science. Report "What is the quality of education" Quality of education set


Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of quality management


1.1. The concept of education quality………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .5

1.2. Education quality management. ………………..........................12

Chapter II. Modern approaches to management

quality of education………………………………………..........................16

2.1.Main directions for the development of the quality of education……………16

2.2. Profile training in the conditions of a new school……………………23

2.3.Characteristic features of profile education…………………………24

Conclusion…………………………………………………………………….31List of sources used………………………………………...32


One of the urgent problems of our time is to improve the quality of education. Currently, the modern school is at the stage of modernization. Any, even an efficiently operating organization requires constant renewal, organizational changes that make it competitive, adaptive to new conditions. In this regard, among the methodological and theoretical problems of education, one of the priority places is the problem of ensuring the modern quality of education on the basis of maintaining its fundamentality and compliance with the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state. Improving the quality of education is one of the most important tasks of modernizing education, the implementation of which will allow both the general education institution and the entire education system to function effectively.

Considering the above, the problem of monitoring and quality management of education is of great importance. Based on this, we formulated the research topic "Monitoring and management of the quality of education"

Purpose of the study: identifying the features of monitoring and managing the quality of education.

Object of study: educational institution management system.

Subject of study: management of the quality of education in high school in the context of the introduction of specialized education.

In accordance with the object, subject and purpose of the study, the following are formulated. tasks:

1. To reveal the essence of the concepts: "education", "monitoring", "quality of education" and determine the content of education quality management at school.

2. Determine the main directions for improving the education quality management system.

The solution of the tasks was provided by the method of analyzing Internet sources.

In our study, we relied on the works of such authors as Belkina A.S., Kalney V.A., Tretyakova P.I., Shishova S.E. Krulekht M.V. and others, devoted to the methodological aspects of the quality of education and contributing to the identification of the essence of the concept of "quality of education";

Davydenko T.M., Lazareva V.S., Matrosa D.Sh., Markova V.D. and others, considering various aspects of education quality management.

Our work consists of an introduction and two chapters. The first chapter "Theoretical foundations of education quality management" consists of two paragraphs: 1.1. The concept of education quality and 1.2. "Education Quality Management". In turn, the second chapter "Modern approaches to education quality management" consists of three paragraphs: 2.1. "The main directions of development of the quality of education", paragraph 2.2. "Profile training in a new school" as well as paragraph 2.3. "Characteristic features of specialized education" and conclusions.

Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of education quality management.

The concept of education quality.

Speaking about the quality of education, it is implied an assessment of what results teachers achieve in teaching students. However, in recent times, more and more often, they mean the quality of the educational process itself and the conditions in which it is implemented.

Before delving into the topic of research, it is necessary to understand the meaning of basic concepts such as: education, quality of education and monitoring.

Education- “this is a single purposeful process of education and training, which is a socially significant good and is carried out in the interests of a person, family, society and the state, as well as a set of acquired knowledge, skills, values, experience and competence determined for the purposes of intellectual, spiritual and moral, creative, physical and (or) professional development of a person, satisfaction of his educational needs and interests. This is how this concept is revealed in the federal law of the Russian Federation. In the textbook "Fundamentals of General Pedagogy" edited by F.F. Koroleva, V.E. Gmurman under education the process and result of the assimilation of systemic knowledge and methods of cognitive activity are understood. Education also includes the formation of a worldview. What these definitions have in common is that education is a process of mastering systemic knowledge, the result of which is a set of acquired knowledge, skills, values, experience and competence.

In its turn " the quality of education- this is an integral characteristic of the education system, reflecting the degree of compliance of resource provision, the educational process, educational results with regulatory requirements, social and personal expectations. Thus, we have come to the conclusion that the assessment of the quality of education is the determination, using diagnostic and evaluation procedures, of the degree of compliance of resource provision, the educational process, educational results, regulatory requirements, social and personal expectations.

“Research of the Russian Academy of Education makes it possible to formulate the characteristics of quality education: education is designed to equip students with knowledge and skills that will not become obsolete in the foreseeable future, to form and develop such personal qualities that will make it as easy as possible for a young person to adapt to social realities, and allow him to realize himself in a difficult , a contradictory society in the most adequate ways in personal and social terms.

The quality of education is difficult to define unambiguously. Shishov S.E. and Kalney V.A. In their book The School: Monitoring the Quality of Education, they give the most general definition: the quality of education- “the degree of satisfaction of the expectations of various participants in the education process from the educational services provided by educational institutions” or “the degree of achievement of the goals and objectives set in education”; - this is an integral characteristic of the education system, reflecting the degree of compliance of resource provision, the educational process, educational results with regulatory requirements, social and personal expectations. Thus, we came to the conclusion that the assessment of the quality of education is the determination, using diagnostic and evaluation procedures, of the degree of compliance of resource provision, the educational process , educational outcomes, regulatory requirements, social and personal expectations.

"Monitoring(from Latin monitor supervising) "a system of long-term observation of a change in something." This is how Bykov B. A. reveals this term in the Ecological Dictionary " . In the explanatory dictionary of terms, edited by S. Korchanov, the concept of monitoring is revealed as a technique and system for monitoring the state of a particular object or process, which makes it possible to observe them in development, evaluate, quickly identify the results of the impact of various external factors. “The results of monitoring provide an opportunity to make adjustments to the management of an object or process. What these definitions have in common is that monitoring is observation, tracking of any processes.

There are different types of monitoring:

"Information monitoring which involves the accumulation and dissemination of information and does not provide for a specially organized survey at the stage of collecting information.

This type of monitoring is most often used to collect information posted on different media, so the tracking function comes to the fore. Examples of information monitoring are the selection and printing of legislative acts, regulations and orders on topics of interest or the collection of information from various sources on a specific topic, allowing you to adjust the development program of an educational institution, find partners in educational activities, etc. In particular, such information can be the results of passing the USE for a certain type of school, a list of regions or a type of school in a given region, etc., making it possible to compare the results of students from different schools.

Basic monitoring, which identifies problems and dangers before they are recognized in the field of management. In fact, basic monitoring is monitoring the state of the system, it allows you to collect information about it (create a data bank) for subsequent research, including monitoring of another type.

An illustration of this type is the monitoring of the readiness of schools for specialized education, carried out in many regions of Russia, including the Komi Republic, where a database of educational institutions is being created. In gymnasiums, classes with in-depth study of subjects, art and music schools, the conditions for creating specialized training classes on their basis are analyzed. Their logistical, personnel and financial support has been studied. In addition, the Ezhva Education Department developed an action plan for the transition to profile education, conducted a survey of children and parents in order to identify their interests and preferences.

"Problem monitoring allows you to explore the patterns of processes, the degree of danger, the typology of problems. Let us illustrate this type of monitoring using the example of the “Problem monitoring plus attestation” project, aimed at identifying the reasons for the failure of school attestation and solving the problem of the relationship between total control, monitoring and attestation. ( The project is implemented by the laboratory of the new pedagogical paradigm of Surgut State University and the diagnostic and technological laboratory of the Committee on Education and Science of the city of Surgut»

Main stages of monitoring. “When conducting monitoring, as in any empirical study, three main stages can be distinguished, among which:

Study preparation;

Collection of information-

Information processing, its analysis and interpretation.

These stages are of a generalized nature, their specification depends on the goals of monitoring, its type, the chosen model for conducting and the management level at which decisions are made (school, district, regional / regional, federal).” “As the enrollment of students and the scale in education quality management increase, the detailed list of stages will change in the direction of increasing their number, and the monitoring system itself will expand its functions and become comprehensive.”

Monitoring stages for the regional level of government. Specification of the monitoring stages for the regional or regional levels of government includes the following stages.

I. Study preparation:

Choice of goals for creating a monitoring system, the range of users and the type of monitoring;

Preparation of a work program and a plan for their implementation, selection of performers;

Determination of the monitoring model;

Formation of a set of indicators, their operationalization, distribution by quantitative and qualitative levels;

Selection of data collection methods that provide a combination of quantitative and qualitative levels of information analysis;

Development of tools for data collection (tests, questionnaires, etc.);

Formation of representative sample populations of students for participation in monitoring studies;

Conducting pilot studies of the quality of instruments (its reliability and validity), correction of instruments,

its standardization;

Choice of scales and methods of scaling and integration of monitoring data;

Development of software for processing monitoring data;

Development of software and tools for data entry;

Development of the structure of monitoring databases and tools for their maintenance.

2. Collection of information:

Conducting testing and questioning;

Conducting interviews;

Work with documents;

Organization of procedures for monitoring the collection of information to ensure its reliability;

Organization of procedures for compliance with the confidentiality of information.

3. Information processing, its analysis, interpretation:

Analysis and cleaning of raw data, processing of monitoring data;

Evaluation of the reliability and validity of data, analysis of generalizability;

Correction and alignment of data to ensure comparability across comparison groups;

Monitoring data scaling;

Data analysis;

Interpretation of analysis results;

Preparation of a final report on the use of monitoring results in accordance with the objectives of monitoring.

To conduct monitoring within schools, the list of stages should be significantly reduced. “In particular, the development of tools should disappear, since it only makes sense to make it for professionals in a city or region and standardize it on the same samples to ensure the correctness of interschool comparisons.” There is also no need for procedures for processing, analyzing and interpreting data, which should be carried out in special information and diagnostic centers, etc.”

Having determined the meaning of the main concepts on the research topic, we can consider the features of the quality of education. For a modern educational institution, the concept of "quality of education" is associated, first of all, with its competitiveness in the market of educational services. At the same time, it is considered as a complex of consumer properties of an educational service that ensures the satisfaction of internal needs for the development of the student's personality.

The problem of the quality of education is “one of the most urgent problems of modern society, the development of which requires new approaches to the development of education. The requirements for the quality of training of schoolchildren are also changing. In the national doctrine of Russian education, the quality of education is considered the leading priority. A truly high-quality education is the basis of stability, a personal guarantee for a school graduate.” Further professional education of graduates of general educational institutions should be based on high-quality, “solid” school education, including such characteristics as the foundations of personality “stability”, the ability to work together (team) and readiness for learning and self-learning.

“Modern economic relations, the transition to a democratic and rule-of-law state, and the development of the educational services market impose qualitatively new requirements on graduates. Education is the main value that a person has in modern society. High-quality education is the most important factor in the formation of a new quality of the economy and society. “The responsibility in education to the consumer is especially high, since its product is a new generation, the future society.”

“The concept of “quality of education” is multifaceted. In a general sense, "quality" is interpreted as conformity to a specific purpose; a set of characteristics of a product or service; conformity of the object as a result of labor to certain specified standards, etc. Thus, the quality of education is presented as "the ratio of the goal and the result, as a measure of achieving goals" in the educational process".

Quality is an ambiguous term to be understood by different audiences in the education system. Parents of students correlate it with the development of individuality, with the further educational success of their children. Quality for teachers means the availability of a quality curriculum, the provision of teaching materials and manuals, normal working conditions; students often associate quality with the climate within the school, with “comfort” at school. Future employers (business, industry) correlate the quality of education with an active life position, knowledge, skills and abilities of graduates, allowing them to make optimal decisions, etc.

Therefore, it is not surprising that some authors understand the quality of education as “the degree of satisfaction of the expectations of various participants in the education process from the services provided by an educational institution, while others understand the degree of achievement of the goals and objectives set in education”.

However, despite the extensive discussion of the quality of educational training of students, the practice of ensuring the quality of education of schoolchildren in many cases still does not give the desired results.

“The change in the educational paradigm entailed a change in the goals of education. It is focused on a different result, on a different quality. The idea of ​​the quality of education among the majority of teachers remained the same.”

The study of scientific literature, school practice, the experience of cooperation with school leaders, with deputy directors and teachers allows us to identify the contradiction between the declared goals and the traditional system of educational training, focused only on the formation of private instrumental components of schoolchildren's educational activities.

The most important meaning of education is the self-disclosure of the student, the recognition of his true self, the creation of his own image in the interaction of the teacher and the student. This is fundamentally different from the task of imitating a model. The assimilation of knowledge, skills, or information and rules cannot be an end in itself. These are necessary, but not sufficient conditions for the formation, self-realization of the individual, since in modern society the addressee of education is precisely the whole personality, and not one or another of its social functions and ways of using them. Not knowledge in itself is the goal of the school, but a student who considers this knowledge a value, his intellect and spiritual development. That is, a quality education will be such an education, the result of which is a student with a developed intellect, the ability for independent and responsible thinking, utterance and deed. Quality education is the education of personality traits.

“Meanwhile, Golubeva L.M. notes that “the educational process at school is still mainly aimed at the transfer of information, which means that training does not implement the basic principle of humanization of education - addressing the individual, creating conditions for the fullest disclosure and development of its potentialities. The entire arsenal of the teacher is aimed at increasing the level of learning and does not provide active cognitive activity of students, the development of their intellectual abilities and personality as a whole. The case of curricula is indicative from this point of view. This is a tool for managing and coordinating the activities of teachers in teaching: they tend to turn into bureaucratic instructions and recommendations, the implementation of which can be checked (“did the teacher complete his program, did the students master the concepts and knowledge?”). »

Evaluation of the quality of education at school is also one of the most difficult pedagogical problems. The forms and methods used today for assessing the quality of education of students do not allow for a comprehensive and completely objective assessment, since it is not easy to determine everything that needs to be assessed. The number of “excellent” and “good” students in a school says little about the quality of education for each student individually; moreover, it does not say anything about the student’s problems.

As A. Talykh notes, “today, when it is no longer enough, as before, to reduce the quality of education to the usual percentages of academic performance and other formal indicators, conscious school management is possible only if there is complete, prompt and reliable information about the results of the activities of all subjects of the educational process , degree and nature of the impact of objective environmental factors”.

In this regard, it seems important to create a system for analyzing the activities of the teaching staff in managing the quality of education in high school.

The concept of "quality" came to education from the manufacturing sector, where quality is understood as a set of product properties that determine the degree of its suitability for its intended use. In production, therefore, certain properties are distinguished from products and their value is considered from the position of the consumer. The list of qualities is put in the basis of standards, standards. Quality is not the end result, it is only the means by which the conformity of the product to the standard is determined.

In education, the term "quality" was first used in 1975 in the normative documents on education in relation to the characteristics of the quality of students' knowledge, and then in 1977 a laboratory for assessing the quality of knowledge was created. But so far, no unambiguous definition of the quality of education has been created.

It is impossible to transfer the industrial understanding of quality to the sphere of education, since the consumers of educational services are different categories of the population, while the selection of qualities and their value are determined by them in different ways. So, in the understanding of parents, quality is the development and upbringing of children and preparing them for the next stage of education, in the understanding of students - the creation of comfortable learning conditions, in the understanding of teachers - the provision of the educational process with programs, textbooks, appropriate equipment, for employers - the availability of graduates with the necessary qualities and skills, for society as a whole - the creation of value orientations among students, expressed, for example, in a civic position.

  • - the quality of education is the quality of education; this interpretation is accepted in educational institutions, where the results are summed up in digital format with the division of students into groups and calculated as a percentage of academic performance, that is, the percentage of students who completed education in the reporting period without "2", and quality - the percentage of students who completed the reporting period of study without "3", that is, on "4" and "5";
  • - the quality of education is a combination of the quality of education and upbringing;
  • - the quality of education - the degree of personality development;
  • - quality of education - the percentage of school graduates who entered universities and the number of winners of Olympiads of various levels;
  • - the quality of education - the readiness of a graduate for life in 6 positions: readiness for work, defense of the Motherland, family life, reasonable leisure, continuing education, taking care of one's health.

In the most authoritative publications, such as the books by S. Shishov and V. Kalnei “Monitoring the quality of education at school”, the dictionary-reference book “Intraschool management” (edited by A. Moiseev) and the manual “Education quality management” (edited by M. Potashnik) quality is understood as “a social category that determines the state and effectiveness of the education process in society, its compliance with the needs and expectations of society (various social groups) in the development and formation of civic, everyday and professional competencies of an individual. The quality of education is determined by a set of indicators that characterize various aspects of the educational activities of an educational institution: the content of education, forms and methods of teaching, material and technical base, personnel, etc., which ensure the development of the competencies of young people who study” (Shishov S. E., Kalney V. A. Monitoring the quality of education at school. - M.,

1998. - S. 78.); “an indicator of school success, the most important system-forming task and direction of the intra-school management system”; “a set of essential properties and characteristics of the results of education that can satisfy the needs of the schoolchildren themselves, society, customers for education” (Intra-school management: Dictionary-reference book / edited by A. Moiseev. - M., 1998.); “the ratio of the goal and the result, the measure of achieving the goals, despite the fact that the goals (results) are set only operationally and predicted in the zone of the potential development of the student” (Management of the quality of education / edited by M. M. Potashnik. - M., 2000. - P. 33.).

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the quality of education is an integrated indicator that includes a combination of characteristics of various parties and aspects of the educational activities of the school. Quality assurance, according to V. Bolotov, factors, conditions and resources that allow achieving quality goals: educational and methodological environment, material base, staff abilities, preparedness and motivation of students, financial support, information services. Thus, the structure of quality includes the quality of educational systems, the educational process, the preparedness of students, scientific and innovative activities in training, and the quality of management.

The indicators of the quality of educational achievements of students in the Russian language include individual and average scores in the Russian language, their deviations from the average, student ratings.

To build a comprehensive quality assessment system, it is necessary, firstly, to form a standard for the quality of education, taking into account state educational standards, the practice of international comparative studies, etc., create tools for assessing the quality of education, conduct a comprehensive survey, and compare the results with the standard. When forming a quality standard, one can rely on expert assessments, the opinion of all interested parties (conducting a comprehensive marketing research).

Assessment of the quality of education can be carried out at the external and internal levels. Quality assessment tools may consist of several control and evaluation procedures: licensing of educational activities, state accreditation of an educational institution, state final certification (9th graders and 11th graders), certification of teaching staff - external assessment; examination of innovative activities, surveys conducted within the educational institution (correspondence of the levels of assimilation of the material by schoolchildren with indicators of the educational standard), quality monitoring - internal evaluation.

The main characteristics of the quality of education are the multidimensionality or versatility of quality (the quality of the final result of education and the quality of the potential of educational systems that ensure the achievement of this quality; the quality of the results of education and training; creative and reproductive, knowledge and activity components); multi-level end results of quality (quality of primary, secondary and high school graduates); multi-subjectivity of the quality of education (the assessment of the quality of education is carried out by many subjects; the main subjects are the students themselves, their parents, employers, society as a whole and government bodies, the education system itself); multicriteria (the quality of education is assessed by a set of criteria); polychronism (a combination of current, tactical and strategic aspects of the quality of education, which at different times are perceived differently by the same subjects: graduates over time, over time, overestimate the quality of their education, the value of individual disciplines and teachers; society and the state in depending on their condition, they reconsider their priorities in the quality and content of education, etc.); uncertainty in assessing the quality of education and educational systems due to a higher level of subjectivity in assessing the quality of education by different subjects; invariance and variability (among the many qualities of educational systems, educational institutions, their graduates, there are invariant, common qualities for all graduates of each level of education, each specialty or direction of training of university graduates and specific ones (just for a given set of graduates or educational systems)).

Another concept - education quality management - is a system of measures to ensure the guaranteed quality of educational services. Quality management is based on the following principles: management leadership, process approach, fact-based decision making, customer orientation, result and goal orientation, employee involvement, participation and motivation, a systematic approach to management, continuous improvement. Based on these principles, the main stages of building education quality management are distinguished: analysis of the needs of the educational services market, labor force and other stakeholders, formulation of the mission, vision, strategy, policy and goals of an educational institution in the field of quality; training of management and personnel involved in the process of developing a quality system; projecting policies and strategies to all levels of management and structural divisions of an educational institution; formation of the organizational structure of the quality system; self-assessment of an educational institution; definition and description of work processes, ordering of existing documentation; development of documentation for the quality system of an educational institution (documented procedures, Quality Manual); development of a system for measuring the main parameters; development of a system of corrective and preventive actions; conducting internal audits and self-assessment of an educational institution; continuous improvement of all work processes.

A modern quality management system should be built taking into account the ISO 9000 standards developed by the International Standard Organization. ISO standards define the requirements for quality management systems when an organization needs to demonstrate its ability to provide products that meet customer requirements, they contain recommendations that consider both the effectiveness and efficiency of the quality management system, the purpose of these standards is to improve the organization's performance and customer satisfaction and other interested parties; they also contain guidelines for the audit (verification) of quality management systems that promote mutual understanding in national and international interaction.

The problem of the quality of goods and services, including education, has always existed in the world. However, in recent years it has become significantly aggravated in all spheres of society, enhancing the socio-cultural significance of education and necessitating the search for new approaches to quality management. This is directly related to the rapid changes taking place both in all areas of the life of modern society, and in the educational sphere itself. Improving quality has become a key idea of ​​the new philosophy of education. The need to improve the quality, effectiveness of the means of achieving it and managing it has become especially strong in the face of a growing mismatch between the conditions for the existence and development of society and the inability of the education system to quickly adapt to these changes. Charles Darwin believed that it is not the strongest or the smartest who survive, but the one who best responds to the changes that are taking place. The validity of this thesis is fully confirmed by the socio-economic crisis of the 90s of the last century, as a result of which the problem of teaching in a new way, and learning throughout life, became actual.

The exceptional relevance of ensuring the quality of education, according to experts from many countries, is determined by objective reasons that are similar in our time in all countries.

First, scientific and technological progress is accelerating and the dependence of the rate of development of society on the level and scale of education is increasing. In such conditions, higher education becomes mass, requiring the creation of conditions aimed at developing the creative abilities of those entering universities, the availability of vocational education to the general population.

Secondly, there is a gradual transition of society from the industrial phase in the development of the economy to the knowledge economy and to the phase of the formation of an information civilization. This complex and contradictory process is associated primarily with the growing economic and social role of universities and their graduates. Universities are embedded in the economy, and scientific and technological progress and economic development are increasingly determined by the saturation of the economy with specialists.

Thirdly, along with the formation of the world information civilization, the process of globalization is unfolding, an integral part of which is the rapid accumulation of scientific data and their obsolescence; there is an internationalization of education, which involves the convergence of the qualitative level of the work of the educational systems of various countries, the compliance of the preparedness of young people with certain universal criteria and standards (the Bologna process), which is necessary, in particular, for the international mobility of graduates and students, their employment and recognition of documents on education.

Fourthly, in a situation of limited financial resources and a rapidly aging material and technical educational base, the question of survival of countries among the technologically, economically and culturally developed states of the world is acutely raised. Education and science must be catalysts for the development of productive forces, compensating for the lack of financial capital with the high quality of human capital.

Due to these and many other reasons, the issues of the quality of education come to one of the most important places in the system of economic and socio-political development of our country, its transition to a new qualitative level is observed. In general, there is a revision of the priorities of education and the demands of society, a change in the paradigm of training students and specialists, which reflects a different content, different approaches to learning, a different right, different attitudes, a different behavior, a different pedagogical mentality. In modern conditions, the school, teachers and university professors face the task of preparing a person who knows how to navigate in the environment. The culture and level of education must correspond to the conditions of modern life and the needs of the formation of a new, humanistic, open and information society, which requires a new type of education: personality-oriented, humanistic and informational. It is the qualitative indicators of education in the perspective of the XXI century. in Russian conditions require special attention, since the quality of education every year increasingly acts as the most important system-forming and driving factor in social development and the formation of the individual.

In Russia, for a long time, education in the true sense of the word was considered a priori as not subject to measurement and evaluation. Society, the state and the individual did not have the criteria to give an objective assessment of the level of education of the individual and the quality of educational institutions. The subject of discussion and practical actions among the leaders of the Russian Technical Society of the late XIX - early XX century. and especially at the end of the 1920s-1930s, during the industrialization of the country, the topic of the quality of education, especially higher education, becomes. In a period closer to us, in the 1960s-1980s, every four to five years, the highest authorities issued resolutions on education, where the quality of education, especially higher education, and the quality of training of specialists became key terms - categories of state educational policy in connection with social and economic transformations in the country. From the 90s of the XX century. the process of reforming the education system is actively developing, accompanied by the widespread use of effective mechanisms for the implementation of learning goals and the introduction of scientific methods for assessing educational achievements.

Today, humanity has really entered a historically new state, when the main resource for development is the person himself, his education and professional competence, moral and volitional qualities. So-called high technologies, focused on very complex objects and characterized by high science intensity, intensively enter into the life of mankind. However, the most complex of all objects is a person, and the preparation of an educated and moral person is the most science-intensive of all processes.

In the main regulatory and legal documents in the field of education, such as the Federal Law "On Approval of the Federal Program for the Development of Education in Russia" (2000), the program "Modernization of Education" (2000), the National Doctrine of Education (2000), materials of meetings of the State Council of the Russian Federation (2001), Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the organization of an experiment on the introduction of a unified state exam" (2001), The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010, the action plan of the Government of Russia in the field of social policy and economics, Priority directions for the development of the educational system Russian Federation, the modernization of the state is considered through the modernization of education.

The modernization of education is an objective process that determines its reform and advancement in the direction of the formation of new meanings and values, the content of education and approaches to teaching methods, monitoring and evaluating the results of educational activities. In the modernization program, the development of the country is based on the principle of the development of the education system, and therefore, education should be, first of all, modern, advanced, supporting the objective trends of social development, open to everything new. Installations of the state educational policy of the XXI century. in this case, they rely on the motto "Accessibility - quality - efficiency". Accessibility acts as an integrating systemic and social indicator of the quality of education, is considered as a complex indicator that synthesizes all stages of education, development and formation of the individual, as well as the effectiveness of the educational process.

The quality of education today is of interest not as an abstract topic, but as a key to solving practical problems that have matured in society. Quality education is considered from the standpoint of the integrity of the content, learning technologies, methods of monitoring and evaluating the results for the compliance of personal development with the life self-determination of the subject and the requirements of society in the new socio-economic conditions. It is one of the most important characteristics that determine the competitiveness of individual educational institutions and national education systems as a whole. New ideas about the quality of education are being formed, having received which a person is able to independently work, study and retrain. In this regard, the quality of education is considered as a concept that reflects the ability of the educational system to ensure the achievement of the goals and objectives set in education, to meet the needs of a particular individual in obtaining education, to ensure its compliance with the needs of society and the economy, i.e. determined by its socio-economic adequacy (from lat. adaekuatus- equated). An approach is becoming more widespread, in which the main task of the educational process is the formation of creativity, the ability to work in a team, project thinking and analytical skills, communicative competencies, tolerance and the ability to self-learning, which ensures the success of personal, professional and career growth of young people.

1.2. Basic concepts and concepts of education quality

The concept of "quality of education" received international citizenship at the World Conference on Higher Education held in Paris in 1998, which stated that improving the quality of education is becoming one of the main tasks of educational institutions in the long term. Despite the widespread use of this term, it is rather difficult to introduce an unambiguous definition of the category of education quality. The positions of theorists and practitioners on the issue of the quality of education allow us to conclude that it is impossible to introduce one universal definition for it, and there can be no final, frozen formulation of the quality of education at all. With the change in the level of development of society and social conditions, more and more new requirements are imposed on the quality of education, especially on the creative and predictive abilities of a person in conjunction with the ethical component. Given the constant variability of the social environment, the very concept of "quality of education" will be continuously transformed in the future.

In the dictionary of concepts and terms under the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, the concept of "quality of education" is interpreted as a certain level of knowledge and skills, mental, physical and moral development, which is achieved by graduates of an educational institution in accordance with the planned goals of training and education. There are several main approaches to the consideration of the concept of "quality of education", which take place in the domestic literature. So, M.M. Potashnik considers it as a compliance with the requirements of educational standards. In this context, the quality of education acts as "the ratio of goals and results, measures to achieve goals set operationally and predicted in the area of ​​potential development of students" . The quality of education is considered by V.A. Kachalov and V.D. Shadrikov. How the compliance of educational services with the expectations of society is determined by the quality of education by M.V. Ryzhakov. This reflects the fact that from the point of view of consumers, the social aspect is increasingly highlighted in the concept of forming the competence and competencies of future specialists. Of no small importance recently is the separation of the concepts of the quality of the education received and the quality of the education provided, as well as the substantiation of a holistic view of the quality of education in all its diversity.

Another approach allows us to consider the quality of education not only as a result, but also as a process that has a complex dynamics of development, due to both changes in the activities of educational institutions and the individual himself, and the transformation of the social, economic, technological and political environment surrounding them. Then the quality of education is not limited to its own goals and values ​​of educational institutions, it should more fully meet the needs of society: social, economic, cultural, increase their contribution to the development of society, to its human potential. Constantly and every time at a new socio-economic level of society, the problem of the development of educational systems as a whole is actualized, and its central trends are the focus on the individual and the creation of optimal conditions for his training, development and education, standardization of the content of education, design of educational systems, management of them. and assessment of their quality level.

The Concept of Modernization of Education emphasizes that the result of modern high-quality education is not only knowledge, skills and abilities, but also formed educational competencies and key competencies of the individual.

Competence as a property of an individual exists in the form of personal self-realization (habit, way of life, passion), self-development of the individual, manifestation of ability, etc. The nature of competence, according to V.A. Bolotov and V.V. Serikov, is such that, being a product of learning, it does not directly follow from it, but is a consequence of the individual’s self-development, his not so much technological as personal growth, a consequence of self-organization and generalization of activity and personal experience. In turn, the accumulation of knowledge, the development of skills and education contribute to personal self-realization, finding one's place in the world, as a result of which education appears as highly motivated and in a true sense, personally oriented, ensuring the maximum demand for personal potential, recognition of the individual by others and awareness of her own significance. Competence implies the integration of knowledge, their transfer, interpenetration, generalization, in general, a high level of erudition; allows you to realize the need for self-affirmation, self-expression, self-development, self-identification; Ultimately, it is a criterion for the development and social readiness of the individual. A competent person in a certain area has generalized knowledge and corresponding abilities that allow him to reasonably judge this area and act effectively in it.

Competences (from lat. competentia- correspond, fit) - these are more generalized and formed personality traits that reflect its ability to universally use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities and allow the subject to make decisions and act in non-standard situations (synergistic approach). The concept of competence should be considered as a category of a higher series than knowledge, skills, abilities and competence. In contrast to competence, competencies define a range of issues in which a person is not only well-informed, has knowledge and experience, but also has stable skills in their practical application. As a component of the action, competencies can be formed and revealed only in specially created pedagogical situations or in the conditions of the subject's real activity. Competence is always the competence of someone, it manifests itself as a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that allow the subject to find the best solution and act in the current situation, adapting to real conditions. Without competencies, knowledge cannot be effectively implemented by the subject to carry out personally and socially significant productive activities. Everything related to competencies is associated with the experience and activities of a particular subject; competencies do not manifest themselves outside the situation and activities, and without knowledge they are not formed.

The Education Committee of the Council of Europe in the "European Education Project" identified 39 multi-level competencies (subject, interdisciplinary, etc.), combined into six key (integrated): study, think, seek, get down to business, cooperate, adapt. Thus, the current situation, in addition to all the requirements of the quality of education accumulated by pedagogy, adds new ones that are necessary in a rapidly changing world.

As noted by V.A. Kachalov, “quality in education is no longer only learning outcomes, but also a system, model, organization and procedures that ensure that students receive comprehensive personal and social development, enabling them to meet their needs and allowing them to contribute to progress and improvement of society as a whole".

As you can see, the quality of education is a complex indicator:

The relationship between the goal and the result of training;

Ensuring the degree of satisfaction of the expectations of the participants in the educational process from the educational services provided;

A certain level of knowledge, skills, competencies and competencies, mental, physical and moral development of the individual;

At the same time, it is a system, model, organization and procedures that guarantee students the necessary social development.

From the standpoint of modern didactics, the following characteristics of modern quality education stand out:

Conceptual level of content in accordance with the level of scientific and technological progress;

Its interdisciplinary, competence and activity character;

Orientation compatible with the interests, desires, capabilities and individual characteristics of students;

Variable, alternative and problematic nature of education with the widespread use of information technology;

Creation of various cultural environments for multicultural education for the purpose of spiritual enrichment and formation of readiness to live in a multiethnic environment;

The independent nature of evaluating the results of educational work and the degree of personality development;

Providing conditions for self-assessment, self-assessment and self-management in training and development.

The result of quality education is such abilities (properties) of the individual as: self-organization, including moral; self-transformation activity; self-identification. Ultimately, a well-educated person must be competitive, successful and in demand in the labor market. It should be able to easily and freely adapt to rapidly changing socio-economic conditions, effectively using the education received. According to J. Delors, a person must master the “three pillars of education”: learn how to acquire knowledge, learn how to work, learn how to live.

Recently, the increasing requirements for the quality of education and educational services on the part of consumers (universities, colleges, enterprises, etc.) have become more and more noticeable. To date, domestic and foreign experience allows us to formulate some pedagogical principles of quality education:

Personally oriented and developing nature of educational programs and learning technologies, taking into account the educational needs of students, competence-based approach and profiling;

Consistency, integrity and variability of the content of education and activities, many points of view on the problem and many facets of its solution;

Problematic and dialogical content, dialogical nature of the interaction of subjects of education in the educational process, the transition to the subject-subject relationship of the teacher and the student;

Activity and independence of students as subjects of education, creative activity for self-development, self-determination, self-realization and self-development;

Reflexivity as awareness of the content, methods of activity and own changes;

Modular-block principle of organizing the content of education and the activities of students;

The principles of advance in learning and development, supporting motivation, self-learning, self-control and self-correction;

Orientation of the subject to the future content of life and activity, humanistic values ​​and ideals; knowledge from the future, in which learning is not a school of memory, but a school of thinking; the creation by a person of the image of the world in himself through the active positing of himself in the world of objective, social and spiritual culture.

Obviously, to control the quality of services provided in the country, it is necessary to have an independent system for assessing the quality of education. At the international level, attention to the problem of developing an independent quality assessment is due to the fact that many countries have begun to associate the recognition of educational documents from other countries with the presence in them of a system of independent assessment of the quality of education. In particular, for countries that have signed the Bologna Convention, the issue of recognition of documents on higher education will be resolved only if there is an internationally certified system of accreditation of higher professional education.

At present, a distinctive feature of the development of education in the world is the increased attention of the governments of most countries to the problems of the quality and efficiency of education. Education is becoming a strategic area that ensures national security, the competitiveness of the country is beginning to be judged by the level of educational preparation of the younger generation. Many countries are joining forces in the development of methodology, technology and tools for comparative studies of the quality of education. At the same time, the main attention is paid not to ranking countries according to the level of subject preparedness of students, but to explaining the differences that exist between countries, identifying factors that affect learning outcomes, especially those that determine the highest achievements. Today, a system for monitoring the quality of education in the world is being created. About 50 countries already participate in it, and the organizers of the research are the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA - International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - OECD (OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). The main conceptual approaches of such studies are developed taking into account their practical significance for all participating countries, are carried out in strict accordance with uniform instructions and rules, each stage of the study is controlled by international experts, and when analyzing the results and building an international rating scale, the specifics of completing tasks in all countries are taken into account. .

The creation of a system for assessing the quality of education in Russia is associated with the need to obtain objective information on learning outcomes in accordance with educational standards in order to make informed management decisions. This requires benchmarks to compare the reliability of the assessment system. One of these benchmarks is the analysis of foreign experience, which makes it possible to identify trends in the development of systems for assessing learning outcomes in various countries of the world. The subject of the analysis is the systems for assessing learning outcomes at school, used in various countries of the world with developed control systems.

In recent years, Russia has taken part in international studies of achievements in the field of education. International studies on the assessment of the quality of education make it possible to assess the state of the education system in the national and international context on representative samples of students from different countries using the same pedagogical measuring tools, which are created taking into account international priorities in education. At present, almost all subjects of the Russian Federation are involved in the system of international monitoring of the quality of education to identify the mastery of functional literacy, general educational and intellectual skills by 15-year-old students, their readiness for active participation in society.

Of particular interest is the comparison of the literacy of students in Russia with the results of their peers from other participating countries under the programs of international student assessment: monitoring knowledge and skills in the new millennium in the field of functional literacy of fifteen-year-old students (PISA - Program for International Student Assessment) and a comparative study on quality assessment mathematics and science education (TIMSS - Trends in Mathematics and Science Study). The international PISA program for assessing student achievement in general education is implemented by the OECD. 32 countries participated in the PISA-2000 study (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Canada, Korea, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, USA, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Japan). The PISA-2002 survey was conducted in 10 more countries (Albania, Argentina, Bulgaria, Hong Kong, Israel, Indonesia, Macedonia, Peru, Thailand, Chile), the same sampling approaches, the same tools, the same scales, etc. .d. 41 countries of the world took part in the PISA-2003 study, of which 30 countries participating in the program are members of the OECD.

These studies are conducted in three-year cycles in three main areas: reading literacy (2000), math literacy (2003) and science literacy (2006). Each of them includes two phases:

Identification of trends in the development of education in the world based on an analysis of the state of education in the participating countries for the analysis of programs and textbooks, scientific and methodological literature;

Comparative assessment of the level of general educational readiness of schoolchildren in the participating countries and identification of factors affecting learning outcomes.

The functional literacy study (PISA-2000) reflected the modern view of reading as a general educational competence, it was important not only to comprehend the meaning of the text read and highlight the main idea, but also to demonstrate the ability to use what was read in various situations similar to real ones. In this sense, reading literacy was seen as a person's ability to understand written texts and reflect on them, to use their content to achieve their own goals, develop knowledge and capabilities, and actively participate in society. According to this idea, a graduate of a basic school should understand texts, reflect on their content, evaluate their meaning and meaning, and express their thoughts about what they have read. Therefore, the tasks of the PISA program use various forms of information presentation: diagrams, figures, maps, tables and graphs. The main attention is directed to checking the knowledge of general concepts that the international pedagogical community identifies as essential for "adult" life. It is important to understand and use what is read for personal, social and work purposes, obtaining professional education, etc.

In 2003, the concept of the study as a whole remained the same. To test functional mathematical literacy (PISA-2003), complex tasks were used that require mathematical competence for their solution, the ability to solve problems that are not directly related to certain subject areas, the transfer of knowledge from other subject areas (reading, natural science, geography, etc.). The content of the test of mathematical preparation of 15-year-old students was considered as the ability of a person "to determine and understand the role of mathematics in the world in which he lives, to express well-founded mathematical judgments and to use mathematics in such a way as to satisfy the present and future needs inherent in the creative, interested and thinking citizen." According to a number of domestic and foreign scientists, along with the formation of subject knowledge and skills, it is necessary to ensure the development of students' skills to use knowledge to resolve various situations that are close to real, in order to prepare a person for active participation in the life of modern society.

Content areas in the tasks required knowledge about space and form, change and relationship between variables in functional dependencies, quantity and numerical calculations, understanding of uncertainty, probabilistic and statistical patterns. Particular attention was paid to identifying the interdisciplinary competence of students, in particular, the use of knowledge to solve practical problems.

In this aspect, mathematical literacy refers to the ability to:

Recognize and solve by means of mathematics the problems that arise in the surrounding reality;

Formulate these problems in the language of mathematics;

Analyze and optimize solution methods;

Interpret the results obtained taking into account the problem posed;

Formulate and record the results of the decision.

Together, these abilities characterize mathematical competence as a combination of knowledge, skills, experience and a person's ability to find solutions to various problems.

The uniqueness and significance of such research lies in:

In assessing the functional literacy of students to determine their ability to adapt to modern society;

In identifying the educational achievements of Russian students from the standpoint of modern international priorities in improving the quality of school education;

In the possibility of using the results of the study to determine the guidelines for the development of the Russian school, to analyze achievements in the field of education in Russia and to identify its strengths and weaknesses.

The results show that the achievements of Russian schoolchildren are significantly lower than those of their peers from other countries (Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.). They became especially relevant after the start of the experiment on the introduction of the USE, which, being a very important element of the system for assessing the quality of education, does not fully provide comprehensive information for managing its quality, but only shows the “temperature” in a given educational institution or in a set of educational institutions. Therefore, there is a need for additional data on learning systems.

Difficulties are primarily due to differences in the content of control. In the Russian school, the system of traditional control, as a rule, is focused on identifying the level of mastery of a specific mathematical apparatus, the ability to solve educational mathematical problems, sometimes quite complex and difficult. With sufficiently high subject knowledge and skills, our students experience difficulties in applying their knowledge in situations close to everyday life, as well as when working with information. This indicates that the Russian school, while providing fairly high academic knowledge, does not sufficiently teach schoolchildren how to use it in situations that arise in public life. The reliability of such conclusions is increased by the addition of all-Russian surveys in accordance with the goals of Russian education, including the results of the USE.

The main reasons for these results include:

Features of the content of education and the learning process;

Overload of programs and textbooks with a large amount of information;

Insufficient practical orientation of the content of education on the reality of life and the formation of general educational competencies and interdisciplinary skills;

Insufficient development of the ability to comprehend information that is different in form and content (texts, drawings, graphs, diagrams, etc.);

Insufficient use of the dialogic nature of education and its personally meaningful orientation.

The above pedagogical characteristics of the quality of modern education, the development of competencies and competencies, the principles of its provision and evaluation form the requirements for new educational standards, which should contain requirements for the quality of educational achievements of students, which serve as the basis for the development of curricula and learning technologies, methods of control and assessment of the quality of education.

1.3. Didactic foundations for ensuring the quality of education

The task of improving quality has now become multifaceted - political, economic, social, pedagogical, psychological, ethical, scientific and organizational-technological. In the theory of modern management, the algorithm for ensuring the quality of goods and services can be represented by a cycle that includes a sequence of mandatory actions: planning educational services based on the selection of appropriate goals; implementation of plans through selected methods and means of action; ensuring the effectiveness of actions through verification or control; analysis and adjustment of actions; again planning, etc. The basic methodology of quality management, as it turned out, is applicable not only in industry and the service sector, but also in education. In order to switch to new technologies for managing the quality of education, it was necessary to ensure the openness of the entire education system to a variety of influences: from the state, the economy and society, while maintaining its internal integrity and high academic standards. Quality management of the educational process and educational systems is impossible without an objective assessment of the results and required the creation of a reliable control system, since without system control the learning process cannot be effective. Control is increasingly acting not only as a means of managing the educational process, but also as a means of developing students and educational systems.

Improving the quality of education cannot be achieved only by improving the monitoring and evaluation process; although without it it is simply impossible, but it is important to change in line with modern requirements of all components of the education system. Not being an end in itself, the change in the control and evaluation process indicates the direction of development of educational systems, sets the pace and character, and determines the development of a number of other important processes: changes in the content of education; standardization of the basic component of the content of education; wide introduction of new technologies of training and development into educational practice; formation of a multi-level structure of the federal system of mass testing; development of new types of control and evaluation of the quality of education, monitoring and management systems for the quality of education. Intensively developing, the federal testing system is a catalyst for many innovative processes, the widespread introduction of information technologies and the creation of regional and municipal systems for assessing the quality of education.

A well-structured quality assessment system is a reliable and effective means of managing the quality of training and development of students, obtaining reliable and complete quantitative and qualitative information about the state of education provided and received. As in any production, building an effective quality management system for the educational process requires solving at least three tasks: the formation of a quality standard (standardization); comparison of the achieved level of training with the standard and, on this basis, quality assessment; development of control actions on the conditions and factors that determine the achieved quality, in order to minimize the detected deviations. These are the classic stages of any quality control and management, including in education.

The formulation of the problem of quality in education, and hence its provision and evaluation, is most directly related to the pragmatic aspects of the activities of educational institutions, and primarily higher education, and the quality assurance system is considered as a set of tools and technologies used to create conditions that guarantee the achievement of a certain level of preparedness of students (graduates, students and specialists). With this approach, education is considered, on the one hand, as a social category, and on the other hand, as a result of the pedagogical activity of an educational institution and the educational activity of the student himself.

The conceptual aspects of quality assurance in education are primarily related to the creation of learning conditions:

quality-oriented education policy;

Clearly and unambiguously established criteria, norms, quality standards for educational products;

The quality level of teachers and schoolchildren, the quality of curricula and didactic materials, the quality level of the material, technical, social and information infrastructure of educational institutions;

Effective means of influencing the subjects of the educational process, including specific technologies for organizing educational and educational processes, methods for assessing the quality of education;

Using modern tools and technologies for objective quality control of education;

Informatization of education (professional databases, electronic textbooks and libraries, everyday use of telecommunications in classroom and independent study work); mechanisms and tools for managing and self-governing educational activities from the standpoint of quality.

Thus, the quality of education is, first of all, the quality of the constituent parts of the entire educational system and its subjects, including the management system. Such an important category as the quality of education obliges us to comprehend the phenomenon of a new culture of management in education, which must be mastered by leaders, teachers, and students. The problem of achieving quality is associated with an understanding of the target function of education and a systematic approach to education at each level, is considered as an activity to achieve the goals of organizing and coordinating the actions of all components of the educational system, the educational process, the subjects and conditions for its implementation, it is directly related to the quality of the management system itself , which is multidimensional and multifunctional.

Speaking about a systematic approach to education management as the most significant aspect of the concept of quality assurance, it is necessary to define a number of requirements for it both at the general level and at the level of each specific educational institution. At each level of education, quality management should have all system attributes: the purpose of functioning, structure, algorithms (process), quality (efficiency), technical (technological) feasibility, which is fundamentally important when choosing quality management methods. To determine the structure of the system means to identify the components of this structure, indicate their position relative to each other, establish the interconnection of the components, their mutual influence and develop interaction schemes that ensure the development of the system in the most promising directions. At the same time, it is essential that the creation and development of such management systems be carried out in close connection with the study of the issues of quality management of products and services, the achievement of a synergistic effect in this area based on the introduction of a new culture of control and evaluation of its results, management and self-control, self-control, improvement of learning conditions and providing conditions and freedoms for the development of the individual.

Recently, the process of organizing quality management systems has captured not only material production, but also the sphere of culture, science and education, i.e. the sphere of functioning of the cumulative public intellect, there has been a tendency to apply the ideology of quality management to the educational process itself. In domestic and foreign literature on management, three types of qualities are distinguished: natural or material-structural, functional and systemic (social). At the same time, systemic social qualities and the social logic of their formation turned out to be fully applicable to education. The introduction of modern quality assurance systems into education, which have confirmed their merits in the economic sphere, has become fundamentally important: ISO-9000; The Baldage, Awards Deming Prige, etc. . In management theory, quality improvement is associated with the need to establish reliable feedback; as in any other field, the evaluation of activities according to the criteria of the business excellence model of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), based on eight fundamental principles of TQM, is becoming more widespread:

Focus on the end result;

Focus on the interests of the consumer;

Leadership and constancy of goals;

Management based on information about the state of the organization;

Development of personnel and their involvement in the affairs of the organization;

Continuous learning, innovation and improvement;

partnership development;

social responsibility.

Quality management functions are manifested in organizational and design activities to create various types of quality management systems, and the key issues are achieving high quality goods, services, technologies, education, specialists, etc.; quality control; creation of a quality system. Ensuring the quality of education within the framework of the theory of quality management in accordance with the principles of modern management is achieved by a targeted and constant impact on educational systems:

Quality planning - identification of consumers (students, students, teachers, parents, specialists, enterprises, region, society, etc.), clarification of consumer needs, development of service characteristics, bringing plans to performers;

Establishing quality links - activities, means of ensuring the educational process, a team of teachers, enrollment of students; organization of the educational process in accordance with the standard scheme; quality indicators;

Quality control - ensuring the measurement of quality indicators, analysis of quality indicators; adjusting the process to a given standard, creating momentum to improve the standard process;

Quality improvement - creating an infrastructure for continuous improvement of the learning process, identifying and eliminating the main causes of defects in the educational process, creating research groups to improve the educational process; ensuring the motivation of such groups, establishing control over the achievement of goals, ensuring continuous training of the teaching staff;

Certification of products and services is the recognition by the customer of the success of a particular educational institution, the achievement of a high level of competitiveness.

To implement such a cycle, a well-structured quality control and evaluation system is needed, which is a reliable and effective means of feedback. The issues of achieving the required level of preparedness of students are closely related to the problems of quality control of education. In the modern interpretation of education quality management, there is a rethinking of the didactic foundations for achieving the quality of preparedness of students and the role of control in the educational process. As noted by V.S. Avanesov, "all the attempts known in the world to improve the quality of education, not supported by an effective reform of the knowledge testing system, did not, as a rule, bring the desired results" . The underestimation of the role of control and evaluation activities in teaching schoolchildren has already led to a violation of the feedback principle in education management, as a result of which the limited knowledge about the educational process and about each of its subjects does not allow teachers to determine the effectiveness and characteristics of education, to identify the degree of assimilation and structured knowledge, necessary for the development and formation of personality.

Today, a simple statement of an educational institution about the compliance of the quality of education with the requirements of the educational standard by the public (consumers - students, parents, universities, etc.) is not perceived as a guarantee of obtaining a quality education, and high quality requirements on the part of consumers are steadily moving from the final stage of education to ever earlier ones. To confirm the ability of an educational institution to a sustainable increase in the quality of education, modern control and evaluation tools and procedures based on pedagogical measurements of educational achievements and ensuring the reliability, reliability and validity of educational information have become necessary. In order to predict the development and obtain the required quality of preparedness of graduates, and then of specialists, it is necessary to organize a constant impact on the education system based on the creation of new control and evaluation systems, including banks of calibrated (with a known level of difficulty) test items; using software and tools and packages for statistical analysis of the quality of tests, modern methods of scaling and evaluating test results, information databases for automated collection, processing, storage, analysis and interpretation of the results of independent quality control of youth education in the education system.

The change in control and evaluation activities occurs on the basis of qualification - a quantitative expression of the quality of students' preparedness. It is the qualimetric approach that gives the society valuable information about what the program requirements really are, where the reasonable border between the mandatory minimum and the profiling content lies.

As a direction of applied science, education quality management began to take shape from the beginning of the 20th century, and today the task of ensuring (guaranteeing) the quality of education occupies one of the central places in educational reforms in all countries, acting simultaneously as the goal of their implementation and the most important criterion for the success of the measures taken. The evolution of ideas in the field of quality management can be designated as inspection and testing, control and evaluation, monitoring and quality management. In modern conditions, the complex and diverse concept of assessing the quality of education is undergoing a number of conceptual changes - from testing or assessing knowledge and skills, through monitoring the assimilation of knowledge to tracking student learning achievements and, finally, newer concepts, such as diagnostics, knowledge measurement, pedagogical measurements educational achievements, monitoring, qualimetric monitoring, examination, control and evaluation system, unified state exam, educational statistics, pedagogical analysis, assessment of the quality of preparedness, pedagogical interpretation of results.

In a broader sense, the study of personality traits deals with qualitology (from lat. qualitus- quality, property, dignity) - the science of the quality of objects and processes created and applied in human and social practice, in the field of quality assessment (quality theory, qualimetry and quality management theory). In qualitology, a separate direction is distinguished - pedagogical qualimetry (from lat. qualis- quality, metreo- I measure) as a science that develops theoretical and applied problems of measuring and evaluating pedagogical objects and characteristics, an area of ​​pedagogical research aimed at diagnosing the special and professional qualities of students and teachers, the results of their pedagogical and educational activities. As a practical area of ​​qualitology, qualimetry of education includes:

Assessment methodology in licensing, attestation and accreditation procedures;

Standardization of the quality of education;

Ensuring quality standards, including state educational standards as the regulatory framework for the educational process;

Qualimetry of educational systems, content of education, educational and educational processes, knowledge of trainees, human resources;

Development of the theory and practice of designing tests in education;

Development of new assessment models and assessment technologies;

Computerization of methods for collecting and analyzing the results of pedagogical measurements, monitoring and other areas.

The origins of qualitology as a science of measuring personality traits go back to the teachings of Aristotle and Hegel. The most successful definitions of the categories "quality" and "quantity" are given by Aristotle: "Quality is the specific difference of things related to the essence, that, thanks to which objects are recognized as qualitatively certain in one way or another"; “Quality and quantity are two certainties of the same phenomenon, which are in unity with each other, and the unity of quality and quantity is the measure.” According to Hegel's definition, "... a measure is a quantitative quality or a qualitative quantity, these are the quantitative boundaries of the existence of a given quality." Thus quantity is nothing but the quantity of some quality. The transformation of one phenomenon into a qualitatively different one is a leap that causes changes in nature, society and human consciousness (cognition), manifesting itself in each of the spheres of reality and life as a resolution of the contradiction between the old quality and the new quantity. However, in itself, the quantitative accumulation of new facts and information can last for an arbitrarily long time without causing qualitative changes in the object or system; For qualitative changes, a change in external conditions is necessary. A leap associated with qualitative changes in education can arise only on the basis of the development of new theories, methods, techniques and technologies of education, training and development, control and management.

At present, the theory of quality management and the theory of quality measurement are quite developed and used in practice procedures for setting goals and evaluating performance, identifying the quality of the conditions in which the development and formation of a person takes place. Qualitative changes in management practice are based on a modern control and evaluation process and educational monitoring based on its results. The objects of monitoring can be both the educational institutions themselves and the level of educational services they provide. The quality of educational programs, the management of the educational process and the preparedness of students is ultimately manifested through the quality of educational institutions. It is educational institutions that directly and most of all (both in terms of time and intensity of contacts) interact with the customers themselves and the recipients of educational services.

As part of a systematic approach, education quality management develops in the context of solving such issues as:

Ensuring the unity of curricula and requirements for the basic content of education throughout the country;

The transition from the subjective assessment of students' knowledge to pedagogical measurements by standardized meters of educational achievements;

Organization and conduct of an independent final certification of graduates in order to remove the double burden on graduates as one of the factors affecting the health of the younger generation, and to ensure high-quality selection of young people to study at universities by reliably differentiating them according to their levels of preparedness;

Improving the quality of education through its democratization, openness to society in terms of the quality of education and assessment, making more informed management decisions based on the comparability of the results of pedagogical measurements;

Individualization of learning and a student-centered approach to planning the educational trajectory of the student;

The transition to information technologies for training and control, the creation of a single educational and control-evaluation space for self-training, self-control and self-assessment.

Management of the development of knowledge and the quality of the educational process is achieved by a complex, coordinated impact on both the subjects of education and its main elements in order to achieve the greatest compliance of its parameters and results with the necessary requirements, norms, standards and expectations. Effective management based on objective indicators that uniquely determine the results of education requires independent control based on the theory, technique and technology of modern testing as a pedagogical measurement of the level of educational achievements of students.

The main components of a modern education quality management system should be:

Objectification of the results of control and evaluation procedures through the use of proven control and measuring materials, standardized procedures and quality assessment technologies that ensure the reliability and comparability of data on the educational achievements of students, teachers, educational institutions, territories and regions, the country as a whole;

Establishment of objective criteria for assessing the preparedness of students, scientifically and statistically based indicators of the quality of education and criteria for the effectiveness of educational systems;

Creation of multi-level systems for monitoring the quality of the educational process by analyzing quantitative educational information at various levels of generalization - from the results of an individual student to the achievements of the entire education system - qualimetric monitoring of the quality of Russian education;

Systematization of information, formalization and algorithmization of monitoring studies, evaluation of the achieved results in relation to the requirements of standards or norms;

Creation of conditions for openness and accessibility to a wide audience of users of information about the educational achievements of students and the quality of education in a format that provides a multi-level and multifaceted pedagogical analysis;

Providing educational institutions with effective assistance in the development of test control technologies, the availability of high-quality pedagogical measurement tools for use in educational practice;

Providing educational authorities with comprehensive and reliable information for making informed decisions on improving the educational process and providing the necessary conditions for its implementation.

The sequence of actions in ensuring these conditions involves:

The formation of educational standards - the definition of the requirements of standards, the operationalization of standards in indicators (measured values), the establishment of a set of indicators and criteria (norms as a measure of quality assessment), by which one can judge the degree of achievement of standards;

Development and improvement of standardized control and measuring materials, control and evaluation procedures, techniques and technologies for automated verification of test results, algorithmization of formats for their presentation to users;

Improving the methods of scaling and evaluating the results of pedagogical measurements;

Creation of banks of educational statistics for the accumulation of quantitative characteristics of the quality of educational achievements of students using information technologies and software and tools;

Using methods for interpreting results, modeling the state of the educational system, predicting the directions of its development;

Adoption of management decisions and measures aimed at obtaining positive changes in the educational activities of educational institutions in order to increase its effectiveness.

Objective, reliable, theoretically justified measurements and assessments of learning outcomes can provide teachers with information about the course of the pedagogical process, the educational achievements of each student, and identify, when compared with the standard, the influence of certain factors on the educational process and its results.

The formation of a quality standard in education begins with the development of an educational standard. The development of state educational standards is the most important condition for ensuring the quality of education and the objectification of the system for monitoring students' knowledge and skills. It is the standards that determine the whole complex of purposeful design of the activities of the subjects of the educational process and the psychological and pedagogical environment; requirements for the quality of the final product of educational activities, tools and methods of training and control. Since education is a system, process, result, value, therefore, standardization should apply to all these elements. Considering the quality of modern education, it is necessary to take into account that it itself has a design nature and should be the subject of the design work of all subjects of the educational process and all elements of education. It is important to standardize the goals and the procedural side, i.e. expected result at the design level. When designing the educational process, it is important not only to understand the variability of the requirements for the quality of education at different stages of development of the individual and society, but also the fact that the standards themselves change over time, their quality and requirements for them change, and this is important in quality assurance. end product of education. Poor quality standards can set the entire design process wrong.

The introduction of state educational standards, the creation of their conceptual, structural, content and normative foundations provide a culture of standardization of education and create conditions for the qualification of education. Therefore, standards should reflect the properties and trends of reality itself, set the fundamental parameters of educational systems, express the modern philosophy of education and upbringing, and meet the standards, criteria or expectations of consumers of educational services. At the same time, the educational programs and standards themselves must meet the requirements that are put forward at this stage by the economy, science, technology and culture.

At first glance, standardization contradicts the essence of creative pedagogical activity, as it is associated with a strict requirement for the implementation of established norms and an administrative style of management. At the same time, in recent years, the practice of using standards has been increasingly coming to the developed countries of the world, the creation of so-called didactic standards has begun. The essence of the problem of standardization of didactics is to determine the goal to be achieved. The standard can act as a result that must be compared with the goal. Such standardization is considered as “soft”, streamlining, acting as a means of organizing the pedagogical activity of all subjects of the educational process, it is considered as a procedure for setting goals and evaluating performance. The objects of standardization in such conditions are the content of education and its results, which is why the standard is a means of improving the quality of the subject activity of the teacher and the student, leading to the planned result.

The main functions of the standards are to provide a standard for the quality of education, to maintain the unity of the educational space in the country, to achieve the equivalence of documents, to objectify assessments of the readiness of students and the activities of educational institutions, to ensure the continuity of curricula of general education and professional institutions. It is the standards that determine the whole complex of purposeful design of the activities of the subjects of the educational process and the psychological and pedagogical environment, the requirements for the quality of the final product of educational activities, tools and methods of training and control. The educational standard ensures the ordering of various forms, types and types of education, is a method of regulation and a measure (norm) of the quality of education. Standardization of the content of general education is also considered as a means of streamlining educational practice, its stabilization, reorganization into an integral system, which simultaneously provides the opportunity to ensure the basicity and variability of education as the most important condition for maintaining a single educational space on the territory of Russia. In addition, this is a way of designing the whole complex of educational goals, methods for achieving them and means of monitoring the level achieved. Reflecting the requirements for the optimal minimum of knowledge and skills, it is used as a certain standard for comparing the results of education in various educational institutions, for various teachers and students, as well as for obtaining reliable information about the real state of modern educational practice.

In order to switch to new technologies for managing the quality of education, it is necessary to ensure the openness of the entire education system to various influences: from society, the state and the economy, while maintaining its internal integrity and high academic standards. This requires reliable, reliable and complete quantitative and qualitative information about the state of education provided and received. In connection with quality management, there are problems of organizing independent control, creating accurate quality meters, systematic organization and use of reliable assessment methods, and developing mechanisms for using objective educational information.

It is essential that the creation and development of quality management systems in educational institutions be carried out in close connection with the improvement of teaching and the study of issues of quality management of products and services, contributing to the achievement of a synergistic effect in this, in fact, a single work.

1.4. Indicators and criteria for the quality of education

Determining the level of preparedness of students has always belonged to the category of mandatory results of the educational process, and until recently, the indicator of preparedness was the mark given to the student at the final assessment by a teacher or a group of teachers. Ideally, the level of assimilation of the elements of the content of the academic discipline should be determined in accordance with the requirements of educational standards for the knowledge, skills and abilities of students. In practice, as is known, these requirements differ significantly not only in different educational institutions, but also among teachers of the same school. And this is natural, since the subjective factor in traditional assessment methods has a significant impact. Very important in the analysis of learning outcomes is the choice of a set of indicators of the quality of students' preparedness and the quality of the educational process, which provide an objective and holistic view of the state of the education system and its components. Attempts by scientists and practitioners to find answers to the questions about what indicators and criteria should be guided by when evaluating it, allow us to conclude that different approaches to the interpretation of these concepts are ambiguous. We have to admit that the indicators and criteria for the quality of education have not yet been fully developed, most often they are linked to the criterion of the effectiveness of the functioning of the educational system.

The main principles for selecting indicators for assessing the quality of education include the following:

Orientation to the requirements of external users;

Taking into account the needs of the education system;

Minimization of the system of indicators, taking into account the needs of different levels of management of the education system;

Instrumentality and manufacturability of the indicators used (taking into account the existing possibilities for data collection, measurement methods, analysis and interpretation of data, consumer preparedness for their perception);

The optimality of the use of primary data sources to determine indicators of the quality and effectiveness of education (taking into account the possibility of their multiple use and economic feasibility);

Hierarchy of the system of indicators;

Comparability of the system of indicators with international analogues;

Compliance with moral and ethical standards in the selection of indicators.

An important indicator is efficiency in the entire educational process; it is an integrated measure of quality in education, including the quality of its control. To assess the effectiveness of the system, all indicators can be divided into three groups that are closely interconnected.

The first group includes indicators reflecting information on the financing of education, its personnel, information, material and technical (educational premises, laboratories, equipment, consumables), methodological (educational literature, visual aids, models, simulators, etc.) and other provision. This also includes the structure and content of educational programs, forms of organization of the educational process, methods for implementing the goals of training and education, stability and adaptation in interaction with the external environment, pedagogical technologies, training and retraining of teaching staff. These indicators differ most of all in educational systems of the same level and change quite quickly over time and require standardization.

The indicators of the second group reflect the availability and differentiation of education, the organization of the educational process (purpose, principles, methods, planning), humanistic and cultural-cognitive orientation, standardization and variability of programs, the use of traditional and information technologies for teaching and control, compliance of the structure and content with relevant trends in the theory and practice of education, the activities of an educational institution in the main (class) and non-main (out of class) time, the introduction of innovative teaching methods, the use of modern tools and methods for monitoring the process and learning outcomes, the ability to modify the forms and methods of control.

The third group consists of indicators that characterize the results of control and evaluation activities and expected positive changes in the process of managing the quality of education. This group includes indicators that determine the qualitative composition of students, the conditions and atmosphere of teaching, the quality of the knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies acquired, the results of educational achievements, information about the future social fate of students. This includes an increase in the dynamics of growth in the quality of students' knowledge, personal achievements of students and teachers, the rationality of the organizational structure of the educational process and the flexibility of using the control and evaluation system, the balance of the proportions of control and self-control, the adaptability of the educational system in relation to the needs of users and the quality of training of students.

Judgments, conclusions, arguments and assessments made as a result of the analysis and evaluation of the state of the object should contribute to its improvement. At the same time, no matter what level of collection and analysis of information about the activities of an educational institution is considered, in practice, data on the results of educational achievements or the preparedness of students are always in the spotlight. To consider the preparedness of students, indicators of the quality of education can be divided into two main groups: the quality of conditions for the implementation of the educational process, provided by the educational authorities (standards, curricula, personnel, material and technical and information technology support, etc.) and the level of educational achievements as a result of mastering a certain amount of knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies by students. When evaluating the quality of education, despite the fact that it is a diverse and complex indicator, ultimately, the most important is the assessment of students' achievements as a result of the educational process carried out. Other information about the amount of investment in education, staffing, methodological systems of education, the socio-economic status of families and much more are conditions that affect learning outcomes and the degree of assimilation of knowledge and allow for a comprehensive assessment of the quality of education.

For an objective assessment of the quality of the educational system, internal criteria and assessments should be supplemented by external ones, since the results of the work of some educational institutions significantly affect the results of others, especially in conditions of continuity (for example, school - university). With traditional assessment methods, there is no objective, unified and standardized assessment base for various parts of the education system, in most cases the assessment process is spontaneous. Only recently, an attempt has been made to set the levels of assessment of educational achievements through the development and implementation of state educational standards and educational programs, as well as various technologies. For this, various pedagogical assessment tools, licensing and certification of educational institutions are used, and broader and more stringent requirements for competence and responsibility have been added to the qualifications of specialists.

Recently, standardized testing scores have been used as external ones. The indicators of the results of control and evaluation activities and the readiness of students in the testing system include:

The primary test score of the subject (number or percentage of completed test tasks);

Certification or test score obtained as a result of scaling and taking into account the statistical level of difficulty of test items;

Average test score of the study sample;

Average test score of the general sample of subjects;

Percentage of correctly completed test tasks for different categories and groups of subjects;

The indicators of this group can be divided into untransformed, primary survey results and secondary, processed in a certain way.

The set of necessary indicators is able to provide a holistic, qualitative and quantitative view of the state of the research object and the dynamics of its changes.

To understand the quality of education, additional indicators are introduced:

Educational achievements in individual subjects;

Dynamics of educational achievements;

Attitude towards academic subjects;

Key (non-subject) competencies (cognitive, social, informational, etc.);

Satisfaction with education;

The degree of participation in the educational process (active work in the classroom, participation in extracurricular work, absenteeism, etc.);

Further education and graduate career; allocation in the taxonomy of educational achievements in individual subjects of levels of literacy and competence.

At the same time, the methods and methods of pedagogical analysis of the results of the exam and their interpretation play an important role; regularity and frequency of providing control results for monitoring studies.

Criteria for assessing the state of the object of study depend on the objectives and goals of monitoring. In summary, these include:

Compliance of the test score with a standard, statistical norm or a given level;

Achieving the requirements of educational standards as the degree of coincidence of actual and planned results;

Compliance of the achieved level of preparedness with the needs and expectations of consumers of educational services (students, parents, universities, colleges, etc.).

It is in the pedagogical assessment that the level of educational achievements of the student, the level of professionalism of the teacher, the reliability of assessment methods and technologies are reflected. At the same time, the degree of coincidence or discrepancy between assessments and self-assessments determines many aspects of the educational process. Consequently, the assessment of the quality of educational achievements of schoolchildren allows us to indirectly draw conclusions about the quality of the educational services provided. Based on the analysis of the results of control and evaluation activities, as a rule, conclusions are drawn about the quality of the educational process. However, the quality of the result, for a number of reasons, does not always correspond to the quality of the process, although the latter, of course, largely determines it, since to a large extent the preparedness of students is due to the quality of the educational system, which distinguishes:

The quality of the educational process;

The quality of the staff;

The quality of preparedness of students;

The quality of scientific and innovative activities in training;

Indicators characterizing investments in education;

The quality of management of the educational system.

The criteria for the quality of education correlate with the criteria for the effectiveness of the functioning of the educational system:

The value and priorities of education in modern conditions;

Modernization of the content of education based on humanization, fundamentalization, informatization, variability, personality-oriented and competence-based approaches;

The introduction of an independent system of certification of graduates in the form and materials of the unified state exam;

Creation of technologies for monitoring and evaluating the state and results of the educational process, etc.

However, today it is impossible to establish a single set of criteria and standards for assessing the quality of educational achievements and educational systems. Each party interested in the results of the educational process has its own norms and quality criteria. Often, if ideas about the criteria differ, quality assessments are questioned, up to a complete denial of the legitimacy of the assessment process itself. An example of such a situation is the unified state exam. In the discussion on the Unified State Examination, a controversy unfolded on both sides. On the one hand, it emphasizes the importance of using the results of a unified exam in the certification of school graduates and the selection of applicants, the adequacy of the USE results to the assessment tasks. On the other hand, there is a reserved and skeptical attitude towards the possibility of interpreting the results of the USE as assessments of entrance examinations to universities; many do not accept the procedure, measuring materials, technologies, and even the very idea of ​​such an exam. Sometimes this is due to doubts about whether there is a direct relationship between the results of the exam and the quality of graduates' preparation according to the criteria that allow both assessing the level of preparedness of graduates and predicting the success of their further education in universities.

These and other factors, to some extent manifested in the practice of domestic and foreign education, determine the need to improve the theory and technology of test control, the need to increase the efficiency of using control results by promptly responding to the individual characteristics of students' preparedness, the use of statistical results of the unified state exam and other forms of testing for monitoring the quality of the educational process and educational systems, the introduction of information methods of expertise and diagnostics at all hierarchical levels of education quality management.

1.5. Academic achievement as a measurable indicator of quality in education

In order for the control system to effectively influence the educational process, it is necessary to identify the role of control in learning and personality development. Therefore, understanding what we measure and evaluate, how we analyze and interpret the results of pedagogical measurements, is one of the important aspects of improving the educational system, managing its quality and developing the control and evaluation process.

Among a large number of indicators of the quality of the educational system, the main one is still the preparedness of students, and educational achievements in a particular subject area are recognized as a comprehensive indicator of their preparedness in the theory of pedagogical measurements. However, the terms "preparedness", "learning achievements", "level of learning achievements" and "quality of learning achievements" that have appeared in connection with the development of testing are sometimes used as synonyms, which misleads many users of statistical educational information. The lack of a unified approach greatly complicates the understanding of what we measure, and also makes the interpretation of personality characteristics and the results of educational work ambiguous.

The structure of educational achievements is quite complex. Learning achievements include, first of all, the knowledge, skills, abilities and general educational competencies of the examinees. To some extent, according to the quantitative assessments of educational achievements (test scores), one can indirectly judge the degree of personal development of students (completeness and depth of knowledge, specificity and generalization of answers, flexibility of thinking, systematic and systematic educational work, the formation of general educational competencies, experience in practical and creative activity, adequacy and awareness of training, perseverance, composure, purposefulness, perseverance, goal setting, motivation, value-semantic attitude to learning and control).

The complex of necessary indicators provides a holistic, qualitative and quantitative view of the state of the research object and the dynamics of its changes. With all the variety of indicators of the quality of modern education, the most significant are still the quality of acquired knowledge, the development of certain skills and the acquisition of the required skills at each stage of education, i.e. cognitive-practical component of education. That is why the quality assessment of the assessment of personality traits is primarily based on the cognitive component - the level of educational achievements as an object of pedagogical measurements. Preparedness is an integral characteristic of the state of the student (latent parameter) at the time of control. A quantitative measure of preparedness in terms of the cognitive component of education is the level of educational achievements (a measured parameter) in a given subject area, obtained through pedagogical measurements, scaling (one or another transformation of the number of correctly completed test tasks) and setting a certain number of points.

The level of educational achievements in the totality of academic disciplines determines the degree of development of the student as an integrated indicator, which reflects the concentration of achievements of all stages and components of the educational process, in a complex form summarizes the quality of educational activities of all its subjects and the quality of the educational system itself. And since an objective pedagogical assessment reflects not only the level of educational achievements and the degree of development of the student, but also the level of professionalism of the teacher, the reliability of teaching methods and technologies, integral indicators of independent control allow drawing conclusions about the quality of the educational process and educational systems, predicting them. further development, creation of new means and methods of education quality management.

However, as with any measurement process, in pedagogical measurement there is always some difference between the true readiness of the student and the level of his educational achievements. This is due to the fact that various external and internal factors can influence the subjects of control and its results to one degree or another (Fig. 1).

Rice. one. Factors affecting the level of educational achievements

These include the educational policy in the country (standards, programs, textbooks, etc.); conditions of the educational process (professional competence, pedagogical culture and psychological attitudes of teachers); experience of educational activity and general subject readiness of the student at the time of control; the degree of formation of general educational competencies; skills of self-education, self-control, self-identification and the ability to mobilize to achieve the highest possible result.

It is impossible not to take into account such factors as the socio-pedagogical conditions for the development of the personality and the influence of the family, the level of physical and mental health, the psychological state of the student at the time of control, the state of anxiety; personal and pedagogical attitudes to achieve results in testing, value-motivational attitude to learning and acquiring a profession; the desire to be competitive in the labor market, etc. Important are the quality of test materials, the accuracy and reliability of pedagogical meters, the technologies used, the organization and conditions of the control and evaluation process; scaling and evaluation methods; properties of the general sample of subjects, etc.

Some of the above factors have the same effect on the result of all test participants (educational policy in the country, standards, content and quality of the control measuring material (CMM), etc.), and some of them are random in nature and have a different effect on the individual result of the test subjects . The influence of random factors affects the result of small samples. However, with randomization and a statistically sufficient number of subjects, the influence of random factors on the overall result of the sample (general sample) is excluded.

It should be noted that the need for achievements is one of the most significant in the structure of value orientations of students, which is primarily associated with the peculiarities of the socio-psychological development of the individual and the ability to realize oneself in various fields of activity.

Questions and tasks

1. What is causing the increased attention to the quality of education in the world?

2. What reasons led to the need to modernize domestic education?

3. What is competence, how does competence differ from competence?

4. What competencies are called key?

5. What does the concept of "quality of education" include?

6. What indicators characterize the quality of education?

7. What criteria are used to determine the readiness of students?

8. What is commonly understood as educational achievements?

Despite the widespread use of this term, it is rather difficult to introduce an unambiguous definition of the category of education quality. The positions of theorists and practitioners on the issue of the quality of education allow us to conclude that it is impossible to introduce one universal definition for it, and there can be no final, frozen formulation of the quality of education at all. With the change in the level of development of society and social conditions, more and more new requirements are imposed on the quality of education, especially on the creative and predictive abilities of a person in conjunction with the ethical component. Given the constant variability of the social environment, the very concept of "quality of education" will be continuously transformed in the future.

In the dictionary of concepts and terms under the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, the concept of "quality of education" is interpreted as a certain level of knowledge and skills, mental, physical and moral development, which is achieved by graduates of an educational institution in accordance with the planned goals of training and education.

According to the decision of the Interstate Council of the EurAsEC dated May 21, 2010 No. 483 “On the Cooperation Agreement of the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Community in the field of attestation and / or accreditation of educational organizations / institutions (educational programs)” (together with the “Agreement on Cooperation of the Member States of the Eurasian Economic communities in the field of certification and / or accreditation of educational organizations / institutions (educational programs) ”(Concluded in St. Petersburg on May 21, 2010)) the quality of education is defined as the correspondence of education (received and being received) to the needs and interests of the individual, society, state; ..." (Official terminology. 2012.)

The concept of "quality of education" is defined in different ways. Consider some definitions from various sources.

QUALITY OF EDUCATION is the correspondence of education (as a result, as a process, as a social system) to the diverse needs, interests of the individual, society, state; - this is a systemic set of hierarchically organized, socially significant essential properties (characteristics, parameters) of education (as a result, as a process, as a social system).

(Glossary of agreed terms and definitions in the field of education of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States. - M., 2004. P. 44)

QUALITY OF EDUCATION - a set of consumer properties of an educational service that provides the ability to meet a set of needs for the comprehensive development of the student's personality. The main factors determining the quality of education:

  • 1. faculty;
  • 2. educational and methodological support;
  • 3. material and technical base;
  • 4. intellectual potential of the educational institution;
  • 5. students (students) and graduates.
  • (Shmyreva N.A., Gubanova M.I., Kretsan Z.V. Pedagogical systems: scientific foundations, management, development prospects. - Kemerovo, 2002. S. 100)

THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION - a certain level of knowledge and skills, mental, moral and physical development, which students achieve at a certain stage in accordance with the planned goals; the degree of satisfaction of the expectations of various participants in the educational process from the educational services provided by the educational institution. The quality of education is primarily measured by its compliance with the educational standard. The quality of education depends on the level of prestige of education in the public mind and the system of state priorities, funding and material and technical equipment of educational institutions, modern technology for managing them. (Pedagogical dictionary. - M .: Academy. G.M. Kodzhaspirova, A.Yu. Kodzhaspirov. 2005.)

QUALITY OF EDUCATION - a category that determines the state and effectiveness of the education process in society, its compliance with the needs and expectations in the development and formation of civil, everyday and professional competencies of an individual. (Glossary of terms on general and social pedagogy. - Ekaterinburg: GOU VPO USTU-UPI. A.S. Voronin. 2006.)

QUALITY OF EDUCATION is the level of development of education as a state-public system (including any educational institution) and its place in the international ranking of educational systems. It is determined by the totality and correlation between the qualities of the system itself and the properties of the "pedagogical product", i.e. her graduates. The quality of the system is its financial, economic, legal, logistical, organizational, pedagogical, methodological, informational, psychological and pedagogical support. The properties of the "pedagogical product" are those useful personal properties acquired and developed by people in the education system that contribute to the spiritual and material well-being of a person in society. A “good” education makes a person competitive in the labor market, helps to harmoniously build their relations with society, promotes a healthy lifestyle, and provides the spiritual and cultural foundations of private life. The quality of education today is determined by a number of indicators such as: the purpose of the educational system and its satisfaction of the educational needs of people; reliability (stability of results), ergonomics (preservation of hygienic and anthropometric standards); aesthetics, manufacturability, regulatory certainty, etc. The quality of education is determined through attestation of students and teachers, licensing and accreditation. (Fundamentals of spiritual culture (encyclopedic dictionary of a teacher). - Ekaterinburg. V.S. Bezrukov. 2000.)

There are several main approaches to the consideration of the concept of "quality of education", which take place in the domestic literature. So, M.M. Potashnik considers it as a compliance with the requirements of educational standards. In this context, the quality of education acts as "the ratio of goals and results, measures to achieve goals set operationally and predicted in the area of ​​potential development of students." The quality of education is considered by V.A. Kachalov and V.D. Shadrikov. How the compliance of educational services with the expectations of society is determined by the quality of education by M.V. Ryzhakov. This reflects the fact that from the point of view of consumers, the social aspect is increasingly highlighted in the concept of forming the competence and competencies of future specialists. Of no small importance recently is the separation of the concepts of the quality of the education received and the quality of the education provided, as well as the substantiation of a holistic view of the quality of education in all its diversity.

Another approach allows us to consider the quality of education not only as a result, but also as a process that has a complex dynamics of development, due to both changes in the activities of educational institutions and the individual himself, and the transformation of the social, economic, technological and political environment surrounding them. Then the quality of education is not limited to its own goals and values ​​of educational institutions, it should more fully meet the needs of society: social, economic, cultural, increase their contribution to the development of society, to its human potential. Constantly and every time at a new socio-economic level of society, the problem of the development of educational systems as a whole is actualized, and its central trends are the focus on the individual and the creation of optimal conditions for his training, development and education, standardization of the content of education, design of educational systems, management of them. and assessment of their quality level.

As you can see, the quality of education is a complex indicator:

  • -correlation of the purpose and result of training;
  • - ensuring the degree of satisfaction of the expectations of the participants in the educational process from the educational services provided;
  • - a certain level of knowledge, skills, competencies and competencies, mental, physical and moral development of the individual;

At the same time, it is a system, model, organization and procedures that guarantee students the necessary social development. From the standpoint of modern didactics, the following characteristics of modern quality education stand out:

  • -conceptual level of content in accordance with the level of scientific and technological progress;
  • - its interdisciplinary, competence and activity character;
  • - orientation, compatible with the interests, desires, capabilities and individual characteristics of students;
  • -variable, alternative and problematic nature of education with the widespread use of information technology;
  • -creation of various cultural environments for multicultural education for the purpose of spiritual enrichment and formation of readiness to live in a multiethnic environment;
  • -independent nature of the evaluation of the results of educational work and the degree of personality development;
  • - providing conditions for self-assessment, self-assessment and self-management in training and development.

The result of quality education is such abilities (properties) of the individual as: self-organization, including moral; self-transformation activity; self-identification. Ultimately, a well-educated person must be competitive, successful and in demand in the labor market. It should be able to easily and freely adapt to rapidly changing socio-economic conditions, effectively using the education received. According to J. Delors, a person must master the "three pillars of education": learn how to acquire knowledge, learn how to work, learn how to live.

This is a very important question, because each of us at one time had to undergo training, and someone still gnaws at the granite of science. Others will only follow this path. Therefore, within the framework of the article, it will be considered what constitutes the quality of education. This, in turn, will allow us to rely on different tools in

general information

Quality is understood as a set of certain properties of products, goods, materials, services, labor, works, thanks to which they can satisfy the needs and needs of people. At the same time, they correspond to their purpose and put forward requirements. The quality of education is what determines the state and effectiveness of the educational process in society, its compliance with the existing needs and expectations of society. The greatest interest in this case is represented by civil, everyday and personalities.

In recent years, reforms have been constantly carried out in the Russian Federation. How to define a new quality of education? This requires the use of a set of indicators that can be used to characterize various aspects of learning. Among them, one can single out the content, forms, methods, personnel, material and technical base.

Specificity of interpretation

When people talk, for example, about the quality of social education, this is often accompanied by a misunderstanding of the essence. Why is this happening? This is due to the fact that this concept has both an absolute and a relative meaning. The former implies its importance in status and superiority. This concept is used to develop and strengthen the image of an educational institution and at the same time attempt to achieve the highest standards.

In the second case, it is not necessarily correlated with learning. Quality is judged from the following position: whether the provided service (goods) meets the established specifications and standards. Then we can say that it is a means by which it is determined how educational services comply with established state standards.

Features of quality as a relative concept

The fact is that in this plane it meets both state standards and consumer needs. The first aspect is projected from the position of the manufacturer, the second - the user. Often they don't match. Therefore, an educational institution has to consider existing tasks and problems from two positions.

One can cite the point of view of M. M. Potashnik, who defines the quality of education as the ratio of the result and purpose of the activity, provided that the latter are set correctly and predicted based on the immediate development of the individual. Then the received is evaluated together with the maximum possibilities that the individual possesses. When goals are correlated with costs, then quality is the possible cost of completing the task.

About efficiency

The quality of education is an indicator that correlates with other data. For example, quality of life. The more significant amounts are spent by the state and society on general and vocational education, the more rapidly the well-being of the individual will grow. After all, as already established, the most valuable is human capital. It is formed throughout the life of the individual. But the most productive and progressive in this regard are the first two decades.

Many experts express the opinion that the most weighty is the quality of preschool education. This lays the foundation for subsequent successful learning and development in life. The only question is how effective it is. If you miss the moment in kindergarten, then already at school a person will show a mediocre result. And the chance that his business will go uphill is very illusory. Speaking, using mathematical terms, then the area of ​​achievements is first indicated, hitting which is considered optimal. Then a framework of permissible or minimum necessary costs is drawn.

How to achieve?

We are interested in the good quality of higher education. This will allow the country to develop confidently. But how can this be achieved? Effective management always requires a certain amount of effort, resources, money and time. The content of education, as well as its general focus, can be found in thematic programs and standards. First you need to deal with the transfer of information. Conventionally, it occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. The bearer of knowledge conveys information.
  2. The recipient "absorbs" knowledge.
  3. Transmission techniques are evaluated.
  4. It is considered how knowledge is fundamental.
  5. The demand for the information received is assessed.
  6. New knowledge is obtained.

What determines the quality of education?

First of all, it depends on the carrier of knowledge. The teaching staff also act as such in the educational system. They transfer existing knowledge to students through a large number of different methods. Depending on the fundamental nature of the information received, people can subsequently:

  • To withstand the competition for admission to various educational institutions for further study.
  • Pass a job search screening.
  • Successfully master the academic disciplines that are based on the previous stages of the educational process.

Scientific and technological progress has led to the emergence of new means and objects of labor. Never before seen information and production technologies are being developed. In the modern world, it is necessary to receive in order to subsequently apply knowledge in their professional activities. Now this is a tough condition for those who want to be in the forefront.

What is the basis for achieving quality education?

First, let's look at the answer to this question from a management standpoint. The focus here is on the following principles:

  1. Understand and comply with the requirements for the quality of education. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the achievements of scientific and technological progress and international competition with developments.
  2. It should be consumer-oriented. At the same time, one should not forget that there is fierce competition in the labor market, which requires dynamism and mobility.
  3. It is necessary to constantly improve the educational process on the basis of control data.

To do this, it is necessary to ensure that three interrelated aspects interact in the normal mode:

  • Resources have been received.
  • They were used to achieve the stated goals.
  • The result of the activity was transferred to the external environment.


The quality of education largely determines how successful not only an individual, but the entire state will be. Therefore, this aspect should be given special attention. After all, the presence of knowledge and the ability to apply it in practice greatly helps each person. You can become a good specialist in your field with a decent salary, or you can establish your own enterprise to create certain goods or provide services. And it all comes down to knowledge and the ability to apply it in practice.