In a healthy body healthy mind! What is cancer and why does it occur.

  1. Longstanding emotional problems. Lack of joy. Callousness. Belief in the need for tension, stress.
  2. The heart symbolizes love, and the blood symbolizes joy. When we do not have love and joy in our lives, the heart literally shrinks and becomes cold. As a result, the blood begins to flow more slowly and we gradually go to anemia, vascular sclerosis, heart attacks (heart attack). We sometimes get so entangled in the life dramas that we create for ourselves that we do not notice the joy that surrounds us at all.
  3. The mind's need for rest. Expelling all joy from the heart for the sake of money or a career or something else.
  4. The fear of being accused of not loving me causes all heart diseases. The desire at all costs to seem loving, capable and positive.
  5. Feelings of loneliness and fear. “I have flaws. I don't do much. I will never achieve it."
  6. Man has forgotten his own needs in the pursuit of earning the love of others. The belief that love can be earned.
  7. As a result of a lack of love and security, as well as from emotional isolation. The heart responds to emotional shocks by changing the rhythm. Heart disorders occur due to inattention to one's own feelings. A person who considers himself unworthy of love, who does not believe in the possibility of love, or who forbids himself to show his love for other people, will certainly face manifestations of cardiovascular diseases. Getting in touch with your true feelings, with the voice of your own heart, greatly alleviates the burden of heart disease, eventually leading to partial or complete recovery.
  8. Ambitious, goal-oriented workaholics were categorized as Personality Type A. They are more likely to experience stress and are at increased risk for high blood pressure and heart disease.
  9. Inappropriately high level of claims.
  10. The tendency to excessive intellectualization, combined with isolation and emotional impoverishment.
  11. Suppressed feelings of anger.
  12. People with a sick heart have a lack of love for themselves and for people. They are prevented from loving long-standing resentment and jealousy, pity and regret, fear and anger. They feel lonely or fear being alone.
  13. Remember? "Love your neighbor as yourself!" Why do people forget the second part of this commandment? Help people with love and joy. Combine love for people and love for yourself. It is important to understand that you can only share with another person what I myself have. If I have a lot of good and bright feelings, then I can share this with my loved ones. Being open to the world, loving the world and people, and at the same time remembering and taking care of yourself, your interests and intentions is a great art. People with heart problems believe in the need for tension and stress. They are dominated by a negative assessment of the surrounding world or any events and phenomena in it. Almost any situation they consider as stressful.

The idea that every disease has its own psychological and emotional causes arose a very long time ago. The best healers have been talking about this for thousands of years. For many centuries, healers have tried to determine the relationship between the psychological state of the human body and its physical illness.

Louise Hay's unique table of diseases is a real clue that helps to identify the cause on a psychological level and find a short way to eliminate the disease.

When thinking about the health of the body, people often overlook the need to ensure the health of the soul. They forget to ask themselves questions about how pure their thoughts, emotions are, do they live in harmony with themselves? The saying in a healthy body, a healthy mind is not entirely true, because comfort on a psychological level is even more important. These two components that determine the health of the body cannot be considered separately, and only a measured, calm, comfortable life will become the key to physical health.

There are frequent situations when a person with any pathologies needs not so much therapeutic help as psychological. This fact is confirmed by leading medical practitioners. A close correlation in the human body of its physical and psychological health has been proven and officially recognized. The direction of medical psychology considers these aspects within the framework of psychosomatics. The table of psychosomatic diseases was created by a leading specialist and a unique woman, Louise Hay, will help any person to determine the cause of the development of the disease and help themselves.

The table of diseases and their psychosomatic causes by Louise Hay was developed and created by her with a single goal - to help people. This woman can be called a pioneer in the study of the emotional and psychological causes of many pathologies that impair human health.

She had every right to look for such reasons. Her life has been very difficult since early childhood. As a child, she experienced and endured constant abuse. Youth, too, can not be called a simple period in her life. After the forced termination of pregnancy, the doctors informed her of infertility. In the end, Louise Hay left her husband after long years of marriage. In the end, the woman finds out that she has uterine cancer, this news did not strike her, and did not destroy her. During this time, she considered metaphysics, meditated, composed, and then experienced positive affirmations that carry a positive charge.

As a lecturer and consultant, she communicated with many parishioners of the Church of the Science of Mind, and already knew how constant self-doubt and self-doubt, resentment and negative thoughts with a negative charge systematically spoiled her life and affected her physical condition.

Studying information sources, she realized that her illness, uterine cancer, did not arise by chance, there is a reasonable explanation for this:

  1. Oncological disease always devours a person and reflects the inability to let go of an unpleasant situation.
  2. Diseases of the uterus reflect feelings of unrealized oneself as a woman, mother, shore of the family hearth. Often arise against the background of the inability to withstand humiliation from a sexual partner.

Similar descriptions are given in Louise Hay's table of diseases and their underlying causes. Having identified the causes of her own pathology, she found an effective tool for healing - Louise's affirmations. True affirmations helped a woman overcome a serious illness in just 3 months, doctors confirmed this with a medical report. Laboratory studies have shown that the growth of tumor cells is stopped.

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This point proves that the psychological causes of disease do exist, and the aspects of emotional and physical health are connected by a dense thread. After that, the psychologist Louise Hay had a goal, she began to share her experience and knowledge with like-minded people who need help and support. Louise Hay reveals the causes of the disease very accurately, and her unique tables of diseases confirm this.

A world famous woman who miraculously found healing travels the world with various lectures. He acquaints his readers and like-minded people with his developments, maintains his personal column in a well-known magazine, and broadcasts on television. A complete table of illnesses by Louise Hay will help a person find an affirmation and get help. Her technique helped many people, they understood themselves, got answers to their questions and healed themselves.

Is it possible to heal?

Her works are constructed in a rather peculiar way, the book begins with a voluminous heading in which Louise considers psychosomatic diseases and their causal factors. She herself understands and tries to explain to her reader that many of the existing reasons that doctors appeal to are outdated.

To comprehend the psychosomatics of Louise Hay is quite difficult for an ordinary person. She tries to explain that people themselves form stereotypes in the following way:

  • recalling childhood psychological trauma;
  • neglecting oneself;
  • living in dislike with oneself;
  • being rejected by society;
  • harboring fear and resentment in my heart.

Louise Hay: "Psychosomatics, the main cause of diseases, and only by revising this aspect can you improve your emotional, psychological and ultimately physical condition."

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Treatment and gaining health depends on the desire of the person. The individual must want to help himself first. Louise Hay in the table described the possible causes of the disease and instilled tips, answered questions about how to treat the disease. In order to get rid of the disease, you need to destroy its emotional source. Until the patient finds the right causes of his problems, the disease will not disappear.

Affirmations, according to Hay, are a trigger for change to begin. From that moment on, the person himself takes responsibility for what happens to him.

  1. An affirmation can be taken from the list provided in the Louise Hay table or created personally.
  2. It is important that there is no “not” particle in the text of the scripture. This is an important point, the human subconscious can wrap such an affirmation and give out the opposite effect.
  3. Say the text aloud every day as often as possible.
  4. Hang the affirmation around the house.

You need to work with affirmations as often as possible, this will speed up the process of positive psychological changes.

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We work with the table according to the rules!

The table lists the names of diseases in alphabetical order. You need to work with it as follows:

  1. Find the name of the pathology.
  2. To determine the emotional reason, it must not be easy to read, but to fully understand. Without awareness of the effect of treatment will not be
  3. The third column contains a positive affirmation that you need to pronounce until you feel better.
  4. After a short period of time, the first result will be achieved.
Abscess (abscess) Disturbing thoughts of hurt, neglect, and revenge. I give freedom to my thoughts. The past is over. I have peace of mind.
Adenoids Friction in the family, disputes. A child who feels unwanted. This child is needed, he is desired and adored.
Alcoholism "Who needs it?" Feelings of futility, guilt, inadequacy. Rejection of self. I live in today. Every moment brings something new. I want to understand what my value is. I love myself and approve of my actions.
Allergy (See also: "Hay Fever") Who can't you stand? Denial of one's own power. The world is not dangerous, he is a friend. I'm not in any danger. I have no disagreement with life.
Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation for 6 months or more) (See also: "Women's Disorders" and "Menstruation") Reluctance to be a woman. Self-hatred. I am glad that I am who I am. I am the perfect expression of life and menstruation always runs smoothly.
Amnesia (memory loss) Fear. Escapism. Inability to take care of oneself. I always have intelligence, courage and a high appreciation of my own personality. Living is safe.
Angina (See also: Throat, Tonsillitis) You refrain from harsh words. Feeling unable to express yourself. I drop all limitations and gain the freedom to be myself.
Anemia (anemia) Relationships like "Yes, but ..." Deficit of joy. Fear of life. Poor health. I am not harmed by the feeling of joy in all areas of my life. I love life.
sickle cell anemia Belief in one's own inferiority deprives one of the joys of life. The child inside you lives, breathing the joy of life, and feeds on love. The Lord works miracles every day.
Anorectal bleeding (presence of blood in stools) Anger and disappointment. I trust the process of life. Only the right and the beautiful happen in my life.
Anus (anus) (See also: "Hemorrhoids") Inability to get rid of accumulated problems, resentments and emotions. It is easy and pleasant for me to get rid of everything that is no longer needed in life.
Anus: abscess (abscess) Anger at something you want to get rid of. The release is completely safe. My body leaves only what I no longer need in life.
Anus: fistula Incomplete waste disposal. Unwillingness to part with the garbage of the past. I am happy to let go of the past. I enjoy freedom.
Anus: itching Feeling guilty about the past. I gladly forgive myself. I enjoy freedom.
anus: pain Guilt. Desire for punishment. The past is over. I choose love and approve of myself and everything I do now.
Apathy Feeling resistance. Suppression of emotions. Fear. Feel safe. I'm walking towards life. I strive to go through the trials of life.
Appendicitis Fear. Fear of life. Blocking everything good. I'm safe. I relax and let the flow of life happily flow on.
Appetite (loss) (See also: "Lack of Appetite") Fear. Self-defense. distrust of life. I love and approve of myself. Nothing threatens me. Life is joyful and safe.
Appetite (excessive) Fear. The need for protection. Condemnation of emotions. I'm safe. There is no threat to my feelings.
arteries The joy of life flows through the arteries. Problems with arteries - inability to enjoy life. I am filled with joy. It spreads in me with every beat of my heart.
Arthritis of fingers Desire for punishment. Self condemnation. It feels like you're a victim. I look at everything with love and understanding. I view all the events of my life through the prism of love.
Arthritis (See also: "Joints") The feeling that you are not loved. Criticism, resentment. I am the love. Now I will love myself and approve of my actions. I look at other people with love.
Asthma Inability to breathe for one's own good. Feeling overwhelmed. Suppression of sobs. Now you can safely take your life into your own hands. I choose freedom.
Asthma in infants and older children Fear of life. Reluctance to be here. This child is completely safe and loved.
Atherosclerosis Resistance. Tension. Unwavering stupidity. Refusal to see the good. I am completely open to life and joy. Now I look at everything with love.
Hips (top) Stable body support. The main mechanism for moving forward. Long live the hips! Every day is filled with joy. I stand firmly on my feet and use. freedom.
Hips: diseases Fear of moving forward in the implementation of major decisions. Lack of purpose. My stability is absolute. I easily and joyfully go forward in life at any age.
Beli (See also: "Women's diseases", "Vaginitis") The belief that women are powerless to influence the opposite sex. Anger at a partner. I create the situations I find myself in. The power over me is myself. My femininity pleases me. I am free.
Whiteheads The desire to hide an ugly appearance. I consider myself beautiful and loved.
Infertility Fear and resistance to the life process or lack of need for parenting experience. I believe in life. By doing the right thing at the right time, I am always where I need to be. I love and approve of myself.
Insomnia Fear. distrust of the life process. Guilt. With love, I leave this day and give myself up to a peaceful sleep, knowing that tomorrow will take care of itself.
Rabies Malice. The certainty that the only answer is violence. The world settled in me and around me.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease; Russian term: Charcot's disease) Lack of desire to recognize their own worth. Failure to recognize success. I know that I am a standing person. Achieving success is safe for me. Life loves me.
Addison's disease (chronic adrenal insufficiency) (See also: Adrenal Diseases) Acute emotional hunger. Self-directed anger. I lovingly take care of my body, thoughts, emotions.
Alzheimer's disease (a type of presenile dementia) (See also: "Dementia" and "Old Age") Unwillingness to accept the world as it is. Hopelessness and helplessness. Anger. There is always a newer, better way to enjoy life. I forgive and commit the past to oblivion. I

I surrender to joy.


All diseases are from the nerves, doctors say. The Indians, on the other hand, believed that we were sick from unfulfilled desires.

People get sick from malice, greed, envy, as well as from unfulfilled dreams and unfulfilled desires.

Is this how it really is, to whom and why the disease comes, psychosomatics will tell.

Psychosomatics of diseases

Psychosomatics is a field in medicine and psychology that studies the influence of psychological factors on the occurrence of somatic, that is, bodily, human diseases.

Specialists study the relationship between the characteristics of what kind of person (his constitutional features, character and behavior traits, temperament, emotionality) and specific bodily ailments.

According to the followers of the so-called alternative medicine, all our diseases begin due to psychological inconsistencies and disorders that originate in our soul, subconscious and thoughts.

For example, experts call bronchial asthma as one of the most typical diseases associated with psychosomatics. This means that some psychological causes underlie the occurrence of asthma.

Psychosomatic diseases

So, as it has already become clear, psychosomatic diseases are those diseases that arise due to psychological factors, due to stressful situations, nervous breakdowns, experiences or unrest.

Thus, psychosomatic diseases are caused, first of all, by some mental processes in the head of the patient, and not at all physiological, as most of us believe.

In the event that specialists during a medical examination cannot identify the physical or organic cause of a particular disease, then such a disease falls under the category of psychosomatic diseases.

As a rule, they arise due to anger, anxiety, depression. Quite often, guilt contributes to the emergence of psychosomatic illnesses.

The list of such ailments also includes irritable bowel syndrome, essential arterial hypertension, headaches, dizziness associated with stressful situations, as well as a number of other diseases.

We should also mention autonomic disorders associated with panic attacks. Somatic diseases caused by psychogenic factors fall into the category of psychosomatic disorders.

However, scientists are also studying a parallel area - the impact of somatic diseases on the human psyche.

Psychosomatics according to Freud

The fact that the internal state of the soul is able to influence the general physical tone and state of the human body has been known since ancient times.

In Greek philosophy and medicine, it was believed that the human body also depends on the soul.

The ancestor of the term "psychosomatic" is the doctor Johann-Christian Heinroth (Heinroth, Heinroth). It was he who first used the term in 1818.

In the early and mid-20th century, this area of ​​medicine became widespread. Psychological geniuses such as Smith Geliff, F. Dunbar, E. Weiss, as well as other eminent psychoanalysts, whose name in itself is authoritative, worked in this area.

The well-known Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud studied psychosomatic diseases in detail.

It was he who gave the world the famous theory of the "unconscious" as a product of repression.

As a result, as mentioned earlier, some rather serious illnesses fell into the category of "hysterical" or "psychosomatic".

We are talking about the following ailments: bronchial asthma, allergies, imaginary pregnancy, headache and migraine.

Freud himself said the following: "If we drive some kind of problem through the door, then it penetrates through the window in the form of a symptom of diseases." Thus, a person cannot avoid the disease if he does not solve the problem, but simply ignores it.

Psychosomatics is based on the mechanism of psychological defense - displacement. This means something like the following: each of us tries to drive away thoughts that are unpleasant to him.

As a result, we simply brush aside problems, but do not solve them. We do not analyze problems because we are afraid to look into their eyes and face them directly. It is much easier to close your eyes to them, try not to think about unpleasant things.

Unfortunately, the problems forced out in this way do not disappear, but simply move to another level.

What exactly will this level be?

All our problems, as a result, are transformed from the social level (that is, interpersonal relationships) or psychological (unfulfilled desires, our dreams and aspirations, repressed emotions, any internal conflicts), to the level of our physiology.

As a result, the main blow is taken by the human body. It begins to hurt and suffer already from quite real ailments.

Psychosomatics and bioenergetics

Researchers in the field of bioenergetics, in one voice with psychoanalysts, argue that psychological factors are the cause of all our somatic diseases.

From a scientific point of view, it all looks something like this:

All the problems of a person, his anxieties, worries, experiences, as well as long-term ongoing depression and nervous breakdowns sharpen the body from the inside. As a result, he becomes defenseless in the face of dangers in the form of diseases.

His body becomes vulnerable and unable to deal with dangers from the outside: viruses and microbes attack the body, weakened by stress and worries, and he is not able to resist them.

From the point of view of bioenergy, everything looks similar, with the only difference being that experts in this field state the following:

Shattered nerves, weak and undermined by stress, the human psyche sharpens him from the inside, destroying his aura. As a result of such a violation, cracks form in the aura, and sometimes even holes through which various diseases penetrate.

Specialists even compiled a list in the form of a table, in which they indicated which psychological factor contributes to a particular disease.

Here it is important, it is possible and necessary to mention self-hypnosis, which has a striking effect. It is autosuggestion that plays an important role in the mind of a person and his perception of certain things.

Have you ever paid attention to those who never get sick?

When a person is endowed with nerves of steel, he knows how to cope with nervous breakdowns. He manages to resist protracted depression. As a rule, he easily tolerates diseases or does not get sick at all.

But a suspicious person, on the contrary, is subject to various diseases regularly. He gets sick extremely often, and even if he does not have an illness, he will certainly think of it for himself.

For example, it is logical after all, if bad or stale food causes pain in the stomach. A suspicious person will decide that he has an ulcer.

It's a paradox, but if he really believes in it, then this very ulcer will certainly arise. After all, with his thoughts, he attracts the disease. Approximately the same thing happens with those people who are always "ill" with acute respiratory infections.

Therefore, in order to avoid various diseases, especially serious ones, you must not let bad thoughts overcome you, drive them away from you and do not attract the disease.

Keeping negative thoughts from taking over your mind and focusing solely on health and inner strength can keep you healthy for years to come. After all, the power of positive thinking, according to psychosomatics, can work wonders.

Remember also that our thoughts are material.

This applies to both positive and negative aspects of life. You can attract both financial well-being and destruction and illness.

Causes of psychosomatics

So, if we put aside the physiological causes, as well as the genetic predisposition to diseases, experts in the field of psychosomatics identify the following causes of diseases:

Stress and experienced mental trauma (primarily childhood psychotrauma).

This may include experienced disasters, military operations, the loss of a loved one and other situations that can affect the mental state of a person.

Internal conflicts, which include depression, anger, fear, envy or guilt.

If you delve into these points, you can also highlight the following reasons underlying psychosomatic illnesses:

Reason number 1. Chronic stress and constant emotional tension

As mentioned above, stress is indeed the "No. 1 cause" of all diseases of a person living in the modern world.

Residents of large cities are especially prone to stressful situations. By and large, the life of every young able-bodied person is one continuous stress.

Misunderstandings with colleagues, superiors, quarrels in the family, conflicts with neighbors and others - all this contributes to the fact that we feel overwhelmed and dissatisfied. Stressful situations can also include traffic in large cities, due to which there are delays to work, chronic lack of time, constant rush, information overload.

And the lack of sleep and rest only contribute to the fact that, accumulating, this stress destroys our body.

All these factors are invariable companions of our life, without which, however, few people can imagine life in the 21st century.

However, it is worth clarifying: there is nothing criminal in stress itself. Stress is not the most pleasant physiological state in which we feel a kind of excitement, similar to the state when we are on high alert. Our psyche and the whole body is ready to repel an attack from outside.

However, stress should work as an emergency mode in case of emergency. The thing is that this very emergency mode works too often. Sometimes this happens against the will of the person himself.

Imagine: if the system works smoothly in emergency mode, sooner or later it will fail, fail, and something will certainly break in this system.

The same thing happens with the human body: if it is constantly exposed to stress, the nerves can not stand it, and physical and psychological exhaustion sets in. As a result, the rhythm of the body is lost, and the internal organs "fail".

According to experts, in the first place, the cardiovascular system, as well as the organs of the digestive tract, suffer from constant stress and tension.

In addition, as a result of stress, another organ can suffer, becoming a target for a stressful situation. And if earlier this body was weak and shaky, it quickly comes under attack.

Psychosomatics works on the principle "Where it is thin, there it breaks." This means that if any organ suffers, then it is the first to be hit, and the weakened organ is in danger in the form of a serious illness.

So stress contributes to the emergence of somatic disease.

Reason number 2. Long-term experience of strong negative emotions

Negative emotions are destructive to our body.

The most destructive emotions include resentment, disappointment, envy, anxiety, fear of something. All these emotions corrode us from the inside, gradually wearing out our body.

The principle of action of negative emotions on our body is the same as that of stress.

Any positive or negative emotion is not only an experience in the human brain, it is also a state of health and all systems of his body.

For the organism, each experienced emotion is an event. When we experience something too actively, the following things happen to our body: we feel jumps in blood pressure, blood circulates more actively through the veins, the muscle tone of the body changes, breathing becomes more frequent and active.

In a word, a number of changes take place in the body.

However, unlike stress, not all emotions contribute to the fact that the body goes into the so-called emergency mode.

Each of us, even those who are far from medicine and not a doctor, knows that as a result of the fact that we experience strong emotions, blood pressure can jump up a lot.

For example, these days, it is quite common to experience negative emotions towards politicians, ruling parties, the president, and so on.

The so-called emotion of aggression-negativism has become a frequent companion of modern man. This emotion arises in relation to those who live better than us, who rule the country, and so on. The development of this emotion is facilitated by daily news releases and the Internet, which informs us of news online.

It is worth noting that such a highly toxic emotion is destructive to a person. But most people just plunge into this emotion, criticizing and scolding everything around.

A sharp jump in pressure when a person experiences it is a completely expected response of our body.

But what can happen if this most negative emotion develops into a permanent habit? It is logical that jumps in blood pressure also become a constant habit and an invariable companion of a person who succumbs to it.

All this can lead to the fact that serious illnesses await him in the near future. First of all, we are talking about diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, if a person is subject to some kind of negative emotion for a long time or is not in the best emotional state for a long time, as a rule, the reason for this is an internal conflict with oneself.

There are many serious studies linking certain emotions to specific diseases and ailments.

For example, the cause of childhood neurodermatitis is the child's worries, his experiences, a sense of insecurity, as well as the fear that he is not protected by loved ones.

Rheumatoid arthritis, as a rule, arises as a result of experiencing some kind of tragedy. For example, the cause of this disease is the loss of someone close, as a result of which an ailment occurs.

Reason number 3. Emotions not lived

As researchers in the field of psychosomatics say: "Sadness that does not result in tears makes other organs cry."

According to experts in psychiatry and psychology, the most terrible emotion is an emotion that has not been lived and reacted by a person.

If we experience negative emotions for a long time, it negatively affects our health. However, if you suppress them and keep everything to yourself, it is also very dangerous for health.

Holding back and not living negative emotions is bad for your body. Remember the advice of psychologists: if negative emotions go off scale, go, for example, to the gym so that they are sure to throw them out there.

After all, in fact, emotion is an energy formed from the interaction of a person with other people and the world around us.

Energy needs to go outside, manifesting itself in our behavior, actions. If we deprive her of such an opportunity, she looks for other points of contact. Often this very point becomes the human body.

Experts say that an unlived and suppressed emotion remains inside a person and turns into a somatic, that is, bodily disease.

A simple example, confirmed by research: when a person cannot control his aggression and anger, he has a significantly increased risk of developing a stomach ulcer.

It will be better if you vent this negative emotion outward, in the form of criticism or complaint, and not keep it in yourself.

As a result, aggression turns into auto-aggression, that is, emotion eats away a person from the inside, thereby provoking peptic ulcer.

The less we recognize and understand our own emotions, the higher the risk that they will transform and develop into real bodily diseases.

Each of us needs to learn to see and feel our emotions. Thanks to this ability, we will be able to express them in the most flexible way, which, in turn, guarantees that our physical health will be stronger.

Reason #4: Motivation and the so-called contingent benefit

Why are you sick? Why did you get sick?

Such questions sound very strange. In fact, questions of a similar nature take place in some cases of the disease.

Have you ever noticed that it often seems from the outside that some people simply use their own disease to solve psychological problems.

They seem to be hiding behind their disease, simulating the disease.

Experts say there are a number of cases where the disease is beneficial to a person. Its owner simply hides behind it.

This "way" of solving any problems has received its special name - sickness care.

And what is most interesting, as a rule, in such cases, the disease is not a deception or stimulation.

The disease in this case is not a deception and not a simulation, as it seems to others. Thus, the origin of the symptom of the disease does occur automatically at an unconscious level.

A person simply does not see the connection of a bodily ailment with his psychological problem.

For example, an illness can benefit a student when they do not have to go to school. If he is sick, he can avoid going to the least favorite lesson. Another benefit is that the sick child is given increased attention, he is pampered, he is bought everything he wants.

The child begins to feel loved, and it is quite logical that he begins to like it.

Therefore, sometimes children resort to illness for help. After all, in this way, they try to draw attention to themselves, as well as make up for the lack of this very attention and love.

For adults, the disease can become one of the ways to justify laziness, inaction and unwillingness to do something in order to change their lives.

It looks like this: What can I do? I'm sick!

Understanding that we are not able to pull ourselves together and force ourselves to do something that needs to be done becomes harder than the symptom of the disease itself.

The disease becomes the only way to move away a little from the everyday routine, fuss, problems, the need to do something. Illness is like an escape from the stress that each of us faces on a daily basis.

In psychology, there were cases when, thus, workaholics tried to take a break from the daily burden.

Similar situations often occur in family therapy. For example, if the parents are at the stage of divorce, the child suddenly starts to get sick.

In such an unconscious way, he tries to glue the relationship of his parents, as if to rally them around his illness. And sometimes the child succeeds.

According to psychologists, if some conditional benefit is hidden behind a certain ailment, this is a completely different level of the disease. Then a person, with the help of his illness, tries to solve serious psychological problems.

It is noteworthy that such diseases are not cured with the help of medicines, therapy and other traditional methods that medicine and doctors in the local clinic or hospital will offer you.

Medical methods work only in those cases when the problem itself is considered from the point of view of psychology: for example, through the awareness of a causal relationship between this problem and the disease itself.

A very effective way will be our efforts that we are making to resolve this problem.

But to go into the disease, experts do not advise! According to psychologists, escaping from reality and going into illness is a very unfortunate way to deal with stress.

Psychosomatics table of diseases

The psychosomatic table lists a variety of diseases and their causes.

Experts are constantly arguing over the formation of the final list of psychosomatic diseases.

However, some of them do not raise any doubts that their cause lies precisely in psychological, and not physical factors.

Here is a list of these diseases:

- essential arterial hypertension;

- gastric and duodenal ulcer;

-coronary artery disease;

-bronchial asthma;

- neurodermatitis;


-rheumatoid arthritis;

- hypertension (or high blood pressure);

- gastrointestinal diseases;

- heart attack;

-sexual disorders;

Oncology and some types of tumors.

This list may vary depending on which of the specialists in the field of psychosomatics it was compiled.

Obviously, the list of diseases is quite impressive and somewhat unexpected. Some of the diseases on this list are surprising.

For example, you must admit, few people expected to see rheumatoid arthritis on the list. But some other ailments are quite expected, since the psychological factor in their basis is pronounced.

Here are the most common diseases and their causes, according to the theory of psychosomatics:

Psychosomatic causes of insomnia

Insomnia is one of the most annoying disorders of our time. Insomnia is familiar to many of us.

According to statistics, every second person suffers from this disease to one degree or another. Its causes are nervous tension, anxiety, stress.

As a rule, an insomniac does not leave his problems at the workplace, but brings them home with him to his family.

In addition, such a person is not able to properly allocate his time, as well as set life priorities and decide what is important to him and what should be secondary.

In other words, he tries to do everything at once, tries to cover all spheres of life. As a result, all this results in a huge stress, the result of which is insomnia.

Perhaps you should try to put aside this daily fuss, daytime worries and problems that prevent you from relaxing and breathing deeply. They are the reasons for our sleepless nights.

After all, our subconscious seems to extend the time so that we can solve the problems that have arisen during the day.

Psychosomatics of headache

Another common problem is the frequent headaches that most of us experience.

What does this mean in terms of psychosomatics?

If you often have a headache, the reasons may be as follows:

Underestimation of one's own personality, inner fear, dissatisfaction with oneself, self-criticism, internal reproaches and claims to oneself.

It is likely that you feel humiliated or insulted, or maybe in some way underestimated by others.

Perhaps you should forgive yourself for some moments, and then the headache will go away by itself.

In addition, frequent headaches bother someone who has a lot of different information spinning in his head.

When a person's thoughts “hurt”, headaches occur. You need to be able to let go of negative thoughts and the flow of information in order to also let go of the headache and feel lighter and calmer.

Low resistance to stressful situations. A person who has headaches is usually a "ball of nerves". He is tight and tense. The nervous system is on alert. And the first symptom of approaching diseases is headaches.

Observations also show that frequent headaches occur in highly intelligent people who do not splash out, but restrain their emotions. It is also about information overload.

Loss of connection with one's true self. Desires to justify the high expectations of others: relatives, relatives, friends.

The desire to avoid any serious mistakes also leads to frequent headaches.

Fear, fear of something new or unknown.

According to Dr. Sinelnikov, the cause of a headache is hypocrisy or a discrepancy between your thoughts and behavior.

For example, you smile at someone you dislike. You flatter him by saying nice words, when in fact, this person causes you dislike, antipathy or rejection.

By creating the appearance of sympathy for a person whom you do not love, you cause an internal imbalance.

This discrepancy between your feelings, thoughts and actions leads to an overstrain in the body, resulting in a headache.

Perhaps you should be more sincere and not try to deceive yourself. Try to communicate with those who are pleasant to you. Whenever possible, surround yourself with people you love, appreciate, and respect.

Psychosomatics of migraine

Psychosomatics claims that migraine is a disease of too self-critical people who subject themselves to strong pressure.

Many people knew that excessive criticism is not good. But experts in the field of psychosomatics unanimously claim that it, moreover, can still cause migraines.

Migraines are prone to those who do not have harmony with the inner world. Perhaps such people set themselves impossible tasks, go to unrealistic goals, and when they cannot achieve them, they begin to reproach and scold themselves.

As a result, there is self-torture and a feeling of complete powerlessness. Do not chase imaginary perfection and constantly find fault with yourself.

Indeed, in this way, you do not correct the situation, but only aggravate the feeling of guilt that causes prolonged migraines.

Constant feelings of guilt, as well as inferiority complexes, also contribute to the development of migraines. Try to love yourself more, pamper, praise. And if you set some goals for yourself, then in case of failure, praise yourself for the fact that you tried to achieve it.

Psychosomatics of hypertension

Many suffer from high blood pressure. Doctors identify a number of physiological factors that contribute to the development of hypertension. But how does psychosomatics interpret hypertension?

The cause of hypertension is excessive self-confidence in a person. Perhaps such a person tends to overestimate himself.

Also at the heart of this disease may be impatience or a desire to take everything on your shoulders. All this leads to sudden pressure surges.

Try to relax, do your best, but do not try to jump over your head and take on the solution of all the world's problems.

Psychosomatics of hair problems

When the hair "gets sick", it is also directly related to psychological factors.

Hair problems (early graying, hair loss, their lifelessness, brittleness and loss of shine) are a consequence of stress, an indicator of helplessness, excitement and despair.

Hair, especially in women, plays a special role in self-acceptance and self-love. Hair can rightly be considered a symbol of vitality. They give out a person if there are any serious failures.

Hair problems arise when a person is in constant tension, experiences excitement and fear.

Perhaps it is worth trying to become yourself, to believe more in yourself, in your own strengths, but also in help from above.

Psychosomatics also interprets hair diseases as a response to a too daring ego, exorbitant pride, as well as resentment against higher powers.

Psychosomatics of diabetes

Diabetes is one of those diseases when people get sick because of unfulfilled desires. As a rule, not getting what he wants, a person falls into depression, followed by diabetes.

People with this disease very often mentally turn to the past and miss it, for some certain things, people or events.

It may also be worth erasing all negative thoughts from your mind and try not to do bad things.

Try to enjoy even the little things, meet each new day with a smile and less succumb to negative thoughts. Do not pay attention to small failures and emerging problems.

The ability to look at the world positively is the key to a happy and healthy life without diseases, health problems and depression.

Psychosomatics of arthritis

Psychosomatics says: the cause of arthritis is a dislike for oneself, as well as a constant feeling of stress and depression.

Perhaps because a person judges himself too harshly and demands too much of himself, he is not able to relax. But sometimes you just need to understand that our body needs rest, and also remember what real sincere and genuine human happiness is.

And yet, those who are prone to arthritis, as a rule, are very correct people. They never go beyond the established rules. For them, there is always the word “need”. Therefore, they often go against their real desires, stepping over themselves.

Self-criticism is highly developed, which is not always beneficial. Maybe you should sometimes break the rules in order to be happy?


Frequent dislocations of the limbs, from the point of view of psychomatics, mean that a person allows others to control the failure. It is possible that he is manipulated by family members, friends or colleagues.

Problems with the knees betray a stubborn, proud person. It also suggests that someone is depressed and feels a sense of fear.

Psychosomatics of neck pain

Pain in the neck also has its own interpretation from the point of view of psychosomatics.

Psychologists say the neck is the bridge between the mind (head) and the senses (body). Therefore, it is logical that problems with the neck signal that the mind and feelings are not in harmony with each other.

On a metaphysical level, this must be interpreted as how the bridge between the spiritual and the material has been broken.

Neck problems mean that a person does not have flexibility. Perhaps he has a fear of finding out what others are saying behind his back, and instead of understanding the current situation, he simply passes it past him, as if ignoring it.

If you have neck problems, just try nodding your head in the affirmative and also shaking your head in the negative. Thanks to this simple method, you will be able to understand if you have difficulty in being able to say “Yes” or “No”.

Psychosomatics of eye problems

Psychosomatics interprets myopia as the inability to see beyond one's nose. This is a complete lack of foresight, fear of the future and unwillingness to look around.

Those who suffer from farsightedness do not know how to live in the present, enjoy today. A person with farsightedness thinks for a very long time before deciding on anything. As a rule, he carefully considers all the details of what he needs to do.

It is also difficult for him to see and assess the current situation as a whole.

Surprisingly, psychosomatics also interprets color blindness. When a person sees everything in gray colors, this means that he is not able to perceive joyful moments in life.

Glaucoma or a thorn usually occurs in someone who is unwilling to let go of the past and lives in the present.

Perhaps you should forgive and accept your past and realize that today is another day...

Psychosomatics of dental problems

Dental disease is associated with indecision and inability to make decisions. The causes of dental diseases can also be the following:

Fear, fear of failure, loss of self-confidence.

Instability in desires, uncertainty that you can achieve the chosen goal.

Understanding that you cannot overcome obstacles.

Also, dental disease is typical for those people for whom others make decisions, and they themselves are not able to analyze life situations and face the problems that have arisen.

If you have problems with chewing teeth, this means that you are not able to accept the circumstances.

It is noteworthy that the upper lateral teeth are directly related to decision making, while the lower ones are responsible for taking responsibility for their decisions. There is also an opinion that the problems that arise on the left side indicate problems in communicating with the mother, while on the right - with the father.

In other words, serious dental problems indicate that it is time to move on to real action, learn to identify and realize your desires, and immediately begin to achieve your goals. No need to sit still, waiting for something.

Psychosomatic problems in the oral cavity

As a rule, diseases of the oral cavity, for example, stomatitis, indicate that a strong resentment corrodes a person from the inside.

It may be worth letting go of resentments that have been tormenting you for a long time.

Bite your tongue means punishment for excessive talkativeness and talkativeness, cheeks - excitement, unwillingness to spread your secrets and secrets.

The mouth is directly responsible for accepting new ideas. Therefore, problems in the oral cavity speak about it.

Psychosomatics of the occurrence of bad breath

Based on psychosomatics, breath smell means the following:

Bad thoughts, often thoughts about taking revenge on the offender. The real life of a person is poisoned by negative thoughts about the past, hatred. Sometimes these thoughts can be unconscious.

Perhaps you should let them go and learn to live in the present.

Perhaps behind the back of a person, dirty rumors spread about him, others gossip and gossip about him.

Psychosomatics lips

Lips are responsible for our sensual side of life. Depending on what internal problems bother a person, the following unpleasant moments can be reflected on the lips:

Cracks - a person from the inside is bursting with many conflicting feelings.

He suffers from uncertainty and from a lack of understanding of what to do, with whom to be, where to go.

Lip biting - in this way, a person is punished himself for excessively manifested sensuality and an outpouring of feelings.

Herpes also betrays a person who has shown his sensuality too clearly.

Psychosomatics of excess weight

Based on psychosomatics, if a person is overweight, he should think about what is wrong with his inner world.

Extra pounds indicate that a person has serious malfunctions inside that need to be fixed.

As a rule, the body retains extra pounds to protect itself from external factors, often negative ones.

A person is defenseless in front of the outside world and is not always able to confront emerging problems.

Quite often, parents are faced with the fact that neither doctors nor diagnosticians are able to establish the true cause of the child's illness. Another situation is long-term treatment that does not lead to recovery. Doctors say "it's chronic" and write another prescription for pills or injections. Psychosomatic medicine can break the vicious circle, which will allow you to establish the true underlying causes of the disease and tell you how to cure the child.

What it is?

Psychosomatics is a direction in medicine that considers the connection between the soul and the body, the influence of mental and psychological factors on the development of certain diseases. Many great physicians have described this connection, arguing that every physical ailment has a psychological root cause. And today, many practicing doctors are sure that the process of recovery, for example, after a surgical operation, is directly affected by the mood of the patient, his faith in a better outcome, his state of mind.

This connection began to be studied most actively by doctors at the beginning of the 19th century, a great contribution to this study was made in the middle of the 20th century by doctors from the USA, Russia, and Israel. Doctors today talk about a psychosomatic illness if a detailed examination of a child does not show any physical causes that could contribute to the development of his illness. There is no reason, but there is a disease. From the point of view of psychosomatics, ineffective treatment is also considered. If all the doctor's prescriptions are fulfilled, the drugs are taken, and the disease does not recede, then this may also be evidence of its psychosomatic origin.

Psychosomatic specialists consider any illness, even acute, from the point of view of a direct connection between the soul and the body. They believe that a person has everything necessary to recover, the main thing is to realize the underlying causes of the disease and take measures to eliminate them. If you express this idea in one phrase, you get a statement familiar to everyone - "All diseases are from nerves."


Psychosomatics is based on several important principles that parents must know if they decide to seek the true causes of your child's illness:

  • Negative thoughts, anxiety, depression, fears, if they are quite long or deeply “hidden”, always lead to the occurrence of certain physical diseases. If you change the way of thinking, attitudes, then the disease that did not “succumb” to medications will go away.
  • If the cause is found correctly, then the cure will not be difficult.
  • The human body as a whole, like each of its cells, has the ability to self-repair, regenerate. If you allow the body to do this, then the healing process will be faster.
  • Any illness in a child suggests that the baby cannot be himself, that he is experiencing an internal conflict. If the situation is resolved, the disease will recede.

Who is most susceptible to psychosomatic illness?

The answer to this question is unequivocal - any child of any age and gender. However, most often diseases have psychosomatic causes in children who are in periods of age-related crises (at 1 year, at 3 years, at 7 years old at 13-17 years old). The imagination of all children is very bright and realistic, sometimes the line between fictional and real is blurred in children. Which parent has not noticed at least once that a child who really does not want to go to kindergarten in the morning gets sick more often? And all because he creates the disease himself, he needs it in order not to do what he doesn’t want to do - not to go to kindergarten.

Illness is needed as a way to draw attention to oneself if little is paid to it in the family, because they communicate with a sick child more than with a healthy one, they surround him with care and even gifts. The disease in children is often a defense mechanism in frightening and uncertain situations, as well as a way to express one's protest if an environment in which the baby is uncomfortable reigns in the family for a long time. Many parents who have survived a divorce are well aware that at the peak of their experiences and family drama, the child “at the wrong time” began to get sick. All these are only the most elementary examples of the action of psychosomatics. There are also more complex, deep and hidden reasons far into the subconscious of the baby.

Before looking for them, you need to pay attention to the individual qualities of the child, to his character, to the manner of his response to stressful situations.

The most serious and chronic diseases occur in children who:

  • unable to cope with stress;
  • communicate little with parents and others about their personal problems and experiences;
  • are in a pessimistic mood, always waiting for an unpleasant situation or a catch;
  • are under the influence of total and constant parental control;
  • they do not know how to rejoice, they do not know how to prepare surprises and gifts for others, to give joy to others;
  • they are afraid not to meet the excessive requirements that parents and teachers or educators place on them;
  • cannot observe the daily regimen, do not get enough sleep or eat poorly;
  • painfully and strongly take into account the opinions of others;
  • do not like to part with the past, throw away old broken toys, make new friends, move to a new place of residence;
  • prone to frequent depression.

It is clear that individually each of the listed factors happens from time to time with each person. The development of the disease is affected by the duration of the emotion or experience, and therefore a long depression is dangerous, and not a one-time apathy, a long-term fear is dangerous, and not a momentary state. Any negative emotion or attitude, if it lasts long enough, can cause a certain disease.

How to find the reason?

Without exception, all diseases, according to the world famous psychosomatists (Louise Hay, Liz Burbo and others), are built on five main vivid emotions:

  • fear;
  • anger;
  • sadness;
  • interest;
  • joy.

They need to be considered in three projections - how the child sees himself (self-esteem), how the child sees the world around him (attitude to events, phenomena, values), how the child interacts with other people (the presence of conflicts, including hidden ones). It is necessary to establish a trusting relationship with the child, try to find out with him what excites and worries him, what upsets him, whether there are people whom he does not like, what he is afraid of. Child psychologists and psychotherapists can help with this. As soon as the approximate circle of the child's emotions is outlined, you can begin to work out the underlying causes.

Some popular authors (the same Louise Hay) made psychosomatic tables, to make the task easier. They list diseases and the most common causes of their occurrence. However, one cannot blindly trust such tables, because they are rather average, often compiled by observing a small group of people with similar symptoms and emotional experiences.

The tables do not take into account the personality and personality of your child, and this is a very important point. Therefore, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the tables, but it is better to analyze the situation yourself or contact a specialist in the field of psychosomatics - now there are such.

It should be understood that if the disease has already manifested itself, it is obvious, then a very long path has been traveled - from thought to emotion, from creating erroneous attitudes to turning these attitudes into the wrong way of thinking. Therefore, the search process can be quite long. After the cause is found, you will have to work on all the changes that it caused in the body - this will be the treatment process. The fact that the cause is found correctly and the healing process has begun will be indicated by an improvement in the general condition, a decrease in symptoms. Parents will almost immediately pay attention to positive changes in the well-being of the baby.

Development of the disease

You need to understand that the thought itself does not cause an attack of appendicitis or the appearance of an allergy. But thought gives impulse to muscle contraction. This connection is clear to everyone - the brain gives commands to the muscles, setting them in motion. If the child has an internal conflict, then one thought will tell him to “act” and the muscles will be alerted. And another (conflicting) emotion will say “don’t do this” and the muscle will freeze in a state of readiness, not making a movement, but not returning to its original calm state.

This mechanism can quite primitively explain why the disease is formed. We are talking not only about the muscles of the arms, legs, back, but also about the small and deep muscles of the internal organs. At the cellular level, with such a long spasm, which is practically not felt, metabolic changes begin. Gradually, tension is transferred to neighboring muscles, tendons, ligaments, and with sufficient accumulation, there comes a moment when the weakest organ cannot withstand and ceases to function as it should.

The brain "signals" not only to the muscles, but also to the endocrine glands. It is known that fright or sudden joy causes an increase in the production of adrenaline by the adrenal glands. In the same way, other emotions affect the balance of hormones and secretory fluids in the body. With an imbalance that is inevitable with prolonged exposure to a certain organ, illness begins.

If a child does not know how to “dump” emotions, but only accumulates them without expressing, without sharing his thoughts with others, hiding his real experiences from them, being afraid of being misunderstood, punished, condemned, then the tension reaches a certain point, and is thrown out in the form diseases, because the release of energy is needed in any form. Such an argument looks very convincing - two children who live in the same city, in the same ecological environment, who eat the same food, have the same sex and age, do not have congenital diseases, and for some reason get sick differently. One of them will get ARVI up to ten times during the season, and the other will not get sick even once.

Thus, the influence of ecology, lifestyle, nutrition, the state of immunity is not the only thing that affects the incidence. A child with psychological problems will get sick several times a year, and a baby without such problems will not get sick even once.

The psychosomatic picture is not quite obvious for researchers yet. congenital diseases. But most specialists in the field of psychosomatics consider such ailments as the result of incorrect attitudes and thoughts of a woman during pregnancy and even long before it occurs. First of all, it is important to understand exactly how a woman perceived children before pregnancy, what emotions the fetus caused in her during pregnancy, and also how she treated the father of the child at that time.

In harmonious couples who mutually love and wait for their baby, children suffer from congenital diseases much less often than in families where the mother experienced rejection of her father's words and deeds, if she regularly thought that it was not worth getting pregnant at all. Few of the mothers raising disabled children, children with severe congenital ailments are ready to admit even to themselves that there were negative thoughts, and hidden conflicts, and fears, and rejection of the fetus at some points, maybe even had thoughts about abortion. It is doubly difficult to realize later that the child is ill because of the mistakes of adults. But the mother can still help alleviate his condition, improve the quality of life, if she musters up the courage to work out the underlying causes of the baby’s illness.

Possible causes of some diseases

As already mentioned, the reasons should be considered only taking into account the nature and characteristics of this particular child, his family situation, the relationship between parents and the baby, and other factors that may affect the psyche and emotional state of the child. We will give only a few diagnoses, the most studied by the psychosomatic direction of medicine with possible causes of their occurrence: (for the description, the data of several diagnostic tables were used - L. Hay, V. Sinelnikova, V. Zhikarentseva):


Quite often, adenoiditis develops in children who feel unwanted (subconsciously). Mom should remember if she had a desire to have an abortion, if there was disappointment after childbirth, postpartum depression. With adenoids, the child “asks” for love and attention, and also encourages parents to give up conflicts and quarrels. To help the baby, you need to change your attitude towards him, satisfy his needs for love, resolve conflicts with the other half.

Therapeutic setting: "My baby is desired, beloved, we have always needed him."


The most likely cause of autism is considered to be a defensive reaction that the baby turned on at some point in order to “close” from scandal, screams, insults, and beatings. Researchers believe that the risk of developing autism is higher if the child witnesses strong parental scandals with possible violence before the age of 8-10 months. Congenital autism, which doctors associate with a gene mutation, from the point of view of psychosomatics, is a long-term sense of danger in a mother, perhaps from her very childhood, fears during pregnancy.

Atopic dermatitis

Like most diseases that have something to do with allergies, atopic dermatitis is a rejection of something. The stronger the child does not want to accept someone or something, the stronger the manifestations of an allergic reaction. In infants, atopic dermatitis may be a signal that the touch of an adult is unpleasant to him (if he is taken with too cold or wet hands, if the person emits a sharp and unpleasant odor to the baby). The baby thus asks not to touch him. Therapeutic installation: “The baby is safe, nothing threatens him. All the people around wish him well and health. He's comfortable with people."

The same setting can be used for other types of allergies. The situation requires the elimination of an unpleasant physical impact.

Asthma, bronchial asthma

These ailments, like some other diseases associated with the occurrence of respiratory failure, often occur in children who are pathologically strongly attached to their mother. Their love is literally "suffocating". Another option is the severity of parents when raising a son or daughter. If a child is taught from a very young age that it is wrong to cry, that it is indecent to laugh out loud, that jumping and running in the street is the height of bad taste, then the child grows up afraid to express his true needs. They gradually begin to “strangle” him from the inside. New attitudes: “My child is safe, he is loved strongly and unconditionally. He can perfectly express his emotions, he sincerely cries and rejoices. Mandatory measures are to eliminate pedagogical "excesses".


Illness can speak of the child's fear of expressing something, asking for something very important to him. Sometimes children are afraid to speak up in their own defense. Angina is more characteristic of timid and indecisive children, quiet and shy. By the way, similar underlying causes can also be found in children suffering from laryngitis or laryngotracheitis. New Attitudes: “My child has a voice. He was born with this right. He can openly and boldly say whatever he thinks!”. To the standard treatment of angina or chronic tonsillitis, you should definitely add role-playing story games or a visit to a psychologist's office so that the child can realize his right to be heard.


Bronchitis, especially chronic, is very necessary for a child in order to reconcile his parents or other relatives with whom he lives together or to defuse a tense situation in the family. When a baby is strangled by a cough, adults will automatically shut up (pay attention on occasion - this is true!). New settings: "My child lives in harmony and peace, he likes to communicate with everyone, he is pleased to listen to everything around, because he hears only good things." Mandatory parental actions are urgent measures to eliminate conflicts, and it is necessary to remove not only their “loudness”, but also the very fact of their existence.


The causes of myopia, like most vision problems, are the reluctance to see something. Moreover, this reluctance has a conscious and decisive character. A baby at 3-4 years old can become nearsighted due to the fact that from birth he sees something in his family that frightens him, makes him close his eyes. These can be difficult parental relationships, physical abuse, and even the daily visit of a nanny to the child, whom he does not like (in this case, the child often develops an allergy to something in parallel).

At an older age (at school and adolescence), diagnosed myopia may indicate a child’s lack of goals, plans for the future, unwillingness to see beyond today, fear of responsibility for decisions made independently. In general, many problems with the organs of vision are associated with these causes (blepharitis, conjunctivitis, with anger - barley). New attitude: “My child clearly sees his future and himself in it. He likes this beautiful, interesting world, he sees all its colors and details.” At a younger age, a correction of relations in the family is needed, a revision of the circle of communication of the child. In a teenager, a child needs help in career guidance, communication and cooperation with adults, and the fulfillment of their responsible assignments.


This is not about a single diarrhea, but about a problem that has a protracted nature or diarrhea that recurs with an enviable frequency. It is common for children to react with loose stools to strong fear, to expressed anxiety. Diarrhea is an escape from something that defies a child's comprehension. These can be mystical experiences (fear of Babai, zombies) and very real fears (fear of the dark, spiders, close quarters, and so on). It is necessary to identify the cause of fear and eliminate it. If this does not work out at home, you should definitely seek help from a psychologist.

New attitude: “My baby is not afraid of anyone. He is brave and strong. He lives in a safe space where nothing threatens him.”


The tendency to constipation is characteristic of greedy children, however, adults too. And also constipation can talk about the unwillingness of the child to part with something. Sometimes constipation begins to torment a child precisely at the time when he is going through serious life changes - moving, transferring to a new school or kindergarten. The child does not want to part with old friends, with the old apartment, where everything is clear and familiar to him. Problems with a chair begin. Constipation in infants may be associated with his subconscious desire to return back to the familiar and protected environment of the mother's womb.

New treatment setting: “My child is easily parted with everything that he no longer needs. He is ready to accept everything new. In practice, confidential communication is required, frequent discussion of the merits of a new kindergarten or a new apartment.


Quite often, a child who does not feel safe for quite a long time begins to stutter. And this speech defect is characteristic of children who are strictly forbidden to cry. Stuttering children at heart suffer greatly from the inability to express themselves. It should be understood that this possibility disappeared earlier than normal speech, and in many ways its disappearance was the cause of the problem.

New Attitude: “My child has a great opportunity to show his talents to the world. He's not afraid to express his feelings." In practice, it is good for a stutterer to engage in creativity, drawing and music, but best of all - singing. Categorical prohibitions to cry - the path to illness and problems.

Runny nose

Prolonged rhinitis may indicate that the child has low self-esteem, that he urgently needs to understand his true value in this world, to recognize his abilities and merits. If it seems to the child that the world does not understand and appreciate him, and this condition drags on, sinusitis can be diagnosed. Treatment setting: “My child is the best. He is happy and very loved. I just need him." In addition, you need to work with the child's assessment of himself, praise him more often, encourage him.


Like any other diseases of the hearing organs, otitis media can be caused by negative words, swearing, swearing, which the child is forced to listen to from adults. Not wanting to listen to something, the child deliberately limits the ability of his hearing. The mechanism of development of sensorineural hearing loss and deafness is more complicated. In the case of such problems, the child categorically refuses to listen to someone or something that greatly hurts him, offends, humiliates his dignity. In adolescents, hearing problems are associated with a reluctance to listen to parental instructions. Treatment settings: “My child is obedient. He hears well, he likes to listen and hear every detail of this world.

In fact, you need to reduce excessive parental control, talk with the child on topics that are pleasant and interesting for him, get rid of the habit of “reading morals”.

Fever, fever

An unreasonable fever, a fever that persists for no apparent reason with normal tests, may indicate the internal anger that has accumulated in the child. A child can get angry at any age, and the inability to express anger comes out in the form of fever. The younger the child, the more difficult it is for him to express his feelings in words, the higher his temperature is. New attitudes: "My child is positive, he does not get angry, he knows how to let go of negativity, does not save it and does not harbor evil towards people." In fact, you should set the child up for something good. The attention of the baby needs to be switched to a beautiful toy with kind eyes. You definitely need to talk with a big child and find out what conflict situations he has recently had, who he is angry at. After pronouncing the problem, the child will feel much better, and the temperature will begin to decrease.


This disease often develops in children who are forced to do something other than "their own" business. Mom wants her son to become a hockey player, so the child is forced to attend the sports section, while playing the guitar or drawing landscapes with wax crayons is closer to him. Such a child with suppressed emotions and desires is the best candidate for the role of a patient of a nephrologist. New attitude: "My child is doing what he loves and is interested in, he is talented and has a great future." In practice, you need to let the child choose his own thing to his liking, and if hockey has not been a joy for a long time, you need to part with the section without regrets and go to a music school, where he is so eager.


The main reason for this unpleasant night phenomenon is most often fear and even horror. Moreover, most often, according to experts in the field of psychosomatics, the child's sense of fear is somehow connected with the father - with his personality, behavior, parenting methods of the father, his attitude towards the child and his mother. New attitudes: “The child is healthy and is not afraid of anything. His dad loves and respects him, wishes him well.” In fact, sometimes quite capacious psychological work with parents is required.


Vomiting, cystitis, pneumonia, epilepsy, frequent SARS, stomatitis, diabetes mellitus, psoriasis and even lice - each diagnosis has its own psychosomatic reason. The main rule of psychosomatics is not to replace traditional medicine. Therefore, the search for causes and their elimination at a psychological and deeper level should be done in parallel with the prescribed treatment. So, the probability of recovery increases significantly, and the risk of relapse is noticeably reduced, because a psychological problem found and solved correctly is minus one disease.

All about the psychosomatic causes of childhood illnesses, see the following video.

  • Psychosomatics
  • In children
  • Books

Gout- a disease in which the joints become inflamed due to the deposition of uric acid salts. The disease is based on many factors and causes, but the main one is poor work, which can not cope with the removal of uric acid from the body.

Such a method of psychodiagnostics as (or psychosomatics) reveals the causes of this disease, as well as the psychological portrait of people who suffer from it.

In order to fully and holistically understand the psychoanalysis of gout, we recommend that you first read about and. After all, very often the disease has a combination of several factors. And in the case of gout, there will be four.

First - with gout there is a blow to joints. This suggests that a person with this disease does not go to war and conflict. He restrains his anger and aggression, does not show his displeasure. Aggressiveness is present in a person, but it has no way out. A similar mechanism for suppressing aggression in oneself, in which the blow goes to the joints, also occurs with a disease. gouty on the other hand, these are people who would like to attack, but cannot afford it. They stop themselves, as a result of which the joints suffer from corrosive uric acid.

The reason for not showing aggression is second factor uric acid. in the human body is responsible for such concepts as shame, moralism, education, inability to look funny. So, gouty people are very much dependent on what others think of them. They do not know how to cross certain rules of upbringing and morality. They suffer greatly if their image, success, reputation is hit. They do not know how to present themselves in a funny or unfavorable light and laugh with everyone at their shortcomings. If we add these two factors, then it turns out that a person who is ill gout, does not attack, because "above this", he is brought up and considers himself a highly moral person who will not do anything that can hit his image. Perhaps not without reason gout was considered a disease of people of "blood" - kings, lords, peers and other elite representatives of the highest caste. Expressing your anger and aggression in high society, but not publicly accepted.

Third factor - this is a bad job, which do not remove uric acid. do not work well when a person begins to go to self-deception, there is an internal confusion in their motives and actions. There is some one that a person follows. "Kidney", for the sake of social significance, adapts excessively to society, hiding his true feelings. In the case of gout, a person tries to be good and not lose his face even in those cases when it is necessary to be bad for others. When a situation arises with which a person does not agree, and it does not suit him, instead of fighting and attacking, a person convinces himself that« they don't do that» , suppressing the resulting aggression.

Fourth factor - This high intelligence. Gouty people are very intelligent and smart people. In this case, the strengthening of the work of the intellect acts as a compensatory mechanism. Instead of fighting and fighting with his joints, the gouty person brings the whole war to the battlefield with information and knowledge. And this factor is key in this scheme. Patients with gout, thanks to the good work of the brain, can easily explain and find a rational explanation (using the technique of psychological defense -) to themselves and others why they do not fight. They can also easily justify why they do not show their true face, which would take off. They can also abstrusely explain their moral and ethical principles, which they cannot overstep, although this would remove the problem of uric acid retention in their body.

Here is such a collective “hodgepodge” of the nature of gout - smart, well-mannered, moralizing, they live in a deception of themselves and do not show their aggressiveness outwardly.

It will also be important which joint is affected by the retention of uric acid in the body. We did a detailed analysis for each joint in about such a disease of the joints as. There you can get acquainted with the function and psychological characteristics of all joints, from.

This topic is discussed in more detail in the book "". The authors are Irina and Grigory Semchuk. We recommend it for reading.

Way out of the disease

But with this there are very big difficulties, since gouty they themselves can prove their case to anyone, using a good intellect. If you try to convey information to them, they will easily and effortlessly destroy your position or concept.

Still, there is a way out, and it consists in removing all the factors that give rise to this disease. The first is to learn to criticize yourself and do it in public. To be able to present oneself in an unfavorable light, for example, to sit somewhere on the street in the role of a beggar with an outstretched hand. This will bring down the unnecessary dependence on the image and reputation. Second, you need to honestly learn to say what you really feel in relation to the people around you. Yes, this will cut off a large number of the environment, but those who are used to adjusting themselves in order to have social convenience and benefit from this will disappear. It is necessary to remove the excess. And most importantly - to show their discontent, anger, aggressive behavior, without keeping it inside.

Gout is one of the many diseases that are discussed in the course of lectures on (psychosomatics). The course was developed, and over time supplemented and expanded by and.