World Poetry Day - "Souls beautiful impulses." World Poetry Day: date, history and features of the holiday, events and congratulations March 21 is International Poetry Day

21 Mar 2018

In 1999, at the 30th session of the General Conference of UNESCO, it was decided to celebrate World Poetry Day on March 21 every year. The first World Poetry Day was held in Paris, where the headquarters of UNESCO is located.

"Poetry," the UNESCO decision says, "may be the answer to the most acute and profound spiritual questions of modern man, but for this it is necessary to draw the widest possible public attention to it."

Poetry unites countries, peoples, cultures and helps people understand each other. For centuries, thoughts and feelings, clothed in poetic form, penetrate into the hearts of people, reminding us that we are all one big family and that we, so different, are actually very similar to each other.

Celebrating World Poetry Day, UNESCO also draws our attention to the amazing ability of the poetic word to awaken his creative abilities in a person.

Poetry can be the answer to any questions of modern man. One of the main goals of the Day is to encourage linguistic diversity and support endangered languages ​​through poetry. Moreover, World Poetry Day is intended to give an opportunity to express themselves more widely to small publishing houses, through whose efforts the work of contemporary poets mainly reaches readers, to literary clubs reviving the age-old tradition of a living sounding poetic word.

This Day, according to UNESCO, is intended to promote the development of poetry, the return to the oral tradition of poetry readings, the teaching of poetry, the restoration of dialogue between poetry and other arts such as theater, dance, music, painting, as well as the promotion of publishing and the creation of media mass media of a positive image of poetry as a truly modern art open to people.

It is believed that the oldest verses-hymns were created in the 23rd century BC. The author of the poems is the poetess-priestess En-hedu-ana (En-hedu-ana), about whom it is only known that she was the daughter of the Akkadian king Sargon, who conquered Ur (the territory of Iran). En-hedu-ana wrote about the moon god Nanna and his daughter, the morning star goddess Inanna.

At present, on this Day all over the world - in institutions of culture, education, creative teams, etc. - various poetry concerts, author's readings, conferences and seminars dedicated to poets and their work, presentations of new poetic literature are held.

Literature news

27 Jul 2019 We published the story "Flashmob" by Narod Rosseyanych Terpelkin. This amazing and ingenious, let's not be afraid of this word, work, was sent by the author, who has already been published on our website, and even became the winner of the Lit-ra in a Hurry Award with the story "A Triumph in Delivery".
The story "Flashmob", in our opinion, must be read by every resident of Russia and do everything exactly as it is written. And then, we are sure, our country will live in a completely different way. Thank you, Narod Rosseyanych Terpelkin, for entrusting us with the publication of this story.

On the day of the spring equinox, the world celebrates - world poetry day.
This holiday will be celebrated for the 12th time around the world. In our school, this is only the first time in the framework of the "Week of Children's and Youth Books", but it will definitely not be the last!

Thanks to the competition Poems of own composition"little stars have already lit up. There is an idea to create and publish an almanac of young poets and poetesses ...

From the history
World Poetry Day was established at the 30th session of the UNESCO General Assembly in 1999. The delegates of the assembly decided to celebrate this holiday on March 21 every year.

The first day of poetry on March 21, 2000 was held simultaneously at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris and at the Taganka Theater in Moscow. The initiator of the celebration of this day in Russia was the DOOS (“Voluntary Society for the Protection of Dragonflies”), headed by the poet Konstantin Kedrov. The core of the holiday was the works of the members of the DOOS. Andrei Voznesensky, Elena Katsyuba, Alina Vitukhnovskaya, Mikhail Buznik and Konstantin Kedrov himself read their poems from the stage of the Taganka Theatre. Despite the rather short preparation time, the event received a very wide response, and the Kultura TV channel released a separate TV movie dedicated to this holiday.

Since then, this Day has more than once brought together the poets of our country. Over the years, the celebration of World Poetry Day took place in various art galleries and clubs. The 2nd, 6th and 7th poetry festivals were again held at the Taganka Theater. And the 10th anniversary World Poetry Day was held at the Central House of Writers with the support of the largest literary portals of our country and Not only Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region, but also poets from other regions came to celebrate the 11th World Poetry Day in 2010. In total, more than a thousand people came to the Central House of Writers that evening.

Poet and Nobel Prize in Literature nominee Konstantin Kedrov proposed to UNESCO the idea of ​​celebrating World Poetry Day on the day of the spring equinox 12 years ago, in 2000, and for the first time this holiday was held on the stage of the Taganka Theater with the support of the famous director Yuri Lyubimov.

“Poetry,” the UNESCO decision says, “can be the answer to the most acute and profound spiritual questions of modern man, but for this it is necessary to attract the widest possible public attention to it.”

Moreover, World Poetry Day is intended to give an opportunity to express themselves more widely to small publishing houses, through whose efforts the work of contemporary poets mainly reaches readers, to literary clubs reviving the age-old tradition of a living sounding poetic word.

This Day, according to UNESCO, is intended to serve to create a positive image of poetry in the media as a truly modern art open to people.

It's believed that the oldest verses-hymns were created in the 23rd century BC. The author of the poems is the poetess-priestess En-hedu-ana (En-hedu-ana), about whom it is only known that she was the daughter of the Akkadian king Sargon, who conquered Ur (the territory of Iran). En-hedu-ana wrote about the moon god Nanna and his daughter, the morning star goddess Inanna.

Interesting Facts
March 21 is celebrated:

international puppet day
International Day of Navruz
Youth Day in Tunisia
Tree Day in Italy

March 21 in history:
1999 (13 years old)- After a 478-hour journey, Bertrand PICCART and Brian JONES became the first people to circle the Earth in a hot air balloon.
1990 (22)- Proclaimed the independence of Namibia, 75 years under the rule of South Africa.
1975 (37 years)- A three-thousand-year-old monarchy is overthrown in Ethiopia.

All poets, poetesses
Warm congratulations,
Cool music, inspiration
And we want love!

Well, you, our poet,
Be always with love
Physical education and exercise -
The right path to health!

Let it be easy,
The verse falls on the sheet,
Let your creative fuse
Will last for a lifetime!


"...Poetry is painting that is heard..."
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)

"Poetry is the music of words"
Thomas Fuller (1654 - 1734)

The word "poetry" comes from the Greek. poieo - create, create, build, create.

Once the pathology disappears, everyone becomes a creator. Let this be understood as deeply as possible: only sick people are destructive. Healthy people are creative. Creativity is a kind of aroma of real health. When a person is really healthy and whole, creativity becomes his nature, a thirst for creativity arises in him.

Humanity has come to a crossroads. We lived the life of a one-dimensional person, and it is exhausted. Now we need a richer, three-dimensional human being. I call it the three "Cs", just like the three "Rs"* (Three "Rs" children name three elementary school subjects: writing, reading and math). The first "C" is consciousness, the second is compassion, the third is creation, creativity.

Consciousness is a being, compassion is a feeling, creativity is an action. In my vision, the new person should be all three at the same time. I give you the most difficult task, the greatest challenge. You have to be meditative like Buddha, loving like Krishna, creative like Michelangelo or Leonardo da Vinci. You have to be all together at the same time. Only then will your totality be fulfilled; otherwise, something will be missing in you. And what you lack will make you one-sided, unfulfilled. You can reach a very high peak by being one-dimensional, but you will only be the peak. I would like you to be the entire Himalayan range, not just a peak, but peaks among peaks.

The One-Dimensional Man has proved his inconsistency. He could not create a beautiful Earth, he could not create a paradise on Earth. He was defeated, utterly defeated! He created some beautiful people, but he could not transform all of humanity, he could not raise the level of consciousness of all of humanity. Only a few individuals have become enlightened. It won't help anymore. We need more enlightened people, enlightened in three dimensions.

Definition of a new person

Buddha was not a poet - but the new humanity, the people who will now become buddhas, will be poets. When I say "poets" I don't mean that they will write poetry - you have to be poetic. Your life must be poetic, your approach must be poetic.

Logic is dry, poetry is alive. Logic cannot dance, it is impossible. Seeing logic dancing is like seeing Mahatma Gandhi dancing! It would look ridiculous. Poetry can dance; poetry is the dance of your heart. Logic cannot love. She can talk about love, but she cannot love; love seems irrational. Only poetry can love, only poetry can take the leap in love.

Logic is cold, very cold; it is good as far as mathematics is concerned, but inappropriate when applied to humanity. By becoming too logical, humanity will disappear; then there will be only numbers, not human beings - interchangeable numbers...

Poetry in love gives you depth, warmth. You become melting, you lose your coldness. You become more human.

The person must be creative. If your love is just a feeling that doesn't translate into action, it won't affect most of humanity. You have to make love a reality, materialize it.

These are your three dimensions: being, feeling, action.
Action consists in creativity, all kinds of creativity - music, poetry, painting, sculpture, architecture, science, technology.
Feeling consists in everything that is aesthetic - love, beauty.
And the being consists in meditation, awareness, consciousness.
© Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

Faces of poets

Poets, thin heart connection -
By the energy of Love we are holy retinues.
The awareness of God is not ashamed,
Words are poured into the cup of conscience.

We are beads in a ray of light
Constellations in the sky, crosses on the body.
We are the wind in anticipation of summer
With a desire to move the leaves of trees.

Without fear, we open the pages -
Look into Souls through the lines-eyes.
And what if the face is not recognizable?
Today our faces are the rhyme of an image.

A rain of thoughts and words falls on the poet. If the Spirit of God lights up in the poet, then God himself participates in this process. And God mixes the words chosen by the poet into the consciousness of his soul, crumples them like a potter's clay, and then with the poet's pen or computer sculpts a sculpture of the verse, creates its trembling, illusory, flickering image, if you like, the living fabric of life. Here, for example, are flowers trembling in their own lilac haze. The pointed-nosed sage in the guise of Pinocchio began like this:
« The artist depicted us ... "
This somewhat foolish beginning of Mandelstam takes on a landslide state when the end of the line joins it: "a deep swoon of lilacs." Pictures of the Impressionists and Russian artists and lilac instantly appear on the screen of associations - heavy, wet, full of life and juices. It's all lilac, terry - a reflection of happiness. Fine enough! But, suddenly, a genius speaks and Dante's Faust appears, and hell joins heaven, and the great is created:
« And the sonorous steps of colors
On the canvas, like scabs, put ... "Here disappears the colloquial simplicity of life and there is poetry and fate. According to Pasternak:
« And this is where the art ends.
And the soil and fate breathes ... "

Words are light and thoughts are submissive to the soul,
And the cup of the heart is again full of goodness.
The poetry of love is beneficial for the world,
I create it with a quivering pen.
The noise will subside, all desires will cool down,
And salvation will come to us.
And there will be someone who will understand my messages
With your pure, enlightened soul.
Now I'll go quietly, imperceptibly
To a distant world of love and eternal dreams.
And my thought will be kept inconspicuously
At the bottom of the seas of my shed tears.

How sweet it is to soar above the world of vanity,
Waving the wings of truth in time with eternity.
And in the world of muses, works and beauty
Write poetry, sheets with a marai pen.
Let me be nobody, let my life be empty
And only laughter I deserved and humiliation,
But I believe that my dream will smile
And God will give comfort to my soul.
I'll get drunk on the beauty of divine wine
And let the light of the soul into my consciousness.
I will be forgotten forever in a great, eternal dream,
Leaving the world its joy and suffering.


What is my life? - Nice dream?
Is poetry a great start?
Heaven's punishing law?
Or truth looking tired?
What is my life? - Past years?
Friends drunken reasoning?
To all the questions only "yes"?
Or from the mind of a great delusion?
What is my life? - End or infinity?
A wise decision or the delirium of a blind man?
A short moment or holy eternity?
Suffering of Hell or Heaven of the Creator?

© Sergey Veretennikov


I don't read poetry
And I hear how the universal spirit
Sings, stories of wondrous dreams
offering me;
I, like a diligent secretary,
Turning on the lantern of consciousness,
I write behind him, as if I myself
I'm composing a quatrain...

In the midnight hour, in the routine of the day
He doesn't leave me
What I don't see myself
He notes
All signs, symbols and dreams,
Motifs of autumn, spring,
And the world of divine love
opens to me.

And there, in the sky
My spirit paints an image of me
The one who thought created the light,
and, the Word became
Living movement of being,
Where, anyone could be me...
But, touching this mystery,
writing from the beginning...

© V. Str@nick


The moment of eternity approaches
And it becomes immediately distant ...

Tempting time - silence
Open to thoughts and dreams.
Trusting shadows are woven
And circling lazily at the window ...

When the paths part
Between reality and light
Your soul must come
There is only one space, fly, fly,
Meaningful to the soul of the poet.

But he's drunk on love
And remains unavailable
There are no steps, he is in heaven,
And captivated by the higher mind,
He is detached and incorruptible.

The spiritual world will open the light,
The soul of a beautiful flight
And so a poet is born
No matter where, in the circle of planets,
Or the universe turning.

In forgotten places,
On the endless water surface
Magical midnight dreams
Other unknown worlds
The soul of the poet will be eternal.

© Trofimov Nikolay

World Poetry Day

The initial initiative to establish an official Poetry Day dates back to the late 1930s: in 1938, the American state of Ohio, at the initiative of the poetess Tessa Sweezy Webb, proclaimed October 15 as Poetry Day - the birthday of the ancient Roman poet Virgil. By 1951, this date was recognized by thirty-eight US states, as well as Mexico, and was celebrated as National Poetry Day. Then this day began to be celebrated in other countries as World Poetry Day.

In 1999, at the 30th session of the General Conference of UNESCO, it was decided to celebrate World Poetry Day on March 21 every year.

The first World Poetry Day was held in Paris on March 21, 2000, where the headquarters of UNESCO is located.
"Poetry," the UNESCO decision says, "may be the answer to the most acute and profound spiritual questions of modern man, but for this it is necessary to draw the widest possible public attention to it."
World Poetry Day is designed to give an opportunity to express themselves more widely to small publishing houses, whose efforts mainly reach the readers of the work of contemporary poets, to literary clubs that revive the age-old tradition of a living sounding poetic word. This Day, according to UNESCO, is intended to serve to create a positive image of poetry in the media as a truly modern art open to people.

It is believed that the most ancient verses-hymns were created in the XXIII century. BC. The author of the poems is the poetess-priestess En-hedu-ana (En-hedu-ana), about whom it is only known that she was the daughter of the Akkadian king Sargon, who conquered Ur (the territory of Iran). En-hedu-ana wrote about the moon god Nanna and his daughter, the morning star goddess Inanna.

At present, on this Day all over the world - in institutions of culture, education, creative teams, etc. - various poetry concerts, author's readings, conferences and seminars dedicated to poets and their work, presentations of new poetic literature are held.

In Moscow, the first Poetry Day was held on March 21, 2000 at the Taganka Theatre. Its initiator was the "Voluntary Society for the Protection of Dragonflies" (DOOS), headed by the poet Konstantin Kedrov.
The celebration of World Poetry Day in Russia is celebrated annually by various poetic events in theaters, literary clubs and salons.
Since 2009, events dedicated to Poetry Day have been organized at the Central House of Writers with the support of the literary portal in partnership with the UNESCO Office in Moscow and under the auspices of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications.

National Literary Award "Poet of the Year"

The National Literary Award "Poet of the Year" was established with the aim of finding new talented authors who can contribute to modern literature. The selection of laureates is carried out by the Grand Jury, whose composition has been significantly expanded in the current competitive year. The members of the jury consider the works published in the special almanacs of the "Poet of the Year" award and evaluate the work of each author.
The award competition is held in the following categories: "Poet of the Year", "Debut", "Lyrics", "Humor", "Children's Literature".
The award is a publication of a book with the works of the laureate at the expense of the organizers of the competition. The author independently sets his own fee from each sold copy. The circulation of the book is determined on the basis of demand: depending on the reader's interest, the publishing house prints the required circulation. The symbol of the award, which is awarded to each laureate, is a statuette in the shape of a feather on a plinth of stones.
The announcement and awarding of the prize winners is carried out at a solemn ceremony dedicated to the celebration of World Poetry Day, held annually on March 21 in partnership with the UNESCO Bureau and under the auspices of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. The award ceremony for 2014 will take place on March 21, 2015 at the Grand Conference Hall of the Moscow Government.


A wonderful gift from the gods!
About fiery hearts fun and love,
O quiet charm, charm of the soul -
Poetry! With you
And sorrow, and poverty, and gloomy exile -
Lose their terror!
In the shade of the oak forest, above the stream,
Friend Phoebus, with a clear soul,
In his wretched hut,
Forgotten rock, forgotten rock, -
Sings, dreams and - blessed!
And who, and who is not animated
Your divine influence?
Tsevnitsy rude brooding rattling
Laplander, wild son of the snows,
He glorifies his foggy homeland
And the unartificial harmony of verses,
Looking at the stormy waves, depicts
And your smoky hut, and the cold, and the sound of the seas,
And the fast run of the sleigh,
Flying through the snows with swift-footed deer.
Happy lot miserable,
Shout, leaning on the plow,
Drawn slowly by tired oxen,
Sings its forest, its peaceful meadow,
Carts creaking under the sheaves,
And the sweetness of winter evenings
When, with the noise of a blizzard, before the brilliant hearth,
In the circle of his sons
With a drink foamy and boiling,
He pours joy in the heart
And peacefully falls asleep at midnight,
Forgetting the sweat shed on the wild reins...
But you, whom the ray of heaven quickens,
Singers, friends of my soul!
In the sad journey of this momentary life
Strew the thorny path with flowers
And pour out your flame into ardent hearts!
Yes, by the sound of your loud lyres
Hero, awakened to glory,
Divit and shake the world!
Yes, the young man is inflamed
Tears are shed from them in delight,
The altar of the fatherland kisses
And death for him, as a blessing, awaits!
Yes, the poor worker will blossom in soul
From your blessed songs!
But let your thunder fall
On these cruel and depraved,
Who, in shame, with lofty brows,
Innocence, valor and honor trampled underfoot,
They dare to call themselves demigods!
Friends of heavenly muses! captivated by vanity?
Despising momentary successes -
Insignificant voice of praise, cymbal ringing
empty, -
Despising the luxury of joy,
Let's follow in the footsteps of the greats! -
The path to immortality is open to us by fate!
Let us not shame ourselves with praise
High lot, contemptuous soul, -
We dare to crown the worthy!
Is it Phoebov's favorite to chase a ghost?
To the favorite of Phoebov in the dust to grovel
And deceive Fortune with humiliation?
Offspring distributes crowns and disgrace:
Let's dare to turn our mausoleum into an altar!
O glory, admiration of the heart!
O sweet lot - in love
offspring live!
December 1804
© Vasily Zhukovsky

In 1999, at the 30th session of the UNESCO General Conference, it was decided to celebrate World Poetry Day on March 21st. The first World Poetry Day was celebrated in Paris, where the headquarters of UNESCO is located.

“Poetry,” the UNESCO decision says, “can be the answer to the most acute and profound spiritual questions of modern man, but for this it is necessary to attract the widest possible public attention to it. In addition, World Poetry Day should give an opportunity to express themselves more widely to small publishing houses, whose efforts mainly reach the readers of the work of contemporary poets, to literary clubs reviving the age-old tradition of a living sounding poetic word.

Today, traditionally in many countries of the world, literary evenings, festivals, presentations of new books, literary prizes, etc. are held on the occasion of World Poetry Day.
This Day, according to UNESCO, is intended to serve to create a positive image of poetry in the media as a truly modern art open to people.

On the American continent, the Yale Group of Young Poets Award is well known. It was established in 1919 and is the oldest annual poetry award in the United States. It is awarded to America's most promising young poets.

The International Festival "Biennale of Poets" is held annually in Moscow, the prize "Moscow account" is awarded, the poetic Oscar of the Russian capital. Another award, which is called "Moscow-Transit", is an expression of the unflagging interest of the Moscow literary community and Moscow readers in the poetic work of authors working outside the capital.
In Moscow, one of the cultural and poetic capitals of the world, the celebration of World Poetry Day usually lasts about 10 days.
In the Russian capital, it has become a tradition to celebrate Poetry Day with a variety of poetic events that take place in theaters, literary clubs and salons. In 2008, the program of the World Poetry Day in Moscow included a kind of poetic marathon, presentation of new books, lectures on the poetry of the last thirty years, presentation of various poetry prizes, and much more.

K. Balmont

You know as well as I
irresistible attraction,
And we are in the sky
And we are the undercurrents.

A line breathes before us
Phenomena of Strength and Uselessness,
And in the center of the circle we are always
And we're running in circles.

We look into the mirror of fate
And how we dress up for the holiday,
Semi-masters and slaves,
We are gathering around the dark crypts.

And hearing the midnight fight,
Drunk with iron music,
We rush in a circular dance
Over the opening abyss.

Cemetery Lights Game
We are beckoned by fabulous charms,
Wherever there is death, we are right there with it,
Like smoky shadows - with fires.

And we, invisible, burn,
And disturbing someone else's dream with caresses,
And reign among the inexperienced
Madness, horror and fairy tales.

"The poet is always in the arms of the muse.
She is chasing him.
And it's nice to know what you need
You have given everything in verses to everyone."

Just wishing all my friends happy holidays.
Write, create, dare.
After all, everything can be said in poetry.
Best wishes to all. Rita

World Poetry Day is celebrated annually on March 21st. Poetry is probably one of the most ingenious achievements of mankind. To pour out one's feelings in poetic form, to capture one's worldview in rhyme, to dream of the future and remember the past, while simultaneously addressing millions and remaining alone with oneself - only poetry, the greatest of the arts created by man, is capable of this.

Not many become great and famous poets, but many at least once in their lives tried to compose poetry. After all, most people are far from alien to those “beautiful impulses of the soul”, which prompt a person to take a pen, a piece of paper and start creating. Write poetry without thinking about fame and immortality. After all, even a small, unknown poem written by a child is also a huge spiritual contribution to the cultural and intellectual prosperity of the whole society.

History of World Poetry Day

For the first time, the American poetess Tesa Webb came up with the initiative to establish the holiday back in the mid-30s of the 20th century. She proposed to celebrate International Poetry Day on October 15, in honor of the birth date of the famous poet and philosopher Virgil. It should be noted that her proposal found a positive response in the hearts of many people: by 1951, October 15, National Poetry Day was celebrated not only in 38 US states, but also in European countries. The celebrations were unofficial in nature, and the date of their holding was not fixed in any way in the calendar of memorable days.

Only on November 15, 1999, at the 30th conference, UNESCO adopted a resolution on the establishment of an international day, which was supposed to “breathe a second life” into the world poetic movement. For the first time, the holiday was celebrated on March 21 in 2000, in Paris, where the headquarters of UNESCO is located. The main goal of the International Day of Poetry was to emphasize the great importance that literature plays in the cultural life of modern society, to unite poets from all over the world and give them the right and opportunity to express themselves!

Traditions of the World Poetry Day in the world and Russia

Despite the fact that World Poetry Day is a young holiday, it is celebrated quite widely in the USA, Europe, and, of course, in Russia. On this day, it is customary to arrange evenings in literary clubs, meetings with readers, which are attended by both venerable and novice poets. The holiday is solemnly celebrated not only by poets and their readers, but also by the philological faculties of higher educational institutions, many schools, publishing houses of literary magazines, almanacs and newspapers.