When is the next lunar eclipse of the year. Best activities for eclipse days

2018 is rich in eclipses, instead of four, as in previous years, we expect five: three partial solar eclipses and two total lunar. From the point of view of astrology, eclipses are points of concentration of planetary energies and conductors of change. It is believed that they lay the development program for the coming months and even years.

In this article, you will find a list of solar and lunar eclipses in 2018 with exact dates and times, as well as a description of their impact.

Lunar eclipse January 31, 2018

The total lunar eclipse on January 31, 2018 occurs at 11 degrees Leo. A total lunar eclipse is called a "blood moon" because the Earth's satellite turns crimson red. It starts at 10:51 UTC (GMT) or 13:51 Moscow time (Moscow time), ends at 16:08 UTC or 19:08 Moscow time. It can be seen throughout most of North America, Northern Europe, Russia, Asia, and Australia. In Moscow, this celestial phenomenon can also be observed, if the weather permits, but only the final phases.

The Moon at 11 degrees Leo opposes the Sun and Venus in Aquarius. This is the first eclipse of 2018 and it calls on us to assess our plans for the coming year, take control of our destiny and leave nothing to chance. Most likely, its influence will be reflected in the sphere of relations, since the influence of Venus, the planet of love and harmony, is noticeably manifested. The axis of the eclipse forms a square (negative aspect) with Jupiter in Scorpio, which hints at the relationship of love and money. Personal relationships and business connections will get a new development. Perhaps plans will appear that will not be implemented at this time, but will later become reality.

Solar eclipse February 15, 2018

The solar eclipse on February 15, 2018 will take place at 20:51 UTC or 23:51 Moscow time at 27° Aquarius. This celestial event can be observed in the south of South America, in Antarctica, in the southern part of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. On the territory of Russia, it will not be visible.

The eclipse point forms a conjunction with Mercury, which indicates the emergence of new plans. There is a tense aspect with Jupiter, but its energy is balanced by the harmonious aspect of Uranus in Aries, which is the dispositor of the eclipse. The February eclipse in Aquarius inspires optimism. Impressive ideas can lead to a breakthrough, and financial circumstances will change for the better.

Solar eclipse July 13, 2018

It occurs at 03:01 UTC or 06:01 Moscow time at 20° Cancer. This celestial phenomenon is available for observation in southern Australia, in the southern Pacific and Indian oceans.

Aspects of the planets are quite contradictory, there are both positive and negative relationships. The opposition of the Sun and Moon in Cancer with Pluto in Capricorn creates drama, but the trines of the eclipse point to Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces defuse tension. Initially, there may be confusion, but the long-term effect will be restructuring and transformation, and the results will be positive.

Lunar eclipse July 27, 2018

The total lunar eclipse will take place on July 27, 2018 at 20:21 UTC or 23:21 Moscow time at 4° Aquarius. It is available for observation in most of Europe, Asia, in the south of North America, Australia, Antarctica, Africa, South America. In Russia, it can also be observed.

The Full Moon in Aquarius in conjunction with Mars opposes the Sun in Leo, at the same time a negative aspect with Uranus is formed. This is a tense planetary configuration with powerful energy. Adding to the confusion is the fact that Mercury and Mars are retrograde at this time, i.e. are moving in the opposite direction. Under the influence of the July lunar eclipse, serious upheavals are possible, both on a personal level and on a social level. Breaks in relations, financial troubles are not ruled out. Avoid impulsive actions so as not to wake up any dormant problems, otherwise they will develop into protracted conflicts. Where possible, compromise to keep the peace.

Solar eclipse August 11, 2018

This celestial event occurs on August 11, 2018 at 09:46 UTC or 12:46 Moscow time at 18° Leo. It is visible in northern Europe, northeast Asia, northern North America and Antarctica. On the territory of Russia, including in Moscow, it can also be seen. However, the solar eclipse is partial, and the moon's shadow will cover only a small part of the sun.

The Sun and Moon in conjunction with retrograde Mercury - this suggests that some past circumstances will remind of themselves. The charge of creative energy that the fiery Leo carries will help overcome uncertainty and step forward. However, one should act with discretion, as the square of the Sun and Moon in Leo with Jupiter in Scorpio can be expressed in excessive optimism and indiscretion. It is recommended to be careful, there may be problems with travel or transport.

The 2018 eclipses are part of a long cycle that began in 2016. They will bring important changes that will determine how our lives will unfold in the coming months and years.

Even in ancient times, people noticed a special astronomical phenomenon, which in the future was called "eclipse". First of all, there are lunar and solar eclipses, but each of them a few centuries ago led to horror and confusion. As a rule, ignorant people saw in them a terrible omen or a message from the Almighty, which everyone tried to interpret as best they could. Now scientists know enough that no one else is afraid of strange celestial phenomena. In this article, we will tell you about when the year will be both lunar and solar eclipses, as well as how they affect a person.

Lunar eclipses in 2018

There will be two total lunar eclipses in 2018: January 31, 2018 and July 27, 2018. Therefore, lovers of seeing something unusual will be able to enjoy this spectacle in all its glory.

Lunar eclipses, as a rule, occur at the moment when the Moon, as it were, hides in the shadow of our planet, being on the same line with the Sun. For an observer on Earth, the natural satellite disappears altogether, which gives the impression of its complete absence. An interesting phenomenon during a lunar eclipse is the red moon. it was she who most of all frightened our ancestors, who thought that its red lunar color symbolizes the coming deadly period. However, there is nothing terrible in the red moon. On the contrary, this beautiful and unique event in the sky looks very bewitching and impressive, but does not portend anything.

Solar eclipses in 2018

In the upcoming 2018, the inhabitants of the Earth will not have to see total solar eclipses. But private, as many as three are expected: February 15, 2018, July 13, 2018, August 11, 2018.

It should be noted that solar eclipses occur in almost the same number as lunar ones (if we take a long period of time) and are an astronomical phenomenon in which the Moon completely or partially covers the solar disk. This happens when the Sun, Moon and Earth line up in one straight line, which gives the impression that the natural satellite of our planet outshines the Sun. It is noteworthy that the eclipse is not observed in all points of the planet at the same time and in the same way (see Fig. schedule-calendar below). It all depends on the viewing angle, because in reality the Moon is much smaller than the Sun and closes it only due to the fact that the observer is on Earth - a point more distant at that time.

Calendar of lunar and solar eclipses for 2018

The impact of eclipses on humans and their consequences

Despite the fact that the ancient times of primitive fears have long passed, yet some people continue to believe in the oppressive influence of solar and lunar eclipses. And in this phobia there is still a grain of truth. Of course, the eclipse does not carry any terrible consequences. However, their effect on the human body has been proven by science.

It is believed that the people most susceptible to deterioration during this astronomical event are the elderly, suffering from cardiovascular diseases, pregnant women and people with mental disorders. They begin to feel unwell about two weeks before the day on which the eclipse is due to occur, and poor health may continue for another two weeks after its completion. Especially superstitious ones claim that during this phenomenon it is even better not to leave the house at all, especially for expectant mothers, but science has not yet found confirmation of such words.

2018 is rich in eclipses, instead of four, as in previous years, we expect five: three partial solar eclipses and two total lunar. From the point of view of astrology, eclipses are points of concentration of planetary energies and conductors of change. It is believed that they lay the development program for the coming months and even years.

In this article, you will find a list of solar and lunar eclipses in 2018 with exact dates and times, as well as a description of their impact.

Lunar eclipse January 31, 2018

The total lunar eclipse on January 31, 2018 occurs at 11 degrees Leo. A total lunar eclipse is called a "blood moon" because the Earth's satellite turns crimson red. It starts at 10:51 UTC (GMT) or 13:51 Moscow time (Moscow time), ends at 16:08 UTC or 19:08 Moscow time. It can be seen throughout most of North America, Northern Europe, Russia, Asia, and Australia. In Moscow, this celestial phenomenon can also be observed, if the weather permits, but only the final phases.

The Moon at 11 degrees Leo opposes the Sun and Venus in Aquarius. This is the first eclipse of 2018 and it calls on us to assess our plans for the coming year, take control of our destiny and leave nothing to chance. Most likely, its influence will be reflected in the sphere of relations, since the influence of Venus, the planet of love and harmony, is noticeably manifested. The axis of the eclipse forms a square (negative aspect) with Jupiter in Scorpio, which hints at the relationship of love and money. Personal relationships and business connections will get a new development. Perhaps plans will appear that will not be implemented at this time, but will later become reality.

Solar eclipse February 15, 2018

The solar eclipse on February 15, 2018 will take place at 20:51 UTC or 23:51 Moscow time at 27° Aquarius. This celestial event can be observed in the south of South America, in Antarctica, in the southern part of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. On the territory of Russia, it will not be visible.

The eclipse point forms a conjunction with Mercury, which indicates the emergence of new plans. There is a tense aspect with Jupiter, but its energy is balanced by the harmonious aspect of Uranus in Aries, which is the dispositor of the eclipse. The February eclipse in Aquarius inspires optimism. Impressive ideas can lead to a breakthrough, and financial circumstances will change for the better.

Solar eclipse July 13, 2018

It occurs at 03:01 UTC or 06:01 Moscow time at 20° Cancer. This celestial phenomenon is available for observation in southern Australia, in the southern Pacific and Indian oceans.

Aspects of the planets are quite contradictory, there are both positive and negative relationships. The opposition of the Sun and Moon in Cancer with Pluto in Capricorn creates drama, but the trines of the eclipse point to Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces defuse tension. Initially, there may be confusion, but the long-term effect will be restructuring and transformation, and the results will be positive.

Lunar eclipse July 27, 2018

The total lunar eclipse will take place on July 27, 2018 at 20:21 UTC or 23:21 Moscow time at 4° Aquarius. It is available for observation in most of Europe, Asia, in the south of North America, Australia, Antarctica, Africa, South America. In Russia, it can also be observed.

The Full Moon in Aquarius in conjunction with Mars opposes the Sun in Leo, at the same time a negative aspect with Uranus is formed. This is a tense planetary configuration with powerful energy. Adding to the confusion is the fact that Mercury and Mars are retrograde at this time, i.e. are moving in the opposite direction. Under the influence of the July lunar eclipse, serious upheavals are possible, both on a personal level and on a social level. Breaks in relations, financial troubles are not ruled out. Avoid impulsive actions so as not to wake up any dormant problems, otherwise they will develop into protracted conflicts. Where possible, compromise to keep the peace.

Solar eclipse August 11, 2018

This celestial event occurs on August 11, 2018 at 09:46 UTC or 12:46 Moscow time at 18° Leo. It is visible in northern Europe, northeast Asia, northern North America and Antarctica. On the territory of Russia, including in Moscow, it can also be seen. However, the solar eclipse is partial, and the moon's shadow will cover only a small part of the sun.

The Sun and Moon in conjunction with retrograde Mercury - this suggests that some past circumstances will remind of themselves. The charge of creative energy that the fiery Leo carries will help overcome uncertainty and step forward. However, one should act with discretion, as the square of the Sun and Moon in Leo with Jupiter in Scorpio can be expressed in excessive optimism and indiscretion. It is recommended to be careful, there may be problems with travel or transport.

The 2018 eclipses are part of a long cycle that began in 2016. They will bring important changes that will determine how our lives will unfold in the coming months and years.

  1. A solar eclipse is the result of such an arrangement of celestial bodies, when the lunar disk passes between the Earth and the Sun and completely or partially blocks the sunlight. This phenomenon is always associated with the new moon, the birth of a new cycle, the beginning of a new stage. Most often, a solar eclipse is followed by a series of pleasant, positive events, happy changes.
  2. During a lunar eclipse, the Earth covers the Moon from the Sun, located between them. Lunar eclipses always occur during the period of the full moon, they symbolize the end of certain processes, the end of the previous period.

In astrology, eclipses are considered very important moments, as they are associated with the concentration of planetary energies and portend imminent global changes that determine the development of events in a long cycle. To find out when there will be an eclipse of the moon or the sun, you should turn to astrology.

How many eclipses are there in 2019?

The 2019 lunar and solar eclipse will be visible multiple times.
The sun will partially hide from the inhabitants of the Earth three times, and the lunar eclipses will pass twice and will be total.

Eclipse dates for 2019:

  • 01.18 - the first lunar eclipse, when such a phenomenon as the "blood moon" will also be observed. Among the countries where this event will be available for viewing: Russia, Australia, Asia, North America and northern Europe.
  • 02.2018 - solar eclipse. The solar disk will be partially obscured. Witnesses of this event can only be residents of South America and Antarctica. The peak of the eclipse will occur at 23.52 Moscow time.
  • 07.2018 - the second similar eclipse, the observation of which will also become possible in Antarctica and southern Australia. The culmination of this eclipse will be on 06.02 Moscow time.
  • 07.2018 - lunar eclipse, it will be seen by most Europeans, residents of Australia, Antarctica, Africa, South America and southern North America.
  • 08.2018 - the third solar eclipse. This time it will be seen by residents of Canada, Scandinavian countries, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, northern and eastern parts of Russia. It will be possible to observe it from 12.07 to 12.51 (Moscow time).

The influence of eclipses will be different in different periods, since the location of other celestial bodies and zodiacal structures plays a big role in this issue, so it is worth dwelling on each of these events in more detail.

January 31, 2019 - a total lunar eclipse.

The partial solar eclipse, which will begin at 23:51 Moscow time at 27 degrees Aquarius, is available to residents of southern South America, the southern Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and Antarctica. In Russia, this event will not be available for observation.
The eclipse point forms a conjunction with Mercury, which means that new ideas will be born, planning will be easy. In the astrological chart of this eclipse, there is a tense aspect with Jupiter, but this negative nuance is compensated by another aspect - Uranus in Aries. In general, the solar eclipse in February is positive, as it allows you to expect a change for the better in terms of financial circumstances, thanks to well-thought-out actions leading to a breakthrough.

July 13, 2019 - the second solar eclipse.

This event will begin at 06:01 Moscow time and will take place at the twentieth degree of the constellation Cancer. It will be possible to observe it only in the south of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, as well as in the southern part of Australia.
The planets will be located in relation to each other so that both positive aspects and contradictory and negative ones will be created between them. The Sun and Moon in Cancer form an opposition with Pluto, which is in the sign of Capricorn, this indicates some tension and even drama of events. There is a high probability of unexpected unpleasant incidents, large-scale accidents. But the situation will be softened by the ratio of the eclipse axis in relation to Neptune, located in Pisces, and to Jupiter, which at that moment will pass through the sign of Scorpio. Therefore, no matter what unrest arises during this period, the results will still be positive.

July 27, 2019 - the second lunar eclipse.

This total eclipse of the moon will begin when it passes through 4 degrees of Aquarius. The July eclipse will take place at 23:21 Moscow time. The inhabitants of the planet who are at this moment in Africa, Australia, Europe, Russia, and South America will be able to see this celestial phenomenon.
The planets form a tense configuration with a huge energy potential. The full moon in Aquarius, which forms a conjunction with Mars, is in opposition to the Sun, located in Leo, in parallel, a negative aspect with Uranus is also formed. In addition, the retrograde movement of planets such as Mars and Mercury also enhances negative trends.
Events in July can be quite unpleasant, in some cases there may be strong upheavals, this will affect the social sphere and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpersonal relationships. There is a tendency to end the relationship, a sharp break. Unexpected financial problems may arise.
It is important during this period to restrain yourself, not to give in to impulsive impulses, so as not to provoke the emergence of global problems and conflict situations. Do your best to keep your balance.

August 11, 2019 - the third solar eclipse.

This partial eclipse will begin at 12:46 GMT at 18 degrees in the constellation Leo. It will be available for observation in the northern parts of Europe, Asia, North America and Antarctica. Residents of Russia will also be able to admire this phenomenon. But the moon's shadow will only cover a small area of ​​the sun's disk, so the eclipse may not be as spectacular as some others.
Mercury, moving in the opposite direction, forms a conjunction with the Sun and Moon, which makes it possible for circumstances from the distant past to remind themselves again.
There will be energy for creativity, some will feel confident in their abilities and will be able to do what they did not dare to do. This trend is dictated by the sign of Leo, in which the eclipse will take place.
But the planets warn against impulsive and thoughtless actions, as excessive self-confidence can develop into thoughtlessness and self-confidence. This is confirmed by the formation of the square of the Sun and Moon in Leo with Jupiter passing through Scorpio.

Be more attentive to the actions and twists of fate during periods of eclipse, as these events are decisive for the subsequent cycle, which can last months and years.

Unfortunately, these spectacular phenomena can not be observed from all points of the globe. Residents of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine will have the opportunity to see only 3 eclipses (2 lunar and 1 solar).

Eclipses 2018

Lunar eclipse January 31, 2018. There will be a total lunar eclipse at 16:30 Moscow time. Residents of Belarus, Australia, Canada (northwestern part), Ukraine, Alaska and Russia (Asian part) will be able to watch it. The eclipse will also be visible in Africa (western part), the Middle East, Western Europe (eastern part) and Central Asia.

Solar eclipse February 15, 2018. Almost at midnight (at 23:52 Moscow time), residents of South America and representatives of scientific communities who are in Antarctica will be able to please their eyes with a partial solar eclipse. Unfortunately, this eclipse will not be observed on the territory of Russia.

Solar eclipse July 13, 2018. Exact time of another partial solar eclipse: 06:02 Moscow time. It will be possible to follow the phenomenon, being in the territory of Tasmania, Australia (southern part), Antarctica (eastern part). In addition to these points on the globe, those who are in the waters of the Indian Ocean (between Australia and Antarctica) will also be able to enjoy the beauty of the eclipse.

Lunar eclipse July 27, 2018. At 23:22 Moscow time, a total lunar eclipse will be observed in Africa (southern and eastern parts), the Urals, Russia (southern part), the Middle East, Asia (southern and central parts). At the same time, a penumbral lunar eclipse will be visible from all points of the Earth, except for North America, Kamchatka and Chukotka.

Solar eclipse on August 11, 2018. Another partial solar eclipse can be observed at 12:47 Moscow time. The phenomenon will be noticeable in Northeast China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, the Far East and Siberia. People located in Russia (central part), Scandinavia, Greenland and Canada (northern part) will also be able to see the phenomenon.

Features of lunar and solar eclipses in 2018

Good to know! Each eclipse that will occur in 2018 has its own characteristics, and also has certain specifics. These phenomena will have completely different effects on the physical and psychological state of people, and will also affect their destinies in different ways.

Lunar eclipse 01/31/2018

Due to the fact that the eclipse will be total, throughout the day people may feel a lack of endurance, which helps to control emotions. You must try to behave with restraint, otherwise you can provoke a conflict. Many will sharpen intuition and extrasensory abilities. On this day, it is recommended to engage in spiritual development and charity, to show kindness to others.

Solar eclipse 02/15/2018

The time most suitable for a relaxing holiday, meditation and self-knowledge. When the rays of the sun suddenly stop coming to Earth, the world plunges into darkness. This means that evil can come out and fully manifest itself. Such influence will be reflected mainly in the psychological state of people. Those who hatch insidious plans, live in the past, harbor resentment in their souls, may feel an irresistible desire to commit unseemly acts. Therefore, on February 15, it is important to control yourself and not enter into conflicts.

Solar eclipse 07/13/2018

Professional astrologers are sure that on this day any undertakings and actions aimed at creating something important are doomed to failure. This is due to the fact that for some time the flow of positive solar energy to the Earth will be blocked. On July 13, it is most useful to engage in the knowledge of your inner world, engage in spiritual practices, turn to the Lord through prayers. Those who strictly adhere to the recommendations of experts listen to religious chants throughout the day and even fast so as not to burden their body with fast food.

Lunar eclipse 07/27/2018

Today you should refrain from any activity. It is better to devote time to rest, but not active, but calm. You can do small household chores, spend time with your loved ones, leaving for nature. July 27 is the day when the Universe can endow with remarkable energy, which has a beneficial effect on the physiological and psychological processes in the body. Even a short walk in the bosom of nature will bring great benefits.

Solar eclipse 08/11/2018

Making bad decisions is what you should fear most on this day. During the eclipse, people's thinking will be somewhat different, because the concentration of attention will decrease. This will negatively affect the ability to concentrate. Be prepared for the fact that the perception of your inner voice will also become dull. It is important not to succumb to a momentary temptation, but to leave the resolution of any issues for later.

How and who will be most affected by eclipses in 2018?

Fears about the sinister impact of any eclipses on a person, fortunately, have sunk into the past. Primitive people were really very afraid to observe these phenomena and believed that they did not bode well. Scientists have long proved that eclipses cannot give the Earth and, accordingly, people, exclusively negative energy. However, during periods of eclipses, experts still advise to adhere to some rules.

Many people tend to trust their own intuition and understand that these mysterious phenomena can drive a person into a depressing state. Of course, there is some truth in this point of view. But the danger of eclipses should not be exaggerated. Scientists note that people with diseases of the heart, liver and blood vessels, mental disorders, the elderly, children, and pregnant women are most susceptible to these astronomical phenomena. These groups of people can feel the effects of the eclipse long before it happens (about a week).

After the phenomenon has passed, they will also feel changes in their condition throughout the week. Basically, this will be expressed in a deterioration in well-being. Headaches, general malaise, fluctuations in body temperature and jumps in blood pressure are possible.

Preparing for solar and lunar eclipses

It's okay if a person does not prepare for an eclipse at all, of course, it will not follow. But proper preparation for this phenomenon will not be superfluous. So, a couple of days before the upcoming event, it is desirable:

  1. make a list of plans to think about during the eclipse. After all, from the Cosmos to the Earth powerful streams of the Universal energy will be directed, which should definitely be enriched. This energy will help solve even the most difficult problems, find a way out of difficult situations;
  2. relieve the body by eliminating fatty, spicy and salty foods from the diet. Also, do not eat smoked meats and spices. It is better to lean on fresh vegetables, cereals, herbs, fruits, nuts, dairy products; release the day of the eclipse from important matters. Remember, you should not overstrain, both physically and psychologically;
  3. harden the body by doing physical exercises (charging), dousing with cold water, morning jogging, swimming in the pool.

Do not forget that eclipses can cause a deterioration in well-being, so be especially careful about your health for a few days; prepare the ground for spiritual growth. You can plan your meditation sessions ahead of time. Also, self-improvement, self-development and self-hypnosis exercises can be a good option; keep a sleep and wake schedule. Wake up and go to bed at approximately the same time.


Since during the eclipse you can replenish the energy resources of your body, it is important to direct positive energy to create something useful. If you are a creative person, try creating a masterpiece, like painting a picture or writing a poem. Experts assure that in the days of eclipses an unprecedented inspiration descends on creative people.


The eclipse period is a good time for meditation. In the process of these classes, you will be able to dive deep into yourself, change inner beliefs, break down psychological barriers and know your true self. After meditation sessions held during this period, many people better understand their own aspirations and finally decide on their life purpose.

Turning wishes into reality

During eclipses, the concentration of energy is so great that it is enough to realize the most ambitious desires. You can use any technique. One of the most common and effective is the visualization method. You need to imagine as clearly as possible that your dream has already come true. A positive result can only be achieved with detailed visualization. That is, it is necessary to mentally create detailed pictures: what you do after your dream comes true, what you wear, how you behave, where you are, who you communicate with, etc.

Saying goodbye to a negative past

Living and enjoying the present, as well as planning a happy future, people are often hindered by the load of mistakes made in the past. These unfortunate failures and even minor blunders carry negative energy, poisoning the present. Resentment is another aspect saturated with negative energy. On the day of eclipses, you must try to forgive everyone who has ever offended you.

By and large, during the period of eclipses, you can engage in any activity that brings satisfaction. However, there are a number of cases that experts categorically do not advise starting. At best, the work will be fruitless, at worst, the situation will worsen significantly.

  • sort things out with someone;
  • show discontent, anger and aggression;
  • slander, slander, obscene language;
  • to envy, to wish evil, to be offended;
  • engage in super-heavy work (physically);
  • organize responsible events, sign important documentation;
  • perform planned surgical operations and other medical procedures, including diagnostic ones.

Follow the recommendations of experts, and then the eclipses will not provoke you to rash actions and hasty decisions. Be filled with positive energy and get the most out of the things that you will be busy with during the days of eclipses.