Nervous tension, how to relieve stress. Symptoms and stages

Have you ever thought that stress in our lives can be seen not as a problem, but as an opportunity for our own development? In this article, we will tell you how you can benefit from stress, how to work with stress so that it does not become a cause of poor health and disease, and how you can relieve stress and nervous tension in simple ways at home. And at the end, we will offer you a special free yoga relaxation course to relieve fatigue and stress from Vitaly Lyalin - Yoga Master with 20 years of teaching experience.

What is stress good for

They say that stress is the scourge of our time. But stress can be seen as a barrier or strain, or it can be seen as an opportunity. Overcoming this tension gives us strength and promotes inner growth.

Tension is a potential that can be used, and then it will serve for the good. And this first way stress relief - give him an outlet in a useful way.

If you work in an office, you sit a lot, you have a lot of psychological stress, then the best way to relieve stress is to get physically exhausted. Find an option that you like - play football or tennis, beat a punching bag, swim a couple of kilometers in the pool or work out on the simulators. The tension will gradually go away, and fullness will appear in the body. Thus, stress can be used to pump and develop the physical body.

And you can also combine it with some useful seasonal activity: go to the dacha and chop wood or dig up the garden, clear the car of snow, wash the windows at home.

If during the day you do physical labor, spend a lot of time on your feet, and fatigue accumulates due to physical work, then you need to switch, change the nature of your activity to a more subtle, intellectual one. You can learn foreign languages ​​or make music, draw pictures or make up stories, thus using stress or tension for personal growth.

If you constantly sit at the computer, and in the evening after work you lie on the couch, buried in your phone, and even drink a lot of coffee, then you accumulate tension, finding no way out, like undigested food. And then this tension starts to put pressure on you, to wear you down. A person cannot fall asleep, his hands are shaking, a whole bunch of diseases arise.

3 types of stress

Tension or stress occurs, as a rule, at three levels - physical, emotional, intellectual. The intellectual level is often associated with tension in the neck, arms, shoulders. The emotional level is more connected with the work of internal organs.

It is rather difficult to distinguish at which level the voltage occurs. For example, we sat at the computer a lot, doing difficult work - we had an intellectual tension. We didn’t have time to hand over the project on time, the stress moved to the emotional level, the stomach or heart got sick. Intellectual tension moved to the emotional level associated with the internal organs.

You do not need to do any special diagnostics to determine where the voltage has arisen. You need to know some tricks that help relieve stress at all levels.

For example, tension in the mind due to sitting at the computer for a long time can be perfectly relieved through the physical body with the help of physical activity. To relieve tension from the emotional level and internal organs, soft twists and breath holdings are suitable.

The easiest and most effective way to relieve stress

The easiest way to relieve stress is to walk or jog in a forest or park, long enough, at least 3 km. The more stress, the longer the distance required. If the tension is very high, it is best to go for a walk in the mountains or ski through the forest.

You relieve intellectual and emotional stress through physical action and get 4 benefits compared to exercising in a fitness club:

The picture before your eyes changes all the time, new images capture your eyes, and this is good for both the mind and emotions;

In nature, there is prana or life force that fills you at all levels;

There are no rules in such an activity, you can walk as much as you want;

This activity is completely free.

But if fitness works well for you, and there is no way to walk for a long time, fitness can also be used. It's still better than letting stress build up.

How to calm nerves at home

The third way is to find a hobby at home that will calm you down. Maybe you will cook delicious new dishes. Maybe do some crafts for the soul - knitting, embroidery, modeling, creating toys or jewelry. Let someone from outside your hobby seem childish or naive, the main thing is that the creative process calms you down and helps you switch.

Now many are surprised how our ancestors lived in villages and managed to do everything, endured everything - they chopped firewood, carried water, took care of cattle, and repaired the house. It’s just that their internal tension was burned out due to everyday physical labor, and there was no such emotional stress as now.

And if we live in Khrushchev, a perforator is making noise behind the wall or a TV is yelling, and you have nowhere to go after work, then, of course, we will look for how we can relieve stress. We would like to go to the park for a walk or find a hobby for ourselves, but we are looking for salvation on the Internet and social networks. Yes, we will be distracted for a while, but the stress will not go anywhere, we will only get even more tired from the excess of information, and we still have to return to real life.

If we approach life more consciously, we observe what worries us, we will be able to relax and be filled with energy better. It will be easier for us to relieve stress.

You can borrow some simple habits that help you stay alert, healthy and cope with problems more easily from yogis. The most effective of them can be found in our special guide:

If you don't want to go anywhere and are too lazy to do something, there is an even easier and simpler way to relieve fatigue and stress - this is working with water.

Try taking a contrast shower, alternating between hot and cold water. After that, sit down and observe yourself: did it excite you or calm you down? If agitated, then this practice is not very suitable for you to relieve stress. Then you better do, for example, a warm bath with salt. Pour a pack of the most common salt into the bath, lie down for 10-15 minutes, massage your neck and shoulders, the points of the thoracic region where the ribs are attached to the sternum.

It is very important to relieve tension from the legs. If you can't shower or bathe, at least wash your feet. Wash each leg from the knee from the foot for some time (no more than a minute) with cold water, and then rub it well with a towel. After a while there will be an influx of blood. It relieves stress and fatigue well.

Rule of thumb for stress relief

If during the day an acute stressful situation happened to you, it is very important to work it out before bed. Although they say, of course, that the morning is wiser than the evening, it is better to work with the problem in the evening and not let it through the night. If you put off solving a problem or unloading from stress until the morning, this problem has time to grow deep overnight, has time to pack up and subsequently cause negative health consequences. And if you manage to remove the problem from the subtle plane in the evening, such a destructive effect does not occur overnight.

Relax yoga: 3 lessons

Another good way to relieve stress is to practice and. We offer you a relaxation yoga course of 3 lessons of 20 minutes each. The course is taught by Vitaly Lyalin, a yoga teacher with 20 years of experience, a specialist in working with internal energy.

The first lesson is devoted to relieving tension in the neck, shoulders and chest area, where psychological stress usually settles, especially while working at a computer.

In the second lesson, we work with the internal organs and remove emotional stress, and in this way we relieve fatigue from the back.

The third lesson is a magical meditation with Tibetan singing bowls, which balances all body systems.

Any overwork, which concerns the physical state or psychological, can adversely affect the state of the nervous system.

When a person pays little attention to his general condition, they are often not taken into account, which, as a rule, do not pass without a trace for the body, and even more so for the nervous system.

A state such as nervous overstrain is quite dangerous for a person, so you need to pay attention in time to the factors that lead to moral and emotional failure.

It is common for a person to feel different emotions, but if joyful ones bring only good things to a person’s life, then bad emotions, frustrations, experiences accumulate and lead to an overstrain of the nervous system.

Also, poor sleep, malnutrition, illness, all these negative factors lead to the fact that a person feels tired, exhausted, and any minor trifle can unbalance.

When a person is in this state for a long time and nothing is done, everything ends.

Risk factors and causes

If we talk about the risk group, then with full confidence we can say that every person who is not particularly attentive to his emotional, physical and mental state falls under it.

So, at first glance, the usual daily routine may include physical activity, anxiety, poor nutrition and lack of healthy sleep, and overwork. It is not necessary that these factors be cumulative, just one regular one is enough for the nervous system to react in a negative way.

The risk group includes those people who have a lack of vitamins in the body, diseases that are associated with the functions of the thyroid gland.

Also, the causes of moral and emotional stress are movement disorders, schizophrenia and genetic predisposition.

People who use alcohol and drugs are also at risk, as these substances have.

All this is the reason for the development of nervous tension, and it is necessary to prevent complications and treat disorders, which depend on the state and duration of the stressful state.

First signs of a problem

If we talk about the first signs that you should pay attention to, first of all, this is the general condition of the body, and if nervous tension builds up, then the following symptoms will be observed:

  • sleepy state;
  • irritability;
  • lethargy;
  • depression.

Perhaps a person, especially with a strong character, does not show such emotions, but sooner or later such a state can reach the point where the manifestation of emotions will be expressed in a sharper form. An inhibited reaction may be observed, often the actions themselves appear in a calmer form.

But, also, the opposite state is possible, when a person is extremely excited. This is expressed in behavior when activity is not justified, a lot of talk can be observed, especially if this is not characteristic of a person.

Such a state is completely uncharacteristic of a person, and nervous tension in the head leads to the fact that a person does not perceive reality and loses a real assessment. He may underestimate the situation or overestimate his capabilities, often in this state people make mistakes that are absolutely not characteristic of them.

Nervous breakdown as an extreme point

When a person is in constant overvoltage, there is no other option than. When the nervous system is overstressed, insomnia is observed, and when a person does not have proper rest and sleep, this leads to even greater fatigue.

If the first symptoms speak of a mild form of overstrain, then a pronounced emotional state is observed here. As fatigue and irritability intensify, a person is able to break loose on others.

This can manifest itself in aggression or tantrums, so it is important to protect yourself from such nervous breakdowns.

All symptoms: external and internal manifestations

If we talk about the symptoms of nervous tension, then they should be divided into two groups, the first is external, the second is internal.

External manifestations:

  • constant state of fatigue;
  • sluggish broken state;
  • irritability.

In some cases, irritability may not be very pronounced, but usually it makes itself felt sooner or later. These symptoms are the initial stage in the development of nervous overstrain, then internal symptoms begin to appear.


  • conditions in which lethargy and indifference prevail, some lethargy, while the person experiences anxiety, this state has a depressive character;
  • states of increased activity, agitation, obsession.

This stage is quite dangerous for a person and measures should be taken immediately, since the next stage of development can affect other body systems and affect them.

In the process of development and aggravation of symptoms, the following are observed:

It is very important in the development process not to miss the moment when you can get by with a fairly simple treatment, but if you do not pay attention to this condition, serious pathologies can develop. In addition, nervous tension can reach the point where treatment involves psychotropic drugs.

Why are our children at risk?

No matter how strange it sounds, but in most cases, the parents themselves are to blame for the nervous overstrain of children. This is not due to the fact that the parent has malicious intent and deliberately brings the child to such a state. Often the parent is unaware of what is happening. This condition may occur due to educational processes.

Also, it can arise from the loads on the school curriculum, extra classes. You need to be very careful about the emotional state of the child. If necessary, consider in more detail the psychology of the child, which is important for him at this age.

What significant moments can cause emotional discomfort, not allow and not bring the situation to such a state when the child closes in himself.

Help yourself!

You can relieve nervous tension and quickly pull yourself together in a stressful situation at home without the help of doctors. In order to help yourself on your own, you can use some recommendations:

  1. Necessarily let the nervous system relax.
  2. take it seriously proper alternation and balance of work and rest.
  3. An ideal environment for the nervous system when a person located in a calm and friendly environment. This is sometimes difficult to adhere to due to the fact that it is not always possible to choose a working environment, but a benevolent state at home can and should be ensured.
  4. Any physical exercise and sports favorably affect not only health in general, but also the nervous system.
  5. When an emotional state requires help, need to see a doctor for proper advice.

It is impossible in life to avoid all situations that can bring a negative impact. But it is possible to help the nervous system, get rest, relaxation and relaxation. Pay more attention to proper sleep.

Do not drink coffee before bedtime, smoke and drink alcohol - this will help to avoid problems with insomnia. Also, walks in the fresh air before going to bed will help. Proper sleep is the observance of the regime, you need to go to bed and get up at the same time.

If there are problems of a family nature, or at work, possibly difficult relationships with colleagues, it is worth solving them as quickly as possible, but always in a calm and quiet environment.

When a person is among unresolved problems, it is impossible to relieve tension in the head, which sooner or later will lead to a nervous breakdown. When situations cannot be solved on your own, you need to contact a psychologist who will find the right method and give advice.

Difficult situations in the family are dangerous not only for adults, but also for children, as they perceive everything psychologically very hard.

Physical activity has a very good effect on the nervous system. Going in for sports will help you forget about troubles, in addition, during exercise, the hormone of joy, endorphin, is produced. Also, a little fatigue from sports will help you fall asleep faster, and there will be no problems with insomnia.

Do not forget about the beneficial effect of playing sports. It can be completely different physical exercises - fitness, swimming, exercise equipment, cycling. It is worth paying attention to yoga, as it allows you to increase stress resistance, establish protection for situations that can cause nervous tension.

Such exercises will help to relax, normalize the general condition, strengthen sleep and bring the emotional state in order. Also, breathing exercises have a positive effect on the nervous state.

You can engage in dancing, creativity, which will also have a positive effect on the nervous system. Do not forget about relaxation, massage, swimming pool, gymnastics, all this can relieve emotional and physical stress. Calm the nervous system calm music, meditation, the sounds of nature.


Folk remedies that are good for stress and nervous tension:

For the preparation of such teas, you can use the same herbs that are part of the medicines.

If you need help right now

You can relieve stress and nervous tension right now with the help of our video tips and relaxing videos:

Music for the treatment of nerves:

Chinese music to soothe the body and spirit:

When medical attention is needed

It is worth consulting a doctor immediately if the symptoms of nervous tension appear and become more pronounced. Not necessarily the treatment will contain medication. It may be accompanied by recommendations and advice.

The treatment is always selected individually and depends on the duration and severity of the symptoms. Every factor that can affect both recovery and possible complications is taken into account.

Sometimes it is enough to change the situation, climate, recovery in health resorts to put the nervous system in order and avoid complications.

The main objective of any treatment will be prevention. They resort to psychotherapy, which allows them to correct and form resistance to situations that provoke internal tension.

Assign, which help to calm the nervous system, increase the level of stress resistance. These drugs include Valerian and Motherwort, unlike, these drugs do not cause a sleepy state.

All of them help relieve nervous tension and stress, improve sleep. Also, these drugs are produced in the form of dragees, they have the same effect and are used depending on individual preferences.

Also, there is a biologically active complex that allows you to remove a nervous breakdown and restore the normal functioning of the nervous system Nero-Vit. The main effect of the drug is sedative and anxiolytic, it contains motherwort and lemon balm, valerian and other medicinal plants.

Very often, vitamin complexes are used in treatment, which allows you to quickly restore the nervous system and get rid of nervous tension. Such vitamin complexes include Apitonus P.

How to relieve nervous tension and stress

Nervous mental tension, symptoms, stages and how to relieve nervous tension in its various stages, what you need to know, treatment.

Good time everyone! Let's talk about nervous tension. The tension that arises as a result of various psycho-emotional stresses, whether it is a solution to some problem or experience.

It is very important for anyone to learn to recognize this or that tension in time and throw it off in time. Know how and what to do in a situation of mild or strong tension, which can easily turn into neurosis. This is primarily our health, both mental and, of course, physical. Everything is nearby.

How to relieve stress, what methods and what stages of stress are in general. In order to control your emotions, manage them and catch yourself in time when tension arises, you need to know yourself well and your individual characteristics. Only this will allow you to respond positively and correctly and switch. And of course, this will require some effort and energy from you.

I will write in my own words, without any scientific expressions, it will be easier for me and I think more understandable to you.

1) Light tension which occurs quite frequently. We can experience such tension many times during the day. It arises as a result of various reasons, ranging from the usual disappointment in something; irritation; dissatisfaction with something not so significant; not a very disturbing, unpleasant memory something; excitement when meeting with some person who causes us not the best feelings.

And even when meeting someone we like, something can bother us. In this case, a slight tension can even flow into a stronger one.

But now oh light tension which occurs as a result of something unpleasant, but few significant for us. Have you noticed, felt this tension in your head (body), how can it be removed?

Such tension is removed quite easily, almost always we ourselves do it unconsciously - we were distracted by something that made us switch our attention and the tension and the very cause of its occurrence remain outside our head, without images and thought processes.

I don't think any more words are needed here. it was important switch your attention. And since the problem was insignificant, it was not difficult for us to do this.

But another scenario was also possible. You kept your attention on this unpleasant moment. They got hooked mentally and began to scroll through the negative in my head, perhaps looking for an answer, or simply analyzing. But after all, this situation is unpleasant for you, which means that by holding it, even if it is a minor nuisance, you mentally draw it in images and see some kind of internal dialogue with yourself, gradually raising the tension.

Often this can happen when a person, while doing some business, got distracted, deliberately forgot, but at the same time kept the negative inside himself, in the images and feelings that he experienced then and began to experience now. At that moment, it was best to stop and let go of all this unnecessary information in my head, but it didn’t work out. As a result, consciously or not, you went into a state of overvoltage.

2) Increased voltage. Tension, which noticeably takes away our strength. We will feel, after some time, a decline in energy, even weakness and, very possibly, unpleasant sensations in the head. Such tension arises during a significant emotional experience or if a person is in a state of thought process over the solution of some important problem for him, solves some tasks he needs, is in a mental search for something.

In principle, this is a normal state in which we all stay from time to time. Especially those people who are engaged in business, politics and many others who are in constant search, make some important decisions, etc. Yes, this is not the most beneficial tension in terms of health, but it does not become intrusive.

A person realizing that he is tired and he needs to rest, may well collect his thoughts, let go of the problem and relax. Or, if it was some kind of trouble, it’s enough to calmly push it out of your head by being busy and switching your attention to some pleasant or attention-demanding activity.

You may have to make some efforts on yourself, but it is important that this state is controlled and, with everything else, very well suited for working on yourself, searching and analyzing yourself.

Here the main thing you need to understand for yourself, to determine the point when you begin to feel significant fatigue and regardless of the positive or No solving some problem let go for a while and give it to your brain to rest. With a fresh head it is always easier to find a solution. Yes, and problems and troubles do not look so scary if you step back a little and let them go.

Many do not know how to stop in time and continue to search for a solution or scroll through the trouble, hoping to still solve the problem for themselves, to find the answer so that first of all calm yourself down but by doing so, they only bring themselves into a state of intense tension. And not only does a strong, exhausting tension arise, but also intrusive thoughts. The problem simply does not go out of my head, even if you try very hard to switch to something, occupy yourself and thereby be distracted.

3) Strong nervous tension and obsessive thoughts.

This condition, not only has a strong negative impact on the human psyche, but also on the whole organism as a whole. The nervous system is literally exhausted. And the longer this state lasts, the more difficult it is to get out of it. The body weakens, there is a strong, both physical and mental fatigue, there is a possibility of a state.

Moreover, the more persistently and quickly you try to solve the problem, because you really want to calm down as soon as possible, the faster and more you exhaust yourself. In this state, it is difficult to concentrate on work, concentrate attention and remember something.

In this state, we are not able to solve and look at the problem in a constructively correct way. This is because no matter how smart you think you are, your intellectual abilities in this obsessive and nervous state are significantly lowered. By the way, a person may not perceive it consciously and think within himself that he acts and thinks correctly. Plus to all this - a huge psycho-emotional fatigue.

You, I think, have noticed for yourself that in different states, looking at the same problem, we relate to it differently. If something has bothered you, you are exhausted and instinctively let go of the problem, you were able to do it, then already returning to it, for example, the next day, it does not seem to be such a problem for you. And the decision, as a rule, is found quite quickly, and without much stress and deliberation.

If the obsessive state continues long enough, the person becomes very sensitive to any, even minor stresses and desperately, nervously reacts to the most trifling troubles and problems. Real .

How to relieve stress

And now about how to relieve nervous tension and get rid of obsessive thoughts before it comes to neurosis.

So, how can we get out of this very unpleasant and harmful state for us. To begin with, the most important thing is to understand for yourself that it is not possible to solve the problem because of which you have brought yourself to such a state.

Plus to this, even finding appropriate answer, thoughts about the problem itself won't let you calm down, but the solution itself will still be questionable. Therefore, first of all need to relieve stress. Already understanding this will make it easier for you to perceive the situation.

Now I need to focus on something else. The best thing in this case is doing what you love, exactly what causes you positive emotions. At the same time, negative and obsessive thoughts will continue to stick in your head.

And here is the most important point. — don't resist intrusive thoughts if they don't go away and let them be while not analyzing calmly ignore them.

Any disturbing, obsessive thoughts, if you try not to think about them, will overcome even more and more. Trying to argue or get rid of them, you provoke a fight and thereby only increase internal tension.

You can watch thoughts, but without trying to get rid of them without fail and as soon as possible, let everything go naturally. Without conflicting with them, these thoughts will gradually resolve themselves.

As a result, without thinking, without fighting with yourself and without looking for a solution to the problem, everything bad will slowly lose its strength, and the positive emotions that you will gradually begin to experience from doing what you like, gain strength. It will take time and, depending on the strength and duration of the obsession, less or more. But this is a great way to get out of this state.

If possible, you can take a contrast shower, good removes nervous tension and unpleasant symptoms of stress how and what to read in the article "". Or go to the pool, physically active, swimming and the water itself is what you need.

Also very helpful such activities, even if they are not quite to your taste, like drawing, knitting, wood carving, etc. It is important that this does not require a lot of mental process from you. If you draw, then you draw calmly, easily and not too zealously, so that everything will certainly turn out well. As it turns out, so be it.

As at school in the classroom, with diligence and passion, but without unnecessary temperamental emotions and without twisting, from diligence, tongue on its side. Although it is possible that at school some people tried very, very hard. Now this is not necessary, another time. Engaged in woodcarving or embroidery, the same thing.

These exercises are methodical, calm the brain well and do not require excessive mental activity. Unless you, like the great Surikov, paint a picture for the Tretyakov Gallery.

Another effective way to get out of nervous tension and obsessive state is similar to the previous one. Smoothly transfer attention to some another problem the solution of which is just as important for you, but less hectic and requires rather than emotional costs, but some kind of action.

You will need some will power and that negative energy accumulated in the process of finding a solution to the first problem. And even somewhere anger. It is important to try to solve this problem with enthusiasm, with the search and study of the best option for solving it.

Your thought process will again take your energy, but the most important thing here is that you remove the sharpness of that first negative situation that led you to an obsessive state and thereby not concentrating on it, gradually free your mind from obsessive thoughts.

That is, by using the energy of strong tension in solving another problem, you take yourself out of the obsessive state, and this in itself, although costly in terms of energy, will calm the inflamed brain. And the very solution of this second problem will give you already positive energy.

But again, always remember that whatever you do, if the intrusive thoughts don't go away, you don't fight them. Thus, you learn to live when there are some such thoughts and when they are not, you simply do not run away from them. Gradually, your perception of them will change from hostile to more calm and you will no longer be afraid of their appearance and these thoughts themselves, the anxiety will go away and they will stop putting pressure on you.

Friends, if you feel that you have fallen into such a state of mental stress and at the same time have not been able to solve some of your problems, find an answer, will be 100% correct refrain from making any further decisions.

Leave it for later, give your overheated thinking a chance to rest, cool down. And better sleep with her. Morning evening is wiser, this is a very clever and useful expression. You will be able to look at the problem that bothers you a little from the outside and with a rested, cold brain.

Sometimes you really need get away from the problem,afford leave it unresolved in order to later clearly see its real essence, whether it is really important to you. It often happens that the problem was not at all so important that it was so bothering and worrying about it. At the same time, this break and a fresh look will allow us to see new options and possibilities for solving it.

And in order to most effectively and easily cope with a nervous state, you can learn something interesting and useful for yourself, as well as learn how to change some old beliefs that interfere with you, learn about how to reassess values, learn how happens and understand how and what is.

For this, there are excellent trainings and books, effective techniques and relaxation methods, you can find some of them on my website. And in order not to miss updates on this topic, you can subscribe to the newsletter.

Nervous state and tension. Finally.

Listen less to different words. Some evil languages ​​can say something about you that can be very unpleasant for you, insults, or tell you all sorts of nasty things that are not necessarily true, for example, your husband or wife is cheating on you.

Without thinking, you rush headlong into your experiences without even really knowing whether this is true or not. Instead, first talk to her (him), and then draw conclusions!

There are enough envious people and dirty tricks in the world, so be independent of the words of insult by some and be more reasonable in the gossip of others. Think first of all about your health, because life will continue anyway and after the black stripe there will definitely be a bright, blue stripe.

A story about an ostrich. I’ll tell my friends right away, don’t associate this story about an ostrich with what I wrote above, it’s true, just for your mood. Though there are a few things to keep in mind..

The ostrich is not a stupid bird, when danger arises, it hides its head in the ground. What for? And why should he take all the problems into his head. He thinks that no matter what happens, it cannot be avoided, but I will not worry.

Just think, the ass will remain on the surface. Well, it’s better to take all the problems with your ass than with your head, the head is still more important. And the ass, well, what can happen to it? Yes, nothing terrible and can not.

Just a little, he hides his head in the ground and rests, does not see anything, does not see what is happening with his ass. And if there is no problem, then there is no problem.

Well, if, nevertheless, such a thing arises in the form of a masochistic elephant, what can you do, the main thing is the head in the sand - it relaxes, the ass has accepted the problem, it’s no stranger to it, then it’s an ass to seek adventures for itself, and peace in the head, no tension and everything is great.

The main thing is that the relatives do not see the problem that has arisen, otherwise explain later what’s what - the head, the ass, the elephant ....

Sincerely, Andrey Russkikh

P.S. Read more about obsessive-compulsive disorders and thoughts, their treatment, here ()

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Physical and psychological overwork of the body can lead to irreversible consequences and the development of psychosomatic diseases. Chronic stress, conflict situations, an overly active lifestyle, intense workloads, and much more can lead to disruptions in the functioning of organs and systems.

Timely detection of such a dangerous condition and the ability to relieve tension in the body on your own, at home, is of fundamental importance. Psycho-emotional and physical unloading is necessary for the body to ensure normal functioning. But positive emotions must prevail over negative ones, otherwise oxidative stress develops (damage to the cell as a result of oxidation), which can lead to the development of serious diseases, including oncological processes.

How does tension appear in the body?

In moments when everything goes wrong, there is a certain detachment from reality and there is an irresistible desire to go on vacation, it is worth thinking about the state of your nervous system.

Proper nutrition and healthy sleep provide the basis for good health and accumulation of vitality. In the process of physical rest, a person stops thinking about pressing problems, is distracted from stress and worries. Deep and quality sleep requires at least 8 hours. Only in this case the body manages to partially or completely restore the forces expended during the day. Regular deficiency leads to incapacity, difficulty in making decisions and other side effects from the nervous system.

To ensure a normal life, it is important for a person to eat right. A balanced and rational diet is required, eating at least 4-5 times a day in small portions. With such tactics, the necessary intake of important trace elements, vitamins and other beneficial substances that are involved in metabolic processes is observed. In the absence of proper nutrition, the body experiences stress, resulting in: hormonal failure, water and electrolyte imbalance, muscle tone decreases, mental functions slow down, nerve impulses are inhibited, stress resistance and performance are weakened, sleep and the production of required endogenous substances are disturbed.

Almost all life situations that a person has to face on a daily basis lead to the development of overvoltage. But the main ones are:

  • chronic stress - the presence of a stressor, which can be a specific situation or person, leading to emotional imbalance;
  • negative thinking and pessimistic attitude;
  • weakened nervous system - people of certain temperaments are prone to anxiety, psychogenic illnesses, neuroses, they are vulnerable and sensitive;
  • living in big cities - the presence of constant noise, chaotic movement, high pace of life and the need to move in the rhythm of the crowd much faster leads to the accumulation of negative emotions;
  • the need to process a large amount of information - active physical or emotional work, daily high responsibility, a constant stream of news from the media and much more can disorientate in space and lead to emotional burnout.

Among the reasons for the development of internal tension, a key position is occupied by psychosomatic manifestations, for example, VVD (vegetovascular dystonia) or cardioneurosis, in which the condition is aggravated due to anxiety, which is growing due to psychogenic and physiological disorders in the body.

Ways and methods of dealing with stress

To quickly relieve tension in the body, there are several affordable and simple methods that can be repeated daily.

First of all, a person needs to take off his shoes more often. Walking barefoot, walking on grass or carpeting stimulates the circulation of the feet, as a result of which the blood flow through the veins increases, and the nervous system strengthens. Large corporations in Japan have rooms for emotional release, where people in their free time can walk barefoot on the grass and listen to the sounds of nature. This improves their efficiency and effectiveness.

From time to time it is necessary to stop and realize the perfect actions and thoughts. The entire flow of information must be divided into personal and work, especially for those who communicate in their professional activities with a large number of people. Teachers or doctors, when they come home, must draw a clear line between work problems and their own. This will help you get the most out of being close to your loved ones and have a quality and productive rest.

You need to take walks every day. Even 30 minutes of slow walking will significantly reduce overexertion, while enriching the blood with oxygen and helping to tune in to the desired positive mood. Fresh air regulates the elimination of accumulated toxins, promotes metabolic processes and eliminates malfunctions in organs and systems.

Emotional release room

In order to achieve psycho-emotional balance, it is necessary to go through several stages. With the development of severe overwork, it will take some time to restore vitality.

  1. 1. It is required to reconsider views on life, to abandon the idealization of actions and deeds, to reduce the presence of one's own rules. Create personal space and protect yourself from external problems. Principles and strict adherence to them create an additional burden on the emotional sphere.
  2. 2. It is necessary to master the tactics of "time management". This technique involves managing your own time. After a person has mastered it, he will be able to take his time, not fuss, not pay attention to trifles and clearly distinguish between important matters and insignificant events.
  3. 3. You should tune in to positive thinking. It helps to form a correct idea of ​​the situations that have arisen and the upcoming serious matters. Negative thoughts aggravate the condition.
  4. 4. It is important to work on personal stress resistance and the ability to manage conflicts, various trainings and exercises will help with this.

Psychological techniques

The main role among all psychological methods is played by the correct organization of personal time. A person needs to have a hobby. Someone helps regular reading of classical literature, someone - listening to music or watching your favorite movies. There are no restrictions. Many people experience an unprecedented pleasure in making crafts with their own hands, which not only helps to relieve tension in the body, but sometimes becomes an additional way of income.

Art therapy helps not only to relieve tension in the body, but also to create works of art. In the process of drawing lines, repetitions, small elements when redrawing from other pictures, a person is maximally distracted from his own problems, as he is passionate about activity.

In your free time, you can visit the theater, go to an exhibition, or just go shopping in order to purchase new clothes that cheer you up. Some people, especially girls, are helped by going to the stylist, during which they acquire a new image and leave behind all negative thoughts.

At the time of conflict, stress, or with an increase in tension, auto-training or self-counting will help. You can create training scripts on your own or with the help of an experienced psychotherapist. They must have a positive attitude, be focused on the future and achieve their own plans. With pronounced anger, psychologists recommend counting up to 100, at which time aggressive reactions are suppressed.

Physiological methods

In the presence of long-term stress, the body produces adrenaline, the stress hormone cortisol, the heart rate rises and muscle tone increases. In this state, the body seems to report that it is ready to deal with stress. It is important to understand that his own reserves will be enough for him for a short time. With the loss of accumulated reserves of microelements, an irreversible process will begin. Immediately after the onset of nervous tension, a person experiences an increase in strength, which is replaced by a sharp decline, up to complete adynamia, in which pronounced weakness and malaise appear throughout the body.

Physical activity can help relieve stress. Visiting sports sections, athletics, yoga, dancing will help reduce stress. People with chronic pathologies who do not have the opportunity to engage in active fitness can devote time to general cleaning in their own home, which is also a form of physical activity. In the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, a trip to the swimming pool will be a good alternative.

Water procedures are of particular importance, because excipients that promote relaxation can be used in the process. The effect can be achieved with sea salt, lavender oil, coniferous trees, mint, lemon balm. Water calms and pacifies. All receptors and nerve endings fall under its influence. Despite the fact that movement in the water involves muscle tension, immediately after the session, maximum relaxation occurs.

Aromatherapy, in which you can use special lamps or sticks with pleasant smells, helps to immerse yourself in an atmosphere of carelessness. This includes the use of body products that are used in the process of bathing. Aromatherapy helps to think about something positive and make plans for the near and long-term future. This method will complement the soothing music, sounds of nature, classics. It is advisable to select works without words, since the texts can project onto exciting and once experienced life situations. Nothing should distract from self-knowledge.

Self-massage can be point, stroking, relaxing or intense. The upper and lower extremities, head, neck and back are subject to the greatest tension in the body. Massaging movements should not be sharp, causing unpleasant pain. Daily kneading of the feet and hands significantly reduces the risk of overwork.

Breathing exercises

In the process of breathing, a person saturates the body with oxygen, as a result of which vitality increases and all biological functions are renewed. Among the main respiratory tactics are the following:

  1. 1. Soothing geometry. It involves slow breathing, in which, after a deep breath, a slow exhalation occurs. At this point, you need to draw a circle in your imagination. Threefold acts should be repeated for each geometric figure, including rhombus, triangle, square, oval and others.
  2. 2. Repression of irritability. It is required to present a strong compression of the chest. Then, in order to release from this position, a person needs to take a rhythmic breath, and then exhale slowly, during which one should try to move the press that puts pressure on the body. This way you can get rid of the negative.
  3. 3. Yawning. To artificially produce a yawn, close your eyes, open your mouth wide, and inhale deeply. This technique helps to relax the muscles of the face and head, saturate the body with oxygen and relax.

Calming herbs

You can relieve stress with the help of some herbal substances that are included in sedative fees. The following plants contribute well to the relaxation process:

  • mint;
  • calendula;
  • motherwort;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Melissa.

Vitamins, which are rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, will help increase vitality and strengthen stress resistance.

For the treatment of chronic stress, psychologists recommend taking valerian tablets. You need to drink 2 tablets at night for 2-3 weeks. As a result of the cumulative effect, there is a certain detachment from problems and immersion in one's own consciousness, sleep is restored.

Usually, when we are upset, we begin to hold our breath. Releasing the breath is one of the main ways to get out of the head.

Put aside all the problems that bother you. You can return to them whenever you wish, but there is no harm in giving yourself a break. Breathe slowly, calmly and deeply for three minutes. You can even close your eyes if you like. If you like, count to five as you inhale and to seven as you exhale. (Spending more time on the exhalation creates a gentle, calming effect.) Imagine that as you enjoy this deep, leisurely breathing, all your worries and anxieties disappear.

Respite is a relaxation technique. But at the same time, it can also work as a means of diverting attention, diverting thoughts from our problems for at least a few minutes.

  1. Simple statements.

Repeating short, simple affirmations can help you deal with emotional stress. Here are some examples:

  • Now I feel better.
  • I can completely relax and then quickly get ready.
  • I can control my inner feelings.
  • I can handle stress any time I want.
  • Life is too short to waste it on all sorts of worries.
  • No matter what happens, I will try to do my best to avoid stress.
  • Inwardly, I feel that everything will be all right.

Try to come up with your own wording. Keep them short and positive; Avoid negative words like "no" and "can't." Repetition is very important. Repeat your affirmations out loud several times a day or write them down on paper.

  1. Magic word.

Interrupts the automatic flow of thoughts with a soothing word or phrase.

Choose simple words like: peace, rest, tranquility, calm down, balanced. Instead of words, you can count: 1001, 1002, etc., or use phrases like: "deep and even deeper relaxation". Let the thoughts run through your head, don't let them take over you. Close your eyes and focus. Repeat a word, phrase, or count to yourself for 60 seconds. Breathe slowly and deeply.

  1. Relief at 12 points.

Do the following exercises several times a day. (Always keep your physical limits in mind.) Start by rolling your eyes gently, twice in one direction and then twice in the other. Fix your attention on a distant object, and then switch your attention to an object located nearby. Frown, straining the muscles around the eyes, and then relax. After that, take care of your jaw and yawn widely several times. Relax your neck by first shaking your head and then twisting it from side to side. Raise your shoulders to the level of your ears and slowly lower them. Relax your wrists and move them. Clench and unclench your fists, relaxing your hands. Now turn to the torso. Take three deep breaths. Then gently bend your spine back and forth and from side to side. Tighten and relax your buttocks and then your calves. Roll your feet to relax your ankles. Squeeze your toes in such a way that the feet curve up, repeat three times. (If you find it difficult to move your whole body, you can try to moderately tense and relax each part of the body separately.)

  1. Self-massage.

Even during a busy day, you can always find time for mini recreation and relax. You can lightly massage certain points of the body. Do not press too hard, you can close your eyes. Here are some of these points:

  • Between the eyebrows: Rub this area in slow, circular motions.
  • Back of neck: Gently squeeze several times with one hand.
  • Jaw: Rub on both sides where the back teeth end.
  • Shoulders: Massage the top of your shoulders with all five fingers.
  • Feet: Rub aching feet.

A more penetrating version of self-massage consists in simultaneously stroking the tense muscle with the hand and imagining the heat emanating from the hand and penetrating into the tense area. The most effective, energetic approach is to lightly spank yourself from head to toe. It relaxes and gives a certain boost of energy.

  1. Breathing to the count of 7-11.

Helps to relieve strong physical tension without leaving a stressful situation.

Breathe very slowly and deeply, and so that the entire breathing cycle takes about 20 seconds. You may feel uncomfortable at first. But you don't have to stress. Count to 7 on the inhale and 11 on the exhale.

The need to stretch the breath so much requires full concentration. A deep breath softens the tension that inevitably appears in the intercostal muscles. Extended exhalation relaxes the stomach. If you feel a little dizzy the first time you try this method, next time shorten the full cycle and breathe less deeply.

  1. Warm up.

Some people find it easier to release tension while moving than when they are at rest.

Try expressing your feelings in physical exercise, doing gymnastics or aerobics, dancing, or wrestling with an imaginary opponent. Even a short active action (for example, a few squats) will lift your tone and change your mood. Effective brisk walking, running. At the same time, of course, take care not to overwork.

  1. Questions to yourself.

Neutralizes means blocking the feeling of happiness by creating new perspectives in situations of pressure.

When you suspect that you are exaggerating a problem, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is this really the Big Deal?
  • Is anything really important to you at risk right now?
  • Is it really worse than what it was before?
  • Will it seem as important to you two weeks from now?
  • Is it worth it to be so worried?
  • Is it worth dying for?
  • What is the worst thing that can happen and can I deal with it?
  1. Distraction.

Distraction is a form of positive distraction that blocks out stressful thoughts and feelings.

Concentrate your attention on some neutral object for a few minutes. Below are four possibilities:

  • Write down 10 items or things that you dream about. These may not necessarily be important things, just things that give you pleasure, such as a home holiday.
  • Slowly count objects that are emotionally neutral: leaves on a flower, spots on a square of tiles, letters on a printed page, etc.
  • Train your memory by remembering 20 things you did yesterday.
  • Take two minutes to list the qualities you like about yourself and give examples of each.
  1. Self-perception.

Stop for a moment and think about what you should like yourself too. Say out loud or think to yourself: "I take care of myself, my well-being is very important to me. I want to support myself and do my best. I want a really good life for myself. I am always on my side". The feeling of self-support will increase if you hug yourself or simply clasp your hands, as if reinforcing these words of approval.

  1. your valuable qualities.

Opposes the inherent tendency to criticize oneself, reinforces belief in oneself with specific, positive statements.

Make a list of your, of course, valuable qualities. You can add any of the following items to it:

  • I take care of my family.
  • I am a good friend.
  • I have achieved something in life. I help people.
  • I want to succeed
  • I admit my mistakes.
  • I try to be intelligent.
  • I try not to make more mistakes than I did before.
  • I'm pretty attractive.
  • I am talented in some areas.
  • I try to live in moral purity and be kind to people.
  • I began to understand myself better.

Write this list on a piece of paper and carry it with you at all times. When you feel overwhelmed, take it out and focus on your strengths. Give examples of your positive behavior. It is even better to say them out loud or write them down. All this will greatly increase your self-confidence.

  1. Non-resistance.

If a person or a particular situation irritates you, try to think of it as a source of unpleasant energy. This negative energy affects your senses in the same way that a loud sound affects your ears. Then imagine that you have become invulnerable: imagine a shield in front of you, from which the energy that hurts you "bounces off". Or that you "lost" it, that it passed through you completely painlessly, like cosmic rays constantly penetrating our body. And if someone says unpleasant things to you, criticizes, imagine that negative words "fly" over your head without even touching you.