How to pronounce animals in English. Thematic vocabulary

We all depend to some extent on our smaller brothers. These cute lumps of happiness bring us joy and cheer up. And although not all animals can be called cute, this makes their role in existence on planet Earth no less important. Animals in English is the base that all students go through when learning English. So that your vocabulary does not end with dogs and cats, you need to make a little effort. C "mon!

In order to make it easier for you to learn the names of animals in English language, we divided them by type. For example: domestic, farm, wild and exotic animals. In this article you will find lists where animals are presented in English with transcription. We are sure that you did not even know about the existence of some of the list.


Those are the favorites that many wish to acquire. Most of the words below may not be new to intermediate or beginner students, but they can be extremely relevant for beginners to learn English. Also the list of pets in English for kids will be very helpful. In addition, animals in English for children and adults will be easier to learn if you use the Training section, which is absolutely free for all our registered users. You can simply create a list of words called "Animals", the translation of which you will enter there. After studying this list, English will seem a little easier to you. And to make your spelling correct, we added a transcription to each word.

So let's get started.

Pets in English:

cat cat
kitten kitty
dog dog
puppy["pʌpɪ] puppy
hamster["hæmstə] hamster
parrot["pærət] parrot
guinea pig["ɡɪnɪ pɪɡ] guinea pig

farm animals

Those friends who benefit us in the household are our irreplaceable helpers and breadwinners. You may already be familiar with most of the words on the list, but words such as "lamb" and "goat" are less common. AT English vocabulary, however, they will not be redundant. Staying in a store abroad, now you will definitely not be at a loss, unless, of course, you want such meat.

Farm animals in English:

chicken["tʃɪkɪn] chicken
rooster["en:stə] rooster
Turkish["tɜ:kɪ] turkey
gobbler["gɔblə] turkey
goat[ɡəʊt] goat
billy goats goat
kid kid
sheep[ʃi:p] sheep
ram ram
lamb lamb
bull bull
cow cow
calf calf
horse horse
stallion["stæljən] colt
colt foal
Mare mare
pig pig
sow female pig
piglets["pɪɡlɪŋ] piglet
rabbit["ræbɪt] rabbit
kit rabbit, kitten
doe female (rabbit, deer, hare, goat, rat, mouse, ferret, kangaroo)
buck male (rabbit, hare, deer, antelope, sheep, goat)

Wild animals

Those that delight and frighten us, those, unfortunately or fortunately, that are not found in our country and cities, such as, for example, in Australia or Africa. But, what if you happen to visit a luxurious safari in Africa? It is worth improving your wildlife vocabulary in order to fully understand your guide or even correct him.

Some animals, of course, you may never meet in real life but broadening one's horizons has never harmed anyone. By the way, if you are not in the know, it will be very useful to watch programs about wild animals in English. Thus, you will improve your listening skills, as well as expand your vocabulary. Also, do not forget that in learning new words, whether it be fruits, vegetables or animals, the English translation must be from a trusted source.

Wild animals in English:

crocodile["krɒkədaɪl] crocodile
deer deer
elephant["elɪfənt] elephant
elk Elk
Fox a fox
giraffe giraffe
goat[ɡəʊt] goat
hare hare
hippopotamus hippo
hyena hyena
jaguar["dʒæɡjʊə] jaguar
leopard["lɛpəd] leopard
lion["laɪən] lion
lynx lynx
Martin["mɑ:tɪn] marten
mink mink
mole mole
mongoose["mɒŋɡu: s] mongoose
monkey["mʌŋki] monkey, monkey
mouse mouse
hedgehog["hedʒhɔg] hedgehog
muskrat["mʌskræt] muskrat
otter["ɒtə] otter
panda["pændə] panda
panther["pænθə] panther
polar["pəʊlə] fox fox
puma["pju: mə] puma
raccoon raccoon
rhinoceros rhinoceros
sable["seɪbl] sable
squirrel["skwɪrəl] squirrel
tiger["taɪɡə] tiger
tortoise["tɔ:təs] turtle (land)
wolf wolf
yak yak
zebra["zi:brə] zebra

Exotic animals

And these are the most unique, strange, disappearing and rare, creeping and rustling "troubles" that are phobias for many. Let them remain in your life only in your vocabulary. Although, you can have a cute turtle at home, however, as well as a snake, but this is already an amateur. And, for example, a lizard can be found even in your country house. Rumor has it that you can even buy a penguin for $5,000, but it should be a very balanced purchase.

Exotic animals in English:

hissing cockroach hissing cockroach
triton["trʌɪt(ə)n] tritone
piranha piranha
scorpion["skɔ: pɪən] scorpion
salamander["saləmandə] salamander
chameleon chameleon
tarantula tarantula
green iguana green iguana
Tamandua ant-eater
flying squirrel["flaɪɪŋ "skwɪr(ə)l] flying squirrel
kinkajou["kɪŋkədʒu:] kinkajou (chain-tailed bear)
chanterelle fennec[ʃæntə "rel" fɛnɛk] fennec fox, African fox
skunk skunk
capybara capybara, capybara
hermit srab["hɜ:mɪt kræb] hermit crab
bush baby galago (half-monkey)
alligator["alɪɡeɪtə] alligator
crocodile["krɒkədʌɪl] crocodile
emu["i:mju:] emu
ostrich["ɒstrɪtʃ] ostrich
penguin["pɛŋɡwɪn] penguin
snake snake
tortoise["tɔ:təs] turtle
lizard lizard
chinchilla chinchilla
kangaroo kangaroo


Any animal, like a person, has the right to a happy existence in this world. Make a conscious decision to buy a pet, do not leave your beloved kittens at home for one day. Even wild animals are of great benefit to flora and fauna, it is important to love and protect nature.

Let all the animals in English be easy for you, develop with EnglishDom and become better every day.

Big and friendly family EnglishDom

We are all essentially creatures with animal instincts, although we are very different from their class. But they are all not just "neighbors" who live nearby, but creatures without which we cannot live. Someone gives us food, someone amuses our pride and feels our love and care, and someone, at times, strikes fear or makes us admire the creations that nature has created.

Based on this, all animal world can be divided into several groups. The names of animals in English will be useful not only when studying this topic, but also in the future, for example, when watching movies, programs, visiting zoos. So, let's study everything in groups.

Domestic animals

Over the course of many centuries, many representatives of this world have become our friends. I wonder what pets are called in English? Indeed, despite the fact that they have much in common with wild ones, they have different “names”.

Cubs - Kids:

Pets - Pets:

dog dog
cat cat
parrot parrot
hamster hamster
guinea pig Guinea pig

Dog breeds:

boxer, bulldog, collie, cur (pooch), duchshund (dachshund), dobberman terrier, poodle (poodle), sheep-dog (sheepdog), spaniel, st bernard, wolf-hound (wolfhound)

Wild Animals

You can often find the names of wild animals in English in zoos, reading books, newspapers or just watching Animal Planet. To make it easier for you to navigate this topic, we will analyze each type. Some of them herbivorous animals, and some predators (predatory animals). Some are protected by law (protected by law), as they are in danger, on the verge of extinction (endangered pieces), while others do not.



Not exotic:



All representatives of nature have special distinctive features. Let's look at the elements of appearance. After all, it is very useful to know how not only animals sound in English, but also their special characteristics.

tail- tail

tail unit- plumage

antlers- branched horns

beak- beak

paws- paws

whiskers- mustache

horn- rhinoceros horn

tusks- tusks

trunk- trunk

main- mane

claws- claws

hooves- hooves

pouch- kangaroo bag


Some useful animal expressions

a flock of birds- flock of birds

a school of fish- school of fish

a heard of cows- herd of cows

a colony of monkey/ ants- a family (flock) of monkeys, ants

a swarm of flies- swarm of flies

a team of dogs- dog team

All animals in English with a transcription that you will find in the dictionary on our website will help you not only correctly name each species, but also build sentences, navigate in this topic and make a good topic, expand your vocabulary.

It is impossible to imagine learning English without getting to know the names of animals. After getting acquainted with the minimum of vocabulary and the simplest grammatical constructions, it is necessary to move on to small texts in which the presence of animals as characters is highly desirable. When we teach animals in English for children, the traditional set includes approximately equal parts of domestic and wild fauna. It is better to start memorizing with one-syllable words, gradually moving on to two-syllable and three-syllable names.

Animal names in English

At the very beginning of training, it is permissible when animals in English are learned with pronunciation in Russian, that is, with Russian transcription. It is strongly recommended that, in parallel with memorizing words, learn English transcription signs, without knowing which it will be impossible to work with any dictionary.

Domestic animals - Domestic animals

Cat - Cat (cat)

Cow - Cow (kaw)

Dog - Dog (dog)

Duck - Duck (duck)

Donkey - Donkey (donks)

Goat - Goat (goat)

Goose - Goose (goose)

Hamster - Hamster (hamster)

Chicken - Hen (hen)

Horse - Horse (hos)

Mouse - Mouse (mouse)

Pig - Pig (pig)

Rabbit - Rabbit (rabbit)

Sheep - Sheep (thorn) [ʃ I: p]

Going to the animals section in English with a translation into Russian, it is very important for the child to explain that the British not only call animals “not our way”, but also hear most of the sounds they make, not like we do. For example, an English dog barks "bow-bow" or "woof-woof", chicken quack "cluck-cluck", the mouse squeaks "squeak-squeak" and the sheep bleats "baa-baa".

It is useful to introduce these sounds with the help of such suggestions:

  • The pig on the farm goes “oink-oink”.
  • The horse on the field goes “neigh-neigh”.
  • The cow on the meadow says “moo-moo”.

Children notice that native speakers hear some animals in a very peculiar way, and, for example, the mooing of a cow or the meowing of a cat, our speech apparatus reproduces approximately the same way.

It is also useful to write dialogues like this:

  • - What does the cat say on the roof?
  • It says “miaow”.

Or a little more complicated:

  • - Does the duck in the pool say “oink-oink”?
  • No, it isn't. The duck says “quack-quack”.

Wild animals - Wikiwand Wild animals

Bear - Bear (bee)

Crocodile - Crocodile (crocodile)

Deer - Deer (dee)

Elephant - Elephant (elephant)

Giraffe - Giraffe (giraffe)

Fox - Fox (fox)

Koala - Koala (kouale)

Leopard - Leopard (lapd)

Monkey - Monkey (decoy)

Ostrich - Ostrich (ostrich) [ɔstritʃ]

Panda - Panda (pande)

Snake - Snake (snake)

Turtle - Tortoise (totes)

Whale - Whale (Whale)

Zebra - Zebra (zebra)

He, she or it?

When learning the names of wild animals, there is no special need to reproduce sounds, maybe with the exception of snakes (hiss). It should be noted that in everyday situations and in real life, pronouns he and she are not used for animals. In most cases, you need to use the pronoun it used when referring to inanimate objects. For example:

This is a crocodile. It is green long and fierce.

Here in fairy tales and in some stories, animals are personified and "rewarded" with the pronouns he or she. Also in English there is one very interesting feature: when you are told about any animal that has a nickname or name (in fairy tales), it is "represented" as follows:

John, the Cat
Grey, the Horse
Martin, the Bear.

smart as a monkey

Also, as in Russian, animals among the British or Americans are endowed with qualities that are inherent in some people. In some cases, these comparisons coincide with ours, when they say about a person that he has the strength and endurance of a horse. For example:

Dick was strong as a horse and he could easily make fifteen kilometers on foot.

On the other hand, when we teach animals in English for children, they need to be taught that we and native English speakers have differences in mentality, and therefore we perceive many realities of life in different ways. In the field of the animal world, this is especially pronounced in relation to wolves and monkeys. Yes, in some fairy tales we treat the wolf with disdain, but we will never compare a man to a wolf in the following way:

"He's dumb as a wolf", and English speakers do it: "Brian's as stupid as a wolf".

Even more curious is the attitude of the British towards monkeys. If we say that a person is smart like a monkey, most likely, he will take it as an insult, and for native speakers, this is just the highest praise:

"Tracy has finished her school with honors - she's as clever as a monkey".

As a rule, such transfers of human characters to animals in literature can be found in fables. The actors there are usually various animals. Reading fables in English is one way to replenish vocabulary, there you will find many names of animals, words that describe the character and behavior. There is usually a moral at the end of each fable. From these final sentences characterizing different life situations, you can take a lot of useful things to enrich your speech.

On the training site, in addition to short funny stories, interesting stories and fairy tales, English fables are also used to learn English. On our site, a user with any initial level of knowledge will find suitable educational material for himself.