A story about primitive people. How did ancient people live? Questions for the crossword

The most ancient people still very much resembled monkeys - rough faces with flattened noses, low and sloping foreheads, protruding jaws. When walking, the person leaned forward strongly. His fingers were clumsy, and his body was covered with hair. People still could not speak, but only made jerky sounds, warning each other of danger, calling for help, expressing joy and anger.

The earliest people lived small groups. They ate what nature provided. People did not know how to grow cereals, vegetables and fruits, but collected edible roots, fruits, and other gifts of nature. This activity is called gathering. Their other most important occupation was hunting.

However, they were people, not animals. Picking up a suitable stone, they sharpened its edge - they hit it with another stone and chipped off pieces. The pointed stone became the first tool of man. This is rub-beat. It was planed or chopped with a sharp edge, and struck with a blunt one. With the help of a chopper, other tools were made - digging stick for collection, and later - a spear for hunting.

Getting fire. Contemporary drawings

mastery of fire

In nature, fires happen - from a lightning strike, a volcanic eruption. For a long time, ancient people were afraid of fire. But they noticed that fire can be beneficial. It gives warmth and light, repels predators. Food cooked on a fire is softer and tastier raw. Li was burned in a fire and sharpened spearheads.

Mastering fire not only united people, but also developed their thinking. People needed to know what was good as fuel, how much wood to put in a fire. People began to use fire more than a million years ago.

At first, people only used fire, but they themselves did not know how to light it. I had to keep the fire going day and night. Leaving for a new place, people took the fire with them. First, man learned to use fire, then to get it.

The value of hunting in the life of primitive people

Hunting became more important for ancient people than gathering. She gave nutritious meat food to the people. Success in hunting largely depended on the people themselves, because hunters could improve their hunting techniques and their weapons.

Primitive people hunted large animals. One large animal provided food for everyone at once, and a lot of small animals would have to be caught. To hunt them, traps are needed, which people have not yet been able to make. It was possible to defeat the big beast only by the joint efforts of hunters, so primitive people did not hunt alone, but collectively.

People drove an animal or a whole herd of animals to a cliff or a trap, and then finished off with stones and spears. The fire also helped - it was possible to set fire to the grass and, having frightened the animals, drive them in the right direction. Hunting rallied and organized people. Everyone knew their place in the hunt. Young hunters learned from the elders. Hunting encouraged people to invent new tools. Hunting became the most important occupation of the ancient people.

Stone Age tools

For hundreds of thousands of years, people have learned how to skillfully process stone. They no longer made rough axes, which served as a knife, and a hammer, and an ax. Every job had its own tool. Scrapers they took off animal skins and scraped fat from them. stone knives skins were cut.

Stone tip tied with leather straps to the shaft. Such a spear is much better than a wooden one. Cut from bones and horns awl and needles. The bone was connected to the tree, and it turned out harpoon- a spear with a jagged bone tip. They were catching fish.

1. Stone knives. 2. Stone tips. 3. Bone harpoons

But the most important material was stone. The time when people used stone tools, scientists call stone age.

great glaciation

Near 100 thousand years ago On the planet, there was another cold snap. From the north to the territory of Europe and Asia was advancing glacier- a huge layer of ice up to 2 kilometers thick. Animals accustomed to the warm climate - antelopes, hippos, lions - died or went far to the south. Instead, others appeared who were not afraid of the cold - reindeer, bison, woolly rhinoceros, cave bear. And the largest and strongest animal was mammoth- a huge elephant with reddish-brown hair and long, curved tusks.

How did the great glaciation affect the life and development of man? The man didn't die. He knew how to work, he had a fire. He learned to hunt very large animals, even mammoths. But hunting them was difficult and dangerous. It was possible to defeat such large animals only together, arranging traps for them. The mammoths were clumsy and fell into camouflaged pits. Each mammoth turned out to be a real "pantry" of meat, bones and skins, because its weight reached 6 tons. In the cold, the meat was well preserved, so people were able to store it.

Glaciation forced man to take care of the construction of dwellings. For the construction of dugouts and huts, bones and tusks of mammoths were used. From above, the dwelling was covered with animal skins. People also had to come up with warm clothes. It was sewn together with bone needles from shaggy skins. material from the site

Invention of the bow and arrow

About 13 thousand years ago, after the great glaciation, warming came again. The glacier melted and, retreating to the north, left behind lakes and rivers. natural and animal world became like ours. Now they began to hunt fast-running animals in small groups or alone. For such a hunt, a new weapon was required.

People have noticed that bent flexible branches straighten out with great force. That's how they were invented onion and arrows, hitting the beast at a distance of hundreds of steps. Arrowheads de lali made of stone.

Stone knives appeared, consisting not of a single piece of stone, but of small stone plates with sharp edges, which were inserted into handles made of bone or wood. A stone plate knife on a bone holder was easy to repair, it was only necessary to replace the broken plate.

By attaching a pointed stone to a wooden handle, people made axe. After several thousand years, they learned to drill a stone with a hollow bone, pouring sand on the stone. Then the butt was firmly planted on the handle.

Mastering the territory liberated by the ice-nick, people invented raft, and then from the thick trunks of trees they began to gouge boats.

Thus, climate change on the planet - the great glaciation, and then the melting of the glacier - forced a person to adapt to new conditions every time, contributed to his development.

Questions about this item:

  • What gave the ancient people hunting?

  • Which of the tools of ancient people was the most useful for them?

  • How did the earliest people use fire?

  • What role did animals play in people's lives?

  • Why can hunting be considered a more important occupation of primitive people than gathering?

  • Why could hunting be only collective?

  • On Earth, primitive people appeared more than 2 million years ago. An important distinguishing feature of people from anthropoid apes was the appearance of stone tools - fragments of roughly processed stones. It is the presence of primitive tools that makes it possible for archaeologists to distinguish the remains of an anthropoid ape from the remains of ancient man. The era of the existence of primitive people began to be called the Paleolithic - the ancient stone age.

    10 interesting facts about the life of the representatives of the Paleolithic.

    1. The domestication of animals began with the wolf in the Aurignacian period. The animal was tamed to assist in hunting and much later began to perform watchdog functions. The first evidence of the joint existence of the beast and man was found in the Chauvet cave in France. The traces were left 26 thousand years ago. The next domesticated animals were mouflons (sheep), goats, bulls and rams.
    2. Primitive people learned to make fire about 500 thousand years ago. The conquest of the fire element began with the development of skills to maintain for some time the flame that arose during natural fires, lightning strikes. If the fire went out, you had to wait for it to appear again. natural sources. This happened until a pattern was accidentally discovered - the friction of dry branches or pieces of silicon gives the cherished spark. It can set fire to dry grass, leaves. From that moment on, the use of fire by primitive man can be considered conscious.
    3. Mammoths weren't hunted for food. Of interest were tusks and bones used for the production of tools. The study of animal injuries allowed scientists to conclude that at that time there were written methods (instructions) for the correct conduct of hunting. In the femurs and scapular bones of mammoths there were stone tips, traces of striking with spears. The angle of the tracks proves that people approached the prey from behind on the right side, the blows were made purposefully in the chest. Archaeologists suggest that the Rouffignac rock paintings with lines on the body of the animal indicate the area of ​​​​strike, that is, they teach the rules of hunting.
    4. A hut with a fire discovered in Nice on a mountain slope (Terra Amata) is the property of people of the Neanderthal period. The construction dates back to 380,000 BC. The find testifies that the real huts divided into zones were the place of residence of ancient people, divided into zones: a kitchen, a bedroom, a workshop.
    5. Dance for primitive man was a way of life, the basis of various rituals: totem, hunting, military. The dance in a circle was associated with the cults of the moon and the sun. Clapping, jumping, tugging - carried a certain meaning. For example, stomping, as a movement, made the earth tremble and submit to the power of man.
    6. The bow is an invention of people who lived about 25 thousand years ago. In a cave in Saltadora, Spain, there is a drawing of a hunter shooting a man-sized bow with a dart. He holds a bow and three darts with his left hand, and draws the string with his right.
    7. Art was not alien to primitive people. Its origin is attributed to the Mousterian era. The finds, which are 150-30,000 years old, contain a primitive ornament in the form of pits, incisions, and crosses. Paleolithic rock carvings are painted with ocher, metal oxides, and charcoal. The most famous drawing with a rhinoceros fight scene was made about 32,000 years ago on the walls of the Chauvet cave (France). We conclude: the ancestors loved and knew how to draw.<
    8. Burials and magical rituals appeared in the Middle Paleolithic. Proof of this are the graves of Neanderthals in Croatia. Their age is 130 thousand years. The bones of the buried contain traces of cleaning from muscles, giving them a certain position, that is, we are talking about the first cults and rituals.
    9. The flute is the oldest musical instrument. The bone sample found by archaeologists belongs to the era of the Aurignacian culture of the Paleolithic. The first flutes are dated by scientists to 35-40.000 BC.
    10. During the Upper Paleolithic, jewelry made from animal bones, their teeth, and mammoth tusks became popular. These are hair hoops, bracelets, beads, pendants. In the same period, knitting, weaving and even weaving are actively developing. The first textile discovered in Central Europe at the sites of primitive people dates back 26,000 years. The raw materials for it are nettle and hemp fibers.

    Does it look like a fairy tale? In fact, the stated facts are pure reality.

    Interesting data about primitive people briefly.


    The world

    Subject. Beginning of human history. History of the primitive world.

    primitive art


    1. Give students an idea of ​​primitive people.

    2. Develop horizons.

    3. Raise interest in history.

    During the classes

    I. Organizational moment. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

    Once - we read the chronicle,

    Two - go to the museum,

    Learn about prehistoric times

    And we will become wiser.

    The bell is ringing

    Let's start our lesson.

    We need to understand a lot

    To become historians.

    Teacher. Today we will start studying the second book "The World Around Us". What topics will we explore in this book? Open the content and read their titles.

    Students. We will study history.

    Teacher. What is history?

    Students. History is the science of the past. She studies how various peoples lived, what events took place.

    Teacher. All peoples of the world have their own present and past. Everyone wants to know where they came from and how their ancestors lived. Knowledge of history helps people to live: recognizing the past, we see that at all times our ancestors experienced difficulties, hardships and hardships. But life went on, years of sorrows and misfortunes gave way to better times. History is a journey through time. It goes back into the depths of centuries, into hoary antiquity.

    Let's remember the historical terms learned earlier and solve the crossword puzzle.

    Crossword questions:

    1. An institution that collects, preserves and exhibits objects of history.

    2. Institution where documents are kept.

    3. Business paper.

    4. A book with a list of all the days of the year.

    5. An item on display in a museum.

    Teacher. Read the highlighted word. Who is it?

    Students. Herodotus is the first scientist-historian.

    Teacher. He is called the "father of history". Almost two and a half thousand years have passed since a Greek named Herodotus first introduced people to his scientific work. He called his work "History".

    II. Exploring a new topic.

    Teacher. Read the topic of the lesson. What do you think it will be about?

    Students. About our ancestors, about primitive people.

    Teacher. And how did people know about primitive people? What science helped us learn about the life of primitive people?

    Students. Archeology helps historians. Archaeologists excavate, extract from the earth the things of ancient people, their bones.

    Teacher. Archeology is the science of antiquity. It studies the history of society from the remnants of the life and activities of people. Scientists believe that the oldest people, whose "traces" were found in Africa and Asia, lived more than a million years ago. Based on the remains of the skeletons of the most ancient people, it was possible to establish how they looked. The most ancient man was very different from us - modern people - and looked like a large monkey. However, people did not walk on four legs, as almost all animals walk, but on two legs, but at the same time they leaned forward strongly. The man's hands, which hung down to his knees, were free, and he could do simple work with them: grab, hit, dig the ground. The foreheads of people were low and sloping, and the brain is larger than that of a monkey, but much smaller than that of modern people. The ancient man could not yet speak, he made only a few jerky sounds, with which people expressed anger and fear, called for help and warned each other of danger. More than half of primitive people did not live to be 20 years old: some died in the claws of predators, others from disease and hunger.

    The teacher asks to look at the pictures on p. 5 of the textbook and find the features that distinguish primitive man from modern.

    Students provide answers.

    Teacher. Read the text on p. 4–6 textbooks. Answer the question: why is the most ancient era of human history called primitive?

    Students provide answers.

    Complex for improving cerebral circulation:

    1. Starting position - sitting on a chair. And one, and two - take your head back and gently tilt. And three, and four - tilt your head forward, do not raise your shoulders.

    Repeat 4-6 times.

    2. Starting position - sitting, hands on the belt. One - turn the head to the right. Two is the starting position. Three - turn the head to the left. Four is the starting position.

    Repeat 6-8 times at a slow pace.

    3. Starting position - standing or sitting, hands on the belt. One - right hand forward, left - up. Two - change the position of the hands. Repeat 6-8 times.

    4. Starting position - standing or sitting, hands on the belt. Once - swing your left hand over your right shoulder, turn your head to the left. Two is the starting position. Three, four - the same with the right hand.

    The teacher invites students to write a story about a primitive man using the picture on p. 4 textbooks.

    a story about a primitive man

    The earliest people lived where it was always warm. Therefore, they did not need to take care of warm clothes. They needed houses primarily to protect themselves from the scorching sun, and they built these huts very quickly. Most of the time of primitive people went in search of food.

    Women and children plucked fruits from trees, dug up edible roots, looked for insect larvae, bird and turtle eggs - they collected what nature gave them.

    But people needed meat. It was hunted by men. At that time, mammoths lived on Earth. How was the mammoth hunted? They dug a huge pit-trap, covered it with poles on top, the poles were masked with branches. A mammoth could accidentally fall into such a trap, but more often than not, hunters deliberately raised a fuss, frightened the mammoth with fire and drove it into a hole. He could no longer get out, the hunters could only finish off their prey. After that, the trap pit turned into a pantry, where a whole mountain of meat was stored, and people could live in peace, without worrying about how to satisfy their hunger.

    The success of hunting and collecting edible plants largely depended on the vagaries of nature: either a forest fire would destroy trees with edible fruits and drive away animals, or a drought would destroy the grass that gave people edible grain ...

    The hunters, going hunting, did not know what awaited them: maybe they would kill a big beast and provide themselves with meat for several days, or maybe they would run through the forest all day in search of prey, and return home with nothing.

    And then one day the women noticed that in the place where grains were usually ground on a stone "grater", spikelets with the same grains grew. They guessed that it was randomly scattered grains that sprouted. We tried to deliberately scatter the grains - it turned out, and even how: where one grain fell, a whole spikelet grew. Now it was already possible to grow grain near the house, and not wander in search of forests and meadows.

    It so happened that men, having killed a wild pig on a hunt, brought home the piglets left from it. They placed the cubs in a corral, fed them, raised them ... And it turned out that now failure in hunting is not terrible for people: here it is, food - in a pen near the house.

    This is how agriculture and animal husbandry arose, and people became less dependent on the vagaries of nature.

    History and SID

    The animal world was full of amazing postures that are found during excavations. The climate was warm and humid. Giant ferns covered the ground.

    The life of primitive people

    During the primitive era, man accomplished great achievements.

    1. Thanks to work, he turned from a monkey into a man
    2. Invented ways to produce tools
    3. Learned how to make fire
    4. domesticated animals
    5. Learned to build houses
    6. Invented the wheel and cart
    7. Learned to process leather and sew clothes
    8. Mastered speech and counting
    9. Religious beliefs emerged as man tried to explain the world and his existence
    10. People united in clans and tribes, which gave rise to modern peoples

    The appearance of human ancestors and their settlement

    Now it is difficult to imagine a time when people on earth did not exist. Several million years ago, nature was more diverse.

    The animal world was full of amazing postures that are found during excavations. The climate was warm and humid. Giant ferns covered the ground. However, the natural world is constantly changing as weather and climate conditions change. Some species of plants disappeared and others appeared, the same thing happened with animals.

    A very long time ago, the most ancient apes appeared - dryopithecus (tree; monkey). They were not large, about the size of a dog, and lived in trees. Dryopithecus were animals, but they became the first ancestors of humans


    Millennia passed. New species appeared and old ones disappeared. There was a development of flora and fauna, that is, evolution continued. Thus, about 4.5 million years ago, a human being was formed in the natural environment. australopithecine (southern; monkey). The structure of the skeleton and posture made it possible to stand on the hind limbs. Due to the reduction of forests, their possibility became a necessity, as Australopithecus were forced to live in the steppes. Bipedal locomotion made it possible to look around, notice danger from a distance, track down prey while hunting. Standing on its hind legs, Australopithecus could hold a stick or a stone - this was the first primitive weapon. This made them stronger in the duel with predators and helped to survive in the struggle for existence. Also, bipedalism helped to move faster, so Australopithecus finally switched to bipedalism. But Australopithecus with all this remained animals, since they were guided not by consciousness, but by animal instincts.

    Australopithecus (4-2 million years BC)

    The evolution continued, and2.6-2.5 million years agoanother species appeared, animals that were named presinjanthropus (Gibilis). His movements were not yet dexterous and conscious, but he already knew how to use stones and sticks. Prezinjantrops settled throughout Africa and about a million years ago began to explore Europe and Asia.

    Life and work of human ancestors

    The first tools of labor were very primitive. Primitive people cut tree trunks with hand axes. Building their dwellings, they broke the bones of dead animals. They dug up the ground with sticks, knocked fruits from trees. The main occupations of the people were gathering and hunting.

    Primitive people took everything they needed from nature, and at the same time, helping each other, it made them stronger than animals.

    Gradually, the appearance of primitive people also changed. Decreased jaws, fangs turned into teeth, the mouth disappeared. They no longer looked like animals; thanks to the search for new tools, the volume of the brain increased.

    The brain evolved, becoming more complex, which made people more intelligent. It should be noted that it was labor that contributed to the formation of modern man. Tools of labor could only be used by a person for their own needs (hunting; protection, etc.). The tools were constantly improved.

    Our ancient ancestors were always forced to fight for survival. They were always in danger from: predators, hunger, disease. Most people died before reaching the age of 30. Nature allowed only the strongest to survive. People gathered in packs that hunted together and protected each other.

    Perfection of primitive man

    Leading a difficult struggle for survival, the primitives adapted to the difficult conditions of life. Their activity became more conscious, and the tools of labor acquired the correct and convenient forms. At the same time, the person has also changed. The volume of the brain increased, and the posture straightened. The arms became shorter and more agile.

    About 1.5 million years ago, a creature called Sinanthropus (Pithecanthropus).

    Sinanthropes did not know how to make fire, but were not afraid to use it. They snatched branches that caught fire from a lightning strike, or grass on fire on a hot day. Possession of fire has accelerated the mental development of man. Baked food was better digested and gave useful substances. Animals were afraid of fire, and man looked at him with a reasonable look. Not knowing how to make fire, people took care of it, maintaining fires in caves for a very long time, sometimes hundreds of years.

    Environmental changes

    About 600 thousand years ago, a severe cooling began on the earth. The planet's climate has changed a lot. Winters became long, and summers were short and so cool that the snow did not have time to melt, the next winter a new layer of snow fell on it. An ice shell 1.5-2 km thick was formed

    The ice age has begun. Tropical forests and heat-loving animals perished from the ice. Woolly rhinos, reindeer, cave lions, etc. appeared. People had to adapt to changes in nature

    The most famous sites in Europe

    Evolution has led to changes in the structure of the body of the most ancient people, creating species that will be easier to exist in new conditions. So about 100 thousand years ago appeared Neanderthal , named after the Neandertal valley, through which the Neander River (Germany) flows.

    Neanderthals were not tall (up to 165 cm) Massive head, short torso and broad chest. The body structure is much closer to modern man than in previous species. The hands were not very dexterous and mobile, but very strong like a vise. Living in caves, Neanderthals began to build their own dwellings from the bones of large animals: mammoths, bison, covering them with skins. Neanderthals have become much smarter than Sinanthropes. They learned how to make fire.

    Man mastered fire - this was one of his greatest achievements.

    Neanderthal (140-20 thousand years ago)

    Neanderthals began to move freely and look for favorable areas for life. They settled in large areas, wandering in small groups, primitive flocks. Such groups could defend their existence, i.e. feed and protect themselves from danger. Primitive people could only exist together. Not one of them could survive alone with nature, having very primitive tools, together people hunted even large animals - mammoths, bison, etc. For this, driven hunting techniques were used.

    Neanderthals have a custom to bury the dead, before people did not do this, because they did not understand what death is. They probably thought that the tribesman fell asleep and could not wake up, so they left him in place.

    Neanderthals left some food and weapons for the dead. They are an intermediate step between primitive and modern people.

    Nevertheless, tens of thousands of years passed before a man of a modern physical type appeared on the planet, whom scientists called Homo sapiens.

    P appearance of modern people. tribal community

    AT as a result of the constant development and biological changes of primitive people - Neanderthals - a new type of person appeared - homo sapiens (reasonable person). For the first thousand years, Neanderthals and Homo sapiens lived together, then the Neanderthals disappeared.

    Cro-Magnons were the first homo sapiens. The name of this human species comes from the name of the cave: Cros Mignon (France) where their remains were first found. They turned out to be the same as modern man. About 800 Cro-Magnon sites are known in Ukraine.

    Cro-Magnon (40-12 thousand years ago).

    Life and occupations of the first people

    Living in conditions of general cooling forced people to adapt to the harsh climate.

    In ancient times, hunting and fishing became the main sources of food. Cro-Magnons learned to farm. The cold climate forced us to sew clothes and shoes from animal skins.

    Strong and dexterous fingers could already hold new tools. Man invented the ax and the harpoon. Wires, awls, needles, various tips, knives, sickles were widely spread.

    At the end of the ice age, the animal world changed. Large animals disappeared in the forests - mammoths, rhinos, bears and smaller species appeared, hunting for which required not only strength, but also courage and accuracy. As a result, 10 thousand years ago, man came up withfirst mechanical weapon- bow. Thanks to him, a person could hit game at a distance. Bows and spears made it easier to get food.

    Then in flocks began to appeartribal relations. People began to realize that most of them are relatives. Numerous human flocks stopped wandering in search of food and began to move into a sedentary lifestyle.

    Living together people formed genus - blood relatives. The formation of tribal relations accelerated the development of human society.

    Several clans living in the neighborhood united in tribes. This is how the tribal system appeared.

    In clans and tribes, men and women ran the household on an equal footing. The men hunted and the women gathered. Also, women were respected in the tribe because they gave life to members of the family. The woman also took care of children, so the first system was formed in the tribes matriarchy.

    The first agriculture and pastoralism

    As time passed, man learned to make various tools. Women noticed that if the grain falls into the ground, then it germinates over time. Therefore, people had their first thoughts, to grow edible plants. people invented hoe.

    And the first method of agriculture was hoe.

    After that, another way of farming appeared -undercut by fire.

    So people got: beans, grains, butter, bread, fruits, vegetables.

    After that, the domestication of animals began: They began to use their wool, transport goods with them, ride a horse, use them for cultivating the land, so it beganarable farming.

    All complex things were done by men, and over time, the main role in human society passed to a man. On the

    Replaced matriarchy patriarchy.

    Over time, the peoples who chose agriculture as the main type of economy becamesettled peoples, and those who chose distant pastoralism moved all the time and became nomads.

    Emergence of trade

    With the advent of agriculture, cattle breeding and handicrafts, an exchange of products, household items, etc. began between the communities of ancient people. There are more and more items for exchange, and to facilitate the exchange, they began to invent the simplest money.

    Since that time, the exchange has been replaced by trade. Over time, the settlements, which were centers for the manufacture of items for exchange and trade, grew and became cities.

    The beginning of metal processing and the emergence of crafts.

    The transition to agriculture determined the beginning of a settled way of life. Living for a long time in a certain territory, people thoroughly explored it. Their attention was attracted by the properties of some fragments of stone, which, falling into the fire, became soft, and then liquid. Cooling, they solidified in the form that they acquired in a heated state. These were nuggets of metal. The first such metal was copper.

    The settled period contributed to the development of handicrafts. Even in the Neolithic era, people noticed the property of clay to harden on fire, so ceramics appeared.

    Threads were spun from the hairs of wild herbs. Then they began to hide from the wool of sheep, and then a loom appeared and people began to hide clothes from them. This is how weaving and pottery arose.

    People began to process metals.

    It took quite a lot of time and there were people who devoted all their time to this. This is how blacksmiths appeared.

    The next important event in the development of mankind was the invention wheels , which occurred about 6000 years ago in Mesopotamia. The first wheel was made from cut wood.

    Community development. Primitive systems of power

    With the improvement of tools, the labor skills of people, their skills improved. And the time has come when each family could independently provide for its own living. Some families, for various reasons, separated from tribal communities, forming independent settlements.

    The tribal community was gradually replaced by a rural or neighboring community. Finally,tribal community collapsed. Each family cultivated their land separately. Only the heaviest robots were carried out jointly. The best plots of land were given to the elders and leaders, who were chosen at the meetings, over time they became nobility occupying a dominant position.This is how the first form of power appeared.. Not equality began to appear, and the division of people into rich and poor. The poor began to depend on the rich, and began to work for them.

    At the same time, a state is being formed that always protects the interests of the ruling classes. But in addition, the state seeks to create conditions for the organization of economic activity, protects people from external danger and expands its territory at the expense of neighboring peoples, waging wars with them.

    States having a common culture form a civilization

    Lesson Objectives:

    1. give students an idea of ​​primitive people;
    2. develop the horizons, speech and memory of the student
    3. cultivate an interest in history.

    During the classes

    I. Organizational moment.

    The lesson starts
    He will go to the guys for the future,
    Try to understand everything
    Interesting to know.

    II. Introductory conversation.

    Today we will start studying the second book "The World Around Us". Open the table of contents and see what we will study in this book? (Answers of children. History)

    Little son came to his father
    And the little one asked:
    “Knowing history is good, or is it bad?”

    What is history? (Children's answers. History is a science about the past. History studies how different peoples lived, what events happened.)

    Slide 1 "History is the science of the past."

    History is a science that studies how various peoples lived, what events took place in their lives, how and why people's lives changed and became the way they are now. History is a very ancient word. Translated from Greek, it means "research, a story about the events of the past."

    Slide 2 "The ancient Greek scientist Herodotus."

    Almost 2.5 thousand years have passed since a Greek named Herodotus first introduced people to his scientific work. Herodotus called his work “History”, he became the first scientist-historian, we call him “the father of history”. History teaches us justice, helps us take a fresh look at the world around us.

    History is a journey through time. It goes back into the depths of centuries, into hoary antiquity.

    And today we begin our journey along this road.

    Slide 3 "The history of mankind."

    The history of mankind can be divided into several major eras:

    Primitive history;
    - ancient world history;
    - history of the Middle Ages;
    - the history of modern times;
    - Modern history.

    III. New topic.

    Slide 4. The beginning of human history.

    Read the topic of the lesson. What do you think it will be about? (Answers of children. About our ancestors, about primitive people.)

    Slide 5. The primitive world.

    Today we will go on a journey through the primitive world. To be found out:

    1. Why is the most ancient era of human history called primitive?
    2. Find the distinguishing features of primitive man from modern.

    And how did people know about primitive people? (Children's answers. Scientists are excavating, extracting things from the earth of ancient people, their bones.)
    - And who knows what the scientists who excavate are called? (Children's answers. Archaeologists.)

    Archeology is the science of antiquity. It studies the history of society from the remnants of the life and activities of people. Scientists believe that the oldest people, whose “traces” were found in Africa and Asia, lived more than a million years ago. Based on the remains of the skeletons of the most ancient people, it was possible to establish how they looked.

    Slide 6-13. Primitive man, who lived about a million years ago.

    The most ancient man was very different from us - modern people - and looked like a large monkey. However, people did not walk on four legs, as almost all animals walk, but on two legs, but at the same time they leaned forward strongly. The man's hands, which hung down to his knees, were free, and he could do simple work with them: grab, hit, dig the ground. The foreheads of the people were low and sloping. Their brains were larger than those of a monkey, but much smaller than those of modern humans. The ancient man could not yet speak, he made only a few jerky sounds, with which people expressed anger and fear, called for help and warned each other of danger.

    IV. Fizkultminutka.

    Watch the video "The Descent of Man".

    Group work. The first group of "young historians" receive a task.

    Look at the drawings on page 5. Find the differences between primitive man and modern man.
    - Read the text on pages 4-6 and try to answer the question. Why is the most ancient era of human history called primitive?
    - Second group (gifted children). Write a story about a primitive man.

    V. Consolidation of the studied.

    Why did primitive people live in groups? (Children's answers. It was not possible to cope with the difficulties of life alone.)
    - Why didn't they need to take care of warm clothes? (Answers of children. They lived where it is always warm.)
    Why did primitive people build houses? (Children's answers. They needed houses in order to protect themselves from the scorching sun, bad weather, and predators.)
    Why did they make tools? (Answers of children. Cut, cut the skin of an animal)
    - What did the men do? (We went hunting and fishing.)
    - What did the women do? (They plucked fruits from trees, looked for eggs of birds, turtles, dug up edible roots, collected what nature gave them.)
    - Why did primitive artists draw animals? (The lives of people depended on the successful hunting of these animals.)

    A story about a primitive man.

    Story example:

    The most ancient man was very different from modern man, he looked like a large monkey, but walked on two legs. The arms were long and hung down to the knees. The foreheads were low and sloping. The ancient man could not yet speak, he made only a few jerky sounds, with which people expressed anger and fear, called for help and warned each other of danger.

    We lived where it was always warm. Therefore, they did not need to take care of warm clothes. Houses were built in order to protect themselves from bad weather and predators. Most of the time of primitive people went in search of food. Women and children plucked fruits from trees, found edible roots, searched for eggs of birds and turtles. And the men hunted for meat. At that time, mammoths lived on earth.

    What was the life of people by the end of primitive history? (People were not only engaged in hunting and fishing, but also began to engage in agriculture, cattle breeding. They taught
    They began to build strong houses, make tools, sew clothes, make pottery).

    Hunting and gathering occupied a very important place in the life of primitive people. But the success of hunting and gathering depends on the vagaries of nature: either a forest fire will destroy trees with edible fruits and drive away animals, or a drought will destroy the grass that gave people edible grain. And then one day the women noticed that in the place where grains were usually ground on a stone grater, spikelets with the same grains grew. They guessed that it was sprouted randomly scattered grains. They tried to deliberately scatter the grains - it turned out, and even how: where one grain fell, a whole spikelet grew, or even several. Now it was already possible to grow grain near the house, and not wander in search of forests and meadows. It so happened that men, having killed, for example, a wild pig on a hunt, brought home the piglets left from it. They placed the cubs in a corral, fed them, raised them, and it turned out that now failure in hunting is not terrible for people: here it is, food - in a pen near the house. This is how agriculture and animal husbandry arose, and people became less dependent on the vagaries of nature.

    VI. Summary of the lesson.

    Why is the most ancient era of human history called primitive?
    What is the difference between primitive man and modern man?
    - Children, what interesting things can you tell your loved ones about primitive man?

    Homework: Write a story about a primitive man.