Russian literature of the period of the Second World War. Military theme Works on the second world war


Every day of life we ​​hear about the Great Patriotic War. About the one that ended almost forty years before we were born. What is it - the memory of the past or "remembrance" of the future? Why do we hear so much about the war? Because the representatives of the older generations cannot forget about it. They did not have an event more tragic than the beginning of the war, and they did not have an event more solemn than the Victory. On Victory Day, they were a little more than we are now. All of them - young men, girls, children, old men, soldiers, men and women, ordinary people and famous people - wept from happiness and from soul-rending longing for those who did not live to see this day.

Could anyone then imagine that he was going through the most important years of his life? Of course not - they believed that everything is still ahead, in the future, which promises so much. Just live up to it...

Now those who participated in the war have a whole life behind them, and four years - whatever they may be - are still four years, only four ... But for some reason, contrary to such obvious arithmetic, it seems that the war years took at least half a lifetime, which was experienced at a time when every day was infinitely long and could be your last, much more than in the rest of your life ...

The war fell on the shoulders of people with a terrible burden: backbreaking work, tears of mothers who have sons at the front, a widow's share of soldiers.

Yes, it is hard to remember those years, but it is necessary. It is absolutely necessary, because the memory of the war is a sacred memory. Holy and imperishable! Until the end of our days, we will remember what our people did in that war, not for nothing called the Patriotic War, when the fate of the Motherland was really in our hands, about the war that brought peace to us and to all mankind.

Very often, congratulating our friends or relatives, we wish them a peaceful sky over their heads. We do not want their families to be subjected to the hardships of the war. War! These five letters carry a sea of ​​blood, tears, suffering, and most importantly, the death of people dear to our hearts. There have always been wars on our planet. The pain of loss has always filled the hearts of people. From everywhere where there is a war, you can hear the groans of mothers, the crying of children and deafening explosions that tear our souls and hearts. To our great happiness, we know about the war only from feature films and literary works.

The world must not forget the horrors of war, separation, suffering and death of millions. It would be a crime against the fallen, a crime against the future, we must remember the war, the heroism and courage that passed its roads, fight for peace - the duty of all living on Earth, therefore one of the most important topics of our literature is the theme of the feat of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic war.

The feat of the Soviet people was also the feat of Soviet literature.

“Every Soviet writer is ready to devote all his strength, all his experience and talent, all his blood, if necessary, to the cause of the holy people’s war against the enemies of our Motherland!” - these words were heard at a meeting on the first day of the war and were justified by deeds and life.

The Great Patriotic War is an ordeal that befell the Russian people. The literature of that time could not remain aloof from this event.

From the very beginning of the war, Soviet writers felt "mobilized and called up." Hundreds of writers came to the People's Commissariat of Defense, to the political departments of the Leningrad, Kyiv, Belorussian, Baltic military districts, without waiting for mobilization summonses, demanding immediate dispatch to the front. The total number of front-line writers has reached more than two thousand. It is impossible to find any historical analogy to such a massive participation of writers in direct literary combat work, which was developed by Soviet masters of the word in the days of the struggle against Hitlerism.

More than three hundred writers did not return from the battlefields, among them - E. Petrov, Yu. Krymov, A. Gaidar, V. Stavsky, M. Jalil ... Fascism raised its hand to the future of Soviet literature, wresting dozens of young people from its ranks writers, talented, bright people - V. Kubanev, M. Kulchitsky, N. Mayorov, G. Suvorov, P. Kogan, N. Otrada, V. Shulchev and many others.

And, what is especially important, the Great Patriotic War, despite the immeasurable sacrifices, became for the Soviet people a school of spiritual and moral growth. The Patriotic War raised to the crest all the most truly beautiful that was brought up in the Soviet man.

The importance and effectiveness of the word of writers during the war is also evidenced by the fact that works of prose, poetry and drama took a prominent place in the newspapers. Along with the primary political material, reports of the Soviet Information Bureau and other reports of national importance, on the pages of Pravda, Izvestia, Krasnaya Zvezda, Krasny Fleet, Komsomolskaya Pravda, we see not only songs, poems, journalistic articles, but and short stories, novellas, poems, plays.

In those days, M. Sholokhov and A. Fadeev became war correspondents for central and front-line newspapers, as well as radio, the Soviet Information Bureau, and TASS. A. Platonov, K. Simonov, B. Gorbatov, V. Grossman, B. Polevoy, E. Petrov, L. Sobolev. P. Pavlenko, I. Ehrenburg, S. Mikhalkov, A. Zharov, A. Kalinin and many others. Literature was openly agitational in nature, giving "the people a monstrous charge of hatred for the enemy."

With all the exclusivity and unexpectedness of the tasks that confronted it, Soviet literature of the war years naturally developed the creative principles that determined its path in previous years. The idea of ​​peace was and remains the dominant idea of ​​Soviet literature, affirming the pathos of peaceful creative work as the basis for the development of a full-fledged human personality.

This noble humanistic pathos was at the same time the pathos of active humanism, full of the will to live and ready to fight for it. It is not surprising that the words of A. Tvardovsky became winged for the Soviet people who rose to the battle against fascism:

The fight is holy and right.

Mortal combat is not for glory,

For life on earth.

("Vasily Terkin")

The ideological, moral, and psychological qualities discovered by the Soviet people during the days of the war revealed traits that had previously developed in somewhat different forms in the heroism of the revolution, the civil war, and the everyday life of socialist construction. The traditions of Soviet literature and art of the pre-war decades, with their faith in man, love for the Motherland, clarity and grandeur of life purpose, played an important role in educating the generations that fell to defend the Motherland from the fascist hordes. The ideal of man, for which Soviet literature had been fighting since its inception, opposed fascist obscurantism with all its being. And actively resisted. The heroes of Soviet literature and their creators, masters of the word, starting with Gorky, felt like anti-fascist fighters. All this, like a baton, was accepted by those who had to go through all the trials of the war. Among them are people who would later join the thinned ranks of writers.

The continuity of heroic traditions, which filled the whole atmosphere of the harsh war years, was the condition for the powerful rise of literature. The best works of Soviet poetry, literary journalism, prose and dramaturgy were faithful to the harsh truth of the time, they courageously sounded the theme of the party - the true inspirer and leader of the masses, the theme of the people - the hero, the creator of the great victory.

Our writers called the people to defend the Motherland. “All our thoughts are about her,” wrote A. Tolstoy in the article “Motherland”, “all our anger and rage - for her scolding and all our readiness - to die for her.”

The trials of the war were thus a test of civic maturity, the strength of the connection between literary work and life, with the people, and the viability of its artistic method.

Genres capable of most quickly and directly intervening in life came to the fore - an essay, a short story, an artistic and publicistic article and, of course, a lyric poem.

Soviet literature became a true artistic chronicle of the Patriotic War, at the same time it helped the people to fight, expressing the greatness of their ideals and goals, for the sake of which the Soviet people made sacrifices, spared neither their blood nor their lives.

In the war against fascism, the Soviet people defended not only the gains of socialism, but also the civilization of mankind. Soviet literature has taken a worthy part in the realization of this world-historical mission. She with honor and in poetry, and in prose, and in dramaturgy withstood the tests that fell to her lot.

All the years of the Great Patriotic War, writers were where victory was forged. The main weapon of front-line writers was their word.

A special place is occupied by works written in the fascist dungeon. They expressively describe the inflexibility of the will and spirit of the Soviet people, who cannot be broken by captivity, torture, or death itself. Things were written through suffering, containing both information about the war and a burning feeling of love for the Motherland. Songs, poems, journalism, essays, stories, novels were mobile genres of literature that moved to the front.

The literature of the war years is monolithic in its patriotic animation. And yet, in the position of individual national literatures, in their circumstances of participation in the war, there were differences that found expression in themes, in the dominant genres, in the nature of literary life. It should not be forgotten that for all the significance of the writer's personal experience, his creative development is determined by the people's experience, the main thoughts and feelings of the people as a whole. Russian literature most fully expressed the panorama of time, the history of the War in the people's self-consciousness.

The years of the war became a milestone in the national self-consciousness of the peoples, put forward by history to the vanguard of the struggle for humanity, a milestone in the evolution of the patriotism of the Soviet people, which showed a convincing ability to merge the national and socialist, international. The historical experience of the peoples was realized anew, the heroes of the past came to life; national artistic traditions began to be perceived a hundred times wider, on a larger scale, and together with them a new upsurge of literature, a variety of artistic searches, and stylistic trends were determined.

The public need to reflect the scale of events has led to the penetration of historical motifs into the literature of our days.

Soviet multinational literature of the war era was notable for its unity of creative inspiration, commonality of problems, inspired participation of the entire people in the struggle against fascism. It is noteworthy that the writers of most literatures spoke about the feat of 28 Panfilovites in their books. But each, by virtue of traditions and historical fate, went its own way, contributed to the common treasury of the spiritual and moral experience of the Soviet people.

Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945 opened a new page in the history of modern literature.

“The talk that the theme of the war has been exhausted, or that it is about to exhaust itself, has arisen more than once almost since the first post-war year. But some time passed, and suddenly a novel or a story about the Great Patriotic War appeared. The war opened from an unknown side, and we were again convinced for the umpteenth time that far from everything was told about these unforgettable events of people's life, that the source that has been feeding our literature for more than a decade has not dried up, ”wrote V. Kondratiev .

Most of this kind of books belong to the pen of writers who are well known to us, who have long received recognition - K. Simonov and V. Bykov, Yu. Bondarev and D. Granin, V. Astafiev and K. Vorobyov, K. Paustovsky and L. Sobolev.

The ranks of military writers were no longer replenished, but, alas, they were decreasing. More and more rarely, new names appeared in the cohort of writers of the military generation. And this is natural, nothing can be done about it: the youngest participants in the war are not today eighty tomorrow, those who wanted and could have already written novels or novels about their experiences at the front.

The purpose of this essay is to reveal the theme of man in war based on the analysis of the works of Paustovsky and Sobolev.

Main part

The novel "Smoke of the Fatherland" was written by Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky during the Great Patriotic War. Like many Soviet writers, he went to the front as a war correspondent. The places mentioned in the book - Odessa, Mariupol, Central Asia, the Moscow region, Ryazan and the Russian North, the Baltic states and Western Ukraine - were well known to him from his previous travels, wanderings, business trips of a journalist. He was born in 1892 in Moscow, studied at the Kyiv gymnasium, as a child he visited the Chernihiv region, Polissya, later worked in the Black Sea region and the Caspian regions, in Karelia and Leningrad, he lived for a long time in the Voronezh, Tambov, Kaluga lands, especially for a long time - in Tarusa, where he was buried in 1968.

Paustovsky is a witness of two revolutions, he is a contemporary of two world wars that claimed millions of victims.

By the beginning of the Second World War, he was a mature man who had seen a lot in his lifetime, the author of books that were transparent in language and easy to understand, captivating with their inventiveness of fantasy, with an infectious aspiration for the future. Following Gorky and Mayakovsky, he considered himself one of the artisans of young Soviet art, saw the writer's mission as a "guide to the beautiful" in creating "a completely new and high system of human feelings and relationships." He bowed before the creative power of the immortal human genius and believed in the reality of "brilliant literature, one of the cornerstones of the magnificent world of freedom, justice and culture."

Being in Alma-Ata during the evacuation, the writer came to Barnaul for creative meetings with A.Ya.

Paustovsky also visited Belokurikha, where he lived at the Sixth Children's Dacha - Spanish children evacuated from Artek were settled there - he was twice in Biysk. "Barnaul months", as Paustovsky himself called them, as well as the time of the writer's stay in Belokurikha - the winter of 1942/43. and early spring - were busy not only working on the play. Stories were created, work was underway on the novel "Smoke of the Fatherland", the heroes of which - the Soviet writer Lobachev and the Spanish poetess Maria Alvarez - follow the Spanish children to the Altai Territory.

Paustovsky had a rare gift for finding precious grains of poetry in the most seemingly hopelessly prosaic subjects. The changeable, mobile physiognomy of any edge of our ancient "land of people" - from the environs of "South Palmyra" to the foothills of the snowy Altai - he was able to capture so vividly and accurately that his verbal pictures, as was said about him by one of his friends, it was just right to conclude framed and hung on the wall.

However, in the first difficult months of the fascist "blitzkrieg" his former perception of his native nature changes dramatically; wounded, desecrated by the enemy, mangled and burned, she withers and fades before his eyes.

Paustovsky from the very beginning began to write about how this military reality overtakes civilians in their everyday, "civilian" life, tearing them from their homes, even rolling to where there is also a loudspeaker - a novelty and an airplane - an unprecedented "silver goose". It can break the habitual way of life, irreparably cripple destinies.

"Smoke of the Fatherland" is one of the works whose fate is full of vicissitudes and even secrets. This also applies to other novels by Paustovsky; some of them were lost, burned by the author, or aged for years in a desk drawer, like grape wine in a cellar. Mastering a major genre that was difficult for him, the writer was not always sure of success, and himself, like his heroes sometimes, sometimes relied on the will of an almighty chance. But most likely, he was simply more far-sighted than his other critics and understood that over the years, much of the "controversial" would become indisputable.

Belokurikha has long been no longer a "small resort", but a city, but even today you can see the neighborhood of the Sixth Dacha as Paustovsky saw and depicted them in the novel "Smoke of the Fatherland".

But not only nature interested the writer. The difficult fates of the people he met in Altai naturally and naturally fit into the "Altai pages" of his work. According to the old-timers of Belokurikha, there was a real prototype of the image of the watchman Krynkin from the novel "Smoke of the Fatherland" and the story "The Right Hand". Meetings in Altai provided material for other stories of the writer - "Dispute in the car", "Order on the military school".

In the "Tale of Life" by Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky there is one wonderful autumn landscape; you involuntarily perceive it as a sad echo of two ill-fated shifting dates at once: 1914 - 1941. This landscape is similar to both a warning and a belated spell of imminent disaster:

“Magnificent autumn stood in those days over Moscow. Trees dropped gilded foliage on the barrels of guns. Guns and charging boxes stood in gray lines along Moscow boulevards, waiting to be sent to the front.

The transparent, unprecedentedly thick and blue sky - the road of migratory flocks - stretched over the city in the radiance of the fading sun. And the leaves kept falling and falling, covering roofs, sidewalks, pavements, rustling under the brooms of janitors, under the feet of passers-by, as if trying to remind people that around them the land they had forgotten still exists, that, perhaps, for the sake of this land, for the sake of the weak the brilliance of the September web, for the clarity of dry and cool horizons, for the calm waters quivering from a piece of bark that has fallen from the trees, for the smell of yellowing willow, for the sake of all this rustling, extraordinarily beautiful Russia, for the sake of her villages, her huts, bluish straw smoking milky smoke river mists, her past and future - for the sake of all this, all honest people of the whole world, with a huge joint effort, will stop this war.

One of the most interesting and most significant works about the war, in my opinion, are the works of Leonid Sobolev. I like the way Sobolev writes about the war. He manages to convey with amazing depth the feelings of an ordinary soldier in the war.

During periods of historical upheavals, as is known, the need of society for journalism increases sharply - the direct, open, passionate word of a journalist, writer, which is distinguished by a special socio-political orientation, agitation, and acute problematic. At this time, publicism permeated all genres of prose, poetry, dramaturgy. But the leading role in the literary life of society in such periods, especially at first, is played by journalism itself, intended for publication in periodicals and characterized by political topicality, promptness in covering events, and the power of emotional and ideological impact on the reader.

During the Great Patriotic War, almost all writers turned to its mobile genres. Correspondence, articles, essays, pamphlets, stories by A. Tolstoy, A. Fadeev, I. Ehrenburg, N. Tikhonov, M. Sholokhov, A. Tvardovsky, L. Sobolev, Vs. Vishnevsky, K. Simonov, K. Paustovsky.

Many writers became employees of the army and front-line press, war correspondents, commanders, and political workers. The desire to express the feelings and thoughts that owned each of them led to the open lyricism of A. Tolstoy's articles, the passionate pathos of B. Gorbatov, the journalistic intensity of I. Ehrenburg's speeches, and the philosophical reflections of L. Leonov.

A. Tolstoy became the chronicler of the war. His journalism was her chronicle, reflecting the stages of the struggle and feat of the Soviet people, the whole complex of problems caused by the war. More than others, A. Tolstoy turned to the history of the people, the origins of its ascent through the centuries (“Where did the Russian land come from”, “Shame is worse than death”, “Motherland”). The idea of ​​the responsibility of the Soviet people not only to the future, but also to the past becomes transparent in his articles that recreate the historical pictures of wars and campaigns, the traditions of the military prowess of the Russian people, their culture and morality. The writer also appeals to the spirit of Slavic unity in the name of the fight against fascism (“The entire Slavic world must unite to defeat fascism”). At the same time, A. Tolstoy analyzes the program of the Nazi Party, the reasons for Hitler’s popularity and the state of the spirit of German society (“Fascists will answer for their atrocities”, “Who is Hitler and what is he trying to achieve?”, “I call for hatred”) in order to debunk fascism before the world . A. Tolstoy's articles are imbued with passionate love for the Russian people.

Also, during these years, writers' notes, diaries, notes, and sketches acquired independent artistic value. The nature and content of military diaries were determined by the need to preserve for the history of eyewitness observations, a look at the events of their participants. Such are the "Diaries of the War Years" by Vs. Vishnevsky, “Leningrad in the days of the blockade” by A. Fadeev, “Leningrad diary” by V. Inber, “Motherland and foreign land” by A. Tvardovsky, published with the subtitle “Notebook pages”, a series of sketches by N. Tikhonov “In those days”, K Fedina "Date with Leningrad", etc.

Diaries were a form of essay literature, in which the authenticity of the image, the author's reliance on facts, was combined with his passionate interest.

Being a free, most often chronicle narrative, including a report on events, characteristics of a military, everyday or psychological situation, the diaries of the war years captured the observations and reflections of participants in historical events. "Diaries of the War Years" Vs. Vishnevsky is conquered by the reliability of historical evidence and the scale of generalizations, being both observations on the life of besieged Leningrad, and reflections on the present and future, and an analysis of the contradictions of time, the state of literature. Sun position. Vishnevsky is determined by faith in the "incredible endurance of our people", his "kindness, frankness, simplicity", in which the writer saw the guarantee of victory. The same high pride in the people who stood the first blockade winter makes A. Fadeev write: “It seems to me that there are things in the world that only a Russian person can endure.”

In the novels of the end of the war, interest in the personal principle in man intensifies, becoming predominant in the works of Sholokhov and Fadeev. The qualities of nationality, patriotism, consciousness, regardless of social status, profession, nationality, came to the fore in the hero. "Socialist sociality" became the nature of the character of the Soviet man, created by literature during the war years. Man in it always acted first of his fusion with society, and not only as an individual.

The moral climate of society, determined by the struggle for the life and independence of the socialist state, could not but influence literature. Socio-historical events, influencing the ways of cognizing reality, caused a concentration of such features that until now were not leading in them - epic, heroic, lyricism.

The nature of the epic in the prose of the Patriotic War was due to the fusion of the life and struggle of an individual with the life and struggle of the whole people. The events in the stories and tales of the war years appear as a living flow of history. And the social activity of the heroes who created it corresponded to the trend of historical development. The epic was associated with the nature of the heroic.

The general tendencies of Soviet literature of the war years in depicting the courage and heroism of the Soviet man, one way or another, were reflected in every significant work of large and small forms.

The war is interpreted in prose as a school of courage and suffering, a school of love and hatred, as the greatest test of humanity, which the Soviet people withstood with honor.

The attraction to authenticity, combined with the broad generalization of the image, is the strength of the heroic stories and stories of the war years. During the war, writers were looking for a form that would create the impression of non-fiction, authenticity of the depicted. The illusion of life authenticity was often created by the fact that the story was told on behalf of the participants in the events, the author's voice merged with the voices of the characters. Writers, above all, strove to be true to the "psychology of facts."

In general, socio-psychological prose was a new stage in the comprehension of man and war, primarily because it was centered on the personality - whole, thinking, creative; events were recreated in their authenticity, accuracy, harsh truth. However, having abandoned the romantically generalized view of what is happening, delving into the analysis of events and souls, she limited the breadth of the philosophical understanding of reality. The novels that appeared at the end of the war were supposed to make up for this loss.

These are the most significant works of historical prose of the period of the Patriotic War. They fully manifested the civic spirit and high ideological content of our literature: books about the past strengthened patriotic forces, called for the defense of the historical achievements of the people, for victory. Writers have achieved great success in the embodiment of strong-willed, heroic folk characters. This is how the leading characters of all the works mentioned above are depicted.


At the present stage, our literature, following the tried and tested path of enriching artistic forms, thanks to the innovative development of the most fruitful traditions, has significantly expanded the scope of both tradition and innovation. If relatively recently the concept of "tradition" included mainly the classical heritage of past eras, then at the present time the traditions of socialist realism itself already exist and are exerting their influence.

These traditions arose and became stronger not spontaneously, but as a result of intense searches. It is no coincidence that the word "search" has gained such popularity. And it is characteristic that the writers themselves associate artistic searches with the search for truth, and the truth in the usage of Sholokhov, Bondarev and other writers is not just a synonym for truth, but its highest expression.

It is natural that, simultaneously with the unusually increased attention to the artistic originality, originality and perfection of the work, the demand for authenticity has recently sounded so imperiously. And literature willingly responds to this requirement, plunging into the study of life, referring to the testimonies of participants in the events that attracted the attention of writers. Suffice it to point out the popularity enjoyed by memoirs about the Great Patriotic War. No writer trying to show the greatness of the feat of the Soviet people, who saved the Motherland, the civilization of mankind at the cost of huge sacrifices, cannot but appreciate the significance of the evidence, reflections, conclusions that these works are so rich in, although most of their authors did not pursue literary goals, but sought to tell truthfully about what fell to their lot and the lot of the country in the formidable war years. But these truthful testimonies, not refracted through the prism of the genre and style canons of the novel, story, drama, stimulated the search for new forms and play a huge role in enriching modern artistic thought, in educating the reader.

Also, artistic thought is often memory - the memory of the people and the memory of the artist himself.

If Time synthesizes history and modernity in a work of art, then memory is both the past and a relay race to the future.

The motive of memory resounded especially powerfully and penetratingly in works about the Great Patriotic War. It sounded like a statement of the greatness of the feat in defense of the Fatherland and as a testament to future generations. And the further the events of those heroic years are pushed back, the more palpable the universal significance of the feat accomplished by the Soviet people becomes, and the role of memory about it grows more and more.

Memory, even the bitterest, raises a person above Time, carries the guarantee of immortality.

The theme of memory, both in art and in the thoughts of cultural figures, is recognized as the theme of a great epic breath, as a driving principle for the development of culture.

The Victory Day is especially dear to every Russian person. Dear memory of those who defended freedom at the cost of their lives. We must always remember the people who gave their lives for the freedom and bright future of our country. The feat of those who fought and defeated fascism is immortal. The memory of their feat will live forever in our hearts and our literature. We must know at what cost our happiness has been won. To know and remember those, almost completely girls from Boris Vasiliev's story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet", who boldly looked death in the eyes, defending their Motherland. Is it possible for them, so fragile, delicate, to wear men's boots or hold machine guns in their hands? Of course not.

Now those who saw the war not on TV, who endured and survived it themselves, are becoming less and less every day. Years make themselves felt, old wounds and experiences that now fall to the lot of old people. The further, the more vivid and majestic they will unfold in our memory, and more than once our heart will want to relive the sacred, heavy and heroic epic of the days when the country fought from small to large. And nothing else but books will be able to convey to us this great and tragic event - the Great Patriotic War.

About the price of victory, which our people paid with the lives of their best sons and daughters, about the price of peace that the earth breathes, you think today, reading bitter and such profound works of Soviet literature.


  • 1. History of Russian Soviet literature. Publishing house "Enlightenment", Moscow - 1983, corrected.
  • 2. History of Russian Soviet literature. Under the editorship of prof. P.S. Vykhodtsev. Publishing house "Higher school", Moscow - 1970
  • 3. Soviet literature: Reference materials. Moscow "Enlightenment", 1989
  • 4. For the sake of life on earth. P. Toper. Literature and war. Traditions. Solutions. Heroes. Ed. third. Moscow, "Soviet Writer", 1985
  • 5. Vishnevsky Sun. Articles. Diaries. Letters. M. 1961
  • 6. Russian literature of the twentieth century. Ed. "Astrel", 2000

| Posted by book: yachilles

Name: Strategic nuclear weapons of Russia
Year of issue: 1998
edited by P. L. Podvig
Publisher: Publishing House
ISBN: 5-86656-079-8
Format: pdf
Number of pages: 492 p., ill.
Language: Russian
The size: 24 Mb (rar + 3% for recovery) Mb
Short description: Publisher's annotation: The book provides information about the main stages in the development of Soviet strategic forces and the current state of the Russian nuclear arsenal. The book is based on chapters devoted to the nuclear weapons complex, as well as to the main components of strategic nuclear forces - missile forces, fleet, aviation and the country's strategic defense system. Provides information about the history of the development of ballistic missiles, submarines and bombers, their main technical characteristics?
?and. The final chapter contains an overview of the Soviet nuclear test program. For a wide range of readers interested in disarmament issues and the history of the development of strategic nuclear forces.

Name: World War. 1939–1945 The gaze of the vanquished
Year of issue: 2000
Team of authors
Publisher: Polygon
ISBN: 5-89173-076-6
Format: pdf
Number of pages: 736 p., ill.
Language: Russian
The size: 12 Mb (rar + 3% for recovery) Mb
Short description: The book was written by a group of Wehrmacht generals and officers who held positions in the German armed forces from unit commander to fleet commander and chief of staff of the Western Front. The authors cover the preparation and conduct of operations by the ground forces, aviation and navy of Germany and its allies during the Second World War. The book summarizes the experience gained during the war of 1939-1945, and draws some conclusions for the future, mainly based on the analysis of hostilities on land, at sea?
? in the air.
The book will interest both professional historians and all those interested in the history of the Second World War.

To the Victory Day

It has already been 71 years since the end of World War II. But we should not forget these sad pages of history.

We have selected the best works of art, scientific books, memoirs about the Second World War. This is a kaleidoscope of different views on past events and interpretations of their significance for our time.

Literary works:

Kurt Vonnegut " Slaughterhouse Five, or the Children's Crusade»

Vonnegut, in his characteristic sarcastic manner, describes the most senseless page in the history of World War II - the murder of the civilian population of Dresden. The book remained on the black list in the writer's homeland for a long time, because American soldiers were guilty of these deaths.

Richard Yates "Breath of Destiny"

A unique literary work in which the author does not try to maintain the ideologically necessary condition of pathos, but, on the contrary, humiliates the heroic narrations about the war. In the center of the plot is an unfortunate soldier, over whom the whole platoon makes fun and who will never accomplish a single feat. And there were millions of them.

Vasil Bykov "His Battalion"

The author skillfully illustrates the horrors of the war, which took the life of a third of the population of his native country - Belarus. And better than anyone talks about partisanship. It reveals the whole essence of the war in the underground.

Oles Gonchar "People and zbroya "

In this novel, an eminent Ukrainian writer tells the story of a young man who volunteered for the front. Here a wide panorama of the life of soldiers is revealed: exercises, battles, life in the trenches, etc.

Viktor Nekrasov "In the trenches of Stalingrad"

A novel that is very different from other works about the war of the Soviet era. It does not contain pathetic tirades and calls: "For the motherland!". It shows only the nightmare of the Battle of Stalingrad, the suffering and fear of the townspeople, as well as their only desire - to survive at any cost.

Boris Kharchuk "Cherry Nights"

The most romantic book about the war. He is a member of the NKVD, and she is a Banderovka who is being interrogated by him. They fell in love with each other, fled together and were happy until they were surrounded on one side by the enkavedeshniki, and on the other by the Banderites.

Erich Maria Remarque "A time to live and a time to die»

An anti-war novel about a German soldier whose moral code does not allow him to descend to the level of an animal, even when everyone around him has already lost his human face.


Viktor Klemperer LTI. Language of the Third Reich. Notebook of a philologist»

Klemperer was a lecturer in linguistics at the university. But for the Nazi regime, he became just a Jew. In his book, he briefly describes how he lost his job, lived in a ghetto for Jews, and worked at a construction site. In more detail, he dwells on the mentality of his cellmates and friends at large. And with special care reveals all the language clichés and formulations of the leaders of the Reich, analyzes the mechanisms of propaganda.

Henry Landau « white lady »

English intelligence officer talks about activitiesunderground organization "White Lady"which waged a guerrilla war in German-occupied Belgium.

Omar Bradley « Soldier's Notes »

In the memoirs of one of the most prominent American officers, one can read about operations in Western Europe, Tunisia, Sicily, as well as about the training of the officer corps and the work of the headquarters.

Caius Becker “People of the “K” squad. Diversion Corps of the German Navy in World War II

The book describes the work of the naval sabotage corps called Detachment "K". He was thrown into the most dangerous places. The fighters sailed in mini-submarines and controlled boats filled with explosives by radio.

Scientific literature:

Basil Liddell Hart "History of the Second World War"

Thomas Johnson "American Intelligence in the World War"

The book destroys the legend that the United States supposedly did not resort to espionage methods during the war. Johnson describes the activities of not only American but also Soviet intelligence.

The book details the creation of Detachment K, a naval commando corps, which was used in risky operations in the final stages of the war. The sailors of this team fought in mini-submarines, drove guided torpedoes into battle and controlled boats filled with explosives by radio.

Laptezhnik against the "black death". Development Review… Mikhail Zefirov

Based on extensive factual material, the book provides a comparative analysis of the organizational structure and tactics of German and Soviet ground attack aviation in 1941-1945, as well as the systems of rewarding pilots adopted in them. Particular attention is paid to two aircraft: the German Ju-87 and the Soviet Il-2, which became truly legendary during World War II. It is intended both for specialists and for lovers of military history.

German Fifth Column in World War II… de Luis

The book describes the subversive activities carried out outside Germany by various German organizations and institutions on the eve and during the Second World War (hostile propaganda, bribery of statesmen, espionage, sabotage, sabotage). The author talks in detail about the role played by the German national minority groups or German colonists in this or that country, as well as about the help provided to Nazi Germany by traitors and traitors like Quisling. The book is intended for a wide range of readers.

German naval saboteurs in the second world ... Caius Becker

Caius Becker's book "German naval saboteurs in World War II" is devoted to the activities of the "K" units - sabotage and assault formations of the German Navy. The author describes in detail the main sabotage and assault weapons and the tactical principles underlying their use, talks about the most famous sabotage operations of his unit - the fight against the Allied invasion fleet in the Bay of the Seine and in the Pas de Calais, undermining bridges across the Orne River and near Nijmegen, the destruction of the lock in the port of Antwerp, etc. ...

World War II: torn pages Sergei Veryovkin

Did you know that more than 150,000 Jews fought in the ranks of the Wehrmacht and the SS during World War II? Did you know that virtually every German division that fought on the Eastern Front consisted of a quarter of former Soviet citizens, that every fourth soldier of Paulus, surrounded at Stalingrad, was Russian? Do you know that in the German rear for two years there were huge - larger than Belgium - territories under Russian national self-government, where the foot of the occupier did not set foot, and that the civil war on these lands, called ...

The Second World War. A Taylor

Taylor is characterized by the desire to draw conclusions on his own, and not to follow the general trends in historical science. Therefore, he objectively assesses the contribution of our country to the victory in World War II. This contribution is decisive. Taylor not only "tells" how it all happened, but also pays great attention to the causes of events. Taylor also cites many little-known facts, for example, that the population of the French village of Oradour-sur-Glane was destroyed by Alsatians who voluntarily joined the SS after Alsace joined Germany. More important…

History of World War II by Kurt Tippelskirch

The book is one of the first major works on the history of the Second World War, which describes the events in all theaters of military operations and on all fronts in the period 1939-1945. The author focuses on the war between Germany and the USSR, analyzing in detail the most important operations of the Soviet and German troops. An assessment is also given of the activities of prominent state and military leaders of the warring parties. Like Liddell Garth's "History" is something like the official British version of the history of the Second World War, and the American view of the Second...

Sea wolves. German submarines… Wolfgang Frank

This book was written around 1955. It was written by a German author, apparently commissioned by an American publisher (this translation was made from English, but taking into account the fact that the original was made in German; the book may not have been published in German). From 1958 to 1972, when the memories of World War II were still fresh in the minds of millions and millions of people, the book went through seven (!) editions in the New World - five in the United States and two in Canada. Read now, more than six decades after World War II, what Americans...

Finland's entry into the Second World War... In Baryshnikov

The monograph deals with the events, previously unexplored by Russian historians, connected with the entry of Finland into the Second World War on the side of Germany. Hidden preparation for this in 1940-1941. disclosed on the basis of Finnish, German and Russian archives, as well as other sources. The book traces the stages of rapprochement in the military, economic and political relations between Finland and Germany on the eve of the Great Patriotic War. The changes in the position of the USSR towards Finland in the pre-war period are especially studied. For historians...

World War II Anatoly Utkin

The memory of the people can be killed only together with the people. We will never forget those who tore their veins at countless crossings, who burst into burned cities, who burned in tanks, who said goodbye to their comrades in the last peak, who threw themselves from the trenches under hurricane fire, who lay down with their chests on the embrasure, who dragged from the field fighting a comrade, who, with a bunch of grenades, threw himself under enemy tanks, who did not spare his life and overcame everything. Not for the sake of stripes and distinctions, but for the honor and freedom of the country, so that no one in the world would impose their will on us. The best among them did not know bravado, ...

Results of the Second World War. Conclusions of the vanquished German Specialists

This book is an attempt by a group of German military experts and statesmen to summarize the experience gained during the war of 1939-1945 and draw some conclusions for the future, mainly based on an analysis of the decisions of the Wehrmacht operational leadership at the most important moments of the war on land, at sea and in air. The book also deals with the development of weapons and military equipment, the use of various types of transport, the organization of war financing, etc. The material of the collection is of considerable interest when studying ...

White emigrants and the Second World War. Attempt ... Yuri Tsurganov

The book by the historian Y. Tsurganov is devoted to an exceptionally difficult page in the history of the Russian diaspora: attempts to take advantage of the unfolding World War II to overthrow the Bolshevik regime in the USSR and bring the national Russian government to power. The cooperation of Russian émigrés with the Nazi regime is the most tricky aspect of the history of the anti-Bolshevik movement, so the author approaches it with particular care. Yu. Tsurganov pays special attention to the clash of two anti-Bolshevik "civilizations": the old ...

General Maltsev. History of the Air Force ... Boris Plushov

History of the Air Force of the Russian Liberation Movement during the Second World War (1942-1945). Edited and with a preface by I. Shtifanov. Publishing house SBONR. Author Archpriest Boris Vlasenko (Plushov Boris Petrovich) was born in 1923 (according to other sources, in 1921) in the city of Mogilev. Lieutenant of the Red Army. During World War II, in 1941, he was taken prisoner by the Germans (according to other sources, a Russian emigrant, he studied at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Munich). In 1942, he ended up in Berlin, where he met a colonel of the Russian Liberation…

"Witch's Cauldron" on the Eastern Front. Decisive… Wolf Aaken

This book is dedicated to the most dramatic moments of World War II: Smolensk, Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk, Breslau... The battles for these cities went down in history as the most bloody and fierce, they became decisive and determined the further course of hostilities on the Eastern Front. But the main characters of the book are ordinary soldiers. Numerous vivid eyewitness accounts make the reader feel the horror of the military everyday life of ordinary ordinary soldiers ...

Truth and fiction about the Second World War Georgy Reutov

This book tells about the preparations for the Second World War, the legends and falsifications that English bourgeois historians, publicists and statesmen pile up around it, about the foreign policy of England and international relations in 1939-1945. Using the memoirs of Churchill and Eden, Montgomery and Alan Brooke, and also the works of major English scientists, the author shows that most of the legends and versions about the war, spread in the West, are contrary to the truth. This publication is supplemented by an analysis of studies that have appeared in England in recent ...

The Flag of Saint George: The English Navy in… Stephen Roskill

Publisher's note: The work of Stephen Wentworth Roskill, one of the foremost military historians, was commissioned by the Annapolis Naval Institute (USNI) for the World War II Naval Operations series, the most authoritative publication on this topic. "Hunting for Bismarck" and the battle for the Mediterranean Sea, polar convoys and the fight against German submarines, military operations in the Pacific Ocean and landing operations - all phases of the war are reflected in this book. The fighting of one of the largest fleets of the Second World War, described ...

The book tells about the combat operations of the German submarine fleet during the Second World War. The author, based on factual data, documents, logbooks of submarines, diaries of submariners, memoirs of combatants, reveals the reasons for the defeat of the German submarine fleet.

Failed revenge. White emigration in the Second ... Yuri Tsurganov

The book tells about the attempts of wide circles of Russian emigration to carry out a "white revenge" during the Second World War. On the basis of numerous sources, some of which are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, the author comprehends the unique experience of emigration, which has learned the essence of different social systems: Bolshevism, democracy, fascism. The focus is on the psychological, economic, political, social, philosophical prerequisites for a revanchist worldview; practical activities to translate ideas into reality; reasons for failure.

Victories of the Third Reich. Alternate History… PETER CAURAS

“Germany emerged victorious from the Second World War” - in this book, such a statement does not look like a paradox, but rather a frightening alternative. It also makes you think. Too often the history of mankind, especially its military history, is seen by us as something moving along an already set and well-trodden track, "We won the Second World War because we were destined to win" - such a line of reasoning is a pleasure. However, following it is a dangerous undertaking. If anything is known about history...

military air force combat


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