With the end of elementary school to parents. Congratulations on graduating from elementary school from parents

Primary school completion
You are celebrating today.
Accept congratulations from the heart
And wishes for joy and warmth.

Let learning be easy
After all, there are many classes ahead.
May success smile on you
On this long, hard road.

Elementary school is over
With what I congratulate you!
But learning is waiting ahead,
So I wish you new strength.

All lessons will be easy
Let the fives shine in the diary.
And let knowledge be wide,
And let success accompany you.

Congratulations on graduating from elementary school. I wish that you never lose interest in learning, so that your further path to education will be even more exciting and fun. Good luck to you, sun, great success and the same victories, true friends and the fulfillment of all, all good dreams.

Behind - 4 years,
Well you did your best
Got a lot of knowledge
Grow up, change.

Fun and interesting
Let you learn.
And victories high, honest
I wish you achieve!

elementary school
Step passed,
4 years have flown by
The teacher will be the first to escort you
And to high school
Opens doors for you.
The world of knowledge expands horizons,
The road is calling you
Have a good trip
We wish you
school luck
Let it not let you down.

With the end of elementary school
Accept congratulations soon!
There will be a holiday, let it not be sad,
After all, fun learning lies ahead.

May everything be easy for you
Let “5” flaunt in the diary!
May your soul laugh forever
I wish you never get bored.

The last bell rings
a cheerful song,
Finished successfully
You are the primary school.

With the first teacher
It's time to say goodbye
For new teachers
You will learn.

I wish knowledge
Did you replenish your luggage?
And so that in high school
They became excellent students.

You graduated from elementary school
Today is a very important day for everyone!
Recently you were just babies,
Oh how you grow up fast guys!

We wish you success, great achievements,
So that you become only smarter!
Let there be hundreds of wonderful moments
And many school joyful days!

Graduated from elementary school
You have grown up a little
Today we congratulate you
May your path be successful.

Victory to you, dear guys,
Fives and new praises,
Let it wait for you in all subjects
High, well-deserved score.

Elementary school is over!
So much more to come for you guys!
I wish you all a happy journey,
In the soul of a positive charge!

You are all on the shoulder and there is no doubt,
That you will all study well!
Catch the knowledge of the sunlight,
After all, you need to strive for the best all the time!

Finished elementary school
The last bell rang
In September you will come again
But for a more adult lesson.

May your summer be happy
But don't forget to read and write,
And if you succeed somewhere,
Then improve your knowledge.

Miss the teachers a little
Come visit us sometimes
Meet good friends
And let the trouble pass.

Elementary school is behind us.
So let the best lie ahead.
So that everything works out, wishes come true,
And so that in studies, as before, they tried.

You are our relatives, beloved children.
May your life be filled with light:
Teachings, hope and kindness.
May your dreams be bright as well.

You completed elementary school
Native, beloved, lovely children!
We wish that you never grieve,
To be happier than everyone on the planet!

May your dreams and wishes come true
Let smiles always live on your lips!
We wish you to absorb new knowledge
And open the world only in bright colors!

It was great in elementary school
But now it's over.
Your look is so cheerful, clear,
You bring joy to both dad and me.

With all my heart I congratulate you today,
Let the study be always successful,
Let the fives flourish in the diary,
And deuces never appear there.

Our kids are great
Smart, diligent
Flew fourth grade
Just great.
Yes, your initial stage
came to a conclusion,
It was like that, it was like that
Well, thank God.
It remains to wish
In future studies
Think more, know more
And be strict with yourself
Do not lose enthusiasm
Study well.
Everything that has been so far
Will definitely come in handy!

The beginning of the school was overcome.
You have tried, you have tried.
Now to the next step
Everyone got up with our help.
Take a rest - and go!
So many new things are waiting for you!
Discovery of new beauty,
teacher kindness.
Well, gain new strength.
The world of knowledge will surprise you.

Primary school is already the threshold:
The last lesson is over!
How quickly the time flew by:
You have grown up and matured!

We, children, congratulate you all
And from parents we wish
So that you study well
Everything was given to you so that it was easy!

you today, children,
We hasten to congratulate
Already primary school
Left behind.

Seniors are waiting for you
Classes ahead,
We are ready, parents
To follow you.

We wish you guys
Walk the path of knowledge
And know that always
We will be by your side.

Elementary school is over
And you have matured and become smarter!
Let success await you all ahead
And life consists only of colorful days!

We heartily congratulate you now,
Our family, beloved children!
Let your wonderful class always
It will be friendlier than all classes in the world!

Graduated from elementary school, children,
We congratulate you now from the bottom of our hearts,
All of you kids have grown so much
You are strong, agile, good in everything.

Easy knowledge and luck
We wish you at this hour
groovy mood,
Happiness to each of you.

positive ratings,
wonderful friends,
To live in this world
You have much more fun!

We offer you interesting and touching congratulations on graduating from elementary school, which are written both in poetry and in prose. Congratulations from the teacher and from the parents and are addressed directly to the fourth graders, who are the main ones on this day.

This is the end of elementary school.
Imperceptibly so childhood passed.
Another school is waiting for you ahead,
Everything is new ahead of you.
But you boldly go ahead
You don't look back anymore.
And then you can do everything
What they wanted and what was meant to be.

Say boldly, slowly
Elementary school - bye!
After all, you are no longer babies,
After all, you are already big.
The new school is waiting for you
Teacher new and new class.
There you will be again
Get knowledge.
Just don't forget about us
Come visit us more often.
After all, you studied here for four years,
And letters were collected.
Primary school is your home,
You will always feel comfortable in it!

So ended a wonderful life called elementary school. It's time to say goodbye not only to your first teachers, but also to the primer. Although it all seems like a game to you now, in a few years you will understand how wonderful it was in our elementary school. You will miss these times, the lessons and the changes. You will miss the primer that helped you learn to read and write. But that's all after, but for now you will find a new life in a new school, which, I hope. You will love it just like our cozy little elementary school!

Elementary school graduate! It sounds proud! After all, you have already passed the first four classes and know almost everything that modern people should be able to do. But ahead of you is another difficult test, ahead of you is a new school, new classes and new teachers. You have even more years of study ahead of you, even more knowledge and even more responsibility and care. But I believe that you will cope with all this, otherwise I would not undertake to teach you the first years at school. I believe that each of you will be able to finish school with dignity and become a man with a capital letter! Good luck to you and all the best!

You have completed 4th grade
And said goodbye to elementary school,
You have taken a big step forward.
Each of you is like an important magician.

New ready to learn
Complex sciences to study.
And find your favorite things
So that you can devote your life to them.

Primary school - almost a kindergarten,
Everyone is happy to finish it in their own way.
From now on, you can’t be called babies,
You bear a proud name as a teenager.

Well, I wish you success in your studies,
But so that there is room for laughter,
For friendship, for games and fun activities -
Everything that the elementary school gave!

Congratulations on graduating from elementary school. This race is over successfully, and ahead of you are new acquaintances with new sciences, new discoveries and new hobbies. I wish your parents to be proud of you, so that only high marks flaunt in the magazine in all subjects, so that every new day brings pleasant surprises, fun meetings, exciting activities and a good mood.

Here is the end of elementary school,
Maybe it's a little sad
But there are many discoveries ahead.
We wish you guys happy events!

Do not forget the teachings of the basics,
Although they have become wiser and older at times,
Let the mood today be at five,
Do not be sad, grieve, lose heart!

You graduated from elementary school
Let me congratulate you now, friends.
I wish you new victories and achievements,
Let your family help you in everything.

There are so many discoveries ahead of you,
Live actively, study for five,
I wish you, children, great achievements,
Follow your dreams and don't give up.

Congratulations on the first step
Passed on an adult almost that way.
And let there be patience along the way,
And a bright future lies ahead.

So that everything turns out easily and successfully,
Dreams to all come true.
And to live - without problems and always serene.
And only to meet the best in life.

Another step behind you,
The end of elementary school has come,
Lots of mysteries lie ahead.
You will be interested and funny.

We want to be stronger and stronger
All that frightens in an instant to overcome,
Be softer and friendlier with each other,
We want you to learn and grow.

On a solemn day, I want to wish -
Don't lose your interest in learning
Fives without an account to save in the diary,
Good luck to keep, of course, in your hand.

Elementary school obeyed you
Many funny events happened in it,
But there are so many more classes to come
And boldly go to new heights!

You move to the middle link,
4 years passed like a blink of an eye.
Congratulations guys on this.
We wish you success in your studies.
So that the lessons are a joy to you,
And the granite of science was tough for everyone.
We wish you happy changes
And meet good friends at school.
To study further for five,
Well, maybe a little four.

Elementary school is over
And just recently you went to first grade!
Great success lies ahead
Everyone who smiles now!

I wish you great happiness guys
Learn well, do not know sorrows!
Let this bright, bright date
It will help start a new stage in life!

Well, from elementary school
You have moved to the senior class!
We heartily congratulate you
And we are very happy for you!

Now there are more lessons
Subjects complex and tasks.
So let the teachers help
You strain all your strength.

Make learning hard
Energy to you in it and strength!
To give you joy every day
He gave the best ratings!

Dear students!
Dear kids!

You came to the first class
Quite like kids.
small, timid,
You entered the class timidly,
Learned numbers and letters
And what a change!
The years have flown by
In learning and striving!
Now you already know
What does "equation" mean?
that the letters turn
In dictations, presentations,
And the words are added
Easy into poetry!
Today you say goodbye
With the first teacher
And you enter another
Stage study boldly!
You have to learn
Long years
But what came first
With you forever!
You have a lot to do
Just to know, to pass.
Good luck with your studies!
Have a good trip!

Expensive graduate !

Here are the first school years behind ...

It seemed only recently with briefcases, primers and

The guys in the 1st grade timidly walked in copybooks. Remember the first one

September? Unrest, white bows, bouquets of flowers,

meeting the first teacher, what touching

moments! And now 4 years of study have flown by unnoticed.

The first letters in the words, the multiplication table ... - and now

prom. Goodbye elementary school! Graduation party in elementary school is a celebration of students, the first

teachers and, of course, parents.
Ahead of a new life, one might say quite adult,

new stage of discoveries, achievements!

You are a primary school graduate!

In the secrets of the sciences of the very first penetrated.

You have a lot of work behind you -

More of them will be, my friend, ahead!

Your program will become more difficult,

It is unlikely that your mother will solve the problem for you.

Dad will also rub his forehead -

So, we will have to decide everything ourselves.

The satchel itself will have to be worn -

It's embarrassing to ask your mom about it.

Try to do everything yourself -

Adult life has come to you.

You are now a middle school student,

Let there be a diary with only fives!

(I. Ageeva)


MBOU secondary school them. Usmanova G.M. with. AKHUNOVO

Parting words to the graduate

Head teacher: ……………………

Khazima Ismagilovna Kucherbaeva

First teacher, class teacher:


Zulfiya Khadisovna Kalimova

S. AKHUNOVO - 2015

Order for elementary school graduates

Today is an unusual day - you moved to the fifth grade.
On the threshold of high school, we give you our mandate!
Many more years to learn and always be diligent,
And in the eleventh grade everyone will get medals!
But for this you need to know everything, of course, to "five"!
And do not test the patience of teachers once again!
And the director should not draw attention to you in vain,
And then, suddenly, yes, he wants to see mom and dad!
And such extreme perishing too! This is a clear overkill!
Not for tea with pancakes, for a serious conversation!
Remember the school fraternity and that you are friends!
Help out, help, because your class is one family!
Our lovely girls! We wish you with all our heart
Be the hostesses in the class and take care of his peace!
You, the stronger sex, also wanted to say a few words:
You are not in vain with us boys! You girls to protect!
And it remains for us to remind you of something else now ...
About your parents, about yours ... you have no closer friend!
Tell them boldly ... every little secret ...
And, believe me, mom and dad are the BEST will give you advice!
We see you guys, we are in the fifth grade today.
We are both happy and hurt ... you grew up with us!
This is how nature works: the world does not like our standing.
May everything in your life be easy and everything is on the “five”!
Go away, don't be sad! You are always in our hearts!
And also… You come… Albeit infrequently… Sometimes…