Divination without cards. “Life becomes easier when you step into the river of oblivion along the way.” – Stal Pavlow

Accomplishment. Persistence. Great man - happiness. There will be no bullshit. There will be speeches, (but they) are not true.

The date is difficult on the stump. You will enter the dark valley. You won't see anything for three years.
Difficulties with wine and food. Suddenly (a man in) a scarlet apron will come. - Favors the need to make sacrifices. Hike - unfortunately. There will be no bullshit.
You will stumble on a stone and (you will) hold on to thorns and thorns. You will enter your tower and you will not see your wife. - Misfortune.
Arrival is slow. Make it difficult because of the metal wagon. - Regret. (But) you will bring it to the end.
(Execution), cut off the nose and legs. There will be difficulty from (the man in) the red apron. But little by little, joy will come. - Favors the need (offer) sacrifices and prayers.
(There will be) difficulty in tangled thickets; in instability you will exclaim: "Movement - to repentance." And there will be remorse. - But the trip - fortunately.


Kun (Exhaustion): enclosed, surrounded, enclosed; to protect, to restrict; punishment, criminal code, prison; anxiety, anxiety, fear; fatigue, exhaustion, exhausted resources; afflicted [with illness], discouraged; poverty, poverty. The hieroglyph depicts a growing tree, fenced on all sides.

figurative row

You are isolated, exhausted or oppressed. You cannot trust those around you. It is necessary to master the situation from the inside, by an effort of will. Gather your strength and wait for the moment for a decisive breakthrough. The only way out is to look for a noble person in yourself, to find an inner source of energy and inspiration. This will open the way. Do not count on the help of other people and do not trust beautiful words. Don't give in to negative emotions. The purpose of your seclusion is not to make you suffer, but to force you to find a personal Tao link. The situation contains a promise of future changes. You can see your purpose if you rely on your own judgment. If you attach great importance to the words of others, it will only drain your strength.

Outer and Inner worlds

Pond (Fog) and Water

External connections and influences are carried away by internal ones, preventing communication.

Isolation and oppression contain the hidden possibility of staying and cooperating with other people in a common dwelling.


Climbing without stopping leads to exhaustion. Knowing this allows you to use it.


Exhaustion means isolation.


There is no water in the river


Stand on your own feet and wait patiently.

Fog over the water. Exhaustion.

A noble person involves fate in achieving his goal.

Hexagram lines

First six

Sitting is difficult on the stump.
You will enter the dark valley.
You won't see anything for three years.

You are lonely and offended or dissatisfied with your position. The Gloomy Valley and three years of inactivity - additional images of the lower trigram Abyss - indicate a difficult path to be taken.

Nine second

Difficulty with wine and food.
Suddenly a man in scarlet knee pads will come.
Time to make sacrifices.
Hike - unfortunately. There will be no bullshit.

Your talents are not recognized, although you have the opportunity to lead a fairly prosperous life. However, change is coming. Now you cannot undertake any big things, because you are dependent on superiors. This service is expressed in the form of a sacrifice for the sake of a common cause.

Six third

You stumble on a stone. You will hold on to thorns and thorns.
You will enter the tower, but you will not see your wife.

You are in an extremely difficult position. The way forward is closed, but if you try to get around the obstacle, you will look for support in what hurts you. Returning will only increase your loneliness. This is a time to stop and reflect.

Nine fourth

Arrival is slow. Make it difficult because of the metal wagon.
Regret. But you'll get the job done.

Help is coming to you, but very slowly. The difficulty is expressed in the image of a heavy wagon that has to be pushed in front of you. You regret the lost time, but you can bring the matter to the end.

Nine fifth

Execution, cut off the nose and legs.
There will be difficulty from a man in scarlet kneecaps.
But little by little, joy will come.
Favors the need to offer sacrifices and supplications.

This is where the exhaustion situation reaches its maximum. You cannot move forward, as it threatens danger, but it is similar to remain in the place of death. Those who used to seek help now only make matters worse. Be very careful. The situation should resolve itself. Trust in higher powers. should resolve itself. Trust in higher powers.

Top six

There will be difficulty in the tangled thickets.
In instability you will exclaim: “Movement to repentance!”
And there will be remorse.
But the trip is fortunate.

Movement is hindered, but it is not an external force that hinders you, but your own weakness. Shake it up, give yourself a good push. The situation is already over. You may have reason to regret, but new horizons will open before you.

Associative interpretation

The source of the lake waters has dried up.
The word is in danger again.
Don't believe parting words.
Trust your path to the same winds
and my own heart's call.

The source of lake waters has dried up - in Kung-tzu gua xiang zhuan - "Comments of Confucius on images in hexagrams" - it is said: The Lake has no Source.

The upper trigram Dui-Lake also means the Word, Rumor, Speech, the lower trigram Kan-Water also means Danger.
In Kung Tzu tuan zhuan - Confucius's Commentaries on Symbols - it is said: It is dangerous to utter a word.

Therefore: The word is in danger again.
Don't believe parting words.

When "it is dangerous to utter a word," "speeches" express not so much the truth as loyalty.

Is it possible to believe the words spoken under fear of punishment?

In the aphorism of the I-ching with the hexagram it is said: There will be talk - do not believe!

The last two lines of the poem are connected with Kung-tzu gua xiang zhuan - "Confucius' commentary on images in hexagrams": Jun-tzu, relying on the will of fate, reaches the goal.

The "will of fate" is given in the form of "winds", since the upper nuclear trigram is Sun-Wind. However, it is important not to miss the "goal", that is, the "call of one's own heart", which can also be understood as the "light of the heart", "inner light"; lower nuclear trigram - Li-Fire-Light.

  • A lone wheel lying on the ground means you know what to do.
  • Sick man lies in bed. You are still in a lot of trouble.
  • The medicine pot means that you are constantly sick.
  • The official pours water into a dry pond to save the fish - a sign of resurrection.
  • Grass grows in this pond. It means good ideas.

Explanation of the hexagram according to Wen-wang.

Oppression. Success in perseverance. A great person will bring good luck. Nothing to blame. When you have to say something, no one listens.

  • This is the May hexagram. It is good in spring, bad in summer and winter, and can mean disputes and quarrels in autumn.
  • Kun is one of the four evil hexagrams of the I Ching. The upper trigram Dui - Lake, is like a reservoir from which water, seeping through, flows into the lower trigram Kun - Earth. So, the tank is empty, and the fields and people are left without water.
  • Others do not pay attention to your talents and personal qualities. You say nothing and carefully observe everything around, intending to eventually become a part of it.

Explanation of individual yao according to Zhou-gong.

first yao
Initial six. You sit depressed under a bare tree. Wandering in a dark valley. You don't see anything for three years.

  1. Fate turned its back on you, and you fell into a stupor. You convince yourself that you don't have what it takes and that you can't win in this world. You are destroying yourself and you don't even realize it.
  2. If you want to get the job done, you need to carefully plan everything and take into account all the little things.
  3. You are looking in the wrong source. It's like uprooting a tree to find a fish.

Second yao
Nine second. You are oppressed sitting in front of meat and drink. A man with scarlet knee pads comes to you. Time to offer sacrifices. To rush forward right now is to failure. There is no guilt.

  1. Everything is going well, but boredom is killing you. Everything annoys you. Suddenly you see a chance to change something, but you are not clear how to use it. So you decide to think about your dreams and figure out what you really want.
  2. An innocent person is in trouble because of his talents.
  3. You have a talent, but there is no way to apply it.

third yao
Six third. A man is oppressed by a stone, he is poked into thorns and thorns. Comes home and does not see his own wife. Failure.

  1. You want to move forward, but wherever you turn, mistakes happen. A small matter that portends great prospects does not suit you, and then you decide to find support in something that is completely meaningless. You are so wrapped up in your ideas that you don't even see your own friends.
  2. The symbol of this yao is a house in ruins, family members scattered. This is a very bad sign.
  3. Family quarrels should not be made public.

fourth yao
Nine fourth. He approaches quietly and smoothly, oppressed by the golden wagon. He is humiliated, but eventually achieves his goal.

  1. You sympathize with the poor in your neighborhood and want to get to know them and learn about their difficulties. Friends tell you that these are bad people, and you act recklessly. But one day you feel empowered and follow your impulse and everything goes well.
  2. You need to pay the bill, but you don't have any money in the bank. At this critical time, someone is helping you.
  3. You have already planned everything in your mind.

fifth yao
Nine fifth. His nose and feet have been cut off. Oppression - from a man with purple knee pads. Then gradually comes joy. Time to make sacrifices and pray.

  1. You want to help the poor in your city, but you find that they are so desperate that they angrily reject your offers. When you talk to welfare officials, they laugh at you. Therefore, you keep your aspirations within yourself. But one day the opportunity comes to act exactly the way you wanted and you are happy.
  2. You try to be perfect, but you get only reproaches.
  3. It is better to rely on yourself than on others.

sixth yao
Top six. He is overwhelmed by creeping vines. He walks, stumbling, and says: "From movement - only difficulties." If he is ashamed of this and pushes himself, good luck will come.

  1. You are so shocked by the car accident that happened to you that you do not leave the house. When you get behind the wheel, you almost get into trouble again, because you have lost confidence in yourself. Then, once angry with yourself, you decide to end this nonsense. And immediately confidence is restored, and you can drive normally again.
  2. The morale of an army is high if it fights for a just cause.
  3. What does this have to do with you?

General interpretation according to Y. Shutsky

No matter how many forces were shown in the previous situation, but still this is some kind of limited amount, because these forces are not infinite, sooner or later they will be exhausted in the ascent. That's why getting up with total necessity leads to exhaustion. But in this exhaustion, it is necessary not so much to state the very fact of the exhaustion of forces, but rather to indicate a possible way out of this situation, because, like any other, it cannot be eternal. This alone indicates the possibility of development, which in the technical language of the "Book of Changes" is called accomplishment. Of course, to overcome this situation, a person must be sufficiently developed, as the "Book of Changes" calls it, a great person; only for him is a favorable outcome possible. Let his activity in this state cause rumors, because not everyone in his environment will understand his activity, but these rumors still should not be given importance, because here a person should rely only on himself. So the text here says: Exhaustion. Accomplishment. Persistence. Great man - happiness. There will be speeches, but they are wrong. There will be no bullshit.

In this situation, the whole environment predisposes to the fact that the resistance indicated in the general aphorism is hindered. In the first position, this is already starting to make itself felt. To indicate that this position is not conducive to sustained activity emanating from one's own self, this refers to how uncomfortable it is to sit on a stump. Moreover, the path passing through the gloomy valley is indicated here, and, in addition, the loneliness to which a person is doomed in this situation is indicated. If here the text speaks of three years of such loneliness, then figuratively it points to the first three positions that are occupied by the trigram - the abyss or danger. Apparently, on this basis, the image of a gloomy valley, understood as an abyss, appears here. In this sense, one can understand the text: In the beginning, a weak feature. Sitting is difficult on the stump. You will enter the dark valley. You won't see anything for three years.

The poise characteristic of the second position is presented here in a certain steadfastness of staying in it. In addition, its connection with the fifth position is found in the image of a gift coming from the fifth position, i.e. essentially from the person occupying the fifth position, the gift brought by his messenger. In a position where a person can, in his poise, not leave his place, in a position where he has been sent down from a superior, he, of course, should not undertake any major deeds and wait until the whole situation changes. Here he can only serve something he considers superior to himself. This service is conceived by the authors of the "Book of Changes" as a kind of cult action - a sacrifice. Therefore, the text of this aphorism sounds like this: A strong trait is in second place. Difficulty with wine and food. Suddenly a man in scarlet knee pads will come. Favorable need to make sacrifices. Hike - unfortunately. There will be no bullshit.

The third position is influenced by the upcoming fourth, which is occupied by a strong feature. This strong feature, like a kind of fortress, is expressed in the form of a stone blocking the path. Therefore, the movement of further development in this position is difficult. If a person in this position turned back, he would encounter the staunch, inflexible forces of the first position, which, of course, is not conducive to such a return. Thus, a person is placed in extremely difficult circumstances here, he can neither move forward nor backward. In addition, there is no correspondence with the sixth position. This is expressed in the image of the loneliness of a man who, having returned home, does not find his wife. In the text here we read: Weak trait in third place. You stumble on a stone. You will hang on to thorns and thorns. You will enter your tower, but you will not see your wife. Misfortune.

Fortitude, which was noted as a characteristic feature of the first position of this hexagram, leads to the fact that if a person occupying the first position moves to help the one who occupies the fourth position, then his arrival, bringing help with it, is slow. Further, the third feature, which is characterized rather gloomily, can serve as that metal cart, which the text speaks of and which causes difficulty. However, the attraction of the fourth feature to the fifth, i.e. the striving forward is so strong here that, despite regretting the lost time, the matter can still be brought to its conclusion. That's why in the text we read: Strong trait in fourth place. The arrival is slow, slow. Make it difficult because of the metal wagon. Regret. But you'll get the job done.

Moving forward in the fifth position is hampered in this case by the exhaustion that characterizes the sixth. You can't move forward here. A person who wanted to move forward would be executed here, his nose would be cut off as that part of the body that is in front. It is also impossible to stand still here, because the final foundation - the first position - would be characterized as a position that is inconvenient for staying on it. If a person still wanted to stop on this foundation, then it would be the same as if he was subjected to the execution of cutting off his legs. It is also not necessary to count on the help of the second position here, because it is such that it itself must be helped. We saw that the man in second position was sent to the aid of an envoy in red knee pads. Thus, the situation looks hopeless. The only thing you can count on is that the fifth position is already close to the end of the whole process, and thus the joy of its end can gradually come. This joy is already indicated in the topmost trigram, which denotes precisely joy. But here one can only count on outside help, as the commentators of the Book of Changes believed, and therefore it speaks of the need for sacrifices. In general, the text here says: Strong feature in fifth place. Execution, cut off the nose and legs. There will be difficulty from a man in red knee pads. But little by little, joy will come. Favors the need to offer sacrifices and prayers.

The sixth position here is occupied by a weak trait. It is expressed in the form of thickets. If thickets can be perceived as something weak, soft, then nevertheless, when enough of them are collected, they can be a strong obstacle to moving forward, and can lead a person to the most difficult situation. Seeing that it is not strength, but weakness that prevents him from moving forward, a person can fall into complete bewilderment. He may decide that any movement will lead him to a bad outcome of the situation. However, such an opinion would only be a delusion, because here, finally, you need to find the strength in yourself in order to finally free yourself from this situation of exhaustion. That's why the text here says: Above is a weak feature. There will be difficulty in the tangled thickets. In instability you will exclaim: "Movement to repentance." And there will be remorse. But the trip is fortunate.


One of the four worst hexagrams. This is not the period when it would be worth taking on anything. Hang in there and wait. Your thoughts are not clear enough. Someone from your environment, occupying a high position, will lend you a helping hand. Heed this person's advice. You have very little faith in your own strength right now. But do not take the events too tragically, because this negative period will also pass and your circumstances will improve.


hover your mouse over the name of the hexagram for more information

No. 47 - Kun. exhaustion

[Completion. Persistence. Great man - happiness. There will be no bullshit. There will be speeches, but they are not true. There will be no blasphemy.]

I. At the beginning of the six.
The date is difficult on the stump.
You will enter a random valley. You won't see anything for three years!

II. Nine second.
Difficulties with wine and food.
Suddenly [a man] in scarlet kneecaps will come.
- Favors the need to make sacrifices.
Hike - unfortunately. There will be no bullshit.

III. Six third.
You will stumble on a stone and you will be held in thorns and thorns.
You will enter your tower and you will not see your wife.
- Misfortune!

IV. Nine fourth.
The arrival is slow, slow. Make it difficult because of the metal wagon.
- Regret! But [the case] will bring it to the end!

V. Nine fifth.
(Execution), cut off the nose and legs.
There will be difficulty from [a person] in red knee pads.
But little by little, joy will come.
- Favors the need to offer sacrifices and prayer.

VI. Top six.
(If) there will be difficulty in the tangled thicket;
in instability you will exclaim: "Movement to repentance!" And there will be remorse.
- But the trip - fortunately!


Kun (Exhaustion): enclosed, surrounded, enclosed; to protect, to restrict; punishment, criminal code, prison; anxiety, anxiety, fear; fatigue, exhaustion, exhausted resources; afflicted [with illness], discouraged; poverty, poverty. The hieroglyph depicts a growing tree, fenced on all sides.


You are isolated, exhausted or oppressed. You cannot trust those around you. It is necessary to master the situation from the inside, by an effort of will. Gather your strength and wait for the moment for a decisive breakthrough. The only way out is to look for a noble person in yourself, to find an inner source of energy and inspiration. This will open the way. Do not count on the help of other people and do not trust beautiful words. Don't give in to negative emotions. The purpose of your seclusion is not to make you suffer, but to force you to find a personal link to the Tao. The situation contains a promise of future changes. You can see your purpose if you rely on your own judgment. If you attach great importance to the words of others, it will only deplete your strength.

The situation personified by the Kun hexagram requires a different tactic than you usually use. Namely, stop all vigorous activity, whatever it may be, but instead lie low and wait patiently. No matter what - it is important that at the current moment you do not expose yourself to the blows of fate. In life, something is being actively rebuilt, some new karmic task is unfolding, and in order not to aggravate an already difficult period, you need to disappear for a while, completely withdraw into yourself.

Now you need to take a break, an intermission in everything you do, in all areas - from work to personal relationships. Stop all projects for a while or delegate them to someone, stop building relationships, and so on. That is, move as far as possible from everything that makes up the main outline of your life. Ideal - somewhere to retire and completely immerse yourself in yourself. Do not be afraid, this period will not last long - from three to seven days, but the result will not be long in coming. And if, despite the advice, you continue to act actively, then you will break so much firewood that you will “rake up” problems for a very long time.

One of the semantic names of the Kun hexagram is “Exhaustion”, which indicates a lack of energy for solving important life tasks. Therefore, solitude and a pause in business will help you restore energy balance. If this is not done, then when you try to do something serious, you will only spoil everything, because you will not have enough strength for full-fledged actions, attention, and so on. Be reasonable - it's better to have a little rest than to restore something that turns out to be spoiled for a very long time.

Now it is useful to seek advice from a wise person, since an outside look at the circumstances of your life will help you act more effectively after a forced pause. It’s just that in the current situation you have “driven yourself” so much that you no longer notice obvious things, and they just prevent you from making that powerful breakthrough, which is so lacking in order to realize your plans.

Oppression, restriction, isolation from resources; moment of truth; talk to yourself, look for a way to communicate openly.


Kun (Exhaustion): closed, surrounded, fenced; to protect, to restrict; punishment, criminal code, prison; anxiety, anxiety, fear; fatigue, exhaustion, exhausted resources; afflicted [with illness], discouraged; poverty, poverty. The hieroglyph depicts a growing tree, fenced on all sides.

figurative row

Persistence. Great man - happiness.
There will be speeches, but they are wrong.

You are isolated, exhausted or oppressed. You cannot trust those around you. It is necessary to master the situation from the inside, by an effort of will. Gather your strength and wait for the moment for a decisive breakthrough. The only way out is to look for a noble person in yourself, to find an inner source of energy and inspiration. This will open the way. Do not count on the help of other people and do not trust beautiful words. Don't give in to negative emotions. The purpose of your seclusion is not to make you suffer, but to force you to find a personal Tao link. The situation contains a promise of future changes. You can see your purpose if you rely on your own judgment. If you attach great importance to the words of others, it will only drain your strength.

Outer and Inner worlds. Pond (Fog) and Water

External connections and influences are carried away by internal ones, preventing communication.

Hidden Feature:

Isolation and oppression contain the hidden possibility of staying and cooperating with other people in a common dwelling.


Climbing without stopping leads to exhaustion. Knowing this allows you to use it.


Exhaustion means isolation.


Fog over the water. Exhaustion.
A noble person involves fate in achieving his goal.

Hexagram lines

First six

Sitting is difficult on the stump.
You will enter the dark valley.
You won't see anything for three years.

You are lonely and offended or dissatisfied with your position. The Gloomy Valley and three years of inactivity - additional images of the lower trigram Abyss - indicate a difficult path to be taken.

Nine second

Difficulty with wine and food.
Suddenly a man in scarlet knee pads will come.
Time to make sacrifices.
Hike - unfortunately. There will be no bullshit.

Your talents are not recognized, although you have the opportunity to lead a fairly prosperous life. However, change is coming. Now you cannot undertake any big things, because you are dependent on superiors. This service is expressed in the form of a sacrifice for the sake of a common cause.

Six third

You stumble on a stone. You will hold on to thorns and thorns.
You will enter the tower, but you will not see your wife.

You are in an extremely difficult position. The way forward is closed, but if you try to get around the obstacle, you will look for support in what hurts you. Returning will only increase your loneliness. This is a time to stop and reflect.

Nine fourth

Arrival is slow. Make it difficult because of the metal wagon.
Regret. But you'll get the job done.

Help is coming to you, but very slowly. The difficulty is expressed in the image of a heavy wagon that has to be pushed in front of you. You regret the lost time, but you can bring the matter to the end.

Nine fifth

Execution, cut off the nose and legs.
There will be difficulty from a man in scarlet kneecaps.
But little by little, joy will come.
Favors the need to offer sacrifices and supplications.

This is where the exhaustion situation reaches its maximum. You cannot move forward, as it threatens danger, but it is similar to remain in the place of death. Those who used to seek help now only make matters worse. Be very careful. The situation should resolve itself. Trust in higher powers. should resolve itself. Trust in higher powers.

To begin with, remember what was discussed in the description of the previous hexagrams "Sheng - Rise". If we want to be consistent, we need to imagine the real upswing that happened recently in your life. You have been very successful in carrying out your plans and intentions. And your hard work, along with the support of fate, has brought truly wonderful results.
But, as the text of the Chinese classic "Book of Changes" suggests, and as you no doubt know very well for yourself, no rise can last forever. Even the largest supply of strength and energy will sooner or later be exhausted, and then a period of decline and exhaustion will begin in your life. It is precisely this exhaustion that the forty-seventh hexagram of the Book of Changes testifies to.
But this is not the main idea of ​​this divination. In fact, the idea of ​​decline and exhaustion is the step from which you need to push off so that your life does not go downhill. The main attention should be focused on the moment of getting out of an unfavorable situation, and with the least losses. Whether you will be able to cope with this task is a matter of the near future.
In many ways, your future behavior will depend on previously accumulated knowledge and skills. Also try to trust your intuition more. We hope you will find it easy to "get into the right flow" which will make it easier for you to move through a number of difficult situations.

Be extremely careful in relationships with others. This advice is not given to you by chance, because soon you will have to act at your own peril and risk, with little or no support from others. Whispering behind your back is also not excluded: you will get out too much "beyond decency."
Do not expect to find universal understanding and approval. However, you probably won't need them. It is much more important to stick to the decision once made. If you are consistent and firm in your actions, you have nothing to worry about your future!

Your performance work largely depends on you. Of course, there are often moments in life when practically nothing depends on you. No matter how hard you try, the result is still either ridiculously ridiculous or simply unpredictable. Now, however, the situation is different.
Of course, you are limited in the choice of ways of progress, but within the framework of the chosen one, you can act without fear of losing. The only unpleasant moment for you will be the fact that all the results will be a little further in time than you expected.

In the context of the above, the issue of fulfillment of your desire. Everything will certainly come true exactly as you expected. It is also possible that the result will be much more significant than planned by you! However, this does not save you from having to wait for the final "decision of fate." Show due patience and indulgence - after all, fate has so many problems besides yours!