Historical tour in Russia. During the Soviet period (1917-1991) the Great Patriotic War


History of the Soviet Union 1917-1991 (Jeffrey Hosking)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Hosking Geoffrey
Release year: 2015
Genre: History
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Zaborovsky Yuri
Duration: 23:04:24
Description: Geoffrey Hosking (Eng. Geoffrey Alan Hosking (April 28, 1942, Troon, Scotland) - British historian, specialist in Russian history.
Professor at the University of London, Honorary Doctor of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Academician of the Royal Academy of Great Britain.
"History of the Soviet Union" has already gone through eleven editions in the USA and Great Britain and is rightfully considered there one of the best textbooks on the history of the USSR. The book is written on the basis of Russian and foreign archival materials and, unlike many similar publications, does not have a clear pro-Soviet or anti-Soviet orientation.
Recommended for high school students, applicants, students, as well as all those who are interested in Russian history of the twentieth century.

Hosking_D_History of the Soviet_Union_1917-1991
Recommendation A.G. Asmolova
Preface to the 2nd Edition
October Revolution
war communism
Creation of the Soviet Union
New Economic Policy
Revolution from above
Stalinist terror
Society under Stalin
Religion and the national question in the USSR
The Great Patriotic War
Stalin's last years
Khrushchev and the process of de-Stalinization
Soviet society in the era of developed socialism
Religion, the national question, and the dissident movement
Decline and fall of the Soviet Union

Add. information:
Read by edition: M.: Vagrius, 1995
Translation: from English by P. Kutsenkov
Cleaned up : sky4all
Edited by: knigofil


History of Russia 862-1917 (Shmurlo Evgeny)

Author: Shmurlo Evgeny
Release year: 2012
Genre: history
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Lebedeva Valeria
Duration: 34:51:31
Description: E. F. Shmurlo (1853-1934) - the greatest historian of the Russian diaspora, founder of the Russian Historical Society in Prague. He taught at St. Petersburg and Derpt universities, in 1903-1924. was on a scientific trip to Italy, representing the Russian Academy of Sciences. From 1924 he lived in Prague. "History of Russia 862-1917" is the result of 40 years of scientific activity of the historian, the successor of the best traditions of Russian historiography, - in...

but I

History of the Soviet state. 1900-1991 (Nicolas Werth)

ISBN: 5-01-003643-9

Author: Nicolas Werth
Release year: 1992
Genre: History, textbook
Publisher: "Progress-Academy". Moscow
Russian language
Number of pages: 480
Description: The book of the famous French historian and Sovietologist, specialist in Russian-Soviet studies, professor of history at the French National Center for Scientific Research and diplomat Nicolas Werth (French Nicolas Werth; born in 1950) outlines the history of Russia from 1900 to 1991 , inclusive. Addressed primarily to students, N. Werth's book, with its objectivity, lacks...

but I

History of the Soviet State 1900-1991 (Vert Nikola)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Wert Nikola
Release year: 2013
Genre: Tutorial. Story
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Evgeny Ternovsky
Duration: 30:59:22
Description: The textbook by the modern French historian N. Werth was first published in Russian at the very end of 1992. Due to the objectivity and harmony of presentation, the book has become one of the most popular and sought-after courses in the history of Russia in the 20th century. The book went through five editions in France, in addition to Russian, it was also translated into English, Bulgarian and Italian.
Add. Information: Read by ed...


The history of the ideological and political bankruptcy and organizational collapse of the petty-bourgeois parties in the USSR (1917-1930s) (Stishov M.I.)

Author: Stishov M.I.
Released: 1981
Genre: History
Publisher: Moscow University Press
Russian language
Number of pages: 208 Scanning and processing: GPU3
Description: The book analyzes the struggle of the Bolsheviks against the petty-bourgeois political bloc in the conditions of the second bourgeois-democratic and socialist revolutions and traces the natural process of the collapse of the petty-bourgeois parties during the period of building the foundations of socialism. To uncover

but I

The Fifth Column of the Soviet Union (Valery Shambarov)

ISBN: 978-5-906880-68-0, Historical discoveries
Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Shambarov Valery Evgenievich
Release year: 2017
Genre: Journalism
Publisher: Eksmo
Russian language
Number of pages: 336
Description: The new work of the famous writer-historian Valery Shambarov continues the cycle of his research on the forces and groups that in different eras contributed to the external enemies of our country. It covers the period from the formation of the USSR to its dismemberment and division. Trotskyites and Bukharinites, members of underground anti-Soviet organizations, Vlasovites, Banderaites, dissidents, conspirators and agents of influence...


Eternal Tribunal: Murder of the Soviet Union (Aleksey Kofanov)

ISBN: 978-5-9524-5124-7
Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Alexey Kofanov
Release year: 2015
Genre: journalism
Publisher: Tsentrpoligraf
Russian language
Number of pages: 360
Description: In 1991, a great Power - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - perished ... Who is to blame for what happened? Was there someone's malicious intent here and who benefited from it? Maybe the state collapsed due to objective historical circumstances and there is no one to blame? Author Aleksey Kofanov, a caring person with an active civic stance, is the plaintiff in an unprecedented case entitled “Killing...


Mammals of the Soviet Union (2 volumes of 3) (Vladimir Geptner, Nikolai Naumov)

Format: DjVu, Scanned pages
Author: Vladimir Geptner, Nikolai Naumov
Year of release: 1961-1976
Genre: encyclopedia
Publisher: USSR, Moscow, Vysshaya Shkola
Russian language
Number of pages: 4 x ~ 1014
Description: The content and plan of the books require some explanation. All types of detachments are described here, including those that are now exterminated, but in historical times lived on the territory of our country. Only in this way can a correct idea of ​​the modern fauna be given and its changes can be judged. Of the planned 3 volumes of the monograph "Mammals of the Soviet Union" was released ...


Yugoslav War, 1991-1995 (Valetsky Oleg)

ISBN: 978-5-93675-138-7
Format: PDF/DjVu, Scanned pages + OCR layer
Author: Valetsky Oleg
Release year: 2008
Genre: History
Publisher: Kraft+
Russian language
Number of pages: 508
Description: This book is dedicated to the Yugoslav war of 1991-1995. The author, a participant in these events, analyzes the causes, the course of hostilities and the consequences of the war. The book is addressed to a wide range of readers. To uncover


Moscow during the First World War. 1914-1917 Documents and materials

ISBN: 978-5-7228-0237
Format: PDF/DjVu
Quality: Scanned pages + OCR layer
Author: Anthology
Release year: 2014
Genre: History
Publisher: Main Archival Administration of the City of Moscow
Russian language
Number of pages: 1104+16 sheets. ill.
Description: The book “Moscow during the First World War. 1914-1917: Documents and Materials”, timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War, tells about the life of Moscow in one of the most difficult periods in Russian history. It highlights the huge work of the city authorities, public organizations, ordinary Muscovites, aimed at...


History of the peoples of the North Caucasus (end of the 18th century - 1917) (Narochnitsky A.L. (responsible ed.))

ISBN: 5-02-009408-0
Format: PDF, Scanned pages + OCR layer
Author: Narochnitsky A.L. (responsible ed.)
Released: 1988
Genre: monograph, history
Publisher: Nauka
Russian language
Number of pages: 666
Description: The book highlights the completion of the entry of the peoples of the North Caucasus into Russia in the first quarter of the 19th century, examines the positive consequences of this process for the culture and economy of the region (the suppression of the slave trade and feudal civil strife, the strengthening of the region's security, the improvement of agriculture and freedom of trade, the impact of advanced Russian and world cult...


Russia - Sweden. History of military conflicts. 1142-1809 (Aleksey Shkvarov)

ISBN: 978-952-5761-15-37
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Alexey Shkvarov
Release year: 2012
Genre: Historical monograph
Publisher: "Aletheia"; RME Group Oy. St. Petersburg; Helsinki
Russian language
Number of pages: 576
Description: In Russian military historiography, the "southern" direction has always dominated the "northern". Meanwhile, in terms of its duration, the wars of Russia - Russia with Sweden surpass all conflicts with other enemies. The author of the book used many sources, including the latest research on the "northern" wars, materials from recent scientific conferences, with...


Tsaritsynskaya line: the history of construction in 1718-1720 and the first years of its existence (T.I. Lavrinova)

ISBN: 978-5-9233-0964-5
Format: PDF, Djvu, Scanned pages
Author: T.I. Lavrinova
Release year: 2012
Genre: Historical monograph
Publisher: "Publisher". Volgograd
Russian language
Number of pages: 96
Description: In 1718-1720. in the interfluve of the Volga and Don, a system of military engineering fortifications was erected - the Tsaritsynskaya line. She reliably blocked the main route of the invasion of the Crimean and Kuban Tatars into the Russian state. The content of the book is based on the materials of T. I. Lavrinova's Ph.D. thesis with the same name, as well as the author's scientific publications for the period from 1 ...


February 27, 1917 (Startsev V.I.)

Series: Memorable dates in history
Format: DjVu, Scanned pages + OCR layer
Author: Startsev V.I.
Released: 1984
Genre: Essay on historical events
Publisher: Young Guard
Russian language
Number of pages: 290
Description: The culmination of the unfolding revolutionary uprisings against tsarism falls on February 27 (March 12, NS). Why exactly the 27th? If the reader remembers a school history course, then perhaps he knows that the events of the February Revolution began with a powerful strike of St. Petersburg workers and workers on February 23 (according to the new style on March 8). This is the beginning. Nicholas II reject...


Favorites (1917-1944) (Tolstoy Alexey Nikolaevich)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96 kbps
Author: Tolstoy Alexey Nikolaevich
Release year: 2015
Genre: Novels and short stories
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Krupina Elizaveta
Duration: 27:28:51
Description: After the October Revolution, Tolstoy became interested in historical subjects. On the material of the 17th-18th centuries. stories and novellas were written "Delusion" (1918), "Peter's Day" (1918), "Count Cagliostro" (1921), "The Tale of the Time of Troubles" (1922), etc. In addition to the story about Peter the Great, who builds Petersburg, showing a monstrous cruelty to people and remaining in tragic loneliness, all these works...


1917 - Revolution or special operation (Nikolai Starikov)

Format: MP3, 64kbps (VBR)
Release year: 2010
Genre: history
Author: Nikolay Starikov
Publisher: do-it-yourself audiobook
Artist: Sergey Larionov (babay7)
Duration: 14:52:02
Description: Mighty and great Russia was destroyed in 1917 in a matter of months. Almost a century has passed since that time, but there is still no answer to a simple and clear question: "Who killed the Russian Empire?" Dozens of assumptions were made, many versions. Those responsible for the unprecedented Russian catastrophe were also named: Jews, Freemasons, the German General Staff, the tsarist government, the Bolsheviks led by Le...

1917 - during the February Revolution of 1917, the autocracy was overthrown. On October 25 (November 7), 1917, the October Revolution of 1917 took place. The power of the Soviets of Workers', Soldiers', and Peasants' Deputies was proclaimed (in fact, the power of the Bolshevik Party). The transfer of land to those who cultivate it was announced, and the nationalization of enterprises and banks began. At the same time, the monopoly political power of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks was established in the country, gradually merging with the centralized state apparatus. The leaders of the Bolsheviks often resorted to extreme measures in the struggle against what for them personified the former tsarist statehood. Accused of supporting tsarism and counter-revolutionary activities, the Russian Orthodox Church and the Cossacks were subjected to repression. Supporters of the pre-revolutionary order (White Movement, Cossacks) fought against the Bolsheviks in the Civil War, and the armed forces of 14 foreign states were also involved in it. The civil war in Russia contributed to the establishment of the military-communist principles of the organization of society, the system of production and distribution.

1918 - in January, at the III Congress of Soviets, the Russian Soviet Republic became a federation with the name Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR). In July 1918, near Yekaterinburg, the last representatives of the Romanov royal family, which ruled Russia for more than three hundred years, were shot.

1921 - The New Economic Policy (NEP) was adopted. There has been a transition to a mixed economy. However, the political power in the country belonged to a single party - the CPSU (b).

At the same time, by 1922 the Bolsheviks conquered Transcaucasia and Central Asia, Japanese troops were expelled from the Far East, Turkish troops left the territory of Armenia and Azerbaijan. Independent states arose on a part of the former territory of the Russian Empire: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Poland (including the territories of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus).
1922 - On December 30, the RSFSR, together with Ukraine (Ukrainian SSR), Belarus (BSSR) and the Transcaucasian Federation (ZSFSR), signed an agreement on the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).

Until 1929, the country experienced steady economic growth against the background of the ongoing political struggle within the CPSU (b). However, there has already been a departure from the NEP. From 1930, collectivization (accompanied by mass oppression of the peasants) and industrialization followed. By 1931, the General Secretary of the CPSU (b) I. V. Stalin actually usurped power in the country, pushing other members of the Politburo to secondary positions.

The murder of S. M. Kirov at the end of 1934 marked the beginning of Stalin's repressions. Not only the ideological opponents of communism, but also members of the CPSU (b) itself were subjected to destruction. Propaganda declared the enemies of the regime (and dissatisfied people in general) to be enemies of the people.

1939 - In accordance with an agreement with Germany, Western Ukraine and Western Belarus, previously captured by Poland during the Soviet-Polish war of 1919-1921, were annexed to the USSR.

1941 - On June 22, Nazi Germany attacked the USSR without declaring war. The Great Patriotic War began. A few months later, the German army occupied a significant part of the country: the Baltic states, Belarus, most of Ukraine, the west of the RSFSR (although the attempt to capture Moscow was unsuccessful). The occupiers repressed not only the supporters of the Soviet regime, but also the civilian population in general. The partisan movement began. In the meantime, by the summer of 1942, the transition of the USSR economy to a military footing was completed.

After the battles near Stalingrad and the Battle of Kursk, the preponderance in the war was on the side of the USSR and its Western allies. By the summer of 1944, most of the country was liberated from the invaders.

1945 - the greatest historical event was the victory of the Soviet people in World War II, achieved, however, at the cost of huge losses (at least 27 million people were killed, at least 14 million people were wounded, severe demographic consequences). The USSR experienced a severe economic depression.

In 1953, the leader of the USSR, Generalissimo I. V. Stalin, died. After three years of struggle for power among the leadership of the CPSU, some liberalization of the country's policy and the rehabilitation of a number of victims of the Stalinist terror followed.

In 1961, the world's first manned space flight took place.

In 1964, N. S. Khrushchev was removed from power. Attempts at economic reforms followed, but the so-called Age of Stagnation soon began. There were no more mass repressions in the USSR, a few dissatisfied (with the policies of the CPSU or the Soviet way of life) were repressed (without applying the death penalty to them), see Human Rights Movement in the USSR.

In 1979, the war in Afghanistan began.

In 1985-86, perestroika began, in 1989 elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR took place, in 1990 - to the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

The events of 1985-1991 cannot be considered without knowing the background, so in this chapter we will briefly outline what lay at the origins of this state and what led it to perestroika.

The stage of 1985-1991 is associated primarily with the name of Gorbachev, so first we will consider the stage from 1917-1985, from Lenin's coming to power to Gorbachev's coming to power. In 1917, taking advantage of the chaos that reigned in the country, with the help of a military coup, the Bolsheviks led by Lenin came to power. This was the beginning of the creation of an unprecedented state.

First of all, the Bolsheviks were in a hurry to satisfy the needs of that part of the population, thanks to which they came to power. This resulted in the so-called "expropriation of the expropriators". The authorities justified the robbery of property acquired through commerce and entrepreneurship.

Peasants, as you know, most of all needed their own land. The Bolsheviks deceived the peasants with their "Decree on Land", declaring later that the land is the property of the whole people, understanding by this the property of the state. The state has taken over all the functions of the exploiter, with the only difference being that in order to fight against a particular exploiter, you can create a trade union or go on strike, and this will be within the law, while the exploiter-state itself issues laws, and immediately recognizes the trade union as a "counter-revolutionary formation", and strike "sabotage" and shoot the instigators.

Lenin was late, but he realized his mistakes by introducing the New Economic Policy, but it was too late to correct anything. A cohort of those who liked to goad the masses and threaten with a Mauser was created around him, and this cohort gradually removed him from power, and soon he himself died.

In the thirties, when Stalin ruled the country, collectivization was carried out, which led to the mass death of peasants, both from starvation and as a result of general deportations. The poor peasants wanted to become richer, but they did not see any other way how to take property from the rich. The kulak was for the most part uprooted during the revolution, but the needs of the poor had to be met somehow, and the rich middle peasants were promoted to kulaks, and they were exterminated. Peasants were forbidden to change their place of residence - in fact they were made serfs. The reign of Stalin went down in history as the years of mass terror. A passport system was introduced, enslaved peasants did not have passports.

During the reign of Stalin, the Great Patriotic War also fell, almost lost due to the incompetence of the top leadership and, above all, because of Stalin himself. All smart military leaders were destroyed by him: Tukhachevsky, Blucher, etc. The number of Soviet people who died in this war, according to some estimates, exceeds thirty million, and such a number is due to their unpreparedness for war and the loss of a huge territory as a result.

After the death of Stalin in 1953, Khrushchev came to power, who three years later at the XX Congress announced the cult of personality of Stalin and the harm brought by this cult. Many thousands of innocent victims were rehabilitated. From this moment begins the "Khrushchev thaw", overshadowed by the beginning of the "cold war".

Khrushchev's reign went down in history as a time of great reforms. Literally everything was affected: agriculture, industry, the financial system. The standard of living of the people began to slowly rise, prices were reduced, cards were canceled. The peasants received passports. The "iron curtain" was lifted, blocking the way abroad.

Khrushchev's name is associated with the first artificial Earth satellite (1957) and the first man in space (1961). During Khrushchev's leadership, there were manifestations of subjectivism and voluntarism on his part. Khrushchev's fascination with rocket technology almost led to the disbandment of the artillery troops. Khrushchev is the only ruler of the USSR who left the post alive. On October 14, 1964, during Khrushchev's vacation in Pitsunda, the opposition in the Central Committee removed him from the post of general secretary.

The reign of the new Secretary General Brezhnev was marked by total corruption penetrating into all spheres of society: the internal affairs bodies, the prosecutor's office, the party leadership, trade, and so on. The standard of living of the people grew due to the receipt of currency from the sale of oil abroad. Total distribution, suppression of initiative, enterprise, lack of economic incentives for labor, its replacement with political slogans lead to the stagnation of the legal economy and the prosperity of the "shadow" economy, in which all normal commodity-money relations were present.

After the death of Brezhnev at the age of 76 (November 10, 1982), a dizzying "carousel" begins: first, the 74-year-old (KGB chairman since May 1967) Andropov becomes General Secretary. On February 9, 1984, Andropov dies and the 73-year-old Chernenko becomes General Secretary. He left practically no memory of himself and died again on March 12, 1985.

From this moment begins the reign of Gorbachev. He is only 54 years old, compared to previous general secretaries, he looks quite young. After Gorbachev came to power, the people expect changes...

Results: The main thing was the establishment of the power of the Bolsheviks, headed by Lenin (the rule of the Bolsheviks lasted 74 years). In 1932, Stalin will introduce a holiday: November 7 is the day of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

January 5, 1918 - opening of the Constituent Assembly. Overclocking On January 10, the Third All-Russian Congress of Soviets opened. Russia-RSFSR. Head of state - V. I. Lenin (1917 -1924) The highest governing bodies of the country The first Soviet Constitution July 1918

Soviet modernization: industrialization, collectivization, cultural revolution 1925-1937 First 5-year plan (1928-1933) second 5-year plan (1933-1937)

World War II (1.09.39 -2.09.45) and the Great Patriotic War (22.06.41 -9.05.45)

Country in 1945 -1953 General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Stalin I. V. Domestic policy: Restoration Strengthening the Stalinist regime Struggle against cosmopolitanism 1946 "Leningrad case" 1948 -1950 Doctors' case 1952 -1953 March 5, 1953 Stalin's death Foreign policy: "cold war" 1946 -1989 Atomic bomb in the USSR 1949 War in Korea 1950 -1953 Development of the socialist camp Truman Doctrine - containment of the USSR Kurchatov I.V.

USSR in 1953 -1964 "Thaw" Head of state and head of the party Khrushchev N. S. (1953 -1964) Domestic policy "de-Stalinization" "period of collective leadership" (Khrushchev, Beria, Malenkov) "Beria case" June-December 1953 20th congress CPSU-1956, February Tselina 1954-1960, "corn epic", "Khrushchev" Yu. A. Gagarin's flight into space on April 12, 1961 Khrushchev's resignation October 1964 Events in Novocherkassk 1962 Foreign policy Creation of the Department of Internal Affairs 1955-1991 Suppression of the Hungarian revolution by Soviet troops October-November 1956 - events in Hungary Berlin crisis of 1959-1960 - construction of the Berlin Wall Caribbean (Cuban, October) crisis October 1962. Nuclear confrontation between the USSR and the USA Berlin Wall

USSR in 1964 -1985 "Stagnation" General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU L. I. Brezhnev (1964 -1982) General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Yu. V. Andropov (November 1982 - February 1984) General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU K. U. Chernenko (February 1984 -March 1985) Domestic policy Foreign policy Kosygin's economic reforms of 1965 (self-financing) Stagnation in the economy deficit, queues, blat Neo-Stalinism "tape revolution", "samizdat", "tamizdat" Pro-protection movement Constitution 1977 - the constitution of developed socialism Arms race, SALT- 1, SALT-2, SOI "Prague Spring" 1968, the entry of Soviet troops into Czechoslovakia The aggravation of relations with China, the events on about. Damansky 1969 Afghanistan 1979 -1089

USSR in 1985 - December 1991 "Perestroika" General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU MS Gorbachev Domestic policy Anti-alcohol campaign Acceleration strategy - increase in PT. 1988 - law on enterprise activities Democratization Politics of Glasnost 1986 March 1990 Gorbachev - President Putsch August 1991 - GKChP Disintegration of the USSR December 1991 Foreign policy The concept of foreign policy "new political thinking" Withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan February 15, 1989 Treaty between the USSR and the USA on strategic arms reduction July 1991

Russia 1991 -2010 Period of Democracy: President of Russia Boris Yeltsin (1991 -2000) President of Russia Putin VV (2000 -2008) President of Russia Medvedev (b. September 14, 1965) Some features of development? 1992 Y. Gaidar's "shock therapy" (liberalization, privatization) Motley palette of political parties Political crisis October 1993 December 12, 1993 -new Russian Constitution Chechen war December 1994-1996, second war-September 1999 -2003 Putin's reforms

The causes of the February Revolution were the same as those of the First Russian Revolution. However, over the past decade the size of the working class has increased, and the stratification of the peasants in the countryside has intensified. The Stolypin reform accelerated the development of capitalism. The World War caused economic devastation in the country and exacerbated social contradictions.

The main feature of the revolution is that it ended in dual power. It is generally accepted that before the execution of the Petrograd demonstration at the beginning of July 1917, there was a peaceful development of two democracies (bourgeois - in the person of the Provisional Government and socialist - in the person of the Petrograd Soviet).

Bolshevik leader V.I. Lenin, returning from exile in early April 1917, delivered a report in Petrograd "On the Tasks of the Proletariat in the Present Revolution" (April theses). It was a concrete program for the implementation of the socialist revolution by the Bolsheviks. However, one of the leaders of the Mensheviks, G.V. Plekhanov believed that the conditions for the transition to socialism did not yet exist in Russia.

Programs of political parties, crises of the Provisional Government, changes in its composition.

The supporters of socialist reorganization had a different approach to socialism. Following M. Bakunin, Russian anarchists understood socialism as a free association of workers and peasant communities. Anarchist P. Kropotkin and legal Marxist M.I. Tugan-Baranovsky considered cooperation as a way to socialism. Many Mensheviks saw the path to socialism in the all-round development of self-government by the working people. From the point of view of G.V. Plekhanov, the socialist revolution in Russia is possible only when the proletariat constitutes the majority of the population. Objecting to him, V.I. Lenin believed that "it is enough for the proletariat to seize state power" and the transition to building socialism would be ensured. Socialism, in his opinion, should be based on public property and direct product exchange, all citizens should become workers and employees of the state syndicate, and the revolutionary vanguard of the workers in the person of the Bolshevik Party will lead this process.

The question of whether there was an alternative to the October armed uprising of the Bolsheviks remains open in historical science. Many scientists believe that there was no such alternative, because. The provisional government continued the war, postponed the elections to the Constituent Assembly, and economic ruin was growing in the country. The Bolsheviks, who were not part of the Provisional Government, supported the demands of the masses, were active in suppressing the speech of Kornilov, who was trying to establish a military dictatorship. They achieved a preponderance in the capital Soviets from 11% (in the spring of 1917) to 31% (by the autumn of 1917). Other socialist parties experienced splits.

Composition of the II Congress of Soviets, its decisions. At the II Congress of Soviets, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK) was elected, in which the two-party system remained until July 1918 (until the uprising of the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries), and in the Council of People's Commissars the block of Bolsheviks with the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries remained until March 3, 1918 (the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries left from the Council of People's Commissars in protest against the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany).

The elections to the Constituent Assembly in January 1918 brought the Bolsheviks only 24% of the seats. This showed that the Bolsheviks had little popular support. The defeat of the Constituent Assembly is considered by some historians as a step towards the elimination of the multi-party system. Gradually the dictatorship was strengthened.

As a result of the economic policy of the Bolsheviks, conditions were created for the formation in the future of an economy of a non-market, directive type, with the absence of private ownership of the means of production, with the creation of economic ties not on the basis of commodity-money relations, but on the principle of distributing products from a single administrative center. The Bolsheviks relied on the idea of ​​the poor strata of the population about the need for equal distribution. This policy further contributed to the formation of the totalitarian system of the state.

In the spring of 1918, V.I. Lenin wrote the work “The Immediate Tasks of Soviet Power”, in which he called for organizing “nationwide accounting and control over the production and distribution of products, strengthening labor discipline, raising the cultural and technical level of workers”, and achieving higher labor productivity compared to capitalism.

Discussion in the Soviet leadership and the party on the conclusion of the Brest Peace. The point of view of N.N. Bukharin (leader of the "Left Communists"), L.D. Trotsky (People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, who headed the Soviet delegation in Brest). The position of V.I. Lenin on the Brest peace. German demands during negotiations.

The civil war is the greatest tragedy of our people. This struggle gave rise to mutual cruelty, terror. The Bolsheviks believed that they were defending the ideas of socialism. Many Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries were in favor of Soviet Russia, but without the Bolsheviks.

The white camp was heterogeneous, as it was made up of monarchists, liberal republicans, supporters of the Constituent Assembly and supporters of the military dictatorship. White movement program. Military intervention intensified the civil war.

The position of the peasantry depended on the policies of the Reds and Whites. The Reds gave land to the peasants, but then introduced a surplus appropriation for bread, which caused discontent among the peasants. Anarchists (Nestor Makhno) advocated the creation of cooperatives and factory committees independent of the state. At the beginning of 1919, Makhno's detachments provided great support to the Red Army, but at the beginning of 1920, Makhno began to fight against the Bolsheviks, as they transferred part of the land confiscated from the landowners to the collective farms and state farms.

It is customary to distinguish four stages of civil war and military intervention.

The first stage - spring-autumn 1918. A mutiny of Czech prisoners of war broke out. The first foreign military landings appeared in Murmansk and the Far East. In the Volga region, the Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks (former members of the Constituent Assembly) created the Committee of the Constituent Assembly. Twice Krasnov's army made campaigns against Tsaritsyn.

In the summer of 1918, the Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks raised uprisings in Moscow, Yaroslavl, and Rybinsk. An attempt was made on Lenin, Uritsky was killed. Mutual terror intensified. In September 1918, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee adopted a decree proclaiming the Soviet Republic a single military camp. The Red Terror was proclaimed in response to the White Terror. In November 1918, the Council of Workers 'and Peasants' Defense was created, headed by V.I. Lenin. The Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic was headed by L.D. Trotsky.

The second stage of the civil war covers the period from the autumn of 1918 to the spring of 1919. In the autumn of 1918, World War I ended, and a revolution began in Germany. The Soviet leadership annulled the terms of the Brest Treaty, but on the other hand, foreign states got the opportunity to intensify their intervention.

At the third stage (spring 1919-spring 1920), the armies of white generals began to act as the main force. These were the campaigns of A.V. Kolchak (spring-summer 1919), A.I. Denikin (summer 1919 - March 1920). At the same time, the Red Army repulsed two campaigns of General N.N. Yudenich to Petrograd.

The fourth stage lasted from April to November 1920. It was the Soviet-Polish war and the fight against Wrangel.

The policy of "war communism" was carried out during the civil war. Its goal was to mobilize all forces for the victory of the Red Army, but then V.I. Lenin acknowledged that this policy "manifested utopian ideas about the possibility of the rapid introduction of socialism." Therefore, it is important to take into account both the objective foundations of war communism and the need to abandon it in peacetime conditions.

The policy of war communism assumed:

1) the introduction of a food dictatorship (in May 1918);

2) accelerating the pace of nationalization of industry;

3) transition to food distribution for bread (in accordance with the decree adopted in January 1919);

4) introduction of universal labor service;

5) the establishment of an emergency tax for the bourgeoisie;

6) egalitarian distribution of products among workers;

7) strengthening the centralized management of the economy through the Supreme Economic Council.

Foreign policy of the Soviet state in the early 1920s. The beginning of the breakthrough of the economic blockade of the Soviet state was the signing of trade agreements with the leading capitalist countries in 1921-1922.

Chronological framework of the NEP. The internal situation in the country after the end of the civil war. The first step towards the NEP is the replacement of the food appropriation with a food tax.

The Bolsheviks, in their first party program in 1903, recognized the right of nations to self-determination. The national policy of the Soviet government played a big role in a country where Russians made up less than half of the population. In 1917 V.I. Lenin formulated the principle of a federation of free republics. Then, in January 1918, this principle was enshrined in the "Declaration of the Rights of the Working and Exploited People", which spoke of the right of peoples to independently decide questions about joining the federation. In December 1917, the Soviet leadership recognized the independence of Finland, and in August 1918, Poland.

IN AND. Lenin criticized Stalin's "autonomization project". According to the Constitution of 1924, the USSR was represented by a union of equal sovereign republics, which had the right to freely secede from the federation. In the Constitution, the Soviets were the highest body of state power, but in fact power was concentrated in the hands of the Communist Party. The USSR acquired the character of a unitary state.

Reasons and goals of industrialization. Party struggle on the development of the USSR in the mid-20s, decisions of the XIV Congress of the CPSU (b), which at the end of 1925 took a course towards industrialization. Fulfillment of tasks I and II of the five-year plans, the struggle to increase labor productivity, forms of socialist competition. In the first five-year plan, 1,500 large industrial enterprises were built, and in the second five-year plan, 4,500. The "industrial leap" was carried out at a great cost, there was a "mass transfer of funds from the countryside to the city." By the end of the Second Five-Year Plan, the Soviet leadership proclaimed the transformation of the USSR into an industrial power. Now historians believe that this was a premature conclusion, because. The rural population significantly outnumbered the urban population.

In the course of collectivization in the USSR, in a short period of time (1929-1937), large collective farms were created, which were entrusted with the task of solving the food problem in the country and restoring the export of agricultural products.

Proposals of agricultural economists A.V. Chayanova, N.D. Kondratiev and others who proposed to develop different types of cooperations. In 1927, a grain procurement crisis arose, as the peasants did not hand over grain to the state at low prices. Collectivization was accompanied by "dispossession". Collective farms were state-owned, mandatory grain deliveries to the state were introduced.

In the 20s. A struggle for power unfolded in the Bolshevik Party and the state apparatus. As a result, the winner in the fight with L.D. Trotsky, L.B. Kamenev and G.E. Zinoviev came out I.V. Stalin. In the 30s. in the USSR, a rigid vertical of power was established, which forced people to talk about the administrative-command system of government and the totalitarian state, as well as about the personality cult of I.V. Stalin. Show trials were held in the country over people who had different points of view on its development from the leadership of the state. There was a practice of mass repressions. The Gulag was created - a system of concentration camps.

In the field of culture in the 20-30s. an active campaign against illiteracy was carried out. In 1919, a decree was adopted on the elimination of illiteracy, and in 1923, the society "Down with illiteracy!" In the early 30s. universal primary education was introduced. In the 20s. the construction of a Soviet higher school began. To prepare young people for universities, workers' faculties were created. The Russian Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the All-Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, creative unions and organizations of workers of art and literature arose. The achievements of Russian culture before 1917 were completely rejected. Many cultural figures were subjected to unjustified repressions.

In the second half of the 20s. a new confrontation was outlined between the USSR and the leading capitalist countries. The Soviet leadership sent military specialists to China (at the request of the Chinese government). The leaders of the USSR hoped for a world revolution, led the activities of the Comintern. In the early 1930s, Western countries successfully overcame the economic crisis and proved that capitalism has a sufficient margin of safety. Zinoviev and Kamenev were expelled from the Comintern for calling for a world revolution.

After Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933, a dangerous hotbed of tension arose in Europe. The USSR pursued a policy aimed at creating a system of collective security in order to stop the aggressor with a united front. The USSR proposed to conclude agreements on mutual assistance in case of war. Japan became another military center, which attacked Soviet territory in the Far East near Lake Khasan in 1938 and attacked Mongolia, an ally of the USSR, in the area of ​​the Khalkhin Gol River in 1939.

On the eve of the war, a rather significant military and economic potential was created in the USSR, but its capabilities were not effectively used, which was one of the most important reasons for the retreat of the Red Army at the beginning of the war.

Features of the development of the USSR in the 3rd five-year plan. On the eve of the war, new models of military equipment were successfully tested, but their mass production was not organized and the rearmament of the Red Army was not completed by the beginning of the war.

Periodization of World War II.

The beginning of the Second World War is the period from September 1, 1939 to June 22, 1941. The war began with the German attack on Poland. Treaties between the USSR and Germany in 1939. The defeat of Poland and a temporary alliance with Stalin provided Hitler with the opportunity to carry out a blitzkrieg on the Western European front.

The second period of the World War (June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942). The beginning of the Patriotic War of the Soviet people. Nazi Germany, on the basis of the Barbarossa plan, attacked the USSR, violating the non-aggression pact. It was a defensive stage, which included the battle for Moscow, the Luban operation, the first defensive stage of the Battle of Stalingrad.

The third period of the Second World War (November 19, 1942 - December 1943) is characterized by a radical turning point in the war as a result of the defeat of the Nazi troops near Stalingrad and on the Kursk Bulge. The result was the liberation of the left-bank Ukraine and the forcing of the Dnieper.

The fourth period of the Second World War (beginning of 1944 - May 1945). Liberation of the territory of the USSR and European countries. Victory over fascism and Europe.

Fifth period (May 9, 1945 - September 2, 1945) - the defeat of Japan. (Entry of the USSR into the war against Japan on August 8, 1945).

The restructuring of the economy on a war footing was basically completed in the middle of 1942. New wartime buildings in the Urals, Siberia, the Far East, the production of the first military equipment. During the war years, a movement of women and adolescents for mastering male specialties, a movement of speed workers for the introduction of mass production methods in production, and a movement of front-line brigades unfolded. Overtime work was introduced, holidays were canceled, the working day was extended to 11 hours.

The creation of the anti-Hitler coalition played a huge role in the defeat of Germany. Joint agreements of the USSR with Great Britain, the USA, France. An increase in the composition of the anti-Hitler coalition (in January 1942 - 26 states, in 1943 - 35 states).

During the winter-spring of 1944, Soviet troops carried out operations to lift the Leningrad blockade, liberate the right-bank Ukraine, Crimea, and from the summer of 1944 launched operations to liberate the northern territories. As a result, in 1944 the entire territory of the USSR was liberated from occupation. The Soviet Army began military operations on the territory of the allies of fascist Germany and the countries occupied by it.

In the post-war seven years, the country focused on restoring the destroyed economy in the western regions. The victory in the war convinced I.V. Stalin that the economic and socio-political model chosen back in the 1930s does not require its replacement or modernization. This led to continued reliance on the development of heavy industry, and in agriculture, on the growth of the collective-farm and state-farm system of management.

In the political sphere in the late 40s. repressions resumed, which primarily affected young wartime nominees. Freethinking was not encouraged in culture, much attention was paid to the rise of national self-consciousness, which at times grew into nationalism. In the field of foreign policy, the main line has become a confrontation with the West and, above all, with the United States. The world has entered a period of cold war.

Mid 50's - first half of 60's. it is customary to call it a “thaw”, because democratization processes have begun; processes of "restoration of socialist legality". There was a rehabilitation of victims of repressions.

In agriculture, grain problems were solved; in 1954, the development of virgin and fallow lands began. It was the period of economic reforms by N.S. Khrushchev. The Soviet leadership determined the main tasks for strengthening the material and technical base of socialism.

It should be noted that in the mid-1960s The Soviet leadership recognized the need for fundamental changes in the planning of the country's economy, in material incentives for commodity producers. Decisions of the March and September (1965) Plenums of the Central Committee of the CPSU on the further improvement of methods of managing and managing the country's economy. Reasons for the inefficiency of reforms negative phenomena in the life of Soviet society in the 70s - the first half of the 80s, called the "period of stagnation".

A radical restructuring of the country's economic and political life in the second half of the 1980s. 20th century The restraining role of the administrative-command control system in the development of the country's productive forces. The beginning of economic and political reform. The problem of the democratization of Soviet society. Repeal of Art. 6 of the Constitution of the USSR on the leading role of the CPSU, the creation of a multi-party system.