Map of Europe in English. Europe map with countries large in Russian

Foreign Europe is part of the European mainland and several islands, occupying a total area of ​​​​about 5 million square meters. km. Approximately 8% of the world's population lives here. Using the map of Foreign Europe by geography, you can determine the size of this region:

  • from north to south, its territory occupies 5 thousand km;
  • from east to west, Europe stretched for almost 3 thousand km.

The region has a fairly diverse relief - there are flat and hilly areas, mountains and coastal coasts. Due to this geographical position, various climatic zones are represented on the territory of Europe. Foreign Europe is in a favorable geographical and economic position. It is conventionally divided into four areas:

  • western;
  • eastern;
  • northern;
  • southern.

Each of the regions includes about a dozen countries.

Rice. 1. Blue color on the map shows Overseas Europe

Having traveled from one end of Europe to the other, you can visit the eternal glaciers and subtropical forests.

Countries of Foreign Europe

Foreign Europe was formed by four dozen countries. There are other countries on the European mainland, but they do not belong to Foreign Europe, but are part of the CIS.

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Among the countries there are republics, principalities, kingdoms. Each of them has its own natural resources.

Almost all countries have maritime borders or are located at a small distance from the sea. This opens up additional trade and economic routes. The countries of Foreign Europe on the map are mostly small in size. This is especially noticeable in comparison with Russia, China, the USA and Canada. However, this does not prevent them from being among the most highly developed in the world.

Rice. 2. Countries of foreign Europe

Almost the entire population belongs to the group of Indo-Europeans, with the exception of emigrants from other countries. Most of the population preaches Christianity. Europe is one of the most urbanized regions - this means that about 78% of the total population lives in cities.

The table below shows the European countries and capitals, indicating the number of inhabitants and the area of ​​​​the territory.

Table. The composition of foreign Europe.

The country


Population, million people

Area, thousand square meters km.

Andorra la Vella



Bosnia and Herzegovina


United Kingdom

















San Marino

San Marino











As you can see, the geographical picture of Foreign Europe is very diverse. The countries included in its composition can be divided into several groups according to their location.

  • Inland, that is, without borders with the sea. This includes 12 countries. Examples are Slovakia, Hungary.
  • Island, or completely located on the islands, are 4 countries. An example is the UK.
  • Peninsular are wholly or partly located on a peninsula. For example, Italy.

Rice. 3. Iceland is one of the island nations of Europe

The most highly developed in economic and technical terms are four European countries - Italy, Great Britain, Germany, France. They are part of the G7 along with Canada, Japan and the United States.

What have we learned?

Foreign Europe is a relatively small area of ​​the European mainland, which includes 40 countries. Most of them have maritime borders, some are located on the islands. The geographical location of European countries in most cases is favorable. Foreign Europe has a connection with the whole world.

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Europe is part of the Eurasian continent. This part of the world is home to 10% of the world's population. Europe owes its name to the heroine of ancient Greek mythology. Europe is washed by the seas of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. Inland seas - Black, Mediterranean, Marmara. The eastern and southeastern border of Europe runs along the Ural Range, the Emba River and the Caspian Sea.

In ancient Greece, it was believed that Europe is a separate continent that separates the Black and Aegean Seas from Asia, and the Mediterranean Sea from Africa. Later it was found that Europe is only part of a huge mainland. The area of ​​the islands that make up the continent is 730 thousand square kilometers. 1/4 of the territory of Europe falls on the peninsulas - the Apennine, Balkan, Kola, Scandinavian and others.

The highest point in Europe is the top of Mount Elbrus, which is 5642 meters above sea level. On the map of Europe with countries in Russian, it can be seen that the largest lakes in the region are Geneva, Chudskoye, Onega, Ladoga and Balaton.

All European countries are divided into 4 regions - Northern, Southern, Western and Eastern. Europe includes 65 countries. 50 countries are independent states, 9 are dependent and 6 are unrecognized republics. Fourteen states are islands, 19 are inland, and 32 countries have access to the oceans and seas. On the map of Europe with countries and capitals, the borders of all European states are indicated. Three states have their own territories, both in Europe and in Asia. These are Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkey. Spain, Portugal and France have part of their territory in Africa. Denmark and France have their territories in America.

The European Union consists of 27 countries, and NATO members - 25. The Council of Europe has 47 states. The smallest state in Europe is the Vatican, and the largest is Russia.

The collapse of the Roman Empire marked the beginning of the division of Europe into East and West. Eastern Europe is the largest region of the continent. In the Slavic countries, the Orthodox religion prevails, in the rest - Catholicism. Cyrillic and Latin scripts are used. Western Europe unites Latin-speaking states. This part of the continent is the most economically developed part in the world. The Scandinavian and Baltic states unite to form Northern Europe. South Slavic, Greek and Romance countries form Southern Europe.

Interactive map of Europe online with cities. Satellite and classical maps of Europe

Europe is a part of the world located in the northern hemisphere of the Earth (on the continent of Eurasia). The map of Europe shows that its territory is washed by the seas of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. The area of ​​the European part of the mainland is more than 10 million square kilometers. Approximately 10% of the world's population (740 million people) lives on this territory.

Satellite map of Europe at night

Geography of Europe

In the 18th century, V.N. Tatishchev proposed to accurately determine the eastern border of Europe: along the ridge of the Ural Mountains and the Yaik River to the Caspian Sea. At present, on a satellite map of Europe, one can see that the eastern border runs along the eastern foot of the Ural Mountains, along the Mugodzhar mountains, along the Emba River, the Caspian Sea, the Kume and Manych rivers, and also along the mouth of the Don.

Approximately ¼ of the territory of Europe falls on the peninsulas; 17% of the territory is occupied by mountains such as the Alps, the Pyrenees, the Carpathians, the Caucasus, etc. The highest point in Europe is Mont Blanc (4808 m), and the lowest is the Caspian Sea (-27 m). The largest rivers of the European part of the mainland are the Volga, Danube, Dnieper, Rhine, Don and others.

Peak Mont Blanc - the highest point in Europe

States of Europe

The political map of Europe shows that approximately 50 states are located on this territory. It is worth noting that only 43 states are officially recognized by other countries; five states are located in Europe only partially, and 2 countries have limited recognition or are not recognized at all by other countries.

Europe is often divided into several parts: Western, Eastern, Southern and Northern. Western European countries include Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Liechtenstein, Ireland, France, Monaco, Luxembourg, Switzerland and the Netherlands.

On the territory of Eastern Europe are Belarus, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Moldova, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland and Romania.

Political map of Europe

On the territory of Northern Europe are the Scandinavian countries and the Baltic countries: Denmark, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Finland and Iceland.

Southern Europe is San Marino, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Vatican City, Greece, Andorra, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Malta and Slovenia.

Partly in Europe are countries such as Russia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Azerbaijan. The unrecognized entities include the Republic of Kosovo and the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic.

Danube river in Budapest

Politics of Europe

In the field of politics, the leaders are the following states of Europe: France, Germany, Great Britain and Italy. To date, 28 European states are part of the European Union - a supranational association that determines the political, trade and monetary activities of the participating countries.

Also, many European countries are part of NATO - a military alliance in which, in addition to European countries, the United States and Canada take part. Finally, 47 states are members of the Council of Europe, an organization that implements programs to protect human rights, protect the environment, and so on.

Events on Maidan in Ukraine

For 2014, the main centers of instability are Ukraine, where hostilities unfolded after Russia annexed Crimea and the events on the Maidan, as well as the Balkan Peninsula, where the problems that arose after the collapse of Yugoslavia have not yet been resolved.

Note to the tourist

Europe is washed by the Atlantic and Arctic oceans and their seas.

The area of ​​the islands is about 730 thousand km². The peninsulas account for about 1/4 of the territory of Europe (Kola, Scandinavian, Pyrenean, Apennine, Balkan, etc.).

The average height is about 300 m, the maximum (if we draw the border of Europe along the Kumo-Manych depression) - 4808 m, Mont Blanc, or (when drawing the border of Europe along the Caucasus Range) - 5642 m, Elbrus, the minimum is currently approx. . −27 meters (Caspian Sea) and changes along with fluctuations in the level of this sea.

Plains prevail (large - East European, Central European, Middle and Lower Danube, Paris basin), mountains occupy about 17% of the territory (the main ones are the Alps, the Caucasus, the Carpathians, the Crimean, Pyrenees, Apennines, the Urals, the Scandinavian mountains, the mountains of the Balkan Peninsula) . There are active volcanoes in Iceland and the Mediterranean.

In most of the territory, the climate is temperate (in the west - oceanic, in the east - continental, with snowy and frosty winters), in the northern islands - subarctic and arctic, in southern Europe - Mediterranean, in the Caspian lowland - semi-desert. On the islands of the Arctic, in Iceland, the Scandinavian mountains, the Alps - glaciation (area over 116 thousand km²).

Main rivers: Volga, Danube, Ural, Dnieper, Western Dvina, Don, Pechora, Kama, Oka, Belaya, Dniester, Rhine, Elbe, Vistula, Tahoe, Loire, Oder, Neman, Ebro.

Large lakes: Ladoga, Onega, Peipus, Venern, Balaton, Geneva.

On the islands of the Arctic and along the coast of the Arctic Ocean - arctic deserts and tundras, to the south - forest-tundras, taiga, mixed and broad-leaved forests, forest-steppes, steppes, subtropical Mediterranean forests and shrubs; in the southeast - semi-deserts.

The largest sandy desert in Europe, Ryn-sands (40,000 km²), is located between the Volga and Ural rivers (on the territory of Kazakhstan and Russia), in Western Europe, the Tabernas massif in Spain, as well as the Nogai steppe in Russia on borderlands of Kalmykia, Dagestan and Chechnya. In addition, there has been desertification of vast areas in Kalmykia, Russia, as a result of human activities in the industrial extraction of water from natural sources and irrational land use. In the zone of dry steppes in the east of Europe, there are a number of sandy massifs in Russia on the lower Don (Archedinsky-Don sands, Tsimlyansky sands, etc.), as well as on the territory of Ukraine (Aleshkovsky sands).

Andreas Kaplan believes that Europe is the region with the maximum cultural diversity in a relatively small geographical area.