Doman cards for free, pictures of geometric shapes, cards of geometric shapes, study geometric shapes. Start in science Geometric shapes and their types

Little kids are ready to learn anywhere and anytime. Their young brain is able to capture, analyze and remember as much information as it is difficult even for an adult. What parents should teach their kids has generally accepted age limits.

Children should learn the basic geometric shapes and their names at the age of 3 to 5 years.

Since all children are multi-educational, these boundaries are only conditionally accepted in our country.

Geometry is the science of shapes, sizes and arrangement of figures in space. It may seem that this is difficult for babies. However, the subjects of this science are all around us. That is why having basic knowledge in this area is important for both children and adults.

To captivate children in the study of geometry, you can resort to funny pictures. In addition, it would be nice to have aids that the child can touch, feel, circle, color, recognize with his eyes closed. The basic principle of any activity with children is to keep their attention and develop a craving for the subject using game techniques and a relaxed, fun environment.

The combination of several means of perception will do the job very quickly. Use our mini-manual to teach your child to distinguish geometric shapes, to know their names.

The circle is the very first of all figures. In nature around us, much is round: our planet, the sun, the moon, the core of a flower, many fruits and vegetables, the pupils of the eyes. A volumetric circle is a ball (ball, ball)

It is better to start studying the shape of a circle with a child by looking at drawings, and then reinforce the theory with practice by letting the child hold something round in his hands.

A square is a figure in which all sides have the same height and width. Square objects - cubes, boxes, house, window, pillow, stool, etc.

It is very simple to build all sorts of houses from square cubes. Drawing a square is easier to do on a piece of paper in a cage.

A rectangle is a relative of a square, which differs in that it has the same opposite sides. Just like a square, a rectangle is all equal to 90 degrees.

You can find many items that have the shape of a rectangle: cabinets, appliances, doors, furniture.

In nature, mountains and some trees have the shape of a triangle. From the immediate environment of the kids, one can cite as an example the triangular roof of the house, various road signs.

Some ancient structures, such as temples and pyramids, were built in the shape of a triangle.

An oval is a circle that is elongated on both sides. For example, an oval shape is possessed by: an egg, nuts, many vegetables and fruits, a human face, galaxies, etc.

An oval in volume is called an ellipse. Even the Earth is flattened from the poles - ellipsoidal.


A rhombus is the same square, only elongated, that is, it has two obtuse angles and a pair of sharp ones.

You can study a rhombus with the help of visual aids - a drawn picture or a three-dimensional object.

Memorization techniques

Geometric shapes are easy to remember by name. Learning them for children can be turned into a game by applying the following ideas:

  • Buy a children's picture book that has fun and colorful drawings of figures and their analogies from the outside world.
  • Cut out more figures from multi-colored cardboard, laminate them with adhesive tape and use them as a constructor - a lot of interesting combinations can be laid out by combining different figures.
  • Buy a ruler with holes in the shape of a circle, square, triangle and others - for children who are already friends with pencils, drawing with such a ruler is an interesting activity.

You can come up with many opportunities to teach kids to know the names of geometric shapes. All methods are good: drawings, toys, observation of surrounding objects. Start small, gradually complicating the information and tasks. You will not feel how time flies, and the baby will surely please you with success in the near future.

Simultaneously with the study of colors, the child can begin to show cards of geometric shapes. On our site you can download them for free.

How to study figures with a child using Doman's cards.

1) You need to start with simple shapes: circle, square, triangle, star, rectangle. As you master the material, start studying more difficult shapes: oval, trapezoid, parallelogram, etc.

2) You need to work with your child on Doman cards several times a day. When demonstrating a geometric figure, clearly pronounce the name of the figure. And if during classes you still use visual objects, for example, collect inserts with figures or a toy - a sorter, then the baby will quickly master the material.

3) When the child remembers the name of the figures, you can move on to more complex tasks: now, showing the card, say - this is a blue square, it has 4 equal sides. Ask the child questions, ask him to describe what he sees on the card, etc.

Such activities are very useful for the development of memory and speech of the child.

Here you can download Doman cards from the series "Flat geometric shapes" There are 16 pieces in total, including cards: flat geometric shapes, octagon, star, square, ring, circle, oval, parallelogram, semicircle, rectangle, right triangle, pentagon, rhombus, trapezoid, triangle, hexagon.

Lessons by Doman cards perfectly develop visual memory, attentiveness, speech of the child. This is a great exercise for the mind.

You can download and print everything for free doman flashcards flat geometric shapes

Click on the card with the right mouse button, click "Save image as ..." so you can save the image to your computer.

How to make Doman cards yourself:

Print cards on thick paper or cardboard, 2, 4 or 6 cards on 1 sheet. To conduct classes according to the Doman method, the cards are ready, you can show them to the baby and name the name of the picture.

Good luck and new discoveries to your baby!

An educational video for children (toddlers and preschoolers) made according to the Doman method "Wunderkind from the cradle" - developing cards that develop pictures on various topics from part 1, part 2 of the Doman method, which you can watch for free here or on our Channel early childhood development on youtube

Educational cards according to the method of Glen Doman with pictures of flat geometric shapes for children

Educational cards according to the method of Glen Doman with pictures of flat geometric shapes for children

Educational cards according to the method of Glen Doman with pictures of flat geometric shapes for children

Educational cards according to the method of Glen Doman with pictures of flat geometric shapes for children

Educational cards according to the method of Glen Doman with pictures of flat geometric shapes for children

Educational cards according to the method of Glen Doman with pictures of flat geometric shapes for children

Educational cards according to the method of Glen Doman with pictures of flat geometric shapes for children

Educational cards according to the method of Glen Doman with pictures of flat geometric shapes for children

Educational cards according to the method of Glen Doman with pictures of flat geometric shapes for children

Educational cards according to the method of Glen Doman with pictures of flat geometric shapes for children

Educational cards according to the method of Glen Doman with pictures of flat geometric shapes for children

Educational cards geometric shapes according to the method of Glen Doman with pictures of flat geometric shapes for children

Educational cards geometric shapes according to the method of Glen Doman with pictures of flat geometric shapes for children

Educational cards geometric shapes according to the method of Glen Doman with pictures of flat geometric shapes for children

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Geometric volumetric figures are solid bodies that occupy a non-zero volume in Euclidean (three-dimensional) space. These figures are studied by a branch of mathematics called "spatial geometry". Knowledge about the properties of three-dimensional figures is used in engineering and in the natural sciences. Consider in the article the question, geometric three-dimensional figures and their names.

Geometric solids

Since these bodies have a finite dimension in three spatial directions, a system of three coordinate axes is used to describe them in geometry. These axes have the following properties:

  1. They are orthogonal to each other, that is, perpendicular.
  2. These axes are normalized, meaning the basis vectors of each axis are the same length.
  3. Any of the coordinate axes is the result of the cross product of the other two.

Speaking about geometric volumetric figures and their names, it should be noted that they all belong to one of 2 large classes:

  1. The class of polyhedra. These figures, based on the name of the class, have straight edges and flat faces. A face is a plane that bounds a shape. The junction of two faces is called an edge, and the junction of three faces is a vertex. Polyhedra include the geometric figure of a cube, tetrahedra, prisms, pyramids. For these figures, Euler's theorem is valid, which establishes a relationship between the number of sides (C), edges (P) and vertices (B) for each polyhedron. Mathematically, this theorem is written as follows: C + B = P + 2.
  2. The class of round bodies or bodies of revolution. These figures have at least one curved surface forming them. For example, ball, cone, cylinder, torus.

As for the properties of three-dimensional figures, the two most important of them should be distinguished:

  1. The presence of a certain volume that the figure occupies in space.
  2. Each volumetric figure has a surface area.

Both properties for each figure are described by specific mathematical formulas.

Consider below the simplest geometric volumetric figures and their names: cube, pyramid, prism, tetrahedron and ball.

Figure cube: description

Under the geometric figure of the cube is understood a three-dimensional body, which is formed by 6 square planes or surfaces. This figure is also called a regular hexahedron, since it has 6 sides, or a rectangular parallelepiped, since it consists of 3 pairs of parallel sides that are mutually perpendicular to each other. A cube is called and in which the base is a square, and the height is equal to the side of the base.

Since the cube is a polyhedron or polyhedron, Euler's theorem can be applied to it to determine the number of its edges. Knowing that the number of sides is 6, and the cube has 8 vertices, the number of edges is: P \u003d C + B - 2 \u003d 6 + 8 - 2 \u003d 12.

If we denote by the letter "a" the length of the side of the cube, then the formulas for its volume and surface area will look like: V \u003d a 3 and S \u003d 6 * a 2, respectively.

figure pyramid

A pyramid is a polyhedron that consists of a simple polyhedron (the base of the pyramid) and triangles that connect to the base and have one common vertex (the top of the pyramid). The triangles are called the side faces of the pyramid.

The geometric characteristics of a pyramid depend on which polygon lies at its base, as well as on whether the pyramid is straight or oblique. A straight pyramid is understood to mean such a pyramid for which a straight line perpendicular to the base, drawn through the top of the pyramid, intersects the base at its geometric center.

One of the simple pyramids is a quadrangular straight pyramid, at the base of which lies a square with side "a", the height of this pyramid is "h". For this pyramid figure, the volume and surface area will be equal: V \u003d a 2 * h / 3 and S \u003d 2 * a * √ (h 2 + a 2 / 4) + a 2, respectively. Applying Euler's theorem for it, given that the number of faces is 5 and the number of vertices is 5, we obtain the number of edges: P = 5 + 5 - 2 = 8.

Tetrahedron figure: description

Under the geometric figure of a tetrahedron is understood a three-dimensional body formed by 4 faces. Based on the properties of space, such faces can only represent triangles. Thus, the tetrahedron is a special case of the pyramid, which has a triangle at the base.

If all 4 triangles forming the faces of a tetrahedron are equilateral and equal to each other, then such a tetrahedron is called regular. This tetrahedron has 4 faces and 4 vertices, the number of edges is 4 + 4 - 2 = 6. Applying the standard formulas from flat geometry for the figure in question, we obtain: V = a 3 * √2/12 and S = √3*a 2, where a is the length of a side of an equilateral triangle.

It is interesting to note that in nature some molecules have the shape of a regular tetrahedron. For example, the methane molecule CH 4, in which the hydrogen atoms are located at the vertices of the tetrahedron, and are connected to the carbon atom by covalent chemical bonds. The carbon atom is located at the geometric center of the tetrahedron.

The tetrahedron shape, which is easy to manufacture, is also used in engineering. For example, the tetrahedral shape is used in the manufacture of anchors for ships. Note that the NASA space probe, Mars Pathfinder, which landed on the surface of Mars on July 4, 1997, also had the shape of a tetrahedron.

Figure prism

This geometric figure can be obtained by taking two polyhedra, placing them parallel to each other in different planes of space, and connecting their vertices to each other in an appropriate way. The result is a prism, two polyhedra are called its bases, and the surfaces connecting these polyhedra will be in the form of parallelograms. A prism is called a straight line if its sides (parallelograms) are rectangles.

A prism is a polyhedron, so it is true for it. For example, if the base of the prism is a hexagon, then the number of sides of the prism is 8, and the number of vertices is 12. The number of edges will be: P \u003d 8 + 12 - 2 \u003d 18. For a straight line a prism of height h, based on a regular hexagon with side a, the volume is: V = a 2 *h*√3/4, the surface area is: S = 3*a*(a*√3 + 2*h).

Speaking of simple geometric volumetric figures and their names, we should mention the ball. A volumetric body called a ball is understood as a body that is limited by a sphere. In turn, a sphere is a collection of points in space equidistant from one point, which is called the center of the sphere.

Since the ball belongs to the class of round bodies, then for it there is no concept of sides, edges and vertices. the sphere bounding the ball is found by the formula: S \u003d 4 * pi * r 2, and the volume of the ball can be calculated by the formula: V \u003d 4 * pi * r 3 / 3, where pi is the number pi (3.14), r - sphere (ball) radius.

Geometric figures are closed sets of points on a plane or in space, which are limited by a finite number of lines. They can be linear (1D), planar (2D) or spatial (3D).

Any body that has a shape is a collection of geometric shapes.

Any figure can be described by a mathematical formula of varying degrees of complexity. Starting from a simple mathematical expression to the sum of a series of mathematical expressions.

The main mathematical parameters of geometric shapes are the radii, the lengths of the sides or faces, and the angles between them.

Below are the main geometric shapes most commonly used in applied calculations, formulas and links to calculation programs.

Linear geometric shapes

1. Point

A point is the base object of a measurement. The main and only mathematical characteristic of a point is its coordinate.

2. Line

A line is a thin spatial object that has a finite length and is a chain of points connected to each other. The main mathematical characteristic of a line is its length.

A ray is a thin spatial object that has an infinite length and is a chain of points connected to each other. The main mathematical characteristics of a ray are the coordinate of its beginning and direction.

Flat geometric shapes

1. Circle

A circle is a locus of points on a plane, the distance from which to its center does not exceed a given number, called the radius of this circle. The main mathematical characteristic of a circle is the radius.

2. Square

A square is a quadrilateral in which all angles and all sides are equal. The main mathematical characteristic of a square is the length of its side.

3. Rectangle

A rectangle is a quadrilateral with all angles equal to 90 degrees (right angles). The main mathematical characteristics of a rectangle are the lengths of its sides.

4. Triangle

A triangle is a geometric figure formed by three segments that connect three points (the vertices of a triangle) that do not lie on one straight line. The main mathematical characteristics of a triangle are the lengths of the sides and the height.

5. Trapeze

A trapezoid is a quadrilateral in which two sides are parallel and the other two sides are not parallel. The main mathematical characteristics of a trapezoid are the lengths of the sides and the height.

6. Parallelogram

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral whose opposite sides are parallel. The main mathematical characteristics of a parallelogram are the lengths of its sides and its height.

A rhombus is a quadrilateral in which all sides, and the angles of its vertices are not equal to 90 degrees. The main mathematical characteristics of a rhombus are its side length and height.

8. Ellipse

An ellipse is a closed curve on a plane, which can be represented as an orthogonal projection of a section of a cylinder circle onto a plane. The main mathematical characteristics of a circle are the length of its semiaxes.

Volumetric geometric shapes

1. Ball

A ball is a geometric body, which is a collection of all points in space located at a given distance from its center. The main mathematical characteristic of a ball is its radius.

A sphere is a shell of a geometric body, which is a collection of all points in space located at a given distance from its center. The main mathematical characteristic of a sphere is its radius.

A cube is a geometric body, which is a regular polyhedron, each face of which is a square. The main mathematical characteristic of a cube is the length of its edge.

4. Parallelepiped

A parallelepiped is a geometric body, which is a polyhedron with six faces and each of them is a rectangle. The main mathematical characteristics of a parallelepiped are the lengths of its edges.

5. Prism

A prism is a polyhedron whose two faces are equal polygons lying in parallel planes, and the remaining faces are parallelograms that have common sides with these polygons. The main mathematical characteristics of a prism are the base area and height.

A cone is a geometric figure obtained by the union of all rays emanating from one vertex of a cone and passing through a flat surface. The main mathematical characteristics of a cone are the radius of the base and the height.

7. Pyramid

A pyramid is a polyhedron whose base is an arbitrary polygon, and the side faces are triangles that have a common vertex. The main mathematical characteristics of the pyramid are the base area and height.

8. Cylinder

A cylinder is a geometric figure bounded by a cylindrical surface and two parallel planes intersecting it. The main mathematical characteristics of a cylinder are the radius of the base and the height.

You can quickly perform these simple mathematical operations using our online programs. To do this, enter the initial value in the appropriate field and click the button.

This page presents all the geometric shapes that are most often found in geometry to represent an object or part of it on a plane or in space.

Raisa Balandina
"Volumetric Geometric Shapes"

Summary of GCD in the preparatory group on the topic:

« Volumetric geometric shapes» .


Practice counting within 20 forward and backward

To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week, seasons

Consolidate children's ideas about geometric shapes

NOD classes.

Guys, look, this morning I went to kindergarten and met the postman. He gave me this interesting letter. It was sent by Pinocchio. He already goes to school. Here, what is he writing:

"Dear Guys! In order to study well at school, you need to know a lot, be able to, think, guess. And also solve unusual tasks, perform tasks for ingenuity and ingenuity. So I was given such tasks, but I find it difficult to complete them. Help me please".

Guys, let's help Pinocchio.

1 task. Answer the questions:

What season is it now? (Spring)

name the spring months

What month is it now? (March)

How many days in a week? (seven)

Name them;

What day of the week is today? (Tuesday)

What Thursday is the count? (fourth)

What day of the week was yesterday?

What day of the week will be tomorrow?

2 task.

Guys, Pinocchio, can't complete the next task. Let's help him:

What is the account like? (forward and reverse)

Count from 10 to 20;

Count back from 20;

Name a number less than fifteen;

Name the neighbor 11 and 14;

Compare the numbers 16 and 18;

Compare the numbers 15 and 15;

3 task.

caregiver: And now we will work with the card sent by Pinocchio. You must tell where and how figures.

caregiver: - Where is the rectangle?

Child: - The rectangle is in the middle.

caregiver: - Where is the oval?

Child:- The oval is to the right of the rectangle

caregiver: - Where is the circle?

Child:- The circle is at the bottom, below the rectangle

caregiver: - Where is the square?

Child:- The square is to the left of the rectangle

caregiver: - Where is the triangle?

Child: - The triangle is on top, above the rectangle.


Worked guys.

Now it's all about charging!

We stomp our feet so many times (showing number 6)

Clap our hands so many times (showing the number 10)

We will swear so many times (showing number 7)

We'll bend over now (showing number 4)

We will jump just as much (showing number 8)

Hey count! Game and only.

4 task.

On the table in front of the children are voluminous geometric figures(ball, cube, cylinder, cone)

- Next task: Children what is it? What kind figures? How many? Which figure comes first? Second? Third? Which is the last one?

caregiver: Guys, do you know what geometric shapes can be drawn, draw in a notebook, cut out of colored paper. And they can also be laid out from counting sticks. And not just one, but several. Let's try.

A) - count three sticks and make a triangle

Count two more sticks and make another triangle

How many triangles did you get? (two)

How many sticks did you count?

B) - count four sticks and make a square.

Count out three more sticks and make another square

Which figure you got? (rectangle)

How many quadrangles did you get? (three)

How many polygons did you get? (three)

name them (two squares and one polygon)

Which are divided into geometric figures? (volumetric and flat)

How do they differ from each other? (flat ones can be placed on a plane, but volumetric ones cannot).

We have now laid out on the table three-dimensional or flat figures?

And now we will make from sticks and plasticine figure, which consists of several ... why? You will learn, guessing the riddle:

Three peaks are visible in it,

Three corners, three sides

Even a preschooler knows him

After all figure -(triangle).

Guys what's the name figure, which consists of several triangles? (pyramid)

Let's make a pyramid out of plasticine and counting sticks.

5 task.

Guys, Pinocchio says that you are already tired - let's play. This game is a test "True False"- we will help to correct the mistakes that Pinocchio specifically left here and there.

If you hear what you think is right, clap your hands, if you hear something that is not right, shake your head

The sun rises in the morning; (right)

In the morning you need to do exercises; (right)

You can not wash in the morning; (wrong)

The moon shines bright during the day; (wrong)

In the morning the children go to kindergarten; (right)

At night people dine; (wrong)

In the evening the whole family gathers at home; (right)

There are 7 days in a week; (right)

Monday is followed by Wednesday; (wrong)

After Saturday comes Sunday; (right)

Before Friday is Thursday; (right)

There are 5 seasons in total; (wrong)

Spring comes after summer; (wrong).

8 task. And now Pinocchio has prepared a graphic dictation for you. You must draw one of the signs (spring events).

Children, put the pencil on the highlighted point and draw in the cells.

Look at and compare your drawing with the sample.

Well done boys!

Summary of the lesson.

So you completed all the tasks of Pinocchio. What have we learned today? What tasks did you do? What tasks were difficult?

Pinocchio thanks you for your help.