Neither in negative pronouns. Negative pronouns in Russian The difference between pronouns nobody, nothing from nobody, nothing

To indicate the absence of a sign or object, negative pronouns are used in Russian. This article presents the ways of their formation, grammatical features, syntactic features with examples.

Negative pronouns in Russian- a group of pronouns that indicate the absence of an object or feature. Answer questions Who? What? Which? Whose? and are formed with the help of an unstressed prefix neither- and impact attachment Not- from relative and interrogative pronouns.

Examples of negative pronouns: nobody, nothing, no one, none, nothing, no one.

Grammatical signs of negative pronouns

Negative pronouns have the same grammatical features as relative and interrogative pronouns.

  • Negative pronouns none, none change in gender, number and case.
  • Negative pronouns formed from pronouns who what- change only by cases. Negative pronouns no one And nothing change in the same way as pronouns nobody And nothing, but do not have the form I. p.
  • Pronominal adverbs are invariable parts of speech.

Features of the declension of negative pronouns with prepositions are shown in the table.

TOP 1 articlewho read along with this

Singular Plural
M. r. J. r. S. r.
I. p. nobody, no, none, none none,
R. p. no one none no, none none
D. p. no one none no, none none
V. p. no one none / none

no one/no one

none none none / none


T. p. no one none no, none none
P. p. about no one about any

about nobody

about any

about no one

about any

about nobody

about any

about no one

Syntactic features of negative pronouns

Negative pronouns in sentences can perform any syntactic function.

Examples: Nobody did not solve the problem subject). This house nobody's (part of a compound nominal predicate). none medicine did not help him definition). We were nothing discuss ( addition). He was nowhere sit down ( circumstance).

462. How are these words formed? . Make up 2-3 sentences with negative pronouns.

There is no one - whom, none - what, no one - who, nothing - what, nothing - what, no one - whose.

This is nobody's kitten. I didn't want to disturb anyone. No one to call, no one will come.

463. How do you understand the meaning of the poem called "Nothing"? How is this word pronounced?

The word "nothing" is a negative pronoun. It means the absence of something: a person, an object, a sign, a quantity.

[n "ich" ivo]

464. Write off, denoting the choice conditions not and neither in negative pronouns (see the sample in the rule). Specify cases of negative pronouns.

465. Insert negative pronouns to strengthen the negation. Mark the case of pronouns. . Highlight additions.

466. Write off, denoting the choice conditions not and neither in negative pronouns.

1. Dressed up, dressed up, but was not useful for anything. 2. A friend is a valuable treasure, no one is happy with an enemy. 3. Everyone can offend, but there is no one to regret. 4. They love someone who will not offend anyone.

467. Write down negative pronouns with prepositions. Indicate the conditions for choosing continuous and separate spellings not and neither in negative pronouns (see the sample in the rule). . Make up phrases or sentences with the words you have received.

Not with anyone, into anything, not from anyone, for anything, from anyone, before anything.

There is no one to be friends with, he did not put anything into it, he was not useful for anything, he did not hear from anyone, he will stop at nothing.

468. Write down the negative pronouns with the words they are associated with in two columns: in the first - continuous spelling, in the second - separate spelling. . In the given phrases, mark the main word.

Run up, push off, jump over, jump off.

The athlete ran up and jumped over the bar. You need to properly push off the ground.

469. Make phrases with these verbs + a negative pronoun with a preposition. Mark the case of pronouns. . Match the words with the same root to the underlined word and write them down.

Was not disappointed in anything (L.p.), did not touch anything (L.p.), does not understand anything (L.p.), does not ask about anything (L.p.), does not expect on nothing (V.p.), does not participate in anything (P.p.), will not get used to anything (D.p.).

Disappointed - enchant, enchant, enchant, be enchanted.

470. Write off, denoting the conditions for continuous and separate writing not and neither. . In what communication situations would you use these proverbs?

1. No one can embrace the immensity. 2. Whoever is used to swearing cannot get along with anyone. 3. Whoever comes late finds nothing.

471. Read and title the text. Find pronouns in the text, determine their category. Explain the studied spellings in pronouns.

472. Write off, denoting the spelling "Unified and separate spelling not and neither in negative pronouns."

Do not rush to grab with your hands, nothing that lies in the plate.
Do not push anyone who is sitting next to you under the elbow.
Do not talk loudly to anyone, do not try to shout down anyone.

473. Write out nouns, adjectives, verbs and pronouns in two columns. Continuous spelling | Separate spelling

474. Dictation. Indicate the conditions for choosing the spelling "Not and neither in negative pronouns."

1. A strange, quiet, intermittent sound, unlike anything else, was heard somewhere very close. 2. Although Petya was sitting on a mulberry tree, he did not see anyone or anything. 3. Needless to say, how Petya was delighted with the offer to ride on a fishing boat. 4. It seemed that a man drowning in the sea could not hope for anyone. 5. Rodion Zhukov is no different from the sailors of the rebellious ship.

From what pronouns and with what help are negative pronouns formed? Which prefix in these pronouns is always unstressed, and which is stressed? Why are these pronouns called negative?

Negative pronouns change by case. The pronouns of nobody, nothing have no nominative case.

1. Write down according to the model how these words are formed.

Sample: nobody's ← whose.

No one, no one, no one, nothing, nothing, no one.

Make 2-3 sentences with any of these words.

In negative pronouns, the prefix ni- is unstressed, and the prefix ne- is only stressed.

2. Not or not? Write off. Designate the spelling. Indicate the cases of negative pronouns. 2. At least put on a (not) ryakhu in, but everything is gl.. there’s nothing to do. 3. If you didn’t (not) learn something in a day, you spent the day in vain. 4. For vain work, n.. who will (not) say thanks. 5. Do not lift yourself up with anyone's praises. (Proverbs.)

3. If the predicate has a particle not, then the negative pronoun with nor enhances the negative meaning of the sentence.

Insert negative pronouns to reinforce the negation. Highlight additions. Designate their case.

Sample: This thing nobody need not.

1. Valek - - (did not) answer. 2. Marusya - - (not) recognize .. shaft. 3. Father - - has not (yet) found out. 4. And you still - - still (not) ra .. chatted, where do you go?

(According to V. G. Korolenko.)

Consider the table. When do negative pronouns have separate spellings?

I.- nothing

R. - nothing, from nothing

D. - nothing, nothing

V.- nothing, for nothing, for nothing

T.- nothing, with nothing, before anything

P. - about nothing, nothing.

If neither is separated by a preposition, then they are written separately in negative pronouns.

4. Write down negative pronouns with prepositions. Designate the spelling. Make up phrases or sentences with the words you have received.

Sample: Nothing (because of).- Not because of what do you have to fight.

Nobody (s). Nothing (in). Someone (y). Nothing (for). Nobody (from). Nothing (before).

5. Write down negative pronouns along with the words they are associated with in two columns: in the first - continuous spellings, in the second - separate spellings. In the given phrases, mark the main word.

1. (N ..) than (n ..) what (not) did .. you. 2. Whoever broke away from friends and comrades, to (not) (on) whom to count in trouble. 3. Absolutely stupid, who (n ..) knows (n ..) (with) whom. 4. Boring day until evening, if you do (n ..) what. 5. (N ..) (c) why is the folk character so freely (not) manifested .. as in songs .. and dances .. . 6. Mother (n..) by whom (not) replaced. 7. (Not) (c) whom to ask when he himself is to blame.

Write down the rest of the words with gaps, mark their spellings.

6. Compose the phrases “verb + negative pronoun with a preposition” with these verbs. Mark the case of pronouns.

(Not) disappointed .. rushed- - . (Not) pri..salsya - - . (Not) disassembled - - . (Not) ra..asks - - . (Not) ra..reads - - . (Not) participating - -. (Not) pr .. will turn out - - .

Match the words with the same root to the underlined word and write them down.

7. Together or separately? Not or neither? Write off, designate spellings,.

1. At the table (n ..) who is not superfluous with us, according to merit, each is awarded..waited. 2. Our youth is pure and proud, (not) put it on its knees (n ..) to anyone, (n ..) (for) what, never. 3. (N ..) what kind of force into the world .. will turn us off the road .. (not) turn off. 4. We (n ..) of whom and (n ..) are afraid of ..sya. 5. Who was (n ..) than, he became ..t everything.

8. Write down nouns, adjectives, verbs in two columns.

They write fluently. | They are written separately.

Point out sentences with homogeneous predicates.

9. Dictation. What is the meaning of the word fun? Designate the spelling.


Lived in the world .. Johnny,

Do you know him?

(Not) Johnny had

Exactly (n ..) what!

(N ..) what to eat,

(N ..) what to wear,

(Not) (to) what to strive for,

(not) (about) what to regret,

(Not) what to fear

(Nothing to lose…

Having fun,

(Nothing to say!



Read an excerpt from a poem. Which forms of pronouns are used in this poem?

- Whose are you, whose forest stream?

“But where are you from?” Creek?

- From the keys!

Well, what are the keys?

- Whose birch is by the stream?

O. Bedarev

1. Using the materials of the diagram on p. 154 make a statement about negative pronouns: 1) what they mean; 2) how they are formed; 3) how they change. Check your answers with the theoretical material of the paragraph.

Negative pronouns express the absence of any person, sign of an object, quantity: no one, nothing, no one.

Negative pronouns are formed from relative pronouns with the help of the prefixes no-, no-: nothing, nothing, nobody, nobody, nobody, nothing, nothing.

2. The grammatical features of negative pronouns coincide with the grammatical features of indefinite, interrogative and relative

Pronouns. Using the material on interrogative pronouns (see exercise 369). talk about grammatical signs of negative. uncertain. Interrogative and relative pronouns.

Make a derivational analysis of negative pronouns. What pronouns are they formed from?

No one, no one, no one, none, nothing.

1. Read pairs of phrases aloud to each other. Match the pronunciation of non-, nor - in the negative pronouns in each pair. In which pronouns is it impossible to make a mistake when choosing the spelling of a vowel in non-, nor-? Why? What vowel in the prefixes of negative pronouns is written in a weak position? How do you detect a weak position?

Something strange - nothing strange; no one to blame - no one to blame; there is nothing to talk about - he did not talk about anything; do nothing - do nothing; no one to discuss with - no one to discuss.

2. Read the rule for writing negative pronouns. Prepare to answer the questions: 1) why does the rule only talk about the prefix ni-? 2) in what case are negative pronouns written in one word?

The prefix neither - in negative pronouns - is unstressed, the letter and is written in it: nobody, nobody.

If there is a preposition between neither or not and the pronoun, the pronoun is written in three words;

1. Formulate a rule using the materials of the diagram. Give examples.

2. Compare the rule for writing negative pronouns for Russian and Ukrainian. Point out the positions that match. Name the differences.

1. Read aloud the pairs of sentences, matching the pronunciation of not- and nor- in the negative pronouns in each pair. Explain why it is impossible to make a mistake when choosing a vowel in the prefix non-? How do you determine the weak position of the vowel in the prefix ni-?

2. Write off. Place the stress in negative pronouns.

1. The day is boring until evening, if there is nothing to do (Proverb). Galya and I didn't tell them anything (V. Zheleznikov). 2. I had nothing to pay with. Dahlias do not smell of anything (V. Odnoralov). 3. Everyone can offend, but there is no one to regret (Proverb). The dog did not belong to anyone (L. Andreev).

3. Underline the negative pronouns as members of the sentence. Specify their case.

Write down the sentences using negative pronouns. Underline all parts of the sentence. Specify the case of pronouns.

1. Katya ... did not answer. 2. We ... did not meet. 3. Mom ... did not ask. 4…. there was no definite answer. 5. He ... did not say hello.

1. Write down sentences by writing down negative pronouns with prepositions. Indicate the conditions for choosing negative pronouns.

1. (N.. what, under) circumstances, Igor would not refuse to speak (A. Rybakov). 2. Absolutely stupid, who is not known (n.. whom, s) (Proverb). 3. There was no more money (n.. whom, y) with me (N. Nadezhdina). 4. (N.. whom, y) there was (n..) no doubt (A. Rybakov). 5. I never think (n.. by whom, with) this has never happened (A. Bitov).

2. Make a morphological analysis of one negative pronoun.

Write down the phrases by opening the brackets and inserting the missing letters. Graphically explain the spelling of the prefix with -, roots with alternation.

(N ..) why not pr..k..sat. (n ..) why not pr..k..sleep. (n ..) why pr ..l .. live. (n ..) to whom not to offer .. to go. (n..) who doesn’t pr..b..raet, (n..) who doesn’t pr..b..ret, (n..) why pr..p.. fight. (n ..) why pr..p.. fight.

1. Write down the sentences by inserting the missing letters and opening the brackets. Set up punctuation marks.

2. In words with missing letters, mark spellings. Explain the spelling not with words.

1. For some (some) two weeks, I think (n ..) what (not) will change. 2. Mom for some reason (for no reason) (did not) want to believe that I have at least some (any) household .. abilities (A. Aleksin). 3. It is necessary to make a (not) big avenue somewhere (somewhere) and discuss the further route. 4. I understood ..small that I should tidy up the room and, first of all, have something (something) to eat, but from anxiety I (n ..) to which (not) lay my hands. Every now and then I climbed onto the windowsill (Yu. Sotnik).

2. Make a morphological analysis of one pronoun.

1. Write down the text from dictation.

2. Exchange notebooks and, without relying on printed text, check each other's work, correcting mistakes with a colored pen.

3. Re-swap notebooks. Check your work against the printed text. If there are errors, correct them and graphically explain them.

The day went well, but at night Masha fell ill. They sent to the city for a doctor. He arrived in the evening and found the patient delirious. A severe fever broke out, and the poor patient spent two weeks at the edge of the coffin.

No one in the house knew about the proposed escape. Her maid didn't tell anyone about anything.

L. Pushkin

4. Indicate obsolete words in the text. What words correspond to them in modern Russian?

Test your knowledge

401 “The fourth extra”

1. N.. who does not know; n..what is not needed; n .. why be surprised; n..that won't help.

2. (None) anyone, (not) anyone, (neither) anything, (neither) with (what).

1. Using the materials of the scheme us. 154. fill in the gaps in the table by choosing interrogative, indefinite, negative pronouns corresponding to relative pronouns. Suggest a rational way to memorize relative, interrogative, indefinite, negative pronouns.









someone, somebody, somebody, somebody, somebody

No one, no one, no one, no one, no one, no one, no one

… , something, …, someone, …

Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, ..., ..., ..., ...

Some,. .., …, … ,

2. Analyze examples of pronouns. What is the peculiarity of the formation of indefinite and negative pronouns?

3. Which pronouns do you think can be difficult to spell? What kind of difficulties arise when choosing the spelling of these pronouns?

1. Write the text by inserting missing letters and opening brackets.

2. Underline the pronouns as members of the sentence. Specify their rank.

(N ..) how many days have I been wandering around the city with my movie camera, waiting for some (some) incident .. procession to happen, but (n ..) nothing happened. I annoyed all my relatives and friends, asking them if some (some) interesting event was being prepared, but so (n ..) I didn’t find out what.

Y. Sotnik

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Negative pronouns are formed from interrogative ones using prefixes Not- And neither-. They express the absence of something: an object, a sign, a quantity.

Console Not- always percussive, prefix neither- unstressed.

Negative pronouns change by case. Pronouns nobody, nothing do not have a nominative case.

419 . Write down according to the model of nobody - whose, how these words are formed.

      what [in]
      nothing [in]
      nobody [in]
      no one [at] about
      nothing [in] o

421 . Not or neither? Write off. Indicate the choice conditions not and neither in negative pronouns (see the sample in the box). Specify cases of negative pronouns.

1. N.. why are you afraid (t, t) sya, who n .. why (not) fights (t, t) sya. 2. At least put on a (not) ryakhu in, but everything is gl.. there’s nothing to do. 3. If you didn’t (not) learn something in a day, you spent the day in vain. 4. For vain work, n.. who will (not) say thanks. 4 5. N..whose praises (not) in..carry.


If the predicate has a particle Not, then a negative pronoun with neither reinforces the negative meaning of the sentence.

422 . Insert negative pronouns to reinforce the negation. Highlight additions. Designate their case.


  1. Valek - - (did not) answer.
  2. Marusya - - (not) recognize .. shaft.
  3. Father - - still (did not) know.
  4. And you still - - still (not) ra .. chatted, where do you go?

(According to V. Korolenko.)

423 . Write off, denoting the conditions of choice Not And neither in negative pronouns.

1. Dressed up, dressed up, but n .. why n .. pr .. fit. 2. A friend is a valuable (n, nn) ​​treasure, (not) a friend (nor) anyone (not) happy. 3. Resentment .. so everyone can .. t, but please .. fly to n.. who. 4. They love the one who n .. offended .. t n .. whom.


Consider examples. When do negative pronouns have separate spellings?

      I.- nothing
      R. - nothing, from nothing
      D. - nothing, nothing
      V.- nothing, for nothing, for nothing
      T.- nothing, with nothing, before anything
      P. - about nothing, on nothing

424 . Write negative pronouns with prepositions. Indicate the conditions for choosing continuous and separate spelling Not and neither in negative pronouns (see box for example). Make up phrases or sentences with the words you have received.

Nobody (s). Nothing (in). Someone (y). Nothing (for). Nobody (from). Nothing (before).

425 . Write down negative pronouns together with the words they are associated with in two columns: in the first - continuous spellings, in the second - separate spellings. In the given phrases, mark the main word.

1. (N ..) than (n ..) what (not) did .. you. 2. Whoever is torn away from friends and comrades, that (not) (on) whom to rely on in trouble. 3. Stupid 3 at all, who (n ..) is known (n ..) (with) whom. 4. Boring 3 days until evening, if you do (n ..) what. 5. (N ..) (in) what is the folk character so freely (not) manifested .. as in songs .. and dances .. . 6. Mother (n ..) by whom (not) replaced .. sh. 7. (Not) (c) whom to ask when he himself is to blame.

426 . Make up the phrases “verb + negative pronoun with a preposition” with these verbs. Mark the case of pronouns. Select the root words for the highlighted word and write them down according to the model (see exercise 112).

(Not) disappointed .. rushed- -. (Not) attached .. sat down - -. (Not) disassembled .. is solved - -. (Not) ra .. asks - -. (Not) ra .. reads - -. (Not) teaching (?) you are - -. (Not) pr .. will turn it off - -.

427 . Write off, indicating the conditions for continuous and separate writing Not and neither.

1. (None) to (not) ob..yat (not) ob.. 2. Who pr..vyk scolds (?) sya, to that n .. with whom n .. lives (?) sya 3. Who poses (?) but comes ..t, he (neither) finds anything (not) ..t.


428 . Merged or separate? Not or neither? Write off, denoting the spelling "Continuous and separate spelling Not And neither

  1. (N ..) hurry to grab with your hands (n ..) what is in the plate.
  2. (N ..) push (n ..) someone who is sitting next to you, under the elbow.
  3. (N ..) with whom loudly (n ..) talk, (n ..) try (n ..) to shout down someone.

429 . Write nouns, adjectives, verbs in two columns.

Continuous spelling | Separate spelling

Point out sentences with homogeneous predicates.

1. Working life (not) hunched, and even straightened out .. dear my mother, taught me to meet (un)adversity with my breast, (n ..) whom and (n ..) what (not) to be afraid of, (n ..) ( from) whom (not) to depend on and believe in their own hands. 2. My comrade (n ..) (in) what (n ..) to whom (did not) refuse, helped the youth 3, he (did not) have a minute of free 2 time 3 . 3. Our neighbor was a man (not) verbose, and (n ..) who (did not) know that he cos .. did a feat.

430 . Dictation. Designate the conditions for choosing a spelling " Not And neither in negative pronouns.

1. Strange, quiet, n .. (to) a dissimilar intermittent sound was heard .. somewhere completely un.. easily. 2. Although Petya and s .. worked on mulberry, but he (n ..) whom and (n ..) what (n ..) saw ..l. 3. (Not) what to say, how Petya was delighted with the invitation to ride on a fisherman .. her boat. 4. was that n.. (on) whom (not) a person drowning in the sea could hope for. 5. (N ..) how (n ..) differed .. Rodion Zhukov from the sailors of the rebellious ship.

(According to V. Kataev.)