I don't have a dream to do. Personal crisis: what to do when there is no dream

Obtaining results, therefore, the one who knows how to achieve them wins. Recently, the concept of a dream has been greatly depreciated, since it is commonly believed that dreams are useless, they say, a dreamer will never achieve anything, a dream will remain a dream. And dreaming becomes somehow shameful, and setting goals is commendable, don't you agree? I believe that this attitude arises as a result of a misunderstanding of the essence of the dream and the essence of the goal. You can’t just cross out one thing from your life without impoverishing it, it’s important to understand that a dream and a goal perform completely different functions, then you can easily find a balance between two processes - dreams and.

Why do we need dreams?

Remember some cherished dream from the past - how did you feel when you lived it? Immerse yourself in these pleasant sensations, and now return to the present moment and answer yourself - how do you feel about this dream now? If it is fulfilled, then, for sure, you feel pride, pleasure. If the dream has lost its relevance due to changed views and circumstances, then most likely you do not care. And if the dream is still relevant, but not fulfilled, probably, the sensations are close to disappointment, frustration, resentment, right?

With this paragraph, I tried to show you that a dream is directly related to human feelings, it affects us at the deepest level (where it was born), excites and gives us energy. The function of a dream is to inspire, and after all, everyone knows that when there is, everything is easier, life itself brings pleasure. Do you notice the difference when you do something to fulfill your dreams and when you just do it because it "should"? In the first case, everything turns out by itself, you are on the rise and catch the buzz from what is happening. This is the function of a dream - to give you strength to fulfill your strongest desires.

Why are goals needed?

How is a goal different from a dream? The most commonly used expressions with these two concepts will help me demonstrate the difference - the dream is usually "fulfilled" (itself), and the goal is "achieved" (by a person). Indeed, in a dream there is a moment of shifting for its fulfillment to other people (“someone came and gave me this”), higher powers (“a miracle happened”), etc. Target same always achieved directly to those who placed it, while help from other people or higher powers is not excluded, but the responsibility for achieving the goal lies entirely with the person himself. If you are not ready to take on this responsibility, then you can remain just a dreamer. A dream is an inspiration, and a goal is that the moment you decide to fulfill your dream.

Another difference between a goal and a dream in specifics and. The dream can be very extensive, often indistinct. If you want to fulfill a dream, you need to turn it into a goal or several goals. The goal has specific deadlines, it is real and achievable. Then the goal is divided into tasks, and you get a plan for fulfilling your dream. In order to fulfill your dream, make it concrete!

What if there is no dream

Everyone has dreams in childhood, adolescence and youth, but often they shrink under the pressure of reality and are forgotten. Maybe your old dreams have lost their relevance, but you don’t have new ones? In fact, they are, just hidden deep under the pressure of problems, disappointments and negative thoughts. I'll show you some ways how to know your dreams:

  1. Imagine that you received ten million dollars, which is not taxed - what will you spend it on? I must say right away that your debts and loans were automatically repaid, and you still have $10 million, what will you do with them?
  2. Answer the question: what will you do if, from now on, you no longer need to work to provide for yourself and your family? What do you want to do more than anything in the world, solely for your own pleasure?
  3. If you knew that you only had six months left to live, how would you spend them (provided that you would be absolutely healthy during these six months)?

The answers to these questions are your dreams, which can be converted into goals, broken down into tasks and fulfilled. Start right now!

"... you'd better tell why there are no dreams at all"
Facebook comment

They are. They cannot be. It's simply impossible to live without a dream.

At first, when you are small, you fantasize. Then your fantasies are transformed into dreams. If everything goes well, dreams become goals: you plan, set tasks, gradually solve them. Faced with obstacles, you think about how to get around or overcome them. You go further. At the same time, you can work on several tasks that will eventually lead to the goal of your whole life.

Approximately three to five percent of the world's population lives this way. Therefore, do not be very upset that you do not have a dream. True, it is somehow disgusting to realize oneself as an average ordinary person ...

If this fact does not bother you and you do not intend to conquer the top of the world, live and do not worry. Enjoy what you have. It is possible that your dream has already come true. Improve your present. Rejoice in the opportunity to comfortably enter the future. And know that about 78 percent of people live like this. They rejoice, they are sad, they swear, they fight for justice, they get sick, they go to the sea every summer, they go to the country every weekend ... They invest their experience in children, and the children, modernizing according to the time, pass it on to their grandchildren ... Sometimes they feel unhappy, sometimes happiness overwhelms them … Normal human life.

But if you are increasingly thinking that you live without dreams and ambitions, then you are here.

There are dreams. Only you don't see them. You hid your aspirations somewhere far and deep. What for? It's not always the same. So that they do not act on the nerves with their impracticability. In order not to feel like the last loser because you cannot achieve what you want. And someone because of fear stopped dreaming. Most often, this has been going on since childhood, when you told your closest people about your dreams, and they laughed at you or scolded you - it’s not about your honor to think about this. Or have you already tried to implement them, but every time you failed and burned yourself. Or you buried them alive because you didn't believe it was possible.

It happens quite the opposite. When from childhood you have your own executor of desires. You just think, and then bam - here it is, a dream on a plate. You realize that anything can be achieved if you snap your fingers. So why dream? If in such a situation you suddenly wonder why you don’t dream about it, then all is not lost, and the patient will live.

If you do not have a dream, but really want to, then you need to come up with it!

To begin with, remember what you fantasized about as a child, when you were still pure and spontaneous, and not poisoned by the vicissitudes of adulthood.

What did you love to do the most? What games did you play? What did you draw? What books did you read? What captured your head? If you're having a hard time, find someone to help you refresh your memories.

Write down everything you remember.

Rank your dreams.

Feel every point.

Listen to yourself.

What do you feel?

I'm sure your deepest dream will bring tears to your eyes.

Start acting. Sign up for a driving course, a dance class, a fitness club, swimming, find an art studio...

Start posting your photos on Instagram. Find out where there are cooking classes. Read educational and inspiring books. There is an opportunity - go to another country, see the world. It is possible that you will learn a lot about yourself far from your native shores. Travel around your country - that helps too. Anything! Everything that fills you with energy and interest in life.

Set yourself easy tasks at first, gradually complicating them. Achieving your goals will inspire you and lead you forward in pursuit of your dreams.

But if even after such a titanic work nothing happened, do not be upset and do not look for the truth in wine. It happens that you need a period of aimless life in order to relax, enjoy life itself, rethink it, be glad that you are alive, healthy, with memory, and you only lack dreams.

If a person does not have a dream and a goal ... he ... Continue?)) and got the best answer

Answer from KASMANAFD[guru]
Dreaming is a brain distraction. While that part of a person that is resting is watching the dream, the brain is building its business plans and working. A person cannot work as hard as his brain. A person, apparently, also owns some small part of the brain. A dream is a kind of escape from suffering by setting an impossible task for the brain. And he fulfills it until the person calms down with ineffectiveness .... Dreams, if they do not exist, a person will definitely set a program of hopeless and uncontested survival. After all, no one has canceled the fulfillment of dreams, which means that the presence of dreams and goals is mandatory. Dying simply will not work - you will have to live by force.
Source: The Second Coming of the Scarlet Flower

Answer from Andriano Bravo[guru]
not a person, a vegetable.

Answer from Valentina Fryshko[guru]
not interesting

Answer from Evgenia[guru]
he was tired of dreaming and moving...

Answer from Papuan unbaptized[guru]
He stupidly does not rush about in life!

Answer from Evgeny Frost[guru]
He is an ant .... I have a dream-goal, but it is so great that it is not even feasible, but it still warms the soul, but it is still better than without a dream.

Answer from Alexander Vladislavovich[guru]
He will pick up millions of bad habits like an infection, which themselves will determine for him what will be his dream and goal.
Addiction comes out of nowhere. Addiction consists of constructed needs, completely artificial and completely conditioned reflexes. To begin with, any need is suffering. Only the magnitude of the pain that the word “suffering” in Russian contains in itself prevents you from believing in this. Let's solve the problem mathematically. Let's express the maximum amount of suffering that the nervous system can experience by the unit "Absolute suffering" - AC. Then the suffering that NN experiences while waiting for the bus could be expressed as 0.0001 AC. Further, it is easy to understand the mechanism for creating any dependence. Take, for example, a smoker. The boy, let it be a boy, has already learned to smoke, but is not yet used to smoking. He doesn't buy cigarettes himself yet. He still does not clearly understand why he would need smoking at all. He is not yet a smoker in the sense that he does not have any daily need to smoke 20 cigarettes. Let's say he's waiting for the tram. He's bored. Boredom is suffering. Suffering causes a need to get rid of it. The boy, on the advice of a friend, lights up "out of boredom". Until that moment, he had been bored waiting for the tram and endured this petty suffering stoically. Or maybe not stoically: he did not even know that this suffering should be unbearable. Well boring - and boring. But from the moment he first lit a cigarette from boredom, he recognized the right of insignificant suffering to demand tobacco satisfaction. That is, the need to get rid of boredom was placed in the piggy bank of the need for smoking. If a boy were bored to sort through cards with English words, perhaps boredom would become a factor inducing him to learn languages. But he chose a cigarette. Note that the boy did not have any physical, on behalf of nature, built-in desire to smoke. The urge to smoke consists of the sum of the anxieties drowned out by smoking. These worries had nothing to do with smoking, and smoking had nothing to do with silencing the worries. But now the boy has admitted that if he is anxious at 0.0001 AU, that is reason enough to smoke. Therefore, if the anxiety is 0.2 AC, this will be all the more reason for smoking. In other words, to become a smoker, it is enough to smoke once for nothing and for no reason, recognizing the subtle, no more than slight anxiety, suffering for a reason to smoke is sufficient. A habit develops when the urge to smoke reaches subliminal suffering. These are sufferings that we do not feel, but we can feel if we direct our attention to the search for suffering. The hunt for suffering immediately reveals it. It turns out that it was itching under the right shoulder blade, it turns out that the right side of the left foot is freezing. It turns out that a spot of slight itching formed on the back of the head. It turns out that there is a lot of saliva in the mouth and it must be swallowed. It turns out that the back is tired. A lot of things turn out, if you only take a closer look at the search for suffering. Here's another! Some bitterness in the mouth. Some heaviness in the stomach, but you never know what. By the way, I'm already tired of writing, but the idea is still not fully expressed - and this is also suffering. A normal person will endure this suffering without even noticing. But the smoker will notice them, and since he has already smoked once while waiting for a tram, and the suffering he is experiencing now is 0.01AC more than the suffering of waiting for a tram, they can be assessed as a good reason to smoke. And he will smoke.
(If not tired, the continuation is in the comments)

Answer from Anatoly Kosmach[guru]
... he goes with the flow!

Answer from ETRANNIK[guru]
he will find it anyway

Mankind always wonders why a person needs a goal in life. If a person does not have a dream and a goal in life, he just lives his life. Goals make his existence meaningful and fulfilling, deliver joy and pleasure. The purpose of life helps to concentrate on achieving results, move forward, distinguish the main from the secondary, achieve peace in the soul.

How to define a dream: I don’t understand what I want

When we realize why a person needs a goal in life, we begin to direct our thoughts and actions towards achieving the goal. At first glance, it is obvious that every day, lived with purpose and intention, is happiness. But is it so natural? Why do we sometimes feel devastated and disappointed after achieving our dreams? Why does the achieved goal of life not always make a person happy?

The fact is that goals must be correctly defined - they must come from the heart and satisfy the true desires of a person. But how to understand which desires are the main ones? There is a wonderful quote from the cartoon "Smeshariki" about the difficulty of determining true desires: " Eh ... Then you get not quite what you want, then you get it, but you don’t want it anymore. Otherwise, you won’t understand what you really want.”. And really, how to understand your inner needs and how to decide on setting the right goals? How to determine what you really want, and not get the deepest disappointment after many years of work to achieve the goal?

I see the goal - how to determine if it's mine or not

Psychologists have compiled lists of life goals for people who do not know how to determine the purpose of life. Lists can contain up to a hundred diverse goals! Here are examples of some of them:

  1. Break the world record.
  2. Start your own business.
  3. Start a family.
  4. Read the Bible.
  5. Travel a lot.

Great ideas! But how do you determine what is right for you? After all, they belong to completely different spheres of life, confirming that the main needs of a person can be in different planes, possibly opposite ones. For some, the main motivating goal of life can be the creation of their own business, and someone will find happiness in creating a family. Someone will be inspired by the dream of breaking a world record, and someone will feel deep satisfaction from reading the Bible. How to determine which goals from the list are worthy of your attention and are a personal aspiration, and not imposed stereotypes of success and happiness or just a delusion?

Finding a Purpose: How to Set the Right Course in Knowing Yourself

On self-development sites, in order to set a worthy goal, it is quite natural to suggest starting this process with self-knowledge. For example, a series of questions are suggested to get to know yourself better:

  1. What am I naturally good at?
  2. In what types of activities can I show my creative thinking?
  3. What kind of books do I like to read?
  4. What do I like to talk about?
  5. What help and advice do people usually ask me for?

But how to answer these questions honestly and sincerely to yourself? After all, we are so often conscientiously mistaken, we think with imposed stereotypes, we succumb to false attitudes. How to discard this husk and get to your true essence, to your real inner world? How to determine the goals of life, coming straight from the heart? After all, we don't really know who we really are.

How to define a goal in life is not an idle question

You are a man or a woman, so you want to somehow decide in life, to portray something. It's so bittersweet when you don't know what your purpose is. It hurts so much when goals only satisfy your daily needs, but do not help you find your place in life. So how do you understand why you came into this life, how to determine the goal in life - where to start?

Our mind is made up of desires. The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan defines a set of desires and internal needs and calls them vectors. Vectors are given to us from birth and determine our psychological structure, worldview and attitude. Nature necessarily endows us with all the necessary properties and abilities for the realization of our inner desires. You just need to realize these desires, and nature has already taken care of the abilities and talents for their realization.

Realizing our inner desires, we will feel the joy and enjoyment of life. A goal chosen in accordance with our psychological makeup will inspire and motivate throughout the life path.

So, for a person with a visual vector, the meaning of life is to give and receive emotions. For him, the goal in life can be love for others or filling people's lives with bright colors and emotions. And a person with a skin vector will receive satisfaction from material wealth or career advancement.

Start searching for your life goals now

It is clear that everything will not be easy on the way to their implementation. But the worst thing is when a person just physically lives his life and does not know how to decide on his dream and how to set a goal for himself.

Come to the free online training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, already there you will learn a lot about your psychological structure and your purpose in life and get closer to answering the question of how to determine the purpose of life. Register via the link.

“… I am a professional photographer. It is an unthinkable pleasure for me to do what I love, whether it is photography itself or post-processing of images ... To meet new amazing, creative, beautiful and very bright people. I have all this happiness thanks to the training of Yuri Burlan ...

But five years ago, I, completely disoriented and always not knowing where to stumble and what to apply myself to, believed that the main thing is to believe in your dream, and it will come by itself. It’s embarrassing even to remember how much I was occupied with all these “positive thoughts”, horoscopes, name meanings, wish cards and other nonsense, on which it is customary to shift responsibility for one’s life ... Naturally, the dream did not come by itself. And a few years later, having already completed the training, I was able to honestly finally admit to myself that in fact I wanted something completely different, getting confused in my own rationalizations ... "