Organization and conduct of training camps. Organization and conduct of educational and training work during the training camp

Judo [System and wrestling: textbook] Shulika Yuri Alexandrovich



The most effective means of educating members of the section team, preserving the contingent of students in the sports section, educating individual psychological qualities through the team is a summer sports camp.

Camp goals:

Team building;

Social education of the individual by the team;

Social adaptation;

General health improvement;

Expanding the range of motor and mental skills. Summer camps can be organized under various names, depending on which organization takes on the main financial burden. These may include:

a) health camps;

b) sports camps;

c) Sports and recreation camps;

d) health-improving labor camps;

e) defense and sports camps.

For the organization of such camps it is necessary to carry out a number of activities.

1. Camp planning at the level of any official organization by entering them into its annual plan, including drawing up a cost estimate.

2. Providing a camp site:

Land plot;


Water supply;

Sanitary and hygienic sites;

Place of the doctor;

faecal outlets;


Accommodation of students (sleeping buildings, houses, tents);

Placement of sports grounds;

Equipment for specialized classes (up to self-construction of open carpets).

2. Ensuring the comfort and safety of bathing (requirements for a bathing place along the shore and bottom).

3. Ensuring the safety of swimming (rescue boats, floats).

4. Providing food.

5. During the preparation for the camp, it is also necessary to ensure its filling:

sports equipment;

Household inventory.

6. Holding a parent meeting.

Since state and public organizations currently bear only part of the costs, it is necessary to hold a parent meeting not only to instruct parents, but also for their consent to additional payment of expenses.

Two to three days before departure, it is necessary to hold a general meeting of children and parents.

7. To manage the camp, it is necessary to provide:

Composition of the camp management and coaching staff;

Ensuring daily service;

Ensuring the implementation of the daily routine;

Ensuring the security of the camp;

Ensuring internal oversight;

Ensuring safety on the water;

Ensuring environmental discipline;

Ensuring fire discipline;

Ensuring safe functioning in nature;

Planning and conducting recreational work (hardening, general motor development, general physical training, sports events);

Planning and conducting recreational competitions;

Planning and conducting tourist trips and trips.

9. Educational work:

Collective participation in the equipment and cultural design of the camp;

Conducting interviews;

Conducting disputes;


Tours and excursions;

Watching films with subsequent discussion;

Analysis of conflict situations and camp violations.

10. Ensuring medical control and self-control:

Organization of general medical control;

Training in self-control and organization of testing the assimilation of the habit of self-control.

11. Organization of beach sunbathing and swimming.

12. Organization of arrival, departure and distribution of children to parents.

13. Conducting a sociological survey based on the results of the camp.

14. Preparation of general and financial reports (forms of reports are not given due to different requirements in different organizations).

Similar in composition of administrative, economic and educational activities is the organization of training camps. Types of fees by destination

a) Wellness.

b) Training.

c) precompetitive.

Below is a plan of events for the organization and conduct of fees.

1. Organizational work

a) Organization planning (venue, sports facilities, etc.).

b) Securing funding:

Approval of the calendar plan;

Preparation and approval of cost estimates.

c) Provision of accommodation and meals:

Communication and documentation of the gathering place;

Communication and documentation of power supply.

3. Ensuring the educational process:

Planning and conducting educational work;

Planning and conducting training work;

Ensuring pedagogical control.

4. Carrying out educational work:

Conducting meetings and discussions;

Leisure activities;

Ensuring the hygienic regime of the day;

Ensuring household control;

Levers of administrative and disciplinary influence;

Levers of indirect disciplinary influence.

5. Ensuring medical supervision:

a) express control;

b) planned control;

c) predictive control;

d) dietetics.

6. Completion fees:

a) preparation for participation in competitions: assessment of technical and tactical readiness; evaluation of functionality; team building principles; securing the application;

b) security of departure: financial security; provision of transport; holding a meeting of team members;

c) collection report:

Financial report;

Collection report.

test questions

1. Compose a letter of petition for the inclusion of a summer camp in the action plan in any organization.

2. Make a plan for a sports camp.

3. Draw up an action plan for organizing a sports camp.

4. Draw up a daily routine for a sports camp.

5. Make a plan of sports events for a sports camp.

6. Draw up a plan of educational work for a sports and recreation camp.

7. Make a plan for training work for a sports camp.

8. Draw up a plan for conducting a training camp (economic part).

9. Make a plan for the training camp (educational part).

10. Draw up a plan for conducting a training camp (training part).

11. Draw up a plan for conducting a training camp (medical part).

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Chapter 1 Fundamental Factors for Successful Training Sessions Let's return to our football reality. It will be about the program for sports schools. The program ... But this is the main document that regulates the construction of the educational process.

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Chapter 2 Construction of educational and training microcycles So, smoothly, from a single UT, we move on to educational and training microcycles, and then, in the next chapter, to the long-term construction of a long-term UTP. Probably, another sequence would have looked more logical

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Chapter 18

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Organization of judging and holding of competitions Headed by the panel of judges is the chief judge of the competition, the most experienced of the judges. He directs the course of the competition, makes sure that the participants comply with the rules of the competition and the regulations on them. From organizational

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Chapter 19. Organization and holding of summer camps

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17.1. Organization of summer health camps

From the book Hygiene of Physical Culture and Sports. Textbook author Team of authors

17.2. Organization of training camps The organization of training camps is similar in composition of administrative, economic and educational activities.

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Chapter 7. Conducting training sessions The first session, followed by the second, and the academic year, the season began, and a sports career began. After reading the chapters on the adaptation of muscle tissues, on the energy supply of muscle activity, we can justifiably talk about a set of exercises, their

From the author's book

From the author's book

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11.3. Hygiene provision during the organization of training camps When conducting training camps, it is important to perform the following main activities that provide the necessary hygienic conditions for athletes.

Preparing the national team for the competition

In the regional centers, the capitals of the Union republics, Moscow, Leningrad, there are combined boxing teams - the first, second and third compositions. In addition, there are combined teams in societies and departments (starting from regional councils).

For each national team, training camps are held 20 days before the competition. In addition, there are training camps (to improve sportsmanship), general physical training, and medical and recreational camps.

During training camps, the tasks are to improve sportsmanship, mainly the development of special endurance, the improvement of favorite combat techniques, the elimination of shortcomings in technique and tactics; psychological preparation for the tournament.

The training camp creates the most favorable training conditions. The best boxers gather here and, therefore, each of them has good partners for training fights. Well-equipped training places, highly qualified trainers, careful medical supervision, sleep, nutrition, rest, etc. contribute to high-quality training.

We come to the training camp prepared, with a training plan drawn up together with the trainer. The coaching council of the training camp gets acquainted with the boxer's preliminary training plan and draws up an individual training plan for the training camp. A coach who works with a boxer selects exercises to eliminate obvious mistakes in technical actions, develop individual qualities, expands the practice of fighting with boxers of different styles, etc.

Individual training plans for boxers at the training camp should contain detailed recommendations and requirements for improving technical-tactical, physical, psychological and theoretical training.

The head coach draws up a plan for the training camp, at the beginning of which he briefly characterizes the state of both the team as a whole and each of the boxers individually, determining the level of his training.

The plan indicates the tasks of the collection and the general requirements for the specialized training of the national team.

In technical training, special attention should be paid to the improvement and rationalization of each boxer's favorite combat actions, more economical execution of techniques, and the ability to relax after a combat episode. Coaches must record the shots most often missed by their players, identify the causes of defensive errors, and improve defenses against all shots. It is extremely important to focus on active defenses, on the use of defenses as a starting position for counterattacking actions.

It is necessary to work on the elimination of errors that could lead to remarks and warnings by the referee (hitting in forbidden places, grabs, holding in close combat, dangerous head movement, etc.).

In tactical training, in addition to general tasks related to actions at various distances, against boxers of different styles, left-handers, etc., it is necessary to provide for individual tasks, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of the intended opponents and options for countering them. Boxers must improve the ability to change the pace, rhythm, nature of actions within the limits of their fighting style during the fight. Particular attention should be paid to practicing preparatory actions before one's own attacks and counterattacks, improving movements and maneuvers around the ring, the ability to get out of the corner and limit the opponent's movements, take advantage of his misses, skillfully tire and open.

In terms of special physical training, they plan to bring to the highest level the special physical qualities of each boxer - coordination of movements, speed of reaction, strength and accuracy of punches, the ability to fight at a high pace during all three rounds.

Psychological training at the training camp includes mastering the skills of psychological preparation for a fight, self-hypnosis with the mind set to win, the ability to objectively assess the opponent's abilities and preparedness. The plan provides for the improvement of psychological stability in overcoming competitive difficulties (confounding factors, changes in the nature of the battle along its course), concentration of attention, etc.

As for the theoretical preparation, participants should be familiarized with the collection preparation plan, its goals and means of achieving them; the manner of combat, the strengths and weaknesses of potential opponents; systematically analyze training battles with various partners (in order to take into account and eliminate their shortcomings); increase knowledge on self-control over the state of sports form.

At the end of the plan, recommendations are given to the coaching staff on drawing up an individual plan for each of the boxers, in which the coaching council, observing his performances, points out the positive and negative sides in his skill, characterizes his future opponents, their style, fighting style, level of physical and strong-willed qualities, notes technical and tactical shortcomings and positive qualities and gives advice on how to fight with each of the opponents.

During the installation training sessions, boxers study and improve new techniques that, according to coaches, can improve technique, diversify tactics, increase chances in upcoming fights, master exercises that contribute to the development of the necessary physical qualities, technical and tactical skills.

The general physical training camp is planned in the transitional period, approximately one to two months before the pre-competitive training period, as a rule, for everyone according to the general plan. Cross-country, mixed movements, sprinting, jumping, weight-bearing exercises, gymnastics on apparatuses (stops, hangs, jumps) and with apparatuses (sticks, maces, stuffed balls), sports games, wrestling, skiing, swimming are widely practiced. , rowing, throwing, etc.

It is advisable to carry out such collections in the middle mountains; in this case they will also have a healing character.

A medical camp is usually organized for boxers who need treatment for injuries or residual effects after an illness. At the training camp, boxers keep fit with the help of specially selected exercises that cannot aggravate the disease. For example, walking and running do not interfere with the treatment of periostitis of the hand; in the treatment of muscle strain in the lumbar region, you can walk and swim without sudden movements and tension, etc.

Much attention should be paid to political and educational work. Each boxer must realize the high responsibility for his actions to the team, conscientiously train according to the established plan, be disciplined, adhere to the regime, and take an uncompromising attitude towards those who, by their behavior and actions, defame the name of the Soviet athlete.

The tasks set before the training camp can be solved only by a close-knit team of boxers and coaches with good traditions, friendly, active and collegial work of the coaching staff.

Political studies of the members of the national team are systematically carried out (political information, reports, conversations, disputes, watching movies, etc.).

Director of the State Agency for Youth Affairs, Physical Culture and Sports under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic

__________________TO. Amankulov

"____" _______________2018


Chapter I

General Regulation

Model Regulations on conducting training camps (Model Regulations) are developed in accordance with the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Physical Culture and Sports”.

Achieving high sports results in modern sports is impossible without the ever-increasing intensification of the training process and regular participation in competitions. One of the obligatory forms of organization of training work is the conduct of training camps, that is, the specially directed activities of athletes and coaches to prepare for competitions. It is this work that is decisive in achieving the desired result by athletes.

For the purpose of high-quality training of high-class athletes and improving their sportsmanship, successful performance in the Olympic, Asian, international and republican competitions, for members of national teams in sports, TCB can be held according to training camps for the corresponding year (Calendar plan) , approved by the republican state body of management of physical culture and sports.

The personal composition of the TCB participants, within the limits of the number provided for by the plan for providing sports events, is drawn up by the list of TCB participants and approved by the sending organization.

The direction, content and duration of the TCB are determined depending on the level of preparedness of athletes, the tasks and scale of the upcoming competitions.

Official TCBs of the Kyrgyz Republic are conducted in accordance with the approved plan (or order) of the sending organization. Other TCBs are held in accordance with the decision of the organizers or federations, unions and associations. In order to conduct the TCB, the organizers, in accordance with the Model Regulations, develop and approve the program and plan for the TCB.

Training camps are held for the following purposes:

Definitions of qualitative composition by sport; Improving the skill level of athletes (sports teams); Evaluation, improving the quality and efficiency of coaching - ; Carrying out targeted work on the selection of athletes for the national teams of the Kyrgyz Republic in sports, their preparation for participation in; Further mass development and popularization of the sport, citizens in sports, organization of their leisure; Promotion of sports as an important means of improving the health of citizens and introducing them to a healthy lifestyle, increasing the effectiveness of physical education of the population and athletes; Recovery and rehabilitation of athletes.


All work at the training camp is managed by the coaching council headed by the head coach. The coaching council, in addition to the head coach and coaches of the training camp, includes the head of the complex scientific group, a doctor, and a psychologist. The number of coaches depends on the number of athletes invited to training camps. It is desirable that there is one coach for 6-8 athletes. No more than 30 athletes are assigned to one doctor of the collection. To work on the TCB, masseurs should be involved. Before the start of the meeting, the coaching council gets acquainted in detail with the curriculum, plans for educational and cultural work, clarifies the work (extracurricular) plan, approves the schedule of training sessions and the daily routine. Every day, at the end of all training sessions and, an operational meeting of the coaching council is held, where the results of the day are summed up and the plan for the next day is specified.

Coaches who conduct training camps are required to:

Provide a list of athletes indicating their full names, year of birth, sports titles and weight categories; Consider and approve plans for theoretical and practical classes, cultural work, individual training plans for athletes, work plans for an integrated scientific group, medical support and activities to comply with classes; Pay attention to the quality of the educational process, improve the technical and tactical skills of athletes, organization, discipline among participants, safety of property; Submit a list of expenses for conducting TCB in accordance with the norms of spending funds; Do not allow the expenditure of funds in excess of the amount of allocated appropriations and norms, in accordance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

It is forbidden:

Admission to TCB classes for persons who have not undergone a medical examination, who have not completed the prescribed therapeutic and preventive measures, or who arrived without appropriate medical documentation; Carrying out training sessions associated with loads that are harmful to health in difficult meteorological conditions, or in the absence of a medical worker. Carrying out training sessions on faulty equipment, as well as using equipment that poses a threat to the health and life of an athlete, and with defects, in the absence of sports special clothing and without the presence of persons whose duties include direct training sessions.


The purpose of the upcoming TCB is determined from their focus. Training camps, where the main amount of work is the improvement of the technical and tactical skills of athletes, belong to the category of camps for direct preparation for sports competitions. Such camps are mainly held in the competitive period of the training cycle and solve the following tasks:

    development of partially new variants of technical and tactical actions; further improvement of favorite crown) technical and tactical actions; expansion and consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the tactics of wrestling, participation in competitions, training of technical and special actions of attack, defense, counterattack and other technical actions; expansion of theoretical knowledge.

Training camps for general physical training are classified as special training camps, the following tasks are mainly solved here:

    expansion of the functional capabilities of the body, its overall performance;
    achievement of a high level of special preparedness; education of volitional and moral qualities: expansion of knowledge in the field of sports training theories.

When conducting training camps for the purpose of recovery, conducting medical and biological examinations of athletes, the following tasks can be set:

    hardening of the body and strengthening health; trauma treatment; health examination; identification of potential opportunities for further growth of sports results.

The specific tasks of each training camp are set immediately before it is held.



The contingent involved in the training camp can be very different, but athletes who have training not lower than the CCM category and young men who have training not lower than the first youth category can be involved in the training camp. The duration of the various camps is also varied, it depends: firstly, on the direction of the camps, and secondly, on the scale of the competitions for which preparation is underway, on the contingent of those involved. So, for preparation for international competitions, the training camp for direct preparation should not exceed 18 days, and for preparation for the championships of the republic should not exceed 12 days.

The duration and number of participants in the training camp, as well as the timing of the training camp, are determined by the scale of the upcoming competitions and the level of fitness of athletes according to the classification scheme of training camps.


Based on the curriculum, a textual and graphic work plan is drawn up for the training period. The work plan is usually built on the basis of the weekly microcycle, each day in the weekly cycle has a main focus. These can be classes in general physical training with an emphasis on the development of any physical quality, classes to improve technical and tactical skills. It should be remembered that all athletes arriving for training camps must have diaries, individual training plans and an appropriate level of preparedness.


Control over the venue, equipment, arrival and departure of participants in the training camp is reserved by the sending organization. Based on the results of the training session, the coaches submit a general report on the TCB.

Training Camp Classification Scheme

Basis for fees

Name of fees

Duration of fees

Participants of the fees


World Championship



State agency, directorates

Asian Championship


General physical training (GPP),

Special physical training (SFP),


preventive and wellness fees

Members of national teams

State agency, directorates

International tournaments

General physical training (GPP),

Special physical training (SFP),



Teaching and sports work in taekwondo can be carried out in sections of sports societies, in sections of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, youth sports schools, sports schools and schools of sports, sections of rural and urban industrial associations on the rights of an independent initiative with all the attributes of a licensing procedure with registration in the local state sports and sports organization.

The nature of the work differs according to the forms of organization, which depend on the tasks set by the management that pays for this physical culture and sports activity, on the personal claims of the coach, the recruited contingent, material conditions and the possibilities of his training.

The current Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports in its work is guided by previously developed regulations containing uniform principles for organizing educational and sports work in the field.

The main work on the preparation of taekwondo players is carried out by clubs. Therefore, the boards of sports clubs, councils of physical culture groups, regardless of their affiliation, should pay attention to:

Creation of favorable conditions for holding regular classes, instilling love for taekwondo among those involved, increasing interest in classes and the growth of sportsmanship;

Ensuring comprehensive physical training of the members of the section;

Continuous improvement of the level of technical and tactical readiness of those involved on the basis of high general and special physical readiness;

To instill in those involved the skills of sports ethics, discipline, love and devotion to their team;

Strengthening the health of those involved, hygiene, as well as a clear organization of medical control;

Systematic holding of sports competitions and active participation of members of the section in them;

Active participation of members of the section in the promotion of sports.

The beginning of classes is preceded by propaganda work, which consists of various forms of advertising:

On TV;

In the form of posters, which requires their production and placement;

Through demonstration performances, for which it is necessary to have a special team of demonstrators, etc.

Reception of newcomers to the section should be held in September-October of each year, at the beginning of the preparatory period. This, however, does not exclude the possibility of admission to the section at other times of the year.

The standards for the number of students in training groups are determined by official programs. At this time period, this is the “Exemplary program of sports training for children and youth sports schools, specialized children and youth schools of the Olympic reserve” (2005). However, the norms for the filling of study groups are somewhat incomprehensible:

1. Why, with the primary need for pairwise working out of educational material, was the standard of 15 people established?

2. How can you ensure the variability of the simulated situations in the presence of 4-5 people in the group of sports improvement?

Apparently, in this matter, one should be guided by the standards, according to which the groups of beginners consist of 18-20 people, and the 1st category - of 10 people.

There is a practice when the coach, paying special attention to the "selection", comes to a situation where by the month of January an unacceptably small number of students remain in the group. In this case, he is forced to make an additional set during the winter holidays. People are there, but a problem arises: how to conduct classes with those who have already completed half of the one-year program, and with those who have just arrived? Apparently, classes at the stage of initial training should be conducted for the purpose of education, and not selection, especially since those who can be selected are becoming less and less.

Educational and training sessions in the section are held in the form of lessons according to the generally accepted scheme according to the schedule, drawn up taking into account the employment of athletes in production and study.

Lesson planning forms

In each section of taekwondo, documents of planning, management and control over the training process should be kept: curriculum, program, work plan for a certain period indicating the nature and dosage of exercises according to their intensity, class outline, class schedule, attendance record and class content , a sports results log and a calendar of sports events. For taekwondo athletes of the highest ranks, individual training plans are drawn up, including a long-term plan for preparing for responsible tournaments, periodic and current plans.

The curriculum determines the main direction and duration of educational work for a particular contingent of students and provides for the sequence of studying the material, the content of the main sections (topics of classes), the number of hours for each section (Table 15.1).

Table 15.1

Components of the curriculum of training sessions in the Youth and Sports School (with the calculation of hours) *

Following the curriculum, the coach will be able to properly organize the training process and achieve success in sports work.

Lesson program is compiled on the basis of the curriculum and determines the amount of knowledge and skills that must be mastered by students.

The program reveals the forms and methods of pedagogical work, determines the main content of the educational material on theory and practice for specific contingents of students (Youth Sports School, ShVSM, etc.). In the theory section, the name of the topics and their brief content are indicated, and when presenting the practical material, all types of exercises are listed: drill, general developmental, special-preparatory and special.

All material is presented by year of study and in a certain methodological sequence (see Chapter 6).

The functional training section contains the norms and requirements for those involved in physical, sports and referee training, as well as material for independent work and recommended literature.

The program usually consists of the following sections:

a) an explanatory note, which indicates: for whom the program is intended, learning objectives, the procedure for completing the course and the form of credit; the number of classes;

b) program material by years of study and periods;

The program is approved by state organizations, and all requirements in it are mandatory, although the possibility of some refinement of certain tasks and means of their implementation, depending on the working conditions, is not ruled out.

Work plan is compiled on the basis of the curriculum and can be thematic (when the material is presented on topics that can be distributed over several lessons in a methodologically appropriate sequence) or lesson (when the material is determined for each lesson). The work plan is drawn up for six months, three and one month, depending on the conditions of classes and the calendar of competitions. The work plan indicates the topic and content of the material - a list of exercises, the volume of training loads.

AT lesson plan the main topic of the lesson is indicated, for example: counter side blows of the near one to the head for a side attack with a far one and side blows of the far one to the head for a side attack of the near one to the head.

For a certain period of preparation, a team training plan (in the form of a schedule) is drawn up, which indicates all types of exercises for the planned time (from a month to three), depending on the competition calendar, as well as an approximate load intensity curve for each lesson.

The preparation of individual plans by the coach is an integral part of the training of taekwondo athletes of senior and higher sports categories. When drawing up an individual training plan for a taekwondoist, it is necessary to take into account: a) the state of health; b) age; c) the ability to perceive in learning; d) sports qualification; e) level of preparedness; e) diligence and perseverance; g) combat experience; h) sports results; i) working and rest conditions; j) conditions of sports training venues; k) the schedule of competitions in which a taekwondo player should participate; l) the weight category in which the athlete performs.

When drawing up a plan, the coach gives a brief description of the moral, volitional and physical qualities, technical and tactical readiness of the taekwondoist and lists the main shortcomings that should be eliminated, and the positive qualities and skills that should be developed and improved.

On the basis of the work plan, the trainer draws up a summary for each lesson, in which all the exercises proposed by the trainee and their focus are found in a concrete expression, methodological instructions are given, and the time is strictly regulated.

The summary is compiled taking into account the results of previous classes, the conditions in which a new lesson will be held. In each lesson, previous material is repeated, new material is studied and improved.

Lesson notes are based on the lesson plans provided in chapter 7.

In practice, lesson plans in weekly training and training cycles are at the same time a plan-outline, the structure of which remains the same, and the content changes depending on the thematic plan.

The schedule of classes determines the days, hours, place of classes. It indicates the teacher who conducts the classes.

The schedule allows you to properly organize the work of the section, and when compiling it, it is necessary to take into account the employment of athletes, the nature of their work or study. It is best to start classes 3-4 hours after work (so that the athlete can come home, eat and get some rest).

It is important that the schedule is drawn up for a long time and not subject to frequent changes.

Attendance log classes of the generally established form is used in each group of the team. It also records demographic data, records the indicators of special physical fitness.

The work plan of the section of the physical culture team reflects all the activities of the team: the organization of training and educational work, participation in competitions. The work plan of the team is usually drawn up for a year. In addition, the section keeps records of the composition of those involved, as well as records of their sports results.

Competition Logbook and accumulation of the number of victories for the assignment of sports categories, it is advisable to duplicate the information board located in the hall.

test questions

1. Organizational activities of the trainer to ensure the work of the section.

2. Campaigning activities of the coach to organize recruitment to the section.

9. Keeping records of attendance and participation in competitions.

Chapter 16. Organization and holding of taekwondo competitions

The rules of competition in any sport can be changed as you like and as much as you like, if the visual and semantic content of the evaluated exercises does not change.

However, a change in the rules of competitions can contribute to an increase or decrease in their spectacularity, the preservation of the functional reserves of the body or their excessive exploitation, the improvement of technical and tactical skills, and vice versa.

Thus, a decrease in time per round and an increase in the number of rounds lead to an intensification of the battle, to an increase in the total time for often ill-conceived and “dirty” spurts, an increase in the number of “clinches” and the time spent in them.

Reducing the time of the round leads to an increase in the intensity of the fight, which greatly prevents people over 25 years of age from participating in taekwondo competitions, and, accordingly, harms sports taekwondo as a means of physical culture.

Another option is from freestyle wrestling (which may also appear in taekwondo): the overall victory is determined not by the total number of points won during all rounds, but by the ratio of rounds won, regardless of the quality of victory in each of them (!?). Naturally, such rules cannot contribute to the growth of technical and tactical skills.

16.1. The meaning of the competition

Taekwondo competitions are a continuation of the educational and training process. Their pedagogical significance lies in the fact that they sum up the results of educational work, identify individual weaknesses in the educational and pedagogical process, contribute to improving its quality, and show the achievements of sports teams, coaches and athletes.

Competitions are the best means of sharing best practices. On them, the athlete acquires such knowledge that is impossible to obtain in ordinary training work. Sports fights require the mobilization of all the abilities of the athlete. They are a kind of test of moral and volitional readiness, combat qualities and the most effective means of their education. The presence of spectators, the difficult conditions of the fight impose on the athlete a great responsibility for their actions, require discipline and the ability to subordinate personal interests to the interests of the team. Competitions contribute to the education of taekwondo practitioners of such important character traits as perseverance, the will to win, courage, self-control, a sense of friendship, camaraderie and respect for their opponents.

The propaganda value of the competitions is that they are an interesting sports spectacle and attract a large number of spectators. Taekwondo competitions popularize this sport among young people and are the best means of advertising.

16.2. Competition rules as sports law

The rules of international competitions in amateur taekwondo contain a list of conditions aimed at regulating the rights and obligations of both participants and judges, and placing participants on an equal footing in all respects. They are official and binding on all participants.

The Russian rules are identical in their main provisions to the international ones. They are the basis for the proper organization of competitions in accordance with the health-improving and educational tasks of sports.

They define the types of competitions, methods of drawing championships and identifying winners in individual and team competitions.

To equalize the strength of the participants in the competition, they are classified according to age groups, weight categories and sports categories. The rules define the conditions under which participants are allowed to compete in accordance with the requirements of medical and pedagogical control to the state of health and sports readiness.

In order to protect the health of participants and reduce injuries, the rules of taekwondo restrict the actions of taekwondoists on dayang, prohibit the use of techniques that can be harmful to health, and regulate the duration of the fight in accordance with the age of the participants and their sports preparedness.

The rules also provide for the organization of refereeing in competitions, precisely defining the functions of refereeing and support staff.

It should be borne in mind that the rules of the competition largely predetermine the predominant content of the technique and the tactics of its implementation.

The rules of the competition can be changed as much as you like and as you like. As a rule, these changes are aimed at increasing the spectacle, the objectivity of determining the winner, although they can bring the opposite result (with the best of intentions).

16.3. Forms, nature and methods of holding competitions

Depending on the tasks set, competitions are held in various forms.

Qualifying competitions are held among the strongest taekwondo fighters to complete the national teams.

Classification competitions are the main form of training for junior taekwondo athletes.

In terms of scale and representation, competitions are divided into territorial, departmental, international, closed, open competitions for certain categories, ages and weight categories.

Territorial competitions are organized by committees for physical culture and sports in order to check the state and development of taekwondo in cities, districts, regions, territories, republics, with the participation of teams and individual athletes living in the respective territories, regardless of belonging to the DSO and departments.

The nature of the competition may be:

a) personal, that is, they determine only personal places in each weight category;

b) personal-team, that is, they determine the personal results of each taekwondoist separately, and then on the basis of personal places - team places;

c) team, that is, only team places are determined on the basis of the personal results of each taekwondo player - team member.

Taekwondo competitions can be held according to one of three systems:

a) with the elimination of the loser, when a participant (team) is eliminated from the competition after the first defeat;

b) with the elimination of the loser, when the participant (team) is eliminated from the competition after the second defeat according to the current situation and the data of the competition;

c) circular (only for teams), when the participating teams meet each other once and each participant can have no more than two defeats.

16.4. Organization and preparation of competitions

The success of the competition largely depends on careful and deeply thought-out preparation. It is advisable to divide all the preparatory work into several stages.

The first stage includes:

a) determining the dates and venue of the competition;

b) development and approval of regulations and cost estimates;

c) allocation of persons responsible for holding competitions (organizing committee);

d) selection and approval of the chairman of the organizing committee (chief judge) and chief secretary.

The determination of the date of the competition is connected with the sports calendar. A rationally drawn up and gradually implemented calendar plan of competitions contributes to the promotion of sports, attracting young people to it, regular training sessions, and increasing the level of sports preparedness of taekwondo players.

The calendar plan of competitions for the upcoming sports year is drawn up by the committees for physical culture and sports, DSO and departments. Regulations on competitions are developed based on the timing of the calendar plan, and it should be borne in mind that it is not only an organizational, but also a methodological document that determines the direction of educational and training work during the period of pre-competitive preparation. Therefore, it is very important that the regulation is sent out in a timely manner to the organizations participating in the competition.

Preparation for any competition begins with the preparation of regulations for them. The regulation is drawn up by the sports organization conducting the competition. The quality of their conduct depends on how the regulation on competitions is drawn up, whether all the features of their organization are taken into account in it.

The competition regulations must contain clearly and concisely worded points:

1. Goals and objectives. The purpose of the competition (popularization of taekwondo, summing up the results of educational work, identifying the strongest taekwondo players or teams) should depend on the scale of the competition.

2. Management of competitions. It is indicated who organizes the competition and manages it, as well as the composition of the panel of judges, by whom it is approved.

3. Time and place of the event. The days of the competitions are determined and the city (base) where the competitions are held is indicated.

In order to find out the number of days required for the competition, you need to know exactly the number of participants in each weight category. When determining the number of competition days, it should be taken into account that competitions involving 2 people need 1 day, 3-4 people - 2 days, 5-8 people - 3 days, 9-16 people - 4 days. Usually, the calculation is carried out according to the weight category in which the largest number of participants is expected. For example, seven teams are supposed to participate, each having one taekwondo player in the weight category. Then the competition takes 3 days.

However, if we take into account that athletes must arrive in the city where the competition will be held the day before the start and leave the city the next day after the end of the competition, then we need to add 2 more days. And in the regulation it will be written that the competition is held for 5 days.

Knowing how many days the competition will last, you can set the exact dates for their holding.

4. Competitors. This section determines the composition of the participating teams and the number of athletes in weight categories from all participating organizations. Qualification (rank) and age of taekwondo players are indicated.

5. Competition conditions. This paragraph of the provision is drawn up in strict accordance with the rules of the competition (individual, team, personal-team). It is indicated on what system the competitions are held (with the elimination of the loser, with the elimination after two defeats, round robin).

6. Rewarding the team and participants. This section indicates how the teams or participants who won prizes, showed the best technique, coaches, etc. are awarded.

7. Applications for participation in competitions. This section deals with the timing and form of submission of provisional and final nominative applications.

The nominal application should include only the information that is necessary for a clear and organized competition.

8. Reception of participants. The date of arrival and departure of participants, the conditions of their accommodation and meals are indicated.

After the regulation is developed, a cost estimate is drawn up, on the basis of which the organizations conducting these competitions allocate funds. When drawing up the estimate, the name of the competition, the dates and place of their holding, the number of judges, participants (including those from other cities), the cost of their meals, accommodation, travel, etc. are indicated. The estimate also provides for rental costs premises, artistic decoration of the competition site, transportation, office expenses, dayang installation expenses, as well as expenses for the remuneration of service personnel (workers, doctors, nurses).

When preparing for large-scale competitions, an organizing committee of 5-7 people is created. The plan of his work includes the organization of events necessary for the successful conduct of the competition. The organizing committee draws up a calendar plan for its work, involving public activists in it. The most experienced judge is invited as the chairman of the organizing committee (chief judge). The success of the competition depends on his organizational skills, objectivity, adherence to principles, consistency and discipline.

The second stage of preparation for the competition includes:

a) selection and equipment of the competition site;

b) preparation of inventory;

c) preparation of the location;

d) catering;

e) preparation of places for training and weighing;

f) staffing the secretariat and the panel of judges;

g) preparation of the necessary documentation;

h) conducting preliminary information about the competition.

Taekwondo competitions can be held outdoors (summer) and indoors. The site on which the dayang is installed must be protected from sunlight.

The venue of the competition should be colorfully decorated with slogans, posters, tables, graphs reflecting the course of the competition. Nearby there should be changing rooms for participants, judges, medical staff, a shower with warm water.

The place of the competition is radioed, and the microphones are installed on the tables of the chief judge and the judge-informer.

In close proximity to the dayang, a table for the main panel of judges, five (three) small tables for judges outside the dayang, tables for the timekeeper, informant judge and medical staff are installed. Seats for team representatives are arranged away from the judges' seats, for competitors - in the auditorium.

The dimensions of the dayang must strictly comply with those specified in the rules of the competition.

Strict observance of the requirements for the equipment of competition sites guarantees the safety of their conduct.

According to preliminary requests, places for the arrival of teams are being prepared near the venues of the competitions and catering places. If they are located far away, participants should be provided with transport.

At the location of the teams, it is desirable to have a first-aid post with a doctor on duty, medical scales, a rest room where there should be newspapers, magazines, games, etc.

Meals should be organized according to a free menu, keeping in mind the regulation of the weight of the participants. Participants should receive part of the diet in the form of curdled milk, sour cream, raw eggs, chocolate, fruits, etc. Tentatively, it is necessary to set the hours for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

In order for athletes from other cities to train before the competition, they must be provided with a training room with hot showers and medical scales for weight control.

It is expedient to carry out weighing at the place of accommodation of participants in two adjacent rooms. One of them is assigned to the locker room, the other is weighing. Participants are provided with other scales for control weighing. Tables for the judge, secretary and doctor must be installed in the weighing room.

The panel of judges is made up mainly of local judges. The respective taekwondo federation allocates the required number of judges, assistant secretaries, radio informer and chief physician of the competition.

The documentation required for the competition is the competition protocols, participant cards, judges' notes, schedules, etc.

It is also necessary to prepare and print posters, programs, participant tickets, etc. in accordance with local needs and conditions.

Preliminary information consists in the fact that messages about the competitions, the date and place of their holding, and the participants are transmitted through the press, radio, television. It is necessary to establish contact with representatives of the press about the coverage of the competition in the local press. It is desirable to organize the release of the bulletin on the days of the competition.

For participants of the competitions, coaches, representatives and judges, a memo is drawn up, which indicates:

1) the place and time of work of the medical and mandate commissions;

2) place and time of holding meetings with representatives and judges;

3) the time and procedure for the solemn opening and closing of the competition;

4) the address of the canteen and the meal schedule of the participants;

5) the place and time of weighing the participants of the competition;

6) addresses and opening hours of places for training and medical offices;

7) address and telephone number of the local committee of physical culture and sports;

8) addresses, days and opening hours of local museums, exhibitions;

9) address and telephone number of participants' location;

10) addresses and phone numbers of the railway station, airport, train and plane schedules.

At the third stage of preparation for the competition are carried out:

a) reception and accommodation of participants;

b) the work of the credentials committee for the admission of participants;

c) general meeting of participants to familiarize themselves with the conditions of the competition;

d) meeting of the panel of judges.

Reception and accommodation of non-resident participants and judges arriving at the competitions is carried out by the representative of the organizing committee in charge of the meeting, and representatives of local public and sports organizations. At the airport, railway stations and other places of possible arrival of non-resident participants, announcements are posted indicating the address at which they must appear. Judges arriving at the competition must be placed separately from the participants.

Admission to the competition is carried out by the credentials committee, which checks the applications and documents of the participants, due to the rules and regulations of these competitions. Responsibility for the admission of participants is borne by the chief judge, the chairman of the credentials committee and the chief doctor of the competition.

The application for participation in the competition must comply with the established form. When reading it, attention is drawn to the age, sports category of the participants (whether it complies with the rules of the competition, whether they are allowed to compete by a doctor), the presence of a doctor’s signature, date and stamp of a medical and physical education clinic or other medical institution against each name is checked. The doctor's permission must be given no earlier than 3 days before the start of the competition, and for non-resident participants - 3 days before leaving for the competition. The doctor (member of the commission) carefully examines the medical control cards for the declared taekwondo athletes, in which all columns must be filled in detail with the obligatory conclusion of an ophthalmologist and a neuropathologist.

Upon admission to the competition, each taekwondo player is given a participant card for all days of the competition, certified by the signatures of the doctor serving the competition and the chairman of the credentials committee, an informer card and a questionnaire.

On the eve of the start of the competition, a general meeting of taekwondo players, coaches, representatives and judges is held with the obligatory presence of persons responsible for holding these competitions. It presents the panel of judges, announces the procedure for holding the competition and the conclusion of the credentials committee on the admission of teams and participants, clarifies certain paragraphs of the rules and regulations on the competition, appoints the time and place of weighing, the order of the draw. Normally, the draw takes place during the weigh-in period, unless the regulation provides for seeding. In team competitions, the draw is carried out before the weigh-in or at the end of it. In conclusion, the procedure for the official opening and closing of the competition is reported.

At the end of the general meeting, the first meeting of the panel of judges is held. At the meeting, the composition of the panel of judges is specified, briefing is made, judges are appointed to carry out the weighing of participants, judges are determined to work on dayang.

Refereeing of the competition is carried out by the panel of judges.

Each fight is judged by: referee on dayang, side referees outside dayang.

The chief judge monitors the fights, the work of the judging panel and the competition in general.

For more qualified refereeing, it is necessary that less experienced judges work with more experienced ones.

The system of sports competitions as one of the organic aspects of physical education is a social mechanism of the mass impact of society on the formation of a new person.

Of great educational importance are the rules of sports competitions, which are the most important statutory provisions that determine the necessary procedure and conditions for organizing and holding competitions and regulating the behavior and actions of participants and judges.

test questions

1. The purpose and objectives of the competition.

3. Forms of competitions.

4. List of events for the material support of the competition.

5. List of activities to prepare your own team for participation in competitions.

Chapter 17

17.1. Organization of summer health camps

The most effective means of educating members of the section team, maintaining the contingent of students in the sports section of taekwondo, educating individual psychological qualities through the team is a summer sports camp.

Camp goals:

Team building;

Social education of the individual by the team;

Social adaptation;

General health improvement;

Expanding the range of motor and mental skills.

Summer camps can be organized under various names, depending on which organization takes on the main financial burden. These may include:

a) health camps;

b) sports camps;

c) sports and recreation camps;

d) health-improving labor camps;

e) defense and sports camps.

For the organization of such camps it is necessary to carry out a number of activities.

1. Camp planning at the level of any official organization by entering it into its annual plan, including drawing up a cost estimate.

2. Providing a camp site:

Land plot;


Water supply;

Sanitary and hygienic sites;

Place of the doctor;

faecal outlets;


Accommodation of students (sleeping buildings, houses, tents);

Placement of sports grounds;

Equipment for specialized classes.

3. Ensuring the comfort and safety of bathing (requirements for a bathing place along the shore and bottom).

4. Ensuring the safety of swimming (rescue boats, floats).

5. Providing food.

6. During the preparation for the camp, it is also necessary to ensure its filling:

sports equipment;

Household inventory.

7. Holding a parent meeting.

Since state and public organizations currently bear only part of the costs, it is necessary to hold a parent meeting not only to instruct parents, but also for their consent to additional payment of expenses.

Two to three days before departure, it is necessary to hold a general meeting of children and parents.

8. To manage the camp, it is necessary to provide:

Composition of the camp management and coaching staff;

Ensuring daily service;

Ensuring the implementation of the daily routine;

Ensuring the security of the camp;

Ensuring internal oversight;

Ensuring safety on the water;

Ensuring environmental discipline;

Ensuring fire discipline;

Ensuring safe functioning in nature.

Planning and conducting recreational work (hardening, general motor development, general physical training, sports events);

Planning and conducting entertainment programs;

Planning and conducting tourist trips and trips.

ten. ? Educational work:

Collective participation in the equipment and cultural design of the camp;

Conducting interviews;

Conducting disputes;


Tours and excursions;

Watching films with subsequent discussion;

Analysis of conflict situations and camp violations.

11. Ensuring medical control and self-control:

Organization of general medical control;

Training in self-control and organization of testing the assimilation of the habit of self-control.

12. Organization of beach sunbathing and swimming.

13. Organization of arrival, departure and meeting of children by parents.

14. Conducting a sociological survey based on the results of the rest.

15. Preparation of general and financial reports (forms of reports are not given due to different requirements in different organizations).

16. The basis of semantic activity in the camp is the daily routine.

Its strict observance is the key to fulfilling the assigned tasks and ensuring order in all aspects of camp life (Table 17.1.1).

Table 17.1.1

The daily routine of the camp (training) fees

17.2. Organization of training camps

Similar in composition of administrative, economic and educational activities is the organization of training camps.

The fees for high-class taekwondo practitioners according to their purpose are divided into:

Preventive (general health), which are carried out in the preparatory period;

Training, which are held at the stage of preliminary preparation of the main period;

Pre-competitive, which are held at the stage of direct preparation for the competition.

Training camp

The purpose of holding training camps is to complete the preparation of taekwondo fighters for competitions, and, in fact, they are the last mesocycle of the direct training stage.

At the training camp, the tasks of the final part of the stage of direct preparation for the competition are solved. The duration of the collection is approximately 20 days. The number of participants in each weight category and the camp as a whole is determined by the long-term tasks of the organization conducting the camp and the nature of the upcoming competitions.

The possibilities and objectives of the training camp predetermine a more specific nature and content of the training work. Usually, training camps are held at sports facilities located in the countryside.

In conditions of round-the-clock contact with athletes, coaches have the opportunity to get to know each of them better, to more fully determine their ability to perceive high training loads. At the training camp, it is easier to rally the team to solve a sports problem. A change of environment contributes to the good mood of athletes, increases the desire to train, and helps to speed up recovery.

For successful work at the training camp, coaching councils are created, which include all trainers and a doctor, as well as employees of the medical and biological center involved in the work at the training camp (physiologists, psychologists, masseurs, etc.). The team captain participates in the work of the coaching council.

The educational and methodological documentation of the gathering (general work plan, curriculum, work (lesson) plan, individual plans and daily routine) is compiled on the basis of an analysis of the preparation of athletes preceding the gathering and taking into account the tasks for the upcoming competitions.

The plan of educational and cultural work is drawn up taking into account the historical features of the area where the gathering is held, and the contingent of athletes.

The implementation of plans for educational and educational work is organized and controlled by the duty coach. The schedule of duty is made up for the entire period of the training, taking into account the employment of each of the trainers in specific activities of the general work plan.

Based on the analysis of the implementation of individual training plans and the reports of coaches responsible for the preparation of athletes on the ground, the coaching council draws up all the methodological documentation of the training camp: a curriculum that defines the task of training and indicates the approximate amount of training work; work plan, which consists of weekly training cycles and provides for the implementation of the tasks of the curriculum in specific conditions with a contingent of athletes who arrived at the training camp. Each weekly cycle is aimed at fulfilling a specific task of the direct preparation stage.

At the beginning of each gathering, an organizational meeting of all participants is held, at which the head coach reports on the state of preparedness of the gathering participants, introduces them to the general work plan and other methodological documentation.

Features of the work of the coach at the stage of direct preparation for the competition. Interaction between coaches and athletes. In preparation for taekwondo competitions, the correct selection of partners plays a significant role. It is very important that each of the fighters knows how to play the role of the attacked fighter. The mechanism of effectiveness of the first (when learning) execution of a technique, and even more so of a counter technique or combination, largely depends on a skillfully helping partner. The value of his correct actions noticeably increases with the improvement of combinations, since they are performed in such modes that are closest to the competitive situation. Therefore, each of the fighters at the highest level of skill must not only understand the essence of the combat fragment being worked out, but also be able to participate in it as a worthy partner, creating the combat conditions necessary for improving combat skills.

Of great importance in preparing for the competition is the ability of the coach and the athletes themselves to analyze the skill of the alleged opponents. It is necessary to present the general preparedness of the enemy on the basis of data on individual aspects of his skill (physical, technical, tactical and moral-volitional). A detailed analysis and search for weaknesses in the readiness of opponents have an impact on improving the skills of the athletes themselves. Most of them have shortcomings, the elimination of which remains the most important task in training.

The most difficult preparation for a meeting with an unknown enemy. In such cases, the athlete should be aimed at ensuring that in the first minute of the fight, without disclosing his intentions, to reconnoiter the enemy. Further success depends on the athlete's ability to fight according to various tactical schemes, which is also one of the tasks of precompetitive training. To this end, the coach (along with preparing for fights with specific opponents) constantly takes care of setting various tasks for those involved.

Educational and training and training fights are held with partners with diverse sports skills.

1.5–2 weeks before the start of the competition, when the fighters begin to conduct control fights, the coach, if necessary, organizes fights two days in a row or twice a day, and sometimes two fights during one session, thereby creating conditions close to competitive ones.

As a result, athletes develop the appropriate mental processes and states, and the athlete's psyche adapts to competitive conditions and possible difficulties.

To simulate a competitive situation, intensive special-preparatory exercises and exercises with apparatus are used at a “torn” pace, with unexpected accelerations and jerks; combat trainings are held in the open air under unfavorable meteorological conditions (wind, heat, cold), in poor lighting, on poor dayang; training fights are held at the beginning of classes, immediately after the combat warm-up; “combat practice” type trainings are applied during the hours corresponding to the time of the upcoming competitions (such trainings can be held several days in a row in accordance with the days of fighting in the tournament).

However, it must be remembered that there should not be more than two or three such rehearsals close to the competitive situation, since in a state of high fitness this is a strong means of increasing readiness and can lead to overtraining phenomena.

Correction of mistakes in tactics and technique, which can lead to failures in the competition, should generally be completed in the pre-competition period. At the stage of competitive training, it is necessary to engage in fixing faultless actions. The coach must ensure that conditions do not arise for the revival of old mistakes. His focus is on reinforcing right action.

The last workouts must be carried out in the sports equipment in which the fighter will compete. The same pads and bandage must be used by the fighter throughout the entire stage of direct preparation for the competition and at the competition.

At all stages of training, control over the health of athletes is the primary concern of the coach, since the health of athletes and their achievement of high sports results are closely related. A stable sports result is possible only if the athlete is in excellent health. However, when we talk about the humane positions of coaching, first of all we mean his attitude to the use of means and methods of training. It is impossible not to take into account the age, gender and other characteristics of those involved. It is also necessary to exclude the forcing of stages of preparation for the sake of today's achievement of a sports result.

In a fight where the training load is difficult to accurately measure and where the interest of a sports fight captures the athletes, thereby reducing the possibility of self-control, the coach must be especially attentive to the slightest deviations in the health of those involved.

For this, first of all, the contact of the trainer with the doctor is very important. The doctor and coach must have indicators of the body's reactions to a standard load, know the individual characteristics of athletes in the manifestation of such reactions.

To make a decision about changing the load, especially upward, data from early pedagogical observations, medical supervision and self-control are needed.

Mutual contact between athletes, coach and doctor allows to determine the load that best suits the capabilities of athletes and the solution of a sports and pedagogical problem.

It is difficult to draw up such a training plan that would not be changed in the course of its implementation. The coach has the means to change the load by adjusting the volume and intensity of the exercises used, to change the duration of periods of rest and work. But changes should not be made due to accidental events. They are carried out in order to achieve the set sports and pedagogical task for a much longer period than preparation for one competition.

The quality of the educational process cannot be considered satisfactory if, in the course of training, the coach is forced to drastically change the load both in the direction of its increase and in the direction of decrease. The load of each stage of preparation should be planned in advance and ensure the gradual acquisition of high performance by the beginning of each competition. One of the most important tasks of a coach in ensuring such a systematic approach to competitions is the organization of the work, study and life of the athletes themselves.

The coach must constantly remember that the results of training work under conditions of high loads largely depend on measures to restore the athletes' performance. Training loads of a different nature, walks, steam baths, massage and self-massage, etc., should be used.

The use of pharmacological preparations and vitamins should be attributed to the number of special means of recovery, which not only contributes to recovery, but also increases the body's resistance to sudden changes in weather conditions and other environmental influences, protecting athletes from diseases.

Cultural events are an excellent form of recovery for athletes: visits to theaters, cinemas, concerts, meetings with scientists, etc.

Below is a plan of events for the organization and conduct of fees.

1. Organizational work:

a) organization planning (venue, sports facilities, etc.);

b) providing funding:

Approval of the calendar plan;

Preparation and approval of cost estimates.

2. Providing accommodation and meals:

Communication and documentation of the gathering place;

Communication and documentation of power supply.

3. Ensuring the educational process:

Planning and conducting educational work;

Planning and conducting training work;

Ensuring pedagogical control.

4. Carrying out educational work:

Conducting meetings and discussions;

Leisure activities;

Ensuring the hygienic regime of the day;

Ensuring household control;

Levers of administrative and disciplinary influence;

Levers of indirect disciplinary influence.

5. Ensuring medical supervision:

a) express control;

b) planned control;

c) predictive control;

d) dietetics.

6. Completion of fees:

a) preparation for participation in competitions:

Assessment of technical and tactical readiness;

Evaluation of functionality;

Team building principles;

Securing an application;

b) ensuring departure:

Financial security;

Provision of transport;

Conducting a meeting of team members;

c) collection report:

Financial report;

Collection report.

test questions

1. Draw up a letter of petition for the inclusion of the summer camp in the plan of events of the calendar plan of the organization.

2. Make a plan for a sports camp.

3. Draw up an action plan for organizing a sports camp.

4. Draw up a daily routine for a sports camp.

5. Make a plan of sports events for a sports camp.

6. Draw up a plan of educational work for a sports camp.

7. Make a plan for training work for a sports camp.

8. Draw up a plan for conducting a training camp (economic part).

9. Make a plan for the training camp (educational part).

10. Draw up a plan for conducting a training camp (training part).

11. Draw up a plan for conducting a training camp (medical part).

Chapter 18

According to scientific research in the field of health and physical education, at present about 80% of children are born unhealthy, and by the end of the secondary school, about 7% remain healthy.

It turns out that all our claims in the field of sports achievements concern a small number of people in our country. For the rest, the road to sports is ordered, since the state allocates funds only for functionally gifted people.

However, during childhood, with proper physical education, a number of functional deviations can be eliminated.

First of all, it is important to ensure proper individual nutrition, which is solved with the help of medicine. But the effective assimilation of adequate nutrition is possible only with its intensive demand.

Therefore, physical training is of paramount importance for the effective correction of functional deviations through nutrition (with the exception of anatomical ones).

Thus, a small part of children can go in for sports, and the rest requires some adaptation.

In view of the foregoing and taking into account the protective orientation of parents whose children have any functional deviations, a taekwondo coach needs to make significant efforts to organize advertising of his type of martial arts. The basis for this is in the form of the general desire of each boy to acquire personal security and social significance.

The main thing is that during the period of advertising, not single combat with the tasks of conquering the whole world should come to the fore, but a set of techniques that ensure the safety of everyone and the presence of a team capable of protecting its member.

Preparation of posters (compilation and replication);

Distribution of posters (at first personally, then with the help of pupils);

Conducting demonstration performances in schools;

Conducting demonstration performances during sports holidays with simultaneous orientation of those who wish about the place and time of the section;

Campaign work in schools with the help of students already involved in the section;

Involvement of interested teachers of physical culture of secondary schools in such agitation.

18.2. Qualification assessment of taekwondo activities

Unfortunately, so far in our country not enough attention has been paid to the issues of qualification assessment of activities as a means of enhancing the educational activities of students.

However, at present, they begin to practice in taekwondo sections from childhood, and the results of those involved must qualify in the children's and youth categories.

Therefore, it is necessary to develop a system for the qualification assessment of students in the sports section in such a way as to encourage them to both educational and sports activities.

In order for children not to leave the taekwondo sections, a sparing training regimen is needed, both technical-tactical and physical. The positive opinion of the children involved in the section will ensure the arrival of even more children next year.

To satisfy the social ambitions of children who want to quickly receive some kind of evidence of the extent of their achievements, but do not have such opportunities at this stage, it is necessary to strictly observe the system of passing standards for technical categories adopted throughout the world.

It is especially important to take into account the motivation for physical culture and sports activities at the stages of initial training and in recreational work (“fitness”), because excessive demands on current sports results without taking into account moral satisfaction and the emergence of pessimal emotions as a result of losses in untimely organized competitions lead to leaving the section .

18.2.1. Increasing the importance of technical categories and optimizing their composition

A significant part of those who want to engage in physical culture and sports activities is motivated not to achieve sports results, not to win prizes (that is, by satisfying the instinct of self-affirmation), but to master certain skills as an “activity”, educational component (G. G. Natalov, 1994).

In the early stages of a child's individual development, a significant incentive to continue engaging in certain activities is the need for explicit and indirect social encouragement (B. B. Kossov, 1989). In addition, it is precisely due to the “activity” component, due to cognitive motivation, that it is possible to ensure mass character and longevity of functioning in this field of activity with gradually changing personal and social functions (S. Donichev, 1985; R. Teseter, 1985).

Given the fact of uneven somatic development and the inability of all children and adolescents to equivalent sports activities, in our opinion, it is advisable to use a system of rewards for the quality of assimilation of educational material in non-stressful conditions and for diligence.

In this case, it will be possible to support and develop motivation for the type of activity through the use of psychological mechanisms of urgent and delayed effects.

This is necessary, especially since, according to sociological studies (M. E. Kutepova, 1980; A. Ya. Sviridova, 1974), with age, there is a decrease in the spectrum of sports and physical culture interests of schoolchildren.

This is explained, apparently, by the diversion of excess adaptive energy to the search for emerging sexual interests (according to Z. Freud), especially since the "lawlessness" of the media nullifies all the necessary restrictions developed by society.

The fact is that, according to Z. Freud, the bulk of adaptive energy in the reproductive age is aimed at solving the problem of procreation. This energy includes the search for a sexual partner, the struggle for him, the relationships of partners themselves, the care of newborns, their upbringing and preparation for a future independent life.

However, at a young age, the use of sexual energy predominates, and its solution begins with a struggle for a partner, that is, with a conflict.

This aggressive energy is inherent in nature, and, as already mentioned in the preface, it must be directed in a channel that is safe for society.

Therefore, it is necessary during childhood (especially in adolescence) to take possession of the hearts of children, develop in them a stereotypical need for physical education, find their social status in it instead of ruthless official and unofficial expulsion from sports sections.

As the results of a survey of children and adolescents involved in martial arts sections and who left them showed, a significant number of students who were passionate about the educational component left the sections in those cases when the content of such a component did not suit them.

In addition to the physiological need for sports activities, there are social and psychological needs that, when solving the problem of choosing the type of activity, can be conscious and unconscious (G. B. Gorskaya, 1991; B. B. Kossov, 1989). According to Murray, in contrast to physiological and social needs, there are a number of needs of a “psychogenic” order (B. B. Kossov, 1989; G. G. Natalov, 1976; Yu. A. Shulika, 1996).

These include needs:


social status;

Dominance (power);

Communication, commonwealth, cooperation;

Participation in the learning process.

Another statement in favor of ending the tough selection in the taekwondo section: “The main way to find young athletes is to organize training for as many children and teenagers as possible. Such initial theoretical prerequisites determine new levels of requirements at the first stage of selection, which does not limit the admission of children with average physical abilities to the Youth Sports School ”(A. A. Guzhalovsky, 1979).

It is necessary to dwell on the term "selection". If at the end of the 20th century the main part of the sports sections was on the budget of state or public organizations, then this term had a meaning in the sense that these organizations did not want to spend money on the health of all children. They were interested in the development of those children who can ensure the achievement of a high sports result and thus glorify the "philanthropy" of the leader.

Classes on a commercial basis were not encouraged by the state, as a result of which the road to physical culture was closed for children who did not have time to show sports inclinations.

At present, there are fewer such organizations and work with children and youth is carried out on a commercial basis. Maybe this is better? After all, this is how it is done all over the world. In Korea, the majority of people do not dream of sports success, but are engaged in physical education for their own pleasure and for their own benefit. To motivate activity in taekwondo, a system of qualification assessment has been developed in the form of a set of requirements for each person who has passed a certain training cycle (gyp, dan).

Only those who want it participate in taekwondo competitions, and this does not affect his qualification score in traditional taekwondo. The purely sporting activity of a taekwondoist is a completely different type of activity, the qualification in which depends on the place taken. In connection with the above, there is no selection problem in the countries of Southeast Asia. It happens on its own, and no one humiliates anyone in this process that is not noticeable to anyone.

Do we need to be selected for the section if parents pay for the education of their children? It seems not. Of course, every coach dreams of preparing a champion, since his presence indirectly reflects the coach's qualifications. However, it often happens that the appearance of a champion is just an accidental appearance of a person with absolute functional qualities (high energy, reliable sensorimotor and psychomotor).

Therefore, the training process in taekwondo in the early stages should be focused on general education, personality education and physical development. The appearance of a champion should, of course, cause the joy of the team, but with an awareness of the element of chance and without any special emotions about their involvement. The very process of learning and functional loads is important as a means of improving the body.

The more complex technically and tactically the type of sport chosen, the longer will be the “hidden” period of manifestation of the necessary specific abilities. In cyclic and speed-strength types of overcoming exercises with limited technical content, inclinations and abilities are found already at the early stages of training and even during recruitment.

When working with children, every trainer, no matter how aware of the need for equal treatment of students, will pay attention to those who better learn the educational material. However, one must always remember that in complex coordination sports, and even with situational conditions, the leading criterion for evaluating a student's activity is not so much his current physical abilities and not so much his initial coordination, because it has its own sensitive periods of development (G.K. Fedyakina, 1998), how much motivation to engage in this type of activity and the quality of the training program.

So, first, the quality of mastering the technique of taekwondo attacking techniques in the form of strikes on various objects and imitation of strikes on a real opponent should be evaluated.

Then the defense is studied and practiced in response to the imitation of attacking actions. Thanks to this, the formation of reliable coordination structures is ensured without unnecessary sensorimotor and, even more so, psychological interference at this stage.

The desire to master the technique of a large number of techniques does not threaten with a dispersion of attention, since many of them have a common coordination structure.

The ability to demonstrate a large number of tricks motivates for a long taekwondo lesson.

Therefore, the organization of credits for the demonstration of learned techniques is of great importance for maintaining the contingent of students.

In this regard, it would be advisable at the initial stage of training in taekwondo not to overload unprepared children with psychomotor loads, but to stimulate them to cognitive activity and encourage it in a timely manner.

18.3. Compliance with gentle functional loads

Early specialization in sports, and especially in martial arts, put forward the still unsolvable problem of age-related unbearableness of functional loads. Martial arts is a combat type that requires high willpower and high noise immunity of the emotional sphere. These qualities do not yet have time to mature at the age at which children are now taken to the section. Not all children without prior training are ready to engage in martial arts, although many wish to engage in them due to the high social significance of these types. Therefore, long-term training in sparing modes is needed.

The previous chapters describe the official approach to the organization of various types of sports training. However, time passes, society receives new information, often diametrically opposed to past ideas, but the phenomenon of conservatism of public ideas continues to slow down the development of physical culture as a factor in biological and social development.

As an example, we can cite a number of statements by sports experts about the problem of optimizing sports training, which sounded back in the 50s of the twentieth century:

a) “Children have become the object of a policy of forced upbringing and education. The dominant doctrine of domestic pedagogy (which is also in circulation abroad) is developmental education. Having arisen in the field of school education, it extended its action to all stages of childhood, including prenatal ... There are known trends in teaching children to swim in infancy before they master the skills of walking. If these are nothing more than curiosities, then attempts to activate the motor development of children at preschool age while transferring to them the basic techniques and principles of school physical education are a fairly common phenomenon. The justification or falsity of these attempts depends on clarifying the question of what is primary - learning or maturation (T. Bayer). On many examples of the infantile period of life, he proves the primacy of the factor of maturation. By stimulating a function whose material substratum has not yet matured, we forcibly keep it at a sufficiently high level. However, when the educational impact is eliminated, the achieved effect disappears, the function returns to its original level of intensity, corresponding to the capabilities of the material substrate. The forces of the child's body turned out to be wasted, and their consumption was excessive due to the biological unpreparedness of the body to perceive and rationally implement the training effect. Therefore, violent stimulation of the development of unfinished organs and systems damages the growing organism.”

“The results of a violent policy of upbringing and education during childhood can be: premature wear of the immune defense organs, leading to the “rejuvenation” of a number of diseases; activation of the growth of heavily loaded organs with a delay in the growth and development of adjacent ones, leading to the phenomena of disharmonious acceleration of the development of the organism ”(B. A. Nikityuk, 1994);

b) “The somatopsychic integrity of the individual and the personality of a person is a living system, the elements of which are balanced, connected with each other by not very rigid connections, which allows them to undergo adaptive changes, but only within certain limits. Adaptation to the conditions of the natural and social environment is achieved by saving physical strength and energy costs, synchronously and harmoniously at different levels of somatopsychic integrity. At the same time, social mechanisms of adaptation are prioritized over biological ones ... The requirement of economization of rational adaptive changes is fulfilled when they proceed slowly under the conditions of a gradual increase in the intensity of external influence ”(V. A. Nikityuk, V. V. Kuzin, 1995);

c) “By the massive use of training means, we strive to compensate for their insufficient focus, which leads to an unjustified growth in the quantitative side of training to the detriment of its quality” (L.P. Matveev, 1969);

d) “The enthusiasm of many coaches for general physical loads cannot be justified, since at the competitions, in the end, not general physical qualities are evaluated, but specific actions” (A. N. Lenz, 1972; G. I. Toropin, 1984);

e) “A mediocre level of inclinations and abilities should not serve as an obstacle to enrolling in a youth sports school. After all, a person’s giftedness is revealed only through activity and mainly in the type of activity for which he has the inclinations and abilities” (“Teaching about Training”, 1971).

Unfortunately, the period when the surrender of the norms of the TRP complex (Ready for Labor and Defense) was a comprehensive requirement in the USSR has long passed. Already in the 60s, an unbridled race for the United States began in all military, economic and social aspects that could testify to the advantage of the socio-economic system.

The deception of world public opinion was launched. It was necessary to prove the advantage of our socio-economic system, which was especially indicated by sports achievements. The previously dominant requirement for the organization of a comprehensive physical culture and sports movement was replaced by a system of reducing the costs of mass sports and transferring funds to elite sports.

We have come to a "stalemate" situation, when there is something to "feed" the champions, but it is not known where they should come from, while it is known that mass sports are the basis of the highest sporting achievements. The highest sports achievements should not be an end in itself of society. They should only testify to the complete economic and social well-being in the country. The decline in our results in the world sports arena testifies not only to a decrease in energetically gifted people from the former southern republics. The main reason for it is the disappearance of mass sports. In addition, the “childhood disease of leftism” in Russian sports has a significant destructive effect on the results (once V. I. Lenin wrote an article with a similar heading, which criticized the tendency of Russian Bolsheviks to get results by any means, but “now and completely”) .

You can somehow justify the trainers in our traditional martial arts (types of wrestling and boxing), but it is surprising that many Russian martial arts trainers, bowing to the Eastern system, do not follow its basic principle - sparing training regimens, abandon other people's children with impunity from 6 -years of age to compete in the confrontation mode, destroying their physical health and psyche.

After watching films about Chinese Wushu classes, which demonstrate the methods of developing the will of monks through self-torture, our exalted trainers, without having experienced this on themselves, transfer such a “method” not to their children (and some to their own, even losing them for this reason). ), the perniciousness of which has already been mentioned above.

Unfortunately, in our school among children, on average, by age, only 15% are healthy. Why cripple these remaining ones with unbearable loads and early exposure to fights with hard contact?

According to the results of a survey of children who have gone through early competitive martial arts, most of them do not return to sports, and according to a survey of teachers, these children (already teenagers) subsequently tend to take various tranquilizers, since their adaptive physiological and psychological systems turned out to be broken.

There is an absolute illiteracy of parents who allow their child to be allowed to participate in martial arts competitions from the age of 7. In this case, they are driven by self-esteem for the championship of their “child”. The instinct of self-expression works against their child.

A coach with a physical education should prevent such a situation and by all means keep boastful parents from forcing sports results.

Only the organization of training with scrupulous observance of the pedagogical principles of training (graduality, accessibility, etc.), respect for the personality and health of each student will help to save the team.

A. N. Bernshtein described the principles of life as the “Great Competition”, but the word “merciless” should also be added to it.

Indeed, all living things are trying not only to survive, but also to leave behind offspring. To ensure the first task, you need to find food. In this process, even plants enter into fierce competition, but as for animals, among them the competition manifests itself in even more cruel forms. If predators by nature must take the lives of herbivores in order to feed themselves, then, as it turned out, intraspecific competition turns out to be more severe.

The program of every living being contains deep instincts that provide the individual with the realization of the biological program of development and extinction.

For example, in youth, the macro-instinct of fighting for a sexual partner is most clearly manifested. In men, this is the need for competition, which is provided by the instinct of aggression by self-assertion, and in women, the need to attract attention, which is provided by the instinct of self-expression. These instincts are deep (dark), and it is pointless to fight against their manifestation.

This brief biological information is given in order to argue the impossibility of a direct fight against their manifestations.

As A. S. Pushkin says: “Vague desires woke up ...”, which the subject cannot really explain, but acts spontaneously, at the level of logically unreasoned emotions.

It is easier, as mentioned earlier, not to prohibit, but to direct the excess adaptive energy into a channel that is safe for society. This way is competitive activity, which exactly copies the laws of intraspecific competition.

It is the competitive activity, dressed in the rules of the competition, that makes it possible to realize (satisfy) the unconscious need for a violent conflict in a civilized framework, with the exception of subsequent “showdowns”.

The child has biological instincts in their naked form, since voluntary attention and voluntary inhibition have not yet matured in them. Each of them is largely focused on the results of the upcoming competitions in their educational and cognitive activities. Moreover, these competitions should be held quite often and necessarily with attestation and awards.

The above does not mean that dayang full contact competitions should be held frequently. You can come up with a lot of competitions with sparing sensorimotor and psychomotor modes.

However, due to the inherent high level of unreasoned claims for this age (with a low level of opportunities), children react painfully to losing and to last places. It is these factors that are the cause of mass dropout among children.

To reduce this negative factor, it is necessary to organize competitions for them in the form of a demonstration of wrestling techniques for evaluation, as is done in gymnastics competitions. Moreover, it is advisable to divide children into groups of accelerators and retardants, so that children who are delayed in somatic development do not form a negative feeling of inferiority.

18.4. The system of gentle stimulation of the growth of the physical qualities of children

As mentioned above, at present, a significant number of children, due to the deteriorating environmental situation (air, water, nutrition), due to the smoking of expectant mothers, due to the drunkenness of their parents and the lack of necessary physical activity, belong to the group of patients. According to medical examinations, only 15% of children in grades 5-7 can be considered practically healthy. If we also take into account the presence in the section of children with different levels of somatic maturity, then the coach, in addition to the problem of technical and tactical training accessible to everyone, faces the difficult problem of organizing gentle but effective physical training.

In order not to injure the souls of children, in order to give everyone the opportunity not to be socially humiliated (otherwise, children leave the sections), it is necessary to organize testing of physical qualities on an individual basis.

All children are announced a list of test requirements and the deadlines for their delivery. Everyone within three months can be tested at any training session.

During the execution of a group task by the whole group, an announcement is made: “Who wants to pass the standard for physical fitness?”

After conducting individual testing, together with the student, an approximate date for the next test is set with a forecast for a certain increase in indicators.

The delivery of standards for physical training should not be carried out in front of the whole team.

In conclusion. It is very important to monitor compliance in the group with mutual respect. Without shouting, by explaining ethical norms, to stop any attempts by children to mock each other for any reason, and even more so attempts to violence against the weaker ones. It should be taken into account the fact that children are born small animals with all the inherent animal instincts and become human only through education. In conditions of early specialization, this role of the educator falls on the coach.

test questions

1. Motivating principles of qualification of taekwondo activities.

3. Measures to preserve the contingent of students with different motives and necessary incentives.

4. Compliance with sparing functional loads.

5. Gentle stimulation of the growth of the physical qualities of children.

Chapter 19

Hall equipment

Under the taekwondo hall, a specially equipped room is allocated for practical training sessions. Its size should allow for classes with a group of at least 14–16 people. The height of the hall is 5–6 m. The walls should be painted 1.5–2 m from the floor with oil paint (wipe regularly with a damp cloth). The color of the walls and ceiling is light. The floor is best wood. It is recommended to wash it, and not to rub it with mastic, which is easily transferred to the tatami.

The latest data on the use of sports equipment indicate that in order to meet the depreciation period of the dayang, it must be placed on a platform that provides air ventilation under the mats.

Windows should be wide and equipped with protective nets.

For artificial lighting, lamps of reflected or diffused light should be used, placed at the top and equipped with protective nets.

The hall must have:

Supply and exhaust ventilation, which provides a three-fold air exchange per hour;

Storerooms for inventory storage;

Utility rooms: locker room, showers, massage, toilet (it is better to place it near the entrance to the locker room, at the exit from the toilet you need to put a rug for wiping your feet), rooms for the teacher, nurse, etc .;

First aid kit, which includes: iodine, alcohol solution of brilliant green, Novikov's liquid, ammonia, potassium permanganate solution, hydrogen peroxide, chloroethyl, petroleum jelly, dressings, adhesive plaster, cotton wool, bandages, rubber band, cardboard, plywood or wire splints, scissors.

All medicines must have labels, expiration dates and instructions from the doctor for their use.

Dayang. For taekwondo classes dayang should be 12? 12 m. Dayang is assembled from separate mats with a thickness of at least 2.5 cm in two ways: end-to-end (each part has perpendicular sides) and the “brickwork” method. After assembly, the dayang can be reinforced with a wooden frame made of small bars. There should be no depressions or protrusions at the junctions of the mats. To protect taekwondo practitioners from injuries and bruises, around the dayang (especially the reduced size) it is necessary to lay a soft track or mats with a width of at least 1 m and a thickness of at least 2.5 cm (but not thicker than the dayang itself). There should be no foreign objects, columns, equipment around the dayang and in its immediate vicinity.

On the dayang, the working part should be marked, which is indicated by the layout of the red sections, the outer zone of the red sections should be 10? ten).

Two opposite sides of the dayang along the longitudinal axis of the hall must have a mark for the location of the taekwondoists before the start and at the end of the fight. One is marked with a red stripe, the other with a blue one.


In a typical taekwondo hall, you should have 5-6 bags of various shapes and weights. So, 3-4 taekwondo fighters can hit the “giant” bag at the same time. Such a bag should not be hard, its diameter is 1.5 m, and its height is up to 1.8 m.

Soft elastic washers are put on the inner metal rod of the cone-shaped and cylindrical bags TU 6233-63.

In training, a pneumohydraulic bag TU 3040-65 is also used, consisting of a durable rubber chamber of a cylindrical shape, a cover and a shell of the same shape, which is filled with water. It is convenient for delivering strong blows in all periods of preparation and especially before competitions. A spherical bag is also used.

Protective protectors, helmets, paws and pillows should also be in sufficient quantities.

Projectiles: rope 4–5 m high, rings, crossbar, gymnastic horse and goat, gymnastic wall, gymnastic benches.

For individual training in the gym, you need to have dumbbells weighing 2–5 kg, kettlebells weighing 16–32 kg, collapsible dumbbells weighing up to 15–20 kg, barbells (preferably reduced sizes), expanders and rubber bandages, jump ropes, stuffed balls, balls for sports games (basketball and football, as well as rubber or synthetic for outdoor games).

It is advisable to have trainers.

In non-dayang classes (cross-country, games, strength training), taekwondo athletes wear regular training suits and sports shoes. In cases where athletes are forced to maintain or cut weight before competition, they train in special suits made of windproof and waterproof artificial fabric.

The hall should have: a long bench, a bulletin board, a mirror, a wardrobe, a chair, a table with a decanter (with water) and glasses.

The specified minimum equipment and inventory, if possible, can be expanded and improved.

Large physical loads in sports require that training conditions can be changed if necessary. Therefore, a game hall, outdoor sports grounds, a swimming pool, a general physical training hall, etc. can adjoin a taekwondo hall.

In order to better organize the work, coaches should have two locker rooms so that students from different training groups undress separately.

When organizing taekwondo classes, it must be remembered that a sports club for those involved is not only a place for training, but also a place to spend most of their free time. Therefore, in addition to the gym, the complex of premises should include a foyer with comfortable furniture, TV, radio, fresh newspapers and magazines.

All this contributes to successful educational work, without which there can be no high sports results.

Chapter 20

The problems of increasing the effectiveness of physical culture in ensuring the full physical development of people and long-term maintenance of their functional capabilities, first of all, require a study of the possibilities of taekwondo in this area, since its social significance attracts significant masses of people of different ages.

At present, in the context of the constant growth of sports results, work with capable athletes and the constant improvement of teaching and training methods, taking into account the increasing requirements of the competitive activity of a taekwondo player, are of particular importance.

However, social and environmental changes in the life of society have raised the problem of using taekwondo as a recreational means of physical culture, which requires serious research in the field of ensuring mass participation in such a seemingly difficult occupation.

It is also known that some means and methods of teaching and improving various aspects of taekwondo training can also become a brake on the path of sports growth. Everything depends on their rational interpretation and use. Scientific search in solving these issues is the main one. Moreover, the value of the scientific approach lies in the ability to look into the future.

This chapter gives general provisions for the preparation and conduct of research in taekwondo, as well as a brief description of the main research methods used in the development of problems, topics and objectives of scientific research.

The concept of "research work" includes a generalization of methodological, scientific-methodical, research works.

The concept of "methodological work" reflects the specifics of work related to the generalization of experience or known methodological and scientific developments, and does not require a specially organized study.

When performing methodical work, a specialist must, first of all, know the practice of taekwondo well, be well versed in the issue that is supposed to be covered, know the relevant literature, as well as how other practitioners relate to this problem.

In the methodical work, the already known provisions of the methodology of teaching, training and organization are mainly stated. Methodological work does not require a strict scientific organization of the study, scientific substantiation of the results of the study, but is based on these data. As an example, we can cite the development of programs for the Youth Sports School, SDUShOR, etc., the preparation and writing of some recommendations, methodological letters, manuals, textbooks.

Scientific and methodological work is characterized, first of all, by the presence of elements of novelty, the clarity of setting goals, the scientific validity of the recommendations proposed after the experiment, as well as scientific and practical generalizations of the direct activities of taekwondo fighters in terms of training, training and competition.

Scientific and methodological works may include term papers and theses of students, scientific reports of complex scientific groups, etc.

Each student is required to demonstrate his ability to conduct scientific research, which is confirmed by the mandatory completion of a thesis, lasting 3 years.

Completion of the thesis

Research work includes a clear statement of research objectives, the formulation of a working hypothesis, the choice of research methods, the development of a program, own research (selection of experimental groups, calendar plan for the implementation of a working hypothesis, etc.), processing of the obtained data, discussion of research results, writing a scientific report, conclusions and proposals.

Classical examples of research work are dissertations, scientific reports of the institute staff, etc.

Study preparation

To carry out scientific work, it is necessary to develop a research methodology, that is, to determine the topic, its specific tasks, outline the course (stages) of work and research methods as ways to obtain specific scientific data.

Choosing a topic, setting research objectives

The choice of topic marks the beginning of the work and follows directly from the need to study the comprehensive process of education and training of the athlete. The topic must meet the modern requirements of science (sports pedagogy, psychology, physiology, etc.) and be relevant.

Currently, taekwondo is particularly relevant questions:

Modeling of sports characteristics (technical-tactical and functional);

Expediency and variety of selection;

Ensuring the speed and reliability of the development of technology;

Formation of an optimal technical and tactical arsenal;

Taekwondo training at different stages of their preparation;

Improving the effectiveness of training in conditions of early specialization;

Optimization of training loads in the light of individualization of biological rhythms.

Naturally, the topics of scientific research should reflect these important problems.

The requirements imposed in modern taekwondo on certain aspects of mastery and on the body of athletes can be combined into one problem: "Taekwondo training management." The topic of research is specified by the range of tasks. When setting the optimal number of tasks, it is necessary to determine the relationship.

Knowledge of the subject of research allows us to formulate a working hypothesis, that is, to give scientifically based assumptions about solving a specific problem, about the possible results of the phenomenon under study, etc.

A working hypothesis should not be a dogmatic guide to action, forcing us to consider the data obtained in the process of work through the prism of assumptions that have not been confirmed by experiment.

After the researcher has put forward a working hypothesis, he outlines a plan of scientific work, which should include all the main research questions, including research methods, a program for implementing the work, and the necessary material support.

Research methods

To solve the problems of the theory and methodology of teaching and training a taekwondoist, the following research methods can be considered the most effective (in order of conduct):

1 Analysis of the sources of special literature.

2. Analysis of section, management and competition documentation.

3. Survey of specialists (coaches and highly qualified taekwondo practitioners).

4. Sociological survey (of persons incompetent in martial arts).

5. Pedagogical observations using the technique of symbolic registration of technical actions (or video recording) with subsequent statistical processing of the data obtained.

6. Method of control tests (physical and technical readiness).

7. Laboratory experiments using:

Digital synchronized two- and three-plane video filming;

Tensodynamometry using tensoplatforms and tenzoinsoles;

Registration of hemodynamics by heart rate, blood pressure;

Chemical analysis of the composition of blood, lymph, sweat, urine;

Psychological methods of forecasting and control.

8. Model experiments (by approbation of technical actions in conditionally contact mode).

9. Natural (pedagogical experiment to test the effectiveness of the proposed methodology).

The choice of research methods is determined, first of all, by the specific tasks of the work and the feasibility of solving the topic as a whole.

Analysis of Special Literature Sources allows you to choose a topic and research methods, compare the practical and scientific value of conclusions and recommendations, have a deep awareness and a modern understanding of the topic under study.

In practice, generalization and theoretical analysis of the data of special literature allows the researcher not to “break through the open door”, to understand what is, what is not, what is the contradiction and problem. These data are displayed together with the analysis of sectional and competitive documentation, with a survey of specialists, a sociological survey and data from pedagogical observations. In addition, the author shows the depth of his erudition by the quality and representativeness of references to the literature, and the relevance of the research being undertaken by the presentation of complex material.

Documentation analysis needed to identify:

The influence of attitudes from above on the formation of the program and teaching methods, etc.;

The degree of student turnover in the field of SDUSHOR or in school sections;

Qualities and representation from different regions of competitors of different scales, etc.

Sociological survey is necessary when it is necessary to know the opinion of the public, the opinion of students about the degree of effectiveness and perception of the methods by which teachers are trying to influence them.

Pedagogical observations different from the usual viewing of training sessions and competitions. The observer-teacher deals with a specific object, he uses specially designed schemes, keeps records, makes certain notes, taking into account the specific tasks being solved.

Before conducting pedagogical observations, it is necessary to determine the tasks of observation, the object of observation, the method of fixation (scheme, protocol, transcript), processing method, additional facts that allow you to delve into the solution of this problem. For greater objectivity, the observation of the phenomenon under study is carried out by several researchers.

To conduct observations of technical and tactical actions in competition conditions with the help of symbolic registration, symbols are used, the method of their fixation and further mathematical processing, described in the chapter "Pedagogical control".

To monitor the fulfillment of the planned load in the weekly cycle, a scheme of planning, registration and processing of the received data is used. To calculate the load performed in a training session, the net time of a particular work is multiplied by the intensity points with which this work was performed. The intensity is determined by the heart rate.

Laboratory experiment

The laboratory experiment is characterized by strict standardization, significant conventionality, necessary to isolate the subjects from the influence of environmental factors. Basically, a laboratory experiment is used to identify the deep physiological mechanisms underlying any process. For example, taekwondo practitioners perform standard intensive work, after which energy consumption, the reaction of the cardiovascular system, the neuromuscular apparatus, recovery processes, etc. are studied.

This study makes it possible to study the functional state of various systems of the body of a taekwondoist and the change in their states under the influence of loads of various volumes and various intensities. A laboratory experiment requires careful observance of all the conditions for its implementation.

To study the parameters of the execution of technical actions, instrumental research methods are used (film, video and photography, tensometry, dynamometry, etc.). In taekwondo, registration methods, for example, techniques, are used not only during competitions, but also in laboratory conditions. This makes it possible to reveal the general patterns in the structure of a specific attacking action and to identify the individual orientation of the technical skill of a taekwondo fighter.

Tensometric registration methods are used for qualitative and quantitative assessment of the basic techniques of taekwondo. For graphical registration of support and shock reactions during the performance of technical actions, special horizontal and vertical platforms are used, the base of which is attached to elements that perceive mechanical deformation from movements of the taekwondo player on the platform or from blows to the vertical platform. These elements are glued to electrical strain gauges-sensors that convert mechanical deformation into electrical signals. Each element has two or four strain gauges, the electrical connection of which is carried out according to a half-bridge (2 sensors) or bridge (4 sensors) circuit. Electrical signals from the strain gauges are fed to the input of the strain gauge amplifier, which amplifies the incoming current and voltage signals. The electrical signals amplified by the strain gauge are fed to a computer and illustrated on a monitor, followed by decoding on a printer.

It is possible to obtain tensometric information using tensometric insoles made of polymer rubber, which allows you to register the redistribution of body weight on different parts of the foot (toe or heel, outer or inner edge of the foot) at the moment of impact or maneuver.

Laboratory experiment can pursue the goal of revealing the body's response to various kinds of functional loads.

In this case, as a toolkit can be used:

Registration of heart rate (HR);

Blood pressure measurement;

Chemical analysis of blood and excretion products (urine, sweat, breath);

Methods of psychological research (questionnaires, reflexometers), etc.

Model experiment

A model is a reproduction of a phenomenon in certain, artificially created conditions. In a model experiment, the analyzed phenomenon can be repeated the necessary number of times. It can be reproduced in a simplified but more precise form.

The model experiment is characterized by greater proximity to real actions. It has the ability to simultaneously use a wide range of research methods (including instrumental ones) and thereby reveal the discovered pattern with great accuracy and detail. The essential features of the model are visibility, a certain distraction, an element of scientific and creative fantasy, the use of analogy with practical reality. During the application of the model in the experimental work, its individual sides are polished. Corrections are made to the original version of the experiment. The variant, as it were, turns into a model of the second, third, etc. order. Ultimately, variants of model studies can serve as a training method that locally affects one or another aspect of an athlete's training.

With the help of a model experiment, for example, it is possible, under artificially created conditions, to establish a list of optimal technical actions when certain kinematic, static and dynamic situations change.

During the model experiment, the number of successful actions is recorded (including their scoring). Moreover, the number of these actions should ensure statistical reliability.

This is followed by the finalization of the innovative proposal and its verification through a natural experiment.

Natural pedagogical experiment

A natural experiment is carried out when a researcher needs to test the objectivity of the results of his preliminary research and his working hypothesis in a real educational process. The natural pedagogical experiment is the final experimental substantiation of the put forward hypothesis. The simplest example of a natural experiment can be considered a lesson in taekwondo, in which teachers study the effect on the body of the trainees of a new set of means and methods of training, in parallel including it in the set of exercises of the usual program.

The optimal form of pedagogical experiment is the organization of two groups: control (engaged in a standard program) and experimental (with the inclusion of developed innovations).

Processing of research results

One of the most important sections of research work is the processing of the results obtained. The effectiveness of conclusions and proposals depends on the depth of analysis of the actual material of the study.

When solving major problems, such as, for example, managing the training process of a taekwondoist, they use a qualitative analysis using the methodology of a systematic approach. In this case, the analysis uses such provisions of the systemic approach as, for example, the determination of functional, genetic and other relationships between the subsystems of the athlete model in the initial and final state, training programs and control systems.

Despite the great importance of qualitative analysis in the study of various phenomena, the identification of objective regularities largely depends on the application of quantitative analysis. In science, statistical methods for processing numerical data are widely used. However, some pedagogical tasks of the research, for example, the study of the active behavior of a taekwondo player in combat, the effectiveness of attacking and defensive actions, the variety of technical actions in competitions, can be solved by simple arithmetic calculations.

For example, a quantitative indicator of the effectiveness of technical actions (KOPE) is determined using the formula:

where n is the number of evaluated attacking actions,

m is the number of all real attacks

To study the electrical activity (EA) of the leading muscles during the reception, the level of EA of the main muscle groups in the standard position is determined, and then - when performing the reception using the opponent's defenses. The difference will allow you to determine the leading muscle groups when performing a particular technique and the level of their activity compared to the standard position. But if the process under study is considered as a probabilistic one, which is described by quantities subject to uncontrolled dispersion, and it becomes necessary to study the average values ​​of features, the methods of mathematical statistics are used. Thus, the arithmetic mean value allows generalizing the quantitative values ​​of homogeneous traits, the standard deviation allows characterizing the degree of dispersion of the values ​​of the studied traits relative to their average values.

To process the results of a study in taekwondo, for example, the following statistical parameters can be used: arithmetic mean (M); standard deviation (±?); mean error of the arithmetic mean (±m); the mean error of the difference (t) .

The description of these operations, which are standard in all pedagogical research, is described in any textbook on mathematical statistics.

Literary and graphic design of the work

The design of the thesis (research results) should be subject to uniform requirements, the most important of which are the visibility and accessibility of the work for the reader.

The structure of the final qualifying work

1. Title page.

2. Introduction, consisting of sections:

Relevance (state of the issue, contradiction, problem);

Purpose of the study;

Working hypothesis;

Research objectives;

Scientific novelty;

Practical significance;

Structure and scope of work.

3. Chapter 1 - a detailed content of the results of the analysis of special literature, a survey of specialists, pedagogical observations with a summary of the need for this study.

4. Chapter 2 - methods and organization of the study with a description of all methods used.

5. 3rd chapter - the content and results of laboratory, model and natural pedagogical experiments.

7. List of used literature.

8. Application.

9. Act of implementation.

test questions

1. Purpose of student research work.

2. Actual directions of scientific research in taekwondo.

3. The procedure for working with literary sources.

4. Tasks and content of the work when interviewing specialists.

5. Tasks and content of work in a sociological survey.

6. Tasks and content of work with sectional documentation.

7. Tasks and content of work with competition documentation.

8. Substantiation of contradictions and problems.

9. Formation of the purpose and objectives of the study.

10. Formation of a working hypothesis.

11. Drawing up a plan for a formative experiment.

12. Methods of instrumental study of athlete's movements.

13. Methods of instrumental study of sensorimotor functions.

14. Methods of instrumental research of vegetative functions.

15. Methods of model experiments.

16. Methodology for conducting a natural pedagogical experiment.

17. The use of mathematical statistics in the evaluation of technical and tactical activities.

18. The use of mathematical statistics in the evaluation of sensorimotor functions.

19. The use of mathematical statistics in the evaluation of autonomic functions.

20. The use of mathematical statistics in the evaluation of sociological survey data.

Chapter 21

The leading role in the learning process belongs to the trainer-teacher. This is manifested in the leadership of learning (planning, organization and control), leadership in the learning process (management and optimization of the learning process) and leadership through learning (shaping the personality of the trainees).

The effectiveness of the learning process depends largely on the conditions of its organization. There are two groups of conditions: socio-pedagogical and psychological-didactic.

To the first group include: the presence of a qualified, creatively working teacher; the presence of a close-knit, friendly team of students; availability of material and technical conditions (teaching aids, technical training aids, etc.); the presence of a favorable psychological climate, good relations between students and teachers, based on mutual respect, on the teacher's love for children; compliance with the rules of hygiene and the regime of classes and rest.

To the second group include: a high level of training of those involved, corresponding to this stage of training; the presence of a sufficient level of formation of the motives for learning and future professional activity, which ensures the interest of students in independent educational and cognitive activities under the guidance of a teacher; compliance with didactic principles and rules for organizing the educational process; application of active forms and teaching methods.

The activity of the trainer as a pedagogical system. The activity of the trainer is carried out within the framework of a certain pedagogical system, in which structural and functional components are distinguished.

Structural components: goal; content (educational and scientific information as a subject of assimilation); means, methods and forms of pedagogical influences (pedagogical communication); object (teacher, coach) and subject (student, athlete, class, team, etc.) of pedagogical influences.

Functional Components include actions aimed at solving various problems that arise in the training process. There are gnostic, design, communicative, organizational and motor components.

Gnostic component includes actions aimed at obtaining and accumulating knowledge about the structural components of the sports training system:

The goals of taekwondo sports training at different stages of sportsmanship;

The system of knowledge in the field of theory and methodology of taekwondo training;

Means to achieve the goals;

Objects of activity (fighter, group as a whole), their state, development;

All the changes that occur to them, the patterns of adaptation of the fighter's body to training and competitive loads;

Functions of the trainer's activity and ways of managing the training process.

The gnostic functions of a coach also include the ability to acquire new knowledge on the basis of constant self-education, raising the professional and cultural level, studying, analyzing and summarizing scientific facts and the accumulated own experience in training taekwondo players, as well as the experience of other coaches. Particularly important in this regard is the ability to restructure their activities based on new knowledge.

Design Component includes actions related to the planning of the training process (perspective, current, operational) and the development of training programs for different contingents of trainees.

The teacher must be able to:

Conduct selection and determine sports orientation in order to identify the initial level of those involved for the rational acquisition of training groups;

Predict changes in the state of the object of pedagogical influences;

Determine the goals of the training process and intermediate tasks for different stages of training;

Determine the program and regulatory framework for plans.

constructive component. The teacher must be able to:

Select and program the content of educational material in separate training sessions;

Develop educational tasks for the upbringing, education and training of taekwondo players;

Design the qualities that need to be nurtured in taekwondo practitioners;

Methodically develop separate areas of activity of a sports team during and outside of school hours;

To program activities - one's own and students' - in the classroom and in the process of conducting educational activities;

To form in taekwondoists a system of special abilities and skills, versatile physical and psychological training.

Communicative component includes activities related to establishing relationships:

With a sports team, in a team, with each member of the team;

With the administration of the sports school, parents, sponsors;

With other sports teams and organizations.

Communication skills express the desire of the coach to be demanding, but fair, to take into account the psychology of the personality of a taekwondo player, to form a steady interest and motivation among the pupils for systematic sports and the achievement of high sports results.

organizational component. The teacher must be able to:

Organize the activities of a sports team with the participation of each athlete in order to successfully achieve the goals and achieve the desired result;

Create and develop traditions in the team;

To develop students' organizational skills;

To train pupils to lead a team, to ensure interaction in a team;

Combine accounting, control, punishment and reward systems in work.

motor component. The teacher must:

Qualified to master the technique of physical exercises of the chosen and auxiliary sports;

Own methods of insurance and self-insurance;

It is rational to choose methods, forms of conducting classes, your place in the hall;

Own ways to organize the movement of students in the hall, on the site;

Be able to repair and make the simplest sports equipment.

The most significant didactic skills are the following (I. P. Sokolova, 1979):

1) see an error;

2) see the cause of the error;

3) briefly and intelligibly explain the exercise;

4) choose a place for observation;

5) analyze the technique of the performed exercise, taking into account individual and age characteristics;

6) select exercises with the transition from simple to complex, from easy to more difficult;

7) determine the logical sequence of the exercise;

8) select simulation exercises;

9) highlight the main elements of technology;

10) anticipate possible difficulties in mastering the technique of movement;

11) choose a system of various exercises for the development of special physical qualities.

Less important skills are:

1) force to complete the task;

2) figuratively compare the studied exercise;

3) create associations with the existing motor experience;

4) provide practical assistance to the student (in time to push, support, tilt, etc.);

5) perform the exercise correctly;

6) divide the exercises into constituent elements;

7) show the exercise as a whole with different speed and emphasis on key parts and elements;

8) show the exercise in parts and elements.

The activity of a teacher is largely determined by the level of preparedness of the students with whom he works, and the nature of the educational process.

In working with beginners and with athletes of mass categories, almost all of the above skills are important, the degree of expression of which characterizes the skill of a coach. When working with highly qualified athletes, the importance of such skills as briefly and clearly explaining, creating associations with existing motor experience, and seeing the causes of errors in the technique of performing exercises increases.

Allocate empirical and theoretical components of professional activity. The empirical component consists of the skills and habits of stereotyped (already existing) ways of solving typical problems in certain situations. The theoretical (creatively transformative) component is the ability to navigate in unexpected situations, to find new solutions in unusual, atypical, problematic situations. The level of professional skills of a coach is determined by his ability to find a way out of problem situations.

The teacher in the educational process acts as:

Team leader (organizer);

Teacher (theorist and practitioner);

Educator (psychologist);

A person who has his own worldview, moral principles, professional qualities.

There are four substructures in the structure of the coach's personality.

Moral qualities of the teacher's personality, which determine the motivational orientation of his activity:

Steady desire and desire to transfer professional experience in sports activities;

Enthusiasm for the profession, dedication to work, responsible and creative attitude to work, support and correct criticism of students.

Professional qualities of a trainer:

Knowledge of a specific sport and possession of specific sports skills;

The quality of teaching;

Organizational skills;

Attitude to work;

The ratio of exactingness, justice, adherence to principles, objectivity;

Ability to organize training and recreation;

The ability to maintain and create positive traditions and habits in the team.

Individual psychological traits of the trainer's personality: level of intelligence, motivation, attitude, strength and stability of nervous processes, erudition, mind, memory, thinking, volitional qualities, emotionality, cheerfulness, experience and intuition, the ability to generalize situations already encountered in practice, etc. d.

Dynamic properties of a personality: age, gender, temperament, state of health, level of development of physical qualities, etc.

The dominant qualities of a coach working with young athletes are the following (A. A. Derkach, A. A. Isaev, 1981):

Ability to instill love for the chosen sport;

Love for children;

The desire to help in difficult times;

Full dedication to your favorite business, the ability not to spare free time;

The ability to assist in the formation of personality, the formation of character;

The ability to exercise control over the behavior of students during extracurricular time (for academic performance and behavior at school, on the street, in the family);

Ability to provide assistance in solving vital issues.

There are three main groups of factors that determine the ways of formation of coaching authority: manner of communication, manner of behavior and specific professional and business qualities of a coach.

Ways to form the authority of a coach

In addition, a coach who cares about his authority among pupils and about its strengthening must strictly adhere to certain principles of behavior.

Levels of pedagogical skill of the trainer

Coaches differ from one another not only in the sports achievements of their students, but also in the methods by which they achieve these results. The ideal coach (“model” of the coach) is characterized by the following pronounced qualities (according to I. V. Zhmarev): emotional stability, sociability, high level of intelligence, entrepreneurial spirit, desire for creativity, independence. However, in real conditions, for different coaches, certain qualities may prevail, leave an imprint on the nature of their activities and determine the style of leadership of a sports team or the training of individual athletes. There are authoritarian, democratic and liberal styles.

The authoritarian type of trainer is characterized by: unity of command, intolerance to objections and criticism, categorical judgments. Such a coach requires the athlete to strictly fulfill all his tasks, leaving little room for the initiative and creativity of students. The basis of this style of leadership is not the personal authority of the coach, but his official rights. The reasons for the manifestation of authoritarian leadership are: the peculiarities of the temperament of the coach, the shortcomings of education, as well as the lack of proper control and exactingness on the part of the leadership.

The democratic type of coach is characterized by: the presence of collective thinking and discussion of problems and tasks facing the sports team; the presence of a creative environment in the team. In such a team, the coach clearly sets the main goals for the athletes, defines the tasks and indicates the main ways to solve them, giving the athletes the opportunity to search, take initiative, and experiment. The basis of the democratic leadership style is the high personal authority of the coach, his professional skills and personal qualities. At the same time, such a leadership style is possible only in a sports team that is characterized by a certain level of social and theoretical maturity. In this case, the sports team, brought up on democratic principles of leadership, is distinguished by cohesion, high discipline, consciousness and is ready to solve the most difficult tasks and achieve high sports achievements.

The liberal style of leadership is characterized by the minimum intervention of the coach in the training process and the solution of mainly organizational issues. The basis for this style of leadership can be, on the one hand, a sufficiently high level of preparedness of the coach, his competence in the methodology of sports training, and on the other hand, the inability of the coach (for various reasons) to reach the level of leadership achieved, the inconsistency of his preparation with the requirements of the time.

The effectiveness of a coach's activity depends not only on the style of managing a sports team, but also on other factors that can be divided into: objective (economic, social, scientific, organizational) and subjective (personal - basic, situational - procedural), which are most important for assessing coaching skill.

test questions

1. Describe the signs of socio-pedagogical conditions that affect the effectiveness of the learning process.

2. To characterize the signs of psychological and didactic conditions that affect the quality of educational and training work.

3. Composition of the trainer's gnostic functions.

4. The composition of the design functions of the trainer.

5. Composition of the trainer's communicative functions.

6. Organizational functions of the coach.

7. Constructive functions of the trainer.

8. The motor component in the activity of the coach.

9. Didactic functions of the trainer.

10. Moral qualities of the teacher's personality.

11. Professional qualities of a trainer.

12. The manner of communication of the coach.

13. Behavior of the coach.

14. Professional and business qualities of a trainer.

16. Democratic type of coach.

17. Liberal leadership style.


The most effective means of educating members of the section team, preserving the contingent of students in the sports section, educating individual psychological qualities through the team is a summer sports camp.

Camp goals:

Team building;

Social education of the individual by the team;

Social adaptation;

General health improvement;

Expanding the range of motor and mental skills. Summer camps can be organized under various names, depending on which organization takes on the main financial burden. These may include:

a) health camps;

b) sports camps;

c) Sports and recreation camps;

d) health-improving labor camps;

e) defense and sports camps.

For the organization of such camps it is necessary to carry out a number of activities.

1. Camp planning at the level of any official organization by entering them into its annual plan, including drawing up a cost estimate.

2. Providing a camp site:

Land plot;


Water supply;

Sanitary and hygienic sites;

Place of the doctor;

faecal outlets;


Accommodation of students (sleeping buildings, houses, tents);

Placement of sports grounds;

Equipment for specialized classes (up to self-construction of open carpets).

2. Ensuring the comfort and safety of bathing (requirements for a bathing place along the shore and bottom).

3. Ensuring the safety of swimming (rescue boats, floats).

4. Providing food.

5. During the preparation for the camp, it is also necessary to ensure its filling:

sports equipment;

Household inventory.

6. Holding a parent meeting.

Since state and public organizations currently bear only part of the costs, it is necessary to hold a parent meeting not only to instruct parents, but also for their consent to additional payment of expenses.

Two to three days before departure, it is necessary to hold a general meeting of children and parents.

7. To manage the camp, it is necessary to provide:

Composition of the camp management and coaching staff;

Ensuring daily service;

Ensuring the implementation of the daily routine;

Ensuring the security of the camp;

Ensuring internal oversight;

Ensuring safety on the water;

Ensuring environmental discipline;

Ensuring fire discipline;

Ensuring safe functioning in nature;

Planning and conducting recreational work (hardening, general motor development, general physical training, sports events);

Planning and conducting recreational competitions;

Planning and conducting tourist trips and trips.

9. Educational work:

Collective participation in the equipment and cultural design of the camp;

Conducting interviews;

Conducting disputes;


Tours and excursions;

Watching films with subsequent discussion;

Analysis of conflict situations and camp violations.

10. Ensuring medical control and self-control:

Organization of general medical control;

Training in self-control and organization of testing the assimilation of the habit of self-control.

11. Organization of beach sunbathing and swimming.

12. Organization of arrival, departure and distribution of children to parents.

13. Conducting a sociological survey based on the results of the camp.

14. Preparation of general and financial reports (forms of reports are not given due to different requirements in different organizations).

Similar in composition of administrative, economic and educational activities is the organization of training camps. Types of fees by destination

a) Wellness.

b) Training.

c) precompetitive.

Below is a plan of events for the organization and conduct of fees.

1. Organizational work

a) Organization planning (venue, sports facilities, etc.).

b) Securing funding:

Approval of the calendar plan;

Preparation and approval of cost estimates.

c) Provision of accommodation and meals:

Communication and documentation of the gathering place;

Communication and documentation of power supply.

3. Ensuring the educational process:

Planning and conducting educational work;

Planning and conducting training work;

Ensuring pedagogical control.

4. Carrying out educational work:

Conducting meetings and discussions;

Leisure activities;

Ensuring the hygienic regime of the day;

Ensuring household control;

Levers of administrative and disciplinary influence;

Levers of indirect disciplinary influence.

5. Ensuring medical supervision:

a) express control;

b) planned control;

c) predictive control;

d) dietetics.

6. Completion fees:

a) preparation for participation in competitions: assessment of technical and tactical readiness; evaluation of functionality; team building principles; securing the application;

b) security of departure: financial security; provision of transport; holding a meeting of team members;

c) collection report:

Financial report;

Collection report.

test questions

1. Compose a letter of petition for the inclusion of a summer camp in the action plan in any organization.

2. Make a plan for a sports camp.

3. Draw up an action plan for organizing a sports camp.

4. Draw up a daily routine for a sports camp.

5. Make a plan of sports events for a sports camp.

6. Draw up a plan of educational work for a sports and recreation camp.

7. Make a plan for training work for a sports camp.

8. Draw up a plan for conducting a training camp (economic part).

9. Make a plan for the training camp (educational part).

10. Draw up a plan for conducting a training camp (training part).

11. Draw up a plan for conducting a training camp (medical part).

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