The planet is sedna in the solar system. Sedna

With the discovery of any new cosmic object, astrologers face questions: how to interpret this object, is it worth paying attention to it at all - after all, today an incredible number of different small cosmic bodies have been discovered.

Sedna was opened on November 14, 2003 at 6:32 am. 57 sec. UTC (all used data on the discovery of Sedna and its ephemerides are taken from the AstroLogic website). According to various sources, its diameter is from 1700 to 2000 km, and bodies with sizes from 1 to 1000 km are considered asteroids. Most likely, Sedna is, from an astrological point of view, a planet, like Chiron, although it is only 170 km in diameter.

Let's try to interpret Sedna as an astrological object, using the methods of the Avestan Astrological School (ASHA), as well as to find out what its discovery brings us.

It is noticed that the planet opens at a time when its manifestation is maximum and that situation, those tendencies existing in the world, will be identical to the manifestation of this planet. So, for example, Pluto was discovered in 1930 between the two world wars, when the following world processes took place: the formation of mass parties, the rise of the trade union movement, the beginning of the formation of the global political system from the League of Nations to the UN and the unification of mankind into a single family, the beginning of work on the creation nuclear weapons. In astrology, Pluto is interpreted as the lord of the strongest energies, the strength of the crowd and mass character. Uranium was discovered in 1781, when inventions were made in England that turned world production upside down (spinning machine, steam engine, printing machine), in 1789 the Great French Revolution began, putting forward the slogan "Liberty, equality, fraternity". Uranus in astrology is an indicator of surprise, freedom, revelation.

If we consider Sedna by the same analogy, then we should also note the main trends in world development. There are two of them, according to the author.

First, this global warming and the resulting rise in the level of the world's oceans, possibly caused by anthropogenic pressure on the earth. Secondly, in social development is globalization in the broadest sense of the word. This is not only the unification of economic systems, but also the mixing of cultures, the integration of countries, the free movement of man around the world.

Among the Eskimos of the Arctic coast of Canada, Sedna is considered the most powerful of the spirits and controls the weather. On the day of the discovery of this object by astronomers on November 14, 2003, a hurricane occurred in the eastern states of the United States, as a result of which more than a million people were left without electricity. It seems that this is not a coincidence, especially since the hurricane happened in the country where Sedna was discovered, and on the continent where the myth about it was born. All of the above suggests that the main astrological function of Sedna is associated with natural elements at the level of climate change on our planet. Interestingly, at that time in the United States, the shooting of the film - the catastrophe (glaciation of the earth) "The Day After Tomorrow" - took place.

If we consider the cyclicity (revolution around the Sun, and according to various sources, it is from 10,000 to 12,000 years), then the previous maximum approach to the Earth was due to climate warming and the retreat of the last glacier, as well as a rise in the ocean level, which flooded, in particular, "jumper" between Eurasia and America. The maximum approach and the greatest speed can correspond to the greatest astrological power of the manifestation of the planet (Pluto has the highest speed in Scorpio).

Sedna, fig. from The Universe - LightStorm's Site

In the development of civilization, this era falls on an intermediate stage between the Paleolithic and Neolithic, that is, on Mesolithic. This period is characterized by new living conditions for ancient man: bows and arrows, microlithic tools appeared (stone processing technology improved), the dog was tamed for the first time, the role of fishing increased, people began to move, move more, so stationary dwellings are being replaced by easily disassembled and portable ones. Adaptation to new climatic conditions was passed by mankind successfully.

And the world is currently at a similar turning point. Mankind is becoming more and more mobile, new discoveries and inventions significantly change the way of life of people. For example, the invention of the bow and arrow in one revolution of Sedna corresponds to the advent of aviation and astronautics in the next revolution. Consequently, Sedna during its revolution increases the quality and strength of a phenomenon not by an order of magnitude, as the planets of the upper septener do in comparison with the usual septener, but raises it to a power.

It is interesting that some peoples have remained until our time at the level of Mesolithic development, and among them are the Eskimos, who created the myth of Sedna. And on the current return of Sedna, there are practically no such peoples left - everyone has been touched in one way or another by modern Western civilization.

In addition, this cycle echoes the period of the observable history of mankind, which once again confirms the relationship of Sedna with the development of civilization.

As noted above, Sedna can provide an opportunity to adapt to new conditions of existence, the ability to survive in new, previously unknown conditions, and on the other hand, it itself creates these new environmental conditions, using various forces of nature, and globally manifestation (climate warming, glacier melting).

Sedna has highly elongated elliptical orbit and when it is closest to the Earth (about 1000 years) it has the maximum "impact", and then, when it flies into the bottomless space of space, it is possible that the "impact" weakens.

According to the author, passage of Sednaya zodiac signs should be considered only in the context of world development and general processes characteristic of the entire globe as a whole. Consider the passage of the planet of three signs of the Zodiac, in which Sedna is closest to the Earth and has a maximum speed.

If you observe the passage of the Sednaya sign Pisces(1630-1865), it can be seen that at this time there was a formation of a global network of secret Masonic organizations, which carried out their main "events": the creation of the United States and the Great French Revolution. By the way, the idea of ​​globalization, that is, the unification of all peoples into one people and religions into one religion under the vigilant eye of the "great" architect of the universe, belongs precisely to the Masons.

With the position of Sedna in the sign Aries(1865-1967), people created the most powerful armies and means of destruction, and not so much destruction as global destruction. All technical discoveries were directed at first only to the creation of weapons. The most bloody wars in the history of mankind have passed.

In the early seventies of the XX century, when Sedna entered Taurus, a gradual process of disarmament began: the SALT-1, SALT-2 and ABM treaties were signed.

AT Corpuscle Sedna since 1967, when mankind began to unite their national economic systems into one - global. It became clear to everyone that fighting (meaning world wars) is unprofitable. Welfare states appeared, the fight against poverty began on a global scale. The economic successes of the Western (Atlantic) civilization were so great that a worldwide system was built for pumping resources from the whole world to these countries (the problem of the golden billion).

Apparently, and in the individual horoscope Sedna will work only if the person is somehow connected with the global problems of the Earth.

For the UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, for the first time elected to such a high position not from any state, but from the depths of the global organization itself, Sedna is in conjunction with the Sun and Saturn in Aries.

Not only the natal position, but also the transit of Sedna can be seen in famous people. So, for a certain Vladimir Volfovich, the Sun is at 5 degrees of Taurus. Sedna meandered there from 1975 to 1977. It was probably then that V.V. became seriously interested in world politics. But this does not mean that every person born at the beginning of Taurus was necessarily influenced by Sedna. Most likely, she remained invisible to many. The criterion for the manifestation of a planet in a personal chart can presumably be both Khvarna and the charisma of the year of birth (ASHA method), as well as a significant emphasis on the planets of the upper septener.

Sedna is also likely to manifest itself in those people who can lead civilization to something new, allowing for a huge leap in development, as well as in people who deal with environmental problems on a global scale.

Such a function of Sedna, described in myths, is very interesting, retribution for people's sins. If people sin, then their sins, like mud, get tangled in Sedna's hair, then she gets angry - she keeps walruses and seals far from the coast, and famine sets in in the Eskimo villages. This means that in this approach to the Earth, Sedna can also play a punishing role (the disaster film "The Day After Tomorrow"). If for the Eskimos sea animals are the basis of nutrition and life, then for us the land that produces food for us is such a basis. Therefore, Sedna can deprive humanity of part of the fertile lands? Astronomers discovered Sedna while moving through the constellation Cetus. The whale in Avestan astrology is perceived as something absorbing and swallowing matter. Apparently, Sedna will also have some of these functions. For at least another 72 years, Sedna will be approaching, and humanity has another chance to reflect.

Looking at the map, built at the time of the discovery of Sedna, the confrontation at the nodes of the Sun with the setting Node (symbolizing the past, accumulated, already created) and Sedna with the ascending Node (showing the direction of development), besides the Sun in Scorpio in the 4th house (traditions , origins, past), and Sedna in Taurus in the 10th house (goal, aspiration, separation). The myth immediately comes to mind in which Sedna is hostile to men. A culturologist would say that the myth was formed in the era of matriarchy and he would be right. But the astrologer will see in this hostility a rejection of the masculine qualities expressed by the Sun, Mars and Jupiter. It turns out that Sedna is currently warning us about limiting the technogenic onslaught and active anthropogenic pressure on nature. Men's active trends in world development will gradually fade into the background, giving leadership to the opposite principle, associated with the foundations of the female essence: accumulation, preservation, cultivation. Is the creative transformation of the world giving way to stability? The accumulated load on the setting Node is a heroic past with a brightly colored masculine principle, which, on the one hand, pulls down, and on the other hand, should be the basis for further development. And an empty bowl along the ascending Node, where humanity should go in its movement, is the unification of all people with nature and the elements. However, the Black Moon is in the 10th house, warning that great trials and temptations lie in wait on this path. Evil forces, Masons, for example, can take advantage of this movement. Therefore, the basis of all these processes should be the purification and renunciation of claims to leadership, to the desire to lead this process.

There are also dispositors in the conjunctions (they are also almutens, and significators of the Sun and Sedna), which enhances the fatality and inevitability of the entire situation described above.

Discovery of Sedna can be perceived as an indicator of entering a new stage in the development of mankind, as a warning and a warning about a possible change in climate and living conditions on our planet, about the need to adapt to these conditions if earthlings do not realize and do not restructure their activities that are contrary to the laws of nature .

Since the cyclical motion of the planet is very large, then all the processes associated with Sedna will be long-term, and events at its suggestion will develop before the eyes of several dozen generations.

Sergei Zgazinsky.

The planet must revolve around the Sun, be massive enough (to take a close to spherical shape) and be a gravitational dominant in its orbit (that is, not have other objects nearby, except for its own satellites). It was because of the latter point that Pluto was downgraded to the status of a dwarf planet in 2006. But the fact is that the former ninth planet is not the only dwarf planet in our solar system. There are five more. Moreover, there are those that are much closer to the Earth than some of the ordinary planets. It is these objects that will be discussed in this article.


Closest to Earth is the dwarf planet Ceres, named after the ancient Roman goddess of fertility, Ceres. It was discovered in 1801 by the astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi, whose name is now one of the craters on the moon.

With a diameter of 950 kilometers, Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt (between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter). In September 2007, NASA launched the Dawn probe to get more information about several astronomical bodies, including Ceres. The device entered the orbit of the dwarf planet in March 2015 and was able to take several detailed pictures.

Ceres has a rocky core, and its surface is likely composed of water ice, clayey materials, and all sorts of hydrated materials. Of course, this is not exactly confirmed, but recently the Herschel telescope discovered a “cloud” of water vapor around it.


But Haumea (or Haumea) was discovered in our time - in 2005 - by a group of American and Spanish scientists. They could not decide on a name for a very long time, but in the end, the Hawaiian goddess of fertility Haumea "won".

It is interesting in the first place for its appearance. Due to the rapid rotation around its own axis, Haumea received an elongated shape - ellipsoidal, and not spherical, like most other planets. Its diameter is from 1212 to 1492 kilometers. For comparison, the diameter of the Earth is 12,742 kilometers.

Haumea also has two satellites (all other dwarf planets have either one or none at all). The first is called Hiyaki, its diameter is about 350 kilometers, and the second is about half as much - Namaka.


In the Kuiper belt (beyond the orbit of Neptune) is another dwarf planet - Makemake. It was discovered almost simultaneously with Haumea in 2005, and by the same group of American scientists. A little later, this object was seen in earlier images - up to 2003.

The name of the planet was given in honor of Make-Make, the creator of mankind according to the mythology of the Rapanui people. At first glance, such a choice is rather strange, but according to the rules of the International Astronomical Union, objects in the Kuiper belt should be given a name associated with the creation of the world.

Makemake is the second brightest object in the Kuiper belt (after Pluto), so the dwarf planet can be seen through any amateur telescope with an aperture of 250-300 millimeters.


Eris is the most distant dwarf planet from the Sun on our list. The maximum distance is over 14.5 billion kilometers. Because of its massiveness, it even claimed to be the tenth planet of the solar system, but after the International Astronomical Union decided on a clear concept of “planet” (you already read about these three parameters at the very beginning of this material), Eris was assigned to group of dwarfs. As is Pluto.

The name of the planet was given only a year after the discovery. Among the possible names, about ten options were proposed: Laila, Proserpina, Persephone, and so on. But the commission settled on Eris.

Until 2015, astronomers could not determine for a long time which of the planets is larger: Pluto or Eris. But with the help of the automatic interplanetary station "New Horizons", the first place was given to the former ninth planet. Its diameter is 2370 kilometers, and Eris - 2326 kilometers. That is, these two dwarf planets are quite similar in size.


Formally, Sedna has not yet been recognized as a dwarf planet, but it is the first in the list of applicants for this "position". Its orbital period is 11,487 years, the longest known large object in our solar system.

The orbit of Sedna has such a trajectory that at a certain period this trans-Neptunian object (which is exactly what Sedna is) can be twice as far from the Sun as Pluto itself.

Michael Brown, after the discovery of this object, called it "the most distant and coldest in the solar system," therefore, he proposed to name the not yet dwarf planet in honor of the goddess of the seas, Sedna, who, according to history, lives at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean. For a long time it was believed that the diameter of Sedna is 1800 kilometers, but in 2012 the Herschel Observatory estimated the diameter at 995 kilometers. Sedna has no satellites.

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Discovery of the tenth planet in the solar system

The International Astronomical Society has confirmed the discovery of the 10th planet in the solar system.

The new planet is larger than Pluto, whose diameter is about 2250 km, and is twice as far from the Sun, Caltech spokesman Mike Brown said. According to scientists, now the distance to it is 97 distances from the Earth to the Sun. The planet revolves around the Sun in about ten and a half thousand Earth years. And the radius of the orbit is 130 billion kilometers.

The object has not yet received an official name, but the discoverers temporarily call it 2003 UB313 or Sednaya - in honor of the sea deity of the Eskimo Inuit tribe.

The new planet was found by Michael Brown of Zaltech, Chad Trujillo of the Gemini Observatory in Hawaii, and David Rabinovich of Yale University.

In an interview with the BBC, Rabinowitz said: "It's an amazing day and an amazing year. 2003 UB313 is probably bigger than Pluto. It's less bright than Pluto, but it's three times further away. If it were the same distance as Pluto would then be brighter than that. Now the world knows that there are other Plutos that are in the outskirts of the solar system, where they are hard to find."

The planet was discovered using the Samuel Oschin Telescope at the Palomar Observatory, as well as the Gemini North Telescope in Hawaii.

"Spectral samples obtained at the Gemini Observatory are particularly interesting because they indicate that the surface of this planet is very similar to the surface of Pluto," said Chad Trujillo. It is composed mainly of rocks and ice.

The orbit of 2003 UB313 is not similar to the orbits of other planets, possibly due to the influence of Neptune. Astronomers believe that at some point in the planet's history, the gravitational influence of Neptune threw it into an orbit rotated 44 degrees to the plane of the ecliptic.

For the first time, a new cosmic body was noticed on October 21, 2003, but then scientists did not suspect that it was moving. Fifteen months later, in January 2005, telescopes could not fix it at the same point in the sky. The researchers say they tried to locate the planet using the Spitzer Space Telescope, which detects infrared radiation, but couldn't find it. From this, it was concluded that the object was moving.

The upper limit of observational error under these conditions is 3,000 km, which means that the diameter of the planet cannot be larger than this figure, scientists say. And even the lower limit of observational error makes the new planet a larger celestial body than Pluto.

However, if the diameter of the cosmic body turns out to be only about 2 thousand km, the discovered object will fall from the category of planets under the definition of "planetoid".

However, the celestial body presumably has its own satellite. This explains the extremely long period of rotation of the find around its axis - from 20 to 50 days.

As Brown explained, 2003 UB313 will be visible in telescopes over the next six months in the constellation of Cetus. He also admitted that scientists hoped to first double-check all the data, and then only make the discovery public, but information was leaked. Previously, the Spaniards called the discovered cosmic body 2003 EL61, and the Americans - K40506A.

As BBC science columnist David Whitehouse points out, since the discovery of Neptune in 1846, this planet has become the largest celestial body discovered by astronomers in the solar system.

How does this relate to the recent discovery of another planet?

Orbital period here and there 10,000 years

Mankind's ideas about the solar system have been expanding lately with every century. When all the planets seem to be discovered and more or less explored, another one comes into view. So, get acquainted, the tenth planet - Sedna. Please don't be afraid.

Distant planets are first discovered theoretically. Scientists closely monitor those celestial bodies that can be seen. They study their speed, the trajectories of their orbits - and draw conclusions: something is wrong, there must be some other planet here that affects the system. Of course, no one believes such scientists: how can another planet appear in the solar system, it somehow doesn’t even fit in my head! But time passes, even more powerful telescopes are invented - and the next mystery of the Universe is solved completely.

Using paper and pencil, Uranus and Pluto were discovered. But it has been suggested that there is also a tenth planet. The search continued.

And finally, in November 2003, they were crowned with success.

The new planet was named Sedna. In honor of the Eskimo goddess of the sea.

However, the practical discovery stretched as much as three years. Several times during these years, Sedna was seen, but each time they were mistaken for something else. And only five years ago it was proved that the diameter of the discovered transplutonian object is no less than 1700 km. And in the world classification it is customary to consider celestial bodies no more than 1000 km as asteroids. Therefore, a new planet has been discovered.

However, discussions about what is considered a planet and what is not, flared up with renewed vigor. Many scientists really do not want to change their understanding of the world. Some of them still cannot forgive even the fact that in 1930 he so illegally invaded the list of planets of the Sun, and they are trying to delete him from there.

But while some are annoyed at the very fact of the existence of something new, others admire Sedna with delight. And there is something to admire, because the beautiful Sedna is even more red than herself. Hypotheses are put forward about the origin of this color, but the general opinion is that the surface of the planet consists of ice and solid rocks.

The astronomical characteristics of Sedna are amazing. The planet makes a revolution around the Sun in 10 - 12,000 years. In a very elongated orbit. It is because of such a bizarre orbit that Sedna was discovered only recently, when it got close enough to the Earth.

Hypotheses are put forward about the reasons for such a slow rotation speed. It is assumed that the planet is slowed down by its satellite, which must certainly exist. But the moon of Sedna has not yet been discovered.

There are versions about the reasons for such an elongated orbit. It is believed that in ancient times the Sun met with another star, which began to attract Sedna to itself.

Some scientists believe that there is a whole cluster of planets beyond Pluto, the so-called Oort Cloud - and Sedna is the first planet from this cloud.

But this is just speculation.

The exploration of Sedna is at the very beginning.

2022 - News24.