Why are the colors on the globe different? Why is the globe painted in different colors

It is not enough just to know what a globe is. You need to learn how to read it correctly in order to learn a lot of new and interesting things. In this lesson, we will learn what the colors on the globe mean. Let's learn the names of oceans and continents, talk about their features and differences. Let's get acquainted with the amazing wonders of nature, flora and fauna.

Why is there the most blue and cyan on the globe? Most of the earth's surface is covered with water. In a photograph taken from space, all bodies of water appear blue. This color on the globe indicates the oceans and seas, rivers and lakes.

Rice. 2. Earth from space ()

But if you look closely, you can see that in different places the ocean is marked with different shades. This is done to show depth: the deeper the ocean, the darker the blue color, and the shallower the depth, the lighter the paint on the globe. - these are huge expanses of bitter-salty water that surround the continents and islands.

Pacific Ocean- the largest on earth.

Rice. 4. Physical map of the Pacific Ocean ()

This name was given to him by the navigator Ferdinand Magellan, because during his journey on sailing ships this ocean was calm. Although in reality the Pacific Ocean is not at all quiet, especially in its western part, where it raises and drives huge waves - tsunami bringing a lot of trouble to the inhabitants of the Japanese islands.

Mariana Trench- the deepest place in the world. It is located in the Pacific Ocean, its depth is eleven kilometers thirty-four meters.

Rice. 6. Mariana Trench ()

Previously, Europeans did not even suspect the existence of the Pacific Ocean. They knew only one ocean - Atlantic, which seemed limitless, so it was named after the strongest hero of Greek myths, Atlanta.

Rice. 7. Physical map of the Atlantic Ocean ()

In fact, the Atlantic Ocean is the second largest after the Pacific, the greatest depth of the ocean is 5 kilometers. In the Atlantic Ocean there are huge waves as high as a three-story house.

Indian Ocean especially restless in its southern part. It is warmer than others, even in the northern part of the Indian Ocean waters warm up to + 35 degrees.

Rice. 8. Physical map of the Indian Ocean ()

Arctic- the northernmost region, covered in a thick layer of ice and snow in winter and summer. At the North Pole there is a fourth ocean, almost its entire surface is covered with thick strong ice, and many meters of snow drifts around. That's why this ocean was named Arctic.

Rice. 9. Physical map of the Arctic Ocean

Relatively recently, scientific oceanographers began to distinguish the fifth, South ocean.

Rice. 10. Physical map of Antarctica ()

Previously, this ocean was considered as the southern parts of the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific oceans. All the oceans together: Pacific, Indian, Atlantic, Arctic and Southern - merge together into a single world Ocean, which washes the entire globe.

On the globe, green, yellow, brown and white colors depict large areas of land, which are called continents. On the ground six continents: Eurasia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, North America, South America.

Eurasia- the largest continent, within its limits lie two parts of the world: Europe and Asia.

Rice. 11. Physical map of Eurasia ()

It is the only continent on Earth washed by four oceans: the Arctic in the north, the Indian in the south, the Atlantic in the west and the Pacific in the east. On this continent is our homeland Russia.

Rice. 12. Russia on the map of Eurasia ()

The surface of the mainland is very diverse. Mountains and plains are the main forms of the earth's surface. Brown color indicates the location of the mountains, and green and yellow indicate the plains. The largest of them West Siberian(flat plain) Eastern European(hilly plain).

Rice. 13. West Siberian Plain ()

Rice. 14. Physical map of the East European Plain ()

Rough blue lines drawn along the surface of the continents indicate rivers on the globe. Rivers flow through the East European Plain Volga, Don, Dnieper, a river flows along the West Siberian Plain Ob. Mountains rise above the surface of the plains. The higher the mountains, the darker their color on the globe. Himalayas are the highest mountains in the world.

Rice. 15. Himalaya mountains ()

Jamalungma (Everest)- the highest mountain in the world (8 km 708 m).

Rice. 16. Mount Jamalungma ()

Located in Eurasia Baikal- deepest lake

Rice. 17. Lake Baikal ()

The largest lake

Rice. 18. Caspian Sea ()

the largest peninsula Arabian,

Rice. 19. Coast of the Arabian Peninsula ()

the lowest point on land in the world Dead Sea.

Rice. 20. Dead Sea ()

Rice. 21. Pole of cold Oymyakon ()

Africa- This is the second largest continent, which is located on both sides of the equator, washed by the Atlantic Ocean from the west and the Indian Ocean from the east and south.

Rice. 22. Physical map of Africa ()

Africa is known for the diversity of nature: impenetrable rainforests with orchids,

Rice. 23. Rainforest ()

grassy plains with baobabs (huge trees up to forty meters in circumference),

vast expanses of deserts.

Rice. 25. Desert in Africa ()

Africa is the hottest continent on the planet. Here it is Sahara Desert.

Rice. 26. Sahara Desert ()

This is the largest desert in the world and the hottest place on Earth (the maximum recorded temperature is +58 degrees). On this mainland flows Nile is the second longest river in the world.

Rice. 27. River Nile ()

Volcano kilimanjaro is the highest point in Africa.

Rice. 28. Mount Kilimanjaro ()

Victoria, Tanganyika, Chad are the largest lakes on this continent.

Rice. 29. Lake Victoria ()

Rice. 30. Lake Tanganyika ()

Rice. 31. Lake Chad ()

In the Western Hemisphere are North America and South America, they are washed from the west by the Pacific Ocean, from the east by the Atlantic, and North America is also washed by the Arctic Ocean from the north.

Rice. 32. Physical map of North America

Rice. 33. Physical map of South America

North America also includes the largest island on Earth, it is called Greenland.

Rice. 34. Coast of Greenland ()

These continents are rich in both rivers and lakes. One of the world's greatest rivers flows through North America. Mississippi,

Rice. 35. Mississippi River ()

and in South America there is a river, the largest in the world in terms of fullness and length.

Rice. 36. Amazon ()

On the coast of North America is a bay fandi, which, in addition to its incredible beauty, is famous for the largest tides in the world, more than seventeen meters.

Rice. 37. Bay of Fundy ()

Just imagine, millions of tons of water come ashore in twelve hours and then move away from it. South America is home to the tallest waterfall in the world. Angel, its total height is 979 meters.

Rice. 38. Angel Falls ()

It seems as if it is shrouded in fog - it is a curtain of tiny particles of water that is sprayed, falling from such a great height. The most powerful waterfall in the world is located on the same mainland. Iguazu.

Rice. 39. Iguazu Falls ()

Although in fact it is a whole complex of 270 individual waterfalls, which has a width of about 2.7 km. The driest place in the world is located in South America - the desert Atacama.

Rice. 40. Atacama Desert ()

In some parts of this desert, rain falls once every few decades.

Australia- the fifth continent, which is smaller than all the others. The Pacific Ocean washes the northern and eastern coasts, the Indian Ocean - the western and southern.

Rice. 41. Physical map of Australia

Most of the mainland is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts, there are very few rivers, which is why Australia is considered the driest continent on Earth. Common here screams(English creek - rivulet) - rivers that exist only during the rainy season and completely dry up for most of the year.

SUBJECT: What is a globe.

The methodological purpose of the lesson.

    To acquaint with the method of organizing educational research.

The purpose of the lesson .

    To develop the skills of research activities of students, to form the primary skills of conducting independent research.



To contribute to the formation of the concepts of "model", "globe", "ocean", "continent", the ability to work with the globe.


To develop the ability to operate with information, highlight the main thing in the content of the material being studied, improve the ability to analyze, draw conclusions.


Increasing interest in the study of the subject, the formation of a scientific worldview. To create an atmosphere of cooperation in the classroom, to promote the formation of elementary skills to build their interpersonal relationships.

Lesson type : lesson learning new material.

Teaching method: reproductive, problem-search.

Methods for the implementation of educational and cognitive activities : verbal, visual, practical.

Form of study : story, conversation, practice.

Form of organization of student activities : frontal, individual.

Equipment : computer, multimedia projector, presentation, globes.

Predicted result

Students gain knowledge

About the model of the Earth;

About continents and oceans;

Get acquainted with the types of rotation of the Earth and the consequences of this rotation;

Develop the ability to analyze the results obtained, draw conclusions


I. Organizational moment.

The lesson starts

He will go to the guys for the future,

Try to understand everything

Learn to unlock secrets

Give complete answers

To get a job

Only a rating of "five"!

II. Checking the material covered.

(Test questions on the slide)

III. Formulation of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

    Solve the crossword puzzle. nine






1. A device with which to observe the stars.(telescope)

2. A person who studies the stars and other celestial bodies.(astronomer)

3. Blue tent

The whole world covered.(sky)

4. In the blue village

Chubby girl

She can't sleep at night

Looks in the mirror.(moon)

5. Wandering alone

Fire eye.

Everywhere that happens

Looks warm.(sun)

What do you think we will learn in class today? What will we study?

IV . Formation of the concepts of "model", "globe". Slide

What is a globe? Let's think.

U. - How to name the objects lying on the table? (toys lie: plane, helicopter, car)

U. - What does a toy look like: an airplane? … helicopter? ... machine?

U. - How are they similar to real objects? (Similar - shape)

W. - How do they differ from real objects? (Different - size)

(Children try to formulate the concept of "model")

W. - How do you understand the meaning of the word "model"?

D. - A model is a reduced image of an object.

U. - Sometimes, in order to study an object, scientists make its reduced or enlarged image - a model. The globe is a model of the earth.

U. - What is the name of the object that is on your desk in each group? (The globe)

U. - Let's find out what the word "globe" means?

Globe is a Latin word, it means spherical, ball, round.

A globe is a sphere on which the outlines of the land and waters of the Earth are applied. The ball is applied to the axis and inclined with respect to the stand. There is another definition of a globe. A globe is a model of the Earth a million times smaller than the planet Earth itself.

Y - Can a balloon (show) and a ball (show) be called a globe? Why?

(Students lead a discussion on this issue)

Now let's talk about the second question of our study:What are the oldest globes? Slide

Look at the slide. It is known that the model of the globe was first built by the Greek scientist, the keeper of the Pergamon Library Crates of Malos in the 2nd century BC. BC, however, it, unfortunately, has not been preserved, but the drawing has remained. It does not even show all the continents. The world familiar to man of antiquity was very small.

(slide) The first terrestrial globe that has come down to us was made in 1492 by the German geographer and traveler Martin Beheim (1459-1507). It is made of calfskin, tightly stretched over metal ribs. On this model of the globe with a diameter of 54 cm, called the "Earth Apple", Beheim placed a map of the world of the ancient Greek scientist Ptolemy. Globe is a small likeness of our planet began to be called later. Of course, the images on it were far from the truth. Martin Beheim's globe is on display at the Nuremberg Museum in Germany.The largest earth globe with a diameter of 12.5 m was built in 1998 in the USA.

Globes - "sailors" .

Once upon a time, sailors took globes with them on long and dangerous journeys. Globes - "sailors" have seen a lot for their long service on ships. They were battered by storms, blown by fierce winds, they were all stained with sea salt water.

Globes are dandies.” They spent their entire life in luxurious royal palaces. These globes were decorated with gold, silver and precious stones. On some globes they put a clock mechanism with a spring, and the globe was spinning, like our planet.

Globe astronaut. It is installed on spaceships. A small globe - during the entire flight, the astronaut spins without stopping at the same speed as the Earth. As soon as the commander of the spaceship takes a look at him, he will immediately know over which ocean or which country his spaceship is flying at that moment.

There are many different globes now. There are globes that depict all the countries of the world.

There are globes with an uneven surface: all the mountains, all the hills on them are convex. There islunar globe and mars globe . There are evenglobe of the starry sky. It depicts the constellations, the Milky Way.

U. - Our research continues, we have one more question ahead of us:"How is the globe arranged?"

Introduction of concepts equator, parallels, meridians.

( Based on the globe demonstration, students mark all the data on the balloons. )

North Pole and South Pole. Put a label there.

There are many lines on the globe. Each line has its own name.

Equator - "the main belt of the Earth." This is a line that divides our globe into two hemispheres - Northern and Southern.

The circumference of the Earth is 40 thousand km. It would take about a month to cover this distance by fast train. A walk - about five years.

The globe also has horizontal and vertical lines.

Lines that run from north to south are calledmeridians.

Lines that run from west to east are calledparallels.

Therefore, sometimes the globe is called the "ball in the net."

There is an axis, not yet visible to us, around which the Earth rotates. She is tilted. The earth rotates around an imaginary axis. After all, a globe is a miniature copy of the Earth.

T: Rotate the globe around the Earth's axis. Who remembers what happens as a result of the rotation of the Earth around its axis.

( D. There is a change of day and night.)

U: It's time for us to change our activity, to have a little rest.


V. Physical minute:

Standing on one leg

Turns his head.

Shows us countries

Rivers, mountains, oceans.

You spin like a globe

Now stop!

V. Formation of new concepts.

U. Our study is coming to an end, but we still have to answer the last question:

“What can the globe tell about?”

U. - We will search for information on this question together, and globes will become our main assistants.(Slide)

Formation of the concepts of "ocean", "continent".

U. Let's see what our planet looks like from space.


Astronauts lovingly refer to Earth as "The Blue Planet"

What colors are on the surface of the globe? (Blue, green and brown.)

What color is more on the globe? (1/3 - land, 2/3 - water)

U. - What do the colors on the globe mean?

D. - Blue, blue colors - denote water. Yellow, brown, green - indicate land. White - snow or ice.

W. - Look at the globe. It really has the most blue. These are seas and oceans.

Large areas of land that are surrounded on all sides by water are called continents. On the globe, the continents are colored green and brown.

VI. Stage of intermediate results and conclusions .

Group work.

U.- Now you have to study the globe, as scientists once explored our Earth.

Find and show the continents and oceans on the globe.

( Independent work in groups .)

Task for the first group.

1. _______________

2. _______________

3. _______________

4. _______________

5. _______________

6. _______________

Task for the second group.

1. _______________

2. _______________

3. _______________

4. _______________

U. Well done, guys. We learned a lot of new and interesting things about the globe.

VII. Summary of the lesson.

Well done! Friendship won.

You learned a lot of important information in this lesson.

I am very glad that you were so united in your feelings for our vast planet EARTH. Planet Earth is our common home and it must be protected!

A game "Race for the leader" begins!

( The teacher reads the sentences at a fast pace, the children of each group select the words that are appropriate in meaning: GLOBE, BALL, WATER, LAND, SNOW, ICE, FOUR, SIX, PARALLELS, MERIDIANS, PROTECT. )

VIII. Reflection

Evaluation of work in the classroom.

What can you praise yourself for?

What remained incomprehensible, caused boredom?

What would you like to know more about?

Where can information gathering skills come in handy?

IX. Choice homework.






Task for the first group.

Find the continents on the globe, name them.

1. _______________

2. _______________

3. _______________

4. _______________

5. _______________

6. _______________

Model of the Earth - _______________. This word in Latin means _____.

On the globe, ____________ is indicated in blue, ___________ is indicated in brown, yellow, green, and _____________ is white. There are ______ oceans and _______ continents on the globe. "The main belt of the Earth" - ___________________. There are horizontal and vertical lines on the globe called _____________ and __________________.

Planet Earth is our common home and it needs __________!


Model of the Earth - _______________. This word in Latin means _____.

On the globe, ____________ is indicated in blue, ___________ is indicated in brown, yellow, green, and _____________ is white. There are ______ oceans and _______ continents on the globe. "The main belt of the Earth" - ___________________. There are horizontal and vertical lines on the globe called _____________ and __________________.

Planet Earth is our common home and it needs __________!


Task for the second group.

one). Find the oceans on the globe and name them.

1. _______________

2. _______________

3. _______________

4. _______________

2. Continue to teach children to establish connections: climate, location with the habitat of plants and animals, to exclude natural objects from the series by common and various signs.
3. Expand children's ideas about the animal and plant world of the planet.
4. Cultivate love and respect for the environment and natural objects.


Globe, illustrations depicting the Arctic and Antarctica, ocean and sea, mountains, plains, lowlands - forests, meadows, highlands - deserts; signal cards, pencil, sheet of paper.

Course progress.

I organizational moment.

Slide number 1 Let's start our lesson,
He will go to the guys for future use.
Try to understand everything
Much to learn.

Guys, sit properly, straighten your backs and put your feet together.

Slide number 2 Here is the Earth, our common home.
There are many neighbors in it:
Slide number 3 And furry kids,
And fluffy kittens
And meandering rivers
And curly sheep
Grass, birds and flowers,
And, of course, me and you.

Guys, today we will find out why the globe is painted in different colors.

II Work on the topic of the lesson:

1 part.
Guys, it's like you already know the globe. What is a globe? (children's answers) Slide number 4 In the last lesson, we talked about the rotation of the Earth. How does the earth rotate? What happens on the Earth when it rotates? (children's answers)
Looking at the globe, we can learn a lot about our planet: what shape is the Earth, is there land on it, is there a lot of water on the planet. Let's take a closer look at the globe. What colors do you see on it? (children's answers)

part 2
And now the question is:
So why is blue
Our common home
Our globe.

That's right, because most of the Earth's surface is covered with water. Look at the atlas map of how land and water are distributed on Earth. Slide number 5.6 Water on Earth, what is it? (children's answers)
Guys, now I will read a poem, you listen carefully, if you hear the word for water, clap your hands.

Slide number 7 From the bowels of the Earth, a spring scored,
Crystal stream, which became in an instant ...
Streams rush, run forward,
And now the river is already flowing!
The river doesn't flow
And straight to the sea leads the way ...
And the sea, like a huge mouth,
All the waters of the rivers will pour into itself!
Well, then he will take them himself
The boundless ocean!
And he will wash the globe
Water clear, blue.

There is a lot of water on the planet, but there is much less fresh water suitable for drinking, so water must be protected, not polluted with household waste and
Slide No. 8 In a day, with the thinnest stream, 150 liters can flow out of the tap into the sewer. water. Look at the eco sign for what it is
Slide number 9 means? (children's answers) Let's tell a poem.

Here we talked about water on our planet. And what is the name of Slide No. 10, the other part located on Earth? (children's answers)

3 part.
That's right, dry. Look again at the map in the atlas. What are the colors on dry land? (children's answers) What do you think is indicated by yellow, green, brown? (children's answers)
Planet Earth is a home for everyone: plants, animals - animals, fish, insects, birds.
Guys, let's play. I will give you riddles, and you will guess them and raise signal cards with the color where they live: blue is ice, snow, blue is water, green is forest, meadows, yellow is steppes, deserts, brown is mountains.

Slide number 11 Large beast, predatory beast, strong beast,
He jumps from the ice floe onto the ice floe and roars.
(polar bear)

I am a hunchbacked beast
But the guys like me
All my life I wear two humps,
I have two stomachs!
But every hump is not a hump, a barn!
Food in them - for seven days! (camel)

Behind the trees, bushes
The flame flashed quickly
Flashed, ran
No smoke, no fire, (fox)

Are you not familiar with me?
I live at the bottom of the sea.
Head and eight legs
That's all I am - (octopus).

Everyone is moving forward
On the contrary, he
He can two hours in a row
Backtracking all the time, (cancer)

It is covered with dark bark,
The sheet is beautiful, carved,
And at the ends of the branches
Many different acorns, (oak)

He flies high
Sees very far.
He built his nest in the stones
Tell me who it is. (eagle)

The oblique does not have a den,
He doesn't need a hole.
Legs save from enemies
And from hunger - bark. (hare)

Tell me what kind of weirdo
Does he wear a tailcoat day and night?
In waddling with ice floes
It's coming to us. (penguin)

Less tiger, more cat
Above the ears - brush-horns.
In appearance meek, but do not believe:
Brightened in anger this beast. (lynx)

Soft, not fluffy
Green, not grass. (moss)

She had a drink in her mouth.
She lived in the depths.
Scared everyone, swallowed everyone,
Now it's in the cauldron. (pike)

Across the ocean,
The miracle giant floats,
In the middle is a fountain. (whale)

rope twists,
At the end is the head. (snake)

Rest is a physical minute for us, take your seats.

Hands raised and waved
These are the trees in the forest.
Elbows bent, brushes shaken -

The wind knocks down the dew.
Let's gently wave our hands -
The birds are flying towards us.
How they sit down, we'll show -
Wings we fold back.

4 part.
Slide number 12 And now, another game called "The Third Extra". Be careful.

Slide number 13 Walrus - hare - seal.
Slide number 14 Crocodile - mountain goat - eagle.
Slide number 15 Medusa - wolf - whale.
Slide number 16 Camel - scorpion - penguin.
Slide number 17 Petrel - swallow - albatross.
Slide number 18 Algae - aspen - pine.
Slide number 19 Cactus - snowdrop - bell.
Slide number 20 Dandelion - lichen - cornflower.
Slide number 21 Zebra - giraffe - dolphin.
Slide number 22 Elephant - lion - boar.
Slide number 23 Woodpecker - cuckoo - seagull.

5 part.
When you go to school, you will study the science of geography and work with contour maps. Now we will learn how to work Slide No. 24 with a map. You need to color the surface of the globe where the water is.

III Final part.

Slide number 25 Guys, our planet Earth is the most beautiful of all planets. Only it has life and all the diversity of nature that we see: the sky, the sun, the moon, stars, clouds, air, water, mountains, rivers, seas, grass, trees, fish, birds, animals and, of course, people, that is, you and me.
Our planet Earth is very generous and rich. She needs to be protected.

Let's save the planet
There is no other like it in the world.
Let us scatter clouds and smoke over it,
We won't let anyone hurt her.
Let's take care of birds, insects, animals,
This will only make us better.
Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens and flowers.
We need such a planet.

Program tasks:

Educational: To acquaint children with the scientific version of the formation of the Earth, with the concept of "globe", "map", "equator", "tropical belt". To give children elementary ideas that there are different areas of the earth that differ in their natural conditions and are indicated on the globe (map) in different ways. To deepen the idea that most of the Earth is covered with water. In addition to water, there is land where people live.

Developing: Development of free communication with adults and children. Enrichment of vocabulary.

Educational: Cultivate a caring attitude towards the Earth - your home.

Equipment: An interactive globe, a large and a small globe, a physical map of the World and a physical map of the Russian Federation, paper circles, scissors, blue and yellow chips.



Municipal state educational institution "Kindergarten No. 7 of a general developmental type"

Synopsis of directly educational activities

for children of the preparatory group

Educator: Igolkina E.A.

Efremov 2015

Topic: "Our helpers: globe and map"

Program tasks:

Educational:To acquaint children with the scientific version of the formation of the Earth, with the concept of "globe", "map", "equator", "tropical belt". To give children elementary ideas that there are different areas of the earth that differ in their natural conditions and are indicated on the globe (map) in different ways. To deepen the idea that most of the Earth is covered with water. In addition to water, there is land where people live.

Developing: Development of free communication with adults and children. Enrichment of vocabulary.

Educational: Cultivate a caring attitude towards the Earth - your home.

Equipment: Interactive globe, large and small globe, physical map of the World and physical map of the Russian Federation, paper circles, scissors.



Educator: Guys, each of us has a place where we feel comfortable and safe. This is our house. And where do you live in the house?

Children: We live in an apartment.

Educator: Is it convenient for you to live there?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Yes, because there is running water, and light, and heating. With everything that is in the house, you handle carefully, if something has gone bad, put it in order. Your apartment is located in the entrance, but where is the entrance?

Children: In the house.

Teacher: And the house?

Children: The house is on the street.

Educator: And the street?

Children: The street is in the city.

Educator: And where is the city?

Children: The city is in the country.

Educator: And the country?

Children: The country is on Earth.

Educator: So it turns out that the Earth is our common home. It has everything that is necessary for life - water, food, light and heat. And all this must be protected, loved and used wisely.

Educator: Children, what do you know about our planet - Earth? What is its shape and size?

Children: Our Earth is big, round.

Educator: Yes, our planet is round - it's a huge - huge ball. And now I will tell you a little about the history of our planet Earth.

Our earth was formed many millions of years ago. At first it was a fiery mixture of boiling rocks and harmful gases. But millions of years have passed, and the Earth has cooled down; its surface was covered with a crust. The hot Earth was covered with dense clouds of steam and gas. When the temperature dropped, the rains began, it rained for hundreds of years, and the seas formed. For the first billion years, there was no life on Earth. During this turbulent time, mountains appeared and disappeared. The sea now covered the land, then receded. The climate on Earth became warmer, and then living organisms began to appear. The Earth is a huge solid ball rotating in outer space, and it is depicted as a globe. What is a globe?

Children: A globe is a model of our globe.

Educator: The word "globe" means a ball, it has everything that is on earth, only very small. Let's take a look at it. Globes are big and small, and there are also interactive globes. This is the kind of globe that can have a real dialogue with you. And although you are silent at the same time, your communication with the globe takes place through a special pointer pen. With this pen, you indicate the place on the globe that you want to know about, and the globe in return gives information about the place you have chosen.

Educator: What color is the most on the globe?

Children: Most of all on the globe is blue.

Educator: What do you think is indicated by this color?

Children: Water, seas, oceans.

Educator: Let's check it with our interactive globe. Yes, and the darker the color, the deeper the sea, or ocean, in that place. What other colors are on the globe?

Children: Green, brown, yellow.

Educator: Correctly, the land is painted in different colors, because there are mountains, forests, deserts on Earth. I suggest you get some rest.

Dynamic pause"Forest, mountains, sea"

On the verbal signal "forest", children imitate the movements of various animals; "mountains" - the movement of eagles; "sea" - the movements of marine animals.


Educator: Guys, what do you think, where is the coldest place on Earth? Show it on the globe.

The coldest place on earth is the south pole. On the globe, it is located at the bottom, where the earth's axis passes. Here is eternal ice and frost. It is also cold at the north pole - the highest point of the globe. Why do you think it's always cold and snowy at the poles?

Children: Because there is little sun.

Educator: The fact is that our planet is round, and therefore the sun heats it unequally, very little sunlight hits the poles. The rays only slightly touch the poles, and for half a year the sun does not look there at all. Then there is the polar night. Those places on Earth where it is always cold and eternal snows are called the polar belt of the Earth.

Educator: What do you think, where on Earth is it always hot?

It's always hot in the middle of the earth. Here is an imaginary line - the equator. The equator is like a belt that encircles the Earth in the middle. The equator always receives direct sunlight, so it is always hot and there is no snow. Such a place on Earth is called the tropical zone.

Educator: If the Earth is presented in the form of a circle, then there will be 2/3 of the water, the rest is land. And to check it out, I offer you the following challenge.

(Children go to the tables and sit down).

Experimental work

Educator: There is a circle on your table. Why exactly a circle, and not a square, a triangle?

Children: Because our Earth is round.

Educator: Right. Look, the circle is divided by lines into 3 parts. Cut out one of the three. Now put a yellow chip on one part, and a blue chip on two parts. This is how much space occupies water on Earth - 2/3, and 1 part is land.

(Children get up from the tables and go to the carpet)


Educator: Imagine that you and I went on a trip and taking a globe with us is inconvenient. How can we be? For this, people came up with a map. Who do you think needs a card?

Children: Travelers, military, sailors, scientists.

Educator: Let us also consider a map of our planet (the teacher hangs out a map of the world). A map is also an image of our Earth. Everything that is on the globe is exactly displayed on the map. Let's find on the map the place where our country is located. What is the name of our country?

Children: Our country is called Russia.

Educator: Let's find Russia on the interactive globe. The globe confirmed to us that we had correctly found the location of our country we needed. Russia is the largest country in the world by area.

Educator: What do you think the thin blue stripes with which all of Russia is streaked mean?

Children: (These are rivers).

Educator: And what color is the most on the map of Russia?

Children: Most of all on the map Russia, green.

Teacher: What does this color mean?

Children: This color means a lot of forests, fields, meadows.

Educator: Our country is rich not only in forests, fields and meadows. We also have many mountains, which are marked in brown. Let's take a close look at our smart globe and find the mountains

(Several children show mountains on an interactive globe)

Educator: Children, look at these little white dots. There are a lot of such points on the map of Russia. All of them mean cities. Let's find the capital of our country on the map. What is the name of the capital of our country?

Children: The capital of our Motherland is Moscow.

Educator: Let's check it on an interactive globe.

Educator: Conventional signs are used on globes and maps. Cities are depicted as small white dots, rivers are thin blue lines, brown is used for mountains, green is used for forests.

Educator: I have the following task for you. (Children go to the tables and sit down).


(Working with punched cards)

Look at your cards on the tables. Consider it carefully. Remember what conventional signs and colors designate the seas, rivers, mountains, forests and cities. You need to point with arrows where the seas, rivers, mountains, forests and cities are located to a part of the map.

Educator: Well done! Everyone did their job. Now you are all real travelers, you know what a map is, a globe is our travel assistants. Let's remember what we talked about today and what we learned new.

Children: Today we learned about the equator, the tropical zone, how the Earth was formed, that most of the Earth is covered with water.