Post-war history test. Test Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century

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Test 10

USSR in the post-war years 1945-1953. Restoration of the national economy.

Option 2

The first atomic bomb in the Soviet Union, which broke the US monopoly on nuclear weapons, was tested in the year

The last political repressive campaign inspired by the Stalinist leadership of the country was

The pre-war level of industrial production was reached already by 1948, primarily due to

Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, held in 1946, were boycotted by the population

Which of the following events refers to the period 1945-1953?

Are the following statements true? In the post-war years A. millions of front-line soldiers returned to civilian life. B. many former Soviet prisoners of war ended up in Stalin's camps.

The transformation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army into the Soviet Army was carried out in

Who is it about: “After the war, he combines scientific and managerial work: the development of the plan for the 4th five-year plan and the work “The Military Economy of the USSR during the Patriotic War”. But on March 5, 1949, he was removed from the post of 1st Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and Chairman of the State Planning Commission, removed from the Politburo and expelled from the Central Committee of the party. The manuscript of the written book "The Political Economy of Communism" disappeared without a trace. On the eve of the removal, he spoke out against Stalin's proposal to impose a new tax on the peasants. In the autumn of 1949, he was arrested on the slander of Malenkov and Beria.

Read an excerpt from a modern historian’s essay describing proposals to change the text of the CPSU(b) Program in the post-war period: “The idea was also expressed of introducing direct popular legislation, for which it was considered mandatory: a) to hold a popular vote and make decisions on most of the most important issues of state life as a general political, economic order, and on issues of life and cultural construction; b) broadly develop legislative initiative from below by granting public organizations the right to submit proposals on new bills to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR; c) approve the right of citizens and public organizations to directly submit requests to the Supreme Council on the most important issues of international and domestic politics. The principle of electing leaders was not ignored either. The draft program of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Bolsheviks) set the task, as we move towards communism, to implement the principle of the election of all officials of the state apparatus, changes in the functioning of a number of state bodies in the direction of their increasing transformation into institutions involved in accounting and control of the national economy. Are these proposals formulated?

Topic 6: USSR in 1945 - 1985

Test 11

Option 1

Which of the following events refers to the period of the "thaw" of 1953-1964

An attempt by the "anti-party group" V.M. Molotov. G.M. Malenkova, L.M. Kaganovich to remove N.S. Khrushchev from power and maintain pro-Stalinist positions was exposed in

The fact that shocked the whole country and the whole world in 1956, which contributed to the democratization of the country, was the report of N.S. Khrushchev at the XX Congress of the CPSU, dedicated to

The event that marked the beginning of the weakening of repression is

The first military clash between the USSR and the USA in the era of the so-called. cold war happened

A notable event in the social life of Soviet people in the post-war period was (a)

Are the following statements true? In the country's agriculture, during the period of the "thaw" of A., collective farms were freed from debts to the state. B. purchase prices for some agricultural products have been increased.

The adoption in 1957 of a new labor law was intended to

Match events and dates. Enter your answer in the table:

1) making a decision on the development of virgin and fallow lands BUT) 1957
2) sending the first artificial earth satellite into space B) 1954
3) suppression of workers' protests in Novocherkassk AT) 1961
4) adoption of the Third Party Program - the program of building communism G) 1956
D) 1962

Read an excerpt from a modern historian's work. “Khrushchev took a huge personal risk, no less than when Beria was arrested. It was necessary to act quickly and decisively, relying on the support of trusted people. Even Khrushchev himself and his inner circle were not sinless, although their responsibility for those crimes is much less than other members of the party. And yet the risk, although great, was justified.
The opinion was expressed that the condemnation of Stalin at the congress was undertaken mainly in order to rationalize the system of bureaucratic administration and even to strengthen the privileges and power of the nomenklatura. Even more often the opinion was expressed that Khrushchev's speech at the congress became a decisive episode in the struggle for power in the party. Taking the initiative, Khrushchev dealt a blow to such close associates of Stalin as Molotov, Kaganovich, Malenkov, Voroshilov, Mikoyan, whose presence in the Presidium interfered with him. Much of Khrushchev's behavior is connected with his personal qualities. Khrushchev was really worried about the plight of the workers and especially the peasants. He was also worried about the plight of prisoners, who for no reason were thrown into camps and prisons for many years. The text of the report was sent to all district committees and city committees of the party. ”In what year did the events described in it take place?

Topic 6: USSR in 1945 - 1985

Test 11

Reforms N.S. Khrushchev. The period of "thaw" 1953 - 1964.

Option 2

In the reign of N.S. Khrushchev carried out (- on)

Which of these events refers to the period of the "thaw" of 1953-1964?
Are the following statements true? A. An attempt to overcome the crisis in agriculture in 1954 was the decision to develop virgin and fallow lands. B. Undertaken by N.S. Khrushchev, the division of all bodies into industrial and rural ones gave rise to chaos and a decrease in controllability in the economy.

The monetary reform of 1961 provided for:

During the years of leadership of the country, N.S. Khrushchev (1953-1964)

What terms came into use during the period 1953 - 1964?: Choose the correct combination of answers:

1) A B C 2) AVG 3) BVG 4) GDD

The era of nuclear energy in the USSR began with the launch in 1954 of the world's first nuclear power plant in the city of

Read a passage from a modern historian's writing.

“The fact is that the 20th Congress, which really broke the back of Stalinism, there is no doubt about it, nevertheless, has not been completed until today, because the de-Stalinization of Russia did not occur. It did not happen in terms of society's ideas. Because many idealize Stalin. That is, in my opinion, as before, Stalin has not been fully exposed and Stalinism has not been exposed, there is still an idealization of Stalinism. Until now, Stalin's repressive machine has not been broken, the special services, which are still not controlled by society and still often operate in a lawless regime. Until now, the very model of power has not been broken as an irresistible force against which the opposition itself, which is a crime against the state, cannot be resisted. Therefore, although the 20th Congress dealt, in my opinion, a huge blow, maybe a mortal blow to Stalinism, but this hydra of Stalinism, this terrible phenomenon, Stalinism is still alive and therefore the 20th Congress has not ended.

What decision of the 20th game is evaluated in it?

Establish a correspondence between the statesmen of the USSR and the posts they hold. Enter your answer in the table:

N.S. Khrushchev

Minister of Commerce

A.A. Gromyko

defense minister

V.F. Semichastny

Chairman of the Council of Ministers

G.K. Zhukov

KGB chairman

Foreign Secretary


Collection "Tests" (options and answers of the centralized testing in 2006) - the book presents sample tests used during the centralized testing in 2006.

  • Russian Federation "I approve" (3)


    The area of ​​professional activity of a specialist is to ensure effective management of the organization, participation in the organization and functioning of state and municipal government systems, improving management in accordance with

  • Russian Federation "I approve" (4)


    The area of ​​professional activity of a specialist is to ensure effective management of an organization, participation in the organization and functioning of state and municipal government systems, improving management in accordance with

  • 1: Russia at the beginning of the 20th century


    The proposed multi-level control of knowledge on the history of Russia in the twentieth century. aims to help the teacher implement a differentiated approach to teaching.

  • USSR in the post-war period. History test grade 9.

    1 . World War II is over

    2 . One of the consequences of the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War was:

    A) expansion of democracy in factories and collective farms

    B) weakening the power of the state apparatus

    C) an end to political repression

    D) strengthening the totalitarian regime

    3 . Which of the measures taken by the leadership of the USSR refers to the second half of the 40s:

    A) the abolition of the card system

    B) the establishment of pensions for collective farmers

    C) restoration of the eight-hour working day

    D) unsubscribing to government loans

    4 . What caused the USSR leadership to speed up measures to create nuclear weapons in the first post-war years:

    A) preparing for the start of the third world war

    B) the US monopoly on the atomic bomb during the Cold War

    C) the intention to create a network of Soviet military bases around the United States

    D) the need to sell nuclear weapons to third world countries

    5. What caused the strengthening in the USSR of both ideological pressure and repression in 1945-1953:

    A) mass demonstrations of the population against the government

    B) return to the pre-war policy of the totalitarian regime

    C) uprisings of Gulag prisoners

    D) the danger of a foreign invasion of the USSR

    6 . Which of the sciences was actually banned in the USSR in the late 40s:

    A) cybernetics

    B) nuclear physics

    B) biology

    D) history

    7 . The plan for the restoration of the national economy was adopted in:

    8 . What unites the dates of 1949. and 1953 :

    A) economic reforms in industry

    B) the entry of Soviet troops into other countries

    C) the conclusion of international treaties

    D) testing in the USSR of a nuclear bomb and a hydrogen bomb

    9 .In which of the named periods was the trial of the "Leningrad case" carried out:

    A) 1941-1945

    B) 1945-1953

    C) 1950-1953

    D) 1965-1985

    10 . The post-war monetary reform included:

    A) the introduction of the gold equivalent of the ruble

    B) the exchange of "old" money for "new" at the rate of 10:1

    C) opening personal accounts of workers

    D) increase in money supply

    11 . The resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks “On the magazines Zvezda and Leningrad” was adopted in:

    12 . The first Berlin Crisis erupted:

    13 . Germany was created

    14. The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance was formed in:

    15. Arrange in chronological order:

    A) Yalta Conference

    B) W. Churchill's speech in Fulton

    B) The Truman Doctrine

    D) Creation of NATO

    16 .Place in chronological order:

    A) post-war monetary reform

    B) the beginning of the fourth five-year plan

    C) "the case of doctors"

    D) "Leningrad case"

    17 . Set match:

    1. Formation of NATO A) 1952

    2. Berlin Crisis B) 1945

    3. Abolition of GKO B) 1949

    4. 19th Congress of the CPSU (b) D) 1948

    18. Set matches:

    1. I. Stalin A) Great Britain

    2. W. Churchill B) Yugoslavia

    3.I. Broz Tito B) USSR

    4.G. Truman D) USA

    19. Compare the political development of the USSR in the 30s. with political development after the end of the war. What was common and what was the difference (at least two common and three differences).

    Item number

    Domestic politics and economy

    XIX Congress of the CPSU

    "Doctors' Case"

    (1) con. 1952 - beginning. 1953

    Completion of industrial recovery

    Campaign against cosmopolitanism launched

    Cancellation of cards and monetary reform

    Decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks “On the magazines Zvezda and Leningrad”

    Death of I.V. Stalin

    Foreign policy

    Korean War

    Beginning of the Cold War

    The refusal of the USSR and its allies from the Marshall Plan, the formation of the Cominform

    First Berlin Crisis

    The split of Germany, the formation of NATO, the victory of the Communists in China, the creation of the CMEA

    2. Work with personalities

    historical figure

    Who it?

    I.V. Stalin

    Head of the USSR

    1. Concentrated unlimited power in his hands

    2. Died March 1953

    Malenkov, Beria, Khrushchev, Zhdanov

    Stalin's closest associates in the post-war period

    I.V. Kurchatov

    Soviet atomic scientist

    1. The creator of the Soviet atomic and hydrogen bombs

    Kuznetsov, Voznesensky, Rodionov

    High-ranking party workers

    1. Repressed in the "Leningrad case"

    historical figure

    Who it?

    Important Biography Facts (1945-1953)

    Zoshchenko, Akhmatova

    Writer, satirist, poetess

    1. The main objects of criticism in the party resolution "On the magazines Zvezda and Leningrad"

    W. Churchill

    Former British Prime Minister

    1. Delivered the Fulton speech that launched the Cold War

    G. Truman

    US President 1945-1953

    Mao Zedong

    Communist China leader

    Kim Il Sung

    Leader of North (Communist) Korea

    I. Broz Tito

    Leader of Socialist Yugoslavia

    3. Working with the scheme

    1 - collective farms; 2 - forced purchases at reduced prices; 3 - state economic management bodies; 4 - investment; 5 - industry (mainly the military-industrial complex).

    5. Working with concepts

    A. Concepts and terms.

    1. Purchase prices - the prices at which the state bought agricultural products from collective farms.

    2. Cosmopolitanism - the ideology of "world citizenship", when universal human interests and values ​​are placed above the interests of an individual nation.

    3. Anti-Semitism - a hostile attitude towards Jews.

    4. "Cold War" - the military-political and ideological confrontation between the USSR and the USA (and their allies) after the Second World War.

    5. "Iron Curtain" - a figurative expression denoting an informational and political barrier that for several decades separated the USSR and other socialist countries from the capitalist countries of the West.

    6. The Marshall Plan is a program of US economic assistance to Europe after World War II (in exchange for concessions in the political sphere).

    7. People's democracy - the designation in the Marxist literature of the political system that was established in a number of countries in Europe and Asia in the 1940s. with the support of the USSR.

    B. Abbreviations and abbreviations.

    1. Central Committee of the CPSU - the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

    2. CMEA - Council for Mutual Economic Assistance.

    3. NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization (English).

    4. GDR and FRG - the German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany.

    5. Kominform - Communist Information Bureau.

    6. Military-industrial complex - military-industrial complex.

    6. Working with sources

    2 ("About the magazines "Zvezda" and "Leningrad") - "3 ("Lysenkoshchina") -\u003e 1 ("doctors' case")


    Level A tasks

    job number

    job number

    Level B assignments

    1. The repressions carried out in the "Leningrad case" in the late 1940s - early 1950s affected representatives

    1) senior leadership of the army

    2) party and state apparatus

    3) scientists-economists

    4) former military personnel

    2. The concept of "bipolar system of the world" has characterized international relations and foreign policy of the USSR, Russia since

    1) the end of the First World War

    2) before the Great Patriotic War

    3) after the end of World War II

    4) after the collapse of the USSR

    3. What caused the intensification of ideological pressure and repression in the USSR in 1945-1953?

    1) mass demonstrations of the population against the government

    2) a return to the pre-war policy of the totalitarian regime

    3) uprisings of Gulag prisoners

    4) the danger of foreign invasion of the USSR

    4. The main task of the domestic policy of the USSR in the second half of the 1940s. was

    1) improving the standard of living of the rural population

    2) accelerated economic recovery

    3) development of virgin and fallow lands

    4) rehabilitation of the victims of the repressions of the 1930s.

    5. What event happened in 1945-1953?

    1) the signing of the Treaty on the Ban on Nuclear Tests in the Atmosphere, in Space and Under Water

    2) the entry of troops of the countries - participants of the Warsaw Pact in Czechoslovakia

    3) launch of the first artificial Earth satellite

    4) creation of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance

    6. In the first post-war decade (1945–1955) the following happened:

    1) the conclusion of the Soviet-American treaty on the limitation of the arms race

    2) the expansion of the influence of the USSR in the world

    3) strengthening the ties of the USSR with the allies in the anti-Hitler coalition

    4) signing of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe

    7. Read an excerpt from the "Appeal of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks" and indicate in which year it was adopted.

    “... The Soviet country broke the fetters that hindered the development of the country, led to the victory of the socialist system, which gave our people and our army great strength. The Soviet system turned out to be not only the best form of organizing the economic and cultural upsurge of the country during the years of peaceful construction, but also the best form of mobilizing all the forces of the people to repel the enemy in wartime ...

    Whoever wants the Great Victory, won with the blood of our people, to be firmly fixed, who strives to ensure the security of the peoples of the USSR, who supports Soviet foreign policy ... will vote for the candidates of the bloc of communists and non-party people ... "

    8. In what decade was the renaming of the people's commissariats into ministries?

    9. When did the Korean War take place, in which the USSR supported North Korea?

    1) 1950 - 1953

    2) 1964 - 1970

    3) 1970 - 1975

    4) 1988 - 1991

    10. Which of these events relates to the foreign policy of the USSR in the second half of the 1940s?

    1) the entry of ATS troops into Czechoslovakia

    2) rupture of relations with Yugoslavia

    3) border conflicts with China

    4) the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Eastern Europe

    11. What concept became a symbolic designation for the division of the capitalist and socialist world during the Cold War?

    1) "new world order"

    2) "fifth column"

    3) "non-intervention policy"

    4) "iron curtain"

    12. What was one of the reasons for the rapid recovery of the USSR economy after the Great Patriotic War?

    1) financial assistance from foreign banks

    2) the enthusiasm and dedication of the Soviet people

    3) the introduction of self-government in enterprises

    4) exemption of collective farmers from taxes

    Which of these events happened when I.V. was the leader of the USSR? Stalin?

    1) the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Central and Eastern Europe

    2) the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan

    3) Hungarian crisis

    4) the creation of an atomic bomb in the USSR

    14. What was the reason for the USSR's refusal to accept the "Marshall Plan" after the end of World War II?

    1) hope for the help of the countries of Eastern Europe

    2) waiting for help from third world countries

    3) fear of becoming economically and politically dependent on the United States

    4) calculation for economic recovery with the help of England and France

    15. Which of the following concepts refers to the first post-war years in the USSR?

    1) price liberalization

    2) card system

    3) bankruptcy

    4) inflation

    16. As a result of the decisions of the Potsdam Conference, part of

    1) Romania

    2)East Prussia



    17. The main task of the domestic policy of the USSR in the second half of the 1940s. Stalin's leadership thought

    1) softening censorship, pursuing a policy of publicity

    2) accelerated recovery of heavy industry

    3) the transition from sectoral to territorial management of the national economy

    4) rehabilitation of the victims of the repressions of the 1930s.

    18. Read an extract from the materials of the international conference and indicate its title.

    “We, the President of the United States, the Prime Minister of Great Britain and the Prime Minister of the Soviet Union, met ... in the capital of our ally ... and formulated and confirmed our common policy ...

    We agreed on our plans for the destruction of the German armed forces. We have come to full agreement as to the scope and timing of the operations to be undertaken from the east, west and south."

    1) Tehran

    2) Genoese

    3) Potsdamskaya

    4) The Hague

    19. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of the writer K.M. Simonov about the meeting of the leadership of the CPSU held in 1948, at which the issue of awarding the Stalin Prizes was decided, and indicate what event caused the described reaction from Stalin.

    “Stalin, addressing ... to the members of the Politburo sitting at the table, said: “I think we should still explain to the comrades why we have removed the question of Comrade Tikhonov’s book “The Yugoslav Notebook” from discussion ... Comrade Tikhonov has nothing to do with it, we have there are no complaints against him for his poems, but we cannot give him a prize for them, because lately Tito has been behaving badly."

    1) the conflict between the leadership of the USSR and Yugoslavia

    2) the signing of Yugoslavia's political agreement with the United States

    3) the entry of Yugoslavia into NATO

    4) Yugoslavia's withdrawal from the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance

    20. Which of the periods was called "the apogee of Stalinism"?

    1) 1924 - 1934

    2) 1941 - 1945

    3) 1945 - 1953

    4) 1953 - 1964

    21. Which of the following events took place in the USSR in 1945–1953?

    1) the adoption of the constitution of "victorious socialism"

    2) inclusion in the Ukrainian SSR of the Crimean region

    3) renaming people's commissariats into ministries

    4) the trial of the writers A.D. Sinyavsky and Yu.M. Daniel

    During the years of restoration of the economy destroyed in the Great Patriotic War in the USSR, the residual principle was financed

    1) heavy industry enterprises

    2) spending on the armed forces

    3) developments in the field of nuclear energy

    4) light and food industry

    23. Exposure of the cult of personality I.V. Stalin at the XX Congress of the CPSU led to

    1) rehabilitation of victims of Stalinist repressions

    2) carrying out a policy of publicity

    3) the formation of a multi-party system

    4) the adoption of a new model for building socialism in the USSR

    24. The plan for the restoration of the national economy in the USSR was adopted in

    25. Establish a correspondence between events and their dates.

    A) I Congress of Soviets of the USSR

    B) the adoption of the first Constitution of the USSR

    C) formation of the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic

    D) the entry of the USSR into the League of Nations

    26. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, relate to events and phenomena that took place in the period 1945–1953. Find and write down the ordinal number of the term related to another historical period.

    1) Cominformburo; 2) "Marshall Plan"; 3) "Truman Doctrine"; 4) "cold war"; 5) Caribbean crisis; 6) Korean War.

    27. Which of the following happened in the second half of the 1940s?

    A) the adoption of a draft new Union Treaty of 9 republics of the USSR in Novo-Ogaryovo

    B) carrying out a monetary reform and the abolition of the card system for the distribution of goods

    C) the defeat of geneticists, the victory of the direction of biology, headed by T.D. Lysenko

    D) the beginning of the rehabilitation of illegally repressed people

    E) campaign against "cosmopolitanism"

    E) suppression of the protests of workers in the city of Novocherkassk

    28. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a military historian and write the name of the leader of the USSR, missing in the text.

    “... Commander-in-Chief of the Joint Forces of the Warsaw Pact Marshal of the Soviet Union I.S. Konev ... set a combat mission: "to liquidate the counter-revolutionary rebellion in Budapest." To do this, the corps was reinforced with tanks, artillery and airborne troops. The combat operation was carried out at the direction of our top party and state leadership, headed by<фамилия руководителя СССР>».

    Which three features of the following characterized the development of the economy in 1945-1953?

    1) the largest investments in the development of heavy industry

    2) renting out parts of industrial enterprises

    3) high rates of industrial development

    4) low purchase prices for agricultural products

    5) liquidation of a number of sectoral ministries

    6) transfer of part of the collective farm land to the personal subsidiary plots of collective farmers

    30. Which three of the following events are from 1945-1953? Circle the appropriate numbers and write them down in the table.

    1) the organization of the "case of doctors"

    2) transformation of the Council of People's Commissars into the Council of Ministers

    3) the adoption of the new Constitution of the USSR

    4) the defeat of the "anti-party group" G.M. Malenkova, V.M. Molotov, L.M. Kaganovich

    5) death of I.V. Stalin

    6) XX Congress of the CPSU

    31. Which three of the following events relate to the foreign policy of the USSR in 1945–1953? Circle the appropriate numbers and write them down in the table.

    1) formation of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA)

    2) Caribbean Crisis

    3) rupture of relations with Yugoslavia

    4) the formation of the Warsaw Treaty Organization (OVD)

    5) the entry of troops into Hungary

    6) formation of the German Democratic Republic (GDR)

    32. Compare the position of the USSR in the international arena after the end of the Civil War in the 1920s. and in 1945-1953.

    Indicate what was common (at least two common characteristics) and what was different (at least three differences).

    33. Below are two points of view on the activities of I.V. Stalin after the end of World War II:

    1. I.V. Stalin is a great leader and teacher, under his leadership in the post-war period the USSR turned into a world power, he created and led the socialist camp, achieved outstanding successes for the country after the end of the war.

    2. In the post-war period, the totalitarian Stalinist regime reached its apogee, total control over all spheres of society was established in the country.

    Indicate which of the above points of view seems to be more preferable to you. Give at least three facts, provisions that can serve as arguments confirming your chosen point of view.

    34. Compare the international position of the USSR in 1939-1941. and in 1945-1953.

    Indicate what was common (at least three common characteristics) and what was different (at least two differences).

    I option.

    The presence of the Red Army contributed to the establishment of pro-Soviet governments in Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, East Germany, and Austria.

    2. What are the characteristic features of the Cold War? Choose three correct answers.

    A. Rupture of diplomatic relations between the superpowers;

    B. Arms race;

    B. Local military conflicts;

    D. Active peace negotiation process;

    D. Ideological confrontation;

    E. Direct military conflict between the USSR and the USA.

    3. Determine the sources of economic recovery of the USSR after the war. Choose three correct answers.

    A. Reparations from the defeated countries;

    B. Market reforms in the economy;

    B. Privatization of large industrial enterprises;

    D. Attracting foreign capital;

    D. Extraction of funds from agriculture;

    E. Loans from the population.

    4. Which of the listed facilities were built after the war? Choose three correct answers.

    A. Stalingrad HPP;

    B. Dneproges;

    C. Railway Salekhard-Igarka;


    D.South-Ukrainian channel;

    E. White Sea-Baltic Canal.

    5. Finish the sentence.

    "According to the Constitution of the USSR, the highest authority in the country was ...".

    6. What judicial political processes in the USSR belong to the post-war period? Choose three correct answers.

    A. Leningrad case;

    B. Case of doctors.

    B. Mingrelian case;

    G. The case of the Industrial Party;

    D. Shakhty case;

    E. Trial of the Mensheviks.

    7. What characterizes education in the post-war period? Choose three correct answers.

    A. Saving tuition fees;

    B. Compulsory ten-year education;

    B. Shortage of teaching staff;

    D. The policy of "indigenization";

    D. Rapid growth in the number of universities and technical schools;

    E. Refusal of education for everyone, except for people from the proletarian environment.

    8. Correlate the names of writers and the titles of their works.

    1. Tvardovsky A.T.;

    2. Fadeev A.A.;

    3. Polevoy B.N.;

    4. Nekrasov V.P.;

    5. Panova V.F.

    A. "In the trenches of Stalingrad";

    B. "Satellites";

    V. "Young Guard";

    G. "The Tale of a Real Man";

    D. "Vasily Terkin".

    9. Which of the following events was the first confrontation between the USSR and the USA during the Cold War?

    A. Korean War;

    B. Caribbean crisis;

    B. Berlin Crisis;

    D.Vietnam war;

    D. Afghan war.

    10. Arrange the events in chronological order.

    A. Beginning of the Korean War;

    B. Monetary reform in the USSR;

    B. Decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks “On the magazines Zvezda and Leningrad”;

    G.XIX Congress of the VKPb;

    D. Death of I. Stalin.

    11. What, in your opinion, explains the growth of religious sentiment in the USSR after the war? Justify your answer.

    12. Why, in your opinion, did the low standard of living in the country after the war not cause popular indignation and protests? Justify your answer.

    II option.

    1. Underline the extra in the text.

    The USSR, USA, Great Britain, France, China, Canada became permanent members of the UN Security Council.

    2. What is the purpose of the "Marshall Plan"? Choose three correct answers.

    A. Recovery of the economy of Western Europe;

    B. Strengthening economic ties with the USSR;

    B. Creation of a military bloc;

    D. Strengthening trade relations with Western Europe;

    D. Financial assistance to former colonies;

    E. Modernization of industrial capacities.

    3. What is the currency reform of 1947? Choose three correct answers.

    A. Replacement of State banknotes for rubles;

    B. Increase in money supply;

    B. Strengthening the ruble;

    D. depreciation of the dollar;

    D. Easing inflation;

    E. Reducing the shortage of goods.

    4. Which of the following factors caused the backlog of agriculture from other sectors of the economy? Choose three correct answers.

    A. Low level of mechanization;

    B. Mass repressions among collective farmers;

    B. Land hunger;

    G. Lack of interest among the peasants in increasing production;

    D. Import of cheap imported products;

    E. Low level of financing of agriculture.

    5. Complete the sentence.

    "In March 1946, the Supreme Soviet transformed the Council of People's Commissars into...".

    6. What judicial political processes in the USSR belong to the post-war period? Choose three correct answers.

    A. Case of scientists;

    B. The Case of the Anti-Fascist Jewish Committee;

    V. Mingrelian case;

    G. The case of sabotage at power plants;

    D. "Trial of the military";

    E. The case of the "Trotsky-Zinoviev terrorist center."

    7.What characterized science in the postwar period? Choose three correct answers.

    A. Rapid development of genetics and cybernetics;

    B. Creation of the first computer;

    V.Strong backlog of Soviet science from Western;

    G. Creation of the Soviet hydrogen bomb;

    E. Refusal of the state from interfering in science;

    E. Increasing the number of scientists.

    8. Match the names of the directors and the titles of their films.

    1. Pyryev I.A.;

    2.Ptushko A.L.;

    3. Barnet B.V.;

    4. Gerasimov S.A.;

    5. Kosheverova N.N.

    A. "Cinderella";

    B. "Young Guard";

    V. "Sadko";

    G. "The feat of a scout";

    D. "The Legend of the Siberian Land."

    9. Which of the listed states was not a member of the CMEA?

    A. Poland;

    B. Czechoslovakia;

    B. Yugoslavia;


    10. Arrange the events in chronological order.

    A. Creation of CMEA;

    B. "Marshall Plan";

    B. Testing a hydrogen bomb in the USSR;

    D. Beginning of the Korean War;

    E. Cancellation of the card system.

    11. What, in your opinion, explains the fact that the USSR was the most reading country in the world? Justify your answer.

    12. Why do you think there was a population explosion in the USSR after the Great Patriotic War? Justify your answer.

    Keys to the test.

    I option.


    5. Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

    8. 1D, 2B, 3D, 4A, 5B.

    10. A3, B2, V1, G4, D5.

    II option.

    5. Council of Ministers.

    8. 1D, 2B, 3G, 4B, 5A.