During holidays. The program of pastime for schoolchildren during the holidays

MKOU "Rostoshiska secondary school"

Ertil municipal district

Voronezh region




Prepared by:

teacher MKOU "Rostoshinskaya secondary school"

Susoeva Vera Nikolaevna



Russia has entered the third millennium with undoubted achievements in science and art, as well as problems in various areas of public life (polluted ecology, chronic diseases, aggravation of contradictions between "Fathers and Sons", etc.). The truth says that only a healthy person with good health, psychological stability, high morality is able to live actively, successfully overcoming various difficulties and achieving success in any activity. Therefore, parents and teachers are concerned about the issues of raising a healthy, physically strong child and developing creative abilities in him.

The pedagogical staff of the MKOU Rostoshinskaya secondary school pays great attention to the development of the creative potential of children, but the work of the children's organization Unity, children's self-government is no less important. Not only the teachers of our school, but even the children themselves note that the social problems of modern society are generated by the cardinal changes that have taken place within our country (reassessment of values, the destruction of traditional forms of work with students, the withering away of old social institutions, structural changes in all subsystems of society) . In the present conditions, it is necessary to look for such ways of educating the younger generation, which, on the one hand, would revive the positive experience of the Soviet school, on the other hand, reevaluate this experience from modern positions, enrich it with achievements in the field of educating representatives of foreign schools and domestic innovative teachers. We lead this path only in the joint activities of children's (school) and adult (teacher's) teams.

Taking this activity as the basis for the work of the Rostoshinskaya secondary school, teachers and children unanimously believe that any positive development of a child can only take place in a morally balanced, socially active, healthy person. It has been proven that if a child is sick, he cannot devote all his strength to creation, to overcoming the tasks associated with creative activity, which directly affects both the academic performance of the student and hinders his development as a socially active, significant personality.


The concept of "healthy lifestyle" must be laid in childhood. If the school conducts active propaganda and activities in this direction, then, according to surveys of children, the parents of many of them seek salvation in medicines, underestimating the strength of the impact on the body and the effectiveness of such factors as physical activity, hardening, etc.

It turns out that when a child regularly attends school, he develops a systemic adaptation to the rules and norms of a healthy lifestyle (morning exercises, work in physical education classes, regular meals, etc.), but during the holidays, when the child can only optionally to attend circles and sections offered by teachers, 70% of schoolchildren have a decrease in activity and aspiration in this direction.

Vacation is the Latin name for Sirius, the brightest star in the galaxy. Is it by chance or not by chance that people called a break in classes for their free time?

Vacations make up a significant part of the annual amount of free time for schoolchildren, but not all parents can provide their child with a full, properly organized vacation during the school year.

During the big summer holidays, the accumulated tension is discharged, the spent forces and health are restored, and the creative potential is developed. And here the summer camp with day stay of children takes over the fulfillment of these functions. A few months before the start of the camp, a lot of preparatory work is carried out.

Need The development of this program for the organization of vacations, recreation and employment of children was caused by:

an increase in the demand of parents and children for organized recreation for schoolchildren;

the need to streamline the existing system of long-term planning;

ensuring continuity in the work of the school camp of previous years;

modernization of old forms of work and the introduction of new ones;

the need to use the rich creative potential of adolescents and teachers in the implementation of the goals and objectives of the program.

Relevance This program consists in the fact that it provides for the implementation of educational and leisure activities in variousdirections :


Beauty surrounds us everywhere, we just need to see, feel and understand it. The sprouts of this miraculous skill are embedded in every child. To develop them means to educate aesthetically. That is why aesthetic education has always been and remains the most important part of the joint activities of the children's organization and the teaching staff.

As part ofmoral and aesthetic education during the holidays, you can do a lot, and you can act in several directions: music, song, dance; communication with books, nature, art with the involvement of the sectors "Press", "Polyglot" (educational), "Express" (cult mass).

As part ofphysical and sports and recreation education

Daily morning physical culture and health-improving procedures carried out by the "Athlete" sector (sports sector) - (gymnastics, aerobics, strength training in the gym), etc.

The work of various sports sections and circles (football, volleyball, basketball, table tennis, the use of exercise equipment), the involvement of “active athletes” of children from the younger group, which creates a positive emotional charge.

Carrying out various sports and health-improving events, competitions, contests.


This direction includes all events of a patriotic, historical and cultural nature, in which almost all sectors of the "Unity" are necessarily involved. The leading role is given to the "Mercy" sector (Timurov's work). The events of this direction run like a red thread through all sections of the program and instill in children patriotism, love for their native land, a sense of pride in their country, in its history and culture.


The “Druzhinnik” sector (discipline and order, florist) is actively working in this direction. All events organized together with children reflect moral and aesthetic education. They contribute to the development in children of a sense of responsibility, reliability, honesty, caring and respect for themselves, for other people and for the task assigned, as well as a sense of a beautiful, caring attitude towards nature.

Leisure-creative and decorative-applied

Creative activity is a special sphere of human activity in which a person does not pursue any other goals than to enjoy the manifestation of spiritual and physical forces. The main purpose of creative activity is the development of creativity in children and adolescents. It is in this activity that children are emotionally liberated, make new friends. All events in this area are fun, emotional, energetic, short, informative. This direction is directly related to other areas of the program and is one of the most important. It promotes the creative development of children and their initiative. Consequently, all sectors are involved in its work and the burden of responsibility is distributed equally to all participants in any event of this direction. There is no better form of introducing a child to knowledge than a game. Firstly, the game acts as an independent creative activity of education, upbringing, training, allowing children to acquire knowledge, skills, develop their intended qualities and abilities (for this purpose, didactic, cognitive, intellectual-developing, mobile, role-playing and etc.)


Through the organization of fairs, exhibitions and sales, children master the basics of practical economics and partially entrepreneurship

The creation of children's self-government in the camp is aimed at creating partnerships between children during the shift. On the basis of a sociological study conducted among parents and children on the organization of summer holidays in the children's recreation center named after. Y. Gagarin, this program focuses on the independent activities of children.

This is the novelty of the program, which provides for the solution of the following tasks by the asset center:

1. Participation in the work of general bodies through their representatives;

2. Participation in planning, discussion and decision-making on the organization and conduct of educational and leisure activities;

3. Activation of educational and leisure work.

This work on the organization of self-government in the camp provides not only for the active participation of children in affairs, but also for the possibility of revealing each of them. In collective planning, along with preserving the general idea (from the proposals of each to the general plan), new accents are added:

Recognition of the value of both accepted and not accepted ideas for implementation.

Usage The program provides for a variety of forms of work with children (excursions, hikes, cultural events, KTD, etc.), which enable children to maximize their personal creativity, activity, intellectual potential and ingenuity. Program participants are children and teenagers from 6 to 18 years old. Membership is variable. The program implementation period is designed for 3 years (2012-2015).

This program is complex in its focus, that is, it includes diverse activities, combines various areas of rehabilitation, recreation and education of children during the holidays.

Given all of the above, the teaching staff of the school sets the following goals and objectives:


The joint activities of the children's school organization "Unity" and the teaching staff of the MKOU "Rostoshinskaya secondary school" to create optimal conditions that ensure a good rest for children during the holidays, their recovery and creative development, contributing to the further development of a socially active, patriotic personality, capable of successfully adapting to society.


Organize a system of recreational activities during the holidays related to the prevention of common diseases in children;

Creation of favorable conditions for organized recreation of children. Increasing the number of children covered by various forms of recreation and rehabilitation;

Familiarization of children with cultural values, their involvement in social and leisure activities, the formation of schoolchildren's communication skills, tolerance, a sense of patriotism, love for the small Motherland;

Unleash the creative potential of children through the joint activities of the school organization "Unity" and teachers;

To develop various forms of communication in different age groups;

Involvement of parents and public organizations in the organization of recreation and employment of children and adolescents;

Contribute to the development of environmental and environmental work;

Ensuring security measures in the organization of vacation work.

EXPECTED RESULTS of the implementation of the program are as follows:

Creation of favorable conditions and opportunities for recreation and rehabilitation of children during the vacation period;

Creation of conditions for the manifestation and motivation of the creative activity of pupils in various areas of socially significant activity;

Cohesion of the children's team "Unity", the formation of children's and parental assets, the development of self-service skills, self-government, mutual assistance;

Ensuring socio-pedagogical protection and psychological comfort of children, the formation of a sense of self-worth and self-sufficiency;

Creation and strengthening of functional links between organizations and institutions involved in the organization and provision of children's recreation;

Implementation of socially significant projects aimed at developing creative activity, increasing the level of self-development in creative activity;

Increasing the coverage of children and adolescents with organized forms of recreation;

Improving the work of the summer school day camp "Sparrow".


People can do things together

what you cannot do alone;

unity of minds and hands, concentration

their forces can become almost omnipotent.

D. Webster

The scientific and practical basis for the creation of this program was the pedagogical ideas of V.A. Sukhomlinsky, K.D. Ushinsky, I.P. Ivanov, V.A. Karakovsky, N.E. Shchurkova. Having singled out a single idea, we defined education as a purposeful management of the development of the child's personality, carried out in educational and extracurricular activities by the teaching staff together with children's creativity.

Managing the process of personality development has a dialogue character, it is not so much the influence of the subject on the object, but the interaction of the parties. We are talking about a “soft”, “flexible, indirect impact on a person. To manage means to create conditions for the development of a child, to include him in a variety of activities, in a system of relationships, to stimulate self-knowledge, self-development, self-realization (L.I. Novikova, V.A. Karakovsky. N.S. Selivanova). Each educator largely provides pedagogical support to a developing personality, and universal human values ​​such as Man, Family, Labor, Knowledge, Culture, Fatherland, Earth, World in this case are the basis of a single educational process (according to V.L. Karakovsky).


The principle of humanization of education (L.I. Novikova): placing the child at the center of all areas carried out within the framework of the program, the implementation of a personality-oriented approach to the organization of social and cultural activities during the vacation period;

The principle of cultural conformity (A.V. Mudrik): socio-cultural activities should be based on universal cultural values. This principle requires a person to be introduced to various values ​​of the culture of an ethnos, society: to the culture of everyday life, physical, material, spiritual, intellectual, moral;

The principle of natural conformity, ecologization is based on scientific understanding of natural and social processes, on the formation of the ecological consciousness of schoolchildren in the process of education. The implementation of this principle gives obvious advantages: health, harmony, lack of complexes, deep and solid knowledge in accordance with the needs and abilities of the individual.

The principle of system. Only through a systematic approach to the organization of vacation time is it possible to ensure the integrity of the educational process;

The principle of success and support: the creation of conditions for voluntariness and choice - providing the child with the opportunity to choose forms of recreation and employment, based on his personal needs and interests, in accordance with his own desire. Success not only helps to reveal the potential inherent at the level of actual development, but also opens up new opportunities, that is, a new zone of proximal development (L.S. Vygotsky);

The principle of participation: involving children in direct and conscious participation in purposeful activities, the rational use of free time, involving parents in purposeful activities to form healthy habits in children, involving children in various associations, in outdoor activities, in creating a favorable atmosphere for communication;

The principle of social compensation: ensuring social and legal protection of children and adolescents in families requiring social support;

The principle of guarantees: the implementation of the constitutional rights of children and adolescents to health improvement, the implementation of state guarantees aimed at strengthening the health and preventing diseases of children and adolescents.

Organizational aspect of the implementation of the program "Country Vacation".

The analysis of the most effective forms and methods of working with children and adolescents, which was described above, which was the basis, made it possible to build a program taking into account the experience of the institution in organizing vacation leisure. The program focuses on the specific needs of children and parents, taking into account program documents.

The implementation of the program contributes, firstly, to the preservation and increase in the number of children attending the school camp "Sparrow", and secondly, the interest of children in attending school circles and sections during the holidays.

The organization of vacation time is based on the given cyclical nature of school holidays, which allows us to divide the organizational period into four blocks: autumn-winter-spring-summer. The thematic planning form allows for more thorough preparation of events and building a system for organizing vacation time:

- autumn vacation : organization of festive events on the Day of National Unity, Week of Games and Toys, organization and conduct of game programs, organization of the work of the "Counselor" sector, which works with younger students, holding a game library, implementing excursion programs;

- winter holiday : organization by the Express sector of independent preparation and holding of extracurricular activities, New Year and Christmas festive events, holding New Year trees, Christmas concert programs, organizing family holidays, etc .;

- spring holidays : holding intra-school actions: "Three days of music", organized by the educational sector "Polyglot", which includes lecture programs, musical duels, holding music competitions; "Three Days of Kindness", organized by the "Mercy" sector, which is engaged in Timur's work. This includes visits to a nursing home, visiting sponsored veterans, helping the elderly.- - summer vacation : organization of the work of the summer school camp "Sparrow".

The mechanism for the implementation of the program "Stana Vacation" during the work of the school camp "Sparrow".

I. The preparatory phase includes :


Team building;

Development of documentation.

II. The organizational stage includes :

Identification and setting goals for the development of the team and personality;

Team building;

Formation of laws and conditions for joint work;

Preparation for further activities under the program.

III. The main stage includes the implementation of the main provisions of the program .

Parents, children, teachers, public organizations - organizers of the program:

Learn, rest, work;

Make discoveries in themselves, in the world around them;

Help in organizing events;

Learn to cope with negative emotions, overcome difficult life situations;

Develop the ability to trust themselves and others;

Strengthen your health.

During the implementation of the program, the pupils draw up a detachment corner with the theme of a healthy lifestyle, an exhibition of drawings.

IV. The final stage .

Pedagogical analysis of results.

A long-term plan for the organization of vacation time is drawn up annually (Appendix 1), which is adjusted during the preparation of each vacation period.

The main forms of organization of cultural and leisure activities

within the framework of the program "Country Vacation"

Game programs. Mobile, folk, theatrical and other games.

Purpose: recreation and entertainment for children. Together with vivid emotions, participants receive the most important experience of interaction, joint achievement of the goal.

Children's sessions

Purpose: development and application of skills acquired during training sessions. Children's sessions include final classes, concerts, exhibitions, competitions, etc.

Excursion lessons

Purpose: to promote the successful development of educational programs on patriotic education, broadening one's horizons, and acquiring new knowledge. Excursion classes are part of the educational process of creative teams and include the knowledge of the native village of Rostoshi as a cultural historically significant center - excursions to the school and district museums, concerts and exhibitions, hiking, excursions, etc.

Organization of family holidays.

Purpose: building relationships between children and parents on the basis of cooperation, assistance and assistance; establishing interaction on the basis of mutual understanding, humane, friendly, trusting relationships, activity in the course of cultural, leisure and socially useful activities in establishing contacts, positive mutual influence on each other. (Joint hikes, environmental campaigns, participation in the project "Creation of the Nadezhda Recreation Area")

Measures for the implementation of the program:

1. The study of trends in the development of approaches to the organization of free time for children and adolescents during the holidays.

2. Determination of priority and support for the most effective forms and methods of work on organizing leisure activities during the holidays.

3. Participation in the development of new approaches to the organization of cultural and leisure activities during the holidays in the Rostoshinskaya secondary school.

Carrying out experimental work on the development of forms and methods of leisure activities during the holidays, contributing to the positive socialization of the child.

Implementation of educational programs during the holidays.

6. Development and implementation of cultural events for the school camp "Sparrow".

7. Support and development of initiatives and undertakings of members of the school organization "Unity", aimed at an interesting, meaningful vacation.

8. Organization of the release of informational literature (wall newspaper "Unity", leaflets-lightning, booklets "Unity - we are!")

9. Search for effective forms and methods of organizing family holidays.

Methodological and informational aspect of the program implementation.

For the most fruitful implementation of the program, it is necessary:

Carrying out systematic work with the teaching staff of MKOU "Rostoshinskaya secondary school" on the development and application of tools and methods for designing and programming educational activities during the holidays;

Application of their own and third-party projects and programs of activities in the field of organizing vacation leisure for children and adolescents;

Carrying out methodological activities for organizers of vacation leisure for children and adolescents;

Formation of the methodological base for supporting the program;

reflection of the implementation of the program, the course of the summer health campaign in the media.

Financing of the activities of the program is carried out at the expense of the establishment of the MKOU "Rostoshinskaya secondary school", and the sponsorship of the Agrotech "Garant", the store "Moskovsky" PE Alentiev.

The plan for the logistics of the program is drawn up and adjusted annually.

One of the most important conditions for the implementation of the program is the creation of an information environment:

Two weeks before the start of the holidays, a plan of the main events during the vacation period is posted on the website of the institution;

Information about key events is included in the scheduled mailing to the DOD "Dom";

Compiled press and post-releases of the main vacation events for the regional newspaper "Ertilskiye Novosti";

The information stands of the MKOU "Rostoshinskaya secondary school" are being updated, informing about the work of the school during the holidays.

Control over the implementation of the Program is carried out by the administration

MKOU "Rostoshinskaya secondary school".


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6. Afanasiev V.G. Program-target planning and management.-M.6IPL, 1990-127 p.

7. Baiborodova L.V., Importantova O.G., Rozhkov M.I. Designing the pedagogical activity of the school: From the experience of the school-complex No. 87 in Yaroslavl.-Yaroslavl, 1997-77 p.

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General rules of conduct during the holidays ...

Every child, regardless of age and the breadth of vacation plans, must know a few simple safety rules during the holidays, otherwise the holidays can turn into unpleasant consequences. So, a small list of rules read out by teachers on the last day of school is by no means empty words. And every student should be familiar with it.

Basic rules of conduct that guarantee safety on vacation:

You must follow the rules of the road, be careful and attentive on the carriageway.

You should not go into the forest, to water bodies, or go to another city without the knowledge of your parents.

All fire safety regulations must be followed.

You need to be as careful as possible on the water.

You can not stroke and even more so tease homeless animals.

Depending on the time of the year, you can spend your holidays in different ways. For example, if we are talking about spring or autumn, a child can go to the forest with friends or relatives, in winter - to the skating rink, and summer can hardly do without a trip to the camp or to the sea. Therefore, it is quite obvious that the rules of conduct for different seasons are somewhat different ....

Safety during the autumn holidays...

Safety during the autumn holidays is ensured by the following rules of conduct:

It is necessary to follow the general rules of behavior during the holidays.

You must follow the rules of the road, both as a pedestrian and when riding a bicycle or scooter.

When hiking in the forest to protect against insects, it is recommended to wear a hat, long-sleeved clothing.

Safety during the winter holidays...

Winter holidays are a wonderful time, which is characterized by a huge number of exciting activities and at the same time a lot of additional risks.

You should be careful during ice: do not rush when walking, do not run, do not overtake passers-by.

It is required to observe safety rules near water bodies, do not walk on ice.

It is necessary to follow fire safety rules, be especially careful with firecrackers, fireworks, sparklers.

While skating, it is required to keep a distance of 3-4 meters, listen to the instructions of the instructor.

When skating, you must keep a distance from other skaters, try to avoid people who skate poorly, as well as those who perform various tricks, in order to avoid a collision.

When falling on the rink, keep your hands close to your body, and also try to get back on your feet as quickly as possible.

Winter holidays - the guys have a lot of free time. Winter always pleases us with snow and frost. On the one hand, it's great: sleds, snowballs, on the other - slippery roads, the temptation to ride on the ice of the river, the opportunity to catch a cold. Be careful!

Safety during spring break...

Safety during spring break includes following the general rules of conduct. However, there are also special requirements specific to this particular season. So, during spring break, the child should:

Do not walk along buildings, as icicles and snow can fall from the roofs.

Be extremely careful near bodies of water.

First of all, you should not go to the reservoirs without the permission of adults.

It is forbidden to approach ponds with melting ice, and it is also forbidden to ride on ice floes.

Be careful when riding a bicycle or scooter, follow the rules of the road.

When using a skateboard, roller skates, scooters, you must not only follow the rules for their use, but also remember that the roadway is not intended for them, and you only need to ride on the sidewalk.

When hiking in the forest, it is imperative to have a hat, since spring is a period of activity of ticks and other insects.

Also, don't climb trees.

Safety during summer holidays

During the summer holidays, in addition to the basic list of safety rules, you must also adhere to the following:

Be sure to wear a hat during solar activity to avoid sun or heat stroke.

While staying near a reservoir, it is necessary to follow all water safety rules: do not swim in places with a deep or unknown bottom, do not swim with large waves, do not swim behind fences, do not stay in the water for too long, do not swim close to boats, sails, ships .

When hiking in the forest, it is necessary to have a hat, as well as long-sleeved clothing to avoid insect bites.

When using scooters and bicycles, you must follow the rules of the road, when using a skateboard, skates, scooters, ride exclusively on the sidewalk....

child free from school is a happy child. Therefore, the holidays for every student cause a real flurry of positive emotions. But children's joy is quite often overshadowed by the fact that adults have prepared a whole list of compulsory activities for the rest. Is it right to load the child with studies during the holidays? Is it possible to allow a student to completely forget about books, notebooks, equations and rules for a period of rest?

Every year, teachers at the school practice at the beginning of the school year conducting control, independent work, testing, in order to check the level of knowledge. As a result, it turns out that for the vast majority of children, after the summer holidays, this level is significantly lower than that shown at the end of the last school year. In addition, prolonged idleness, the absence of a routine during the holidays have unpleasant consequences - children with great difficulty tune in to the learning process, get tired, and get a lot nervous.

Vacation study

The practice of continuing education during the holidays has its positive aspects:

  • If the daily routine during the holidays is less strict, but still roughly corresponds to the usual everyday routine, and the child’s brain regularly reinforces the acquired knowledge in practice and receives a fresh portion of information, there will be no problems when returning to the educational process.
  • During the holidays, the child has a lot of free time, the lack of which prevented him from studying a foreign language or pulling himself up in some subjects.
  • Children have complete freedom in choosing the time and method of learning.

The disadvantage of studying during the holidays is the child's grief that the rest will be disturbed by bored lessons. However, if you develop the right strategy, there will be no problems and everyone will be happy.

How to combine useful and pleasant?

  1. When developing a training schedule, be guided by the fact that the holidays were still invented for relaxation, so let the schedule, in addition to classes, take into account entertainment and even time to do nothing.
  2. The choice of the subject of study, developmental activities should belong to the child. Let him do what interests him.
  3. Children cannot be forced to study. It will only push them away. But the right motivation will set you up for an independent manifestation of cognitive initiative.

By the way, holidays are a great opportunity for you to teach your child responsibility and independence, teach discipline, planning skills.

A reasonable decision would be to choose a good developmental technique. These include the Japanese method of teaching oral counting "Soroban", aimed at revealing and improving the cognitive abilities of the child, increasing the functionality of the brain. Thanks to the Soroban School, children learn new material much easier. The training program is ideal for the holidays, as the duration of daily home exercises does not exceed 20 minutes. Regular training will not allow the brain to relax, will contribute to the consolidation of existing knowledge. The effectiveness of the Soroban method is explained by the fact that it teaches children to study with pleasure, so they themselves are looking for an interesting activity for their mind.

While February is in the yard and the flu epidemic still reigns, schools continue to introduce quarantine (if you are a parent and came across this article in search of your questions about quarantine, then you are).

Well, let's not forget that the holidays are coming soon. And many teachers (especially young ones) are wondering: what should a teacher do during quarantine and holidays?

This article is dedicated to teachers. I will try to briefly explain some aspects of the “quarantine” and “holiday” life of a teacher.

Let's start with the holidays, after all, they have a clearly defined framework and are mandatory breaks in the work of the school. Quarantines happen less frequently, the time frame is determined arbitrarily by the regional education department, and we will talk about this a little lower.

What should a teacher do during holidays?

All questions related to the work of a teacher should be explained to him at school. But teachers are curious people, I want to know everything in advance and have an idea.

There are no lessons, but the teacher must go to school without fail (he is at work) and spend at least 4 hours a day there. Vacation time is the same working time that is paid as regular school days. Fortunately, if you have a six-day week, Saturday can be made a day off. At least that's how it was for us.

If the school administration does not load you with some business, then the teacher can check notebooks, prepare lessons, etc. It's from pleasant. Let's move on to the not very pleasant (for me it was like that).

You may be attracted to the school:

  • to work as an educator or teacher-organizer (or maybe both) at a day camp. This is a well-known playground at the school, but it is not held in the summer, but also during the autumn or spring holidays.

Many parents, so that their children do not hang out during the holidays, enroll their child in this camp, where they are entertained, fed, taken to the movies, etc. The teacher will be here as a counselor or educator. And teachers of such disciplines as: music, physical education, fine arts, life safety are the leaders of circles. They conduct small educational lessons to keep the campers entertained and entertained.

The disadvantage of such camps for teachers is that they take almost all the holidays (5 days a week) and are not paid extra, and no one really wants to work in them. Therefore, mainly young teachers and those who cannot refuse are involved.

  • fill out journals (there is a lot of any additional writing in paper), work with personal files and other documents;
  • work with slow learners ;
  • one of the days you can "hang" from work at school if you organized somewhere with parents go out or go out with the class . To do this, you will be required to apply.

Statement of the class teacher during any extracurricular or school event (during study and holidays)

I am now attaching a sample application for you that you can use for any other class trips and even for regular class teas (i.e., any activity inside or outside the school that the class teacher hosts). But first I will list a few rules for writing such a statement .

1. It is written in the name of the school director and a few days before the release, so that the director has time to sign.

2. Specify the name of the event, date, place, class.

3. Indicate your full name and the names of accompanying persons (for every 10 children there must be 1 adult, for example: for a class of 30 people there must be three adults accompanied, there may be teachers or parents).

4. Prescribe the FI of each student in the list (who participates in the event).

5. Date of writing the application, the signature of the class teacher.

An exemplary statement. In any case, always check with the administration or the head of the MO (methodological association) how to fill out an application at your school.

In general, holidays for teachers are not like holidays for students. We'll have to plow no less than during the lessons. At least at this time, you can come a little later, leave a little early and wear not a business suit, but jeans and sneakers.

During quarantine, the teacher is freer than during the holidays, since this is a forced downtime and, of course, there will be no business with the children (such as a camp).

But in any case, the teacher must come to work and spend at least 4 hours at school: check notebooks, prepare lessons, and so on. At this time, I was relaxing after a hard month of work and quarantine came in handy. Most importantly, don't get sick. Since a sick leave will be needed in any case.

Many teachers ask if topics should be written down in a journal , which were to be studied during quarantine time. If quarantine is declared throughout the city, then it is not necessary. If only at your school, then most likely not either, because the school is officially going into quarantine and they will check the certificates of sick children. In any case, the administration should inform you of this information, but it is always more pleasant to know in advance.

And be prepared for the fact that due to quarantine, the school year will have to be extended by a few days. It is not necessary that everyone will study until a certain date in June, just officially you will put down the dates and topics in the journal until this time so that the program will be completed by the end of the year.

Dear teachers! If you have something to add or comments, then write a comment. I will be glad to answer everyone. See you soon!

Holidays are the most carefree, joyful time for a student. Let them last only a few weeks, but how long is expected by every child in school. No study, no need to wake up early in the morning. But the vacation period is also a time of increased danger, a period before which each child must learn a number of small and simple rules regarding his behavior and safety. The behavior of children on vacation is more difficult to control, but when they themselves know how they should behave in a given situation, parents become much calmer for their children.

In each school, before the onset of the vacation period, all class teachers of the school conduct a conversation with the children, the content of which is to familiarize themselves with elementary reminders on safe and morally correct behavior. It's even better if the parents do the same. After all, these rules apply not only to children, but also to adults, and who, if not parents, should be an example of their implementation.

Rules are not empty words at all, most of them are based on experience and other people's mistakes.. Thanks to them, you can save the health and moral character of any, even a small, person.

General norms of behavior, safety on vacation

Any child during the holidays is surrounded by a huge number of dangers. It doesn't matter if they are summer or winter, spring or autumn. Each time of the year is fraught with its own dangers: winter - ice, frost and ice-bound ponds, summer - heat, swimming and insect bites. Throughout the year there is traffic, there is a risk of fire, injury of a different nature. Do not forget about politeness and respect for etiquette in all situations that a student can get into during the holidays.

Regardless of the time of the year in which the holidays begin for children, there are certain rules of conduct that MUST ALWAYS BE FOLLOWED:

  • It is necessary to adhere to the norms of etiquette, to be polite, attentive to elders and peers;
  • Comply with the requirements of the traffic rules, be careful when crossing the carriageway, ride a bike, roller skates only in safe places;
  • Observe ;
  • Be careful during games in relation to yourself and others;
  • Do not talk to strangers, do not respond to their signs of attention from them and do not go anywhere with them;
  • landfills, , roads under construction, abandoned buildings - not a place for children's games!
  • Important: you should always inform your parents about your intention to go for a walk with friends, it is desirable that parents know these friends;
  • You can not visit reservoirs, forest plantations, leave for other settlements without adult accompaniment and notification of parents;
  • You need to dress according to the weather;
  • You don’t need to approach wild dogs, other animals, you shouldn’t tease them, try to pet them;
  • When at home, do not touch sharp, incendiary devices, chemicals and medicines;
  • Observe the rules of electrical safety, use of household appliances.

Perhaps the list of rules is not complete. Each parent or teacher can add their own little tips. This addition is likely to be reasonable. There are no trifles in the safety of a child.

Rules of conduct during the summer holidays

Summer holidays are the longest. Summer is the favorite time of the year for children: lack of study, heat, swimming, new friends and much more makes schoolchildren look forward to this vacation the most. But the longer the holidays, the more dangers. Summer can benefit a child if the following rules are observed:

  1. When you are outside in the heat of summer, be sure to wear a hat to protect yourself from getting sunstroke. Clothing must be appropriate for the season;
  2. In extreme heat, it is better not to go out at all, stay at home - this will help to avoid heat stroke;
  3. Being near water bodies in summer is a separate set of rules:
  • You can not swim in unknown places;
  • It is forbidden to enter the water without parental permission and adult supervision;
  • It is forbidden to arbitrarily swim behind the designated fences, buoys or, in their absence, move away for long distances;
  • You can not swim up to motor boats, boats, barges;
  • You can’t run upside down into the water, when diving, try to stay under water as long as possible;
  • Water games are not allowed: it is strictly forbidden to keep bathing peers, drown them, supposedly playing. Water does not forgive mistakes!
  • You can not swim for more than 30 minutes. If chills begin, you need to get out of the water faster, rub yourself with a towel;
  • If you experience any strange sensations while swimming, seek adult help immediately.

Water is fraught with a huge number of dangers., but if these rules are observed, recreation on the water becomes pleasant and safe.

Fall break behavior

The autumn school holidays are short, but following the rules of conduct during this period of time is necessary. In addition to the general rules, you should always remember:

  1. When you are in the forest in autumn, be sure to take a hat with you, wear long-sleeved clothes in order to avoid being bitten by ticks and other insects;
  2. It is forbidden to set fire to dry grass, climb trees, and perform other traumatic actions;
  3. With the onset of autumn frosts, fragile ice forms on the reservoirs. Going out on it is DEADLY DANGEROUS!
  4. Without adults, you can’t go to water bodies, into the forest, you can’t go to another settlement without the permission of your parents.

Worth remembering

It gets dark much earlier in autumn, and this requires increased attention to traffic rules, and walking late in late autumn is also not worth it.

Winter break behavior

Winter is the time of the year, fraught with many dangers: frost, ice, icicles, slippery roads. In addition to the general rules of conduct during the winter holidays, children should be as careful as possible when outside. Winter time is the most traumatic. The rules for safe behavior in winter can be systematized in the following memo:

    • When icy, do not rush, never try to overtake others. In the event of a fall, to protect yourself from serious injury, you should try to fall on your side;
    • Strictly follow the safety rules when skating, snow slides, skiing: do not push, keep the interval and always be attentive to others;
    • Dress warmly - winter does not tolerate carelessness. At the first sign of frostbite, immediately inform parents or other adults, never wear tight shoes;
    • IT IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to go to the waters covered with ice;
    • It is forbidden for children to use sparklers and firecrackers without the presence and permission of adults;
    • In winter games with snowballs, do not try to hit others in the face;
    • Of particular danger are ice icicles hanging from the roof of buildings. Therefore, it is not worth walking along buildings and structures in winter.