1 actual problems of modern education. Problems of modern education and science

Actual problems of education in Russia

Global socio-cultural changes in the world, the so-called civilizational shifts, increasingly reveal the discrepancy between the existing system of school education and emerging social needs on the eve of a new anthropogenic reality. This discrepancy causes in our country from time to time attempts to reform the general education school. Despite these attempts, many researchers tend to assess the state of school education as critical. The school crisis is naturally a reflection of the socio-economic processes that manifest themselves in education in the following:

Loss of the usual goals of schooling;

Acute lack of funding;

Inertia inherent in all educational systems and society as a whole.

But if the crisis were reduced only to this series of problems, overcoming it would only be a matter of time and success in reforming the Russian social system. However, the close attention of domestic and foreign scientists to the problems of education is primarily associated with the evolution of the worldview of mankind, which puts a person as part of the macrocosm at the center of the scientific picture of the world. And then the problems of school education come to the fore, because they affect the fundamental universal values ​​that require a civilizational approach to their consideration. These issues include:

The problem of optimizing the interaction between the individual and society as a search for a balance between social and normative pressure and the desire of the individual for socio-psychological autonomy, overcoming the inconsistency of the "needs" of the social order and the interests of the individual (student, teacher, parent);

The problem of overcoming the disintegration of the content of school education in the process of creating and implementing a new socio-educational paradigm that can become a starting point in the formation of a holistic picture of the world in a student;

Problems of coordination and integration of pedagogical technologies;

The problem of the development of problematic thinking in students through a gradual departure from monologue communication to dialogical communication in the classroom;

The problem of overcoming the irreducibility of learning outcomes in various types of educational institutions through the development and introduction of unified educational standards based on a comprehensive systematic analysis of the educational process

a) The problem of social differentiation and the quality of education

Young people enter into labor, social and political life, having, as a rule, a secondary education. However, education currently varies greatly in quality. Significant differences depend on social factors: in specialized schools with in-depth study of individual subjects, it is higher than in ordinary ones; higher in urban schools than in rural ones. These differences deepened in connection with the country's transition to market relations. Elite schools (lyceums, gymnasiums) appeared. The education system is clearly becoming one of the indicators of social differentiation. The desired diversity in education turns into social selection through education. Society is moving from a relatively democratic system of education, accessible to representatives of all social groups, open to control and influence by society, toselective, elitist model based on the idea of ​​autonomy of education, both in economic and political aspects. Supporters of this concept believe that education is the same area of ​​entrepreneurial activity as production, commerce, and therefore should function in such a way as to make a profit. Hence the inevitability of paying for education by students, the use of various systems to determine the level of intellectual development or giftedness.

b) Problems of secondary and higher education. The ratio of mastering professional knowledge and general humanitarian culture

The situation in the secondary school is now such that by breaking the old system of secondary education and not creating a new one, the society is in a very difficult position. Refusal of the activities of children's public organizations, the difficult financial situation of teachers led to the fact that education has lost almost all guidelines, not finding new ones. Under these conditions, the younger generation is deprived of stable moral ideals. This process is aggravated by attempts to commercialize the school, which is by no means always accompanied by an increase in the quality of education.

In general, the optimum combination of general education and vocational training has not yet been found. After serious criticism, which exposed many shortcomings, standards and rules that did not correspond to the spirit of the time, general and vocational education is becoming much more flexible than it was before. But its role and responsibility in the training of qualified workers is still far from the required level.

Vocational education is an important stage in the civil formation of a person, in its harmonious development. failure to understand the objectively necessary connection between development and professionalism gives rise not only to scholastic disputes regarding the “contradiction” of both, but also to serious mistakes in the practice of working with young people, when mastering professional knowledge and skills in one form or another is opposed to a general humanitarian culture. As a result, either the notorious "technocratic distortions" or attempts to form a human humanitarian culture in isolation from life, work and social practice arise.

A special place in the enrichment of the country's intellectual potential belongs to higher education. However, changes in the content, directions, and structure of its activities are very slow. Sociological research data show that students and teachers highly appreciate the possibility of creativity, stand up for increasing the share of independent work, improving the forms of examinations, expanding their participation in the management of the university, and support the development of a competitive certification system for all personnel. At the same time, by the mid-1990s, higher education entered a severe crisis, from which not all universities have the opportunity to get out with dignity.

c) Formation of moral guidelines among young people

The school now faces a difficult choice - to find the best ways for its further development. The assessment of the ongoing changes is ambiguous, because in the public mood, public opinion there are very different, including diametrically opposed, points of view. However, proposals and judgments, no matter how contradictory in essence they may be, reflect the deep interest of people in ensuring and further building up the spiritual potential of society.

Along with instilling respect for work and professional orientation, humanization of education, the development of self-government, and the development of practical skills in organizational and social work among young people play a significant role in the development of the individual.

The mechanism of managing an educational institution has a great influence on the consciousness and behavior of young people. Strict observance of the norms and principles of law and justice, even in the years of study, becomes for them a kind of standard, with which they later compare their life path.

However, school education does not always contribute to the development and consolidation of the positive social experience of young people, does not sufficiently resist manifestations of nihilism, indifference, indifference to public affairs, as well as demagoguery, anarchist actions.

The system of education still poorly forms high spiritual demands and aesthetic tastes, strong immunity to lack of spirituality, "mass culture". The role of social science disciplines, literature, art lessons remains insignificant. The study of the historical past, the truthful coverage of the complex and contradictory stages of national history are poorly combined with an independent search for one's own answers to the questions that life puts forward. But there is no doubt that historical consciousness, combined with national self-consciousness, acquires a decisive role in the civic behavior of student youth. The information revolution encourages continuous replenishment of knowledge. True, they do not have a homogeneous structure. There is always a core - the knowledge that forms the basis of science, and the periphery, where the process of accumulation and renewal takes place, which does not devalue fixed capital.

d) Lowering the social status of the teacher. The public funding problem

Improving public education is unthinkable without measuring the situation in which the teachers, a significant part of the pedagogical corps, find themselves.

If one adheres to formal criteria - the presence of a special education, work experience, etc., then most teachers meet their purpose. But if we evaluate their activities in essence, we must admit that many of them have lagged behind the requirements of the time.

The main group of teachers are women, although it has long become obvious that in the upbringing of boys, boys (and girls) the school is experiencing an acute shortage of "male influence". Although the salaries of teachers have been substantially increased recently, the average wages of public education workers are still much lower than those of industrial and construction workers, engineers and technicians, and even in comparison with the average wages in the country.

The formation of teaching staff is associated with the specifics of their work. It organically does not accept infringement of their rights and authority. Streamlining the regime of work and rest of teachers is also a necessary prerequisite for their civil and professional growth. Improvements require the living conditions of teachers. Despite the benefits provided to them, providing them with housing, medical care, and new literature remains an open question.

The school is seriously lagging behind in saturation with equipment, computer technology, materials, and thus puts its pupils in a position where they cannot act as full-fledged participants in the competition in the information field.

One of the functions of public education is to stimulate self-education, self-training, and a constant thirst for knowledge. Self-education, self-acquisition of knowledge and skills is by no means limited to the school system. Of course, the school can and should give a person the skills of independent work with a book, document, etc. But self-education is built on the basis of general and vocational education, and not instead of it. The new technical and information possibilities of educational television, cassette video equipment, personal computers, and distance learning have yet to be widely used for the needs of self-education. The fate of new generations is increasingly determined by the general culture of a person: the development of logical thinking, language, mathematics, computer literacy.


The article deals with the actual problems of modern vocational education and possible ways to solve them on the example of the state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (GBOU VPO PGFA of the Ministry of Health of Russia). The issues of adaptation of students in the first and second years of study, their motivation for admission and study at the university are touched upon. The issues of advanced training of specialists - internship and additional professional education are highlighted. The problems of personnel and material and technical support of the university, including the lack of a system for training young specialists as teachers, are considered. The article presents various forms of education at PSFA. Particular attention is paid to the links between theory and practice on the example of the organization of training at specialized industrial enterprises.

electronic resource

Information Technology

distance learning

problems of modern education

1. Anfimova A. Yu. Actual problems of modern vocational education // Vseross. scientific conf. with international uch. "Modernization of the domestic education system" [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://econf.rae.ru/article/4858.

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3. Gulyaeva A. L. Compliance of the quality of education with the requirements of employers and students [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://www.rusnauka.com/5_SWMN_2012/Pedagogica/2_100866.doc.htm.

4. Dolgova E. G. Russia Problems of adaptation of students to the learning process at the university [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://www.rusnauka.com/9._EISN_2007/Philosophia/21271.doc.htm.

5. Kylosova I. A. On the issue of creating electronic educational resources / I. A. Kylosova, M. V. Chirkova, E. A. Khvolis, S. V. Puchnina // Vestnik PGFA. - Perm, 2015. - No. 16. – S. 193-141.

6. Kylosova I. A., Limansky E. S., Khvolis E. A., Chirkova M. V. On the organization of part-time education in PSFA / Mat. XI All-Russian. scientific-practical. conf. "World science and education: past, present and future". - Rostov-on-Don, 2015. - From 48-52.

7. Boy A. G. Adaptation of graduates of institutions of secondary vocational education to the conditions of the labor market / A. G. Boy, G. A. Pavlyuchkov, T. S. Panina. - Tomsk: STT Publishing House, 2006. - 144 p.

8. Panina T. S. Modern ways of activating learning / T. S. Panina, L. N. Vavilova. - Academy Publishing House, 2008. - 176 p.

9. Forms of education at a university, college or technical school [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://edugid.ru/forma-obucheniya.

10. Khvolis E.A., Kylosova I.A., Chirkova M.V., Puchnina S.V., Chernopazova I.I. The use of multimedia and Internet technologies in the preparation of highly qualified pharmaceutical personnel // Modern problems of science and education. - 2015. - No. 1-1 .; URL: http://www.?id=19072.

Analysis of the development of vocational education shows that until the 1990s. of the last century, there was a rigid system of vocational education that corresponded to the socio-economic development of society and its economy. Such a system practically excluded the initiative and creativity of students and teachers in terms of changing the content of educational programs, as well as in organizational forms of education.

Russia's transition to market relations has set new goals for the vocational education system, the solution of which is the deep transformation of the system itself. In our opinion, the transformations must necessarily affect both the improvement of the existing educational system and the formation of new approaches and conditions for its development based on forecasts in accordance with the modern development of the economy and social policy of the state.

The article deals with the problems of vocational education in Russia and possible ways to solve them on the example of the organization of the educational process at the Department of Industrial Technology of Drugs with a biotechnology course of the state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (GBOU VPO PGFA of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation).

A huge problem, in our opinion, is the low level of school graduates, which entails certain difficulties in studying at universities. It is often very difficult for students in the 1st or 2nd year, because The system of education at the university is fundamentally different from that at secondary educational institutions. In the process of adaptation of first-year students to study at a university, the following difficulties are usually distinguished: negative experiences associated with leaving the school team with its mutual help and moral support; uncertainty of motivation for choosing a profession, insufficient psychological preparation for it; inability to carry out psychological self-regulation of behavior and activities, aggravated by the lack of habit of daily control of teachers; search for the optimal mode of work and rest in new conditions; improvement of everyday life and self-service, especially when moving from home to a hostel; lack of independent work skills, inability to take notes, work with primary sources, dictionaries, reference books, indexes. At the same time, academic debt accumulates like a “snowball” and certain efforts must be made to solve this problem. One of the solutions, in our opinion, is a return to the old (Soviet) model of education - the revival of technical schools that provided basic education. The transition of students from school to university would become easier, and the university program would be based on previously acquired knowledge and would involve a more in-depth study of subjects.

In addition to the university system of education in the USSR, there was a very strong system of advanced training for specialists. The transition of universities to bachelor's degrees turned them, in fact, into colleges, which distorted the very essence of the requirements for many specialists. The transition of higher education to a bachelor's degree (to secondary technical education) should be based on colleges, because bachelor's degree is received by specialists of average qualification. The basis of the professional environment should be precisely technical specialists, and a master's degree (a specialist with a higher education) should be received by a limited contingent, mainly graduates of higher educational institutions.

School graduates strive to enter a university at any cost, but due to their intellectual and age level, sometimes they are simply not ready to be called specialists after graduation. Curricula are designed for adult, literate citizens who are aware of why they receive higher education, and what they expect from their chosen profession, what they want to achieve in the future in life. Unfortunately, most students not only do not understand why they came to the university, but also do not generally realize their future role in society. About 10% of students - mostly young people who are already working or have worked at some enterprises - understand what and why they are doing at the university. The rest hope that the diploma will help them find a well-paid job or simply want to get a "crust", which, in their understanding or in the understanding of their parents, will raise the social status of young people. Quite often, in such a situation, they resort to paid education. On the one hand, there is nothing wrong with paid education, since it makes it possible for many people who want to get an education (even if they themselves do not want it, but their parents want it), on the other hand, not all students have the opportunity to pay for education (although the desire to study is great ).

Another important problem is the negligence of teachers, which necessarily entails the same attitude towards learning among students, which ultimately affects the level and quality of education. You can control the so-called "knowledge" with the help of tests, control and coursework, which are safely downloaded from the Internet, you can try to artificially improve the quality of exams by forcing theoretical definitions to be memorized, but if a person does not understand the essence of the phenomenon, does not have practical skills, a specialist it can hardly be named. Unfortunately, it can be stated that now people work as teachers not by vocation, but by necessity, often referring to the teaching process as a duty. Students, whatever they may be, feel the attitude of teachers to themselves and to the subject, which also negatively affects the acquisition of knowledge. With the development of new information technologies, the teacher constantly has to improve and study new technologies and teaching methodologies. However, not all teachers strive for this, which is why the educational process suffers.

The next problem is the insufficient involvement of graduates of educational institutions in science and teaching. University graduates do not tend to stay within the walls of higher educational institutions. Low scholarships are not an incentive to enter graduate school, not to mention the low level of pay for faculty, at least assistants and senior lecturers. There is no system for training young teachers, everything is learned by trial and error. The lack of elementary teaching skills among young employees, the absence of any system of preparation before “going” to classes (courses in pedagogy, rhetoric, psychology, etc.) underlie certain psychological difficulties when working with an audience, which also does not contribute to the improvement the quality of education. A possible solution to this problem is the organization of teaching practice for graduate students.

It should be noted that there is insufficient funding for educational institutions, which hinders their normal functioning. The old material and technical base does not allow improving the educational process, sometimes there are difficulties even in conducting classes at the proper level. The consequence is the conservatism of education - not only technology, but the educational process itself often lags behind modernity. The teaching of disciplines is not adapted to modern conditions of life, but is partially compensated for by primary specialization and further advanced training and retraining courses. Distance education is not sufficiently developed, often the university does not have the technical ability to carry out this type of educational process. Although distance learning allows solving the problems of introducing new information technologies into the educational process and implementing a student-centered approach to teaching students.

University graduates are in little demand, even if they have an honors degree, because the employer is interested in hiring an experienced specialist. A large number of students find a part-time job while studying in their future specialty, but work during the day and especially at night necessarily affects the quality of learning. Young people find it just hard to physically work and study at the same time. The solution to this problem can be a correspondence form, when a break from the main work occurs during the session, or a part-time form of education, which is a new and undoubtedly relevant direction in the development of Russian universities. This type of training is a form of training specialists on the job. The educational process, in fact, does not differ from the full-time form. Students also attend lectures, seminars, master classes, write term papers and tests, pass tests and exams, and undergo industrial practice. Part-time education involves a fairly large number of classroom lessons, but less than full-time. Classroom work is carried out in the form of regular lectures and classes with permanent study groups at non-working hours convenient for students, often in the evenings throughout the academic year, followed by credit and examination sessions. It is assumed that by regularly attending classes and lectures, students will be able to safely combine work and gain knowledge and skills within the framework of the program of higher professional education. This has a positive effect on the quality of education. As in the correspondence form of education, most of the educational material is designed for self-study by students. Thus, the student has the opportunity to receive the necessary material, discuss it with the teacher and use it in their work. This combination contributes to the rapid acquisition of useful experience and the development of a specialist.

Also, one of the main problems is the insufficient number of additional professional education programs. Practice shows that this segment is currently underdeveloped. A person should not stand still, he should constantly develop, any specialist needs to periodically take advanced training courses, raising not only his professional, but also his intellectual level. In the modern world, where there is a constant renewal of production, technologies, approaches, etc., it is simply necessary to acquire new knowledge and skills. All this indicates a huge demand for additional professional education. At the same time, it is important to understand that we need a new approach to education, including additional professional education, a completely different quality of developing educational programs, and we also need modern-minded teachers who should be able to work with adults, which once again emphasizes the relevance and relevance of evening education.

Now in Russia there is a trend of merging universities, but, in our opinion, it is not a guarantee of quality education. Teachers should not suffer because of the negligence of students. State accreditation also does not provide tangible improvements. Only employers can judge the quality of education, it is impossible to judge the quality of the knowledge gained by control, tests or exams. Therefore, it is very relevant to involve the heads of enterprises in the educational process, to conclude contracts with specialized enterprises not only for the period of industrial or educational practice, but for the entire period of study. Of particular note is the need to monitor future demand for personnel. The recruitment and programs of specialties are rarely and slowly reviewed, they sometimes simply do not keep up with the changing needs of enterprises, which makes it necessary to actively develop relations between universities and employers.

The priority task of the state program "Strategy 2020" for the development of the chemical and pharmaceutical industry is to train specialists for the development and production of pharmaceutical products in accordance with international standards. In PSFA, students are trained in full-time, part-time and part-time forms. To strengthen ties with employers at PSFA, lectures and classes in industrial technology and biotechnology courses are conducted by teachers with practical experience in pharmaceutical enterprises. One of the stages of training is the educational practice of students, which is introductory in nature. The practice is organized on the basis of pharmaceutical companies in Perm: a branch of FSUE NPO Microgen of the Ministry of Health of Russia in Perm, Perm NPO Biomed, CJSC Medisorb, NPK Apifitogrupp and Tentorium-Perm. In accordance with the training program for specialists, the department trains pharmacists-interns of three specialties: "Pharmaceutical technology", "Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy", "Pharmacy management and economics". For pharmacists and pharmacists, advanced training and retraining courses are provided. Almost the entire educational process of internship and additional professional education is carried out on the basis of the Perm NPO "Biomed", which allows you to get as close as possible to the real conditions of modern production and standardization of drugs, during which the acquired theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities are consolidated.

Training of pharmacists-interns and students of the faculty of additional education is also carried out on full-time and part-time forms using distance learning technologies. In recent years, priority has been given to distance learning. The remote way of presenting information is aimed at optimizing the educational process and complements the established traditional methodology of teaching pharmaceutical disciplines. The intensive development of information and communication technologies imposes certain requirements on the modern organization of the educational process. The availability of information resources is one of the most important conditions for high-quality student learning. The use of information computer technologies makes it possible to formulate new skills among students and listeners, which improves the quality of training of modern specialists in the field of education through the training of competent users of computer technologies, and contributes to the formation of a modern scientific worldview among future graduates. At the present stage, the information environment has turned from a means of providing access to the necessary information into a mandatory component of the academy's infrastructure.

To conduct the educational process at the Department of Industrial Technology of Drugs with a course of biotechnology of the PSFA for students of the faculty of distance learning, an electronic textbook on the discipline Industrial Technology of Drugs was developed, which includes issues of production and quality assessment of finished dosage forms, as well as general technological issues. In addition, the electronic resource "Course of lectures on industrial drug technology" was developed and registered in OFERNiO. When developing a set of educational and methodological materials, the website design methodology was used. The performance of tests in the discipline involves the use of distance learning resources.

Any form of education includes, in addition to independent, classroom work, in which the brightness, clarity and imagery of the presentation of the material are of no small importance. Up to 80% of information about the world around a person receives through vision. At the Department of Industrial Technology of Medicines with a course of biotechnology, lectures for full-time and part-time students of the faculty, interns and students of the FDPO are read using multimedia installations. A number of lectures and classes are accompanied by video clips on specific topics. Video accompaniment of the discipline contributes to the development of subject-figurative thinking, allows you to show production processes in the recording, increase the information capacity of the lecture, reduce the time for mastering new knowledge, make the learning process more interesting, diverse and intense. Due to the use of technical means and the design of visual material, the multimedia form allows you to learn a larger amount of information compared to traditional teaching methods due to the involvement of both visual and auditory components. It should be noted that the use of multimedia technologies makes it possible to prepare graduates not only as highly qualified specialists, but also as a diversified personality.

Thus, PSFA implements a new approach to vocational education. The conditions for the development and formation of the personality of a professional in accordance with their abilities, needs and opportunities have been created. When training modern, mobile, market-oriented specialists, the needs of employers in professional staff are taken into account. It can be said with certainty that PSFA has introduced the principle of developing freedom in the activities of professional educational institutions that build their own original educational programs.

Bibliographic link

Kylosova I.A., Orlova E.V., Khvolis E.A., Chirkova M.V. TOPICAL ISSUES OF MODERN EDUCATION // Modern problems of science and education. - 2016. - No. 2.;
URL: http://?id=24161 (date of access: 08.08.2019). We bring to your attention the magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History" The development of the Russian Federation, along with economic, political and administrative vectors, also implies the development of the country's human capital. It is thanks to human capital that it is possible to implement any conceived, planned development projects. In many ways, the low efficiency of economic and political reforms of the late 20th century in our country is associated with an incorrect assessment of the human factor. Thus, the transition to market relations initiated, first of all, by the reforms “from above”, stumbled upon the problem of implementing and putting into practice the legislative initiatives of the early 90s. So, for the successful introduction of market relations, the reforms had to be based on a special psychotype of a person. Classically, he was described in the works of A. Smith as an egoist, inclined to exchange for the sake of acquiring personal gain. However, for several decades now, a different standard type of behavior has been formed in the country, based on the idea of ​​equality, justice and self-sacrifice for the sake of public interests. Of course, in the Soviet state there were individuals who shared the ideals of human behavior in the spirit of A. Smith, but at that time they were subjected to public censure, and those who especially manifested themselves on the basis of economic activity were tried and sent to the appropriate places of correctional character. Therefore, after the reforms of the early 90s, accompanied by an amnesty for economic crimes, we received a strong criminal roll in the introduction of market methods of economic organization of the state. That is, it is human capital that has led to the low efficiency of market reforms.

One of the most significant determinants of human capital accumulation is the education system. However, the education reforms initiated since the mid-90s of the twentieth century do not give grounds for a positive assessment of human potential for the implementation of the development goals of the Russian Federation. The modern education system of our country resembles the mythological character "chimera" - a creature made up of parts of various animals. The combination of the Soviet educational tradition with the Bologna process makes such a product of little use for the needs of the country's modern society.

What was the strength of the Soviet education system? First, it was built into both the political and economic system of the state. That is, in the educational institutions of the Soviet Union, starting from the preschool level and ending with higher education, purposeful work was carried out to form a person with parameters predetermined by the state. The state knew what it wanted from the population, and clearly formulated its request for education. Secondly, the need for unified educational programs throughout the USSR was intended to form a single ideological space, a single system of values. Thanks to this, it did not matter in which part of the state a person received education, his behavioral patterns and train of thought were understandable in any part of the country. This element of the system was called general education accessible to all. Thirdly, the system of planning the number of specialists in each industry and distribution to places of work made it possible, on the one hand, to saturate the lagging regions with the necessary specialists, and on the other hand, gave young people a guaranteed place of work and a starting point for starting a professional career.

The positive achievements of this system include the fairly reliable operation of social elevators up to a certain point (whose work was not very effective in the Russian Empire), the emergence of scientists and representatives of the creative intelligentsia, recognized internationally, and the presence of colossal scientific breakthroughs significant for the entire world community (for example, flight man in space, etc.).

Such an education system also had negative moments for the formation of social reality, which until the beginning of the 80s of the twentieth century were not of decisive importance. Among them are the destruction of intergenerational ties, the weakening of the significance of the institution of the family, the revival in a new way of communal and estate models of behavior in society. So, for example, the destruction of intergenerational ties was provoked by the orders of the educational system. From the first years of life, children were given up for education among their peers to specially trained people. That is, from year to year, most of the life of children without the direct participation of parents.

First, a kindergarten from 8:00 to 20:00 (and there are also night groups where children spend the night in kindergarten), then the main shift school + additional circles (and there are also boarding schools). It turns out that the processes of transferring experience from parents to children are violated, since the child, at best, has the opportunity to communicate after a day of his work with a tired older generation in the evening or on weekends. They spend most of their time with their peers and teachers. The importance of family education is declining, as is the role of the family in society. Communication with peers involves the development of their own internal rules of conduct, code and values. This is superimposed on the archetypal models of communal behavior and class. As a result, by the 80s of the twentieth century, we get the isolation of labor communities on their corporate interests (including informal and criminal groups of youth), blat (studied together at school, university), encouragement of labor dynasties (transition to estates) and the emergence of a party class nomenklatura (new class). In my opinion, these problems of the era of late socialism could have been avoided if the ideological development of the state had not stopped after 1956, when at the 20th Congress of the CPSU, along with the denunciation of the cult of personality, the creative message of this work for new generations was lost. This led to the fact that the old slogans did not inspire young people to new achievements, economic growth slowed down and there was a need for social, political and economic transformations.

Now, probably, few people remember that the education reform in the mid-90s began under the slogans of the humanization of education, the introduction of a personal approach to overcome the "impersonality and leveling" of the Soviet system. In 1999, the Bologna Declaration was adopted and Russia joins its provisions in 2003. There is a restructuring of the entire educational system of the state. However, this restructuring is essentially a superstructure of the collapsing Soviet education system. The beginning of the collapse was laid by the abolition of the state order for the training of specialists and the system of distribution to work places. The cancellation of the state order has led to a decrease in demand and degradation of education in the regions. Of course, this cancellation was connected with the cancellation of the five-year economic development plans. Thus, the involvement of the education system in the interests of the state was eliminated. But at the same time, the principle of universality of education, one for all, has been preserved. These decisions laid the foundation for the migration processes of the new Russia. Following the Bologna Declaration structured and intensified this migration. At the same time, the assessment of students and schools based on the results of passing the USE in a test form led to the destruction of the educational and developmental functions of education and leveled the ideas of humanization in the mid-90s.

The modern education system cannot cope with the implementation of the main idea of ​​education, inherited from the Enlightenment. This idea can be formulated as follows: "Education should acquaint the younger generation with the image of the world in which they will live." Education should prompt young people where to make their efforts, what problems are relevant in the present and provide the necessary (or accumulated) knowledge, skills, and create motivation. The central subjects introducing schoolchildren to the social, political and economic problem field are history and literature.

What does history teach? Here lives a community of people in a certain area. He has this list of problems. It solves these problems in such ways and gets the following results, consequences. And so, from century to century, the younger generation gets acquainted with the problematic field of the region. If we are talking about Siberia, then geographically the territory of Siberia and the Far East occupies more than two thirds of the territory of the Russian Federation. A reasonable question arises: "What can we learn about the problem field of this region from modern school (and university) history textbooks?" Most of the story concerns the history of the central region of the Russian Federation. Literature, in turn, acquaints schoolchildren with the mores of the region. The second question arises: “Why can’t some literary works of similar themes be replaced with works by Siberian writers?”

This is of great importance for the development of the regions of our state. Since a capable student who is well mastering the school curriculum in a regional school, by the end of the training is disoriented. At school, it is taught in one problem field, while other problems are relevant in the region.

This becomes even more important in the system of higher professional education after joining the Bologna Declaration. Ask a graduate of a regional university who studied in the field of business economics, management, municipal government or entrepreneurial activity: “Where do you intend to implement your professional knowledge? In what region? 90% of the answers will be in Russia or in the region where he currently lives. Ask the second question: “Do you know at least one domestic economic theory, the theory of motivation or management?”. Over the past 7 years of teaching at an economic university, no one could remember at least one. Once again, these are capable students who do well in almost all disciplines taught. It turns out that an excellent student after graduation does not have the knowledge and skills necessary for independent professional activity. And when he, even if he gets a job in his specialty, from his employer the phrase: “Forget everything you learned at the university and start over,” a serious discord occurs in his mind. Its essence is simple: he is the owner of knowledge that is not very suitable for life in this society, for which he spent about 20 years of his life, a lot of time, nerves and efforts.

From this situation, there are three ways for an excellent student to resolve this conflict. The first is to do as the employer advises and start over. Accompanied by strong psychological costs. The second is to get a job in another specialty: all the same, retrain. It is psychologically easier to do. Therefore, a significant part of the modern economy is built by non-professionals. That is, the state spends a significant amount of resources on the education of a specialist, and its economic return for the state is several times lower than expected. The third way is as follows: If the knowledge does not correspond to the place of labor activity (region of work), then I will go to the place where this knowledge will coincide with the problem field and the region's needs. That is, the education system itself lays migration processes. Moreover, they do not begin with the antithesis of "region-center", but rather with the antithesis of "village-city".

Smart children in the villages receive knowledge that will be in demand in the city, the regional center. From these small towns, they tend to leave for regional centers. From there to the federal center, and then abroad. Moreover, it is precisely the most active and capable who leave, precisely the contingent that their small homeland needs for its development.

Without a doubt, the idea of ​​such education was formulated and implemented at the dawn of the formation of the USSR. But the outflow of intellectual resources from the region to the center in Soviet times was compensated by the distribution of specialists among the regions. Now the reverse flow of specialists from the center to the region is negligible. Usually, citizens from other cultural environments arrive in the regions, undermining the social stability of the region and slowing down the possible pace of development of the region, as visitors need time to adapt, immerse themselves in the cultural traditions of living together and the problematic field of the place where they arrived.

Thus, education reform should begin with an answer to the question: what kind of population and with what set of qualities does the state want to see in 15-20 years. In turn, the answer to this question should be decided from the strategic development plans of the state, which still do not exist. At the same time, the idea of ​​a single education for all sets the trend for migration from less developed regions to more developed ones. Therefore, state mechanisms are needed to compensate for these processes. Either we abandon the idea of ​​a unified education and create an education system with a regional problematic field, which will keep part of the active and well-educated population in the regions. In any case, the choice of one or another option involves the definition of the ideological guidelines of the state. The absence of a choice and letting the situation take its course slows down the possible pace of development of the Russian Federation. And from a certain moment, this can lead to a situation where the lack of targeted work with the human capital of the regions will become a source of destruction of statehood in these territories.

sent by mail,
Ph.D. Mungalov V.N., Irkutsk

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The current stage of technological development has led to unprecedented opportunities for creating fundamentally new and more effective methods and methods of teaching. Along with this, original approaches also take place in the scientific community, where the latest developments are actively used. However, the introduction of new concepts and programs that promote development is not always readily accepted by responsible persons. But not only this explains the problems of modern education and science, which make further development impossible. The stagnation of pedagogical activity, for example, is facilitated by several factors, the culprits of which are both teachers and students themselves, and ineffective.

Funding issues

Patriotic for a long time was considered one of the best in the world. The reason for this could be called the enthusiasm of the teaching staff, who performed their duties with high quality and with love for the wards. However, in our time, quality education is impossible without funding. And we are talking not only about the proper level of remuneration for teachers, among whom there are many people who are truly dedicated to their work. The fact is that the distribution of money is planned based on the number of students. But such an approach today is ineffective and gives rise to other, no less education, including the difficulty of controlling school attendance by students. To do this, some institutions practice the introduction of special commissions, which subsequently draw up reports on the actual number of students. This is due to the fact that the allocated money does not always correspond to the intended tasks, precisely because of the discrepancies in the numbers related to the number of students. However, there is an alternative to such a financing system, which involves the receipt of funds directly from the parents. At least, the most acute problems of the technical condition of schools are solved in this way.

Lack of young professionals

The aging of the teaching staff is one of the main problems of modern universities. It would seem that this is a normal and natural process, since the older generation is always replaced by young teachers and teachers. But every year it becomes more and more obvious that the rate of “reproduction” of young personnel is decreasing. The situation is aggravated by the fact that, out of desperation, the heads of institutions are forced to hire people with dubious qualifications. As a result, suffers and By the way, in science there are problems of the same nature, but with their own specifics. It must be said that many young specialists begin their career in science with teaching. This is followed by research, writing articles, etc. But to stimulate such processes, the participation of the state is not enough. Again, much rests on the lack of sufficient material resources for teaching staff.

The absence of a career guidance institution

As polls of high school students show, most of them, even at the last stages of obtaining basic education, do not have a clear idea about the choice of their future profession. Of course, you can name several specialties and niches that are in demand in our time, but in the context of a rapidly changing market and technological development, it is difficult to say which professions may come in handy in 5 years. Accordingly, the problems of education in Russia are to a certain extent expressed by the lack of confidence of schoolchildren in for the purpose of acquiring specific knowledge.

According to experts, students should have an idea about the possible direction of their further development in terms of education. Of course, this does not negate the need to obtain a wide range of knowledge. The solution to such problems in the West is to attract successful people who have made a career in one area or another. As a rule, these are recognized specialists who share their experience with schoolchildren and students.

Lack of practical education orientation

Another unresolved problem follows from the above problem - the practical orientation of education. Even if the student determines for himself the direction of further development in the early stages, he will not have the opportunity to maximize the practical skills in the learning process. The Russian education system is rather focused on the production of young scientists with a theoretical base. Such problems of education in Russia manifest themselves in the future, when graduates cannot organically fit into the conditions of real activity. And it's not even so much about getting practice in its traditional sense. It is much more important at the training stage to be able to navigate the market of professions and services, understanding where and how specific skills can be in demand.

Limiting the Opportunities of Gifted Children

The notorious "equalization" is still included in the list of the main problems of national education. Unfortunately, even the modern system does not allow children to rise higher than the bulk of their classmates. The five-point system, in particular, does not allow encouraging students who seek to go beyond the boundaries of standard programs. It can be said that work according to standard programs and methods are common problems of modern education and science, which hinder development in both areas. The originality of thinking, of course, finds its own ways of expression, but the school and the university should in every way encourage and support such aspirations. And this is not to mention the lack of teaching practice within the framework of individual programs, which are much more effective than standard methods that smooth out the personal characteristics of students.

Problems of higher education

The last 20 years have seen a whole series of changes that have significantly transformed. The main result of the reforms was the commercialization of universities and the provision of complete freedom from the state. Most modern universities are almost commercial organizations that take money for their services from students. Of course, this situation causes other problems of modern education and science, which, among other things, are expressed in the low level of knowledge gained. Similar problems begin with the accessibility of higher education. Theoretically, any graduate of the school can get it. The following are the nuances of the personnel formation of universities. The growth of their number against the background of a shortage of professional teachers also does not allow for the training of a specialist at the proper level.

Causes of education problems

As already noted, modern problems in education cannot be explained by one reason. On the one hand, one can name the weak positions of the state, which does not participate in the support of universities, insufficiently finances schools and practically does not stimulate schoolchildren and students to acquire new knowledge. But problems in the education system are explained not only by state policy. The unwillingness of the teaching staff to introduce new technologies into the learning process causes the backwardness of Russian schools and universities against the background of European educational institutions. For example, one of the loudest novelties of recent years has become interactive tools that are being actively introduced in many Western schools. But in Russia, even large educational institutions are reluctant to accept such innovations. Of course, one cannot ignore the unwillingness of schoolchildren and students themselves to study among the reasons for the problems of domestic education. But these factors are closely intertwined with the lack of incentives and, in general, understanding the benefits of knowledge.

The main problems of science

Many of the problems of education are also characteristic of science. The first is the lack of funding. Activities in this area require considerable investments - only in this case, you can count on high results of research and new developments. But the problems of domestic science are connected not only with the technical arrangement of laboratories. According to many experts, domestic science lacks a clear definition of goals and objectives. As a result, there is inconsistency in activities and, as a result, inability to implement innovative priorities.

Problem Solving Ways

Most of the concepts that offer the creation of conditions for a natural solution to the problems of education assume an initial focus on students, and not on the development and continuous improvement of new rules and standards. In other words, the school should not force and control, but stimulate interested development. From this point of view, the solution to the problems of education occurs through the impulse to independently search for answers to questions. For their part, teachers and educators should evaluate the proposed solutions, taking into account the originality of the approaches used. Important in this process is the motivational component, which arouses the interest of a schoolchild or student in further research.

Promising directions of development

Both in the education system and in science there is a huge gap between theory and practice. The school has practically nothing to do with the labor market, the mechanisms of which are knowledge with the skills of a specialist, and does not take into account the interests of financial groups. Therefore, the most promising direction, the movement along which can solve the problems of the development of education and the scientific industry, is the merging of theoretical thought and viable market segments. At the same time, the effectiveness of this merger is possible only with the support of the state. Still, without proper funding it is impossible to talk about the implementation of promising knowledge and projects developed on its basis.


In recent years, Russia has been in some kind of search for an optimal education system. This is evidenced by the reform of this segment. Nevertheless, attempts to make changes are not yet modern education and science, but only change their nature. If we talk about the most acute tasks that the state faces today in this direction, then there is a lack of funding and a lack of orientation in scientific and educational activities. That is, with a high development potential, domestic schools and universities provide a rather modest return.

In the light of the ongoing modernization of education in Russia, the problem of pedagogical risk is especially relevant, because it affects all aspects of the application of innovations in teaching methods and methods at all stages of education.
Innovations mean the introduction of something new in the goals, content, methods and forms of education and upbringing, the organization of joint activities of the teacher and the student. Innovations do not arise by themselves, but are the result of scientific research, the practical experience of individual teachers and entire teams. Risk implies the experimental application of some technology that is not widely used in practice, but, nevertheless, in theory, which is promising in terms of learning.
In understanding the essence of these two concepts, there are two main problems of modern pedagogy: the problem of studying, generalizing and disseminating advanced pedagogical experience and the problem of implementing the achievements of innovative teachers. Thus, innovation and pedagogical risk should lie in the plane of combining two interconnected phenomena, usually considered separately, i.e. the result of their synthesis should be new knowledge, allowing the teacher to use innovations in everyday practice, calculating the possible consequences.

Today, there are a huge number of methods, programs and methods that allow you to work with all categories of children, using the latest developments in the technology sector, original exercises, authentic, modern and interesting audio and video materials, as well as interactive learning tools. But the main reason for the invariability of the monotony of the life of an ordinary student is the unwillingness to introduce them.
Indeed, what should an ordinary teacher, who has recently graduated from the university and come to school, do if his bold undertakings, in most cases, meet with fierce resistance from the “old”, still Soviet-style, team of teachers? So you have to be smart, introducing tasks of your own design into the curriculum, approved "from above" and crushed by years of practice of these same teachers, in order to diversify the educational process for children at least a little.
The casket opens simply: the connection between the hardened thinking of the team and the unwillingness to change something is the fear of risks. Yes, risks are always problems that need to be solved with modern methods, because children change and those methods that worked great in the 1980s are already ineffective or completely useless in 2012. The consciousness of children, the environment, moral values, and parenting stereotypes have changed in the family and public opinion, while the education system, like a sleepy turtle, is trying to realize the changes that are happening around, but, due to its own helplessness, it either goes wrong or lags behind even more.

Based on the foregoing, I want to highlight several contradictions that are, in fact, the main slowers in the progress of the existing education system:

  • 1) For many years, nothing fundamentally new and interesting was introduced into the education system, only the methods and methods of perception were changed, which were emphasized in the transfer of information, which gave rise to a kind of “stagnation” in education. The textbooks developed in the past years, in my opinion, are not sufficiently informative and suitable for learning, due to the complexity of the narrative, some inaccuracies and the expression of one author's opinion on controversial issues.

    2) The existing order of education does not cope with the amount of information and the demands of society placed on it. As a result, at the exit from an educational institution, there is a need for re-certification and advanced training of a graduate, which negatively affects both the position of higher education in society and the personal attitude of a person to the knowledge received.

    3) As you know, the process of introducing innovations, which, in most cases, are invented and promoted by young and energetic people, does not occur due to their absence in places of education, because. the educational process is led by teachers of the old school, relying on their experience and proven books, rather than on the "crazy ideas" of the younger generation.

    4) At the moment, the methodology for building a lesson and the knowledge invested in it are not an effective way of transmitting information, due to the extreme disinterest of children in obtaining knowledge in the traditional way. In this regard, there is an acute problem of increasing the motivation for the learning process among pupils and students.

In connection with the above contradictions, which today already exist in the existing model of education, the following problems arise that require close attention and solutions in the near future:

  • 1) The problem of stagnation, which is the lack of novelty in the learning process.

    2) The problem of knowledge obsolescence, which consists in the insufficient speed of updating existing information in the process of its transfer from teacher to student, using traditional teaching aids.

    3) The problem of shortage of young specialists, which consists in insufficient staffing of schools by graduates of pedagogical universities due to low wages and the impossibility of self-realization.

    4) The problem of student disinterest, which consists in the lack of motivation for learning among schoolchildren and students, caused by the invariability of the methodology for conducting each lesson.

I would like to give each problem an example based on personal experience:
The modern process of mass education in the form of a classroom system was first described in the 17th century. Ya.A.Komensky. The class-lesson system of education was further developed by K. D. Ushinsky. He scientifically substantiated all its advantages and developed a coherent theory of the lesson. Since then, little has changed. Students sit at their desks, listen to the teacher, who, in most cases, tells the material from the textbook in a boring, monotonous and mumbling voice, solve examples in class, get homework, do it and come back to the lesson. And so for 11 years. Of course, there is a small variety in the form of forms of work in the lesson, TCO assistance and interactive tasks, but it cannot change the general state of affairs. Innovative methods and methods of conducting a lesson, not finding a response in the souls of head teachers, are cut down in the bud, turning, as a result, the entire educational process into an eleven-year chewing gum.
While still at school, using Soviet textbooks and new editions, I noted that the style of presentation of textbooks published in the USSR is more adapted for understanding the average student, while modern editions were distinguished by confusion of presentation, some points important enough for understanding the material were omitted, due to for which the teachers had to explain them on their own, involving a lot of additional material. Of course, the level of knowledge in the new textbooks was higher, but still did not reach the level acceptable at that time, and their comprehensibility left much to be desired.
When I became a teacher, I was horrified to find that the year of publication of textbooks had changed by 1-3 years, while a little more than 6 years had passed since my last English lesson. On the face of a clear lag of the learning process from the process of development of society. By the way, about this very society.
They asked me: “Do you want to go to work in school after university?” I invariably agreed, because I thought that I could change something and bring fresh thought to such an important matter. But, having got to know the school better, I realized that if you are an ordinary teacher, then it is very difficult for you to deviate from the program in your activities, at least at the initial stage: step to the right, step to the left - execution! Naturally, after this, I didn’t want to go to school. But there is another important factor: wages. It is no secret that a modern teacher receives crumbs, and the amount of work performed by him can frighten an unprepared person even at the familiarization stage. This fact further exacerbates the situation of schools, draining the already thin stream of new faces in educational institutions.
And finally, the motivational component. Each of us at some time did not want to go to a lesson or lecture, because. it seemed that they were talking about "dregs" and "garbage", and the time saved could be spent with much greater benefit. The main problem is that the trainees do not see any real benefit from their knowledge. The teacher fails to make the students understand why they need to know this and bam! - Lost interest.
Now that I have illustrated the problems with illustrative examples, you can come close to their step-by-step solution. No, I do not offer a panacea, as you might think, but I show one of the options for solving problems.
First, you need to get rid of the monotony in the conduct of the lesson! No reading from books, boring tasks from textbooks and answers at the blackboard. Children are tired of monotonous lessons - so you need to give them something new and interesting. For example, dilute the lesson with a small game of movement (believe me, such games, if properly conducted, are relevant at any age). It is also useful to break the children into groups and change the scenery - holding a lesson on the street, in the corridor, in the assembly hall, rearranging desks, new posters on the wall - everything will do.
What to do with old textbooks? As they say in Germany - "Kein Problem!". Additional material - that's what we need! Try to select tasks that are interesting for young people, related, for example, to reading rap on the subject of vocabulary or tasks aimed at developing the child’s creative streak: draw an idea of ​​\u200b\u200ban incomprehensible word, beat any action in motion or a scene like “Crocodile”, etc. .
As for the lack of young specialists, this, alas, is not a problem that a teacher is able to solve - this is a state problem, I would even say, an all-Russian one. As V.I. Lenin: Cadres decide everything. I agree with him, because Indeed, somewhere, where, but at school, the teacher is the pillar of the entire system on which the future of our children relies. It is absolutely necessary to increase wages, open doors for new developments and promising personnel, providing the school with resources and solving the above problems.
And let's talk about lack of interest. Why is this happening? The answer is simple: kids just don't want to learn! Not all, of course, but most. And this desire arises in them even from the primary school, where knowledge, let's say, is hammered into the head of unlucky students, absolutely repelling the craving for future knowledge. As in a joke: “For what?! For eleven years!" It is necessary to radically change the teaching methods, moving away from direct cramming and bringing the entire system to a simple and understandable idea: "I know why I need what I know". In fact, if you clearly explain to the child that he needs this specifically for this, and this is for something else, then the problem of motivation will disappear by itself - the children themselves will set a goal for themselves and will go towards it, and the teacher will only need to push and level the course.
As follows from the above, a modern teacher who monitors changes in the quality of his work and wants to become better is not afraid of any problems, because a solution can always be found. Having brought to light some of the urgent and long overdue problems of the modern education system, I tried to show that with due attention to them, not from the side of the state, from which, as you know, nothing good has been expected for a long time, but from the side of caring teachers, you can safely count on to improve the quality of knowledge acquired by children, as well as to increase the level of student interest. Therefore, any teacher who has embarked on the “path of correction” gets a chance with minimal effort and, importantly, with minimal financial investments, to ensure a “happy childhood”, for which they will thank not grandfather Lenin, Comrade Stalin or the party, but him or her personally.

P.S. Initially, the article was written for the International Scientific Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists "Lomonosov-2013", but I decided that more people will see it here and maybe you will leave useful comments.

Tags: education, pedagogy, innovations, society, children, school