100 tasks for every day. How to brighten up the expectation of the new year - tasks for every day

001. not sleep for a day
002. launch sky lantern
003. cook pizza with someone
004. take a picture of the sea
005. write something nice under someone's window
006. walking barefoot in the rain
007. have breakfast at a pizzeria
008. drink a liter of water in one gulp
009. spend the day alone
010. have a party (bachelorette party)
011. lose weight
012. confess love in the eyes
013. heart-to-heart talk all night long
014. eat a kilo of ice cream a day
015. meet the dawn on the embankment
016. read a book
017. drink champagne for breakfast
018. refuse all means of communication for a day
019. run into the water
020. fall asleep to your favorite music
021. watch the sunset on the roof
022. talk on the phone with a complete stranger
023. watch 20 movies
024. swim in clothes
025. make coffee for a dear person
026. write a verse
027. write a letter to god
028. swim in the shower
029. spin the bottle
030. sleep more than 12 hours
031. create your own cocktail
032. all day to ride a bike (rollers)
033. eat cotton candy
034. take a ride on a ferris wheel
035. roast marshmallows on a fire
036. see the rainbow
037. take a picture of a wild animal
038. "train" with a person of the opposite sex
039. visit 3 cities
040. long chat
041. meet 10 new people
042. go to the cinema to see a horror movie
043. go to a professional photo shoot

044. go to church
045. see a shooting star
046. collect a bouquet of wildflowers
047. have dinner by candlelight
048. listen to the birds singing at 5 am
049. talk all night on the phone
050. buy a lot of helium balloons and release them
051. Listen to music for 12 hours straight
052. all day ride in a minibus
053. cook summer soup: okroshka or gazpacho
054. talk to a foreigner via skype, chatroulette or facebook
055. take your morning photo
056. talk to a person with whom you did not dare to talk for a very long time
057. watch your favorite movie
058. take a photo from a bird's eye view
059. if you are a girl, then learn to pull up or do push-ups
060. make peace with the one you miss
061. take part in a flash mob
062. make a dream catcher
063. go skating for a change
064. go to another city, go to the cinema and come back
065. spend the whole day with your child
066. throw a nice message in the mailbox of a loved one
067. feed the pigeons
068. go to a deep forest or a field and shout as you should, shout at the top of your lungs, this is an incredibly effective way!
069. listen to all the albums of an artist for the whole day
070. try 10 types of cocktails
071. give someone a massage
072. bake a cake
073. listen to a song played on the guitar
074. leave a tip to the waiter
075. see fireworks
076. talk in the moonlight
077. complete a puzzle with 1,000 pieces.
078. not drinking coffee all day
079. slow dance with a person of the opposite sex
080. eat chocolate
081. walk down the street blowing soap bubbles
082. make fruit salad
083. douche with water
084. define your style of perfume, and always be true to it
085. feed someone from your hand
086. learn strange phrases from a foreign language
087. smeared with chocolate
088. always say yes
089. play a board game with a big group
090. write and mail someone your favorite poem
091. start an album of summer
092. make a summer manicure
093. learn to cook well 1 dish
094. smile at a passerby
095. Spread whipped cream on someone
096. drink on brotherhood
097. have a picnic
098. wake up from birdsong
099. meditate - just relax, turn on nice music, don't think about anything
100. every day write down 1 word characterizing this day

It's the last month of summer! It will fly by quite unnoticed and the school year will come again ... So, so, so, do not be sad! We invite you to spend August in such a way that it will be remembered for a long time! Last year we already made a special summer calendar and this year we decided to continue this wonderful tradition.

By the way, if you complete our “tasks” every day and share your photo reports on Vkontakte or Instagram with the hashtag #succeed in august, you will receive cool gifts from YES! We will remind you of this every day. :)

Let `s start?:)

Make delicious summer lemonades. Look for recipes. Can you come up with your own? Feel free to fantasize! After all, fruit lemonades are the taste of summer :))

Ride a bike. Choose a route to your liking: along a country road, along the embankment or off-road, tie a beautiful scarf... and forward, towards the wonderful August breeze.

In a couple of days we have YES! the competition "Your dazzlingly bright summer!" ends. The main prize is a flight in a hot air balloon. In order to win, you need to take a photo in yellow and post your photo here. We hope you are lucky! But even if not, then don't be discouraged, because a summer photo shoot is a great idea to spend a wonderful day. Yes, and the pictures will remain :)) Share them with us on Instagram or VK

Make wonderful vegetable and fruit bouquets and surprise your relatives and loved ones.

Watch some summer mini-series. Collection can be viewed

hooligan! Buy plastic eyes and start eyebombing.

Make your own ice cream.

Dedicate a day to art - go to some exhibition or museum

Throw a pajama party!

Spend the whole day with your parents or with your grandparents, have fun, find out old family secrets :)) Maybe there is a stack of letters with great-grandmother's love correspondence?

Arrange windows shopping with your girlfriends - go to the shops and see what the buyers of your favorite brands have brought. Try on different bows and figure out how to update your look this fall. Or create a completely new and unexpected?

Enjoy starfall! On August 12-13, one of the most beautiful meteor showers, the Perseids, takes place. Do not miss such a spectacle, drag your friends to nature to arrange an overnight stay in sleeping bags. Starfall looks very romantic, besides, you can make a wish on every shooting star!

It's time to update the playlist! Compose your TOP-20 compositions for this fall. Post it and share with us :)

To make the beginning of the school year not so sad, color it with some original stationery accessories.

Collect the gifts of the forest. To make the feeling of summer last all winter, be sure to get out into the forest and bring something valuable from there: mushrooms, medicinal herbs, or just a snag, which will make a fashionable hanger.

Do yoga in the park

If you live in Moscow, then see the schedule of free yoga classes in the parks of the capital

And if no one in your city does yoga in the parks yet, then you will be able to organize this movement.

Make your own jam, pack it in a beautiful jar and present it to your friends! You can hide in the refrigerator to give in the winter :))

Jump on the giant trampoline

Prepare your favorite apple dessert. Recipes you can see

It's time to shake up your summer reading list and figure out what you haven't read yet. It's time to enjoy reading!

Arrange an outdoor cinema in the country. In American films, characters often watch movies outdoors. Do you think it's impossible to do it yourself? How else is it possible! You will need someone's cottage, a TV and an extension cord with which you can pull it out to the site. Scatter blankets and pillows around and stock up on popcorn for the entire movie night. By the way, it is better to decide in advance which films you will watch: these may be your favorite films that you do not get tired of revisiting, or, for example, a thematic selection of films about vampires. Attention! Don't forget mosquito repellant.

Walk around the city in search of unusual places. In every, even the smallest city, there are hidden from prying eyes, but very beautiful places. Later, it can become your secret headquarters or the place for the best photo shoots.

Make summer masks for face, hands, tummy and hair. Recipes can be viewed

Picnic, picnic again! This item should be a must on your summer to-do list! After all, when else can you lie on a blanket, enjoying the sun, and forget that September is coming soon?

Give a second life to some household junk, such as old CDs, light bulbs or cans

Create your own walking tour and invite your friends to it. And if the theme of the tour is "Favorite places of my childhood", then feel free to take your friends to the old playground and to the sweet shop past the bench where the neighbor's cat was always sleeping.

Have a secret with your girlfriend on the summer terrace of some nice cafe, savor a warm summer evening and a delicious dessert.

Create your flower arrangement! Prove to everyone that you are still that florist!

Saturday night - of course, to the dance! Clubs, discos, parties with friends and, of course, outdoor dancing classes. In Moscow, the most fashionable places for open air dancing are Gorky Park (here is the schedule) and VDNKh (). Well, in your city, the coolest dance point is where you dance)

Go to some outdoor concert if you're lucky with good weather. And if it still rains, don't be sad! You can listen to music under the roof :))

Print your favorite summer photos and make a fun gallery of them in your room.

Many are close to the idea that difficulties harden. You can even say - this is one of the beliefs inherent in the Russian people. This is probably why the book by the Norwegian business coach Eric Larssen “On the Limit. A week without self-pity” has become so popular in Russia: the path of change that he proposes to step on is very difficult.

Monday: change habits

Our habits determine the way we live and how we look and become. A person in good physical shape has the habit of exercising regularly. Stylish women have a habit of keeping up with new collections and sales.

People who get a lot done in a day have developed the habit of getting up early. That is what is proposed to be introduced from Monday. Just get up at 5am every day in hell week.

According to the author, there are several ways to change bad habits. The first is to create a new useful habit instead of an old one. Since a habit is an automatic action that is repeated regularly, you just need to break the routine. For example, to get up earlier, set a new melody as an alarm signal or move it to another place.

But more effective method- understand what habits you have in general, and which of them are harmful and useful. The next step is to replace all the bad ones with the good ones. How to do it? Well, if we talk about early rises, then you just get up at 5 in the morning, and that's it. And how did you want? In "hell week" everything happens only in this way, not otherwise. But there is good news: for the next 7 days, you are strictly shown to go to bed at 10 pm.

Tuesday: learning to focus

“Focus is a wonderful state. Any person is able to give himself completely to the process and apply all his strength to the task, ”writes Erik Larssen.

So, in order to carry out all your affairs effectively, you need to be extremely focused, or, as the author says, work with a certain attitude. “Do only one thing at a time and try not to get distracted,” the book says. “Before you get down to business, create the appropriate mood.”

To feel a certain mood, it’s enough just to remember it: “Remember how you looked, what you felt, what you concentrated on when you were at your best.”

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Wednesday: learning to plan

Some solve problems as they come, while others plan their work and life. But all these people have the same result: not a single free minute, and there is always not enough time for what you want especially strongly.

Eric Larssen's suggestion is to simply write down everything that needs to be done (in the near future and in the more distant future). It usually takes a few minutes to compile such a list. And then open the calendar and distribute these tasks by day.

“This is an example of what you can do when you feel overwhelmed. The main goal is to Everyday life you constantly felt that you were in control of what was happening and that you had enough time for everything, ”the book says.

But what if at the most inopportune moment there are urgent matters? In the "hell week" postponing things is under the strictest ban! You can reschedule it for the very near future and make sure that it is completed without fail.

Thursday: Get out of your comfort zone

This is the most difficult day: the author suggests not going to bed at all and working out for a day in a row. Thursday "... should be a source of invaluable experience for you, show that your limits are much wider than you thought, and make you feel what it means to be outside your comfort zone."

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In general, the task is quite simple: work all 24, do not read social networks, minimize the use of public transport(move more - walk, run).

By the way, if you still have not learned how to plan, on this day you can just finish what was postponed for some reason. We remember that all things in the "hell week" must be completed!

Friday: rest and recovery

“After finishing Thursday morning at 5:00 am, take a long, hot shower. Eat a healthy breakfast after your shower, the book says. “Besides, you have to go to work as usual and do everything there as usual.”

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And this is not a mockery, but a way to show how little we value rest, we neglect it. Agree that after a sleepless night you will find any free moment to take a breath, and you will gladly take advantage of it. Therefore, the main task of Friday: to learn to appreciate recovery and find ways to relax that help you regain strength.

Saturday: change the way we think

Although this day is a non-working day for many, you still have to get up at 5 in the morning - “ hell week» continues. Why so early? And then to learn to think only well of yourself and what you do. And to see how strongly the way of thinking influences emotions.

So, this is what the author suggests to do on Saturday: make a list of everything that you are good at, think only good things about yourself. And consider that everything that happens on this day is for the best. As a result, your opinion of yourself will become much better.

If earlier you thought and said something like: “I understand something about this,” then by Saturday evening you should be sure: “I am very good at this business.” "I'm exhausted" will become "I'm exhausted, but I can do more. I know when I can rest, so now I need to put pressure on the gas. Just notice negative thoughts and change them into positive ones.

Sunday: Thank You

Appreciating yourself and your achievements is an important skill. And if you suddenly didn’t thank yourself for a job well done before, then Sunday is a good day to start doing it.

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The main thing - do not thank yourself for the diligence of sleep. On the last day - the rise according to the schedule, at 5 am. “Allow yourself to feel the good feeling that comes after a great challenge, a journey through difficult terrain, a difficult climb up a mountain. Feel how great it is to be on top, realizing how much you have overcome,” the author writes.

Good day, readers!
In a previous post, I talked about how I stopped liking myself, that I decided to change. But I didn't give a date. The term for changes is 30 days.
Today, the day I decided to change, I tried to make a plan. I wrote my cons, but when I tried to write a solution to one problem, I realized that it was essentially impossible to solve it. Then I searched the Internet for articles on the topic of changes in myself. And I found what I need. There were 30 tasks in the article, most of them need to be done every day. I took note of 13.

1. Write or tell someone every day what you like about them.
I tried it before, I liked it. I immediately began to see the good in people. Now I hate everyone I see on the street. I even know the reason for this. I began to communicate more often with a person who tells me every day: I met such and such a person today, he is simply terrible! This guy is pissing me off!

2. Talk to a stranger every day
I'm quite shy, it's hard for me to make new acquaintances. This challenge will push me out of my comfort zone. But you need to think about how to talk to strangers

3. Take a photo every day
And this is what I tried. You immediately begin to try to look for inspiration, and then you begin to see it simply in all the things that surround you.

4. Take time to praise yourself.
I do not praise myself, only criticize. This challenge will help me find something good in myself that other people will immediately begin to notice.

5. Read a chapter of a book a day
I love to read, but lately there are few books that interest me, it's time to look for that one.

6. Giving up social media for a month
The original was "no media for a month", but I decided to give up social media. True, I will sometimes have to go to VK, because there my classmates throw off materials for tests and exams. But still, a firm "no" to everyone social networks, entry only when absolutely necessary.

7. Get inspired every day
I don't even know what inspires me. Today it was communication with my sister, and what can inspire me tomorrow is a big secret.

8. Think about the achievements you want to make in the next 30 years - one year a day
It will be difficult, but it will make you think. I don't even know what I want out of life. And this will be my guide.

9. Practice something every day
I chose twerk. For some reason, he interested me, I'll try to learn how to dance him.

10. Don't lie for a month
Sometimes there are situations in which you have to lie. This challenge to myself will teach me to look for another path. And you don’t have to remember in which situation I lied.

11. Don't complain
Complaining is my weakness. If I stop complaining, I will most likely start to be silent.

12. Meditate daily
Last year I tried meditation, I liked it. I became calmer, better concentrated on things, now it’s hard for me to do one thing (for example, write something, I want to check messages).

13. Do something selflessly daily
I stopped helping people a long time ago if I see that they need something. I am ashamed for that.

This is all I have chosen for myself. Each task is a test for me. It seems to me that my view of the world will change a lot.

Waiting for the New Year is very tiring for children. I want to wait for Santa Claus, gifts and sweets as soon as possible! To make waiting interesting, arrange an interesting game with tasks for your child.

To do this, you will need, in the pockets of which tasks for each day will be enclosed. You can come up with them yourself, depending on the interests, preferences and age of the child. Assignments can be written on your behalf or from Santa Claus.
For example (Option of tasks for the waiting calendar on behalf of Santa Claus):

Hello children (name)!
Today we begin the countdown to the New Year. Only a month left until the most important winter holiday! Every day you will find small surprises and tasks from me in the pockets. But don't peek into your pockets ahead of time! And then this month will pass quickly and cheerfully. Do my assignments, behave yourself, and in New Year don't forget to look under the Christmas tree, I'll leave gifts there for you. What gifts do you want from me? Write me about it in a letter so that I can prepare for the New Year.
So, here's my first task for you: Write a letter to Santa Claus!

Father Frost

Today I will play a game with you. I will give you a riddle, and you will guess it and draw the answer. And then put the drawings on the windowsill, I also want to look at them - I really love it when you draw for me!

Appeared in the yard
It's in cold December.
Clumsy and funny
At the skating rink stands with a broom.
I'm used to the winter wind
Our friend...
(Answer: Snowman)

Today is December 3rd, which means you can get my 3rd gift. Days melt like snowflakes. Therefore, I suggest you start preparing gifts for the New Year. Educators, grandparents will be pleased to receive postcards from you that you can draw yourself or make using colored paper and glue.
My task: Make a postcard for the New Year

I love it when children recite poems to me by heart! I would like to ask you to learn the verses for me. Can you?

Christmas tree lights up
Under her shadows are blue,
prickly needles
As if in white frost.
Multicolored toys
For us they hung on it,
And we look at the Christmas tree
And we have fun today.
The lights on the Christmas tree are bright
Everywhere are lit
In all houses, all over the country
The guys are smiling.
(L. Nekrasova)

At the entrance, on the site
I collected snow with a shovel.
Although there was not much snow,
I made a snowman.
I put it in the corridor
And she ... melted!

What is winter? That's a lot of snowflakes! Do you have snowflakes at home?
Of course, real snowflakes at home will immediately turn into droplets. Let's make paper snowflakes today, shall we? You can stick them on the window so that I know that you are preparing to meet me! Who will make the most beautiful snowflake? Cut paper snowflakes.

Do you like to watch cartoons? What cartoons do you like the most?
Today I suggest you watch the cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino", how Uncle Fyodor, Sharik and Matroskin celebrated the New Year. Ask dad to help you find the cartoon!

Come up with an interesting craft for the New Year with your mom.
I really love it when children themselves make something out of paper and glue, cut it out with scissors, draw pictures about winter and about Santa Claus, and mold it from plasticine. What craft would you like to do today?

Can you count? Come on, show me!
What good fellows! Then count, who needs to make New Year's cards? Grandmothers, grandfathers, educators ... who else should not be forgotten to congratulate? Now count how many postcards are ready and how many still need to be done. Make or draw enough postcards for everyone!

Do you like to watch interesting films?
Then ask dad today to turn on a film about the New Year's adventures of Masha and Vitya.

Today I have prepared a surprise for you - a small part from the Lego constructor. Do you know how to handle small details of the designer carefully? Don't lose them, take care! Day after day you will find new parts and soon you will assemble an amazing designer in its entirety!
And today the task is to find boxes or bags in which you will carefully collect Lego parts. It is important not to lose a single detail!
Oops, I almost forgot about the instructions for the constructor. But you will have to work hard to find them. I hid them, and you will look for!
I'll give you a hint. Guess my riddle:

I have a girlfriend
I go to bed - under her ear.
I don't take her for a walk
I can only sleep with her.
What is this girlfriend?
Everyone calls her...
(Answer: Pillow)

Well, guess where I hid the gift?

Have you ever made carnival masks? Try today to take paper and make animal masks. Let mom and dad help you.

Let's decorate the glass today!
Take special felt-tip pens for glass and paint the windows. But do not forget that all drawings must be winter!
Let's play a game with you. I name the words, and you say what season the word refers to.

Snowflake - winter
Chamomile - summer
Santa Claus - winter
Valenki - winter
Sandals - summer
Mittens - winter
Christmas tree - winter
Green grass - summer
Snowman - winter
Snowdrift - winter
Sledge - winter
Butterfly - summer

And what pictures will you draw on the glasses?

Guess my riddles:

I come with gifts
I shine with bright lights,
smart, funny,
I'm in charge for the New Year!
Answer: Christmas tree

Who knows the true sign
The sun is high, it means summer.
And if the cold, blizzard, darkness
And the sun is low then….
Answer: Winter

Appeared after autumn
I'm on the calendar.
I am the best holiday for you
I will give for joy!
And the ground with white snow
She wrapped herself.
Guys, guess
Well, who am I? ...

Today I put the last Lego pieces in your pocket.
Try to collect it in its entirety! Read the instructions carefully and ask mom and dad to help you. But remember, you need to assemble the designer on a clean table so as not to lose a single detail!

Today is the middle of the month of December! What is today's date?
So, it's time to get the Christmas tree and dress it up! Do you know how to decorate a Christmas tree? Do you know how to hang toys on the Christmas tree? Correctly! Carefully! Surely you will get the most elegant Christmas tree!
So, today's task is to decorate the Christmas tree.

Do you know how to make toys for the Christmas tree with your own hands?
How I would like to see such toys ...
Decorate your Christmas tree with homemade toys.

Do you know how to make a Christmas tree garland out of colored paper?
Then ask your mom to help you. And on New Year's Eve I will definitely look at your Christmas tree and your crafts! Task - Make a garland out of colored paper.

Today we will arrange a winter drawing contest. Take brushes and paints and draw winter. Try to draw a winter night. To do this, you will need black paper and white gouache.
I really love your drawings!

Guess my riddles:

If the forest is covered with snow,
If it smells like pies,
If the tree goes to the house,
What holiday? …
Answer (New Year)

He flies from the sky in winter,
Don't go barefoot now
Every person knows
Which is always cold...
Answer (Snow)

I lived in the middle of the yard
Where children play
But from the sun
I have become a stream.
Answer (Snowman)

Everyone is afraid of him in winter -
It hurts to bite.
Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,
Because on the street...
Answer (Frost)

New Year application. Take colored paper and make a Christmas tree. What color paper do you need for the Christmas tree? What color will the toys be on it?
Decorate the branches of the Christmas tree with cotton wool snow.

Today my task will be unusual! Bake cookies with mom and dad.
It can be decorated with chocolate or sugar icing, powdered sugar or multi-colored sprinkles. What shape of cookies will you be making?

New Year is very close. Remember when you made Christmas cards? Check and count carefully whether everyone had enough postcards?
I suggest you make a card with a Christmas tree:

Today we will arrange a song day! Ask mom or dad to turn on songs about the New Year for you. Do you know the words of New Year's songs? Then sing along!

Tell me, do you have New Year's costumes?
Today I have an unusual task for you!
Ask your mom for a photo night! Dress up in carnival costumes or fancy dresses and take a photo under the Christmas tree!

Do you remember the names of the winter months? Name them!
Now guess my riddles, and then draw a winter landscape with paints or pencils.

Name it guys
A month in this mystery
His days of all days are shorter,
All nights are longer than nights
To fields and meadows
Until spring, snow fell.
Only our month will pass,
We are celebrating the New Year.

"The end of the year and the beginning of winter!"
That's how the riddle was given to me.
Frost and blizzard
And snow in the yard
To visit us
Winter is coming to...

Starts the calendar
The month named...

The last winter month is a pity
The shortest one is...

Today I invite you to make a snowman.
But not from snow, but from ZEFIR!
Try using white marshmallows and toothpicks to make your own snowman.
Think of what you can make eyes and nose of a snowman?

Let's cut openwork snowflakes with you today.
Cut out snowflakes according to the scheme:

Today you can ask mom or dad to turn on audio fairy tales about the New Year. Do you like to listen to fairy tales?

Today, cut out the letters "HAPPY NEW YEAR" from paper, paint them with paints and hang them on the wall. There is very little time left before the New Year.

Help Santa Claus find the Christmas tree!

DEC. 31

Today is the last day of the year and the last pocket with a little surprise!
I hope you enjoyed the waiting calendar?
I also really liked how you behaved all year and how diligently you completed my tasks every day. Thank you! Therefore, tonight, do not forget to open the window before going to bed so that I put gifts under the Christmas tree for you!

Children go to bed early
On the last day of December
And wake up a year older
On the first day of the calendar.
The year begins in silence
Unfamiliar from past winters:
Noise behind the double frame
We can barely catch it.
But the guys are calling out
Winter day through the ice glass -
In a refreshing cold
From cozy warmth.
With a kind word we will remember
Years of old care,
Starting early in the morning
New day and new year!
(S. Marshak)