3 main directions for the formation of a health-saving school space. Report "Formation of a health-saving school space"

Radical changes in the priorities of the socio-economic development of Russia, which began in the 90s of the twentieth century, affected the operation of all social institutions, including the education system, led to the emergence of new problems in the field of social education of the younger generation. The health and quality of life of children are recognized as the fundamental values ​​of the education system, which is reflected in the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education, adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2010. The health of the population currently determines the prospects and future development of any country. The future of Russia largely depends on what the graduates of schools and universities will be like. In foreign pedagogy in the early 90s. it has been proved that the formation of a culture of health and a positive change in the way of life of pupils is associated with the improvement of the entire educational space of the school.

Under these conditions, the tasks of creating a health-saving space in educational institutions, and in secondary school in particular, are actualized as a possible alternative in influencing the consciousness of the younger generation, forming a hierarchy of values, creative, constructive attitude to the surrounding reality.

It should be noted that the lack of a priority for health has led to the fact that the educational process in educational institutions has been and remains minimally focused on educating a student's conscious attitude towards his health. The health and quality of life of students are recognized as the fundamental values ​​of the education system, which is reflected in the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education, adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2010. Among the factors negatively affecting the health of students, Russian researchers E.N. Weiner, N.K. Ivanova, A.M. Kulikov, et al. attribute overload with training sessions, an authoritarian style of relationships between teachers and students, insufficient consideration of individual characteristics in training and education, physical inactivity, etc.

A holistic perception of a person dictates an adaptive approach to solving the problem of preserving his health. In modern conditions of development of the domestic secondary school, it becomes obvious that the successful solution of the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of students largely depends on the integration of the efforts of all participants in the educational process.

Analysis of scientific psychological and pedagogical literature, own pedagogical experience, the results of the ascertaining stage of experimental and search work allow us to identify the following set of organizational and pedagogical conditions that provide pedagogical assistance to the rehabilitation of children with diabetes, scientific and organizational support for adaptive and health-saving approaches to the process of rehabilitation of children, patients with diabetes mellitus: 1) establishment of humanistic interaction of subjects of the educational process in the process of joint activities; 2) creation of a health-saving space of an educational institution to achieve maximum efficiency of physiological, mental functions and behavioral reactions of a person in the educational process; 3) inclusion in the educational process of the rehabilitation course "School of Diabetes".

The second organizational and pedagogical condition is the creation of a health-saving space of an educational institution to achieve maximum efficiency of physiological, mental functions and behavioral reactions of a person in the educational process.

The problem of pedagogical assistance in the rehabilitation of children with diabetes mellitus accumulates not only the problem of health from the point of view of medicine, but also involves mental health, social, physical, spiritual and moral. Medico-psychological, social and pedagogical studies (N.P. Abaskalova, V.M. Kabaeva, O.I. Kovaleva, O.V. Richter, U.L. Semenova, etc.) contain convincing evidence of a deterioration in the health of children with diabetes mellitus, during the period of study in educational institutions. It should be noted that the lack of a priority for health has led to the fact that the educational process in educational institutions has been and remains minimally focused on educating a student's conscious attitude towards his health.

From the point of view of the adaptive approach, health acts as a universal human value, correlates with the main value orientations of the individual and occupies a certain position in the value hierarchy. There are many definitions of the phenomenon of "health". The most general definition formulated in the preamble to the Charter of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948 is based on the provisions put forward by G. Sigerist: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or physical defects." In the 1980s, WHO experts determined that human health is 15–20% determined by genetic factors, 20–25% dependent on the state of the environment, 10–15% dependent on medical support, and 50–55% depends on lifestyle.

Based on the content analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature (N.P. Abaskalova, L.S. Elkova, V.K. Zaitsev, V.V. Kolbanov, S.V. Popov, L.G. Tatarnikova, etc.) We understand the health-saving space of an educational institution as a system of managerial, organizational, training conditions aimed at preserving and strengthening the social, physical, mental health and adaptation of students on the basis of psychological, pedagogical and medical-physiological means and methods of supporting the educational process, the implementation of a complex of interdepartmental health measures.

The educational value of a health-saving educational space lies in the fact that when it is implemented both within the framework of school time and during extracurricular and leisure time, including vacation time, conditions are created for strengthening, maintaining and restoring their health, taking into account their requests, needs, organization of opportunities for self-realization, productive communication and amateur performances in various forms, including labor, knowledge, culture, play and other areas.

The main indicators of the health-saving educational space of a secondary school include: the humanistic orientation of the emotional-behavioral space; taking into account the individual-age characteristics of trainees; all-round development of a creative personality; organization of medical and preventive and information and educational activities; promotion of self-realization and self-assertion of the subjects of the educational process; compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards; correction of somatic health disorders, including the use of a complex of recreational and medical measures without interrupting the educational process; health-improving system of physical education; development and implementation of additional educational programs for the formation of a culture of health, the preservation and promotion of the health of students, the prevention of bad habits.

The traditional forms of preserving and promoting the health of students are consultations, conversations, briefings, trainings, workshops, class hours, conversations with specialists, etc. The most acceptable and productive in the process of preserving and strengthening health are interactive forms that are health-saving in nature and :

Influence on the emotional sphere of the student, the ability to cause a variety of experiences associated with the awareness of certain health phenomena;

Awakening creativity, the ability of strategic and critical thinking;

Representation in the minds of the student of the world of culture, nature and education as a living organism. The student must feel the naturalness and regularity of health-saving, health-forming, cultural and educational processes.

The formation of a health-saving educational space within the framework of the society of an educational institution is a controlled pedagogical process. The levers for managing this process should be in the hands of the public - a coordinating council on the problems of preserving and strengthening the health of students and the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children, which should include representatives of local executive authorities, public and commercial organizations, and the media operating within the radius of pedagogical influence of a general education institution , and also, given the limited health opportunities of children with diabetes, representatives of specialized medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies.

"Formation of a health-saving school space"

Urazakova Gulnar Galikhanovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature,

Deputy Director of the School for UWR

(from work experience)

The relevance of the topic is due to the need of a person, society and the state in health-saving education. A person spends many years within the walls of educational institutions, and therefore a value attitude to health cannot be formed without the participation of teachers. Due attention was not always paid to the preservation, strengthening and development of health, assessment of the impact of the pedagogical process on the mental state of students, educational technologies were not considered from the point of view of a health-saving orientation. Todayevery teacher should be aware that the components of a child's health are his physical, mental state and the level of formation of moral and moral principles.

Thus, 3 types of health are distinguished:

    physical health- this is the natural state of the body, due to the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. If all organs and systems work well, then the whole human body (self-regulating system) functions and develops correctly.

    mental healthdepends on the state of the brain, it is characterized by the level and quality of thinking, the development of attention and memory, the degree of emotional stability, the development of volitional qualities.

    moral healthdetermined by those moral principles that are the basis of human social life, i.e. life in a particular human society. The hallmarks of a person's moral health are, first of all, a conscious attitude to work, mastery of the treasures of culture, an active rejection of mores and habits that are contrary to a normal way of life.

The main task of health-saving pedagogy is such an organization of the training regime that would provide highperformance throughout the entire training session, allowedto push back fatigue and avoid overwork.

School risk factors:


Inconsistency of teaching methods and technologies.

Intensification of the educational process.

Irrational organization of the educational process.

Incompetence of teachers in matters of functional development and health of children.

Lack of a system of work on the formation of the value of health and a healthy lifestyle

Ultra-early start of education

Not always justified and adequate use of so-called health-saving technologies.

The work of the teaching staff of our school on this problem has developed into a system that can be represented as a model:


    There has been a steady trend towards a deterioration in the health of the population, an increase in chronic diseases, an increase in the number of people with disabilities in physical and mental development, primarily children and adolescents.

    An analysis of the physical and psychological well-being of the younger generation revealed the relationship between the age and health of students. The health level of students from grades 1 to 11 is declining. And this happens during the school years.

    In the process of growing up, another factor appears that negatively affects the lifestyle of children, and as a result, their state of health. These are bad habits, especially smoking and drinking alcohol.

Among the reasons for the deterioration of the health of schoolchildren are the following:

    Socio-economic, as a result of which many families are not able to provide the necessary care for children.

    An increase in the teaching load due to changes in programs, the introduction of the UNT, and an increase in requirements for the level of graduates' preparation.

    Insufficient adaptation of the educational process to the individual psychological characteristics of children.

In order to improve the health of students, it is necessary to unite the efforts of teachers, doctors, psychologists and parents. The formation of a health-saving school space has become relevant for the team.



    Creation of favorable conditions for the preservation and strengthening of the health of students.


    Organization of the educational process based on health-saving technologies.

    Implementation of the idea of ​​a volunteer movement of adolescents to develop practical skills of a healthy lifestyle among their peers.

    Improving the skills of school staff in the field of protecting the health of students.

    Involvement of interested departments in cooperation.


1. Information and regulatory support

2. Software (standard, author's programs of special courses, electives, elective courses of sectional studies, etc.).

3. Availability of a set of information and methodological materials (recommendations, publications, lists of references in areas).

4. Studying and summarizing the experience of teachers.

5. Activity monitoring


    Strengthening the health of schoolchildren through mastering the skills and habits of taking care of their health.

    Improving sanitary and hygienic conditions in the school.

    Establishing effective interdepartmental cooperation.

    Creation of a volunteer movement of teenagers at school, teaching them active forms of constructive communication, partnerships, helping peers.

    Changing the perception of the problem by teachers, teaching them methods of work that preserve the health of students in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.


The effectiveness of the program is evaluated by quantitative and qualitative indicators:

    the number of trained volunteers;

    the number of qualified teachers;

    assessment of the quality of materials prepared during the implementation of the program;

    the level of sanitary and hygienic condition of the school;

    results of medical examination of school students.

    attitude to work, mastering the treasures of culture, active rejection of mores and habits that are contrary to the normal way of life.

Efficiency can be achieved as a result of coordinated and purposeful work not only of teachers, the psychological service of the school and its other structural divisions, but also as a result of the positive influence of society, people surrounding the child outside the school. Thus, the pedagogical space of the school is expanding, which is ensured only by close interaction with parents.

Both fatigue and overwork in children occur faster than in adults, which is explained by the peculiarities of the nervous system. The solution of this problem - the preservation of high working capacity, the removal of fatigue and the exclusion of overwork of schoolchildren - is possible only with the rightorganizing their activities.

A very large effect on the functional state of the bodyschoolchildren renders the structure of the lesson. According to many researchers, the structure of the lesson should be flexible, but be sure to take into account the dynamicsthe performance of schoolchildren. During the working-in phase (the first 3-5minutes) the load should be relatively small, it is necessary to givestudents to get to work. During the period of optimal stabilityperformance (the next 20-25 minutes) the load can bemaximum. Then the load should be reduced, because fatigue develops. From this it is clear that the practice is not always justified when the teacher assigns the first, most productive part of the lesson to the survey of homework:it is better to devote this part of the lesson to the study of new material, and transfer the surveyto the second, less productive one.

The correct regulation of the duration and alternation of various types helps to maintain high performance in the lesson.activities. Switching from one activity to another ismicro-change and delay the development of fatigue.

When considering the lesson in this aspect, in my practice I am guided by the methodological recommendations "Analysis of the lesson from the perspective of health-saving technology " drawn upbased on the book by N.K. Smirnov “Health-saving educational technologies and the psychology of health at school”.

Based on his work, the following criteria can be distinguished:

1. Hygienic conditions in the classroom (office):


    temperature and air freshness,

    rationality of classroom and board lighting,

    the presence / absence of monotonous, unpleasant stimuli, etc.

It should be noted that the fatigue of schoolchildren and the risk of allergic disorders to a large extent depend on the observance of these simple conditions.

    Number of learning activities used by the teacher:

    student survey,





    looking at visual aids

    answers on questions,

    problem solving,

    practical exercises, etc.

The norm is 4-7 species per lesson.The monotony of the lesson contributes to the fatigue of students. However, you need to remember that the frequent change from one activity to another requires additional adaptation efforts from students. It also contributes to increased fatigue.

    The average duration and frequency of alternation of various types of educational activities:

    Approximate rate: 7-10 minutes.

Number of types of teaching used by the teacher:




    independent work, etc.

The norm is at least three per lesson. Alternation of types of teachingno later than 10-15 minutes

    The use of methods that contribute to the activation of the initiative and creative self-expression of students, which allow them to turn into subjects of activity. This is:

    methods of free choice (free conversation, choice of action, its method, choice of methods of interaction, freedom of creativity, etc.);

    active methods (students in the role of a teacher, reading by action, discussion in groups, role-playing game, discussion, seminar, etc.);

    methods aimed at self-knowledge and development (intelligence, emotions, communication, imagination, self-esteem and

peer review), etc.

    The ability of the teacher to use the possibilities of displaying video materials for staging a discussion, discussion, instilling interest in educational programs, i.e. for the interconnected solution of both educational and educational tasks.

    Postures of students and their alternation depending on the nature of the work performed .:

    The degree of naturalness of the posture of schoolchildren in the lesson can serve as a good indicator of the psychological influence of the teacher, the degree of his authoritarianism: the mechanism of the health-destroying influence of an authoritarian teacher consists, in particular, in the fact that children in his lessons are excessively stressed.

    This exhausting situation not only sharply increases the level of schoolchildren's neuroticism, but also has a detrimental effect on their character.

    Physical education minutes and physical education breaks

    Physical education minutes and physical education breaks are an obligatory part of the lesson. It is necessary to pay attention to their content and duration (the norm is for 15-20 minutes of a lesson for 1 minute of three easy exercises with 3-4 repetitions of each), as well as the emotional climate during the exercises and the students' desire to perform them.

    Inclusion in the content of the lesson of issues related to health and a healthy lifestyle.

    The inclusion of questions related to health and a healthy lifestyle in the content of the lesson deserves a positive assessment. The ability of a teacher to highlight and emphasize issues related to health is one of the criteria for his pedagogical professionalism.

    The presence of students' motivation for learning activities in the classroom:

    interest in classes

    desire to know more

    joy of activity

    interest in the material being studied, etc.

The level of this motivation and the methods of its increase used by the teacher are assessed.

    Favorable psychological climate in the classroom.

A favorable psychological climate in the classroom is one of the indicators of its success: the charge of positive emotions received by schoolchildren and the teacher himself determines the positive impact of the school on health.

    The dominant expression on the teacher's face.

The lesson is incomplete if there were no emotional and semantic discharges:


    appropriate witty jokes,

    use of proverbs

    aphorisms with comments,

    musical minutes, etc.

    The moment of onset of fatigue of students and a decrease in their learning activity

    It is determined in the course of monitoring the increase in motor and passive distractions of schoolchildren in the process of educational work.

    Norm - not earlier than 5-10 minutes before the end of the lesson

    The pace and features of the end of the lesson.

It is desirable that the end of the lesson be calm:

    students had the opportunity to ask the teacher questions,

    the teacher could comment on the homework,

    say goodbye to students.

    The state and type of students leaving the lesson.

    An integral indicator of the effectiveness of the lesson can be considered the state and type of students leaving the lesson.

    It is worth paying attention to the state of the teacher.

We are talking about the mental state and mental health of participants in the learning process: teacher-student.

In the process of interaction, the teacher forms a positive "I - Concept" in the student. For this you need:

To see in everyone a unique personality, to respect it, to understand it, to believe in it - to create situations of success, approval, support, goodwill for personalities so that school life and study bring joy to the child;

Understand the causes of children's ignorance and misbehavior, eliminate them without compromising dignity

Help children to realize themselves in activities.

The formation of a positive I-Concept in the classroom is facilitated by simple methods of pedagogical technology that I use in the classroom. These techniques are universal for any lesson or educational event, for any life situation, in any interpretation, their effectiveness has been verified by work experience:

    Reception "Ladder"

We are talking about situations where the teacher leads the student progressively upward, climbing with him through the steps of knowledge, psychological self-determination, gaining faith in himself and others.

    reception "I give a chance"

Prepared pedagogical situations in which the child gets the opportunity to unexpectedly discover his own abilities for himself. The teacher may not prepare such situations on purpose, but his educational gift will manifest itself in the fact that he will not miss this moment, correctly assess it, and be able to materialize it.

    reception "Confession" or "When the teacher cries."

This technique can be used in cases where there is hope that the teacher's sincere appeal to the best feelings of the children will receive understanding and give rise to a response. How to apply it is a matter of technique, experience, intuition and culture of the teacher. Here it is necessary to accurately calculate everything, correctly predict possible reactions. This technique is recommended to be used in cases where there is hope that the sincere appeal of the teacher to the best feelings of the children will be understood.

    reception "Follow us".

The point is to awaken the dormant thought of the student, to give him the opportunity to find the joy of recognizing the intellectual forces in himself. The reaction of others will serve for him at the same time as a signal of awakening, and a stimulus for knowledge, and the result of efforts.

    reception "Emotional outburst" or "You flew so high."

The main role is assigned to the teacher. His words are, of course, impromptu, inspiration, a real emotional outburst of his sincere desire to help the child, to create a situation of success. A colossal intellectual potential is hidden in every student, if you find a way to ignite this charge, release its energy, turn it into a chain reaction, where the word of the teacher soaked with hot feeling gives rise to effort, efforts give rise to thought, and thought splits into knowledge and a reciprocal feeling of gratitude. Ultimately, faith in oneself, faith in success is formed.

    “Role Reversal” technique or about the benefits of classes that are not conducted correctly.

The exchange of roles makes it possible to highlight the still hidden potential of the intellectual, emotional and volitional capabilities of students. They seem to create an important precedent for the future, breaking down into separate independent acts of “role exchange”, turning from a form of a business game into a specific technique for creating a situation of success. The motto of this technique is: “The brighter the personality, the brighter the team”

    reception "Eureka".

The essence is to create the conditions under which the child, performing the educational task, unexpectedly came to a conclusion that reveals previously unknown opportunities for him. He should get an interesting result that opened the prospect of knowledge. The merit of the teacher will be not only to notice this personal “discovery”, but also to support the child in every possible way, to set new, more serious tasks for him, to inspire him to solve them. It must be remembered that:

    the success of the discovery must be prepared for a long time and patiently, revealing to the child possible connections, relationships between what he has achieved and what he has not yet been able to achieve;

    the child should be constantly inspired that he can achieve the inaccessible, that he has enough strength, intelligence. You need suggestion, support, setting for tomorrow's joy;

    the child must be convinced that he owes his success, first of all, to himself.

    reception "Horizon line"

Once having discovered for himself the fascination of searching, immersing himself in the world of the unknown, a student can already constantly strive for searching, regardless of difficulties and failures. He will form a respectful attitude to the possibilities of the human mind. If a teacher makes students witnesses of his reflections, if he shows the movement of his thoughts in solving some of the problems posed, if he brings students to the point at which they can draw an independent conclusion and experience the joy of such “enlightenment”, then he created a situation in which even an intellectually passive student can feel like a creative person. It is important to look for new ways, albeit unexpected, contradictory at first glance.

    "Color cards".

In the process of working in the lesson, students receive colored cards for the correct answer, and at the end of the lesson they “change” them for grades. This technique works well with elementary school students, setting a positive emotional mood of the lesson.

    Method "Mood".

Hello sun! Hello day!

Give smiles to each other. If you learn to smile at beauty, goodness, then your smile will return to you with joy. After all, the world around us is a big magic mirror.

Hello, who, maybe, did not get enough sleep. Hello those who are in a bad mood. Hello those who are looking forward to the holidays. Hello, those who will be well today, actively work in the lesson.

Let's smile at each other! Let the smile make your soul warm, let it help you to work easily and joyfully in the lesson. I wish all of us success!

Luck formula: smile - mood - self-confidence - result

    Appeal to the life experience of children.

The reception consists in the fact that the teacher discusses with the students well-known situations, the understanding of the essence of which is possible only when studying the proposed material. It is only necessary that the situation was really vital, and not far-fetched.

    Creation of a problem situation.

It is undeniable that for many of us this technique is regarded as universal. It consists in the fact that students are faced with a certain problem, overcoming which, the student masters the knowledge, skills and abilities that he needs to learn according to the program.

    Role-playing approach and as a result - a business game.

In this case, the student (or a group of students) is invited to play the role of one or another actor, for example, a formal executor of the algorithm. The performance of the role forces one to focus precisely on those conditions, the assimilation of which is the learning goal.

    Solving non-standard tasks on ingenuity and logic.

Tasks of this nature are offered to students either as a warm-up at the beginning of the lesson, or for relaxation, changing the type of work during the lesson, and sometimes for additional solutions at home.

    Advance acceptance.

The meaning of the advance is in a preliminary discussion of what the child will have to do: look at the plan of the essay, listen to the first version of the upcoming answer, pick up literature for the speech with the teacher, etc. In some ways, this resembles a rehearsal for the upcoming action. For self-doubting students, such training creates a psychological attitude to success, gives confidence in their abilities.

The focus of each teacher's attention on the problem of the health of schoolchildren is relevant today not only at the level of educational organizations, but also at the state level. A huge responsibility for the health of the future generation lies with us, workers in the field of education.

Do we teach by educating or educate by teaching? – this philosophical question will be discussed in pedagogy for a long time. One thing is indisputable at all times: both teaching and educating the teacher is obliged to take care of the health of his students.

The generalization and dissemination of the experience of teachers in this area is already a great contribution to the continuous process of protecting the health of people of a whole generation.

Experience on the topic "Building a model of a health-saving educational space in a general education institution as a condition for improving the quality of education", accumulated over 3 years of work with explanations, graphs, tables



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Providing hygienic conditions for the educational process.

slide 17. At school, attention is paid to creating a calm sound environment, the elimination of annoying extraneous sounds creates the preconditions for a favorable psychological climate.

The air-thermal regime at the school is provided by the local boiler house. Heating appliances are located under the window openings. The air temperature in the classroom is maintained within 17 - 20 0 C. During non-school hours, the temperature in the premises is maintained at least 15 0 C. Before the start of classes and after the end, cross-ventilation of classrooms is carried out.

All classrooms of the school have natural lateral left-hand lighting. To create light comfort, the levels of natural and artificial lighting in the school are normalized. In classrooms, the level of illumination corresponds to 300 lux. Window openings in the classrooms are equipped with regular sun protection devices such as blinds, fabric curtains in light tones that match the color of the walls and furniture.

When decorating the interior of the school, colors such as light green, brown, apricot, pink, orange are used - all in calm tones.

The classrooms are finished with materials and paints that create a matte surface in light tones of yellow, beige, pink, green and blue. Natural wood color furniture is purchased.

Hygienic requirements for the use of personal computers by students are becoming more and more relevant day by day: computerization is rapidly entering our lives, the number of computers in schools is growing, and they are becoming more and more popular among teenagers.

In a room with personal computers in a school (informatics room), optimal microclimate parameters are provided, i.e. at a temperature of 18 - 20 0 With relative humidity should be respectively 32-55% Computer class before and after each lesson are ventilated. When working on a computer, the noise level does not exceed 75dBA.

To protect against radiation, special anti-reflective screen coatings and various filters are used. The video monitor screen is located from the user's eyes at an optimal distance of 60-70 cm, but not closer than 50 cm.

For teachers of general education schools, the duration of work in computer classes is set for no more than 4 hours a day. The duration of continuous work with a PC without a regulated break should not exceed 2 hours.

For students in grades 2-4, 0.5 hours per week (25 minutes) are allotted for conducting the subject "Informatics", and in grades 5-9 - 1 hour per week (45 minutes) The continuous duration of classes with a computer does not exceed: for students 1 classes (6 years) - 10 minutes, for students in grades 2 - 5 - 15 minutes, for students in grades 6 - 7 - 20 minutes, for students in grades 8 - 9 - 25 minutes.

A separate problem is the nutrition of students at school. The school is doing its best to solve this problem fully. Proper, rational nutrition is an important and constantly acting factor that ensures the processes of growth and development of the body, a condition for maintaining health at any age, but especially in childhood and adolescence.

The educational institution organizes 2 hot meals a day for children of extended day groups and hot breakfasts for other children, but if possible, the school strives to ensure that all children receive 2 meals a day.

Meals are organized at a food distribution point for 80 seats (located in the basement). At the entrance to it, washbasins are installed at the rate of 1 tap for 20 seats, with hot and cold water supply and mixer taps. The sinks are provided with soap and electric towels.

Children are fed according to the recommended 10-day menu. The calculation of the ingredients and calorie content of food should be carried out by a nurse once a month according to a cumulative accounting sheet. Ready first and second courses can be on the food warmer for no more than 3 hours.

The diet of dishes, vitaminization, caloric content corresponds to the norms. Dining tables are cleaned after each meal. The school administration strictly monitors the range of products. Tables with a hygienic coating are wiped with a solution of detergents.

Every year, by the beginning of the school year, in order to maintain the proper sanitary and hygienic regime in the school canteen, the necessary repairs are carried out in all rooms.

The school has tanks with boiled water provided with disposable plastic cups. It turns out to be effective to involve class teachers in solving this problem of the capabilities of the parents of students.

The rational organization of the educational process is necessary to prevent overload, overstrain and ensure the conditions for successful learning of schoolchildren, maintaining their health.

In the context of the introduction of the new Federal State Standard of General Education into mass education, it is important to use new opportunities that open up in the health-saving work of the school.

The new Federal State Educational Standard formulates the goals, key tasks, means, forms of formation of a health culture among students, which provides for the independent conscious regulation of their actions and behavior in the interests of their health and those around them. Work on the formation of a value attitude to health and a healthy lifestyle in the elementary school of our educational institution is carried out in the following areas.

It is regularly ventilated, the windows open well and conveniently, are equipped with mosquito nets and shutters, and are soundproof. The classrooms have good lighting that meets sanitary requirements, the board is equipped with additional lighting. The temperature regime is observed.

The health protection component of the school staff is implemented in the following areas:

1. Clinical examination of the school staff.

2. Scheduled medical examinations.

3. Sanatorium treatment.

4. Ensuring health-saving working conditions.

5. Organization of recreational activities for school staff.

6. Organization of physical culture and sports events.


As the study of the sociological service of the RSSU showed, our fellow citizens adhere to moderately positive assessments regarding their health. The majority (65.3%) rate it with a “plus” sign (“good”, “rather good”), while 28.8% of those who consider it “bad” or “very bad” These parameters are close to the incidence rate estimates: 71.2% of the respondents can be attributed to the group of people with good health (according to the frequency of morbidity), which is close to the share of positive self-assessments of health (63.5%). The group with poor health includes 23.1% of respondents who fell ill 4 or more times during the year (with 28.8% of negative self-assessments of health).

However, the overall positive balance of self-reported health should not be misleading. Note that among all positive self-assessments, there are only 20.9% of confident statements “the state of health is good”, while twice as many (44.4%) choose the cautious assessment “rather good”. Moreover, for the period 2009-2012. the share of unconditionally positive health assessments decreased (from 34.7 to 20.9%), giving way to cautious, moderately positive assessments, which increased from 33.8 to 44.4%

The problem of maintaining and strengthening health must be addressed in childhood. The deterioration in the health of children in Russia has become not only a medical but also a serious pedagogical problem. It is known that the way of life, style, as well as character, is laid down in childhood. The ability to health needs its formation and development in the same way as other human abilities. The problem of protecting the health of children and adolescents is a complex problem, and it would be wrong to reduce all its aspects only to a kindergarten or school. But at the same time, an analysis of the structure of schoolchildren’s morbidity convincingly shows that as they study, the frequency of occurrence of such diseases as respiratory diseases, pathology of the digestive organs, postural disorders, eye diseases, and borderline neuropsychiatric disorders increases.

Every year, a whole system of preventive work on the health of school students is carried out, which consists of the following parameters:

1 Examination of medical records of students.

2 Monitoring the sanitary and hygienic state of the school throughout the year, and especially during the onset of viral infections.

3 Control over the quality of cooking and rejection of finished products of the school canteen.

4 Organization of winter and summer health camps.

5 C - fortification of school lunches (vitamin C during the school year and the addition of a slice of lemon to tea during the onset of viral infections.

6 Immunoprophylaxis.

7 In-depth medical examinations.

8 Deratization.

Analysis of the main parameters of the state of health of schoolchildren.

The analysis of the main parameters of the state of health of schoolchildren is an integral part of the work of the school.

Diagnostics of the state of students of the MBOU "Bolokhovskaya secondary school No. 3" revealed the results that can be presented in the following table slide 19.

Table. Infectious and other diseases

Type of disease







Intestinal infections

Scarlet fever


Acute tonsillitis




Rubella measles


Whooping cough

Injuries (domestic)





Bronchial asthma


Thus, the level of infectious diseases remains stable, but these indicators tend to decrease. However, diseases that did not exist before appeared. These diseases were identified during medical examination in children of transitional age. A large percentage of children with JVP is explained by the fact that parents have little control over the nutrition of children (they do not have breakfast, have dinner irregularly and at the wrong time). The dynamics of diseases can be traced in tables and a diagram (diagram). slide 20.

Diagram: Infectious and other diseases

Table. Pass by one child per year /average/ Slide 21.

2008-2009 academic year

2009-2010 academic year

2010-2011 academic year

2011-2012 academic year

7 days

8 days

8 days

7 days

Table. Analysis of the incidence and attendance of children in a school institution slide 22.


2008 - 2009

2009 - 2010

2010 - 2011



1 step

2 step.


1 step.

2 step


1 step

2 step.


1 step

2 step.



Number of passes for









Number of passes for

one child







Average duration of one illness

Number of cases

diseases per child










Number of cases

diseases (general)

number often and

long-term ill

children PTD

Health index





There was no movement of children from one health group to another, lower one, on the contrary, there is a tendency to increase the number of children in the main health group.

The change in the health group to a higher one is noted due to the work carried out at the MBOU "Bolokhovskaya Basic Comprehensive School No. 3" to improve the health of children (Table 12,) (Diagram 2)

Table. Assessment of the physical development of children. Distribution of students by health groups slide 23.

Academic year

Total children

Age groups

Health groups

Main (people)

preparatory (people)

Main (%)

preparatory (%)












































































Diagram. Assessment of the physical development of children. Distribution of students by

health groups slide 24.

Analysis over the past four years has shown a gradual, albeit slow, decrease in morbidity and an increase in the health index (Figure 3).

Diagram: Dynamics of the health index.

The indicators are achieved by observing sanitary norms and rules for protecting the life and health of children, organizing a rational motor regime, implementing health-improving and hardening measures, organizing good nutrition, promoting a healthy lifestyle, carrying out extra-curricular and extracurricular activities, the work of sports sections, a circle of dance aerobics.

However, during the school year there is a deterioration in the functions of the autonomic nervous system (headaches, pain in the heart, nausea, lethargy, absent-mindedness, high fatigue). Thus, the problem of organizing assistance to the child in maintaining, strengthening and shaping health is very relevant.

Based on the above figures, we can conclude that if significant losses in the health of children and adolescents are associated with schooling, then the introduction of a personality-oriented approach to the improvement, education and upbringing of students, the formation of a health-saving space will help maintain and improve the level of health and general culture of schoolchildren . These results will contribute to the education of the child's need to be healthy, to teach him this, to organize assistance in maintaining and shaping health. A school graduate must be a spiritually, physically and socially healthy person, capable of managing and shaping his health.


A school policy on substance use provides a framework for planning, implementing and evaluating the effectiveness of drug prevention and reduction efforts. Such a policy contributes to the development of well-articulated rules concerning health care in general and drug control efforts in particular. Because drug abuse among young people has serious medical and legal consequences, it is important to involve parents, local health and drug enforcement agencies, law enforcement, and students themselves in the development of school drug policy.

Such a policy should address both the specific activities of schools in the prevention and reduction of drug abuse, and the measures that are needed in specific cases of drug abuse. At a minimum, the policy should create a zero tolerance environment for drug abuse, possession and sale on school property and in school buildings.

School environments can help or hinder efforts to improve student health and education. The school strives to provide students with clean water for drinking, washing hands and cooking, as well as building appropriate sanitation facilities to prevent the spread of disease. In addition, the territory and buildings of the school are kept clean and safe, otherwise parents may simply not let their children go to school. Staying in school has become a barrier to the spread of drug addiction: students who leave schools become more vulnerable not only to drugs, but also to a number of other threats, such as HIV infection, accidental pregnancy and criminal activity.

In addition, the school environment contributes to the protection and promotion of the health of students and school staff in a variety of ways. As far as drug prevention is concerned, at a minimum, it includes prohibiting the sale or use of drugs on school property or at school-sponsored events. Protection from the harmful effects of tobacco smoke is one of the main measures systematically taken by the school. The school creates conditions under which there is no pressure on students in the school to induce them to buy or use drugs.

The purpose of preventive work at school is to show how dangerous narcotic substances are, by all available means to promote the organization of interesting leisure activities for schoolchildren of primary and adolescence; use various forms of cultural and educational work: promotions, round tables, discussions, discussion evenings, themed film screenings, discos, competitive and game programs, promote the development of circles, especially technical creativity, as well as sports sections.

Systematic work on the prevention of drug addiction is carried out at the school in the following areas:

Strengthening the system in the activities of the school and cultural institutions to combat drug addiction, alcoholism and smoking (the school and the branch of the GUK TO "Tula Regional Library" developed a joint action plan on this problem, which has been implemented for 7 years);

Implementation of medical– biological work together with the employees of the Bolokhov polyclinic (systematically explaining why it is harmful to use drugs, the mechanism of the influence of drugs on the human body, mother, offspring);

Morally - moral propaganda (attention is drawn to the immorality and moral damage that addiction to intoxicants causes to people around them, the teenagers' idea that drug use is a sign of adulthood and maturity is reasonably refuted, they teach teenagers to spend their leisure time in such a way as to exclude the possibility of spending time with drugs) - the work of lecture halls and film lecture halls of legal and medical knowledge; lectures on drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism, smoking, delinquency among adolescents with the involvement of specialists (inspectors for minors, narcologists, psychologists, doctors of the family planning and rehabilitation center, etc.;

Legal work (systematically explaining to teenagers the essence of the current anti-drug legislation of the articles of the criminal code of the Russian Federation, acquaintance with the types and measures of legal responsibility).

Elements of a school drug policy related to providing timely assistance to students include:

Compile a list of drug-related violations by identifying:

List of prohibited substances and accessories;

Areas of school jurisdiction (eg, school property, grounds, and all school-sponsored activities); and types of violations (possession, use and sale of drugs). All of the above can be found on the stands in the school recreation and in the biology room.

Immediate and long-term responses to various drug-related incidents:

Protecting the health of all students and the school community;

Studying the living conditions of schoolchildren, the situation in the family, mental and emotional health, the level of intellectual development and the ability to control their own actions and decisions (this is implemented on the basis of a questionnaire);

Elements of a school drug policy related to drug control measures include:

Measures to ensure that parents, teachers, students and members of the community understand school policies and how they are implemented.

Measures to force drugs out of school grounds and buildings, such as:

* prohibition of access for unauthorized persons;

* control of the school building and grounds, and especially areas known to be places for the sale and use of drugs;

* Receiving help from law enforcement officials to stop drug dealing or to control areas around the school known to be places where drugs are sold and used;

Every year, the school conducts research, during which adolescents' addictions to addictions, the degree of awareness of the consequences of the use of narcotic substances are clarified;

Efforts to create a positive alternative to drug use to meet students' needs for entertainment, self-expression and social acceptance (eg physical education, sports, creativity, music and dance, community service, community events, etc.);

Encouraging the participation of students in activities organized by the school and the educational community in order to influence social norms and traditions related to drug use.

One of the main means of distracting teenagers at school from using drugs is to involve them as much as possible in the sphere of leisure activities. The school constantly organizes extracurricular activities in the form of circles and other additional educational services. They develop and maintain the interest of students in the activities of a certain direction, provide an opportunity to expand and deepen the knowledge and skills acquired in the process of study, rationally allocate their free time and simply find an occupation of interest.

Having studied, researched and processed all the informationon identifying dependence on alcohol, tobacco smoking and drug addiction in school studentsI found out that 50% of adolescents aged 12-16 smoke, which once again confirms the relevance of this topic in our time, since smoking adversely affects all human organs, and this leads to various diseases (as can be seen from the work - on cases of pulmonary diseases increase first, followed by diseases of the stomach, cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, etc.). Smoking slows down the physical and intellectual health of adolescents (during physical exertion, they quickly get tired, they have a weak memory, they are nervous, unbalanced, prone to depression). By studying the causes of smoking at an early age, the teachers of my school try to eliminate them. Thanks to the systematic preventive work carried out at school, 7 people quit smoking, many teenagers began to take their health more seriously.

Preventive work is organized in the conditions of joint activities of teachers and adolescents, taking into account the principles: complexity, advanced learning, socialization, adequacy, subject-subject relationship

In the prevention of drug addiction, a large place is occupied by the availability of objective information, properly organized leisure, reasonable use of free time, taking into account age-related interests and needs, as well as the specifics of various adolescent groups.

Based on the foregoing, I conclude that the effectiveness of preventive work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents is increasing due to the fact that our school competently carries out preventive work during school and extracurricular time with the involvement of school students to participate in various competitions and promotions, organized leisure activities; students are systematically educated on the harmful effects of surfactants, tobacco and alcohol on the human body; meetings, conversations are held, classes are organized where you can get help-answers to questions of interest to adolescents.

The program of organizing a health-saving space in MKOU secondary school No. 93 named after M.M. Tsarevsky

The basis of modern civilization is a healthy and spiritually developed person. The physical and spiritual and moral health of the population determines both the intellectual potential and the economic opportunities of the country. Therefore, a healthy, well-mannered and educated citizen determines the level of civilization of the state, the strength of its public institutions, the possibilities of its power structures.

Today, one of the priority tasks of reforming the education system is the preservation and strengthening of the health of students, the formation of the value of their health, a healthy lifestyle, the choice of educational technologies that are appropriate for age, eliminate overload and preserve the health of schoolchildren.

Solving these issues, the school is faced with a serious problem of maintaining a high health potential, providing conditions for its development, reducing the effects of harmful factors on children throughout the pedagogical process. Difficulties in the study of children associated with the increased requirements of programs, their complication, inevitably entail stress, overexertion of the nervous system, emotional overload and, as a result, the deteriorating state of health of students. Often, the modern mass school not only does not improve the health of children, but also turns into its reducing factor.

The concepts of preserving and strengthening the health of students in a modern school have many options for their implementation, but most of them do not provide for the dominant use of the content capabilities of the pedagogical environment of an educational institution and an integral system of the leading factors of school life, designed to ensure in children and adolescents the formation of a value attitude to the culture of health and healthy lifestyle.

According to research by the Ministry of Health and the State Committee for Epidemiological Supervision of Russia, only 14% of children are practically healthy, 50% have functional abnormalities, and 35-40% have chronic diseases. Among schoolchildren, during the period of study, the frequency of visual impairment increases 5 times, the pathology of the digestive system and the genitourinary system increases 3 times, the posture disorder increases 5 times, and neuropsychiatric disorders increase 4 times.

Against this background, the correct organization of educational activities is extremely important, in the aspect of ensuring the health of students, without which the realization of the full potential of school success of a single child is impossible, since the state of health of students, according to experts, depends on 20-40% of the state of the environment, 15 -20% of genetic factors, 10% of the activities of health services and 25-50% of compliance with the norms and rules of health conservation in school settings.

Health-saving technologies are an integral part of the entire educational system, therefore, everything that relates to an educational institution: the nature of education and upbringing, the level of pedagogical culture of teachers, the content of educational programs, sanitary and hygienic conditions, injury prevention, reasonable planning of a complex of physical culture, health and sports events , increasing the level of motivation to preserve and strengthen the health of students, the formation of a culture of health among children and teachers, psychological and pedagogical factors - all this is directly related to the problem of physical, mental and spiritual health of students.

Therefore, it is obvious that the "School factor" is the most significant factor in terms of impact and duration that affects the health of students. At present, an earlier start of systematic education, a significant intensification of the educational process, and the widespread use of various pedagogical innovations lead to a discrepancy between the teaching load and the functional capabilities of the children's body and the "breakdown" of adaptive mechanisms.

The goal of the program is to create a health-saving educational space as a condition for improving the quality of education.

The program is implemented by solving the following tasks:

    organization of pedagogical activity with the greatest effect for the preservation and promotion of health;

    formation of skills and stereotypes of a healthy lifestyle;

    motivation for a healthy lifestyle;

    formation of a value attitude to the culture of health;

    advanced training of the teaching staff of the school on the organization of work related to the improvement of students;

    coordination of school and family activities in the organization of various forms of work on the formation of a health-saving space.

Practical significance

The growing amount of information that a student must learn in the process of learning increases the total study load and the degree of stress of the body's functional systems during its implementation. Studies by psychologists and physiologists have shown that situations where the capabilities of the functional systems of the body do not meet the requirements of learning not only lead to a decrease in academic performance, but also contribute to functional disorders (diseases) of schoolchildren. Thus, there is a need for new approaches in the application of techniques, methods, means, taking into account this reality. That is why the teacher must not only master general educational methods, but also health-saving technologies. Another key position of this program is the development of the child's motivation for a conscious attitude towards their own health and the health of others.

Health saving technologies

concept "health-saving technologies" it integrates all areas of the school's work on the preservation, formation and strengthening of the health of students. Consequently, the education system faces a fundamentally different way of maintaining health - not health improvement, but, first of all, ensuring the maximum preservation of the mental and somatic health of all participants in the educational process.

Applicablehealth-saving educational technologiesbased on:

    age and individual-typological features of the cognitive activity of children;

    learning at the optimal level of difficulty (difficulty);

    variability of methods and forms of education;

    optimal combination of motor and static loads;

    learning in small groups;

    the use of visibility and a combination of various forms of information provision;

    creating an emotionally favorable atmosphere;

    formation of positive motivation for learning (“pedagogy of success”);

    on cultivating knowledge of health issues among students.

The following can be distinguished groups health-saving technologies used in the educational process, which use a different approach to protecting health, and, accordingly, different methods and forms of work:

    medical and hygienic technologies; which include a set of measures aimed at maintaining proper hygiene conditions in accordance with the regulations of SanPinNov, and the functioning of a medical office in schools to provide daily assistance to schoolchildren and teachers;

    environmental health-saving technologies; helping to instill in schoolchildren a love for nature, the desire to take care of it, involving students in research activities in the field of ecology, etc., all this forms a personality, strengthens the spiritual and moral health of students;

    life safety technologies; technologies implemented by teachers and the rest of the teaching staff of the school;

    physical culture and health technologies;

    health-saving educational technologies, which are divided into protective and preventive, compensatory and neutralizing, stimulating, informational and educational.
    Principles of health-saving pedagogy

    the principle of an integrated approach, thanks to which not only the tasks of protecting the health of students are solved, but also the tasks of shaping and strengthening the health of schoolchildren, educating them in a culture of health;

    the principle of non-harm;

    the unity of physical, mental and spiritual and moral health;

    the principle of continuity and succession;
    the principle of compliance of the content and organization of training with the age characteristics of students;

    the principle of medical and psychological competence;

    priority of active teaching methods;

    the principle of combining protective and training strategies;
    the principle of forming students' responsibility for their health;

    the principle of control over results.

Areas of work to create a health-saving school space

    Health Pedagogy

Goal: Promotion of a healthy lifestyle and teaching healthy lifestyle skills.

    Health and preventive measures.

Purpose: Prevention of diseases, taking the necessary measures to prevent deterioration of health, and helping children to adapt to the consequences of a health disorder (consequences of illness, emotional problems).

3. Prevention of the use of psychoactive substances.

Purpose: To form a healthy lifestyle, an effective strategy of behavior and personal resources that prevent the abuse of narcotic and other psychoactive substances, to create conditions for open confidential communication, perception of information, and a creative work atmosphere.

    Physical education is a traditional form of school work.

5. Creation of a comfortable object-spatial environment.

Conditions for the implementation of the program

For the successful implementation of the program, a rational organization of the educational process is necessary, that is, strict adherence to all norms and standards that preserve the psychosomatic health of students:

    the volume of the teaching load - the number of lessons and their duration, including the time spent on doing homework;

    the load from additional classes at school (individual classes, optional classes);

    classes of an active-motor nature (dynamic pauses, physical education lessons, sectional and circle classes);

    a rationally drawn up schedule of training sessions, taking into account the complexity of subjects and the predominance of dynamic or static components during classes. The use of a rank scale for the difficulty of subjects.

    rational organization of the lesson, taking into account hygiene standards , the functional state of schoolchildren in the process of learning activities, keeping the mental performance of students at a consistently high level throughout the academic hour.

Requirements for the lesson from the standpoint of health saving:

    The situation and hygienic conditions in the classroom (office): temperature and freshness of the air, the rationality of class lighting and blackboards.

    Number of types of learning activities: interviewing students, writing, reading, listening, storytelling, looking at visual aids, answering questions, solving examples, problems, etc. The average duration and frequency of alternating different types of learning activities.

    The number of types of presentation of educational material: verbal, visual, audiovisual, independent work, etc.

    Methods that contribute to the activation of the initiative and creative self-expression of the students themselves, when they really turn from “consumers of knowledge” into subjects of action for their acquisition and creation, that is, the implementation of a competency-based approach to learning.

    The place and duration of the use of TCO (in accordance with hygiene standards), the ability of the teacher to use them as opportunities to initiate discussion, discussion.

    Posture of students, alternation of posture (does the teacher really observe the landing of students; do postures alternate in accordance with the type of work).

    The presence, place, content and duration of recreational moments in the lesson;

    The presence of student motivation in the classroom.

    Psychological climate in the classroom. Relationships in the lesson: between the teacher and students (comfort-tension, cooperation-authoritarianism, individual - frontal, taking into account age characteristics: sufficient - insufficient); between students (cooperation - rivalry, friendliness - hostility, interest - indifference, activity - passivity).

    The presence of emotional discharges at the level: a joke, a smile, a humorous or instructive picture, a saying, a well-known saying (aphorism) with a commentary, a short poem, a musical moment, etc.

    The density of the lesson, i.e. the amount of time spent by students on educational work. Norm: not less than 60% and not more than 75-80%.

    The moment of onset of fatigue of students and a decrease in their learning activity. It is determined in the course of observation by the increase in motor and passive distractions in children in the process of educational work. Norm: not earlier than 25-30 minutes in grade 1, 35-40 minutes in elementary school, 40 minutes in middle and high school, 30 minutes for students in special (correctional) classes.

The use of health-saving techniques in the lesson largely depends on the correct organization of the lesson, the level of its hygienic rationality. The increase in active and passive distractions of children in the process of learning activity is an indicator of a decrease in learning activity, which is monitored by the teacher during the lesson. Dynamic pauses, eye gymnastics, acupressure, etc. are a way to correct these conditions in the classroom. Tracking and fixing the psychological climate, the presence of emotional discharges, students' compliance with the correct posture, its correspondence to the type of work and alternation during the lesson is also a necessary health-saving nuance in the lesson.

    Gymnastics for the eyes.

    Finger gymnastics for the development of fine motor skills.

    Kinesiology exercises.

    Dynamic change of poses.

    Breathing exercises.

    Massage of active points.


    Special exercises designed to correct posture disorders.

    Relaxing exercises to relieve psychoemotional and psychophysical stress.

    A set of exercises to develop a sense of rhythm and orientation in space.

    Dynamic pauses (physical minutes)

    • using musical accompaniment;

      using poetic forms;

      a set of general developmental exercises.

Technologies of interaction with students in the framework of creating a health-saving school space

    Student-centered learning technologies aimed at the individual development of the personality of the child (gifted, capable, "ordinary", in need of correction), the right of the student and parents to choose the level of education in terms of health saving;

    design and modeling technologies based on the subject-subject principles of student-teacher interaction;

    technologies of an effective method;

    technologies of pair and group work;

    training forms of employment;

    conducting lessons in nature;

    technologies of psychological support of the educational process;

    the use of technologies of game forms of education that develop the emotional and sensory sphere of the child and take into account his individual psychological characteristics;

    project activity.

In the course of work on the project, creative the potential of students, the skill of analyzing their own activities. There is a comprehension of one's own experience and the experience of peers in solving problems of health saving. The student evaluates his own health resource, finds and learns methods of life safety, improving the ecology of the school environment. The acquired experience he can broadcast outside the walls of the school.

Health saving measures

1. Consultations of invited experts

2. Lectures for students

    "Physical development of schoolchildren at school and at home"

    “Child fatigue. How to deal with it"

    "Mobile and slow children"

    "The Moral Lessons of Elementary School"

    "We are responsible for our own health"

    "Formation of I - concept"

    "Socially positive values ​​of the individual"

    "Prevention and overcoming of deviations in the psychological health of students (identification of conditions that contribute to the preservation of the health of schoolchildren)"

    "Ensuring the prevention of school and social maladaptation of children"

3. Interviews (at the request of parents and teachers).

4. Trainings

    "Formation of a child's behavior with a focus on health"

    "Formation of own strategies and technologies that allow maintaining and strengthening health"

    "Formation of a youth subculture based on the socially positive values ​​of the individual, the value of a culture of health"

    "Formation of students' ability to self-determination and self-development"

    "Teaching a teenager to defend his point of view from the standpoint of the formation and preservation of health"

    "Fundamentals of Personal Safety and Injury Prevention"

    "Substance Use Prevention"

5. Picture diagnostics

6. Cool clock

    "How not to become a victim of crime"

    "Mode of the day of the younger student"

    "What am I?"

    "Me and my family"

    "Hygienic rules and norms"

7. Corrective and diagnostic measures (testing):

"Analysis of the value orientation of the hierarchy of values" (Health, friends, recognition, family, love, financial situation)

8. Thematic exhibition of children's drawings

9. Photo collages “We are happy because we are together”

10. Wall newspapers

11. Competition of songs, ditties (health-saving topics)

12. Festival of fairy tales about health

13. Project activity

    "Rules of the road on our street"

  • "Letter to the Driver"

  • "Organization of motor activity of younger schoolchildren during the breaks".

    "Influence of plants on the ecology of the school environment".

    "Studying the effect of vitamins on the human body"

14. Holding competitions for the healthiest class

15. Competition of literary works of students promoting the value of health and a healthy lifestyle.

16. KVN "Secrets of a healthy diet"

Educational work with parents

    Lectures "Interaction between family and school in the aspect of health-saving technologies"

    Consultations of invited experts

    Individual consultations

    Thematic parent meetings

Monitoring the school health space

The proportion of healthy children is steadily declining, especially this trend is typical for school-age children. The leading problem in the implementation of measures to improve the health status of students is the introduction of effective monitoring (tracking, control and surveillance systems). Monitoring of health and development is the real basis for cooperation between health authorities, education and parents, and the place of their joint activity is the school.

Monitoring of the school health space includes:

    diagnosing the conditions of children's education;

    study of living conditions in the family;

    disease control;

    harmony and disharmony of physical development;

    study of the level of adaptability of the mental state of students.

Research methods (assessment methodology) of the state of the health-saving space of the school: questioning, survey, testing, observation, interview.

Expected results

    Effective pedagogical activity for the protection and promotion of the health of students; The use of health-preserving components of the educational process in the classroom and extracurricular activities.

    The presence of formed skills and stereotypes of a healthy lifestyle among students

    Providing each student with a level of education depending on the state of health, individual abilities, inclinations and needs of students.

    Motivation for a healthy lifestyle of children and adolescents.

    The formation of a value attitude to the health culture of school students.

    Qualified teaching staff who carry out the work of the school related to the improvement of students.

    Coordinated actions of the school and family in the organization to create a health-saving space.


"School of Aibolit and Gantelkin"

The program is aimed at educating the foundations of a health culture, shaping a child's idea of ​​himself and a healthy lifestyle, hygiene rules, and health protection.

Program goal:

To teach students to take care of themselves by cultivating the habit of thinking and taking care of their health.

Program objectives:

1. Creation of a system of interconnection and cooperation with all interested services.

2. Creation and use of health-saving technologies in the educational process.

3. To form in students a conscious choice of a healthy lifestyle.

4. Raise the level of knowledge of parents in matters of health protection, prevention of school problems and assistance to children with difficulties in school adaptation.

Significance of the program:

1. For students:

    Decreased morbidity;

    The formation of motivation for the preservation and development of health, the acquisition of healthy lifestyle skills;

    Rejection of bad habits

2. For parents:

    Formation of valeological thinking in parents, improvement of the microclimate of the family.

Program creation principles:

1. Availability:

    taking into account age characteristics;

2. Systematic and consistent:

    gradual presentation of material from simple to complex;

    frequent repetition of learned rules and norms.

3. Visibility:

    taking into account the peculiarities of thinking.

4. Differentiation:

    taking into account age characteristics;

    creation of a favorable environment for the assimilation of the norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle by every child.

Implementation means:

1. Joint activities of the teacher with children on the topics: “I am a person”, “I and the movement”, “I master hygiene and etiquette”, “I and dangerous objects”, “I and the street”. These themes are integrated into various routine moments: play, walk, individual work, independent activity of children.

2. Section "Traffic Light Rules". A separate plan highlights measures aimed at the prevention of road traffic injuries.

3. Organization of a health-preserving and developing environment that promotes the formation of health skills.

4. Working with parents. This direction involves the systematic and systematic interaction of the triad parent-child-teacher for the development of culture, health and includes various forms of work.

Program implementation methods:


  • Reading fiction.

    Learning poems.

    Didactic games.

    Role-playing games.

    Outdoor games.





    Organization of exhibitions, competitions.

    Collection of photographic materials.

    Examining illustrations.

    Information and propaganda stands.

    Theatrical activity.


    Creation of a health-saving and developing environment that ensures a comfortable stay of students at school.

    Demonstration of different situations that pose a danger to the health of the child.

  • Planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education by students 7


    The main educational program of primary general education for MOU secondary school No. 4, working on the OS "School 2100", was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education

  • Content 1 Explanatory note 2 2 The program of spiritual and moral development and education of students at the stage of primary general education 6 3 Planned results of mastering the main educational program of primary education by students

    Explanatory note

    The main educational program of primary general education MOU secondary school No. 5 p. Balakhonovskoe, working on the School 2100 OS, was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary


The article is devoted to the topical issue of the formation of the educational space of the school in the light of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards LLC through the prism of the humanistic direction in pedagogy and health-saving technologies. The article considers such an aspect of the problem as the directions for the formation of a health-saving educational space of an educational organization in interaction with the micro-society. The authors present the results of a scientific study of the implementation of health-saving work in an educational organization, taking into account various aspects of educational activities. The authors propose for implementation in the space of an educational organization a model for the formation of a health-saving environment of an educational organization in the aggregate of various objective and subjective factors, reveal the content of the components of the educational space. The possible directions of activity of teachers of an educational organization for the implementation of the tasks of the formation of all components of a health-saving educational space are considered in detail.

educational space

healthy environment

educational organization


formation of a health-saving space

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Currently, a new model of education is being formed, the core of which is the emerging personal paradigm. The humanistic paradigm in education involves the holistic development of the individual, that is, the development of not only the professional skills of students, but also the general culture of thinking, a holistic worldview and moral qualities of a person. In the learning process, the main guideline for the teacher is the personal beginning. Each person, through understanding the meaning of his existence, the realization of his capabilities in study, in work, comes to a common idea of ​​human destiny and the values ​​of social life and finds his place in this natural and social world.

In addition, today, in the implementation of the educational process, the reliance on traditional national values ​​remains relevant. High demands on moral social ideals, as well as the collective principle, characteristic of the Russian mentality, are still important. Reality dictates the need to present to the younger generation an attractive image of the future both for the country and for each person. This problem is widely discussed in society and is waiting for its solution.

In this regard, the backbone and key element of the humanistic direction in pedagogy are the theory and technologies of health-saving and health-forming education. Considering health as a trinity of spiritual, moral, mental and physical principles, one can present the characteristics of a personality that is in demand today by society and offer the image of such a personality as the goal of the educational process. This is the image of a person who is educated and capable of self-education and self-development, purposeful, possessing key competencies (information, social, political, communicative, as well as tolerance), active, having civic responsibility and ready for professional and social creativity.

However, the implementation of health-saving and health-forming technologies in the modern educational space of the school faces a number of contradictions, namely:

  • between the complication of the social environment in which the school operates, and the low level of competence of teachers in creating a health-saving space of an educational organization in cooperation with the micro-society in the formation of healthy lifestyle skills for the subjects of the educational process;
  • between the activities of the school in the conditions of the socio-economic crisis and multiculturalism, on the one hand, and the insufficient technological equipment of teachers in the formation of tolerant relations in the dyads "student-student", "teacher-student", "teacher-parent" and "student-parent" ;
  • between the increasing requirements for the quality and effectiveness of education, on the one hand, and the lack of competence of teachers in implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of the IEO and LLC, on the other, including in working with different groups of students (gifted, children at risk, children with disabilities);
  • high academic loads and the lack of ways for the socio-psychological adaptation of schoolchildren to modern conditions of the educational process.

The need to resolve these contradictions, the degree of development of the issues raised and the relevance of the topic suggest the search for psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of a health-saving space of an educational organization in the interaction of the school and the microsociety to preserve and develop the health of all subjects of the educational space and improve the quality of educational results in mastering the skills of a healthy lifestyle.

In this regard, a study was organized on the basis of an educational organization in the Moscow region, which is designed to find out the problems of forming a health-saving space in an ordinary school and ways to solve them. In our activities, we relied on the educational space of MBOU "Secondary School No. 6" in Zheleznodorozhny (currently MBOU "Secondary School No. 6" in Balashikha, Savvino Microdistrict).

The importance of the problem of preserving the health of the younger generation and mastering the skills of self-preservation of health by schoolchildren, cultivating a culture of a healthy lifestyle in them requires conceptual approaches and technological equipment for its solution. This study is based on the concept of orthobiosis, developed at the Department of Human Studies and Physical Culture of the Academy of Social Management, as well as the versions of the school’s work on the problem of healthy lifestyle culture for children presented in the literature.

Object of study: the process of forming a health-saving space of an educational organization.

Subject of research: identification of psychological and pedagogical conditions for creating a health-saving space of an educational organization in the interaction of the school and the microsociety and their implementation.

The purpose of the study: the creation of a health-saving space of an educational organization in the interaction of the school and the micro-society, the development of technologies aimed at preserving and developing the health of the subjects of the educational process and improving the quality of educational results in mastering healthy lifestyle skills.

In this regard, it seems necessary to determine the educational organization and create an educational model aimed at developing healthy lifestyle skills for all subjects of the educational process. It is also important to develop appropriate technologies that develop the socio-psychological adaptation of schoolchildren in class and extracurricular activities, taking into account different groups of students.

The educational space of an educational organization is understood as a set of specially organized, structured, socialized educational environments that perform the functions of broadcasting social and individual experience, the development of culture. For the development of healthy lifestyle skills among the subjects of the educational process, it is necessary that all components of this space, with their content and functioning, contribute to the solution of the task.

A microsociety is usually understood as the immediate environment of a person, a small social group (family, production team, etc.). We propose to consider the micro-society as the immediate environment of the educational organization.

Experimental work is conceptually built based on humanistic, activity and system approaches. The main principles of humanistic pedagogy on which the work is based are:

1. Natural conformity (the main principle of humanistic pedagogy). It is carried out in the educational process, organized in accordance with the individuality of the student.

2. Cooperation. It is carried out in the process of building constructive relations between all subjects of the educational process, organizing mutual support, creating a comfortable psychological climate in the teaching staff.

3. Pedagogization of the environment. It is implemented in the process of influence of teachers of an educational organization on the entire educational environment.

Not only the pedagogical system must be open to the social environment, but the socio-cultural environment itself must be open to the school, must be understood, studied by the teaching staff and used for educational purposes.

4. Connections of learning with the daily life of students. Formation of competencies (knowledge in action) in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards IEO and LLC.

5. Openness to new scientific approaches.

6. Life optimism. It is realized in the process of strengthening the student's faith in himself, his life path, the formation of social ideals.

Experimental activities are carried out in accordance with the conceptual developments of the Department of Human Science and Physical Culture of the SBEE HE MO "Academy of Social Management", in particular, based on the basic model of health saving developed here, shown in the figure below.

Model of health saving in an educational organization

Thus, we can distinguish two groups of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of health-saving work: the first is associated with the organization and implementation of the educational process in an educational organization, the second - with the activities and state of the subjects of the educational process. In this article, we offer an interpretation of the first group of conditions. In addition, it is necessary to reveal the direction of interaction between the school and the microsociety as a resource for increasing the efficiency of health-preserving and health-forming activities for all components of the educational space.

We will reveal the content of each position, based on the task of forming a health-saving space of educational space in the interaction of the school and the microsociety. Tables 1 and 2 below reveal the content of the components of the health-saving space, objective and subjective, as well as possible and necessary areas of work in their field in order to solve the stated tasks.

Table 1

Components of the health-saving space of an educational organization

(a set of conditions for health saving in an organization)

Components of a health-saving space

Areas of work

An educational organization and a complex of health saving conditions implemented in its activities

Organizational and managerial conditions

Optimization of management, managerial communication, development of ways and means of communication in the OO, the introduction of effective and health-saving time management techniques. Preservation of old and creation of new traditions. PR activities

Socio-economic conditions

Maintaining the school building in working condition, efficient use of funding to upgrade the material base, stimulate teachers. Contributing to the preservation of a stable calm situation in the micro-society

Environmental conditions

Taking care of the school space. Ecological projects entering the micro-society

Sanitary and hygienic conditions

Compliance with SanPiN standards, hygiene standards

medical conditions

Regular medical examinations, monitoring, planned activities. Availability of medical help

Psychological and pedagogical conditions

Psychological examinations. Availability of psychological assistance for children, their parents and teachers. Constant expansion of the psychological knowledge of teachers, skills in the application of psychological technologies. Cooperation Pedagogy

Didactic conditions

Use of health-saving technologies in educational and educational processes. Regular training of teachers in health-saving techniques and techniques. Introduction of modern pedagogical technologies

In addition to the above, it is necessary to tell in more detail about the other components of the educational space, which are the subjects of the educational process and the components of the microsociety.

table 2

Components of the health-saving space of an educational organization (in the activities of the subjects of the educational process)

Components of a health-saving space

Areas of work

Subjects of the educational process, the state of their mentality and the nature of interaction

The value of health, motivation for maintaining a healthy lifestyle

Formation of health-saving value orientations by teaching orthobiotics (taking into account the trinity of health - physical, mental and spiritual and moral), promotion of healthy lifestyles. Personal example, the influence of authoritative people. Involvement in physical education and sports. Circle work, electives, competitions. Tourism. Local history. Historical and cultural education

Knowledge in the field of health saving

Constant expansion of knowledge on anatomy, the functioning of body systems and ways to maintain health. Lessons, events, project activities

Environmentally friendly behavior

Prevention of behavior that is harmful to the environment. Education of tolerance. Lessons, extracurricular activities, events

Effective, low-conflict communication

Teaching effective communication techniques. Tolerance. Conflict Management. Lessons, trainings, games. Perhaps - the creation of a specialized body for conflict management

Components of the microsociety and the nature of the interaction of the OO with them

Educational organizations of additional education for children

Using the resource of educational organizations of additional education for the education of children, the organization of leisure activities, extracurricular activities

Neighborhood residents

Involvement of residents in joint activities. The school is the cultural center of the microdistrict

Business environment

Attracting sponsorship. Organization of professional trials with the help of local enterprises and firms. Mutually beneficial cooperation

Power structures

Communication optimization. Involvement in joint events

Thus, the components of the health-saving educational space of an educational organization, the psychological and pedagogical conditions for creating this space in the interaction of the school and the microsociety are proposed, and the main directions of work for their implementation are determined.

Bibliographic link

URL: http://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=27226 (date of access: 01.02.2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"