Activation of 12 DNA helices new time. Self-healing and DNA activation

DNA activation. Part 4

What is the meaning and purpose of the 12 strands of DNA?

Before reading this section, begin by expressing gratitude to the universe for the great wonder of your existence and experience. Your words must contain deep harmonics and currents of the highest intent. Insert the first disk. It will help soften the fixation of intention. You will find that consciousness floats on waves of sound. Being in this flow will help visualize, open neural pathways and kinesthetic sensations to deeper levels of information.

Much has been said about the activation of the 10 strands of DNA and the energy seals placed on them that are keeping humanity from reaching the full potential of 12 strand activation. Some sources speak of 22 or even thousands of spirals waiting to be activated. No matter how many of them, work should begin with the first two. The discs help to dissolve energy blocks/seals/frequency barriers, facilitate the integration of living information and its connection with the two visible spirals of 3D reality. It doesn't matter how, where and by whom the seals were placed, what matters is how to remove them. What was hidden is now being revealed.

All visualizations, shapes and levels are just tools. The map is not the territory, always remember that. Focus, go within and talk to your DNA as a wise and loving friend. It is time to claim your sensual nature, for Love is the higher connection between the molecules of emotion; it's time to activate your Lightbody and allow yourself to reclaim your heritage and interdimensional/intergalactic origins on an evolving Earth. Intention will guide the process. The path to higher development is to ask for more expanded aspects of your being, a connection to the collective consciousness of the planet and to All That Is.

To help integrate this knowledge on a deeper level, we suggest the following exercise:

Sit comfortably, close your eyes, relax. Start breathing deeply from your center. Let the heart chakra open like a flower in full bloom. Stay aware. Visualize a downward, brilliant current of Light entering the body not only through the nose or mouth, but through the crown chakra at the top of the head, and an upward current from the earth through the spine. The sparkling egg of the energy field now shines brighter as the energy begins to pulsate and transform blocked or damaged areas of the physical body. Visualize this energy, the energy of Love, the sparkling energy field that is you. Maintain conscious awareness of how the energy spirals in the field twist first in one direction, then in the other, seeking to find the true paths of connection. Now bring this energy through the surface of the skin, through every pore, cleansing, renewing, healing, refining and transforming. As soon as the internal structure begins to shine from within, the inner beauty appears, which is immediately reflected in the external appearance. Allow the energy to be naturally attracted to any areas of tension you hold in your body structure. Let these areas of cellular memory speak to you through feelings, impressions and images. Allow the inner dialogue to rise to the surface of your awareness without any judgment. Allow negative images to dissolve and turn into Light. Waves of pleasure and joy begin to flow through the body as the cells awaken to a new level of functioning, while the energy matrix of the body begins to take on a new level of being. Go deeper, keeping the intention lightly focused.

Feel the energy of Love, Universal Unity, the nectar of the Gods in tissues, muscles, organs, bones and cells. You are Alchemy. Soma, Philosopher's Stone, awakened in true Divinity. Brain synapses connect in a new way in the brain and neural network. Go even deeper. The sensuous nature becomes more and more subtle. Feel and allow yourself to visualize how the rotation of the electrons in the atom of physical being expands into wider elliptical orbits. As you stay grounded, become less dense, less tight on all levels. Become more fluid, as if stretching the boundaries of what you believe you are, that you have been convinced that you are, for many incarnations. Go deeper, into the dancing waves of subatomic particles, to the energy frontier that some scientists call dark matter (a better term is "superluminous matter"). At this moment, the energy of the zero point is emanated from the zone of spatial energy transition and creates intersection points in the hologram of the harmonious Universe, called the space of the third dimension. Feel this state... On the count of three, come back and open your eyes.

Become one with All That Is

Through conscious intention, crossover points are directed to many different levels. Since they are constantly shifting relative to each other, different harmonics are formed and new possibilities appear. Energy states are formed by the angles of interaction of these focus points; some scientists call them scalar fields. By saying dots, angles, margins, etc., we're just giving you something to wrap your head around. From the fields of possibility, from the dancing field of particles/waves, 2 strands of DNA are emanated, connected with a superluminous holographic vessel, which is at the same time a receiver, a projector and a transmitter. Realize that the concept of levels is just a semantic structure. Believing that you are going inward, you are also projecting outward. Because, in truth, you have not yet realized that you are connected to everything at the same time, thanks to the limitations of the speed of light, space and time.

97% of the unexamined two strands of DNA are junction points interacting with what geneticists call "letters", that is, basic nucleotide pairs, forming a repeating sequence of series of a still unknown language. We believe that these sequences are symbolic representations, expressions of deeper realities. In an ironic sense, one could say that they are the evolutionary barcodes of many different kinds of aliens, contained in our DNA, hand-painted by our creators. You have not yet realized that you carry alien DNA within you. Developed to its present form, humanity is an artificial combination of planetary and non-planetary origin. There is no escape from recognizing the fact that such a possibility exists. Humanity as a species contains the codes of the Pleiades, Orion, Nibiru, Sirius, Andromeda and many other species and races, as well as the Gaia code (as the authors call the Earth). It is a unique blend that has made us who we are. This is not difficult to understand, because we see a mixture of races and peoples on our planet, take it to another level - both above and below, and vice versa.

Codes are energy connections with ethereal layers of other qualities/dimensions called spirals. In other words, ethereal spirals are equated with spatial states. They are not separate from each other, but interpenetrate each other in a holistic joint activity (synergy) within a fully conscious double helix structure. Separation is an illusion created by the previously mentioned holographic imprints embedded in the DNA in the distant past of our reality to create this very effect. Now many of you are at a high enough level of consciousness, and the coefficient of Light is also high enough to dissolve these seals.

The primary working model deals with the visualization of relationships between codes. The points of intersection of codes can be called the coordinate points of energy, which are the essence or focus points of intention. You can visualize the links within the codes as transparent chains of moving paths, lines of directional intention, linking the chains into interpenetrating Light beams, like fiber optic fibers. Start with the concept of a two-dimensional flat surface of these lines connecting the points in a certain way. Then expand your awareness and watch that surface become a 3D cube. Let your awareness move on. At some points, the structure begins to change shape, revealing your perception of time and space. Let the form of these connections become what it wants to become. You will experience a symbolic demonstration of what is called sacred geometry. These symbols are the manifestation of what is called the Language of Light, capable of holding infinite depths and shades of meaning within the archetypes you reveal. They are the smallest indivisible part of the word in visions, waves of feelings and emotions, and actual manifestations of the wonder of your 3D experience.

We show one method leading to the possibility of multidimensional enlightened awareness within the dream of your awakening reality. We will teach you how to keep the essence of the process, even when doing ordinary earthly work. In truth, whatever you do can be the celebration of life if you so choose. Each of you will receive uniquely relevant information to connect directly with what you call your Self through the artistic expression of your present incarnation, that which is your revealed Real. You have already begun to connect with your DNA, and to deepen your connection and connection, you can return to this experience at any time.

You are now consciously aligning with the waves of extraordinary energy coming from the heart of the Galaxy through the magnetic/electromagnetic pulsing of the Sun's energy field impacting the bioenergy matrix of Gaia (Earth), the bluish green diamond of your 3D home. You are overwhelmed by this energy, you will grow, develop and become the miracle that you really are.

Preparation and activation of 12 layers of DNA. Refined variant.

shbb - Vladimir and Anna.
The article was prepared based on the materials of our channelings with the Family of Light.
Received through Anna.

Dear friends!
In early May, we posted in the community a methodology for preparing for the activation of 12 layers of DNA.
Now - we are again showing you the main part of this technique (so that it is not taken out of context), but already - with the necessary additions.

Preparing to Activate DNA Layers

1. We begin all this important work, like many other things, with Intention (once for the entire period of work). Intention - it is desirable to make it yourself.

2. You invite to take part in the work of all those Beings from the Subtle World - whoever you wish. But of course - Your Beloved Angel, who works with your DNA and is responsible for this work.

3. Breathing exercises - 4 - 5 minutes.

4. Speak slowly, clearly, all 12 layers, in turn. For example: "I Am Keter Etz Chaim" (to say exactly the word "Is"), etc.

5. Say 9 times one layer out of 12, starting from the 1st. So, for example, today is the 1st, next time (the next day) is the 2nd (I Am Torah Eser Sefirot), etc.

6. Repeat step 4.

All these (4 - 6) points are done to calm meditative music. For example, I use Coxon's music.

Now - the second part of this work (without interruption).

1. Mentally connect to the Matrix Source - through the Personal Numerological Code (LNC). So say: "Now I am connecting through a personal numerological code - to the Matrix Source, the repository of all layers of DNA in the Matrix."

Say your LNC 3 times.

Information about the LNC was widely given in messages (including on the Internet) in 2008. If you don't use LNC and can't find information anywhere, write to us.

2. Say: "I ask the Angel working with my DNA, who is responsible for this work, to start comparing the existing layer (layer name from paragraph 5) in this form - with the standard.

Close your eyes and calmly visualize for 3 minutes: either - what will be shown to you, or - imagine yourself with activated DNA layers, rejoice at this, smile inwardly.

Duration of visualization: 3 - 5 minutes.

3. Say: "I ask the Angel working with my DNA, responsible for this work - to activate the existing layer (the name of the layer from paragraph 5), according to the standard - for service in this incarnation.

Visualization: the same, 3 - 5 min.

Start with the first layers. One coat per day (in step 5). To the music.

Cycle of work - 12 days (i.e. - daily). After that - a break of 21 days.

Try doing this for six months. After all, everyone has different opportunities and abilities, therefore our recommendation on the deadline is approximate.

I want to say one more thing. The technique - works, it is checked up on personal experience. Another thing is that all people are different, with their own personal qualities, abilities, spiritual path. Therefore, often seeing expectations - now I will work according to a certain scheme - and immediately acquire superpowers, or then I will immediately start working with Akashi and quickly remove illnesses - I want to say that this is not entirely true.

Indeed, for many Lightworkers, DNA can already be quickly activated even without using any special techniques.
It seems like a little more, but nothing happens. Why?

Remember, we are often reminded of harmony inside and out!

Therefore, it is very important to prepare the bodies for DNA activation as much as possible; saturate them with Light; to bring together all your aspects that are stuck in past lives and in this incarnation (in other people) - work with the Light and work on forgiveness will help here; learn to accept all gifts; work with fears; work with your chakras and on the formation of the Unified Chakra; work on activating the KA energy, etc.

Layers of DNA.

1. Keter Etz Chaim.
2. Torah Eser Sefirot.
3. Netzach Merkava Eliyahu.
4. Urim Ve Tumim.
5. Aleph Etz Adonai.
6. Eheye Asher Eheye.
7. Kaduma Elohim.
8. Rohev Baaravot.
9. Shekinah Ash.
10. Vayikra.
11. Hochma Micha Halel.
12. El Shadai.

Now (in 2010), this technique will work 2 times faster than when I started working on it.

Nevertheless, this method, and any others, still requires a long work for the average worker of Light.

After the activation of the DNA layers and its manifestation, or after preparation for the activation of the DNA layers, supportive work is necessary, at least 2-3 sessions per month, since a person develops according to the “sinusoid”. Support work is done in the same way as you did the main work before, only it is done less often.

After the completion of this work (for example, as we recommended, in six months - before the maintenance one), it is necessary to visualize the fusion of each DNA strand with the Universal DNA.

How to do it.

Work on the fusion of DNA strands with the Universal DNA.

Imagine a 12-strand spiral straightened out of a “ball”, and connect it to the matrix Universal DNA.
Further, 10-15 minutes is the flow of information. That layer of DNA with which you will work out will spread information throughout the entire Being of a person.

So work with each layer separately, one after another in one session. Once.

Immediately, many readers may have difficulty with visualization. This can be clearly visualized by people who, one way or another, “see”.

Therefore, for those Lightworkers who cannot afford such visualization yet, the following is offered.

1. Express Intention.

For example:

I express the pure intention, in the conditions of new energies, to now merge my layers of DNA, namely (name the layers with which you are going to work) with the Universal DNA.

Let it be so. The way it is. Amen.

Or, make up a similar intention yourself.

2. Set the process of connecting to the Universal DNA to automatic mode.

Each layer of DNA from those with which you are currently working, put on the "automatic" separately. And so - one layer after another, in turn, all in one session.

We put one layer on the "automatic" - sit in free visualization for 3-5 minutes.

Then the next layer.

In general, the connection is fast, because they will already be waiting for this.

I want to attract your attention!

Naturally, we cannot determine for each individual his own work schedule by time intervals. It is simply impossible even purely physically for us.

Usually, at present, after 3 months of work according to the proposed method - merging with the Universal DNA is already appropriate to carry out for 1-4 layers of your DNA.

Then, after another 3-6 months, it is appropriate to merge with the Universal DNA for 1-6 layers.

Many Lightworkers, in the practical results of their work, stop there.

But it is appropriate to do this if you know for sure that you have a contract drawn up before incarnation for the ascension in this incarnation or for the transformation to the state of ascension. Or, there has been a contract change in that direction. Otherwise, there will be no manifestations understandable for you as a result of such work, in this incarnation.

There are, of course, individuals who have a great connection to their Higher Self and some layers are activated. They will need several sessions to activate all layers, move quickly and grow. Usually, these are people who are already rapidly approaching ascension. After ascension, for the most part, they choose to work further with the Earth and its inhabitants already from the Subtle World.

There are people whose goal in this incarnation is the manifestation of some gifts for subsequent work, with their help, with other people.

Again, I will give an example of Vanga here. She, by a certain age, had activated 1-6 layers. This allowed her to conduct well-known work with people. That's why she came to Earth. There was no purpose in her contract to ascend in her given body or to achieve a state of ascension. And, therefore, it was also not necessary to activate DNA layers from 7 to 12.

DNA activation can either go slowly (imperceptibly to the eye), or it can go without the desire of a person, if there was a specific purpose for appearing on Earth.

Let's look at such an example: does a person, if this is not provided for by his contract, need the manifestation of gifts now, for example, clairvoyance?

If the receipt of gifts is due to ambition and self-exaltation alone, then the work will last until the realization of the wrong direction in life and in setting a goal comes.

For example, they say, "I want to acquire the gift of clairvoyance." Question - what is it for? The answer is usually this - "to help people." Are people asking for it? This is often what it is - "I am on the throne."

The gifts will manifest themselves according to the tasks and goals, in accordance and in agreement with the Higher Self. And, first of all, a stable connection with the Higher Self is established. This is already "aerobatics". This is what happens when DNA is activated.

Well, for example, you do not know about your contracts, but there is a great desire to achieve the activation of layers 1-6, either 1-10 (ascension) or 1-12 (ascension in a transformed body in this incarnation). What to do?

The first step is to REALIZE what it is, does your Soul really accept it?

Then - WORK. COMPLEX OF WORKS! A lot of connections are needed not only for DNA, but for the whole complex of works to transform your body in order for full-fledged activation to occur.

So, dear friends!
Read and decide what you want!

One way or another, most people need to take care of their contracts. This will help prepare the DNA strands to receive information. There is a certain magnetic protection of each layer (layers 6-12 will not receive information).

Magnetic protection is removed when the contract is changed and a new goal is set. The contract is the entrance to the system, the admission to work.

So when you say your intention, remember that you are not just arranging vibrations in the air. This is serious, hard work! Mankind is ready for it, approximately, in 1/50 of its part.
There is still a lot of work to be done in order for the human consciousness to acquire its proper form.

I want to repeat. For those people who do not know about their contracts, first - the work of preparing for the activation of 1-6 layers, then, through awareness, by intention - then you work, in a complex way.

I would like to say here that a person should be ready to receive information or work. A certain path of spiritual work takes time and effort. Until a person passes the next stage, he will not accept the next one.

With love to you, Vladimir

Human Healing Program

Activation of 12 layers of DNA

Initially, man was created as a magnificent being, possessing TWELVE DNA helices, the material for which was provided by the most diverse civilizations of the universe. When the new owners came, they created in their laboratories a new version of a person who had a completely different DNA - consisting of only two helices. They took the original human DNA and dismantled it. The original structure of DNA remained in human cells, but it ceased to function, disassembled into separate parts or, one might say, "unplugged from the network."

Inside human cells there are thin filamentous formations containing certain information, a light code. When these strands are connected into bundles at an energy level, they work like your fiber optics and form the matrix of your DNA. When you were restructured, you were left with only a double helix. Everything that was not necessary for simple survival and was intended for your awareness has been "turned off". The double helix was supposed to confine you to a controlled, manageable frequency band.

A frequency electromagnetic curtain was created around the planet, allowing you to control the parameters of frequencies that a person can voluntarily modulate and change. This veil made it difficult for the frequencies of Light to penetrate the planet. If the frequency of Light still pierced the veil, then there was no one to perceive it. The human DNA was switched off, the light-coded threads were disorganized, so the creative cosmic rays that carried the Light had nothing to grab onto and nowhere to turn on.

The original organizers developed their version of the plan, intending to execute it when the vibrational frequency of the planet Earth would have to undergo a change. At this time, the creator gods will be in danger of death if they want to keep their low frequencies of vibration. Emotions are food. There are those for whom love is food, and the Earth Masters intend to shift the vibration of the Earth to the frequencies of love. The source of food for the current owners is fear, anxiety, chaos, hunger, and they must be eliminated.

You have a certain code embedded in you, and as your memory begins to rise from the subconscious into consciousness, you will direct your actions according to the plan with which you came here. You will begin to rise to a certain vibrational level, hold and maintain a certain frequency of vibration. You will begin to live in a certain frequency. Your individuality, your essence in terms of vibrations is the total sum of electromagnetic pulsations released into the environment, pulsations of your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies. By living in your frequency, you affect every person who is around. You are already doing it now. Many have already begun to understand their calling, others are just beginning to remember their task and the reason why they got to this planet. The plan, which includes changing the vibrational frequencies that affect the human race, is to repair your DNA and activate the light-coded strands. The plan is great! The earth in its own way contributes to the evolution of the entire universe. Earth is the place where the action takes place, the most interesting place! Here begins the implementation of the plan, and everything that happens on Earth will affect many worlds.

As members of the Family of Light, you have agreed to visit Earth many times in many different guises, in many different time periods, in order to understand the laws, learn about personality structures, and learn to be human. You needed to experience life on Earth for yourself and prepare yourself for the time when you begin to change the vibrational frequency of consciousness. Right now, you are all massively reborn on Earth so that your plans come true.

The members of the Family of Light everywhere are beginning to unite. You all need to focus on what you have in common, not on what separates you. As members of the Family of Light, you bring information to the planet while accelerating your own spiritual growth. You need to do this, as your own spiritual growth accelerates the spiritual growth of this planet.

Your DNA will develop from two strands to twelve. These twelve spirals correspond to specific energy centers, or chakras, both inside and outside your body. There are millions of you on the planet right now who have agreed to participate in the task, and you voluntarily hold this frequency of vibrations so that the successful completion of the task becomes possible. Few of you have reached perfection, and these few groups influence the rest. Very soon you will have a very clear idea of ​​who you are and what your purpose is.

Some have already recovered 12 strands of DNA. These helical strands of DNA interact with each other both within and outside the body.

© Barbara Marciniac - Bringers of the Dawn


DNA activation leads to a clearer orientation in life and a better awareness of one's mission. It enhances self-mastery and helps you realize who you really are. You are on this planet to feel, create and share with others what you have achieved. Looking inside yourself to find the obstacles that stand in your way is a bold challenge. Self-realization is the key to your freedom.

DNA activation helps you get to the bottom of these truths about yourself. When DNA is healed, the destructive programs of aging, illness, and death are erased. The process of renewal, rejuvenation, healing of the physical and emotional body begins.

The physical state:
- body detoxification;
- rapid growth of hair and nails;
- feel younger and look younger;
- increase in energy level;
- lucid dreaming;
- desire to eat better;
- better communication with your body;
- increase in water consumption;
- Strengthening the body's ability to heal itself.

Psychological and emotional state:
- increased self-confidence;
- improved perception;
- improving the ability to recognize;
- more clear speech;
- less stress and anxiety;
- sharper memory and faster manifestation;
- increased sense of competence.

Human Relations:
- the emergence and acceptance of new feelings and sharing them with others;
- liberation from all obsolete;
- a clearer vision of relationships;
- a deeper sense of love for others;
- attraction of "kindred souls" and "members of your spiritual family".

Opening yourself:
- automatic ability to face the truth about oneself;
- finding answers that bring meaning and clarity to your life;
- transformation of uncertainty into accuracy and truth;
- the ability to concentrate and be “here and now”.

Pronounced long-term beneficial effects, supported by evidence:
- liberation from deep emotional stresses;
- liberation from hesitation, doubts and fears;
- the need for physical and moral cleansing;
- a more explicit search for one's sacred path;
- better understanding of your life purpose;
- a clearer vision of the uniqueness of each person;
- realization of love and respect for oneself;
- the realization that the Universe, as in a mirror, shows us our problems in order to identify and solve them.

DNA activation serves as a catalyst to return the cells of our body to their original state of purity and health, which will bring joy and lightness to the whole body. The process of cleansing the cell begins with the release of stress. DNA activation creates a clearer orientation in life and personal destiny. It improves self-mastery and opens the door to greater opportunities to know who you really are, that is, to know your Higher Self. In this process, the need to find and better express oneself increases. Improving the state of all our relationships is the most important thing for most people.

We are on this planet to experience emotions, create and share with others what we have. In relationships, sharing can be a challenge. DNA activation creates the best opportunities for resolving difficult situations in relationships.

The following are some of the changes that can take place during a transformation:
- A more sincere feeling of love in relationships with other people;
- A clearer vision of relationships;
- Allowing yourself to express new feelings and share them;
- Attracting kindred spirits;
- Letting go of the old;
- New ideas and awareness of oneself and others Feeling the integrity of one's being (unity);
- Feeling of happiness;
- Involving members of your "spiritual family".

Self-disclosure leads to complete self-mastery, and this is the key to our freedom. Searching within ourselves to identify the blocks in the road of our lives is a challenge that requires courage from each of us. Each of us has so-called "self-justifications" (fears, doubts, traumas, pains, memories and emotions) that are barriers that prevent our true "self-expression". DNA activation aims at the very core of these "self-justifications" of ours to eliminate them.

The following are some of the transformation effects:
- Automatic ability to resist self-justification;
- Stay focused on the current moment;
- Replacing "search" with "solution";
- Increasing the ability to resist others;
- The ability to express one's truth;
- Finding weighty and clear answers;
- The ability not to let uncertainty affect one's clarity and truth in different situations;
- An increase in such feelings and events that allow us to be centered "here and now."

Before any activation, we need to know the following: from a physical point of view: detoxification of the body is a normal process after activation. As with a cleansing diet, the cells shed their waste products and people may have a cold-like reaction. Sometimes a state of increased energy is felt, and then detoxification.

Each person proceeds in their own way. In any situation, it is best to drink a lot of water during this period (from 4 to 7 liters per day), be prepared for these changes and, in which case, contact the person who activated you. From a psychological point of view, the emotional and mental bodies experience a similar process of purification. Due to activation, the ability to cope with emotional problems is enhanced. The person now demonstrates the confidence needed to face the external and internal problems associated with emotions. Finding a solution becomes paramount, and the ability to speak and express one's truth is greatly enhanced. Going through emotional release can be a difficult experience. Your DNA will change and your life will change accordingly. From the point of view of healing and renewal of the body, it is very important to assume that the principle of "mind over matter" begins to work when the DNA is instructed to do something. Our life depends on how these molecules think, act, influence and reproduce, but does our word play a role in this process? Yes! Activate yourself, recognize your Divine essence. Become all that you can be! It's time to change your DNA and change your life. You create the intention to receive this special gift of life. You then enter a state of brain activity, connect with your Divine source and affirm that the activation is done with the purest intent and love of your heart.

After that, the Universal Energies of Love-Life enter you through the top of your head and descend into the pineal gland - the most sacred gland of our body. Once here, the life force energies will enter your Great Master Cell, the first cell, the conception cell, and call forth the Youth and Vitality Chromosomes, which are the archetypal chromosomes.

When they appear, the command is given to see the DNA unfold. The call for DNA ACTIVATION is read with the command to activate the Chromosomes of Youth and Vitality. Ten new strands of DNA are then called upon to build on and integrate one by one on top of the existing DNA. Upon completion of this process, new Chromosomes of Youth and Vitality are formed inside the Great Master Cell, the ends of which are sealed with a protein telomere. Next, a command is given to reproduce new Chromosomes of Youth and Vitality in every cell of the body.

The original DNA system in humans was based on the number 12 .

Twelve strands of genetic material are connected to other informationsources that also have the number 12 as their basis. These threads connect a person to the corresponding information centers inside and outside the person, and the brain is loaded like a super-powerful computer.

The activation of the 12 strands of DNA coincides with the rotation, movement and opening of the 12 chakras.

Energy flows into our system, passing through 12 celestial bodies of the Solar System.

The formation of twelve spirals of new energy will cause a certain process of restructuring in a person. The more spiritual and sensitive a person is, the higher his access to information.

DNA activation. What is this?

When we incarnated on Earth, i.e. in the dense layers of three-dimensional space, many parts of our DNA were out of work, they were simply redundant for the functioning of our consciousness, they continued to perform some of their functions, but not in full and outside of our consciousness, having gone into "sleep mode". Everything that was responsible for our Divinity, everything that raised us above the level of three-dimensionality, was turned off, taken out of the scope of consciousness and gradually "fell into a lethargic sleep."

The "DNA Activation" process consists in connecting, interpreting and reading the frequencies of the energy structure. After pronouncing a magnetic force request to activate, your brain waves and energy field are tuned to a certain frequency, and you are connected to a portal that has the same frequency as you. Your signals go to a certain place of a parallel reality, where your desire to receive the gift of "DNA Activation" is accepted and an oncoming energy wave of a different frequency is sent, which carries information about the "Activation", which is read by your brain and changes the existing program of your DNA, according to your inner wisdom.

Activation of 12 strands of DNA.

    Purification of the DNA of the Genus.

    Liberation of the Kind from negative programs, illnesses, patterns of behavior.

    Activation of the Powerful Self-Healing System.

    Strengthening the immune system.

    Expanding the boundaries of consciousness.

    Unity with our mind, body and spirit is activated.

In the last two decades, there has been a surge in the interest of scientists in genetic research. Geneticists have achieved notable results in deciphering the human genetic code. What caused this interest? First of all, probably, the inexhaustible curiosity of a person, his desire to understand why he is exactly the way he is, what stages of evolution he went through, how certain parental and racial traits are inherited. The latter is directly related to the prospect of treating and preventing many diseases.

But the point is not only in curiosity, but also in the formation of a request for information about the genetic structure of a person, which is due to the global changes taking place in recent years at the planetary and cosmic levels.

Today, everyone hears three letters - DNA. This abbreviation stands for deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). DNA is a high-polymer natural compound contained in the nuclei of cells of living organisms, a carrier of theistic information; individual sections of DNA correspond to certain genes. DNA is accurately reproduced during cell division, which ensures the transmission of hereditary traits and specific forms of metabolism in a number of generations of cells and organisms. The DNA molecule consists of two polynucleotide chains twisted one around the other into a helix. The chains are built from a large number of nucleotide monomers, the specificity of which is determined by one of the four nitrogenous bases: adenine (L), guanine (G), cytosine (C), thymine (T).

Genetic information is a program of the properties of an organism, received from ancestors and embedded in hereditary structures in the form of a genetic code. Genetic information determines the morphological structure, growth, development, metabolism, mental warehouse, predisposition to diseases and genetic defects of the body.

There are few left

So, science is aware of the presence in the body of modern people of two chains (spirals) of DNA. But has it always been like this? Harper's BASAR magazine: "The dark forces deliberately began experiments on the human DNA molecule - they turned off ten helixes. Scientists know about the remaining two. The rest are in the DNA molecule, but in a germinal, folded state. The existing two spirals actually serve only the two lower chakras - coccygeal and sexual - and, accordingly, only the energies of survival and reproduction were released ... "

And will it always be like this? Barbara Marciniac in Bringers of the Dawn. The Teachings of the Pleiades ”writes that the entire history of the Universe is stored inside our physical body. The process that is taking place on this planet at this time is the process of mutation of the physical body. Evolution will become possible due to biogenetic engineering, which in fact has nothing to do with us. But people can accelerate this process by consciously participating in change.The modern system of evolution is based on the development of twelve strands of DNA, corresponding to twelve chakra centers, seven of which are located inside the body, and five are outside it. There was a time when the human race vibrated on higherfrequencies.

People had abilities with which they could move from one reality to another and manipulate matter. Many of these abilities have been intentionally blocked by the beings responsible for our reality. But today, the task of activating disconnected sections comes to the fore. Without this, the transition of humanity to higher levels of development of consciousness, corresponding to life in the fourth dimension, is impossible. The time of the human race currently living on Earth is coming to an end. The further evolution of mankind is connected with the gradual restoration of ten strands of DNA that are in a folded state. Without this, people will simply choke in an avalanche-like flow of information and will not be able to cope with global environmental problems and the threats of nuclear, man-made, natural and other catastrophes on a planetary scale, the severity of which is constantly increasing.

Inexhaustible resource

Who, when and why turned off ten strands of DNA? What were these areas, for what qualities they were responsible? And is it possible for people to regain these qualities, thanks to which they, in fact, could be considered beings created in the image and likeness of God? Answers to these questions can be found in the book "Salvation 999", an expert operator of the Delta-Inform system, Olga Shakhvorostova.

First Spiral, Solar .

Responsible for the crystallization of the functions of the soul, body and mind, which determine the life potential, the instinct of self-preservation and the density of quantum transitions from one level of development to another. Today, mankind is its carrier, but uses only 35 percent of the existing data bank. Thus, we lose the ability to self-regenerate, the quality of adaptability to temperature fluctuations inside the body and various changes in atmospheric conditions are significantly reduced.

The genetic material creates a special equivalent of the formation of the body, according to which the schematics of confronting space viruses are not drawn.

Violation of its functions arose as a result of a change in the angle of inclination of the solar axis as early as 2.5 thousand years BC. Therefore, the projection connecting chain was interrupted, which naturally determines the development of a small body depending on a large one. The orderly symbiosis was terminated and such a concept as “ancestral karma” appeared, when children, due to the inconsistency of the parents’ survival potential, were forced by their own fate to “sew up holes” in the matrix structure of their genetic past, while maintaining the relative harmony of the future. Until that moment, there was no need to resort to such a transfer, and the fate of a person was determined only by his incarnation past and the general incarnation matrix of the family where he was born. That is, there was the concept of the fall of the spirit, and the fall of the body was not yet regulated by law as a fact.

Second spiral, Lunar .

Carries a folded information impulse of desire, i.e. is responsible for the function of reproduction and transformation of the qualities of one organism into another. This spiral does not get hooked on subtle energy levels and is completely self-supporting. The predominance of the influence of the second spiral is characteristically expressed in the hypertrophy of the body to the soul infused in it, where the latter is forced to give up ethical canons and the ban on inhumanity in order to bring the body into a state of maximum comfort and balance.

The functions of this spiral were partially atrophied shortly before the transition of humanity into the second millennium of our era. A perturbation passed through the solar system at the structural level of planetary orbits. This process was reflected in a person as a functional interaction "earth-space", there was a qualitative decline at the level of the second DNA helix. The transition to the sterility of the spiral of desire became a necessity in order to prevent the gene pool destruction that threatened to appear if this condition was not met. Genetic information about the reproduction of impulse, spirit-creative and mental spheres was switched purely to organic comparisons of two physiotypes, and the vibrations of divine love ceased to be immutable, but began to be classified as a miraculous gift from heaven, inaccessible to the majority.

To this day, people receive and realize only 3.5 percent of the energy of love from its potential volume. Consequently, the planet is in a state of slowly current de-energization, because people, in order to fill the emptiness of the soul, pump the energy of love from flora and fauna, very rarely making up for it with gratitude. A significant structural difference between the body and the soul makes itself felt in the form of mental illness, because the greater the degree of dissonance, the less adaptability of the data bank of the second spiral to the requirements of the external environment.

The solar and lunar spirals are indeed involved in the process of human formation. The other ten strands of DNA were turned off and coiled up for different reasons and in different situations.

Third spiral.

The fundamental basis for the creation of a temple of moral values ​​that ensure the constancy of the transmission of cosmic radiation through the central point of the pituitary gland. The third spiral unfolds the program of integrated spirit-creation, bringing the plasma heart to the stage of absolute burning, i.e. restores the multiplicity of blood vessels in the heart muscle. At present, their number has been reduced by about three times, which significantly reduces the ability of the heart to contain the soul of a neighbor, hence the problem of misunderstanding between lovers who are not able to realize the nature of each other.

Fourth spiral.

This structure determines by 95 percent the degree of penetration of a person through the barriers of time, giving a chance to correct the relative constant of the past, a cast of the present and change the sound of the strings of the country of the future. This is how the transfer of tribes and peoples to other time parallels was carried out in order to preserve individuals - carriers of an exclusive protein code for a further series of experiments in the field of psychedelic telekinesis on an ultra-subtle material level. The outage of the spiral occurred during the reign of Pharaoh Amenhotep due to the collision of two chaotic galaxies. Radiations with time-denying programs began to come to the planet, they made mutational changes in the 12-dimensional system of human DNA and violated the parallelism of connections between the remaining spirals.

Now humanity is not yet aware of the loss and does not believe in the possibility of the existence and use of temporary corridors, but this is real. It is enough to restore the lost genetic code of the fourth helix according to the system of projections that identify time with a person, a person with time, and the ability to control one's own time and the time of the planet will return. But this is impossible without the restoration of the fifth and sixth spirals.

Fifth spiral.

Formed ethical support in chronos interactions. It allowed the functional system of the soul, working as a scanner of the structures of the surrounding world, to create thought forms that are responsible for the originality of the result even before the energy laying of its causality. This minimized the risk of catastrophic illusions of reality, constructing an objective model of self-realization and preventing the situation of the object falling out of the integral picture of the world. The spiral was turned off 100 years after the creation of man, as it had an inappropriate effect on his future, since it had the ability to prevent obstacles and significantly limited the choice of options for following.

Sixth spiral.

Hyperconcentrated package of data on the universal structure of the Universe. Unfolds in the mentality of the individual an immutable model of the space-time continuum with all the laws of birth and death in the form of a chain of sensory receptors that subtly feel the world around and are able to relocate sensory energies into an explicable information array. Limits the program of ignorance of the world to the program of knowledge of matrix systems, which abstractly articulates all visible and invisible canons of relations at the micromolecular level. The spiral was partially rolled up in the second century BC due to the destruction of the base tuning fork-crystal, which was at that moment in the main Shambhala. Complete disqualification occurred much later - during the big fire in Gelpopol, when a rather large energy array fell out of the planetary coordinate system, and the support zone for this information package ceased to exist.

Seventh spiral.

She formed the field device of the brain, responsible for the uniform distribution of information and the identification of misinformation areas. Was disabled in 999 BC. during a hurricane that swept through the territory of present-day Western America. The hurricane arose spontaneously, unforeseen, provoked by the influence of a comet that fell into the atmosphere of Jupiter. The Earth was not ready at that moment to equalize the knocked down amplitude of the general frequency of the biological block of information, and one of the results was the disconnection of the seventh DNA helix.

Eighth spiral.

It contained a program for building an elementary intellectual base that did not fall under the dominance of technocratic systems. It was turned off when Moses removed the magnetic protection from the Earth, because a corridor opened through which a virus penetrated, corroding the elemental basis of spirit-toned matrices. It was he who had a destabilizing effect on DNA, depriving a person of the opportunity to conquer his subjective "I". This means that a person's direct access to the Creator is blocked.

Ninth spiral.

A system that equalizes the micro- and macroworld, draws an axis of indivisibility between them and adds inversely the dimensional layers into a composition with a minimum percentage of conflict. Integration model of symbiotic existence of antagonistic psycho-universes. The spiral stopped unfolding and pupated in the zero-phase, when disturbances on the Sun introduced the program of denial of absolute matrices into the human gene pool, distorting the essential role of men and women at the level of interplanetary interactions (three millennia ago).

Tenth spiral.

Represents an adaptive form that synchronizes the vibrations of the given nominal code. It leads to a compromise given and acquired potentials, increasing the percentage of their possible implementation by 10 to the tenth power. Having lost the functionality of this section of DNA, humanity has lost the ability to love its future, as its past has been driven into strict evaluation criteria. This happened at the time of the Flood, when the element of water, having prevailed over the others, erased the spiral from the mobile DNA matrix. In connection with this circumstance, it turned out to be curtailed by 99 percent.

Eleventh spiral.

The system of adjustment of the initially pledged soul to a new chronos coordination network. Alignment of the legislative matrix of the present in relation to the conditional predestination of the starting point, which does not have a classification, but exists only at the sensory level. Thus, one of the conditions of the universal balance is fulfilled, which helps to realize one of the optimal tracks of an individual's development at a minimax. The spiral was turned off during the implantation of the Buddha's essence into the human body, as the Earth's time assembly point was discredited and changed, so part of the DNA "fell out" in timelessness, being tightly fixed in a vacuum sealed "bag".

Twelfth spiral.

The factor of interdimensional transition along point fans-corridors from the risk group. Allows you to save the gene pool during various natural disasters, including the mechanism for transferring a person or a group of people to a parallel space and automatically adjusts the sagging zones of the time "ribbon", blocking the subsequent impact of disasters on the cause-and-effect matrix of civilization. The spiral was rolled up during the hypertransmission of the Inca tribe in order to save a group of carriers of the quality of divine love, which manifested itself without first passing through the primitive earthly incarnations of this state. A large energy mass was required, provided only with the frontal pulling of energy from the main generating devices. A blackout syndrome appeared, the energy space of the Earth shrank, and the 12th DNA helix lost its magnetic support from the application matrix of planetary spheres and functionally ceased to exist. The only physical model of this genetic factor remains in Egypt in the form of the Star Gate, which is currently buried under the sands of Giza.

The process of mutation has begun

Proceeding from the foregoing, it is clear how primitive a person is today compared to how he was created by the Creator, and what amazing qualities he can possess when deploying ten “sleeping” DNA helices. Moreover, this process is already underway today and in several directions.

So, Drunvalo Melchizedek in the book "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" reports that genetic changes in human DNA, which scientists call mutation, are noted all over the world. And today we can already talk about the birth on Earth of at least three new human races that meet the needs of the new humanity. Huge changes are taking place within us, but few people know about it or pay attention to it.

One of the most well-documented cases involves human blood types. From the moment of its inception until the relatively recent past, mankind had only one type of blood. All the people of the planet had the blood of group "0" in their veins. At that time, and this is only 15 thousand years ago, the main food for them was that which they obtained by hunting. But with the transition to a settled way of life and agriculture, the nature of people's nutrition has changed, vegetables and grains in combinations that have never existed before began to predominate in their diet. Our body responded to a change in diet by mutating DNA and creating a new type of blood - "L". Since then, the transformation of human blood has occurred twice more, each time in response to a change in dietary patterns and, probably, climatic factors. Blood types "B" and "LV" appeared. And, most likely, this is not the limit. Of the people currently living on Earth, the most noticeable changes in the genetic apparatus are noted in children.

New people of a new era

In 1984, the appearance of children, who today are called indigo children, was first noted in the United States. Scientists estimate that, since 1999, approximately 80-90 percent of babies born in the United States are indigo children. What is their uniqueness? First of all, they have different livers from ours, indicating that there must have been changes in the DNA. The change in the liver, of course, is a response to new food (remember what babies were fed 20-30 years ago and what they are fed now). The new liver is designed to digest, among other things, junk food. What happens to cockroaches when they are poisoned? At first they die, but then they change their DNA, mutate, and in the end they begin to like poisons. The reaction of the human body is not much different from the reaction of the body of a cockroach. But the liver changes are nothing compared to other shifts in the genetics of indigo children. All of them have brilliant mental abilities, their average IQ is 130. We are talking about the average value of the coefficient, i.e. for many it reaches 160 and above. But even 130 is already a lot, given that earlier it was noted in only one person out of 10 thousand.

Doctors and psychologists, studying indigo children, discovered that the computer is like an extension of their brain, they understand the parameters of computer programs much better than anyone else. Studies have also shown that these children have very high psychic (ie supersensory) abilities. For example, they literally read the minds of their parents and teachers. In this connection, educators and teachers have a lot of problems: how to teach these children, how to deal with them.

Indigo children are not the only ones who have changed their DNA. The same had to be done for HIV-infected children. What happens to such children is scientifically called spontaneous genetic mutation. As a result, their body has adapted to defeat the deadly virus. New immune resistance to HIV infection in separate laboratory experiments at about3 thousand times higher than that possessed by an ordinary healthy person. And we are not talking about isolated cases. The scientific press published data that approximately one percent of the surveyed population was found to have genetic mutations that increase resistance to HIV infection. Scientists have precisely established what has undergone changes in the DNA of children. Ordinary human DNA has 20 active codons (a codon is a sequence of three adjacent nucleotides that creates the genetic code that determines the insertion of an amino acid into a polypeptide chain at a specific structural position) plus three more, which work very much like stop and start codes in computer programs. So, the new children activated four more of the "unused" codons and now have 24 active codons, which provides their organisms with resistance not only to HIV, but, perhaps, to all diseases in general (test studies are ongoing).

But one of the most unusual and attractive races emerging today are children with outstanding psychic abilities. What they can, ordinary people call a miracle. Such children can see and read with any part of the body - the soles of the feet, armpits, ears, mouth or nose; make flower buds bloom; by mental effort to remove objects from hermetically sealed glass vessels and place them there (apparently, we are talking about the ability to dematerialize and materialize various objects); using a photograph to tell everything not only about the people captured on it and the situation behind the scenes, but also about the photographer - what he was wearing, what he was thinking at the time of filming, and so on.

This phenomenon was first discovered in China in 1974. A little over 20 years later, more than 100,000 such children were identified in China, for whom the government was forced to open special schools. It must be said that the demonstration of psychic abilities has been repeatedly documented. For example, under the strict conditions of scientific research, Chinese government experts watched the new children change the human DNA molecule right in front of the camera and scientific instruments that were supposed to record this almost impossible action.

Psychic children are born en masse not only in China. There are more and more of them in Europe, and in Mexico, and in the USA, and in Russia, and in other countries. The presence of paranormal abilities in them cannot be explained by anything other than a change in the structure of DNA. Orthodox science treats this phenomenon with great caution, fearing to recognize the reality of its existence. But the old paradigm has nowhere to go, and it will have to disappear.

Every person has a choice. You can continue to lead a life in the usual human sense, where the main incentives are either the desire to achieve maximum comfort with the help of material goods, or to control other people with the help of force. But there is another way - to realize that a person is a material being to the same extent as a spiritual one, about which we still know very little or nothing at all. And if in the material world the possibilities of a person are limited by his five senses, then in the spiritual world, with the development of consciousness, his possibilities are unlimited.

Nikita Razumovsky

Cosmic DNA 1 and 2 Activations

I am Kuthumi, and I come to you on the rays of love and wisdom to greet each of you on this day, and bring to each of you the blessing of peace, harmony, wholeness and light. Greetings, beloved.

And with great pleasure and joy in our hearts, we can meet each of you this day, keeping you firmly in the heart of Christ and safe in the hands of God.

Beloved, we are with you in the presence of the light of Christ, we invite each of you to the Temple of Truth. When you stand before your authentic self and have a dialogue between you and the God/Goddess consciousness, it leads to a deeper understanding and integration of God's wisdom. Each of you has divinely responded to the light of all that exists within the realm of truth, and you have chosen a path that should guarantee you the discovery of all the treasures that exist within yourself. You already know that walking the path of life has challenges. However, each of you wanted to recognize your self-worth and therefore stubbornly continued to walk, leading many paths to completion. Each cycle that you have completed, each lesson that you have gone through, has given you the knowledge, tools and ability to accept the possibilities of the Great Master of Light, and you respond accordingly, because you live soul to soul with the Divine Code of your spirit. The Light and Presence of Father/Mother God exists in you. It is this energy that motivates you. All of you have experienced many levels of change as a result of the transformation you have undergone. You have had the opportunity to understand that light is a torch that shows you the direction to your truth. It is not a torch that shows you the way into deeper darkness. Many people recoil from the path of light, for it sometimes manifests itself as if it leads you into darkness. All of this is being done, beloved, to let you know what lurks in the dark corners, allowing you to see what you have neglected and denied in one way or another.

You are now in the presence of the Great White Brotherhood, ready to activate your cosmic DNA, an energy that is to bring you deeper into the light of the world. Your cosmic DNA is made up of many levels of consciousness and information that should take you into realms of higher consciousness, and this will also take you into realms within yourself that you have not yet entered. The formation of the 12 layers of your cosmic DNA will move you into a completely different realm, giving you aspects of your personal Divinity and the Divinity of All That Is. This will give you inner strength and the intention to continue on the path you have chosen. The path of the Lightworker is not filled with dangers, it is not filled with obstacles. The Lightworker Path is a path that offers a spirit with the ability to achieve mastery in everything that exists in his life.

Beloved Ones, the most important aspect of this great change that all of you will now have to face is the recognition of your role in creating your life. The power of consciousness and its use is at its peak. It is high time for you to use this very powerful tool in conjunction with the additional light factor that you are now beginning to integrate. Your cosmic DNA is made up of 6 golden electrical energy pulses and 6 platinum energy pulses. They move up and down the chakras of your physical body and enter your thymus chakra, as well as the chakras on your chin, your nose, the chakras on your temples, your hairline and all the chakras at the back of your head, the small chakras of your knees, your ankles, along your tibia and the soles of your feet. Connecting with this cosmic vibration will raise your own vibrations, showing you the divine path, and it will help you to understand more deeply what it means to be truly free.

So, beloveds, let us now move you into the dimensions of Cosmic Light, where we will begin the activation of your first and second layers of cosmic DNA and begin a more accelerated integration of higher light quotients. For the purpose of this activation, we will ask that you all join hands to initiate the energy and connect with the chakras of your physical body. Do you all remember how to hold hands?

Inhale through your nose and exhale completely through your mouth. Take another deep breath in and as you exhale, feel the presence of Spirit moving around the room and connect your heart chakra to the person to your left. Breathe deeply, exhale completely. The Cosmic Light of Love opens the doors of your heart chakra and you transmit this vibration of love to the person to your right. Feel the connection, feel the awakening of the inner knowing that illuminates you, and love will always guide you into the realms of truth, no matter what your ego tries to bring in your path.

Find a comfortable breathing rhythm while still feeling the vibration of love moving clockwise and counterclockwise around the group, creating a masculine and feminine spiral that embodies the qualities of light and love. Allow your body to relax as we now bring your energy into the Cosmic Temples of the Great White Brotherhood. Imagine yourself standing within these great Cosmic Temples where all the members of the Great White Brotherhood meet you, and it doesn't matter if you don't know who they all are.

You are greeted by Lord Arcturus, God Ra, Lord Maitreya, Lady Ginevra, Lord Merlin, Lord Arthur, Lord Lancelot, Lord Aphra, Lady Celeste, Lady Nada, Lady Kwan-Yin, Goddess Isis, Goddess Ishtar, Goddess Nefretari, Goddess Hatchepsut, Goddess Sekhmet, Lord Thoth, Lord Akhenaten, Lord of Serapis Bay, Archangel Metatron, Lord Sananda, Commander Ashtar, Commander Monk, Lady Portia, Lord of Sirius Lord Saire.

Beloved Ones, connect with all of these beings as they gather around to witness the activation of the cosmic layers of DNA for the Lightworker groups that will be responsible for holding the Cosmic Gates of Light and serving as planetary anchors for these cosmic vibrations. Each of you is within a very specific grid, a vibration that connects through systems of light within your chakra field. These systems of light are anchored within the energy systems of each of the seven major chakras in your physical body that you are familiar with. Imagine the seven chakras of your physical body igniting like liquid torches as the Cosmic Light Codes weave a glorious fiber of consciousness connected to them by the presence of these Lords, Ladies, Gods and Goddesses.

Inhale deeply and exhale completely, and as you exhale, see Lord Apollo in front of you. He holds a golden disc in his hand. This disc contains a unique sacred code. This unique sacred code contains a combination of light that activates your cosmic layers of DNA bringing into full consciousness the signatures of your divine mission and the divine connection you have with the souls on earth who are a unique part of you. This fusion of souls is what will bring into life the columns of light representing the cosmic DNA both in Mother Earth's body and in your own body.
When you are ready, take a deep breath, exhale and take this disk from Lord Apollo's hands and hold it in front of your heart chakra. Feel the liquid gold merge with your heart chakra, becoming one with the divine patterns of your plans.

Inhale deeply and as you exhale, allow your body to relax so that the energy can flow freely through you. Lord Maitreya is performing a recalibration that aligns your body with the frequencies you are currently unifying.

Take a deep breath again and exhale. Lord Maitreya, standing in front of you, places the index finger of his right hand on your heart chakra and begins the next level of activation. This activation opens the resonance to Cosmic Love and activates the 2nd layer of your cosmic DNA. This DNA holds the cosmic vibrations of love, telling you the truth about what it is, what love embodies, and how love can come to you in so many ways. This love may not always be integrated in the ways you choose, but connecting with those who embody deep love for each other can nonetheless be explored in the deepest ways through sharing the light that your 1st layer of cosmic DNA embodies. This light is what brings out the depth of connection between souls and between the human soul and Father/Mother God. As this love intensifies within you, you are shown the light of your other half; the soul that should have walked with you through different lives, with whom you could not be together in each of your lives, is now standing before you. Your eyes can meet, your hearts can connect, and you can enjoy the knowledge that you have found each other again as you walk the path of expressing light within love. Some of you may already be connected to this partner. Others may have only recently met and for some of you this opportunity is just coming but union with this other half is part of the anchoring of Divine Cosmic Light, it shows you that Divine Cosmic Light and Divine Cosmic Love is the energy that connects heaven and earth. Open your heart again and allow the vibrations of love and light to move through you and breathe.

Commander Ashtar is now activating twelve beams of energy towards your heart chakra. These rays open portals through which the twelve cosmic layers of DNA vibrate. These are portals that take you to higher dimensions of consciousness, greater levels of awareness of yourself and your significant other. This leads you to merge with the aspect of yourself, human or not, that is part of you, the highest aspect of you, and should bring you directly into the core of your Cosmic Divine Twin Flame. This Divine Twin is in you and it is this aspect that is coming to be reflected in you again, showing you the truth of the great light and great love that exists within the higher realms and you feel called, it motivates and inspires you to keep practicing and completing cycles. that you wanted to experience in this lifetime.

Breathe as Commander Ashtar increases the vibration and you now have a 25% light factor pulsing through the ether and connecting through the 12 portals of the heart. Breathe as this light moves through your upper and lower chakras, into all of your minor chakras, and into your emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. Relax all the muscles in your body as the energy moves into every cell.

Now, beloved, your cosmic DNA layer #1 opens your consciousness to the 13th dimension of higher self-awareness. This puts you in direct contact with your Higher Self through your heart chakra. It also establishes a network of communication between you and your Cosmic Twin. Whether you are merged with him in this incarnation or not, there is no difference, this connection is established. This connection is what will carry you through the times ahead of you, keeping you in that deep love that you are ready for and worthy of. Even though this love is not something you can physically share with another person, it is something that will feed you into the etheric planes, for it is your cosmic contract, to serve each other in this form, to connect with you and be together for each other. This places this love energy and cosmic connection at the very core of the Divine Feminine where you connect with the energy of Goddess Ishtar, Goddess Isis, Lady Nefretari, Lady Hatchepsut and Goddess Sekhmet. These Divine Light Goddesses provide the cosmic vibrations of Cosmic Love held within your 2nd layer of DNA and weave layers of light and love, anchoring the purest vibrations of light and love that you will experience in the not too distant future. This combination of light and love becomes a flame of inspiration. This flame merges with your solar plexus chakra, overseen by Goddess Kwan Yin, and this opens the Sacred Flame of Divine Energy and will connect you on the inner planes with your Cosmic Twin.

You can now feel love enveloping and filling your heart chakra as you feel the divine presence of your Cosmic Twin connecting with you. This Cosmic Twin reflects all the divine aspects and the divine essence of love that you have yearned for all your life. This is what you have been looking for and wanting from your mother and your father, from your friends and lovers, and what you have found only within yourself. You have been searching all this time for this Cosmic Twin Flame. Be at peace knowing that this aspect is now one with you through the pure vibration of your heart chakra. The reason why we have anchored this particular vibration through each of you today, beloved, is that you embody pure vibrations of light and love and must open the portals of Cosmic Light and Love so that humanity can overcome the barrier between Divine and mundane love. Sexual acts can become acts of love. The sexual act is a very beautiful act when the connection comes through the heart chakra. Humanity is experiencing it primarily through the root chakra, and the activation of the two cosmic layers is now increasing the light factor for your planet, raising the vibration from the root chakra through the sacral, through the solar plexus to the heart, the place where the true vibrations of Divine love, sacred sexuality and the sacred plane enter. into manifestation.

Take a deep breath as these cosmic vibrations work their way up through your lower chakras, bursting with vibrations of light and love within your heart, connecting with the larger vibrations of light and love of your Cosmic Twin.

Commander Ashtar increases the frequency of light to 40%. We will now activate a point on the bridge of your nose between your eyes. This is the Cosmic light point for the first layer of your cosmic vibration DNA that you are currently activating. This energy frequency connects you to the higher aspects of your Master Guide, your Healing Angel, and the Inner Teacher of your current life. Visualize this center of energy opening to receive the cosmic vibrations of light, feel the rays pulsing through you and connecting you through the Central Star at this point on the bridge of your nose, bringing in accelerated vibrations of higher consciousness. Feel rays of light coming from all the entities around you, penetrating to a point on the bridge of your nose. It also raises the vibration of your pineal gland and your hypothalamus and recalibrates the frequencies that affect your parasympathetic nervous system.

Commander Ashtar boosts energy up to 45% light factor by filling your body. These vibrations clear all networks of ethereal debris in the chakras of your physical body. These are sudden surges of light in your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, they penetrate all the astral bodies around you and disconnect all low frequency information, vibrations, addictions, belief systems and relationships that do not support the divinity that your soul wants to experience. Breathe as these spirals of light move through all the energy levels around you, filling very, very deeply and releasing and clearing energy, transforming chakras and of course activating your Cosmic DNA.

Now feel how this Cosmic Light, moving through the point of energy on the bridge of your nose around the circle of your group, moves through you to the person to your left, creating a feminine spiral, weaves the Cosmic Light into the cells of your body, bringing Divine consciousness back to life deep within you. . Now feel the light moving through you to the person to your right, awakening a deep inner knowing of the truth of what light is made of, what it can do, its energy, its purity, its truth. This creates a masculine spiral that forms a beautiful balanced vibration and anchors your Cosmic Light securely within your consciousness and within the consciousness of the seven chakras of your physical body and all the minor chakras as well as your thymus chakra. This chakra is now becoming more active in Lightworkers. This is the portal to the Inner Sacred Consciousness of the Soul. This chakra governs your Soul's immunity and is a very important key to your emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

Take another deep breath. All the Ladies, Lords, Gods and Goddesses move closer to you, join hands, forming a circle around you. Now visualize the Presence or energy of your Twin Flame standing in front of you. It doesn't matter if you can't see his face. Simply connect with the energy of that Presence. Let your eyes be closed, but open your heart. Open your body to feel the power of this Cosmic Love pouring into you, connecting you to Divine Mother and Divine Father and Divine Love, the truest and purest love you could ever wish to experience. Breathe it. Let it fill you up. Feel how deeply, sincerely, unconditionally and unconditionally your Cosmic Twin loves and accepts you. Feel this divine merging happening, how this form of energy in front of you reaches out his/her hand to you and you fall into the embrace of love, knowing that this light and this love is the truest thing you have ever known, and in which they have ever been.

Relax in that love and know that Father/Mother God has entered you with your Cosmic Twin and you have united into a divine whole and this energy is now recalibrated within you to be within the essence of the Divine Self and the Cosmic Twin. You can ignite the passion, light and awakening of the cosmic Divine which should inspire you to experience what is known as your Quantum Leap. This energy is what magnetically draws you into the higher realms of consciousness and spiritual technology. Breathe deeply and exhale completely. For a few minutes, beloved, connect with your Twin Flame and allow yourself to feel what this energy has to say to you. Allow yourself to express your deepest truths and allow the Masters of Light to transform and transform what you are willing to change about yourself.

Lord Akhenaten is approaching you. In his hand is a beautiful pink quartz crystal. This Rose Quartz has a divinely coded message for you, it is composed of symbols embodying sounds and sacred vibrations that will anchor your Divine Cosmic Light and Cosmic Love securely within the chakras of your physical body and the essence of your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. When you are ready, take this crystal from Lord Akhenaten. When you take it, it activates the vibrations. Hold it against your heart and solar plexus chakras and breathe sound vibrations into your body. Notice how Rose Quartz becomes a crystalline liquid and is absorbed into the chakras, permeating your upper and lower chakras, your body cells, and your consciousness. This crystal triggers a deeper conscious decoding of the codes of light that have been encoded for you by the Great White Brotherhood. It has been agreed to be activated at this time as your Cosmic Initiation. Merging with your Cosmic Twin, accepting this great love and being willing to experience it in whatever way it comes, was the code to unlock the codes within you.

Take a deep breath and as you exhale Commander Ashtar and Commander Monka create the final grid. This grid merges with all the chakras of your physical body and creates a magnificent blanket of light around your physical body. This cosmic blanket of light - that which connects you to your Cosmic Twin - is fused with this aspect of your Cosmic Twin and holds the flow of love, alive and true. Remember, as you are one with your Cosmic Twin, you are one with Father/Mother God. Take a moment to acknowledge that this also means that you are in alignment with your whole Divine Self, and the awakening of the Divine Self is what gifts you are addressing to the Divine Stargate of the 77th Dimensional Quantum Spiritual Technology, opening up the dimensions of the world of minerals and crystals and the world of Divine Light, it shows you the truth of Father/Mother God stored in their core. Know that everything will always be beautiful within the worlds of light. Take a breath and exhale. The energy is being sealed now. Feel the light that completes the processes of integration, calming the energy and bringing everything into perfect harmonious divine resonance.

Lord Apollo is now asking you to turn your back on him. He starts inserting a small platinum disk between the second and third cervical vertebrae. This activates the abundance chakras in your throat chakra, aligning them with the 22nd dimension. Imagine the formation of energy. He now takes the golden disk and inserts it between the seventh cervical and first spinal vertebrae, forming higher awareness codes through the 44th dimension of the Free Soul of the Inner Teacher and the Free Divine Self. Breathe this energy. Very gently, he runs the index finger of his right hand along your spine, coordinating the flow of energy that the discs have released. The final phase of your cosmic activation is underway. Breathe deeply as the energy is activated. He is now inserting a crystalline disk between the sixth and seventh dorsal vertebrae, activating higher levels of divine awareness regarding power, energy and operating through the 33rd dimension. Breathe deeply as the energy flows through you. He now takes the titanium disk and inserts it between disks number one and two, activating higher consciousness and divine understanding of Sacred Love. It is reached through the 66th dimension. Finally, he inserts a violet ray of energy that wraps around your coccyx at the base of your spine at the root chakra, activating the 55th dimension of Free Master Teacher and Free God Self. flows of energy that the disks have given off. The final phase of your cosmic activation is over.

Turn around once more to face Lord Apollo. Give thanks for what you experienced today. Thank Commander Ashtar and Commander Monk for controlling the flows of the higher light coefficients that you have combined. Give thanks to all the Goddesses, Lord Akhenaten and all other divine Masters, Lords and Ladies of Light who have been with you today and have done the Sacred Cosmic Activation and witnessed this sacred anchoring of Cosmic Light, Cosmic Love and merging with your Cosmic Twin. Thank yourself for choosing this exceptional and profound experience, for being willing to open yourself up to this new flow of energy. Recognize your courage to embrace what this energy will bring to you and what this love is ready to provide for you.

Breathe with all chakras. Very gently, we begin to bring you back into your physical body. Take another deep breath and ground yourself in the physical plane. Feel the person to your left and share the beam of love with him. Feel the person to your right, sending him a ray of love. The cosmic veil of light and love is now sealed. We bring you back to your physical bodies.

Inhale deeply, exhaling through your mouth. Keep your hands connected for a few more minutes as we anchor the energy of the group, anchor the grid of light and love, connecting this cosmic portal to the heart of the Lady of Table Mountain, linking each of you to the Ascension Site of the spiritual Masters within Table Mountain, to the heart chakra of mother city. (Cape Town), the Mother Goddess of your universe, the heart chakra of the city of the father (Johannesburg) and the divine Father God, connecting light and love to the hearts of all those you love and with whom you are deeply connected.
When you are ready, place your hands over your heart chakra, bringing your consciousness back into your physical body through your heart, moving down to your base, and very gently open your eyes, bringing yourself back down to earth.

If you are feeling very ungrounded, beloved, straighten your legs, rotate your ankles, wrists, shoulders and neck to allow energy to flow through all your vital organs and to all energy centers in your body, bringing your consciousness back into the current timeline.

Beloved Ones, we want to thank you all for the Sacred Unification that took place today and for the opportunity for us to anchor this very powerful grid of light and love. You will see that Mother Earth needs this energy for some cycles now. As you understand, only recently have there been enough Lightworkers holding maximum frequencies to anchor these cosmic vibrations and activate the cosmic DNA. The manifestation of the energetic aspects of your Cosmic Twin will magnetically attract an immense amount of love in all its forms to you. Know that this Cosmic Love will bring about changes in your life. These changes will come to inform you of the energy of light and love merging together as a force of creation. Listen to your heart in every case, don't let your ego deprive you of what you know is true for you. Trust in your soul's ability to guide you on the path of truth, for this is what the activation of your cosmic DNA does, it will also show and prove to you how deep the power of love is. She will show you aspects of love that you never knew existed. It will begin the activation of the heart grids that the Masters will bring to all the continents of your planet, especially the heart grids being activated in Egypt, England, France, Spain, Germany, Canada, Israel and Australia. These grids are preparing humanity for the energy that will come in 2008. You are all anchors of this energy in your own divine way. We will also be activating the Cosmic Twin love grids in Namibia during the Easter period next year. Injecting this very powerful sacred vibration of love into the desert area will result in a flood of love washing over the planet creating a new system of energy so that people will change the perception of lifelessness within the desert. The perception of the absence of life within the absence of water as a life force will transform many wounds and open people's hearts to receive love. Cosmic Twin love anchoring in Namibia will be watched by Lord Kuthumi, which is me of course, Lady Nada, Lord Merlin, Lady Ginevra and Lord Lancelot. Each of you will be energetically connected to this activation. There will be at least two members of this group physically responsible for the activation taking place there. This, of course, will also prepare the Earth's planetary body for the integration of higher quotients of light and love, which will bring her cosmic DNA into full activation, facilitating the ascension wave that is to take place on December 21st, 2008. The cosmic anchoring of this light on this date will bring to earth what many Lightworkers have been praying for.