Pre-Christian writing of the Slavs. Presentation of the emergence of Slavic writing Presentation on the topic of Slavic writing

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    The creators of Slavic writing

    Native letters and words
    From childhood, we get used to the letters of our Russian alphabet and do not think about how we manage to convey any sounds and words with various combinations of sticks and circles. How did our letters come about? Why are they depicted the way they are? How did each item, each event get its names? In other languages, these words sound differently, sometimes consonant with Russian words, and we can guess what they are talking about, and sometimes they sound completely unrecognizable. How did each nation develop its own language? It is very difficult to find out. There are only various guesses and assumptions. It is somewhat easier to answer another question: how and when did this or that people have their own written language? By the beginning of their national writing, each nation marks a special milestone in its history. It is not always possible to set such a milestone with an accuracy of even several centuries. In the mists of time, the names of the creators of native writing, as well as information about how this writing began and which books were first written in the native language, are usually lost. But Slavic writing has an amazing origin. And the Slavs, thanks to a number of historical sources, know about the beginning of Slavic writing. We not only know the time of the appearance of the Slavic alphabet up to a year, but we also know the names of the creators of Slavic writing and their biographies.

    From the biographies of Cyril and Methodius
    From the biographies of Saints Cyril and Methodius, we learn that the brothers were from the Macedonian city of Thessalonica. Now this city is called Thessaloniki. Methodius was the eldest of seven brothers, and the youngest was Constantine. He received the name Cyril when he was tonsured a monk just before his death. The father of Methodius and Constantine held the high post of assistant governor of the city. There is an assumption that their mother was a Slav, because the brothers from childhood knew the Slavic language as well as Greek. The future Slavic enlighteners received an excellent education and upbringing. Constantine from infancy showed extraordinary mental gifts. Studying at the Thessalonica school and not yet fifteen years old, he already read the books of the most thoughtful of the fathers of the Church - Gregory the Theologian. The rumor about the talent of Constantine reached Constantinople, and then he was taken to the court, where he studied with the emperor's son from the best teachers of the capital of Byzantium. With the famous scholar Photius, the future Patriarch of Constantinople, Konstantin studied ancient literature. He also studied philosophy, rhetoric (oratory), mathematics, astronomy and music. Constantine was expected to have a brilliant career at the imperial court, wealth and marriage to a noble beautiful girl. But he preferred to retire to the monastery “on Olympus to Methodius, his brother,” says his biography, “he began to live there and constantly pray to God, doing only books.”

    Konstantin - defender of Orthodoxy
    However, Constantine did not manage to spend long periods of time in solitude. As the best preacher of the faith and defender of Orthodoxy, he was often sent to neighboring countries to participate in disputes with non-believers. These trips were very successful for Konstantin. Once, traveling to the Khazars, he visited the Crimea. Having baptized up to two hundred people and taking with him the captive Greeks released to freedom, Constantine returned to the capital of Byzantium and began to continue his scientific work there. Konstantin from childhood dreamed of solitary prayer and book studies. His whole life was filled with frequent difficult trips, severe hardships and very hard work. Such a life undermined his strength, and at the age of forty-two he became very ill. Anticipating his near end, he became a monk and changed his worldly name Konstantin to the name Cyril. After that, he lived for another 50 days, read the confessional prayer himself for the last time, said goodbye to his brother and disciples, and quietly died on February 14, 869. It happened in Rome, when the brothers once again came to seek protection from the Pope of Rome for their cause - the spread of Slavic writing. Cyril was buried in Rome in the church of St. Clement. Immediately after his death, his icon was painted.

    Testament of Cyril to Methodius
    Before his death, Cyril told his brother: “You and I, like two oxen, led the same furrow. I am exhausted, but don’t you think to leave the work of teaching and retire to your mountain again. Methodius outlived his brother by 16 years. Enduring hardships and reproach, he continued the great work - translating sacred books into the Slavic language, preaching the Orthodox faith and baptizing the Slavic people. In April 885, he died, leaving as successor the best of his students, Archbishop Gorazd, and about two hundred Slavic priests trained by him.

    "The Tale of Bygone Years" about the beginning of Slavic writing
    From The Tale of Bygone Years, we learn that once the Slavic princes Rostislav, Svyatopolk and Kotsel sent ambassadors to the Byzantine Tsar Michael with the following words: “Our land is baptized, but we don’t have a teacher who would instruct and instruct us, and the saints explained books. For we know neither Greek nor Latin; some teach us in this way, and others in another way, because of this we do not know either the outline of the letters or their meaning. And send us teachers who could tell us about book words and their meaning. Then Tsar Michael summoned to himself two learned brothers Constantine and Methodius and “the king persuaded them, and sent them to the Slavic land to Rostislav, Svyatopolk and Kotsel. When these brothers came, they began to compose the Slavic alphabet and translated the Apostle and the Gospel.

    The first books in Slavonic
    This happened in 863. This is where Slavic writing originated. "And the Slavs were glad that they heard about the greatness of God in their own language." Then the brothers translated the Psalter, the Octoechos, and other church books. However, there were people who began to blaspheme Slavic books and said that "no nation should have its own alphabet, except for Jews, Greeks and Latins, as in the inscription of Pilate, who wrote on the Cross of the Lord only in these languages." To protect the Slavic writings, the brothers Constantine and Methodius went to Rome. The Bishop of Rome condemned those who grumble against the Slavic books, saying this: “May the word of Scripture be fulfilled: “Let all peoples praise God!”. That is, let every nation pray to God in its own language. Thus, he approved Divine services in the Slavic language.

    "The Life of Constantine-Cyril the Philosopher" about the beginning of Slavic writing
    From The Tale of Bygone Years, we already know that the alphabet was given to the Slavs by the holy brothers Cyril-Konstantin and Methodius. The "Life of Constantine-Cyril the Philosopher" also describes the request of the Moravian prince Rostislav to send a teacher who can expound the Christian faith in Slavonic. The Life describes a conversation between the Byzantine king Michael and Constantine. “Philosopher,” the king addresses Constantine, “I know that you are tired, but it is fitting for you to go, for no one can do this work like you.” The Philosopher answered: “My body is tired, and I am sick, but I will go with joy if they have letters for their language ... Learning without the alphabet and without books is the same as writing a conversation on water.” The king again spoke to him: "If you want, then God can give you, which gives to everyone who asks without a doubt, and opens to those who knock." The Philosopher went and, according to his old custom, stood up for prayer with other helpers. And soon God revealed them to him, that he listens to the prayers of His servants, and then he folded the letters and began to write the words of the Gospel: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

    “And translated all the books in six months…”
    In the life of Constantine-Cyril, the creation of the Slavic alphabet by him is described as a great miracle and the Revelation of God. And in fact, both for the contemporaries of St. Cyril, and for us, the descendants, the creation of Slavic writing is a miracle. Konstantin did not limit himself to creating an alphabet with all the signs necessary for pronouncing Slavic words, but immediately began to translate literary works of various forms, and above all prayers and passages from the Bible. In the Bible there are samples of biographies of specific individuals and panoramic descriptions of the history of peoples, samples of the most exquisite poetry and laconic dialogues, samples of sermons, parables and commandments. Each genre has its own laws, requires its own literary forms, special visual techniques. In addition to the Holy Scriptures, Constantine, and then Methodius, translated liturgical books, which should reflect the features of pronouncing the text in a singsong voice or even singing. The Greek literary language had by this time more than a thousand years of tradition. And to create such an instrument of Slavic writing, which would convey all the literary subtleties of Greek originals, vocabulary richness, variety of styles, is truly a task not for one person and not for one century. And The Tale of Bygone Years testifies: “Methodius imprisoned two priests, good shorthand writers, and translated all the books completely from Greek into Slavonic in six months, starting in March and ending on October 26 ...”.

    What alphabet did Constantine create?
    In the 9th century, the Slavs had two alphabets at once. One was named Glagolitic, and the other Cyrillic. They are very different from each other, you can see for yourself in the picture. In Cyrillic letters have a simpler and clearer form for us. What alphabet was invented by Konstantin, we do not know, but it was the Cyrillic alphabet that was the basis of our Russian alphabet. The very word "alphabet" came from the name of the first two letters of the Cyrillic alphabet: Az and Buki. The Glagolitic alphabet was common among the Western Slavs, but gradually it was replaced by the Latin alphabet almost everywhere. The oldest books written in the Glagolitic alphabet have come down to us from the 11th century.

    Cyrillic script, or Cyrillic
    The characters of the Greek statutory alphabet served as a model for writing Cyrillic letters. The first books in Cyrillic were also written in the charter. The charter is such a letter when the letters are written directly, separately from one another and there is no gap between the words. Russian writing was adopted from neighboring Bulgaria - a country that was baptized more than a hundred years earlier than Russia. The fact that writing penetrated into Russia before the adoption of Christianity, that is, before 988, is evidenced by the agreements between princes Oleg and Igor with the Greeks. They mention the written testaments of Russians, texts written in two languages, Ivan, a scribe and translator. After the adoption of Christianity, the Russians took over from the Bulgarians and all the wealth of Slavic writing. In Bulgaria there were already Slavic church books. At that time, the Old Bulgarian and Old Russian languages ​​were so close that there was no need to translate Bulgarian into Russian. Bulgarian books were simply copied and used in the churches of Kyiv and other cities of Ancient Russia. The oldest of the ancient Russian books that have come down to us, written in Cyrillic, is the Ostromir Gospel of 1057. This Gospel is kept in St. Petersburg in the Russian National Library.

    "Civil" alphabet
    The Cyrillic alphabet existed almost unchanged until the time of Peter the Great, when changes were made to the styles of some letters, and eleven letters were excluded from the alphabet. The new alphabet has become simpler and more adapted to the printing of various civil business papers. That's how he got the name "civilian". In 1918, the last reform of the alphabet was carried out, and the Cyrillic alphabet lost four more letters: yat, i (i), izhitsu and fita.

    Veneration of Cyril and Methodius
    Cyril and Methodius are glorified as enlighteners of the Slavs throughout the Christian world. Their memory is celebrated on May 24. This day is especially solemnly celebrated in Bulgaria. There are festive processions with the letters of the Slavic alphabet and icons of the holy brothers. Starting from 1987, a holiday of Slavic writing and culture began to be held in our country on this day. The Russian people pays tribute to the memory and gratitude of "the teachers of the Slavic countries, who gave us a source of knowledge of God." These are words from church hymns on the day of memory of Cyril and Methodius.

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    From childhood, we get used to the letters of our Russian alphabet and do not think about how we manage to convey any sounds and words with various combinations of sticks and circles. Native letters and words

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    How did our letters come about? Why are they depicted the way they are? How did each item, each event get its names?

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    But Slavic writing has an amazing origin. And the Slavs, thanks to a number of historical sources, know about the beginning of Slavic writing. We not only know the time of the appearance of the Slavic alphabet up to a year, but we also know the names of the creators of Slavic writing and their biographies.

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    Among the most ancient monuments of Slavic writing, a special and honorable place is occupied by the biographies of the creators of Slavic letters - Saints Cyril and Methodius: "The Life of Constantine the Philosopher", "The Life of Methodius", "Eulogy to Cyril and Methodius" and others. From the biographies of Cyril and Methodius

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    From the biographies of Saints Cyril and Methodius, we learn that the brothers were from the Macedonian city of Thessalonica. Now this city is called Thessaloniki.

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    Methodius was the eldest of seven brothers, and the youngest was Constantine. He received the name Cyril when he was tonsured a monk just before his death.

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    The father of Methodius and Constantine held the high post of assistant governor of the city. There is an assumption that their mother was a Slav, because the brothers from childhood knew the Slavic language as well as Greek.

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    The future Slavic enlighteners received an excellent education and upbringing. Constantine from infancy showed extraordinary mental gifts. Studying at the Thessalonica school and not yet fifteen years old, he already read the books of the most thoughtful of the fathers of the Church - Gregory the Theologian.

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    The rumor about the talent of Constantine reached Constantinople, and then he was taken to the court, where he studied with the emperor's son from the best teachers of the capital of Byzantium. With the famous scholar Photius, the future Patriarch of Constantinople, Konstantin studied ancient literature. He also studied philosophy, rhetoric (oratory), mathematics, astronomy and music.

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    Constantine was expected to have a brilliant career at the imperial court, wealth and marriage to a noble beautiful girl. But he preferred to retire to the monastery “on Olympus to Methodius, his brother,” says his biography, “he began to live there and constantly pray to God, doing only books.”

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    However, Constantine did not manage to spend long periods of time in solitude. As the best preacher of the faith and defender of Orthodoxy, he was often sent to neighboring countries to participate in debates with non-believers. These trips were very successful for Konstantin. Constantine - Defender of Orthodoxy Saints Cyril and Methodius, preaching Christianity to the Slavs. Fig.F. Bronnikova

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    Once, traveling to the Khazars, he visited the Crimea. Having baptized up to two hundred people and taking with him the captive Greeks released to freedom, Constantine returned to the capital of Byzantium and began to continue his scientific work there. Remains of ancient buildings of the city of Chersonese in the Crimea

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    Konstantin from childhood dreamed of solitary prayer and book studies. His whole life was filled with frequent difficult trips, severe hardships and very hard work. Such a life undermined his strength, and at the age of forty-two he became very ill. Anticipating his near end, he became a monk and changed his worldly name Konstantin to the name Cyril.

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    The tomb of St. Cyril in the Church of St. Clement in Rome After that, he lived another 50 days, read the confessional prayer himself for the last time, said goodbye to his brother and students, and quietly died on February 14, 869. It happened in Rome, when the brothers once again came to seek protection from the Pope of Rome for their cause - the spread of Slavic writing. Cyril was buried in Rome in the church of St. Clement. Immediately after his death, his icon was painted.

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    Cyril's testament to Methodius Before his death, Cyril told his brother: “You and I, like two oxen, led the same furrow. I am exhausted, but don’t you think to leave the work of teaching and retire to your mountain again.

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    Methodius outlived his brother by 16 years. Enduring hardships and reproach, he continued the great work - translating sacred books into the Slavic language, preaching the Orthodox faith and baptizing the Slavic people. Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius. M. Nesterov

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    In April 885, he died, leaving as successor the best of his students - Archbishop Gorazd and about two hundred Slavic priests trained by him. Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius and their disciples Clement, Naum, Sava, Gorazd and Angelary.

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    "The Tale of Bygone Years" about the beginning of Slavic writing From "The Tale of Bygone Years" - we learn that once the Slavic princes Rostislav, Svyatopolk and Kotsel sent ambassadors to the Byzantine king Michael with these words:

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    “Our land is baptized, but we do not have a teacher who would instruct and instruct us and explain the holy books. For we know neither Greek nor Latin; some teach us in this way, and others in another way, because of this we do not know either the outline of the letters or their meaning. And send us teachers who could tell us about book words and their meaning. Rostislav Prince Michael III of Moravia on a miniature from a Byzantine manuscript

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    Then Tsar Michael summoned to himself two learned brothers Constantine and Methodius and “the king persuaded them, and sent them to the Slavic land to Rostislav, Svyatopolk and Kotsel. When these brothers came, they began to compose the Slavic alphabet and translated the Apostle and the Gospel. Cyril and Methodius. Jan Matejko

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    This happened in 863. This is where Slavic writing originated. "And the Slavs were glad that they heard about the greatness of God in their own language." Then the brothers translated the Psalter, the Octoechos, and other church books. The first books in the Slavic language Saints Cyril and Methodius translated church books into the Slavic language. Miniature of the Radziwill chronicle.

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    "The Life of Constantine-Cyril the Philosopher" about the beginning of Slavic writing From the "Tale of Bygone Years" we already know that the holy brothers Cyril-Konstantin and Methodius gave the alphabet to the Slavs. The "Life of Constantine-Cyril the Philosopher" also describes the request of the Moravian prince Rostislav to send a teacher who can expound the Christian faith in Slavonic. Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril. M. Nesterov

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    In addition to the Holy Scriptures, Constantine, and then Methodius, translated liturgical books, which should reflect the features of pronouncing the text in a singsong voice or even singing. Avdeeva Nastya, 13 years old. with. Radishchevo

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    The Greek literary language had by this time more than a thousand years of tradition. And to create such an instrument of Slavic writing, which would convey all the literary subtleties of Greek originals, vocabulary richness, variety of styles, is truly a task not for one person and not for one century. Glyamshina Svetlana, 12 years old. Republic of Mordovia, Lyambirsky district, village of Pervomaisk

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    And The Tale of Bygone Years testifies: “Methodius imprisoned two priests, good shorthand writers, and translated all the books completely from Greek into Slavonic in six months, starting in March and ending on October 26 ...”. Miniature of the Radziwill Chronicle

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    Samples of the Cyrillic alphabet (the Ananyinsky Gospel, late 16th - early 17th century) and the Glagolitic alphabet (Zograph Gospel, 11th century) What alphabet did Konstantin create? In the 9th century, the Slavs had two alphabets at once. One was named Glagolitic, and the other Cyrillic. They are very different from each other, you can see for yourself in the picture. In Cyrillic letters have a simpler and clearer form for us.

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    What alphabet was invented by Konstantin, we do not know, but it was the Cyrillic alphabet that was the basis of our Russian alphabet. The very word "alphabet" came from the name of the first two letters of the Cyrillic alphabet: Az and Buki.

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    The Glagolitic alphabet was common among the Western Slavs, but gradually it was replaced by the Latin alphabet almost everywhere. The oldest books written in the Glagolitic alphabet have come down to us from the 11th century.

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    The characters of the Greek statutory alphabet served as a model for writing Cyrillic letters. The first books in Cyrillic were also written in the charter. The charter is such a letter when the letters are written directly, separately from one another and there is no gap between the words. Cyrillic letter, or Cyrillic Page, written by the charter. Ostromir Gospel

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    Russian writing was adopted from neighboring Bulgaria - a country that was baptized more than a hundred years earlier than Russia. Baptism of the Bulgarians. Miniature from a Bulgarian manuscript. 14th century

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    At that time, the Old Bulgarian and Old Russian languages ​​were so close that there was no need to translate Bulgarian into Russian. Bulgarian books were simply copied and used in the churches of Kyiv and other cities of Ancient Russia. “This Yaroslav loved books and wrote many, and put them in Hagia Sophia, which he himself created.” Miniature of the Radziwill Chronicle

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    The oldest of the ancient Russian books that have come down to us, written in Cyrillic, is the Ostromir Gospel of 1057. This Gospel is kept in St. Petersburg in the Russian National Library.

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    The "civilian" alphabet Cyrillic existed practically unchanged until the time of Peter the Great, when changes were made to the styles of some letters, and eleven letters were excluded from the alphabet. The new alphabet has become simpler and more adapted to the printing of various civil business papers. That's how he got the name "civilian".

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    In 1918, the last reform of the alphabet was carried out, and the Cyrillic alphabet lost four more letters: yat, i (i), izhitsu and fita.

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    Veneration of Cyril and Methodius Cyril and Methodius are glorified as enlighteners of the Slavs throughout the Christian world. Their memory is celebrated on May 24. This day is especially solemnly celebrated in Bulgaria. There are festive processions with the letters of the Slavic alphabet and icons of the holy brothers.

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    Starting from 1987, a holiday of Slavic writing and culture began to be held in our country on this day. The Russian people pays tribute to the memory and gratitude of "the teachers of the Slavic countries, who gave us a source of knowledge of God." These are words from church hymns on the day of memory of Cyril and Methodius.

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    “In the beginning was the word…” Cyril and Methodius Cyril and Methodius, Slavic educators, creators of the Slavic alphabet, preachers of Christianity, the first translators of liturgical books from Greek into Slavonic. Cyril (before becoming a monk in Constantine) () and his older brother Methodius () were born in Thessalonica in the family of a military leader. Cyril and Methodius, Slavic enlighteners, creators of the Slavic alphabet, preachers of Christianity, the first translators of liturgical books from Greek into Slavonic. Cyril (before becoming a monk in Constantine) () and his older brother Methodius () were born in Thessalonica in the family of a military leader. The boys' mother was Greek, and their father was Bulgarian, so from childhood they had two native languages ​​- Greek and Slavic. The characters of the brothers were very similar. Both read a lot, loved to study. The boys' mother was Greek, and their father was Bulgarian, so from childhood they had two native languages ​​- Greek and Slavic. The characters of the brothers were very similar. Both read a lot, loved to study.

    Holy Brothers Cyril and Methodius, Enlighteners of the Slavs. In the years the brothers were sent to Great Moravia to present the Christian teaching in a language understandable to the Slavs. The great teachers translated the books of the Holy Scriptures, based on the Eastern Bulgarian dialects, and created a special alphabet - Glagolitic - for their texts. In the years the brothers were sent to Great Moravia to present the Christian teaching in a language understandable to the Slavs. The great teachers translated the books of the Holy Scriptures, based on the Eastern Bulgarian dialects, and created a special alphabet - Glagolitic - for their texts. The activities of Cyril and Methodius had a common Slavic significance and influenced the formation of many Slavic literary languages. The activities of Cyril and Methodius had a common Slavic significance and influenced the formation of many Slavic literary languages.

    So here they are - our origins, Floating, glowing in the twilight, Solemnly strict lines, Cast Slavic ligature. So that's where, so that's where for the first time I found at the foot of the mountains Under the fiery sign of Sophia The diamond hardness of the verb. The great mystery of sound, Despised corruption and death, On the blue bends of the Dnieper, The motionless firmament rocked. And RUSSIA over foamy water, Open to free winds, "I am!" - declared the Universe, "I am!" - declared for centuries.

    The Old Slavonic alphabet was compiled by the scientist Cyril and his brother Methodius at the request of the Moravian princes. That's what it's called - Cyrillic. This is the Slavic alphabet, it has 43 letters (19 vowels). Each has its own name, similar to ordinary words: A - az, B - beeches, C - lead, G - verb, D - good, F - live, Z - earth and so on. Alphabet - the name itself is formed from the name of the first two letters. In Russia, the Cyrillic alphabet became widespread after the adoption of Christianity (988). The Slavic alphabet turned out to be perfectly adapted to accurately convey the sounds of the Old Russian language. This alphabet is the basis of our alphabet. Cyrillic

    In 863, the word of God sounded in the Moravian cities and villages in their native, Slavic language, letters and secular books were created. Slavic chronicle writing began. In 863, the word of God sounded in the Moravian cities and villages in their native, Slavic language, letters and secular books were created. Slavic chronicle writing began. The Soloun brothers devoted their entire lives to teaching, knowledge, and serving the Slavs. They did not attach much importance to either wealth, or honors, or fame, or career. The Soloun brothers devoted their entire lives to teaching, knowledge, and serving the Slavs. They did not attach much importance to either wealth, or honors, or fame, or career. The younger one, Konstantin, read a lot, meditated, wrote sermons, and the older one, Methodius, was more of an organizer. Konstantin translated from Greek and Latin into Slavonic, wrote, creating the alphabet, in Slavonic, Methodius - "published" books, led the school of students. The younger one, Konstantin, read a lot, meditated, wrote sermons, and the older one, Methodius, was more of an organizer. Konstantin translated from Greek and Latin into Slavonic, wrote, creating the alphabet, in Slavonic, Methodius - "published" books, led the school of students. Konstantin was not destined to return to his homeland. When they arrived in Rome, he fell seriously ill, took tonsure, received the name Cyril, and died a few hours later. With this name, he remained to live in the bright memory of his descendants. Buried in Rome. Konstantin was not destined to return to his homeland. When they arrived in Rome, he fell seriously ill, took tonsure, received the name Cyril, and died a few hours later. With this name, he remained to live in the bright memory of his descendants. Buried in Rome. The beginning of the Slavic chronicle.

    Monument to the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius in Moscow on Slavyanskaya Square "Death of Cyril" Rome rang the bells, Bronze sounds floated. Slavic children in front of him, Reading slowly: az, beeches, The vision rose visibly, And the miracle of thin lines floated ... And the wise sower said: "Seeds sprouted in the field And virgin soil became a field, Sowed by a generous hand." Liliana Stefanova. Per. Irina Panova

    The spread of writing in Russia In ancient Russia, reading and writing and books were revered. Historians and archaeologists believe that the total number of handwritten books before the 14th century was approximately 100,000 copies. After the adoption of Christianity in Russia - in 988 - writing began to spread faster. The liturgical books were translated into Old Church Slavonic. Russian scribes rewrote these books, adding features of their native language to them. Thus, the Old Russian literary language was gradually created, the works of Old Russian authors appeared, (unfortunately, often unnamed) - "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", "Instructions of Vladimir Monomakh", "The Life of Alexander Nevsky" and many others. In ancient Russia, letters and books were revered. Historians and archaeologists believe that the total number of handwritten books before the 14th century was approximately 100,000 copies. After the adoption of Christianity in Russia - in 988 - writing began to spread faster. The liturgical books were translated into Old Church Slavonic. Russian scribes rewrote these books, adding features of their native language to them. Thus, the Old Russian literary language was gradually created, the works of Old Russian authors appeared, (unfortunately, often unnamed) - "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", "Instructions of Vladimir Monomakh", "The Life of Alexander Nevsky" and many others.

    In a narrow monastery cell, In four blank walls, A monk wrote about the land of ancient Russian Byl. He wrote in winter and summer. Illuminated by dim light. He wrote from year to year About our great people. Ancient chronicler Nestor Artist E. Dovedova. Historical narratives - chronicles There are many chronicles about life in Ancient Russia, in which records were kept by years. In the first place is the Tale of Bygone Years, written at the beginning of the 12th century. This chronicle includes songs, legends, traditions, stories. The monk of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery Nestor is traditionally considered the author of this chronicle. There are many chronicles about life in Ancient Russia, in which records were kept by years. In the first place is the Tale of Bygone Years, written at the beginning of the 12th century. This chronicle includes songs, legends, traditions, stories. The monk of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery Nestor is traditionally considered the author of this chronicle.

    Yaroslav the Wise Grand Duke Yaroslav “loved books, read them often both at night and during the day. And he gathered many scribes and they translated from Greek into Slavonic and they wrote many books ”(Chronicle of 1037) (Chronicle of 1037) Among these books were chronicles written by monks, old and young, secular people, these are “lives”, historical songs, "teachings", "messages". Yaroslav the Wise

    “The ABC is taught in the whole hut shouting” (V.I. Dal “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language”) V.I. Dal chants. The names of the letters were learned by heart. When learning to read, the letters of the first syllable were first called, then this syllable was pronounced; then the letters of the second syllable were called, and the second syllable was pronounced, and so on, and only after that the syllables were formed into a whole word, for example BOOK: There were no textbooks in Ancient Russia yet, training was based on church books, you had to memorize huge texts-psalms - instructive chants. The names of the letters were learned by heart. When learning to read, the letters of the first syllable were first called, then this syllable was pronounced; then the letters of the second syllable were called, and the second syllable was pronounced, and so on, and only after that the syllables formed a whole word, for example BOOK: kako, ours, ilk - KNI, verb, az - GA. That's how hard it was to learn to read.

    Proverbs about teaching literacy He graduated from the course of science, but he knows hell and beeches. He graduated from the course of science, but he knows hell and beeches. Jump with a letter, even cry without a letter. With a book, you'll get smarter. First, az yes beeches, and then science. A full belly is deaf to learning. A well-fed learning is a joy, a hindrance to a hungry. Stupidly shackled you can’t sharpen, stupidly born you can’t teach. Skill will find application everywhere. The scientist leads, the unlearned follows. A learned son is older than an unlearned father. Learning without skill is not a benefit, but a disaster. Alphabet - the wisdom of the step. Alphabet - the wisdom of the step. To teach the unreasonable is to pour water into a bottomless tub. To teach the unreasonable is to pour water into a bottomless tub. Who is much more literate, that will not be an abyss. Who is much more literate, that will not be an abyss. Teaching decorates in happiness, and comforts in misfortune. Teaching decorates in happiness, and comforts in misfortune. To study literacy - it will come in handy in advance. To study literacy - it will come in handy in advance. They give two unscientists for a scientist, and even then they don’t take it. They give two unscientists for a scientist, and even then they don’t take it. Learning is light, ignorance is darkness. Learning is light, ignorance is darkness.

    “So our ancestors said” The literary language of the Slavs is understandable to all Slavic peoples, but, of course, the Old Slavonic language was different, and first of all, in such a sign as “dissonance”. For example, they said: hail (city), shore (shore), milk (milk). It also differed in the initial "e" - one (one), esen (autumn). The literary language of the Slavs is understandable to all Slavic peoples, but, of course, the Old Slavonic language differed, and first of all, in such a sign as “dissonance”. For example, they said: hail (city), shore (shore), milk (milk). It also differed in the initial "e" - one (one), esen (autumn). The Old Church Slavonic language made a great contribution to the development of the Russian language: it enriched it with interesting and necessary words. Some Old Slavonicisms began to use frequently: time, Wednesday, flame, holiday, others left our language. Recently, such words as mercy, generosity, blessed have been revived. The Old Church Slavonic language made a great contribution to the development of the Russian language: it enriched it with interesting and necessary words. Some Old Slavonicisms began to use frequently: time, Wednesday, flame, holiday, others left our language. Recently, such words as mercy, generosity, blessed have been revived. "Branch" of Slavic languages

    "Revival of the Slavic holiday" Macedonia Ohrid Monument to Cyril and Methodius Already in the 9th - 10th centuries, the first traditions of glorification and veneration of the creators of Slavic writing began to emerge in the homeland of Cyril and Methodius. But soon the Roman Church began to oppose the Slavic language, calling it barbaric. Despite this, the names of Cyril and Methodius continued to live among the Slavic people, and in the middle of the XIV century they were officially ranked among the saints. Already in the 9th - 10th centuries, the first traditions of glorification and veneration of the creators of Slavic writing began to emerge in the homeland of Cyril and Methodius. But soon the Roman Church began to oppose the Slavic language, calling it barbaric. Despite this, the names of Cyril and Methodius continued to live among the Slavic people, and in the middle of the XIV century they were officially ranked among the saints. In Russia it was different. The memory of the Enlightenment Slavs was already celebrated in the 11th century; here they were never considered heretics, that is, atheists. But still, only scientists were more interested in it. Broad festivities of the Slavic word began in Russia in the early 60s of the last century. In Russia it was different. The memory of the Enlightenment Slavs was already celebrated in the 11th century; here they were never considered heretics, that is, atheists. But still, only scientists were more interested in it. Broad festivities of the Slavic word began in Russia in the early 60s of the last century.
    28 The feast in honor of Cyril and Methodius is a public holiday in Russia (since 1991), Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and the Republic of Macedonia. In Russia, Bulgaria and the Republic of Macedonia, the holiday is celebrated on May 24; in Russia and Bulgaria it bears the name of the Day of Slavic Culture and Literature, in Macedonia the Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the holiday is celebrated on July 5th. The holiday in honor of Cyril and Methodius is a public holiday in Russia (since 1991), Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and the Republic of Macedonia. In Russia, Bulgaria and the Republic of Macedonia, the holiday is celebrated on May 24; in Russia and Bulgaria it bears the name of the Day of Slavic Culture and Literature, in Macedonia the Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the holiday is celebrated on July 5th.

    Hymn "Cyril and Methodius" Get up, people, take a deep breath, hurry to meet the Dawn. And the ABC, presented to you, Write the future fate. Hope. Faith warms the soul. Our path is thorny - the path forward! Only that people does not perish, Where the spirit of the Fatherland lives. Having passed under the sun of enlightenment From a long glorious antiquity, Even now, Slavic brothers, We are faithful to the First Teachers! To the highly glorious apostles Holy love is deep. Cases of Methodius - Cyril In the Slavs will live for centuries! Stoyan Mikhailovsky (translated by Vladimir Smirnov)