Formation of creative independence in children of senior preschool and primary school age in the design of oksana gennadievna zhukova. Development of creative independence of students Rostov State Transport University, Russia


The main didactic principles in the choice of methods for the formation of creative independence are characterized; project methodology is a pedagogical technology focused on the application and acquisition of new knowledge through self-organization and self-education of students. It was revealed that the basic principles of the project methodology form close interpenetrating links with the principles of contextual learning. On the basis of the four structural components of creative independence, a number of criteria corresponding to them were identified, which make it possible to judge the levels of their formation among students - future stylists. In the process of educational activities of the experiment, the following methods were used: problem lecture, problem seminar, training, discussion, project method, technology of problem learning. In quasi-professional activity: contextual learning technology, the essence of which is modeling the subject and social content of future professional activity.

creative independence

design methodology


professional activity

1. Bityuk V.L. Project methodology as a way to implement the principles of contextual learning // Bulletin of ASTU. - 2009. - No. 1 (48). - S. 173-175.

2. Vilensky M.Ya., Obraztsov P.I., Uman A.I. Technologies of professionally-oriented education in higher education: textbook / ed. V.A. Slastenin. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2004. - 192 p.

3. New approaches to the organization and provision of independent work of students / V.R. Imakaev, S.V. Rusakov, I.G. Semakin, E.K. Khenner // Actual problems of implementing educational standards of the new generation in the conditions of the university complex: materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Methodological Conference. - Orenburg: OSU, 2011. - S. 1557-1566.

4. Pedagogy: textbook. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook institutions / V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev, E.N. Shiyanov; ed. V.A. Slastenin. – M.: Academy, 2002. – 576 p.

5. Sibirskaya N.P. Designing pedagogical technologies / Encyclopedia of vocational education: in 3 volumes / ed. S.A. Batyshev. - M.: Professional education, 1999. - T. 2. - 383 p.

The modern paradigm of vocational education is focused on the formation of a new type of competent specialist, for whom the needs for creativity, self-development and self-realization in the professional sphere become dominant.

The purpose of this study is to identify effective ways to form creative independence. To do this, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks: to identify the main didactic principles and the specifics of the content of the selected methods; to characterize the methods and forms of organizing classes that contribute to the integration of knowledge and skills in all components of preparation for art and design activities.

Achieving new educational goals of education requires not only changing the content of the subjects studied, but also the methods and forms of organizing the educational process, activating the activity of students during the lesson, bringing the topics studied closer to real life with the search for ways to solve emerging problems. When selecting the content of education, it is necessary to take into account the forms, methods and pedagogical technologies for transmitting material, the levels of its assimilation and the semantic conditionality of actions.

Teaching methods are understood as “techniques and methods of work of a teacher (teacher, master) and students, with the help of which a strong mastery of the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for high-quality and highly productive performance of work by students in the profession, the formation of their worldview, the development of the ability to independently acquire and creative application of knowledge.

Teaching technology acts as “a logically structured didactic process determined by tasks, invariantly proceeding under the influence of certain pedagogical conditions and providing a predictable result, or as an integral system of conceptually and practically significant ideas, principles, methods, teaching aids, which guarantees a sufficiently high level of efficiency and quality of education when its subsequent reproduction and replication.

The choice of methodology for the formation of creative independence of the future artist-stylist is determined by the basic principles of didactics. These include: accessibility in education and upbringing; scientific character; the collective nature of education and training, combined with the development of individual personality traits; the principle of cultural conformity; the principle of natural conformity; the principle of cooperation; strength, awareness and effectiveness of the results of education and training; systematic and consistent, connection between theory and practice, consciousness, activity and initiative; the unity of the concrete and the abstract; visibility.

The principles of project methodology correspond to the specific features of art education, since theoretical and practical classroom studies are perceived as a routine, and project forms of work are perceived as creative activities.

The process of professional training of specialists in the artistic design of a costume consists of two stages: a propaedeutic course, which includes basic art education, i.e. classical training in art disciplines; a narrow specialization in the direction of the artistic design of a costume, which forms a susceptibility to the manifestations of the harmony of the objective world and the knowledge of the patterns of design culture.

The search for effective ways to implement the principles of contextual learning in the course of the formation of the creative independence of future artists-stylists explains the choice of the project methodology from numerous forms, methods and means of teaching, as a technology that has a powerful educational, upbringing and developing potential.

The specificity of the content of the design methodology as a way to implement the principles of contextual learning is determined by the essence of design. N.P. Sibirskaya presents design as an activity to create an image of a future supposed phenomenon. It is one of the aspects of human creativity and is based on planning, forecasting, decision making, development, scientific research.

In the very etymology of the word “project”, an active creative approach, the desire for social action is clearly indicated. The project methodology is understood as a set of search, problem methods, creative in their very essence, representing a didactic means of enhancing cognitive activity, developing creativity and at the same time forming certain personal qualities of students in the process of creating a specific product.

Thus, the project methodology is a pedagogical technology focused on the application and acquisition of new knowledge through self-organization and self-education of students.

V.L. Bityuk identifies four main principles of the project methodology: communication, problematic; autonomy; situational conditioning. If we correlate them with the principles of contextual learning, then we can confidently state that the basic principles of the project methodology form close interpenetrating links with the principles of contextual learning. For example, the project methodology assumes the presence of a problem that is personally significant in the research, creative plan, which determines the realization of the student's personal potential in the process of artistic and design activities. The problematic content of education sets the subject-subject relationship with the consulting and coordinating function of the teacher. The personal component is realized both in the process of creative creation of a specific product and in the process of active cognitive activity. Therefore, the project methodology can be considered one of the ways to implement contextual learning.

The purpose of contextual learning is to create conditions that contribute to the development of creative thinking, to consolidate the ability to act in situations that are adequate to the situations of future professional activity. The main unit of the content of contextual learning is the problematic pedagogical situation. An ideal example of a pedagogical situation is a competition of student works, for example, a competition for young fashion designers and fashion designers. In the training system of the future artist-stylist, the competition, as a form of organization of training, performs adaptive, targeted, educational, educational and reflective functions.

Achieving the goals of education in preparing students for participation in the competition is impossible without the use of non-traditional active and interactive teaching methods. Interactive and active methods have much in common. They are characterized by the following features: a high degree of involvement of students in the learning process; their activity in the process of different types of educational activities, the coincidence of the cognitive interests of the teacher and students; intensification of the learning process, collective forcing of efforts; the presence of feedback in training; learning motivation is not only personal, but also socially significant; the possibility of modeling the holistic content of future professional activity due to the forms of education; increased emotionality of students. Unlike active methods, interactive ones are focused on a wider interaction of students not only with the teacher, but also with each other and on the dominance of student activity in the learning process.

In the educational process, preparing students for competitions and participating in them is an innovative form of organizing training - a form of organizing independent work for students who successfully cope with the discipline program in a shorter time (a kind of accelerated learning) than is provided for by the working curriculum. This ensures the formation of an individual educational trajectory for each student, the development of his readiness for independent activity, which manifests itself in productive entry into the professional environment, effective solution of creative professional tasks, and creative self-development of the student.

In the process of forming the creative independence of future artists-stylists, methods of problem-based learning can be effectively applied, but only after students develop certain knowledge, skills and abilities in the course of mastering a number of academic disciplines. In this case, the activity of the teacher in the course of organizing extracurricular professionally oriented independent work consists in posing a problem situation to students.

The theoretical basis for the implementation of the tasks of problem-based learning was the position that the activity of an artist-stylist or costume designer, by its very nature, is creative. These specialists daily have to solve many not only typical, but also original tasks that require an analysis of the creative situation; forecasting results in accordance with the available initial data; accounting for the means used to achieve the goal; evaluation of the obtained data and definition of new tasks.

The most important component of design thinking is the ability to see a creative problem in solving ordinary everyday problems, formulate a hypothesis, expand the scope of ordinary information, select new facts and phenomena, choose the most appropriate way to find a solution to a problem, draw generalized conclusions, rejecting incorrect assumptions and justifying a further solution path. Problems. In this regard, the use of problem-search methods is of particular importance in the organization and implementation of educational and cognitive activities. It is the awareness of the problem that determines the course of mental operations, determines the sequence of steps and gives the process of assimilation a purposeful character. Then the knowledge acquired in independent cognitive activity differs significantly from the knowledge obtained in finished form: it is much deeper and more complete, can quickly be rebuilt and become an instrument for the implementation of the student's practical activities, consciously pass into convictions and, in general, contribute to solving the problems of forming a creative personality.

The basis of the problem-search method is problem situations that give a "push" to thinking. Problem situations reveal the difficulty of the cognitive material and awaken the "research activity" of students. Difficulty, therefore, acts both as the main element and as a criterion for identifying a problem situation.

In the educational process, when mastering the propaedeutic courses "Fundamentals of Composition" and "Architectonics", the general basic compositional principles of costume harmonization are determined. The practical tasks of these disciplines are heuristic in nature and set the research activity. At the final stage of training, the student designs the author's collection of clothing models for participation in the competition of fashion designers, taking into account interdisciplinary connections between different disciplines: "Drawing", "Painting", "Color in a suit", "Plastic anatomy", "Artistic design of a suit", "Performance project in the material”, “History of styles in costume”, etc. This allows you to purposefully build the educational process, ensure a close relationship between theory and practice, and take into account the individual capabilities of students.

One of the main indicators of the educational and creative activity of students is extracurricular professionally oriented independent work, which is more productively used in conditions of limited study time. All independent work assumes a planned nature, takes into account the individual capabilities of each student.

On the basis of the motivational-value, cognitive, creative-activity and reflective-evaluative components in the structure of the creative independence of the future specialist, a number of criteria corresponding to them were identified, which make it possible to judge the effectiveness of the process of forming this personality quality, the degree (level) of its formation among students.

The measurement of the educational result was carried out according to four criteria for the formation of creative independence as an integrative quality of the personality of the future artist-stylist:

1) personal and professional motives and needs;

2) systematic possession of general scientific and professional knowledge;

3) creative method;

4) professional self-awareness.

The indicators of the first criterion are: a steady interest in professional art and design activities; the need for the most complete and deep development of knowledge, in the pursuit of versatile possession of design skills; the need for self-development and creative self-realization.

For the second criterion, the following indicators are highlighted: knowledge of the laws of design design; the ability to formulate and solve artistic and design problems; the ability to use the means of artistic expression.

Indicators of the third criterion: effective use of traditional and new methods of artistic design; development of artistic projects of products, taking into account constructive-technological, aesthetic, stylistic, economic parameters.

The indicators of the fourth criterion are: self-image as a member of the professional community, a bearer of professional culture, including certain professional norms, rules, traditions inherent in this professional community.

In order to obtain reliable results on the effectiveness of the use of pedagogical technology for the formation of the creative independence of the future artist-stylist, an experiment was conducted at the university, during which optimal methods, forms and means of educational and cognitive individual and collective activities of students were developed, optimal interaction between students and teachers was built, control procedures and measurement of the result of the formation of creative independence of future stylists within the framework of extracurricular independent work of students in the Student House of Models of the South Russian State University of Economics and Service. In the process of educational activities of the experiment, the following methods were used: problem lecture, problem seminar, training, discussion, project method, technology of problem learning. In quasi-professional (that is, “professional-like”) activity, contextual learning technology was used, the essence of which is to model the subject and social content of future professional activity.

Thus, this study allows us to draw the following conclusions:

1. The creative independence of students - future artists-stylists is a complex integrative quality of the individual, the essence of which is manifested in the unity of two aspects. In the educational and cognitive aspect - as an active development of general scientific and professional knowledge, skills and their creative application in solving new educational problems; in personal terms - as a desire to realize one's professional and personal creative potential, taking into account one's own needs, capabilities and abilities. Formed during the process of studying at a university, this quality ensures further creative self-realization of a specialist in professional activities.

2. The use of pedagogical technologies in the process of forming creative independence in the conditions of modeling the subject and social content of real professional activity within the framework of the contextual approach determines the process of moving a student's activity from academic academic type through quasi-professional and educational-professional to professional activity itself.

3. The use of project methodology, active and interactive learning methods, problem-based learning technologies and other methods in combination represent a pedagogical technology, since they guarantee the result predicted when planning the educational process and confirmed in the process of experimental activities.


Shemet O.V., Doctor of Pediatric Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics of the Institute of the Service Sector and Entrepreneurship (branch) FSBEI HPE "Don State Technical University", Shakhty;

Aliyeva N.Z., Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Institute of the Service Sector and Entrepreneurship (branch) FSBEI HPE "Don State Technical University", Shakhty.

The work was received by the editors on September 3, 2013.

Bibliographic link

URL: (date of access: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Chapter I. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the study of the creative independence of adolescents

§one. The essence of the concept of "creative independence".

§2. Psychological and pedagogical prerequisites for the formation of creative independence of adolescents.

§3. Institutions of additional education for children as a factor in the formation of creative independence of adolescents

chapter ii. experimental work on the formation of creative independence of adolescents in institutions of additional education for children.

§one. Criteria and technology for the formation of creative independence of adolescents.

§2. Diagnosis of revealing the creative independence of adolescents.

§3. Pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the formation of creative independence of adolescents.

Dissertation Introduction in pedagogy, on the topic "Formation of creative independence of adolescents in institutions of additional education for children"

The relevance of research. The current socio-economic situation in Russia has put forward a number of problems related to the formation of creative individuals capable of independent socially significant activities. Transformative tasks can only be solved by people who are spiritually liberated, capable of initiative and independent thinking, actively participating in the creation of material and cultural values, in managing production, in improving social relations, i.e. people who are creative.

Active development of the relevant aspects of the implementation of the designated fundamental problem is currently being carried out in institutions of additional education for children (hereinafter sometimes referred to as “ECE institutions”). Functioning as open socio-pedagogical systems in the structure of a single cultural and educational space, they concentrate their efforts on deepening the motivation of children and adolescents for knowledge and creativity, promote their self-determination, form independence in the organization and implementation of various activities.

In the Laws and regulations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (Law "On Education" with amendments and additions /1992, 1996/; Model Regulations on the institution of additional education for children /1995/), the listed areas of activity of preschool institutions are defined as social institutions that ensure self-determination personality. They emphasize that these institutions should contribute to the formation of a common culture of a growing person, his adaptation to life in modern society, the identification and realization of his potential.

Of great importance for the methodological substantiation of this problem are the psychological and pedagogical works of L.S. Vygotsky, N.K. Krupskaya, A.S. Makarenko, S.T. Shatsky and others.

The problem of the development of children's creative talents was reflected in the studies of A. GASmolov, A. M. Matyushkin, A. V. Petrovsky, A. V. Usova and others.

The works of M.A. Galaguzova, O.M. Dyachenko are devoted to the development of creative activity and independence of the individual. S.E. Matushkina, N.A. Tomin, A.N. Tubelsky.

Pedagogical ideas for the development of creative abilities and independence as a personality trait were studied in many aspects in the works of T.V. Abramova, A.Ya. Naina, S.N. Serikov, N.M. Yakovleva and others.

The methodology for diagnosing initiative, independence, and the creative potential of a person is being developed by scientists T. G. Bogdanova, A. Z. Iogolevich, A. N. Luk and others.

The problem of the social orientation of creativity is revealed by philosophers and sociologists V.G. Afanasiev, L.P. Bueva, R.G. Gurova and others.

The works of psychologists K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, B.G. Ananiev, L.I. Bozhovich, B.M.

The study of philosophical and psychological-pedagogical literature shows that science has paid and is paying close attention to the issues of educating independence and developing the creative potential of the individual. However, the problem of the formation of creative independence of children in the conditions of institutions of additional education has not yet been the subject of a special scientific research. Meanwhile, today, as emphasized above, these institutions play a big role in solving it. This is explained as follows.

First, as our study showed, a significant number of children and adolescents (up to 60% of the total number of schoolchildren) study in children's institutions of additional education.

Secondly, the research materials show that the need of children to realize their interests is not fully satisfied by the family and school. Institutions of additional education, providing the child with the opportunity to actively participate in various activities, opening up space for him to fulfill various social roles, including him in diverse relationships with the outside world, can and should become full-fledged factors in the realization of children's interests.

Thirdly, institutions of additional education, having qualified personnel and a material base, are able not only to satisfy, but also to develop the needs and interests of the child.

At the same time, an analysis of the practical activities of children's institutions of additional education showed that within these institutions, conceptual ideas for the formation of creative independence of children and adolescents, the structure of this process, the criteria for its success, its content and implementation technology have insufficient scientific justification. This led us to contradictions between:

The developing system of additional education for children and insufficient development at its level of structural and content-technological components of activities to develop the creative independence of the younger generation;

The growing need of society in the formation of an active, creatively independent personality and the insufficient possibility of its productive satisfaction in the conditions of institutions of additional education for children;

Numerous types and types of institutions of additional education for children and insufficient certainty of the socio-pedagogical essence of their activities in the formation and development of the creative independence of a growing person.

The identified contradictions helped to identify the research problem: how to make the activities of children's institutions of additional education in the formation of the creative independence of children and adolescents effective, meeting the needs of society, maximizing the possibilities and predispositions of each child in modern conditions.

The relevance of this problem determined the choice of the topic of our study: "The formation of creative independence of adolescents in institutions of additional education for children."

The study has limitations.

1. Considering the problem of the formation of creative independence of children in children's institutions of additional education, we limited ourselves to activities related to arts and crafts.

2. In the study, we consider the younger adolescence (10-12 years). This is largely determined by the fact that younger adolescence is characterized by the ability to emotionally respond to ongoing phenomena. In addition, during this period of a child's life, according to L.A. Wenger, there is a correlation of the motives of one's behavior with the motives of the behavior of peers. Because of this, it is this age that is most favorable for the intensive involvement of the child in the process of forming his positive qualities.

The purpose of the study is to substantiate the complex of pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the process of forming the creative independence of adolescents in institutions of additional education for children.

The object of the study is the creative independence of adolescents.

The subject of the study is the process of formation of creative independence of adolescents in institutions of additional education for children.

The conceptual idea of ​​the study is reflected in the following hypothesis.

The formation of creative independence of adolescents in institutions of additional education for children will be effective if creative independence is seen as an integral quality of the individual, including intellectual, motivational and volitional components and manifested in personality-oriented, socially transformative activity; if the features of the formation of the creative independence of adolescents in institutions of preschool education are defined and taken into account, representing a set of consistent actions that involve: free choice of activities; formation of a developing microenvironment in the paradigm of personalized, independent creative activity; organization of interaction between children and teachers; orientation towards the comprehensive development of the abilities of adolescents based on their high level in one or more areas of activity; organization of activities in accordance with the goals; implementation of the installation for socially transformative activities; providing a variety of social contacts for children; if the criteria for the formation of the creative independence of adolescents are defined as: the development of their creative and organizational abilities; the presence of a stable need for occupations in the type of activity being mastered; creative activity; expressiveness of skills of independent achievement of the set creative goals; ability for independent transformative activity in the chosen field of creativity; the ability to critically evaluate the results of their work; if the pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the process of formation of the creative independence of adolescents in preschool institutions include: taking into account the characteristics of adolescence; placing a teenager in the position of a creative subject of the life of the team and the social environment by organizing his participation in the field of creativity; providing a teenager with the possibility of independent creative activity, which has a personality-oriented and socially transformative orientation; if the socio-pedagogical potential of children's institutions of additional education has been identified and is being realized, which has real opportunities to ensure a personality-oriented and socially transformative orientation of the activities of children and teachers.

Based on the definition of the goal and the formulation of the hypothesis, the following tasks were set in the study:

1. To study the state of the problem in pedagogical science and practice.

2. Clarify the essence of the concept of "creative independence of the individual."

3. To identify the features of the process of formation of creative independence of adolescents in institutions of additional education for children.

4. Determine the criteria for the formed ™ creative independence of adolescents.

5. Determine, substantiate and experimentally test the pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effective formation of the creative independence of adolescents in institutions of additional education for children.

6. To develop programs for the formation of creative independence of adolescents in institutions of additional education for children.

7. Based on the results of the study, develop scientific and methodological recommendations for the formation of creative independence of adolescents in institutions of additional education for children.

The methodological basis of the study was the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical concepts of the natural, social and cultural conditioning of personality development (L.I. Antsiferova, B.M. Kedrov, I.S. Kon, V.S. Yurkevich), the leading role of activity as a source formation of a person (AABadalev, V.A. Krutetsky, A.N. Leontiev and others), the fundamental ideas of sociologists and psychologists about the need to prepare the younger generation for creative, conscious participation in socially transformative activities (V.T. Lisovsky, S.L. . Rubinshtein, E. Fromm, etc.), as well as the works of domestic and foreign researchers, which analyze various aspects of the process of formation of the creative independence of the individual (E.A. Golubeva, M. James, I.V. Dubrovina, T.N. Malkovskaya).

The general scientific methods of systemic, synergistic and personal-activity approaches were of methodological significance for the study.

Research methods. The complex of methods used in the study is represented by such components as: theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, operations with concepts, modeling), empirical methods (observation, study of performance results, documents), survey methods (interviewing, questioning, assessment and self-assessment methods), mathematical and statistical methods of data processing.

Organization, base and stages of research. The chosen methodological basis and the tasks set determined the course of the theoretical and experimental research, which was carried out in several stages.

The first stage (1989-1991) was devoted to the study of the state of the problem of the formation of creative independence of adolescents in pedagogical theory and practice. At the same time, the ascertaining stage of the experiment was carried out, the conceptual apparatus of the study was developed, a working hypothesis was determined, organizational and content forms of pedagogical interaction were developed in the conditions of preschool institutions aimed at revealing the personal potential of a teenager.

At the second stage (1991-1994), the concept of the formation of creative independence of adolescents in institutions of additional education for children was built; comprehension and correction of the put forward theoretical provisions were made; programs for the activities of adolescents in institutions of additional education were developed; the pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the process under study and the criteria for the formation of the creative independence of the individual in adolescence were determined. In the course of the formative experiment, the options for implementing the problem under consideration were designed, the most optimal of them were improved, and the effectiveness of the experimental activity was analyzed.

At the third stage (1994-1997) the results of the study were analyzed and summarized; they were introduced into the practice of the institutions of additional education for children; scientific and methodological recommendations were developed on the formation of creative independence of adolescents, the accumulated materials were published in the scientific and methodological press, and a dissertation research was prepared for defense.

Experimental work was carried out on the basis of the Palace of creativity of student youth. N.K. Krupskaya in Chelyabinsk and in institutions of additional education for children in Zelenograd. Teenagers and teachers of the Orlyonok Children's Children's Center, teenagers from out-of-school institutions of the Chelyabinsk region (Korkino, Kopeysk, Kyshtym) took part in certain types of experiment. In total, the study covered 1200 children and 400 teachers.

The effectiveness of the development of the problem was facilitated by the practical experience of the applicant as a member of the Luch pedagogical team of the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical Institute and a teacher-methodologist of the Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth in Zelenograd.

The scientific novelty of the research is as follows:

The features of the formation of creative independence of adolescents in institutions of additional education for children are determined and substantiated, suggesting: free choice of activities; formation of a developing microenvironment in the paradigm of personalized, independent creative activity; organization of interaction between children and teachers; orientation towards the comprehensive development of the abilities of adolescents based on their high level in one or more areas of activity; organization of activities in accordance with the goals; implementation of the installation for socially transformative activities; providing a variety of social contacts for children;

The criteria for the formation of creative independence of adolescents are identified, defined as: the development of their creative and organizational abilities; the presence of a stable need for employment in a certain type of activity; creative activity; expressiveness of skills of independent achievement of the set creative goals; the ability for independent transformative activity in the chosen field of creativity, for independent forecasting and implementation of original solutions; the ability to critically evaluate the results of their work.

The theoretical significance of the study is that:

The concept of "creative independence" is concretized and developed, which defines the quality of a person designated by it as an integral one, including intellectual, motivational and volitional components and manifested in a personality-oriented, socially transforming activity;

A set of pedagogical conditions has been developed and theoretically substantiated, ensuring the effectiveness of the formation of creative independence of adolescents in institutions of additional education for children. The main of these conditions include: taking into account the characteristics of adolescence; setting a teenager in the position of a creative subject of the life of the team and the social environment by organizing his participation in the field of creativity; providing a teenager with the opportunity for independent creative activity, which has a personal orientation and a socially transformative orientation.

Reasonable pedagogical conditions make it possible to develop programs and scientific and methodological recommendations for the formation of creative independence of adolescents in the conditions of any educational institutions.

The practical significance of the study is due to the implementation in the process of its implementation of the following positions:

On the basis of the identified pedagogical conditions for the effective formation and criteria for the formation of creative independence of adolescents, the program “Formation of creative independence of adolescents by means of arts and crafts” was developed and tested; methodological recommendations for its implementation for parents and teachers have been developed, which are used in the activities of institutions of additional education for children in the city. Chelyabinsk and Zelenograd.

A special course "Pedagogical conditions for the formation of creative independence of adolescents" was developed and read for teachers of institutions of additional education for children, which received a positive assessment of students in the city of Chelyabinsk and Zelenograd.

The validity and reliability of the results obtained and the scientific conclusions of the study are provided by the initial methodological and theoretical provisions; application of a set of methods adequate to the object under study; reliance on similar provisions and conclusions of other researchers; representativeness of experimental data, their quantitative and qualitative analysis; confirmation by the results of the study of the fidelity of his hypothesis; positive changes in the activities of institutions of additional education for children. Chelyabinsk and Zelenograd on the formation of creative independence of adolescents.

Approbation and implementation of the research results were carried out:

Through the publication of research results in the scientific and methodological press;

Through the introduction of the developed programs and methodological recommendations into the practice of activities of institutions of additional education for children in the city. Chelyabinsk and Zelenograd;

During the participation of the author of the study in the annual scientific conferences of teachers of the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University (1991-1997), in international, republican and regional scientific conferences in the city. Barnaul, Moscow, Chelyabinsk (1991-1996);

The main results of the study are used in the work of scientific and practical seminars in the system of advanced training of teachers in institutions of additional education for children.

The following provisions are put forward for defense:

1. The activities of institutions of additional education for children in the formation of creative independence of adolescents should be based on a concretized and developed concept of "creative independence", which defines the quality of the individual designated by it as an integral one, including intellectual, motivational and volitional components and manifested in personality-oriented, socially transformative activity.

2. Features of the process of formation of creative independence of adolescents in institutions of additional education for children suggest: free choice of activities; formation of a developing microenvironment in the paradigm of personalized, independent creative activity; organization of interaction between children and teachers; orientation towards the comprehensive development of the abilities of adolescents based on their high level in one or more areas of activity; organization of activities in accordance with the goals; implementation of the installation for socially transformative activities; providing a variety of social contacts for children.

3. The criteria for the formation of the creative independence of adolescents are: the development of their creative and organizational abilities; the presence of a stable need for employment in a certain type of activity; creative activity; expressiveness of skills of independent achievement of the set creative goals; the ability for independent transformative activity in the chosen field of creativity, for independent forecasting and implementation of non-standard solutions; the ability to critically evaluate the results of their work.

4. The main pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the process of forming the creative independence of adolescents in institutions of additional education for children include: taking into account the characteristics of adolescence; setting a teenager in the position of a creative subject of the life of the team and the social environment by organizing his participation in the mastered field of creativity; providing a teenager with the opportunity for independent creative activity, which has a personal orientation and a socially transformative orientation.

The structure and scope of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography.

The introduction substantiates the choice of the research topic, its relevance; the main contradictions in the field of the formation of creative independence of adolescents and the reasons that caused them are revealed; the purpose, object and subject of research, its hypothesis, tasks, methodological basis are determined; reveals the stages and methods of research; the factors of novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the work are outlined; provides data on the approbation of the results of the study; provisions for defense are formulated.

In the first chapter - "Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the study of the creative independence of adolescents" - the main approaches to determining the creative independence of the individual in the psychological and pedagogical literature are considered; the choice of a working definition is substantiated; the psychological and pedagogical prerequisites for the creative independence of adolescents are revealed; the specifics of the activities of the teaching staff of institutions of additional education in the formation of this key and adjacent qualities of the personality of a teenager are characterized.

The second chapter - "Experimental work on the formation of creative independence of adolescents in institutions of additional education for children" - describes the organization of experimental work; substantiates the identified criteria for the formation of creative independence of adolescents; the technology of formation of this personality quality in institutions of additional education of children is considered; reveals the diagnostics of the creative independence of adolescents; an analysis of the pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the formation of the studied personality quality in the institutions of preschool education is given; the results of the experiment are summarized.

In conclusion, the main conclusions of the study are formulated and prospects for further research work are outlined.

Dissertation conclusion scientific article on the topic "General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education"

Conclusions on the second chapter

1. In the second chapter of this study, the content of the experimental work is disclosed.

Starting to implement the content of the experiment, we determined the main criteria for the formation of the creative independence of adolescents, which included: the development of their creative and organizational abilities; the presence of sustainable needs for occupations in the type of activity being mastered; creative activity; the expressiveness of the skills of independent achievement of the set creative goals, the ability for independent transformative activity in the chosen field of creativity, the ability to critically evaluate the results of one's work.

2. The technologies used in the course of the experiment to form the creative independence of adolescents made it possible to organize their intellectual and gaming activities in order to identify and implement their capabilities and predispositions.

The experiment showed that the expansion of the sphere of interpersonal communication of adolescents in a creative association (studio, center, circle), providing them with the opportunity for initiative independent activity with its subsequent analysis and evaluation, the consistent complication of this activity significantly increase the effectiveness of the process of forming creative independence.

3. The reviewed diagnostic methods for identifying creative independence made it possible to summarize the material, draw conclusions and develop programs for the formation of the studied personality quality of adolescents.

4. The analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and the complex of diagnostic methods used in the course of the experiment made it possible to determine the pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the formation of creative independence of adolescents. These conditions should be built taking into account the characteristics of adolescence and be based on the observance of such factors as: 1) placing the teenager in the position of a creative subject in the life of the team and the social environment; 2) providing a teenager with the opportunity for independent creative activity, which has a personal orientation and a socially transformative orientation.


In accordance with the purpose and objectives of the study, we studied and analyzed the state of the problem of the formation of creative independence of adolescents in pedagogical theory and practice.

We have based the development of the essential characteristics of creative independence on the fundamental ideas of systemic and personal-activity approaches, taking into account the requirements of the modern level of development of psychological and pedagogical theory and practice.

The conducted research has a theoretical and applied character.

The work performed confirmed the hypothesis put forward and made it possible to draw the following conclusions.

1. In the course of the study, the degree of development of the problem in the scientific and methodological literature was studied and revealed. The study showed that the formation of creative independence of adolescents in the context of institutions of additional education requires serious theoretical understanding.

2. The essence of the concept of "creative independence of the individual" has been clarified. The quality of personality he designates is defined as integral, including intellectual, motivational and volitional components and manifested in personality-oriented, socially transformative activity.

3. The features of the process of formation of creative independence of adolescents in institutions of additional education for children are identified and substantiated, which represent a set of sequential actions that involve: free choice of activities; formation, developing microenvironment in the paradigm of personalized, independent creative activity; organization of interaction between children and teachers; orientation towards the comprehensive development of the abilities of adolescents based on their high level in one or more areas of activity; organization of activities in accordance with the goals; implementation of the installation for socially transformative activities; providing a variety of social contacts for children.

4. On the basis of theoretical provisions, the criteria for the formation of creative independence of adolescents were determined and tested during the experiment, such as: the development of their creative and organizational abilities; the presence of a stable need for classes in a certain type of art; creative activity; expressiveness of skills of independent achievement of the set creative goals; the ability for independent transformative activity in the chosen field of creativity, for independent forecasting and implementation of non-standard solutions; the ability to critically evaluate the results of their work.

5. Pedagogical conditions have been developed and experimentally tested to ensure the effectiveness of the process of forming the creative independence of adolescents in institutions of additional education for children. The following are put forward as the most significant of them: taking into account the characteristics of adolescence; setting a teenager in the position of a creative subject of the life of the team and the social environment by organizing his participation in the mastered field of creativity; providing a teenager with the opportunity for independent creative activity, which has a personal orientation and a socially transformative orientation.

6. As a leading factor in the significance of the socio-pedagogical potential of children's institutions of additional education, the factor of the real possibility of providing this institution with personality-oriented and socially transforming parity activities of children and teachers, aimed at the development and self-determination of adolescents in creativity, is determined.

7. On the basis of the identified pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the formation of creative independence of adolescents in preschool institutions, the program "Formation of creative independence of adolescents by means of arts and crafts" was developed and tested; guidelines for its implementation for parents and teachers were developed, which are used in the activities of institutions of additional education for children in the cities of Chelyabinsk and Zelenograd. A special course "Pedagogical conditions for the formation of creative independence of adolescents" was developed and delivered for teachers of institutions of additional education for children, which received a positive assessment from students in Chelyabinsk and Zelenograd.

The study reflects the prospect of developing further scientific research on the designated problem:

Development of technology for designing educational programs for the formation of creative independence in the conditions of institutions of additional education for children;

Identification and substantiation of scientific and practical aspects of the interaction of institutions of additional education with other social institutions in the field of the formation of creative independence of children and adolescents, etc.

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The changes taking place in all spheres of the development of modern society give rise to an educational situation in which the personality of the teacher, his professional development is of particular importance. A highly qualified teacher, who is able to independently find non-standard, fundamentally new innovative solutions to professional pedagogical problems, is today one of the main actors in all transformations. Today, more than ever, the idea of ​​forming the creative independence of the future teacher is updated in the process of professional training.

An analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature indicates that in pedagogical theory and practice, ways were considered to develop students' independence of various levels: educational, educational, cognitive, research, creative. Researchers associate the development of independence with learning systems that develop independence (S. Frenet, V. Lai, P.F. Kapterev, etc.); with learning systems based on independence in the selection of the content of educational material, forms of its development (E. Collings, V.P. Vakhterov); with experience in solving practical problems through the implementation of research activities (T.G. Kalugina, G.A. Russkikh). Analysis of scientific works by S.V. Akmanova, V.B. Baziyan, N.V. Bochkina, T.E. Isaeva, O.V. Ionina, P.I. Pidkasistogo, T.D. Rechkina, M.A. Turkina, N.P. Chanilova et al. showed that many scientists consider independence as a quality of a person, which largely determines not only the effectiveness of performing professional duties, but also reflects the ability of a person to self-regulate their thinking.

In this regard, one of the tasks of a university teacher is the formation of independence as a character trait, as the basis of the competence of a future professional, which allows "without outside help, based on knowledge, skills, beliefs, life experience, to set goals, control the will and perseverance to achieve the goal ". In this regard, the role of a university teacher is changing, which consists not only in transferring certain knowledge to students, but in “stimulating their independent cognitive activity”, forming a constant need for self-improvement and development of research skills.

Taking into account different points of view on the understanding of independence, we draw attention to the fact that creative independence can be understood in two aspects: as a personality quality that reflects a person’s attitude to cognition, its results and conditions for implementation, attitude to educational activity as creative, contributing to transform existing knowledge into a new "state"; as an activity manifested in self-management of the process of creative transformation of the goals and results of learning. Consequently, creative independence as an activity is a purposeful creative activity controlled by the subject himself; as a quality of a personality, it is an integrative property of a personality that combines the desire for knowledge, the transformation of one's knowledge on the basis of creative search and the creation of a new, original product necessary for productive advancement at the level of knowledge.

We consider creative independence as an integral quality of a person, characterized by the ability to independently set the goal of educational and professional activity and predict its creative solution, update the necessary knowledge and ways to achieve it, plan and adjust their actions, correlate the result with the goal.

Exploring the process of developing the creative independence of university students, we single out its following components: motivational, activity, reflective and creative. Motivational component: the student realizes himself as a person, defines ideals, life plans, which is the main line of development of the motivating forces of creative independence. Activity component: choice of methods of creative activity, self-control. Reflective-creative component: assessment of the results of one's activities, positioning for creative activity.

The technology of formation of students' creative independence is considered by us as a purposeful, carefully thought-out interaction of the subjects of the educational process, a set of methods (forms, methods, methods of interaction), systematically and successively used in the process of professional training of the future teacher. Based on the common goal - the formation of the creative independence of the future teacher, the subgoals are the goals of the formation of motivational, activity, reflective and creative components at a level that ensures the successful solution of professional and pedagogical problems.

The goals of the technology for the formation of the creative independence of the future teacher involve determining the content that is adequate to them, in which the starting point is a set of creative tasks that the future teacher should be ready to solve. When designing the technology, the content of the main courses was supplemented by a series of specialized courses: "Organization of independent work of students", "Culture of solving creative problems", "Reflexive-pedagogical workshop", etc. An important element of the content of the technology is pedagogical practice, which provides an opportunity for solving creative problems and provides a comprehensive formation of all components of creative independence. A significant content component of the technology is the fulfillment by students of educational and creative tasks, the solution of creative problems that are directly related to pedagogical disciplines, their content, and the involvement of students in design and creative activities.

An important condition for ensuring the success of the formation of creative independence is the choice of ways to organize educational interaction between teachers and students, a combination of traditional forms and methods of teaching and ways of organizing a particular type of learning. The latter makes it possible to accept the role of the subject of the formation of creative independence by including it in the context of future professional and pedagogical activity to solve specific creative problems. The effectiveness of the technology for the formation of creative independence is associated with self-control, which is transferred to the beginning of mastering the method of solving creative problems and is extended to the entire process. In this case, the student's educational activity in the process of forming creative independence will be meaningful, conscious, will allow him to independently find and prevent mistakes made in the course of solving creative problems.

For the effective functioning of the technology for the formation of the creative independence of the future teacher, we have identified pedagogical conditions that ensure the effective development of the formed properties and qualities of the personality, which we have identified as: the inclusion of students in various forms and types of creative activity, suggesting that students are involved in educational, cognitive activities associated with creative search and creation of a creative result; enrichment of the content of education with techniques and methods that influence the motivational, volitional, emotional and activity spheres of the individual: reflexively stimulating, motivational stimulating, activity organizing; saturation of the educational and cognitive process with creative tasks that form the creative independence of students: tasks for reflective conjecture, intellectual search, creative interpretation, fascination, etc.).

In our opinion, the combination of these forms, techniques and interaction ensures the effectiveness of the technology for the formation of creative independence in students.

Bibliographic link

Kachalova L.P., Kachalov D.V., Kachalov A.V. TECHNOLOGY OF FORMATION OF CREATIVE INDEPENDENCE IN TEACHER STUDENTS // Modern Problems of Science and Education. - 2009. - No. 6-1 .;
URL: (date of access: 01.02.2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

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Creative independence of children of primary school age

Creative self-dependency in the primary school age

S.N. Bulgakov

To date, in the pedagogical and socio-psychological literature there is no single precise definition of the concept of independence. Famous psychologists (L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinshtein, A.N. Leontiev) define independence as a volitional property of the individual, as the ability to systematize, plan, regulate and actively carry out their activities without outside help.

Self-reliance is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. It can be interpreted and perceived in different ways: as a property or quality of a person, as an indicator of a person's activity, or as a criterion for his maturity.

Man as a person, writes L.I. Antsiferov, "always independently paves his own unique path" . This idea is continued by E. Ilyenkov, who says that a person can "independently determine the path of his life, his place in it, his business, interesting and important for everyone, including himself."

Independence is not an innate trait of a person, it is formed and develops at each age stage and has its own characteristics. As the child grows independent actions and skills are formed (first sit, stand, walk), and then they gradually become more complicated in the game, in the classroom, in the perception of the world around and in communication with other people.

You can call an independent child that child who is able to set goals for himself and achieve them, decideyour problems without outside help , according to their age. At 3 years old, an independent child ties his own shoelaces, at 7 years old he can organize his own breakfast or wash small things, and at 8 years old he can do his homework well.

The teacher in any interaction with children (lesson, conversation, game ...) should give the child the opportunity to show their independence, creating situations where:

  • independence is possible and within the power of the child;

  • independence, setting a goal and achieving it is prestigious and attractive for the child, and, of course, deserves encouragement;

  • independence is necessary to complete any task.
Independence in translation from English ( self-dependence refers to one's own independence, which tends to rely more on oneself than on others, and does not seek support from others.

Scientists, defining the concept of “independence”, are based on its various features: the types of activities of students, their motives, the degree of independence in completing tasks, self-esteem, creative activity, and others.