Evolution Final Test. Tests on the theory of evolution and atropogenesis

Option 1

A. Heraclitus
B. Aristotle
W. Linnaeus
G. Anaximenes

A. Metaphysical Views
B. Transformation
B. Creationism
D. There is no correct answer.

A. In 1809
B. In 1859
W. In 1897
G. In 1976

A. Breeding
B. Genetics
B. Physiology
D. Cytology

B. Heredity
B. Mutational variability
D. There is no correct answer.

A. Interspecies struggle
B. Intraspecific struggle
D. There is no correct answer.

A. Schmalhausen
B. Muller
V. Severtsov
G. Pearson

A. Demo coloring
B. Disguise
B. Mimicry
D. All answers are correct.

A. Idioadaptation
B. General degeneration
B. Aromorphosis
D. There is no correct answer.

A. Public lifestyle
B. Development of speech
B. Development of thinking
D. All answers are correct.

Option 2

A. Wallace
B. Darwin
W. Linnaeus
G. Lamarck

A. Lamarck
B. Darwin
V. Severtsov
G. Linnaeus

A. 1987
B. 1859
B. 1895
G. 1867

D. Mutational variability and natural selection

A. Waves of life
B. Gene drift
B. Population waves
D. Insulation

6. Convergence is…
A. Convergence of signs
B. Divergence of signs
D. There is no correct answer.

A. In the Mesozoic
B. In the Paleozoic
B. In the Cenozoic
D. There is no correct answer.

8. Agrocenoses include ...
A. Lug
B. The edge of the forest
V. Shallow river
D. There is no correct answer.

9. Name the inert substance:
A. Soil
B. Gas
B. Microorganisms
D. Meteorites

A. Aromorphosis
B. Divergence
B. Mimicry
D. There is no correct answer.

Option 3

1. Cuvier adhered to ...
A. Creationist Views
B. Views of transformism
B. Metaphysical views
D. There is no correct answer.

A. Chromosome doubling
B. Fusion of cell nuclei
D. All answers are correct.

A. Mimicry
B. Disguise
B. Demonstration coloring
D. There is no correct answer.

A. Müller and Haeckel
B. Severtsov and Schmalhausen
W. Hardy & Weinberg
D. There is no correct answer.

A. Aromorphoses
B. Atavisms
B. Idioadaptation
D. There is no correct answer.

B. Seed protection
D. All answers are correct.

A. Propliopithecines
B. Dryopithecus
V. Parapithecus
D. Neoanthropes

A. Paleogene period
B. Neogene period
B. Anthropogenic period
D. There is no correct answer.

A. Inert substance
B. Nutrient
B. Living matter
D. Bio-inert substance

A. Labor activity
B. Hereditary variability
B. Gene drift
D. Population waves
D. Public lifestyle
E. Development of speech
G. Insulation
H. Development of thinking

Responses to Option 1

1. Who wrote in his writings that man and animals have a single plan of creation?
A. Heraclitus
*B. Aristotle
W. Linnaeus
G. Anaximenes

2. In the Middle Ages, science was dominated by ...
*BUT. metaphysical views
B. Transformation
B. Creationism
D. There is no correct answer.

3. The first evolutionary theory was developed
*BUT. In 1809
B. In 1859
W. In 1897
G. In 1976

4. Breeding new varieties and breeds of plants and animals is engaged in ...
*BUT. Selection
B. Genetics
B. Physiology
D. Cytology

5. All new signs arise as a result of ...
A. Combinative variability
B. Heredity
*AT. mutational variability
D. There is no correct answer.

6. Which of the types of struggle for existence is the most acute?
*BUT. Interspecies struggle
B. Dealing with adverse conditions
B. Intraspecific struggle
D. There is no correct answer.

7. The law of stabilizing crossing established ...
A. Schmalhausen
B. Muller
V. Severtsov
*G. Pearson

8. The similarity between unprotected and protected species is…
A. Demo coloring
B. Disguise
*AT. Mimicry
D. All answers are correct.

9. The morphophysiological process that leads to the simplification of organisms, to morphophysiological regression is ...
A. Idioadaptation
*B. General degeneration
B. Aromorphosis
D. There is no correct answer.

10. Name the social factor of anthropogenesis:
A. Public lifestyle
B. Development of speech
B. Development of thinking
*G. All answers are correct

Responses to Option 2

1. The first to propose an evolutionary theory was ...
A. Wallace
B. Darwin
W. Linnaeus
*G. Lamarck

2. Which of the scientists divided all wildlife into two kingdoms?
A. Lamarck
B. Darwin
V. Severtsov
*G. Linnaeus

3. About the main driving force of evolution in his brilliant work, Darwin wrote in ...
A. 1987
*B. 1859
B. 1895
G. 1867

4. Darwin's theory explains the emergence of fitness ...
A. Combinative variability and natural selection
B. Combinative variability and artificial selection
B. Mutational variability and artificial selection
*G. Mutational variability and natural selection

5. A directed change in the frequency of occurrence of individual genes is ...
A. Waves of life
*B. Gene drift
B. Population waves
D. Insulation

6. Convergence is…
*BUT. Convergence of signs
B. Divergence of signs
B. Transformation of the structure and functions of the body
D. There is no correct answer.

7. The common ancestors of man and great apes lived ...
*BUT. In the Mesozoic
B. In the Paleozoic
B. In the Cenozoic
D. There is no correct answer.

8. Agrocenoses include ...
A. Lug
B. The edge of the forest
V. Shallow river
*G. There is no correct answer

9. Name the inert substance:
A. Soil
B. Gas
B. Microorganisms
*G. meteorites

10. Private adaptation of organisms to a certain way of life in specific environmental conditions is ...
A. Aromorphosis
B. Divergence
B. Mimicry
*G. There is no correct answer

Reply to Option 3

1. Cuvier adhered to ...
A. Creationist Views
B. Views of transformism
*AT. metaphysical views
D. There is no correct answer.

2. In plant breeding, polyploid forms are often obtained. Polyploidy is based on:
A. Chromosome doubling
B. Fusion of cell nuclei
B. Violation of the division process
*G. All answers are correct

3. Some harmless non-venomous snakes have acquired a significant resemblance to poisonous ones, which helps them avoid predators - this phenomenon is called ...
*BUT. Mimicry
B. Disguise
B. Demonstration coloring
D. There is no correct answer.

4. Biogenetic law formulated:
*BUT. Müller and Haeckel
B. Severtsov and Schmalhausen
W. Hardy & Weinberg
D. There is no correct answer.

5. Underdeveloped organs that have lost their significance in the process of evolution are ...
A. Aromorphoses
B. Atavisms
B. Idioadaptation
*G. There is no correct answer

6. Among the seminal angiosperms are the most developed. Their aromorphoses are expressed in ...
A. The appearance of a special reproductive organ - a flower
B. Seed protection
B. Development of double fertilization
*G. All answers are correct

7. The common ancestors of orangutans, gibbons and great apes were ...
A. Propliopithecines
B. Dryopithecus
*AT. Parapithecus
D. Neoanthropes

8. In what period of the Cenozoic era did a branch separate from the insectivorous placentals, which then led to the appearance of parapithecus?
*BUT. Paleogene period
B. Neogene period
B. Anthropogenic period
D. There is no correct answer.

9. The main substance of the biosphere, according to Vernadsky, is ...
A. Inert substance
B. Nutrient
*AT. Living matter
D. Bio-inert substance

10. Name the biological factors of evolution:
A. Labor activity
*B. hereditary variability
*AT. Gene drift
*G. population waves
D. Public lifestyle
E. Development of speech
*AND. Insulation
H. Development of thinking

edited news admin - 11-02-2011, 17:57

Biology test to test the knowledge of students in grades 9-11 on the topic:


Choose 1 correct answer:

A1. Natural selection acting under constant environmental conditions is called:

1) artificial

2) stabilizing

3) driving

4) sexual

A2. The limits of modification variability are called:

1) correlations

2) reaction rate

3) mutations

4) modifications

1) aromorphosis

2) idioadaptation

3) degeneration

4) biological regression

A4. Among the driving forces of evolution, leading to the emergence of adaptations in living organisms to the environment, the guiding character is

1) struggle for existence

2) artificial selection

3) natural selection

4) waves of life

A5. The result of evolution is

1) creation of new strains of microorganisms

2) the emergence of new drought-resistant plant varieties

3) the emergence of new animal species

4) breeding more productive breeds of livestock

A6. Macroevolution leads to

1) the formation of new species

2) supraspecific transformations, the formation of genera, families,

squads, etc.

3) change in the gene pool of the population, its isolation and

formation of subspecies and races

4) changes in genotypes in individual individuals of large mammals

A7. An example of idioadaptation is

1) the emergence of the circulatory system in annelids

3) variety of coloring of feathers in birds

4) reduction in the range of the Ussuri tiger

A8. Modification variability in contrast to mutational

1) is inherited

2) leads to the death of an individual

3) is associated with a change in chromosomes

4) not inherited

A9. The elementary evolutionary unit is

1) biocenosis

2) individual

3) gender

4) population

A10. The result of motive selection is

1) preservation of the reaction rate

2) the emergence of new species

3) weakening the struggle for existence

4) preservation of old species

A11. Microevolution is

1) the evolution of microorganisms

2) evolution of biocenoses

3) evolutionary changes are so insignificant that they do not lead

to speciation

4) evolutionary processes in populations leading to


A12. Changes associated with a reduction in the range and number of individuals of a species are called

1) aromorphosis

2) biological progress

3) degeneration

4) biological progress

A13. An example of aromorphosis is

1) the appearance of a long neck in a giraffe

2) reduction of the organs of vision in a mole

3) the appearance of horns in a cow

4) the appearance of lungs in amphibians

A14. The reaction rate is

1) the limits of the modification variability of the trait

2) combinative variability

3) limits of mutational variability of a trait

4) modification variability

A15. The population of the Colorado potato beetle in Europe far exceeded its population in the same area in America due to

1) warmer winters

2) more humid climate

3) richer forage base

4) lack of natural enemies

A16. Hereditary variability is important for evolution, as it contributes to

1) an increase in the genetic heterogeneity of individuals in a population

2) acceleration of natural selection

3) a decrease in the genetic heterogeneity of individuals in a population

4) aggravation of the struggle for existence

A17. The result of evolution is

1) variety of species

2) natural selection

3) heredity

4) variability

1) biological progress

2) idioadaptation

3) degeneration

4) biological regression

A19. Idioadaptation in flowering plants is

1) the appearance of the seed

2) the appearance of a flower

3) the appearance of endosperm

4) a variety of flowers

A20. Combinative variability of traits is manifested when

1) sexual reproduction

2) reproduction by spores

3) vegetative propagation

4) asexual reproduction

A21. The type of selection that operates in populations living in almost constant environmental conditions is called

1) driving

2) tearing

3) sexual

4) stabilizing

A22. In nature, there are about 350 thousand plant species and more than 1.5 million animal species, which are considered as

1) the reason for evolution

2) the result of evolution

3) driving forces of evolution

A23. An example of general degeneration in evolution is

1) lack of hair in dolphins and whales

2) underdevelopment of the organs of vision in a mole

3) the disappearance of the tail of the tadpole

A24. The founder of the evolutionary doctrine is

1) Dokuchaev

2) Haeckel

3) Darwin

4) Vernadsky

A25. Selection made by a person without a specific goal is called

1) spontaneous

2) bulk

3) methodical

4) sexual

A26. The factor of evolution, which consists in the appearance of barriers to the free interbreeding of individuals, is called

1) modification

2) insulation

3) population waves

4) natural selection

A27. The struggle for existence, natural selection, hereditary variability are manifested in the population. Therefore, the population is considered

1) ecosystem unit

2) a component of the biosphere

3) unit of evolution

4) structural unit of the species

A28. Comparative anatomical evidence for evolution includes

    law of germinal resemblance

    the presence of transitional forms

    general plan of the structure of vertebrates

    the presence of fossil remains of ancestral forms

A29. Idioadaptation in animals is

    protective coloration

    second circle of blood circulation


    pulmonary respiration

A30. Large systematic groups (types, classes, ...) in the process of evolution arise by

    biological progress

    biological regression



Answers to the test questions:



































































Biology test Grade 11

Topic: "Evolutionary doctrine"

Option 1

Part A. one correct answer to the question.

    K. Linnaeus made a significant contribution to the development of biology. he:

A) introduced into practice the principle of double species names (genus and species)

B) developed the doctrine of the struggle for existence, classifying it into two main forms

C) developed an understanding of the various forms of variability and their significance in evolution

D) created the first theory of the origin of man

    Name the form of natural selection that results in industrial melanism in the moth butterfly:

A) disruptive B) directed C) channeling D) transitive

    Name the scientist who, in his taxonomy, divided all animals into "blood-bearing" and "bloodless"

A) C. Darwin B) Aristotle C) Empedocles D) J.B. Lamarck

    Under the irreversible process of historical change of living beings and their communities is understood:

A) struggle for existence B) natural selection

C) evolution D) development of life on Earth

    Name the scientist who believed that tissues arose first, then organs, and then organisms

A) C. Linnaeus B) Aristotle C) Empedocles D) J.B. Lamarck

D) self-pollinating plants

    What form of natural selection was called the "scissors of evolution", because it preserves two different deviations from the mean norm:

AT) trophic interspecific struggle D) trophic intraspecific struggle

    What is the main difference between natural selection and other evolutionary factors:

A) leads to a change in the gene pool of populations and species

B) is universal

B) is directional

D) has continuity of action

    What form of natural selection preserves intraspecific polymorphism (diversity)

Part B. three

    From the proposed list, select the signs of the driving form of natural selection:

D) leads only to an increase in the sign;

    From the proposed list, select the views and contribution to science of K. Linnaeus:

Part C. When solving the tasks of part C, give a complete answer to the question

    Using knowledge about the driving forces of evolution (heredity, variability (mutations) and natural selection), explain how the phenomenon of industrial melanism in the birch moth butterfly arose in nature. What form of natural selection is at work in this phenomenon?

Biology test Grade 11

Topic: "Evolutionary doctrine"

Option 2

Part A. When solving tasks of part A, selectone correct answer to the question.

    What is the form of natural selection, due to which microbes and insects develop resistance to antibiotics and pesticides:

A) directed B) channeling C) balanced D) transitive

    What is the term that denotes a complex of various relationships between an organism and factors of animate and inanimate nature:

A) adaptation B) natural selection

C) struggle for existence D) survival

    Natural selection:

A) always leads to an increase in a certain trait;

B) does not change the characteristics of living organisms;

C) can lead not only to the strengthening of the trait, but also to its weakening up to complete disappearance;

D) always leads to a weakening of a certain feature.

A) trophic interspecific competition B) trophic intraspecific competition

C) trophic interspecific struggle D) trophic intraspecific struggle

A) C. Darwin B) Aristotle C) C. Linnaeus D) J.B. Lamarck

    Which of the adaptations is the result of the intraspecific struggle for existence:

A) a long root at a camel's thorn;

B) the preservation of the remains of leaves in the form of thorns in cacti;

C) the formation of a stock of fat in the hump of a camel;

D) the bright color of male pheasants.

    Name a scientist who believed that evolution is based on the conscious desire of organisms to improve:

A) C. Darwin B) Aristotle C) C. Linnaeus D) J.B. Lamarck

    What form of selection can be reversible:

A) directed B) channeling C) balanced D) transitive

    What is the main reason for such a phenomenon as the struggle for existence:

A) the presence of an excessive number of individuals and a lack of livelihoods

B) adverse effects on organisms of environmental factors

C) adverse effects on the body of individuals of their own and another species

D) the contradiction between the desire of organisms to survive and multiply and the relativity of the adaptability of organisms to the environment

    Name a form of natural selection exemplified by the following phenomenon: The African sailboat species of butterflies has several color forms, each of which imitates a certain type of poisonous butterfly:

A) directed B) moving C) disruptive D) transitive

    What is the direct consequence (result) of the struggle for existence:

A) the formation of fitness; B) natural selection;

C) the formation of new species; D) an increase in the diversity of individuals

    Name a group of organisms in which motive natural selection is practically impossible:

A) plants that reproduce vegetatively (asexually)

B) plants pollinated by wind or insects

C) pure lines (purebred individuals)

D) self-pollinating plants

    Name the type of struggle for existence that is the most intense:

A) interspecific B) intraspecific

C) between organisms and the environment D) reproductive competition

Part B. When solving the tasks of part B, selectthree correct answer to the question.

1. From the proposed list, select the signs of a stabilizing form of natural selection:

A) acts when environmental conditions change;

B) operates under stable, unchanged environmental conditions;

C) can lead not only to the strengthening of the trait, but also to its weakening up to complete disappearance;

D) the action is aimed at the destruction of individuals bearing signs that deviate significantly from the average norm;

E) the action is aimed at preserving the norm of the attribute that has developed under the given conditions;

E) leads to a shift in the average value of the trait, to the emergence of a new optimal average value.

2. From the proposed list, select the views and contribution to science Zh.B. Lamarck:

A) considered the species to be a real and elementary unit of living nature;

B) believed that the basis of evolution is the conscious desire of organisms to improve;

C) to designate species, he introduced a binary (double) nomenclature of names;

D) created the first evolutionary theory;

D) believed that acquired traits are inherited;

E) built the first scientific system of wildlife, which included all the animals and plants known at that time.

Part C. When solving the tasks of part C, give a complete answer to the question

1. Using knowledge about the driving forces of evolution (heredity, variability (mutations) and natural selection), explain how the phenomenon of intraspecific polymorphism (different shades of shells) in snails arose in nature. What form of natural selection is at work in this phenomenon?

1 option

1. The emergence of new combinations of already existing genes is variability a) hereditary b) combinative c) both answers are correct

2. According to Darwin, the variability characteristic of all organisms of a species is called a) definite b) indefinite c) correlative

3. Insects resistant to pesticides, the result of selection a) driving b) disruptive c) stabilizing

4. Speciation associated with the expansion of the range is a) geographical b) ecological c) sympatric

5. Polyploidy is a) a multiple increase in the number of chromosomes b) an increase by several chromosomes c) a decrease by several chromosomes

6. Species lead to biological progress a) aromorphosis and idioadaptation b) degeneration c) both answers are correct

7. A hidden reserve of hereditary variability is formed by mutations a) somatic b) dominant c) recessive

8. Genetic drift is a) random fluctuations in gene frequencies b) relocation of organisms to another population c) mutations

9. The adaptation of the organism to specific environmental conditions is a) aromorphosis b) idioadaptation c) degeneration

10. Separate non-hereditary changes are a) mutations b) modifications c) no answer

11. Gene mutations cause a) an increase in fitness b) disrupt metabolism c) promote the growth of organisms

12. Actively changes the gene pool of modern man a) natural selection b) isolation c) mutations

13. Chromosomal mutations are changes a) in genes b) in the structure of chromosomes c) their number

14. Lamarck believed that species a) do not change b) do not exist c) exist

15. Hair loss in whales is a) aromorphosis b) idioadaptation c) degeneration

16. A sign with a narrow reaction norm a) fat content of milk b) color c) both answers are correct

17. The results of natural selection are a) fitness b) diversity of species c) both answers are correct

18. Evolutionary factors of non-directing significance a) natural selection b (waves of life and isolation c) no answer

19. Doubling the number of individual chromosomes are mutations a) genomic b) chromosomal c) polyploidy

20. Different varieties of potatoes belong to a) the same species b) different species c) no answer

21. The struggle for existence leads only to a) regulation of the population b) improvement of the species c) no answer

22. Linnaeus believed that species a) exist b) do not change c) both answers are correct

23. Variability that occurs suddenly in individual organisms, Darwin called a) correlative b) indefinite c) definite

24. Microevolution is a process that takes place within a) species b) type c) class

25. Polyploidy in plants leads to a) increased productivity b) increased fitness c) both answers are correct


Option 2

1. The loss of individual chromosomes is a mutation a) genomic b) chromosomal c) gene

2. Animals of different breeds interbreed and give fertile offspring, because it is- a) different species b) it is one species c) no answer

3. Genetic drift can retain signs that are a) beneficial for the body b) harmful c) both answers are correct

4. Lamarck believed that species a) do not exist b) change c) both answers are correct

5. Relations between organisms of the same species are a struggle for existence a) intraspecific b) interspecific b) with adverse environmental conditions

6. Large systematic groupings arise as a result of a) aromorphosis b) idioadaptation c) degeneration

7. Evolutionary factors of directing significance a) isolation b) mutations c) natural selection

8. If organisms interbreed, but do not produce fertile offspring, then they belong to a) the same species b) different c) no answer

9. Sign with a wide reaction rate a) fat content of milk b) milk yield c) color

10. A great influence on the genotype of modern man has a) natural selection b) isolation c) the mutation process

11. Mutations that disrupt metabolism are a) genomic b) gene c) chromosomal

12. Ecological speciation is associated with a) expansion of the range b) its gap c) development of new habitats in the former range

13. Random changes in the frequency of occurrence of genes are a) waves of life b) drift of genes c) mutations

14. The role of the selecting factor in natural selection is played by a) a person b) environmental conditions c) living organisms

15. The emergence of new combinations of already existing genes is variability a) co-carrier b) combinative c) mutational

16. Separate non-hereditary changes are a) mutations b) modifications c) no answer

17. Industrial melanism is selection a) disruptive b) driving c) stabilizing

18. The struggle for existence a) is useful for the species b) is harmful to individual organisms c) both answers are correct

19. Genomic mutations are mutations a) reducing the number of chromosomes b) increasing c) both answers are correct

20. The process of feature divergence is a) divergence b) convergence c) no answer

21. Linnaeus believed that species a) do not exist b) do not change c) change

22. Simplification of organization is a) aromorphosis b) degeneration c) idioadaptation

23. A multiple increase in the number of chromosomes is a) heteroploidy b) polyploidy c) deletion

24. Polyploidy in animals a) increases fitness b) leads to the death of embryos and embryos c) enhances growth

25. On islands with strong winds, disruptive selection preserves insects a) with well-developed wings b) with underdeveloped wings c) both answers are correct

Test on the topic "Evolutionary doctrine"

Choose the correct answers

1. The gray rat displaces the black one. What kind of fight is this?

a - intraspecific; b - interspecific; c - struggle with adverse environmental conditions.

2. The system of double Latin names in biological science was introduced by:

a - Linnaeus; b - Lamarck; c - Cuvier; Mr Darwin.

3. The appearance of new species leads to:

a - driving selection; b – stabilizing selection; c - sexual selection.

4. Evolution is:

a - individual development of organisms;

b - change of individuals;

c - historical irreversible development of the organic world;

d - changes in the life of plants and animals.

5. The French naturalist who created the first evolutionary theory was:
a - Cuvier; b - Lamarck; c - Linnaeus; Mr. Darwin

6. The main driving force of evolution is:

a - divergence of features;

b - adaptability to environmental conditions;

c - heredity;

d - natural selection.

7. The system of double Latin names in biological science was introduced by:

a - Linnaeus; b - Cuvier; c – Lamarck; Mr Darwin.

8. The totality of external and internal signs of the body:

a – karyotype; b - genotype; c – phenotype; d - genome.

9. The most intense struggle for existence:

a - struggle with environmental conditions; b - interspecific; c - intraspecific; d - all three types of struggle are equal.

10. Changes associated with a reduction in the range and number of individuals of a species are called:

a - aromorphosis;

b - biological progress;

c - degeneration;

d - biological regression.