Tension force measurement. Reinforced concrete structures

GOST 22362-77

Group G39



Methods for measuring the tension force of reinforcement

Reinforced concrete structures. Method for
determination of reinforcement tencioning tendon

Introduction date 1977-07-01

APPROVED by the Decree of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction of February 1, 1977 N 4


This standard applies to reinforced concrete prestressed structures manufactured with reinforcement tension by mechanical, electrothermal, electrothermomechanical methods, and establishes the following methods for measuring the tension force of reinforcement:

gravitational method of measurement;

measurement method according to dynamometer readings;

method of measurement according to pressure gauge readings;

method of measurement by the magnitude of the elongation of the reinforcement;

measurement by the method of transverse stretching of reinforcement;

frequency measurement method.

1. General Provisions

1. General Provisions

1.1. The application of the method of measuring the tension force of the reinforcement is established in the working drawings, standards or specifications for prestressed reinforced concrete structures.

1.2. The measurement of the tension force of the reinforcement is carried out in the process of its tension or after the tension is completed.

1.3. To measure the tension force of the reinforcement, devices are used - PRDU, IPN-7, PIN, which have passed state tests and are recommended for mass production.

Schemes and technical characteristics of the devices are given in Appendix 1. Other devices that meet the requirements of this standard may also be used.

1.4. The instruments used to measure the tension force of the reinforcement must be verified in accordance with GOST 8.002-86 and have calibration characteristics made in the form of tables or graphs.

1.5. Before use, the device must be checked for compliance with the instructions for use. The procedure for carrying out measurements must comply with the procedure provided for in this instruction.

1.6. The results of measuring the tension force of the reinforcement should be recorded in a log, the form of which is given in Appendix 2.

2. Gravitational method for measuring the tension force of reinforcement

2.1. The gravitational method is based on establishing the relationship between the tension force of the reinforcement and the mass of loads that tension it.

2.2. The gravitational method is used in cases where the tension is carried out by loads directly through a system of levers or chain hoists.

2.3. To measure the tensile force of the reinforcement, the mass of the loads is measured, by which the tensile force of the reinforcement is determined, taking into account the system for transferring force from the loads to the tensioned reinforcement, friction losses and other losses, if any. Accounting for losses in the system for transferring tension from loads to reinforcement is carried out by a dynamometer when calibrating the system.

2.4. The mass of goods must be measured with an error of up to 2.5%.

3. Measuring the tension force of the reinforcement according to the dynamometer readings

3.1. The method of measuring the tensile force of reinforcement according to the dynamometer readings is based on the relationship between the tensile force and the deformations of the dynamometer.

3.2. The dynamometer is included in the armature power circuit between the end stops or beyond them in such a way that the tensile force of the armature is perceived by the dynamometer.

3.3. The tension force of the reinforcement is determined by the calibration characteristic of the dynamometer.

3.4. When a dynamometer is included in a chain of several parallel reinforcing elements, the total tension force is measured. The magnitude of the tension force in each element can be determined by one of the methods indicated in Sec. 5, 6 and 7 of this standard.

3.5. To measure the tension force of the reinforcement, exemplary dynamometers are used according to GOST 9500-84. It is allowed to use other dynamometers with an accuracy class of at least 2.5.

3.6. The values ​​of the readings obtained should be within 30 - 100% of the dynamometer scale.

4. Measuring the tension force of the reinforcement according to the readings of the manometer

4.1. The method of measuring the tensile force according to the pressure gauge is based on the relationship between the pressure in the jack cylinder, measured by the pressure gauge, and the tensile force of the reinforcement.

4.2. The measurement of the tension force of the reinforcement according to the readings of the manometer is used when tensioning it with hydraulic jacks. The determination of the metrological characteristics of hydraulic jacks is carried out according to GOST 8.136-74.

4.3. The determination of the tension force of the reinforcement according to the readings of the pressure gauge is carried out directly in the process of tension and is completed when the force is transferred from the jack to the stops of the form or stand.

4.4. With a group tension of the reinforcement, the total force is determined. The magnitude of the tension force of each element is determined by one of the methods indicated in Sec. 5, 6 and 7 of this standard.

4.5. To measure the tensile force of the reinforcement, exemplary pressure gauges are used according to GOST 8625-77 with hydraulic jacks.

4.6. The accuracy class of pressure gauges, determined in accordance with GOST 8.401-80, must be at least 1.5.

4.7. When measuring the tension force according to the readings of the manometer, the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the obtained values ​​\u200b\u200bshould be within 30-90% of the manometer scale.

4.8. When tensioning the reinforcement with hydraulic jacks, the same pressure gauges are installed in the hydraulic system with which the calibration was carried out.

5. Measuring the tensile force of the reinforcement by the magnitude of its elongation

5.1. The method of measuring the tension force by the elongation of prestressed reinforcement is based on the dependence of the elongation of the reinforcement on the magnitude of the stresses, which, taking into account the cross-sectional area of ​​the reinforcement, determines the tension force.

5.2. The method of measuring the tensile force of reinforcement by the magnitude of its elongation, due to its relatively low accuracy, is not used independently, but in combination with other methods given in sections 3, 4, 6 and 7 of this standard.

The relatively low accuracy of this method is due to the variability of the elastic-plastic properties of reinforcing steel, as well as the deformability of shapes and stops.

5.3. To measure the tensile force by the elongation value, it is necessary to determine the true elongation of the reinforcing element when it is tensioned and to have a "stress-elongation" diagram of the reinforcement.

5.4. The calculation of the elongation of reinforcing steel in the absence of a "stress-elongation" diagram is allowed to be carried out according to the formula given in Appendix 3.

5.5. With the electrothermal method of tension with heating outside the mold, the length of the reinforcing element is assigned in advance, taking into account the elastic-plastic properties of steel, the length of the mold, stress losses due to deformation of the molds, displacement and collapse of the reinforcement stops, and is systematically controlled. These losses are established at the beginning of production and are checked periodically.

5.6. The method of measuring the tensile force by elongation of the reinforcement is used in combination with the methods of measuring the tensile force according to the readings of a pressure gauge or dynamometer. In this case, the moment of the beginning of the displacement of the arrow of the pressure gauge or dynamometer is fixed, and then the elongation of the reinforcement is measured.

5.7. To measure the length of the reinforcement, form or stand and elongations when tensioning the reinforcement, the following are used:

metal measuring rulers according to GOST 427-75;

metal measuring tapes according to GOST 7502-80;

calipers according to GOST 166-80.

5.8. The tensile force of the reinforcement by its elongation is determined as the product of its cross-sectional area by the magnitude of the stress. In this case, the cross-sectional area of ​​​​the reinforcement taken from the batch is determined in accordance with clause 2.3 of GOST 12004-81.

5.9. The stress value is determined from the tensile diagram of reinforcement taken from the same batch. The diagram is constructed in accordance with clause 8 of GOST 12004-81.

5.10. The magnitude of the elongation of the reinforcement is measured by instruments installed directly on the reinforcement; dial indicators according to GOST 577-68; lever strain gauges according to GOST 18957-73 or the measuring instruments specified in clause 5.7 according to the risks applied to the reinforcement.

5.11. In the case of electrothermal tension of reinforcement with heating outside the mold, the magnitude of elongations causing reinforcement stress is determined as the difference between total elongations and losses due to collapse of anchors and deformation of the mold.

5.12. The total elongation of the reinforcement is defined as the difference between the distances between the stops of the force form or stand and the length of the reinforcement blank between the anchors, measured at the same temperature.

5.13. The value of "collapse of anchors" is determined according to the test data of anchors in accordance with clause 3.9 of GOST 10922-75.

5.14. Form deformations at the level of the stops are determined as the difference in the distances between them before and after the reinforcement is tensioned with the tool specified in clause 5.7.

5.15. The measurement of the tension force by the magnitude of the elongation can be carried out during the tension process and after its completion.

6. Measuring the tensile force of the reinforcement by the method of transverse bracing

6.1. The method is based on establishing the relationship between the force pulling the reinforcement by a given value in the transverse direction and the tension force of the reinforcement.

6.2. The transverse guying of the reinforcement can be performed on the full length of the reinforcement stretched between the stops of the form (pulling on the basis of the form), and on the basis of the stops of the device itself (devices with their own base).

6.3. When pulling the reinforcement on the basis of the form, the device rests on the form, which is a link in the measurement chain. With tool-based guying, the tool contacts the rebar at three points, but is not in contact with the mold.

6.4. When measuring the tensile force of the reinforcement by the method of transverse bracing, there should be no residual deformations in the reinforcement.

6.5. When measuring the tension force of the reinforcement by the pull method, mechanical devices of the PRDU type or electromechanical devices of the PIN type are used.

6.6. The instruments used must have an accuracy class of at least 1.5; the value of the scale division should not exceed 1% of the upper limit value of the controlled tension.

6.7. The error of the calibration characteristic should not exceed ±4%.

An example of estimating the error in determining the calibration characteristic is given in Reference Appendix 4.

6.8. The place of installation of electromechanical devices must be at least 5 m away from sources of electrical interference.

6.9. The ratio of the deflection of the reinforcement to its length should not exceed:

1:150 - for wire, rod and rope fittings with a diameter of up to 12 mm;

1:300 - for rod and cable fittings with a diameter of more than 12 mm.

6.10. When measuring the tension force of the reinforcement, the device with its own base is installed on the reinforcement at any place along its length. In this case, the joints of the reinforcement should not be located within the base of the device.

6.11. When measuring the tension force of the reinforcement with instruments without their own base (with a guy on the basis of the form), the instruments are installed in the middle of the span between the stops (drawing). The displacement of the installation site of the devices from the middle of the span should not exceed 2% of the length of the reinforcement.

Scheme of installation of devices when measuring the tension force of reinforcement

The form; - PIN device; - device IPN-7;
- fittings; - stops; - PRDU device

7. Frequency method for measuring the tension force of reinforcement

7.1. The frequency method is based on the relationship between the stress in the armature and the frequency of its natural transverse oscillations, which are established in the tensioned armature after a certain time after it is taken out of equilibrium by a blow or some other impulse.

7.2. To measure the tensile force of the reinforcement by the frequency method, the IPN-7 device is used (without its own base).

7.3. The IPN-7 device measures the number of vibrations of tensioned reinforcement for a certain time, which determines the tension force, taking into account the calibration characteristic for a given class, diameter and length of reinforcement.

7.4. The instruments used must ensure the measurement of the natural vibration frequency of the armature with an error not exceeding ±1.5%.

7.5. The relative error in determining the reinforcement tension force should not exceed ±4%.

7.6. The place of installation of frequency devices should be at least 5 m away from the source of electrical interference.

7.7. The primary measuring transducer, when measuring the tension force of the reinforcement with instruments without its own base, should be placed on the section of the reinforcement, spaced from the middle of its length at a distance not exceeding 2%.

Controlled reinforcement along its entire length during oscillation should not come into contact with adjacent reinforcing elements, embedded parts and a form.

8. Determination of the calibration characteristics of instruments

8.1. Determination of calibration characteristics of devices is carried out by comparing the readings of the device with a given force, fixed according to the readings of a dynamometer with an accuracy class of at least 1.0, installed in series with the tensioned reinforcement.

It is allowed to determine the calibration characteristics of pressure gauges without fittings by comparing the readings of a pressure gauge and a reference dynamometer installed in series with a hydraulic jack.

8.2. When calibrating partings, the maximum tension force of the reinforcement must exceed the nominal design tension force of the reinforcement by the value of the permissible positive deviation. The minimum force must be no more than 50% of the nominal design value.

The number of loading stages should be at least 8, and the number of measurements at each stage should be at least 3.

8.3. At the maximum tensile force of the reinforcement, the reading of the exemplary dynamometer should be at least 50% of its scale.

8.4. Determination of the calibration characteristics of instruments used to measure the tensile force of reinforcement by the transverse drawing method and the frequency method.

8.4.1. Determination of the calibration characteristics of devices should be made for each class and dynamometer of reinforcement, and for devices without their own base - for each class, diameter and length of reinforcement.

8.4.2. The length of reinforcing elements, the tension force in which is measured by devices with their own base, must exceed the length of the base of the device by at least 1.5 times.

8.4.3. When measuring the tensile force of reinforcement with instruments without their own base:

the length of the reinforcing elements during graduation should not differ from the length of the controlled elements by more than 2%;

the deviation of the location of the device or the sensor of the device from the middle of the length of the armature should not exceed 2% of the length of the armature for mechanical devices and 5% for frequency-type devices.

8.5. An example of constructing a calibration characteristic for a PRDU instrument is given in Reference Appendix 4.

9. Determination and evaluation of the tension force of reinforcement

9.1. The tension force of the reinforcement is determined as the arithmetic mean of the measurement results. The number of measurements must be at least 2.

9.2. The reinforcement tension force is assessed by comparing the values ​​​​of the reinforcement tension forces obtained during the measurement with the tension force specified in the standard or working drawings for reinforced concrete structures; in this case, the deviation of the measurement results should not exceed the permissible deviations.

9.3. Evaluation of the results of determining the tensile strength of the reinforcement by its elongation is carried out by comparing the actual elongation with the elongation determined by the calculation.

The actual elongation should not differ from the calculated values ​​by more than 20%.

An example of calculating the elongation of reinforcing steel is given in Appendix 3.

10. Safety requirements

10.1. To measure the tensile force of the reinforcement, persons trained in safety regulations, who have studied the design of the equipment and the technology for measuring the tensile force are allowed.

10.2. Measures must be developed and strictly implemented to ensure compliance with safety requirements in the event of a break in the reinforcement when measuring the tensile force.

10.3. Persons who are not involved in the measurement of the tension force of the reinforcement should not be in the area of ​​the tensioned reinforcement.

10.4. For persons involved in measuring the tensile strength of the reinforcement, reliable protection must be provided with shields, nets or portable specially equipped cabins, removable inventory clamps and visors that protect against the ejection of grips and broken reinforcement bars.

Annex 1 (informative). Schemes and technical characteristics of devices PRDU, IPN-7 and PIN

Attachment 1

PRDU device

The operation of the PRDU device when measuring the tension force of rod reinforcement and ropes is based on the elastic retraction of the reinforcing element in the middle of the span between the stops, and when measuring the tension force of the wire - on its retraction based on the device's thrust frame. The deformation of the spring of the device is measured with a dial indicator according to GOST 577-68, which is the reading of the device.

A constant movement of the system of two serially connected links is created transverse to the axis of the reinforcement: a tensioned reinforcing element and a spring of the device.

With an increase in the force of the tensioned reinforcement, the resistance to the transverse guy increases and its movement decreases, and therefore the deformation of the device spring increases, i.e. instrument indicator readings.

The calibration characteristic of the device depends on the diameter and length of the reinforcement when working on the basis of a mold, and only on the diameter - when working on the basis of a thrust frame.

The PRDU device consists of a body, a hinge with a guide tube, a lead screw with a limb and a handle, a spring with a spherical nut, a tension hook, an indicator, an emphasis or a thrust frame (Fig. 1 of this appendix).

Scheme of the device PRDU

emphasis; - spring; - indicator; - frame; - hinge;

Limbo with handle; - own base; - hook

When measuring the tension force of rod reinforcement and ropes, the device is installed with emphasis on a stand, pallet or form. The gripping hook is brought under the rod or rope and by rotating the lead screw by its handle, contact with the rod or rope is ensured. By further rotation of the lead screw, a preliminary delay of the reinforcement is created, the value of which is fixed with an indicator.

At the end of the preliminary pull at risk on the body, the position of the limb rigidly connected to the lead screw is noted (the side surface of the limb is divided into 100 parts), and then the lead screw is continued to rotate for several revolutions.

After completion of the selected number of revolutions, record the readings of the indicator. The tension force of the reinforcement is determined by the calibration characteristic of the device.

When measuring the tension force of a reinforcing wire with a diameter of 5 mm or less, the stop is replaced with a stop frame with a base of 600 mm, and the gripping hook is replaced with a small hook. The wire tension force is determined by the calibration characteristic of the device with the frame installed.

If it is impossible to place the stop of the device in the plane between the walls of the molds (ribbed plates, coating plates, etc.), it can be replaced by a support sheet with a hole for the passage of the hook rod.

Device IPN-7

The device consists of a low-frequency frequency meter with an amplifier placed in a housing, a counter and a primary measuring transducer connected by a wire to the amplifier (Fig. 2 of this appendix).

Scheme of the IPN-7 device

Instrument housing; - counter; - the wire;
- primary converter

The principle of operation of the device is based on determining the natural frequency of tensioned reinforcement, which depends on the voltage and its length.

Reinforcement vibrations are caused by a transversely applied impact or in another way. The primary measuring transducer of the device perceives mechanical vibrations, converts them into electrical vibrations, the frequency of which, after amplification, is counted by the electromechanical counter of the device. According to the frequency of natural oscillations, using the calibration characteristic, the tension force of the reinforcement of the corresponding diameters, classes and lengths is determined.

PIN device

The device consists of a frame with stops, an eccentric with a lever device, an adjusting nut, an elastic element with strain gauges, a hook and electrical circuit elements located in a separate compartment, which contain an amplifier and a counting device (Fig. 3 of this application).

The device measures the force required for the transverse displacement of the tensioned reinforcement by a given value.

The specified transverse displacement of the reinforcement relative to the stops attached to the frame of the device is created by moving the eccentric handle to the left position. In this case, the lever moves the screw of the adjusting nut by an amount depending on the eccentricity of the eccentric. The force required to carry out the movement depends on the tensile force of the reinforcement and is measured by the deformations of the elastic element.

The device is calibrated for each class and diameter of the reinforcement. Its readings do not depend on the length of the stretched reinforcement.

Scheme of the PIN device

Stops; - frame; - eccentric; - adjusting
screw; - elastic element with wire strain gauges
(located under the casing); - hook; - box with elements
electrical circuit

Main technical characteristics of devices

Tension force, tf

Rebar diameter, mm

Rebar length, m

Length of own base of the device, mm

device, kg






Without own base


Without Borders





Without own base

Without Borders

Annex 2 (recommended). Logbook for recording the results of measurements of the tension force of the reinforcement

(Left side of the table)

the date

Type of

Rebar data

Device data

in arma-

Art class


Length, mm

tension force
zheniya (but-
minal and tolerance)

Type and



Continued (Right side of the table)

Scale readings


Deviations from design values


Average for





3 dimensions
taking into account

Annex 3 (informative). Calculation of elongation of reinforcing steel

Appendix 3

The calculation of the elongation of reinforcing steel with a ratio of the value of its prestress to the average value of the conditional yield strength of more than 0.7 is carried out according to the formula

With a ratio of and less than or equal to 0.7, the elongation is calculated according to the formula

where is the prestress of reinforcing steel, kgf/cm;

- the average value of the conditional yield strength of reinforcing steel, determined from experience or taken equal to 1.05 kgf / cm;

The rejection value of the conditional yield strength, determined according to Table 5 of GOST 5781-75, GOST 10884-81, Table 2 of GOST 13840-68, GOST 8480-63, kgf / cm;

- modulus of elasticity of reinforcing steel, determined according to Table 29 of SNiP P-21-75, kgf/cm;

The initial length of the reinforcement, cm.

Estimated length of reinforcing steel of class A-IV at = 5500 kgf / cm = 1250 cm, tension - mechanically

m way.

1. According to Table 5 of GOST 5781-75, the rejection value of the conditional yield strength is determined = 6000 kgf/cm; according to Table 29 of SNiP P-21-75, the modulus of elasticity of reinforcing steel is determined = 2 10 kgf / cm.

2. Determine the value

3. Calculate the ratio, therefore, the elongation of the reinforcing steel is determined by the formula (1)

Calculation of elongations of high-strength reinforcing wire of class Vr P at = 9000 kgf/cm and = 4200 cm, tension - mechanically

1. Based on the results of control tests, the average value of the conditional yield strength is determined = 13400 kgf/cm; according to Table 29 of SNiP 11-21-75, the elastic modulus of reinforcing steel VR-P is determined. = 2 10 kgf/cm.

2. Calculate the ratio, therefore, the elongation of the reinforcing steel is determined by the formula (2).

Annex 4 (informative). An example of estimating the relative error in determining the calibration characteristics of the instrument

Appendix 4

It is necessary to establish the relative error in determining the calibration characteristics of the PRDU device for class A-IV fittings with a diameter of 25 mm, a length of 12.66 m at a maximum tension force = 27 tf, specified in the working drawings.

1. At each stage of loading, the tension force of the reinforcement is determined corresponding to the reading of the device.

at these load levels. So at the first stage of loading

15 ts, = 15.190 ts, = 14.905 ts, = 295 divisions, = 292 divisions.

2. Determine the range of readings in TC

For the first stage of loading, it is:

3. Determine the relative range of readings in percent

For the first stage of loading, it will be:

which does not exceed .

4. An example of calculating the maximum and minimum force during calibration:

The load steps should be no more than

The value of the loading stage (except for the last stage) is taken equal to 2 tf. The value of the last stage of loading is taken as 1 tf.

At each stage, 3 readings are taken (), from which the arithmetic mean value is determined. The obtained values ​​​​of the calibration characteristic are given in the form of a table and graph (drawing of this application).

Instrument readings in divisions

Calibration characteristic of the device PRDU

The text of the document is verified by:
official publication
M.: Publishing house of standards, 1988


The AMC 11830 system for monitoring the level of tension of reinforcing bundles of the containment shell is a measuring system for the intended application. High-strength reinforcing beams are located inside the containment structure in special channels. The reinforcing bundle is a metal rope made of multi-row laying of parallel wires. The functional purpose of the reinforcing beam is to provide pre-stressing of the reinforced concrete from which the reactor compartment structure is made, thereby ensuring the strength of the structure in case of emergencies. A measuring force transducer is intended for measuring the tension forces of reinforcing beams. The paper describes the design of the rebar tensioning system and the force transformation method. The principle of measuring the strength of the sensitive element of a string sensor used in the system is considered in detail. The function of conversion of the force measuring channel is described.


force transducer

sensing element

armored bundle

monitoring system

1. Reinforcing beams [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://www.baurum.ru/_library/?cat=armaturebase&id=170 (date of access: 03/06/2013).

2. Measuring force transducer PSI-02. Manual. - Penza: Scientific Research Institute "Kontrolpribor".

3. Design of sensors for measuring mechanical quantities / under total. ed. d.t.s. E.P. Osadchy. - M. : Mashinostroenie, 1979. - 480 p.

4. Monitoring system for the level of tension of the reinforcement bundles of the containment shell AMTs 11830 [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://www.niikp-penza.ru/armopuchki (date of access: 03/06/2013).

5. Proceedings of IBRAE RAN / ed. ed. Corresponding Member RAS L.A. Bolshova; Institute of Problems of Safety in the Development of Atomic Energy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - M. : Nauka, 2007. - Issue. 6: Mechanics of prestressed protective shells of nuclear power plants / scientific. ed. R.V. Harutyunyan. - 2008. - 151 p.

The AMC 11830 system for monitoring the level of tension of reinforcing bundles of the containment shell (hereinafter referred to as the system) is a measuring system for the intended application. The external view of the containment is shown in Figure 1. Inside the multilayer reinforced concrete structure of the containment (cylindrical and domed parts), high-strength armored bundles are located in special channels. The reinforcing bundle is a metal rope made of multi-row laying of parallel wires with a diameter of 5.2 mm. The functional purpose of the armored bundle is to provide prestressing of the reinforced concrete from which the reactor compartment structure is made, thereby ensuring the strength of the structure in the event of an emergency.

Picture 1 - Prestressed protective shell of the atomic block

The system is intended:

To control the amount of loss of tension forces of armored beams of the containment prestressing system (hereinafter referred to as SPZO) at their heavy ends during the transfer of forces from the hydraulic jack to the anchor device of the SPZO during their tension;

To monitor the dynamics of changes in the tension forces of SPZO armored beams on their anchors during operation.

The system is multichannel and has up to 32 measuring channels combined in 2 directions.

The system consists of the following main functional parts:


cable kit;

PSI-02 is designed to measure tension forces of SPZO reinforcing beams. External view of PSI-02 is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 — External view of PSI-02

PSI-02 consists of DS-03 force sensors, PSD-S-01 sensor signal converter and two cables. The number of force measuring channels in PSI-02 is 12. For each PSI-02 force measuring channel, the coefficients of the individual transformation function are determined. The input signal of the force measuring channel PSI-02 is the force acting on one measuring module DS-03 in the range from 0 to 1.25 MN.

The principle of PSI-02 operation is based on the dependence of the natural frequency of free oscillations of the sensitive element string on its tension.

The sensitive element consists of a stretched string (thin steel wire) and an electromagnetic head with a coil. The string is set into oscillatory motion with the help of an oscillation exciter, the functions of which are performed by an electromagnetic head.

The oscillation exciter transforms the energy of the electrical impulse of the request coming from PSD-S-01 into the energy of string vibrations. An electromagnetic head with a coil is used both to supply an exciting pulse and to receive damped free vibrations generated by a string (the request impulse and the natural frequency of free vibrations of a string are transmitted along the same line to PSD-S-01).

Consider the principle of operation of the sensitive element.

Figure 3 shows a string of length l, fixed with a preliminary tension force F, which is constant in the first approximation (Fig. 3a). Assuming that the string vibrates in the XOY plane, we consider a string fragment with mass dm (Fig. 3b).

Figure 3 - Scheme of string movement

The projection of the tension on the OY axis at the point x will be

and at the point x + dx

Since at small amplitudes and are small, we can accept:

According to d'Alembert's principle, to find the equation of motion, it is necessary to equate this force to the force of inertia of a string fragment:


Taking into account the fact that dm = (m/l)dx, where m is the mass of the string, and denoting Fl/m = a2, we obtain the equation for plane transverse vibrations of a stretched string:

Under the following conditions at the ends of the string:

1) x = 0 and x = l, y = 0;

2) t = 0, y(x) = F(x,0),

we obtain the solution of equation (1) in the form

where Cn and τn are constants, n is an integer.

The resulting equation characterizes the oscillatory motion with a period:


whence the oscillation frequency:

where σ is the stress in the string, σ = F/s, s is the cross-sectional area of ​​the string; ρ is the density of the string material, ρ = m/sl.

At n = 1, the string oscillates with the formation of one half-wave, at n = 2 - two half-waves, and so on.

These formulas are valid for the case of a thin long string, in which the transverse stiffness can be neglected for a negligibly small oscillation amplitude. The refined frequency formula for a round short string with certain ratios of the string stiffness caused by pre-tension and its own stiffness is:

, (4)

where r is the string radius, λ1 = 504; λ2 = 11.85 with σl2/Er2 ≤ 106.5; λ1 = 594.5; λ2 = 11 at 106.5 ≤ σl2/Er2 ≤ 555.8; λ1 = 928; λ2 = 10.4 with σl2/Er2 ≥ 555.8.

The above formulas do not take into account the change in the string tension force during vibrations. Figure 4 shows the dependence of the force during vibrations. During the oscillation period T, the force ∆F passes through a maximum twice.

Figure 4 - The dependence of the string tension force on the amplitude of oscillations in time.

Given the sinusoidal shape of the string bend, one can define the curve between the points x = 0 and x = l as y = y1sinπx/l, where y1 is the amplitude of the harmonic. The length of the arc described by this formula is:

whence the relative elongation of the string during vibrations:

and the change in tension:

, (7)

This shows that the change in the string tension increases with the growth of its deflection in proportion to the square of this deflection and does not depend on the sign.

Let us estimate the frequency of vibrations of the string. It has been established that the frequency of oscillations increases with an increase in the amplitude of oscillations, for our case:

. (8)

Relative frequency change:

, (9)

where σ = E/s is the stress in the string.

When a string is deformed, the voltage in the string changes and, consequently, its resonant frequency. According to expression (3):


Then the change in frequency will be:

. (10)

Relative frequency change ∆f/f = ∆σ/2 σ,

whence the change in stress in the string ∆σ=2∆f σ/f.

It follows from the formulas obtained that the sensitivity in measuring mechanical stress is the higher, the smaller the string length, the density of the string material, and the prestress in the string in the first vibration mode.

The frequency of the variable electromotive force generated in the sensitive element by an oscillating string is an informative parameter of the output signal of the measuring module.

When a force is applied to the modulus, the string is subjected to tension, which leads to a change in the period of natural free oscillations of the string. By changing the duration of the oscillation period of the string, the measured force is judged.

PSD-S-01 converts the period of natural free oscillations of the string of modules into a digital code, provides temporary storage of the received information and communication with a PC via the RS-485 standard interface.

The PSI-02 input signal is a force in the range from 0 to 15.0 MN, which acts on 12 DS-03 measuring modules. The PSI-02 error is determined by the algebraic sum of the experimentally determined reduced errors of 12 force measuring channels (taking into account the sign of the error), divided by the number of channels (12) according to the formula:

where - the maximum error values ​​of 1-12 measuring channels of force PSI-02.

The individual conversion function of the force measuring channel PSI-02, kN, is determined by the formula:

where A; B; C; D; E - coefficients of the individual transformation function, determined in accordance with the methodology for determining the coefficients of the individual transformation function and the reduced error of the measuring channel of force under normal climatic conditions (hereinafter - NKU) plus (20 ± 5) ° С, , , , , respectively;

Frequency deviation, kHz, is determined by the formula:

, (13)

where Ti is the period of free oscillations at the i-th load, μs;

To - period of free oscillations without load at NKU, μs;

ti - temperature during measurements, °С;

tnku - temperature at NKU, °С;

k - coefficient of the function of the temperature effect on the value of the output signal of the module for the temperature ranges from tnc to plus 60 °C and from minus 10 °C to tnc, determined in accordance with the method for determining the coefficients of the individual conversion function and the reduced error of the force measuring channel.


Gromkov Nikolai Valentinovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Penza State University, Penza.

Trofimov Aleksey Anatolyevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of UC-37 of the Open Joint Stock Company "Scientific Research Institute of Physical Measurements", Penza.

Bibliographic link

Koryashkin A.S., Matveev A.I. MEASURING THE TENSION FORCE OF REINFORCING BEAMS IN THE PROTECTIVE SHELL OF THE NPP POWER UNIT // Modern Problems of Science and Education. - 2013. - No. 2.;
URL: http://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=9133 (date of access: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

In § 7.1 experiments were considered that testify to the tendency of the surface of the liquid to contract. This contraction is caused by the force of surface tension.

The force that acts along the surface of the liquid perpendicular to the line limiting this surface, and tends to reduce it to a minimum, is called the surface tension force.

Surface Tension Measurement

To measure the surface tension force, we will do the following experiment. Take a rectangular wire frame, one side of which AB long l can move with little friction in a vertical plane. Having immersed the frame in a vessel with a soap solution, we get a soap film on it (Fig. 7.11, a). As soon as we pull the frame out of the soap solution, the wire AB will immediately move. The soap film will shrink its surface. Therefore, on the wire AB a force acting perpendicular to the wire towards the film. This is the force of surface tension.

To prevent the wire from moving, it is necessary to apply some force to it. To create this force, you can attach a soft spring to the wire, fixed on the base of the tripod (see Fig. 7.11, o). The elastic force of the spring, together with the force of gravity acting on the wire, will add up to the resulting force For the equilibrium of the wire, it is necessary that the equality
, where - surface tension force acting on the wire from one of the film surfaces (Fig. 7.11, b).

From here

What does the surface tension force depend on?

If the wire is moved down a distance h, then the external force F 1 = 2 F will do the job


According to the law of conservation of energy, this work is equal to the change in the energy of the (in this case, the surface) film. The initial surface energy of a soap film with area S 1 is equal to U P 1 = = 2σS 1 , since the film has two surfaces of the same area. Finite surface energy

where S 2 is the area of ​​the film after moving the wire over a distance h. Consequently,


Equating the right parts of expressions (7.4.1) and (7.4.2), we get:

Hence, the surface tension force acting on the boundary of the surface layer with a length l, is equal to:


The surface tension force is directed tangentially to the surface perpendicular to the boundary of the surface layer (perpendicular to the wire AB in this case, see fig. 7.11, a).

Surface Tension Measurement

There are many ways to measure the surface tension of liquids. For example, surface tension a can be determined using the setup shown in Figure 7.11. We will consider another method that does not claim to be more accurate in the measurement result.

Attach to the sensitive dynamometer a copper wire bent as shown in figure 7.12, a. We substitute a vessel with water under the wire so that the wire touches the surface of the water (Fig. 7.12, b) and stuck to her. We will now slowly lower the vessel with water (or, which is the same, raise the dynamometer with the wire). We will see that together with the wire, the water film enveloping it rises, and the dynamometer reading gradually increases. It reaches its maximum value at the moment of rupture of the water film and the "separation" of the wire from the water. If the weight of the wire is subtracted from the dynamometer readings at the moment the wire breaks off, then the force F, equal to twice the force of surface tension (a water film has two surfaces):

where l - wire length.

With a wire length of 1 = 5 cm and a temperature of 20 ° C, the force is equal to 7.3 10 -3 N. Then

The results of surface tension measurements of some liquids are shown in Table 4.

Table 4

Table 4 shows that volatile liquids (ether, alcohol) have a lower surface tension than non-volatile liquids, such as mercury. The surface tension of liquid hydrogen and especially liquid helium is very low. In liquid metals, the surface tension, on the contrary, is very high.

The difference in the surface tension of liquids is explained by the difference in the forces of intermolecular interaction.



GOST 22362-77




Research Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete (NIIZhB) of the State Construction Committee of the USSR

Director K.V. Mikhailov

Topic leaders: G.I. Berdichevsky, V.A. Klevtsov

Performers: V.T. Dyachenko, Yu.K. Zhulev, N.A. Markov, S.A. Madatyan

All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Factory Technology of Prefabricated Reinforced Concrete Products and Structures (VNII Reinforced Concrete) of the Ministry of Building Materials Industry of the USSR

Director G.S. Ivanov

Topic leader E.Z. Ermakov

Artist V.N. Marukhin

Research Laboratory of Physical and Chemical Mechanics of Materials and Technological Processes of Glavmospromstroymaterialov

Director A.M. Gorshkov

Leader and performer of the theme E.G. Ratz

Research Institute of Building Structures (NIISK) of the State Construction Committee of the USSR

Director A.I. Burakas

Topic leader D.A. Korshunov

Performers: V.S. Goloborodko, M.V. Sidorenko

INTRODUCED by the Research Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete (NIIZhB) of the USSR State Construction Committee

Director K.V. Mikhailov

PREPARED FOR APPROVAL by the Department of Technical Regulation and Standardization of the Gosstroy of the USSR

Head of Department V.I. Sychev

Head of the subdivision of standardization in construction M.M. Novikov

Ch. specialists: I.S. Lifanov, A.V. Sherstnev

APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by the Decree of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on Construction Affairs dated February 1, 1997 No. No. 4


By the Decree of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction of February 1, 1977 No. 4, the deadline for the introduction is set

from 01.07.1977 .

Non-compliance with the standard is punishable by law

This standard applies to reinforced concrete prestressed structures manufactured with reinforcement tension by mechanical, electrothermal, electrothermomechanical methods, and establishes the following methods for measuring the tension force of reinforcement:

gravitational method of measurement;

measurement method according to dynamometer readings;

method of measurement according to pressure gauge readings;

method of measurement by the magnitude of the elongation of the reinforcement;

measurement by the method of transverse stretching of reinforcement;

frequency measurement method.


1.1. The application of the method for measuring the tension force of reinforcement is established in the working drawings, standards or specifications for prestressed reinforced concrete structures.

1.2. The measurement of the tension force of the reinforcement is carried out in the process of its tension or after the tension is completed.

1.3. To measure the tension force of the reinforcement, devices are used - PRDU, IPN-7, PIN, which have passed state tests and are recommended for mass production.

Schemes and technical characteristics of the devices are given in the reference. Other devices that meet the requirements of this standard may also be used.

1.4. The instruments used to measure the tension force of the reinforcement must be checked in accordance with GOST 8.002-71 and have calibration characteristics made in the form of tables or graphs.

1.5. Before use, the device must be checked for compliance with the instructions for use. The procedure for carrying out measurements must comply with the procedure provided for in this instruction.

1.6. The results of measuring the tension force of the reinforcement should be recorded in a journal, the form of which is given in the recommended one.


2.1. The gravitational method is based on establishing the relationship between the tension force of the reinforcement and the mass of loads that tension it.

2.2. The gravitational method is used in cases where the tension is carried out by loads directly through a system of levers or chain hoists.

2.3. To measure the tensile force of the reinforcement, the mass of the loads is measured, by which the tensile force of the reinforcement is determined, taking into account the system for transferring force from the loads to the tensioned reinforcement, friction losses and other losses, if any. Accounting for losses in the system for transferring tension from loads to reinforcement is carried out by a dynamometer when calibrating the system.

2.4. The mass of goods must be measured with an error of up to 2.5%.


3.1. The method of measuring the tensile force of reinforcement according to the dynamometer readings is based on the relationship between the tensile force and the deformations of the dynamometer.

3.2. The dynamometer is included in the armature power circuit between the end stops or beyond them in such a way that the tensile force of the armature is perceived by the dynamometer.

3.3. The tension force of the reinforcement is determined by the calibration characteristic of the dynamometer.

3.4. When a dynamometer is included in a chain of several parallel reinforcing elements, the total tension force is measured. The magnitude of the tension force in each element can be determined by one of the methods specified in,, and this standard.

3.5. To measure the tensile force of the reinforcement, exemplary dynamometers are used according to GOST 9500-75. It is allowed to use other dynamometers with an accuracy class of at least 2.5.

3.6. The values ​​of the readings obtained should be within 30-100% of the dynamometer scale.


4.1. The method of measuring the tensile force according to the pressure gauge is based on the relationship between the pressure in the jack cylinder, measured by the pressure gauge, and the tensile force of the reinforcement.

4.2. The measurement of the tension force of the reinforcement according to the readings of the manometer is used when tensioning it with hydraulic jacks. The determination of the metrological characteristics of hydraulic jacks is carried out according to GOST 8.136.74.

4.3. The determination of the tension force of the reinforcement according to the readings of the pressure gauge is carried out directly in the process of tension and is completed when the force is transferred from the jack to the stops of the form or stand.

4.4. With a group tension of the reinforcement, the total force is determined. The magnitude of the tension force of each element is determined by one of the methods specified in, and this standard.

4.5. To measure the tensile force of the reinforcement, exemplary pressure gauges are used according to GOST 8625-69 with hydraulic jacks.

4.6. The accuracy class of pressure gauges, determined in accordance with GOST 13600-68, must be at least 1.5.

4.7. When measuring the tension force according to the readings of the manometer, the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the obtained values ​​\u200b\u200bshould be within 30-90% of the manometer scale.

4.8. When tensioning the reinforcement with hydraulic jacks, the same pressure gauges are installed in the hydraulic system with which the calibration was carried out.


5.1. The method of measuring the tension force by the elongation of prestressed reinforcement is based on the dependence of the elongation of the reinforcement on the magnitude of the stresses, which, taking into account the cross-sectional area of ​​the reinforcement, determines the tension force.

5.2. The method of measuring the tension force of reinforcement by the magnitude of its elongation, due to its relatively low accuracy, is not used independently, but in combination with other methods given in,, and this standard.

The relatively low accuracy of this method is due to the variability of the elastic-plastic properties of reinforcing steel, as well as the deformability of shapes and stops.

5.3. To measure the tensile force by the elongation value, it is necessary to determine the true elongation of the reinforcing element when it is tensioned and to have a “stress-elongation” diagram of the reinforcement.

5.4. The calculation of the elongation of reinforcing steel in the absence of a stress-elongation diagram is allowed to be carried out according to the formula given in the reference.

5.5. With the electrothermal method of tension with heating outside the mold, the length of the reinforcing element is assigned in advance, taking into account the elastic-plastic properties of steel, the length of the mold, stress losses due to deformation of the molds, displacement and collapse of the reinforcement stops, and is systematically controlled. These losses are established at the beginning of production and are checked periodically.

5.6. The method of measuring the tensile force by elongation of the reinforcement is used in combination with the methods of measuring the tensile force according to the readings of a pressure gauge or dynamometer. In this case, the moment of the beginning of the displacement of the arrow of the pressure gauge or dynamometer is fixed, and then the elongation of the reinforcement is measured.

metal measuring rulers according to GOST 427-75;

metal measuring tapes according to GOST 7502-69;

calipers according to GOST 166-73.

5.8. The tensile force of the reinforcement by its elongation is determined as the product of its cross-sectional area by the magnitude of the stress. In this case, the cross-sectional area of ​​the reinforcement taken from the batch is determined in accordance with clause 2.3 of GOST 12004-66.

5.9. The stress value is determined from the tensile diagram of reinforcement taken from the same batch. The diagram is constructed in accordance with clause 8 of GOST 12004-66.

5.10. The magnitude of the elongation of the reinforcement is measured by instruments installed directly on the reinforcement; dial indicators according to GOST 577-68; lever strain gauges according to GOST 18957-73 or indicated in the measuring instruments according to the risks applied to the reinforcement.

5.11. In the case of electrothermal tension of reinforcement with heating outside the mold, the magnitude of elongations causing reinforcement stress is determined as the difference between total elongations and losses due to collapse of anchors and deformation of the mold.

5.12. The total elongation of the reinforcement is defined as the difference between the distances between the stops of the force form or stand and the length of the reinforcement blank between the anchors, measured at the same temperature.

5.13. The value of "collapse of anchors" is determined according to the test data of anchors in accordance with clause 3.9. GOST 10922-76.

5.14. Form deformations at the level of the stops are determined as the difference in the distances between them before and after the reinforcement is tensioned with the tool specified in .

5.15. The measurement of the tension force by the magnitude of the elongation can be carried out during the tension process and after its completion.


6.1. The method is based on establishing the relationship between the force pulling the reinforcement by a given value in the transverse direction and the tension force of the reinforcement.

6.2. The transverse guying of the reinforcement can be performed on the full length of the reinforcement stretched between the stops of the form (pulling on the basis of the form), and on the basis of the stops of the device itself (devices with their own base).

6.3. When pulling the reinforcement on the basis of the form, the device rests on the form, which is a link in the measurement chain. With tool-based guying, the tool contacts the rebar at three points, but is not in contact with the mold.

6.4. When measuring the tensile force of the reinforcement by the method of transverse bracing, there should be no residual deformations in the reinforcement.

6.5. When measuring the tension force of the reinforcement by the pull method, mechanical devices of the PRDU type or electromechanical devices of the PIN type are used.

6.6. The instruments used must have an accuracy class of at least 1.5; the value of the scale division should not exceed 1% of the upper limit value of the controlled tension.

6.7. The error of the calibration characteristic should not exceed ±4%.

An example of estimating the error in determining the calibration characteristic is given in the reference.

6.8. The place of installation of electromechanical devices must be at least 5 m away from sources of electrical interference.

6.9. The ratio of the deflection of the reinforcement to its length should not exceed:

1:150 - for wire, rod and rope fittings with a diameter of up to 12 mm;

1:300 - for rod and cable fittings with a diameter of more than 12 mm.

6.10. When measuring the tension force of the reinforcement, the device with its own base is installed on the reinforcement at any place along its length. In this case, the joints of the reinforcement should not be located within the base of the device.

6.11. When measuring the tension force of the reinforcement with instruments without their own base (with a guy on the basis of the form), the instruments are installed in the middle of the span between the stops (drawing). The displacement of the installation site of the devices from the middle of the span should not exceed 2% of the length of the reinforcement.

Scheme of installation of devices when measuring the tension force of reinforcement

1 - form; 2 - PIN device; 3 - device IPN-7; four - fittings; 5 - stops;


9.1. The tension force of the reinforcement is determined as the arithmetic mean of the measurement results. The number of measurements must be at least 2.

9.2. The reinforcement tension force is assessed by comparing the values ​​​​of the reinforcement tension forces obtained during the measurement with the tension force specified in the standard or working drawings for reinforced concrete structures; in this case, the deviation of the measurement results should not exceed the permissible deviations.

9.3. Evaluation of the results of determining the tensile strength of the reinforcement by its elongation is carried out by comparing the actual elongation with the elongation determined by the calculation.

The actual elongation should not differ from the calculated values ​​by more than 20%.

An example of calculating the elongation of reinforcing steel is given in the reference.


10.1. Persons trained in safety regulations, who have studied the design of the equipment and the technology for measuring the tension force, are allowed to measure the tension force of the reinforcement,

10.2. Measures must be developed and strictly implemented to ensure compliance with safety requirements in the event of a break in the reinforcement when measuring the tensile force.

10.3. Persons who are not involved in the measurement of the tension force of the reinforcement should not be in the area of ​​the tensioned reinforcement.

10.4. For persons involved in measuring the tensile strength of the reinforcement, reliable protection must be provided with shields, nets or portable specially equipped cabins, removable inventory clamps and visors that protect against the ejection of grips and broken reinforcement bars.




PRDU device

The operation of the PRDU device when measuring the tension force of rod reinforcement and ropes is based on the elastic retraction of the reinforcing element in the middle of the span between the stops, and when measuring the tension force of the wire, it is retracted on the basis of the device's thrust frame. The deformation of the spring of the device is measured with a dial indicator according to GOST 577-68, which is the reading of the device Control.

A constant movement of the system of two serially connected links is created transverse to the axis of the reinforcement: a tensioned reinforcing element and a spring of the device.

With an increase in the force of the tensioned reinforcement, the resistance to the transverse guy increases and its movement decreases, and therefore the deformation of the device spring increases, i.e. instrument indicator readings.

The calibration characteristic of the device depends on the diameter and length of the reinforcement when working on the basis of a mold, and only on the diameter - when working on the basis of a thrust frame.

The PRDU device consists of a body, a hinge with a guide tube, a lead screw with a limb and a handle, a spring with a spherical nut, a tension hook, an indicator, a stop or a stop frame (this application).

When measuring the tension force of rod reinforcement and ropes, the device is placed with emphasis on the stand, pallet or mold. The gripping hook is brought under the rod or rope and by rotating the lead screw by its handle, contact with the rod or rope is ensured. By further rotation of the lead screw, a preliminary delay of the reinforcement is created, the value of which is fixed with an indicator.

At the end of the preliminary pull at risk on the body, the position of the limb rigidly connected to the lead screw is noted (the side surface of the limb is divided into 100 parts), and then the lead screw is continued to rotate for several turns.

After the completion of the selected number of revolutions, the indicator readings are recorded (Control 2). The tension force of the reinforcement is determined by the calibration characteristic of the device P=f(Upr2).

When measuring the tensile force of a reinforcing wire with a diameter of 5 mm less, the stop is replaced with a stop frame with a base of 600 mm, and the gripping hook is replaced with a small hook. The wire tension force is determined by the calibration characteristic of the device with the frame installed.

If it is impossible to place the stop of the device in the plane between the walls of the molds (ribbed plates, coating plates, etc.), it can be seen by a support sheet with a hole for the passage of the hook rod.

Device IPN-7

The device consists of a low-frequency frequency meter with an amplifier placed in a housing, a counter and a primary measuring transducer connected by a wire to the amplifier (of this application).

Scheme of the device PRDU

1 - emphasis; 2 - spring; 3 - indicator; 4 - frame; 5 - hinge; 6 - limb with a handle; 7 - own base; 8 - hook

Scheme of the IPN-7 device

1 - body of the device; 2 - counter; 3 - the wire; 4 - primary converter

The principle of operation of the device is based on determining the natural frequency of tensioned reinforcement, which depends on the voltage and its length.

Reinforcement vibrations are caused by a transversely applied impact or in another way. The primary measuring transducer of the device perceives mechanical vibrations, converts them into electrical vibrations, the frequency of which, after amplification, is counted by the electromechanical counter of the device. According to the frequency of natural oscillations, using the calibration characteristic, the tension force of the reinforcement of the corresponding diameters, classes and lengths is determined.

PIN device

The device consists of a frame with stops, an eccentric with a lever device, an adjusting nut, an elastic element with strain gauges, a hook and electrical circuit elements located in a separate compartment, which contain an amplifier and a counting device (of this application).

The device measures the force required for the transverse displacement of the tensioned reinforcement by a given value.

The specified transverse displacement of the reinforcement relative to the stops attached to the frame of the device is created by moving the eccentric handle to the left position. In this case, the lever moves the screw of the adjusting nut by an amount depending on the eccentricity of the eccentric. The force required to carry out the movement depends on the tensile force of the reinforcement and is measured by the deformations of the elastic element.

The device is calibrated for each class and diameter of the reinforcement. Its readings do not depend on the length of the stretched reinforcement.

Scheme of the PIN device

1 - stops; 2 - frame; 3 - eccentric; 4 - adjusting nut; 5 - elastic element with wire strain gauges (located under the casing); 6 - hook; 7 - a box with electrical circuit elements.

Main technical characteristics of devices

Device type

Tension force, tf

Rebar diameter, mm

Rebar length, m

Length of own base of the device, mm

Device weight, kg

Without own base

Without Borders

Without own base

Without Borders


recording the results of measurements of the tensile force of the reinforcement

Date of measurement

Product type

Rebar data

Device data

Scale readings

Reinforcement tension force, tf

Deviations from design values


Number of reinforcing elements

Reinforcement class, steel grade

Diameter, mm

Length, mm

Design tension force (nominal and tolerance

Type and number

Scale multiplier


1st dimension

2nd dimension

3rd dimension

Average of 3 measurements including scale multiplier

In physics, tensile force is the force acting on a rope, cord, cable, or similar object or group of objects. Anything stretched, suspended, supported, or swayed by a rope, cord, cable, and so on, is subject to tension. Like all forces, tension can accelerate objects or cause them to deform. The ability to calculate the tension force is an important skill not only for students of the Faculty of Physics, but also for engineers and architects; those who build stable houses need to know if a certain rope or cable will withstand the pulling force from the object's weight so that it does not sag or collapse. Start reading the article to learn how to calculate the tension force in some physical systems.


Determination of the tension force on one thread

  1. Determine the forces at each end of the string. The tensile force of a given thread, a rope, is the result of the forces pulling on the rope at each end. We remind you force = mass × acceleration. Assuming the rope is taut, any change in the acceleration or mass of an object suspended from the rope will result in a change in the tension in the rope itself. Don't forget about the constant acceleration of gravity - even if the system is at rest, its components are subject to gravity. We can assume that the tensile force of a given rope is T = (m × g) + (m × a), where "g" is the acceleration due to gravity of any of the objects supported by the rope, and "a" is any other acceleration, acting on objects.

    • To solve many physical problems, we assume perfect rope- in other words, our rope is thin, has no mass, and cannot stretch or break.
    • For example, let's consider a system in which a load is suspended from a wooden beam with a single rope (see image). Neither the load nor the rope is moving - the system is at rest. As a result, we know that for a load to be in equilibrium, the tension force must be equal to the force of gravity. In other words, Tension force (F t) = Gravity force (F g) = m × g.
      • Assume that the load has a mass of 10 kg, therefore, the tension force is 10 kg × 9.8 m / s 2 = 98 Newtons.
  2. Consider acceleration. Gravity is not the only force that can affect the tension on a rope - any force applied to an object on a rope with acceleration does the same. If, for example, an object suspended from a rope or cable is accelerated by a force, then the acceleration force (mass × acceleration) is added to the tensile force generated by the object's weight.

    • Let's assume that in our example a load of 10 kg is suspended from a rope, and instead of being attached to a wooden beam, it is pulled upwards with an acceleration of 1 m/s 2 . In this case, we need to take into account the acceleration of the load, as well as the acceleration of gravity, as follows:
      • F t = F g + m × a
      • F t \u003d 98 + 10 kg × 1 m / s 2
      • F t = 108 newtons.
  3. Consider angular acceleration. An object on a rope that revolves around a point considered to be the center (like a pendulum) exerts tension on the rope through centrifugal force. Centrifugal force is the extra tension that the rope causes by "pushing" it inward so that the load continues to move in an arc instead of a straight line. The faster an object moves, the greater the centrifugal force. The centrifugal force (F c) is equal to m × v 2 /r where "m" is the mass, "v" is the speed, and "r" is the radius of the circle along which the load moves.

    • Since the direction and magnitude of the centrifugal force change as the object moves and changes its speed, the full tension of the rope is always parallel to the rope at the center point. Remember that gravity is constantly acting on an object and pulling it down. So if the object is swinging vertically, the total tension the strongest at the lowest point of the arc (for a pendulum this is called the equilibrium point) when the object reaches its maximum speed, and weakest at the top of the arc when the object slows down.
    • Let's assume that in our example the object is no longer accelerating upward, but is swinging like a pendulum. Let our rope be 1.5 m long and our load moving at a speed of 2 m/s as it passes through the bottom of the swing. If we need to calculate the tensile force at the bottom point of the arc, when it is greatest, then first we need to find out whether the load is experiencing an equal pressure of gravity at this point, as it is at rest - 98 Newtons. To find the additional centrifugal force, we need to solve the following:
      • F c \u003d m × v 2 / r
      • F c = 10 × 2 2 /1.5
      • F c \u003d 10 × 2.67 \u003d 26.7 Newtons.
      • Thus, the total tension will be 98 + 26.7 = 124.7 newtons.
  4. Note that the pulling force due to gravity changes as the load passes through the arc. As noted above, the direction and magnitude of the centrifugal force change as the object wobbles. In any case, although the force of gravity remains constant, net tensile force due to gravity also changes. When the swinging object is not at the bottom point of the arc (balance point), gravity pulls it down, but tension pulls it up at an angle. For this reason, the tension force must counteract part of the force of gravity, and not all of it.

    • Dividing the force of gravity into two vectors can help you visualize this state. At any point in the arc of a vertically swinging object, the rope makes an angle "θ" with a line passing through the point of balance and the center of rotation. As soon as the pendulum begins to swing, the force of gravity (m × g) is divided into 2 vectors - mgsin(θ), acting tangentially to the arc in the direction of the equilibrium point, and mgcos(θ), acting parallel to the tension force, but in the opposite direction. Tension can only resist mgcos(θ) - the force directed against it - not the entire force of gravity (excluding the equilibrium point where all forces are the same).
    • Let's assume that when the pendulum is deflected 15 degrees from the vertical, it is moving at a speed of 1.5 m/s. We will find the tension force by the following steps:
      • The ratio of tension to gravity (T g) = 98cos(15) = 98(0.96) = 94.08 Newtons
      • Centrifugal force (F c) = 10 × 1.5 2 / 1.5 = 10 × 1.5 = 15 Newtons
      • Full tension = T g + F c = 94.08 + 15 = 109.08 Newtons.
  5. Calculate friction. Any object that is pulled by the rope and experiences a "drag" force from the friction of another object (or fluid) imparts that force to the tension in the rope. The force of friction between two objects is calculated in the same way as in any other situation - according to the following equation: Force of friction (usually written as F r) = (mu)N, where mu is the coefficient of the friction force between objects and N is the usual force of interaction between objects, or the force with which they press on each other. Note that static friction, the friction that results from trying to set an object at rest in motion, is different from motion friction, the friction that results from trying to keep a moving object moving.

    • Let's assume that our 10 kg load is no longer swinging, it is now being towed on a horizontal plane with a rope. Let's assume that the coefficient of friction of the earth's movement is 0.5 and our load is moving at a constant speed, but we need to give it an acceleration of 1m/s 2 . This problem introduces two important changes - first, we no longer need to calculate tension in relation to gravity, since our rope is not holding the weight. Second, we will have to calculate the tension due to friction as well as due to the acceleration of the load mass. We need to decide the following:
      • Normal force (N) = 10 kg & × 9.8 (acceleration due to gravity) = 98 N
      • Motion friction force (F r) = 0.5 × 98 N = 49 Newtons
      • Acceleration force (F a) = 10 kg × 1 m/s 2 = 10 Newtons
      • Total tension = F r + F a = 49 + 10 = 59 newtons.

    Calculation of tension force on several threads

    1. Lift vertical parallel weights with a pulley. Pulleys are simple mechanisms that consist of a suspended disk that allows you to change the direction of the rope's tension. In a simple pulley configuration, a rope or cable runs from a suspended weight up to the pulley, then down to another weight, thus creating two sections of rope or cable. In any case, the tension in each of the sections will be the same, even if both ends are pulled by forces of different magnitudes. For a system of two masses suspended vertically in a block, the tension force is 2g (m 1) (m 2) / (m 2 + m 1), where “g” is the acceleration of gravity, “m 1” is the mass of the first object, “ m 2 "- the mass of the second object.

      • We note the following, physical problems assume that blocks are perfect- have no mass, no friction, they do not break, deform or separate from the rope that supports them.
      • Let's assume that we have two weights suspended vertically at parallel ends of a rope. One load has a mass of 10 kg, and the second has a mass of 5 kg. In this case, we need to calculate the following:
        • T \u003d 2g (m 1) (m 2) / (m 2 +m 1)
        • T = 2(9,8)(10)(5)/(5 + 10)
        • T = 19.6(50)/(15)
        • T=980/15
        • T= 65.33 Newtons.
      • Note that since one weight is heavier, all other elements are equal, this system will start to accelerate, hence the weight of 10 kg will move down, causing the second weight to go up.
    2. Hang the weights using blocks with non-parallel vertical threads. Pulleys are often used to direct tension in a direction other than up or down. If, for example, the load is suspended vertically from one end of the rope, and the other end holds the load in a diagonal plane, then the non-parallel system of blocks takes the form of a triangle with corners at points with the first load, the second, and the block itself. In this case, the tension in the rope depends on both the force of gravity and the component of the tension force that is parallel to the diagonal part of the rope.

      • Let's assume we have a system with a 10 kg (m 1) weight suspended vertically connected to a 5 kg (m 2) weight placed on a 60 degree inclined plane (this slope is assumed to be frictionless). To find the tension in a rope, the easiest way is to first write equations for the forces that accelerate the weights. Next, we act like this:
        • The suspended load is heavier, there is no friction, so we know that it is accelerating downward. The tension in the rope pulls upward so that it accelerates with respect to the net force F = m 1 (g) - T, or 10(9.8) - T = 98 - T.
        • We know that a load on an inclined plane accelerates upward. Since it has no friction, we know that tension pulls the load up on the plane, and pulls it down only your own weight. The component of the force pulling down the slope is calculated as mgsin(θ), so in our case we can conclude that he is accelerating with respect to the net force F = T - m 2 (g)sin(60) = T - 5( 9.8)(0.87) = T - 42.14.
        • If we equate these two equations, we get 98 - T = T - 42.14. We find T and get 2T = 140.14, or T = 70.07 Newtons.
    3. Use several threads to hang the object. Finally, let's imagine that the object is suspended from a "Y-shaped" system of ropes - two ropes are fixed to the ceiling and meet at a central point, from which comes a third rope with a load. The pull on the third rope is obvious - a simple pull due to gravity or m(g). The tensions on the other two ropes are different and should add up to the force of gravity upward in the vertical position and zero in both horizontal directions, assuming the system is at rest. The tension in the rope depends on the mass of the suspended loads and on the angle at which each of the ropes deviates from the ceiling.

      • Let's assume that in our Y-system the bottom weight has a mass of 10 kg and is suspended from two ropes, one of which is at a 30-degree angle with the ceiling, and the other is at a 60-degree angle. If we need to find the tension in each of the ropes, we need to calculate the horizontal and vertical components of the tension. To find T 1 (the tension in the rope with a 30 degree slope) and T 2 (the tension in the rope with a 60 degree slope), solve:
        • According to the laws of trigonometry, the ratio between T = m(g) and T 1 and T 2 is equal to the cosine of the angle between each of the ropes and the ceiling. For T 1 , cos(30) = 0.87, as for T 2 , cos(60) = 0.5
        • Multiply the tension in the bottom rope (T=mg) by the cosine of each angle to find T 1 and T 2 .
        • T 1 \u003d 0.87 × m (g) \u003d 0.87 × 10 (9.8) \u003d 85.26 Newtons.
        • T 2 \u003d 0.5 × m (g) \u003d 0.5 × 10 (9.8) \u003d 49 newtons.