How to find the total area of ​​a room. How to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room before repair? Floor area calculation

From time to time, we face the problem of how to calculate square meters: when calculating utility bills or during repairs, when you need to calculate how many rolls of wallpaper you need to paste over the walls, or how many cans of paint.

In fact, all these data are indicated in the technical passport, which gives a clear layout of the apartment, indicates the number of square meters of each room and the total area of ​​​​the apartment.

How to calculate square meters of walls

If you don’t have a passport, but you still need to find out, for example, how to calculate the square meters of walls, then it’s actually not so difficult to do this. To do this, you will need school knowledge of geometry. Namely, the formula for the area of ​​a rectangle is S= a*b. That is, you need to multiply the height of your walls by the width. To do this, do the following:

  1. Measure the width of the wall. This is best done along the floor or ceiling lines, as these lines are the most perpendicular.
  2. Change wall height. This is the distance from floor to ceiling. As a rule, in "Khrushchev" it is 2.5 m, in "Brezhnev" - 3 m, in "Stalinka" - 3.5 or 4 m. But it is best to measure it yourself, so as not to miscalculate.
  3. Find out the area. The resulting values ​​\u200b\u200bshould be multiplied among themselves - and you have the sum of square meters of one wall.
  4. The amount of areas. Since there is not one wall in the room, but four, the same operations must be done with the rest of the walls, and then add up the resulting 4 areas. As a result, you will have square meters of the walls of the entire room.
  5. Subtract excess. Each room has at least one entrance. In modern apartments, redevelopment with different arched and other openings is very fashionable. Naturally, if you need to calculate the number of wallpaper rolls, then you do not need this distance. Therefore, measure the height and width of the opening, multiply them and subtract the resulting number from the total number of meters of walls.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. If you are interested in how to calculate the square meters of a room, then this is even easier.

How to calculate the square meters of a room

The basic formula is still the same. Only now we need the length and width of the floor.

  1. We measure the width. If you have furniture along the wall, do not immediately drag it somewhere. You can easily measure the width along the wall or ceiling - the room consists of rectangles, and its parallel sides are equal.
  2. We measure the length. We measure the adjacent wall / floor / ceiling.
  3. We find the area. We multiply the received numbers - and that's it.

It's that simple.

In order to determine the cost of services for wallpapering by a private master, you need to know the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls and the perimeter of the room. There are services that are calculated by square meters, such as gluing or priming. And there are services for which you need to know the running meters, for example, installation of skirting boards or gluing curbs. It is not necessary to use the services of measurers, just remember the school curriculum in geometry. This information will also help in calculating the required amount of wallpaper, glue, and so on.

Wall area = room perimeter * ceiling height

First you need to measure the width and length of the room. We must say right away that the obtained measurements of the length and width of the room must be converted into meters. For example, if the length of the room is 325 centimeters, then we consider 3.25 meters.

Room length 4.75 meters
Room width 3.25 meters

Calculate the perimeter of the room, which is equal to the sum of all sides.

P \u003d (a + b) x2, where a and b are the width and length of the room. Therefore (4.75 + 3.25) x2 = 16 meters.
The perimeter of our room is 16 meters. P=16 meters.

Now you need to measure the height of the room. We measure the height of the wall - we got 2.71 meters.
h=2.71 meters.

To get the area of ​​the walls, you need to multiply the perimeter of the room by the height of the walls.

S walls \u003d Pxh, where h is the height of the walls.
S walls \u003d 16x2.71 \u003d 43.36 meters.

The area of ​​the walls of our room is 43.36 square meters. meters. S=43.36 m2.

From this figure, you need to subtract the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwindows and doors - after all, there is no need to glue wallpaper there. We have one window in the room, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is 1.95 m 2 (1.3m x 1.5m). Door area 1.17 m 2 (0.61m x 1.92m). The sum of the areas of windows and doors that are not involved in wallpapering is 3.12 m 2.

The net area of ​​​​the walls is 43.36 - 3.12 \u003d 40.24 m 2.

In cases where the room is of a non-standard size and does not look like a rectangle, you will have to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach wall separately and then sum them up.

Table of wall areas for wallpaper and painting

Below is a table that will help you quickly determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwalls for wallpapering (or painting). To calculate the indicators, the typical area of ​​windows and doors was used. Wall area indicators vary according to the height of the ceiling of the room:

Room area, m 2 Room ceiling height 2.50 m Room ceiling height 2.70 m Room ceiling height 3.0 m
10 29 31 33
11 30,5 32,5 34,5
12 32 34 36
13 33,5 35,5 37,5
14 35 37 39
15 36,5 38,5 40,5
16 38 40 42
17 39,5 41,5 43,5
18 41 43 45
19 42,5 44,5 46,5
20 44 46 48
21 45,5 47,5 49,5
22 47 49 51
23 48,5 50,5 52,5

An accurate calculation of square meters is required mainly when repairing a house or apartment. According to the result, you will very easily buy exactly the amount of wallpaper or tiles that are required for a particular room.

How to calculate square meters - the necessary tools

You will need:

  • Special construction tape measure or a long, at least 1 m, ruler.
  • A simple pencil for marking walls, ceilings and floors.
  • Notebook and ballpoint pen.
  • Calculator.

How to calculate square meters - the basic formula

From the school curriculum, you probably remember that any area that is measured in square meters is calculated by multiplying just two values: width and length.

where: S - area (sq.m), a - length (m), b - width (m).

The notation in this formula applies to horizontal surfaces, i.e. floor and ceiling. For vertical walls, the formula looks like this?

where: S is the area (sq.m), a is the length of the wall along the plinth (m), h is the height of the wall from floor to ceiling.

How to calculate square meters of a ceiling or floor

The simplest is the calculation of square meters of solid horizontal surfaces - that is, the floor and ceiling. Since the ceiling is a mirror image of the floor, having determined the floor area, you can confidently assert that the ceiling has the same number of square meters. So:

  • Pick up a tape measure and fix its tip in the corner of the room near the floor itself. Stretch the tape measure along the entire wall to the next corner and write down the resulting figure in your notebook (for example, 6 m). If you use a ruler instead of a long tape measure, then after each shift of the ruler, make marks on the floor. The resulting 6 meters is the length (a).
  • Measure the width (b) of the floor in the same way. For example, you will get it 4 m. Write this value in a notebook.
  • Take a calculator and multiply the length by the width: 6 * 4. The result is 24 and will be the number of square meters of floor or ceiling.

How to calculate the square meters of a solid wall

Using a tape measure or ruler, measure the length of the wall along the baseboard. For example, it will be 5 m. Next, measure the height of the wall - it is best to do this in the corner. Let's say the height of the room you got is 3.3 m. Now multiply these two values: 5 * 3.3 \u003d 16.5. The result is 16.5 and will be the same square meters.

How to calculate the square meters of a wall with a window

For the calculation, you will need additional window measurements and standard wall measurements.

  • Measure the height of the window and its width. For example, you will get a height of 1 m, and a width of 1.5 m. Multiply these two values: 1 * 1.5 \u003d 1.5 square meters (window area).
  • Measure the length of the wall along the plinth (take the same 5 m) and the height of the wall (take the same 3.3 m). When multiplied, you get 16.5 square meters.
  • From the total square meters of the wall (this is 16.5), subtract the number of square meters of the window (this is 1.5). The result will be 15 square meters (16.5-1.5).

How to calculate the square meters of a wall with a door

Make the calculation similarly to the calculation of square meters of a wall with a window.

Knowing the exact values ​​​​of square meters, you can go to the store and buy wallpaper or tiles for renovation. Be sure to contact the consultant and show him all the measurements and calculations. The fact is that all finishing materials must be purchased taking into account the selection of a pattern or cutting tiles - the stock per square meter can be from 10 to 20%.

To someone, probably, such a “childish” question will seem ridiculous - “how to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.” But let's agree that, firstly, many of us graduated from school a very long time ago. Secondly, not everyone in everyday life is constantly faced with the need to carry out geometric calculations, and something could already be forgotten. And, thirdly, rooms and walls do not always and everywhere have a rectangular shape, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is easy and simple to calculate. This means that sometimes you have to be smart and apply more complex calculation methods.

And why is it generally necessary to be able to determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor, walls, ceiling of a room?

  • These data are necessary for planning repairs in the apartment - you can calculate the amount of building materials needed.
  • If the work is done by hired craftsmen, they most often require payment per square meter. In order not to become a victim of fraud, to be able to control the conscientiousness of employees and not to pay too much, it is necessary to be able to correctly determine the amount of work performed.
  • The ability to read building diagrams and determine the area may be needed when viewing residential options for sale or rent. By the way, the amount of payment for some utilities also depends on the size of the usable and total area.
  • The correct selection of lighting fixtures directly depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room - there are special lighting standards in this regard.
  • Knowing the area, it is easy to calculate the volume of the room. A this is the main parametr pr and selection of heating devices, climatic equipment, ventilation systems.

In a word, such a skill will never be superfluous. And if the reader came to this page, then he needed to learn or refresh the algorithms for calculating the area. Therefore, we begin to consider, according to the principle "from simple to complex."

Preparation for calculations

This stage, in fact, includes two main points. It is required to prepare a place for performing measuring work, the tools and accessories necessary for this, and in fact, to carry out measurements, transferring the results to a diagram or drawing.

  • Ideally, it is best to take all measurements in a room completely free of furniture and other items. This is usually the case during renovations. But if measurements are carried out for other purposes, then, of course, no one will undertake to take everything out of the room.

Measurements of the lengths of the sides of a room are usually taken along the walls. Therefore, it is necessary to try to free these areas, so that you can completely, from wall to wall, stretch the roulette tape.

  • The easiest way to check the squareness of a room is to measure the diagonals. Therefore, you may need space in the center of the room. Or, it must be possible to move objects that may interfere with measurements.

Surely ironic remarks will follow - is it possible that the author, giving such advice, has never heard of modern electronic laser roulettes? Of course, these modern devices help not only to quickly and accurately measure linear and angular quantities - many of them have built-in functions for performing the necessary calculations.

Laser roulette is convenient, but few people have such a tool

However, let's "fall to the ground" - so far not many have such a tool. Professionals, yes, it is difficult to do without it at the present time. However, in domestic conditions, most people still rely on traditional methods of measurement. By the way, for taking measurements with a laser tape measure, one way or another, you still have to create free space anyway - for the unhindered passage of the beam.

Basic set - a regular tape measure, notebook, pencil or marker
  • So, we proceed from the fact that we carry out measurements with an ordinary tape measure. In addition, in addition to a notepad for notes, you may need:

- a long ruler for beating straight lines (for example, a rule or a long building level may come up);

Rule - will help beat off straight lines

- the largest possible (the more - the better) building square;

Building squares - regular and folding

- an impromptu compass - it can be a piece of a strong cord tied to some sharp pin, which will play the role of a center;

- to measure the angle - you need either a special tool, or calculations using trigonometric functions. However, in those methods that will be proposed, the measurement of the angle will not become a mandatory procedure at all - we will manage with linear quantities.

- it may be necessary to carry out some kind of auxiliary marking on the floor. In order not to stain the floor with chalk or a marker, you can use thin masking tape.

Painter's tape in a bright color is a good help when performing auxiliary marking
  • It is better to take all measurements twice - so there will be less chance of making any unfortunate mistake due to inattention.
  • The roulette tape during measurements should not sag, in the measured area it should be a straight segment, stretched.

  • Attention to the scale! Do not confuse the metric system with the inch - foot system, as many measuring tools have both scales.
  • It will be much easier to work if you sketch out a rough floor plan on paper in advance. Not at all necessary draw it in this case super-neatly, on a scale, in compliance with the requirements of drawing standards.

Even such a "freehand" scheme will be a good helper.

It will just be much more convenient to immediately transfer the measurement results to paper for further calculations.

When measuring distances, you will need to write them down in meters, rounded to the nearest centimeter, for example, 0.82 m or 5.38 m. Then all the results will immediately be obtained in the required square meters.

  • Some calculation formulas are quite cumbersome, contain trigonometric functions or square root calculations, that is, it will not be possible to calculate “in a column”. It's great if you have the ability to carry out calculations in Excel - everything is clear, plus the whole process can be saved in a file. If not, then the calculator comes into play. It is convenient to use what is built into Windows - just do not forget to transfer it from "normal" to "engineering" through the "View" menu or by simultaneously pressing the "Alt + 2" keys.

Switching the calculator to the "engineering" mode

Now we turn to the consideration of possible configuration options for the room.

Determine the floor area of ​​the room


1. Probably the most common room configuration, especially in urban high-rise buildings. And, accordingly, the most straightforward way to calculate the area.

The sides of the rectangle can be denoted as A and B. Thus, the area will be equal to:

S= A × B

You can’t imagine it easier - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rectangle

The opposite sides of the rectangle are equal to each other, in pairs, that is, in fact, only two values ​​​​can be measured.

But at the same time, we must not forget about checking - is it a rectangle? You can attach a building square in each of the corners, but this does not always give a clear picture. It will be easier to make measurements of the diagonals and compare the results. If they coincide or the difference is very small, then we can assume that this is really a rectangle.

In the proposed example, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is equal to:

S\u003d A × B \u003d 5.82 × 3.77 \u003d 21.94 m²

2. The room may have ledges, niches, passages and etc.. rectangular shape. It's okay - you can divide the total area into several rectangles on the diagram. It is clear that after calculating the areas for the plots, all values ​​are summed up.

Let's complicate the task a little - a room with a niche

The diagram shows an example of a large room with a protruding area. In the diagram, the red dotted line shows the division of the room into two rectangular sections. It remains only to find the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach and sum it up:

Σ s = S1 + S2 = 8.26 × 3.73 + 2.63 × 1.50 = 30.81 + 3.95 = 34.75 m²

3. Sometimes it happens that the protrusion, on the contrary, is directed towards the room and therefore “eats up” part of the area.

Reverse example - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is reduced due to the ledge

Then, when calculating, you can go the other way - find the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis “stolen” space and subtract it from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe large rectangle.


This situation often happens in corner rooms.

A characteristic feature, called a trapezoid, is that its two sides are parallel to each other, and the other two can be located at an arbitrary angle.

The area of ​​a trapezoid - you need to know three parameters

In this case, to determine the area, you need to know three parameters - the lengths of two parallel sides and the height of the trapezoid, that is, the distance along the perpendicular between them.

S = ½ (A + B) × h

This formula is universal - nothing changes from the angles of the sides, and we do not need to know their meaning. And here is the height h it is better to measure in several places - there will be confidence that the two sides are really parallel to each other.

Consider an example:

A typical trapezoidal room. We take measurements and apply the formula:

S = ½ (A + B) × h= 0.5 × (6.27 + 7.00) × 2.73 = 15.83 m²

Sometimes knowledge of the trapezoid area formula is also useful for complex, polygonal room shapes. For example, the drawing below shows a pentagonal room. It is most convenient to divide it into two sections - a rectangle and a trapezoid (separated by a conditional red line).

Rectangle area:

S 1 \u003d 6.33 × 3.95 \u003d 25 m²

One of the sides of the rectangle is also the base of the trapezoid. And the height of the trapezoid is the difference in the lengths of the opposite sides of the room:

h = 7.71 – 6.33 = 1.38 m

Finding the area of ​​the trapezoid:

S 2 \u003d 0.5 × (3.95 + 2.55) × 1.38 \u003d 4.49

In total, the area of ​​​​the entire room is equal to:

Σs = S1 + S2 = 25.0 + 5.71 = 29,49

Calculator for calculating the area of ​​rectangular or trapezoidal rooms

The calculator below allows you to calculate the areas of both rectangular and trapezoidal rooms - the only difference is that rectangular rooms have lengths A1 And A2 will be the same.

If necessary, you can immediately make adjustments to existing niches or ledges.

I will give an example of calculating the floor or ceiling of a room (kitchen) in square meters.

The calculation formula is simple, S \u003d a * b, where S is the area, a and b are, respectively, the length and width of the room.
In our example (drawing with measurements), instead of small letters, the length is A and the width is B., and the opposite walls are D and C.

If we have a room length of 5 meters and a width of 3 meters, then we need (5 * 3 = 15 sq.m.), as a result we get 15 sq.m. by gender

Take advantage of our Calculator to calculate floor or ceiling area

If you do not want to manually calculate the floor area or you did not understand something when describing the calculations, then you can use our calculator and calculate floor or ceiling area automatically.

For the calculation it is necessary measure in meters length, width of the room and enter the data in order by filling out the form and you will automatically receive a calculation floor or ceiling area in square meters.

Floor area calculator


Please note that measurements must be taken in meters. Those. if you received a room length of 964 centimeters, then you must enter the value 9.64 in the form fields. Please note that fractional numbers must be entered with a dot, not with a comma!

Those. 2.6 - wrong, 2.6 - correct

Calculator counts not only floor or ceiling area, this calculator can also be used to calculate the area of ​​any other rectangular object that has a length and width. In this case, instead of the width and length of the room, you need to substitute the values ​​​​of the width and length of these very objects (windows, doors, etc.,) for example, such as area of ​​windows and doors.

If we have window dimensions, the width is 1.6 meters and the height is 1.5 meters.
- and the doors are 0.8 meters wide and 2.05 meters high.

Window: (1.6 * 1.5) = 2.4 sq.m., as a result, we get a window of 2.4 sq.m.,
Doors: (0.8 * 2.05) \u003d 1.64 sq.m, as a result, we get doors 1.64 sq.m.,