Methodological recommendations for accounting for children. Guidelines for organizing registration of children to be educated in general educational institutions

1. Relevance

At present, a complex of problems in the sphere of life and legal protection of children remains in the region, causing serious concern for state bodies and society as a whole. Topical problems are the growing number of families and children in a socially dangerous situation, neglect, drug addiction among children and adolescents. Over the past two years, the number of homeless and neglected children has increased in the region (2008-387, 209-417). The problem of children left out of education remains unresolved. As of September 1, 2009, 11 students aged 6.6 to 18 did not start classes (7 in 2008).

Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation provides for the general availability and free of charge of basic general education.

Federal Law -FZ "On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Vocational Education" Part 2 of Art. 31 of the Law of the Russian Federation -1 "On Education" was supplemented by clause 12, which established the powers of local governments to record children to be educated in educational institutions of basic general education.

By order of Rosstat, the form of federal state statistical observation No. 1 - ND "Information on the number of children aged 7–18 years not studying in educational institutions as of October 1" was approved.

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation sent a letter dated 01.01.01 No. 419/28-5 “On measures to identify and register children aged 6–15 years who are not studying in educational institutions”, containing recommendations aimed at organizing work on conducting registration school-age children to be educated.

The federal law -FZ "On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation" placed the organization of the provision of public and free primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education, with the exception of the powers to financially support the educational process, referred to the competence public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 194-FZ of 01.01.2001 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Establishment of Compulsory General Education” of the relevant amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, which declared general education compulsory, including three levels - primary general, basic general and

secondary (complete) general education, and established that the requirement of compulsory general education in relation to a particular student remains in force until he reaches the age of 18 years.

Identification of students who do not attend, as well as systematically skip classes for disrespectful reasons in an educational institution, the Federal Law of 01.01.01 "On the basics of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency" is attributed to the powers of the educational institution. Registration of such minors is maintained by the educational authorities.

3. Organization of registration of children in the territory of the municipality

The problem of registering children is of an interdepartmental nature and can be solved only if there is effective interaction not only of the bodies exercising management in the field of education and educational institutions subordinate to them, but also the active involvement in this work of all bodies, organizations, institutions located on the territory of the municipality.

In order to cover the maximum number of different categories of children to be educated by the accounting system, it is advisable as main sources information about children indicate the following:

1) registration data, including registration at the place of residence, carried out by bodies and organizations of the housing and communal (urban) economy (copies of registration cards, house (apartment) books, etc.);

2) data of the census and (or) clinical examination of the child population compiled by district pediatricians of health care institutions about children actually residing on the territory of the health care institution, regardless of registration at the place of residence (stay);

3) data of district police officers obtained as a result of door-to-door (door-to-door) rounds, including about children who are not registered, but actually live in the administrative area.

As additional sources Information about children is suggested to be used:

XIstage- clarification by the authorized body of primary information, taking measures to arrange for education or employment of those categories of children, taking measures in respect of which it is within its competence, or sending information about such children, including children whose information could not be established, to other bodies, organizations, institutions to take the necessary measures in accordance with the law.

XII stage- monitoring the placement of minors in education and / or their employment and their continuation of education in other (except full-time) forms, regardless of whether measures for placement were taken by the local government independently or transferred under jurisdiction to another body (organization).

XIIIstage- analysis of the causes and conditions that contribute to non-attendance or abandonment of educational institutions by students, analysis of the effectiveness of measures taken by educational institutions to involve children in the learning process. Development of a set of measures aimed at eliminating the causes that contribute to non-attendance or abandonment of educational institutions by students, and at carrying out activities aimed at involving children in the learning process. Creation of conditions for children to receive education in various forms in the presence of objective obstacles to their receiving full-time education. Organization of a comprehensive system of individual preventive work in relation to minors who do not attend an educational institution, their parents (legal representatives). Preparation of proposals on issues of ensuring the necessary measures aimed at implementing the principle of universal secondary (complete) general education.

4. Organization of registration of children in general educational institutions

General educational institutions annually organize and carry out current registration of students of their institution, regardless of their place of residence. General information about the contingent of students is drawn up by educational institutions (Appendix No. 3) and submitted to the authorized body annually:

In case of missing classes for 1-3 days or individual lessons, the class teacher finds out the reasons for the absence of the student, his parents (legal representatives). If classes were missed without a valid reason and parents did not know about it, they should be warned about the need to strengthen control over the child's behavior and school attendance.

2. In the event that the parents did not respond properly to the information about absenteeism, and the student continues to miss classes (more than 5 days), the educational institution, together with representatives of the KDN and the GP, will visit the child at home. During the visit, the living conditions in the family, relations with parents and the reason for the absence from school are clarified. Home visits should be documented in a housing inspection report.

If it is known that parents abuse alcoholic beverages, drugs, are prone to antisocial behavior, an inspector of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Department of Internal Affairs should be invited to visit the family.

If it was not possible to establish contact with the parents, and the neighbors do not know anything about the location of the family, you should contact the PDN of the Department of Internal Affairs.

Intra-school registration is being carried out, socio-psychological and pedagogical assistance is being organized, measures are being taken to educate and receive a general education for them.

The school administration sends information to the PDN of the Department of Internal Affairs about the identification of students who systematically miss classes in an educational institution for disrespectful reasons and the measures taken.

3. If the parents do not take appropriate measures to return the child to school (absences in total amount to more than 7 days), the school administration warns them in writing about the administrative responsibility of the parents of minors (legal representatives) for improper performance or non-performance of maintenance, upbringing, education, protection of the rights and interests of minors.

4. Information about the student is sent to the local self-government body that manages in the field of education (absences in total amount to more than 7 days).

Information about the student (registration card for a minor who is in a socially dangerous situation) is sent to the department of social protection of the administration of the municipality.

5. Local self-government bodies exercising management in the field of education inform in writing the KDN and ZP about parents (legal representatives) who do not pay due attention to the upbringing and education of the child.

In the event that parents (legal representatives) do not fulfill their duties for the upbringing, education, maintenance of minors, negatively influence their behavior or treat them ill-treated, it is necessary to inform the police department of internal affairs in writing.

6. The local self-government body exercising management in the field of education sends information about students who systematically miss classes in educational institutions for more than 20 days (in total) for unjustified reasons to the department of additional education and upbringing of the department of education and science of the region every month up to the 25th day .

Timely identification of the cause of “absenteeism”, persistent work with “difficult children”, the ability to find an individual pedagogical approach to them, prevent them from being rejected from school, and resolve problems of conflicts with classmates is a great contribution to the prevention of juvenile delinquency and crime and a guarantee of effectiveness. legal education of students.

With all students who are registered within the school, preventive work is carried out aimed at preventing or reducing the likelihood of missing lessons:

constant, daily monitoring and accounting for the attendance of students;

organization of individual and group work with students and their parents by the psychological and social service of the school to overcome the reasons for missing classes;

organization of individual work with students experiencing difficulties in mastering curricula, eliminating gaps in the knowledge of students;

timely and immediate notification of institutions and bodies of the system of prevention of minors who maliciously evade education, do not attend classes, as well as parents who interfere with education or evade the upbringing and education of their children (Article 9 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Preventing Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency” ").

on the organization of registration of children,

subject to learning

in educational institutions

Approximate structure of a regulatory legal act

1. General provisions (legal grounds, goals for registering children subject to basic general educational programs of general education; age of children subject to registration in order to ensure the right to general education are determined).

2. Determination of the authorized body coordinating the organization of registration of children in the territory of the municipality.

3. The competence of the local self-government body in the field of organizing and conducting registration of children to be trained in the main general educational programs of general education.

4. Bodies, organizations, institutions involved in the registration of children in the territory of the municipality, their powers, duties and responsibilities (indicating the mandatory responsibility for ensuring information security in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of 01.01.01 "On information, information Technologies and Information Protection” and the Federal Law of January 1, 2001 “On Personal Data”).

5. Sources of information about children to be trained in basic general educational programs of general education; categories of children in respect of which information is provided; obligation to provide information about children.

6. The main stages of the organization of work on the registration of children.

7. Requirements for the content of information databases.

year of reaching the age for admission to study under the programs of secondary (complete) general education;

an educational institution implementing general educational programs that the child attends (non-state educational institution);

reason for non-attendance at a general education institution (health condition / receiving education at home (or in another (except full-time) form) / systematically skips classes / does not study in violation of the law / expelled from an educational institution / could not be established / other);

the body competent to take measures in respect of a non-educational child;

measures taken in relation to a child who is not studying (placement to study in another educational institution / transition to another form of education / employment / other);

body / organization from which information about the child was received;

dates of entering / changing / deleting information about the child.

1. An alphabetical record book of students is maintained in each educational institution (legal entity).

2. All students of a general education institution are recorded in the book. Every year the list is updated with a record of students of a new technique.

Students are listed in alphabetical order, regardless of the grades they are in.

3. Separate pages are allocated for each letter of the alphabet, and each letter has its own serial numbering. The serial number of the student's entry in the book is also the number of his personal file.

On the personal file of the student, this number is affixed as a fraction. For example, No. B / 15 - means that the student is recorded in the alphabet book with the letter "B" under No. 15.

4. With special care it is necessary to keep records of the departure of students from a general education institution. Students who graduated from a general education institution, who stopped attending a general education institution due to a change of residence, transferred to another general education institution or another educational institution, and also expelled from a general education institution should be considered dropouts. Temporary suspension of studies (for example, due to illness) is not noted in the alphabet book.

The departure of the student is documented by the order of the school principal, indicating the reason for the departure; at the same time, the number and date of the order are entered in column 11 of the alphabetical book, and the reason for the departure is precisely indicated in column 13. If a student who has previously left a general education institution, whose departure is formalized by order, returns to it again, then the data about him is recorded as for a newly enrolled student, while the date of return of the student marked "return." is recorded in the "Date of entry to school" column.

5. When using all the pages of the alphabetical book for one letter or another, the entries are continued in the new book in the order of subsequent numbers for each letter.

6. All entries in the alphabetical book must be kept clearly and accurately. Corrections in the book are sealed by the director's signature and the seal of the educational institution.

7. The book is page numbered, laced and sealed with the director's signature and the seal of the educational institution.


Annex to the decree of the administration of the Dubrovsky district

from "_ 04 _» __ 02 __2015 __year No. 89


on the organization of registration of children subject to compulsory education in municipal educational organizations implementing educational programs of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education in the Dubrovsky district.

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation on the organization of registration of children subject to compulsory education in municipal educational organizations implementing programs of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education in the Dubrovsky district (hereinafter - Regulation) was developed in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Federal Law No. 120-FZ of June 24, 1999 “On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency”, in order to carry out annual personal records of children subject to compulsory education in municipal educational organizations that implement educational programs of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education (hereinafter referred to as the registration of children), as well as determining the procedure for interaction between bodies, institutions and organizations involved in the registration of children.

1.2. This Regulation determines the procedure for registering children subject to compulsory education in municipal educational organizations that implement educational programs of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education on the territory of the municipal formation "Dubrovsky District" (hereinafter - municipal educational organizations).

1..3. All children aged 2 months to 18 years old, studying in municipal educational institutions, residing (permanently or temporarily) or staying on the territory of the Dubrovsky District municipality, are subject to mandatory annual personal registration, regardless of the presence (absence) of registration at the place of residence ( stay) in order to ensure their constitutional right to receive compulsory general education.

1.4. Identification and registration of children subject to compulsory education in municipal educational organizations, but not receiving general education, is carried out as part of the interaction of bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency, together with interested persons and organizations in accordance with applicable law.

1.5. Information on registering children is subject to collection, transfer, storage and use in a manner that ensures its confidentiality, in accordance with the requirements of current legislation.

2. The competence of the department of education and municipal educational organizations to ensure the organization of registration of children subject to compulsory education

2.1. Department of Education of the Administration of the Dubrovsky District (hereinafter referred to as the Department of Education):

2.1.1. Provides organizational leadership for the work of registering children.

2.1.2. Accepts from the institutions and organizations specified in clause 3.3. of this Regulation, information compiled in accordance with the requirements of clause 3.5, and forms a single information database.

2.1.Z.Organizes the regular receipt of information about children to be included in a single information database, timely updates it in accordance with the information received from the institutions and organizations specified in clause 3.3 of this Regulation.

2.1.4. Takes measures to place children who do not receive general education for education in subordinate municipal educational organizations.

2.1.5. Controls the educational placement of identified non-educational children and makes appropriate changes to the unified information database.

2.1.6. Carries out control over the activities of municipal educational organizations in organizing the education of children and preserving the contingent of students.

2.1.7. Coordinates the activities of subordinate municipal educational organizations in maintaining documentation on the registration and movement of students, checks the completeness and accuracy of the data contained in the book of the movement of children of the MDOU and the alphabetical book of students.

2.1.8. Carries out the storage of lists of children included in a single information database before they receive general education.

2.1.9. Ensures proper protection of information containing personal data about children entered into a single information database, in accordance with the requirements of current legislation.

2.2. Municipal educational organizations:

2.2.1. Organize work on registering the children of their institution, and submit information to the education department in accordance with Section 4 of this Regulation.

2.2.2. Carry out systematic monitoring of attendance by students, conduct individual preventive work with students who have problems in behavior and learning, development and social adaptation.

2.2.3. Inform the department of education and the commission on juvenile affairs and protection of their rights about children who have stopped education for an unexcused reason.

2.2.4. Ensure the storage of lists of children to be trained and other documentation on the registration and movement of students until they receive a basic general or secondary general education.

2.2.5. They accept for training children who do not receive general education, identified in the course of work on registering children.

2.2.6. Provide appropriate protection of information containing personal data about children, in accordance with the requirements of applicable law.

3. Organization of work on the registration of children

3.1. The organization of work on the registration of children subject to compulsory education in municipal educational organizations is carried out by the department of education.

3.2. Accounting for children is carried out by forming a single information database on children subject to compulsory education (hereinafter - a single information database), which is formed and located (stored) in the education department.

3.3. The following are involved in registering children:

Municipal educational organizations;

GBUZ "Dubrovskaya Central District Hospital" (within its competence, as agreed),

Commission on juvenile affairs and the protection of their rights of the administration of the Dubrovsky district (within its competence, as agreed).

3.4. The sources for the formation of a single information database are:

3.4.1. Data of municipal educational organizations implementing educational programs of general education about children:

Those who do not have a general education and do not study in violation of the current legislation;

Not attending, or systematically skipping classes for disrespectful reasons.

3.4.2. Data of municipal educational organizations implementing preschool education programs about children:

Students in a municipal educational organization, regardless of their place of residence;

Those who have reached the age of 6 years and 6 months, completing preschool education in the current year and subject to admission to the 1st grade in the coming and following academic years.

3.4.3. Data of the Dubrovskaya Central District Hospital on the child population, including children not registered at the place of residence, but actually living in the respective territory.

3.5. Data on children received in accordance with paragraph 3.4 of this Regulation are drawn up in lists containing personal data on children, formed in alphabetical order by year of birth.

The specified information is provided by the heads of the institutions (organizations) listed in paragraph 3.3 of this Regulation to the education department in electronic form (in Excel format) and on paper, certified by the signature of the head of the institution (organization) and the seal of the institution.

4. Organization of registration of children in municipal educational organizations.

4.1. Municipal educational organizations annually organize and carry out current registration of students of their organization, regardless of their place of residence. General information about the contingent of students is drawn up by municipal educational organizations in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 3.5 of this regulation and provided to the education department annually in the prescribed form (Appendix 1):

By September 15, as of September 5 of the current year (in order to verify the list of students in this organization and the data of students who actually started studying in this academic year after the summer holidays).

By January 15 as of January 1 of the current year (actual students) in electronic form;

By June 15 as of June 1 of the current year (according to the results of the academic year), except for municipal preschool organizations in electronic form;

4.2. Municipal educational organizations separately keep records of students who do not attend or systematically miss classes in educational organizations for disrespectful reasons.

Information about the specified category of students, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of clause 3.5 of this Regulation, is submitted by municipal educational organizations to the education department on a monthly basis until the 5th day of the month following the reporting month as of the 30th day of the reporting month in the prescribed form (Appendix 2 (table 1 and table 2)).

4.3. Information about children accepted by municipal general educational organizations or leaving them during the academic year is submitted by municipal general educational organizations to the education department within three days after the end of each quarter and as of September 5, along with information for the summer period in the prescribed form (Appendix 3) .

4.4. Information about children aged 6 years and 6 months who attend municipal educational organizations that implement educational programs of preschool education in the prescribed form (Appendix 4) is provided to the education department, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 3.5 of the Regulations, annually:

  • on June 15 as of June 1 of the current year
  • on September 15 as of September 5 of the current year.

4.5. In the event of receiving information about families that prevent their children from receiving education and (or) improperly fulfill the duties of raising and educating their children, the educational institution:

Immediately takes measures to interact with parents (legal representatives) to organize the education of minors;

Informs the department of education about the identified children and the measures taken to organize education for these children;

Informs the commission on juvenile affairs and protection of their rights to take action in accordance with applicable law.

5. Interdepartmental interaction.

5.1. GBUZ "Dubrovskaya CRH" (within its competence, as agreed) carry out the necessary information and explanatory work among the population on the registration of children to be educated. In case of detection of children who are not studying in violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation, information is sent in writing to:

Municipal educational organizations located in the respective territory;

Education department;

Commission on juvenile affairs and protection of their rights.

5.2. Bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency (within their competence as agreed):

Send information about children subject to compulsory education and not studying in violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation to municipal educational organizations, the department of education;

Assist in the organization of work with students who do not attend or systematically miss classes for disrespectful reasons.

Application No. 1

To the Department of Education Administration

Dubrovsky district

List of students

No. p / p

The contingent of the educational institution (surname, name, patronymic of the child)


Date of Birth

Arrival date

Residence address

Special marks (did not start classes (reason), other)

Registration at the place of residence / stay: permanently, temporarily, for how long arrived

Address of the actual residence


(signature) (full name)

Compiled in accordance with clause 4.1 of the Regulations and sent to the Department of Education annually three times a year as of September 5 (in electronic and paper form) as of January 1, June 1 in electronic form.

Application No. 2

to the Regulations on the organization of registration of children subject to compulsory education in municipal educational organizations implementing educational programs of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education in the Dubrovsky district.

Table 1.


about students who do not attend or systematically miss for disrespectful reasons

classes in educational institutions

The number of minors registered at the place of residence or place of stay in the assigned territory, aged 6.5-18 years, subject to training,

The number of minors registered at the place of residence or place of stay in the assigned territory, aged 6.5-18, who are not studying at the educational institution,

The number of minors registered at the place of residence or place of stay in the assigned territory, aged 6.5-18 years, not studying for unexcused reasons

For reasons including:

Number of students

not for a long time

attending school

or systematically


training sessions

("hidden dropout")

Never learned

Dropped out of the educational institution without receiving a general education

Other reasons, incl. due to illness


Head of educational institution:


Compiled in accordance with clause 4.2 of the Regulations and sent to the education department on a monthly basis as of the 30th day of the reporting month.

Table 2.


about students who do not attend or systematically skip

for good reasons, classes in educational institutions


(indicate the name of the educational institution sending the information)


Date of Birth

Number of passes

FULL NAME. parents


Systematically skipping classes (children enrolled in the educational institution, but missing more than 10 days without good reason) or not attending the educational institution


educational institution _______________ ___________________

(signature) (full name)


Compiled in accordance with paragraph 4.2. Regulations and sent to the education department on a monthly basis as of the 30th day of the reporting month.

Application No. 3

to the Regulations on the organization of registration of children subject to compulsory education in municipal educational organizations implementing educational programs of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education in the Dubrovsky district.

To the education department of the Dubrovsky district administration


about the movement of students


(indicate the name of the educational institution sending the information)

Number of students at the end of the quarter, academic year*


You were

Surname, name, patronymic of the child


Address of residence / stay: permanently, temporarily, for how long


Surname, name, patronymic of the child


Address of residence / stay: permanently, temporarily, for how long



educational institution _______________ ___________________

(signature) (full name)


Compiled in accordance with clause 4.3. Regulations and sent to the Department of Education within three days after the end of the academic quarter and as of September 5.

* Indicate for what period the information is provided

Application No. 4

to the Regulations on the organization of registration of children subject to compulsory education in municipal educational organizations implementing educational programs of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education in the Dubrovsky district.

To the education department of the Dubrovsky district administration


about children attending a preschool educational institution


(indicate the name of the preschool institution sending the information)

No. p / p

Surname, name, patronymic of the child

Date of Birth

Address of residence / stay: permanently / temporarily

Mark on the departure of the pupil, the reason for the departure, date

Mark on the completion of preschool education by the pupil in the current year *

Proposed general education institution for admission to the 1st grade *


educational institution _______________ ___________________

(signature) (full name)


Compiled by an educational institution and sent to the education department in accordance with clause 3.4 of the Regulations.

* Columns of tables 6 and 7 are filled in when institutions provide information as of June 1 of the current year about their pupils completing preschool education in the current year.

Added to site:

1. General Provisions

1.1. This provision has been developed in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 "On Education in the Russian Federation", Federal Law No. 120-FZ of June 24, 1999 "On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency ", Federal Law of July 24, 1998 N 124-FZ "On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation", the Family Code, as well as the Charter of [name of the educational organization] and regulates the procedure for internal accounting of students of an educational organization who are in a socially dangerous situation and those in need of individual preventive work (hereinafter referred to as accounting).

2. Goals and objectives of accounting for students and their families

2.1. Educational organization for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency:

Identifies and keeps a record of minors who are in a socially dangerous situation, as well as those who do not attend or systematically miss classes for disrespectful reasons, take measures to educate them and receive a secondary (complete) general education;

Identifies and keeps records of families in a socially dangerous situation, and provides them with assistance in the education and upbringing of children.

2.2. The main objectives of activities for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency are:

Prevention of neglect, homelessness, delinquency and antisocial actions of minors, identification and elimination of the causes and conditions that contribute to this;

Ensuring the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minors;

Socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of minors who are in a socially dangerous situation;

Identification and suppression of cases of involvement of minors in the commission of crimes and antisocial actions.

3. Organization of work on the registration of children in an educational organization

3.1. Educational organization:

Identifies minors who do not attend or systematically miss classes for unjustified reasons, takes measures for their upbringing and for them to receive a secondary (complete) general education;

Keeps records of children who do not attend or systematically miss classes for disrespectful reasons;

Identifies the reasons and conditions that contribute to the absence of classes for unexcused reasons;

Maintains records and movement of students and promptly informs [name of local authority in the field of education] and the Commission on Juvenile Affairs and Protection of Their Rights about children who have stopped or evaded education.

3.2. Daily control over the attendance of classes is carried out by the class teacher. In case of missing 1 day of classes, and / or individual lessons, the total number of which is equal to the specified values, the class teacher finds out the reasons for the absence of the student, his parents (legal representatives). If classes were missed without a valid reason and the parents did not know about it, they should be warned in writing (notification, entry in the diary) about the need to strengthen control over the child's behavior and school attendance.

3.3. In addition to the conversation of the class teacher, an individual consultation is held with a teacher-psychologist, and all appropriate measures are taken together with the parents to eliminate the identified causes of absenteeism.

3.4. If the parents (legal representatives) did not properly respond to the information about the child’s absences for unjustified reasons for classes, and the student continues to miss classes, it is necessary to visit such a student at home together with representatives of the public commission for minors and the protection of their rights (hereinafter - CDN and ZP), an employee - a district police officer. Home visits should be documented in a housing inspection report.

When establishing the fact of abuse by parents of alcoholic beverages, drugs, a tendency to antisocial behavior, you should invite a member of the CDN and GP or an inspector of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Internal Affairs Directorate to visit such a family.

If it was not possible to establish contact with the parents, and the housemates (schoolmates) do not know anything about the location of the family, you should contact the juvenile affairs unit (PDN ATC at the student's place of residence) to establish the location of the student and his parents.

3.5. If parents do not take appropriate measures to return the child to school, they should be warned in writing about administrative responsibility for evading their main duties of raising and receiving basic general education for children.

3.6. In the case when the work with the child and parents did not give proper results, and the minor continues not to attend classes without good reason, the student should be registered with the school for individual preventive work and more strict control.

3.7. With regard to parents (legal representatives) who do not pay due attention to the upbringing of children and their education, it is necessary to inform in detail, in writing, the KDN and the RFP and PDN of the Internal Affairs Directorate in order to hold parents administratively liable for failure or improper performance by them of their maintenance and upbringing obligations. , training, protection of the rights and interests of minors (Article 5.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

In the event that parents (legal representatives) do not fulfill their duties for the upbringing, education and (or) maintenance of minors and (or) negatively influence their behavior or treat them cruelly, it is necessary to inform the police department of the Internal Affairs Directorate in writing.

3.8. In order to ensure the realization of the right of citizens to receive general education, an educational organization maintains documentation on the registration and movement of students.

4. Basis for intra-school registration

4.1. Students are subject to intra-school registration for repeated, systematic absences of school hours, as well as for long-term non-attendance at school without a good reason at the request of the class teacher.

4.2. For each minor who systematically misses or does not attend classes in an educational institution for a long time, the class teacher (social teacher) starts a Card for not attending classes.

4.3. Information about the minor and his living conditions, about individual preventive work with the minor, about the measures taken by the educational institution are entered into the registration card.

4.4. The record card is submitted monthly to [name of local education authority].

From the moment this form is submitted, information about the minor is entered into the data bank of [name of local education authority], which indicates that the student is registered with [name of local education authority].

4.5. Information on the registration of children, information about which is included in the data bank, is subject to storage and use in a manner that ensures its confidentiality.

5. Procedure for deregistration within the school

5.1. If within six months a student does not miss classes without a good reason, then the class teacher submits the following documents to the School Prevention Council:

Application for deregistration of a student;

Characteristics for the student;

An extract from the class journal containing information about the attendance of classes and current academic performance (certified by the deputy director for educational work);

Certificates on individual work with the student and his parents (legal representatives), etc.

5.2. On the basis of these documents and oral explanations of the class teacher at a meeting of the Prevention Council, a decision is made to remove the minor from the intra-school register.

5.3. An extract from the protocol of the decision of the Prevention Council "On deregistration" is sent to [name of the local authority in the field of education].

5.4. In addition, students who have completed their studies or who have changed their educational organization are removed from the register.

6. Functional duties of employees of an educational organization for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency

6.1. Deputy director for educational work:

Provides organizational and methodological assistance to a social teacher and class teachers in maintaining intra-school records;

Analyzes the conditions and causes of negative manifestations among students and determines measures to eliminate them;

Advises students and their parents on topical issues of education, takes part in resolving conflict situations;

Prepares relevant information on the activities of an educational organization for the prevention of neglect and delinquency among minors;

Provides information on the state of work in an educational organization with students and families who find themselves in a socially dangerous situation, in the event that materials are considered at a meeting of the CPC and the RFP;

Responsible for organizing the maintenance and execution of intra-school records, for interaction with other bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency.

6.2. Social teacher:

Forms a socio-pedagogical database of an educational organization;

Takes part in the preparation of information on the activities of an educational organization for the prevention of neglect and delinquency among minors;

Takes part in the development of an individual program of social and pedagogical assistance and support, psychological support for a student who is in a socially dangerous situation;

Advises class teachers on issues of social and pedagogical assistance and support for students and families in a socially dangerous situation;

Advises students and their parents on issues of education, social and pedagogical assistance and support, as well as issues within its competence;

Informs about the services provided by bodies and institutions of social protection of the population, bodies and institutions of healthcare;

Takes part in the resolution of situations and disputes on the protection and protection of the rights of minors;

Analyzes the conditions and causes of negative manifestations among students and determines measures for social and pedagogical assistance and support for children and families in a socially dangerous situation;

Analyzes the conditions and causes of the socially dangerous situation of families and determines measures for social and pedagogical assistance and support for families in this category;

Provides information on the state of work of an educational organization with students and families who find themselves in a socially dangerous situation, in case of consideration of materials at a meeting of the CPC and the RFP;

6.3. Classroom teacher:

Provides communication between the educational organization and the student's family;

Establishes contacts with parents (other legal representatives) of students;

Advises parents (other legal representatives) on the upbringing and education of children, both personally and through specialists from an educational organization;

Organizes in the classroom an educational space that is optimal for the development of the positive potential of each student;

It studies the individual characteristics of students and the dynamics of their development;

Studies and analyzes the degree of satisfaction of the participants in the educational process with the life of the class team, educational organization;

Controls the attendance of classes and the progress of each student;

Analyzes the conditions and causes of negative manifestations among students in the class and determines measures for pedagogical assistance and support for children;

Analyzes the conditions and causes of the emergence of a socially dangerous situation for families and determines measures for pedagogical assistance and support for families in this category;

Responsible for maintaining internal school records.

6.4. Educational psychologist:

Carries out diagnostics of students at the request of parents (other legal representatives), the administration of the educational organization, and students who have reached the age of fourteen - upon personal appeal;

Conducts individual and group counseling of children, parents (other legal representatives), teachers on issues within the scope of his professional competence;

Carries out individual and group correctional work with children, parents (other legal representatives), teachers;

Provides psychological support for students, parents (other legal representatives), teachers;

Takes part in the development and compilation of an individual program of social and pedagogical assistance and support, psychological support for a student who is in a socially dangerous situation;

Develops psychological and pedagogical recommendations on the interaction of the teaching staff with minors and families in a socially dangerous situation.

7. Responsibility for keeping internal records of students

7.1. Responsibility for the organization of intra-school records, execution of relevant documentation, individual preventive activities in relation to each student put on intra-school records, as well as for interaction with other bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency, is assigned by order of the head of the educational organization to the deputy director for educational work , social educator, teacher-psychologist and class teacher.

7.2. Control over the quality of performance of work on the registration of students who are in a socially dangerous situation and in need of individual preventive work is assigned to the deputy director of the school for educational work.

for work with students who are missing or

not regularly attending classes.

The problem of helping children and adolescents with skipping or systematically not attending classes is pointed out sharply. Particular attention is drawn to the growing number of students with pathology of the reproductive system, who need psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance. Factors that negatively affect the development and behavior of children and adolescents are: the processes taking place in society, the state of the family and its atmosphere, risk factors coming from the organization of intra-school life, internal factors of the child's personality.

What is the reason for the decline in children and adolescents of interest in learning and refusal to attend school?

The main reasons underlying this form of desocialization are:

Influence of the social environment:

    deprivation of parental rights or selection of children in court;

    chronic alcoholism of parents;

    mental illness of parents;

    stay of parents in places of deprivation of liberty;

    unwillingness of parents to educate their children;

    the influence of a bad company, environment.

Difficulties in learning that have a different etiology:

    insufficient stimulation of the mental development of the child due to the low social and material status and dysfunction of the family;

    deficiencies in the development of the cognitive sphere due to defects in mental development;

Violation of the parent-child relationship:

    the child does not attend school, thus trying to attract the attention of too busy parents or using such actions as blackmail;

    the excessive demand of parents regarding the progress of a child with a defect leads to the fact that the child begins to hate school, and then stops attending it;

Unfavorable personal relationships with peers and teachers.

In an educational institution, the number of students who skip or systematically do not attend classes remains stable - 1-2 students. These students require special control from class teachers, a social teacher, a teacher-psychologist, and school administration.

These students require special control from class teachers, a social teacher, a teacher-psychologist, and school administration.

One of the main areas of work of educational authorities and institutions is the identification and registration of children who do not attend or systematically miss classes for disrespectful reasons. The task of each educational institution is to ensure the rights of all citizens to receive a secondary (complete) general education, to maintain a contingent of students until they graduate from an educational institution.

Timely identification of the cause of "absenteeism", patient, persistent work with "difficult children", the ability to find an individual pedagogical approach to them, prevent their rejection from school, resolve problems of conflicts with classmates - is a great contribution to the prevention of delinquency and crimes of minors and the key to the effectiveness of the legal education of students.

Algorithm of work of specialists

Classroom teacher: Maintains daily control over attendance of classes by students and provides a report on missed lessons indicating the reasons for absence, engages in circle activities, visits the student at home and provides an examination report, conducts weekly conversations with parents on the progress, attendance and behavior of the student in any form (by phone , in face-to-face conversation). Provides a characteristic for the student, a summary sheet for quarters, acts of raids. If necessary, invites the student together with the parents to the prevention council. Involves students in the work of children's and youth organizations, conducts educational activities with difficult students, helps to choose a circle, a section of interest.

Subject teachers : Individually work with students in the lesson and after the lesson. They invite parents to school, speak at parent meetings with information on the progress and behavior of the student in his lesson, give recommendations on preparing for their subject. In cases of unsatisfactory performance of students, they submit a report on the individual work carried out with them.

Social teacher: Organizes raids to visit students at home, participates in raids. Conducts individual conversations with students and their parents, takes part in the work of the Prevention Council. Carries out statement on the intraschool preventive account of children with deviations in behavior or deviations in training, systematic skipping of lessons. Involvement of the necessary specialists (health workers, social workers, lawyers, etc.) for consultations with children and parents, providing them with targeted assistance. Implementation of constant pedagogical monitoring (control) of the behavior of students in this category, attending classes, mastering educational programs and regulating the situation in favor of the student.

Educational psychologist : Conducting psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of these children, to identify the causes of absenteeism, poor progress. Development of individual routes (plans, programs) for the correction of minors, their further development. Implementation of constant pedagogical monitoring (control) of the behavior of students in this category, attending classes, mastering educational programs and regulating the situation in favor of the student.

School administration: The school administration organizes the work of the teachers' council on the issue of academic failure, missed lessons. Controls the activities of all parts of the educational process to work with underachieving, skipping students. Compiles an analytical report based on the results of the year on the work of the teaching staff with underachieving, skipping students.

Parents: Parents must come to school at the request of the teacher or class teacher. Parents are obliged to control the student's homework and his attendance at the educational institution. If the child is absent from the lessons due to illness or other valid reasons, the parents help the child to master the missed educational material through independent studies or consultations with the subject teacher. Parents have the right to seek help from the class teacher, psychologist, social pedagogue, administration of the educational institution. In the event that parents evade their duties, materials are filed against the student and his parents to the commission for minors and the protection of children's rights in order to take administrative measures.

Organization of work on the registration of children in educational institutions:

1. Daily control over the attendance of classes is carried out by the class teacher (educator). In case of missing from 1 to 3 days of classes and / or individual lessons, the total number of which is equal to the specified values, the class teacher finds out the reasons for the absence of the student, his parents (legal representatives). If classes were missed without a valid reason and parents did not know about it, they should be warned about the need to strengthen control over the child's behavior and school attendance.

In addition to the conversation of the class teacher, it is recommended to conduct an individual consultation with a teacher-psychologist and take all appropriate measures to eliminate the cause of absenteeism. At the same time, it is necessary to interact with parents for joint efforts to eliminate the identified causes.

2. If the parents did not properly respond to the information about absenteeism, and the student continues to skip classes, it is necessary to visit such a student at home together with representatives of the KDN and the District PA. The visit will help to find out the conditions of his residence in the family, the attitude of his parents (legal representatives) and the reason for his absence from school, as well as to determine whether the child (his family) is in a socially dangerous situation and what measures should be taken. Home visits should be documented in a housing inspection report.

If it is known that parents abuse alcoholic beverages, drugs, are prone to antisocial behavior, you should invite an employee of the CDN and GP or an inspector of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Internal Affairs to visit such a family.

If it was not possible to establish contact with the parents, and the housemates (schoolmates) do not know anything about the location of the family, you should contact the juvenile affairs unit (ODN ATC at the student's place of residence) to establish the location of the student and his parents .

3. If parents do not take appropriate measures to return the child to school, they should be warned in writing about administrative responsibility for evading their main duties of raising children and receiving basic general education (part 2 of article 63 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, part 2 article 52 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education").

4. In the case when work with the child and parents did not give the desired results, and the minor continues not to attend classes without good reason, the teacher should be registered with the school for individual preventive work and more stringent control.

5. With regard to parents (legal representatives) who do not pay due attention to the upbringing and education of such a student, it is necessary to inform in detail in writing the KDN and ZP.

In the event that parents (legal representatives) do not fulfill their duties for the upbringing, education and (or) maintenance of minors and (or) negatively influence their behavior or treat them ill-treated, it is necessary to inform the Department for juvenile affairs of the internal affairs bodies in writing (Clause 1, Article 21 of the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency").

6. In order to ensure the realization of the right of citizens to receive secondary (complete) general education, increase the responsibility of state educational institutions in Moscow for the full coverage of children and adolescents with general education and the preservation of the contingent of students, the State educational institution is obliged to maintain documentation on the registration and movement of students (Articles 16, 17 of the Moscow Law "On General Education in Moscow").

It is very important that the child does not get "lost" between two schools, leaving one and never getting to the other. When transferring a child from one school to another, the host school must confirm in writing its consent to enrollment. In this case, control over the continuation of the education of the minor is assigned to the administration of the host educational institution.

Organization of work to identify, record minors who do not attend or systematically miss classes for disrespectful reasons:

1. The technology of work of the educational institution to identify non-educational children:

    Collection and processing of information on the attendance of students of educational institutions;

    Preventive work with children of the “risk group” at all levels: class teacher => psychologist => social pedagogue => school administration => further out-of-school organizations for prevention;

    Keeping class attendance diaries;

    Monthly report of class teachers on the attendance and performance of children of the "Risk Group";

    Working with the database of children aged 6–18 attending educational institutions: data correction.

2. Directions and forms of preventive work with identified children and children at risk:

    Class teacher (daily attendance monitoring, class hours, individual conversations with students and parents)

    Social pedagogue, pedagogue-psychologist (individual conversations with students and parents, diagnostic examinations, preventive measures);

    Administration (in case of aggravation of the situation);

    Prevention Council (development of a pedagogical strategy to eliminate the causes of non-learning);

    Individual counseling of parents by various specialists of the educational institution (if necessary);

    Identified families are sent to the Center for Support of Children and Adolescents, and are also placed on patronage in the family department.

3. The technology of work of the educational institution for prevention:

    Identification of the causes of non-learning;

    Organization of joint work with the ODN to provide assistance to the identified family;

    Drawing up and implementation of individual training programs;

    Organization of free time for students of the "risk group" involvement of all school children in active school life, in extracurricular activities.

The main thing is the organization of a comprehensive psychological - social - pedagogical support for students prone to vagrancy and absenteeism without good reason, establishing close interaction with parents or their legal representatives.

Measures to prevent missed classes without good reason

1. A timely response to absenteeism from school is a necessary condition for successful work on the implementation of legislation on the compulsory receipt of secondary (complete) general education by minors.

Not a single case of skipping individual subjects or one day of class without a good reason should be left unattended. Students who allow absenteeism should be treated with increased attention, not limited only to monitoring progress, it is necessary to eliminate the conditions and causes of disruptions in their behavior and the termination of absenteeism by all possible means.

It must be borne in mind that a student who has skipped at least one day of classes, if timely measures are not taken against him, has a feeling of impunity, which will push him to repeated absenteeism and ultimately turn him into a malicious truant. He will spend time in game libraries, markets, train stations. In pursuit of easy money, he can join vagrancy and begging and become the prey of a criminal environment.

2. Eliminating gaps in students' knowledge is an important component in the system of early prevention of absenteeism. If for some reason a student has not mastered a part of the curriculum, he has psychological discomfort, because he does not master the program of further material, he feels unnecessary in the lesson.

3. The organization of students' leisure, the wide involvement of students in sports, art, circle work - are the most important areas of educational activities, contribute to the interest in attending school and the formation of law-abiding behavior.

4. When identifying conflicts between parents and children, problems in family education, work is recommended to be carried out simultaneously with parents and children. A school psychologist, a social protection specialist should be involved in such work, and the experience of psychological and pedagogical centers should be used to normalize relations in conflict families.

5. Work with families in a socially dangerous situation must be built in close contact with specialists from the CDN and ZP, inspectors from the ODN ATC, guardianship and guardianship authorities, psychologists from the Center for Medical and Social Protection, the parent community, etc.

However, even the most conscientious work in neglected cases is not always successful. That's why a timely response to unexcused absenteeism and other preventive measures for absenteeism will be much more effective.

With all students who are in the school data bank, individual preventive work is carried out, aimed at preventing or reducing the overall likelihood of missing lessons:

    constant, daily monitoring and accounting for the attendance of students;

    organization of individual and group work with students and their parents by the psychological and social service of the school to overcome the reasons for missing classes;

    organization of individual work with students experiencing difficulties in mastering curricula; elimination of gaps in the knowledge of students;

    timely and immediate notification of institutions and bodies of the prevention system about minors who maliciously evade education, do not attend classes, as well as parents who interfere with education or evade the upbringing and education of their children (Article 9 of the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Prevention of Neglect and Offenses minors").

Material prepared

teacher - psychologistMKOU

for children in need of psychological and pedagogical

and medical and social assistance


M.V. Malkova

2012-2013 academic year

for involvement in associationsby interestchildren,

consisting of various types of accounting

The educational institution pays great attention to working with children who are on various types of registration. For many institutions, this is the most urgent and painful problem that requires a lot of effort and work, but more often turns out to be inefficient.

Children who are on various types of records are often poor progress, unwillingness to attend associations of interest, lack of control and helplessness on the part of parents, unwanted, and sometimes criminogenic companies, offenses and crimes.

Parents who are busy looking for additional income, overwhelmed by everyday problems, cannot pay enough attention to their children. Children are left to themselves. As a result, child neglect is on the rise. Currently, there is a tendency to reduce teenage clubs, many guys do not even know about their existence, thus they do not know what to do in their free time. Thus, aggressiveness, contempt for creative work, disrespect for the law and older people is growing among minors.

Interest associations are among the few that deal with:

Encouragement in children and adolescents of the internal need for self-improvement,

Increasing the social competence of children, adolescents, youth,

Formation of a civil position;

The development of social skills of behavior and attitudes towards an independent solution of problem situations,

Formation of a value attitude towards oneself, others, nature, humanity,

Formation of a positive self-image,

Helps to understand oneself as a person,

Formation of moral and legal ideas,

Raising in children a sense of patriotism and love for the Motherland, and many others.

Hence the important role that associations of interest can play for students who are on various types of registration. The participation of such children in the work of circles and clubs is a condition for socialization in various spheres of life.

Children and teenagers attend associations when they see the prospect of an interesting life, an opportunity to solve their problems.

And the task of teachers is to inform students about the existence of such associations, the content of their activities, the goals and objectives of these associations, as well as to motivate students to join them.

Ways to involve children and adolescents in associations can be very diverse. For example:

  1. Informing.

Registration of an information stand, where will be placed: campaign leaflets, booklets, posters; association's work plan; Photo; copies of letters, diplomas, thanks to the guys who are part of the association; congratulatory posters, etc.

  1. Organization of events that motivate “difficult” children for creative activities, personal achievements (for example, the Kruzhkovets of the Year competition, art festivals, hiking trips, community work days for landscaping, a drawing competition, etc.).
  2. Attracting "difficult" children to organize and participate in various activities offered by interest associations on the sixth school day (projects, promotions, holidays, competitions, etc.).
  3. Involvement of a registered student in solving social problems.
  4. Involvement in socially useful activities.

Thus, the most important stage in the work of a teacher of additional education to involve children who are on various types of records in interest associations begins with the formation of their interest in the proposed activity. After that, you can talk with the children about joining an association of interests, where they can learn a lot and apply it in their lives in the future.