Psychological tests for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. What is a CPD to the police? CPD decoding

AT police test includes questions and correct answers on legal training, which are compiled on the basis of the Federal Law on the Police of 01.02.2011. and fire training. These tests will help current police officers to qualitatively prepare for passing regular or extraordinary certification, as well as for passing final exams at the end of the police school year. Candidates for employment in the police test their knowledge in order to be confident in their theoretical preparation for police service.

All police officers, as well as those wishing to join the police, are required to thoroughly know the Federal Law on the Police of 02/01/2011, for its high-quality application in everyday activities. How a police officer knows this law may depend on his life and fate, as well as the lives of civilians who find themselves in various life situations and, as a result, come into contact with police officers.

Knowing the answers to questions that include fire training for police officers will help to qualitatively use service weapons assigned to each employee, properly maintain it and clean it. Police Tests will add knowledge in this area, as well as consolidate existing ones.

The exam for police officers allows you to test your knowledge online on how prepared you are for passing the final tests at the end of the school year.

come through police test prepare for exams and getting a job in the police, leave your comments and wishes.

There are professions whose representatives have special requirements. And they consist not only in the obligatory excellent health, but also in those personality traits that will allow other people to hope that in difficult times this person will not get confused, will not be afraid, will not save, but will help, save and protect. Confidence that the doctor will not faint at the sight of blood, the soldier will not run away from the battlefield, and the pilot will calmly fight for the lives of passengers in the event of an emergency, is simply necessary for society. The requirements for police officers are no less stringent.

Each applicant during the initial interview wants to show their best side. This is quite natural, this is how everyone who comes to the interview behaves, regardless of what kind of work is ahead. The selection system adopted in the Soviet police differed significantly from the modern one. Employees of the personnel department sent a number of requests to the place of residence of the future employee, finding out in the local bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs whether there were any persons convicted under the articles of the Criminal Code among the relatives of the applicant. Studies were also requested. Physical health was carefully checked, but there were also psychological tests. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has always needed employees who are resistant to stress. The future policeman was to have a conversation with a psychologist who, by all available methods, tried to get him out of it. Those who succumbed to provocations mercilessly got married.

Requirements for a police officer

Despite such a strict policy, the personnel issue for the police did not lose its sharpness throughout the entire existence of the USSR. After the collapse of the union state, many countries that emerged on its expanses began to complete their own law enforcement agencies. The process of reorganization of the police took place in Russia. Every new employee undergoes a psychological test. For admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a certain level of such indicators as stress resistance, speed of decision-making and the ability to navigate in a difficult environment is required. The basis was taken from foreign experience accumulated in countries that have been using the achievements of science for several decades in the recruitment of the police. First of all, this concerned Americans traditionally working in a complex criminal environment.

Methodology for testing future police officers

Checking the suitability of a person's character for each type of activity is specific. For example, for pilots employed in transport aviation, the requirements are different than for pilots of fighters and bombers, which, in turn, also differ. The psychological test for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs is designed in such a way as to completely exclude the possibility of hiring people with a pronounced choleric psychotype, who, as you know, are irascible and unpredictable reactions to a sudden change in the situation. There are other criteria that are known only to those specialists who conduct this test. Not all of them are subject to disclosure.

The psychological test for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs is based on the Myers-Briggs methods, however, they have been finalized and are as close as possible to the requirements of the Russian police and the specific working conditions characteristic of each country. The theoretical basis was also developed by other scientists (Leonhard-Shmishek, Holland). As a result, the questions are designed in such a way that the general applicant will become clear to the specialist even if he tries to mislead the interviewers. Moreover, the psychological test for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, due to its subtle orientation, will reveal such dishonesty, which will lead to a guaranteed negative test result, and such a candidate will be rejected.

Who needs the test first

However, even if truthful answers were given to all questions, it is quite possible to refuse admission to the police service. It is hardly worth getting upset about this, because if the test showed such unsuitability, then real life would confirm it, but probably much more harshly. Sometimes an incorrectly chosen profession can cost a life, and not only to the most unlucky romantic, but also to other people. For those who do not want to look like a loser in the eyes of friends and relatives, it makes sense to pass the psychological test of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on their own and without witnesses. There is such an opportunity, it is provided free of charge. The main thing is to be truthful, and first of all to yourself.

pashaadm2 24-11-2013 10:51

When applying for a service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a psychologist is required.

She asks the question:

"Why do you want to serve in the police?

Then he says draw a few pictures ("I", "Holiday"). I don't remember the rest, it was in 2011.

Then he conducts a color test, or rather puts cards with colors in front of you and says: "Choose the color that is most pleasant to you now."

I (pashaadm2) did not pass a psychologist, and therefore, did not get a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Although a salesman from a gun store told me: "You can't be a psycho, you have a hunting firearm on your hands." + passed credit for trauma. And I know for sure that I am fit to serve in the FSB. To the psychologist's question, I answered this way: "To have a stable job and so that my relatives can safely go to the store." On the pictures I drew: "Man at the computer" and "Man with flowers". I don’t remember how the color test answered, because I think it’s stupid, I don’t associate life with flowers, so I answered according to the principle of whether to choose. If she asked what color is your favorite, I would say "Green", but she didn't ask. Then he said that I love children and do not feel discomfort in the company.

I would be very grateful for any information on this topic, more precisely, how the psychologist went through, and most importantly, how they drew and answered.
Maybe someone has the very 500 questions of a psychologist for the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (they used to be in the commercial version of Consultant +) and / or a list of pictures that need to be drawn? Or maybe the correct order of the color test for an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?
If so, you can email [email protected]

cop 24-11-2013 14:51

The MMPI psychological test (there is a questionnaire on the Internet) adapted from the American analogue. There are about 400 statements to which the subject must answer whether this statement is true or not in relation to himself. You can deceive him, but it is very difficult - you need to know "the whole kitchen" from the inside. There is a “lie scale”, a “correction scale” - if you exceeded them, you didn’t pass the test. The first and second scales have a number of questions in the questionnaire scattered throughout the test. I’m not talking about scales that directly determine your psychological portrait. It is very difficult to remember everything how to "correctly" answer. Everything is intertwined there. Everything is in the internet for more details.
One of my acquaintances, when passing a medical examination in the army, memorized the "Rabkin's Table" (a test for color perception, to determine color blindness) - these are multi-colored circles, against which you need to indicate the correct drawing, or numbers. He managed to conduct a doctor, but optometrist is not a psychiatrist))
Color cards - Luscher's color test, known all over the world and also passed it. It is advisable to choose "warm", "calm" colors first, then gradually to cold ones.
They also took an IQ test. Then, if everything is fine, then a conversation with a psychiatrist.
For example, a psycho asked me, what to do with speculation in the country, plant speculators? (It was in the late 80s), I answered, fill store shelves with goods.
In general, on the PFL (CPD) it is better to be indifferent than with a "burning eye".
If you say that you came to serve and protect! - there will be questions, if you say - you need a career and living space - they will say you are fit without any questions. Of course, I exaggerate, but tests are a relative thing. They just haven’t come up with anything better yet. However, these tests coupled with the conversation of a professional psychiatrist, they give a more or less true personal, psychological portrait of the subject.

shooter001 24-11-2013 18:43

I don’t remember about questions and drawings, it was a long time ago.
And with color cards, everything is simple. Green is the color of calmness, red is the color of aggression.
I first put the green one, and then spread it out over the spectrum.
After a test of 500 questions, they asked me to come back in a couple of days and retake it.
Rewrote. Found fit.

ded2008 24-11-2013 20:24

When interviewing a candidate, many recruiters go beyond the standard questions. What if HR uses psychological tests when applying for a job? How to respond to them and behave correctly? The Country of Soviets will tell you about it.

Psychological tests when applying for a job are oral and written. Written tests are usually used at the initial stage, when there are several candidates for a position, and help with the initial screening. Written tests can be divided into the following types:
intelligence tests (for example, the Eysenck test)
personality tests
qualification tests
simple tests
Intellectual tests when applying for a job serve to determine the general level of intelligence of the candidate, his ability to think logically and contain numerical, spatial and verbal tasks. Sometimes such tests are compiled with reference to a specific profession or area of ​​activity.

Personality tests in employment are usually ancillary, they do not have right and wrong answers. Certain personal qualities of a candidate may be important for a particular type of activity, although they are not the main selection criterion. If you wish, you can see the background of a particular question and answer "as it should", but in the process of working in a team, a lie will most likely be revealed.

Qualification tests during employment help to assess the level of professional knowledge and skills of the candidate. With the help of a qualification test, you can determine, for example, the level of PC proficiency or knowledge of foreign languages. Many companies develop their own qualification tests, taking into account the specifics of their work.

The simplest employment tests are used to test candidates for low positions and combine an intelligence test and a qualification test. The tasks in them are usually simple, they test the skills of perception and processing of information, the ability to perform simple operations.

The most common oral psychological tests when applying for a job include the Luscher color test, case studies (situational tasks) and stress interviews.

The Luscher color test is quite simple. The candidate is asked to choose from a set of colors in order from most to least pleasing. The choice is made twice with an interval of three minutes. The Luscher test allows you to determine the general mood of the candidate, the desired goals and means of emotional behavior. Based on the selected colors, the potential performance of the candidate can also be determined, which is evidenced by the primary choice of red, yellow and green colors. However, the Luscher test cannot be interpreted unambiguously, so its results are supported by other tests.

Cases, or situational tasks, help determine the degree of "patterned" thinking of the candidate, analytical skills and his ability to creatively approach the solution of tasks. Typically, situational tasks are offered to candidates for important positions of responsibility, which require the ability to quickly make an effective decision in any situation. Such tests when applying for a job are quite difficult, and it is not always possible to be prepared for them.

A stress interview when applying for a job allows you to determine how a potential employee will behave in a particular tense situation. They will try to put the candidate in an awkward situation, piss him off or force him to do something for which he may not be ready. The main signs of a stressful interview are raised voices, a large number of unrelated questions that are asked at a fast pace, talking on the go, interference during the interview, the presence of strangers in the office, questions about the applicant's personal life.

How to pass the test when applying for a job? When it comes to proficiency tests and intelligence tests, it makes sense to look for sample tests on the Internet and practice on them. Then a similar test when applying for a job will not take you by surprise. Personality tests are a little more difficult. Many of them contain so-called cross-questions, which help to reveal the lies of the applicant. These questions are in different parts of the test, formulated differently, but they have the same essence. If the candidate answered them differently, then he was insincere.

In oral testing, answer quickly and without much thought. Do not try to embellish reality too much, but also do not be crystal honest, exposing all your shortcomings. If the proposed position requires creativity and a non-standard approach, then witty answers to unexpected questions can be a plus for you. Do not worry and do not try to find complex answers to elementary questions: most often the answer lies on the surface.

You should not refuse testing, if you do this, then most likely you will not be hired. When starting to fill out the test, be sure to read the rules for filling out the questionnaire, carefully read the questions, delving into their essence.

And remember that psychological tests in hiring are important, but a good employer won't draw conclusions about you based solely on test scores. Therefore, when passing the test, you should not “wind up” yourself, just be truthful, natural and do not look for a catch where there is none.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 10:12

quote: It is advisable to choose "warm", "calm" colors first, then gradually to cold ones.

Please describe in color sequence, I understand that it will be approximately.
quote: I first put the green one, and then spread it out over the spectrum.

Please describe in approximate color sequence.

If you don't want to post here, please email [email protected]
Unfortunately, I am a person completely devoid of imagination, but I have an abundance of creative approach to work.

cop 25-11-2013 11:33

Yes, the Luscher test when applying for a job is not the main one, it does not characterize the type of personality at all, it rather characterizes your inner mood for a given, specific time.
The main test-test questionnaire. Then the test for intelligence is the "Rowan's Progressive Test", well, the apotheosis of psychodiagnostics is a conversation with a psychiatrist. Based on all the tests passed and the conversation with the subject, he makes a decision.
He, for example, may ask why you answered this way to the question of the test, and not otherwise? - You must justify.
In general, verbosity is not recommended with psychiatrists. A short answer on the case, a minimum of emotions. For you.
In general, you could pass all the tests with “five points!” (If such an assessment is applicable) and according to them you are an “unshakable rock”, and the psychiatrist, in personal communication, could see something in you that gave him reason not to miss, and that’s all the thing is.

cop 25-11-2013 11:59

and by the way; in one of the topics you created in this section, you zealously deleted completely innocent posts of people, mind you, almost no one does this, because it’s necessary, especially since they are easy to read even when deleted.
After all, this also characterizes your type of personality. So there is a certain nervousness and not the perception of someone else's opinion, not the ability to enter into a dialogue with an opponent openly - it's easier to wipe it off - there is no person - there are no problems.
Our forum will be cleaner than any medical board))

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 12:35

quote: It also reflects your personality type.

I already wrote that I do not want to discuss phrases, for example: "Do the cops sell drugs." This is my own business. Unregistered users still come here, for example, who make requests to Yandex. I don't think they should read what's in the deleted messages.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 12:47

quote: Will you try another destination group?

Maybe for the same, maybe for a higher one, in a word where the vacancy will be. But I think not higher than the second. Shooter001 thank you very much. You seem to be very legally literate.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 12:56

I'll delete Shooter001's answer. I do not want unregistered users to read.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 13:40

quote: In general, on the PFL (CPD) it is better to be indifferent than with a "burning eye".

Once, when I was getting a medical certificate for a weapon, everything went through, and they asked me: "What kind of weapon do you want?" I said hunting smoothbore. Then they asked me: "Do you need gas?" After that I went home stunned. Once again, I am a person completely devoid of imagination, but with a creative approach to work. This is required to work as a system administrator. For example, when a computer with breaks down, the old program with estimates cannot be saved without a creative approach.

cop 25-11-2013 17:31

quote: I do not want unregistered users to read.

By the way, there is no mystery here.
Now even on Android and iOS for iPhones there are a fair amount of these tests with a description of the characteristics of a personality type. I counted about 6 Luscher color tests there.
I’m already silent about the Internet, there’s a lot of this stuff in its wilds. By the way, this is also why many experienced psychiatrists-specialists improvise during a conversation with a subject. For example, during a conversation, a doctor may suddenly ask what date or day of the week it is. alcoholics are always asked this)) if you think about the answer, then you are poorly oriented in time space. And they have a lot of similar "baubles" in stock.
I remember I went through the next, annual medical examination and was not yet married, I was 23 years old then. So even this alerted the psychiatrist, they say it’s time, but it’s so suspicious. True, I reassured him, saying that I had enough female attention and affection without a stamp in passport.
During the conversation, the doctor may ask you to show your palms - if they are wet, then it’s also not comme il faut. He may ask you provocative questions, such as “how often do you masturbate” and look at the redness of your cheeks, well, in general, they really have a lot of tricks.
One doctor told me when he asked OMON officers for an officer's rank, many of them are generally "not broken through", that is, a person has lability at zero. But the psychiatrist understands that this fighter needs to knock down the door, and does not bury him, what's the point? he is perfect for this, why does he need superintelligence?

ded2008 25-11-2013 18:11

quote: Why does he need superintelligence?

when applying to various services, the medical commission is slightly different. As a rule, those who do not have to pass a medical examination for one reason or another do not pass the psychiatrist’s test, they just need a justified refusal. nothing really shows up there. there are no such good specialists. The maximum that a psychiatrist can reveal is the correspondence of your psychotype to the place where you are going to serve or the correspondence to the service in the police as a whole. Some questions are built on contradictions. that is, the questions seem to be the same, but answering them in the same way will catch you in a lie. I was redirected a couple of times to go through the commission again because the psychiatrist said that I was a pathological liar. I kind of answered questions there that I don’t take bribes and I only turn the traffic light to green. In general, to pass the test, you must answer truthfully without bothering. lie only to sensitive questions, pass as many tests as possible. you won't be able to anyway. you can skip math and complex tests. it makes sense not to answer these questions, but to show the doctor that you don’t bother with trifles and can continue to work in stressful situations.

shooter001 25-11-2013 18:41

Maybe for the same, maybe for a higher one, in a word where the vacancy will be. But I think not higher than the second. Shooter001 thank you very much. You seem to be very legally literate.

Yes, not for anything.
This is not about legal literacy.
COP and ded2008 will be more literate than me.
You must try to build your behavior in relation to the position for which you are going. I don’t think that, say, in the inspection of the PDN or in the crime. laboratories need choleric. Or, say, phlegmatic riot police.

Yes, and more. If you didn't pass the first destination group, you can pass the second / third / fourth (although if you are turned by a psychiatrist, it is already difficult to guarantee anything). If the unit commander is interested in you, he will take you. Regardless of what position you will then work. I myself passed the OVVK on the third, and worked in a position that needed the first. This did not bother anyone, including doctors from the 1st polyclinic.

cop 25-11-2013 18:57

quote: Some questions are built on contradictions. that is, the questions seem to be the same, but answering them in the same way will catch you in a lie ... I kind of answered questions there that I don’t take bribes and turn the traffic light only to green.

This is the famous MMPI test (Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire). This questionnaire was translated and adapted for us by some well-known Russian psychiatrist, almost Bekhterev (I can’t say). You can read about it on the Internet in sufficient detail.
There, just the calculation of your answers is built on diagrams and scales. If some scale is exceeded, or vice versa, it has too little value, then you have some kind of deviation from the norm. In this case, the "lie" scale was exceeded. Here are more details:
It is this test that is used to this day when applying for a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

cop 25-11-2013 19:27

quote: as a rule, those who do not have to pass a medical examination for one reason or another do not pass the psychiatrist’s test, they just need a justified refusal.

And this is also correct. For example, in the late 80s (and most likely even earlier) there was an unspoken directive to weed out people from the fraternal Soviet republics of the Caucasian direction for work in the PPSM in Moscow and St. Petersburg, i.e. not all of course, but there was a limit - this is Azerbaijan, and Armenia, and Georgia, etc. Those who passed Afghan were also undesirable for admission to the service, even if everything was satisfactory in the mental parameters of the applicant.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 22:15

quote: Yes, and more. If you did not pass through the first destination group, you can pass through the second / third / fourth

I did not go through the fourth group of destination, I went to the CC IC at the Department of Internal Affairs. The head of the department personally brought me to a psychologist and said that I was taking him. Unfortunately, the psychologist balked. They don't like my IT brother at all. The truth may have rested due to the fact that a higher standing organization laid eyes on me.

shooter001 25-11-2013 22:57

quote: Originally posted by pashaadm2:
I did not pass through the fourth destination group

This is the worst option.
If they didn’t pass the 4th, then they won’t let them pass the higher ones.
I don't know how long they keep the applicant cards...

sk0ndr 26-11-2013 10:19

quote: I don't know how long they keep the applicant cards...

On old passports, near the fold on the first page, the mark was made with a pen. Like - tried to get through. I had two birds like that, both times passed. I don’t know which group, like the second one (UR), the first one was the OMON and the traffic police then.
They don't do that now, so it's possible that everything is stored somewhere.
According to the reviews of a friend from the staff, now very many do not pass a polygraph. They pour in mainly on the question - have you ever used drugs.
quote: The truth may have rested due to the fact that a higher standing organization laid eyes on me.

I didn’t understand what the psychologist from the PFL had to do with it. What's the difference to her?

ded2008 26-11-2013 15:01

quote: They pour in mainly on the question - have you ever used drugs.

reason to sue the Ministry of Internal Affairs. no one really has come up with this yet for some reason. firstly, passing a polygraph is not a mandatory procedure and, in theory, it is a voluntary matter. secondly, polygraph readings are not evidence and therefore cannot serve as a challenge for employment. in the third, the use of narcotic substances is an administrative offense the same as crossing the street on a red light. that is, the situation when you violated traffic rules and you were not hired because of this will be similar.

sk0ndr 26-11-2013 16:58

quote: firstly, passing a polygraph is not a mandatory procedure and, in theory, it is a voluntary matter.

No problems. Employment in the police is also not a mandatory procedure. If you don't want to, don't go.
But I would not want those who "use" to go to the police.
I would generally make a urine test for traces of drugs a mandatory procedure.

shooter001 26-11-2013 17:09

quote: Originally posted by sk0ndr:

But I would not want those who "use" to go to the police

Before the service they do not use, they will start at the time. Delov...

sk0ndr 26-11-2013 17:27

quote: start on time. Delov...

So I meant - necessarily during the service. That is - regularly ALL the time of service.

Z.Y. I knew the opera, I left for seven. Just for being hooked. More precisely, they put him on for free, but during the breakdowns, in an attempt to get money, he did things there and heaped up.

ded2008 26-11-2013 17:30

quote: I would generally make a urine test for traces of drugs a mandatory procedure.

Well, it can be, once a quarter. and the polygraph is bullshit. after smoking weed, traces of use in the body can be detected for a month.

ded2008 26-11-2013 17:32

and the wives and children of employees will pee in a jar. are really tricky though.

sk0ndr 26-11-2013 17:44

quote: and the wives and children of employees will pee in a jar. are really tricky though.

Firstly, testing is ALREADY in the police. Irregular, but there.
Secondly, you can provide ways, for example, to write right there. Well, turning away. You can't carry a jar of someone else's urine with you all the time. You intercede for a shift or on duty, during the shift, if you please, take a piss in a jar.

It is usually not difficult to emboss a gerych during a search. Well, you need it, it happens, for operating expenses.
The main thing is not to use it yourself. Knowing that at any moment they will come and check, you can somehow resist.

pashaadm2 26-11-2013 18:21

quote: More precisely - they planted him for free,

I was offered to try weed on the street, I refused. This is necessary for a weak person, but I'm not the case. I will try to go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the second time about getting a job anyway. I don't lose anything. Especially since it's been 2.5 years.

The most annoying thing is that the psychologist's test is all running. You don't even have time to think. And with my lack of imagination, this is a problem.

ded2008 26-11-2013 19:27

quote: The most offensive thing is that the psychologist’s test is all running. You don't even have time to think. And with my lack of imagination, this is a problem.

I told you. this is the whole point. do not let a person think to answer on the machine. the correctness of the mathematical answers is not at all the main thing.
Well, to make it quite clear to you, I’ll give you such an example: a policeman does not have to think at all with which hand to hit a bully, right or left, the main thing is to have time to kick him in the balls. I’ll tell you in secret that you still won’t have time to complete all the tests. God forbid if two-thirds pass.
the test reveals personality traits. the ability to build an associative array, the ability to think non-linearly, the quality of mental development, literacy. Sometimes a person's handwriting will tell more than the answers themselves. No one will grade you for mistakes.
By the way, here's an example. the Chekists needed an interpreter from some kind of gibberish Asian language, like drug traffickers were going to detain and they couldn’t talk to them. hired a full-time translator of some kind of jerk. that 4th grade education, a belly like my TV and physical training like a 70-year-old grandfather. walks now ksiva fsbeshnoy waving. the right person. so if you are interested in the service, then they will agree with a psychologist for a box of chocolates.

pashaadm2 26-11-2013 19:57

quote: the main thing is to have time to kick him in the balls.

In another topic, you wrote about a similar "Let him sit."
quote: walks now fsbeshnoy waving

My friend who served in the FSB says that it should not be shown to anyone. Someone on the forum said that you give it up every day when you leave the service.
quote: with a psychologist will agree for a box of chocolates.

In the FSB, maybe yes, but I want to be in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I think, after an idiot by the name of Evsyukov, the Ministry of Internal Affairs carefully looks at the selection. I have a friend who served in the VTs ITs OVD. He speaks very well.

cop 26-11-2013 21:33

cop 26-11-2013 22:06

quote: MMPI(aut) Average estimated time normally 60 - 80 minutes
Raven option is designed for 25 minutes

Yes, many years have passed since then. I won’t argue.
quote: The Luscher test for 8 cards DOES NOT WORK on the Russian population. Spit in the face of that diagnostician who will show it to you.

Well, I didn’t know anything about this and it apparently saved the psychiatrist))

The successful implementation of the reform of the internal affairs bodies requires, first of all, a high-quality staff. Future and existing police officers must have not only certain theoretical knowledge and good physical fitness, but also a high level of reliability and honesty.

In order to identify possible negative character traits that are unacceptable for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a special one is carried out when they enter the service. More details about its implementation and possible consequences - later in the article.

Passing a polygraph test (lie detector) is used not only in the internal affairs bodies (OVD), but also in many other areas of activity.

However, such a check is voluntary for a potential employee - he has the legal right not to agree to it, and this will not be a reason to refuse him employment.

As for the sphere of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, here the use of a polygraph in relation to police officers is a mandatory procedure. Such a measure was taken in 2013 by the head of the department, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, who made appropriate changes to the order “On certain issues of appointment to positions in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and dismissal of employees from service.” Therefore, in order to enter the service, future police officers are required to undergo this procedure.

Why is a polygraph required?

A polygraph is a device that is used to conduct special psychophysiological studies of a person. They are aimed at revealing hidden information in his character, which is incompatible with work in the police department.

Examples of such information could be:

  • the presence of selfish motives;
  • predisposition to corruption or its manifestations in the past;
  • drug associations (taking or distributing such substances);
  • alcohol abuse;
  • connections with criminal structures;
  • gambling addiction;
  • illegal possession and possession of weapons;
  • forgery of documents or money;
  • sadistic tendencies and cruelty, etc.

The lie detector test procedure is used both during the recruitment of new candidates, and when appointing promotions to already working police officers. It is designed to improve the quality of personnel by selecting the most worthy applicants and thus improve the image of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the eyes of ordinary citizens.

However, there are some contraindications regarding the test. For example, it cannot be carried out in relation to:

  • persons who have not reached the age of 14;
  • employees who are in a state of severe physical fatigue or stress;
  • pregnant women;
  • persons suffering from chronic diseases;
  • other persons whose examination is contraindicated for health reasons.

The presence of such contraindications must be confirmed by a special certificate or conclusion from a medical institution.

Passing procedure

The algorithm for checking an employee on a polygraph is as follows:

  1. Conducting introductory discussions and introductory briefings. At the same time, the employee is asked about the readiness to undergo the procedure, its expected duration and possible questions.
  2. Signing the declaration of passage. This document confirms the voluntary participation of the employee in the procedure.
  3. Conducting an explanatory conversation. In its course, all questions that will be asked during testing are discussed and clarified.
  4. Technical preparation for testing. At this stage, the specialist conducting the procedure (polygraph examiner) fixes the necessary sensors on the body of the person being tested. After that, he calibrates the polygraph, since in some cases it is necessary to adjust it to the individual characteristics of the organism.
  5. The actual testing. At this stage, the subject is asked questions according to a pre-approved list. If some answers cause doubts or ambiguities in the expert, they can be asked repeatedly during the procedure, more than once.
  6. Conducting a test interview. It is usually done in the middle or at the end of testing. During this conversation, some of the questions asked during testing may be discussed or clarified.
  7. Receiving and processing results. In accordance with the signed declaration, these results can only be transferred to the customer and are strictly confidential.

During testing, only two people can be present - this is the polygraph examiner and the researched employee himself.

Most Popular Questions

The full list of questions that are asked to an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs during testing is not made public and is not widely available. However, here is a sample list of possible questions:

  1. Do you love weapons?
  2. Have you ever kept a military secret?
  3. Have you taken alcohol?
  4. Have you committed theft?
  5. Have you ever gambled for money after the age of 18?
  6. Have you used any psychotropic substances?
  7. Would you like to participate in combat operations?
  8. Do you enjoy humiliating others?
  9. Do you like special operations?
  10. Have you used drugs?
  11. Have you been driving while intoxicated?
  12. Do you like being humiliated?
  13. Have you used smoking mixtures?
  14. Have you ever killed an animal?

It is worth considering that if any of the questions asked are too personal or unacceptable for the subject, he can always refuse to answer them.

However, this may affect the test results..

How to successfully pass a polygraph?

According to experts who are engaged in polygraphic testing, the accuracy of the results obtained as a result is 95-97%. The device captures such processes occurring in the human body, such as:

  • breath;
  • cardiovascular activity (pressure, heart rate);
  • sweating;
  • electrical resistance of the skin, etc.

No matter how hard a person tries to appear outwardly calm and unperturbed, the body, in case of a lie, will betray him. Only a few people who are pathological liars and know how to control themselves well, sometimes manage to deceive the polygraph. In other cases, it is practically impossible.

To successfully pass the test before the procedure, you must:

  • have a good rest and sleep;
  • avoid strong unrest, stress and physical tension;
  • avoid taking certain medications (in particular, sedatives);
  • avoid the use of alcoholic beverages or drugs.

You also need to try to calm down and not be afraid of testing, since all such reactions of the body can be perceived incorrectly by the device.

What to do if the test fails?

After passing the test, the following results can be obtained:

  1. recommended for admission to the service in the Department of Internal Affairs (or for promotion);
  2. not recommended.

In the latter case, the candidate cannot be accepted for service because the test result is negative. He is given a chance to retake the test, but not less than six months after an unsuccessful attempt. If the test is passed successfully the second time, they will be able to.

As for the situation with already working employees, in the event of a negative result of the check, there will be certain consequences for them. Of course, dismissal only on this basis is unlikely, but there will most likely be an increase.

It is also likely that an investigation will be launched against such an employee if the results of the polygraph give grounds for this. For example, this can happen if there are suspicions of corruption or other illegal activities.

In the past few years, a polygraph test has been a mandatory test for future police officers, which is carried out before they enter the service.

Admission to it can only be received by those candidates whose test results were positive. Otherwise, the test will have to be retaken.

how to answer psychological tests?

Often for fun or for the purpose of self-knowledge, we answer psychological tests ... sometimes - we are simply forced to answer them when applying for a job ... so why not figure out the secrets of psychological testing?

Psychological Test No. 0 Response Bias(I think this test is generally the most important)
If you do not know how to answer such questions correctly, your psychological testing will be generally pointless:
Are you in a bad mood?
Are you sometimes wrong?
Are you sometimes wrong?
Do you sometimes offend your loved ones?
Do you sometimes find yourself unable to concentrate?
Sometimes you do not have time to do everything?

Do you have bad days?
If you answer no to such questions more than 1-2 times? This means that you have a tendency to tell lies about yourself - which means that you may not be interviewed by a psychologist at all when applying for a job ... it means that you are not objective towards yourself ... this means that it is generally pointless for you to answer psychological tests ! You lie too often and your test results will often be biased.

Psychological test number 1. Your favorite colors - test Luscher
You need to arrange the cards of different colors in order from the most pleasant to the most unpleasant. What does it mean? This test is aimed at determining the emotional state. Each card symbolizes a person's needs:
red color - the need for action

yellow - the need for striving for the goal, hope

green - the need to assert oneself;
blue - the need for affection, constancy;
purple - escape from reality;
brown - the need for protection;
black - depression.
The location of the cards means the following: the first two are the aspirations of a person, 3 and 4 are the true state of affairs, 5 and 6 are an indifferent attitude, 7 and 8 are antipathy, suppression.
Key to the test: in the first four must be red, yellow, blue, green- in what order, it is not so important. The arrangement of cards in an order close to the original draws a portrait of a purposeful, active person.

Psychological test number 2. Drawing lesson
You are offered to draw a house, a tree, a person. What does it mean? It is believed that in this way a person can demonstrate his self-perception in the world. In this psychological test, every detail matters: the location of the drawing on the sheet (located in the center, a proportional drawing indicates self-confidence), a single composition of all objects indicates the integrity of the individual, what kind of object will be displayed.
It is also important what will be drawn first: a house is a need for security, a person is an obsession with oneself, a tree is a need for vital energy. In addition, the tree is a metaphor for aspirations (oak - self-confidence, willow - on the contrary - uncertainty); a person is a metaphor for the perception of oneself by other people; house - a metaphor for the perception of oneself by a person (a castle - narcissism, a rickety hut - low self-esteem, dissatisfaction with oneself).
Key: Your drawing should be realistic and proportionate. To demonstrate your sociability and willingness to work in a team, do not forget about such details: the road to the porch (contact), the roots of the tree (connection with the team), windows and doors (goodwill and openness), the sun (cheerfulness), a fruit tree (practicality). ), pet (care).

Psychological test number 3. Story
You are shown pictures of people in various life situations and asked to comment on: what is happening; what the person thinks about; why is he doing this?
What does it mean? Based on the interpretation of the pictures, it is possible to determine the leading life scenarios of a person, in other words - "whoever hurts - he talks about it." It is believed that a person designs situations in pictures for his life and gives out his fears, desires, view of the world. So, for example, if a picture shows a crying or laughing person, then it is expected that by commenting on it, you will talk about your motives for joy or sadness.
Key: you need to control your answers and interpret the pictures in the most positive way.

Psychological test number 4. Inkblot
- Rorschach test
You are shown pictures of a shapeless blob (usually symmetrical) and asked to describe what you see. What does it mean? This psychological test is somewhat similar to the previous one, it also reveals your true attitude to the world. A positive interpretation of pictures (for example, communication between people) speaks of you as an active, sociable, positive person, a negative one (in a blot you saw a monster, a dangerous animal) indicates that you have a lot of unreasonable fears or deep stress.
Key: if you associate a picture with something obviously negative, comment on it in a neutral way. For example, don't say, "I see people fighting," but say, "People are emotionally connected."

Psychological test number 5. IQ test

You are offered for a certain period of time (from 30 minutes) to answer several questions (from 40 to 200) of different directions - from mathematical problems to logical puzzles. What does it mean? These psychological tests are designed to determine the so-called Intelligence Coefficient. Although their effectiveness is increasingly in doubt (if a person has low scores, this does not necessarily mean that he is stupid, perhaps he has non-standard thinking, or he is simply trite inattentive), tests have maintained and increased their popularity for many years. The most common IQ tests are Eysenck.
Key: be as careful as possible, there are a lot of trick questions. If time is running out, and there are still a lot of questions - do not leave them without a solution, put down the answers at random, you will probably guess something.

If you are taking tests when applying for a job - be calm during the interview ... but do not give a damn - your motivation must be present but it should not go off scale ....

The most important thing! Don't get hung up on tests at all.
The more non-standard you are, the more original you think, the less tests tell the truth about you.
Physicist Einstein and inventor Edison were thought by high school teachers to be mentally handicapped...
Who remembers these teachers now... and who turned out to be right in the end?