Sadko - Russian epics and legends. "Sadko": description, heroes, analysis of the epic

But what about in glorious Novegrad
And how was Sadko and the guselchik from,
And as there was not a lot of uncountable gold treasury,
And as soon as he went to honest feasts,
He laughed like he was a merchant, boyars,
He amused them like he did at honest feasts.
And how did it happen over Sadko now:
Sadka has not been called all day long, but for an honorable feast,
And they don’t call, like another day, for an honorable feast,
And how the third day they do not invite you to an honorable feast.
And how Sadka is now so bored,
And Sadko and went to Ilmen to the lake,
And he sat down on the blue on a combustible stone,
And how he began to play the gusli of the yarovchata,
And he played from morning like day now until evening.
And in the evening as late
And the wave already descended in the lake,
But what about the water with sand now embarrassed;
And Sadko was afraid of the toperchik and he would sit.
Overcame, like Sadka, the fear is now great,
And Sadko went out and from the lake,
And Sadko went as if to Novy Gorod.
And again, how the dark night passed now,
And again, like the next day
And let the other not invite him to an honorable feast,
And as for the third day, they are not invited to an honorable feast.
And how again Sadka is now bored,
And Sadko went to Ilmen and he went to the lake,
And he sat down again on the blue and on the combustible stone,
At Ilmen, yes, he is by the lake.
And how he began to play the harp again in the spring,
And he played like from morning until evening.
And how in the evening again as late
And the wave descended like in a lake,
And how the water with sand is now confused;
And again Sadko and Novgorod were afraid,
Overcame Sadka, how great fear is now.
And how he went again, both from Ilmen and from the lake,
And how he went to his yes he to Novy Gorod.
And how did it happen again over him:
Sadka is not called, but to an honorable feast,
And how here again another day they don’t invite Sadko to an honorable feast,
And how the third day they do not invite Sadko to an honorable feast.
And again, Sadko is now bored,
And Sadko went to Ilmen and to the lake,
And how he sat on a blue combustible stone
Yes, about the lake, And how he began to play the harp in the spring
And how, after all, he played again from morning to evening,
And the wave descended like in a lake,
Is it water with sand and confusion;
And then he dared like Sadko and Novgorod,
And sit and play like he is on the lake.
And how did the king of the water now come out of the lake,
And as the king of the water himself says, yes these are the words:
“Thank you, Sadko and Novgorodians!
And now you made us laugh, yes you are in the lake:
And mine was like in a lake,
And how is my dining room and honorable feast,
And how he amused everyone at my place and at an honest feast
And my dear guests.
And how I don’t know now, Sadka, how welcome you are:
And go, Sadko, now to your own New Town;
And how tomorrow they will call you to an honorable feast,
And how will the merchant's table be an honorable feast,
And how many merchants will be at the feast, many of Novgorod;
And how will everyone be at the feast and drink,
Everyone will be at the feast and eaten,
And how will everything be boasting now, yes boast,
And who will now brag about what,
And who will be what now, yes boast:
And how else will he brag and countless golden treasury,
And how else will brag about a good horse,
Another will boast of strength, good luck,
And another will brag about young youth,
And how smart is reasonable, yes you will brag
Old father, old mother,
And a crazy fool, let's brag,
And he is like a young wife to his.
And you, Sadko, brag to:
“But I know that in Ilmen and in the lake
And what a fish is, after all, golden feathers.
And how will the merchants and the rich
And let them argue with you
Why is there no such fish?
And what now and gold, after all;
And you beat with them about the pledge now great;
Lay your riot and head
And how to cut them out now
And how are the benches in the row and in the living room
With expensive goods.
And then tie a seine and silk,
You come to catch yes to Ilmen in the lake,
And throw three tons into Ilmen and into the lake,
And I'll drown the ladies now for the fish,
Like golden feathers.
And you will get benches in the row and in the living room
With expensive after all goods.
And then you will be, merchant, Sadko, like Novgorod,
And the merchant will be rich.”
And Sadko went to his own, as well as to Novy Gorod.
And how, yes, the next day
And how they called Sadko and to an honorable feast
And to the merchant and the rich.
And how much was collected here
And to the merchant and to an honorable feast
And the merchant as rich Novgorodians;
And how everyone got drunk at the feast now,
And they all boasted with boasting.
And who is bragging about what now,
And who boasts of what at the feast:
And another boasts like an uncountable golden treasury,
And another boasts and a good horse,
And another boasts of strength, good luck;
And how smart now how he boasts
And the old father, the old mother,
And the crazy fool is already boasting,
And how you brag and how you are your young wife.
And Sadko sits, as if he does not boast of anything,
And Sadko sits, as if he does not boast of anything;
And how rich Novgorod merchants are sitting here,
And as they say to Sadku, these are the words:
“Well, Sadko, you’re sitting, you don’t brag about anything,
What, Sadko, don’t you boast of anything?
And Sadko says these words:
“Ah, you rich merchants of Novgorod
And how can I, Sadka, now brag,
How about something, Sadku, boast?
And I don’t have a lot of uncountable gold treasury,
And I don’t have as a beautiful young wife,
But how can I, Sadka, only have one and boast to me:
In Ilmen yes as in the lake
And the fish are like golden feathers, after all.
And how are the wealthy merchants of Novgorod,
And they began to argue with him and they:
In Ilmen and what's in the lake
And there is no such fish,
To have golden feathers, after all.
And as Sadko Novgorodsky said:
"Duck I'll pawn my violent little head,
I have nothing more to lay down, but I have nothing.
And they say: “We will lay in a row and in the living room
Six merchants, six rich."
And after all, they laid it down like a bench,
With dear and with goods.
And here after that A tied a silk seine,
And we went to catch both in Ilmen and in the lake,
And they threw tons into Ilmen, but in the lake,
And how they got the fish - after all, the feathers are golden;
And they threw a friend a sink in Ilmen, but in the lake,
And how they got another fish - golden feathers, after all;
And they threw the third ton into Ilmen, but in the lake,
And how they got it like a fish - the feathers are golden, after all.
And now, as merchants and Novgorod rich
And as they see, there is nothing to do,
And how it turned out right, as Sadko and Novgorodians said,
And how they unlocked and from the shops,
And in the row and in the living room,
And with dear ones, after all, with goods.
And how did Sadko and Novgorod get here,
And in the row in the living room
And six are like shops with expensive goods,
And Sadko signed up as a merchant and in Novgorod,
And how Sadko now became a rich merchant.
And how Sadko began to trade and toperichka, In his yes he is in the city,
And how Sadko began to travel to trade and in all places,
And in other cities, yes, he is in distant ones,
And how he began to receive profits and he is great.
And how is it after that
And he married like Sadko, a rich Novgorod merchant,
And how, Sadko, after that,
And how he built the white-stone chambers,
And how he did, Sadko, yes, in his tents,
And how he did everything in the towers and according to heaven
And how the sky bakes and the red sun is already,
In his towers he bakes and the sun is red;
And how young and bright the moon shines in the sky,
In his towers, yes, the moon was bright;
And how frequent stars bake in the sky,
And in his towers they bake and frequent stars;
And how Sadko decorated his white-stone chambers for everyone.
And now how after all after that
And he collected Sadko's canteen to an honorable feast,
And like all their wealthy Novgorod merchants,
And like all the gentlemen he is of his Novgorod,
And how is he still the abbots of his yes Novgorod;
And how were the abbots of Novgorod,
And Luka Zinoviev, after all, and Foma, and Nazaryev, after all;
And how he collected all the men of Novgorod,
And how Sadko led the table - a rich feast is honorable,
And now, like everyone at Sadok at an honest feast,
And how everyone at Sadok got drunk,
And how is everything at Sadok now and eaten,
And then everyone boasted with boasting.
And who boasts of what at the feast,
And who boasts at the feast:
And others, as if boasting of an uncountable golden treasury,
And another boasts like a good horse,
And another boasting of the mighty heroic strength,
And another boasting of a glorious fatherland,
And another boasts of youth and youth;
And how smart reasonable how boasts
Old father and old mother,
And the crazy fool is already boasting
And also his young wife.
And how, after all, Sadko walks around the tents,
Does Sadko even say it himself:
“Ah, you, merchants of Novgorod, you are rich,
Ah, all the gentlemen of Novgorod,
Ah, all the abbots of Novgorod,
Guys like you and Novgorod!
And with me, like all of you at an honest feast,
And all of you are drunk and cheerful with me,
And how everyone got drunk at the feast,
And how everyone is at the feast and ate,
And you all boasted with boasting.
And who is bragging about what you have now:
And another brag about how bylitseyu,
And another one boasts of you and a fable.
And what will I, Sadka, now brag about?
And mine, at Sadok Novgorod,
And now my treasury is not thinning with gold,
And now my colored dress does not hold,
And the good squad does not change;
And so much for me, Sadka, you will brag
And with my uncountable golden treasury:
And on my own I will not count the gold treasury,
And I will buy back like all Novgorod goods,
And how all the goods are bad, I, good,
And that there will be no more goods on sale in the city.
And how did the abbots of Novgorod stay here?
And Foma and Nazaryev, after all,
But Luka and Zinoviev, after all,
And how did they get up and on frisky feet
And as they themselves said, yes, these are the words:
“Hey you, Sadko, rich Novgorod merchant!
And what about a lot of betting with us about a great bet,
If you buy Novgorod goods,
And all the goods are bad, good,
So that there are no goods for sale in the city?
And Sadko says to them instead of these words:
“Hey you, abbots of Novgorod!
And as much as I like, I will have enough to pawn an uncountable gold treasury.
And speaking of the abbots instead of Novgorod:
“Oh, you, Sadko and Novgorodians!
And at least strike with us about thirty or thousands.
And Sadko hit about thirty, but about thousands.
And how everything from an honest feast razezzhalis,
And how everything was sorted out from an honest feast,
And as in their homes, in their places.
And how he got up the next day in the morning and early,
And how did he wake up his good squad,
And he gave, as he did, squads,
And how he loves the countless gold of the treasury;
And how he let down the shopping streets,
And how he himself walked straight into the living room row,
And how did he buy Novgorod goods here,
And bad goods are all good.
And it became like the next day
Sadko, a wealthy Novgorod merchant,
And how he woke up a good squad,
And he gave it like a lot of countless gold of the treasury,
And how he himself went straight into the living room,
And how many goods are brought here,
And how many goods are filled
And for that great Novgorod glory.
He bought more Novgorod goods,
And all the goods are bad, good.
And on the third day, Sadko, a wealthy merchant from Novgorod, got up,
And he woke up like he and a good squad,
And he gave it like dolubi retinues
And how much countless gold treasury,
And how he dismissed the squad along the trading streets,
And how he himself went straight into the living room,
And how is it to the glory of the great Novgorod
And they arrived in time as the goods are Moscow, after all,
And how it filled up like a living room here
And expensive goods are, after all, from Moscow.
And how did Sadko think now:
“And how can I buy more goods all Moscow,
And on the thuja to the glory of the great Novgorod,
And they will arrive in time, after all, as overseas goods:
And how, after all, now it’s like me, Sadka,
And not to redeem as goods, after all
From all over the world.
And how better it is not for me but richer,
Sadko merchant and Novgorod,
And how can the glorious Novy Gorod be richer than me,
What I could not redeem
And the goods of Novgorod,
So that there is no sale in the city;
And I'd rather give thirty thousand money,
Your pledge is great!
And he gave away like thirty thousand money,
Renounced the pledge and the great.
And then how he built thirty ships,
Thirty ships, thirty black ones,
And how did he dump the goods of Novgorod
And on black ships,
And a wealthy Novgorod merchant went to trade
And as on our own on black ships.
And he went along the Volkhov,
And from Volkhov he is in Ladoga,
And from Ladoga he sailed and into the Neva River,
And how, from the Neva river, I left for the blue sea.
And how he rode on the blue sea,
And how did he return to the Golden Horde.
And how did he sell goods there, but Novgorod ones,
And now he received great profits,
And how he poured barrels because you are forty
And like red gold;
And he poured many barrels and pure silver,
And he poured a lot of barrels of small, he is large, rolled pearls.
And how then he went because of the Golden Horde,
And how he left the toperichka again and on the blue sea.
And how on the blue sea settled and black ships,
And how it beats with a wave and then tears the sails,
And how broken the black ships are,
And all the black ships will not move from their place.
And Sadko, the wealthy merchant of Novgorod, said,
And he is good-natured to his squad:
“Hey you, good squad!
And no matter how much we traveled by sea,
But we did not pay tribute to the sea king.
And now the tribute is demanded by the sea, then the king in the blue sea.
And here Sadko, a wealthy Novgorod merchant, says:
“Hey you, good squad!
And like a barrel of forty red gold.
And how is the squad and good
And how they took a barrel of forty red gold,
And they threw a barrel in the blue sea.
And breaking black ships and on the blue sea,
Everyone will not come from the place of the ships and on the blue sea.
And again Sadko, the wealthy merchant of Novgorod, said
And his own as a good squad:
“Oh, you, my friend, you are good!
And you can see little of this tribute to the king of the sea in the blue sea:
And take it, you swords in the blue sea
And like another barrel of pure silver.”
And how is the good friend here
And they threw it like another barrel into the blue sea
And how pure and silver.
And how everything beats with a wave, then tears the sails,
And breaking black ships and on the blue sea,
And all the ships are coming from the place and on the blue sea.
And as Sadko, a rich Novgorod merchant, said here,
And how he is good to his squad:
“Hey you, good squad!
And it is clear that this is not enough as a tribute in the blue sea:
And take a third barrel and a large, small pitched pearl,
And throw that barrel into the blue sea.
And how is the good squad
And how they took a barrel of large, small pitched pearls,
And they threw the barrel into the blue sea.
And like everything on the blue sea, there are black ships.
And then it beats with a wave, then tears the sails,
And like all broken black ships,
And everything from their place will come and black ships.
And as Sadko said here, a rich Novgorod merchant
And to his, as a squad, he is good:
“Oh, you, kind as a squad and good!
And it is clear that the king of the sea is required as a living head in our blue sea.
Hey you, good squad!
And take it, how do you do it
And yes, lots and lots of Volzhans;
And like everyone else, you write your names on the lot,
And cast lots on the blue sea;
And I will make myself a lot for red, then for gold.
And how will we draw lots now we are on the blue sea:
But what about whose lot we have now and go to the bottom,
And for him to go like we do in the blue sea.
And everyone, like a squad of good people,
And now the lots are floating like a gogol,
And Sadok, a merchant, a rich guest, and with a key to the bottom.
Ai says to Sadko these are the words:
“And how these lots are wrong;
And you make lots like red and gold,
And I will draw lots and oak.
And how do you write each and every one of your names and on lots,
And lower the lots on the blue sea:
And how whose lot we have will go to the bottom,
And how do we go and in the blue sea.
And how the whole squad here is good
And they cast lots on the blue sea,
And everyone, like a good squad, has a good
And how all the lots are now floating like a gogol,
And Sadkov is like a lot, but now he is the key to the bottom.
And again Sadko spoke and these are the words:
“And how these lots are wrong.
Hey you, good squad!
And how do you do like oak foals,
And how will I make a fake lot,
And how will we write the names of all the lots,
And how we will let down lots on the blue sea,
And now, as in the rest:
How now someone's lot will go to the bottom,
And how to go with us and in the blue sea.
And how is the whole squad good
And how did the lots all oak,
And he did like a fake lot for himself,
And like everyone else they wrote their names on lots,
And they cast lots on the blue sea.
And the whole squad is good
And now the lots are floating like gogol and on the blue sea,
And Sadok, a rich Novgorod merchant, has a key to the bottom.
And as Sadko said here, these are the words:
“And as you can see, Sadko has nothing to do now,
And Sadok himself is demanded by the king of the sea and in the blue sea.
Oh, you, my friend, and good, kind!
And take it you, carry it
And mine, like an inkwell, you are slick,
And carry it like a swan's feather,
And now bring me the papers now you stamped with me.
And how is it like a squad, after all, good
And they carried him like an inkstand and a felted one,
And they carried like a swan's feather,
And they carried like a sheet of paper as a stamp.
And how is Sadko, a rich Novgorod merchant,
And he sat down on a chair
And besides, he is to the oak table,
And how he began his name and he wrote:
And how he wrote off the estates of God's churches,
And how much he wrote off the names of the poor brethren,
And how else did he write off the name of his young wife,
And he was a good man to sign off on the rest of the estate.
And how he himself then cried,
He spoke like a good squad:
“Ah, you are a good and kind squad!
And you suppose you have an oak board on the blue sea,
And why should I fall, Sadka, to me on the board,
And not how scared I am to accept death in the blue sea.
And how here he still took with him his gooselets,
And he wept bitterly, he said goodbye to the good warrior,
And now he said goodbye to everything and to the white light,
And how did he say goodbye now, after all
And with his he is with the New city.
And then he fell on the board on oak,
And it carried like Sadka on boards and across the blue sea.
And how black ships ran here,
And as if black crows flew,
And how Sadko is now left on the blue sea.
And how, after all, with great fear
And Sadko fell asleep on that board on oak.
But how did Sadko wake up, a rich Novgorod merchant,
And in Okyan Mori yes in the very days,
And I saw - a red sun bakes through the water,
But how did she find herself near the chamber of white stone.
And as he entered the white-stone chamber:
And now he sits like in tents
And how the king of the sea is now on a chair, after all.
And the king of the sea says these are the words:
“And how hello, rich merchant,
Sadko and Novgorod!
And how much you traveled by sea,
And as he did not pay tribute to the sea king in the blue sea,
And now he himself has come to me all in gifts.
Ah, they will say, you are a master of playing the harp in the spring:
And play to me like a harp in the spring.
And as Sadko sees here, there is nothing to do in the blue sea:
He is forced to play like a harp in the spring.
And how Sadko began to play like a harp in the spring,
And how the king of the sea began to dance now in the blue sea,
And from him the whole blue sea shook,
And the wave converged on the blue sea,
And how he began to break many black ships and on the blue sea,
And how many people began to drown in the blue sea
And how much the estate began to perish in the blue sea,
And how now there are many kind people on the blue sea,
And how many people are Orthodox
From a desire, how they pray to Nicholas and Mozhaisk,
And so that Nikolai their saint would take them out of the blue of the sea.
And what about the Garden of Novgorod, how it scratched on the shoulder and on the right
And how Sadko turned back, a rich Novgorod merchant -
And now the old man is standing and back, like white, gray-haired,
And as the old man said yes, these are the words:
“And how full they are to play, Sadko, in the harp in the blue sea!”
And Sadko says instead of these words:
“And now I don’t have my own will, but in the blue sea,
They will force me to play the king of the sea.
And the old man said again instead of these words:
“And how are you, Sadko, a rich Novgorod merchant!
And how do you tear the strings,
How to break the pins
And how do you say now to the king of the sea, after all:
And my strings didn’t happen,
I didn’t need shpenechikov,
And how can I play more than anything.
And he will tell you like the king of the sea:
“But don’t you want, Sadko, to marry
in blue mori A and on the darling like on a red girl?
And how do you tell him now yes in the blue sea,
And say: the king of the sea, as your will is now in the blue sea,
And as you know, then do it.
And how will he say to you, yes, in a nutshell:
“And in the morning you get ready,
And Sadko, a wealthy Novgorod merchant,
And choose as he says, you are a girl according to your mind, according to your mind.
So you look, the first three hundred girls you skip the herd,
And you another three hundred girls you miss the herd,
And as the third three hundred girls you miss the herd,
And in that herd at the end of the rest
And she walks like a beautiful girl,
And by last name like Chernava then:
So you marry this Chernava,
And then you, Sadko, may you be happy.
And how do you go to bed on the first night, after all,
And look, don't do it, no fornication
With that girl with Chernavaya.
How do you wake up here in the blue sea,
So you will be in Novegrad on a steep ridge,
And about that about the river about Chernava then.
And if you create like fornication in the blue sea,
So you will stay forever and in the blue sea.
And when you will be in Holy Rus',
Yes, in yours, yes you, yes in the city,
And then you build a cathedral church
Yes to Nikola and Mozhaisk,
And how I am Nikola Mozhaisky.
And how now the old man and the gray-haired man got lost here.
Oh, how is Sadko, a wealthy Novgorod merchant, in the blue sea,
And how he tore the strings,
I broke the studs from the goslings,
But he didn’t begin to play the harp in the springtime.
And he stood like the king of the sea,
He did not dance now in the blue sea,
And as the king himself said, these are the words:
“Why don’t you play, Sadko, a rich Novgorod merchant,
And in the harp, after all, in the yarovchats?
And Sadko said these words:
“And now the strings as I pulled out,
I broke the pins
And nothing else happened to me,"
And as the king of the sea said:
“Would you like to marry, Sadko, in the blue sea,
And how, after all, on the darling on the red one and on the girl?
And as he instead said to him:
"And now how your will is above me in the blue sea."
And as the king of the sea said here:
“Hey you, Sadko, rich Novgorod merchant!
And in the morning choose for yourself a girl and a beauty
According to my own mind and according to my mind.
And how it came to the morning, after all, to the early,
And how did Sadko become, a rich Novgorod merchant,
And how he went to choose beautiful girls for himself,
And he will look, he is standing like the king of the sea.
And how three hundred girls led past them, after all,
And then he missed the first three hundred girls and the herd,
And another he missed three hundred girls and a herd,
And the third he missed three hundred girls and a herd.
And look, a beautiful girl is walking behind,
And by last name, what is the name of Chernavoy.
And he loved that Chernava, took for himself in marriage
And as the king of the sea said here, these are the words:
“And how did you know how to get married, Sadko, in the blue sea.”
And now how did their dining go, and the feast in the blue sea is honorable,
And how did their dining go on here and the feast is honorable,
And how Sadko, a rich Novgorod merchant, went to bed here,
And in the blue sea he is with a girl with a beauty,
And in the bedroom he is in a warm one;
And he didn’t do any fornication with her, but he fell asleep in a sound sleep.
And how he woke up, Sadko, a rich Novgorod merchant,
Azhno found himself Sadko in his yes in the city,
About the river about Chernava on a steep ridge.
And as I saw here - they were running along the Volkhov
And their own and black and ships,
And how after all, the squad is like a good
And after all, Sadko is remembered in the blue sea,
And Sadko, a rich merchant, and his wife
And Sadka is commemorated with his good squad.
And how did the friend see here,
That Sadko stands on a steep ridge and on Volkhovo,
And how here the squad all she was chudovalase,
And how did that miracle surprise you,
What did we leave Sadka and on the blue sea,
And Sadko is ahead of us and in his city.
And how did I meet Sadko's good squad,
All black ships here.
How do you say hello now?
Let's go to the chambers of Sadko, a rich merchant.
And how he greeted his young wife with a toperechku.
And now how is he after that
And he unloaded from the ships
And like everything his, yes, he is a name,
And he rolled out, as he did, all his yes countless gold treasury,
And now, as on his uncountable gold treasury
And how did he make the cathedral church of St. Nicholas and Mozhaisk,
And how another church was made by the Most Holy Theotokos.
And now how after all yes after that
And how he began to pray to the Lord God,
And about his sins, let him be forgiven.
And how I didn’t go out to the blue sea anymore,
And how he began to live in his yes he in the city.
And now, how after all, yes, after that, And to that and to everything, yes, they sing glory.

A guslar named Sadko, who lives in the city of Veliky Novgorod, is not rich, but very proud, a lover of feasts to go.

So many holidays pass, but soon he is no longer invited to feasts. Thus ends the first feast, the second and the third. The gloomy harper goes to Ilmen-lake, where he sits down to play his harp and plunges into his music with his head, not noticing how the water in the lake begins to sway. He soon returns home.

After a while, the story continues. He is again not invited to visit, and he again goes to the lake, on which he plays the harp again, the water sways again and again he does not see it.

Again, everyone forgets about him ... But this time a miracle happens on Ilmen Lake, from the recently quiet and peaceful waters from the very depths of the waters, a deep-sea king appears. He promises Sadko that he will help him, because he played so well. The king offers to argue with the merchants that he will be able to catch goldfish in the lake, and the king of the sea will help him with this.

Sadko does just that, gets the merchants drunk, calls them to the lake and catches three golden fish in their presence. The merchants realize that they were wrong and give him their jewelry.

Sadko is getting richer before his eyes, and now he has the most beautiful chambers and it seems that all his fantasies have already been embodied ...

Once he invites all the nobility to his feast, everyone gets drunk and starts asking Sadko what is the secret of his wealth. Sadko did not say for a long time what the reason was, but in the end he gave up and told. They did not believe him, and he again argued with other merchants for thirteen thousand rubles.

Sadko decides to buy all the goods from the merchants so that they cancel the contract.

He wakes up and instructs his squad by giving each an impressive amount of money. Vigilantes go to the malls and buy everything. He does the same himself.

But the next morning, when Sadko gives the squad a sum of money, he finds out that the goods on the shelves are not decreasing, but only growing. In the end, he buys twice as much as yesterday and goes home with the hope that it was all possible goods.

And the next morning he goes to the market, but all his hopes were killed, as the goods became three times more than it was yesterday.

Sadko understands that it is not possible even for him to buy all the goods available in the malls, because the goods are beginning to be replenished with foreign ones, and that despite the amount of money that he has, the city of Veliky Novgorod with all its merchants is much richer than him.

Sadko understand that all this was a great lesson for him. An upset man says goodbye to his money and hands it over to happy merchants. And with the money that he has left, he builds ships, thirty pieces.

Sadko decides that he most wants to see other lands. Through several Russian rivers, he swims out into a beautiful sea where neither end nor edge is visible, and, turning south, he arrives at the Golden Horde.

On those lands, he was able to sell all his goods and earned so much money that he became rich again. He orders the squad to put all the money in barrels, and is going to go home to his native lands.

But happiness will not last long, as on this path he is caught by a great storm that he has not seen before. Sadko begins to understand that this is the king of the sea making noise because Sadko has not brought tribute for a long time. Sadko orders his squad to throw a barrel of silver overboard, but this does not help, and the sea rebels even more. Then Sadko decides to throw a barrel of gold into the sea, as a tribute to the mighty king, but this does not help, and the water walks more than ever. And then Sadko understands that the king demands a head. Sadko and his team cast lots, but every time it falls on Sadko. Well, what can you do, resigned to his fate, and jumped, but before the jump he gave instructions to his squad. He gives all his savings and lands to churches, his wife, children and squad. He takes his favorite harp in his hands and jumps down from the side. The water calms down and the ships continue on their way.

Sadko gets tired of sailing and falls asleep on a small raft. He woke up in the domain of the sea king. The king asked the young harp player to play the harp for him, and the harp player began to play. The song was so groovy that the king danced so much that he had been dancing for several days, and the storm on the water became even more powerful and formidable than it had been before.

Many ships then crashed, many people died. And the people began to sing prayers to Mikola Mozhaisky, so that he would help in any way he could. Then the saint went down into the sea and quietly began to give instructions to the harpman so that he would break all the strings, and when, in gratitude, the king offered him the hand of his beauties, so that he would choose the last one, the one that is called Chernavushka. Only the most important thing is no fornication at night.

Sadko did just that. Having fallen asleep in bed with Chernavushka, he woke up on the banks of the Chernava. And not far from him were his ships. No one believed how miraculously Sadko was saved. Guslyar built a church to St. Mozhaisk and never sailed on ships again.

Bylina "Sadko", content which is described below, was based on a song about the Novgorod merchant Sadko Sytinich. Also, the basis for writing the work could be stories about how the sea king, wanting to keep the young guy in his possessions, dreams of marrying him to one of his daughters.

"Sadko": a summary

The main character of the work is a poor harpman who earns his living by playing the harp. He is often invited by rich merchants who arranged a feast. One day for nine days the guy is not invited to any feast. His pride is hurt, but he tries not to show his resentment to anyone.

Sadko goes to the lake, on the shore of which he begins to play his favorite harp harp. From his selfless game, the water begins to "worry". But the hussler does not attach much importance to this.

Time passes, and the guy is again not invited to parties. He again goes to the lake, on the shore of which he gives himself to music. From the sounds of the harp, the water begins to boil again.

On the third visit of Sadko to the reservoir, a miracle happens. An underwater king comes out to him from the abyss of the sea, who really liked playing the harp.

The tsar wants to thank the harpman and invites him to argue with local merchants: if Sadko can catch goldfish, they will give him shops with expensive goods. The goose does just that. The next day, the three merchants agree to join in the dispute. The underwater king throws a guy into a net of goldfish, and he comes out the winner. Merchants give him three shops.

The content of "Sadko"
further tells how the main character throws a big feast and invites Novgorod merchants to it. Having drunk, the guests begin to boast in front of each other: one has a young wife, another has a large treasury, and the third has a daring horse. Only Sadko was silent. Noticing this, the merchants asked what he could boast of. To which the gusler proudly informs the merchants that he will be able to buy all the goods in Nizhny Novgorod. Such a statement embarrassed everyone present, and they bet with him: if he loses the dispute, he will give the merchants 30 thousand rubles.

No matter how our daring hero tried to buy up all Novgorod goods, nothing came of it. This taught the young man a good lesson. He gives the merchants 30 thousand rubles, and with the rest of the money he builds ships and decides to set sail.

Having sailed to the Golden Horde, he profitably sells all the goods bought in Nizhny Novgorod, from which his capital increases significantly. After filling the barrels with gold and silver, the guy heads home.

On the way back, a terrible storm is understood. This is the work of the underwater king, to whom Sadko has not paid tribute for a long time. Barrels with silver and gold thrown into the sea did not satisfy the king, he needs a human head.

Sadko lands a raft and remains in the sea, and his warriors return safe and sound to Nizhny Novgorod. Once in the underwater kingdom, the harp player, by order of the king, plays the harp for three days in a row, and the sovereign dances. Because of the dancing on the sea, severe storms occur and people die.

Saint Mykola of Mozhaisk comes to Sadko and asks him to stop playing, to which the guy replies that he has no right to disobey the king. Then Mikola advises him to break the strings on the harp. The guy does just that.

The tsar, having a good time, offers Sadko to marry one of his daughters. The guy, on the advice of the saint, leaves his choice on Chernavushka. Waking up the next morning, the gusler is at home. In gratitude, he builds a cathedral to St. Nicholas of Mozhaisk.

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The bylina "Sadko" is considered the oldest example of a Russian folk epic that has survived to this day. The work belongs to the Novgorod cycle of epics, telling about the life, life and beliefs of the inhabitants of Veliky Novgorod. The central character of the epic is the gusler Sadko, who, thanks to his luck and enterprise, becomes a revered person in Novgorod.

Main characters

Guslyar Sadko- was a poor musician playing at feasts, but he took the advice of the sea king, became a successful merchant, and then one of the richest people in Novgorod.

Other heroes

Mykola Mozhaisky (Nicholas the Wonderworker)- a gray-haired old man who helped Sadko get out of the captivity of the sea king.

sea ​​king - the ruler of the underwater world, helped Sadko win a dispute with Novgorod merchants and get three shops with goods.

In Novgorod lived the harpman Sadko, who, apart from the spring gusli, had nothing. He was engaged in playing music at feasts, entertaining merchants and boyars. But suddenly they stopped calling him to feasts - they don’t invite him for a day, the second, the third. Frustrated, Sadko comes to Ilmen-Lake, sits on the "white-flammable" and plays the harp until the very evening. Late in the evening, the hero notices that “the water is churning in the lake” and, frightened, returns to the city.

However, for the next three days, no one called the harpman to feasts again, he again went to the lake and, again frightened by the excitement on the water, returned to the city. When the hero came to Ilmen Lake for the third time, the sea king suddenly appeared from the lake.

The ruler decided to thank the hero for his "great joys" and "gentle game", and told the guslar to go to Novgorod and argue with the merchants that "fish - gold feathers" is found in Ilmen Lake. On the advice of the sea king, Sadko had to lay his “violent head” in the dispute, and ask the merchants for “shops of red goods”. The sea king himself will give him three golden fish for this business.

As soon as the gusler returned to Novgorod, he was invited to a feast. In the midst of the fun, the tipsy Sadko began to boast to the merchants that he knew “wonderful wonders” - “fish - golden feathers” is found in Ilmen Lake. The merchants did not believe the harpist, and then he offered the merchants, as the sea king advised, to argue. Immediately "they tied a silk seine and went to catch in Lake Ilmen". Three times they threw “tonya” into the lake and caught three fish with “golden feathers”. Merchants recognized Sadko's victory in the dispute and gave him three shops with goods.

So the gusliar became a Novgorod merchant, began to trade in Novgorod and other cities, quickly got rich, "built white-stone chambers", in which he "made everything in a heavenly way".

Sadko summoned wealthy merchants, abbots and peasants to a rich feast. Having had their fill, the guests began to brag about something: gold, horses, fatherland, power-luck, the smart ones - their parents, the crazy ones - their young wife. We decided to ask Sadko why everyone is boasting, but he is not. The merchant replied:

"What am I, Sadka, to brag about?"
“And to brag is not to boast of countless gold treasury:
To my countless gold treasury
I will buy New City goods,
Bad goods and good ones!

Before Sadko had time to finish, the abbots, outraged by his self-confidence, decided to bet the merchant for thirty thousand that he would not be able to do this.

Early in the morning, Sadko ordered his squad to buy out all the goods in the city - "good and bad". But the next day, the merchant found that the shops of Novgorod were full again - twice as many goods were brought overnight. And again Sadko ordered everything to be redeemed. On the third day, the merchant came to the "trading streets" and found that the goods had tripled - "Moscow goods arrived in time." Sadko thought that if he redeems these, then soon they will bring overseas anyway - “you won’t be able to redeem goods from all over the world.” Deciding that it would be more reasonable, the merchant gave the abbots the lost thirty thousand.

Sadko built thirty black ships "for countless gold treasury" and, loading them with Novgorod goods, went through the Volkhov, Ladoga and Neva, and then along the blue sea to the Golden Horde. The trade was lucrative, and he returned with magpie barrels filled with red gold and pure silver.

However, on the way home, the ships get into a severe storm:

“And it beats with a wave, breaks the sails,
Breaks blackened boats;
And the ships will not move from their place on the blue sea.

Sadko realized that this was the king of the sea demanding tribute, because they traveled by sea for a long time, but did not pay him anything. By order of the merchant, they threw out into the sea a “barrel of pure silver”, but nothing has changed. They lowered into the sea another "barrel-magpie of red gold", but the ships continued to stand still.

It became clear to Sadko that the sea king demands a "living head". Twice the merchant and his retinue threw lots into the sea with names written on them, and both times the people's "lots float like gogol on the water", and Sadko's "the key to the bottom".

The hero understood that it was he who was "required" by the king of the sea. The merchant quickly made a will, in which he remembered the churches, and the "poor brethren", and the young wife, and the "good team". Saying goodbye, he asked Sadko to give him a harp and an oak board, so that it would not be so scary "to accept death in the blue sea." As soon as the merchant was launched, the ships immediately sailed, "flew like black crows."

Left at sea, Sadko soon fell asleep and woke up when he was already at the very bottom. In the white-stone palace, the hero meets the sea king, who asks him to play the harp. As soon as Sadko began to play, the sea king began to dance. The gusliar plays for three days - the king of the sea dances for three days. At that time, a terrible storm began at sea - many ships crashed and people died.

The people prayed to Mikola Mozhaisky (Nicholas the Wonderworker) to save them from the elements. The saint in the form of a gray-haired old man appeared to Sadko and touched his right shoulder, asking him to stop the game. The hussler answered Mikola that he was a slave at sea and was following the orders of the sea king. The old man advised Sadko to "pull the strings" and "break the pegs", telling the sea king that he had no other strings and pegs, so he could no longer play.

In addition, the old man said that the sea king would offer Sadko to marry a red girl and the harpman must agree. In the morning, the Sea King will show him the brides, and if the merchant wants to return home, he needs to let the first three hundred and three hundred second girls through, and choose the last one in the third hundred - Chernavushka. And in order to thank the elder for his help, Sadko will have to build the cathedral church of Mykola Mozhaisky upon arrival home.

Sadko did everything as the elder advised him. After the wedding feast, the merchant immediately fell asleep and woke up already in Novgorod - by the Chernava River "on a steep ridge". Sadko saw that it was his ships that were sailing along the Volkhov. Finding the merchant alive and unharmed, people could not believe their eyes. The merchant greeted his retinue, and after entering the chambers, and with his young wife.

Having unloaded all his wealth from the ships, Sadko built the “cathedral church to Mikola Mozhaisk”.

“Sadko did not go to the blue sea anymore,
Sadko began to live in Novegrad.


The bylina "Sadko" is the only work of the Russian epic in which the main character not only goes to another country, but also finds himself in another, other world - in the possession of the sea king. This detail brings the epic closer to the fairy-tale folk tradition, while the merchant life of Novgorod is depicted with significant historical accuracy. That is why the style of the work is dual and combines both fabulous-fantastic and vividly realistic elements.

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There lived a good fellow in rich Novgorod, by the name of Sadko, and in the street he was nicknamed Sadko the gusler. He lived as a bobyl, he lived from bread to kvass - no yard, no stake, only psaltery, sonorous, bright, and the talent of a harp-singer was inherited from his parents.

And the fame of him flowed like a river throughout Veliky Novgorod. It was not for nothing that Sadko was called to play in the golden-domed boyars' mansions, and in the white-stone merchants' mansions at feasts, to amuse the guests.

He will play, start a chant - all the noble boyars, all the first-class merchants listen to the harpist, they will not hear enough. So well done and lived that he went to feasts. But it turned out like this: for a day or two, Sadok is not invited to the feast, and on the third day they are not invited, they do not call. It seemed bitter and insulting to him.

Sadko took his yarovchaty gusels, went to Ilmen-lake. He sat down on the shore on a blue-flammable stone and struck the sonorous strings, started an iridescent chant. Played on the beach from morning until evening. And at the sunset of the red sun, Ilmen-lake was agitated.

A wave rose like a high mountain, water mixed with sand, and Vodyanoy himself, the owner of Lake Ilmen, came ashore. I took the gusliar dumbfounded. And the Vodyanoy said these words:

- Thank you, Sadko-gusliar Novgorod! Today I had a dining-festival, honors a feast. You amused, amused my guests. And I want you for that welcome!

Tomorrow they will call you to the first-class merchant to play the harp, to amuse eminent Novgorod merchants. Merchants will drink, eat, boast, boast. One will boast of an uncountable gold treasury, another of expensive overseas goods, a third will boast of a good horse and a silk port. The smart one will boast of his father and mother, and the stupid one - of his young wife. Then eminent merchants will ask you what you, Sadko, could brag about, brag about. And I'll teach you how to keep the answer and become rich.

And Vodyanoy, the owner of Ilmen-lake, told the orphan guslar a marvelous secret.

The next day, they called Sadok into the white-stone chambers of the eminent merchant on the harp, to amuse the guests.

Tables from drinks and from food are bursting. The feast is half a feast, and the guests, the merchants of Novgorod, sit half drunk. They began to brag to each other: some with a golden treasury-wealth, some with expensive goods, some with a good horse and a silk port. A smart man boasts of his father, mother, and a stupid one boasts of his young wife.

Then they began to ask Sadok, to extort from the good fellow:

“And you, young harpman, what do you boast about?”

Sadko keeps the answer to those words-speech:

- Oh, you rich Novgorod merchants! Well, what should I brag to you about? You know yourself: I have neither gold nor silver, there are no shops with expensive goods in the living room. There is only one thing I can boast about. Only I know, I know the miraculous and marvelous marvelous. There is a golden feather fish in our glorious Ilmen Lake. And no one saw that fish. Didn't see it, didn't catch it. And whoever catches that fish-golden feather and sips fish soup will become young from the old. That's the only thing I can boast about, brag about!

Eminent merchants made noise, argued:

- You boast of being empty, Sadko. For centuries, no one has heard that there is such a fish-golden feather and that having sipped fish soup from that fish, an old man will become young, he can become!

The six richest Novgorod merchants argued the most:

- There is no such fish as you, Sadko, are talking about. We'll bet on a big bet. All our shops in the living room row, all our wealth-wealth is mortgaged! Only you have nothing to put up against our great pledge!

- I'm going to catch the golden feather fish! And against your great mortgage, I put my violent head, ”answered Sadko the gusler.

On that matter, they got along and ended the dispute with a handshake on a mortgage.

Soon a silk seine was tied up. They threw that seine into Ilmen Lake for the first time - and pulled out a golden feather fish. They swept the net another time - and caught another golden feather fish. They threw a net for the third time - they caught the third golden feather fish.

The Waterman kept his word - the owner of Ilmen Lake, rewarded Sadko, granted. The orphan-guslar won a great mortgage, received innumerable wealth and became a famous Novgorod merchant. He led a large trade in Novgorod, and his clerks trade in other cities, in near and far places. The wealth of Sadok is multiplying by leaps and bounds. And he soon became the richest merchant in the glorious Veliky Novgorod. He built white-stone chambers. The chambers in those chambers are miraculous: they are decorated with expensive overseas wood, gold-silver and crystal. No one has ever seen such chambers, and there were no such chambers by hearsay.

And after that, Sadko married, brought the young mistress into the house and started a feast-table in the new chambers. He gathered for the feast the well-born boyars, all the eminent merchants of Novgorod, and invited the peasants of Novgorod. Everyone found a place in the mansions of the hospitable host. The guests got drunk, ate, got tipsy, argued. Who talks loudly about what and boasts. And Sadko walks around the wards and says these words:

- My dear guests: you, well-born boyars, you, eminent rich merchants, and you, peasants of Novgorod! All of you at my place, at Sadok, got drunk and ate at the feast, and now you are arguing noisily, boasting. One speaks the truth, and another boasts of empty things. Apparently, I need to talk about myself. And what can I boast about? My wealth has no budget. I have so much gold treasury that I can buy all Novgorod goods, all goods - good and bad. And there will be no goods in Veliky glorious Novgorod.

That arrogant speech, boastful, offensive, seemed to the whole capital: to the boyars, and to the merchants, and to the peasants of Novgorod. The guests made noise, argued:

- For a century it has not happened and will not be that one person could buy up all Novgorod goods, buy and sell our Great, glorious Novgorod. And we are fighting with you about a great pledge of forty thousand: you will not overpower, Sadko, the lord of Veliky Novgorod. No matter how rich and powerful one person is, but against the city, against the people, he is a dry straw!

And Sadko stands on his own, does not let up and bets on a large mortgage, puts up forty thousand ... And at that feasting and dining ended. The guests dispersed and departed.

And the next day, Sadko got up early, early, washed his face white, woke up his squad, faithful assistants, filled them with gold treasury full and sent them through the shopping streets, and Sadko himself went to the living room, where shops sell expensive goods. So all day long, from morning to evening, Sadko, a rich merchant, with his faithful assistants, bought up all the goods in all the shops of Glorious Veliky Novgorod, and by sunset they bought up everything like a broom. There were no goods left in Nove-Gorod even for a copper penny. And the next day - look, look - the Novgorod shops are bursting with goods, they brought more goods during the night than before.

With his retinue, with assistants, Sadko began to buy goods along all the shopping streets and in the living room. And by the evening, by the sunset, there were no goods left in Novgorod for a single penny. They bought everything up and took it to the barns of Sadka the rich man. On the third day, Sadko sent assistants with a gold treasury, and he himself went to the living room and saw: there were more goods in all the shops than before. Moscow goods were brought in at night. Sadko hears the rumor that convoys with goods are coming from Moscow, and from Tver, and from many other cities, and ships run across the sea with goods from overseas.

Here Sadko became thoughtful, became sad:

- I can’t overpower the lord of Veliky Novgorod, I can’t buy the goods of all Russian cities and from all over the white world. It can be seen that no matter how rich I am, the Great Glorious Novgorod is richer than me. I'd rather lose my mortgage by forty thousand. All the same, I can’t overpower the city and the people of Novgorod. I see now that there is no such force-power that one person could oppose the people.

Sadko gave his great pledge - forty thousand. And built forty ships. He loaded all the goods bought on ships and sailed on ships to trade in overseas countries. In overseas lands, he sold Novgorod goods with a large profit.

And on the way back, a great misfortune befell the blue sea. All forty ships, as if rooted to the place, stopped. The wind bends the mast and tears the tackle, the sea wave beats, and all forty ships, as if at anchor, cannot move.

And Sadko said to the helmsmen and the crew of the ship:

- Apparently, the king of the Sea demands a tribute-ransom from us. Take, guys, a barrel of gold and throw money into the blue sea.

They swept a barrel of gold into the sea, but the ships still did not budge. They are beaten by a wave, the wind is tearing the tackle.

“The Tsar of the Sea does not accept our gold,” Sadko said. “Not otherwise than it demands a living soul from us.

And he ordered to throw lots. Each got a fake lot, and Sadko took an oak lot for himself. And on each lot there is a nominal litter. Cast lots in the blue sea. Whose lot will sink, go to the Sea King. Lime - like ducks swam. Ride on the wave. And the oak lot of Sadok himself went like a key to the bottom. Then Sadko spoke:

- Here the mistake came out: the oak lot is heavier than the linden ones, that's why it went to the bottom. Let's kick it one more time.

Sadko made a fake lot for himself, and once again the lot was thrown into the blue sea. All the lots swam like a gogol duck, and Sadkov's lot, like a key, dived to the bottom. Then Sadko, a wealthy merchant from Novgorod, said:

- There is nothing to do, children, it is clear that the Tsar of the Sea does not want to accept another head, but he demands my violent head.

He took paper and a goose quill and began to write a painting: how and to whom to leave his estate and wealth. Unsubscribed, refused money to the monasteries for the mention of the soul. He awarded his squad, all assistants and clerks. He wrote off a lot of the treasury for the poor brethren, for widows, for orphans, he wrote off a lot of wealth, he refused his young wife. After that he spoke:

- Let it go, my dear combatants, overboard with an oak plank. I'm afraid to suddenly descend into the blue sea.

They lowered a wide reliable board into the sea. Sadko said goodbye to his faithful warriors, grabbed his sonorous, ardent harp.

- I will play the board for the last time before I die! And with those words, Sadko went down to the oak raft, and all the ships immediately set off, the silk sails were filled with wind, and they sailed their own way, as if there had never been any stop.

Suffered Sadok on an oak plank across the sea-ocean, and he lies, strumming and strumming on the gusel, grieving about his fate-share, remembering his former life. And the sea wave shakes the raft-board, Sadka lulls on the board, and he did not notice how he fell into a slumber, and then fell into a deep sleep.

How long, short that dream lasted - is unknown. Sadko woke up, woke up at the bottom of the sea-ocean, near the white-stone chambers. A servant ran out of the chambers and led Sadok to the mansion. He led me into a large room, and there the King of the Sea himself was sitting. The king has a golden crown on his head. The Sea King spoke:

- Hello, dear guest, long-awaited! I heard a lot about you from my nephew Vodyanoy - the owner of the glorious Ilmen Lake - about your playing on the harp harp. And I wanted to hear from you. For this, your ships stopped and your nominal lot drowned twice.

After that he called the servant:

- Heat a hot bath! Let our guest from the road take a steam bath, wash, and then rest. Then we'll have a feast. Soon the invited guests will begin to arrive.

In the evening, the king started a Sea feast for the whole world. Tsars and princes gathered from different seas, Watermen from different lakes and rivers. Vodyanoy also sailed - the owner of Lake Ilmen. The King of the Sea has plenty of drinks and food: drink, eat, soul-measure! The guests ate, got tipsy. The owner, the king of the Sea, says:

- Well, Sadko, have fun, amuse us! Yes, play more fun, so that your legs walk with a shaker.

Sadko played fervently, cheerfully. The guests could not sit at the table, they jumped out from behind the tables and started dancing, and they danced so much that a great storm began on the sea-ocean. And many ships perished that night. Passion how many people drowned!

The harpist plays, and the Sea kings with the princes and the Watermen dance, shout:

- Oh, burn, speak!

Here, near Sadok, the Water Master of Lake Ilmen turned up and whispered in the harper's ear:

“A bad thing is going on here with my uncle. On the sea-ocean from this dance, such bad weather broke out. Ships, people and goods perished - darkness, darkness. Stop playing and the dance will end.

How can I stop playing? At the bottom of the sea-ocean, I have no will of my own. Until your uncle, the King of the Sea himself, orders, I cannot stop.

- And you break the strings and break the pegs and tell the Tsar of the Sea: you don’t have spare strings, but there is nowhere to get spare strings and pegs. And as soon as you stop playing, the feasting will end, the guests will go home, the king of the Sea, in order to keep you in the underwater kingdom, will force you to choose a bride and marry. And you agree to that. First, three hundred beautiful girls will be led in front of you, then another three hundred girls - whatever you decide to say or describe with a pen, but only tell in a fairy tale - they will pass in front of you, and you stand and be silent. Three hundred more beautiful girls will be brought before you. You let everyone pass, point to the last one and say: “I want to marry this girl, Chernavushka.” That is my own sister, she will rescue you from captivity, from captivity.

Vodianoi, the owner of Lake Ilmen, spoke these words and mingled with the guests.

And Sadko broke the strings, broke the pegs and said to the Sea King:

- We need to replace the strings and fit new pins, but I don’t have spare ones.

- Well, where can I find strings and pegs for you now. Tomorrow I will send messengers, and today the feasting table is already over.

The next day, the Sea King says:

- Be for you, Sadku, my faithful harpist. Everyone loves your game. Marry any beautiful sea girl, and you will live better in my sea kingdom-state than in Novgorod. Choose your bride!

The King of the Sea clapped his palms - and out of nowhere, beautiful girls, one more beautiful than the other, went past Sadok. Thus passed three hundred maidens. Behind them are still three hundred girls, so pretty that it is impossible to describe with a pen, only to tell in a fairy tale, and Sadko stands silent. Those beauties are still followed by three hundred maidens, much more beautiful than before. Sadko looks, does not stop admiring, but as the last beautiful girl in the row appeared, the harpman said to the Sea King:

I have chosen my bride. I want to marry this beautiful girl. he pointed to Chernavushka.

- Oh, well done you, Sadko-gusler! You chose a good bride, because she is my niece. Chernava river. We will now be related to you.

They took a merry feast and for a wedding. The feasting was over. They took the young to a special rest. And as soon as the doors closed, Chernava said to Sadk:

- Lie down, sleep, rest, don't think about anything. As my brother, the Water Master of Ilmen Lake, ordered, everything will come true.

He rolled over, fell into a deep sleep on Sadko. And when he woke up in the morning, he couldn’t believe his eyes: he was sitting on the steep bank of the Chernava River, where the Chernava flows into the Volkhov River. And along the Volkhov run-hurry his forty ships with a faithful retinue.

And the squad from the ships of Sadko saw, wondered:

- We left Sadko in the blue sea-ocean, and Sadko meets us near Novgorod. Either, brothers, it's not a miracle, or it's not a miracle!

They lowered and sent a karbasok, a small boat, for Sadok. Sadko moved to his ship, and soon the ships approached the Novgorod wharf. They unloaded overseas goods and barrels of gold into the barns of Sadok the merchant. Sadko called his faithful assistants, the squad to his white-stone chambers.

And a beautiful young wife ran out onto the porch. She threw herself on Sadko's chest, hugged him, kissed him:

- But I had a vision, my dear husband, that you would arrive today from overseas countries!

They drank and ate, and Sadko began to live and live in Novgorod with his young wife. And that is where my story about Sadko ends.