Download presentation on Nogai horde. Presentation "Golden Horde" on history - project, report

Date: ___________ Grade: IR 10 Lesson: ____

Theme: Nogai Horde in the 13th-15th centuries.

Target: The study of information about the formation of the Nogai Horde, its territory, consideration of the issue

territories of Northern Kazakhstan and Western Siberia.

Tasks: Educational: Familiarize yourself with the political history of the Horde and find out the reasons for its collapse

Developing: To form skills for the study of culture, creative search and thinking

Educational: Raise interest in the study of the past of the country,

Lesson type: traditional

Visual aids: map

Time: 45 min.


I . Organizing time

II . Checking knowledge gained in previous lessons.

oral questioning

When did the White Horde begin to form?

Tell us about the campaigns of Emir Timur and Khan Tokhtamysh against the White Horde

What was the ethnic composition of the White Horde

Tell us about the economic situation of the White Horde



    Formation of the Nogai Horde, its territory

    Political history of the Horde

    The collapse of the Nogai Horde

    Northern Kazakhstan and Western Siberia

1. The name of the Horde comes from the name of the commander of the Golden Horde - Nogai, who participated in the conquest campaigns. The main populationmangyty therefore, their ulus was called the Mangyt yurt.founder of the horde - Edige. In 1426 -1440. under the rule of Nur-ad Din, an independent state was created.

Territory: between the Volga and the Urals,

Center of the Horde Saraichik (in the Urals), founded in the 10th century. There were baths, mosques, bazaars, etc. in the city.

13-14c. - the heyday of the city, in connection with the trade routes from the Crimea and the Caucasus to the Karakoram and China

Early 16th century . - the capital of the Kazakh Khanate under Kasym

1580 . the city was destroyed by the Don and Volga Cossacks.

During his reign, Edige bore the title "bekler-beki" or"great emir" Edige had unlimited power.

Administrative power was exercised - beks, myrzas, sultans and bais - solved social and economic issues. Power was inherited.

Myrza - the ruler of the aul obeyed the ruler of the ulus. (he collected taxes, collected soldiers on campaigns)

90s 14th century - the war of Tokhtamysh with Edige for dominance in the Golden Horde.

Early 17th century - the horde began to decline and its disintegration into independent possessions, and after joining Ml. zhuz. Dependence of the Horde on the Crimean Khanate, Turkish sultans + persecution by Russia - a part in Turkey, the North Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Bashkirtostan.

Ethnic composition of the Nogai Horde

Nogai Horde

Turkic-speaking tribes

IV . Reflection :

    What do you know about the creation of the Nogai Horde?

    What part of the lands of the Nogai Horde belonged to Kazakhstan?

    Tell us about the ethnic composition of the Nogai Horde.

    Under the rule of which khan the political position of the Nogai Horde was strengthened?

    What do you know about the political situation in Western Siberia?

    Who are the Taibugins?

V . Lesson summary .

D / s § 26 pp. 125 – 130 paraphrase. Lesson grades.

Nogai Horde: history, culture and joining Russia

History of education and flourishing

At the end of the 14th century, the process of disintegration into separate khanates began in the Golden Horde. One of them was the Nogai Horde, or, as they themselves called their state, the Mangyt Yurt, and themselves, the Mangyts.

The territory of its location was between the Volga and Ural (Yaik) rivers. It began its formation at the end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th centuries, and finally took shape in an independent state formation by the 1440s.

The capital was the city of Saraichik or Saraidzhuk, located on the banks of the Ural (Yaik) River, which was the center of large-scale trade from the Black Sea region to Central Asia. In the 14th century, about 100 thousand inhabitants lived there.

Like the rest of the khanates that emerged from the Golden Horde, the Nogai Horde continued to lead a nomadic lifestyle, the main activity was cattle breeding and hunting. Finally, the state became isolated under the son of Edyge Nur-ad-din. It was this period that was accepted as the heyday of the Nogai Horde.


The title of the ruler of the Nogai Horde is called "biy" or "Nogai biy". Edyge Khan (1392-1412) is considered the first ruler of the Mangyt yurt, he was the founder of the dynasty, which stood at the head of the nomadic state formation. After Edigei's death, his son Nurradin (1412-1419) became the head of state, he continued his father's policy and was able to invest a lot in the process of forming an independent Mantyg yurt.

After the death of Nurradin, Edigei's eldest son, Mansur (1419-1427), became biem. After Mansur was executed in 1427, his younger brother, Gazi (1427-1428), came to power, became the beklarbek of the ruler of Eastern Desht, where he was killed due to career envy. After that, Nurradin's heirs come to power. Vakkas-biy, son of Nurradin (1428-1447). Under him, the independence of the Mantyg yurt was preserved and the foundations of the Nogai Horde were formed.

His place was taken by the son of Vakkas - Khorezmi (1447-1473), there is not much information about his reign, but it is known that he constantly searched for allies, and also participated in battles, in one of these in 1473 he was killed by an arrow. The next bey was Abbas, the son of Nurradin (1473-1491). His rule was headlined by a tendency to secede from strong allies and neighbors, it is also known that Abbas had to flee in view of some disagreements.

Musa (1491-1502), the son of Vakkas and one of the most active figures, is now in power. The main achievement is the final independence of the Nogai Horde, its influence in Europe and foreign political relations have increased. After his death, Musa's brother Yamgurchi (1502-1504) became the bey. He continued his brother's policy and was recognized as the rightful heir, but her status in the political foreign arena was already much lower. He adhered to a peaceful policy towards the Muscovite kingdom.

After Yamgurchi, a period of internecine wars begins. Hassan is the youngest son of Vakkas (1504-1508), he did not enjoy such authority as the brothers and therefore tried to strengthen his position with various alliances. Information about him disappears starting from 1508, then Musa's son, Sheikh Mohammed (1508-1510 and 1516-1519), becomes instead of him.

The last biys were Alchagir, son of Musa (1508-1516), Agish, son of Yamchurgi (1521-1524), Said-Ahmed, son of Musa (1524-1541), Sheikh-Mamai, son of Musa (1541-1549), Yusuf, son Musa (1549-1554) and Ismail, son of Musa (1557-1563).


Not much is known about the culture of the Nogai nomads, most of the evidence was recorded by travelers after the collapse of the Nogai Horde. So let's start with everyday life. The Nogai lived in yurts - large spherical structures. Usually, there were two yurts per large family - one for children and one for the older generation. Their camps were located in places rich in fodder crops for livestock.

Migration processes in the tribe took place seasonally and were associated with the need for a constant change of place of residence. Nogai dressed in accordance with their lifestyle. So, men wore long cloth caftans, which could be blue, red or gray. Under it were cloth or sheepskin trousers and cotton shirts. Women also wore similar clothes, some could afford white linen robes and silk robes.

Depending on the weather conditions, both men and women wore sheepskin coats. Headdresses for men were pointed bureks or caps made of martens, and for women - round folded hats embroidered with Russian coins. Shoes were leather and practical boots.

The Nogais ate meat of domestic animals, dairy products of various preparations, sometimes baked cakes from millet or rice flour, and diversified their diet with game and fish. With drinks they had honey and alcoholic koumiss, ayran and buza.

The internal organization of relations took place by the norms of customary law, that is, traditional (for example, blood feud for a murder or a ransom for a bride, etc.). Due to its history, geographical location and neighbors, the Nogai Horde adhered to the Muslim religion of the Turkish model, but as nomads, the Nogai retained quite strong remnants of the Muslim beliefs of their ancestors - pagan.

As for literature, oral literature prevailed in the Nogai Horde. It was formed on the basis of constant seasonal movements, which also influenced the emergence of new elements of the neighbors' cultures and the spread of their own. The guardians of culture were the old-timers. Written culture was primarily used by the rulers of the Horde and Mirzas for correspondence with monarchs.

It is known that in the Nogai Horde the city and capital of Saraichuk acted as an important economic, political and, to some extent, religious center. But historians answer the question about other Nogai cities in the negative. Since the Nogai were "inveterate" nomads, they were not going to build cities and fortifications, as one of the possible theories, it can be assumed that they used the structures that were inherited from the Golden Horde. However, archaeological, local history and folklore finds allow us to ask such questions, the answers to which are extremely ambiguous.


Since the Nogai are a nomadic people, their main military force was the cavalry, mostly light and mobile. Since such troops were not overdressed, they were used in long movements and ambushes. Tactics consisted of quick and maneuverable strikes. The most combat-ready were the guards of the khan and the squads of specific murzas and biys, since they were best provided.

The most significant is the war, which in the 90s. 14th century led Edyge against Tokhtamysh Khan for 15 years. Thanks to her, the territories of the Nogai Horde expanded to the West Siberian lowland. In all other cases, wars took place with neighboring tribes, or the Nogai warriors acted as mercenaries in hostilities.

Accession to Russia

Only after the ethno-political community of the Nogais (no longer Mangyts) was fully formed, and this happened closer to the second half of the 15th century, we can talk about the beginning of truly diplomatic Nogai-Russian relations. They begin to form as early as the end of the 14th century and were expressed in the strengthening of trade, economic and political ties between the Nogai Horde and the Russian state.

The reigning Ivan the Terrible believed that the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates threatened the Russian lands, and also held the Volga trade route in submission. After several unsuccessful diplomatic attempts, the king decided to take these khanates by military force. After the annexation of the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates to Russia, as well as other Asian peoples, the Nogai Horde recognized its dependence on the Muscovite state.

After some time, the Nogai declined, and as a result of civil strife among the Nogai ruling family, the Nogai Horde broke up into several independent hordes. So three utopias stood out from it - Big Nogai, Small Nogai and Altyulskaya Horde.

  • the Nogai separated from the Golden Horde, and as a self-name of their association they used the Mangyt Yurt, and they called themselves Mangyts;
  • the Nogai Horde adhered to the Muslim religion of the Turkish model, but as nomads, the Nogai retained quite strong remnants of the Muslim beliefs of their ancestors - pagan;
  • the title of the ruler of the Nogai Horde is called "biy" or "Nogai biy".


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Slides captions:

Kuban Nogai Horde

50s of the 16th century Right-Bank Kuban is an integral part of the Crimean Khanate. Here, from the uluses of the Nogai Horde, the state formation of Nogai Malye was formed.

Horde of Small Nogais Navruz, Edisan, Kaisaev, Budzhak, Bestineev, Dzhemboyluk, Yedichkul,

The Kuban Nogai Horde was ruled by a seraskir. He had broad powers and passed final sentences in civil and criminal cases. He lived in his village. His income consisted of a tenth of the grain harvest, one ram from each wagon and 800 bulls.

1769 - the height of the Russian-Turkish war Four Nogai hordes: Budzhak, Edisan, Dzhemboyluk, Yedichkul declared their desire to transfer to Russian citizenship. In February 1771, a Nogai delegation arrived in St. Petersburg. Three months later, the Nogai hordes migrated to the Kuban.

1. Facilitating the resettlement of the Nogais in the Kuban steppes, Russia removed a large military force from the lower reaches of the Dnieper, just before the invasion of Russian troops in the Crimea. 2. Russia hoped that the Nogais would be able to cover the southern Russian borders from the raids of the highlanders. 3. Russian diplomats hoped that in the future the nomads would form an independent state friendly to Russia, which would become a counterweight to Turkey in the struggle for the Black Sea


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Nogai Horde

7th grade. History of Kazakhstan.

Lesson objectives: To give information about the state

Nogai Horde


educational : Familiarize yourself with the history

creation of the Nogai Horde, with an external

and domestic policy of the state

Developing: Formation

skills to study culture,

creative search and thinking

Educational : Build self-esteem

critical thinking, positive

relation to reality .

An important role in the creation and strengthening of the Nogai Horde was played by the temnik of the Golden Horde Edigey . Himself a native of the tribe Mangut (mangyt ), Edigey from 1392 became an ulubey of the Mangyts.

In the 90s of the XIV century, Edigei waged wars with Tokhtamysh Khan, firstly, for dominance in the Golden Horde, and secondly, in order to strengthen the power of the Mangyt yurt over neighboring possessions, expanding its borders.

Being a temnik, Yedigei, who did not have the right to the title of khan, was the de facto ruler of the Golden Horde for 15 years (1396-1411).

From 1412, the descendants of Edigei ruled the Magyt horde.

At that time, Yedigei himself took an active part in the internecine struggle of the Khan's heirs for the Golden Horde throne, during which, having joined one of them, the descendant of Genghis Khan, Chokre-oglan, Yedigei became his beklarbek. After the victory in 1414 over Kepek Khan, who occupied the throne (in the same year) of the Golden Horde, and his expulsion from the capital of Saray, Yedigei became the beklarbek (or great emir) of the Golden Horde, whom he was until his death in 1419.

slide 1

State system of the Nogai Horde. Formation of the Nogai Horde. feature of the state system. The system of state bodies. Social system. Right. Court and process.

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1. Formation of the Nogai Horde. Feature of the state system After the collapse of the Golden Horde, in the north-west of Kazakhstan, a new state formation arose - the Nogai Horde. The territory of the Nogai Horde - between the Volga and the Urals (main territory). In the east - along the left bank of the Urals, in the northeast - to the West Siberian lowland, in the Northwest to Kazan, in the Southwest to the Aral Sea region, the North of the Caspian Sea (nomadic territory).

slide 3

1. Formation of the Nogai Horde. The peculiarity of the state system of the Nogai Horde in the XV - XVI centuries. is a military-aristocratic state. In the Nogai Horde, a stable ulus system of government has developed. The center was the city - Sarayshyk (city in the lower Urals), which was founded in the XIII century.

slide 4

1. Formation of the Nogai Horde. The peculiarity of the state system Edygey is considered the founder of the Nogai Horde (Mangyt Horde), under whose rule it separates from the Golden Horde (Juchi ulus), and during the reign of Edygei's son, Nuraddin, an independent state was created.

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2. The system of state bodies. The Nogai Horde was ruled by a biy (prince), elected from among the representatives of the closed estate of the ruling house of Edige (the Mangyt clan). The Murzas, the descendants of the numerous sons of Edige, were large owners of land and livestock and had full power in their possessions. Within their clan, they established the order of litigation, and the principle of tribal seniority operated in their relations with each other.

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2. The system of state bodies. The Nogai Horde was divided into a number of self-governing uluses headed by murzas. The Murzas obeyed the Biy, who ruled with the help of Nuradin.

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2. The system of state bodies The supreme body of power is the Great Council (Kurultai), which consisted of top officials and relatives of the biy. This body elected the bey and limited his power. Biy convened a small council from among the highest ranks and feudal lords close to the biy.

Slide 8

2. The system of state bodies The central executive-administrative and judicial power was exercised by three "highest Orda ranks" (nuradin, kekovat, taibur). Functions - protection of the outlying territories of the Horde from invasion from outside. They were the rulers of vast territories, they had warriors.

Slide 9

2. The system of state bodies The central government represented by the Council, Biy, supreme rulers (ranks) carried out the following functions: The supreme disposal of pasture territories Confirmation of the rights of feudal lords to own uluses Appointment to the highest positions Distribution of income Implementation of the highest judicial function

slide 10

2. The system of state bodies When the biy had a permanent governing body - karaduvan. He was at the biy's winter headquarters in the city of Sarayshyk. This body carried out fiscal and police functions. In the uluses, judicial and executive power was exercised by the rulers - murzas, local duvans were created here.

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2. The system of state bodies There were - arbitration - maslagat courts, as well as Sharia courts for religious matters.

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3. The social system of the Nogai Horde of Murza Below the Murzas were the Karacheys and Imeldeshis, as well as service people (ulans, nukers) - the tribal aristocracy, pressed by the Mangyt nobility, but retaining influence in the uluses. The bulk of the dependent population are tribal pastoralists - community members. Part of the exploited - tumaki (settled poor nomads) - obeyed the biy and served as one of the sources of centralized rent collection. The Cossacks also stood out - isolated groups of nomads who lost ties with their uluses and hunted for military booty. Small merchants (saudagers) and slaves (kuls) were only a layer of the main classes.

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The fall of the Nogai Horde The existence of the Nogai Horde was interrupted by the Kalmyk invasion, and the Nogai confederation broke up, transferring some of its political institutions (congresses of feudal lords, duvans, the judiciary) to new political entities.