Spielberg andreeva anxiety test. Online test to determine the level of personal anxiety

Scales: situational anxiety, personal anxiety

Purpose of the test

A certain level of anxiety is a natural and obligatory feature of an active active person. Each person has their own optimal, or desirable, level of anxiety - this is the so-called useful anxiety. A person's assessment of his state in this respect is an essential component of self-control and self-education for him.

Personal anxiety is understood as a stable individual characteristic that reflects the subject's predisposition to anxiety and suggests that he has a tendency to perceive a fairly wide "fan" of situations as threatening, responding to each of them with a certain reaction. As a predisposition, personal anxiety is activated when certain stimuli are perceived by a person as dangerous to self-esteem, self-esteem. Situational or reactive anxiety as a condition is characterized by subjectively experienced emotions: tension, anxiety, concern, nervousness. This state occurs as an emotional reaction to a stressful situation and can be different in intensity and dynamism over time.

This questionnaire allows differentially measuring anxiety both as a personal property and as a state.


Scale of situational anxiety (ST)

Instruction. Read each of the following sentences carefully and cross out the number in the appropriate box on the right, depending on how you feel at the moment. Do not think about questions for a long time, because there are no right and wrong answers.

No, it's not. Probably, so. Right. Quite right.
1 2 3 4

1. I am calm
2. Nothing threatens me
3. I'm stressed
4. I am internally constrained
5. I feel free
6. I'm upset
7. I worry about possible failures.
8. I feel peace of mind
9. I am anxious
10. I feel inner satisfaction.
11. I am confident
12. I'm nervous
13. I can't find my place
14. I'm excited
15. I do not feel stiffness, tension
16. I am satisfied
17. I'm preoccupied
18. I'm too excited and I'm not myself
19. I'm happy
20. I'm pleased

Scale of personal anxiety (PT)

Instruction. Read each of the following sentences carefully and cross out the number in the appropriate box on the right, depending on how you usually feel. Don't think too long about the questions, as there are no right or wrong answers.

Never Almost never Often Almost always
1 2 3 4

21. I have high spirits
22. I get irritable
23. I get upset easily.
24. I would like to be as lucky as others.
25. I am very worried about troubles and can’t forget about them for a long time.
26. I feel energized and want to work
27. I am calm, cool and collected
28. I am worried about possible difficulties
29. I worry too much about trifles.
30. I am quite happy
31. I take everything to heart
32. I lack self-confidence
33. I feel defenseless
34. I try to avoid critical situations and difficulties.
35. I have blues
36. I am satisfied
37. All sorts of trifles distract and excite me
38. Sometimes I feel like a failure
39. I am a balanced person
40. I get anxious when I think about my affairs and worries.

Processing and interpretation of test results

Key to the test

ST Answers LT Answers
№ 1 2 3 4 № 1 2 3 4
situational anxiety personality anxiety
1 4 3 2 1 21 4 3 2 1
2 4 3 2 1 22 1 2 3 4
3 1 2 3 4 23 1 2 3 4
4 1 2 3 4 24 1 2 3 4
5 4 3 2 1 25 1 2 3 4
6 1 2 3 4 26 4 3 2 1
7 1 2 3 4 27 4 3 2 1
8 4 3 2 1 28 1 2 3 4
9 1 2 3 4 29 1 2 3 4
10 4 3 2 1 30 4 3 2 1
11 4 3 2 1 31 1 2 3 4
12 1 2 3 4 32 1 2 3 4
13 1 2 3 4 33 1 2 3 4
14 1 2 3 4 34 1 2 3 4
15 4 3 2 1 35 1 2 3 4
16 4 3 2 1 36 4 3 2 1
17 1 2 3 4 37 1 2 3 4
18 1 2 3 4 38 1 2 3 4
19 4 3 2 1 39 4 3 2 1
20 4 3 2 1 40 1 2 3 4

Processing and analysis of test results

When analyzing the results of anxiety self-assessment, it should be borne in mind that the overall final score for each of the subscales can range from 20 to 80 points. At the same time, the higher the final indicator, the higher the level of anxiety (situational or personal).

When interpreting the indicators, the following indicative estimates of anxiety can be used:

. up to 30 points- low,
. 31 - 44 points- moderate;
. 45 and over- high.

Individuals classified as highly anxious tend to perceive a threat to their self-esteem and life in a wide range of situations and respond with a very pronounced state of anxiety. If a psychological test expresses a high indicator of personal anxiety in a subject, then this gives reason to assume that he has a state of anxiety in various situations, especially when they relate to assessing his competence and prestige.

Individuals with a high anxiety score should develop a sense of confidence and success. They need to shift the focus from external exactingness, categoricalness, and high significance in setting goals to a meaningful understanding of activities and specific planning for subtasks.

For low-anxious people, on the contrary, it is required to awaken activity, emphasize the motivational components of activity, arouse interest, and highlight a sense of responsibility in solving certain problems.


The study of anxiety (Ch.D. Spielberger, adaptation by Yu.L. Khanin) / Diagnostics of emotional and moral development. Ed. and comp. Dermanova I.B. - SPb., 2002. S.124-126.

Anxiety is understood as a state that occurs in situations of uncertainty, when it is impossible to predict the time or nature of the threat. At the same time, a person feels an incomprehensible feeling of growing danger.

This condition is situational in nature, that is, it most often occurs in certain situations, but it can be an individual feature of the individual.

The easiest way to assess the level of anxiety is with the help of the Spielberger-Khanin test, which consists of two scales - the Personal Anxiety Scale and the Reactive Anxiety Scale.

Reactive anxiety is tension, anxiety, even nervousness that occurs in specific situations. You can determine the level of this indicator in a separate test.

Personal anxiety - this term is used to describe a stable state of perception of a large range of situations as threatening.

It can occur in response to any stimuli, for example, to minor fluctuations in the state of health (both somatic and psychological), the need to somehow change one's position in life, and especially the perception of certain aspects of reality.

Personal anxiety is basically a feature of a particular personality, the way a person reacts to external and internal changes. This is a person's readiness for anxious reactions, which consists in uncertainty about the future, constant worry about him.

Is it good or bad?

Of course, we need to worry about what awaits us in the future, what the consequences of our actions will be. This encourages a person to be collected, responsible, try to do their job better, set certain goals for themselves.

But do not forget about the reverse side of the coin - a high level of personal anxiety disrupts the normal life of a person, prevents him from concentrating on his goals, thinking sensibly. At the same time, all forces are spent on exhausting unrest, and not on specific actions.

Personal anxiety can increase with the following pathologies:

  • and some others.

Recommendations for performing a test to assess the level of personal anxiety

To assess the level of personal anxiety, you need to answer 20 questions presented in the questionnaire.

Read the sentences given and choose the one that most accurately describes your current state. The most important rule is to give the answer to the question that first comes to mind.

Emotional experiences are the most important component of adaptive human behavior. The most pronounced emotional reactions, which include anxiety, as a rule, occur at critical moments of imbalance in the interaction between a person and the environment. At the same time, it is important that both the feeling of anxiety and the corresponding behavioral manifestations are largely the result of a person's subjective assessment of external requirements and their internal resources. However, we should not forget that a certain level of anxiety is a natural and obligatory feature of an individual's vigorous activity. For each person, there is an optimal, or desirable, level of anxiety - this is the so-called useful anxiety ...

In the psychological phenomenon of anxiety, scientists distinguish two components: anxiety as a state and anxiety as a personality trait.

Anxiety as a state(situational anxiety, reactive anxiety, state of anxiety) is characterized by subjectively experienced emotions: dynamic tension, anxiety, preoccupation, nervousness. This state arises as an emotional reaction to a stressful situation (a situational inability of a person to cope with the requirements of a specific task and / or partner's expectations, fear of a negative assessment or an aggressive reaction, perception of an unfavorable attitude towards oneself) and differs in different intensity. Since the measurement of situational anxiety is a kind of one-time "photo" of the emotional state of the individual, its level changes over time depending on how much the person regards his environment as dangerous or threatening.

Anxiety as a personality trait(personal anxiety, active anxiety) is a stable individual characteristic of the degree of a person's exposure to various stressors. It reflects the subject's predisposition to anxiety and suggests that he has a tendency to perceive a fairly wide "fan" of objectively safe situations as threatening, responding to each of them with a specific reaction (increased reactive anxiety). As a rule, the intensity of experiences does not correspond to the magnitude of the real danger and characterizes the past experience of the individual, that is, how often he had to experience a state of situational anxiety.

The only method that allows differentially measuring anxiety both as a personal property and as a state is the method proposed by Charles D. Spielberger ( Ch. D. Spielberger) and adapted by Yuri Khanin.

Scale of situational (reactive) and personal anxiety

The scale consists of two subscales for measuring two forms of anxiety: the subscale for assessing situational anxiety, which diagnoses well-being Currently, and subscales for assessing personal anxiety, which determines usual human well-being.

Situational anxiety (ST) subscale

Instruction: Currently

1 - no, it's not like that at all
2 - probably so
3 - true
4 - absolutely correct

Answer Form (ST)

Full Name




I am calm
Nothing threatens me
I'm tense
I am internally bound
I feel free
I'm sad
I'm worried about possible failures
I feel peace of mind
I'm uptight
I feel a sense of inner satisfaction
I'm confident
I'm nervous
I can't find my place
I'm energized
I don't feel stiff, tense
I am satisfied
I'm preoccupied
I'm too excited and I'm not myself
I'm happy
I'm pleased

Personal Anxiety Subscale (PT)

Instruction: Read the statements below carefully. Rate how each of them corresponds to how you feel. usually. Since there are no right or wrong answers, answer without thinking. Check the box corresponding to your choice:

1 - no, it's not like that at all
2 - probably so
3 - true
4 - absolutely correct

Answer Form (LT)

Full Name




I have high spirits
I get irritable
I can get upset easily
I would like to be as lucky as the others
I am very worried about troubles and for a long time I can not forget about them
I feel a surge of strength, a desire to work
I am calm, cool and collected
I'm worried about possible difficulties
I worry too much about trifles
I am quite happy
I take everything to heart
I lack self-confidence
I feel defenseless
I try to avoid critical situations and difficulties
I get blues
I am satisfied
All sorts of trifles distract and excite me
Sometimes I feel like a failure
I am a balanced person
I get restless when I think about my business and worries.

Results processing

Indicators of situational and personal anxiety are calculated using formulas.

situational anxiety:

ST = ∑1 - ∑2 + 50,

where ∑1 is the sum of points for the following subscale items: 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18;
∑2 - the sum of points for such subscale items: 1, 2, 5, 8, 10, 11, 15, 16, 19, 20.

Personal anxiety:

LT = ∑1 - ∑2 + 35,

where ∑1 is the sum of points for the following subscale items: 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20;
∑2 - the sum of points for the following subscale items: 1, 6, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19.

To facilitate the procedure for calculating points, we suggest using the Form for calculating the results.

Form for calculating the results

Subscale ST

Subscale LT

judgment number


judgment number


judgment number


judgment number


Abridged version
assessment of situational anxiety

To assess the dynamics and control of the state of anxiety (for example, before and after correction), you can apply an abbreviated procedure for assessing situational anxiety. At the same time, it takes only 10-15 seconds to fill out the form.

Instruction: Read the statements below carefully. Rate how each of them corresponds to how you feel. Currently. Since there are no right or wrong answers, answer without thinking. Check the box corresponding to your choice:

1 - no, it's not like that at all
2 - probably so
3 - true
4 - absolutely correct

Answer sheet (STabbr.)

Full Name

Results processing

Indicators for assessing situational anxiety according to the abbreviated version are calculated as follows:

STabr. = ((∑1 - ∑2) + 15) : 4,

where ∑1 is the sum of points for items 2 and 5 of the subscale;
∑2 - the sum of points for items 1, 3 and 4 of the subscale.

Interpretation of the results

The final indicator for each of the subscales can range from 20 to 80 points. At the same time, the higher the final indicator, the higher the level of anxiety (situational or personal). When interpreting the indicators, you can focus on the following assessments of anxiety:

  • up to 30 points - low;
  • 31–44 points - moderate;
  • 45 or more is high.

Individuals classified as highly anxious tend to perceive a threat to their self-esteem and life in a wide range of situations and respond with a pronounced state of anxiety. If a psychological test reveals a high rate of personal anxiety in a subject, then this gives reason to assume that he has a state of anxiety in a variety of situations (especially when they relate to assessing his competence and prestige). To correct this condition, it is recommended to reduce the subjective significance of the situation and tasks and shift the focus to understanding the activity and forming a person's sense of confidence in success. Very high personal anxiety may indicate the presence of a neurotic conflict, which, under adverse conditions, can provoke emotional breakdowns and even psychosomatic illnesses. It should always be remembered that significant deviations from the level of moderate anxiety require special attention.

Low anxiety signals that the subject needs to increase the sense of responsibility and awareness of the real motives of his own activity. But sometimes very low anxiety is evidence of a person's active displacement of high anxiety in order to show himself in a "better light".

It is known that anxiety and anxiety are closely related to stress. Due to this, tests that assess the severity of anxiety can also be successfully used to diagnose the level of stress. At the same time, situational anxiety will characterize the level of stress at the moment, and personal anxiety - vulnerability (or resistance) to the effects of various stressors in general.

The assessment of anxiety as a stable personality trait is important in the selection of personnel, the formation of teams taking into account psychological compatibility, especially for work in conditions of increased danger, when responsible, cautious performers are needed, capable of analyzing and generalizing information, avoiding conflict situations.

  • Psychology: personality and business

Do not think about the question for a long time, because there are no right or wrong answers.

Anxiety test C.D. Spielberger and Yu.L. Khanina

Anxiety test

self-esteem (high, medium, low anxiety).

Instruction (PART I)

Read each of the following sentences carefully and choose the appropriate option based on HOW YOU FEEL AT THE MOMENT.

Instruction (II PART)

Read each of the sentences below carefully and choose the appropriate option based on HOW YOU FEEL USUALLY (NOT RIGHT NOW).

Many scientific works have been devoted to the issues of anxiety and stress, a large number of questionnaires and tests have been developed: to diagnose anxiety and assess its level in each individual. It is very important to know the level of anxiety, since it is this indicator that determines the individual's behavior as a reaction to some external stimulus (situation).

Spielberger Anxiety

Many works and works were written by Charles Spielberger. In accordance with the writings of Spielberger, one should separate anxiety as a state and anxiety as a property. The first defines anxiety as a short-term reaction to a stimulus (a normal reaction of the body to an emergency situation), the second - as a tendency of a person to develop anxiety (depending on personal qualities). Based on this division, Ch. Spielberger developed an anxiety test. The adaptation of the test for the Russian-speaking population was performed by Yu.L. Khanin, a well-known figure in the field of psychology in his circles. Therefore, the test is named after the two scientists Spielberger and Khanin. This test is of great importance for diagnosing the level of anxiety.

It is with this diagnosis that the study of various personality disorders begins. The Spielberger-Khanin test can be immediately taken online and you can understand whether neuroses and ailments (dizziness, discomfort in the heart area) are the result of an increased level of anxiety. In addition, the test allows you to assess the level of anxiety on your own, as part of self-control and self-analysis of the qualities of the individual and her perception of certain situations, which contributes to self-education.

The anxiety test, which takes only a few minutes to pass online, allows you to assess the level of anxiety in two directions: assessment of situational anxiety and personal anxiety. As a matter of fact, this is the only test that allows you to evaluate these two indicators within the framework of one study; there are no analogues anymore.

The essence of the test

A certain level of anxiety is a natural state of human life. Problems, worries, worries, situations perceived by a person as a threat to self-esteem, etc. - provoke a change in the level of anxiety during the day. The test allows you to assess the individual predisposition to anxiety at the moment and in the future, for which 2 scales have been developed:

  • A questionnaire that assesses situational anxiety is built on a number of statements, the relevance of which a person evaluates on a scale from 1 to 4, where 1 is completely wrong, 4 is absolutely true. Statements like “I am calm”, “I am anxious”, “I am happy” describe the state and mood of the here and now. Anxiety, depending on the situation, may be due to emotions experienced at a given particular moment in time: anxiety, despondency, joy, sadness.
  • The questionnaire assessing personal anxiety contains statements such as “I worry a lot about troubles and can’t forget about them for a long time”, “I worry too much about trifles”, “I am a balanced person”. That is, in this case, a person evaluates the state for a long period, for which he has to do an introspection of his state of mind and personal perception of problems. If situational anxiety depends on the current moment in time, then personal anxiety characterizes the number of anxious situations in a long period of time, the speed and depth of their experience.

After passing the test, the level of anxiety is calculated: the higher the score, the higher the level of anxiety. The advantage of this test is not only that anxiety levels are assessed simultaneously at a particular point in time and over a long period, but also that a wide range of situations to which a person reacts is highlighted.

What do the results mean

If during the test it turned out that situational anxiety is at a high level, and personal anxiety is below average, it means that a person is experiencing an emotion (positive or negative) in this period, but will quickly cope with anxiety with anxiety. Inverse indicators indicate that a person tends to worry often, perceives reality subjectively, constantly feels threatened and tends to experience it for a long time.

Of course, in one case, anxiety does not arise when experiencing any emergency situations, and in another case, a person reacts so emotionally to a similar situation that not only anxiety rises, but stress also arises. At the same time, such experiences, for example, a week, may not be at all, or maybe several times a day. This results in constant depression and stress. Therefore, for a deeper analysis and identification of the causes of anxiety, additional tests should be carried out.

Online test to determine the level of personal anxiety

Anxiety is understood as a state that occurs in situations of uncertainty, when it is impossible to predict the time or nature of the threat. At the same time, a person feels an incomprehensible feeling of growing danger.

This condition is situational in nature, that is, it most often occurs in certain situations, but it can be an individual feature of the individual.

The easiest way to assess the level of anxiety is with the help of the Spielberger-Khanin test, which consists of two scales - the Personal Anxiety Scale and the Reactive Anxiety Scale.

Reactive anxiety is tension, anxiety, even nervousness that occurs in specific situations. You can determine the level of this indicator in a separate test.

Personal anxiety - this term is used to describe a stable state of perception of a large range of situations as threatening.

It can occur in response to any stimuli, for example, to minor fluctuations in the state of health (both somatic and psychological), the need to somehow change one's position in life, and especially the perception of certain aspects of reality.

Personal anxiety is basically a feature of a particular personality, the way a person reacts to external and internal changes. This is a person's readiness for anxious reactions, which consists in uncertainty about the future, constant worry about him.

Is it good or bad?

Of course, we need to worry about what awaits us in the future, what the consequences of our actions will be. This encourages a person to be collected, responsible, try to do their job better, set certain goals for themselves.

But do not forget about the reverse side of the coin - a high level of personal anxiety disrupts the normal life of a person, prevents him from concentrating on his goals, thinking sensibly. At the same time, all forces are spent on exhausting unrest, and not on specific actions.

Personal anxiety can increase with the following pathologies:

Recommendations for performing a test to assess the level of personal anxiety

To assess the level of personal anxiety, you need to answer 20 questions presented in the questionnaire.

Read the sentences given and choose the one that most accurately describes your current state. The most important rule is to give the answer to the question that comes to mind first.

Target: differentiated measurement of anxiety as a state (situational anxiety - ST) and as a personal property (personal anxiety - LT).

Description: The Anxiety Questionnaire consists of 40 statements: 20 are for the assessment of ST and 20 are for the assessment of LT. Accordingly, these statements are presented in 2 forms with different instructions.

Procedure holding: The study can be carried out both individually and in a group. The subjects are offered first a form with questions aimed at studying situational anxiety, and then a form with questions aimed at studying personal anxiety. In the questionnaire, you need to evaluate each statement regarding the extent to which they correspond to the presented state. There are 4 options to choose from, depending on the severity.

Instruction: Read carefully each of the following statements and cross out the appropriate number on the right, depending on how you feel at the moment (usually). Do not think about the question for a long time, because there are no right or wrong answers.

Treatment results: the total number of points for all judgments is calculated separately for each scale. This total number of points separately for each scale is divided by 20. For some points, points are awarded in reverse order, these are points 1, 2, 5, 8, 10, 11. 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 30, 36, 39. The final indicator is considered as the level of development of the corresponding type of anxiety.

3.5 - 4.0 points - very high anxiety;

3.0 - 3.4 - high anxiety;

2.0 - 2.9 - average anxiety;

1.5 - 1.9 - low anxiety;

0.0 - 1.4 - very low anxiety.

Very low levels of anxiety should be treated with caution. It is necessary to analyze individual points, characteristics.

Scale of situational anxiety

Instruction: Read carefully each of the following statements and cross out the appropriate number to the right, depending on how you feel at the moment. Do not think about the question for a long time, because there are no right or wrong answers.

Anxiety Research Test (Spielberger Questionnaire)

Introductory remarks. The measurement of anxiety as a personality trait is especially important, since this property largely determines the behavior of the subject. A certain level of anxiety is a natural and obligatory feature of an active active person. Each person has their own optimal, or desirable, level of anxiety - this is the so-called useful anxiety. A person's assessment of his state in this respect is an essential component of self-control and self-education for him.

Personal anxiety is understood as a stable individual characteristic that reflects the subject's predisposition to anxiety and suggests that he has a tendency to perceive a fairly wide "fan" of situations as threatening, responding to each of them with a certain reaction. As a predisposition, personal anxiety is activated when certain stimuli are perceived by a person as dangerous to self-esteem, self-esteem. Situational or reactive anxiety as a condition is characterized by subjectively experienced emotions: tension, anxiety, concern, nervousness. This state occurs as an emotional reaction to a stressful situation and can be different in intensity and dynamism over time.

Individuals classified as highly anxious tend to perceive a threat to their self-esteem and life in a wide range of situations and respond with a very pronounced state of anxiety. If a psychological test expresses a high indicator of personal anxiety in a subject, then this gives reason to assume that he has a state of anxiety in various situations, especially when they relate to assessing his competence and prestige.

Most of the known methods for measuring anxiety allow you to evaluate either only personal anxiety, or a state of anxiety, or more specific reactions. The only method that allows differentially measuring anxiety both as a personal property and as a state is the method proposed by C. D. Spielberger. In Russian, his scale was adapted by Yu. L. Khanin.

Instruction. Read each of the following sentences carefully and cross out the number in the appropriate box on the right, depending on how you feel at the moment. Do not think about questions for a long time, because there are no right and wrong answers.

What is "naughty": the body or the nerves? (The Spielberger-Khanin anxiety test.)

A typical situation for anxious people: the heart ached, the head began to spin, it became difficult to breathe. We call an ambulance - they don’t find anything, we go to the doctor for an appointment - they will put the VVD. Well, at best, they will hint at the "nerves" that are "naughty". And here in this place you can get scared! What exactly is "playing around"? Maybe I'm "that", starting to go crazy?

In this case, self-diagnosis comes to the rescue. You can check the level of your anxiety using the simple Spielberg-Khanin test. If the indicator of personal anxiety (anxiety as a character trait) is high, then it can be assumed that it is your anxiety that is "responsible" for bodily symptoms. In that case, congratulations: you have a chance to better study and change yourself. (Apparently before that you did not have enough good reasons. Now you have them - your health, well-being.)

If personal anxiety is low or moderate, and reactive (occurs as a reaction to a certain situation, but is not typical for you) is high, then it can be assumed that your symptoms will disappear as the situation itself "disappears". In this case, you can just "wait the storm." This, of course, does not exclude the help of a psychologist or self-help, but it will most likely be of a short-term nature.

Instructions: Read carefully each of the following statements and check the box next to the selected answer, depending on how you feel at the moment.

Do not think about questions for a long time, because there are no right or wrong answers.

According to the results of the test, one can judge the assessment of reactive anxiety, as a state at a given time, and personal anxiety, as a character trait.

Personal anxiety (character trait) indicates a stable tendency to perceive a wide range of situations as threatening, to respond to such situations with anxiety.

Reactive anxiety (state) is characterized by anxiety, tension, nervousness at a particular moment or time interval.

Spielberger Khanin Anxiety Test Online

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Spielberger Anxiety Test (online test)

The measurement of anxiety as a personality trait is especially important, since this property largely determines the behavior of the subject. A certain level of anxiety is a natural and obligatory feature of an active active person. Each person has their own optimal or desirable level of anxiety - this is the so-called useful anxiety. A person's assessment of his state in this respect is an essential component of self-control and self-education for him. Personal anxiety is understood as a stable individual characteristic that reflects the subject's predisposition to anxiety and suggests that he has a tendency to perceive a fairly wide "fan" of situations as threatening, responding to each of them with a certain reaction. As a predisposition, personal anxiety is activated when certain stimuli are perceived by a person as dangerous to self-esteem, self-esteem. Situational or reactive anxiety as a condition is characterized by subjectively experienced emotions: tension, anxiety, concern, nervousness. This state occurs as an emotional reaction to a stressful situation and can be different in intensity and dynamism over time. Individuals classified as highly anxious tend to perceive a threat to their self-esteem and life in a wide range of situations and respond with a very pronounced state of anxiety. If a psychological test expresses a high indicator of personal anxiety in a subject, then this gives reason to assume that he has a state of anxiety in a variety of situations, especially when they relate to assessing his competence and prestige. Most of the known methods for measuring anxiety allow assessing only either personal or anxiety or more specific reactions. The only method that allows differentially measuring anxiety both as a personal property and as a state is the method proposed by C. D. Spielberger. In Russian, his scale was adapted by Yu. L. Khanin.

The above methodology is a modified version of the Spielberger Anxiety Questionnaire adapted by Khanin for the needs of our service. For ease of use, the anxiety scale is normalized to the scale of systolic (personal anxiety) and diastolic (situational anxiety) blood pressure. Such rationing, without in any way affecting the accuracy of the method, allows you to instantly evaluate the obtained digital values ​​in the usual for many blood pressure values, the norms of which are known to everyone.

Spielberger Khanin Anxiety Test Online

Nothing threatens me

I'm under pressure

I am internally bound

I feel free

I'm worried about possible failures

I feel peace of mind

I feel a sense of inner satisfaction

I'm confident

I can't find my place

I don't feel constrained

I'm too excited and I'm not myself

Scale of personal anxiety (PT)

Instruction. Read each of the following sentences carefully and cross out the number in the appropriate box on the right, depending on how you usually feel. Don't think too long about the questions, as there are no right or wrong answers.

I have high spirits

I get irritable

I get upset easily

I would like to be as lucky as the others

I am very worried about troubles and for a long time I can not forget about them

I feel a surge of energy and a desire to work

I am calm, cool and collected

I'm worried about possible difficulties

I worry too much about trifles

I am quite happy

I take everything to heart

I lack self-confidence

I feel defenseless

I try to avoid critical situations and difficulties

I get blues

I am satisfied

All sorts of trifles distract and excite me

Sometimes I feel like a failure

I am a balanced person

I get restless when I think about my business and worries.

With the help of the key to this method, the number of points received by the subject for his chosen answers to the judgments of the above scales is determined. The total number of points scored on all questions of the scale is divided by 20, and the final indicator is considered as an index of the level of development of the corresponding type of anxiety in this subject.

Conclusions about the level of development

3.5-4.0 points - very high anxiety.

3.0-3.4 points - high anxiety.

2.0-2.9 points - average anxiety.

1.5-1.9 points - low anxiety.

0.0-1.4 points - very low anxiety.


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Anxiety research (C.D. Spielberger, adaptation by Yu.L. Khanin)

Scales: situational anxiety, personal anxiety

Purpose of the test

A certain level of anxiety is a natural and obligatory feature of an active active person. Each person has their own optimal, or desirable, level of anxiety - this is the so-called useful anxiety. A person's assessment of his state in this respect is an essential component of self-control and self-education for him.

Scale of situational anxiety (ST)

2. Nothing threatens me

3. I'm stressed

4. I am internally constrained

5. I feel free

7. I worry about possible failures.

8. I feel peace of mind

10. I feel inner satisfaction.

11. I am confident

13. I can't find my place

15. I do not feel stiffness, tension

18. I'm too excited and I'm not myself

19. I'm happy

21. I have high spirits

22. I get irritable

23. I get upset easily.

24. I would like to be as lucky as others.

25. I am very worried about troubles and can’t forget about them for a long time.

26. I feel energized and want to work

27. I am calm, cool and collected

28. I am worried about possible difficulties

29. I worry too much about trifles.

30. I am quite happy

31. I take everything to heart

32. I lack self-confidence

33. I feel defenseless

34. I try to avoid critical situations and difficulties.

35. I have blues

36. I am satisfied

37. All sorts of trifles distract and excite me

38. Sometimes I feel like a failure

39. I am a balanced person

40. I get anxious when I think about my affairs and worries.

Processing and interpretation of test results

situational anxiety personality anxiety

Anxiety scale. Spielberger Hanin's Anxiety Test. (Method of assessing anxiety Ch.D. Spielberger and Yu.L. Khanin)

The method of subjective assessment of situational and personal anxiety Ch.D. Spielberger and Yu.L. Khanin (an anxiety test by Spielberger Khanin) determines the level of anxiety based on a self-esteem scale (high, medium, low anxiety).

Situational anxiety (ST) occurs as a reaction to stressors, most often of a socio-psychological nature (expectation of an aggressive reaction, a threat to self-esteem, etc.). Personal (LT) - gives an idea of ​​the susceptibility of the individual to the effects of certain stressors due to their individual characteristics.

Situational and personal anxiety are associated with types of temperament (according to J. Strelyau). So a high level of involvement in activities (i.e. a high level of ST) is typical for melancholics, an average level for a phlegmatic person, a low level for a choleric person and, last but not least, for a sanguine person.

Another picture can be observed when compared with types of temperament (according to J. Strelyau) with personal anxiety (LT). A high level of personal anxiety, indicating a high personal activity, is observed in sanguine and melancholic people, a low level - for a phlegmatic and choleric personality.

Anxiety scale. Spielberger Hanin's Anxiety Test. (Method of assessing anxiety Ch.D. Spielberger and Yu.L. Khanin):

Anxiety test, part I.

Read carefully each of the sentences below and cross out the appropriate number to the right, depending on HOW YOU FEEL AT THE MOMENT. Answer the first thing that comes to mind.

Self-Assessment Scale (ST) - Test material (questions)

Also known as the Spielberger Questionnaire. Author of Methods Ch.D. Spielberger. In Russia, the technique was adapted by Yu.L. Khanin.

Purpose of the technique

The Spielberger Anxiety Scale (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory - STAI) is an informative way to self-assess the level of anxiety at the moment (reactive anxiety as a state) and personal anxiety (as a stable characteristic of a person). Developed by Ch.D. Spielberger and adapted by Yu.L. Khanin.

Theoretical basis

The measurement of anxiety as a personality trait is especially important, since this property largely determines the behavior of the subject. A certain level of anxiety is a natural and obligatory feature of an active active person. Each person has their own optimal, or desirable, level of anxiety - this is the so-called useful anxiety. A person's assessment of his state in this respect is an essential component of self-control and self-education for him.

Personal anxiety is understood as a stable individual characteristic that reflects the subject's predisposition to anxiety and suggests that he has a tendency to perceive a fairly wide "fan" of situations as threatening, responding to each of them with a certain reaction. As a predisposition, personal anxiety is activated when certain stimuli are perceived by a person as dangerous to self-esteem, self-esteem. Situational or reactive anxiety as a condition is characterized by subjectively experienced emotions: tension, anxiety, concern, nervousness. This state occurs as an emotional reaction to a stressful situation and can be different in intensity and dynamism over time.

Individuals classified as highly anxious tend to perceive a threat to their self-esteem and life in a wide range of situations and respond with a very pronounced state of anxiety. If a psychological test expresses a high indicator of personal anxiety in a subject, then this gives reason to assume that he has a state of anxiety in various situations, especially when they relate to assessing his competence and prestige.

Most of the known methods for measuring anxiety allow you to evaluate only either personal anxiety, or a state of anxiety, or more specific reactions. The only method that allows differentially measuring anxiety both as a personal property and as a state is the method proposed by C. D. Spielberger. In Russian, his scale was adapted by Yu. L. Khanin.



Read each of the following sentences carefully and cross out the number in the appropriate box on the right, depending on how you feel at the moment. Do not think about questions for a long time, because there are no right and wrong answers.

Results processing

Processing the results includes the following steps:

  • Determination of indicators of situational and personal anxiety using the key.
  • Based on the assessment of the level of anxiety, making recommendations for correcting the behavior of the subject.
  • Calculation of the average group indicator of situational anxiety (ST) and personal anxiety (LT) and their comparative analysis depending, for example, on the gender of the subjects.


ST Answers LT Answers
№№ 1 2 3 4 №№ 1 2 3 4
situational anxiety Personal anxiety
1 4 3 2 1 21 4 3 2 1
2 4 3 2 1 22 1 2 3 4
3 1 2 3 4 23 1 2 3 4
4 1 2 3 4 24 1 2 3 4
5 4 3 2 1 25 1 2 3 4
6 1 2 3 4 26 4 3 2 1
7 1 2 3 4 27 4 3 2 1
8 4 3 2 1 28 1 2 3 4
9 1 2 3 4 29 1 2 3 4
10 4 3 2 1 30 4 3 2 1
11 4 3 2 1 31 1 2 3 4
12 1 2 3 4 32 1 2 3 4
13 1 2 3 4 33 1 2 3 4
14 1 2 3 4 34 1 2 3 4
15 4 3 2 1 35 1 2 3 4
16 4 3 2 1 36 4 3 2 1
17 1 2 3 4 37 1 2 3 4
18 1 2 3 4 38 1 2 3 4
19 4 3 2 1 39 4 3 2 1
20 4 3 2 1 40 1 2 3 4

Interpretation of results

When analyzing the results of self-assessment, it should be borne in mind that the overall final indicator for each of the subscales can range from 20 to 80 points. At the same time, the higher the final indicator, the higher the level of anxiety (situational or personal).

When interpreting the indicators, the following indicative estimates of anxiety can be used:

  • up to 30 points - low,
  • 31 - 44 points - moderate;
  • 45 or more is high.

Persons categorized highly anxious tend to perceive a threat to their self-esteem and life in a wide range of situations and respond with a very pronounced state of anxiety. If a psychological test expresses a high indicator of personal anxiety in a subject, then this gives reason to assume that he has a state of anxiety in various situations, especially when they relate to assessing his competence and prestige.

Individuals with a high anxiety score should develop a sense of confidence and success. They need to shift the focus from external exactingness, categoricalness, and high significance in setting goals to a meaningful understanding of activities and specific planning for subtasks.

For low anxiety people, on the contrary, need awakening activity, emphasizing the motivational components of activity, arousing interest, highlighting a sense of responsibility in solving certain problems.

State reactive (situational) alarm occurs when you get into a stressful situation and is characterized by subjective discomfort, tension, anxiety and autonomic arousal. Naturally, this state is characterized by instability in time and varying intensity depending on the strength of the impact of the stressful situation. Thus, the value of the final indicator on this subscale allows us to assess not only the level of the subject's actual anxiety, but also to determine whether he is under the influence of a stressful situation and what is the intensity of this impact on him.

Personal anxiety is a constitutional trait that determines the tendency to perceive a threat in a wide range of situations. With high personal anxiety, each of these situations will have a stressful effect on the subject and cause him pronounced anxiety. Very high personal anxiety directly correlates with the presence of a neurotic conflict, with emotional and neurotic breakdowns and psychosomatic diseases.

Comparison of the results on both subscales makes it possible to assess the individual significance of the stressful situation for the subject. The Spielberger scale, due to its relative simplicity and effectiveness, is widely used in the clinic for various purposes: determining the severity of anxious experiences, assessing the state in dynamics, etc.

Stimulus material

test material

see also


  1. Batarshev A.V. Basic psychological properties and self-determination of personality: A practical guide to psychological diagnostics. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2005. P. 44-49.
  2. Diagnostics of emotional and moral development / Ed. and comp. I.B. Dermanova. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Rech", 2002. P. 124-126.
  3. Workshop on the psychology of states: Textbook / Ed. prof. O.A. Prokhorov. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2004. S.121-122.