Federal state budget institution. Improving the system of monitoring natural resources Improving the system of state monitoring of land

State monitoring of lands– a system for monitoring the condition of the land. Land monitoring performs the basic, connecting role of all other monitoring and cadastres of natural resources. The objects of state land monitoring are all lands in the Russian Federation. Land monitoring includes continuous monitoring of land use in accordance with the categories and purpose of land. State monitoring of lands is carried out in accordance with federal, regional and local programs. The procedure for carrying out state monitoring of lands is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Land monitoring goals– identification of changes in the state of lands, their assessment, forecast, prevention and elimination of the consequences of negative processes, development of recommendations, improvement and implementation of new methods of remote sensing, technical means and technologies for monitoring lands.

Land monitoring tasks are:

1) timely detection of changes in the state of land, assessment of these changes, forecast and development of recommendations for the prevention and elimination of the consequences of negative processes;

2) information support for maintaining the state land cadastre, state land control over the use and protection of land, other functions of state and municipal land management, as well as land management;

3) providing citizens with information about the state of the environment in terms of the state of land.

Land monitoring principles:

1) reliability and accuracy of data, compliance with their actual state and use of land resources;

2) the unity of methods and technologies, the consistency of land monitoring; economy and efficiency;

3) mutual compatibility and comparability of heterogeneous data;

4) centralized management according to a single methodology on a scale of the Russian Federation;

5) visibility and accessibility of information, with the exception of information constituting a state or commercial secret.

Content of land monitoring- systematic monitoring of the state of land, identification of changes and assessment of: the state of land use; soil fertility, overgrowing of agricultural land, land pollution; the state of the coastlines of reservoirs, hydraulic structures; formation of ravines, landslides, mudflows and other phenomena; the condition of the lands of settlements, oil and gas production facilities, treatment facilities, landfills, warehouses for fuel and lubricants, fertilizers, parking lots, industrial waste disposal. Types of land monitoring. Depending on the objectives of monitoring and the observed territory, state monitoring of lands can be federal, regional and local. Land monitoring methods:

1) natural observations (expeditionary, stationary, complex, background, remote);

2) automated land monitoring system (information retrieval system, data processing system, complex data interpretation system, forecasting and diagnostic system and control system);

3) contractual forms for the implementation of design and survey work on land management, land cadastre, land monitoring.

Federal Agency for Education

Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Department of Theoretical Economics and Real Estate Economics

Course work

In the discipline "Land management and land cadastre"

« State monitoring of lands"

Completed by: 3rd year student gr.EN-64

Ruta M. A.

Scientific adviser: Ph.D. assistant professor

Myasnikova V. M.

Samara 2008




1.1 The essence of land monitoring: functions, tasks, content

2.1 Organization of land monitoring in the Samara region

2.2 Analysis of the qualitative state of land in the Samara region (on the example of the Volzhsky landfill)





At all stages of human development, the well-being of society has depended and depends on its ability to use an irreplaceable natural resource - land. Unlike other factors of production, land is spatially limited and cannot be moved. Land is the basis of material wealth, the most important component of the natural environment; has territorial, qualitative and quantitative heterogeneity, variability of properties.

The social significance of land is most fully revealed in agriculture, where the production process is directly related to the properties of the land. Land serves as the main means of production and acts as agricultural land with different fertility: natural and efficient (economic). As a means of labor, land is characterized by the quality of soils and productivity of plants, as an object of labor - by technical, technological and spatial properties. The functioning of all branches of the national economy and the well-being of society depend on the correct use of soils.

The need for land for non-agricultural purposes is constantly growing. The best lands have been developed almost completely or alienated for settlements, industrial enterprises, airfields, roads, pipelines, communication lines, for the disposal of industrial and agricultural waste, household waste. There is a direct destruction of soils as a result of underground and open-cast mining.

Therefore, the most important task of state administration in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources in general and land resources, in particular, is the organization of monitoring of land resources (lands), as an integrated system for observing the state of land resources, assessing and forecasting changes in their state under the influence of anthropogenic and natural factors. The goal is to regulate the quality of the environment, prevent land pollution, and ensure their productivity.

This is facilitated by the organization of a system of measures to further intensify land use, improve soil fertility, carry out a system of land management works, as well as work to reduce the anthropogenic load on soils.

One of the main tasks in this direction is the creation of effective land monitoring based on GIS, which allows solving the problems of timely detection of changes, forecasting and developing recommendations for preventing and eliminating the consequences of negative impacts on soils, and ensuring the maintenance of the state land cadastre.

The purpose of the course work is to assess the state of state land monitoring in Russia, its organization at the regional level and develop proposals for improvement.

In accordance with the goal, the solution of the following tasks was set: to understand the essence and role of state land monitoring in the land management system, to analyze the current state of state land monitoring of the Samara region (on the example of the Volzhsky state monitoring site), to develop the main directions for improving the monitoring of land in the region.

The methodological basis of the study is the work of domestic environmental scientists, economists on the problems of protection of land resources and the ecology of land use, publications in periodicals, legislative, regulatory, methodological documents.

When solving the tasks set, the following methods were used: scientific knowledge, comparative analysis, economic and statistical analysis.


1.1 The essence of land monitoring: functions, tasks, content

The functions of information support for the environmental sustainability of land ownership and land use are mainly performed by the state land cadastre and land monitoring.

Making decisions related to the implementation of actions on the ground must necessarily be preceded by an analysis of many different reliable and regularly updated data on the state of the land. The main goal of any monitoring program is informational. The result of it should be the receipt of information, the elimination of one or another uncertainty, or, conversely, the identification of a lack of information. Therefore, the purpose of the monitoring program can be aimed at:

1) obtaining information related to a specific problem;

2) presentation of information for different types of audience; (the public concerned, the administration of the enterprise, state bodies) and its dissemination;

3) the adoption of measures directly aimed at improving the situation or aimed at achieving the adoption of appropriate decisions.

The tasks of state monitoring of land resources are:

Organization and monitoring of quantitative and qualitative indicators (their totality) characterizing the state of land resources (soils), sources of pollution and the impact of these sources on the environment;

Quality control of land resources, soils, waters as a result of unfavorable economic activity, which led to the deterioration of soil properties, erosion, a decrease in soil fertility over large areas at a high speed, a forecast of the state;

Assessment of the actual ecological state of land resources, soils;

Identification of new sources of pollution and its dynamics, forecast of the development of negative processes affecting the environment;

Verification of compliance with norms and rules, quality standards of land resources in land use;

Forecasting measures to reduce pollution, prevent damage. Assessment of the predicted state;

Planning (development) of measures (recommendations) for the efficient use of land, reduction of soil pollution (development of measures to reduce the impact on land resources);

Timely provision of information on the state of land resources and the environment in general to state authorities, local governments, environmental authorities, legal entities and individuals;

Efficiency of environmental measures, control over the implementation of measures;

Timely detection of changes in the state of the land fund;

Information support of the state land cadastre, monitoring and cadastres of other natural environments;

Rational nature management and land management;

Control over the use and protection of land.

By tasks, we understand specific actions or stages on the way to achieving the goal. In any case, tasks are subordinated to goals. Within the framework of a well-designed program, there cannot be tasks that go beyond the goal, that are not related to it, etc. The effectiveness of environmental monitoring depends decisively on its proper organization. It is possible to conduct monitoring in the region for years - and not get significant results. At the same time, a preliminary study of the situation, an analysis of possible impacts, allows us to identify the problem with the help of several measurements. The general sequence of development and implementation of the monitoring scheme is presented in Figure 1.2.1.

Rice. 1.2.1. Basic monitoring system procedures

It is necessary to conduct systematic comprehensive monitoring of the state of the environment (primarily its main object - the earth) - monitoring. Previously, numerous surveys and surveys conducted by ministries and departments to study the land fund were carried out separately on the basis of sectoral regulatory and technical documents.

The main source of information in the assessment is the data obtained in the process of observing the environment. The need for observations (new, additional or control information) arises at all stages of the assessment of the state of the environment (see Fig. 1.2.2.). Such an exclusive role of observations in the monitoring system has led to the fact that in some cases the very process of observing the environment is called monitoring.

Rice. 1.2.2. Stages of environmental assessment

Since land is the most important part of the environment, the main means of production in agriculture, as well as the spatial basis for accommodating enterprises and organizations in all sectors of the economy, the study of land requires a unified state approach, which should be carried out on the basis of systematic and comprehensive observations.

State monitoring of lands is intended to play a basic, connecting role among all other monitoring and cadastres of natural resources, and should have a state status. This approach ensures the acquisition of complex information about the earth and reduces the cost of operating the observing system.

Land monitoring is a system of monitoring the state of the land fund for the timely detection of changes, their assessment, forecast, prevention and elimination of the consequences of negative processes. The object of monitoring the lands of the Russian Federation is the land fund of the country, regardless of the form of ownership of land.

Land monitoring is carried out without fail according to the levels of administrative-territorial division for all categories of land, regardless of the regime and nature of their use, and is an integral part of the unified state information system on the state of the environment and natural resources of the country, as well as global monitoring of the natural environment and climate.

1) Changes in boundaries and areas; administrative-territorial formations; land use and land tenure; lands, fields, plots.

2) Changes in the state of soils, including: the development of processes of water and wind erosion; desertification; degradation of soils on pastures (downfall, bogness); flooding; swamping, waterlogging; salinity; overgrowing, bushing of arable land; destruction of soil aggregates, formation of a deflationary dangerous structureless dusty surface, takyr-like merged soil surface; change in humus reserves; change in soil pH (acidity, alkalinity); change in the content of trace elements in the soil; soil contamination with pesticides, heavy metals, trace chemical elements, radioactive elements and other toxicants; change in the state of reclaimed lands (irrigation erosion, secondary salinization, waterlogging, excessive drainage).

3) Changes in the state of the geological environment, relief, hydrographic network, including: changes in the forms of the terrain caused by shifting sands, landslides, mudflows, earthquakes, channel processes, etc.; changes in the water balance, regime and chemical, hydrobiological composition of groundwater; changes in the coastlines of the seas, lakes, bays, reservoirs, estuaries, etc.; flooding, drainage of lands adjacent to water areas; changes caused by cryogenic processes and phenomena; changes caused by disturbed lands, including active and depleted quarries, dumps, waste heaps, developed peatlands, subsidence of the earth's surface under the influence of water withdrawals and mining.

4) Changes in the state of vegetation (crops, pastures, forests, perennial plantations, etc.) according to phenological characteristics (phases, stages of development, timing of their onset), phytopathological foci, biomass, the state of forest and tree and shrub plantations that are not included in Goslesfond (field protection, water protection and other plantings); the state of forest areas included in the State Forest Fund (especially unsurveyed), forested (phytopathological data, burnt areas, clearings) and not covered by forests (reserves of agricultural land).

5) Changes in the state of land subject to the negative impact of production facilities, including: settlements; treatment facilities and agricultural enterprises; ameliorative systems; transport; manure storage facilities, sites for composting fertilizers, landfills, warehouses for fuel and lubricants, warehouses for bulk fertilizers, liquid fertilizers, parking lots, animal burial grounds, burial sites for radioactive, physiologically active chemical production waste.

These changes can be expressed in absolute or relative integral indicators for a certain period (for example, humus loss in tons per hectare, as a percentage, the degree and intensity of soil degradation, etc.).

Based on Art. 12 of the Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection" dated February 20, 1995 N 24-FZ, users - citizens, state authorities, local governments, organizations and public associations - have equal rights to access state information resources that are used when registering land ownership, maintaining the state land cadastre, conducting land management, exercising state control over the use and protection of land, planning the rational use of land, assessing land and making management decisions on the organization and efficient use of land resources, decommissioning, conservation and restoration degraded and disturbed lands, rehabilitation of polluted and sanitation of biologically contaminated lands, determination of penalties for violation of legal norms of land use, degradation, pollution and biological contamination of lands.

1.2 Methods and means of land monitoring

Land monitoring is a system of regular observations of the state of the land fund, regardless of their legal regime and nature of use.

In Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2002 No. 846 "On approval of the Regulations on the implementation of state monitoring of lands" the following tasks of land monitoring are defined:

timely detection and assessment of changes in the state of land, forecasting the consequences of negative processes and developing recommendations for their prevention and elimination;

· information support for the maintenance of the State Land Cadastre, the implementation of state land control over the use and protection of land, other functions in the field of state and municipal land management, as well as land management;

Providing citizens with information about the state of land.

In view of the significant zonal differences in lands in the Russian Federation (plain and mountainous territories), the variety of ways to use them, the wide development of negative processes and phenomena (erosion, deflation, waterlogging, solonetsism, degradation of pastures, technogenic pollution, etc.), which often cause irreversible changes quantitative and qualitative composition of land resources and create a critical ecological situation, it is very important to organize a permanent network of state land monitoring. Currently, there are materials and documents that are extremely necessary for carrying out these works, and, first of all, soil, geobotanical, geological, geomorphological, landscape and other thematic maps of Russia, as well as a series of maps of the main indicators of the ecological state of soils, negative processes and phenomena characteristic of for land resources of the country, and for some territories - the results of assessing their dynamics in time and space.

In its final form, the system of state monitoring of the lands of the Russian Federation should include the following sections.

1. The concept of conducting state monitoring of lands as an information base for their rational use and protection from direct losses, degradation and pollution.

2. Landscape-ecological (natural-economic) zoning of land resources as a scientific basis for placing a network of state land monitoring.

3. A scientifically substantiated and economically viable scheme of landfills for state land monitoring.

4. Regulatory and technical base of the system for conducting observations of the condition of the lands, reflecting the principles of placement and mode of operation of the observation complex.

By 1990, a fairly developed structure of state and departmental services had developed that monitored the optimal components of the natural environment, including the state and use of land. However, after 1991 there was a reduction in the volume of observations of the state of natural resources by state and departmental structures. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 491 dated July 15, 1992 approved the Regulations on land monitoring in the Russian Federation, but funding for these works over the past period was clearly insufficient.

Identification of negative and positive trends in changes in the ecological and economic state of land resources, the development of reliable current and long-term forecasts of deterioration or improvement in their quality, and the adoption of emergency measures on the basis of this information, if necessary, to regulate adverse processes, the effective management of the land fund of the region is possible only on the basis of comprehensive analysis of the results of systematic, regularly updated data on the quantitative and qualitative state of land. Such information is obtained as part of land monitoring.

Unlike the term "control of the natural environment", the concept of "monitoring" in itself does not include elements of control, regulation of the components of the natural environment, but provides the necessary data for such regulation. The data of the state monitoring of the lands of Russia should characterize the state of: the land resources of the country as a whole, its republics (territories, regions), administrative districts, settlements, land ownership, land use; taxonomic units of landscape-ecological (natural-economic) zoning; areas of influence of negative processes and phenomena.

The land monitoring structure provides for the following subsystems corresponding to land categories:

monitoring of agricultural land;

· monitoring of lands of settlements;

monitoring of lands of industrial, transport, communications, defense and other purposes;

· monitoring of lands of nature protection, health improvement, recreational and historical and cultural purposes;

· monitoring of forest fund lands;

· monitoring of water fund lands;

monitoring of reserve lands.

Taking into account the specifics of Russia, the monitoring of agricultural land subject to intense natural and anthropogenic impacts is of particular importance. Monitoring of these lands should be aimed not only at identifying changes in their state as objects of economic use, but also at taking into account the nature of use and the impact of changes in these lands on the overall environmental situation in the country.

Effective monitoring depends on the creation of federal and related regional automated systems, technically and organizationally ensuring the receipt of the necessary information, its processing, accumulation, systematization and presentation to the customer.

Primary data obtained from direct observations of the state and use of land (lands, fields, plots, infrastructure elements) are summarized by administrative districts and cities of regions, republics, as well as by regions and republics as a whole and by landscape-ecological (natural-economic) complexes, ecological areas of various species.

Monitoring of Russian lands is an integral part of the Unified State System of Environmental Monitoring (EGSEM), as well as global monitoring of the natural environment and The climate monitoring system under development in Russia includes the following levels:

o global (in accordance with the international geosphere-biosphere program "Global Changes");

o federal (national) - on the territory of the Russian Federation as a whole;

o regional (in areas limited by physical-geographical, economic-geographical, administrative or other boundaries and covers large territories - the Far North of the European part of the Russian Federation, the North-Western regions of the Russian Federation, the Volga River basin, the republic, territory, region, etc. );

o local (administrative region, city or parts thereof);

o object (separate farm, other land use and land ownership, landfill, site).

Depending on the origin of land state changes, background and impact monitoring are distinguished. Background monitoring involves observations of the state of lands under the influence of natural processes, with a minimum (background) imposition of the results of human activity on them and is carried out in biosphere reserves. With impact monitoring, observations are made of the state of land in places of direct impact of anthropogenic factors.

The processes that cause changes in the state of land are divided into:

Evolutionary (associated with the historical development of the earth);

· cyclical (associated with daily, seasonal, annual and other periods of natural changes);

Anthropogenic (associated with human activity);

cataclysms (associated with random events);

emergency situations (associated with industrial accidents, natural and environmental disasters, extreme conditions, water disasters, etc.)

Observations of the state of land, depending on the timing and frequency, are divided into four groups: basic (initial, fixing the state of objects of observation at the time of the start of land monitoring), periodic (one year or more), operational (performed regularly, with an interval of less than one year , or one-time, associated with an emergency), retrospective (analysis of previous observations). Monitoring of the lands of Russia should take into account the specifics of both the natural and socio-economic conditions of its regions, which are in many ways unique and not repeated in other territories of the world.

1.3 Basic land monitoring procedures

The procedure for monitoring the lands of the Russian Federation is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The leading role in land monitoring is assigned to the Federal Real Estate Cadastre Agency with the participation of: the Federal Service for Technological and Environmental Supervision in terms of developing and implementing a unified scientific and technical policy in the field of ecology and nature management, the Federal Service of Geodesy and Cartography in terms of creating and updating cadastral topographic maps and plans, the Federal Service of Russia for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring in terms of organizing monitoring of the state of the atmosphere, surface waters of land, soils, integrated monitoring of the state of the natural environment; the Federal Forestry Service of Russia in terms of monitoring forest fund lands; Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation in terms of agrochemical observations and monitoring of pollution of agricultural land; Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation in terms of monitoring the geological environment, surface and ground waters and their pollution; exogenous and endogenous processes; Ministry of Health of Russia in terms of the impact of environmental factors on health, as well as with the participation of other ministries and departments.

The fundamental document establishing the procedures for the system of state monitoring of land and state regulation of land management in the Russian Federation is Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 846 of November 28, 2002, adopted in accordance with the Land Code. "Regulations on the implementation of state monitoring of lands."

This Regulation establishes the procedure for the implementation of state monitoring of land in the Russian Federation, which is part of the state monitoring of the environment.

During monitoring, the following tasks are solved:

a) timely detection of changes in the state of land, assessment of these changes, forecast and development of recommendations for the prevention and elimination of the consequences of negative processes;

b) information support for the maintenance of the state land cadastre, the implementation of state land control over the use and protection of land, other functions in the field of state and municipal land management, as well as land management;

c) providing citizens with information about the state of land.

Depending on the objectives and territory of observation, monitoring is divided into federal, regional and local and is carried out in accordance with federal, regional and local programs.

Monitoring includes:

a) collection of information on the state of land in the Russian Federation, its processing and storage;

b) continuous monitoring of the use of land based on their intended purpose and permitted use;

c) analysis and assessment of the qualitative state of land, taking into account the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors.

Obtaining information during monitoring can be done using:

a) remote sensing (imaging and observation from spacecraft, aircraft, small aircraft and other aircraft);

b) a network of permanent polygons, reference stationary and other sites, landmarks, etc.;

c) ground surveys, observations and surveys (solid and selective);

d) relevant data funds.

Surveys, observations and surveys carried out during the monitoring, depending on the period and frequency of the conduct, are divided into:

a) basic (carried out to obtain data on the state of land at the time of the start of monitoring);

b) periodic (carried out to obtain data on the state of land for a certain period - once every 3 years or more);

c) operational (carried out to obtain data on the state of land at the current moment).

The data obtained in the course of monitoring is used to provide information support for the activities of public authorities, local governments, legal entities and citizens. The procedure for providing the specified data is determined by the Federal Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate of Russia.

When conducting land monitoring, the principle of mutual compatibility of data is observed, based on the use of a unified state system of coordinates, heights, cartographic projections, unified classifiers, codes, systems of units and other indicators.

The technical basis for the collection, storage, processing and issuance (representation) of land monitoring information are geographic information systems based on the use of modern computer technology, unified software.

Information for conducting land monitoring is provided by the results of various surveys, surveys, surveys (topographic and geodetic, soil, geobotanical, agrochemical, reclamation, forest management, urban planning, etc.), special observations (avalanche, mudflow, glaciological, radiological, etc.) using remote sensing (space surveys and observations, surveys and observations from aircraft, etc.); ground surveys and observations. In addition, background data is used.

In administrative districts, cities, primary data of local monitoring are accumulated, characterizing the state of the entire land fund, land ownership and land use, individual fields, plots, land contours, and infrastructure elements. In the republics within the Russian Federation, autonomous oblasts, autonomous okrugs, territories and regions, consolidated data are compiled for their constituent administrative districts, cities, as well as for individual landscape and ecological objects of a regional nature. At the level of the Russian Federation, consolidated data are generated for the republics within the Federation, autonomous regions and autonomous districts, regions, territories, as well as landscape and environmental objects of a zonal nature.

The formed bases and banks of land monitoring can be used by state and municipal authorities; the Federal Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate, as well as its local authorities; enterprises, organizations and institutions of other departments whose activities are related to the use of land; individual citizens; international and foreign bodies and organizations in the field of environmental protection, nature management and land use.


2.1 Organization of land monitoring in the Samara region

In accordance with the Land Code of the Russian Federation, state land monitoring is a system for monitoring the state of land. Land monitoring is an integral part of state environmental monitoring and is included in the Unified State System of Environmental Monitoring. The objects of land monitoring are all lands of the subject, regardless of the form of ownership, purpose and nature of land use.

Depending on the objectives of monitoring and the observed territory, state monitoring of lands can be federal, regional and local, and is carried out in accordance with federal, regional and local programs.

The procedure for the implementation of state monitoring of land is determined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2002 No. 846 "On approval of the Regulations on the implementation of state monitoring of land."

The list of the main tasks of state land monitoring includes:

Timely detection of changes in the state of land, assessment of these changes, forecast and development of recommendations for the prevention and elimination of the consequences of negative processes;

Information support for the maintenance of the state land cadastre, the implementation of state land control over the use and protection of land, other functions in the field of state and municipal land management, as well as land management;

Providing citizens with information about the state of land.

Monitoring includes:

Collection of information on the state of land, its processing and storage;

Continuous monitoring of the use of land, based on their intended purpose and permitted use;

Analysis and assessment of the qualitative state of land, taking into account the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors.

One of the modern methods of monitoring the use and condition of land resources is the determination of the qualitative state of land, taking into account the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors, and the compilation of fertility maps based on them at a certain point in time, which provide comparable and systematized information about the state and use of agricultural land, the degree of their degradation. This information is necessary to identify the dynamics of the main properties of soils, conduct a state cadastral valuation of land, make decisions related to the protection of land resources and their rational use, and conduct land monitoring.

Monitoring is carried out by the Federal Real Estate Cadastre Agency in cooperation with other federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments. Monitoring activities are regulated by the Federal Real Estate Cadastre Agency.

The collection and processing of data obtained in the course of monitoring, as well as the preparation of forecasts and recommendations regarding especially dangerous phenomena and processes related to the state of land, are carried out by territorial bodies and organizations of the Federal Agency for Cadastre of Real Estate and other federal executive authorities, executive authorities subjects of the Russian Federation participating in the monitoring, as well as local governments.

According to official data, the Samara region today is one of the most unfavorable regions in terms of pollution of land resources. The ecological state of the environment in the region is due to the unbalanced location and development of productive forces on its territory with natural ecosystems. The Samara region, one of the most urbanized regions of Russia, is oversaturated with the largest enterprises, the industry focus of which and their technological infrastructure (gas product pipelines, oil product pipelines, roads and railways) have formed a powerful technological pressure on the environment and led to the emergence of a difficult environmental situation in the region.

In accordance with the Regulations on the Federal Agency for the Cadastre of Real Estate Objects, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 19, 2004 No. 418 and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.04.2004 No. 202 "Issues of the Federal Agency for the Cadastre of Real Estate", the Federal Agency for the Cadastre of Real Estate real estate agency performs the functions of providing public services in the field of state monitoring of land.

In 2006, in order to exercise the powers of state monitoring of land and activities of the subprogram "Creation of a real estate cadastre system (2006-2011)" of the Federal Target Program "Creation of an automated system for maintaining the state land cadastre and state registration of real estate objects (2002-2007)" Rosnedvizhimost On the basis of state contracts, work was carried out on:

– creation of the spatial data infrastructure of the state real estate cadastre;

– study of the state and use of land in the Russian Federation;

– creation of modern land monitoring technologies based on satellite imagery data.

The composition of the information resources of the system of state land monitoring, information technologies and means of their support, the protection of information and the rights of subjects participating in information processes are regulated by the Federal Law of February 20, 1995 "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection", as well as other regulatory and legal documents. The information resources of the state land monitoring system are official, and they are used when registering land ownership, maintaining the state land cadastre, land management, land control, planning the rational use of land, assessing land and making management decisions on the organization and efficient use of land resources, their withdrawal from turnover, conservation and restoration of degraded and disturbed lands, rehabilitation of polluted and sanitation of biologically contaminated lands, determination of penalties for violation of legal norms of land use, degradation, pollution and biological contamination of lands.

Based on the results of land monitoring, the territorial bodies of Rosnedvizhimost provide the federal body and the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with regional reports on the state of the land, and if particularly dangerous processes are identified, they provide an operational summary. These reports are brought to the authorities with relevant proposals for the prevention and elimination of negative processes on the land, they are used to maintain the land cadastre and exercise state control over the use and protection of land.

Legal entities and individuals involved in production and other activities, including the design, placement, construction and commissioning of facilities, as well as the use of land and the restoration of its condition in ways and methods that exclude negative impacts on land (destruction of soil cover, degradation and disturbance of land , overgrowing of agricultural land with shrubs, small forests and weeds, contamination of land with pesticides, heavy metals, radionuclides and other toxic and harmful substances, littering of land with production and consumption waste and other negative processes), are obliged to: participate in the development and implementation of land monitoring measures; submit proposals to the relevant state executive authorities and local self-government bodies on the financing of work on the assessment and forecast of changes in the state and use of land.

In order to prevent and eliminate negative impacts and processes on land resources caused by the continued intensive and irrational use of the land fund of Russia, to minimize the destruction of the soil cover during exploration and mining, construction and other economic activities, to obtain objective and timely information for maintaining the state land cadastre including land accounting, implementation of state land control, land management, planning and implementation of activities related to the impact on land, it is necessary to further improve the multi-level system of state land monitoring and ensure its functioning on lands of all categories.

2.2 Analysis of the qualitative state of land in the Samara region (on the example of the Volzhsky landfill)

In 2007, land monitoring activities in the Samara region were mainly represented by an inventory of land in settlements - 4 urban districts (Samara, Zhigulevsk, Novokuibyshevsk, Chapaevsk), drawing up an annual regional report on the state and use of land.

At the expense of the federal budget, work was carried out to study the state and use of land using landfills for state monitoring of land.

On the territory of the Samara region, the Volzhsky municipal district, a district suburban to the urban district of Samara, is defined as a polygon for state land monitoring.

Based on the results of the work performed, a passport for the Volzhsky landfill was drawn up.

The Volzhsky district of the Samara region is included in the list of land monitoring sites for state land monitoring, where it is planned to carry out constant monitoring and analysis of the state and use of the land fund. Work on the collection and analysis of stock cartographic, land management, soil, geobotanical and other materials for the Volzhsky district of the Samara region was carried out in order to form basic information on the state and use of land at the Volzhsky state land monitoring site. The work was carried out in accordance with the stage "Collection and analysis of basic information on the state and use of land and data on previously performed cartographic work on the territory of each of the selected polygons of state land monitoring, their systematization" of the section "Study of the state and use of land using polygons of state land monitoring" State Contract No. K-05/51 dated April 5, 2007. "Study of the state and use of land on the territory of the Russian Federation."

The Department of the Federal Agency for the Real Estate Cadastre has up-to-date and high-quality (in accordance with regulatory technical documents) materials that make it possible to judge the use of land on the land of settlements on an area of ​​​​253 thousand hectares, and on land of other categories - 5014.3 thousand hectares, as well as materials that make it possible to judge the quality of land (materials of soil, geobotanical and other special surveys) on an area of ​​3818.5 thousand hectares.

On agricultural land there are materials of soil and geobotanical surveys of different years (scale 1:10000, 1:25000, 1:50000, 1:200000) and not all material currently meets modern requirements.

The landfill for state monitoring of land "Volzhsky" is located in the central part of the Samara region, in the basin of the river. Volga and its left tributaries - the Soka, Samara and Chapaevka rivers. The landfill borders on the Stavropol, Krasnoyarsk, Kinelsk, Neftegorsk, Bolsheglushinsky, Krasnoarmeisky and Bezenchuksky districts of the Samara region. The landfill area is 2481.15 sq. km.

The composition of the land fund is dominated by agricultural land. According to the land balance data as of January 1, 2008, 170.621 thousand hectares or 68.8% of the territory of the Volzhsky district of the Samara region belong to the category of agricultural land. The main area of ​​agricultural land is occupied by arable land - 47.45%. This indicates a high agricultural development of the land fund. The lands of the forest fund in the Volga region account for 16.86%. The share of other categories of land is significantly lower: building land - 1.78%, land under roads, communications, streets, squares - 2.86%, water fund - 4.93%, swamps - 1.65%. State lands of the natural national park "Samarskaya Luka" occupies an area of ​​​​26.897 thousand hectares.

Characteristics of land use according to the state monitoring of land is presented in Table 2.3.5.

Table 2.3.5. The structure of land in the Volzhsky district of the Samara region

Name of the land Area, thousand ha Share of the total area, %
1 2 3 4
1 Agricultural land in total, including: 163,154 65,76
1.1. arable land 117,745 47,45
1.2. deposit 1,431 0,58
1.3. perennial plantations 4,816 1,94
1.4. hayfields and pastures 39,162 15,79
2 Lands in the stage of reclamation construction and restoration of fertility 0,311 0,13
3 Lands under tree and shrub vegetation not included in the forest fund 6,827 2,75
4 forest land 41,840 16,86
5 Development land 4,426 1,78
6 Lands under roads, communications, streets, squares 7,092 2,86
7 Lands under water 12,225 4,93
8 swamps 4,085 1.65
9 disturbed lands 1,072 0,43
10 Other lands 7,083 2,85
total area 248,115 100

The total area of ​​agricultural land within the boundaries of the Volga region as of 01.01.2003 is 163,155 ha. The survey area was 153847 ha, including arable land - 114834 ha, perennial enjoyment - 4462 ha, hayfields - 9895 ha, pastures - 24656 ha. The survey area did not include agricultural land of settlements, industrial enterprises and the forest fund.

When comparing anthropogenic changes in arable land soils for the period of 1992 and 2002, the following dynamics is observed:

The area of ​​waterlogged arable land increased by 816 hectares, causing delays in spring processing.

The area of ​​arable land with secondary salinization increased by 53 hectares and amounted to 1115 hectares. A site with secondary salinity and waterlogged soils with an area of ​​53 hectares, identified in the SPK "50 years of the USSR" in 1992, is currently allocated for construction, so the total area of ​​soils with secondary salinization and waterlogging has decreased by 53 hectares.

The area of ​​disturbed lands decreased by 32 hectares. In the SHPK "New Way" a large area was occupied by disturbed lands - 389 hectares. These are areas of arable land near oil derricks and rocking chairs. In addition, disturbed lands were identified in Oktyabrsky CJSC - 16 hectares and in Smyshlyaevsky CJSC - 41 hectares. These lands are currently being reclaimed. The area of ​​disturbed lands in the whole district was 1072 hectares as of 01.01. 2008.

The area of ​​arable land polluted with oil increased by 57 hectares and amounted to 257 hectares. The largest area of ​​arable land contaminated with oil - 200 hectares - was identified in 1992 in the SHPK "New Way". Reclamation of these areas of arable land located near oil rigs and pumping chairs was not carried out. In addition, areas of arable land contaminated with oil were identified: in the CJSC SHP "Chernovsky" - on an area of ​​25 hectares, in the state breeding plant "Kryazh" - 24 hectares, in the MSPP "Yubileiny" - 8 hectares.

In CJSC "Voskhod" a plot of arable land with an area of ​​3 hectares, littered with household waste, was found.

For the analysis of the data given in this information report, the information of the technical report of the soil survey of agricultural lands, approved by the Decree of the Head of the Volzhsky District Administration dated 14.10.2002, was used.


Russia has huge land resources, which are the country's national wealth, but they are used extremely inefficiently. In many regions, the level of negative impact on land has reached a critical value. There is a real threat of complete depletion and pollution of land, which plays the role of the most important means of production.

A special place in the monitoring system for the state and use of land should be given to obtaining reliable and timely information about their quality through the use of modern technologies and remote sensing methods, which allows for thematic mapping of changes in land quality, timely analysis, assessment and forecast of the manifestation of the main negative processes on land, develop and take measures to prevent and eliminate them, systematically conduct state monitoring of land to obtain the necessary data included in the state land cadastre, obtain an objective description of the country's land fund, conduct a state land assessment, determine land payments taking into account the state of land quality and decide other tasks that ensure the state security of the country.

The availability of complete and reliable information is the most important factor in making any management decisions. In addition to the leading role in the state management of land resources, information on the state and use (including the history of use) of land is necessary for information support of the land market, as well as for the purposes of the state land cadastre when determining the cadastral value. The lack of information about the properties of land as a purchased product, the qualitative characteristic of which is decisive, will lead to an unjustified underestimation (or overestimation) of the cost of land plots, will create numerous precedents for litigation in accordance with existing land and environmental legislation.

Of particular note is the relevance of considering national security problems related to the state and use of Russian lands.

The monitoring system involves working with large arrays of various information, including various data: on the structure of the region, hydrometeorological measurements, on the concentration of harmful substances in the environment; based on the results of mapping and aerospace sounding, on the results of biological research, etc.

The program defines the following goals and objectives:

Strategic goal: Ensuring the rational and efficient use of land in the Russian Federation

First task. Improving state regulation of land management in the Russian Federation.

Task 2. Improving the system of state land monitoring. Program implementation period: 2002-2008

Within the framework of this Federal Target Program, regional programs for improving state land monitoring and land management regulation should be developed and implemented in the regions to:

Timely detection of changes in the state of lands, assessment of these changes, forecast and development of recommendations to prevent the development of negative processes and to eliminate their consequences;

ensuring the turnover of lands, rational use of lands and their protection;

Information support of interested persons and authorities with information about the state and use of land.

The fulfillment of this task is characterized by the following indicators:

In 2004, the total area of ​​study of the land condition was 60,753.1 thousand hectares. By January 1, 2009, this area will increase to 72,753.1 thousand hectares. The work schedule in this area is shown in Figure 3.2. Increase in the total area of ​​study of land use (as a percentage of the base year).

Rice. 3.2. Increase in the total area of ​​study of the state of the land

In 2004, the total area of ​​explored land was 114,668.3 thousand hectares. By January 1, 2009, this area will increase to 137,602.3 thousand hectares. The work schedule in this area is shown in Figure 3.3.

Rice. 3.3. Increase in the total area of ​​study of land use

An increase in the area of ​​land for which forecasts have been developed and recommendations for the prevention and elimination of negative processes have been given.

In 2004, the area of ​​land for which forecasts were developed and recommendations were given for the prevention and elimination of negative processes amounted to 16,206 thousand hectares. By January 1, 2009, this area will increase to 17,826 thousand hectares. The work schedule in this area is shown in Figure 3.4.

Rice. 3.4. Increase in the area of ​​land for which forecasts have been developed and recommendations have been given to prevent and eliminate negative processes

Employees of the Department for Land Monitoring, Land Management and Spatial Planning of the Agency's central office, employees of the Agency's territorial bodies, employees of contractors will be involved in this task.

Within the framework of regional programs, the following activities can be proposed:

1) Technical equipment of structures providing collection, processing and analysis of materials and data;

2) Technical equipment of the fund of data obtained as a result of land management and land monitoring;

3) Development of methods and regulatory and technical documents;

4) Performing aerial and space surveys;

5) Monitoring of the state and use of various categories of land;

6) Ensuring the functioning of the network of landfills;

7) Implementation of soil, geobotanical and other special surveys, observations and surveys (solid and selective);

8) Land quality assessment

9) Development of schemes for the use and protection of land;

10) Analysis of information and forecast of changes in the state and use of land;

11) Creation and updating of base maps of lands (including orthophotomaps, digital and electronic versions);

12) Creation and updating of thematic maps and atlases of the state and use of land (including digital and electronic versions);

13) Development of projects for the redistribution of agricultural land;

14) Zoning of inter-settlement territories;

15) Formation of GMZ databases;

16) Information support of interested persons and authorities;

20) Design of AS GMZ;

21) Development of AS GMZ software;

22) Training and retraining of specialists;

23) Methodological support.

Key program performance indicators are shown in Annex 2.

Within the framework of regional programs it is necessary to carry out:

Formation of the spatial data infrastructure of the real estate cadastre; creation of a digital (cartographic) basis for the cadastre, monitoring and land management;

Performance of work to identify changes in the state of land and other real estate objects, assessment of these changes;

Information support for the maintenance of the state land cadastre, real estate cadastre, land management, state land control over the use and protection of land;

Providing citizens with information about the state of land;

Other functions in the field of state and municipal management of land resources, as well as land management.

The fulfillment of this task should be characterized by the following indicators:

Actual implementation of the planned scope of work to study the state and use of land as a percentage of the plan;

Increase in the total area of ​​study of the state of land (as a percentage of the base year).

In 2004, the total area of ​​study of the state of land in Russia was 60,753.1 thousand hectares. The implementation of measures to improve the state monitoring of land will allow by January 1, 2009 to increase the size of this area to 72,753.1 thousand hectares.

The schedule of work in this area is presented in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Increase in the total area of ​​study of the state of the lands of the Russian Federation

In 2004, the total area of ​​study of land use was 114,668.3 thousand hectares. By January 1, 2009, this area should increase to 137,602.3 thousand hectares. The schedule of work in this direction is presented in Table. 3.2.

Table 3.2 Increase in the total area of ​​study of land use

In 2004, the area of ​​land for which forecasts were developed and recommendations were given for the prevention and elimination of negative processes amounted to 16,206 thousand hectares. By January 1, 2009, this area should increase to 17,826 thousand hectares. The work schedule in this area is presented in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3 Increase in the area of ​​land for which forecasts were developed and recommendations were given to prevent and eliminate negative processes

Employees of the Department for Land Monitoring, Land Management and Territorial Planning of the Central Office of the Federal Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate, employees of the Agency's territorial bodies, employees of contractors should be involved in this task.

At the present stage of the socio-economic development of Russia, land, within the framework of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is classified as real estate, is involved in circulation and acquires the properties of a commodity. In order to objectively determine the taxable, collateral and cadastral value of land plots, it is necessary to have basic and operational cadastral information on the state of the land in terms of fertility, environmental characteristics and criteria that are necessary for the implementation of the designated purpose and permitted use of land.

A special place should be occupied in the country by work aimed at obtaining objective and reliable information about the quality and economic condition of lands. It is necessary to provide civilized land turnover with initial information about the quality and economic condition of lands, conduct observations for the timely detection of their changes and take measures to prevent and eliminate negative processes on lands, ensure their rational use and protection.


Summing up this work, I would like to say that in this way, as a result of land monitoring, operational information is collected on negative changes occurring in the land fund and its individual categories, which is the basis for maintaining a land cadastre, assessing environmental and economic damage (risks), planning of environmental protection measures.

It is also necessary to mention that the deepening of land reform in Russia makes it necessary to further improve the legal mechanism for the protection of soils as a natural resource, introduce appropriate amendments to environmental, land and administrative legislation, strengthen the judicial system and strengthen state land control.


1. Sidorin A.M. Modern housing: Part two Urban planning prerequisites for creating affordable, sufficient and adequate housing / A. M. Sidorin // Architecture and construction of Russia. - 2008. - No. 2.-S.3-17.

2. On the provision of housing and other construction on land plots that are in federal ownership: (From Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04/03/2008 No. 234) // Stroy-info. - 2008. - No. 8. - P.25-26.

3. Myasoutova G.Kh. Acquisition of land plots for industrial needs: legal registration and accounting / G. Kh. Myasoutova // Accounting. - 2008. - No. 8. - P.8-14.

4. The federal law on amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and invalidating certain legislative acts (provisions of legislative acts) of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the federal law "On the State Real Estate Cadastre": Law of 13.05.2008. №66-FZ

// Russian newspaper. - 2008. - No. 105. - C.4.

5. Federal law on the state real estate cadastre: Law of July 24, 2007 No. 221-fz // Economics and accounting in construction. - 2008. - No. 7. - S. 19-60.

6. Bolshakov A. Land shares in the Samara region / A. Bolshakov // News of the real estate market. - 2008. - No. 26. - S. 11.

7. Modern land management in Russia: improving the legislative framework: Article-by-article commentary on the federal law "On

land management" in the latest edition // Library of the "Rossiyskaya Gazeta". - 2008. - No. 19. - P. 3 - 126.

8. Principles of construction of monitoring systems / E. Korol // High-rise buildings. - 2008. - No. 5. - S. 123 - 125.

9. Sladkopevtsev S.A. Space monitoring in solving the problems of the urban land cadastre / S. A. Sladkopevtsev, S. L. Drozdov // News of higher educational institutions. Geodesy and aerial photography. - 2006.-№3. - P.77-82.

10. Melnikova B.B. Development of theoretical foundations for the creation of space monitoring in order to provide operational information to the GIS of the urban land cadastre (monitoring of green areas) / E. B. Melnikova // News of higher educational institutions. Geodesy and aerial photography. - 2006.-№4. - P.91-104.

11. Land Code of the RSFSR: Official text as of December 15, 2000. - M.: Publishing group NORMA-INFRA.M, 2001. - 45s.

12. Sulin M.A. Fundamentals of land management: Textbook for students / Sulin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich. - St. Petersburg. : Lan, 2002. - 127p.

14. Land Code of the Russian Federation: As of October 15, 2003 - M .: Prof. legal system "Code"; TK Welby; Prospect Publishing House, 2003. - 79 p.

15. Gubina M.V. Fundamentals of urban planning management and monitoring: Textbook for universities / Gubina, Maria Vladimirovna. - Kyiv: VIRA-R, 2002. - 247p.

UDC 528.91:004:332 I.A. Giniyatov, A.L. Ilinykh SSGA, Novosibirsk WAYS OF IMPROVING GEOINFORMATION SUPPORT FOR MONITORING AGRICULTURAL LAND The article considers the possibilities of improving geoinformation support for monitoring agricultural land. I.A. Giniyatov, A.L. Ilyinykh Siberian State Academy of Geodesy (SSGA) 10 Plakhotnogo Ul, Novosibirsk, 630108, Russian Federation THE WAYS OF IMPROVING GIS DATAWARE FOR AGRICULTURAL LAND MONITORING The soil cover, especially agricultural land, is subject to degradation and pollution, loses its resistance to destruction, the ability to restore properties and, in particular, fertility. Currently, in most subjects of the Russian Federation, soil fertility continues to decline, and the condition of lands used or provided for agriculture is deteriorating. In accordance with the Land Code of the Russian Federation, state monitoring of lands is carried out throughout the country, which is a system for monitoring the state of the lands of the Russian Federation and is part of state environmental monitoring. State land monitoring serves to identify all changes related to the state and use of land, assess and predict these changes, as well as develop, based on the information received, recommendations for the rational management of territories, the elimination of negative impacts associated with natural and anthropogenic processes. The range of tasks and the subject area of ​​land monitoring are determined by the “Regulations on the implementation of state land monitoring”: Timely detection of changes in the state of land, assessment of these changes, forecast and recommendations for preventing and eliminating the consequences of negative processes; Information support for the maintenance of the state real estate cadastre, the implementation of state control over the use and protection of land, other functions in the field of state and municipal land management, as well as land management; Providing citizens with information about the state of land; Storage of systematized information in the state fund of materials and land monitoring data. Rational and efficient use of land cannot be carried out without the availability of timely and reliable information. Therefore, the main function of land monitoring as a system is to update information on the state and use of land. In addition, land monitoring information can be used for the purposes of land control and land legislation. With such a formulation of the question, the functions of land monitoring expand and can be extended to the tasks of monitoring the state of crops, forest vegetation and water bodies. The basis for the implementation of state monitoring of land, as a method of information support for the state real estate cadastre, organization of structures and technologies for collecting, storing and using the information obtained from this, is the Federal Law "On Informatization, Informatics and Information Protection" No. 24-FZ of February 20, 1995 . . When organizing and conducting monitoring of agricultural land, there is a lack of solutions to the following issues: Insufficient openness and efficiency of the monitoring system to make changes in the state and spatial position of land; Weak coordination of plans and programs for creating and updating information systems at various levels (local, regional and federal); Locality and phasing of information update; The high cost of introducing high technologies for obtaining, processing, storing and transmitting updated information about lands. As a tool for geoinformation support for monitoring agricultural land, the authors chose an automated information system for monitoring agricultural land (AIS MZ). At the same time, it should provide it with the necessary information, include in the system the means of searching, receiving, storing, accumulating, transmitting, processing information, organizing databases (banks) of data. Information support for land monitoring implies the provision of the necessary information to solve its specific tasks. In this regard, geoinformation support for monitoring agricultural land in each individual case deals with information about the specific space under consideration. Therefore, its digital form should be singled out as the main feature of geoinformation, since it is formed, stored, converted and used by the computer environment. The object of activity for geoinformation support for monitoring agricultural land is information about geospace - geoinformation. It is the collection of geo-information about agricultural land, its transformation and use to obtain results that will provide relevant and timely information for decision makers in the field of land management of the agro-industrial complex as a whole. The results of geoinformation support for monitoring agricultural land are directly geoinformation, geospatial models and spatial solutions, as well as cartographic images. The process of geoinformation support for monitoring agricultural lands consists in collecting, obtaining, converting and integrating geoinformation about agricultural lands, modeling geospace, spatial analysis, preparing spatial solutions for the functioning of an agricultural territory or transforming geospace, as well as providing results at the request of consumers of information. The following can be singled out as the main directions for improving geoinformation support for monitoring agricultural land: Implementation of modern software that can take into account the urgent needs of the development and operation of GIS and AIS at the stages of collecting geoinformation, transforming projections and coordinate systems, modeling spatial objects, spatial analysis; Development of GIS and AIS capable of interdepartmental information exchange and integration into existing cadastral systems; Organization of interactive information support based on Internet resources; Creation of an automated information system for monitoring agricultural land, including the necessary attributive information and geo-information on the state and use of agricultural land (for example, on the state of the soil cover, on the state of the natural environment), supplemented by information on real estate and human resources necessary for making managerial decisions in the field of agro-industrial complex. One of the ways to improve the geoinformation support of territories is the developed database of geospatial data of the AIS MOH. The geospatial data base on the state of the territory is built on the basis of information coming from various sources, including databases of organizations involved in regular or periodic monitoring of the state and use of agricultural land: the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr), Ministry of Agriculture (Ministry of Agriculture), Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet), Federal Agency for State Property Management (Rosimuschestvo), Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor), Internet and others, as shown in Fig. Fig. 1. Rosreestr Rosgidromet Minselkhoz Rosimushchestvo DB AIS MoH Internet Rosprirodnadzor Rosstat Pic. 1. Sources of information about the state of the territory The database contains all the necessary information about the state of land resources, necessary and sufficient for making management decisions in the field of land relations. REFERENCES 1. Russian Federation. Government. On the approval of the concept for the development of state monitoring of agricultural land and land used or provided for farming as part of land of other categories, and the formation of state information resources about these lands for the period up to 2020 [Electronic resource]: Decree of the Government of Ros. Federation dated July 30, 2010 No. 1292-r. – Access mode: Consultant Plus. - Zagl. from the screen. 2. Russian Federation. The laws. Land Code of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]: Feder. law Ros. Federation of October 25, 2001 No. 136-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2010). – Access mode: Guaranteed - Zagl. from the screen. 3. Russian Federation. Government. On approval of the Regulations on the implementation of state monitoring of lands [Electronic resource]: Decree of the Government of Ros. Federation of November 28, 2002 No. 846. - Access mode: Consultant Plus.- Head. from the screen. 4. Russian Federation. The laws. On Informatization, Informatics and Information Protection [Electronic resource]: Federal Law No. 24-FZ of February 20, 1995 (as amended on January 10, 2003). – Access mode: Guaranteed - Zagl. from the screen. 5. Giniyatov, I.A., Ilinykh A.L. On the issue of creating an automated information system for the purposes of managing the territories of the agro-industrial complex [Text] / I.A. Giniyatov, A.L. Ilinykh// Geodesy and cartography. – 2008.- №2. - S. 51-53. 6. Giniyatov, I.A., Ilinykh A.L. Conceptual model of an automated information system for the purposes of managing the agro-industrial complex [Text] / I.A. Giniyatov, A.L. Ilinykh// GEOSibir-2008. T. 2: Economic development of Siberia and the Far East. Economics of nature management, land management, forest management, real estate management. Part 1: Sat. Materials IV Intern. scientific congr. GEO-Siberia2008, April 22–24 2008, Novosibirsk. - Novosibirsk: SSGA, 2008. - P. 129131. 7. Giniyatov, I.A., Ilinykh A.L. The choice of a system of indicators of an automated information system for monitoring land for the purposes of managing the agro-industrial complex [Text] / I.A. Giniyatov, A.L. Ilinykh // GEO-Siberia-2009: Sat. Materials V intern. scientific Congress "GEO-Siberia-2009" Novosibirsk, April 20-24, 2009 - Novosibirsk: SSGA, 2009. - Vol. 3, part 2. - P. 165-169 8. Giniyatov, I.A., Ilinykh A.L. Features of systematization and integration of information in the development of an automated information system for monitoring land for the purposes of the agro-industrial complex [Text] / I.A. Giniyatov, A.L. Ilinykh // GEO-Siberia-2010. T. 3. Economic development of Siberia and the Far East. Economics of nature management, land management, forest management, real estate management. Part 1: Sat. Materials of the VI International. scientific Congress "GEO-Siberia-2010", April 19-29, 2010, Novosibirsk. - Novosibirsk: SSGA, 2010. - P. 241-245 9. Karpik, A.P. Methodological and technological foundations of geoinformation support of territories [Text]: Monograph / A.P. Karpik. - Novosibirsk: SSGA, 2004. - 260 p. I.A. Giniyatov, A.L. Ilinykh, 2011

A special place in the monitoring system for the state and use of land should be given to obtaining reliable and timely information about their quality through the use of modern technologies and remote sensing methods, which allows for thematic mapping of changes in land quality, timely analysis, assessment and forecast of the manifestation of the main negative processes on land, develop and take measures to prevent and eliminate them, systematically conduct state monitoring of land to obtain the necessary data included in the state land cadastre, obtain an objective description of the country's land fund, conduct a state land assessment, determine land payments taking into account the state of land quality and decide other tasks that ensure the state security of the country.

The availability of complete and reliable information is the most important factor in making any management decisions. In addition to the leading role in the state management of land resources, information on the state and use (including the history of use) of land is necessary for information support of the land market, as well as for the purposes of the state land cadastre when determining the cadastral value. The lack of information about the properties of land as a purchased product, the qualitative characteristic of which is decisive, will lead to an unjustified underestimation (or overestimation) of the cost of land plots, will create numerous precedents for litigation in accordance with existing land and environmental legislation.

The monitoring system involves working with large arrays of various information, including various data:

  • -by the structure of the region, hydrometeorological measurements, concentrations of harmful substances in the environment;
  • - based on the results of mapping and aerospace sounding, on the results of biological research.

The program defines a strategic goal - to ensure the rational and efficient use of land in the Russian Federation. Contains the following tasks:

  • 1. Improvement of state regulation of land management in the Russian Federation.
  • 2. Improving the system of state monitoring of lands.

Within the framework of this Federal Target Program, regional programs for improving state land monitoring and land management regulation should be developed and implemented in the regions to:

  • - timely detection of changes in the state of land, assessment of these changes, forecast and development of recommendations to prevent the development of negative processes and to eliminate their consequences;
  • - ensuring land turnover, rational use of land and their protection;
  • -information provision of interested persons and authorities with information about the state and use of land.

The fulfillment of this task is characterized by the following indicators:

  • -actual implementation of the planned scope of work to study the state and use of land as a percentage of the plan;
  • -increase in the total area of ​​study of the state of the land