Global problems of humanity and ways to solve them. What problems of modern Russia do you consider the most important? The problem of using the World Ocean

The strategy of modern Russia on the world stage is set out in the Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation, approved by the President in June 2000. Russia advocates the creation of a multipolar world system and denies the claims of any state to world hegemony. Based on its own capabilities - military-strategic, economic, political - Russian diplomacy is implementing the idea of ​​a multi-vector policy and strives to maintain ties with many countries of the world.
Society has an understanding of the problems that need to be solved. There are discussions about the optimal use of the stabilization fund. High prices for raw material exports give Russia a unique chance to implement the most daring projects in the economy and pull it out of technological backwardness. First of all, it is necessary to develop the “knowledge economy”, since only such an economy ensures the sustainable development of the country. He spoke about Russia's chances for leadership in the field of nanotechnology (technologies with which a person can control individual molecules when creating nanostructures with certain physical, chemical and biological properties) and the need to develop a scientific research program in this area, speaking with his annual message to the Federal Assembly in May 2006, President V. Putin. The Russian government has approved a program for developing nanoindustry infrastructure.
In the summer of 2004, a federal law was passed that abolished almost all social benefits that had previously been enjoyed by about 103 million people. Cash compensation was introduced for the most vulnerable categories of beneficiaries. The monetization of benefits, which at the beginning of 2005 caused a wave of protests in many Russian cities, clearly showed how painfully liberal social reforms are perceived by society.
One of the main and most serious threats to Russia is the huge difference in income between Moscow and the regions, between the poor and the rich. The need to “increase the well-being of the people of Russia” (V.V. Putin) gave rise to four Priority National Projects (September 2005): “Health”, “Quality Education”, “Affordable and Comfortable Housing”, “Development of the Agricultural-Industrial Complex "
Russia is called upon to play an important role in the formation of a new system of international security. 2006 was the year of Russia's presidency of the G8. The meeting of heads of state took place in July in St. Petersburg. In addition to the leaders of the G8 countries, the negotiations were attended by the leaders of China, India, Brazil, Mexico, and South Africa. The main topics of discussion were energy security, education and the fight against epidemics.

The majority of Russians surveyed (77%) believe that the problem of poverty in Russia is not being solved in any way and the number of poor continues to increase. What are the main causes of poverty in Russia? How many Russians consider themselves poor? And what level of income, according to Russians, will allow them not to be classified as needy?

Research results

Please rank the causes of poverty in Russia:

(the percentage of the total number of respondents who determined the place is indicated)

According to Russians, the first place among the causes of poverty is occupied by domestic political reasons, and foreign policy reasons take second place. Our respondents ranked global and personal reasons in 3rd and 4th places, respectively.

Among the social causes of poverty, Russians surveyed identified low wages and pensions (82%), corruption (68%), high prices (63%), unemployment (59%), social inequality (58%), as well as uneven development of regions (50). %).

According to respondents, the level of poverty is most influenced by such personal reasons as belonging to socially vulnerable groups of the population, such as pensioners and single mothers (69%), laziness (62%), sudden life circumstances, such as illness or dismissal (61% ).

There are different definitions of poverty. According to the majority of respondents, poverty is a situation when available income does not cover the required minimum consumer costs (70%).

Russians believe that poverty gives rise to such social problems as limited economic opportunities of the population (62%), alcoholism (60%), economic stagnation (51%), and high crime rates (47%).

Sometimes poverty is considered the lot of certain social groups. According to respondents, those most at risk of falling below the poverty line are the unemployed (75%), pensioners (72%), families with seriously ill family members or disabled people (67%), and residents of rural areas (54%). In the “other” answer, respondents also noted public sector workers and “the entire population of the country or most of it.”

We asked the people of Russia how to fight poverty. According to respondents, poverty at the country level can be overcome by creating jobs (76%), increasing the minimum wage (66%), developing villages and small towns (65%), and developing production (62%).

About 40% of Russian residents surveyed consider themselves and their families to be poor.

We asked respondents what income per family member is, in their opinion, the “poverty line.” The majority of respondents (83%) believe that if a family has an income below 20,000 per family member, then it can be classified as poor. At the same time, 53% of respondents have an income below 20,000 rubles per family member. If we talk about the level of well-being of the respondents, 37% of the funds are only enough for food and clothing, 53% of the respondents can afford household appliances, only 10% have enough funds to buy a car or apartment.

According to the survey results, the absolute majority of respondents (81%) need to have an income above 50,000 rubles in order not to feel poor.

Study sample

6,000 people were surveyed, including: men - 38%, women - 62%. Age: under 18 years old - 5%, 18-30 years old - 36%, 31-45 years old -41%, 46-55 years old -12%, over 55 years old -6%.

Question 01. Which of the global problems of our time do you consider the most difficult and dangerous for life on Earth? Give reasons to support your conclusion.

Answer. The problem of global warming due to the greenhouse effect is perhaps the most dangerous today. On the one hand, it threatens global negative consequences, including a rise in the level of the world's oceans, which can cause flooding of densely populated areas and mass migration of people that can destroy human civilization in its modern form. But on the other hand, it is not as obvious to world leaders as, for example, the threat of nuclear war, which is why it is more difficult for them to agree on measures to solve it. At the same time, this problem is one of the most difficult, because it requires achieving a balance between concern for the environment and the economic interests of not just one, but all countries of the world.

Question 02. Do you think it is possible to solve in our time the problem of using scientific achievements only for peaceful purposes? What does this decision depend on?

Answer. The solution to this problem depends on governments around the world, who determine the priorities for the development of the armed forces of their countries. I think that in the near future they will not stop thinking about the combat effectiveness of their armies, which requires constant modernization of these armies, and therefore the use of scientific achievements for this purpose. As long as there are different countries in the world, each with its own army, scientific achievements will hardly be able to be used only for peaceful purposes.

Question 03. What is the danger of international terrorism? Give examples from modern life, using materials from the media and the Internet.

Answer. The danger of terrorism lies in the suddenness of its attacks on civilians. More and more people are potentially victims of terrorist attacks, especially in developed countries. A striking example is the terrorist attacks in Paris on November 13, 2015, which occurred completely unexpectedly for Parisians and claimed so many lives.

Question 04. What factors influence the deterioration of the environment and human condition?

Answer. Factors:

1) industrial exhausts into the atmosphere;

2) toxic industrial waste;

3) nuclear energy waste;

4) vehicle exhaust gases;

5) livestock farming (gases produced by cattle);

6) increasing crowding of people’s lives with failure to comply with basic hygiene requirements in underdeveloped countries;

7) development of transport, contributing to the rapid spread of epidemics with air passengers.

Question 05. What problems hinder the transition to sustainable and safe development of our civilization on a global scale?

Answer. Problems:

1) competition for dominance in a certain region or throughout the world;

2) competition for energy resources;

3) struggle for sales of products;

4) environmental problems;

5) religious confrontation, including problems of Islamic fundamentalism;

6) population growth and complete unsettled life in the poorest countries, causing migration problems.

Modernity is a series of social problems of the development of civilization, which, however, are not limited exclusively to the social aspect, and affect almost all areas of society: economic, political, environmental, psychological. These problems have been formed over many years, which are characterized by the rapid development of various spheres of human life, and therefore the methods for solving them do not have clear options.

Philosophy and global problems of our time

Awareness of any problems is the first stage in solving them, because only understanding can lead to effective actions. For the first time, the global problems of our time were comprehended by philosophers. Indeed, who else but philosophers will be engaged in understanding the dynamics of the development of civilization? After all, global problems require full analysis and consideration of different points of view.

The main global problems of our time

So, he studies global processes. They arise as an objective factor of human existence, i.e. arise due to human activities. Global problems of our time are not numerous:

  1. The so-called “neglectable aging”. This problem was first raised in 1990 by Caleb Finch. Here we are talking about expanding the boundaries of life expectancy. A lot of scientific research has been devoted to this topic, which has been aimed at studying the causes of aging and methods that can slow it down or even reverse it. However, as practice shows, the solution to this issue is quite a long way off.
  2. The North-South problem. It includes understanding the large development gap between northern and southern countries. Thus, in most countries of the South, the concepts of “hunger” and “poverty” are still a pressing problem for large parts of the population.
  3. The problem of preventing thermonuclear war. It implies the damage that could be caused to all of humanity in the event of the use of nuclear or thermonuclear weapons. The problem of peace between peoples and political forces, the struggle for common prosperity, is also acute here.
  4. Preventing pollution and maintaining ecological balance.
  5. Global warming.
  6. The problem of diseases: AIDS, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
  7. Demographic imbalance.
  8. Terrorism.

Global problems of our time: what are the solutions?

  1. Negligible aging. Modern science is taking steps towards studying aging, but the question of the feasibility of this still remains relevant. In the mythological legends of different peoples one can find the idea of ​​eternal life, however, the elements that make up the concept of evolution today conflict with the idea of ​​eternal life and prolongation of youth.
  2. The problem of the North and South, which is illiteracy and poverty of the population of southern countries, is solved with the help of charitable actions, but it cannot be solved until the countries lagging behind in development become developed in political and economic aspects.
  3. The problem of preventing the use of nuclear and thermonuclear weapons, in fact, cannot be exhausted as long as the capitalist understanding of relations dominates in society. Only with a transition to another level of assessment of human life and peaceful coexistence can the problem be solved. Acts and agreements concluded between countries on non-use are not a 100% guarantee that war will not break out one day.
  4. The problem of maintaining the ecological balance of the planet today is being solved with the help of political forces that are concerned about this, as well as with the help of organizations that are trying to preserve endangered species of animals, are engaged in planting and organize events and campaigns that are aimed at attracting public attention to this problem . However, a technological society is unlikely to be able to preserve the environment 100%.
  5. Questions about global warming have long worried scientists, but the causes that cause warming cannot currently be eliminated.
  6. The problems of incurable diseases at the present stage find a partial solution offered by medicine. Fortunately, today this issue is relevant for scientific knowledge and the state is allocating funds to ensure that these problems are studied and effective medicines are invented by doctors.
  7. The demographic imbalance between the countries of the south and the north finds a solution in the form of legislative acts: for example, Russian legislation encourages high birth rates in the form of additional payments to large families, and, for example, Japanese legislation, on the contrary, limits the ability of families to have many children.
  8. Currently, the problem of terrorism is very acute after a number of high-profile tragic incidents. The internal security services of states are doing everything possible to counter terrorism on the territory of their country and prevent the unification of terrorist organizations on an international scale.

Problems that concern not any particular continent or state, but the entire planet, are called global. As civilization develops, it accumulates more and more of them. Today there are eight main problems. Let's consider the global problems of humanity and ways to solve them.

Ecological problem

Today it is considered the main one. For a long time, people have used the resources given to them by nature irrationally, polluted the environment around them, and poisoned the Earth with a variety of waste - from solid to radioactive. The result was not long in coming - according to the majority of competent researchers, environmental problems in the next hundred years will lead to irreversible consequences for the planet, and therefore for humanity.

There are already countries where this issue has reached a very high level, giving rise to the concept of an ecological crisis area. But a threat looms over the whole world: the ozone layer, which protects the planet from radiation, is being destroyed, the earth’s climate is changing - and humans are unable to control these changes.

Even the most developed country cannot solve the problem alone, so states unite to jointly solve important environmental problems. The main solution is considered to be reasonable use of natural resources and reorganization of everyday life and industrial production so that the ecosystem develops naturally.

Rice. 1. The threatening scale of the environmental problem.

Demographic problem

In the 20th century, when the world's population exceeded six billion, everyone had heard of it. However, in the 21st century the vector has shifted. In short, the essence of the problem now is this: there are fewer and fewer people. A competent policy of family planning and improving the living conditions of each individual will help solve this issue.

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Food problem

This problem is closely related to the demographic one and consists in the fact that more than half of humanity is experiencing acute food shortages. To solve it, we need to more rationally use available resources for food production. Experts see two development paths: intensive, when the biological productivity of existing fields and other lands increases, and extensive, when their number increases.

All global problems of humanity must be solved together, and this is no exception. The food problem arose due to the fact that most people live in unsuitable areas. Combining the efforts of scientists from different countries will significantly speed up the solution process.

Energy and raw materials problem

The uncontrolled use of raw materials has led to the depletion of mineral reserves that have been accumulating for hundreds of millions of years. Very soon, fuel and other resources may disappear altogether, so scientific and technological progress is being introduced at all stages of production.

The problem of peace and disarmament

Some scientists believe that in the very near future it may happen that there will be no need to look for possible ways to solve humanity’s global problems: people are producing such an amount of offensive weapons (including nuclear weapons) that at some point they can destroy themselves. To prevent this from happening, world treaties on arms reduction and demilitarization of economies are being developed.

Human health problem

Humanity continues to suffer from deadly diseases. The progress of science is great, but diseases that cannot be cured still exist. The only solution is to continue scientific research in search of cures.

The problem of using the World Ocean

The depletion of land resources has led to increased interest in the World Ocean - all countries that have access to it use it not only as a biological resource. Both the mining and chemical sectors are actively developing. Which gives rise to two problems at once: pollution and uneven development. But how are these issues resolved? Currently, they are being studied by scientists from all over the world, who are developing principles of rational ocean environmental management.

Rice. 2. Industrial station in the ocean.

The problem of space exploration

To explore outer space, it is important to join forces on a global scale. The latest research is the result of consolidation of work from many countries. This is precisely the basis for solving the problem.

Scientists have already developed a model of the first station for settlers on the Moon, and Elon Musk says that the day is not far off when people will go to explore Mars.

Rice. 3. Layout of the lunar base.

What have we learned?

Humanity has many global problems that can ultimately lead to its death. These problems can only be solved if efforts are consolidated - otherwise the efforts of one or several countries will be reduced to zero. Thus, civilizational development and the solution of problems of a universal scale are possible only if the survival of man as a species becomes higher than economic and state interests.

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