How the universe is arranged principles of the creation of the universe. The most interesting film How the Universe works and how the human consciousness is manipulated (I recommend watching to expand the worldview and consciousness)

How our universe works

Warm hello, dear reader of my blog! Today at six o'clock in the morning I visited the twelfth dimension. I have already given some information on this topic, including how the universe works and what God looks like, and souls in the twelfth dimension. Some spiritual teachers oppose the information I give out and claim that the human soul is a single whole field with the entire universe. According to this concept, it turns out that the soul of God and the souls of people are indivisible, and represent a single whole. Partly it is. Yes, the universe is divided into two matters, internal and external. The inner matter is the space in which everything created lives, from the zero dimension to the twelfth. This matter is something similar to air for our physical bodies, or both for fish, water and souls live in this light matter. If we compare it with computers, then this is a kind of matter of the processor and the processor itself, and energy circulates inside the processor. The processor, in turn, is also placed inside some kind of matter, such as a computer frame.

Thus, in the twelfth dimension, it represents the largest soul and the most important processor, to which, in turn, many small processors are connected. The main processor (God) is endowed with its own highly developed intellect, which can create small processors (human souls) similar to itself. Each small processor, the main processor, gave the opportunity to independently learn and develop.

outer universe

Outside of our light universe, there is a dark universe, which is pure chaos, and there is no life at all. Those who read the book of Genesis know that God created our world out of chaos, ordered it and endowed it with a soul and a physical form of life. How God himself appeared, he gave this information in previous publications.

The struggle of the worlds

Our universe began to emerge from the appearance of God. Having formed around himself, light matter suitable for life, God began to create worlds inside this matter.

When God began to create worlds, light matter began to grow inside dark matter, and it was from that time that the struggle between light and darkness began, that is, between the light world and the world of chaos (destruction). Thus, for dark matter, light worlds are a growing tumor, just as for our worlds, dark matter is a cancerous tumor. This is how light (creation) and darkness (destruction, chaos) fight each other forever.

By itself, the energy of chaos does not have a soul, not its own god, but, penetrating into the light world, it can infect light entities, turning them into demonic beings. Thus, demonic worlds appeared in our bright universe.

If the demons manage to achieve their ultimate goal, then the matter of chaos will completely capture our bright world and it will self-destruct, all demonic creatures will also die, because nothing can exist in chaos!

What our world looks like in the 12th dimension

Book of Genesis: God created our world from the darkness of chaos, and separated our world from the world of chaos. It is also known that the destructive energy of chaos was able to penetrate our world. Our world in the twelfth dimension is the simplest pure energy scheme, where souls project their energy into the plane of the Earth. When viewed through an infrared camera, one can see a continuous stream of spiraling energy emanating from the peaks. At one time, the pyramids were equipped with a top made of pure gold (analogous to some modern temples), and the base and top were connected to each other by a beautiful pattern made of gold. Alas, all this beauty was outside the pyramids, and when gold gained value among people (the Kaliyug period and the contamination of gold with energy), it was simply torn off, which is why the outer skin of the pyramids was sprinkled.

In general, our souls project their energy onto the energy one, and this energy flow is continuous. The souls themselves are golden in color, but the energy projected onto the Earth is light blue. In general, this energy shimmers between white and light blue.

People who do not practice are absent in the twelfth dimension and are a simple subtle flow of energy between Earth and Heaven. Spiritual practices, depending on the type of practice, have energy bodies, also light blue. The more energetically functional the spiritual adept, the more clearly expressed the energy silhouette of a person.

The pyramids of the pharaoh also have light blue energy in the twelfth dimension and also radiate an energy column, just like people.
Against the backdrop of the pyramids of the pharaoh, Christian churches are virtually inconspicuous, as they have a small amount of energy produced. All other forms of objects in the 12th dimension are absent.

There is one more important detail, this is a channel, which is a pipe between the twelfth dimension and the anti-world.

The anti-world appeared as a mirror reflection of our world, and people also live there, but they are the absolute opposite of the people of our world. The anti-world stands on the border of the matter of chaos and our world, and it is through the anti-world that the energy of chaos penetrated into our world.

The fact is that the 12th dimension itself is generally invisible until certain times. The twelfth dimension of our world can be seen only when the channel (pipe) between the worlds is open. You can open the cover of the connecting channel only from our world. When the energy of the antiworld penetrates our world, the material world (the astral world) disappears and only the light blue energy of the twelfth dimension remains. This operation can be done only while in a higher dimension, for example, in the astral world.

This option is used to see the twelfth dimension at work in its purest form. It was after opening the lid of the connecting pipe between the world and the anti-world that the energy of chaos penetrated into our world with further consequences.


The world opposite to our world is called the anti-world and is located on the opposite side of our world. So if we walk the Earth, then on the opposite side the anti-world and our opposite "I" live and exist. If in our world a person is good, then his opposite is evil exactly as much as a person has good.

Thanks to the connecting channel, the two worlds can receive each other's energy, and when the channel is open, the energy of light and creation also penetrates into the opposite world, thereby maintaining the balance of the worlds. That is why, if in our world a person is evil, then in the anti-world he will be good exactly to the extent that he is evil.

The mirror in which people like to look is pure anti-world. Through the mirror, people can see the anti-world, that is, their absolute opposite.

There are special magical rituals (black magic) that are capable of opening the anti-world channel in the mirror. When a person turns to such rituals, he lets the energy of chaos into his world. Often, after such magical rites with a mirror, people call for a priest to seal the open passage of antimatter.

In general, warlocks are absolute evil, and in order to feed themselves, they use the opening of anti-world channels in the mirror. If the warlock does not feed on the energy of chaos, he may die from exhaustion. People, not knowing this, play with such rituals, after which they pay. The thing is, if a person has opened a channel of evil from the anti-world, then the energy of balance takes the power of grace from the person and sends it to the anti-world, so the curious sometimes die quickly.

Traveling in the 12th dimension

In order to enter the earthly 12th dimension, you first need to enter the astral world. The earthly astral world, as well as the physical one, is crammed with all sorts of objects that do not make it possible to see the primary energy in its purest form. In order to remove all unnecessary objects in the earthly astral world, you need to open a channel connecting our world and the antiworld. When the connecting channel opens, the energy of the anti-world, like air, is sucked into our world due to the vacuum of the energy of the anti-world. Accordingly, the creative energy of our world penetrates into the anti-world. When the energy exchange process is completed, the astral world and all its objects completely disappear, and only the primordial energy base itself remains. The process of energy exchange between the worlds resembles the processes taking place in a washing machine, when water washes away everything superfluous.

As long as the connecting channel between the worlds is open, no objects can exist in our earthly astral world, because nothing can exist in the energy of chaos. Chaos energy is like washing powder.

The most ordinary people who are not related to the spiritual world sometimes feel an inexplicable painful state and fear for the reason that the channel between the worlds is open, and at the highest level there is a process of checking the work of the energies of the twelfth dimension (or erasing old Earth control programs).

In the twelfth dimension, all remaining light blue energies have the same density as objects in the physical world. Thus, one can easily grasp the outgoing columns of light between Heaven and Earth with one's hands and move between them like Tarzan in the jungle. I did not try to move with the help of thought as in the astral world, but free running and long jumps are more like flying than physical movement.

If the connecting channel between the worlds is open for a long time, then all life on Earth will perish, because the physical cannot exist without the astral body. Therefore, when my curiosity went too far, I was simply thrown out of the 12th dimension into another, but already the astral world.

Thus, the astral world is the foundation of our world and represents the primary physical matter on a subtle level. What originated in the astral world will soon appear in the physical. The twelfth dimension is the basis of the astral world and, in general, of everything that exists. The easiest way to remove all astral debris is to open a channel between the world and the anti-world, which your humble servant did.

P.S. When Kozyrev was experimenting with mirrors, he opened a portal to one of the anti-worlds. People who like to play with sometimes disappear, or their children, so I gave recommendatory information for those who like to extend their lives with the help of Kozyrev's mirrors. The balance between the worlds cannot be deceived! If you took energy from another world, then the other world will definitely return its own, that's how it appeared, which neglected the parameters of energy exchange between worlds.

Recently, in print and on television, the topic of communication with the other world has been increasingly popping up. Someone managed to capture a ghost, someone to communicate with him through a plate or mediums, and someone even established a "two-way connection" with the afterlife. Could it be SUCH really, or is it just a hoax and a group illusion? And if so, how can this be explained from the point of view of modern knowledge?

(NOTE: The article was written in 2004 and edited in 2009. Therefore, some of the situations described already look a little archaic ...)


Before explaining the fundamental possibility of human communication with parallel worlds and their entities, I would like to find out in general: is humanity itself ready to cross the Rubicon of old ideas - to be on the other side of the curtain? After all, today it is just emerging from the illusion of the old world - with surprise, perceiving the first knowledge about the real essence of our world - the nature of energy, information, natural laws of the universe .(Schemes No. 1, 20)

How will people perceive the fact of communication with the “other world”, if even the “this-side” is realized by few people as a fact and the result of their own influence on the formation of their own and the common destiny of the world?
Wouldn't it be more correct to start the process of preparing people for the perception of understanding other spaces - through technologies that are more gentle on the mind and psyche?


The easiest way to see parallel worlds is through video contact through special lenses. At the moment, various types and colors of filters are used for this purpose - mainly ultraviolet and infrared ranges. But an even more effective means of scanning the "parallel information space" is special lenses with a variable frequency spectrum. You can make them in the following way. Even during molding, the calculated amount of atomic silver is added to the mass for glass. One that, while leaving the lens transparent, at the same time makes its substance electrically conductive. (Another option is to prepare a special "tapun-lacquer" in this way).

After installing this lens on the camera lens (photo, video), two contacts are brought to the opposite ends of the glass. They are connected to a special generator that has a wide range of generated frequencies: from super low to super high. By adjusting the tuning of the frequency impulses passing through the lens, we get the possibility of "clear vision" from pictures of the distant past to the future. (This is due to the fact that, as in a PC and the Internet, each file with information is recorded at its own individual frequency. Those that have the same properties or characteristics (by topic, time, etc.) are packed into their “chrono-folders” Folders are placed on disks (virtual, of course - like a thin torsion layer of the Noosphere. The purpose of each package is to keep information in a folded form according to their energy-informational characteristics. Under the conditions of the Earth, crystalline rocks - mountains, rocks, as well as artificial structures made of solid-crystalline rocks).
When tuning to infra-frequencies below the standard (with access to ultra-low) - we can see low-level spiritual entities - in the form of "jellyfish", "larvae" (or even devils!) Floating in space, etc. "- which feed on the radiated low-frequency energies from living entities - from animals to people - radiated by them in the form of anger, fear, resentment, etc.

By adjusting the lens in the ultra-private range, we will see angel-like entities, floating and feeding on high-frequency energy of light-spiritual people - joy, happiness, peace, etc.By changing the frequency and voltage in different phases and ranges, we reach different F physical En ergo- And informational (FENIO-) spheres - i.e. other realities.(transition mechanism- schemes No. 22-24)

Of course, the above effect can be obtained in other ways: drugs, alcohol, hallucinogenic mushrooms. Another thing is that it is not recommended for the same reason as when filling gasoline in your car. Low octane grades of gasoline are harmful to the health of the engine ...


The interaction of entities that have vibration of the same frequency range gives rise to an ILLUSION of physical reality. The so-called. informational organs - receptors of senses of perception of the world, which allow our brain to "deploy" the frequency-information range - into the multi-dimensional volume of the living world - the "Game Field" for our soul...
An example is television. Regardless of your location, you can, by means of a receiving device (antenna + frequency converter), receive the entire range of the FENIO field of the TV world. Having passed the totality of the received fenio-flow ("white noise") through the frequency cluster "separator" (transistor), we reach the "cleaned" leader frequency, which carries the totality of semantic (fine-information) sub-frequencies. In other words, we, with the help of transistors, divide the already obtained fenio range of the surrounding field into sub-frequencies of our main perception receptors - eyes and ears.

If, however, we isolate other sub-frequencies from the leader range (fenio-channel), on which the main organs of our perception function - touch, smell and taste, then the perceived “picture” will merge for us into de facto physical reality.

Based on the fact that any so-called. a physical object in the Universe “breathes”, i.e. receives and emits energy-information in portions - vibrating strictly in the setting of its range - we get the opportunity to isolate from the "white noise" the necessary frequencies for one or another organ of our perception.

In other words, when shooting any picture with a lens, for example, a person eating an orange, we record absolutely all the phenio-radiation of this action. And if our "engineering structures" still did not allow reading and receiving frequencies other than the video-audio range, this does not mean at all that the world consists only of these two electromagnetic "colors". In fact, there is an infinite breadth of the so-called. bio-frequencies generated and perceived either by living organisms, or by some crystals that have a similar set of atoms and elements.


Having calculated, experimentally, the informational frequencies of thin electromagnetic radiation arising from the electrochemical destruction of atomic bonds in a given product (when food is chewed together with electrically conductive saliva - contacting micro current collectors on the tongue) - we can get a LIST-MENU of all taste scales in the electro-dynamic range.
The same process is universal for the “organ of smell”, i.e. nose. With the only difference that the smell is transferred to the chem. in conjunction with air molecules, and passing through the receptors of the nose - transmits information in the form of certain fanio-impulses - to the corresponding area of ​​the brain.

Next, we create a “taste menu” program for a PC (computer), which serves a mini-generator that simulates the desired frequency. "Taste channel" - through wiring (or "Wi-Fi") connects to a small gold plate. The latter falls on the language of the "viewer".
The same principle - remote transmission of smell. From the "smell" channel of the same generator, weak electrical impulses of the desired frequency are transmitted to a micro-emitter, which is attached with a special clip to the inner wall of the nose. The air, passing by the emitter plate, is charged with the frequency of information corresponding to a certain smell. Thus, by downloading an image from the Internet, as well as information about the taste and smell of any product, you can arrange a "gourmet party" - without leaving your home to visit an expensive restaurant.


Already today, communicating with a friend on a webcam, we have a feeling of close presence.
In the case of a friend, this is enough (though not for everyone ...).
But what if your interlocutor is a desirable girlfriend, and feelings of desire prevailed over feelings of abstinence? How to hug your beloved, to feel the taste of her lips and skin?
What else is needed to give the picture the fullness of physical reliability?

It turns out that quite a bit - volumetric perception of the object and tactile sensations (touch). All this, by the way, has long been invented. Holography today has reached the level of a full three-dimensional dynamic image. The sensation of touch is achieved by wearing a special thin tight-fitting suit, completely covered with the smallest conductive "pimples". (Such costumes already today allow individuals to enjoy virtual sex). Thus, your mutual touches, being applied to the "pimples" in the form of a frequency corresponding to the vibration of the skin, will create the effect of full contact.

Now, the lovers only have to turn on the whole COMPLEX picture - and they immediately fall into the world of another, VIRTUAL-PHYSICAL REALITY.
The same applies to television (or cinema). After all, even just watching the picture and hearing voices from the frame - we often forget about the current moment, experiencing life through the eyes and feelings of the TV hero. What then to say, when together with him we will breathe the same air, enjoy the taste of food and love comforts? ..

Omar Khayyam.

And now tell me, what difference does it really make to you, did you go to a meeting with a friend in another city, or did you turn on the necessary equipment - allowing you to receive the entire complex of receptor information from the place of your chosen action? He, friend, hologram sees, hears and feels you. You are his. Your physical-energy-informational (fenio) fields-essences resonate - they are both "at a friend's house" and in your body - SIMULTANEOUSLY. So, together with your phantom, you can be anywhere in the world - attending the desired events.

Improving this technology, a person gradually covers all spheres and points of the existing worlds - both within our visible reality - and in other ranges of frequency vibrations.

To make it clearer, let's give an example with the principle of operation of the TV.
Without going into technical details, we will simply describe the very principle of converting radio frequencies into a full-fledged image and sound. As we already know, the entire space around us is a collection of fenio-fields of all possible frequencies. Therefore, at any point in space there is all the information generated by TV transmitters. The only question is how perfect the devices for receiving these signals are. If you have a sensitive receiver with a wide range and a signal amplifier at your disposal, then you have the opportunity to receive and expand the picture of any TV channel. Regardless of where you are in space. Those. virtual life, "packed" in the transmitted frequencies-vibrations of fanio-fields, with the help of a beam TV generator, is unfolded into a full-fledged video image, as well as sound. Well, the above-described technologies for encoding and decoding frequency signals for other receptors make it possible to transform a simple television picture into a full-fledged physical reality...
Having mastered these technologies, a person no longer needs to fly somewhere, travel by transport, there are “material” products. For, as we remember, the world consists of processes of constant exchange of fanio-fields. And the feeling of reality is achieved due to the saturation of certain parts of the brain - through the appropriate receptors - with the necessary energy information. And now, in order to eat to the full of any yummy, it will be enough to bring information to the receptors of the tongue and nose of a certain frequency, and to the receptors of the stomach - also a certain density and tension, energy. Those. start a virtual digestion process. Knowing the exact composition of atoms, the configuration and frequency of their interaction fields, nothing prevents you from getting an energy-saturated, fenio-hologram of this product.

Let's sum up the RESULTS.

As you can see, humanity today is at the stage of its physical-energy-informational transition ("quantum leap") to a higher level of existence. (The Bible says: not everyone will die, but everyone will change ... suddenly, in an instant - they will be transformed into light ... And the perishable body will become incorruptible ... etc.).

The technologies described above just make it possible to implement the ancient prediction program. The time has come for the arrival of the “divine world”.

Only now a logical question arises: if today at this level of development we thought of the above technologies, then what prevented our creators from laying all this in ourselves? After all, we are created in the image and likeness of the Creator - the Supreme Mind. And, therefore, when the time comes, then the higher abilities and power of the spiritual and physical plan, inherent in us and not previously manifested (because of our childhood), materialize. And the “pieces of iron” that help to understand and master their own capabilities are just a “crutch”, a “wheelchair” for a child trying to take his first steps ...

====== ======

So, “Life is a Game, a Theater. And all the people here - artists and spectators - at the same time " . Remember this. Play sincerely and from the heart. But do not forget and do not flirt - breaking bones, destinies and lives themselves - to other, less experienced players. May this Performance bring joy and satisfaction to all of us - and not pain and disappointment. Don't we deserve it?

Evgeny Gigauri -
AiF -


P . S . For everyone who is determined to translate the Game and move from the World of wars, crises and hatred to a higher level stage (the World of Light, Reason and Love), the following Scenario is offered:

1. Create on Midgard-Earth -

CON. Real Democracy. Operating principle -

For those wishing to participate in the New Game: "The move of the White Horse" - Org-Project of Action-

How is the Universe arranged?

The story of astrophysicist Sergei Popov about the ten most important facts underlying the modern picture of the world

Wall newspapers of the charitable educational project "Briefly and clearly about the most interesting" are intended for schoolchildren, parents and teachers of St. Petersburg. Our goal: schoolchildren- to show that gaining knowledge can become a simple and exciting activity, to teach to distinguish reliable information from myths and conjectures, to tell that we live in a very interesting time in a very interesting world; parents- help in choosing topics for joint discussion with children and planning family cultural events; teachers- offer bright visual material, saturated with interesting and reliable information, to enliven lessons and extracurricular activities.

We choose important topic, are looking for specialist who can reveal it and prepare the material, we adapt its text for the school audience, we compose it all in the format of a wall newspaper, print a circulation and take it to a number of organizations in St. Petersburg (district education departments, libraries, hospitals, orphanages, etc.) for free distribution. Our resource on the Internet is a wall newspaper site a site where our wall newspapers are presented in two forms: for self-printing on a life-size plotter and for comfortable reading on the screens of tablets and phones. There are also Group Vkontakte and a thread on the website of the St. Petersburg parents of Littlevan, where we discuss the release of new newspapers. Please send comments and suggestions to: [email protected] .

The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia is returning astronomy to schools (Order No. 506 of June 7, 2017). Pupils, parents and teachers, I think, would be happy with high-quality additional materials on this subject. We asked the well-known astrophysicist and popularizer of science Sergei Borisovich Popov for help in compiling the issue with the fundamental title "How does the Universe work?". It is unlikely that anyone else could so professionally and intelligibly tell about the main facts that underlie the modern picture of the world. This brief summary of the most important information on astrophysics logically continues the material of our last issue - "The main astronomical discoveries: from the time of Galileo to the present day."


Over the years of study, today's schoolchildren do not have time to form an adequate picture of the world. Contrary to popular belief, school teaching of astronomy in the USSR was not up to par. In addition, astrophysics has been one of the most rapidly developing sciences over the past decades. That is, the knowledge of astrophysics that adults received at school 30-40 years ago is significantly outdated. As a result, for the most part, people have a rather vague idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow the world works on a scale larger than the orbits of the planets in the solar system.

I set myself the task of making a summary of the most important information on astrophysics that would fit on an A4 sheet. Everything on this list can be stated in about an hour lecture (or a couple of lessons at school, taking into account the answers to questions). Of course, many details had to be neglected. Not included in the list are such “childish” questions as “why is it hot in summer and cold in winter”, “why do eclipses happen”, “what revolves around what”, etc. However, they are already very simple and are considered in nature studies lessons, and not astronomy.

So, let's try to compose, like a puzzle, a single astrophysical picture of the world from just ten elements.

1. The Sun is an ordinary star on the outskirts of our Galaxy. The distance from the Sun to the nearest star is 4 light years.

1-1. This beautiful ultraviolet photograph of the Sun was obtained by combining three differently colored images showing different wavelengths (Alzate / SDO).

1-2. A powerful plasma ejection that occurred on the Sun on August 31, 2012, recorded by the SDO space observatory. Two days later, the earth's magnetosphere responded with unusually bright auroras, which were admired even in the Hawaiian Islands (NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center).

The sun is the most common star (one of about 400 billion in our galaxy). Thermonuclear reactions take place in its bowels - hydrogen turns into helium. Gravity tends to collapse the star, and internal pressure counteracts this. It is important that the Sun and small stars in the night sky are, in fact, one and the same. By the way, this immediately allows us to roughly estimate the distances to the stars. How far does the Sun need to be moved to become as faint as a star in the night sky? Now the Sun is at a distance of 150 million km from the Earth (this distance is taken as one astronomical unit). It turns out that it needs to be moved hundreds of thousands of times further in order for it to catch up in its brilliance with the stars of the night sky.

Light from the Sun takes 8.5 minutes to reach us. And the distance between stars in the Galaxy is usually a few light years. A light year is the distance that a beam of light travels in a year, approximately 10 trillion (10¹³) km. In professional literature, parsecs are more commonly used (a light year is approximately 0.3 parsecs).

The sun is evolving. Its age is about 5 billion years. In another 5 billion years, the hydrogen in its core will run out. The sun will turn into a red giant and then into a white dwarf.

2. The solar system extends far beyond the orbit of Pluto and ends approximately midway between the Sun and neighboring stars.

2-1. A drawing showing the comparative sizes of the Sun and the planets (the distances between them are shown arbitrarily). Do you know the memory of the planets in order? “You can fly beyond Mars by making a jewelry turn at it” - according to the first letters of the words (The International Astronomical Union / Martin Kornmesser).

2-2. Estimated view of the Oort cloud, off-scale drawing (NASA).

2-3. Photo of the nucleus of the Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet, taken on September 19, 2014 by the Rosetta spacecraft. Consists of two colliding nuclei measuring 4.1×3.2×1.3 km and 2.5×2.5×2.0 km (ESA/Rosetta/NAVCAM).

2-4. Halley's comet (appearance 1066) on a tapestry from the city of Bayeux in Normandy, 1080 (

Where does the solar system end? 20 years ago, people would say that it was beyond the orbit of Pluto, now, probably, they will say that it is beyond the orbit of Neptune. You can also recall the periodic headlines that appear in the news that the Voyager spacecraft flew out of the solar system (the distance to Voyager 1 is 140 astronomical units; this is the most distant artificial object from us). In fact, the solar system is much larger. Think: after all, if the solar system ended, then something had to begin. It must be a system around some other star. Imagine that you are flying in a spaceship, open a window and throw a piece of paper into it. If it began to revolve around the Sun, then you are still in the solar system. And if the piece of paper has already begun to rotate around another star, then you are in the system of this star. The solar system ends where the Sun's gravitational influence compares to that of neighboring stars. That is, approximately in the middle between the Sun and the nearest stars. Accordingly, if the distance to the nearest stars is light years, then the solar system has a size of the order of several light years. Thus, the solar system is a very large formation, thousands of times larger than the orbits of the most distant planets. And you will have to wait tens of thousands of years for the Voyagers to fly out of the solar system.

It can also be said that the boundary of the solar system is conditionally outlined by the "Oort cloud". The Dutch astronomer Jan Goorth is known for being the first to substantiate the hypothesis of the rotation of the Galaxy around its center. The Oort Cloud is an interesting object that contains tens of billions of cometary nuclei. They have been here since the formation of the solar system. There was a large cloud, its central part collapsed, forming the Sun and planets. Comets also formed in the inner parts of the solar system, but then were thrown out from there by the gravitational influence of large planets, primarily Jupiter. Under the influence of nearby stars, some nuclei (and these are ten-kilometer pieces of ice) leave the cloud and approach the Sun. The ice begins to evaporate, the nuclei grow tails and they turn into big beautiful comets. Objects like the Oort cloud are also known from other stars.

3. Stars are born and die, enriching the chemical composition of the Galaxy with new elements.

3-1. One of the "star cradles" is the Mystic Mountain dust columns in the Carina Nebula (7.5 thousand light years away). Hubble Space Telescope photo (NASA, ESA, M. Livio and the Hubble 20th Anniversary Team).

3-2. This panorama of the Orion Nebula (1,500 light-years away) is assembled from 500 frames from the Hubble Space Telescope and several ground-based telescopes. In these gas and dust clouds there are more than three thousand stars of different sizes and ages (NASA, ESA, M. Robberto - Space Telescope Science Institute / ESA and the Hubble Space Telescope Orion Treasury Project Team).

3-3. The triple nebula in the constellation Sagittarius is a young star forming region (ESO).

The most surprising fact about stars that people have learned in the last 150 years is that stars evolve. Stars continue to form today, from interstellar gas and dust. This is how their life journey begins, then they evolve and die. The evolution of a star is a change in thermonuclear reactions in its depths. First, hydrogen turns into helium, then helium into carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and so on, up to the elements of the iron group.

Light stars, like our Sun, live for a very long time (tens of billions of years) and at the end of their lives do not explode, but swell and shed their outer layers. Not one of the smallest stars has died yet. They are all alive, even if they originated in the first 100 million years after the Big Bang. Heavier stars do not live very long (several million years) and can explode. To do this, they need to be 10 times heavier than the Sun. They create within themselves a very large pressure, density and temperature. Thermonuclear reactions are very intense there, so they shine brightly and quickly burn out the supply of "fuel". As a result of the explosion (it is called a supernova explosion), the outer layers of the star, enriched with synthesized elements, are dumped into interstellar space. This is how the chemical composition of the Galaxy changes today.

If you're going to write a science fiction novel, don't write that your character was born on a planet near, say, a massive blue star. The fact is that such stars live 2 million years, and the planet takes 10 million years to form. I'm not talking about the fact that no evolution will begin there, and no hero of your novel will be born, even if he is a bacterium. Even if a star is only twice as heavy as the Sun, it does not live long enough for life to originate on its planets.

4. At the end of their lives, stars turn into white dwarfs, neutron stars or black holes.

4-1. The life cycle of a star depending on its mass (according to

4-2. The Helix Nebula (the closest planetary nebula to us, 700 light years) in the constellation Aquarius is a beautiful “monument” to a star like our Sun that died ten thousand years ago (ESO).

4-3. The Cat's Eye Nebula (3000 light-years away) in the constellation Draco is another view of the final stage in the evolution of a star like our Sun after it runs out of fusion fuel (NASA, ESA, and The Hubble Heritage Team - STScI / AURA ).

4-4. The Eskimo Nebula (3,000 light-years away) in the constellation Gemini. 10 thousand years ago, in the place of this nebula, there was a star similar to our Sun. Like most photographs of space objects, this image was made by combining data obtained by optical, infrared and X-ray telescopes in false colors. But every detail of these mesmerizing views, although not visible to the eye even from a close distance, actually exists (Andrew Fruchter - STScI et al., WFPC2, HST, NASA).

4-5. The Homunculus Nebula (8 thousand light years away) appeared in the sky as a result of the ejection of matter from the supergiant star Eta Carinae, the largest star known to science (120 solar masses and 240 diameters). In the center of the image, a purple glow is visible - a reflection of the light of Eta Carina. Within a few million years, it can explode as a bright supernova (N. Smith, J. A. Morse - U. Colorado et al., NASA).

So, the life of a star has a beginning and an end. And at the end of its life, after the source of energy runs out, some very small remnant remains from the star: a white dwarf, a neutron star or a black hole.

A white dwarf is obtained from a star like our Sun, and without any explosion. It is an object the size of the Earth and the mass of the Sun. Its density is so high that the electron shells of atoms are destroyed, and the substance becomes an electron-nuclear plasma. One of the first known white dwarfs was discovered by studying the brightest star in the night sky, Sirius. It turned out that his companion is white, small and very heavy.

If the star's mass is several times that of the sun, powerful gravity will turn electrons and protons into neutrons, and the compression will go even further. In this case, a neutron star is formed - a very interesting object with ultra-high temperature and density, super-powerful magnetic and gravitational fields. Just imagine a star with the mass of the Sun and a radius of only 10 km, which rotates around its axis in one thousandth of a second!

The most massive stars turn into black holes. The gravitational attraction of a black hole is so strong that even photons cannot escape it. We do not yet have an exact theory that fully describes the internal structure of black holes.

5. Our Galaxy is one of 100 billion in the visible part of the Universe. The size of the Galaxy is about 100 thousand light years. The nearest similar galaxy is about 2.5 million light-years away.

5-1. The Andromeda Galaxy (2.5 million light-years away) is the closest spiral galaxy to us (Adam Evans).

5-2. The Triangulum Galaxy (3 million light-years away) is our second spiral neighbor. The inset shows the largest "stellar cradle" in the Local Group of Galaxies (Alexander Meleg and NASA).

5-3. The Bode Galaxy (12 million light-years away) in the constellation Ursa Major is another neighbor of our Galaxy. write that "a very experienced amateur astronomer, under exceptionally favorable conditions, can see this galaxy with the naked eye." In this case, the Bode Galaxy can claim to be the most distant object in the Universe that can be observed without a telescope. (NASA, ESA, N. Smith, U. California, Berkeley et al., and The Hubble Heritage Team - STScI/AURA).

5-4. The Cigar Galaxy is located near the Bode Galaxy and is possibly its satellite. Unusual polar ejecta are caused by supernova explosions that occur here about once every ten years (M. Mountain - STScI, P. Puxley - NSF, J. Gallagher - U. Wisconsin).

5-5. Interacting Whirlpool galaxies (23 million light-years away) in the constellation Canis Hounds (S. Beckwith - STScI, Hubble Heritage Team - STScI / AURA, ESA, NASA).

5-6. The Spindle Galaxy (44 million light-years away) in the constellation Draco is turned edge to us, which makes it possible to clearly see dark regions of cosmic dust in the galactic plane. By the way, one of the galaxies that we see edge-on (albeit from the inside) is our Galaxy (NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage Team STScI / AURA).

5-7. A group of interacting galaxies Stephan's Quintet (300 million light-years away) in the constellation Pegasus. One of the galaxies (upper right) is much closer - about 40 million light years from us - and does not participate in the interaction (NASA, ESA and the Hubble SM4 ERO Team).

5-8. The Tadpole Galaxy (420 million light-years away) in the constellation Draco. The space tadpole received its tail during a collision with a neighboring galaxy (ACS Science & Engineering Team, NASA).

All the stars that we see in the sky are the stars of our galaxy. You may notice that there is a hazy band of the Milky Way that stretches across the sky. It is made up of a huge number of stars. Together they make up our Galaxy, it contains about 400 billion stars. In addition to stars, the Galaxy consists of gas and dust, and, importantly, of dark matter. It makes the main contribution to the mass of matter in our Galaxy. The size of the Galaxy is large enough to accommodate all these hundreds of billions of stars, the distance between which is measured in light years. The size of the Galaxy is about 100 thousand light years, that is, from one of its edges to the other, light will travel about 100 thousand years.

We see how the stars rotate near the very center of the Galaxy and we can calculate what mass makes them rotate in these orbits. It turns out that in the very center of the Galaxy, where no bright source is visible, there is something with a mass of 4 million solar masses. And the only reasonable explanation for this is that this faint and supermassive object is a black hole.

We still don't know much about our Galaxy, because we can't fly outside of it and look at it from the outside. For example, we don't know how many spiral arms the Galaxy has. But we know that our Galaxy is similar to some other spiral galaxies, in particular, to our neighbor - the Andromeda Nebula galaxy. Interestingly, there are about the same number of stars in the bright spiral arms as in the dark space between the arms. It's just that young bright stars are actively formed in the arms (and they are clearly visible), and between the arms there are faint stars (which are poorly visible).

Galaxies are of different types, but more or less they can be divided into three groups. There are disk galaxies similar to ours. Very often in these discs there are beautiful spirals that we all love to look at in photographs. There are elliptical galaxies. They may look like a flattened ball of stars. And, finally, there are irregular (irregular) galaxies. They don't have any particular form. As a rule, this irregularity is due to the fact that the galaxy is very light, and it simply did not have enough mass to line up its stars in a certain order. Or this galaxy has recently interacted with another galaxy of comparable mass, so its shape has been significantly distorted. Galaxies are grouped into clusters, and on a larger scale, into superclusters.

6. Planets exist not only around the Sun, but also around other stars. They are called exoplanets. More than 3,000 exoplanets have already been discovered. Planetary systems can be very different from each other.

6-1. The triple star Gliese Gliese 667 (23 light-years away) with planets in the habitable zone and the region of active star formation Cat's Paw (5.5 thousand light-years away) in the constellation Scorpio. Image from the European Southern Observatory (ESO / Digitized Sky Survey 2).

6-2. The planetary system of the star HR 8799 (130 light-years away) in the constellation Pegasus. Photo of the Keck Observatory on Mauna Kea in Hawaii. Compiled even video sequence planetary motions obtained over 7 years of observations (Jason Wang et al.).

An important recent discovery is the discovery of other planetary systems. The solar system was not unique, there are also planets around other stars. We call them "exoplanets" and they are also a very important part of our galaxy. We now know that it is rather difficult to find a star without a planetary system. Therefore, the number of planets is several times greater than the number of stars in the Galaxy, and we can already talk about thousands of billions of planets in our Galaxy.

People have long suspected the existence of exoplanets, but it turned out to be very difficult to prove. This happened in the early 1990s, and for the last twenty-odd years we have enjoyed a flood of discoveries in the field of exoplanetary astronomy. Sometimes we directly observe exoplanets (even entire systems of exoplanets), we see how they revolve around their stars. But still, it is difficult to directly observe exoplanets. And not because they are so dim, but because the stars are so bright. People have learned to register exoplanets in several ways at once. So, the Kepler satellite simultaneously monitored the brightness of about 200 thousand stars. When a planet passes exactly between us and its star, Kepler registers the star's dimming. The second way is that the planet, when moving around the star, shakes it a little, forcing it to rotate around the center of mass of the entire system. And by fixing the parameters of this wobble, it is possible to calculate the mass and period of revolution of this planet. There are other methods for detecting exoplanets.

Now we know more than 3 thousand exoplanets, and we have more than 20 thousand candidates, of which well over half will be confirmed.

7. The Universe was born about 14 billion years ago very hot and super dense. During the expansion, the Universe cooled down and became less dense, protons, neutrons, electrons appeared. Then there were stars and galaxies.

7-1. The main stages of the evolution of the Universe (NASA / WMAP Science Team).

7-2. Major Events in the History of the Universe (NASA / CXC / M. Weiss, translated by

7-3. According to the Big Bang theory, the Universe at the time of formation was in an extremely dense and hot state (Fredrik).

7-4. Formation and collapse of protogalactic clouds (figure) one billion years after the Big Bang (Adolf Schaller / NASA).

If the Universe were infinite, stationary and evenly filled with stars, then wherever we looked, our gaze would rest on some star. And the whole sky, even at night, would shine like the surface of the sun. This conclusion is known as the photometric paradox (or Olbers paradox, after the German astronomer who drew attention to it in the 19th century). Maybe it's dark at night because the light of distant stars is obscured by clouds of cosmic dust? No. By virtue of the law of conservation of energy, the dust itself must heat up and glow as brightly as stars. Now we can say that the sky is "dark" in the X-rays, and in the infrared, and in other rays too.

The only solution to Olbers' paradox is to assume that the stars "end" somewhere. Moreover, given the finiteness of the speed of light (300 thousand km / s), the stars end not in space, but in time. The Universe has a finite age - about 13.7 billion years. This age is set in a variety of ways, and they all give a similar result. Thus, we do not see light from stars whose age would exceed these same 13.7 billion years - because there were no stars at all then. This explains why the sky is dark at night.

13.7 billion years ago something happened that we call the Big Bang, in which our universe was born. After that, it began to expand. This is an observational fact. In the beginning, the universe was very hot and dense. We see the radiation that comes from this early hot universe. It hasn't gone anywhere, it's just cold. By the way, a noticeable percentage of "ripples" on an empty TV channel is caused by this very radiation. At some point, the hot matter of the universe is said to have recombined: the electrons "attached" to the nuclei. The “dark times” have come: this neutral substance does not radiate anything, and there are no stars yet. Modeling shows that where the density of the matter turned out to be slightly higher, clots appeared, clouds in which the very first stars lit up over time. These clusters were attracted to each other, forming the first galaxies. Stars evolved and exploded, giving birth to the very first black holes.

8. Only a part of the Universe is available to us for observation. Beyond this boundary, the physical world does not end. The farther away an object is, the earlier we see its past.

8-1. The galaxy cluster Abell 2218 (3 billion light-years away) in the constellation Draco. The gravity of this massive and compact cluster bends and focuses light from galaxies far behind it. As a result, numerous images of these background galaxies are distorted into long arcs. A similar effect can be seen when looking at street lights through a magnifying glass (Andrew Fruchter - STScI et al., WFPC2, HST, NASA).

8-2. In this "extreme deep image" of the sky in the constellation Furnace - the oldest of all observable galaxies. They formed immediately after the "dark age", 13 billion years ago, when the age of the universe was only a few percent of its value in our time. To obtain this image, more than 2,000 photographs taken by Hubble over 10 years (NASA, ESA, G. Illingworth, D. Magee, and P. Oesch - UCSC, R. Bouwens - Leiden Obs., and the XDF Team).

8-3. The visible Universe relative to the earthly observer. Drawing on a logarithmic scale (Pablo Carlos Budassi).

Due to the finite age of the observable Universe and the finiteness of the speed of light, we have to study the Universe by observing only a small part of it. Light from more distant objects simply did not have time to reach us. But the universe is bigger than this observable region. But how much more, unfortunately, we cannot say.
We see distant objects "in the past". We see the sun as it was about 8 minutes ago. Looking through a telescope at the Andromeda galaxy, which is 2.5 million light years away, we see events that took place there 2.5 million years ago. And, observing galaxies, the light from which went to us for 12 billion years, we see that they have not even had time to unite into clusters. Thus, the more distant objects we consider, the deeper we plunge into their past.

9. Almost all the chemical elements that make up everything around us, including ourselves, were born in stars as a result of thermonuclear reactions or supernova explosions. Before the formation of stars, the universe consisted of hydrogen and helium.

9-1. The periodic table, in which the origin of chemical elements is indicated in different colors (Cmglee with changes).

9-2. The Crab Nebula (6.5 thousand light-years away) in the constellation Taurus is the result of a supernova explosion that occurred in 1054. According to the records of Arab and Chinese astronomers, the flash was visible to the naked eye even during the day. Until now, gas and dust clouds are flying apart at a speed of 1.5 thousand kilometers per second. They are illuminated from the inside by a small (only 25 kilometers) neutron star that rotates at a speed of 30 revolutions per second (NASA, ESA and Allison Loll / Jeff Hester, Arizona State University).

The universe began hot and dense, after which the expansion began. Complex structures cannot exist in hot and dense matter. Remember the end of the second series of the Terminator, where Schwarzenegger descends into hot metal. And in the early Universe, complex structures could not exist, including the nuclei of chemical elements, the nuclei of atoms. At some point, the universe cools down, becomes less dense, and hydrogen is created. Neutrons and protons arise, and from them one can begin to compose other nuclei of elements. But this takes very little time - a few minutes. And the calculations showed that it was very difficult to move beyond helium. Thus, the Universe arises consisting of hydrogen and helium. It was from these two elements that the first generations of stars consisted. Again, if you're writing a science fiction novel, don't force your character to be born 100 million years after the Big Bang, because then he would have to be hydrogen and helium.

Stars evolve, thermonuclear reactions take place in them, during which elements up to the elements of the iron group can be formed. By the way, the main supplier of iron in the Universe is white dwarfs. We know that the cores of massive stars are made of iron, but this iron is not ejected afterwards, it is part of neutron stars and black holes. And white dwarfs explode as a whole. This is a thermonuclear explosion with the complete destruction of the star, and a lot of iron is ejected.

In supernova explosions, even heavier elements are synthesized, and the next generation of stars appears already enriched in these heavy elements. Over time, there are more and more heavy elements in the Universe, and less and less hydrogen. Nevertheless, most of the matter of the Universe (not counting the "dark matter", about which - a little later) still remains in hydrogen, which will never enter the stars, because it is scattered in intergalactic space.

Thus, almost all the chemical elements that we encounter in life, including the atoms in our body, have been inside some star (and, most likely, inside several generations of stars).

10. There are only a few percent of ordinary matter in the Universe. 25% of the density of the Universe is associated with dark matter, and 70% with dark energy. Due to dark energy, the universe is expanding faster and faster.

10-1. Computer simulation of the large-scale structure of the Universe. Yellow - "ordinary" matter (stars, galaxies, gas, etc.), purple - dark matter (Virgo Consortium).

10-2. Six billion light-years away in the constellation Cetus, we are witnessing the result of a collision between two giant clusters of galaxies. They were moving towards each other at a speed of several thousand kilometers per second - one on the left side of the picture, the other on the right. The cluster gas molecules collided and slowed down. This "heap" of gas, shown as the pink spot in the center of the image, is observed by the Chandra space laboratory in X-rays. And the dark matter particles of both clusters continued their movement as if nothing had happened and are now flying in opposite directions (blue spots). Studying the consequences of such grandiose cosmic cataclysms will make it possible to clarify the properties of dark matter, about which little is known so far (NASA, ESA, CXC, M. Bradac - UCSB & S. Allen - Stanford).

The universe consists not only of "ordinary matter" included in the periodic table. Modern research shows that ordinary matter accounts for about 5% of the total density of the universe. 95% is determined by something else. What - we do not know for sure, but there is a very good hypothesis. Most likely, dark matter makes the main contribution to the mass of galaxies and clusters of galaxies. It is about five times more than usual, that is, it is responsible for 25% of the total density of the universe. This is some kind of elementary particles that are not included in the Standard Model. This matter can clump together, so we can say: here is a galaxy, here is a halo of dark matter around it, here there is more dark matter, and here there is less of it. Similarly, there is a lot of dark matter in clusters of galaxies, and little between clusters, for example, in voids (a void is the space between the filaments of a large-scale structure, in which galaxies and clusters are almost absent).

What is the remaining 70% connected with? Now we think that they are connected with dark energy. In the late 1990s, it was discovered that our universe is expanding faster and faster. Moreover, for the first few billion years, the Universe expanded with a slowdown, as we might expect, and then suddenly began to expand faster and faster. There is some additional component in the Universe that causes galaxies to repel and move away from each other. In order to describe this effect, this very dark energy was needed. Using observational data, we can calculate how much dark energy is needed to describe the world that astronomical instruments reveal to us. And it turns out that dark energy should be responsible for 70% of the total density of the universe.


So, we have seen that the Universe is arranged, on the one hand, simply enough that all the basic facts about it can be quickly listed. And, on the other hand, the Universe is arranged quite diversely, since one can write whole books about each fact we mentioned. We also saw two big blind spots: we have no direct data on dark matter and no direct data on dark energy. But we hope that over the next few years (or maybe decades) we will be able to significantly supplement the astronomical picture of the world.

» Webinar of the Russian Textbook Corporation, June 2017

For links to other sources and additional materials, see the online version of our last issue: “The main astronomical discoveries. The story of astrophysicist Sergei Popov about the ten most important astronomical discoveries from the time of Galileo to the present day.


Zasov A. V., Postnov K. A. Course of General Astrophysics (2nd ed.: Fryazino: Vek 2, 2011).

Sky and Telescope, Solar System, Stars, Galaxies (Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2008-2016).

Harrison E. Cosmology: The Science of the Universe (2nd ed.: Cambridge University Press, 2000).

Reshetnikov V.P. Why the sky is dark. How the Universe Works (Fryazino: Vek 2, 2012).

Rubin S.G. The structure of our Universe (3rd ed.: Fryazino: Vek 2, 2016) .

Appendix 1: Scales of the Universe

Thank you, friends, for your attention to our publication. We would be very grateful for your feedback. In our next issues: modern studies of the Bronze Horseman and the Thunder Stone, the Alexander Column, animal tracks, plants of the Leningrad Region, the Vikings and the prehistory of Russia and other interesting topics. We remind you that our partners in their organizations distribute our wall newspapers for free.

Read our other issues dedicated to astronomy and astronautics.

44. Briefly and clearly about meteorites (interview with Dmitry Wiebe).

27. Space House: The ISS device (interview with astronaut Frank De Winne).

11. A brief history of astronautics (from the wings of Icarus to the curious rover).


Dear Reader, hello!
The content of my poem is at least curious for those who want to discover something new.

The poem consists of 9 following parts:

1. Prologue. Diversity of the Universe
2. Nature as a small part of the Universe
3. Many Universes in Nature...
4. About our Universe in Nature
5. Galaxies
6. Each star has its own destiny
7. Our solar system. God, Devil
8. Earth is a thinking planet
9. Man and his illusions about the world

Part 1. Prologue. Diversity of the Universe

The essence of the poem is difficult, and the writing style is difficult!
Maybe in vain you took up reading it?
You will be puzzled and alarmed by the meaning,
Or are you yearning for the Cosmos?
Or from the name as if awakened,
Maybe it was just curiosity...
I respect, however, if I learned
Take any knowledge to your own growth!

How is the big Universe organized?
The man asked the question more than once.
I am happy to share my knowledge with the reader,
I want the reader to try to understand.
I understand, describe what you do not know,
Impossible authentic and beautiful.
You detract from superficial texts,
All the Greatness of the Universe and Truthfulness!

Man (microbe inside His System)
He raised his head and babbles importantly:
Why do I need space, I see the earthly world,
Everything necessary for life is provided.
There is no “microbe” in the head:
And the Earth, and the World of Universes, the World of Galaxies -
Everything inside the living Organism of God?!
God inside the living Essence?! Where are the facts?

Which of these will leave my page,
At best, read, at least a little.
He dreams of achieving "heights" on Earth,
And only the earthly road calls him.

I'll wait for you, reader, my companion!
Like me, the earthly world has long been small for you.
He raised us, he was the best mother ...
We have matured, the Cosmos has become interesting!

So I will start a poem about the Universe?!
Where I write. Where is the voice, from above, as if.
To the growth for the soul of the cosmic theme,
If you have confidence in her, sure.

True construction of the Universe
The man did not know and will not know soon.
Only grains give us high knowledge
Through the best modern contactors.

... The universe is a certain volume,
But for a man it is archi-infinite.
According to the Laws of His growth! Everything that exists is inhabited,
Everything is alive! There are many living beings in Him! Forever!
There is not everything in the Universe itself, -
On the basis of Plans, wider,
Put into action much earlier
A higher level of development!
At the appointed time, everything arises in Him
In strict accordance only with the "gene" code
Cosmoorganism. We understand
Only a Part of It: as the Essence of everything!

There are many different dimensions in the Universe -
Thousands! (From the predestination from Above.)
Thousands (in, out) to the development of directions!
Thousands of peaks of knowledge are beckoning in the heights!

Can a person imagine
Systematization and communication
Of this great variety?
Not!! The essence of the Universe rarely excites.

Multidimensionality comes from where
All constructions of living forms, growing worlds?
This is an unknown miracle for people.
And for the Higher Ones, the answer is simple – for those “going up”!

The older the world, the more dimensions it has.
More dimensions - more directions
For its development. The more complex the world, the more valuable
There are more evolutionary accomplishments in it.
The upper world, with a huge number of dimensions,
Possesses powerful energies.
Because something low (that without a doubt)
With its power, the High will crush!

In every dimension (meaning in every world)
The energy indicators are good.
To feel comfortable in them - you need
Match your energy.
The transition to the Plan above - through the acquisition
Essence (Essence, soul, individual)
Properties and qualities of the next dimension
And energies of new accumulation of species.

An ignorant man, not comprehending the truths,
New esoteria without heeding - deprives
Moving myself with the universe together
Into a new cycle of development! Hinders himself!
Existing Cosmos Models,
Created by man in the past in the old
Not suitable for today, outdated!
Well, we are given new ones, with a long-range calculation.
It is important for a person to become open to knowledge,
And in ignorance it is thoughtless to remain.
Cosmic truths are ajar.
Stop hiding from them and closing up!

... The Universe of Essence and Essence is built,
States, Substances and Souls.
Precisely and according to plans, anyone is being built!
And nothing will violate the higher order!

Create spaces with a matrix base,
What makes it possible to receive "plots"
Properties of certain required qualities of new
With the transition of properties one to another frequent.
Matrix - with hierarchical construction
All their cells. This allows
For space does not remain unchanged,
The evolution of space helps.

But any amount of space is limited.
In a given volume, everything that happens
control the limits,
Saved space style in the work.
The boundaries of the significance of space are great
At least for evolutions, at least for involutions:
If in limited growth, permanence,
So, Nature's development will become better!
For example, the boundaries in our body
All systems and organs have it. Everybody knows.
The liver, suddenly, will capture the kidney area, say?
The death of the body is inevitable! ..
Strictly in their places at the Universe
Any part of Him with its own border!
There are limits to everyone's connections! And at will
You can't just move...

In the Universe existed forever,
From the energies, the Subtle Worlds first.
Their origin goes to infinity,
Into the one that our Universe did not know!

But the moment came when in the Worlds arose
Beings have energy needs
Rough material to create with a special cycle,
So that, developing, he could walk into Eternity.
Energy Beings Themselves
Do not manipulate material.
Through intermediate states
They do it all: through material!
Created by Energy Creatures
Higher Material System!
(Essences from this System stayed
In form and energy at the same time.)

And already from this Creature of the System
Create processes to the lowest from the highest!
Passionate about the concentration of energies,
They try to compact them to a lower form.
The lowest level of the physical Im to
With the required density of matter to do,
Intermediate series of Levels (solid samples)
With a decrease in their order, you need to do it!

The energy level has been reduced several times ...
There are a lot of rough low qualities in her!
After all, until then, the energy was condensed,
To become a solid plasma, soil, stone!

... She cannot live, grow without time
Rough matter. her first
They will connect with time (albeit difficult),
And she will go under his command.
Time has no freedom
That is why from Above this program
With maximum precision and performs!
(And matter does not do what is desired.)
And the program sets goals for matters:
What qualities does she need to acquire.
Time controls in the process, in business.
Together they go to the goal, together, together!
The Higher created time on purpose,
There were no vegetation in the matter.
And it, working with her thoroughly,
And it grows itself to eternal states!

Hierarchy of Matter creation
All matter, from the lowest, allows
Improve to the right states,
It helps her to go into energy form!

... Now they are divided into energy
And the physical volumes of all spaces.
Any spaces have matrices.
With only subtle energy at the core!

Here are all the physical particles build
Space matrices are thin! structures:
They fill the subtle energies with spectra,
What comes from their physical "nature".
And due to such physical work
Rough spectrum in terms of the composition of energy drinks
Cells will be filled in the matrix.
(Man is an example of these gross energies.)

Only thin spaces made of energies!
There are no physical particles in them, rough low.
The essence of your energies in the matrix, at least how much,
She is gaining thin ones, who are close to her in spirit.

... At the worlds of energy (or thin)
Dual birth nature:
Some begin from a certain zone,
So to speak, from the “energy kind”.
And others (few of them) - from rough plans
Grow up. He serves them like a base.
"Natives" that from the physical "clan",
Those - of special properties, with a "color" dissimilar ...

Thin want energy concepts
I touch on this part in conclusion.
Beyond human perception
Whole she is, not like in division.
People agree with the obvious fact
Sooner, later - it will have to, everyone - not right away:
Create subtle energies
Subtle all matter variety!
The physical world (like our material world)
Everything is inside the subtle energies.
That is, the Highest World Volume is not distant!
It is difficult to penetrate if there is no deep knowledge.
Subtle energies all possess
The property of penetrating into the world, which is closer.
(Penetrating physical strength is not enough,
Since their energy is much lower.)
Subtle energy - with the material in connection.
The world is one, but the subtle spirit is always primary!
Higher, lower, body, spirit ... - live in harmony, ..
Low, remember that matter is secondary.

Part 2. Nature as a small part of the Universe

I warned you, reader,
That this poem will be difficult to read!
I deciphered the impulse from Above as best I could.
Little experience. And yes, I am a poor poet.
Be more forgiving! I've been writing for three years
Limited, moreover, the resource of the little mind.
Though I try to give the line a free flight,
Often difficult, just too much!

But on the other hand (I will stand in defense
All the inept hacks, how clumsy I am):
In vain tell us "there is no data for poetry",
Our lines will also become majestic!
Who today is known for poetry,
Fascinates with precise rhyme, syllable,
In past lives he was like us - unknown,
And he had many simple, clumsy verses.

There is no gift from God! Into the soul of accumulation
We recruit only from our own efforts!
The main wealth of incarnation lives is
The energy that enters the soul.
Great esoteric, no doubt
The power that gives the soul, energy!
Therefore, in my verse, take what is valuable:
Information about Space, soul, eternity.

... The verse about Nature continues the poem.
There are many Natures in our Universe!
The Universe for Nature is
External (as environment) volume of existence.
Nature is like a cell in an organism in general
Creatures of scale. And, as in a matryoshka:
The volume that is smaller is located in the larger one.
There will be a larger volume in the other - it is smaller.

The goals (of the Natures) of development are different,
But they always work together!
Strictly in their places, not chaotic,
Parts of Nature. There is no empty space in Him.
The form of Nature has completeness.
So, there are boundaries, Nature - of course.
What is the infinity of Nature, .. what?
In infinite level transitions!

Each spatial part, il zone -
With an evolutionary direction towards growth.
Higher in her energy ranges
With a new stage! (What were the savings.)
And thanks to the exchange energy
inner parts, progress reaches
Our Nature! Reason for the changes:
Actions, It does what it does outside.

For Him, the outer world is the Universe
With Forms (development similar) others,
Nature energy to existence
Extracts from interactions with Them.
Everything primary for Nature is outside,
Everything that is in Nature inside will be secondary.
(Analogue: breathe in, and the air is fresh
In the body, every cell will wake up.)

So it is in the Nature of individual life forms
Constantly there are changes
For example, our Universe, .. Her typical,
There is growth in Forms, renewal of energies…
Unit private from outside will receive
A portion of energies and, having processed,
With a new quality will give, but fresh, better,
Suitable for nature, for oneself and for the Universe.

That is, they enter into the Nature of energy,
Then they come out of Him, so renewal
Organism of Nature and happens,
Also, everything that is in Him has growth, accumulation.
There will be a violation of internal energies,
In the world they are in the outside if they do not enter.
If, from outside the absorption energies
It will not happen - the death of Nature will come.

For example, it was originally built
Human and soul to work.
Your indicator to grow potential -
Her duty is one of her main concerns.
If she doesn't do this,
The processes of destruction begin.
The degradation of the living leads
Everything, automatically, to destruction.

The nature grows at the expense of the Universe-cells.
Essences The soul spiritualizes them.
Under the control of the Mind, with His calculation
New cells are just emerging.
All cells, being a living structure,
Required their period live.
Whether she is old or young,
With the end of the program - sort it out!

In this place a new space is being built -
As a different Universe is different.
In the subtle plane, everything happens in the beginning,
A small one is erected, or a large part.
And through upgrades, by the way,
The cell is old so reincarnate -
It becomes new from new stages,
Allowing you to develop and rise.

All buildings, starting in the subtle plan,
They also descend into the material plane
And, then, returning to the energy world again,
Continue to create influence.
And in this technological process
Essence plays the main role in Nature,
The world is transforming according to the plot,
Also the plans of the Gods, or the Absolute.

In our world we build, similarly,
Countries, cities, then we destroy them.
Ours stands behind this God's Personality,
He leads, we do not know His plans.
Humanity and other "people" of the Universe
The grandiosity of His thoughts will be fulfilled,
Because He is the Creator, we are not a perishable layer,
He knows: with what, how, when to fill the Universe.

God (of our universe) spiritualization
He mastered, he himself creates the frames-souls,
He educates them in the right direction,
As He pleases! (We should listen to Him...)
Other Gods, or Absolutes, may
The need for worlds like ours does not arise,
And Their Universes in subtle plans serve
Powers of Nature in a certain cycle.

Possessing only a small part of Nature,
Each of the gods will equip his part
With a creative approach that has in itself,
With the results that Nature will arrange!
In the Hierarchy of Development, there are much
Nature is worth higher Essences higher
(To our God similar to you),
Everything that is inside Him is, of course, lower!

... It is difficult, impossible to imagine Nature
A very low development person!
And I myself, the author, do not want to dissemble:
A century is not enough for me to know Him!
The main thing: to want, .. strive, .. develop,
Believe in your progress - in your own spiritual growth,
Do not gravitate towards the low, but fill up
Information about the new Universe…

Part 3. Many Universes in Nature...

Many Universes in Nature! like cells
Organism of Nature that allow,
Performing functions, He lives clearly,
Souls define existence.
They don't exist on their own.
Essentially create a habitat
And vitality is so organized
Nature, so that the Universe develops!

All Universes are of two types in structure:
Energy type, material.
Their volume is concrete, as in architecture,
But the universes are all individual.
Multilevel of them - any,
That is, several or many dimensions.
They are divided into positive
Negative (sign from directions),
There are Universes neutral to the same.
Without a doubt, the physical ones are lower.
All physical only serve as the basis
For energy, which is a class higher.
There are energy without foundation
Low under a physical universe.
But the universe is clearer, of course,
We are physical with all perishable flesh.

We immediately recall our native Universe.
In her spiritual nature she is not alone,
Near dissimilar grow,
Like she, physical. There are so many of them:
A multi-level Macrocosm of some kind,
Consisting of physical matter!
Different worlds in it: low and high.
For the guardianship of the low all - the doors are open.
So they fly to us on Earth, to the low ones
On their "plates" aliens.
We can “throw out” anything... They know us.
Nature, the Universes are watching us.

It seems that in Nature the volume is huge
All the physical universes taken together!
In the general mass of the Universe, he is modest -
Three percent only ... Well, how do you know?!
The remaining ninety-seven percent
The spiritual world (of energies) occupies.
Compared to the physical, he! valuable,
The universe, if it fills with itself.

We are with you, people of the physical world,
Let's throw off the rough body from ourselves one day
And we will live in energy worlds,
It is only necessary for everyone to grow in soul!
After all, physical matter is mortal
And it is always secondary, as the need of the Higher.
Living in it, dreaming, in the secondary,
Closer to God to be and get out of the lower ones.

But while we, the inhabitants of one Universe,
Space into planets, we share the stars,
Holes and pulsars... As usual!
We are not far from others - stupidity alienates us.
We believe that we are the only intelligent people in the universe.
For most, God is a fictional good old man.
Hint "God is not alone" - they will consider it insane,
Nevertheless, I will write, I will endure, I am not one of the proud.

Many Gods of the physical Universes!
Under the command of everyone - one may be,
Three Universes, five ... But the Gods are not permanent,
And the universes are not eternal, after all, besides.
Four belong to our God,
And in one of the four we live
(His hierarchy is much wider,
It includes subtle worlds).
Personality-God, who takes care of the Universes,
Only for development in the right direction
He receives them for his own use.
Developing Himself, leads their development.
Having achieved the goal, completing the good deed,
These God left his universes,
Will move into a new, different space,
Having added the knowledge of the spaces traversed.

For comparison, it was to make it clearer to you:
On our planet, a person will receive
Own land plot. An important activity.
Works with love, roll up sleeves.
Having achieved the qualities of caring for the earth,
Man will continue the growth of the soul in creations,
After all, successes with the earth are simply obvious.
We need growth! Start writing poetry...

May the Lord forgive for rough comparisons,
It was the same with God. Only receives
He is only a space for transformation,
Divides into Universes (four).
There was a period: God needed low spectra
(What physical matter will give out),
Because the universes were born projects,
So that there are types of physical energies.
Models as he wants, all four,
Absorbs qualities from them. It's so necessary
It is asked from above so! And in the Upper World
Personality High growth, development is important!
Supervolume, in the framework of the eternal Universe,
They gave it to God for temporary use.
Will do like God of energy accumulation
In the Soul - so the calculations were justified!
And, then, the Lord will leave the universes.
The souls nurtured by Him, he will take with him.
The life of the physical Universes will be stopped,
They will disassemble into mini-parts for another.
The volume will be transferred to another God,
He reconstructs under the goals-plans.
In the universes (former) right there, little by little,
It will develop, which is desirable for others.

So the Universes are temporary, not eternal:
Born, exist, die.
Instead, they are different. Life, after all, is endless!
Nature renews its Organism in this way!

Our God will rise even higher,
Give more space at your disposal,
The grander buildings will be the former ...
This is His work, development continuation!

God - the development of new territories ...
For our soul to grow - a new skill, knowledge ...
The growth of us all is connected, moreover, without exception,
With the environment next to the transformation.

And the soul, the transforming power,
Building everything around you, and with rapture,
Giving yourself completely to the right thing,
The acquisition of one's own qualities leads.
Souls, Essences change all spaces!
They are the working force of the universe!
The relics of God determines the quantity,
Also the qualitative growth of souls, no doubt.

So souls are created for space?!
There is also space for the soul!
Only they will only develop in unity,
in mutual relations. That is their constancy!

... Our tiny souls are human,
Gaining qualities in the native Universe,
The evolutionary path is endless
Continue in the World of God invariably.
From fluff human souls
Up to a huge volume of Essences of the Highest
With a mass of energy more
They grow up, changing their lower status.

These are private goals ... On a global scale
Any labor is for the Nature of development-growth!
The work of the Gods on Nature!! Time to expand
Low consciousness to people, which is not just...

Part 4. About our Universe in Nature

People know little about the universe,
And in the famous - distorted pictures;
New knowledge is not interesting to many,
We are still far from the truth of the summit.
It's hard to see what you can't see
If the Level, moreover, is low;
I say this about those to whom "everything is false,
What does not appear before the eyes, what is not close.

If material man was born
On the material earth - will see
With his simple vision, only what he got used to,
Life does not recognize in a form other than itself.
A highly developed being sees
Your energy world is surrounded,
But he and our low world will be visible
Subtle, of energies only, complex vision!

People about the physical, and, therefore, perishable,
They don't know everything. What is Eternity of knowledge to them ...
The world of the universe consisting of energies
Remains beyond understanding.
Build the right mindset
It turns out for those who understand
That "energy is the foundation
For matters”, the true accepts.

…About the Universe. She's thirteen billion
(Human souls are less than years old, of course);
Poems-ballads are rarely written about her,
Revealing its essence, and ... death, and ... eternity.
Drawing from contactees with the God of knowledge,
Inspired, I will write a poem about her,
Helped the growth of the subconscious
Important esoteric topics.

You and I live in the physical universe
(The material world, taken into a shell),
As in an oval shape, only curved,
Not in some other, for example, square.
All space stars, interstellar gas
Occupied by planets, other bodies,
Each of the objects is connected with the others -
The highest was the calculation of the structures needed accurate.

The universe has parallel spaces
In different dimensions at the same time...
A series of evolutions (that is constancy) ...
Very complex development of the Universe:
From the low frequency range
Towards the highest - the course of the evolution of the Universe...
The expansion is volumetric conditionally -
To the border (to the frame) is unchanged!

Many Beings of our Universe
The path is different on its steps
In forms incomprehensible to people, strange, say,
Many differences in their subtle structures.

The role went to (as a low energy form)
Her "refining and distribution
Waste nature "(and to the Universe relatives
With her), as well as "all waste disposal."

The universes are different in direction;
Ours is a positive direction.
The Universe is dear to me,
To the positive and my aspiration.

Qualitative internal composition of the Universe
So different that others
They will not be able to live in an alien at all!
Do not penetrate into the universes of any!

As a living volume, the Universe is capable of
And breathe (pulsate) like inhaling and exhaling.
"Inhale" - the intake of energy into the inside of a special,
Renewing! On the "exhale" - the slag will give out.

Every living thing has a leader.
The cosmic organism, all the more so, is under control!
Even if you are an earthling, even if you are the Supreme Celestial,
Though the Star,.. Planet... You will be under control!
Only the Universe will be born young,
Immediately they will put her Leader -
The Supreme Personality (we call God),
That Universe will make a development plan.

The plan was first! (In time, taking into account
The growth of all subtle, material structures.)
Complex is not created without calculation
Growth and outcome, without long-term forecasts.
At the beginning, construction was going on on the layouts,
All processes were carefully worked out,
So that with a specific (later) incarnation
The development of the Universes proceeded without excesses.

All four created at the same time
God of the universes, including ours.
Living in unity was to be unchanged
To all the Universes, the higher lives in them, the lower ones.
The qualities of each universe are specific,
From the energies, I had to give to God,
And the Higher Plans. There are no vain
Top of the effort! The higher ones can do anything!

Our God had a grand plan,
His Subtle Systems created with Him.
The work is huge, extremely scrupulous!
Finally the time has come to join
From another Hierarchy of another God
Material Systems from higher planes
(Medical Systems to the rescue
They will join the later world to build the lower ones).

From the Hierarchy of Matter were taken
All initial energy components,
And then, based on them, we got
Elements needed by the Universes of God.
(People build a house when, then they know:
How much to take, what to knead into the foundation, into the walls ...
The level only distinguishes us from the Highest!
As we build a house, so He - the worlds of the universes.)

When creating matter with the desired property
All Creators are ready-made particles of the world
Apply! But this process is complex.
The experiments don't end soon.
Based on those particles, it is possible to create
Millions of different constructions;
Connections, transformations can be foreseen
And a variety of connections.

New particles, if God wants,
He will be able to create Himself, as an addition.
(The Hierarchy of Particles will then receive
In it, to the already existing replenishment).
Every God Creates Matter for Himself
The properties and qualities of those that he wants to have.
(In the World you can’t live otherwise even for a moment once,
He creates incompatibility with yours.)

Coming out of the energies, the appearance of matter is rough
progresses; its growth is gradual;
With a change in the level of development, there will be
To become thinner, more unusual.
Higher Material System,
For example, the highest species is
Compared to terrestrial matter.
(Only a few people know about this.)

God gave Her a task: to make a man.
We were once made in their image.
Like Them, we have a physical body,
Only low development so far.
Their matter of heights has already reached
Only thanks to the unity of faith
Bodies and souls! But the end of the loop:
Transition into energy again of all matters!

About matter, having completed the retreat,
I return to the original elements.
They have long been in the frame for the universe
In three coordinates Time governs...

The Creator turns on the starting moment of everything!
World create universes, time and events
Highest Intelligence only allows
God, also a long way to develop Him!

Constructing universal spaces,
Filling them with inner content,
God achieves more perfection
After all, He increases the power of His Soul.
The spectrum of energies needed, different, God will receive
From the Universes guarded by Him strictly.
Help and they develop better
In the direction determined by God.

The age of the four universes is the same:
There are no juniors, no seniors between them.
positive two. With a different two sign
With qualities, with other constructions.
How do they, four, God manages?
He has a lot of worlds and Subtle ones...
The code helps to control the worlds!
Under a separate code, each world is with God.

God and Essence, having built the Universes of form,
Inside the volumes of the Essences of the living are introduced.
Those of the Universe are adjusting life to normal,
The activity of the Nature carrying out;
Any transformations
The kind of energies is produced in the Universes;
They demand the living conditions
Mechanisms will certainly help.

From energies and matters mechanisms.
For example: Moon, channels and devices,
That transmit energy for life ...
Qualities of different mechanisms, with different properties.
Let's take our body to the mechanisms,
Sheaths given to the soul for a while:
As ethereal, astral, and also
And mental with its properties.
Body, shells - help souls!
To improve souls is their purpose.
They do not possess spirituality,
Mechanisms because of their reckoning.

There is a growth of the Universes (as well as ours)
And due to the number of worlds of increase,
And due to the different forms living in them as well,
And due to the volumes of the previous expansions.

What is the experiment of the universe?
In education with a certain quality
Our God so important incorruptible souls,
Endowed with the necessary energies.

The universe develops the longer
Themes of the physical worlds remain in it
Less and less during the ascent.
Each physical term is given!

(Will be on Earth when the sixth race,
The animal world will then completely disappear,
Following the same, evolution according to,
The plant world will not be needed in life.)

Higher, when the experiment is over,
Our entire universe will then be destroyed.
That won't happen soon, of course.
Remember the main thing is that souls will be saved!

Souls grown all by our God,
He will take Himself Upstairs, and the rest
They will sort it out (But don't be alarmed for the world!)
For spare parts, .. condition, .. for something else ...

Evolution itself, by its power,
It removes from itself everything that is perishable!
And the physical universes are parts
Only large energy universes.

Passes, having comprehended the material,
The whole universe is in an energy state,
Having reached the required Level!
The path of the living is endless in the Universe!

Also becoming energy, materiality
Growth within other energies continues!
By the way, the death of the Universe is not a distance at all.
A different story awaits the Universe ...

Part 5. Galaxies

Cosmos special formations
From nebulae and star clusters
Designed to transform
Types of given energy of the Universe.

These are small galaxies, big ones...
Different shapes, compositions, colors, radiation.
Age range: old and young.
According to the program - the trajectory of movement.
But there are some - on the material plane,
And others exist in the subtle plane.
Perform special tasks from the Universe:
They carry a spectrum of energies, .. form.

In those places of the universe where there is little energy,
Galactic cluster in space
Gives to the Universe so that it suffices,
Balance is important energy travel.
(In the human body through the channels
The energy spreads all the same:
Where needed - more, where not needed - little ...
Cosmos is a living organism, in It the principle is the same.)

Although there are millions of galaxies in the universes,
Of course, that, all the same, the number - of course.
(Limited as the volume of the universes,
But their number goes to infinity...)
Star systems have their own number in each
From Galaxies. Stars - their number in systems,
But one of all the star with an important task -
The drive is system.
From all the other stars in your system leads
Collecting energies and then sending them
main galactic star. Solution
She accepts for the exchange of energy.
Following with various other galaxies
In time, the energy exchange will take place!
This process takes place in two modes:
Transmission in both directions is underway!

(The stars are the main Universes of God, too
Produced in a similar way
Between the Universes of all the exchange of energies. Same
It happens in Essences and the Universe.)
Here's what you need to understand: at the same time
The information block is transmitted
With that energy, everything and without fail!
Without energy-information, life will be interrupted!

Life in the Galaxies is different.
Death, birth is inherent in them, as in people:
The body dies, the souls pass,
They will live in the energy structure.
Each of them has a development path
Own, but the life of the Galaxies of all in agreement.
Who does not know how to obey the cosmos,
Can be destroyed and ... overnight!

Our, Milky Way, Galaxy, rotating,
The field sets everything in motion.
We move with her, moving
On Earth with the solar system, it turns out.

Here the question is reasonable, to the point, arises:
How long will our Milky Way be in motion?
What awaits us in the near future
Will there be galactic changes?
Waiting for the Galaxy stage (which is unconditional),
On all energetic (subtle) planes,
On the physical (material) new,
A gigantic leap in development awaits her!

There will be a transition to the Level, which is higher,
The stage is harder and more energetic!
The solar system is waiting for the same movement.
(This is a general, global cyclicity.)
Life in Space Laws are inviolable.
Starting in the universe, change
They will drag the Galaxy into a single process,
Following the Earth and people. That is undoubtedly.
And now in our sky
New stars are being born...
Why? Earth in a different range!
Keep up with her, so as not to stay in the old.

Part 6. Each star has its own destiny

It is impossible for people to count the stars of the Universe,
It will not be possible to delve deeply into their essence!
For trying to comprehend everything that is difficult,
As for the labor of knowledge, the soul will be rewarded.

Singles, doubles, also groups.
All sizes. Old and young.
From hot to cold. From bright to dim.
Many stars are colored.
Man united the stars into constellations
With a myth by association, with an animal.
Not by function grouped them together -
Arbitrarily, it was as he pleased.

He never considered a star to be alive.
He does not understand that a star has a soul.
And he didn’t even think about the similarity
Between him, a star. What unites us?
We, they, all kinds of forms of existence
Numerous matters in the Universe.
According to the projects of God - ours, their creation.
Eternal souls. But their bodies, ours, are perishable.

The life of a star and a person is according to the laws.
Everyone generates a kind of energy.
Their fate (program), ours are immutable,
We are constantly being checked.
Although there are many stars, each has its own structure,
Just like people! All are individual.
Strictly according to the program, with an important mission,
Souls accumulate power in material bodies.

There is a difference! Stars physical body -
Transitional matter of space,
Its appearance from a rough form to a thin one is made.
We, it turns out, are rougher than them, oddly enough ...
The star has a duty: processing center
Information from the planets of her system.
The body is therefore the stars in the form of flexible connections:
Plasma suitable for bilateral exchange.

Quickly the quality of matter like
Will give a response to the planet.
(Less coarse matter is convenient:
Slow in processes and in its response.)
Center (star) - that's why the center should be fast:
Accept information, redirect;
It is not made of gas because it is not liquid -
Plasma, able to help, fix.
(Liquid matter, or in the form of a gas,
Does not radiate the required energy
And instantly cannot convey immediately,
For the most part, she absorbs.)

There is more thin space!
The reaction to the signal in response is faster,
If the energy of matter is thinner,
Information will reach the goal sooner!
Ninety-seven percent of the universe
From subtle energies of various types.
Three percent is only material,
The number of species is limited.

The physical world will accumulate information -
The leader is obliged to transfer to the World.
In the Subtle World they will accept, sum up the results,
Growth will be indicated further by an impulse-order.
Transmission is not carried out directly
(We are not capable of high broadcasting) -
Through plasma only (a living star),
Through an intermediate state!

You know, for sure, the structure of the stars:
The body is material, the core in it
(But the gaseous core is from birth;
Plasma - later; in old age - solid, - I remind you).
The shells of a star are countably thin
(Their number is from age, not any),
They create an aura of stars (at the Sun
Auras have a wide range of colors).
The higher the level of development of a star,
The duration of the existence of the longer
(Like ours, although we are lower in development),
The star has more thin shells.

Since they divide the evolution of matter
Into two branches, then the stars are divided!
Positive: in a larger star least
Positive energies are gaining;
Negative: they have a lot of energy
Negative; there are mixed stars.
Their selection of energies is set by God,
Filling the matrix of the soul is a serious process.

Chromaticity is an indicator of temperature stars,
It depends on the energy released.
White stars - hot natures,
Red - cold - on the slope of the missions ...
Longitude depends on the stars of existence
(Eternal them, like us, of course, do not exist)
From the soul of the star and the goals of the Universe!
Having fulfilled their duty, the stars also die.

Therefore, the Sun is for people only forever,
The life span of his program is limited,
The development of stars (for the Universe) is fleeting,
From birth to the hour of death, the path is different.
But in the same size the birth of a star,
The size is different - when the age is mature,
Death of a star (programs, means shutdown)
When it passes the third size.

Stars are white, superstars and binary, ..
Variables, neutrons, giants,
Dwarfs ... Their division is basic:
On spiritualized and holograms!

Spiritualized star - alive
Powerful soul in material chains,
The hierarchy goes through the stars and knows
The past, the present path and the distant path.
Each of them, having reached the Absolute,
By the transition to God, qualities will accumulate the norm,
So that, throwing off the temporary body of the fetters,
Transform into an energy form.

Without a soul - artificial, without commonwealths,
Their important technical application:
For energy saturation the world is served
And as additional lighting.

God has a version without the stars of the Universe,
God didn't stop there!
(Energy storage device of another
Through the path of experimentation He achieved.)

All the stars are closely connected
A scheme for transferring energy to each other.
(Their association is unknown to people,
Those who have carried out God's projects know.)
The grouping of stars into constellations depends
Only from the quality of outgoing energies,
After all, the Galactic Heights must
Be happy with the energy coming!

From the planets to the star (in the planetary system),
(Scheme of energy transfers - in simplification),
From the star the stream - to the star of the main constellation,
Further - higher, into the largest cluster of stars,
To the main Galactic Storage Center,
From it - to the most important star of the Universe
And so on... The star is the performer
And the head of the stellar full-fledged ...

And energy transfer channels
The Thin Plan of any Universe is completely permeated.
People do not see channels, Substances - throws,
Essences make channels work excellent!

In a word, in two systems, stellar work:
In the planetary (Work with the planets is joint.
No star with a soul, would be free
It is from the planets...) and labor in the star system.

The activity of the stars of the planet is complemented.
The labor of the planets for the shells of stars is calculated.
In our solar system, we understand
All the planets are working on the shells of the Sun!

A star has fewer planets, maybe more,
Than the Sun, even up to two hundred objects ...
Small as peas, the planets will lay down
Together their potential and with a different spectrum.
There are thousands and millions of them
They can circle around their star.
People think, led by delusion:
Stones and debris can be so worn ...

Higher in the star than the spiritual level,
She has the more thin shells,
This means that with a larger number of planets, readiness
At the star to work: from large to "points".

Exceeds the spirituality of the major planets
Millions of times the spirituality of man,
And the stars of spirituality are higher, of course,
Than planets and other space object!

Stars and planets are living beings,
Spectra of different energies produce:
Spectrum physical, spiritual spectrum, any...
Their goal: to fill the soul with the best in the end!

Part 7. Our solar system. God, Devil

Our solar system is included
In the stellar huge structure Logos.
She looks like a small grain of sand,
Of which, different, there are many in the boundless Cosmos.
Millions of solar systems will be
Only a galaxy, but a million galaxies
Only one universe! It will be headed
Supreme and Strategist and Tactician:

The Supreme Personality (God - to people), the Higher Mind,
In Nature, the Essence of a positive System,
Having created a superbase with his own soul,
In the power of thought, creativity - superperfect!
Possessing a lot of energy,
From constructions consisting of Thin Plans,
Essences, States, Essences, .. God dares
Guide them in the direction that he wants!

Under His command, not one, four
Cells of Nature (they are called Universes) -
Part in His Fine Structure World,
A minuscule of matter, a dome on a saucer.
Somewhere out there, we got lost with the Earth,
Tiny God's souls and creatures,
Only four billion years have revolved
Together with the Sun in the vastness of the Universe.

Well, so what? After all, rare who has developed
From among the people! But we boast of meanness.
That spirituality which of the people has achieved,
What is the Lord looking for? Who excelled?
Is there spirituality? We almost don't understand!
Cross on the neck - we spew evil with our lips.
Bad where, where good - we do not distinguish,
We blame everything on the Devil, doing evil ourselves.

To stigmatize the devil is not a case for a person,
That is, we are not worthy to discuss Him.
Also a Higher Personality, a mighty Hierarch!
It is obscene for us to blaspheme what is higher.
God is twice the power of the Devil;
The Devil, God - big Essences two parts;
Plus and minus, light and darkness - their volume is whole,
Only the Devil is completely under God's power!

The devil is doing God's tasks!
He's a spiritually unstable soul
Reveals between people (you can’t hide
Your essence and you can’t pretend to be good);
Interrupts the life of any individual,
If at that by the end of his program;
Destroy different types of constructions,
Requiring updates, replacements.

He has a high intellect. The path to excellence
In negative processes reaches.
Qualities of superiority:
Rationalism, any calculation.
The Devil does not know how to create a soul,
Can't spiritualize souls either,
Because he does not own creativity,
Can only design and program.

God and the Devil transform nature.
The devil will remove what Nature does not need.
God, the Creator of the living, creates with thought,
Managing the energy process is complex.
Founder of our entire universe,
God, using helpers in the work,
Earth, the Sun creates and the whole system,
Performing the necessary calculations.

I will try to explain to you, reader
The purpose of the creation of the Earth is a living planet.
Nothing will appear by itself!
Anticipate: goal, tasks and projects.
This purpose proceeded downward from Nature;
Transformed into the right need
on the lower levels; reached
our God; from a specific moment
Finally, and transformed into the form:
Like an object from matter creation
(Earth here) giving energy norms
God, Nature, Universe, Creation.

For example, a creative person wants
An element to bring into your life a new one,
On holidays and on weekdays, he will be in tune
Material and spiritual throughout its basis.
Reflect, set a goal and tasks,
Will bring to life what he needs sooner,
It will outlive itself, .. then - for "spare parts"
And replace it with something more important.

(Comparing us and God, of course, is rude...)
According to the project of God, it was created for a long time
The whole physiology of the planet, people,
All nature, the animal world, in a considerable time.
Personality is not alone with high development -
Several Space Systems were at work!
And, thanks to the efforts of the Essences of many,
The plan has been accomplished!

Like the Earth, such planets are innumerable
In the Universe... Why is the Earth paying attention?
Isn't it because someone is loved here?
Experimental - Earth is a creature!
During the evolution of the Cosmoorganism
In Him in the Earth, an important need arose,
As in a detail in a complex mechanism
For it to work in some cycle.

The Earth's organism worked clearly to
And functioned with the desired return,
A number of helpers to the Earth have been created, capable of
Participate in all kinds of processes with her.
Solar whole system to start:
The sun, a number of planets with the Earth entered into connection.
The sun (like a star) is warm, emitting light
And energized immediately.

The sun is a star with a high soul!
Stars (Level) of planets in development and higher.
But the souls of the planets with a big soul!
Our souls of the souls of the planets and the Sun are below.
The sun and planet each have
Your way and your program for development.
Their programs are ours, it is clear that it is more difficult,
Since all events are great in their “lives”.

How work and development goes
Sun and planets of all the solar system?
From the energy that the Earth produces,
Part goes to her for the soul and earthly needs;
The best part of the energy of the planet -
To the energy center, that is, on the Sun;
Part of the other planets of the solar system.
There is never a failure in the connections of all with each other.

About the planet ... (We love her, dear!)
It has a multidimensional structure.
Moves from the fifth orbital to the sixth,
Becoming energetically stronger.
The growth of the Earth with civilizations is associated with:
Each contributed to the development,
The accumulation of energies over and over again,
Provided transition to it accurately.

In activity Earth in conjunction
With activity is human,
And, on a subtle plane, energy-exchange
A process is being formed between us and the Earth.
Man, like animals, plants,
For the planet - a supplier of different energies,
If it is considered reasonable, then accomplishments
It must be in harmony with the laws.

The Earth has its own intelligence,
He is much taller than a human!
If someone is able to think, he will be able to
This given is to be understood: we are below the earth.
Everything reasonable helps the planet:
Its parallel worlds are different;
Subtle Higher World, exercising control;
And the planets associated with it are different.

Different planets in the solar system.
Small, big... "Organisms" if -
Improved over time.
There is a soul. Conscious growth. Are able to think.
To help "organisms" there are also
And the hologram planets serve only
For energy relays, but do not form
They have no energy of their own.

There are "understudies" in our solar system.
Their program is similar to the main planet,
Only on understudies shifted time
For corrections on the planet of the main events.
As in one development comes to a standstill,
And she destroys herself
(Or the Higher World will clean it up),
Growth with correction another continues.

Our planet had two understudies.
The degrading trouble overtook:
Growth further deprived itself
And, ahead of time, died.
Twenty years behind in time
The Earth has one more understudy left ...
If we do not continue to develop,
Destroy, no matter how cruel the fact may seem.

There are planets-mechanisms - for broadcasts
Incoming energy from the Higher
(As a transceiver, the principle of walkie-talkies)
In the right direction to the lower wards.
For example, the Moon. There is no soul, no growth either.
space station.
It was created on Earth much later,
But its origin is artificial.

Not capable of light and heat radiation.
And a luminous one is visible to a person
Only because it serves as a reflection
Incoming sunlight.
As from the Earth, the Moon will accept the spectrum of energy,
So cleanse and then guide her
To planets beyond the solar system,
Uncleaned send is not right.

The higher ones do not keep secrets from people
Lots of knowledge for a long time, understand!
For example: there is technology inside the planet,
But from the side that is closer to us
(The technique works with the energy spectrum,
Mankind of the Earth produced);
The essence is there, inside, watching Their object,
The Earth is followed by people, besides.

The observation of the Higher World continues.
We will give clean energy,
Then in the moon the need disappears,
And people will not see it in the sky.
But, for now, the moon influences us.
In the full moon it reflects with a full disk
Solar Powered Light Inducing
Anxiety, aggressiveness (even) low,
And for high, medium souls, this phase
To creativity, desire only awakens,
The lunar calendar for plant growth was created ...
We don't even know the influence of the Moon.

We are accustomed to a foggy mind
Focus on your planet
As on the main, as if the center of the Universe,
As unique and one in the world.
Well the Earth develops almost on an equal footing
With the rest of everyone in the solar system.
Souls reproduction of human glorious -
This is just the one exception.

The growth of the Earth takes place naturally,
Lasts for billions of years, and, in the present,
Everything that happens on our planet -
As another stage in development and proper.
And, this stage of development, of course,
Not the last on Earth, others will be,
Not the last and the people that are unspiritual ...
Highly developed people will replace us.

Man withdrew connection with the Cosmos from life,
And, but, how he succeeded in violations!
And he catches himself - then only to the funeral feast,
But then it's too late, not before corrections.

I want you, myself, all of us, reader,
Wish not vegetation, but progress,
So that each new path is a seeker,
Knowledge! For the soul there is no higher interest.

Part 8. Earth is a thinking planet

It is difficult for an underdeveloped person
Imagine the presence of a soul in him.
That the Earth has a soul, and completely wonderful
It seems to him, and many, only amuse.

Due to the limited representation
About the diversity of life forms of the Universe
Surprise causes, rejection
Forms unlike us spiritualized.
The ball is the Earth, without arms and legs, familiar to us ...
And her eyes are seas and oceans -
They see what is happening on Earth, excellent,
They make a significant contribution to her soul.

In the activity of the mental planet
Perfected in that existence,
Above what is given to her, in creative work,
On her inherent planetary plane!
The growth of the soul of our planet is taking place
To improve her work
For the solar system, which includes,
And from taking care of us.

The center - the core of the Earth - is the brain, similar to
Human, but with a different mass
And with a way of thinking not typical
People, only the Level of the planets according to.
Beyond human understanding
Vigorous - powerful Earth thinking
In a planet-specific state.
We see his work in manifestations:
As in the processes of electrical, magnetic
(In lightning, northern lights, for example),
The rest of the processes are not visible to us -
Boundless thought sphere
After all, the entire mental apparatus of the planet
The superstructure is:
From the physical, starting in the bowels,
He lives in other dimensions.

The life of the Earth in the form that we now see,
The brain, after all, thanks to it, it has developed!
For the Earth also possesses, like people,
I share freedom, and in decisions - by force.

The living develops according to the program:
Lots of options, take your pick...
Here is the brain of the Earth in the period of early growth
Himself and transitions, and stages chose!
The variant chosen by the Earth leads
To the birth of humanity in the end.
That is, through the choice of you and me today
And the whole evolutionary process is long!

Mountains, plains, seas and rivers formation
And vegetation at the stage of some ...
Millions of years the planet was being created
And prepared for human life.
Firmly knew the planet's brain the whole sequence
On Earth, the processes of all occurring,
Regulate the brain as it pleases,
Life, movement on the Earth of beings living.

Thinking activity is now near the Earth - a decision
Hundreds, thousands of all tasks of various problems:
Saving and resource renewal
(And it is decided, moreover, at the same time);
All minerals accounting
(Replaces, replenishes, creates);
Creates a landscape, there is a great ability,
In creativity, the Earth manifests itself in this way;
In difficult environmental problems
Mobilizes own actions,
Making inferences at first
Neutralizes the poisons of mankind;
The planet collects information
About all kinds of insects, birds, animals,
He sends it to the Higher World, and they decide there,
A species that is fit for evolution.
Earth will punish us with a natural disaster,
How badly we begin to behave.
Know your place, they say, - the Earth will show us.
We will bring benefits - the planet encourages!

The thought of the planet also directs
To work with parallel worlds:
Binds us all together, knows
Synchronism is desirable for its development.

Together: the matrix of the soul, the center-brain at work
Earth has a mental energy body.
Issue solutions to problems in the end
Many, not one planet of affairs.

The thought-actions of the Earth help her
And in the energy of spiritual receiving -
All processes allow you to achieve
The level of her thin bodies increased!

The activity of thought at a high speed
The Earth (different from us) has,
The highest limit of deep fullness
In its manifestation, the thought reaches!

Our planet has a memory:
It contains the material base
(With the brain that connects the physical Earth)
And energy (holds a connection with the soul).
Everything that the Earth had from the day of creation
(The total amount of knowledge of these) -
The matrix distributes the subconscious,
The general bank of the planet keeps everything in memory.

People have an opinion about the memory of the Earth,
That she is from the memory of the people of the planet ...
Our memory is complex (with this point of view)
Organisms in the body memory of some?!
False look. Any form has
With my individual memory,
From our own being we absorb into it
Information-energy is more valuable!

Human temporal memory
The whole keeps the volume, from the feelings of it entering,
In this incarnation, she needs
At the stage of development of this, real.
Memory is constant - there is a subconscious,
An integral part of the designs of thin,
The area of ​​preservation of important qualities, knowledge,
Acquired in previous stages.

Our memory and the Earth's are incomparable!
Since the scale of the planet is huge
Mind activity, and her with others
Types of energies tend to work.

And the planets are subject to incarnations!
Only a long one of their incarnation.
Because reincarnations are not frequent.
Life is one - the path of a billionth ascent.
Why is the planet reincarnated?
To correct the mistakes of the past,
Passing (karmic) repetition
Situations that help to become powerful.

People earn karma if
As a result of harmful actions, bad thoughts,
That Earth - from creations only by thought,
In the course of thought activity is incorrect.
So what is this? Planet deviation
(In her freedom) from her program:
Negative energies coming
To the Cosmos to the Highest! Well, people are more to blame ...

Mankind is thoughtlessly mired
In worthless materiality and vices.
Not caring about the Earth, your temptations
They give time. One-sidedness will destroy us!
Man his own, but also the planets
Over-carelessness aggravates karma.
The Earth cannot develop with it like this -
Careless, to the spiritual incompetent.

Part 9. Man and his illusions about the world

It would be wrong about a man
Not to say, composing a verse about the Universe ...
For him, the High World has long been in alarm:
For mistakes, illusory consciousness.
His view of the Earth is one-sided,
For most, the planet is a place to live.
A rare supporter of knowledge about the living Earth,
A rare person sees life as a benefit to the Universe.
Not everyone agrees to cast down his poor spirit.
In aspirations, limitation, wretchedness:
To appease the body, decorate leisure and life.
It would be better to turn your consciousness to God!

No matter how a person claims that with God,
What strives for the development of his soul -
All self-deception, judgments of a demagogue,
Distorted not surrendering positions.
Without accepting new growth is not possible,
Without his memorization, assimilation.
Human spiritual growth is possible
Only closer to the Cosmic Heights!

More than ten years, as God on Earth
He gave true knowledge to people for development.
Dogma adherents do not heed the new
And hostile to all progressive discoveries.
It makes no sense to be faithful to outdated knowledge,
Only God needs to be faithful.
God calls for radical changes,
The chance gives the soul to rise in His Worlds!

General low level of earthlings, like a stopper,
He is a stumbling block to mankind,
With the dark part of his soul, like a conspiracy,
To growth is an unacceptable agreement.
Knowledge will show people the way to ascent
Higher esoteric only!
And the Laws of the Universe will prompt,
How not to sow sins voluntarily and involuntarily,
And all the changes that take place
On Earth now, and also in man,
Explain and remove your confusion
From the surging events in this century.
Any earthling has to understand
Essence of low physical matters
And to look at the world in a different way:
Above the needs of the earth, in the soul the need to believe.

And religion fans are deluded,
Their unfulfilled dreams - to go to heaven to God.
With only normative energy content
Souls can rise to the Higher World (paradise)!
Hierarchy of people - from a hundred steps.
The man has only walked forty so far.
For a long time for souls to contemplate the earthly world of perishable,
Let's get into the Higher World, we won't go to God soon.
Only after passing one hundred Earth Levels, we will accumulate
That spiritual potential that will allow
We are not alone to climb Up - all in a crowd,
With their own developments, with God's Will.

Very similar to our harvest...
We sow at the right time. We provide care.
Helping plants in good faith,
We don't single out any of them.
Ripening - time! As autumn comes
We'll take the harvest (don't leave before winter),
Destroy the rot and immediately sort:
What to the table, what to send to ripening ...
The time for mankind when it comes,
There will be a sorting of souls according to savings.
Negative everyone in the Devil's camp is waiting.
The rest by qualities, by aspirations:
The immature will be sent to the lower worlds,
Overripe God, finally, the World will accept,
Ripe (in a new body) will be left on Earth,
The era of the new Earth will pass with such...

Without attention will not remain with God
Neither the soul of the Earth, nor ours, nor the Universe.
The All-Seeing Eye sees us through,
He understands each of his creations.
Waiting for humanity to mature
Other energies will start to give out!
General - from each link is stronger,
If the perfect link is alive!
Lack of spirituality well people problems pass
Inside the Earth, into its outer structures,
Further goes into the material Cosmos,
In the Subtle, then, the Cosmic Spheres.
With the world around him
A person must be aware of the connection!
It is high time for him to expand his view of the world
And to understand: spirituality serves as a basis for growth.

What is the meaning of man for the Earth?
For spiritual, mental it is created
Level up planet!
It is a pity that this fact is known to a rare person.
That's why humanity is being introduced,
To give the Earth these energies,
Since the world of animals and plants fills
The shell of only the astral planet.

In the transformations of energies, people have become
Some main, necessary,
Between Space and between the Earth detail,
People have grown together into a single mechanism with the Earth.
Receiving type of cosmic energies,
Through feelings, processing actions,
The high spectrum pure in space is returned,
Low render to Earth – people work.

Man to cybernetic device
It can be attributed, since the body controls
The subtle mechanism of the soul with the presence of properties:
To be controlled by the Higher Ones, realizing Their goals.
The human body is extremely complex
On the energy connection with the planet
All of it is built, and it is impossible
Without a program, our body will work.
Connections are all energy together
With the environment of a person distant, near,
With the energy of the Earth and the solar system
Connects the personal program of life.
Programmers from Above, how many will calculate
Give energy, when, where to a person,
How much he is obliged to return, they will calculate,
(give recycled) objects.

And in civilization, of course, each
The form of man was born better,
And it was more energetic, that's what's important!
With the power and the Earth brought in, the power increased ...
The need for the Earth was determined
(With Higher Needs combined)
New that was created for the planet
And descended into change, into complexity.

On Earth now, for example, we observe
We are people with a paranormal different property:
They have clairvoyance-hearing
(The power of the soul is different, not the sense organ).
In such, their extraordinaryness is hidden
In the matrix and in the shells of constants.
It will be like your soul is open to the spiritual -
You will also gain psychic abilities.
In the future, paranormal manifestation
It will become understandable and natural.
Fear will not arise, also surprise,
If another world appears before your eyes.

In the future, the body will undergo a change,
After all, the Level of earthly matters will increase.
Knowing the code of matter, like aliens,
We can give any shape to the body.
Human new model will allow
Move faster in evolution.
Everyone will be brilliant, with a strong will,
The attitude to the Cosmos will be different.
And everyone will hear the Determinant,
To cooperate with Him, there will be no careless,
To know that even in the bodily form of the highest
The evolution of matter is finite.
The evolution of energies is endless!
Everyone should accept himself as a soul.
The temporary life of the soul in the body is not eternal.
In the Cosmos, having collected earthly energies, we will continue our life...

The soul is compared with a perpetual motion machine:
Labor during the life of a person in a material body;
After death, the work of the soul on the Plane above
Near the Earth in thin space (but not far).
The eternal life of the engine is no secret:
Able to progress in any environment,
Self-healing in it without an account,
The indestructible mechanism of the soul is special.
Only development makes it more powerful,
With the accumulation of energies - more productive,
And the mechanism becomes stronger
Than striving for perfection more and more actively!

Understanding these immutable truths
It should be in us from birth to death,
Then work on yourself, spirituality, knowledge
Open the way to immortality!


Hello Stepania.
So I cooked soup in my head. Surprised immensely, but the construction of the verse went your way. That's how the antenna worked. It is not for me to judge what came of it. I apologize in advance that the work is written in the first person. Here is the work:

God's thoughts.

Oh, and it is difficult for God in our universe.

There the star will go out, or explode.
To rake, of course, I need all this.
Here the planet was left without a "watcher" -
So, it will have to be replaced.
It was not the harvest that suddenly happened.
What will the stepchildren eat? Don't know.
Well, a terrible disease happened here.
So it mows down everyone indiscriminately even.
Will I get the right medicine?
This is where the war starts.
You need to calm down your little creatures.
There, the prominences will flare up again.
After all, they carry a lot of energy
to nearby space.
So I have to install a barrier screen.
And work again.
In the Subtle worlds everything will be decent.
But there is also a lot of work.

Here again in the solar system
On the third planet, which is from the Sun,
Brought up by me, human beings
The poor are lost in spiritual darkness.
So, they need to send fleeting thoughts,
Yes, Teacher, who cares about earthly affairs.
It is difficult for people to enlighten without a Teacher,
They got lost in the deep darkness.
Who will show them the path of Light?
It seems that he gave them everything that is necessary for life.
How many Teachings did I send to Earth?
But people don't think
They push everything.
And they are overcome by various vices.
The souls have not grown stronger, they would have to grow up a little.
They don’t want to build, they spoil more and more, but break it.
So it won't take long to bring the whole planet Earth
To terrible convulsions.
Should I not intervene?
They got bogged down in sins, like in a stinking swamp.
In the material world they all "flutter".
It is not known to the weak that they are "reborn"
The time has come.

Instead of the fifth race, I will send the sixth.
That sixth race will be smarter, however.
"Garbage" will have no place on Earth under the Sun.
Kindness, Light, Love I will give to that sixth race.
And let them communicate with other worlds.
It is and will be - everything is according to the Plan.
I will open the third eye to people immensely.
Everyone will see what is according to the Plan.
Everyone will hear and dream about the main thing.
I will give people wings to fly
With the birds of the earth is still more interesting.
I will also give you a change of place in an instant,
What was called teleportation in our universe.
But the human soul will be different,
Without black flaws, as in the fifth race.
I will give people material life,
That is, living in one's own body
For a thousand years, perhaps two.
People quickly go round the Earth,
With souls like this, everything will be more likely
planetary prosperity.
After all, it’s not in vain that the plans
Laid Earth transformation.

In our universe
The earth is called a laboratory.
And so everything is possible here.
We experiment here every day.
And in Shambhala, which is called invisible
(there is such an extraordinary hail on Earth).
There the guardians of the world are working hard
For the benefit of the whole Earth, all night.
The orbits of all the blocks that bring death to the planet,
Rejected by physical waves, rays, -
Earthlings that are unknown.

human subtle worlds,
That are awakening everywhere in our time,
Lead the planet to enlightenment.
All people will enter the other Orbital.
The necessary rays have already been sent to your planet, -
Prevent planet destruction.

(composed on 11.02.2017).
You will not be offended if I express part of my future work in your style? Wouldn't that be plodding?
Good and Light to you.

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Discreteness and continuity
“The universe consists of elementary particles and emptiness” - this is the most widespread “picture of the world” for most people. Such “simple elementarization” does not come from stupidity, of course, but from convenience... Everything is clear, and the soul is calm... and all thoughts in general to shift to Himself ...
There are, however, people who deeply think about such things. I won’t say that this is an unconditionally high quality useful for life, rather “idleness of thinking”, but there are those who think ... And they have already noticed a long time ago that a truly elementary particle that would not be further divided into anything could not be maybe ... Because such a particle, if it existed, would have neither shape, nor size, nor any other properties, but would only hang in the void in the form of a "stupid black dot". To have at least some properties, you need to have an internal structure, to consist of something; moreover, this internal something itself must also consist of something... In other words, the structure of the universe must be discrete to infinity...
Or is there still a certain limit, an edge beyond which the smallest interior is no longer discrete, but continuous, and splashes by itself, possessing properties taken from nowhere (shape, size, movement, elasticity, etc.)?
A logical-philosophical dead end, a vicious circle, however... Even in ancient times, "atomists" and "essentialists" argued to no avail... Much later, finally, discrete atoms of matter were discovered; but, on the other hand, space was declared to be Ether, a special continuous liquid flowing by itself... And closer to practice, they circumvented this impasse in a simple “cunning” way – for the convenience of concrete consideration, they took the desired object either discrete or continuous .. For example, in ordinary life, water is a continuous liquid, so we look at it, but if we need to explain the reasons for its evaporation, we immediately recall discrete molecules...
Physicists who study “elementary particles”, of course, also understand all this, they simply conditionally accept their particles as “elementary” according to the dictation of specific tasks and the level of development of science ...
And it's not just about "elementary particles". – Emptiness also does not fit into any logical and philosophical framework... When Ether was canceled, it was necessary to declare it in a purely abstract way a “form of matter”, let abstract “fields” also run through it, and then “virtual particles” began to jump out of it ”... Also “elementary” or what?
... We also cannot take and give the world a wonderful permission, unfortunately. And simply, first of all, we declare the presence of a certain Secret Secret of Nature, where human thought cannot fundamentally penetrate. We send the aforementioned dead-end contradiction there ... And then we begin to carefully select which most fundamental foundations of the universe are at least somehow still knowable ...

Spatial Ether,
his Property, Power and Infinity
From the very beginning I insist that the universe is arranged simply in its first principles. Extremely simple! Therefore, we will simplify everything unknown here to the limit of possibility. On that we build the entire hypothesis of the “Simple Universe”.
The limit of simplicity of the deepest foundation of the universe is the one and only carrier of Being (or Being) as a support for everything else. We don’t know and can’t know anything about its true essence, therefore, firstly, we declare this essence of the Secret Secret Nature ... It is not a liquid, not a gas, none of the measures and properties familiar to us can be directly applied to it, – they will not have a “physical meaning”... Nevertheless, just to give it at least some “objectivity”, let's assign, in an arbitrary way, an extension in three dimensions. (To make it clear even to a fool, as they say.)
Secondly, let's call it the Spatial Ether. “Spatial” – for extension, and “Ether” – to emphasize its “carrier” function... It should be especially said that apart from it there is not even any true Void. “Empty” is where we do not encounter anything, but in that “emptiness” there is at least the Spatial Ether.
This one Spatial Ether must have one Property. That is, to be able to be in two states in their different places ... (Otherwise there would be nothing in the world, since everything that exists is made up of differences.) The essence of the Property is also unknowable, we also refer it to the Secret Mystery, and further we will call “tension”, or “density”, or “hue” (the latter is more convenient for displaying on paper). But only to name, and not to mean literally!
The limit of simplicity is such that the Ether must consist of “tense” and “relaxed” places, or, to put it more simply, of “dark” and “light” “points” on any scale.

And what is this "scale"? If you look closer at the “point”, is there solid “blackness” or “whiteness” inside it or what? – Here, we have not taken a step, and have already encountered a dead-end contradiction between discreteness and continuity... And there is only one way out – the Spatial Ether cannot have the deepest bottom! Any supposedly “uniformity” on any scale must consist of smaller heterogeneities, otherwise the whole logic of thinking will be violated, there will be nothing for us to do with the smallest “stupid black dot” ... We have to take one grand step - we declare the structure of the universe Ethera) ENDLESS in its smallness and largeness... Absolutely endless! No matter how much we reduce the size of the object under consideration (in pure imagination and how much it can do this) - behind it there will be an endless edge of even smaller small things ... On a larger scale from us (towards the edge of the Universe and beyond) - the same !
These infinite fineness and coarseness, nested in each other, can be formed into structural systems in two ways:
1. Such systems are more or less similar, repeating according to a single pattern... Somewhere beyond the scale of small particles of the microworld, in even smaller dimensions, there are countless other "worlds", "white lights"... And on very large dimensions - already our Universe turns out to be just an "elementary particle" of some kind of super-universe ... The mind flatly refuses to recognize this, of course ... “It can’t be like that, because it can’t be!” However, on the other hand, after all, no one will dispute the infinity of time (eternity), for example, since time cannot stop and “after some time” begin again ... Everyone understands this ... But both ends of eternity are also unimaginable , there are also absolute boundlessness between them... Another argument - how can Existence itself be here with us and stop being somewhere there under a microscope, or behind distant stars? – So, we cannot immediately take and dismiss such a grandiose Infinity...
2. The structures of the Ether, being absolutely infinite, and at the same time of the same type, have the simplest structure: there are special patterns that make more complex formations standard, within certain “reasonable” scales (enlargement of small things and crushing coarseness) ... That is, let’s say, a substance and vacuum consist of a certain “mosaic” of “black” and “white” points distributed by a smooth wave, and in the “points” the same thing is repeated in simple monotony ... And only at the level of particles of matter does a great variety of natural phenomena begin ... And such diversity again ends outside our universe...
... This second variant is "hindered" by the obvious presence of two clear limits, "floor" and "ceiling", however, particles of matter and the Universe, with its already almost proven beginning from the Big Bang, which means discrete separation from something external ... Why then not be exactly the same to other “floors”? Where can we get a firm taboo argument?
...On the other hand, here we will not need to invent some kind of "deep worlds", in such a complication... Although both options are legitimate, further on we will mainly stick to the second, "simplified" one.

Processes are going on in the universe, one state is changing by another state, in other words, Time flows. It flows because a certain Force acts on objects, changing the Property of the Ether, thereby creating Events... Due to the complete incomprehensibility of its prime causes, this Force has to be declared as another Secret Secret of Nature...
Where does the Force operate? – At any unimaginable point... In what direction? – In any... What does he do? – Divides even Ether into sections with different properties (“densities”, “shades”)... When? In any unimaginably short period of time...
...In order to better understand all this, let's imagine something that did not exist - the initial moment of the universe. As if here it lies without stress, and now the Force begins to act on its Ether... On a fictitious scale taken by us, spherical seals and rarefaction will arise from the initial (conditional) points - Ether waves... (Spherical because there is no reason to choose one direction from the point.) Let this be the first Event... At the second Event, already these initial wave spheres will collide, split and break into separate fragments: there will be frontal waves moving forward in various directions... The Force will continue to act, so that the waves will not cancel each other out, they will not get tired of friction... Random collisions of large and small waves will lead to the emergence of initial inhomogeneities, which will further develop to the whole great variety of phenomena in the universe... - I repeat that there was no such thing and could not be, the universe forever... But this fabrication makes it easier for us to understand the main result of the interaction of Force on Ether - these are Waves... Waves and waves that fill the whole world building, without empty spaces, without residual evenness.
We draw some important conclusions from this:
– In the Spatial Ether there are no neighboring points, of any scale, with the same properties.
– In the Spatial Ether there is no point, any scale, which would remain unchanged during any arbitrarily small period of time. (Because time itself is reduced to change, it cannot flow without change.)
Since there is no true, reference single scale, what has been said applies to any scale. Small vacuum waves, internal contents of material particles, and outer space itself on a large scale are uneven and eternally changing.
- The action of the Force on any scale leads to the fact that inside the most dense areas there are areas with even greater density, and so on endlessly. – Therefore, the Property of Ether, called “density” here, has no boundaries and can be infinitely large. For exactly the same reasons, it can be infinitesimal. - This will be another fundamental INFINITY, in addition to infinities in three spatial dimensions, in time, in scales of structures ...

By the way, we do not have any right to give separate advantages to the “consolidations” or “rarefactions” of the Ether: they are equal in rights. It is very easy to turn the whole "picture" upside down and call "black" - "white", "white" - black", nothing changes from this. “White” or “discharged” does not mean “empty”... Where “white”, the Force does not disappear, but receives, as it were, a negative value (in relation to our subjective “positive”)... But still, in the future we are not going to fool around too much here, but we will stick to one look. - “Black” or “dense” will mean for us “real”, “strong”; and “white” or “discharged” will be, as it were, “empty”, “weak” ...
(Idealists... You can call Ether the World Spirit (God), "density" - Good, "rarefaction" - Evil, Force - Passion, and so on; after all, these concepts are not occupied with a specific content. It turns out that cognizing the universe, thus you will come to know God... Just keep in mind that no religious epithets will stick to Him with this approach.)

It seems that there are no other most fundamental foundations of the universe left that come directly from the Secret Secret of Nature: everything else in the world can be deduced from the existing and named ...

The “Primary Shock” Problem
Let's briefly return one more time, however, to the fictitious “beginning of the universe”, where I “said yes, I quit” (so as not to entangle everything at once). But one very interesting detail remained... - The first waves from the first “points” should have been exactly the same. At first, the neighboring spheres would rest against only one point, while the other points would continue to stretch to a cubic shape... While they reach the top of the cube, a response wave should have already moved from the point of abutment of the spheres... According to our condition, the world is still absolutely symmetrical , and there is no reason for the waves to break in a chaotic manner... For this (to destroy the unstable equilibrium), it is required to introduce at least one small asymmetry, in other words, a Primal Shock is needed...
(It seems that I am not the first to think about the depths of the universe - I have already read about the “Primary Shock” somewhere.)
It would be easy, but too naive to introduce one “mistake”, taking it arbitrarily from the Secret Secret of Nature... It is possible to declare the Force initially asymmetric, and drive the reason for this into infinity, but it is empty in meaning (and without that I was forced in some places )... - The whole point is probably that all points of the sphere cannot accurately fit into a cube - because the circle is not divisible by the radius without a finite remainder ... For one of the deepest secrets of the universe - the primordial asymmetry, thus , in all likelihood, the number "pi" is responsible.
Asymmetry is needed not only for the fictitious problem of “beginning” – it constantly makes itself felt in almost all other cases, if you think about it in detail... Isn’t it “guilty” in general for the existence of events, in the action of the Force, in the course of time? The essences of the universe cannot evenly divide something, most likely ...

Absolute Speed ​​in the Universe
Calling the Force some initial, fundamental factor of action in the universe, giving it the function of changing the Properties of the Ether, at the same time we proclaim its elementarity and constancy ... That is, on a separately taken scale, the Force cannot decrease and increase ... If it has a vector orientation - it can't change it either...
The Force in a single structure will be made up of the Forces of smaller, "nested" structures... And the addition of constant constants will eventually give a constant too... Therefore, in the whole universe there must be a certain uniform standard of the Force's action - the alternation of events caused by it - the Absolute Speed...
In our Universe, for example, "elementary events" will be some still unknown "elementary" changes in the smallest particles, through which all other "big events" are caused ... In other words, "big events" include one or another number of those "elementary events"; and their speeds, lengths in time can be measured by a certain universal standard ... Here the "speed of light" is immediately recalled, of course ... Probably because light is the most "pure reflector" of that absolute in our reality ... And they bring to us that absolute from smaller worlds, some smallest particles of vacuum itself...
Note that the light here was called "the purest reflector" and not the direct carrier of the Absolute Speed ​​- between it and the "speed of light", nevertheless, there must be some difference ... Our light is our "big" particle, it is for particles of another, shallow world - like a huge ball over ants, probably ...
...Obvious logic suggests that the Absolute Speed ​​will be the same standard for the entire universe, in any of its smallness or size... And, if somewhere in the unimaginable smallness of a vacuum particle there really exists another Universe, then its own light will fly ... with almost the same "our" "speed of light"! .. Only there their particles, things, stars and galaxies will be correspondingly small, and for them their own "life" will proceed in a completely normal way ...
... The course of Time is formed from the alternations of events ... Here one could go deep into reflections about its "acceleration" and "deceleration", if one of its fundamental properties had not already been identified. – Time is an abstract concept, without real content, something like the number "seven" or "eight", most likely... (For more on Time, see Chapter II.)

Ethereal waves
The universal structure of the universe, according to this hypothesis, is represented by waves of “consolidations” of the Spatial Ether, which are constantly pushed forward by the eternally inescapable Force...
On each conditional period of time, the ethereal wave moves to the neighboring (front) conditional point of the Ether. Since the Ether is uneven, but filled with other waves that go in very different directions, “our” separately selected wave always touches and interacts with those others... If we abstractly consider only a head-on collision of two equal waves (it is more convenient on a two-dimensional graph), – then a high ridge of "compaction" will grow on the leading edge (theoretically, to an infinite height); deceleration of the forward points will lead to the shortening of the "tail" of the wave... At the moment when the growth of the crest stops at its very top, a "smooth" Ether of theoretically infinite density will appear, where the primordial Force of Ether will begin to act again and throw the collided waves back... (It will look like both as a rebound of equal waves, and as their passage through each other.)
If a steep wave hits a gently sloping large one, it will “rake the hem” of that one, pick up an opposing wave equal to itself, and two waves will recede in different directions ... The large gentle wave will decrease accordingly. If a gently sloping wave turns out to be very large, then a steep small one will begin to rise along its slope. (It will look like a tsunami wave, along which waves from the wind run, along which waves from raindrops can still dance - only in Ether, all this, of course, will be in three-dimensional volume.)
If several small waves meet on the way of a steep wave, then one large wave will form from small ones ...
If the waves meet at an angle, then they will either snatch off a piece from the opposite one, or slip past, forming a series of very small waves at the collision boundary, which will beat back inside the large ones ...
... As a summary of all this, there should be a “flickering” of the smallest chaotic waves filling the Ether ... Filling everything, including an “empty”, seemingly vacuum ...
... Mutual repayment of all waves with the receipt of an even Ether does not occur, probably because on the evenness of any scale, the primordial Force begins to act again ... And friction and viscosity in Ether do not exist at all.
... A constantly acting Force must constantly accelerate the movement of waves, it would seem ... However, at any moment and in any place, the action meets with opposition (with another wave) ... Acceleration can take place only in separate sections of the Ether, where the total the action of one direction is superior so far ... The same with braking, of course.

Two opposing factors were named here: 1) the factor of crushing (fragmentation) of large waves under the action of small ones; 2) the factor of enlargement (merging) of small waves under the action of large ones... - These two factors should form one common factor of Standardization of waves of the same scale level... In other words, the vacuum ("void" in the usual sense) should be filled with the smallest waves- particles ("vacuum particles") of almost the same size ... This standard size will be determined by the dynamic equilibrium state between grinding and coarsening ...
In a state of such equilibrium, the vacuum particles should mostly slide past, and break very rarely; fragments from breaking - quickly absorbed by standard waves ...
Vacuum particles, most likely, look like very thin and elongated "needles", since they must be thinned and lengthened by constant lateral onslaughts of their own kind ...
Very small waves from lateral squeezes should form a kind of "shell" or "tube" around the vacuum particle ... Because of this, the integrity of the particle must be stably maintained: if its "head" turns to the side, say, then the "tail" will also obediently turns around the "pipe" ...
Moreover, due to this phenomenon (the formation of a “tube”), the existence of vortex waves, donut waves, bubble waves, standing waves and others, under special conditions, would become possible under special conditions ... (On this we will further build an idea of ​​the particles of matter .)

(Pay attention also to the fact that when the waves move forward, their “material” does not move at all, if we call separate “points” of Ether that way, they only change their “seals”, remaining in place ... So, nothing truly “solid under our feet" does not exist at all! All our "material" is for the universe only a pure play of waves... The waves will wave and crumble, each in its own time...)

There are large structures in the universe, such as the Universe, and they also have to be recognized as special types of ethereal waves, since nothing else happens ... (The Universe is certainly a spherical "standing" wave, judging by the observed data.) If this is true, then – then there is a very gentle gradient of the “density” of the Spatial Ether on a universal scale, and we ourselves are on some slope of it, like small waves... Such a gradient, the “bevel of space”, should be: 1) imperceptible in relatively small areas , but cause strong effects in very large ones (perhaps clearly visible at large distances and for a long time); 2) different in different places, very steep near the "crest" of the universal wave and gentle on the "hem" ...
Perhaps, in places with different "densification" of the Ether, the constants of the universe (gravity, ray frequencies, etc.) also become different... And these constants are also "oblique" on the very steep slopes of the Ether...

"Temperature fluctuation" of waves
If our region of the Universe (or universe) can be called "dense" or "dark", then somewhere far away there must be a "sparse" or "light" region... And will not that region be "anti-world" in relation to us, where vacuum waves rush "white" heads forward? – This “funny” question, however, assumes that the infinite range of “shades” has a median value, which contradicts the general philosophy... It was also said here about the “smooth Ether”, where the “tension” of the Property is equal to zero – does that mean it doesn’t happen either? And this "tension" fluctuates only from our level to the highest or lowest infinity, and only the maximum and minimum (for the zero period of time) are "smooth"? and the "brightness" of the Properties of the Ether, we have to admit that vacuum waves do not really rush to distant distances, but squeeze forward or backward depending on the "shade" of the neighbors - that is, they oscillate approximately in one place, at the speed of light... Only large gradients can carry them far... Or even "cooler" - only gradient changes can be carried far, as a total effect! - Here is such a turn from a small philosophical contradiction! ..
... In this case, we can say that the vacuum waves of the Ether have a kind of "temperature", reminiscent of the temperature of a crystalline substance, in which the nodes oscillate at the speed of light...
...But, to simplify understanding, we can probably sometimes talk about "flying" particles - the external effect will be approximately the same... For comparison: the electric current flows through the wires instantly... so we say, although the electrons themselves are there crawling like turtles...

Particles of matter
The substance also consists of waves, like everything else in the world. But it can calmly stand in one place or move arbitrarily slowly. For such a condition in our model of the universe, a wave is well suited, periodically either converging to a point, or departing from a point.
Everything is clear with the convergence to a point and the reverse sloshing... But why should the outgoing spherical wave stop and turn back? “Because the waves-particles of Ether go to the point of the particle from all sides, and the outgoing wave rakes them into the opposite wave. A kind of “shell” is formed, from which the wave of the particle bounces off; the "shell" itself immediately flies away, in accordance with all the rules ... The process is repeated again and again.
Such a standing wave of a particle is not perfectly spherical, if only because all bodies move somewhere, which means that a frontal component is always mixed into it.
If the particle wave hits the “shell” at an angle, it will be deflected at the opposite angle. Under suitable conditions, the wave can be bent into a vortex, and then into a circle... Then particles-disks, particles-donuts, particles-bubbles are possible... Protons, neutrons, electrons immediately come to mind... But we will not declare here , while the only important thing is that many variations are possible.
If for some reason a particle is skewed to one side, then it will reject its reverse wave mainly in the same direction... If many particles are oriented in one direction, then together they will suck the density of Ether from one side and splash out to the other side... Magnet ? We won't declare either...
Bagel particles could be hooked, and such a clutch would have four ends, to which two more bagels could be linked ... - A subtle hint at the periodic table, but let's not “pull by the ears”, maybe that's not the point. .. There are still quarks, it seems that they also need to be arranged somewhere, but it’s not clear ...
If two particles are very close, they will screen the flow of ethereal waves in their gap, and the pressure of the same waves from both sides will push the particles together with great force. The shock wave will throw them back, but soon everything will be repeated again... Very similar to "nuclear force"...
A particle-bubble could include a dense particle in its inner cavity or wrap around it, sliding along its “shell”... It looks like an electron...
If a relatively large wave-beam hits a “vortex” particle, then it may not dissipate the “surplus” immediately, but remaining unstable-excited for some time, then it will be thrown out in the form of a “quantum”, already according to its internal laws, and not exactly what came from outside. The moment of ejection will depend on a randomly stronger fluctuation in a generally even flow of ethereal waves...