Directions for the development of higher education. Global trends in the development of higher education

The main trends in the development of world education.

The Bologna Process.

International standards for the quality of education.

1. Globalization and internalization as the leading trends in the development of education in the world.

2. General trends in the development of higher education: fundamentalization, pragmatization, computerization, individualization, humanization, standardization.

1. Globalization and internalization as the leading trends in the development of education in the modern world. Mutual influence and interpenetration of cultures, economies, social movements is an important factor in the development of education in modern conditions. The world space, in which resources, people, ideas freely move across national borders, is the dominant trend of our time. One of the consequences of this trend is the convergence and integration of national education systems. Globalization of education means the gradual transformation of various educational systems into a single pan-European, and then global, while maintaining differences due to tradition and culture. Comparative pedagogy extracts or should be able to extract the essence of information from already existing data. The results of comparative pedagogical research expand and modify the data and conclusions of special studies and provide feedback to individual disciplines.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of December 10, 1948 declares the availability and free of charge of general education: "education should be free, at least as far as primary and general education is concerned". In some countries, including Russia, this provision is enshrined in the Constitution (see Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). At present, in most developed industrial countries of the world, general education is not only a right, but also a duty of citizens. General education is provided within the framework of state, municipal and private organizations. In some countries, the creation of private organizations in the field of general education is prohibited; in others (including Russia), most of the levels are subject to licensing. In almost all countries, general education can be obtained free of charge.

The problem of globalization is relatively new and controversial. Globalization covers all aspects of the life of modern society. The impact of globalization on culture and, in particular, on higher education has attracted the interest of researchers in the last decade and has become especially active in Russia after it signed the Bologna Declaration in 2003. In Russia in the 21st century, the formation of a new education system is steadily continuing, focused on entering the world educational space. The main goals and objectives of the educational policy in Russia are defined in National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation covering the period up to 2025

Understanding the essence of globalization (in the broad sense) and globalization of education (in a more specific sense) is impossible without revealing the relationship of these processes with such phenomena as internationalization, internalization, localization. In today's world, most comparative educators define globalization and internalization as the leading trends in the development of world education all levels.

In the process of globalization of education, it is of great importance internationalization and internalization. Internationalization (from lat. inter- between, nation- people) is the recognition of something international, the transformation of something into an international one (for example, granting all states under a treaty the right to use any product, territory, etc.). Internalization (English) internalization) - a set of development techniques that simplify the adaptation of a product (such as software) to the linguistic and cultural characteristics of a region other than the one in which the product was developed. Internalization has become especially widespread in connection with the development of the Internet. Actually the very concept of internalization is associated with this process. There is an important difference between internationalization and localization. Internalization is the adaptation of a product for potential use almost anywhere, while localization is an addition special functions for use in some certain region. Internalization is carried out at the initial stages of development, while localization is carried out for each subject of consumption in terms of improving and adapting the product in the middle of the implementation process.

In modern conditions, there is modernization of education in many countries of the world. It is no coincidence that it is called “forced modernization”, because factors such as, for example, the expansion of the Internet and its impact on the younger generation concern everyone. The modernization process is a process education reform , which affected many civilized countries of the world, which is associated with modern socio-economic, political and cultural problems. The so-called "challenges of the time" or "systemic challenges" are determined by globalization, the instability of socio-economic development, periodically occurring economic crises (which, having arisen in one country, often cause similar phenomena in other countries), high rates of social change and the expansion of the information space. For Russia (and for many European countries), important factors are also: demographic instability, the change in education paradigms (from Soviet to post-Soviet), the contradiction of value orientations of different social groups.

2. General trends in the development of higher education: fundamentalization, pragmatization, computerization, individualization, humanization, standardization.

Despite the fact that the whole world recognizes the obviousness and impact of globalization and internalization, one should also highlight those trends in the development of education that were identified long before the world's leading trends were recognized. But if globalization and internalization are recognized as the leading, fundamental trends in the world development of education, then fundamentalization, informatization, regionalization, individualization and pragmatization can be identified as the most general trends in the development of education, characteristic of most developed countries. These trends are general, but not sustainable, and researchers record a constant change in one or another dominant trend. In recent years, there has been a relatively rapid transition of dominance: first fundamentalization, then informatization and today, due to the crisis and instability of social development - pragmatization.

Fundamentalization education. Etymologically, the concept of fundamental education is associated with the meaning of the word foundation (from lat. fundamentum- base), i.e. that base (platform, base) that takes the load and transfers it to the base (S.I. Ozhegov). Fundamental education is aimed at comprehending the deep characteristics of objects and processes of the whole world, ascending to primary entities. It underlies the formation of adequate judgments of an educated person. The fundamentalization of education is the most significant factor in the prevention of erroneous decisions in the world of the most complex modern technologies. It is the fundamental mistakes of developers that often lead to man-made disasters.

The fundamentalization of education postulates science and scientific achievements as the most important component of the content of education. Therefore, all educational programs and concepts are developed taking into account the latest achievements in the scientific field.

pragmatization education. The pragmatization trend of modern education determines its development in the direction of the most relevant spheres the life of society. This trend depends on market relations, competition and the most popular areas of development of society. If programmers are in demand on the labor market, then the priority development of the corresponding area of ​​education will be obvious. When there were not enough economists, lawyers, managers in Russia, education immediately reacted to this “professional shortage”. In various educational institutions, as a rule, new departments, specialties, specializations are opened that correspond to the current needs of the labor market. The specificity of pragmatization is determined by the fact that this trend cannot be planned and implemented taking into account only the intended direction of development of education in certain conditions. Conditions may change. Therefore, this trend is due only to market relations and, accordingly, competition, both in the educational services market, tick and in the general labor market.

Computerization (informatization) of education is connected, first of all, with the development of technologies of information processes, general computerization. In the modern world, there is a widespread formation of a single scientific and educational space based on constantly updated means of telecommunications and information technology, as well as the organization of educational programs at various levels in distance learning. Information and communication technologies are being introduced everywhere into the educational process, significantly affecting the pace (speed of obtaining the necessary information) and the nature of learning in the direction of its interactivity.

The term "open education" has become widespread.

Individualization education is determined by the possibilities of taking into account the individual characteristics of the student, relying on his abilities, self-disclosure and professional self-actualization. The curricula and programs should provide for specially allotted hours for individual work with each student. Moreover, the more hours an educational institution can allocate for individual work, the more quality education a student receives. It is with such education that the true professional and personal development of a specialist takes place.

The world practice of higher education shows that the more prestigious the university is, the more the principle of individualization of education is realized. In addition, it is the individualization of education that allows university teachers to prepare students for the independent solution of complex professional problems. This happens in the preparation of abstracts, term papers, and theses. Future specialists learn to recognize and clearly formulate professional problems, build a methodology for scientific and practical research, in accordance with which they independently solve complex problems. Such work can be strictly individualized, and it is its quality that indicates the level of professional readiness of a university graduate.

Regionalization education is related to the socio-economic and political needs of the region in which it is carried out. The significance of regionalization is determined by the ability of graduates to find a job in their specialty without any problems. The specificity of the socio-economic development of the region reveals the need for professional personnel of a certain qualification.

The modern understanding of the purpose of higher professional education emphasizes not only a high level of mastery of professional activity, but also compliance and objective requirements. Especially important is the ability of a person to successfully perform complex professional pedagogical activities in constantly changing conditions. Professional competence itself is increasingly interpreted as the ability to effectively solve the most typical professional tasks and problems arising in real conditions of activity.

Standardization education. Standardization, as a rule, is associated with the activity of establishing rules and characteristics in order to reuse them, aimed at streamlining to increase the competitiveness of educational services. In education, standardization is manifested in the development, publication and application of educational standards. In Russia - Federal State Educational Standards (FSES): general, secondary vocational, higher education. The state standard of education includes norms and requirements that determine the mandatory minimum content of educational programs, the maximum amount of teaching load, the level of training of graduates and the basic requirements for ensuring the educational process (material and technical support, educational and laboratory, information and methodological and qualification requirements for teaching staff ).

The main goals of standardization are to increase the level of security, ensure the quality and competitiveness of educational services, ensure the possibility of interchangeability of means and their information compatibility, create classification systems, cataloging for a more convenient and easy search for consumers. Standardization is based on the idea of ​​unification (bringing to uniformity, a single form) to correlate standards with international education programs.

Moreover, the content of competencies is determined by tasks. So key competencies are aimed at the success of the individual in a changing world and are necessary for any professional activity. Basic competencies reflect the specifics of a certain professional activity (in our case, pedagogical). Special competencies are manifested in specific subject activities. All competencies are interconnected and interdependent, especially in the implementation of subject pedagogical activity.

At the same time, special attention is paid to educational resources new generation, which include, first of all, information resources. In the modern understanding of learning, the concept of "educational resources" is becoming more popular than the concept of "didactic tools". In addition, special attention is paid to the creation of didactic tools based on informational approaches. The main advantages of such funds are, firstly, their focus on organizing independent work. Secondly, the possibility of individualization of education. Thirdly, the creation of educational materials on electronic media. Fourth, the placement of a variety of evaluation scales and evaluation materials. However, the Internet, as a unique educational resource, has not only opportunities, but also significant problems that may arise in the process of "Internet education". Namely: a large amount of secondary information (“information garbage”), the development of “screen thinking” in children and young people, the formation of Internet addiction (cyborg addiction). Here, the issues of pedagogically competent management of new education come to the fore.

I.A. Lipsky, after analyzing a number of regulatory documents in the field of education in recent years, came to the conclusion that the state is “leaving education”. The researcher emphasizes the fact that, for example, in the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2006-2010. the term “education” has never been encountered, despite the fact that the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” considers education as a unity of education and upbringing. Highlighting a person's value orientations on competitiveness, social independence, striving for success, professional career, in education today the main emphasis is placed on the institutions of civil society - the family, the Church, public associations, etc. . This is important and necessary, but the education that is carried out in educational institutions is no less valuable.


  1. Andrienko E.V. The value of higher education in the development of pedagogical professionalism / Pedagogical professionalism as a factor in the development of modern education. Novosibirsk. 2005. S.19-26.
  2. Lipsky I.A. The main paradigms of education / Pedagogical education and science. 2009.№5.
  3. National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation covering the period up to 2025

Tasks for independent work


Constitution of the Russian Federation

Chapter 2. Article 43 Everyone has the right to education.

1. Everyone has the right to education.

2. The general availability and free of charge of preschool, basic general and secondary vocational education in state or municipal educational institutions and enterprises are guaranteed.

3. Everyone has the right, on a competitive basis, to receive higher education free of charge at a state or municipal educational institution and at an enterprise.

4. Basic general education is compulsory. Parents or persons replacing them ensure that children receive basic general education.

5. The Russian Federation establishes federal state educational standards, supports various forms of education and self-education.

Education is a strategic resource for the socio-economic and cultural development of society, ensuring national interests, strengthening the authority and competitiveness of the state in all spheres of activity in the international arena. cultural, educational and scientific and technical areas is to introduce modern norms and standards in education, science and technology, dissemination of their own cultural and scientific and technological achievements. A particularly important task is the implementation of joint scientific, cultural, educational and other projects, the involvement of scientists and specialists in scientific research programs.

Definition and implementation of national educational standards

The definition and implementation of national educational standards are the main trends in the development of education in modern Russia. The integration of education concerns all its levels, but most often it is used in the formation of the content of basic education. National educational standards are the sum of well-defined normative requirements for the content of curricula. The attitude of teachers to the standardization of education is ambiguous. Some of the experts believe that unification is based on rigid standards that bind all children to a single cultural and intellectual model without sufficient consideration of their individual characteristics. Increasingly, one can hear thoughts that the standardization of the content of education should not mean the standardization of the personality of the student. So, in training, it is advisable to fix the minimum necessary knowledge and skills, while maintaining a wide space for variable training programs. This is what determines the need for standardization of education with further improvement of systems

Adapting curricula to the conditions and needs of a multicultural and multiethnic student body

Responsible tasks are assigned to the new curricula: to ensure that children from different cultures and ethnic communities master the language minimum of basic knowledge as the basis for constructive social integration. Solving this problem requires significant efforts at the level of society - organizational, financial, political and, above all, directly educational. Therefore, in recent years, the development of education on the basis of multiculturalism has been singled out as a special direction for the modernization of programs and, in particular, the content of basic knowledge.

Careful, respectful attitude to different cultures, dialogues, mutual enrichment and mutual knowledge of different peoples and ethnic groups as priority principles of multicultural education are receiving increasing trends in the development of school disciplines. To this end, school curricula include knowledge about modern and former civilizations, about various geopolitical regions of the world and individual countries, as well as religious studies courses. A special trend in the development of the education system is acquiring local and regional educational initiatives. In the process of studying some educational topics (clothes, food, entertainment, hygiene products), children are taught to understand and respect the right of everyone to be different. Religious studies courses in schools are of great importance in the context of multicultural education. Teaching religious studies is designed to acquaint students with various beliefs, world religions, the activities of universal churches and contribute to the formation of a rationalistic worldview in young people, instill moral virtues, ensure tolerance and pluralistic thoughts in relations between people of different faiths.

Humanization and humanitarization of the content of basic education

Humanity and humanitarianism are immanent characteristics of the trend in the development of children's education. And the role and importance of these components of school education has a clear upward trend. The tasks that the modern school is called upon to solve require not only taking into account the humanistic and humanitarian aspects of the formation of the content of knowledge, but also engaging in their strengthening and development. Ensuring complete literacy, preventing functional illiteracy, professional self-determination and self-realization of the individual, socialization of young people - this is not a complete list of truly humanistic and humanitarian tasks, in the solution of which trends in the development of the modern education system occur.

However, the problems of humanization and humanitarization continue to be urgent and relevant for high school today. The movement continues to ensure the safety of this school from manifestations of violence, for the establishment of the principles of tolerance and cooperation in pedagogical relations. In the process of teaching humanitarian subjects, it is recommended to study not only wars and political events, but also provide students with knowledge about a wide variety of types and aspects of human activity - trade relations, economic activity, religion, art, and the like. As already noted, all varieties of basic knowledge, now natural-technical and mathematical, are subject to the tendencies of humanization and humanitarization. These trends in the development of education are implemented in pedagogical practice in several ways. The value-semantic aspect of the natural-mathematical block of knowledge is also of considerable importance, although it is equally inherent in humanitarian knowledge. Human life is the highest value.

Trends in the development of education in China

Using the experience of the developed countries of the world in the field of higher pedagogical organization is, of course, a positive trend of recent decades. In China, there are many universities that cooperate with foreign institutions, in April 2006 there were 1100 of them. 20th century a one-party policy was chosen. This has its drawbacks: one-sided views, constant control, following the ideas of Mao Zedong. In Chinese pedagogical universities, as well as in non-pedagogical ones, the main subjects include: ideological and moral education, the foundations of law, the principles of the philosophy of Marxism, the principles of political science of Marxism, entry into the teachings of Mao Zedong, entry into the teachings of

Historically, as early as the beginning of the twentieth century. Six districts of the PRC were identified where educational institutions that trained teachers were located: Beijing District, Northeast Province District, Hubei District, Xi Chuan District, Gong Dong and Jiang Su. China is a large country, and the most successful and wealthy provinces are those that border the ocean. In the west of the country (where the desert) the worst conditions for the development of higher education. Not all graduates of pedagogical universities want to travel to remote corners of their country, especially to villages. Therefore, the state is pursuing a policy of encouraging young people to do this in the spirit of patriotism and devotion to communist ideas. In China, as in many countries around the world, technical universities are given more resources and financial support for development and improvement. Special laboratories, research institutes, sites for experiments and the like are being created. For example, Beijing Polytechnic University is included in the list of the state plan "Project 211", that is, it is focused on the world level of development. Pedagogical universities lag behind technical universities in this respect. Positive trends in the development of modern education prevail, and therefore it can be argued that the process of modernization of teacher education in the PRC is gaining new momentum.

Development of higher education in Ukraine in the context of European integration

The role and importance of the training potential in ensuring social progress is increasing. Education is a strategic resource for the socio-economic and cultural development of mankind, ensuring national interests, strengthening the authority and competitiveness of the state in all spheres of activity in the international arena. Trends in the development of modern education in Ukraine are determined by the strategy The introduction of its principles is a factor in the European integration of Ukraine and a means of increasing citizens' access to quality education, it needs a deep reform of the structure and content of education, learning technologies, their material and methodological support.

Reforming education, both structurally and substantively, is an urgent social need of today. Entry into the Bologna space for the Ukrainian society has become important and necessary because of the need to solve the problem of recognition of Ukrainian diplomas abroad, improve the efficiency and quality of education and, accordingly, the competitiveness of Ukrainian higher education institutions and their graduates in the European and global labor market. At the same time, there is uncertainty about the prospects and principles of relations between Ukraine and the European Union. This is one of the objective restrictions on the integration of Ukrainian higher education into the European space. The way out of this situation is the answer to the question: which trend in the development of education in Ukraine is correct, depending on the level of readiness of Ukrainian higher education for this.

Modern higher education in Poland

An experience for our country can be the experience of the Republic of Poland, which is the first post-socialist country that signed the "Bologna Declaration" on June 19, 1999. The end of the 20th - the beginning of the 21st centuries is characterized as a period of signing by the ministers of education of the leading European countries of documents on reforming higher education in accordance with the conditions of the modern world. The Magna Carta of the Universities was signed on September 18, 1988.

Now Poland has the best trends in the development of education in the world (from secondary education to doctoral programs) by young people aged 15 to 24 years. These achievements of Polish teachers coexist with a deep decentralization of management with the country's top leadership. The Central Council for Higher Education (established in 1947), which consists of 50 elected representatives of universities and the scientific community (of which 35 are doctors of science, 10 teachers without a doctorate degree, and also 5 representatives from students).

The law gave the Council considerable oversight rights, because without consent, budget funds are not distributed and ministerial orders are not issued. State higher education institutions receive funds from the state treasury to solve problems related to the education of students enrolled in programs, graduate students and researchers; for the maintenance of universities, including the repair of premises, etc. These funds are allocated from a part of the state budget, which is managed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. State universities do not charge tuition fees, but students must give money in case of a second year of study due to poor performance, for courses in a foreign language and courses that are not provided for in the program. Public universities also accept payment upon admission, and public colleges may charge fees for entrance exams.

Trends in the development of higher education in Russia

Higher education, as one of the leading public institutions, is undergoing constant changes in accordance with the dynamics of social processes - economic, political, cultural, social. However, the response of training systems to social challenges occurs with a certain inertia. For this reason, there is an urgent and constant need to purposefully bring the main parameters of disciplines in line with social changes. Such an element as content is subject to the modernization trend in the development of education. The process of constitution has two main aspects - social and pedagogical, because they are interconnected. Therefore, a change in the social aspect does not always automatically cause a change in the pedagogical one. However, sooner or later their coordination becomes an objective necessity and requires purposeful pedagogical actions. This need reveals itself in the permanent process of reforming the content. Rapid scientific and technological progress, the development of new technologies, a high level of market relations, the democratization of social relations are the factors that determine the needs and form the prerequisites for improving the content of higher education.

Contradictions in the improvement of the education system

Today, the improvement of student training programs occupies one of the leading places in the general context of the modernization of the content of higher education. Characterizing the development of the content of teaching at the university and institute, it is possible to identify such dialectically important contradictory aspects of this process as:

The contradiction between the unlimited volume of knowledge accumulated by mankind and the limited training programs. There are no full opportunities to display this knowledge in sufficient volume and with proper depth.
- The contradiction between the integrity of the spiritual and practical experience of mankind and the predominantly fragmentary or disciplinary way of teaching it to students.
- The contradiction between the objective content of knowledge and the objectivity of the forms and ways of their translation and assimilation.
- The contradiction between the social conditionality of the content of knowledge and the individual-subjective characteristics of student needs and dispositions before its assimilation.

Modernization of education in Russia

As far as possible, teachers strive to mitigate or smooth over these contradictions. In particular, the directions of modern modernization activities in the field of shaping the content of higher education are largely subordinated to this very goal. Accordingly, the following trends in the development of education in Russia can be considered as priority areas:

1. Reducing the gaps between the achievements of modern sciences and the content of disciplines.

2. Enrichment and modernization of the invariant component of the content of higher education.

3. Optimization of proportions between blocks of humanitarian and natural-mathematical knowledge.

4. Humanization and humanization of the content of higher education.

5. Consolidation of curricula through the formation of interdisciplinary integrated blocks of knowledge content.

6. Introduction of academic disciplines of social and practical direction, the latest information technologies.

7. Adaptation of curricula and their methodological support in accordance with the conditions and needs of a multicultural and multiethnic student body.

8. Improving the organizational mechanisms and methodological foundations of teaching program knowledge in order to ensure their assimilation by the absolute majority of students.

The sphere of education, including the system of higher education, should not only support the functioning of the existing social and production relations, but also form models and ideals of the future life and activities of people in the country - a democratic society, a state of law with a socially oriented economy; to prepare specialists for high-tech industries capable of quickly mastering innovations in the field of professional activity.

Therefore, the system of higher professional education should not only correspond to socio-economic and political changes in the country, but also carry out its activities on the basis of short-term and long-term forecasts, taking into account world socio-cultural and educational trends.

The most important trends and features of the development of the higher education system in the world are:

1. The rapid pace of development of higher education, the mass character of higher education. Thus, the number of school graduates entering higher educational institutions in 1995 in developed countries was 60%, in North America - 84%, in developing countries the number of students enrolled in higher education has increased 11 times in recent years. Currently, there are 340 students per 10,000 population in the Republic of Belarus, which is a high figure for European countries.

2. Expanding the scope of educational needs of students, which contributes diversification(increase in diversity) of curricula and programs, the emergence of new specializations and specialties that are at the junction of two or more scientific fields or academic disciplines. This relationship of knowledge from different subjects is called interdisciplinarity, which is an important characteristic of the educational process in a modern university. Scientific practice confirms that new knowledge, a new scientific branch arise at the intersection of knowledge from different scientific fields. Education in the modern world, as UNESCO Director-General Frederico Mayor noted, is formed in the image and likeness of an infinite universe, where the processes of incessant creation intersect and mutually enrich each other.

3. Creation of a single educational space in the context of its internationalization. In accordance with the Bologna Declaration, adopted by the Ministers of Education of 29 European countries on June 19, 1999, by 2010 it is planned to create a single European educational space in order to expand employment opportunities for university graduates, increase the mobility of specialists and their competitiveness. The creation of a unified educational space involves:

– recognition of diplomas, academic degrees and qualifications,

– implementation of a two-stage structure of higher education, including undergraduate and graduate programs,

- the use of a unified system of credit (credit) units in the development of educational programs,

- development of European standards for the quality of education using comparable criteria and methods for their assessment.

4. Qualitative change in the requirements for the training of a specialist for production. In the modern industrial sphere, there is a combination of several forms of activity: production, research and design. This contributes to the creation of experimental industries aimed at developing new, more efficient technologies that improve product quality. The intellectual potential of modern society is determined by the development of new types of thinking, the development of new activities, the creation of new technologies.

In this regard, the role of university science and practice is changing: in the process of preparing future specialists, they must ensure the combination of educational, research, design and development forms of activity into a single process of improving existing and creating new technologies and systems of activity.

This determines the need to update the content of education in a modern university: it should be not only “knowledge-based”, but also “active” and ensure the formation of students' experience in mastering and creating new types of activities. The problem of reorganization of the educational process of the university is put forward, in which the educational and cognitive work of students should turn into research and design activities. The experience of mastering new types of activities, ways of thinking, technologies should be the subject of study by students. At the same time, future specialists should learn to put forward and justify the target settings of the activity, develop and implement scientific, industrial and technological projects.

5. Increasing the role of continuous self-education. Currently, in higher education, for 4-6 years, in the conditions of intensive development of science, the production sector, specialists are being trained, the term of professional suitability is estimated at 3-5 years. In conditions of rapid "aging" of knowledge, a specialist needs to improve his skills or professional retraining. According to some estimates of foreign researchers, a specialist is forced to spend up to a third of his working time in institutions of postgraduate education during the year. In this regard, the most important task in the process of professional training of specialists is the formation of a system of autodidactic skills (the ability to teach oneself) and the need for constant self-education.

6. Changing the ways of organizing and managing the educational process at the university, which involves the transfer of the student from the passive position of the object of educational and cognitive activity to the active, reflexive and research position of the subject. This approach determines the need to create conditions in the educational process for students to master the skills of self-determination, self-education and professional self-improvement. The most important conditions are the implementation of developing or student-oriented technologies based on active, research forms and teaching methods; increase in the share of independent work, the use of INTERNET. This implies a serious intensification of the educational and research work of future specialists, an increase in its density and saturation, the number of reporting and control activities.

The education system is a very flexible structure, which is influenced by various factors (such as foreign and domestic policy of the state, interaction with other countries, economic reforms) and is constantly undergoing changes. In this article, we will consider the directions of development of the higher education system in Russia and in some foreign countries, and also talk about the possibilities of studying Russian students abroad.

and his influence

Speaking about and in our country, it is impossible not to mention the Bologna Process - a movement aimed at unifying education systems in European countries and in Russia (our country became part of it in 2003, after the signing of the agreement). Prior to this, citizens of the Russian Federation, after five years of study at universities, received a diploma and got a job. But in recent years, the system of higher education in our country, as in other countries, has changed a lot. Abroad, HPE consists of three stages, in the Russian Federation - two stages: bachelor's and master's degrees, in European countries there is a doctoral degree, in our country it is called a postgraduate degree. The first stage of study at a Russian university lasts four years, the second - two. Abroad, these periods are different in duration (depending on the country), for example, in England, one year is required to study for a master's degree.

The duration of education in the Russian school is eleven years, in other countries of the world - twelve. For this reason, for admission to a foreign university, a certificate of completion of the school program, most likely, will not be enough.

Why does the Russian higher education system need reforms?

So, transformations in the field of education in universities have been actively carried out both in the Russian Federation and abroad for several decades now. These changes are both superficial and deep, both positive and negative. Nevertheless, higher education in Russia and abroad faces certain difficulties in its development.

In order to understand how to work on the system further, it is necessary to identify both its goals and opportunities for further reform. The development of the system of higher education and science plays an important role both in education and in the research activities of the country. In Russia, the education sector is in a difficult situation. Once it was considered a reference, but now it has to focus on economic and social innovations. The education system in Russian universities should be aimed at high-quality training of future specialists, cooperation with foreign universities, making higher education less difficult to access, and, if possible, adopting the advantages of foreign institutions.

The history of the formation of the training system. England

If we talk about the development of higher education abroad, we can identify four main types. These are English, French, German and American systems.

In the UK, there are two of the oldest institutions of higher education - Oxford and Cambridge, which have hardly undergone any reforms throughout their history.

Although in the seventies of the twentieth century, the University of Cambridge adopted some of the traditions of other universities.

The system is selective at all its levels. Already from the age of eleven, children are divided into groups according to the development and type of their inclinations. Also, the training system is distinguished by its strict sequence - without passing the program of any stage of training, the student cannot proceed to the next one.

Since the sixties of the 20th century in the UK, there has been a division of schools and classes into more or less elite ones, depending on the plans of study and the possibilities of entering a particular university, as well as on education fees.

Development of the VPO system in France

So, we continue to talk about higher education abroad. Let's move on to the history of the formation of the French education system.

In this country, they are not distinguished by selectivity, since schools are inextricably linked with universities.

To enter a university, a French citizen needs a certificate of graduation from a general education institution. You can even call and apply to the institute. It is important that there are vacancies in the educational institution. In France, in recent years, there has been a tendency to reorganize the education system with a focus on a generally recognized model. The main disadvantage of the French HPE is the high percentage of deductions. Up to seventy percent of students who enter institutions do not graduate.

History of the German higher education system

The field of study in German universities began to change actively in the 90s of the 20th century after the reunification of the republic. Transformations in the German education system are carried out according to the type of American reforms in this area. Education is becoming more accessible and its programs are being shortened. Unfortunately, with these changes, there is no unification of scientific and teaching activities, which was an undoubted advantage of the best universities in Germany.

German schools may lose their true advantage by adopting too much American innovation.

Development of the field of education in America

The formation of the American system of higher education was significantly influenced by British universities, for example, Cambridge. By the 20th century, it was heterogeneous, university education was not available to everyone, as it was expensive. But the industry in the country developed at a rapid pace, and many professions became in demand on the labor market. Therefore, the question of personnel training was acute. For this, the education system was reformed, and new institutions arose - junior colleges, where people who did not have the opportunity to study at a university could acquire any skills. Today the education system in America is multi-stage.

In general, it implies a specific focus of study, so students who graduated from an American university find it difficult to adapt to another, even similar, professional field.

Formation of the sphere of education in Russia

Before the revolution, the HPE system in our country was mostly religious in nature, and much of it was borrowed from Germany, since this country was considered the legislator of educational innovations. After the events of 1917, the goal of the authorities was to form a new approach to this area, based on accessibility, lack of gender discrimination, raising the level of culture of the country's population, forming a developed structure of educational institutions, defining and establishing the stages of the process itself.

By the early 1980s, the HPE system fully met all of the above criteria. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the party no longer controlled the education system, but they did not create any special innovations in the field of education. In 2007, the USE system was formed in order to simplify the procedure for entering higher educational institutions. Now Russia is oriented towards higher education systems abroad, and in this regard, a two-stage education system has been adopted (training for a bachelor's degree and a master's degree).

Directions for the development of the field of study abroad today

Higher education institutions in European countries are changing in accordance with the requirements of the labor market.

What are the general trends in the development of higher education abroad?

    Higher education institutions are becoming more accessible. This means that each student can choose a profession, and the type and level of educational institution in which he would like to enter.

    A strong connection between research activities and universities is being formed (through the creation of specialized centers on the basis of universities). Work in such organizations contributes to the improvement of the qualification level of teachers, as well as the development of many useful skills and abilities of students.

    Careful selection of the content of educational programs, their correction, reduction of the course of lectures in some general education subjects.

    The trend of orienting HPE to the student (taking into account his psychological characteristics, inclinations, wishes; creating a larger number of elective classes, additional disciplines; lecture courses at the university are reduced in time, the student studies more at home, on an individual basis).

    An increase in the number of humanitarian disciplines, work on the general and aesthetic development of students, the formation of positive personal and social characteristics through the use of new forms of interaction in the classroom.

    Increasing the computer literacy of students through the increasing introduction of PCs in the education system.

    Increasing the financial investments of the state in the field of education.

    Transition of higher educational institutions to autonomous management.

    An increase in the number of selection criteria for teaching staff (more and more qualified specialists are required).

    General methods of evaluating the activities of higher educational institutions are being formed.

    Directions for the development of education in Russia

    So, we found out what reforms of higher education abroad are being carried out today. As for our country, the following changes are taking place in the education system:

      Increasing the number of commercial universities.

      Reforming the field of education on the basis of modern trends in the development of higher education abroad.

      Orientation of the HPE system to the individual characteristics of students, the upbringing of positive personal qualities.

      Creation of a large number of different curricula and training options for certain specialties.

      Transition to a multilevel system (bachelor - specialist - master).

      "Learning through life" (the possibility of continuous professional improvement).

    The main difficulties in the development of the field of education in Russia

    The system of higher education in our country today is characterized by flexibility, adaptation to the constantly changing situation in the international labor market. But at the same time, it retains its best features.

    However, on the way to transformation, the Russian education system faces the following difficulties:

      The level of professional training of specialists is not high enough to meet the rapidly changing requirements of the global economy.

      Incorrect correlation between the professional level of university graduates and personnel selection criteria. For example, a shortage of working specialties with an urgent need for qualified personnel in the technological field.

      Low performance of non-profit educational institutions.

    Study abroad. Higher education: where and how to get?

    Most often, citizens of our country enter the universities of the following countries: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, England, America.

    Some applicants immediately submit documents to higher educational institutions, others prefer to first attend special classes for preparation.

    When choosing an institution for higher education abroad, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to such criteria as:

      The demand for specialty in the labor market.

      Further opportunities for professional development.

      Education fee.

    Not all educational institutions abroad accept applicants with a Russian school leaving document, so applicants need to take special courses (including linguistic ones).

    Also, in order to get higher education abroad, it is necessary to prepare the following documentation:

      Certificate of completion of high school.

      Diploma of a Russian university.

      Autobiography (resume).

      Photocopy of diploma insert.

      A document confirming the successful passing of linguistic testing.

      A completed and printed form (it is usually posted on the website of the educational institution).

      Motivation letter (with an explanation of the desire to study at this university in this specialty)

    If your goal is higher education abroad, you need to carefully consider the preparation of all necessary documents.

    So, at the present time there are significant changes in the field of education both in our country and abroad. But the reforms of higher education abroad are generally more effective, so many Russian applicants are trying to study in other countries for subsequent work in international companies.

The scope of human activity in modern society

On the reforms of national education systems

The main objectives of the Kazakh program for the development of education

The main functions of the theoretical position of the fundamentalization of education

Problems of humanitarization and humanization of education

The social role of education: the prospects for the development of mankind today largely depend on its orientation and effectiveness.

The essence of the humanization of education is the formation of a culture of thinking, the creative abilities of a student based on a deep understanding of the history of culture and civilization, the entire cultural heritage. The university is designed to prepare a specialist capable of constant self-development, self-improvement, and the richer his nature is, the brighter it will manifest itself in professional activities.

The training of highly qualified professionals is always the most important task of higher education. At present, this task is no longer possible without the fundamentalization of education. This is explained by the fact that scientific and technological progress has turned the fundamental sciences into a direct, permanent and most efficient driving force of production, which applies not only to the latest high technology, but also to any modern production. It is the results of fundamental research that ensure a high rate of development of production, the emergence of completely new branches of technology, the saturation of production with measuring, research, control, modeling and automation tools that were previously used exclusively in specialized laboratories.

Fundamental knowledge is knowledge about nature contained in the fundamental sciences (and fundamental disciplines).

Fundamentalization of higher education is a systematic and comprehensive enrichment of the educational process with fundamental knowledge and methods of creative thinking developed by the fundamental sciences. Since the vast majority of applied sciences arose and develops based on the use of the laws of nature, almost all engineering disciplines have a fundamental component. The same can be said about many humanities. Therefore, almost all disciplines studied by a student during their studies at a university should be involved in the process of fundamentalization. A similar thought is true for humanitarization. The foregoing underlies the fundamental possibility and practical expediency of integrating the humanitarian, fundamental and professional components of an engineer's training.


1. Bordovskaya I.V., Rean L.A. Pedagogy: Textbook for universities. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

2. Vulfov B.Z., Ivanov V.D. Fundamentals of pedagogy in lectures, situations, primary sources. - M.: URAO, 2000.

3. Hessen SI. Fundamentals of pedagogy: an introduction to applied philosophy. - M.: School-Press, 1995.

4. Zhuravlev V.I. Pedagogy in the system of human sciences. - M.: Pedagogy, 1990.

5. Kodzhaspirova G.M. Pedagogy. - M.: Vlados, 2003.

Topic 3. Goals and objectives of higher education as a pedagogical process

1. Two subsystems of education: training and education

Essence of learning

Pedagogy reveals the essence of education, its goals and methods. Moreover, education, as a rule, is understood as a process that includes two subsystems: education and upbringing.

Thus, the concepts of "education" and "education" are the most important pedagogical categories that allow one to separate the interconnected, but not reducible to each other, subsystems of education as a purposeful, organized process of human socialization.

Education is a pedagogical process of moving towards a given goal through subjective-objective actions of teachers and trainees. The formation of a person as a person, his formation in accordance with the social ideal is unthinkable outside the pedagogical process (the concept of "educational process" is used as a synonym).

The pedagogical process is a specially organized interaction of teachers and pupils, aimed at solving educational, educational and developmental tasks. That is, the pedagogical process is understood as a holistic process of the implementation of education in the broad sense by ensuring the unity of education and education in its narrow special sense.

This distinction in the education system has already been highlighted by Plato, who in the dialogue "Sophist" called to distinguish "from the art of teaching the art of educating", and in the "Laws" argued that "we recognize the most important thing in training is proper education." Moreover, by upbringing, he understood the formation of a person’s positive attitude towards what he is taught, introducing not only knowledge, but also methods of activity.

Since then, many attempts have been made to define training and education, to separate these processes. In recent decades, very promising approaches to solving this problem have been proposed in domestic pedagogical science, primarily by such researchers as AND I. Lerner, V.V. Kraevsky, B.M. Bim-Bad and etc.

Moreover, their concepts were not mutually exclusive, but complemented each other and, from the point of view of their main content, boiled down to the following:

Training and education are subsystems of a single process of education;

Education and upbringing are the sides of an expediently organized process of human socialization;

The difference between training and upbringing is that the former is mainly addressed to the intellectual side of a person, while upbringing is directed to his emotional-practical, value side;

Education and upbringing are not only interconnected processes, but also mutually supporting, complementing each other.

By expression K.D. Ushinsky, education is construction, during which a building is erected, and knowledge is its foundation. This building has many floors: skills, abilities, abilities of trainees, but their strength depends primarily on the quality factor of the foundation laid in the form of knowledge.

The unity of training and education is determined by the very nature of the pedagogical process, which includes purposeful training and education as subsystems of education.

In the following presentation, the essence, content and methods of implementing both of these subsystems will be considered step by step and in close interconnection.

Essence of learning

As a rule, teaching in pedagogical literature is understood as a subsystem of education, which is a process of active, purposeful interaction between teachers and students, as a result of which the latter form certain knowledge, skills, experience, behavior, and personal qualities.

This definition contains the following sides of the learning process:

It is aimed primarily at mastering knowledge;

The learning subsystem does not exhaust its tasks only with the communication of knowledge, but also aims at the formation of certain qualities of the learner skills, habits, behavior, i.e. the learning process turns out to be somehow closely connected, intertwined with the subsystem of education;

The learning process is not only the sphere of activity of the teacher, but is attitude between two of its participants - the teacher and the student, in which the priority belongs to the teacher, but where the student does not remain passive at all.

Hence, a brief but sufficient definition of the subject of the theory of learning or didactics can be the following:

Didactics is an integral part of pedagogy that studies the general principles and patterns of interaction between the teacher and students, during which the tasks of teaching are solved in close connection with the tasks of education.

And under teaching principles the basic requirements for the learning process are understood, allowing to optimize it. And under regularities the reflection in the theory of general, necessary, stable and recurring connections that determine the development of the learning process is implied. Among such patterns of the learning process, the following are usually distinguished:

The dependence of the content and goals of education on the needs of the individual, society and the state;

The dependence of each subsequent stage of training on the quality of the previous one, on the volume and nature of the already studied educational material;

The relationship between the effectiveness of training and the nature of its motivation among the participants in the process;

The active influence of the management of the educational process, its planning, organization, stimulation and control system on the overall learning outcomes, its quality.

The most important principles training, its initial settings, which ensure its high quality, are:

The objectivity of the material proposed for study, its correspondence to reality, its scientific character;

Consistency, systematic, clear planning of the educational process;

Availability of the offered knowledge, their compliance with the level of development of students;

Visualization of training, variety of its methods;

Maintaining the activity of students in their learning;

Ensuring a solid assimilation of knowledge;

Maintaining a close connection between theory and practice.

Success in implementing these principles is largely determined by content of learning.

Under learning content understand certain information that is used in the learning process. The content of training includes four main elements: knowledge, skills, experience of creative activity and experience of emotional and valuable attitude to reality. The whole set of educational information is determined by the social order to the education system on the part of the individual, society and the state and adapts, adapts to the conditions of this educational system. Each historical epoch, developing its own culture, creating pedagogical theories peculiar to it, restructures the content of education accordingly.

The main documents that determine the content of education in modern educational systems are standards, curricula, programs and textbooks.

The purpose of education is its defining, all-penetrating beginning, influencing all its aspects: content, methods, means.




Let us briefly consider the features of each of these documents.

1. education standards, established, as a rule, by the state, determine the mandatory minimum of knowledge for a particular level or direction, the specialty of training, as well as for each of the subjects of teaching. They indicate the amount of time required for training, the list of disciplines studied, the list of didactic units that determine the minimum content of each of them.

At the same time, the list of disciplines is usually divided into cycles of social and humanitarian, natural sciences, special and other disciplines. By the ratio of the time allotted for the study of these cycles, one can judge the goals of this educational system. Thus, an increase in the time for the humanitarian cycle indicates a target setting for humanization, democratization, which characterizes Russian education at the present time.

The standard is the initial and most stable part of the content of training; all its content is based on it.

The state educational standard is a kind of guarantee of the quality of education. 2. Curricula are compiled on the basis of standards and specify their application in the real conditions of a given educational institution. To streamline this work, the state usually offers educational institutions of the same type model curriculum, on which they develop their work plans. Standard plans for each direction or level of training indicate the federal, regional and individual (for a particular university, school) components. On their basis, educational institutions of individual regions (republics, territories, regions), individual educational institutions are given the right to develop individual work plans, subject to compliance with educational standards. Thus, the dual task is solved, on the one hand, maintaining a single educational space in the country, and on the other hand, conditions are created for differentiated learning, taking into account the specific needs of individual contingents of students, i.e. the most important principle of social development is being implemented: unity in diversity.

The working curriculum is the main document of an educational institution that determines the total duration of training, the duration of the academic year, semesters, holidays, examination sessions, a complete list of subjects studied and the amount of time allocated to each of them, the structure and duration of workshops. The curriculum is the application of the state standard to the specific conditions of a given educational institution.

Training program- one of the main documents that determine the content of training. It is compiled for each of the subjects included in the curriculum, and on the basis of the state standard for the corresponding academic discipline. The curriculum, as a rule, contains an introduction outlining the objectives of studying this subject, basic requirements for the knowledge, skills and abilities of students, a thematic plan for studying the material with its distribution by time and types of training sessions, a list of necessary teaching aids, visual aids, recommended literature. The main part of the program is a list of topics to be studied, indicating the main concepts that make up the content of each topic. The programs also include data on the forms of studying the course (lectures, lessons, seminars, practical exercises), as well as information on the forms of control.

Programs are developed by departments of universities, subject associations of schools and are the main guiding documents for the work of a teacher.

Textbook- one of the main carriers of the content of training. The textbook reflects in detail the content of education in a particular subject. The textbook is created in accordance with the standard and the program for this discipline, which is usually certified by the appropriate stamp of the state supervisory authority. Today, the textbook can be presented not only in print, but also in electronic form.

To ensure high-quality assimilation of the content of educational subjects, other types of educational literature are also published: reference books, books for additional reading, atlases, collections of tasks and exercises, etc. Learning outcomes largely depend on the quality of educational literature. The need for the integrated use of various types of educational information, both on paper and on electronic media, is recognized, since each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

It should be emphasized that for all the importance of the content of training for the overall results of educational activities, this factor is still not the most important. It is recognized that of the three main factors affecting the quality of education - the quality of the teacher's work, the level of activity of the students and the content of the training - this last factor occupies only the third place in terms of its importance. In the first place is the effectiveness of the teacher. It is the teacher who is the central figure of the entire educational process.

“In education,” Ushinsky said, “everything should be based on the personality of the educator, because the educational power is poured out only from a living source. human personality. No statutes and programs, no artificial institution mechanism, no matter how cunningly invented, can replace personalities in education."


1. Smirnov V.I. Pedagogy. - M.: Ped. Society of Russia, 2003.

2. Krol V.M. Psychology and pedagogy. - M.: Higher school, 2001.

3. Rational V.A. Education system at the turn of the third millennium. Experience of the philosophy of pedagogy. - M.: 1996.

4. Stolyarenko S.D., Samygin S.I. Psychology and pedagogy in questions and answers. - Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 1999.