To be defeated phraseologism. Fail


see shame, win

Abramov. Abramov's dictionary of synonyms. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is LOSE in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • TO SUFFER in encyclopedic dictionary:
    , -erplyu, -yerpish; owls. 1. see endure. 2. Show patience for some time. Be patient, the pain will pass. 3. with a negative, ...
  • DEFEAT in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -i, cf. 1. see hit and pa-zit. 2. Failure in war, struggle, defeat. Suffer p. Inflict p. on the enemy. * …
    be patient, suffer, sweat, sweat, sweat, sweat, sweat, sweat, sweat, suffer, suffer, suffer, suffer, suffer "those injured, injured, injured, injured, injured, injured, injured, lice, ...
  • DEFEAT in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    defeat, defeat, defeat, defeat, defeat, defeat, defeat, defeat, defeat, defeat, defeat, ...
  • DEFEAT in the Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary:
  • DEFEAT in the Russian Thesaurus:
    1. Syn: defeat (strengthened), destruction 2. Syn: collapse, failure, failure Ant: victory, luck, ...
  • DEFEAT in the Dictionary of synonyms of Abramov:
    capitulation, pogrom, rout, catastrophe. Prot. . Wed . See failure || endure...
  • DEFEAT in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    misfortune, failure, stun, stun, pogrom, hit, failure, loss, ...
    owls. neperekh. 1) endure smth. (pain, deprivation, trouble, etc.) for some time; bear patiently, endure smth. 2) Wait...
  • DEFEAT in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    cf. 1) The process of action by value. verb: to strike, to strike. 2) a) Damage caused by some. weapons. b) Wound inflicted by smth. weapons. …
  • TO SUFFER in the Dictionary of the Russian language Lopatin.
  • DEFEAT in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
    defeat, ...
    be patient, I will...
  • DEFEAT in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • TO SUFFER in the Spelling Dictionary.
  • DEFEAT in the Spelling Dictionary:
    defeat, ...
    == endure Not p. insults. be patient be patient for a while Be patient, the pain will pass. endure<= …
  • DEFEAT in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
    <= поразить и разить 1 поражение неудача в войне, борьбе, разгром Потерпеть п. Нанести п. …
  • TO SUFFER in Dahl's Dictionary:
    what, to endure, to bear, to experience and endure, to endure burden, disaster; to be in trouble, to be in trouble. They suffered great losses, suffered from ...
    I will endure, endure, owls. 1. without add. Show patience, be patient for a while. time. I had to endure while pulling a tooth. 2. what. …
  • DEFEAT in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    defeat, cf. 1. only units Action on verb. hit in 1 val. - hit (military). Defeat the target. 2. Military failure, ...
    endure owls. neperekh. 1) endure smth. (pain, deprivation, trouble, etc.) for some time; bear patiently, endure smth. 2) ...
  • DEFEAT in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    defeat cf. 1) The process of action by value. verb: to strike, to strike. 2) a) Damage caused by some. weapons. b) Wound inflicted by smth. …
    owls. neperekh. 1. Endure something (pain, deprivation, trouble, etc.) for some time; bear patiently, endure something. 2. Wait...
  • DEFEAT in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
    cf. 1. the process of action according to Ch. hit, hit 2. Damage caused by any weapon. ott. A wound inflicted by any weapon. ott. Painful...
    owls. neperekh. 1. Endure something (pain, deprivation, trouble, etc.) for some time; bear patiently, endure something. …
  • DEFEAT in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    cf. 1. the process of action according to Ch. hit, hit 2. Damage caused by any weapon. ott. A wound inflicted by any weapon. ott. …
  • JOHN (ALEKSEEV) in Wiki Quote:
    Data: 2009-06-02 Time: 14:32:16 __NOTOC__ Schiigumen John - in the world Ivan Alekseevich Alekseev - was born on February 14, 1873 in ...
  • HENRY KISSINGER at the Wiki Quote:
    Data: 2008-08-12 Time: 11:54:35 * There can be no winner in the War of the Sexes because the opponents are too fraternal. * …
    Data: 2009-07-07 Time: 03:33:48 * There is no more dangerous weapon against the devil than ink and typography: they will someday finally kill him ...
  • BILL GATES at Wiki Quote:
    Data: 2009-08-20 Time: 06:44:27 * Success is a bad teacher. He turns his head. He is unreliable. Business plan or the latest technology - the top ...
  • WARHAMMER 40,000 at the Wiki Quote:
    Data: 2009-09-05 Time: 20:57:57 = Mottoes of the Human Imperium Warhammer 40k = * Without Him we are nothing. * Idleness breeds ...
  • ZILBERMAN in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    (Zilberman) David (1938-1977) is a Russian-American philosopher who attempted to create "philosophy", a universal philosophical synthesis comparable in terms of systematization to Aristotle's constructions, ...
  • WAKF in the One-volume large legal dictionary:
    , or waqf property, are terms in Muslim law that mean property partially withdrawn from civil circulation and intended to achieve ...
  • "VAKF", OR "VAKF PROPERTIES", in the Big Law Dictionary:
    - in Islamic law, terms meaning property partially withdrawn from civil circulation and intended to achieve charitable, religious and certain ...
  • MINAMOTO in Encyclopedia Japan from A to Z:
    , the clan is one of the great families (along with Taira and Fujiwara) that determined the state policy of Japan during the Heian periods (794-1185) ...
  • VACUPH in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    LAW is one of the institutions of Muslim law. The Arabic word "waqf" ("waqf") literally means "detention", "stop", figuratively...
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Holy fool (gr. σαλός Slav.: stupid, insane), a host of holy ascetics who have chosen a special feat - foolishness, the feat of the image ...
  • SIR 29 in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Bible. Old Testament. Book of Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach. Chapter 29 Chapters: 1 2 ...
  • SIR 11 in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Bible. Old Testament. Book of Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach. Chapter 11 Chapters: 1 2 ...
  • SYLVESTRE OBNORSKY in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Sylvester Obnorsky (+ 1379), hegumen, reverend. Commemorated on April 25, May 23 in ...
  • SEVASTIAN KARAGANDINSKY in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Sevastian (Fomin) (1884 - 1966), Schema-Archimandrite, Reverend, Confessor. Commemorated April 6th...
  • TUBERCULOSIS in the Medical Dictionary:
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  • scleroderma systemic in the Medical Dictionary:
  • Sarcoidosis in the Medical Dictionary:
  • ARTHRITIS RHEUMATOIA in the Medical Dictionary:
  • LYME DISEASE in the Medical Dictionary:
  • LUPUUS RED in the Medical Dictionary:
    Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis and characterized by the development of cell allergies, specific granulomas in various organs and tissues, and ...
  • scleroderma systemic in the Medical Big Dictionary:
    Systemic scleroderma (SS) is a diffuse connective tissue disease that occurs as a result of systemic progressive disorganization of connective tissue with a predominance of fibro-atrophic skin changes ...
  • Sjögren's Syndrome in the Medical Big Dictionary:
    Sjögren's syndrome (SS) is a systemic autoimmune disease characterized by damage to secreting epithelial glands with the development of keratoconjunctivitis sicca and xerostomia. …
  • Sarcoidosis in the Medical Big Dictionary:
    Sarcoidosis is a systemic granulomatous disease of unknown origin, characterized by the formation of epithelioid tubercles in various tissues and organs: lungs, lymph nodes, skin, ...
  • LUPUUS RED in the Medical Big Dictionary:
    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a diffuse connective tissue disease of an autoimmune nature with the formation of a wide range of autoantibodies and circulating immune complexes, …
  • LYME DISEASE in the Medical Big Dictionary:
    Lyme disease (DL) is an inflammatory disease, borreliosis with a systemic course, connective tissue damage and neurological symptoms. Frequency. BL is the most common...
  • ARTHRITIS RHEUMATOIA in the Medical Big Dictionary:
    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown etiology with characteristic symmetrical joint damage, leading to progressive destruction of articular, periarticular…

Find out from the online dream book why you dream of being defeated by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreters.

To be defeated in a dream: interpretation of 100 dream books

Miller's dream book

Why dream of being defeated in a dream?

Dreams of Defeat can send us messages that are sometimes confusing, sometimes ambiguous, sometimes we just don't know what to do with them. Often we have thoughts and feelings about things that we consider long and forever forgotten. It is very difficult to realize that our dreams are tickets to the Greatest Show in the World - they are tickets to our own souls.

To be defeated - It is important to look into our dreams, as if we are sitting among the audience under the Big Tent. Relax and let the dreams unfold before you, let them show you your own emotions, thoughts and feelings. Give yourself that pleasure.

Freud's dream book

Why dream of being defeated

Of course, our dreams of success and failure are often reminiscent of Fellini's films. What does your soul want to tell you?

“I show up for a meeting with my senior partner at the law office at exactly 10 am, as scheduled. He says, “You are two hours late. Okay, here's a test for you. We want to see how you do." He gives me a test. I have no idea why I have to take some kind of test again, and besides, I don’t remember what I was taught ten years ago. ”

Have you ever had a dream about being defeated? But was it not that you pick up a sheet of questions, but they are all written in a foreign language that you do not know? But is it that you forgot which room is being tested in, and you run along the corridor from one room to another, open the doors, but you still don’t find the right room? Wait a minute... you eventually find this room, but then you realize you forgot to bring your pen. Or your pencil breaks. Or the teacher tells you in front of other students that the test was taken yesterday. Familiar situation?

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation Failed from your dream

Sometimes, when such dreams of Defeat are dreamed, there really is some important test of our skill, endurance, or our mental abilities to pass. So why don't dreams give us clear signals that we will endure brilliantly and that we are confident in our success? Yes, because we are internally nervous, feel insecure and tend to consider ourselves worse than others.

Sometimes it's not so easy to say something. Your angry mother will not stand in front of you and say that you are clumsy, that you are a loser. Perhaps instead you will have a dream in which a large black truck runs over a child.

Simone Kananita dream book

To be defeated why dreams of the saint:

Various emotional problems that are not easy to solve and that prevent us from succeeding (or at least cause us to have disturbing dreams of falling) cause us to fear both failure and success and are usually rooted deep in ourselves. They come from the negative experiences we have, and we tend to believe those experiences.

But these dreams don't tell you the truth. None of us are born specifically to be a failure, a recluse, a dumbass, or go through life with some other label. Reflect on how badly you think of yourself. "Bad" is not in the sense that you can be more attentive to your partner than to yourself, and not in the sense that you do not clean your house well.

Fail All this is easy to fix. We want you to think about your major flaws that characterize you as a person. Make a list of such shortcomings about which you can say: “I can’t do anything about it, I have no ability, skill, or interest for this.”

Esoteric dream book

See Fail:

Major flaws and major virtues are inner, innermost feelings that are related to such concepts as self-esteem, achievements, failures, even the right to exist. Make your own list of major flaws. We all have to fight them. They should not appear in your dreams. Then look at each of them and try to voice it. Whose voice will he speak? This will help you understand how other people describe you and how their vision differs from your true self.

In the sports career of any tennis player, hurtful losses are inevitable sooner or later. And often they unsettle even experienced professionals. For example, Roger Federer in 2008 lost the final in the decisive set with a score of 9:7 of one of his favorite tournaments - Wimbledon - to his main counterpart - Rafael Nadal (about their confrontation). After that, being the favorite in the following tournaments, he lost to Gilles Simon, Ivo Karlovic and James Blake. In none of these matches did Roger even play at 70% of his capacity.

What is the way out? What can you do when you have suffered a painful defeat and cannot find yourself?

Remember, any defeat cannot worsen your game - only your suspiciousness, defeatist attitude and false beliefs that you play badly can worsen it.

The reason for your possible subsequent failures lies not in an unfortunate defeat, but in your negative reaction to it, which affects self-awareness and destroys self-confidence and self-confidence. Defeat can disrupt the mental state, but not the acquired skills. After all, your physical and technical abilities have not changed.

You must understand once and for all that defeat, no matter how hurtful it may be, is just part of the process of improvement. Recovery from a depressing defeat does not have to be tedious and long. It needs everything, everything to be thoroughly analyzed and no longer remembered. The reason for the defeat could be: underestimation of the opponent or his excellent game, which he shows once or twice a season, wrong tactics, bad luck and much, much more. But, of course, one thing - you, as before, can play at your level and show your best tennis.

If you understand that EVERYONE loses important matches at some point, that your abilities don't deteriorate after that, that you are just as good at tennis, that even the most offensive defeat can be your wisest teacher, you will not just recover from failure and continue play tennis as before, but your level will be even higher.

There are plenty of examples where a hard defeat helped players to pull themselves together, rethink a lot and achieve big victories. 21-year-old Pete Sampras, for example, lost the US Open 92 final to Stefan Edberg and later admitted that the loss helped him understand what he needed to work on to become the best player in the world.

Often defeat helps you "go down to earth", realize that your tennis is not perfect enough and makes you think about improving your technique and style of play.

Try to take advantage of even the most offensive defeats, even if failures are just water to the mill of your success and skill!

If in a dream your imagination was struck by some incredible events or fantastic creatures, it means that you will be overcome by doubts about the upcoming choice, while you should be decisive, because only in this case you will not be mistaken and in the end you will win.

If in a dream you were hit in the chest by an enemy arrow - in reality, be more legible in acquaintances and more careful in your statements, because with excessive talkative frankness you will bring trouble on yourself.

To be defeated in a certain battle or duel - such a dream means that with your rash actions you will prevent your friends from doing something that would bring undoubted benefit to you yourself. A dream in which your country allegedly suffered a crushing defeat in the war - in reality, secretly from others, make a trip to another city.

A dream in which you fail playing chess is a harbinger of business troubles due to confusing reporting or dubious transactions. To fail in sports competitions portends a short acquaintance with a wealthy but unprincipled person.

Interpretation of dreams from